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back209.htm    resolution #1199  United Nations Security Council  23 September 1998
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 20:10  http://seite1.web.de/show/360A8B42.NL1/
NATO erhöht Druck im Kosovo-Konflikt - USA: Kein UNO-Mandat nötig
Vilamoura (dpa) - Die NATO hat wenige Stunden nach Verabschiedung einer Kosovo-Resolution durch den UNO-Sicherheitsrat mit dem Aufbau einer Luftstreitmacht für ein militärisches Eingreifen begonnen.
     US-Verteidgungsminister William Cohen bekräftigte am Donnerstag in Vilamoura in Portugal, daß nach Ansicht der USA für einen Luftschlag der NATO auf serbische Stellungen kein Mandat des UN-Sicherheitsrates erforderlich ist.
     Die Aktion der NATO müsse dann schnell erfolgen, wenn der jugoslawischen Präsident Slobodan Milosevic die Bedingungen der UN-Resolution nicht erfülle. Der deutsche Verteidigungsminister Volker Rühe forderte ein Ultimatum mit einer Zehn-Tage-Frist.
     Vor Beginn eines zweitägen Treffens der NATO-Verteidigungsminister war in Vilamoura am Donnerstag morgen zunächst der NATO-Rat auf Ebene der Botschafter zu einer Sondersitzung zusammen gekommen.
     Er setzte die als «Activation on Warning» genannte Teilmobilisierung in Gang. Die Alliierten sollen so schnell wie möglich nach Brüssel melden, wieviele Flugzeuge sie für einen möglichen Lufteinsatz bereitstellen können.
     Dann könnten diese dann von der NATO angefordert werden. Ziele sogenannter begrenzter und gezielter Luftangriffe könnten serbische Stellungen in ganz Jugoslawien sein, hieß es bei der NATO. Die Niederlande wollen acht F-16 bereitstellen. Deutschland will 14 Tornado-Kampfflugzeuge einsetzen.
     Cohen sprach von «einer sehr klaren Botschaft», die der Sicherheitsrat mit seiner jüngsten Resolution sowie die NATO dann mit ihrer Entscheidung über eine Luftstreitmacht an Belgrad gerichtet hätten.
     Milosevic müsse nun unverzüglich die Forderungen nach einem Stop der Repressionsmaßnahmen auf die Bevölkerung der Kosovo-Albaner beenden, an den Verhandlungstisch kommen und die dramatische Lage im und um das Kosovo lindern helfen.
     Die USA und ihre Verbündeten könnten dem Leid der Bevölkerung mit über 250 000 Flüchtlingen und 50 000 Menschen ohne Obdach nicht mehr lange zusehen, sagte Cohen. Zumal Milosevic 15 000 Soldaten und 11 000 Mann Sonderpolizei einsetze.
     «Wir hoffen immer noch, daß die Diplomatie erfolgreich sein wird», sagte Cohen. «Es bleibt nur noch wenig Zeit.» Für einen Militärschlag bedürfe es dann keines Mandats des Sicherheitsrates.
     «Die gestrige Entscheidung des Sicherheitsrates unter Kapital VII ist eine mehr als ausreichende Rechtfertigung für die NATO, in Aktion zu treten», sagte Cohen.
     Dagegen gab der belgische Verteidigungsminister Jean-Pol Poncelet den Standpunkt zahlreicher vor allem kleinerer NATO-Staaten wieder, daß es eines weiteren Mandats der UNO bedürfe, bevor die NATO eingreifen könne.
     Auch NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana bezeichnete zwar den Beschluß als Beweis für eine steigende militärische Bereitschaft der NATO, in den Konflikt einzugreifen.
     «Ich möchte aber auch betonen, daß die Anwendung von Gewalt weitere Entscheidungen des NATO-Rates voraussetzt», sagte Solana.
     Rühe warnte vor zunehmendem Unverständnis der USA über die zögerliche Haltung einiger europäischer Staaten für ein militärisches Eingreifen.
     Griechenland, aber auch Frankreich und Italien, unterstützen zwar die NATO-Beschlüsse, stehen einem militärischen Eingreifen jedoch noch reserviert gegenüber.
     «Es geht um die Glaubwürdigkeit der NATO und die gemeinsame Handlungsfähigkeit zwischen den USA und Europa», sagte Rühe. «Wir sind keine Organisation, die sich in Rhetorik erschöpfen darf.»
     Solana ergänzte, daß die NATO offiziell noch nicht über ein Ultimatum gesprochen habe. «Aber mir erscheint es so, als ob wir in gewisser Weise mit unserer heutigen Entscheidung (nach der UNO-Resolution) nicht weit von einem Ultimatum entfernt sind.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 18:20  http://seite1.web.de/show/360A7168.NL1/
EU-Präsident Schüssel ruft zu hartem Kurs gegenüber Milosevic auf
New York (dpa) - EU-Ratspräsident Wolfgang Schüssel hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, der UNO-Resolution zur Kosovo-Krise vom Dienstag möglichst schnell einen konkreten Terminplan folgenzulassen, um den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic unter Druck zu setzen.
     Dies erklärte der österreichische Außenminister, der turnusgemäß die EU-Präsidentschaft innehat, am Donnerstag bei einer Pressekonferenz am Sitz der Vereinten Nationen in New York.
     Milosevic bewege sich erfahrungsgemäß nur dann, wenn der Druck von außen ausreichend groß sei, fuhr Schüssel fort.
     Die Resolution habe eine gemeinsame Linie von Amerikanern, Russen und Europäern festgelgt. Doch müßten jetzt konkrete Maßnahmen und Termine festgelegt werden, um Waffenstillstand, Rückzug der Truppen und humanitäre Hilfe zu verwirklichen.
     Schüssel räumte allerdings ein, daß der Sicherheitsrat keine Waffengewalt gegen Jugolawien zugelassen habe. In der Resolution behält sich der Sicherheitsrat nur vor, «weitere Maßnahmen in Erwägung zu ziehen», falls der Frieden nicht wieder hergestellt wird.
     Daß Rußland seinen Widerstand gegen eine Resolution zum Kosovo nun aufgegeben habe, stellte Schüssel als Verhandlungserfolg der EU-Troika dar.
     Die drei EU-Außenminister hätten bei einem Besuch in Moskau bei dem neuen Ministerpräsidenten Jewgeni Primakow erreicht, daß der Weg für die lang umstrittene Resolution frei werde.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 18:40   http://seite1.web.de/show/360A7627.NL1/
USA: Kein UNO-Mandat für Luftschlag im Kosovo-Konflikt nötig
Vilamoura (dpa) - Die USA haben ihre Ansicht bekräftigt, daß für einen Luftschlag der NATO gegen serbische Ziele im Kosovo-Konflikt kein Mandat des UNO-Sicherheitsrates erforderlich ist.
     US-Verteidigungsminister William Cohen sprach am Donnerstag in Vilamoura in Portugal von «einer sehr klaren Botschaft», die der Sicherheitsrat mit seiner jüngsten Resolution sowie die NATO am Donnerstag mit ihrer Entscheidung über eine Luftstreitmacht an Belgrad gerichtet hätten.
     Cohen nahm an der Tagung der NATO-Verteidigungsminister teil. «Wir glauben, daß es keines Mandats des Sicherheitsrates bedarf», sagte Cohen vor Journalisten.
     «Die gestrige Entscheidung des Sicherheitsrates unter Kapital VII ist eine mehr als ausreichende Rechtfertigung für die NATO, in Aktion zu treten.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 17:17  http://seite1.web.de/show/360A62B0.NL1/
Albanien begrüßt UNO-Resolution zum Kosovo
Tirana (dpa) - Die albanische Regierung hat am Donnerstag die am Vortag in New York verabschiedete UNO-Resolution zum Kosovo begrüßt. Darin komme der Wille der internationalen Gemeinschaft zum Ausdruck, eine Verhandlungslösung zu finden, sagte Außenminister Paskal Milo.
     Er hoffe, daß die Resolution die Gewalt im Kosovo beenden werde und den Weg für eine politische Lösung des Konflikts freimachen werde, fügte der Außenminister hinzu.
     Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat hatte in der Resolution einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand und Verhandlungen im Kosovo gefordert. Die Resolution wurde als scharfe Warnung an den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic gewertet.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 15:18 http://seite1.web.de/show/360A46DB.NL1/
NATO bereitet sich auf Luftschläge im Kosovo-Konflikt vor
Vilamoura (dpa) - Die NATO hat am Donnerstag mit der Zusammenstellung einer Luftstreitmacht für ein militärisches Eingreifen im Kosovo-Konflikt begonnen.
     Wenige Stunden nach Verabschiedung einer Kosovo-Resolution im UNO- Sicherheitsrat, setzte der NATO-Rat auf einer Sondersitzung im portugiesischen Vilamoura die als «Activation on Warning» genannte Teilmobilisierung in Gang.
     Die Alliierten sollen so schnell wie möglich nach Brüssel melden, wieviele Flugzeuge sie für einen möglichen Lufteinsatz bereitstellen können. Der deutsche Verteidigungsminister Volker Rühe forderte, dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic ein Ultimatum zu stellen.
     Ziele sogenannter begrenzter und gezielter Luftangriffe könnten serbische Stellungen in ganz Jugoslawien sein, erläuterte am Donnerstag am Rande einer Tagung der NATO-Verteidigungsminister in Vilamoura ein hoher NATO-Beamter, der anonym bleiben wollte.
     NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana bezeichnete den Beschluß als Beweis für eine steigende militärische Bereitschaft der NATO, in den Konflikt einzugreifen.
     «Ich möchte aber auch betonen, daß die Anwendung von Gewalt weitere Entscheidungen des NATO-Rates voraussetzt», sagte Solana. Die NATO-Verbündeten stünden voll hinter der NATO-Resolution, die mit der Stimme Rußlands zustande kam und Milosevic erneut auffordert, an den Verhandlungstisch zu kommen.
     Rühe warnte vor zunehmendem Unverständnis der USA über die zögerliche Haltung einiger europäischer Staaten für ein militärisches Eingreifen.
     Griechenland, aber auch Frankreich und Italien, unterstützen zwar die NATO-Beschlüsse, stehen einem militärischen Eingreifen jedoch noch reserviert gegenüber.
     «Es geht um die Glaubwürdigkeit der NATO und die gemeinsame Handlungsfähigkeit zwischen den USA und Europa», sagte Rühe. «Wir sind keine Organisation, die sich in Rhetorik erschöpfen darf.»
     Nach den Beschlüssen des UNO-Sicherheitsrates und der NATO in Vilamoura über die Bereitstellung von Flugzeugen, müsse nun in denn nächsten zehn Tagen an der Herstellung eines Ultimatums gearbeitet werden. «Dabei müssen die politischen und militärischen Überlegungen zusammengeführt werden», sagte Rühe.
     Durch das Ultimatum solle unter anderem ein Waffenstillstand, Zugang für Hilfsorganisationen und die Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge erreicht werden. Der NATO-Beamte betonte, daß dies keine Thema bei der Tagung der Minister gewesen sei. Der NATO-Rat werde sich aber damit befassen.
     Rühe sieht mit den Beschlüssen des NATO-Rates die Handlungsbereitschaft des Bündnisses zu Luftschlägen hergestellt. Er räumte aber ein, daß die vom UNO-Sicherheitsrat beschlossene Resolution noch keine volle Handlungsfreiheit für einen solchen Angriff auf serbische Stellungen bedeutet.
     «Wenn man den Weg über den Sicherheitsrat gehen will, ist das noch keine ausreichende rechtliche Grundlage», sagte Rühe.
     Er verwies aber auf den deutschen Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl, der gesagt habe, wenn eine humanitäre Katastrophe droht, müsse man notfalls auch auf einer allgemeinen rechtlichen Lage handeln.
     Die Botschafter beauftragten den Oberkommandierenden für Europa, den amerikanischen General Wesley Clark, sich von den Alliierten Kampfflugzeuge für einen möglichen Lufteinsatz im Kosovo-Konflikt bereitstellen zu lassen.
     Eine entsprechende Anfrage sollte noch am Donnerstag an die Bündnispartner gerichtet werde. Rühe kündigte an, daß Deutschland 14 Tornado-Kampfflugzeuge einsetzen kann. Benötigt werden etwa 200 Maschinen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 15:30 http://seite1.web.de/show/360A4985.NL1/
Europarat kritisiert unklare Haltung im Kosovo-Konflikt
Straßburg (dpa) - Der Europarat hat die unklare Haltung der internationalen Gemeinschaft über den zukünftigen Status der serbischen Provinz Kosovo kritisiert.
     «Ohne eine klare Position bleibt der politische und der militärische Druck auf Serben und Albaner größtenteils ohne Wirkung», hieß es in einer Entschließung der parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates von Donnerstag in Straßburg.
     Gleichzeitig warnte die Präsidentin der Versammlung, die CDU- Abgeordnete Leni Fischer, Belgrad vor einer Ablehnung seines Mitgliedsantrages.
     «Wenn Belgrad nicht unverzüglich die Angriffe auf die Zivilbevölkerung im Kosovo einstellt, wird der Europarat den Aufnahmeantrag der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien vom März dieses Jahres ablehnen», sagte sie.
     In der Entschließung der Versammlung wurden Rückkehrhilfen für die Flüchtlinge und humanitäre Hilfsleistungen angesichts des nahenden Winters gefordert. Seit Beginn des Konflikts im vergangenen Frühjahr sollen nach Schätzungen der Staatenorganisation bis zu 600 000 Menschen aus ihren Wohngebieten geflüchtet sein.
     Deshalb forderte der Europarat die Mitgliedsregierungen auf, Kosovo-Flüchtlinge nicht abzuschieben. Die westlichen Regierungen sollten sich gegenseitig unterstützen und ihre Flüchtlingspolitik miteinander koordinieren. Diese Menschen könnten erst in ihre Heimat zurückkehren, wenn dort Sicherheit und Frieden wiederhergestellt seien.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 15:30    http://seite1.web.de/show/360A49A2.NL1/
TV: Geheimdienst lieferte illegal Rüstungsgüter nach Albanien
Bonn (dpa) - Der Geheimdienst der deutschen Streitkräfte (Militärischer Abschirmdienst/MAD) hat nach Angaben des Ersten Deutschen Fernsehens (ARD) illegal Funkgeräte und Überwachungstechnik an den albanischen Geheimdienst geliefert. Teile dieser Lieferung seien zu albanischen Freischärlern im Kosovo gelangt, berichtet das ARD-Magazin «Monitor» in einer Sendung am Donnerstag abend.
     Ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums in Bonn wies den Bericht zurück und sprach von «abenteuerlichen Behauptungen, die so nicht zutreffend» seien. Nach eingehender Prüfung habe sich gezeigt, daß die Behauptungen jeglicher Grundlage entbehrten.
     «Sie sind frei erfunden und werden als vorsätzliche Irreführung zurückgewiesen. Monitor ist hier offenbar dabei, mit äußerst bedenklichen Mitteln Wahlkampf zu betreiben», unterstrich der Sprecher. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt habe es Lieferungen von Material durch den MAD an den albanischen Geheimdienst gegeben.
     Nach Informationen von Monitor erhielt der albanische Geheimdienst SIKH in den Jahren 1990 und 1991 mehrfach Funkgeräte sowie elektronische und optische Aufklärungsgeräte vom MAD. Nach dem MAD- Gesetz seien derartige Rüstungslieferungen illegal.
     Der Militärgeheimdienst dürfe nur zum Schutz der Streitkräfte (Bundeswehr) und zur Spionageabwehr tätig werden. Die nach Albanien gelieferten Rüstungsgüter hätten aus MAD-Depots und früheren Lagern der DDR gestammt, die von der Bundeswehr nach der deutschen Vereinigung übernommen worden waren.
     Auch der deutsche Auslands-Geheimdienst (Bundesnachrichtendienst/BND) war nach Darstellung von Monitor über seine offizielle Vertretung in der albanischen Hauptstadt Tirana an der Aktion beteiligt. Ein Sprecher des BND erklärte: «Der Vorwurf ist aus der Luft gegriffen.»
     Seit 1990 pflegt die deutsche Regierung nach Angaben des Magazins gute Beziehungen zu den albanischen Militärs und Geheimdienstlern. Militärfahrzeuge, Kampfausrüstung, Nachtsicht-Geräte, Computer und Triebwerke für MIG-21-Kampfflugzeuge im Wert von zwei Millionen Mark seien nach Albanien geliefert worden. Militärgüter seien zum Teil an die Rebellenarmee UCK im Kosovo gelangt.
     Der Sprecher des Verteidigungs-Ministeriums in Bonn erläuterte, der Aufbau der Beziehungen der Bundeswehr zu den Streitkräften des demokratischen Albaniens habe erst Mitte der 90er Jahre begonnen. Die Bundeswehr habe der albanischen Armee insbesondere Ausbildungshilfe geleistet und sie in geringem Umfang materiell unterstützt.
     1995 seien unter anderem Kraftfahrzeuge, Feldküchen, Bekleidung und Sanitätsmaterial zur Verfügung gestellt worden. Über die Lieferungen sei auch das deutsche Parlament im Detail unterrichtet worden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 14:41 http://seite1.web.de/show/360A3E2B.NL1/
Belgrad kritisiert Kosovo-Resolution - NATO trifft Vorbereitungen
Belgrad/New York/Stuttgart (dpa) - Nach der Verabschiedung der lange umstrittene Kosovo-Resolution durch den Weltsicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationan hat das offizielle Belgrad das Dokument am Donnerstag umgehend als «unnötig und schädlich» bewertet.
     In der Resolution werden die Konfliktparteien aufgefordert, einen Waffenstillstand herbeizuführen und in einen ernsthaften Dialog zu treten. Gleichzeitig begann die NATO mit ernsthaften Vorbereitungen auf einen Lufteinsatz in dem Krisengebiet im Süden Jugoslawiens.
     Nach Aussage des jugoslawischen Außenministers Zivadin Jovanovic gibt es für die UNO-Resolution «weder eine rechtliche noch eine politische Grundlage». Die Resolution sei Ausdruck der «Politik des Drucks». Sie übersehe Tatsachen und «positive Prozesse», wie die «Verbesserung» der Lage und «erfolgreiche Prozesse» im humanitären Bereich in der südjugoslawischen Krisenprovinz, zitierte die Agentur Tanjug den Minister.
     Zuvor bereits hatte die Agentur in einem Bericht aus New York die Resolution als «einseitigen, unbegründeten Druck auf Jugoslawien» eingestuft. Der «drohende Unterton» sei «deutlich spürbar». Der Text enthält nach Ansicht der Agentur «vollkommen unwahre» Behauptungen zur humanitären Lage in der Krisenprovinz.
     Im Weltsicherheitsrat stimmten 14 Mitglieder für die Resolution, auch Rußland. Nur China enthielt sich der Stimme. Die Entschließung des Sicherheitsrates beruft sich auf Kapitel VII der UNO-Charta, das als letztes Mittel in einem Konflikt einen militärischen Einsatz zuläßt. Die Resolution selbst enthält aber keine Ermächtigung für einen Militärschlag.
     Die NATO begann am Donnerstag, die Flugzeuge für einen möglichen Luft-Einsatz im Kosovo-Konflikt zusammenzustellen. Einen entsprechenden Beschluß faßte der NATO-Rat am Vormittag im portugiesischen Ort Vilamoura.
     Generalsekretär Javier Solana bezeichnete den Beschluß der NATO- Botschafter als Zeichen für eine steigende militärische Bereitschaft der NATO, in den Konflikt einzugreifen. «Ich möchte aber auch betonen, daß die Anwendung von Gewalt weitere Entscheidungen des NATO-Rates voraussetzt», sagte Solana.
     Die Botschafter beauftragten den Oberkommandierenden für Europa, den US-General Wesley Clark, sich von den Allierten Kampfflugzeuge für einen möglichen Luft-Einsatz im Kosovo-Konflikt bereitstellen zu lassen.
     In einer ersten Reaktion kündigte Deutschlands Außenminister Klaus Kinkel in Stuttgart an, daß sich die deutsche Luftwaffe an einer möglichen Militäraktion der NATO im Kosovo mit 14 Tornado- Kampfflugzeugen beteiligen würde.
     Kinkel sagte, mit der Einigung des Sicherheitsrats auf eine Resolution zum Kosovo-Konflikt und der Entscheidung des NATO-Rats zur konkreten Planung eines militärischen Eingreifens werde der Druck auf die jugoslawische Regierung erhöht. Präsident Slobodan Milosevic werde klargemacht: «Wir sind bereit, die Politik der Vertreibung und der verbrannten Erde notfalls auch militärisch zu stoppen.»
     Kinkel ergänzte, vor einer Beteiligung Deutschlands an einem Militär-Einsatz im Kosovo sei selbstverständlich ein entsprechender Beschluß des Parlaments notwendig. Zentraler Erfolg der UNO- Resolution sei es, daß Rußland einbezogen sei. Dies sei das klare Signal an Belgrad, daß Rußland seine Haltung geändert habe.
     Der russische Parlamentsvorsitzende Gennadi Selesnjow hat die Vorbereitungen der NATO für einen möglichen Luft-Einsatz im Kosovo- Konflikt am Donnerstag scharf kritisiert. «Ohne Sanktionen des Weltsicherheitsrats hat niemand das Recht, Luftangriffe im Kosovo zu fliegen», sagte am Donnerstag der Nachrichtenagentur Itar-Tass.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 14:48    http://seite1.web.de/show/360A3FD7.NL1/
Moskau: Weitere Schritte im Kosovo nur mit Weltsicherheitsrat
Moskau (dpa) - Rußland hat die NATO vor möglichen militärischen Schritten zur Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts gewarnt. Jegliche weiteren Maßnahmen hin zu Frieden und Stabilität in der serbischen Krisenprovinz müßten durch den Weltsicherheitsrat gedeckt sein. Dies meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax am Donnerstag unter Berufung auf das Außenministerium.
     Der kommunistische Parlamentsvorsitzende Gennadi Selesnjow kritisierte die Vorbereitungen der NATO für einen möglichen Lufteinsatz scharf. «Ohne Sanktionen des Weltsicherheitsrats hat niemand das Recht, Luftangriffe im Kosovo zu fliegen», sagte Selesnjow der Nachrichtenagentur Itar-Tass.
     Die NATO begann am Donnerstag damit, die Flugzeuge für einen möglichen Lufteinsatz im Kosovo-Konflikt zusammenzustellen. Einen entsprechenden Beschluß faßte der NATO-Rat in Vilamoura in Portugal.
     NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana bezeichnete den Beschluß der NATO-Botschafter als Zeichen für eine steigende militärische Bereitschaft des Bündnisses, in den Konflikt einzugreifen. «Ich möchte aber auch betonen, daß die Anwendung von Gewalt weitere Entscheidungen des NATO-Rates voraussetzt», sagte Solana.
     «Es gibt keine vernünftige Alternative zu einer friedlichen Beilegung des Kosovo-Konflikts», hieß es in einer Erklärung des russischen Außenministeriums. Der Einsatz einseitiger Gewaltmaßnahmen unter Umgehung des Weltsicherheitsrats wäre eine «äußerst gefährliche Destabilisierung für den Balkan und Europa insgesamt», hieß es. Es hätte auch «langfristige negative Folgen für das internationale System auf der Grundlage der zentralen Rolle der Vereinten Nationen», hieß es.
     Ein Diplomat sagte Interfax ferner, daß Rußland davon ausgehe, daß jegliche weitere Maßnahmen für die Herstellung von Frieden und Stabilität im Kosovo ausschließlich auf Grundlage einer neuen Entscheidung des Weltsicherheitsrats getroffen werden könnten.
     «Wir gehen davon aus, daß sich unsere Partner (...) an die abgestimmte Herangehensweise halten», sagte der namentlich nicht genannte Vertreter des Außenministeriums.
     Der Weltsicherheitsrat hatte am Mittwoch die lange umstrittene Resolution zum Kosovo-Konfikt mit der Stimme Rußlands verabschiedet. Die Entschließung des Sicherheitsrates enthält aber keine Ermächtigung für mögliche militärische Einsätze. Der Entwurf fordert, «daß alle Parteien, Gruppen und Individuen unverzüglich die Feindseligkeiten einstellen und einen Waffenstillstand im Kosovo aufrechterhalten».
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 15:02 http://seite1.web.de/show/360A431A.NL1/
EU-Innenminister besorgt über Flüchtlingsstrom aus Kosovo
Brüssel (dpa) - Die Innenminister der EU sind über den anwachsenden Flüchtlingsstrom im und aus dem Kosovo besorgt. Die Minister waren sich am Donnerstag bei ihrem Treffen in Brüssel einig, daß die Beseitigung der Fluchtursachen Vorrang haben müsse.
     Die erste Anlaufstelle für die Flüchtlinge innerhalb der jugoslawischen Unruheprovinz müsse das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der UNO sein, sagte der Staatssekretär im deutschen Innenministerium, Kurt Schelter.
     Außerhalb der jugoslawischen Grenzen sei die EU gefordert. Bonn habe in den vergangenen Monaten bereits 15 Millionen Mark für die Hilfe bereitgestellt.
     Ingesamt haben im Kosovo 250 000 Menschen ihre Wohngebiete verlassen. Kosovo-Albaner sind nach den Worten von Schelter seit Jahren eine Spitzengruppe bei den Asylberwerbn und illegalen Einwanderern in Deutschland.
     Ein besonderes Problem stellten die 140 000 Kosovo-Albaner dar, die inzwischen kein Bleiberecht mehr in Deutschland hätten.
     «Wir müssen die Politik der Sanktionen gegenüber Belgrad fortsetzen,» meinte Schelter weiter. Nach dem Flugverbot müßten weitere Maßnahmen folgen. Er forderte eine starke Einschränkung der Visa-Vergabe an Bürger von Jugoslawien.
     Die EU-Innenminister stellten gleichzeitig fest, daß der starke Zustrom von illegalen kurdischen Einwanderern aus dem Irak inzwischen deutlich zurückgegangen sei. Im vergangenen Jahr waren es noch 20 000. In diesem Jahr ging die Zahl vor allem nach einem besseren Schutz der Außengrenzen um 40 Prozent zurück.
     Das System Eurodac, mit dem EU-weit Fingerabdrücke von Asylbewerbern und Illegalen genommen werden soll, konnte in der Minsterrunde noch nicht verabschiedet werden. Schelter kritisierte Griechenland, das weiter blockiert.
     Dagegen wurde beschlossen, die europäische Polizeibehörde Europol, die am 1. Oktober ihre volle Arbeit aufnehmen soll, auszubauen. Der Haushalt der Stelle für das kommende Jahr wurde von 6,7 Millionen ECU auf 14,9 Millionen ECU aufgestockt. Die Zahl der Beamten wird um 50 auf 120 erhöht.
     Der bisherige deutsche Leiter der Europol-Drogenstelle, Jürgen Storbeck, soll die Behörde vorerst weiter führen. Bedauert wurde, daß noch immer nicht alle Staaten das Protokoll über die Immunität der Beamten ratifiziert haben. Auch sind die Voraussetzungen für den Kontrollausschuß der Behörde noch nicht geschaffen.
     Am Nachmittag trafen die Minister mit ihren Kollegen aus den zehn mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländern und Zypern zusammen. Dabei ging es vor allem um eine bessere Bekämpfung des organisierten Verbrechens sowie der Anpassung des Justizsystems an das der EU.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.09.1998 12:15 http://seite1.web.de/show/360A1BE7.NL1/
Bonn stellt fünf Millionen Mark für Kosovo-Flüchtlinge bereit
Bonn (dpa) - Zur Versorgung der aus dem Kosovo vertriebenen Zivilbevölkerung und zur Vermeidung einer neuen Flüchtlingswelle nach Deutschland stellt Bonn erneut fünf Millionen Mark zur Verfügung. Das teilte das Entwicklungsministerium am Donnerstag mit.
     Mit dem Geld sollen unter anderem Notunterkünfte gebaut werden für die mehr als 15 000 Flüchtlinge, vor allem im Norden Albaniens, um ihnen vor dem drohenden Winter-Einbruch eine Bleibe zu verschaffen.
© dpa
GO TO  Part 2
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !

dpa-Meldung vom 24.09.1998 15:30   http://seite1.web.de/show/360A4985.NL1/

Deshalb forderte der Europarat die Mitgliedsregierungen auf,
Kosovo-Flüchtlinge nicht abzuschieben. Die westlichen Regierungen
sollten sich gegenseitig unterstützen und ihre Flüchtlingspolitik
miteinander koordinieren. Diese Menschen könnten erst in ihre Heimat
zurückkehren, wenn dort Sicherheit und Frieden wiederhergestellt
......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
taken from   http://www.kosova.com   on September 24, 1998  at 18:55 hrs
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 24 September 1998, 18:00 CET

Serb Forces Continue Burning Vushtrri Villages
Latest Report: Serb Infantry Torches Çiçavica Villages, Separates Menfolks from Families
Tens of Thousands of New Refugees, Police Turns Back Red Cross Delegation
Several Obiliq Villages around Çiçavica under a Deadly Serb Siege
Serb Police Shoots Dead Albanian Teenager in Malisheva
Bodies of Two Killed UÇK Fighters Found near Mitrovica
Serb Chase and Kill Displaced Albanians at Camping Site in Drenica Hills
Serb Forces Shell Two Suhareka Villages
Serbs Crack Down on Albanian Homes in Two Suhareka Villages
Albanians Flee Villages in Hasi Region as Serbs Threaten with Brutal Reprisals

Serb Forces Continue Burning Vushtrri Villages

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - The situation in the municipality of Vushtrri has been critical in the midst of the continued Serb offensive operations against Albanian communities, local sources said.
Serbian forces have burned down the villages of Beçuk, Pantinë, Okrashticë, as well as a number of farmhouses in Shtitaricë.
Yesterday and today (Thursday), virtually all the villages on the eastern side of the Çiçavica mountains have been burned and destroyed by Serb troops, LDK sources said.
A fifteen-year-old Albanian, Faton Syla, was killed during the Serb shelling of the village of Beçuk yesterday.
The two Albanians killed in Oshlan two days ago were identified yesterday as Hajrullah Gjaka (63) and Bislim Brahimi (32).
Another killed person was suspected lying along the Sitnica river, but nobody dared go and establish the facts because of Serb forces have been stationed there.
A number of Albanians, including Hajriz M. Islami (24), Enver M. Islami (33), residents of Taraxhë village, and Safet Shala, native of Leqina village of Skenderaj, were reported arrested and ill-treated in Serb police station in Vushtrri yesterday. Enver and Safet were eventually released, Hajriz is still in custody.
Likewise yesterday, police illtreated severely Xhevdet Zhusgi (22), from Mihaliq village.

Latest Report:
Serb Infantry Torches Çiçavica Villages, Separates Menfolks from Families
Casualty-toll feared high

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) 17:00 - Serbian forces have continued their campaign of burning villages at the foot of the Çiçavica mountains, north-west of Prishtina.
LDK sources in Skenderaj ('Srbica') said Serb infantry units have entered several villages and set them ablaze.
The villages of Klinë e Epërme and Tërrnafc could be seen burning The number of killed and wounded is feared to be high.
Thousands of Albanian residents were entrapped in the villages which came under Serb attack or burned today.
Serb forces have sent a group of women and children in eight tractors in the direction of Skenderaj today.
Meanwhile, Serb police took a lorryload of some 50 young Albanian men to the Serb police station in Mitrovica at 16:30 hrs, local sources said.

Tens of Thousands of New Refugees, Police Turns Back Red Cross Delegation

PRISHTINA, Sept (KIC) - Tens of thousands of Albanians have been sent fleeing by the ongoing Serb offensive in an area north-west of Prishtina around the Çiçavica mountains.
LDK sources in Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') some 30,000 Albanians who fled the attacked villages have been camping out in Reznik village alone.
There are many wounded people amongst the refugees, reports said.
Meanwhile, sources said the local population has been driven from homes in the village of Shallc, too. Serb paramilitary police troops have occupied farmhouses in village.
A delegation of the International Red Cross has not been allowed to visit the attacked and burning villages of Vushtrri. The Serb police turned back the delegation at Ura e Sitnicës (Sitnica bridge), LDK sources said.

Several Obiliq Villages around Çiçavica under a Deadly Serb Siege

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - The villages of Siboc, Hamidi, Shipitullë, Grabovc i Epërm, Gllavotin, Beçuk, Strofc, Zhilivodë and other villages lying at the foot of the Çiçavica mountains have been placed under a ring of steel by thousands of Serb military and police troops.
A source told the KIC scores of Serb tanks and armored vehicles were positioned yesterday at a location called "Maja e Zezë" (the Black Peak), a strategic point from where the above-mentioned villages are being shelled.
Serb infantry entered the village of Shipitullë on Tuesday, looted all the Albanian farmhouses and set them ablaze eventually, sources said.
Meanwhile, reports said at 10 a.m yesterday (Wednesday), after having torched the Albanian houses in Dobroshec village of Gllogovc, Serb forces advanced into the village of Grabovc i Epërm of Obiliq.
From "Maja e Zezë" Serb forces shelled Grabovc and other villages for hours.
Thousands of Albanian civilians have been entrapped in the attacked villages, and there is fear of Serb forces' massacres there.
Meanwhile, two Albanian parents, Nafije and Musa Kelmendi from Sibovc village of Obiliq, have reported that they know nothing about the fate of their four children since 22 September, when Serb troops launched their offensive against the villages near Çiçavica.
They suspect their children - Tomor (13), Artë (f,15), Arbëreshë (f,10) and Dukagjin Kelmendi (7) - have been taken hostage by Serb forces.

Serb Police Shoots Dead Albanian Teenager in Malisheva

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - Serb police shot dead a 17-year-old Albanian in Malisheva yesterday (Wednesday).
Lulzim Gashi, resident of Vërnica village of Malisheva, was gunned down near the local primary school in Llazica village at around 2 p.m. yesterday, the LDK chapter in Malisheva said.
No further details surrounding the killing of the young Albanian have been available to the KIC.

Sixty Men, Residents of Prekaz Village, Being Held in Serb Station in Gllogovc

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - Around 60 men, residents of Prekaz village of Skenderaj ('Srbica'), have been held in Serb police station in Gllogovc since Wednesday evening, sources reported.
The Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) quoted witnesses as saying the Albanians were brought to the police station in Gllogovc in a very bad condition. They had apparently been subjected to brutal torture.
The human rights council described the situation in a couple of villages in Gllogovc municipality as highly critical. Hundreds of residents of Terstenik and Verbovc villages who fled their homes two days ago in the wake of a Serb offensive are believed to be hiding in nearby hills.

Bodies of Two Killed UÇK Fighters Found near Mitrovica

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - The LDK chapter in Mitrovica confirmed the identity of two fighters of the Liberation Army of Kosova (UÇK) killed during the latest Serb offensive against the Albanian communities at the Çiçavica mountain foot in north-west Kosova.
The bodies of Sadullah Dibrani (47) and his nephew Avni Dibrani (20), both residents of Gradica village (Gllogovc), were found near Vaganica village of Mitrovica after the Serb troops had withdrawn from the area.
The body of Sadullah Dibrani was severely mutilated, the LDK Information Commission in Mitrovica said.
The Commission said it has learned the identity of another victim in Oshlan village, naming him as Bislim Brahimi (35). The mutilated body of another, still unidentified, man was found today in this village.

                           Übertragung unterbrochen

Serb Chase and Kill Displaced Albanians at Camping Site in Drenica Hills

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - Still unconfirmed reports said Serb troops killed Wednesday four displaced Albanians at a location called 'Fusha e Mollës' (the Apple Field), near Baica village of Gllogovc.
The local chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Skenderaj said heavy Serb troops cracked down yesterday on hundreds of displaced Albanians camping in the Fusha e Mollës valley. Many of them, mostly young men and teenagers, were apprehended an taken to the police stations in Gllogovc and Mitrovica. Some detainees are believed to have been taken to the Ferrous-Nickel "Ferreonikeli" plant's premises near Gllogovc.
The human rights Council quoted witnesses as saying that four Albanian men were gunned down near Fusha e Mollës location yesterday. They failed to tell their identity, noting that the Serb troops chased away all the refugees camping in that site.

Serb Forces Shell Two Suhareka Villages

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - At 10 o'clock in the morning today (Thursday), Serb forces encircled the village of Reçan, municipality of Suhareka. They shot Hazir Bylykbashi (48), who received life-threatening wounds, LDK sources said.
At 13:00 hrs, Serb forces started shelling the village of Krushicë e Ulët. Smoke was reported billowing from the village. Serb forces have been shelling also in the direction of Budakova village, the LDK chapter in Suhareka said.

Serbs Crack Down on Albanian Homes in Two Suhareka Villages

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - The Serb forces cracked down Wednesday afternoon on the village of Leshan, Suhareka, to collect the weapons the local population possesses.
Residents of Leshan village and several others in the municipality have been issued repeated warnings by Serb forces to surrender their weapons, or risk having their villages razed.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka said Serb troops raided on several houses in Leshan yesterday, including the homes of Aziz Bytyçi,
Faik Kryeziu, Gëzim Bytyçi, Adnan Gashi, Ridvan Kryeziu, Selajdin Elshani. They, as well as their family members, were brutalized for hours, it said.
The same source said Serb troops with heavy armament have been garrisoned since Wednesday near the local school at Sllagrazhdë village. Serbs raided yesterday the homes of the following local Albanians: Muhamet Ahmetaj, Mehmedin Ahmetaj, Gegë Memaj, Frrok Memaj and Çun Memaj, who had their homes thoroughly searched under the hidden arms pretext.

Albanians Flee Villages in Hasi Region as Serbs Threaten with Brutal Reprisals

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - Clusters of Albanians were seen today (Thursday) fleeing their villages in Hasi region, near the Kosova-Albania border, sources in Prizren said.
Several villlages in the Hasi region have been issued ultimatums by Serb forces over the past days to deiver to them all the weapons they allegedly have, or else risk reprisals.
As the Serb deadline has expired and the local people claim they have no weapons, they began fleeing homes in panic, the LDK chapter in Prizren said. The LDK appealed lately, though it seems in vain, on the population to stay at home in spite of the Serb campaigns of intimidation.
A local organization involved with catering for refugees in Prizren, the Council for Emergency Needs, said around 45,000 Albanians uprooted from the area have been sheltered in Prizren.

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1562a
Datum:         Thu, 24 Sep 1998 15:48:15 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 24 September 1998

First Edition: 15:00 hrs

NATO Issues ACTWARN over Kosova
The North Atlantic Council approved the issuing of an ACT WARN for both a limited air option and a phased air campaign in Kosova Thursday afternoon

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - Just a few moments ago, the North Atlantic Council approved the issuing of an ACT WARN for both a limited air option and a phased air campaign in Kosovo, NATO Secretary General Javier Solana said in a statement today (Thursday) afternoon after a meeting in Vilamoura, Portugal, 24 Sept. 1998
Solana's statement reads further:
"The ACTWARN will take NATO to an increased level of military preparedness. In particular, the ACTWARN will allow NATO Commanders to identify the assets required for these NATO air operations. Let me stress that the use of force will require further decisions by the North Atlantic Council. But today's decision is an important political signal of NATO's readiness to use force, if it becomes necessary to do so.
Finally, let me express the strong support of all Allies for firm Resolution that was adopted in New York last night by the UN Security Council. This Resolution makes it clear what President Milosevic must do:
- he must stop his repressive actions against the population;
- he must seek a political solution to the Kosovo crisis based on negotiations, as must the Kosovar Albanians;
- and he must take immediate steps to alleviate the humanitarian situation.
- the Resolution and today's decision by NATO underline the unity of the international community and our resolve to find a solution to the Kosovo crisis."

UN Security Council Resolution Demands an End to Fighting in Kosova
The resolution's demands are enacted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which implicitly authorizes the use of force

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - The UN Security Council September 23 2demanded that all hostilities in Kosova cease immediately and that Yugoslav and Kosovar leaders begin a political dialogue.
The Council passed a resolution, enacted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, sponsored by France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Sweden, Great Britain, and the United States, by a vote of 14-0 with China abstaining.
The lengthy preambular section of the five-page resolution clearly states that the main responsibility for the situation in Kosovo lies with the 'Federal Republic of Yugoslavia' and Serbian security forces and states that the situation "constitutes a threat to peace and security in the region", Judy Aita, USIA United Nations Correspondent, noted.
The resolution demands that "all parties, groups and individuals immediately cease hostilities and maintain a ceasefire in Kosovo" and calls on Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership "to enter immediately into a meaningful dialogue without preconditions and with international involvement."
US Charge d'Affaires Peter Burleigh called the vote a "profound and courageous step forward" that sends a "clear and unequivocal message to the authorities in Belgrade that the Council is demanding that they change their behavior and live up to their responsibilities with regard to the political and humanitarian situation in Kosovo".
"We hope this will have the desired impact...We are hoping the Belgrade authorities will respond appropriately," Burleigh said. He said that planning at NATO for military operations if the resolution is not heeded is nearing completion.
The resolution "increases pressure on Belgrade to negotiate seriously with the Kosovo Albanians to achieve a political settlement that provides for democratic self-government for the people of Kosovo and avoids the devastating consequences of continued conflict," Burleigh said. "The best way to stem this crisis is for Belgrade to heed our demands," he said. "The international community will not stand idly by as the situation in Kosovo deteriorates," Burleigh said. "The Council will not tolerate the continued violence, lawlessness, repression, and violation of human rights in Kosovo."
British Ambassador Jeremy Greenstock said that, most importantly, the resolution "makes clear that the international community's patience is exhausted. President Milosevic bears responsibility. If he ignores the Council's demands, the international community will respond and respond vigorously."
Senior U.S. officials said that the U.S. is "past the period of sanctions, well past the period of sanctions." The intention of Albright and other American diplomats during the high level talks taking place during the opening of the General Assembly is to increase "the credibility of the threat to use force", USIA correspondent wrote.
The Security Council resolution sets out four specific steps that Belgrade must take immediately: order the withdrawal of security units repressing civilians, allow European Community monitors and diplomatic missions in Kosova, facilitate the return of refugees, and make rapid process on a timetable for agreeing to confidence-building measures and finding a political solution.
Slovenian Ambassador Danilo Turk, who was president of the Council in August, said that "everybody agrees that this is the time when the Security Council has to...explain that under the obligations of Chapter 7 things have to change. And that is essentially the message of the resolution".

TEXT: UNSC Resolution Sept. 23 on Kosova

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - The UN Security Council voted 14-0 with one abstention September 23 to demand "that all parties, groups and individuals immediately cease hostilities and maintain a ceasefire in Kosovo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia."
This would, the Council said, "enhance the prospects for a meaningful dialogue between the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership and reduce the risks of a humanitarian catastrophe."
The Security Council also demanded "that the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership take immediate steps to improve the humanitarian situation and to avert the impending humanitarian catastrophe."
It was also decided that "should the concrete measures demanded in this resolution and resolution 1160 (1998) not be taken," the resolution said, "to consider further action and additional measures to maintain or restore peace and stability in the region."
Following is the UNSC text, as provided by the Washington File, USIS-Prishtina Office:
(Begin text)
United Nations Security Council
23 September 1998
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America:
resolution #1199
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 1160 (1998) of 31 March 1998,
Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General pursuant to that resolution, and in particular his report of 4 September 1998 (S/1998/834),
Noting with appreciation the statement of the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America (the Contact Group) of 12 June 1998 at the conclusion of the Contact Group's meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Canada and Japan (S/1998/567, annex), and the further statement of the Contact Group made in Bonn on 8 July 1998 (S/1998/657),
Noting also with appreciation the joint statement by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of 16 June 1998 (5/1998/526)
Noting further the communication by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to the Contact Group on 7 July 1998, expressing the view that the situation in Kosovo represents an armed conflict within the terms of the-mandate of the Tribunal,
Gravely concerned at the recent intense fighting in Kosovo and in particular the excessive and indiscriminate use of force by Serbian security forces and the Yugoslav Army which have resulted in numerous civilian casualties and, according to the Secretary-General's estimate, the displacement of over 230,000 persons from their homes, Deeply concerned by the flow of refugees into northern Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other European countries as a result of the use of force in Kosovo, as well as by the increasing numbers of displaced persons within Kosovo, and other parts of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, up to 50,000 of whom the UNHCR has estimated are without shelter and other basic necessities,
Reaffirming the right of all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes in safety, and underlining the responsibility of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for creating the conditions which allow them to do so,
Condemning all acts of violence by any party, as well as terrorism in pursuit of political goals by any group or individual, and all external support for such activities in Kosovo, including the supply of arms and training for terrorist activities in Kosovo and
expressing concern at the reports of continuing violations of the prohibitions imposed by resolution 1160,
Deeply concerned by the rapid deterioration in the humanitarian situation throughout Kosovo and alarmed at the impending humanitarian catastrophe as described in the report of the Secretary-General, and emphasizing the need to prevent this from happening, Deeply concerned also by reports of increasing violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law,
and emphasizing the need to ensure that the rights of all inhabitants of Kosovo are respected,
Reaffirming the objectives of resolution 1160 (1998), in which the Council expressed support for a peaceful resolution of the Kosovo problem which would include an enhanced status for Kosovo, a substantially greater degree of autonomy, and meaningful self-administration,
Reaffirming also the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
Affirming that the deterioration of the situation in Kosovo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, constitutes a threat to peace and security in the region,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Demands that all parties, groups and individuals immediately cease hostilities and maintain a ceasefire in Kosovo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which would enhance the prospects for a meaningful dialogue between the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership and reduce the risks of a humanitarian catastrophe;
2. Demands also that the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership take immediate steps to improve the humanitarian situation and to avert the impending humanitarian catastrophe;
3. Calls upon the authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership to enter immediately into a meaningful dialogue without preconditions and with international involvement, and to a clear timetable, leading to an end of the crisis and to a negotiated political solution to the issue of Kosovo, and welcomes the current efforts aimed at facilitating such a dialogue;
4. Demands further that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in addition to the measures called for under resolution 1160 (1998), implement immediately the following concrete measures towards achieving a political solution to the situation in Kosovo as contained in the Contact Group statement of 12 June 1998:
(a) cease all action by the security forces affecting the civilian population and order the withdrawal of security units used for civilian repression;
(b) enable effective and continuous international monitoring in Kosovo by the European Community Monitoring Mission (ECMM) and diplomatic missions accredited to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, including access and complete freedom of movement of such monitors to, from and within Kosovo unimpeded by government authorities, and expeditious issuance of appropriate travel documents to international personnel contributing to the monitoring;
(c) facilitate, in agreement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the safe return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes and allow free and unimpeded access for humanitarian organizations and supplies to Kosovo;
(d) make rapid progress to a clear timetable, in the dialogue referred to in paragraph 3 with the Kosovo Albanian community called for in resolution 1160 (1998), with the aim of agreeing confidence-building measures and finding a political solution to the problems of Kosovo;
5. Notes in this connection, the commitments of the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in his joint statement with the President of the Russian Federation of 16 June 1998:
(a) to resolve existing problems by political means on the basis of equality for all citizens and ethnic communities in Kosovo;
(b) not to carry out any repressive actions against the peaceful population;
(c) to provide full freedom of movement for and ensure that there will be no restrictions on representatives of foreign States and international institutions accredited to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia monitoring the situation in Kosovo;
(d) to ensure full and unimpeded access for humanitarian organizations, the ICRO and the UNHCP, and delivery of humanitarian supplies;
(e) to facilitate the unimpeded return of refugees and displaced persons under programmes agreed with the UNHCR and ICRO, providing State aid for the reconstruction of destroyed homes, and calls for the full implementation of these commitments;
6. Insists that the Kosovo Albanian leadership condemn all terrorist action, and emphasizes that all elements in the Kosovo Albanian community should pursue their goals by peaceful means only;
7. Recalls the obligations of all States to implement fully the prohibitions imposed by resolution 1160 (1998);
8. Endorses the steps taken to establish effective international monitoring of the situation in Kosovo, and in this connection welcomes the establishment of the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission;
9. Urges States and international organizations represented in the Federal Republic of, Yugoslavia to make available personnel to fulfil the responsibility of carrying out effective and continuous international monitoring in Kosovo until the objectives of this resolution and those of resolution 1160 (1998) are achieved;
10. Reminds the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that it has the primary responsibility for the security of all diplomatic personnel accredited to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as well as the safety and security of all international and non-governmental humanitarian personnel in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and calls upon the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and all others concerned in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to take all appropriate steps to ensure that monitoring personnel performing functions under this resolution are not subject to the threat or use of force or interference of any kind;
11. Reguests States to pursue all means consistent with their domestic legislation and relevant international law to prevent funds collected on their territory being used to contravene resolution 1160 (1998);
12. Calls upon Member States and others concerned to provide adequate resources for humanitarian assistance in the region and to respond promptly and generously to the United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance Related to the Kosovo Crisis;
13. Calls upon the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the leaders of the Kosovo Albanian community and all others concerned to cooperate fully with the prosecutor of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the investigation of possible violations within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal;
14. Underlines also the need for the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to bring to justice those members of the security forces who have been involved in the mistreatment of civilians and the deliberate destruction of property;
15. Reguests the Secretary-General to provide regular reports to the Council as necessary on his assessment of compliance with this resolution by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and all elements in the Kosovo Albanian community, including through his regular reports on compliance with resolution 1160 (1998);
16. Decides, should the concrete measures demanded in this resolution and resolution 1160 (1998) not be taken, to consider further action and additional measures to maintain or restore peace and stability in the region;
17. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
(End text)

Albright Praises Security Council Vote on Kosova

PRISHTINA, Sept 24 (KIC) - "In framing this resolution ... the international community says with one voice that, if Belgrade does not now choose to end offensive operations in Kosovo, it must be compelled to do so," U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said September 23.
In a statement issued after the Security Council overwhelmingly adopted a resolution demanding that "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" President Slobodan Milosevic end the offensive and repression in Kosovo, Albright said that "Belgrade should know that we have the will and unity" to intervene.
"We will not be fooled by another round of empty promises from Belgrade," Albright said, adding that "if we do not see rapid, significant progress, we will be prepared to respond."
Following is the text of the Secretary's statement, provided by the Washington File, USIS-Prishtina Office:
(Begin text)
Statement by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
New York
September 23, 1998
The passage of a strong Security Council resolution today on Kosovo reflects the stark reality we face there: President Milosevic's flouting of UN resolutions and international norms has led Kosovo to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. The region's stability is threatened. And neighboring governments are under tremendous strain.
In framing this resolution under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, the international community says with one voice that, if Belgrade does not now choose to end offensive operations in Kosovo, it must be compelled to do so. President Milosevic is well aware that the international community has the means to take that step. After today's vote, Belgrade should know that we have the will and unity as well - for thousands of lives are at stake.
A quarter-million people have been displaced as a result of fighting in Kosovo. Tens of thousands are without shelter, stranded in the open or hidden in the hills. And winter is approaching, temperatures in the mountains are dropping toward freezing.
Belgrade has claimed to be instituting a program of returns.
Indeed, some refugees have been forced back to their homes, counter to any standard of decent behavior. But at the same time, security forces continue their offensive operations - creating thousands of newly-displaced persons.
UNHCR and other aid agencies are making tremendous efforts to care for displaced persons in the region. Yet Milosevic has never lived up to his promise to allow the agencies unfettered access to those in need.
The situation of displaced persons threatens to deteriorate rapidly - and soon. At the same time, we have grave concerns about reports of summary executions and of men of military age being singled out and taken away. Belgrade has consistently prevented international forensic investigators from following up such reports in Kosovo. We can only conclude that crimes against humanity are occurring.
Belgrade's obligations are clear. The resolution just passed by the Security Council spells them out in detail. We will not be fooled by another round of empty promises from Belgrade. We will look for an end to the destruction of villages and the targeting of non-combatants. We will demand real cooperation with aid agencies and human rights investigators. We will expect serious progress in the talks being conducted by Ambassador Chris Hill. If we do not see rapid, significant progress, we will be prepared to respond.
(End text)

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on September 24 at 06:50 hrs
KOSOVA (war – Mitrovicë)
11 killed and 18 wounded – Serbs threaten "Mitrovica will become Srebrenica"

Mitrovicë, 23 September (ARTA) 1630CET --
11 Albanians killed and 18 were wounded is the result of yesterday's Serb military\police offensive against the villages of the Mitrovicë surrounding Vaganicë, Vërrnicë, Pirç, and Oshlan, sources from the ground claim. Among the killed, five corpses still remain unidentified.
On the other hand, shelling is still reported to be taking place in the village of Oshlan, as the houses of the villages that were previously shelled by the Serb police forces are first being looted and then set on fire. Albanian sources state that five trucks loaded with stolen goods, left these villages, in the early morning hours.
There are reports that the population of these villages fled before the Serb army and police started the attack.
In the meantime, about 800 Serb civilians and paramilitaries, that were handed weapons yesterday, are positioned in the sport's hall in Mitrovicë, singing Chetnik songs, such as "Mitrovica will become Srebrenica". In Zveçan, besides the men, there are also armed women. The armed civilians wear a white ribbon in the right arm, whereas Serb women walk freely in the town, carrying guns on their shoulders.
Along the Sitnicë River, Serb snipers and policemen are positioned, monitoring any movement, or passenger that dares to take that road.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Çiçavicë)
Fierce clashes continue in the villages near Çiçavicë – civilians held prisoners in "Ferronikel"

Prishtina, 23 September (ARTA) 1600CET --
CDHRF in Prishtina notifies that fierce clashes are still taking place today in the villages of the Kosova plain and in the villages of Drenica. Hundreds of vehicles and other Serb military\police and paramilitary machinery "are attacking these burning villages in a synchronized manner", states a report from this Council.
Albanian sources from the ground state that the shelling in the eastern and western sides of the Çiçavicë recommenced today at 0830CET. The shelled villages of the eastern side are: Gllavotin, Bivolak, Strofc, Zhilivodë, Beçuk, Hamidi, Sibovc and Lajthishte, whereas those of the western side are: Tërstenik, Shtuticë, Vërboc, Polluzhë, Prekaz etc.
In the village of Oshlan, municipality of Vushtrri, the Serb forces killed three Albanians.
An escapee from the Ferronikel block in Gllogoc, where a group of Albanians are being held, informed that the large number of Albanians that were arrested and held inside this block, are subjected to severe maltreatment by the Serb police. Among them, he identified Ramë Asllani, from Makërmal, it is stated in a CDHRF report.
The same source states that over 100,000 escapees from the war afflicted areas, mainly children and women, are presently sheltered in the Çiçavicë forest.
The Serb forces’ infantry just recently entered the villages of Bivolak, Gllavatin, Prelluzhë, Beçuk, Sibovc, and Lajthishtë.
There are reports that the Serb snipers badly wounded an Albanian in the village of Sibovc.
Yesterday, at around 0600CET, over 130 Serb military\police and paramilitary vehicles, came from the direction of Komoran and entered the villages of Gllobarë, Çikatovë e Re and Çikatovë e Vjetër, Tërstenik, Shtuticë and Vërboc, where all the houses have been burned down. Few remaining houses of the villages of Baincë and Domanek were burned today.
Yesterday, the civilian Albanian population, which fled in the forest of Berishë, was surrounded by large Serb police forces, at the field called "Fusha e Mollës". Police forces separated the men from the women and forced them to kneel. They were held in that position until this morning at 0830CET, when they were released. During the night, time after time, the police divided groups of three men and threatened to execute them.
On the other hand, Serb forces fired, at a vehicle loaded with women and children from that area. Subsequently, terrified children start screaming and a pregnant woman gave birth to her child as soon as she arrived in the forest. In the meantime, Serb force infantry, reached Gradicë.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Obiliq)
9 wounded and over 10.000 civilians in the forest of Çiçavicë

Obiliq, 23 September (ARTA) 1900CET --
At least eight Albanian civilians were wounded during the Serb military, police, and paramilitary offensive against several villages of the municipality of Obiliq, sources from the ground inform.
The same sources inform about the wounding of a woman in the Kelmendi neighborhood of the village of Sibovc, whose name is still unknown. There is reason to suspect that there are many other wounded Albanian civilians in these villages. There are reports that the Serb infantry entered the villages of Lajthishtë, Sibovc, and Hamidi. These forces are first looting and then burning the Albanian owned houses of these villages.
Ever since Tuesday, over 10,000 Albanian civilians, are staying in the forest of Çiçavicë, seeking shelter, sources from Obiliq inform. Their health situation is getting worse, due to the lack of food, clothing, and other basic living items.
The situation in Fushë Kosovë is very bad, since Serb civilians are massively being mobilized in the military barrack near the Sllatinë airport, say LDK sources.

KOSOVA (IDPs – Podujevë)
40.000 IDPs from the Llap region

Podujevë, 23 September (ARTA) 1645CET --
Loud shooting was heard today from the military field base, between Obranqë and Llapashticë e Poshtme, Albanian sources notify.
In the meantime, a large part of the population from the localities of the Llap region and villages bordering Shala e Bajgorës, has fled the area.
According to the "Mother Theresa" humanitarian association, in Podujevë, over 40 thousand people from the Llap region are now displaced. They are mostly sheltered in Podujevë and Prishtina.
A large number of people, from the villages situated further from the town proper, are also massively fleeing their homes, following the ultimatum made by the commander of the field base in Obranqë, threatening to use all the weaponry, in case anyone attacks.
CDHRF sources from Podujevë state that dozens of Albanian owned houses are burned in the Llap region, as a result of the Serb force offensive.

KOSOVA (IDPs – Klinë)
Over 20.000 IDPs in the mountains of Vuçak

Klinë, 23 September (ARTA) 2115CET --
Some 20.000 people from the villages in the region of Skënderaj and Gllogoc, forced on Tuesday to flee their homes, have settled in the fields by the mountains of Vuçak, claim field sources.
Most of the IDPs are women and children, as well as a large number of sick people who urgently need food, medicine, and clothing.
The villages of the region, Sverkë, and Përçevë, are under continuous shelling, Albanians are being arrested, while a large part of the population is held under military siege.
Some 30.000 people, in the region surrounding Klinë, are compelled to move from one place to the other due to Serb attacks.
An unidentified corpse still lies close to the village of Çupevë, while an Albanian source claims that the Serb police, on 20 September, shot Ragip Shaban Berisha (32), from the village of Gjurgjevik i Madh, from Klinë. This is the 85th victim of the Serb forces, from the region of Klinë, since the outbreak of war.
In Klinë itself, Serb civilians and policemen are looting Albanian houses, while Albanian returnees are fined up to 4000 DM by the Serb authorities.

KLA frees 13 political representatives

Prishtina, 23 September (ARTA) 2100 --
A delegation of 13 political representatives of Kosova political parties, arrested on 21 September by the KLA Secret Police, in the village of Qirez, in Drenica, have been freed after 48 hours in detention.
The delegation headed by the Deputy President of the Council of the Republic of Kosova, Gjergj Dedaj, on his arrival in Prishtina, held a press conference. Representing all the politicians that were arrested, Dedaj said, "the purpose of our journey was to visit the population sheltered in the village of Qirez".
Dedaj confirmed the difficult situation of the IDP-s in Qirez and that the delegation was stopped by the, as he said "KLA Secret Police".
"They were very correct in their behavior and were interested in the purpose of our visit and our political activity".
"The detainment was unnecessary and obscured, for we were not there for any anti or pro-KLA propaganda. We were there to visit the IDPs", said Dedaj.

KOSOVA (communique – KLA)
KLA has only one General Headquarter acting in Kosova

Prishtina, 23 September (ARTA) 1930CET --
The KLA Informative Directory, in the communique nr.55, among others, states: "Enemy's herds undertook a wide scale offensive against the operation zone of Drenica and against one part of the operation sub zone in Mitrovicë. The fighting machinery is the same. In this enemy's offensive, the attacks are mostly concentrated in the front line against Prekaz i Epërm and Prekaz i Ulët, Polac, Likoc, Plozhinë and Ticë. In Gllogoc, from Dobroshec Gllarevë, Baincë, Gllobar, Llapushnik, Gamanik, as well as the villages near Çiçavicë, from Vushtrri to Obiliq. Our military formations of the brigade 113 "Azem Galica" and 111 are successful in resisting and retaliating to these clashes. So far, 50 soldiers and mercenaries were killed and many were wounded. A large part of the enemy’s fighting machinery was also destroyed. From our side, during these days, only two were killed and several were wounded.
In the meantime, we are faced with a special problem of sheltering, in secure bases the civilian population, which are serving as a preferred target of their attack, thus we make an appeal to the international opinion to stop the Serb terrorist actions.
Nevertheless, our armed formations are determined and prepared to continue our people's just war until victory.
In this regard, the enemy does not have the force or the moral to prevent us.
Our people's war is moving into the phase of the final battle with the enemy.
Thus, we make an appeal to all the healthy national forces to join, and get engaged in the just aim of our path, which might be long, exhausting, and full of sacrifices, but never as close as today.
On this path, our role is a mere self-sacrifice, whereas the engagement of all of us reduces the consequences and helps all of us. Only with unity can we achieve our victory.
Military commanders are necessary, these days more than ever, and they shouldn't wait for the worse days to come. By now, they should have been in Kosova, because that's where they belong.
We received with great regret the news of the assassination of the professional military commander, Ahmet Krasniqi, but we are forced to state that in our commanding structures, that act in Kosova, he was not a KLA general commander, nor a member of the General Headquarters. KLA has operation actions in Kosova, only. It has only one General Headquarter acting in Kosova. In the contrary, it is stripped off the value of being a KLA Headquarter, of which we are determined. We express our deep condolences to the family members of the martyrs and at the same time, we ensure them that we will continue with our just war.

KOSOVA (destruction – Prizren Has)
13 burned houses in the villages of the municipality of Prizren

Prizren, 23 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
Albanian sources confirm that two trucks loaded with Serb soldiers went in the direction of the village of Gjonaj, later continuing their way to the villages of Krajkë and Zym. Villagers of this region, have recently been threatened for several times to "hand over" their weapons.
There are also reports that 13 houses were burned down in the villages of Romajë, Kushnin, Lugishtë, Dedaj, and Kabash.
No lessons are being held in the Has region. Buses have just started travelling, although with a very reduced number of passengers.
In the meantime, the Serb police in the checkpoint near the "Farmakos" factory, in the town outskirts, arrested Sami Veligashi (45), from the village of Hoqë, while, Elez Elezi, a teacher in the "Gjon Buzuku" high school, is still being held under arrest.

KOSOVA (bogus-trials – Ferizaj)
26 Albanians indicted

Ferizaj, 23 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
According to the Defense attorneys of the accused, the Deputy Prosecutor of the County of Prishtina, Dragomir Zhivic, filed criminal charges against 26 Albanian residents of Ferizaj.
Nine of them: Enver Topalli, Sylejman Bytyçi, Besim Abazi, Skënder Ferizi, Agim Reçica, Xhavit Zariçi, Ahmet Hoxha, Ylber Topalli and Haxhi Bytyçi, are in detention since June, whereas Ismet Sadiku, Xhabir Morina, Hilmi Reçica, Shaban Viça, Emrush Xhemajli, Hajdin Abazi, Sami Hajrullahu, Milaim Jashari, Ymri Ilazi, Xhavit Gashi, Avdurrahim Oruçi, Sinan Azemi, Ekrem Jashari, Qamil Xhemajli, Bashkim Reçica, Mentor Morina and Remzi Azemi are tried in absence. The majority of them stand accused of "terrorism", while Xhavit Zariçi, Ahmet Hoxha, Ylber Topalli, and Haxhi Bytyçi stand accused of "association for hostile activity".
According to the attorneys, the accusation included all of those "against whom an investigating procedure was opened, with the exception of Shaip Çerkini, who was released from detention yesterday".
The above mentioned are indicted, according to the accusation for "joining the hostile, terrorist organization, KLA, for a longer period of time (April-June), to establish, on 22 June, the `KLA Headquarters for the municipality of Ferizaj'".
Based on this crucial "argument" of the accusation, the attorney Rexhep Haxhimusa stated that "since the accused are indicted to have established the ‘Headquarters’ on 22 June, and they were arrested on 25 June - the odds of them to conduct the alleged act are self-explanatory".
The indictment also charges the accused for being the "authors of the explosions (that took place at the beginning of the year) in Gërlicë and in town". The attorney's on this case stated that "the investigating procedure was conducted without a professional defense, which is a direct violation of the legal provision. In addition, according to them "a special decision of the investigating judge, prohibited them from access to files and documents of the other cases".
While in detention, Rexhep Bislimi and Cen Dugolli, died as a result of the brutal tortures, whereas Ylber Topalli and Xhavit Zariçi were sent for recovery in the hospital of the Central prison in Belgrade.
The attorneys of these activists from Ferizaj already filed complaints "for exercising violence on them during the procedure of collecting their statements". The public opinion is well aware of the Destan Rukiqi case.
The attorneys added that the detained in the prison of Prishtina and in the prison of Gjilan "were extended the detention until 21 November".

KOSOVA (Yugoslav officer – Deçan)
Drunk Yugoslav officer knock on Albanian homes - requests Albanian females study Serb language

Deçan, 23 September (ARTA) 1830CET --
Sunday night, at around 2200CET, a drunk Yugoslav military officer, escorted by armed soldiers, went knocking on every Albanian owned house door in Junik, demanding from the residents to send all the females in the "Yugoslav" army checkpoint, where they were going to be held for two hours, during which time they were going to be taught the Serb language.
According to the reports, nobody replied to this invitation, and the officer along with the soldiers, turned back "empty-handed". As a result, the next day, a large number of residents of Junik, fled their homes, once more. In the meantime, a delegation, from this village, went to see the "Yugoslav" army superiors, and to inform them about what had happened. They ensured them that "it will never happen again".
On the other hand, according to "KOHA Ditore" sources, the residents who went back to the village of Molliq, municipality of Gjakovë, were ordered to immediately hand in the weapons, which they allegedly possessed "without the permit of the competent organs, or else they will undertake harsh measures". This order that caused great fear among the local residents prevented IDPs from returning to their homes.

KOSOVA (visas)
No visas for Albania - for Albanians of different citizenship

Bonn, 23 September (ARTA) 1800CET --
In a statement given for "KOHA Ditore" Albanian daily, Albania's Ambassador in Bonn, Bashkim Zeneli, among others stated: "I can only say that these were simply speculations. I want to be clear: The entrance to Albania was and remains free for us. No visa is needed for the citizens of different states, as long as they are of Albanian nationality. There is an early decree of the President, which was turned into law and is obligatory like all the President's decrees. It is clearly defined that all the Albanians are free to enter without any visa. I don't know the reason of all these speculations and I do not want to face with journalists' comments. However, I think it is not normal to make such speculations at times like these. Nevertheless, I think that there weren't and there mustn't be any violations of the President's decree, as long as it is in power as such", stated Bashkim Zeneli. On the question as to whether there exists any signal or sign from Tirana, that something similar could come to power, he claimed that he did not get any signal and thus there is no need for panic.
According to "KOHA Ditore" sources, the representatives of the following travelling agencies in Germany "Cani Company", "Sky Travel" and "Eurokoha", stated that their passengers are travelling regularly to Albania and that so far they haven't received any official document from their German partners, nor from the officials in Albania.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
 Betreff:         CDHRF letter addressed to UN Generaly Assembly
 Datum:         Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:13:18 -0700
    Von:         Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Prishtina <ibro@EUnet.yu>

On going Session
   Dear sirs

  After the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/51/111 dated 12.12.1996, the situation of the Kosovar Albanians human rights has worsened.
The triggers of worsening of the situation
  Kosova with its 10.800 square km and estimated 2.300.000 inhabitants, is a land with distinguished features regarding the structure of the population, history, geography and the policy of the Serbian regime and the Albanian political parties of Kosova. Kosovar Albanians and their political parties do not recognize the Serbian and Yugoslav regime; they did not participate in the drafting of the so-called Federal Yugoslavia Constitution. The Serbian and Yugoslav regime has imposed on them its political, economical, social and administrative system. The Albanians do not consider this current prevailing system as their own, as it has abolished the economical, social and political system of the Albanians. Due to this, Kosovar Albanians have not taken part in Serb and Yugoslav elections, boycotted the census of the population as well as their involvement in the economic, social, educational, cultural, health and information systems of Serbia. The Albanians have voted twice for their leadership and have managed to create a unique parallel educational system in the Albanian language. The Albanians were time and again against the system of the self-proclaimed Yugoslavia and have therefore opposed it. On the other hand, after 1989, the Serbian regime, with its police and judiciary institutions, have tried to impose the system of Serb administration, which is considered by the Albanians as police and autocratic one. Very few Albanians have taken part in the Serbian or Yugoslav political, economical, social and administrative system. Overwhelming of the Albanian population consider this system to be an alien. The occupying authorities, considering the Albanians to be as a national minority, notwithstanding that they compose 90% of the Kosova population, have limited their rights to a minority rights, whereas the enjoyment of the rights of a nation were given to Serbs and Montenegrins, who compose less than 10% of Kosova population. It is true that with the Constitution of Serbia, Serbia is defined as a state of the people living in Serbia with equal rights for all. But, there is a big gap between what is written in the Constitution and everyday practice of the Serbian regime as well as the behaviour of its institutions towards the Albanians.
  In the former Yugoslav Federation, Kosova was a constitutive part of the federation with equal rights with six Republics and Vojvodina. Kosova had its own Constitution. This right was denied after the break-up of the Yugoslav Federation. After the break-up of Yugoslav Federation, the Kosovar Albanians have adopted the Constitutional Declaration, have held the first assembly of their Parliament, have adopted the Constitution for the Republic of Kosova and have organized, as mentioned above, elections twice. The Serbian authorities organized the administrative, political, social, economic and other systems, giving Kosova a cultural autonomy, which was refused and opposed by the Albanians. Today, Kosova Liberation Army is fighting the Serbian and Yugoslav police military and paramilitary forces.
  Nowadays, the situation in Kosova already meets the defintion of an"armed conflict"under the international law and the conflict itself arises out of the use of organized state violence against the national rights of the Albanians and is worsening as time goes on. As an aftermath, Kosova Liberation Army, with its Albanian worriers, is fighting against police, military and paramilitary Serbian and Yugoslav forces. Thus, the political disputes between the Serbian regime and the Albanians of 22 March 1989, when the Constitution of Serbia was adopted, have reached the climax by the early 1998. Serbian authorities and institutions exerted different forms of violence on the Albanians, as an aftermath of which, United Nations General Assembly adopted two resolutions under ref. (A/51/111), dated 12.12.1996 and (A/C/3/50/L.43), dated 5.12. 1995) on the violation of human rights in Kosova. Prior to the adoption of the very same resolutions, the human rights issues were under the permanent scrutinity of the United Nations Commission and Sub-Commission on Human Rights in Geneva.
Human rights patterns of the ethnic Albanins in Kosova
  As mentioned above, Kosova is in an armed conflict since the beginning of 1998. Eversince, the intrusion of human dignity, the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms and inequality between citizens in Kosova are common forms of living. Imprisonments, woundings, killings and tortures have drastically increased. More than half of the Kosova territory and its population, respectively 17 from 29 districts, are affected by the warlike stage. The aftermath of this conflict are also suffered by the population in other districts of Kosova. The pattern of the human rights abuses are manyfold, such as: around 900 people of different age, sex and nationality, were reported missing or kidnapped, among whom more than 800 of Albanian nationality; at least 1317 fatalities were reported or massacred; 320 settlements and villages were completely or partly damaged; more than 400.000 people fled their homes and moved to other safer parts of Kosova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, as well as other European countries.
   CDHRF based in Prishtina feels that national rights of the Kosovar Albanians are violated by violating consistently and persistently the  individual rights. The Council has available evidences that people were beaten in the streets by police "only because they are Albanians". The killings and woundings in Kosova involve unprotected people, which can be seen by the structure of the killed, of whom 124 are children aged up to 18, 21 are KLA members, 147 are women, 262 are over 55 and at least 356 are unidentified.
  CDHRF considers that notwithstanding the dissatisfaction, hatred and hostility between Albanians, Serbs and Montenegrins, there is no inter-ethnic conflict in Kosova. It is a war waged between armed Albanian units and Serbian and Yugoslav police, military and paramilitary forces. Serbian and Montenegrin families in Kosova are armed and they use the weapons mainly by police order. Therefore, armed conflict is a conflict triggered by violence perpetrated against the Albanians by police and military forces.
  Police and military violence is practiced on the Albanians of all ages and sexes, among whom mainly youngsters, students, teachers, political leaders and humanitarian activists. Neither CDHRF members were spared. The case of Rexhep Bislimi, a member of Sub-CDHRF in Ferizaj, who died as an aftermath of police torture in custody, is one of the gravest cases. Destan Rukiqi, a lawyer and member of CDHRF Board, was subjected to torture in police custody due to the fact that he demanded to see the records of his client. Only after the intervention of the physicians in Belgrade, he avoided further deteriorating of his kidneys. Today, he is recovering in his house. Four more political and humanitarian activists died in custody as an aftermath of police torture in the last two months.
  Up to 1995, due to the violence and unemployment, more than 400.000-500.000 Albanians were forced to flee their homes and settle in different countries of Western Europe and USA, as well as Canada and Australia. After the armed conflict burst out, their number increased already. 41,447 houses and private run properties were partly or totally destroyed in 320 settlements and villages. The population of the affected regions has not managed to secure necessary food for the adherent winter. Therefore, this population or its majority is not in a position to return and resettle in its homes. As winter approaches, the failure to fund relief efforts will only further contribute to the humanitarian disaster. Forced displacement of the Albanian families clearly shows the attempt of the Serbian regime towards ethnic cleansing of Kosova. The demand of the representatives of the Serbian regime for the registration of the Albanian population and compilation of the voting lists in the time when overwhelming of the Albanians are displaced, is one of the proofs of the ethnic cleansing on-going process in Kosova.
  CDHRF based in Prishtina is herewith confirming that there are crimes perpetrated against humanity in Kosova. The CDHRF is in a position to prove these crimes. Therefore, we expect Your commitment in verifying such crimes and thus ease the work of the investigative team of the Hague Tribunal in their fact-finding mission and bring before the justice of perpetrators for the crimes against humanity.
Commitment of the UN bodies in improving the grave human rights
situation of the ethnic Albanians in Kosova
   -closer monitoring of the human rights situation by the UN bodies;
   -the establishment of the UN office on human rights in Prishtina;
   -committment to withdraw special police and military forces from Kosova and prevention of the armed conflict;
   -the creation of appropriate conditions for the safe return of internally and externally displaced persons;
   -the humanitarian aid to be delivered without any prior imposed political conditions.
  Given at this day,
  23 of September ,l998
Pajazit Nushi,Ph.D.Chairman

9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] NEWS: Albanian Telegraphic Agency , 98-09-23
Datum:         Thu, 24 Sep 1998 09:51:53 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>

Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 98-09-23
Taken without permission, for fair use only, from: The Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at <http://www.telpress.it/ata>

Albanian Telegraphic Agency

•[01] "MCM Cabej" takes part in "Translation and communication through Balkan literature" in Ohrid
•[02] Consultative meeting with foreign donors held -Preservation of institutional stability in Albania, first conclusion-
•[03] Ministry of Agriculture put off meetings with WB, GTZ and USAID
•[04] Dark windows should be removed from vehicles
•[05] Nearly 1 500 more pupils in Tirana
•[06] Serbian forces burning villages of Drenice
•[07] Durres in its 2625th anniversary of its founding
•[08] Police built-up in Mitrovice
•[09] Among the Kosovars in Has
•[10] Fighting round mountains of Cicavice continues
•[11] Albanian Development Fund towards its institutional reorganization
•[12] 19 965 employed people in projects of public works
•[13] Draft law for vineyards and wines for the first time in Albania
•[14] Gangs that stormed Albanian Parliament were led by DP deputies - Parliament Speaker
•[15] Kline: More than 20.000 refugees in lawns and mountains of Vuçak
•[16] Mother of 12 children together with her 5 year old daughter die
•[17] Albanian Agrarian Party resolute to settle constitutional order
•[18] Folk chorus "Tirane" awarded Gold Medal in Barcelona Festival
•[19] CE draft resolution - another step towards complete support of Albania by International Community - Gjinushi
•[21] Significant victory of candidates of the Grouping Alliance for State

[06] Serbian forces burning villages of Drenice

PRISHTINE, Sept 23 (ATA)-Serbian forces yesterday infiltrated in several villages of Bjeshke e Cicavece and have begun burning Albanians' houses.
Meanwhile the population continue to stay in mountains, are threatened by Serbian artillery shelling, according to the Kosova Information Center (KIC), referring to sources from the Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Skenderaj.
Meanwhile a source in Qirez told KIC that from the positions erected near ferro-nickel mine, the Serb forces have bombarded the villages of Dobroshefc, Cikatove, Gllanaselle and Baice. He said that the villages are engulfed by flames with Serbian forces moving towards them. /pas/lm/

[08] Police built-up in Mitrovice

PRISHTINE, Sept 23 (ATA)-Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) sources in Mitrovice report that mobilisation and arming of Serbian civilians and workers of the Stanterg mine (aged between 20 and 60) began in the sports hall in Mitrovice yesterday morning.
According to the sources, the Serb tribunal of Mitrovice has started investigations in absentia against four Albanians, charged with "hostile activity".
Investigation have also started against three Albanians, accused of "terrorism" the Serb press reports. /pas/lm/

[09] Among the Kosovars in Has

HAS, Sept 23 (ATA) By R.Hoxha
The increase of the people coming from Kosova has changed a lot of things in Hasi district, northeast of Albania.
"Of importance is that we have changed the way of living," Zenel Kastrati, mayor of municipality, said.
Influx of refugees from Kosova in this district through border crossings of Dobrune and Vllah, was especially notable after the mining of the border and its reenforcement with Serbian military and police forces in Tropoja (north of Hasi).
"Some 2 400 people have passed up to now in this zone, most of whom have stayed for 2-3 Days and then left. The remaining persons, nearly 700 people, are settled in the generous families of the villages of Golaj commune," Xhemil Shahu, coordinator of UN. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) for Kukes and Hasi districts said.
It is difficult to find families in Hasi district (the border goes through Hasi highland) without having kinship relations with the inhabitants beyond the border.
When you talk to these people coming from Kosova you closely feel their drama. A drama in itself is the fright they have to tell their names.
One of them, staying in the house of Sadik Koka, said that 13 members of his family are imprisoned as "supporters of Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)".
In the meantime one of his brothers, Vellazenim Jetishi was killed and the other, Qerimi was wounded. He learned from the last refugees that his village, Bece, of Gjakova commune was cruelty shelled and only some old people have remained there.
Nazmija from Junik, with her two daughters (5 and 14 years old) for 4 months moved from one village to another until she reached Has. She does not dear recall the horror she passed through.
Hasi district, with a population of 25 thousand people and a border line of 25,6 km, had an advantage, the custom of Qafe-Prushi. This custom operated until 1948, and later only for chromium transport vehicles to Yugoslav. About '92 small traders from Gjakova (about 10 km far from the border) began to pass there, but not for a long time, because in July 1996 Yugoslav side closed the custom without any explanation.
Despite of the lack of the investments in this district, the increase of the number of people coming from Kosova made the people be closer to each other. Food articles prices also did not changed.
Although, with the coming of winter, the number of the refugees increases every day, only a few remain in this district.
Most of them leave for lowland areas and some want to go to the west. And this is another Albanian drama," the mayor of Kruma Municipality said./s.sh/lola/

[15] Kline: More than 20.000 refugees in lawns and mountains of Vuçak

PRISHTINE, Sept.23 (ATA) - The Serb offensive that went yesterday in dozens of villages and communes of Kosova, has caused a new massive of expelled people within the last 24 hours.
Sources from the branch of Democratic League of Kosova in Kline, referring to the Ceter of Information of Kosova, report that 20. 000 inhabitants, mainly children, women and elderly people from villages of Skenderaj and Gllogoci were obliged to leave their houses and settle in the lawns and mountains of Vuçak./P.Ta/A.A/

[16] Mother of 12 children together with her 5 year old daughter die

TIRANA, Sept. 23 (ATA) by B. Jashari - A mother and her 5 year-old daughter were killed by a Serb military vehicle, which rushed yesterday on the Albanian refugees who were leaving the war areas.
This tragic event happened near the village of Shkabaj, situated only 2 kilometers on southwest of Prishtina when the mother of 12 children, Zoje Prenku, left on foot for Prishtina because her village was being shelled and burned by the Serb forces./pas/A.A/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\23atanews
Datum:         Wed, 23 Sep 1998 19:29:44 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
Serbian forces burning villages of Drenice

      PRISHTINE, Sept 23 (ATA)-Serbian forces yesterday infiltrated in several villages of Bjeshke e Cicavece and have begun burning Albanians' houses.
      Meanwhile the population continue to stay in mountains, are threatened by Serbian artillery shelling, according to the Kosova Information Center (KIC), referring to sources from the Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Skenderaj.
      Meanwhile a source in Qirez told KIC that from the positions erected near ferro-nickel mine, the Serb forces have bombarded the villages of Dobroshefc, Cikatove, Gllanaselle and Baice. He said that the villages are engulfed by flames with Serbian forces moving towards them. /pas/lm/

Police built-up in Mitrovice

      PRISHTINE, Sept 23 (ATA)-Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) sources in Mitrovice report that mobilisation and arming of Serbian civilians and workers of the Stanterg mine (aged between 20 and 60) began in the sports hall in Mitrovice yesterday morning.
      According to the sources, the Serb tribunal of Mitrovice has started investigations in absentia against four Albanians, charged with "hostile activity".
      Investigation have also started against three Albanians, accused of "terrorism" the Serb press reports. /pas/lm/

Among the Kosovars in Has

      HAS, Sept 23 (ATA) By R.Hoxha
      The increase of the people coming from Kosova has changed a lot of things in Hasi district, northeast of Albania.
      "Of importance is that we have changed the way of living," Zenel Kastrati, mayor of municipality, said.
      Influx of refugees from Kosova in this district through border crossings of Dobrune and Vllah, was especially notable after the mining of the border and its reenforcement with Serbian military and police forces in Tropoja (north of Hasi).
      "Some 2 400 people have passed up to now in this zone, most of whom have stayed for 2-3 Days and then left. The remaining persons, nearly 700 people, are settled in the generous families of the villages of Golaj commune," Xhemil Shahu, coordinator of UN. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) for Kukes and Hasi districts said.
      It is difficult to find families in Hasi district (the border goes through Hasi highland) without having kinship relations with  the inhabitants beyond the border.
      When you talk to these people coming from Kosova you closely  feel their drama. A drama in itself is the fright they have to tell their names.
      One of them, staying in the house of Sadik Koka, said that 13 members of his family are imprisoned as "supporters of Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)". In the meantime one of his brothers, Vellazenim Jetishi was killed and the other, Qerimi was wounded. He learned from the last refugees that his village, Bece, of Gjakova commune was cruelty shelled and only some old people have remained there.
      Nazmija from Junik, with her two daughters (5 and 14 years old) for 4 months moved from one village to another until she reached Has. She does not dear recall the horror she passed through.
      Hasi district, with a population of 25 thousand people and a border line of 25,6 km, had an advantage, the custom of Qafe-Prushi. This custom operated until 1948, and later only for chromium transport vehicles to Yugoslav. About '92 small traders from Gjakova (about 10 km far from the border) began to pass there, but not for a long time, because in July 1996 Yugoslav side closed the custom without any explanation.
      Despite of the lack of the investments in this district, the increase of the number of people coming from Kosova made the people be closer to each other. Food articles prices also did not changed.
      Although, with the coming of winter, the number of the refugees increases every day, only a few remain in this district.  Most of them leave for lowland areas and some want to go to the west. And this is another Albanian drama," the mayor of Kruma Municipality said./s.sh/ lola/

Fighting round mountains of Cicavice continues

      PRISHTINE, Sept.23 (ata) - ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports:
Fierce fighting resumed early today in the region round the mountains of Cicavice, where nearly 100 000 Albanian refugees are sheltered, while the front of war is no farther than 10 km from Prishtine.
      Numerous war means and troops of the Yugoslav Army and Serb police and paramilitary troops that have encircled the regions of the Rrafsh of Kosove and Drenice, have restarted bombing the outskirts of Cicavice. At the same time, both the villages on the eastern and western parts of Cicavice mountains are also being hit.
      According to the Human Rights Council in Kosove, there are nearly 100 000 people, most of whom children, women and elderly people in the mountains of Cicavice. /pas/xh/

Kline: More than 20.000 refugees in lawns and mountains of Vuzak

      PRISHTINE, Sept.23 (ATA) - The Serb offensive that went yesterday in dozens of villages and communes of Kosova, has caused a new massive of expelled  people within the last 24 hours.
      Sources from the branch of Democratic League of Kosova in Kline, referring to the Ceter of Information of Kosova, report that 20. 000 inhabitants, mainly children, women and elderly people from villages of Skenderaj and Gllogoci were obliged to leave their houses and settle in the lawns and mountains of Vuzak./P.Ta/A.A/

Mother of 12 children together with her 5 year old daughter die

      TIRANA, Sept. 23 (ATA) by B. Jashari - A mother and her 5 year-old daughter were killed by a Serb military vehicle, which rushed yesterday on the Albanian refugees who were leaving the war areas.
      This tragic event happened near the village of Shkabaj, situated only 2 kilometers on southwest of Prishtina when the mother of 12 children, Zoje Prenku, left on foot for Prishtina because her village was being shelled and burned by the Serb forces./pas/A.A/

10. eventual additional press news 
 Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] INFO: KOSOVA FILE. 09-24 (President Clinton's Statement on Kosova)
Datum:         Thu, 24 Sep 1998 09:08:09 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
24 September 1998
(UNSC res places responsibility squarely on Milosevic)  (250)

Washington -- President Clinton said late September 23 that the UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire in Kosovo "makes absolutely clear that the international community is determined to see an end to the violence and repression in Kosovo.

"The resolution places responsibility squarely on President Milosevic to take the concrete steps necessary to prevent a major humanitarian disaster and restore peace in the region," Clinton said.

Following is the White House text:
 (begin text)

Office of the Press Secretary
 September 23, 1998

U.N. Security Council Resolution on Kosovo

Today's U.N. Security Council resolution makes absolutely clear that the international community is determined to see an end to the violence and repression in Kosovo. The resolution places responsibility squarely on President Milosevic to take the concrete steps necessary to prevent a major humanitarian disaster and restore peace in the region.

I am particularly encouraged that the resolution, adopted under Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter, makes clear that the deterioration of the situation in Kosovo constitutes a threat to regional peace and security.

The United States and its allies are moving NATO activities from the planning stage to readiness to act. With more than 250,000 Kosovars displaced from their homes and cold weather coming, Milosevic must act immediately to heed the will of the international community.

(end text)

GO TO  Part 2
Link to Background-information  
Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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Die Bibel sagt 
      Alle eure Sorge werft auf ihn; denn er sorgt für euch. 
       1. Petrus 5, 7
      Wenn der HERR nicht das Haus baut, 
           so arbeiten umsonst, die daran bauen. 
      Wenn der HERR nicht die Stadt behuetet, 
           so wacht der Waechter umsonst. 
      Es ist umsonst, dass ihr frueh aufsteht 
           und hernach lange sitzet 
      und esset euer Brot mit Sorgen; 
           denn seinen Freunden gibt er es im Schlaf.
    Psalm 127, 1-2
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
       1. Petrus 5, 7
    Except the LORD build the house, 
         they labour in vain that build it: 
    except the LORD keep the city, 
         the watchman waketh [but] in vain. 
    [It is] vain for you to rise up early, 
         to sit up late, 
    to eat the bread of sorrows: 
         [for] so he giveth his beloved sleep.
    Psalm 127, 1-2
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 24.9.1998  

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