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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 3. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 3, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
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    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben

Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 03.10.1998 16:35  http://seite1.web.de/show/36163650.NL1/
Albaner: Neue Kämpfe im Kosovo - USA für Militäraktion ohne Moskau
Belgrad/Chicago/Moskau/London (dpa) - Die Diskussion über eine Militäraktion des Westens hat am Samstag mit Berichten über neue Kämpfe in der südjugoslawischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo neue Nahrung erhalten.
     Das albanische Informationszentrum in der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina sprach am Nachmittag von neuen Angriffen serbischer Polizei und jugoslawischer Armee gegen mehrere Dörfer in der Umgebung der Stadt Djakovica. Wegen der starken Angriffe mußten die Bewohner ihre Dörfer verlassen, zitierte die Agentur Beta (Belgrad) aus der Mitteilung.
     Erst am Vorabend hatte US-Außenministeruin Madeleine Albright erklärt, daß eine Militäraktion zur Beilegung des Kosovo-Konflikts notfalls auch gegen den Widerstand Rußlands erfolgen müsse. In einer Rede vor dem amerikanisch-russischen Unternehmensrat in Chicago (US-Bundesstaat Illinois) betonte sie, die USA setzten ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Rußland in der Kosovo-Krise fort.
     Sie fügte hinzu: «Wenn wir am Ende des Tages nicht darin übereinstimmen, ob Gewalt angewendet werden muß, dann müssen die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten zum Handeln bereit sein.» Zugleich warnte sie Rußland vor einer Änderung seiner Politik gegenüber dem Westen.
     Zuvor hatte sich der russische Präsident Boris Jelzin noch einmal persönlich gegen eine militärische Lösung ausgesprochen. Das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau drohte für den Fall einer NATO-Intervention ohne Zustimmung des UNO-Sicherheitsrates mit dem Abbruch der Beziehungen zur Allianz. Auch der russische Regierungschef Jewgeni Primakow bekräftigte seine Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatzes im Kosovo.
     Die aus sechs Staaten bestehende internationale Kontaktgruppe erteilte dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic am Freitag eine deutliche Warnung.
     Nach einer Sitzung in London erklärte die Kontaktgruppe, der neben den USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich und Italien auch Rußland angehört: «Wir sind uns einig darin, daß die Uhr abläuft.» Zudem betonte die Kontaktgruppe ihre gemeinsame Absicht, «auch weiterhin geschlossen zu handeln».
     Unterdessen gingen die Vorbereitungen für eine NATO-Intervention weiter. Der britische Verteidigungsminister George Robertson kündigte die Verlegung von vier weiteren Harrier GR7-Kampfjägern auf einen NATO-Stützpunkt in Italien an. Nach den USA forderten auch Großbritannien und Belgien ihre Bürger auf, Reisen nach Serbien und Montenegro zu unterlassen.
     Angesichts der wachsenden Bereitschaft des Westens zu einem Militäreinsatz berief die jugoslawische Regierung für Montag eine Sondersitzung des Bundesparlaments ein.
     Die Abgeordneten beider Kammern sollten die aktuelle Lage im Kosovo sowie die dadurch in Mitleidenschaft gezogene, internationale Position Jugoslawiens bewerten. Nach Angaben der Agentur Beta (Belgrad) wurde von den Parlamentariern ein zunächst nicht näher definierter Sonderbeschluß zum Kosovo erwartet.
© dpa
Meldung vom 03.10.1998 16:11  http://seite1.web.de/show/36163077.NL1/
Albaner: Neue Kampfhandlungen im Kosovo
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - In der südjugoslawischen Unruheprovinz Kosovo sind am Samstag nach Berichten aus albanischen Kreisen neue Kämpfe entflammt.
     Das von Albanern geführte Informationszentrum in der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina berichtete am frühen Nachmittag von Angriffen serbischer Polizei-Einheiten und jugoslawischer Armeeverbände gegen mehrere Dörfer in der Umgebung der Stadt Djakovica.
     Wegen der wiederholten Granatwerfer-Angriffe seien die Bewohner zum Verlassen ihrer Dörfer gezwungen worden, zitierte die Agentur Beta (Belgrad) weiter aus der Mitteilung. Von Seiten der serbischen Behörden gab es zu diesen Vorwürfen keine Stellungnahme.
     Erst am vergangenen Montag hatte das offizielle Belgrad die sofortige Einstellung der Offensiven seiner Sicherheitskräfte in der Provinz verkündet.
     Die jugoslawische Armee berichtete am Mittag von «terroristischen Überfällen» auf zwei Beobachtungsposten an der Grenze zu Albanien. In beiden Fällen seien die jugoslawischen Grenzsoldaten von albanischem Gebiet aus angegriffen worden. Ein jugoslawischer Soldat wurde dabei getötet. «Die Angreifer wurden zerschlagen», hieß es in der Mitteilung.
© dpa
Meldung vom 03.10.1998 15:39  http://seite1.web.de/show/36162921.NL1/
In Samellagern ist für viele Kosovo-Flüchtlinge vorläufig Endstation
Györ (dpa) - Das Sammellager der ungarischen Grenzwache (HÖR) in der westungarischen Stadt Györ ist zum Bersten voll. Über 300 Menschen sind hier zusammengepfercht. Männer und Frauen, Kinder und Säuglinge teilen sich ein- und dieselben Räume. Strenge Gerüche durchziehen das Gebäude. Die Menschen klagen unter anderem darüber, daß sie zu wenig Seife und Shampoo bekommen.
     «Hier ist die Hölle los", räumt selbst Oberst Laszlo Sarkadi ein. Er ist Leiter der fremdenpolizeilichen Abteilung der Grenzwachedirektion Györ. «Die Situation wächst uns einfach über den Kopf." Inzwischen sind zwei Drittel der Lager-Bewohner Kosovo-Albaner.
     «Täglich werden es mehr, und zwar komplette Familien", sagt Sarkadi. Für ihn ist das ein Zeichen, daß die Menschen nun vor einem «echten Krieg» fliehen und nicht einfach nur deshalb, um ein besseres Leben in einem reicheren Land zu suchen.
     Im Sammellager Györ landen jene Kosovo-Albaner, die entweder schon vor der illegalen Überquerung nach Österreich von der ungarischen Grenzwache abgefangen oder danach von den österreichischen Kollegen nach Ungarn zurückgeschickt werden. Nach Ungarn kommen die meisten Kosovo-Albaner als «Touristen", da sie als Inhaber eines jugoslawischen Reisepasses für dieses Land kein Visum benötigen.
     Die Österreicher schieben die Kosovo-Flüchtlinge unter Berufung auf ein bilaterales Rückführungsabkommen nach Ungarn ab. Die österreichischen Behörden insistieren auf dem Prinzip des sogenannten «sicheren Drittstaates» Als ein solches gilt Ungarn, und wer durch Ungarn gekommen ist, soll sich demnach dort um ein politisches Asyl bemühen.
     «Seit Kriegsausbruch schieben wir keine Kosovo-Albaner mehr nach Jugoslawien ab", versichert auch Oberst Sarkadi. Diejenigen, deren Asyl- oder Duldungs-Antrag vom staatlichen Flüchtlings-Amt abgelehnt wird, werden zwar formal des Landes verwiesen. Die Abschiebung wird aber - angesichts der bedrohlichen Situation im Kosovo - «suspendiert", wie es in der Amtssprache heißt.
     «Ganz so eindeutig ist das nicht", meint allerdings Ferenc Köszeg, ein ehemaliger Dissident und heute Vorsitzender des ungarischen Helsinki-Komitees.
     Erst vor einer Woche hätten ungarische Grenz-Polizisten zwei Kosovo-Albaner an der Grenze zu Jugoslawien in den Zug gesetzt. Vorher hätten sie mit rüden Drohungen Druck ausgeübt, damit die Flüchtlinge eine Erklärung unterschreiben, daß sie die Rückreise in ihre Heimat «freiwillig" antreten.
     Rund 1 500 Kosovo-Albaner halten sich derzeit in Ungarn auf, schätzt man im staatlichen Flüchtlings-Amt. Mit der Zuspitzung der Eskalation in ihrer Heimat werden es täglich mehr. 800 suchten um politisches Asyl an. Das wird kaum jemandem zugesprochen.
     Insgesamt 30 erhielten bislang den Duldungs-Status, 450 Verfahren sind noch anhängig. Die anderen wurden abgewiesen und gelten als «illegale Ausländer, deren Abschiebung vorläufig suspendiert ist".
     Kein Kosovo-Albaner will aber in Ungarn bleiben. Fast alle haben Verwandte in Deutschland oder Österreich. Da sie außerdem nichts zu verlieren haben, versuchen sie es erneut, sich über die «grüne Grenze» nach Österreich zu schlagen. Manche nutzen gar den ersten Ausgang aus dem Sammellager, um es erneut zu wagen.
     Die halbe Kleinstadt Mosonmagyarovar, zehn Kilometer vor der rettenden Grenze gelegen, lebt inzwischen von den Kosovo-Albanern: Zimmervermieter, die für ein Bett pro Nacht 20 Mark nehmen, Cafetiers, Rechtsanwälte und - nicht zuletzt - die lokalen Helfer der Schlepper-Bosse.
     2 500 Mark pro Person kostet derzeit die von den professionellen Menschenschmugglern organisierte Passage nach Österreich. Vor neun Monaten war diese «Dienstleistung" noch für 900 Mark zu haben.
© dpa
Meldung vom 03.10.1998 13:43  http://seite1.web.de/show/36160DD9.NL1/
Regierung in Belgrad beruft Parlamentssitzung zum Kosovo ein
Belgrad (dpa) - Die jugoslawische Regierung hat für diesen Montag eine Sondersitzung des Bundesparlaments zur Krise in der Unruheprovinz Kosovo einberufen.
     Wie die Agentur Beta (Belgrad) am Samstag weiter berichtete, sollen dabei sowohl die aktuelle Lage in der Provinz sowie die davon betroffene internationale Position Jugoslawiens erörtert werden. Gleichzeitig wollen die Abgeordneten beider Parlamentskammern einen Beschluß zur Lösung der Kosovo-Krise verabschieden.
© dpa

Meldung vom 03.10.1998 09:09  http://seite1.web.de/show/3615CD88.NL1/

«La Repubblica»: Alles ist bereit
Rom (dpa) - Die Entwicklung im Kosovo-Konflikt kommentiert am Samstag die linksliberale «La Repubblica» (Rom):
     «Alles ist bereit. Die NATO wird bis Mitte Oktober angreifen, falls Slobodan Milosevic das Gemetzel im Kosovo nicht beendet. In den USA wächst die öffentliche (Protest-)Welle gegen Milosevic, eine Tageszeitung vergleicht den Kosovo bereits mit Auschwitz.
     Aber Rußland und China haben bislang Einwände gegen den Gebrauch der Waffen zur Lösung der Krise ins Feld geführt, und beide könnten nächste Woche auf ein Veto setzen. Aber nach Meinung der USA ist ein weiteres Mandat der Vereinten Nationen gar nicht notwendig.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 03.10.1998 08:40  http://seite1.web.de/show/3615C6C1.NL1/
«Der Standard»: Westen hat aus Bosnien-Krieg nichts gelernt
Wien (dpa) - Die in Wien herausgegebene liberale Tageszeitung «Der Standard» kritisiert am Samstag, der Westen habe aus dem Bosnienkrieg nichts zur Bewältigung der Kosovo-Krise gelernt:
     «Wer glaubte, der Westen habe die bosnische Lektion gelernt, hat geirrt. (...) Der Hauptgrund liegt im Wunschdenken, das in einen Minimalkonsens innerhalb von NATO und EU mündete, und zwar einen negativ definierten. Der Kosovo dürfe nicht unabhängig werden, sondern müsse Teil Jugoslawiens bleiben.
     Damit hoffte man, sich Kompromißbereitschaft des Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic zu erkaufen. Dabei ist seit langem klar, daß Milosevic seinerseits jedes Entgegenkommen als Schwäche auslegt. Daher darf niemanden wundern, was jetzt im Kosovo geschieht. (...)
     Indem sie den Kosovo-Albanern das Selbstbestimmungsrecht verweigert, hat sich die NATO - angeblich auch eine Wertegemeinschaft - selbst eine Falle gebaut. Auch innerhalb der Allianz gibt es starke Widerstände gegen eine Militärintervention ohne UN-Resolution. Und Moskaus Drohungen mit einer neuen Eiszeit sind ernst zu nehmen. So steht im Kosovo nichts weniger auf dem Spiel als das gesamte Konzept der 'NATO neu'.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 03.10.1998 05:49  http://seite1.web.de/show/36159EDF.NL1/
USA: Militäraktion notfalls ohne Zustimmung Rußlands - Moskau droht
Chicago/Moskau/London (dpa) - Eine Militäraktion zur Beilegung des Kosovo-Konflikts muß nach Ansicht der USA notfalls auch gegen den Widerstand Rußlands erfolgen. Darauf wies US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright am Freitag in einer Rede vor dem amerikanisch-russischen Unternehmensrat in Chicago (Bundesstaat Illinois) hin.
     Albright versicherte, die USA setzten ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Rußland in der Kosovo-Krise fort. Sie fügte hinzu: «Wenn wir am Ende des Tages nicht darin übereinstimmen, ob Gewalt angewendet werden muß, dann müssen die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten zum Handeln bereit sein.» Zugleich warnte die Außenministerin Rußland vor einer Änderung seiner Politik gegenüber dem Westen.
     Zuvor hatte sich der russische Präsident Boris Jelzin noch einmal persönlich gegen eine militärische Lösung ausgesprochen. Das Moskauer Verteidigungsministerium drohte für den Fall einer Nato-Intervention ohne Zustimmung des UN-Sicherheitsrates mit dem Abbruch der Beziehungen zur Nato. Auch der russische Regierungschef Jewgeni Primakow bekräftigte seine Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatzes im Kosovo.
     Die aus sechs Staaten bestehende internationale Kontaktgruppe erteilte dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic am Freitag eine deutliche Warnung. Nach einer Sitzung in London erklärte die Kontaktgruppe, der neben den USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich und Italien auch Rußland angehört: «Wir sind uns einig darin, daß die Uhr abläuft.» Zudem betonte die Kontaktgruppe ihre gemeinsame Absicht, «auch weiterhin geschlossen zu handeln».
     Unterdessen gingen die Vorbereitungen für eine Nato-Intervention weiter. Der britische Verteidigungsminister George Robertson kündigte die Verlegung von vier weiteren Harrier GR7-Kampfjägern auf einen Nato-Stützpunkt in Italien an. Nach den USA forderten auch
Großbritannien und Belgien ihre Bürger auf, Reisen nach Serbien und Montenegro zu unterlassen.
     Für mögliche Luftangriffe der Nato fehlt nach US-Angaben inzwischen nur der Einsatzbefehl. Wie am Freitag aus dem Hauptquartier der Allianz in Brüssel verlautete, wird die Nato vor einer entsprechenden Entscheidung aber den Bericht von UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan zur Erfüllung der jüngsten Kosovo-Resolution durch Jugoslawien abwarten. Den vom UN-Sicherheitsrat angeforderten Bericht soll Annan am Montag vorlegen.
     Der Weltsicherheitsrat bekräftigte am Freitag die Zuständigkeit des UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunals in Den Haag für das Territorium des früheren Jugoslawiens. Der Vertreter der amerikanischen UN-Botschaft, Peter Burleigh, ergänzte vor Journalisten, daß sich die Zuständigkeit des Tribunals «entsprechend den UN-Resolutionen» auch auf die südserbische Provinz Kosovo erstrecke.
     Die Nato-Verteidigungsminister werden vermutlich in der kommenden Woche in Brüssel erneut über den Kosovo-Konflikt beraten. So werde der amerikanische Verteidigungsminister William Cohen zu einer Sitzung der Nato-Botschafter am Mittwoch im Hauptquartier der Allianz erwartet, hieß es am Freitag in Brüssel und Bonn.
© dpa
Meldung vom 02.10.1998 22:57   http://seite1.web.de/show/36153E67.NL1/
Harte US-Gangart in Kosovo trotz möglichen Konfliktes mit Rußland
Washington (dpa) - Unter dem Druck der Ereignisse haben sich die USA zu einer härteren Gangart in der Kosovo-Frage entschlossen, selbst wenn dies zu einem schweren außenpolitischen Konflikt mit Rußland führt. Immer neue Berichte über Greueltaten, die verweifelte Lage der Vertriebenen und eine wachsende öffentliche Kritik im eigenen Lande haben Washington zum Handeln bewogen.
     Nach monatelangem Zögern - nicht unähnlich den Anfängen in der Bosnien-Krise - steuern die USA nun entschieden auf einen Militäreinsatz der Nato gegen serbische Ziele zu. «Wir glauben, daß eine diplomatische Lösung das beste wäre«, sagte Außenministerin Madeleine Albright, die auch ein Einvernehmen mit Moskau vorziehen würde. «Doch die USA und ihre Verbündeten müssen zum Handeln bereit sein, falls wir am Ende des Tages über die Anwendung von Gewalt uneinig sind.» Deutlich wie nie zuvor warnte die Ministerin am Freitag in einer Rede in Chicago Rußland vor einem Ausbleiben westlicher Hilfe, wenn außenpolitisch nun Konfrontation an die Stelle von Kooperation treten sollte.
     Bisher, so warf der unterlegene republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Robert Dole der US-Regierung und ihren europäischen Verbündeten vor, hätten die «kaum einen Pieps zum Genozid im Kosovo» gesagt. Die Erstarrung des Westens hätte den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic dazu ermutigt, vollendete Tatsachen zu schaffen. Wenn aber Milosevic im Kosovo seinen Willen durchsetze, werde das «bedeutende Folgen rund um den Erdball für amerikanische Interessen haben».
     Das sieht inzwischen auch eine deutliche Mehrheit im Kongreß so. Im Verhältnis zwei zu eins stimmen die Parlamentarier nach Aussagen Beteiligter dem Plan zu, Milosevic durch Androhung militärischer Gewalt ultimativ zum Rückzug seiner Truppen aus der Krisenprovinz und auf einen Verhandlungsweg über die Autonomie Kosovos zu bringen. Umstritten ist noch, ob nur serbische Ziele in Kosovo oder auch Objekte in der Nähe Belgrads angegriffen werden sollten.
     Den Kongreß-Politikern wird die Unterstützung durch die Zusage des nationalen US-Sicherheitsberaters Samuel Berger erleichtert, daß keine amerikanischen Bodentruppen eingesetzt werden. Erst bei einer Folgeaktion nach dem Muster der Friedenssicherung in Bosnien könnte dies unter Umständen erforderlich sein, meinte der demokratische Senator Joseph Lieberman.
     Für einen Schlag aus der Luft mit Flugzeugen oder Marschflugkörpern hätte die Nato nach dem US-Standpunkt freie Hand. Das Bündnis benötige für ein Eingreifen in einem europäischen Krisenherd keine Erlaubnis des Weltsicherheitsrates. Aber selbst diese liege bereits vor. Obwohl eine vom Sicherheitsrat am 23. September verabschiedete Kosovo-Resolution einen Angriff nicht ausdrücklich ermächtigt, reiche sie aus, weil sie sich unter Berufung auf Artikel VII der UN-Charta die Möglichkeit eines Angriffes vorbehält.
     Da dies aber auch in der Allianz umstritten ist, hat US-Verteidigungsminister William Cohen für kommenden Mittwoch ein weiteres Ministertreffen in Brüssel angeregt. Dabei dürfte es ebenfalls um Rußland gehen, das die Nato nun vom Dilemma Kosovo in ein anderes zu stürzen droht. Auf Moskauer Bedenken Rücksicht zu nehmen, würde nach Überzeugung von US-Beobachtern wie Jim Hooper vom «Balkan Action Council» zu einer Lähmung der Nato führen, von der die Gegner einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bündnis und Rußland stets gewarnt hatten. Die USA setzen darauf, daß Rußland Einsicht zeigt. Es brauche beides, unterstrich Außenministerin Albright: Frieden auf dem Balkan und gute Beziehungen zur Nato.
© dpa
Meldung vom 02.10.1998 22:49  http://seite1.web.de/show/36153C52.NL1/
Albright: Militäraktion notfalls auch ohne russische Zustimmung
Chicago (dpa) - Die USA haben am Freitag klargemacht, daß eine militärische Lösung des Kosovo-Konfliktes notfalls auch ohne Zustimmung Rußlands erfolgen müsse. Außenministerin Madeleine Albright sagte in einer Rede in Chicago (Bundesstaat Illinois), sie habe am Morgen mit dem neuen russischen Außenminister Igor Iwanow über die jüngsten serbischen Massaker gesprochen und «über die Notwendigkeit zu sehen, daß der (jugoslawische Präsident) Milosevic unsere Entschlossenheit erkennt».
     Die USA arbeiteten auch weiterhin in der Kosovo-Krise mit Rußland zusammen, sagte Albright weiter. «Aber laßt mich klarmachen: Wenn wir am Ende des Tages nicht darin übereinstimmen, ob Gewalt angewendet werden muß, dann müssen die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Verbündeten zum Handeln bereit sein.»
     Albright warnte Rußland zugleich vor einer Änderung in seiner Politik gegenüber dem Westen. Es gebe viele Stimmen in Rußland, die statt Partnerschaft Moskaus mit Amerika und dessen Verbündeten «Opposition und Herausforderung» anstrebten. Wenn das geschehe, so meinte die Ministerin, «dann wäre dies ein doppeltes Desaster für Rußland: Erstens, weil unsere Fähigkeit, Rußland Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe zu geben, nicht mehr wie bisher sehr, sehr schwierig wäre, sondern absolut unmöglich.»
     Außerdem stünde eine solche Verlagerung der «Interaktion» in der russischen Außenpolitik im Gegensatz zu Rußlands eigenen Interessen. So brauche Rußland zum Beispiel Frieden auf dem Balkan und ein Ende des Konfliktes an seinen Grenzen. «Rußland braucht auch gute Beziehungen mit der Nato. Es braucht Nachbarn in Mitteleuropa und den neuen unabhängigen Staaten, die sichere, gedeihliche Modelle der Marktreform sind.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 02.10.1998 21:16 http://seite1.web.de/show/3615267E.NL1/
Kontaktgruppe warnt Milosevic: Die Uhr läuft ab
London (dpa) - Die aus sechs Staaten bestehende internationale Kontaktgruppe hat dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten, Slobodan Milosevic, eine deutliche Warnung erteilt. Nach einer Sitzung in London erklärte die Kontaktgruppe, der auch Rußland angehört: «Wir sind uns einig darin, daß die Uhr abläuft.»
     Die Kontaktgruppe hatte auf der Ebene der politischen Direktoren getagt. Ihr gehören die USA, Rußland, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich und Italien an. Der US-Sonderbeauftragte für den Kosovo, Christopher Hill, hatte den Teilnehmern über seine Verhandlungsbemühungen berichtet.
     In der vom britischen Außenministerium veröffentlichten Erklärung wird Milosevic zur «vollen und sofortigen Erfüllung» von UNO-Resolutionen aufgefordert. Es sei ein Papier erarbeitet worden, das den Mitgliedsregierungen vorgelegt werden solle.
     «Die Kontaktgruppe ist sich einig und hat die Absicht, auch weiterhin geschlossen zu handeln», wurde in der Mitteilung unterstrichen. «Wir sind uns einig in der Verurteilung dessen, was auf dem Boden passiert und unterstützen alle humanitären Anstrengungen.»
     Der britische Premierminister Tony Blair hatte Milosevic zuvor vor einer «militärischen Bestrafung» gewarnt, «wenn er so weitermacht.» Verteidigungsminister George Robertson kündigte die Verlegung von vier weiteren Harrier GR7-Kampfjägern auf einen NATO-Stützpunkt in Italien an.
     Großbritannien hat seine Staatsbürger aufgefordert, Reisen nach Serbien und Montenegro zu unterlassen. Die 117 Briten, die sich noch in Rest-Jugoslawien aufhalten, sollten sich auf Heimkehr vorbereiten, hieß es in einer am Freitag veröffentlichten Erklärung.
© dpa
Meldung vom 02.10.1998 21:05  http://seite1.web.de/show/361523E8.NL1/
Jelzin fordert diplomatische Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts
Moskau (dpa) - Der russische Präsident Boris Jelzin hat sich am Freitag noch einmal persönlich gegen eine mögliche militärische Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts ausgesprochen.
     Bei einem Telefongespräch mit dem finnischen Präsidenten Martti Ahtisaari forderte Jelzin eine Lösung des Problems durch Gespräche zwischen der jugoslawischen Führung und den Kosovo-Albanern. Dies meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax unter Berufung auf den Pressedienst des Kremls.
     Zuvor hatte das russische Verteidigungsministerium am Freitag für den Fall eines NATO-Einsatzes ohne Zustimmung des Sicherheitsrates mit dem Abbruch der Beziehungen zur Allianz gedroht.
     Auch der russische Regierungschef Jewgeni Primakow bekräftigte die Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatz im Kosovo. Es gebe keine Gewaltlösung für das Problem, sagte Primakow in einem Telefongespräch mit dem italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Romano Prodi, wie die russischen Nachrichtenagenturen meldeten.
     Jede zusätzliche Maßnahme bedürfte einer neuen Entscheidung des UNO-Sicherheitsrats, sagte Primakow.
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
........ Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern.
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen.
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich.
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden.
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen.
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli.
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern.
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle.
© dpa

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !

......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details

Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1571
Datum:         Sat, 3 Oct 1998 17:25:23 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 3 October 1998

Serb Military Resumes Shelling Border Area Villages

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - Serb military last night resumed shelling villages along the Kosova-Albania border area, local sources said, adding that fighting between Serb troops and local Albanian resistance forces continued today (Saturday).
The sound of gunfire and detonations could be heard in all the Reka e Keqe region's villages in the municipality of Gjakova, LDK sources said today morning. There has been no word on casualties yet.
Heavy Serb military and police reinforcements, including tanks, armoured cars, and lorries, have reportedly been sent today to the Reka e Keqe region. Serb forces are not withdrawing, bur rather reinforcing, sources said.
Serb forces have turned Albanian houses and property into their bases in the villages of Duzhnje, Popoc, Ponoshec, Brovinë, Molliq, Nivokaz. Serbs forced their way into Albanian houses after having driven their occupants out.
After two days of Serb shelling of the village of Krelan, the local population is living dramatic moments. Thousands of residents of Krelan have been living rough in the open between the villages of Gllogjan and Nepole of Peja ('Pec').

Serb Massacres Uncovered, Mutilated Bodies of 20 More Albanians Found in Gllogovc Area

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) -  Local human rights activists in Gllogovc have identified the bodies of 20 more civilian Albanians killed and mutilated by Serb troops during the recent Serb offensive in the municipality of Gllogovc, the chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said today.
The CDHRF said the bodies of these Albanians have been found: Sadri Maloku and Naim Qazim Kluna from Poklek i Vjetër; Zeqir Brahim Fazliu and Skënder Emin Bardiqi from Gradica; Bilall Demaku, Vesel Mursel Demaku, Xhevdet Isë Demiqi and Driton Hysenaj, all massacred, with their throats slit with knives.
Meanwhile, the local chapter of the CDHRF reported the discovery of the mutilated bodies of these Albanians: Valdet Xhemajli, Afrim Hajdaraj, Menduhije Ymer Deliu (f), Habit Deliu and Hysen Deliu from Obria e Epërme, Fatos Sherif Krasniqi and Skënder Liman Shala from Negrovc village, Fejzë Ramadan Ramadani and Naim Salihu from Shtutica, Afrim Kliçina from Baica, Mursel Sefedini from Shtrubullova, and the body of Islam Ali Shala from Krajkova village.

Serb Forces Killed 7-8 Albanians at Jezerc Village of Ferizaj This Week

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - Serb forces have killed seven to eight Albanians during their offensive against the village of Jezerc in the municipality of Ferizaj ('Urosevac'), the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said.
The CDHRF reported that Serb forces have killed Gursel Sylejmani, Bajram Sylejmani, Sejdi Sejdiu, Kemajl Hetemi, Bashkim Vishi, as well as two other Albanians who have not yet been identified. Meanwhile, Brahim S. Halilaj told the LDK chapter in Ferizaj his father Sejdi Halilaj (65) has been killed earlier this week in his native village of Jezerc. It is not clear, whether Sejdi was one of the two unidentified persons.
Sejdi Halilaj was reportedly a sick and invalid person. His body lies still in front of his houses, uncollected and buried, Brahim Halilaj said.
LDK sources said over 1,500 residents of the village of Jezerc have been encircled by Serb forces since Tuesday, when the village was shelled.
The LDK chapter head in Ferizaj, Mr. Adem Salihaj, called on international organizations to step in urgently so as to save these people, mostly women, children and the elderly, who are under danger of being slaughtered by Serb forces.

Bodies of Two More Albanians Killed by Serb Forces in Drenica Found

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - The bodies of two killed Albanians have been found today, Murat Musliu, a local CDHRF activist in Skenderaj ('Srbica') told the KIC. He said Xhemile Jakupi (f, 60), resident of Cerovik village of Klina, was killed by Serb forces on 29 September, whereas Fitim Jakupi (22) was killed on 26 September while fleeing Serb forces in the Vuçak mountains.
Serb forces have wounded Xhemile's husband, Salih Jakupi, as well as Nebih Rrusta, both residents of Cerovik, Mr. Musliu said.

One Albanian Killed, One Wounded by Serb Forces in Sibovc Village

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - During their assault on the village of Sibovc, Serb forces killed Ibrahim Pllana (55) and wounded Nazmi Kongjeli (22), both residents of this village of the municipality of Obiliq, sources said.
Also in this village Hajriz Kelmendi (80) was wounded, taken a prisoner by Serb forces, and went missing, sources added.

More Slain Albanians Found, Final Casualty-toll Still Unknown in Suhareka Area

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - Reports from Suhareka indicate that more Albanians than initially thought have been slain by Serb troops in the villages of this municipality, local LDK sources said.
The mutilated body of a 74-year-old Albanian has been found in the village of Greiçec. He was slaughtered and buried by Serb paramilitaries, sources said. Beside his body the implement with which he was slaughtered has been found, they added, without specifying what it was. The body of slain Halim Bungu (36) is in the local mosque at Greiçec, LDK sources said.
In the village of Vraniq a half-burned corpse has been found, which could not be identified. Other civilian Albanians are suspected slaughtered by Serb forces there.
In Budakova village, the body of the slaughtered Rexhep Kokollari (65), a native resident, has been found, whereas in Mohlan the charred body of Florim Gashi (28) has been found, too.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka said the mutilated bodies of several unidentified persons have been spotted near the Buzhala family compound at Greiçec village.
The LDK said the number of killed Albanians is by all means higher. The problem is the attacked villages are still sealed off by heavy Serb forces.

Albanian Claims His Wife and Children Slaughtered by Serb Forces

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - Sami Ahmetaj, who was wounded and is currently being treated in the Prizren hospital, said Serb forces have slaughtered his wide and children.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka, which cited his account, has not offered details as to the number of family members allegedly slaughtered, or the location where the atrocity occurred.

Serb Reinforcements Head for Reçan Village of Suhareka
Hundreds of Albanians living in dire humanitarian conditions

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - At 11:00 hrs today (Saturday), three lorryloads of Serb policemen headed for the village of Reçan, LDK sources in Suhareka said.
The LDK chapter said fresh massacres are feared amidst this reinforcement drive in the Suhareka villages.
The Albanian population is living under dire conditions. Last night and today torrential rains made the life of people out in the open terrible. Hundreds of residents of the villages of Vërshec, Stravaçinë, Çadrak, Grejçec, Budakovë are said to be living rough in the open.
In the gullies of Llanisht some 1,500 Albanians have been sheltering out, whereas at Topillë around 200, sources said. They have no food, no blankets, no medication.

Serb Forces' Tank Drags Albanian from Petrova to Shtime

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - On 30 September, Serb forces arrested Bislim Bislimi in Petrovë village of Shtime, the CDHRF reported.
Serb forces had Mr. Bislimi - resident of Drobesh village of Viti -  clothed in UÇK uniform, tied to a tank, and dragged to Shtime, the Council said.
Bislim Bislimi has been hospitalized in Prishtina, and his health condition is grave, sources said.

Serb Forces Have Laid Mines, Poisoned Wells in Shalë e Bajgorës Villages
Albanian returnees shot at

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - Serb forces have laid mines in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës region, LDK sources in Mitrovica reported.
Last month, Serb forces assaulted the mountainous Albanian- inhabited region straddling the municipalities of Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Podujeva.
Mines have been reportedly found in the courtyard of the elementary school at Bare village, but also in the family courtyards of Albanians in several villages.
Serb forces have poured a sort of poisoning powder in the wells used for drinking water, the LDK chapter in Mitrovica said.
Meanwhile, sources said Serb soldiers positioned at Kutllofc base opened fire in the direction of four Albanians Friday afternoon.
Miftar Januzi (62), his son Astrit Jonuzi (16), as well as Nuhi Januzi (45) and his son Adnan Januzi (15), residents of Mazhiq village, were targeted. They were not hit, though.
The Albanians had gone back to their homes to see the damage caused to them by Serb forces.

Serb Minister Forms Mock Government with Quislings in Kosova
The nation of Kosova has a democratically elected President, the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Kosova

PRISHTINA, Oct 3 (KIC) - A Serb minister, Zoran Andjelkovic, has reportedly named an executive council (government) for Kosova.
Under his chairmanship, the mock government will include members such as Verica Tepavcevic-Aleksic, Bosko Drobnjak, Selim Gugjufi, Gulbehar Sabovic, Petrit Kostari, Qerim Abazi, Nexhmedin Kaliqanaj, Ratomir Jocic, Ibro Vait, Zejnelabedin Kuresi, Vesko Piric, Vukasin Andric, Bashkim Hisari, Faik Jashari, Bajram Haliti, Dragutin Markovic, and Xhafer Gjuka.
Zoran Andjelkovic, a Milosevic mediocre puppet, has been notorious for his part in the Serb constitutional crackdown on the Kosova federal status in late eighties as well as campaigns of Communist purges here.
Some of the people included in Andjelkovic's "cabinet" are notorious quislings working with Serb occupation authorities in Kosova for years.
Bashkim Hisari, whose name has been included in the "provisional executive council of Kosovo and Metohija", told the KIC by phone today he had refused membership in it.
Although pressure has been put on him, he said "he would never accept being a member of any government under the prevailing circumstances".
The nation of Kosova has a democratically elected President, the Parliament, and the Government of the Republic of Kosova.
The people of Kosova see mock governments 'a la Andjelkovic' with utter contempt.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 2, 1998  at 23:35 hrs
KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Klinë)
Albanian villages still burning – Serb police cut old man’s ear, lesson to those that don’t hand in weapons

Klinë, 2 October (ARTA) 1635CET --
Serb forces burned and looted Albanian villages of Volljakë, Gremnik, and Dollc, municipality of Klinë, today as well. In the village of Sverkë today, the Serb police cut the ear of an old man, and threatened the others that if they do not hand over the weapons within 24 hours, they will massacre them all.
The Serb residents of Klinë are cutting the Albanian forest in Gllarevë and Përçevë, under the Serb police surveillance. There are also reports that Serb civilians from the villages of Potërç i Ulët, Drenoc, and Dugajevë are confiscating the cattle that used to belong to Albanians and selling it in Pejë.
A 19 years old Albanian, from Gllarevë was found killed in the Gollubovc forest.
After two months, it is confirmed that in the village of Dush, municipality of Gjurgjevik, the Serb police executed Osman Mamullak (75) and his wife Zade Mamullak (70) and their paralyzed nephew Haredin (55). They are supposed to have been massacred and burned inside their houses, now leveled to the ground.
In the town of Klinë, the Serbs are not allowing the Albanian families to go back home. Such was the experience of Ismet Rraci’s family. His family was violently taken out of their apartment by a Serb from Vide.
Today, the Serb authorities, closed down the few remaining Albanian stores.
In the Çabiq Forest the Serb police caught four Gashi families and forced them to go back to their looted and completely burned houses.
Ymer Gashi (75) was brutally mistreated by the police because, he went out in the yard of his house.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Gjakovë)
Serbs shell village of Krelan – police forces compel Albanian admit membership in KLA, in front of cameras

Gjakovë, 2 October (ARTA) 1740CET --
At least 50 grenades fell on the village of Krelan in the Dushkajë region of Gjakovë, local LDK sources informed on Friday. Albanian sources claim that the Albanian population of this village spent the night outdoors, due to the Serb force shelling.
The Serb police, who are at the same time looting the Albanian owned stores, LDK sources in Gjakovë inform, blocks the town of Gjakovë proper from all sides.
Serb forces again raided and demolished Ndue Bajrami's house, in the village of Osek-Hyla, municipality of Gjakovë, searching for Ndue and his sons, Prekë and Lekë, with the pretext, that they are KLA soldiers. The police raided this family two months ago as well. The Serb police then set up a spectacle of different weaponry in front of the cameras, and forced Ndue Bajrami to declare in front of the cameras that the weapons belong to his family, alleged KLA members. This filming was then made in the presence of more than 40 policemen.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Podujevë)
Entire villages abandoned – Serb police reinforcements from Kosova

Podujevë, 2 October (ARTA) 1720CET --
15 Albanians killed 25 houses, two schools, and one Health Clinic burned in Dobratin and several abandoned villages. This is the epilogue of the Serb forces attack against the village of Dobratin, municipality of Podujevë and the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës, which lasted from 15 to 1 September.
Over 40 tanks and other vehicles are placed in the area between the villages of Llapashticë and Obranqë, as in the meantime these forces have blocked the Podujevë-Llapashticë road, where they dug up trenches. As a result of this situation, the residents of the surrounding village, including a number of the residents of Podujevë, have still not returned home.
Sources from this municipality also inform about the arrival of new Serb forces, from Serbia to Kosova, mainly during morning or late night hours. The fact that the Serb forces are building bunkers and are placing stop signs at their police checkpoint at the entrance of Podujevë, proves that their withdrawal is not being planed in the near future.

KOSOVA (victims – Suharekë)
Old couple burned - The majority of arrested around Vraniq and Budakovë released

Suharekë, 2 October (ARTA) 1645CET --
Arif Ndrecaj (80) and his wife Gjyzide Ndrecaj (78) were burned and the body of Qazim Kololli (60), from Budakovë, was found on Friday, LDK information sources from Suharekë, inform.
There are also reports that the majority of 600 men that the Serb police took from the forest of Vraniq and Budakovë, and sent them to Prizren, are released. 60 of them are still in prison.

KOSOVA (victims – Shtërpcë)
Arrested on Monday, found massacred on Friday

Shtërpcë, 2 October (ARTA) 1940CET -
On Friday, in the village of Viçë, Shtërpcë municipality, it is reported that the massacred corpse of Daut Avdullah Rexhepi (40) was found. It is yet reported that Daut Avdullah Rexhepi was arrested on Monday by the Serb police force.
In addition, on Friday, in the village of Biti e Epërme, Sami Bakiu was buried. The Serb police in the garden of his house massacred him. The relatives of the deceased say "police didn't allow other people, except close family members, to participate in the funeral ceremony". Despite family's demand for the forensics experts and the Prosecutor to investigate the circumstances of the death, police did not allow such a thing.

KOSOVA (IDPs – Ferizaj)
1,500 besieged persons seek urgent help

Ferizaj, 2 October (ARTA) 1915CET -
On Thursday 1.500 displaced inhabitants of the village of Jezerc issued an appeal for help. Due to the Serb offensive, they have remained without any shelter, in the hills and forests. Urgently they seek from humanitarian organizations, International Red Cross, US Information Service in Prishtina, UNHCR, and other humanitarian associations "to help these people, besieged by the Serb police forces, before it's too late ". In this appeal it is also stressed that "the neighborhoods of Verrishtë and Prorok are totally burned, while the neighborhoods of Maçitevë, Begaj, Ukzmajli and Mahalla e Katunit are still being burned from the Serb' shelling which continued today also".
According to this appeal, "children, women, elderly, newborn babies, handicapped people are in a very urgent need for medical aid and food supplies". It is also stated "that there is a number of wounded people from shelling. They are in urgent need for medical treatment".

KOSOVA (destruction – Suharekë)
LDK: 33 villages destroyed by the Serb offensive

Suharekë, 2 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
According to an information published by the LDK branch in Suharekë, the Serb offensive spread on 33, out of 42, villages of this municipality. 75 people, including children were killed, whereas over 110 were wounded. Applying the technique of "scorched earth", the Serb forces burned and destroyed over 3,000 houses. Albanian owned buildings, including their entire economic potential, as well as the flour stocks were targeted.
There are reports that the Emergency Councils in the villages are working in getting precise data for the destruction in the region. These are expected to be available, within a short while.
During the last offensive alone, 11 Albanians were killed, 6 of them were massacred, among which a 15 year old.
Even though people have a great wish to return to their homes, the villagers of Bllacë have not done so for three months. Neither did the villagers of Javor, Luzhnicë, Duhël, Reshtan, Samadraxhë, Studeçan, Budakovë, Krushicë, Vërshec, Maçitevë, Papaz, etc.

KOSOVA (victims – Vushtrri)
Two more victims in the village of Strofc - 68.732 sheltered in Vushtrri

Vushtrri, 2 October (ARTA) 1950CET -
Two more Albanians were killed in the village of Strofc, Vushtrri municipality, victims of the Serb forces attack against this village, claim Albanian sources from the ground. One corpse is still unidentified because it was burned, say the same sources.
From the beginning of Serb police operation, 56 Albanians were killed in the municipality of Vushtrri, 44 originating from this municipality.
According to the Information Commission of the LDK branch in Vushtrri, Serb military/police and paramilitary forces in this municipality have shelled 25 Albanian villages; have set on flame 15; have partially burned 5. 38 Albanian villages have been deserted.
In this municipality, villages of Gllavotin, Zhilivodë, Bivolak, Strofc, Beçuk, Dubofc, Gurbardh, Taraxhë, Liqej, Balinc, Oshlan, Okrashticë, Pantinë, Pasomë, Beçiq, have been burned by the Serb squadrons.
Partially the villages of Shtitaricë, Stanoc i Poshtëm, Mihaliq, Druar and Galicë have been set on flame.
Fearing the Serb attacks the villages of Pasomë, Tërllabuq, Bajskë, Silovicë, Karaçë, Gumnishtë, Boshlan, Skromë, Ceceli, Studime e Epërme, Samadraxhë, Pantinë, Oshlan, Liqej, Okrashticë, Shtitaricë, Dolak, Taraxhë, Gllavotin, Gurbardh, Bivolak, Zhilivodë, Strofc, Beçuk, Mihaliq, Druar, Vilanc, Sllakofc, Ropicë, Dubofc, Beçiq, Galicë, Balinc, Dumnicë e Epërme, Dumnicë e Mesme, Dumnicë e Poshtme, Zagori and Sfaraçak i Epërm have been deserted.
The villages of Sfaraçak i Poshtëm, Pestovë, Nevolan, Brusnik, Kollë, Shallc, Smrekonicë, Sllatinë, Maxhunaj and Stanoc i Poshtëm were partially deserted also.
It is reported that in these Albanian villages 3,015 Albanian houses were deserted, 282 houses are partially emptied. 26,376 Albanian inhabitants from this municipality have sought shelter in the town of Vushtrri.
In the town of Vushtrri from other Kosovar municipalities around 42.356 people are sheltered, while the entire number of the displaced seeking shelter in this municipality reaches the total number of 68.732.

KOSOVA (legal offensive – Prizren)
Four Albanians sentenced with 30 days detention

Prizren, 2 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
There are reports that the Serb Court in Prizren, filed an investigating procedure and sentenced with 30 days of detention, Hasan Berisha (1946), Hajdar Berisha (1958), Nexhmedin Berisha (1953), from Lezë and Naim Ramadani (1979) from the village of Zabllugjë. These accused were arrested during the 1 September offensive, in the Vërrin region, while they were sheltered in their house cellars. They were held in detention since 3 September. According to their attorneys, they are accused for "association for hostile activity", based on the article 125, in accordance with article 139, of the "FRY" Criminal Code.
Thursday, afternoon, a "Yugoslav" army helicopter, dispersed fliers in the town, calling the residents to hand over their weapons within 10 days.
On Friday, several convoys of heavy fighting machinery returned from the improvised military bases, in the Serb military barrack in town.

KOSOVA (legal offensive – Mitrovicë)
Fliers appealing for handing over the weapons within a 10 day deadline being distributed

Mitrovicë, 2 October (ARTA) 2015CET -
From a Serb airplane, in the town of Mitrovicë thousands of fliers that called on Albanians to hand over weapons within 10-day deadline were been thrown.
Meanwhile, Albanian sources continuously report on arrests, imprisonment, and filing investigating procedures against Albanians that are being accused for "terrorism". It is reported that among the ones that were arrested in the Fushë Mollë of Gllogoc municipality were four Albanians from Obri e Ulët and Makërmal, both villages of Skënderaj municipality, which were kept in the police station in Mitrovicë for more than 48 hours. Before being released, they claim that they were beaten and were insulted on national basis.
These people that were arrested testify that they saw badly tortured people, and while they were arrested have heard shrieks of Albanians that were being tortured.
Meanwhile, despite the dead and the destruction, the Serb offensive in the villages of Shala e Bajgorës and Artakoll has left other consequences as well. Many people are still searching to find their relatives that have vanished without any trace.

KOSOVA (Rugova press conference)
Rugova: "Massacres in Kosova - proof of ethnic cleansing"

Prishtina, 2 October (ARTA) 1930CET --
"We condemn the mass massacres committed by Serb military and police forces during this week in the village of Obri e Epërme (Drenica region) and in the village of Vraniq, Suharekë municipality", stated in today's ordinary press conference Ibrahim Rugova, Kosova's President. "These are facts of an ethnic cleansing of Kosova, which is Belgrade's aim", he added.
President Rugova said that in the recent days dozen people were killed, most of them children, women, and elderly, stating that the Serb offensive went on in throughout Kosova. He emphasized the massacre of the Serb forces in the village of Vraniq, Suharekë municipality, where several Albanians that were returning to their houses were killed, while thousands displaced Albanians remain in forests.
According to CDHRF, from the beginning of March in Kosova more than 1400 Albanians were killed, hundreds of them are missing, approximately two thousand are arrested, said Dr. Rugova and still added that these are not completed figures. He also said that during this week the Serb regime has exercised repression and mass violence against civilians in all parts of Kosova.
Rugova sought urgent end of the Serb forces offensive and concluded that Serb police/military forces did not withdraw from Kosova, but they've only changed their tactical positions. He appealed strongly to the international community, especially USA, EU, UN, and NATO, to put under their protection the unprotected people of Kosova.
After evaluating as very important the condemning by Security Council of Serb massacres in Kosova, he sought a more intensive involvement of this UN body.
"International intervention to protect a nation is a human intervention, help from people to people, sublime act and victory of humanity", said Rugova.
He greeted the nomination of the new Albania's Prime Minister, Pandeli Majko, hoping for the decrease of tensions in Albania.
At this moment, it is essential for the Serb military machinery to stop and for the Kosovar people to be saved, a thing, which is an issue of humanism. In the contrary, massacres like these recent ones will occur every day and we'll have the mass ethnic cleansing going on, said Rugova.
"Sesel's statements about the journalists are not serious and are very tragic for him and the Serb nation", concluded Rugova.

KOSOVA (prisoners – Prishtina)
Krasniqi: Albanian prisoners forbidden communicating in Albanian - death sentence not to be remitted because of events in Kosova

Prishtina, 2 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
Avni Klinaku, one of the Albanian prisoners, sentenced last year by the Serb Law-Court, yesterday sent a telegram to his relatives.
"In this telegram, Klinaku informs that he does not want his relatives to visit him, in the beginning of October. A month ago, because he was ordered to talk in Serb language, Klinaku did not speak a word with his relatives, and went back to his cell", says his attorney, Bajram Krasniqi.
Klinaku was sentenced with 10 years imprisonment, with charges of "terrorism", during a judicial process in Prishtina, last year. Now he is serving his sentence in the of Sremska Mitrovica prison.
"Hajzer Hajzeri and Raif Çela, asked the same from their families", says the attorney from Prishtina.
"It is a drastic case in justice, to be forbidden to talk in Albanian when they are visited by their families", claims Krasniqi.
"This is the case with every prison in Serbia, where there are Albanians. It was not like this always, it only started two months ago", stated Klinaku's attorney.
"What's worse, in the Prokuple prison, they do not allow the relatives to visit at all. Among them, there are 14 Albanians from `Process 54', the well-known case of the Albanians taken out from the bus and arrested. Their defense attorneys can visit them only in the presence of the investigating judge. According to the Law, prisoners are allowed to conversation after their are indicted, not to mention after they are sentenced", states Krasniqi.
"We appealed through the ICRC, but so far we have had no success. We plan to inform also the Ministry of Justice, about this", stated the attorney from Prishtina.
Presently, thousands of Albanian prisoners, charged for hostile activity, are placed in prisoners throughout Serbia, They are all sentenced with 10 or more years of imprisonment.
In the beginning of September, the Serb Minister of Justice informed that 300 Albanians will be brought before the court in October, by the end of October this number increased to 1000.
Besides this, the head of the Serb Justice, Dragoljub Jankovic, informed that the death sentence would not be remitted, precisely because of the events in Kosova.

KOSOVA (education – Lipjan)
Serb offensive disorganizes school lessons in the municipality

Lipjan, 2 October (ARTA) 1630CET --
The Serb offensive in the region of eastern Drenica, administered by Lipjan, as well as in several other villages of the Magurë surrounding, caused great disorganization in means of education.
According to the Municipal Council for Education, in Lipjan, 1,180 elementary school students that escaped with their families in other villages of Lipjan are holding their classes in eleven elementary schools of the municipality.
The Municipal Council for Education put in disposition a considerable amount of books, for the students with bad financial situation. The Ministry of Education of Kosova funded the distribution of books.

KOSOVA (Demaçi to Amnesty International)
Demaçi urges all organizations to investigate crimes committed in Kosova

Prishtina, 2 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
"The KLA will give maximal efforts that article 3 of the Geneva convent of 1949, is respected", it is stated in the open letter of the KLA political representative, Adem Demaçi, addressed to Amnesty International.
"All of us, including ourselves, are extremely concerned about the existing situation and about the brutal violation of all elementary and human rules that are taking place in the region of former Yugoslavia, and particularly now in Kosova", it is stated in the letter.
Adem Demaçi states that concerning the respecting of all the international convents, that have to do with human rights and humanitarian laws, the stance of the KLA General Headquarters, remains the same, and it tends to stay so in the future as well".
"The KLA is a liberation army that was born, grown and supported by the entire population and all residents of Kosova", claims Adem Demaçi and adds: "In its liberation zeal there are no ideologies or hatred against any nation, race, or religion, and as such it was preserved by all the criminal deviations. Thus, from this derives the determined respect of all human norms and behavior even though in conditions, in which our population is subjected to unseen crimes, it is very difficult to control the instant anger of the stricken KLA members".
"The KLA fights against a terrorist regime, which is in the function of the dominating, discriminating and destructive policy. This is the precise reason why neither of the international convents and laws, that defend the human rights and freedoms, including the rights of children, elderly and civilians, are not being respected", it is stated in the open letter, addressed to Amnesty International.
Further, Demaçi claims: "We hope that your highly respected and well known institution, is to some extend informed about the situation in Kosova, and that through the information issued by the Human Rights Council in Kosova, you can have a overview of the crimes of indescribable atrocities, that the Serb regime police and army are conducting on the Albanian people". After giving the numbers of the killed, missing, abducted, sentenced and arrested, Demaçi in his letter in the name of Kosova's Liberation Army, requests from this organization and other organizations to urgently sent the specialized international teams in Kosova, to investigate the crimes that are being conducted in Kosova", says at the end of the letter, Adem Demaçi, political representative of the Liberation Army of Kosova, addressed to the Amnesty International Organization.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
Betreff:         [kosovo] Times: Blair's Balkan bomb
Datum:         Sat, 03 Oct 1998 01:01:35 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery

The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

               Betreff:    SN3702:Blair's Balkan bomb
               Datum:    Fri, 2 Oct 1998 23:20:52 +0100
                 Von:      Tim Fenton <ae407@dial.pipex.com>

Comment: Simon Jenkins has always held to the same line he is one of the only intelligent people writing in British papers today. He's not always right but he's always worth reading, never more so than now:

The Prime Minister wants 'reprisals'. Does that mean capital punishment?

                 Blair's Balkan bomb

Ever since Byron, the Balkans have mesmerised English liberals. Through the mountains and passes of Yugoslavia and Macedonia, the English have seen the barbarous hordes threatening the rape of Europe. The Balkans are the frontier of Christendom. The blood of the Knights Templar courses through veins as diverse as those of Gladstone, Fitzroy Maclean and Paddy Ashdown. Their duty is to police this border of civilisation. They saved the Elgin Marbles from the Turks, the Greeks from communism. Now they must save the Serbs from - the Serbs.

This week's news of atrocities in Kosovo is stomach-churning. The assumption by observers on the ground is that they were committed by Serb paramilitaries, under Serb commanders. We have no reason to disbelieve them, though we should remember the notorious Sarajevo marketplace shelling during the siege of that city. In the Balkans, any means may be used to incite outside intervention.

In response, Tony Blair said that he intended to "send a message" to Mr Milosevic, implying some form of punitive air raid. The previous day we heard from Robin Cook that the Serb leader would be "making a grave mistake" if he doubted Britain's will to use force. Both men used identical words in an identical context in March of this year. Mr Cook then said that Mr Milosevic's Kosovan policy was "unacceptable" and would lead to "severe consequences". Mr Milosevic called his bluff. There were no consequences, except to the hapless people of Kosovo.

Three months later, in June, Mr Blair and Mr Cook resumed the same fidget. They jointly announced that Mr Milosevic's policy in Kosovo was "wholly intolerable". Mr Blair found it so intolerable that he toured Europe to find allies for some unspecified expedition against Serbia. The Defence Secretary, George Robertson, went on television (on June 8) coyly to admit to a Kosovan invasion plan. He even mentioned D-Day. Never were so many ministerial chests so publicly puffed up.

Once again the moment passed. The big talk became a soundbite on a summer breeze. Meanwhile, the same threats, the same phrases, were being deployed against Saddam Hussein. They were also bluff. When a minister finds a foreigner "unacceptable", he appears to mean acceptable. Actions that he finds "intolerable" he promptly tolerates. The words no longer hold meaning. The Foreign Office needs an adjective transplant. In diplomacy, to have one's bluff called once is careless. To have it called twice is dangerously reckless.

When the Government set out a year ago on its "ethical" foreign policy crusade, I suggested that the world's oppressed should buy flak jackets. I never thought they would also need bomb shelters and starvation rations. Mr Cook's Byron is proving more Corsair than Childe Harold. He has been for bombing Saddam Hussein, then for appeasing him, then for trying to starve the Iraqis somehow into toppling him. He is against international terrorism, but he favours tit-for-tat bombing of Afghans and Sudanese. He imposes trade sanctions against half the poor of the world, yet showers aid on the disreputable rulers of the other half. He sells arms to Indonesia. He refuses to impose transport sanctions on the Serbs, yet now he wants to bomb them.

History repeats itself so often in modern politics, you would think someone might bother to read it. A regime persecutes its people within sight of television cameras. Anglo-American statesmen declare that "something must be done". This something takes the form of condemnation and threats, followed by trade sanctions. These merely strengthen the regime and make it more intransigent. Thus snubbed, the West decides that more must be done, "messages sent", reprisals exacted, usually by a wild act of violent aggression.

We are off down the merry road to Hell. The bombings of Lebanon, Libya and Iraq failed to topple their respective dictators. But something was seen to be done. Last month Britain humiliated itself at the United Nations by pretending that it still meant to enforce the weapons-inspection policy against Saddam Hussein, "who would be making a mistake" if he ignored it. This policy has failed utterly. Since its only remaining fig leaf is trade sanctions, it is cruel as well as counter-productive.

In August, Mr Cook leapt to support America's eye-for-an-eye bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan, the "Lewinsky raids". He has yet to produce a shred of evidence to justify the missile attack on Khartoum's medicine factory, a crude attack on a wretchedly poor state. (There was no peep of protest from Mr Cook's formerly left-wing colleague, Clare Short.) Both these attacks and that threatened against Serbia are explained, by Mr Blair yesterday, as "reprisals". In other words, they are retrospective punishments of a foreign state for a distasteful internal policy. Her Majesty's Government appears to have reversed its opposition to capital punishment, at least in the case of foreigners.

The redrawing of the internal borders of former Yugoslavia are of no sensible concern to Britain's defence or foreign affairs. The borders of Slovenia were fixed by negotiation. Croatia's were fixed in battle. Both were fixed without external intervention. Bosnia's borders were carved in blood and with intervention, and are therefore unstable. The Nato intervention force in Bosnia has no exit strategy. The lesson is that the internal boundaries of states are seldom changed without a struggle.

The belief that Western democracies are uniquely justified in meddling in such melees, and uniquely good at resolving them, is hypocritical rubbish. Britain has been fighting separatism and territorial faction in Northern Ireland for 25 years. Atrocities have been committed on every side and the dispute has yet to be resolved. The perpetrators of the most vicious ethnic cleansing in Western Europe were this week received with applause at Mr Cook's own party conference. When Britain has wiped its own pot clean, it can start calling foreign kettles black.

Ever since the Government came to office, it has seemed to be spoiling for a fight in former Yugoslavia. For the third time in a year it is loading its bomb bays. This time, however, its plans are strangely "not quite ready". Indeed, for all the hyperactivity, the UN's Kofi Annan is being sent to report on whether Belgrade has really stopped killings in Kosovo, as if we needed to be told. Meanwhile The Times yesterday reported that Nato officials were warning politicians "to think about the long-term consequences of launching airstrikes". All military and political intelligence out of Kosovo is telling Nato that bombing would be counter-productive. It would strengthen Milosevic and his hardliners, silence moderates, appear openly to support the separatist (and murderous) KLA, and be a gift to Serb militancy in Bosnia.

What would be the point of Mr Blair's third-time-I-mean-it reprisal raid? To be more than a gesture, ground troops would have to be sent to Kosovo. They would be embroiled in the politics of Kosovan refugees, and presumably in the civil war itself. Mr Blair implied that Britain would want to supervise or at least monitor regional devolution. British troops would thus need to stay in occupation of a country against the wishes of its Government. This would defy the 1975 Helsinki treaty, signed by both Britain and Yugoslavia, respecting Europe's domestic borders.

This is madness. Small wonder Mr Annan has been sent to Belgrade to do another Baghdad. He has become a master at lifting Western politicians off hooks on which they have impaled themselves by never looking beyond tomorrow's headline.

I can respect the sincerity of those running British foreign policy at present. But their obsession with the machismo of war - with Eurofighters, Tridents, new carriers - is baffling. They seem dazzled by their box of toys. Tony Blair silenced his audience on Tuesday when he opened his speech with a reference to being taught "how to launch the nuclear bomb". He seems obsessed with bombs. They have become the all-purpose "somethings that must be done".

There is clearly no bomb like a Balkan bomb. It has a glamour all of its own. It is a crusader's bomb, a Christian bomb, a noble bomb. As Byron's Corsair declared, "Much hath been done, but more remains to do./ Their galleys blaze, why not their cities too".


Betreff:         [kosovo] The Letter of the Serb Vice President to the Kosovo Albanian Leadership
Datum:         Sat, 03 Oct 1998 00:42:44 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery

The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

From the Serbian Ministry of Information

October 02, 1998

Chief of the State Delegation for talks with the representatives of national communities in Kosovo and Metohija, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Prof.Dr. Ratko Markovic, today has sent a letter to the chief of the negotiating team of the political parties of the Kosovo Albanians, Dr. Fehmi Agani, as a written invitation in which he is proposing a prompt meeting of the delegations and a continuation of the political dialogue.

Dear Mr. Agani,

On behalf of the State Delegation I am addressing you with the invitation for a meeting as soon as possible of the State Delegation and the delegation of the political parties of the Kosovo Albanians which you are heading.

It is our lasting determination, clearly confirmed by the decisions of the recent session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, through dialogue and by political means, to reach the solutions which shall be in the interest of all the citizens and national communities living in Kosovo and Metohija. The complexity of the actual political situation in Kosovo and Metohija are confirming us in our belief that it is necessary for the dialogue and the talks to be continued as soon as possible. Any unnecessary prolongation and tactics, and expectations that some one from the outside shall succeed is resolving all the pending questions, instead of the citizens and national communities of Kosovo and Metohija themselves and the Republic of Serbia in general, can not bring any results, but can only make more difficult both the search for the solution and the life of citizens themselves in Kosovo and Metohija.

I am convinced that it is necessary that the politically responsible people, with much reason and wisdom, take over the responsibility for finding the solutions which shall be in the interest of a better life of citizens that they represent, in the interest of national equality and an accelerated development of our entire country.

Please consider this an open invitation. I hope that very soon we shall be able to agree on the time for continuation of our talks.

Sincerely yours, Ratko Markovic

Reposted by:
Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

Betreff:         [kosovo] LA Times: PERSPECTIVES ON KOSOVO, OCT 2
Datum:         Fri, 02 Oct 1998 22:27:25 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery

The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

Friday, October 2, 1998
Military Intervention Would Make It Worse  Bombing would play into the hands of Milosevic. Let regional alliances sort out Balkans conflicts.


     In July 1913, the chancellor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire received a written warning from his foreign minister not to try to solve the Serbian question by "force of arms." He ignored the advice. A year later, Austria declared war against Serbia. Four years after that, its empire went out of business.
     Today, NATO, another multiethnic, multilanguage organization with an identity crisis, is riding a wave of popular revulsion over new atrocities toward military intervention in Kosovo. "Preparations are in full swing," announced a NATO spokesman, making the proposed hostilities sound like a homecoming dance, blissfully oblivious to history's warnings. This is typical of the modern style of diplomacy. Former Sen. Bob Dole, a tireless advocate of American military involvement in the region, dismisses history because it makes things "complicated."
     This approach--willful ignorance of local conditions abetted by a canonical belief in the victory-delivering capability of military might--was favored by the top brass in Vietnam. It produced disaster there. Whether NATO can make it work better in Kosovo remains to be seen.
     Kosovo is fearsomely complicated. This is not merely an excuse offered by opponents of military intervention, but a statement of the obvious fact that rational analysis should precede major decisions. Unless Western policy can resolve the Balkans' inherent complications, intervention risks making matters much worse, especially for the Kosovo Albanian refugees.
     Some of the contradictions seem almost technical. For example, bombing is likely to fuel the fires of Kosovo's independence, a goal that the U.S. does not support. Further, NATO intervention in Kosovo directly contradicts the premise of multiethnic principles of the Dayton accords, which veto special treatment on ethnic grounds.
     A much more serious objection, however, is that bombing directly serves Slobodan Milosevic, whom Congress earlier this year called "Europe's longest serving communist dictator." What country, when under attack from outside, does not rally to its leader? Look at Saddam Hussein. For Milosevic, the bombs cannot fall too soon. Likewise, he hopes Western sanctions will continue indefinitely. By turning daily life into a struggle for survival, they sap the energies of decent-minded people who might oppose him.
     Some of Milosevic's democratic opponents, Bishop Artemije Radosavljevic of Kosovo and former Belgrade Mayor Nebojsa Covic, visited Washington last month to warn that bombing would play into Milosevic's hands and undermine their efforts. They made little progress. The "CNN factor" is too strong, they were told on Capitol Hill.
     This gives the game away. NATO's plans are directed less at resolving the Kosovo crisis than at making the about-to-be-expanded alliance look relevant. As Defense Secretary William Cohen said at the Sept. 25 NATO conclave, "NATO's credibility is on the line." In effect, we are witnessing a NATO job search. And the results are entirely counterproductive. NATO's potential involvement has radicalized all sides in Kosovo, as was vividly illustrated by last week's attempted assassination of Sabri Hamiti, a pro-negotiation moderate close to the Kosovo Albanian leadership. In Belgrade, bombing will strengthen the hard men around Milosevic and sound the death knell of the brave Serbs who dare to oppose him.
  Earlier this month, NATO leaders counseled Iran against armed intervention in Afghanistan. NATO is administering similarly cautious advice in other conflicts such as Nagorno-Karabakh and Congo. What is so different about the Balkans? Is it to do with the relative value placed on European as opposed to Asian and African lives?
     This is not a prescription for inaction. Following the NATO meeting, Cohen went onto the inaugural session of the Southeast European Defense Ministerial. Taking place in the less glamorous but arguably more purposeful surroundings of Skopje, this grouping includes key countries with a real stake in the Balkans, including Italy, Greece, Albania and Turkey. They should be given the lead in delivering immediate humanitarian aid and undertaking the painstaking, low-profile mediation that might achieve a lasting settlement. This would also free NATO to concentrate on its prime mission of strategic defense. This is where NATO's credibility resides, not in TV-driven adventurism.

- -END--

Jonathan Clarke, a Former Member of the British Diplomatic Service, Is With
the Cato Institute in Washington. E-mail: Jcahi@mindspring.com

Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times. All Rights Reserved

 Search the archives of the Los Angeles Times for similar stories. You will not be charged to look for stories, only to retrieve one.
Reposted by:
Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
Betreff:         CDHRF: The list of the killed persons in Kosova January-September 1998
Datum:         Sat, 03 Oct 1998 11:34:59 -0700
    Von:         Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Prishtina <ibro@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         http://www.albanian.com/kmdlnj
CDHRF: The list of the killed persons in Kosova January-September 1998
                    The list you can read at   ki981003.htm


Betreff:         Weekl y Report #437
Datum:         Sat, 03 Oct 1998 10:39:58 -0700
    Von:         Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Prishtina <ibro@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         http://www.albanian.com/kmdlnj


               The text you can read at   week437.htm

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Humanitarian aidd
Datum:         Fri, 2 Oct 1998 16:10:19 EDT
    Von:         Aferdita Rakipi <NAACDC@AOL.COM>
Subject:           Aid for Kosova Refugees
Importance:     High

I am helping Mercy Corps International (an international relief group) organize immediate relief shipments to the estimated 300,000 refugees who have lost their homes in the current crisis in Kosova.  Most of these people have had to flee their homes taking only what they were wearing, and have watched as their homes and livelihoods are being burned to the ground.  At least 50,000 Kosovans are now "camping" in the mountains with no food, no shelter, and no clothing.  Winter is already descending on the Kosova mountains, with heavy rains and night-time temperatures dropping to freezing.  These people are in desperate need of winter clothes, blankets, and children's toys (an important part of helping the children cope with the trauma they're going through).  The UN has been unable to help so far due to an inability to access the refugees.

Mercy Corps is one of the few relief agencies with access to the refugees, as they work through the local Mother Theresa Society and coordinate with the International Red Cross.  I've been working with them for a while and can provide information on their organization, including their annual reports, if you're interested.

I hope you can help by bringing in any extra clothing, blankets, and children's toys that you might be planning to get rid of anyway.  I will collect anything you bring in and give it directly to Mercy Corps to ship out next week.  I'll also be happy to come to where you are to pick up your contribution if you can't get it to me easily.

What we particularly need includes:
-- warm sweaters and jackets for children, women and men
-- winter boots, hats, mittens for children, women and men
-- clean blankets in good condition
-- gently used children's toys in good condition
-- warm clothing in general:  pants, shirts, shoes, etc.

Please spread the word among your friends, family, co-workers, religious groups, etc.  The more we can get to the refugees now, the better likelihood they will survive until the UN starts implementing their relief operations.

PLEASE HELP IN ANY WAY YOU CAN!  Starting this weekend, I'll be bringing the donations up to Mercy Corps' shipping operation in Baltimore -- so please feel free to give your donations any time in the next month.  Call me if you have any questions.  I appreciate your support for this effort to help the people of Kosova survive over the coming months.

Sydney Smith
Room S-5006
202-219-7616 x 155

PS, Mercy Corps also takes monetary donations for emergency relief for Kosova, and they participate in the CFC.  Currently the bulk of funds they collect through CFC is going to Kosova.  If you'd like to give directly (not through CFC) I can give you the necessary information for this -- just let me know.

Betreff:              [ALBANEWS] HRW Interviews Kosovo massacre survivor
Datum:              Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:50:44 -0400
    Von:              Human Rights Watch <hrwatchnyc@IGC.ORG>
Human Rights Watch Interviews Sole Survivor of Golubovac Execution of Thirteen,  Expresses Concern for His Safety

(New York Thursday, October 1, 1998) Human Rights Watch today interviewed the so le survivor of a September 26 summary execution of thirteen men by Serbian police.  The witness gave a coherent and credible acc ount of the summary execution which was corroborated by the evidence found at the execution site and the testimony of another witness  interviewed by Human Rights Watch on September 29.

Human Rights Watch expressed serious concern today about the safety of the survi vor in light of the Serbian police presence in the region, and called upon the international community to take the necessary steps to relocate this important witness to a safe location. Furthermore, the man has a severe and infected gunshot wound on his upper left l eg, as well as gunshot wounds on his left arm, and is in need of immediate medical attention.  "The survivor is a credible witness to a s ummary execution, and the ability to bring the perpetrators of this serious war crime to justice hinges on his safety," said Holly Cartner. "The international community must take immediate steps to insure that he is safe and his testimony is preserved."

During an interview today, he told Human Rights Watch that the inhabitants of hi s village Golubovac in the Drenica region of Kosovo had fled into the nearby forest on Friday morning after Yugoslav forces began shelli ng around the neighboring village of Cerovik.  The villagers spent the night in the forest.

According to the survivor, Serb police sent several elderly ethnic Albanian vill agers who had remained in Golubovac to the forest on Saturday morning to tell the civilians taking shelter there that it was safe for  them to return home.  When they attempted to return, they were then gathered in a field by a group of about thirty or forty police officer s, and the men were separated from the women and children.  The police initially chose about twenty-five men from the larger grou p of men, but then narrowed this group down to fourteen men who, according to the survivor,  would later be lined up and shot.

The survivor told Human Rights Watch that the fourteen were beaten with fists an d rifles and kicked with boots while being questioned by Serb police about ties to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).  The process of sepa rating the men and their subsequent interrogation lasted for about two hours. The men were then taken to the road next to the execution s ite, where they were forced to crouch with their hands behind their backs for an extended period of time.

The survivor told Human Rights Watch that the men were then led into a garden an d ordered to lie flat on the ground, face down with their hands behind their backs.  They were told that if they identified KLA members in  their midst everyone else would be freed.  During this time, the survivor reported being beaten on his back with sticks and kicked all over his body.  He showed Human Rights Watch deep bruises on his back and buttocks that were consistent with this account.  He als o described in detail how the men were executed, relating how a single police officer first executed the man lying next to the survivor an d then two other men nearby.  The police officer then moved up and down the column firing a burst of automatic gunshots at each victim.  Sev eral of the men were kicked afterwards and one man was shot again when he displayed signs of life.  The witness apparently survived  because he was able to feign death when being kicked. The police left the site almost immediately after the execution and the survivor  was helped from the scene by local villagers.

The testimony of the survivor was coherent and credible, and matched the testimo ny of an earlier witness previously interviewed by Human Rights Watch, as well as the evidence inspected at the execution site on T uesday.  Along a fence within a family compound, Human Rights Watch inspected many pools of fresh blood on Tuesday and found over  eighty bullet shells at the spot where the witnesses claimed the policeman fired.  The site was also visited by diplomatic observers on Tuesday.

Human Rights Watch is greatly concerned about the health and safety of the sole survivor, who remains in the Drenica region, which is under heavy Serbian police control.  Human Rights Watch calls upon the internati onal community to assist the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in bringing the survivor to a safe loc ation, and demands that the Yugoslav authorities and police and military forces refrain from any actions that would jeopardize the sa fety of this important witness.

The violations of humanitarian law being committed in Kosovo fall under the juri sdiction of the ICTY.   By taking immediate steps to collect and preserve evidence and witnesses' testimony, the Tribunal will not only incre ase the chances of ultimately bringing the perpetrators to justice, but also of deterring future abuses.  However, time is of the essence i f the tribunal is to fulfill its enormous deterrence potential. Much more intense and timely attention to ongoing atrocities are required.

In order for the ICTY to meet this challenge, it must have sufficient capacity a nd equipment on site to conduct an immediate investigation when allegations of atrocities emerge.  Further, its investigators, including fo rensic experts, must have unimpeded  access to the sites of recent abuses.  To date, the Yugoslav government has denied entry visas to foren sic teams, investigators of the ICTY, and other respected and impartial international organizations in a blatant attempt to prev ent international and independent scrutiny of the abuses committed by its forces. Human Rights Watch calls upon the international communi ty to assist the ICTY in developing such urgently needed capacities, and on the Yugoslav government to provide immediate access fo r the ICTY and its independent forensic experts to carry out investigations into allegations of mass graves and other atrocities in  the region.

9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:ADN/SerbSpies
Datum:         Fri, 2 Oct 1998 13:37:45 -0700
    Von:         Kreshnik Bejko <kbejko@KRUNCHER.PTLOMA.EDU>
Serb Diplomat Leaves Albania

TIRANA - Serb authorities said they would replace the secretary of the Yugoslav Embassy, Rados Sakic, after press reports that he was involved in many relations with Albanian women, daily Shekulli reported. Nevertheless, the Albanian secret service said that Sakic's leave was take n just before Albanian authorities were considering declaring him as an unwelcome person. Sakic's substitute arrived in Tirana last week, and has started his new jo b by learning the Albanian language.

The Yugoslav Embassy said that his substitution had been communicated as " a normal procedure after the conclusion of the diplomatic mandate," which normally does not last more than five years. The same sources said that such an exit for the Serb diplomat was urged because of the deconspiration of his agents network in Tirana.

Albanian intelligence service sources said that most of the diplomats working at the embassy are security officers, who know Albanian language and the country very well because of their work experience in Kosovo. They fear that they have many Albanians informants, as trade-offs for Yugoslav visas and support in their trade. "However, the financial and technical possibilities in Albania are not stimulating at all, and the information we have on the activity of the Yugoslav agents in Albania are not sufficient to denounce their activity legally," a SHIK official said. "Now that the UDB (Yugoslav secret service) has a good seat in Tirana, our fight against it will be more difficult," he added. true

Albanian Government List:

Prime Minister (Apptd 30 Sept. 98) Pandeli MAJKO (SP)
Deputy Prime Minister Ilir META (SP)

Agriculture & Food Lufter XHUVELI (AP)
Culture, Youth & Sports Edi RAMA (Independent)
Defence Luan HAJDARAGA (SP)
Education & Science Et'hem RUKA (SP)
Finance Anastas ANGJELI (SP)
Foreign Paskal MILO (SDP)
Health Leonard SOLIS (HRUP)
Information Musa ULQINI (SP)
Justice Thimio KONDI (Independent)
Public Order Petro KOCI (SP)
Labour and Social Affairs Kadri RRAPI (SP)
Local Power Arben DEMETI (DA)
Public Economy and Privatisation Ylli BUFI (SP)
Public Affairs and Transport Ingrid SHULI (SDP)
Economic Cooperation and Trade Ermelinda MEKSI (SP)
Institutional Reforms Arben IMAMI (DA)

European Integration Maqo LAKRORI (SP)

Socialist Party - SP Social Democratic Party - SDP Democratic Alliance Party -
DA Human Rights Union Party (ethnic Greeks) - HRUP Agrarian Party
- AP true

10. eventual additional press news 
There are many NEWS  ==> Go to  PART 2
Link to Background-information  
Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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Die Bibel sagt 
    Gott hat uns nicht gegeben den Geist der Furcht, 
    sondern der Kraft und der Liebe und der Besonnenheit. 
      2. Timotheus 1,7
      Ein Vater der Waisen und ein Helfer der Witwen 
           ist Gott in seiner heiligen Wohnung, 
      ein Gott, der die Einsamen nach Hause bringt, 
           der die Gefangenen herausfuehrt, dass es ihnen wohlgehe. 
      Gelobt sei der Herr taeglich. 
           Gott legt uns eine Last auf, aber er hilft uns auch. 
      Wir haben einen Gott, der da hilft, 
           und den HERRN, der vom Tode errettet.
    Psalm 68, 6.7a.20.21
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; 
      but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
      2. Timotheus 1,7
    A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, 
         [is] God in his holy habitation. 
    God setteth the solitary in families: 
         he bringeth out those which are bound with chains 
    Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] 
         the God of our salvation. Selah. 
    [He that is] our God [is] the God of salvation; 
         and unto GOD the Lord [belong] the issues from death. 
    Psalm 68, 5.6a.19.20
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

   __________ALBANEWS: Albanian News and Information Network___________
   Archives  http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/archives/albanews.html
   Kosova Information Center   http://www.kosova.com
   Kosova-Info-Line (German)   http://www.kosova-info-line.de
   Koha Ditore (ARTA)          http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm
Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 3.10.1998  

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