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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 18. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 18, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1586

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • UN-Delegation in Belgrad eingetroffen
  • Holbrooke: Nato behaelt den "Finger am Abzug"
  • Nato und OSZE begannen mit Ueberwachung der Krisenprovinz Kosovo
  • Washington sieht "klare Anzeichen" fuer serbischen Rueckzug
  • Routine bestimmt den Alltag der internationalen Beobachter im Kosovo
  • Neue Fluchtwelle ueber Adria - 800 Immigranten in Italien gestellt
  • Erste OSZE-Beobachter im Kosovo - Nato begann mit Kontrollfluegen
  • OSZE-Vorauskommando in Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina eingetroffen
  • EU-Ratspraesident will Ernennung von Beauftragtem fuer Aussenpolitik
  • Erste Mitglieder der OSZE-Mission im Kosovo erwartet
  • Menschenrechtsgruppe: 895 Albaner in drei Monaten im Kosovo getoetet
  • OSZE-Missionsleiter Walker ein alter Hase der US-Diplomatie
  • Drei serbische Polizisten im Kosovo getötet
  • Nato-Aufklaerungsfluege ueber dem Kosovo haben begonnen
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 19:39 http://seite1.web.de/show/362A27E0.NL1/
    UN-Delegation in Belgrad eingetroffen
    Belgrad (dpa) - Ein Delegation der Vereinten Nationen ist am Sonntag abend in Belgrad eingetroffen. Die zehn UN-Diplomaten wollen sich über die Lage in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo «aus erster Hand» informieren, meldete die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta.
         Vorgesehen sind Treffen mit jugoslawischen Regierungsvertretern, Repräsentanten der Kosovo-Albaner, sowie der in Jugoslawien tätigen internationalen Organisationen. Die Delegation, angeführt vom UN-Bürochef Stefan de Mistura aus Rom, wird am Dienstag in das Kosovo weiterreisen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 18:21 http://seite1.web.de/show/362A15AB.NL1/
    Holbrooke: Nato behält den «Finger am Abzug»
    Washington (dpa) - Trotz der Anzeichen für ein serbisches Einlenken im Kosovo-Konflikt behält die Nato nach den Worten von US-Sondervermittler Richard Holbrooke den «Finger am Abzug». In einem Gespräch mit dem US-Fernsehsender ABC betonte Holbrooke am Sonntag: «Wir sind bereit, Gewalt anzuwenden, falls das notwendig ist.» Zwar sei Belgrad dabei, etwa ein Drittel der vereinbarten Truppen aus der Krisenprovinz abzuziehen, «wir sind aber noch nicht zufriedengestellt».
         Holbrooke verteidigte die angestrebte hohe Zahl von 2 000 internationalen Beobachtern im Kosovo. «Es können notfalls noch mehr werden«, sagte er. Holbrooke hatte die Vereinbarungen über das Kosovo mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic getroffen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 17:58  http://seite1.web.de/show/362A1063.NL1/
    Nato und OSZE begannen mit Überwachung der Krisenprovinz Kosovo
    Pristina/Belgrad/Washington (dpa) - Die Nato und die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) haben am Wochenende mit der Überwachung der südjugoslawischen Krisenregion Kosovo begonnen. Washington sprach am Sonntag aufgrund der Ergebnisse der ersten Nato-Aufklärungsflügen über dem Kosovo von «klaren Anzeichen, daß einige der (serbischen) Truppen abgezogen worden sind und weitere in den kommenden Tagen folgen werden».
         Die Nato hatte am Vortag vereinbarungsgemäß mit unbewaffneten Kontrollflügen über dem Kosovo begonnen. Unterdessen häuften sich die Angriffe der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo, bei denen nach offiziellen Angaben drei serbische Polizisten getötet wurden.
         In der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina trafen am Sonntag 20 Mitglieder des Vorauskommandos der OSZE ein. Sie sollen die Arbeitsbedingungen erkunden und Unterkünfte für die erwarteten 2 000 Beobachter organisieren. «Wir sind hier, um technische Details zu klären und den Weg für die Mission zu ebnen», erklärte der Leiter der Logistik-Abteilung der OSZE, John Sandrock, am Sonntag nachmittag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Pristina. Die unbewaffneten Beobachter haben hauptsächlich die Aufgabe, den jugoslawischen Truppenteilabzug aus dem Kosovo sowie die Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge zu überwachen.
         Die technische Vorhut wird sich ab Montag in kleine Teams aufteilen und über die gesamte, mehrheitlich von Albanern bewohnte, südserbische Provinz ausschwärmen, um Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten für Büros und Koordinierungszentren ausfindig zu machen. Mit dem Eintreffen weiterer Beobachter sei frühestens am Mittwoch zu rechnen, sagte Sandrock.
         In Washington wurde unterdessen von einem weiteren Abzug der Sicherheitskräfte Belgrads aus dem Kosovo berichtet. Belgrad ziehe offensichtlich mindestens zwei von insgesamt geforderten sieben Bataillonen aus dem Kosovo zurück und erleichtere die humanitäre Hilfe, sagte ein Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates. «Wir werden dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic weiterhin sagen, welche zusätzlichen Truppen abgezogen werden müssen, um die Vereinbarungen zu erfüllen», sagte der Sprecher.
         Unbewaffnete Flugzeuge der Nato begannen am Vortag nach Berichten US-amerikanischer Medien mit den vereinbarten Aufklärungsflügen über dem Kosovo. Mit diesen Flügen soll vor allem überprüft werden, ob sich der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic an die in der Vorwoche getroffenen Abmachungen über den Truppenabzug aus dem Kosovo hält. Nach den Angaben soll ein Teil der Maschinen, darunter auch das US-Spionageflugzeug U-2, auf dem Nato-Stützpunkt Aviano in Italien stationiert sein.
         Bei einem Überfall der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo wurden am Samstag abend drei serbische Polizisten getötet. Zwei Beamte wurden verletzt, berichtete der Sender B 92 in Belgrad am Sonntag. Der Zwischenfall ereignete sich im Dorf Orlate, nahe der früheren UCK-Hochburg Malisevo, etwa 30 Kilometer westlich der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina. Die Polizisten seien von einer Granate getötet worden, sagte ein Augenzeuge dem Sender.
         Bei den Angriffen serbischer Polizei und jugoslawischer Armee im Kosovo wurden nach Angaben des albanischen Menschenrechtskomitees in Pristina vom Sonntag in den vergangenen drei Monaten 895 Albaner getötet. Gleichzeitig wurden 512 Albaner verletzt. 586 Albaner wurden nach diesen Angaben entweder entführt oder gelten als verschollen, knapp 2 200 wurden «willkürlich» verhaftet, teilte das Komitee mit.
         Die serbische Offensive hat nach Informationen dieser führenden albanischen Menschenrechtsgruppe seit dem vergangenen Frühjahr zur Vertreibung von 450 000 Albanern geführt. Bei den Angriffen wurden zwischen Juli und September auch 42 Moscheen und andere religiöse Einrichtungen zerstört oder schwer beschädigt.
         Unterdessen hält die Flucht aus dem Kosovo an. Etwa 800 Flüchtlinge, mehrheitlich Kosovo-Bewohner, wurden am Wochenende an der süditalienischen Adriaküste aufgegriffen. Die Menschen wurden zur Identifizierung nach Lecce und danach in Notunterkünfte gebracht. Andere müssen vorerst in Containern im Hafen von Otranto leben.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 15:34 http://seite1.web.de/show/3629EE87.NL1/
    Washington sieht «klare Anzeichen» für serbischen Rückzug
    Washington (dpa) - Das Weiße Haus sieht nach den ersten Nato-Aufklärungsflügen über dem Kosovo «klare Anzeichen, daß einige der (serbischen) Truppen abgezogen worden sind und weitere in den kommenden Tagen folgen werden». Dies sagte ein Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates der USA nach Medienberichten vom Sonntag in Washington. Belgrad ziehe offensichtlich mindestens zwei der erforderlichen sieben Bataillone aus dem Kosovo zurück und erleichtere die humanitäre Hilfe.
         Die Nato hatte am Samstag begonnen, unter anderem amerikanische U-2-Aufklärungflugzeuge über dem Kosovo einzusetzen. «Wir werden dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic weiterhin sagen, welche zusätzlichen Truppen abgezogen werden müssen, um die Vereinbarungen zu erfüllen», sagte der Sprecher. Er wandte sich gleichzeitig gegen die Einschätzung, im kommenden Frühling werde die Gewalt in der Krisenprovinz wieder aufflammen. «Wir werden nicht zulassen, daß das Kosovo wieder auf diesen Stand zurückfällt».
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 14:53  http://seite1.web.de/show/3629E4EE.NL1/
    Routine bestimmt den Alltag der internationalen Beobachter im Kosovo
    Prizren (dpa) - Sie kennen keinen Sonntag, haben ständig ein Ohr für die Nöte der Bevölkerung und melden ihre Wahrnehmungen präzise an ihre Botschaften in Belgrad. Giovanni Ramunno aus Italien und Jean Pierre Kyndt aus Belgien sind zwei von insgesamt 70 diplomatischen Beobachtern, die schon seit Anfang Juli die konfliktträchtige Lage in der mehrheitlich von Albanern bewohnten und serbisch verwalteten Provinz Kosovo unter die Lupe nehmen.
         Ramunno und Kyndt bilden das Team für die Stadt Prizren und den Südwesten des Kosovos. In ihren Bereich fallen die Berge um Suva Reka und Urosevac, wo noch Ende September Kämpfe zwischen den serbischen Sicherheitskräften und der kosovo-albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK tobten. Am Sonntag sind sie zu einer ihrer letzten Patrouillen aufgebrochen, die unter dem Namen «Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission» (KDOM) lief.
         Denn die KDOM soll vollständig in der nun anlaufenden, bis zu 2 000 Mitarbeitern umfassenden Beobachtermission der OSZE aufgehen. Ihre Arbeit wird letztlich auf dem Wissen, den Erkenntnissen und den Beziehungen aufbauen, die sich die diplomatischen Beobachter der KDOM in mehr als dreimonatiger Kleinarbeit erworben haben.
         «Heute fahren wir in die Gegend von Suva Reka, um zu sehen, wo die serbische Polizei steht und wo es Vertriebene gibt», erklärte Ramunno vor der Abfahrt aus Prizren. Gleich im Dorf Bukosh bietet sich ein trauriger Anblick: der Großteil der Häuser liegt in Schutt und Asche. Wie in den anderen Kampfgebieten steckten die serbischen Polizeitruppen nach dem Einrücken in das Dorf die Gebäude in Brand.
         Schnell ist der Jeep der beiden Beobachter von albanischen Männern umringt. «Hier im Dorf ist keine Polizei mehr, wohl aber drüben im Nachbardorf», sagt einer von ihnen. Ramunno und Kyndt klettern über eine heil gebliebene Stiege eine der Hausruinen hoch. Durch einen Feldstecher nimmt Kyndt die angebliche Stellung der Polizei in Augenschein. «Ich sehe ein Fahrzeug, keine Bewegungen, keine Personen, Entfernung etwa 3,5 Kilometer», stellt er fest, während sein Kollegen die Angaben notiert.
         Die Bewohner nennen noch weitere Stellungen der Polizei. «Das überprüfen wir nachher», meint Ramunno. «Wie viele Häuser sind beschädigt?», fragt Kyndt. «Alle, bis auf sieben», sagen die Bewohner. Dann erläutern die beiden Beobachter, wie sie die Gebäude in die Kategorien schwer-, mittel- und leichtbeschädigt einordnen. Die Albaner versichern, daß sie diese Angaben schnell zusammenstellen werden. Die Beobachter leiten sie an die diversen humanitären Hilfsorganisationen weiter, die dann gezielter handeln können.
         Die Aussage eines Mannes läßt die Beobachter aufhorchen: «Sie haben uns die Brunnen vergiftet», erzählt er. Tatsächlich hatten die serbischen Polizisten in den einen Brunnen zwei erschossene Hunde geworfen. Aus dem anderen fischten die Albaner Säcke mit einem seltsamen gelben Pulver. Beim Eintreffen der Beobachter war dieses allerdings bereits weggeschafft, die Wasseroberfläche im Brunnenschacht wies merkwürdige Blasen auf.
         «So sieht unsere Routine aus», meint Kyndt. Wirklich ausgesucht hat er sich diesen Job nicht. Er war EU-Beobachter in Sarajevo und wurde von seinem Land ins Kosovo geschickt. «Aber wenn man schon hier ist, dann soll man sich auch einsetzen», fügt er hinzu. «Und wenn man nur kleine Erfolge erzielt, so verspürt man doch eine gewisse Befriedigung.»
         Der warmherzige Abschied, den die Albaner in Bukosh dem Beobachter-Team bereiten, bestätigt diese Worte. Sie, die Betroffenen, fühlen sich ein wenig sicherer durch die Aufmerksamkeit, die ihnen die zwei Ausländer zukommen lassen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 14:48 http://seite1.web.de/show/3629E3A3.NL1/
    Neue Fluchtwelle über Adria - 800 Immigranten in Italien gestellt
    Lecce (dpa) - Etwa 800 Flüchtlinge sind am Wochenende an der süditalienischen Adriaküste aufgegriffen worden. Nach Angaben der italienischen Behörden vom Sonntag handelt es sich in der Mehrzahl um Menschen aus der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo. Der Zustrom werde wegen der günstigen Wetterbedingungen vermutlich noch zunehmen. Freiwillige Helfer in den Notunterkünften forderten Rom zum Handeln auf. «Die Situation ist unerträglich.»
         Unter den Flüchtlingen seien viele Kinder, sagte ein Sprecher. Die Menschen wurden zur Identifizierung nach Lecce und danach in Notunterkünfte gebracht. Andere müssen vorerst in Containern im Hafen von Otranto leben. Dort sind Tag und Nacht freiwillige Helfer im Einsatz, um den Flüchtlingen beizustehen. «Unsere Notunterkünfte sind völlig überbelegt», sagte ein Bürgermeister und forderte die Regierung auf, für andere Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten zu sorgen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 14:28  http://seite1.web.de/show/3629DF03.NL1/
    Erste OSZE-Beobachter im Kosovo - Nato begann mit Kontrollflügen
    Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die ersten Mitglieder der Beobachtermission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) sind am Sonntag im Kosovo eingetroffen. Die Nato begann am Vortag vereinbarungsgemäß mit unbewaffneten Kontrollflügen über der südserbischen Unruheprovinz, um den Abzug der Sicherheitskräfte Belgrads aus der Region zu überwachen. Unterdessen häuften sich die Angriffe der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo, bei denen nach offiziellen Angaben drei serbische Polizisten getötet wurden.
         Die 13 Mitglieder des Vorauskommandos der OSZE sollen die Arbeitsbedingungen erkunden und Unterkünfte für die erwarteten 2 000 Beobachter organisieren, meldete die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta. Die unbewaffneten Beobachter haben hauptsächlich die Aufgabe, den jugoslawischen Truppenteilabzug aus dem Kosovo sowie die Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge zu überwachen.
         Bei einem Überfall der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo wurden am Samstag abend drei serbische Polizisten getötet. Zwei Beamte wurden verletzt, berichtete der Sender B 92 in Belgrad am Sonntag. Der Zwischenfall ereignete sich im Dorf Orlate, nahe der früheren UCK-Hochburg Malisevo, etwa 30 Kilometer westlich der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina. Die Polizisten seien von einer Granate getötet worden, sagte ein Augenzeuge dem Sender.
         Unbewaffnete Flugzeuge der Nato begannen am Vortag nach Berichten US-amerikanischer Medien mit den vereinbarten Aufklärungsflügen über dem Kosovo. Mit diesen Flügen soll vor allem überprüft werden, ob sich der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic an die in der Vorwoche getroffenen Abmachungen über den Truppenabzug aus dem Kosovo hält. Nach den Angaben soll ein Teil der Maschinen, darunter auch das US-Spionageflugzeug U-2, auf dem Nato-Stützpunkt Aviano in Italien stationiert sein.
         Bei den Angriffen serbischer Polizei und jugoslawischer Armee im Kosovo wurden nach Angaben des albanischen Menschenrechtskomitees in Pristina vom Sonntag in den vergangenen drei Monaten 895 Albaner getötet. Gleichzeitig wurden 512 Albaner verletzt. 586 Albaner wurden nach diesen Angaben entweder entführt oder gelten als verschollen, knapp 2 200 wurden «willkürlich» verhaftet, teilte das Komitee ferner mit.
         Die serbische Offensive hat nach Informationen dieser führenden albanischen Menschenrechtsgruppe seit dem vergangenen Frühjahr zur Vertreibung von 450 000 Albanern geführt. Bei den Angriffen wurden zwischen Juli und September auch 42 Moscheen und andere religiöse Einrichtungen zerstört oder schwer beschädigt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 14:15  http://seite1.web.de/show/3629DC04.NL1/
    OSZE-Vorauskommando in Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina eingetroffen
    Pristina (dpa) - Eine rund 15köpfige Gruppe von Mitarbeitern der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) ist am Sonntag nachmittag in Pristina eingetroffen. Sie bildet das Vorauskommando der Beobachtermission der OSZE im Kosovo, der insgesamt 2 000 Personen angehören sollen. Die zivilen, unbewaffneten Beobachter sollen den vom UN-Sicherheitsrat geforderten Teilabzug serbischer Polizei- und Militärkräfte aus der südserbischen Krisenprovinz überwachen. Sollte Belgrad diese Forderungen nicht erfüllen, droht die Nato mit Luftangriffen auf serbische Militärziele.
         Achtung: Sie erhalten einen Korr.-Bericht über die Arbeit der OSZE im Kosovo bis 15.30 Uhr
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 13:22   http://seite1.web.de/show/3629CF7B.NL1/
    EU-Ratspräsident will Ernennung von Beauftragtem für Außenpolitik
    Wien (dpa) - Der österreichische Bundeskanzler und EU-Ratspräsident Viktor Klima hat am Sonntag die Ernennung eines Beauftragten der EU für Außenpolitik noch in diesem Jahr gefordert. Dieser solle als Sprecher für die gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Europäischen Union fungieren, sagte Klima in der Pressestunde des österreichischen Fernsehens.
         Beim informellen Gipfeltreffen der EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs am kommenden Wochenende in Pörtschach (Kärnten) solle über Kandidaten für diese Funktion gesprochen werden, sagte Klima. Eine Entscheidung könnte dann beim EU-Gipfel am 11. und 12. Dezember in Wien getroffen werden, fügte er hinzu.
         Klima sagte, die EU könne sich in außenpolitischen Krisen wie im Kosovo nicht immer auf die USA verlassen. «Ich halte es für nicht tragbar, daß sich die EU zu einer starken wirtschaftlichen Kraft entwickelt, Europa jedoch im kommenden Jahrhundert ein politischer Zwerg bleibt», sagte Klima.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 12:50  http://seite1.web.de/show/3629C807.NL1/
    Erste Mitglieder der OSZE-Mission im Kosovo erwartet
    Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die ersten Mitglieder der Kosovo-Beobachtermission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) werden am Sonntag in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina erwartet. Das aus 13 Personen bestehende Vorauskommando soll Arbeitsbedingungen und Unterkünfte für die erwarteten 2 000 Beobachter erkunden, meldete die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta. Am Samstag waren bereits acht OSZE-Vertreter aus Bosnien kommend in Pristina eingetroffen.
         Das Abkommen über die einjährige Stationierung der OSZE-Beobachter in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz hatten am Freitag in Belgrad der OSZE-Vorsitzende Bronislaw Geremek und der jugoslawische Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic unterzeichnet. Die unbewaffneten Beobachter sollen vor allem den von Milosevic zugesagten Truppenabzug aus dem Kosovo sowie die Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge überwachen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 12:38  http://seite1.web.de/show/3629C537.NL1/
    Menschenrechtsgruppe: 895 Albaner in drei Monaten im Kosovo getötet
    Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Bei serbischen Armee- und Polizeieinsätzen wurden in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo in den vergangenen drei Monaten 895 Albaner getötet. Das berichtete die albanische Kosovo-Menschenrechtskomitee am Sonntag in der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina. Gleichzeitig seien 512 Albaner verletzt worden. Weitere 586 Albaner wurden entführt oder gelten als verschollen. Knapp 2 200 wurden nach Angaben der Organisation «willkürlich» verhaftet.
         Wie die führende albanische Menschenrechtsgruppe weiter berichtet, sind seit Beginn der serbischen Offensive im vergangenen Frühjahr 450 000 Albaner aus ihren Häusern vertrieben worden. Bei den Angriffen sollen zwischen Juli und September auch 42 Moscheen und andere religiöse Einrichtungen zerstört oder schwer beschädigt worden sein.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 12:18  http://seite1.web.de/show/3629C09D.NL1/
    OSZE-Missionsleiter Walker ein alter Hase der US-Diplomatie
    Wien (dpa) - Der am Samstag zum Leiter der OSZE-Beobachtermission im Kosovo ernannte William Graham Walker ist ein alter Hase der US-Diplomatie. Im Verlauf seiner 37jährigen Karriere war der 63jährige weltweit im Einsatz. Zudem war er von 1985 bis 1988 stellvertretender Unterstaatssekretär im US-Außenministerium.
         In dieser Zeit war er auch US-Sondergesandter für Panama und hatte die Aufgabe, die Krise um den damaligen Präsidenten Panamas, General Manuel Antonio Noriega, zu lösen. Dieser lehnte jedoch einen freiwilligen Machtverzicht ab und wurde schließlich durch einen US-Militäreinsatz Ende 1989 entmachtet.
         Von 1988 bis 1992 war Walker US-Botschafter in El Salvador.Bolivien, Honduras, Brasilien, Japan und Peru waren weitere Stationen seiner diplomatischen Laufbahn. Im Juli 1997 übernahm er die Leitung der UN-Verwaltung in Ostslawonien, das im kroatisch-serbischen Krieg unter serbische Kontrolle geraten war. Im Januar 1998 wurde die Mission beendet und Ostslawonien wieder in den kroatischen Staat eingegliedert.
         Die bis zu 2 000 Beobachter umfassende Kosovo-Mission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) soll den Abzug der serbischen Truppen aus der südjugoslawischen Unruheprovinz und die Rückkehr der mehr als 200 000 Flüchtlinge überwachen. Walker wird im Laufe der kommenden Woche in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina eintreffen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 09:20  http://seite1.web.de/show/362996E2.NL1/
    Drei serbische Polizisten im Kosovo getötet
    Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Bei einem Überfall albanischer Untergrundkämpfer der UCK im Kosovo sind am späten Samstag abend drei serbische Polizisten getötet worden. Weitere Polizisten seien verletzt worden, berichtete der Belgrader Sender B 92 am Sonntag. Der Zwischenfall habe sich im Dorf Orlate nahe der früheren UCK-Hochburg Malisevo ereignet. Die Polizisten seien von einer Granate getötet worden, sagte ein Augenzeuge.
         Bei mehreren anderen Überfällen der UCK sind am Samstag nach serbischen Angaben auch ein Polizist und ein Wachmann verletzt worden.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 17.10.1998 22:22  http://seite1.web.de/show/3628FC94.NL1/
    Nato-Aufklärungsflüge über dem Kosovo haben begonnen
    Washington/Belgrad/Wien (dpa) - Nato-Flugzeuge haben am Samstag mit Aufklärungsflügen über dem Kosovo begonnen. Ein amerikanischer Regierungsbeamter habe die Flüge bestätigt, berichteten US-Medien. Mit den Flügen soll vor allem überprüft werden, ob sich der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic an die getroffenen Abmachungen zum Truppenrückzug aus der Krisenprovinz im Süden Jugoslawiens hält. Nach den Angaben soll ein Teil der Maschinen, darunter das US-Spionageflugzeug U-2, auf dem Nato-Stützpunkt im italienischen Aviano stationiert sein.
         Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) hat unterdessen den US-Diplomaten William Graham Walker zum Leiter der Beobachtermission im Kosovo ernannt. Das teilte die Organisation in Wien mit. Bis zu 2 000 OSZE-Beobachter sollen den Abzug der serbischen Truppen aus der Unruheprovinz sowie die Rückkehr hunderttausender Flüchtlinge überwachen.
         Der derzeitige OSZE-Vorsitzende, der polnische Außenminister Bronislaw Geremek, sagte, Botschafter Walker habe «die einmalige Möglichkeit zu Frieden und Stabilität am Balkan beizutragen». Walker war zuletzt Sondergesandter von UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan in Ostslawonien (Kroatien). Die ersten 13 Mitglieder der Kosovo-Beobachtermission waren am Samstag in Belgrad eingetroffen.
         Die USA und die Nato halten unterdessen ihre militärische Drohung gegen Jugoslawien weiter aufrecht. Da sich der Milosevic bisher nicht völlig den Forderungen der UN gebeugt habe, müsse die Nato «den Finger am Abzug behalten», sagte der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, James Rubin.
         Der Nato-Rat in Brüssel hatte den Aktivierungsbefehl für Luftangriffe am Freitag bis zum 27. Oktober ausgesetzt, seine Gültigkeit aber nicht aufgehoben. Damit gab die Allianz Milosevic weitere zehn Tage Zeit, die UN-Resolution 1199 zum Kosovo-Konflikt vollständig zu erfüllen.
         Der politische Sprecher der Kosovo-Untergrundarmee UCK, Adem Demaci, forderte die OSZE am Samstag auf, auch mit der UCK ein Abkommen über die geplante Tätigkeit der unbewaffneten Beobachter zu schließen. Dies sei nötig, um eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen UCK und OSZE-Beobachtern zu ermöglichen, sagte Demaci der in Pristina erscheinenden albanischen Tageszeitung «Koha Ditore». Nur so könne sichergestellt werden, daß die OSZE-Mission bei ihren Aktivitäten die volle Unterstützung der UCK genieße. Gleichzeitig lehnte der UCK-Generalstab die zwischen dem US-Sondervermittler Richard Holbrooke und Milosevic zu Wochenbeginn erzielten Vereinbarungen am Samstag ab.
         Unterdessen wurde aus der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina am Samstag von neuen UCK-Anschlägen auf serbische Polizei berichtet. Zwei Schwerverletzte sind nach serbischen Angaben die Bilanz mehrerer Anschläge am Freitag und Samstag.
    © dpa
    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Wer nichts tut, macht keine Fehler. 
               - Oder ist gerade das ein Fehler ? 
    Was wird die NATO am Samstag (nicht) tun ?  

    Doing nothing means making no mistakes. 
               - Or ist exactly this a mistake ? 
    What will NATO do or not do on Saturday ?  

    Das ist die Antwort - THAT's the answer  
    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 18:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3627715F.NL1/ 
    Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus 
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 15:34 http://seite1.web.de/show/3629EE87.NL1/ 
    Washington sieht «klare Anzeichen» für serbischen Rückzug 
    ... Belgrad ziehe offensichtlich mindestens zwei der erforderlichen sieben Bataillone aus dem Kosovo zurück und erleichtere die humanitäre Hilfe. ...

    Betreff:         Kosov@ - OSZE sucht Beobachter
    Datum:         Sun, 18 Oct 1998 11:06:39 +0100
        Von:         Christopher Temt <temt@ins.at>
    "... Die OSZE-Beobachtertruppe soll insgesamt 2.ooo Mitglieder umfassen ... es ist unklar, ob so eine grosze Zahl an Beobachter in so kurzer Zeit zusammenkommen kann." Zeitungsmeldung vom Fr. 16. Okt. ´98

    Zivildiener in Oesterreich fordern schon seit laengerem eine 1-monatige Ausbildung waehrend ihres Dienstes, um anschlieszend genau fuer solche OSZE-/UNO-Einsaetze freiwillig zur Verfuegung stehen zu koennen.
    Das Konzept des DiplomZIVIs dazu:   http://www.zivildienst.at/Texte/diplomzivi.htm

    Fuer naehere Informationen zum Zivildienst am besten persoenlich am ZiviTAG am Freitag den 23. Oktober vorbeischauen:   http://www.zivildienst.at/zivitag98.htm
    Wir bitten die Medien den ZiviTAG ´98 in ihren Veranstaltungskalender aufzunehmen !

    Umfassende Informationen über den Kosov@ mit Texten von:
    Dr. Irmtraut Karlsson; Dr. Alois Mock; Alexander Lange; Dardan Gashi; Reinhard Laurer; Dr. Vojislav Seselj
    und Spendenkonto:

    mit zivilen Grueszen
    Christopher Temt
    0663 / 97 090 59

            Diskussionsforum zum Zivildienst (BlackBox):

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1586
    Datum:         Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:27:20 +0200
        Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 18 October 1998

    Serb Open Heavy Machine-Gun Fire against Mitrovica Villages

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - On Saturday evening, around 21:00 hrs, Serb forces opened heavy machine-gun fire against the villages of Mazhiq, Rrashan, Trepçali, Medenicë, as well as along the Stantërg- Bare roadway. Serbs attacked from their military base at Kutllovc village of Mitrovica, LDK sources said.
    Serbian forces have camouflaged a huge military arsenal in the wooded areas around the military base in Kutllovc, reports said.
    Meanwhile, LDK sources said Serb forces had opened automatic and machine-gun fire aiming at Ismet Ahmeti (52, his son Mehdi (30), nephew Isufi (15), and cousin Jahir (35), when they returned to their village of Radishevë, municipality of Skenderaj. They were not hit. The Albanians, temporarily sheltered in the Mitrovica suburbs of Shipol, had gone back to fetch flour and other necessities.

    Three Serb Policemen Killed, Several other Wounded in Kosova, Serb Sources Say

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - Three Serbian policemen were killed and two others wounded by armed Albanians on Saturday in an incident near Orllat village, on the Prishtina-Malisheva roadway, Serbian regime sources said.
    Serb radio said two other Serb policemen were shot and wounded by 'Albanian extremists' in the village of Magurë in Lipjan on Saturday evening.

    Body of Killed Albanian taken to Gjakova Town Morgue

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - Saturday evening, Serbian police brought the body of an unidentified Albanian, in his early twenties, presumed to be from Krelan village, to the town morgue in Gjakova.
    Wounded Albanians are suspected being without any medical attention in Krelan, LDK sources said.
    Meanwhile, local sources in Gjakova said Serb military and police was torching the few standing Albanian houses in the Reka e Keqe region, in the villages of Ponoshec, Molliq, Brovinë, Smolicë.
    Appalling is the humanitarian situation of the displaced Albanian population, around 60.000, in the Gjakoav area. Some relief supplies have trickled in, but they fall well short of the needs, local sources said.

    Unknown Persons Ransack 'Mother Teresa' HQ in Prishtina

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - Saturday night, unknown persons broke into the headquarters of the Mother Teresa charity in Prishtina and took away its case.
    A Mother Teresa official told the KIC the ransackers had sawed the lock to the front door, entered the offices and took away the 400 kilo safe of the major Kosovar humanitarian organization.
    The case contained valuable documents and a considerable ammount of money donated to the charity, the KIC was told.
    Serb police inspected the Mother Teresa office today (Sunday) morning.

    Fresh Serb Forces Deployed near Sferkë e Gashit Village of Klina

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - Fresh Serbian forces have been reported deployed today near the village of Sferkë e Gashit, municipality of Klina. They have taken up combat positions, a local activist told the KIC.
    Two Serb tanks, seven armored vehicles, and three lorries took positions jut above the village of Sferkë and held the Albanian farmhouses at gun-point, the Albanian activist said.

    Newborn Twins Die for Lack of Medical Care
    Albanian couple had them after 22 years of marriage

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - Newborn twin boys of Mr and Mrs Rexhë Gashi from Sferkë e Gashit village of Klina died for lack of medical treatment, local sources said. The Albanian couple had them after 22 years of marriage.
    The bereaved mother is reportedly in a critical condition.

    Gunfire Reported in Obiliq Villages Sunday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 18 (KIC) - Today (Sunday), Serb military and police forces stationed in Plemetin and "Kosova B" power plant's premises opened fire for several hours in the direction of the villages of Lajthishtë ('Leskosic'), Shipitulë, Grabovc, Sibovc and Hamidi of the municipality of Obiliq.
    The Serb fire lasted till 14:00 hrs, local sources said.

    Albanian Severely Beaten up, Robbed by Police in Prishtina

    PRISHTINA, Oct  (KIC) - A 35-year-old Albanian was severely beaten up and robbed of DM 1,500 Saturday in the Prishtina bus station.
    Fadil Avdullahu, resident of Orzhanë village of Mitrovica, had collected the money, remittance sent by his brother in Germany, in Prishtina, where he was stopped by police.
    Serb Police beat the Albanian with truncheons and automatic weapon's barrel, LDK sources in Mitrovica said, adding that no paper confirming seizure of money was given him.

    Almost the Same As Last Month

    PRISHTINA, Oct 17 (KIC) - Information commissions of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) chapters in most of Kosovar municipal capitals circulated Friday detailed accounts on the status of the Serb police and army troops and armament in their respective areas.
    The common denominator of these rports is that the Serb forces' presence on the ground in Kosova is much bigger than prior to 28 February, and almost the same as it was last month, when huge offensives against Albanian villages rolled in many parts of the country.
    In compliance with a NATO deadline which expired (Friday) and was extended for ten more days, the Belgrade regime was supposed to withdraw its police and troops force from Kosova to the level before 28 February 1998, namely prior to the Serb forces' crackdown in Drenica region, central Kosova.
    Serbian forces have been repositioning from one location to another in Kosova, they have been hiding and/or camouflaging in the very same areas around Albanian villages where they operated for months, armament and troops have been garrisoned in factories and buildings of the community, including schools, or have been withdrawn to the barracks in the area where from they can be activated and deployed to pervious positions in a very short period of time, the LDK Information commissions said.
    The Belgrade regime made several televised show of withdrawal of troops from Kosova, each time in half a dozen or so buses, but new convoys were seen entering Kosova even during October, the reports said.
    Below is a picture of the status of the Serb forces in their areas by Friday morning:

    Before 28 March 1998, the Serb police were only based at the Komoran checkpoint.
    After March: Serb army and police troops were dug in during March in Çuka e Zabelit, which was later turned into a huge field base, as well as in severa2l locations around with fewer men and armament.
    By Friday: Serb police were still Friday in Komoran, Gllogoc (police station and Feronikeli plant), Tërstenik, Polluzhë, Vukovc and Llapushnik. Army troops were still holding the positions they were in during summer.

    Before March: Serb police checkpoint were based in the villages of Kliçinë, Vitomiricë, Ozdrin, Radafc, in Peja (near the railway station).
    During spring months the existing checkpoints were enforced with more troops and, and new ones were established in Qyshk, Peja (near the Peja Patriarchy) and near the Gryka e Rugovës (Rugova Gorge).
    By Friday: Serb police forces were still in all those checkpoints. In addition to it, Yugoslav army troops were still in parts of the countryside.

    Before March there was a Serb police checkpoint at the Kamenica- Gjilan-Bujanoc.
    After March: police checkpoint were established at a locations called "Dheu i bardhë", "Katushnicë", near Rogaçica and at "Qafa e Kopernicës".
    By Friday Serb police were still in the outposts at "Dheu i bardhë", "Qafa e Kopernicës" end Stralicë.

    Before March: There was only one checkpoint near the railway station.
    After March: Police forces were based in the Fire-Fighters buildings in the town, near Ibri Bridge,  near the town market, near the bus station, flying checkpoints in all the crossroads, in the suburbs of Shipol, Zveçan, Zheronicë, Stantërg, Kutllovc, Bair, Pirç, Frashër, Broboniq, Koshtovë, Shupkovc, in the town's military barracks in the former railway station. Army forces were based in Stantërg, Kutllovc, barracks in the town then in Pirç, Shipol, Zherovnicë, Banjë and Banjskë.
    Friday: Serb forces were still in all these locations

    Before March: there were police forces in the town's police station, and at the checkpoints in Klina e Epërme, Runikë and Llaushë.
    After March: Additional police forces were brought in Skenderaj, and the already existing checkpoints. New ones were established at Morinë, Polac, Turiçevc, a new one near Llausha and near Likoc. The former ammunition factory was turned into a huge military and police base. Army troops were deployed and redeployed in many locations.
    Last Friday: Serb police were holding the same positions in Skënderaj, Llaushë, Klinë e Epërme, Runikë, Polac and Likoc. Army was still dug in in the countryside.

    There was not police checkpoint in this municipality before March.
    After March: a huge police checkpoint were made at the location called "Kërshat e Grabocit", smaller ones in several places around the Bellaqevc coal mines, in the villages of  Hade, Palaj, Janovodë,  near the power plants  "Kosova B", "Kosova A", in Plementin village and in Obiliq.  Army troops at "Kosova B", in Hamidi, and at a location called "Magazet e Barutit".
    On Friday: The situation was the same. Furthermore, Serb forces were based nea the village of Shipitullë. Serb army were still holding the same positions.

    There was only one check-point at Lubizhdë before March.
    After March: Police checkpoints were established at Landovica, Piranë, at the crossroad and entrances to the town. Army troops were garrisoned in Landovica, Shkozë, Vërnicë, Planej and Kushnin i Hasit.
    By Thursday: Flying checkpoint were seen in several places around the town, at the checkpoints in Lubizhdë, Landovicë. Army forces were still around the villages of Landovicë, Kushnin, Planejë, Milaj, Gorozhup and the Hasit region.

    Fushë Kosova
    Before March: There were flying checkpoints in the town's center intersections, and near the Sllatina Airport.
    After March: Serb police and army troops were garrisoned at a huge base at "Pishat e Sllatinës", (Sllatina Pinewood), in several other locations near the Airport, near the villages of Graboc, Bardh i Madh, Lesmir, Bresje, Batusë.  Army forces established camps at Graboc i Ulët, Sllatinë and Batusë.
    During October there was an increase of both police and army troops in Graboc i Ulët, Sllatinë, and Halilaq.

    Novo Bërdë:
    Before March there were police forces only in the local police station.
    After March: Serb police began occupying the building of the local school. On Thursday: there were still police forces i both the places.

    Before March there were only tow police checkpoints, at Nedakoci and near Ura e Guri (Stone Bridge) near Vushtrri.
    After March: Police checkpoints were established at Bukoshi, near the tube factory in Vushtrri, and at the village of Pestovë. Serb army were based near the villages of Brusnik, Banjskë, Pasomë and Gojbulë.
    By Friday: Serb police were still manning the Nedakoc checkpoint. Army was on the move.

    Before March there were police force in Zhur, an military  at Vërmicë
    After March: Additional army forces were brought in Zhur and Vërmicë. New military bases were established at Vlashnje and Dobrushë.
    This week: Serb police were still in  Zhur, Vlashnjë, Hoçë e Qytetit, Vërmicë. Military troops were still in Zhur, Dobrusht, Vlashnje, Vërmicë, at a locations "Te topat", "Rrezinat", "Vreshtaria". No sign of that they were moving out,

    Before March: Serb police forces were in Bresan, Dubravë and Dragash. Military troops in Dragash and Bresanë.
    After March: Military forces were garrisoned at Dubravë, near  Zym, at a location called "Guri i Zi", near Zaplluzhë , and in Pllajnik hills.
    By Friday: Police forces were still in Dubravë, near Zym. Yugoslav army forces were still in Dubravë, Zaplluzhë, Pllajniku Hill, and in Dragash.

    Before March: There were Serb police forces in the local police station in the town only.
    After March: Serb police checkpoint were established on two exits of the town, and Topliçan village. Military troops were deployed at Qafa e Dulës and "Biraq".
    By Friday: There was no sign of withdrawal of Serb forces. On the contrary, in some places additional troops were dug in. There were still heavy police forces at Mohlan, Krushicë e Ulët, Krushicë e Epërme, Shirokë, Reshtan, Bllacë, Duhël, Samadragjë and Dobërdolan. Army troops remained in Qafë e Dulës, Biraç  and the Damperi rubber plants near Suhareka.

    Zubin Potok
    Before March: There were Serb police forces only in the local police station. A small military base was at a rocket-base in Çeçevë.
    After March: Police force were garrisoned in Zubin Potoku motel, in the cottages of Gazivoda  irrigation and water supply system,   in "Kërshat e Mehovës" holiday resort, near the border on Montenegro, in holiday huts in Zupçë and Mokna Gora. Military forces were deployed in Çeçevë, Mokna Gorë, near the Gazivioda  damn.
    On Friday: Huge police and military forces were still in the area, in all the places they were garrisoned during summer months.

    Before March: Three were police forces in te local station and Soçmir village; army troops in the military barracks in Leposaviq.
    After March: Police bases were established at Ballaban, while military ones at villages of Borçan, Kamenicë and Koshtovë.
    By Friday: No changes noticed.

    Before March: There was a police stations in Vitia and Kllokot. Military forces were in Binçë and Letnicë.
    After March: Police bases were established in Sadovinë e Jerlive, Komogllavë, Ramjan.  Army forces were deployed in Binçë and Letnicë.
    By Friday: Police forces were till in the previous posts, with army in Binçë and Letnicë.

    Before March: There was only one police station in the town.
    After March: Police bases were established at Kryqi i Belincit, "Kodra e Gështenjave", Zborc, Caralevë, Davidovc, Hani Gjeladinit. Army troops were deployed in Carralevë  and Zborc.
    On Friday: The situation was virtually unchanged.

    Before March: There were police posts in Istog, Gurrakoc, Rakosh, Bajë. There was a military base at Mokne.
    After March: Police bases and checkpoint were established at Rakoshi, Dubravë, the Dubrava Jail, Gurrakoc, at Gurrakoc Agricultural Cooperate, Istog, Banjë, Suhagërll and Zallç. Further army troops were garrisoned at Mokne.
    Last week: Additional Serb troops were dug in in the area.

    Hani i Elezit:
    Before March: There was only a Serb base in the town.
    After March: In addition to enforcement of the police forces, a military base was established at Krivenik.
    On Friday: Heavy police and army forces were still in both the places.

    Before March: Three was only one police station in the town.
    After March: Police outposts were established at  Provallac and Brod. Military troops were deployed at  Sushiq and on the border zone with FYROM.
    On Friday:  Heavy troops were  still in all those places.

    before March: There was a police station in the town:
    After March: Police posts established at Bellacërkvë, Xërxë, Gradish. Combined military and police posts at Drenoc and Opterushë.
    On Friday: There were still police forces in Rahovec, Xërxë, Ratkoc, Drenoc and Opterushë.  Military troops were dug in still in the countryside.

    Before March: There were police posts in Deçan, Juniku and Irzniq. Military troops were in Ulaj and Kozhnjer
    After march: Police posts were established in Strellc i Epërm, Isniq, Carrabreg, Prejlep, Rastavicë, Baballoq, Gramaqel, Junik, Irzniq, Llukë të Epërme, Beleg, Vokshit. Army troops in the medical centre in Deçan, in Hulaj, Junik, Jasiq, Gjocaj and Kozhnjer.
    Last week: A heavy presence of police and army forces was so ubiquitous.

    Before March: There were police stations in the town and the villages Orllan, Lluzhan e Kërpimeh, and a checkpoint on the Prishtina-Podujava road.
    After March: Fresh troops were deployed in all the existing bases and new military bases were established in Llaushë, Llapashticë and Obrançë.
    By Friday: The military forces withdrew. Police troops were still in all the bases.

    Before March: There was only a police station in the town.
    After March: Police posts were established at "Dheu i bardhë", "Qafa e Kopernicës" and Stralicë.
    On Friday: There were Serb forces in all those places.

    After March Serb police forces were deployed in outpost in Dollc, Gremnik, Grabanicë, Drenoc, Dollovë, Kpuzë, Çeskovë, Bokshiq, Volljak, Çupellë, Sferkë, Përqevë, Gllarevë, Rigjevë, Zabërgjë, Cerovik, Ujëmir, Dobërdol, Çabiq, Siqevë, Gjurgjevik i Madh, Jashanicë e Epërme, Jashanicë e Poshtme, Pogragjë, Jellovc, Resnik, Shtupel, Kërrnicë, Grapc.
    On Friday: There were still police forces in virtually all the outposts. Military troops were still occupying the agricultural airfield in Budisalc.

    (Reports from several municipalities, including Prishtina, coukd not be obtained yet by Friday afternoon. Kosova has 29 municiplaities.)

    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 18, 1998  at 22:50 hrs
    KOSOVA (Serb shelling – Malishevë)
    Seven villages of Malishevë municipality and two of Drenica under shelling

    Prishtina, 18 October (ARTA) 2010CET --
    The villages of Carallukë, Tërpezë, Senik, Lladroviq, Kleçkë, Novosellë, in Malishevë municipality and the suburb of Malishevë town, are being shelled on Sunday evening, Kosova Liberation Army sources claim to "Koha Ditore".
         The same sources state that, at the same time, two villages in the Drenica region, Tërdevc, and Obri, are being shelled, as well.
         New reinforcement of the Serb forces is taking place in the direction of Komoran, while these sources claim that the foreign journalists were asked to leave the area. There are no details on the causalities up to now.

    KOSOVA (clashes – Malishevë)
    Three policemen killed and several other wounded

    Malishevë, 18 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Three Serb policemen, of the reserve formations were killed and two others were severely wounded, on Saturday night, at around 2130CET, near the Orllat village, on the Prishtina-Malishevë road, the Serb radio informs, blaming the attack on armed Albanians.
         The same source informs that in the village of Magurë, municipality of Lipjan, the "Albanian extremists" wounded two Serb policemen. Serb sources of information notify that the Serb police was also attacked at the police checkpoint in Komoran and in the village of Kleçkë, Lipjan municipality, but no victims resulted from these attacks.

    KOSOVA (Serb shelling - Klinë)
    Serb forces shell several Albanian villages

    Serb forces positioned in the villages of Dollc and Dollovë shelled several Albanian villages (Gremnik, Çupevë, Volljakë, Këpuz, and Çeskovë), Saturday afternoon.
         Villages of Perçevë, Sverkë, and Dush were subjected to Serb fire coming from the direction of the Serb police\military base situated by the Volljakë mine.
         Albanian sources claim there was no Serb troops withdrawal from the Klinë municipality. However, reinforcements were registered.
         Thus, Sunday at 1100CET, by the village of Sverkë, claim Albanian sources, two tanks 4 APC and three military trucks were seen.
         The village of Mrasor was also a site of Serb forces repositioning on three strategic points, wherefrom the village of Kralan and several other villages were shelled. All 30 houses in the village are burned.

    KOSOVA (shooting – Mitrovicë)
    Heavy machine gun shooting in the direction of several villages

    Mitrovicë, 18 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    Heavy machine gun shooting was heard from the Serb military barracks in the village of Kutlloc, municipality of Mitrovicë, in the direction of the villages of Mazhiq, Rashan, Trepçali, Medenicë and along the Stantërg-Bare road, on Saturday night at around 2100CET.
         In the forest surrounding this base, the Serb forces have stored a large military arsenal, such as tanks, APCs and many other fighting vehicles, equipped with heavy artillery weaponry, which from Mitrovicë go in the direction of this village and do not come back, states the LDK information commission.

    KOSOVA (shooting – Obiliq)
    Shooting in the direction of the villages of Lajthishte, Shipitull, Graboc, Sibovc and Hamidi

    Obiliq, 18 October (ARTA) 1515CET --
    Albanian sources state that Serb military\police forces, fired in the direction of Plemetin and the heat system "Kosova B", in the direction of the villages of Lajthishte, Shipitull, Graboc, Sibovc and Hamidi, on Sunday at around 1100CET. These shootings were reported to have lasted until 1400CET.

    KOSOVA (victims – Gjakovë)
    A young corpse brought to the hospital morgue

    Gjakovë, 18 October (ARTA) 1530CET --
    On Saturday evening, the Serb police brought a corpse of an Albanian male (of about 22 years) at the Hospital morgue of Gjakovë. It is supposed that he originates from Kralan village, municipality of Gjakovë, claims KIC.
         LDK information sources, inform that the Serb police and army are setting fire on the few remaining houses in the Reka e Keqe region, such as in the villages of Ponoshec, Molliq, Brovinë, Smolicë etc.
         There is information that the situation of the dislocated is deteriorating, due to the lack of the food, clothing, and medicine.

    KOSOVA (victims – Malishevë)
    The recently born twins die due to the lack of medical care

    Malishevë, 18 October (ARTA) 2015CET –
    After 22 years, the wife of Rexhë Gashi, from Sverkë, gave birth to 2 twin boys, who died due to the lack of medical care and medicine. Her health condition is also very critical.
         On the other hand, Arif Marmullaku (56), from Dush of Gjurgjevik, also died as a result of the bad living conditions outside under the open sky.

    KOSOVA (raids – Mitrovicë)
    Serb police raids several Albanian houses in the Bair neighborhood

    Mitrovicë, 18 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    A police expedition, composed of 2 trucks and 4 APCs filled with policemen and two police vehicles with Serb security inspectors, raided the houses of Hetem Gjinovci (67), Halil Gjinovci (48), Enver Prekazi, Adem Prekazi and Shaban Prekazi, in the Bair neighborhood in Mitrovicë, on Friday at around 1100CET.
         In Halil's house, the Serb police was searching for him and his son in law, Sejdi Demaku, from the village of Obri e Poshtme, who had temporarily sheltered his family there. At Enver Prekazi's house, who had just buried his brother on Friday, the police evidenced all the people who had gone to express their condolences, to the family.
         The police arrested one person, whose name remains unknown. For the other house raids, the police gave no reason.
         In the meantime, on Friday at around 1630CET, a Serb force convoy, made of 43 different Serb army vehicles, including a missile unit and mobile radar, headed from Mitrovicë to Zubin Potok. The same convoy returned to Mitrovicë again, at around 2100CET, and settled in the town's military barrack.

    KOSOVA (IDPs – Rahovec)
    3,000 people still out in the open

    Rahovec, 18 October (ARTA) 1910CET --
    In 20 villages of the Anadrini region, Gexhë, Malësi të Vogël, Denjë, Çifllak, Ratkoc, Dobërdol, Kramovik, Britain, Guri i Keq, Koznik, Polluzhë, Sopniq, Senovc, Noshpallë, Potoçan i Poshtëm, Potoçan i Epërm, Drenoc, Pastasel, Vranjakë, Zatriq, Bellacerkë, Zoçishtë, Opterushë and Reti, 90% of the Albanian owned houses are burned, while the remaining ones were looted.
         In the villages, such as Zoçishtë, Opterushë, and Reti, where virtually all houses are burned down, the residents are not allowed back to even to set tents and bring other items for restarting their lives.
         Based on the information issued by Albanian subjects in this municipality, out of 62,000 residents of the municipality, a large part of them are still sheltered at their relatives in Krushë e Madhe, Celinë, Pagarushë, Rogovë, Prizren, Gjakovë, Brestovc, Hoçë e Vogël, Nagac etc. Whereas a number of the residents of the attacked villages have managed to somehow find shelter in some of the repaired buildings or in the ones that survived from the burning and the destruction.
         An activist from Krushë e Madhe stated that over 3,000 people from the war afflicted region, are sheltered in this village alone. They all have great shortage of basic food items, such as kitchen oil, sugar, but also clothing and medicine.

    KOSOVA (opposition LBD – Prishtina)
    LBD: "We were invited, but KLA wasn't"

    Prishtina, 18 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
    According to the United Democratic Movement (LBD), the Government of the Republic of Kosova, did not invite a single member of the KLA or of the Independent Student's Union of the University of Prishtina, in the meeting organized in Istanbul with the representatives of several political parties of Kosova.
         This is one of the reasons LBD did not reply to the Government invitation to attend this meeting. LBD sources state that its members saluted this initiation of the meeting of the political forces in Kosova, and they refused the invitation with the justification, that they do not want to participate in meetings, that as they state "send messages of discrimination and secession in Kosova". Of course, certain sources state, the fact that the students were not invited, would not have prevented the LBD representatives to attend the meeting. What really prevented them from going was that the fact that KLA members were not included in the list of those invited.
         It was initially stated that the main reason that the LBD did not go to Istanbul is the existing relation between this "opposition" party and the parliamentarian parties. Members of this party state: "We have nothing against a joint meeting with the political forces in Kosova, if it represents or at least invites all the relevant forces of the national movement".
         On the other hand, LBD claims that they have asked the Prime Minister to postpone this meeting for another date, so that it could be better organized, and so that the invitations would not be addressed only two days before the scheduled date of the meeting. This subject compiled of four joined parties stated that its representatives would prefer that the meeting be held, somewhere in the Albanian grounds, a demand which was initially set by the LDK members themselves.
         Nevertheless, the consultative meeting in Istanbul, was attended by the representatives of the parties represented in the Parliament, respectively those of LDK, Albanian Christian Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Liberation Party of Kosova, the Republican Party of Kosova and the Albanian National Democratic Party.

    KOSOVA (LBD – Prishtina)
    LBD: "Kosova and Albanians continue to be the object and not the creating subject"

    Prishtina, 18 October (ARTA) 1920CET --
    Holbrooke’s agreement for the realization of the UN Security Council Resolution #1199 is a small step forward, yet it is still far from the complete realization of the resolution referred to, it is stated in a LBD information the political subjects, constituting this union.
         "Following an effective debate, it was evaluated that, regardless to the fact that the Kosova issue has been made sensible to the highest level, Kosova and Kosova Albanians continue remaining the object and not the subject of creation", it is stated.
         It was also claimed that the "projects offered for an interim settlement of the issue, have no constitutional, political, historical or international support, thus as such they cannot serve as basis for the solution of the Kosova issue".
         LBD makes an appeal to all the political forces to support "the initiation for the foundation of a temporary government, made of the wide political spectrum and including KLA".
         The attendants made an appeal to the people to show maximal solidarity for the population directly threatened by the war and also for the dislocated and persecuted, it is stated at the end of this LBD information.

    BELGIUM (KD correspondent – Brussels)
    Milosevic between the enemy and the partner
    Augustin Palokaj

    Brussels, 18 October (ARTA) 1930CET --
    As in the Dayton agreement, also today after the Agreement Milosevic-Holbrooke, the list of the winners is unlimited: NATO - won many political points because it proved it is capable of making decisions for intervening in the European soil even without the OSCE mandate despite categorical refusal from Russia.
         NATO also thinks that a new chapter of the system of the international security is opened.
         Russia; won maybe even more, for it attested that it could halt NATO strikes and in this it could persuade its poor public opinion that it is still a super-power in the international scene.
         Holbrooke: won, because he proved that there is no danger that he cannot prevent from expanding, and there is no problem that can be solved without his engagement.
         UN: has the satisfaction because its resolutions were nevertheless adopted, and regardless whether they will be implemented or not, none could say that the UN SC is not engaged enough in the Kosova problem.
         Milosevic was the biggest winner. He is given the opportunity to avoid the NATO attacks, to address to his compatriots that "the aggression against the fatherland is by-passed", to close down the independent media, to receive maybe promises that he will be intact for the Hague tribunal for war crimes, but the biggest irony is that, he turned from NATO's enemy, into its partner.
         He is now claiming to his nation that: "The Kosova issue will be resolved with peaceful means and this western Serb province will remain into the territorial entity of the Serbia and Yugoslavia".
         The demand for withdrawing his forces was postponed because of his request. NATO postponed the deadline for ten days
         NATO top officials presided by the Secretary General, Solana, went to Belgrade in order to hand out "a clear message to Milosevic".
         In the aftermath of this visit, NATO and the "Yugoslav" Army mutually exchange radio-connection officers, inform each other who will fly over the Kosova territory, who will switch on and off the radar, what kinds of aircrafts will be used etc.
         On the other hand, the Albanians remain "on earth", in the mountains, in the ruined houses.
         Their ‘benefit’ was that the world would have to deal with securing the 2.000 OSCE verifiers (who will at some time come to Kosova) more than for 50.000 people who still sleep outside. The Albanians won, the mediators who come to their president Ibrahim Rugova only inform him what kind of the agreement is achieved with Milosevic, neglecting the viewpoints of the Albanians.
         Of course, the Albanians hail all those who come to Kosova, as well as those who do not come to Kosova, but just mention its issue.
         The entire engagement of NATO, EU, UN, USA, Russia, UK, Germany, Vatican etc, is made just to result with "the current number of the Serb forces in Kosova being reduced back to the level as it was in the March 1998" after the Belgrade fulfills all their requests.
         Such a thing will be achieved by the Serb police and military because the number of the Albanians in Kosova cannot be brought to the same level as it was in March; thousands of the killed cannot be returned; hundreds of thousands emigrants could not be returned soon; dozens of years are necessary for the ruined houses to be restored. The experience from Croatia (which is far richer than Kosova) shows it best. Therefore, the Serb police, numerous as it was in March, will be more than sufficient to continue the repression, same as it did then. The Serb police will find a new reason for staying in Kosova, for it will be engaged in "protecting 2.000 OSCE verifiers from the Albanian terrorists".
         It seems that the game will continue.

    KOSOVA (OSCE verifiers – Prishtina)
    OSCE verifiers arrive - they are fixing telephones and satellites

    Prishtina, 18 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    A team of the OSCE technical staff, arrived in Kosova on Saturday, to pave the way for the small "army" of 2000 "verifiers", who are scheduled to arrive on Sunday.
         The OSCE verifiers are being sent to evaluate whether the police and "Yugoslav" army units are retreating from Kosova, as it was demanded by the UN Security Council Resolution #1199.
         "We are a team of eight OSCE technicians in Bosnia and we were sent here to find an office where the main team of verifiers, whose members will be coming tomorrow, will reside", claimed Peter Erben, the head of the staff and the director of the OSCE operations in Bosnia.
         "We are only the technicians, the people who ensure the offices with maps, phones, satellites and radios, so this office will be properly fit for the main team".
         During recent weeks, NATO came close to launching air attacks against Serbia, because of the repression it is exercising in Kosova, but the agreement between Richard Holbrooke and the Serb President Slobodan Milosevic, managed to freeze these attacks.
         The agreement foresees the observation of the withdrawal of the Serb security forces from the NATO airports and the deployment of the 2000 OSCE verifiers.
         Erben arrived in Prishtina along with his chiefs of logistics, security, and communication in Bosnia, but also escorted by a construction engineer and translators in Albanian and Serb.
         He stated that the first verifiers, who are presently in Belgrade, are expected to arrive in Prishtina on Sunday. Erben noted that to ensure residencies, vehicles, phones, radios, translators and drivers, for such a large contingent of people, is a very big task, although he does not think it is impossible.
         "I can honestly say that there is very little difference from the surveillance of the elections we had in Bosnia, where there were 2600 observers in the terrain, while 30,000 were employed".
         Erben and his crew, settled in the "Grand" Hotel on Saturday evening, where they immediately started equipping the office, which as they state will be opened on Sunday.

    KOSOVA (KD reportage – Semetisht)
    Tired with "the faltering West", villagers say "We’ll just wait and see"
    Garentina Kraja

    Semetisht, 17 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    "It was very cold in the hills... Here, we hear shooting all night, but we are forced to stay here because the winter is approaching", said 40 year-old Mursel Bytyçi, while removing some bricks that were strengthening a plastic sheet that was on the top of what was left from the roof. His 13-member family and some relatives have returned to the village. In fact, they returned to something that used to be their rich compound.
         This family fled the village on August 27th, when the Serb forces were headed towards the village. They sought refuge in the village of Pagarushë, but have returned to their village 20 days ago - despite the fear.
         According to some members of Bytyçi family, they all loaded the tractors and carts and the only member that remained in the village was Izet Bytyçi, 42. His grave now was just outside the village.
         "Izet did not want to flee... He came with us for two kilometers, but than returned, saying that 'you cannot leave your house alone'", says Mursel.
         Some days later, some men of this family went to see what was left from their lives. They found Izet dead. The police first looted the village, than set everything on fire stabbed him with a knife just below his eye and shot him in the upper part of his head. He left three children, all under 10 and his wife. His house was one of the totally destroyed houses of the villages in Suharekë municipality.
         Despite the offered aid and the damage that will be evaluated in the future by numerous foreign commissions, what these villagers have suffered proves unredeemed.
         "We had other plans. The house, that now needs a huge rebuilding took almost mine and my three brothers half a lifetime to build it. I have no hopes, no faith that I can build another one", said Mursel, while adding that almost the whole village has the common story.
         In the biggest house of Bytyçi neighborhood in the village of Semetisht, three men were nailing the boards to put a temporary roof over the burned black walls.
         Twenty-four members of this house after returning to the village are living in the old house, made of mud. Before the Serb offensive, that house was regarded as unusable, family member says.
         "I never thought I could come back and live in this old house. But...", she says while picking pears from the garden trees.
         Once with windows and doors, the house now has boards, bricks, and plastic covers as replacement. Inside, only a sponge or two can be seen, while the floor remains uncovered. Outside, children's clothes are hanged out to dry.
         Despite everything, the Bytyçi family says it will stay the winter in the house. They were hoping to make the best out of two remaining rooms. Thirteen members shall spend the winter crowded in the rooms...
         There is no electricity, no doctor, and just a small amount of aid in Semetisht. According to the locals, "Mother Theresa" has distributed aid once in three weeks they've returned. The pale war stricken faces of the children, here as everywhere else in Kosova, tell the story of the difficulties of survival and unbearable conditions. They don't go to school because many of them are missing, the teachers are displaced, and a wall is all that remains from the school.
         Although burdened with other worries, the villagers stay in touch with the latest happenings about Kosova. Avoiding the formal ways for communication, they expect the verifiers with reserve. Thinking still that their number will be 2.000, they stress that "we've heard so much, we've been promised so much... we are tired from their faltering, but anyway, we have to wait and see".

    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 17, 1998  at 22:45 hrs
    KOSOVA (shooting - Prishtina)
    Shooting from police station in Prishtina suburb of Kodra e Trimave

    Prishtina, 17 October - "Today, starting at 0100CET till 0300CET, in the Prishtina suburb of Kodra e Trimave, shooting from different caliber weaponry took place at the Serb police station", it is said in today's communique from the Information Service of the general representative of the KLA, Adem Demaçi.
         Targets for the bullets were private Albanian houses, surrounding this police station, it is said in the communique and added: "During this period the population grew rapidly concerned, believing war has broken out in the capital".
         "Bullet holes can be seen in the surrounding houses, as well as on the vehicles parked nearby", it is said in the communique.

    KOSOVA (shooting – Podujevë)
    Sporadic shooting and detonations in Podujevë – Serb reinforcements from Serbia to Prishtina

    Podujevë, 17 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    Sources in Podujevë claim strong detonations followed by continuous shooting with automatic weapons were heard yesterday in this town.
         The shooting came from the police checkpoint in Podujevë, from the police station and from the police checkpoint in "Besiana", as well as from other points in the city.
         Today it was informed that Esat Vesel Gashi (46) mentally retarded from Podujevë was wounded from the shooting. The bullets hit some houses, shops, and vehicles.
         Maliq Jaha (65) was arrested with the pretext that he has helped the wounded in his house. After being mal-treated in the Police station, he was released. A police vehicle and an APC intruded today at 0800CET in the specialist surgery "Lindja" in Podujevë. Meanwhile new police and paramilitary forces have continued to come from the direction of Serbia into Kosova. Three police land-rovers, one APC and some other vehicles headed toward Lluzhan at 0800CET, while three terrain vehicles, two APCs and two Special police vehicles came from the direction of Serbia towards Prishtina. Armed Serb civilians were spotted walking through the town.

    KOSOVA (Serb force shelling – Malishevë)
    Villages of Malishevë under attack

    Malishevë, 17 October (ARTA) 1915CET --
    Serb forces, from Kijevë, Bubavec, Carallukë, Baincë, Malishevë, and Dragobil undertook an attack on the villages of Drenoc, Vërrnicë, Llozicë, Lladrovc, Banjë, Gajrak, Dragobil, Gurëbardhë, Marali, Magjarë, and Shkozë. These villages were subjected to tank, cannon, and grenade fire.
         The attack lasted for five hours, starting at 1900CET Friday.
         Sporadic detonations could be heard from the Serb police checkpoints even today.
         In the villages of Pagarushë and in Gurëbardhë, two convoys of humanitarian help arrived Saturday. 127 tons of flour, 6 tons of sugar, cooking oil, shoes, hygienic packages etc. were delivered to the Albanian IDPs that have been living out in the open, many of them for over five months now.

    KOSOVA (Serb force shelling - Klinë)
    Villages of Anadrini region shelled from the Volljakë mine

    Klinë, 17 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Villages of Anadrini region, in Klinë municipality, were shelled from Serb positions in the Volljakë mine. Këpuz and Çeskovë are among the villages shelled, claim Albanian sources.
         According to the same sources, the Serb forces have repositioned but have not withdrawn from the Klinë municipality. The Serb forces now undertake attacks during the night, and not as previously during the daytime.
         Serb forces are positioned in 13 locations along six kilometers, from Volljakë to the Përçevë village. From the Dollc village up to Volljakë, there are numerous Serb policemen and soldiers at almost each kilometer.
         The Serb forces have withdrawn from the village of Këpuz and have stationed in the village of Kralan, Gjakovë municipality. The villages of the Dushkajë e Gjakovës region are being shelled from the newly assumed Serb positions.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces - Istog)
    Military convoy withdraws from Istog

    Istog, 17 October (ARTA) 1950CET --
    A part of military logistics and weaponry was moved out of the "Mokna" military air base and taken to open depots, in the region of Banjskë and Dreth, on the road to Zubin Potok.
         A military convoy withdrew from Dubravë, yesterday at circa 1500CET. The convoy numbered 55 vehicles. Soldiers in the convoy had hoods on and were "saluted" with gunshots from the local Serbs.
         Three EU observers visited Istog today.

    KOSOVA (victims - Suharekë)
    87 Albanian victims in the Suharekë municipality

    Suharekë, 17 October (ARTA) 1940CET --
    According to data issued by the SCDHRF in Suharekë, Saturday, 87 Albanians are killed due to the Serb military\police offensive on the villages of the Suharekë municipality. 18 are burned or massacred, while 70 persons are wounded.
         According to the SCDHRF over 1000 Albanians have been taken in by the police, in recent months, while 200 are under arrest, charged with "terrorism".
         Based on information of the LDK Information Council, 33 out of 43 villages of this municipality are partially or completely burned by the Serb military\police forces. In all, over 2.000 houses are shelled or burned, whereas more than 7 villages remain lifeless.
         It is also informed that 12 school objects are burned or demolished, as well as two mosques.
         Elementary school premises in Semetisht, Javor, and Bllacë are most severely damaged, while in Peçan and Bllacë local mosques are destroyed.
         Although there has been no recent fighting in this region, apart from sporadic shootouts, the villagers of Bllacë, Budakovë, Reshtan, Krushkë, Papaz and Grejçec fear returning to their homes, because of the Serb police positioned in, or close by the villages.

    KOSOVA (KLA – communique)
    "We do not accept the agreement between Rugova and Milosevic"

    Prishtina, 16 October (ARTA) --
    The KLA General Headquarters has followed with great interest the engagement of the all-international relevant mechanisms to halt the terror and the violence, which is induced in Kosova by the criminal and vandal herds of Milosevic.
         The KLA General Headquarters has appreciated the main points of Resolution 1199 of UN SC. But, not in those articles, where KLA was presented equal to the Serb military machinery. We appreciated the threat of the international community to the fascist regime of Milosevic, but we do not agree with the accord Milosevic-Holbrooke, which only provided space, Milosevic to continue the war, genocide and Serb massacres as well as deteriorate the humanitarian crisis. This implies taking responsibility for the expansion of war in the region. We demand from UN and NATO to force the withdrawal of the Serb forces from all the positions, in order to allow the movement of all the citizens. Nevertheless, KLA will continue the struggle for freedom, independence, and democracy.
         The seriousness of the situation on which we are, compelled us to make these decisions:

    1. KLA General Headquarters informs the international relevant factors that the decisive factor (from the Albanian side) which must lead the talks between Prishtina-International Community and Belgrade is the KLA factor, which will punish everybody who dares to sign any agreement which confronts the will of the people, which is expressed with the Referendum of 1991.

    2.The KLA General Headquarters will not allow any individual or political subject to ascend into the throne, without deserving and sacrificing anything. We will not allow anybody to abuse the blood the desire of the martyrs. We will not allow anybody to use the national tragedy and the misfortune for autocratic purposes.

    3.The KLA General Headquarters repeats avowedly that it does not recognize such an institution, which impedes the unification in the struggle for freedom and which abused the financial means.

    4.The KLA General Headquarters demands from the entire political spectrum of Kosova not to make political groups at a time that requires institutional unification, so it is demanded they permanently consult the KLA political representative Adem Demaçi.

    5.The Albanian media ought to reflect in their informative work, to inform truly, quickly, and correctly. We invite the foreign and local media to be as close as possible to the development of events and for this they will have the full support of KLA informative service. We appeal them to present professionally the glorious struggle of KLA as well as the massacres and the destruction which does the enemy to our people inflict.

    6. The KLA General Headquarters demands from the political parties and other mechanisms with influence in Albania to stop every action which induces the national divergences, which makes the destabilization of scientific and cultural institutions in Albania and impede them in stabilizing the economy and democracy in Albania and in helping the permanent solution of Kosova problem.

    7. The KLA General Headquarters repeats the appeal for unifying the entire national, political, intellectual, professional, material, social and moral energy and directs it towards our liberation objectives.

    8.The KLA General Headquarters demands from the international community to establish various groups of experts in order to investigate all kinds of crimes in Kosova. All those who induced and committed the crimes to respond in front of the Hague tribunal.

    9.Taking into account the seriousness of the international relevant factors especially UN, EU, NATO, USA, UK and other western countries, the KLA General headquarters, offers its universal cooperation to the Alliance intending to establish the peace and democracy where it is necessary. The help we are offering is the human factor, who is necessary for the peace and democracy everywhere in the world, is stated in the communique of the KLA General Headquarters.

    SWITZERLAND (KD reportage – Kreuzlingen, Basel)
    The Swiss Kreuzlingen - like Kishnarekë
    Enver Robelli

    Kreuzlingen, Basel, 17 October (ARTA) --
    The number of the Albanian asylum-seekers in Switzerland has reached large dimensions. Dramatic scenes are going one especially in Kreuzlingen, a city in the eastern part of Switzerland, near the German border. While applying for admission, many parents from Kosova were separated from their families and were forced to spend the night outside, due to the lack of beds.
         Most of the refugees in Kreuzlingen are from Kosova. They have arrived here after exhausting two weeks of travelling from Albania, through Italy or through the other way, from Hungary through Austria.
         In the yard of the Emigration office only the Albanian language is spoken. One can meet people of all ages: youngsters, elderly, women, children, mothers with their babies, pregnant women, sick people ...All of them have escaped from the war, hoping they will return one day, "when the things in Kosova will calm down", they say avowedly.
         Uniformed members of private security agency "Securitas" secure the emigration office; they patrol all the time. During the night, the area is observed by infrared cameras and trained dogs.
         The adult men cannot enter into the center, because "there is not enough space", claims the director.
         In the door it is written "Geschlossen" (closed tr.).
         They stay outside during the night, while they can meet the members of their families during the day. The dogs and the cameras take care that none of them trespasses the barbed wire and joins the members of the family.
         The Federal Office for Refugees' spokesperson, Vera Britsch, confirms that 166 refugees were refused only on Wednesday in Kreuzlingen. A part of the Kosovars who remain outside, hope for a bed, while the rest of them go "as guests" to their relatives.
         In the parking place of the center, one can see various canton license plates of the cars. People from all around Switzerland come here to take their families who survived the war. Swiss authorities prohibit such a thing, but because lacking of the beds, they act like being "generous".
         The Police spokesperson of Thurgau canton, informed that some of the Kosovars who did not find any shelter at their relatives, were compelled to sleep in the train station, under the bridges or other places just to protect themselves from the cold rain.
         The atmosphere inside the Emigration office is suffocating. The conditions have deteriorated, proportionally with the increase of the number of the refugees. Some of the refugees are happy to have found a place in the kitchen, dining hall or simply on the floor. "Just as long as the rain does not fall on us", says a young man from Deçan.
         The building of the Civil defense is opened in Kreuzlingen in order to survive this stream of refugees coming from Kosova. That building was planned to protect the civilian population in the case of a global conflict. However, the Cold War has ended, there are no more enemies for Switzerland.
         Around 60 Albanian refugees are sheltered there. They have only one shower on their disposal. The buses come here every day and take the refugees to the Emigration office where they get food and undergo the exhausting procedure of interrogation.
         When the dark falls, those that have remained out of the "Castle", start to prepare their "beds" for sleeping. Some of them cover themselves with newspapers; others put some sheet-steel to protect from the rain. A 40-year-old resident of Gjakovë, says that, the Swiss newspapers are the best to cover with. "They’ve got much more qualitative paper," he says ironically.
         In addition, while these lines are being written, a question is imposed: where are we? In Kishnarekë or in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland)? In both these "residences" the Albanians have to spend the night outside.
         The Swiss authorities have reacted only after the dramatic information that, the refugees are compelled to stay outside. The authorities of Basel Canton did not wait for the governmental decision, but they acted quickly by improvising a military pavilion for the refugees. The refugees, who are strolling around this metropolis in the triangle Switzerland-Germany-France, have a shelter at least.
         There were claims that in Bern plans were made for engaging special military units, to take care of the refugees. If the trend of the arrival of refugees continues like this, the Defense Ministry will put into disposal even train wagons, assure the Swiss officials.

    KOSOVA (KD reportage – Budakovë)
    Kosova of the ghost-villages
    Fisnik Abrashi

    Budakovë, 16 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    "The residents of the Suharekë municipal village of Budakovë were given an ultimatum, a couple of days ago, for handing in their weapons within 48 hours", claimed a humanitarian worker for "Koha Ditore", who went yesterday with a small convoy of cars to distribute the aids in this mountainous village.
         "Only some days ago there were around 500-600 people here, while today we found none", he claimed.
         Corpses of killed livestock and rascal dogs were the only sign of life in this village. Hundreds of houses of this village dispersed over the Sharr Mountains were burnt and destroyed. There is no confirmation whether the Serb police managed to enter this village, but the destruction could be evidenced and smelt from a large distance. The biggest problem is that the Budakovë residents could not be found even in the neighboring villages like Papaz and Bukosh, in order to learn form them what happened and the reasons which forced them to leave the village. Concerning the ultimatum for handing in the weapons, every Kosova Albanian knows its bitter meaning.
         The clothes hanged out to dry, proved that the residents had to flee in a hurry.
         The biggest attack on this village happened 20 days ago, when the Serb forces " carbonized" the village.
         Northeast of Budakovë, the first village with mixed population is Muhlan. Muhlan remains intact and is under the Serb police control. A policeman who checked the identity of the journalists claimed that the people of this village "Did not resist the police so they were not attacked".
         "You can do whatever you want. Ask the people if someone has abused them", he asserted strongly holding his machine-gun. Asked where are the residents of Budakovë, he said shortly and nervously-"They resisted the police".
         During a half-hour stay in this village we did not met any Albanian residents. The humanitarian convoy dedicated for hundreds of citizens of Budakovë ended up at the Muhlan health station.
         According to some of the humanitarian workers, who stayed there a couple of hours, only ten patients came in the health station.
         The residents of Budakovë were not even in the village of Vraniq where the people were staying in the half-ruined houses.
         We got near a carriage, which was going towards Budakovë. While getting near the old man who was driving the carriage with his members of the family, we learnt that he comes from Papaz village – a ghost-village. His name is Shaban Rexhaj and he had escaped from the village 20 days ago." I was the last one to leave the village. He has eight children. Three of them are still in the mountains and he has not heard anything about them for 20 days now.
         His wife (40) lies in the carriage covered with the blanket. "She is paralyzed, but we have to go back home. We have nowhere else to go ", claims Shaban.
         "For sure I am afraid, but there is no other solution. I am worried for the children", says Shaban, presenting them one by one. All of his children were no older than 10 years. Their pale faces indicate that they are infected by what is now called the "refugee diseases". Shaban says that he has no flour, and he hopes to find food in any of the burnt houses.
         There is an old saying that, hope is the last that dies, but it seems that Shaban's hope has died long ago.
         "I do not have what to hope for. Anything".
         Hundreds of Kosova villages look like Budakovë now. They are burnt and destroyed, without any sign that their residents will go back to live into them. But, even if they return there in this time, nobody knows what kind of life they can do there where "life is ruined".

    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • AFP: Albanian nationalism fuels tension ahead of Macedonia polls
  • Washington Post: Two Letters on Kosovo
  • Re: KOHA DITOKLA Does not Recognize Agreement between Milosevic and Rugova
  • MEDIA CENTER: New KLA Attacks on the Police in Kosovo
  • _______________________________________________________________________

    Betreff:  [kosovo] AFP: Albanian nationalism fuels tension ahead of Macedonia polls
    Datum:   Sun, 18 Oct 1998 06:06:47 +0200
        Von:   "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:  Decani Monastery

    SKOPJE, Oct 16 (AFP) - Macedonians vote Sunday in general elections, against a backdrop of increasingly militant nationalism among the country's large Albanian minority.
       Analysts say the danger is real of seeing the violence in neighbouring Kosovo spill over into Macedonia where one quarter or even one third of the population of two million is of Albanian origin.
       For although the Albanian community in Macedonia is represented in parliament and in the government, nationalist sentiment among ethnic Albanians, whipped up by the fighting in Kosovo, has grown significantly in recent months.
       Ethnic friction is increasingly obvious in the capital which lies only a few kilometres (miles) from the border with the Serbian province with an overwhelmingly Albanian population.
       According to local people, whole neighbourhoods of Skopje are becoming "ethnically pure" and some go so far as to talk of "ethnic cleansing" in the property market.
       In growing numbers Macedonian Slavs are selling their homes on the left bank of the river Vardar to move to the right bank, while the Albanians are moving in the opposite direction.
       The trend is encouraged by the nationalist slogans bandied about by the Albanian political parties.
       Since the beginning of this year, nearly a dozen bomb attacks targetting official buildings have occurred in various parts of the country. The authorities have blamed the attacks on the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) whose avowed aim is to "liberate" both the Kosovars and the Albanians of Macedonia and regroup them in a "greater Albania".
       Since September, Macedonian police have arrested nine people implicated in arms trafficking or suspected KLA attacks.
       As a result, the notoriety and the popularity of the KLA have blossomed among local Albanians, most of whom support the Kosovars in their fight for independence from Belgrade, Macedonia specialists said.
       Police are seizing more and more weapons all over the country and have reported finding huge arsenals smuggled in from Albania, where arms can be bought easily and cheaply at improvised markets.
       The first signs of tension between Macedonians and Albanians appeared in July last year.
       It was then that Macedonian police brutally intervened to take down two Albanian flags flying from government buildings at Gostivar and Tetovo, two towns close to the Albanian border west of  Skopje. Fierce clashes erupted between the police and several thousand Albanians in which four people were killed and hundreds were injured.
       The Albanian mayors of the two towns were sentenced to heavy prison terms after being found guilty of sedition.
       Later, more violent demonstrations followed the authorities' refusal to recognise the Albanian university of Tetovo.
       These events brought about a rupture between the two communities, of which the consequences are as yet difficult to gauge. It may be the beginning of the end of their long peaceful coexistence.
       This fledgling state, a former Yugoslav republic of just 27,000 square kilometres (10,800 square miles), already has problems enough without an ethnic war as well.
       Its more powerful neighbours, Bulgaria, the rump Yugoslavia and Greece did not welcome Macedonia's independence in 1991. Greece challenged Macedonia's right to use the same name as its own northern province, Bulgaria refused to recognise a Macedonian language as such, claiming it was merely a dialect of Bulgarian, and Belgrade has never quite forgotten that not long ago Macedonia was part of Serbia.
    Betreff:         [kosovo] Washington Post: Two Letters on Kosovo
    Datum:         Sun, 18 Oct 1998 04:28:44 +0200
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery
    One-Sided Kosovo Coverage
    Saturday, October 17, 1998; Page A19

    Most of your paper's news articles regarding Kosovo are, in effect, editorials in support of the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The articles hardly acknowledge that the KLA is attempting to take over a legitimate (though unadmirable) government with armed force, initially murdering a number of government officials and kidnapping civilians whose fate no one seems to have bothered to learn. Furthermore, never has your paper alluded to the consequences for the population if the KLA should install its version of government.

    While I am not suggesting that the Serbs have not committed atrocities, most of your articles begin with an interview with aggrieved Albanian Kosovars, never with aggrieved members of the Serbian community.

    One might fairly conclude that your purpose is not to provide information requisite to an understanding of all that is involved in Kosovo but to deliberately create and anti-Serb attitude in your readers' minds.

    I have no brief to carry regarding the former Yugoslavia other than a need and the right to know, to hope for eventual peace and to wish that I and my fellow citizens had the information we need to understand and then form our own conclusions.

    I make this suggestion: Print an article describing the governments and the events in the country of Albania from 1992 to 1998. We then would have an inkling of the fate of the Kosovars, Albanian and Serbian alike, if the KLA effectually expands Albania to include Kosovo.

    -- Ernest Lent

    In his Oct. 1 op-ed column, Richard Cohen states that Serbs feel a "certain Balkan obligation to terrorize the population, since it is their tradition." I must respond to this blanket condemnation of a people.

    I have not found any coverage concerning the attempts of Serbian opposition groups to meet with representatives of the Kosovo Albanians to resolve this horrible conflict along democratic principles. You may wish to also look more closely into the goals of the Kosovo Albanian representatives and their own willingness or unwillingness to discuss solutions with Serbian opposition groups.

    Your paper also has failed to report on the "university crisis" taking place in Belgrade. Many of the best professors have been fired as a consequence of the government's efforts to destroy all solid opposition to the situation in Kosovo. Hillary Clinton has expressed concern about the difficult situation the independent media find themselves in. Once the media and academia are stifled, precious little ground will remain upon which to organize opposition to the subversion of democracy in the area.

    Many Serbs and other citizens of Yugoslavia are attempting to create a more dignified version of a Serbian state. Please keep this in mind as you consider which stories to pursue in the future. It is bad enough being censored in the Serbian press without having democratic voices censored in the United States.

    -- Tea Goranic

          © Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company
    Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
    38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
    http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

    Betreff:  [kosovo] Re: KOHA DITOKLA Does not Recognize Agreement between Milosevic and Rugova
    Datum:  Sat, 17 Oct 1998 22:57:35 +0200
        Von:  "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma: Decani Monastery
    KOSOVA (KLA – communique)
    "We do not accept the agreement between Rugova and Milosevic"
    Prishtina, 16 October (ARTA) --

    The KLA General Headquarters has followed with great interest the engagement of the all-international relevant mechanisms to halt the terror and the violence, which is induced in Kosova by the criminal and vandal herds of Milosevic.

    The KLA General Headquarters has appreciated the main points of Resolution 1199 of UN SC. But, not in those articles, where KLA was presented equal to the Serb military machinery. We appreciated the threat of the international community to the fascist regime of Milosevic, but we do not agree with the accord Milosevic-Holbrooke, which only provided space, Milosevic to continue the war, genocide and Serb massacres as well as deteriorate the humanitarian crisis. This implies taking responsibility for the expansion of war in the region. We demand from UN and NATO to force the withdrawal of the Serb forces from all the positions, in order to allow the movement of all the citizens. Nevertheless, KLA will continue the struggle for freedom, independence, and democracy.

    The seriousness of the situation on which we are, compelled us to make these decisions:

    1. KLA General Headquarters informs the international relevant factors that the decisive factor (from the Albanian side) which must lead the talks between Prishtina-International Community and Belgrade is the KLA factor, which will punish everybody who dares to sign any agreement which confronts the will of the people, which is expressed with the Referendum of 1991.

    2.The KLA General Headquarters will not allow any individual or political subject to ascend into the throne, without deserving and sacrificing anything. We will not allow anybody to abuse the blood the desire of the martyrs. We will not allow anybody to use the national tragedy and the misfortune for autocratic purposes.

    3.The KLA General Headquarters repeats avowedly that it does not recognize such an institution, which impedes the unification in the struggle for freedom and which abused the financial means.

    4.The KLA General Headquarters demands from the entire political spectrum of Kosova not to make political groups at a time that requires institutional unification, so it is demanded they permanently consult the KLA political representative Adem Demaçi.

    5.The Albanian media ought to reflect in their informative work, to inform truly, quickly, and correctly. We invite the foreign and local media to be as close as possible to the development of events and for this they will have the full support of KLA informative service. We appeal them to present professionally the glorious struggle of KLA as well as the massacres and the destruction which does the enemy to our people inflict.

    6. The KLA General Headquarters demands from the political parties and other mechanisms with influence in Albania to stop every action which induces the national divergences, which makes the destabilization of scientific and cultural institutions in Albania and impede them in stabilizing the economy and democracy in Albania and in helping the permanent solution of Kosova problem.

    7. The KLA General Headquarters repeats the appeal for unifying the entire national, political, intellectual, professional, material, social and moral energy and directs it towards our liberation objectives.

    8.The KLA General Headquarters demands from the international community to establish various groups of experts in order to investigate all kinds of crimes in Kosova. All those who induced and committed the crimes to respond in front of the Hague tribunal.

    9.Taking into account the seriousness of the international relevant factors especially UN, EU, NATO, USA, UK and other western countries, the KLA General headquarters, offers its universal cooperation to the Alliance intending to establish the peace and democracy where it is necessary. The help we are offering is the human factor, who is necessary for the peace and democracy everywhere in the world, is stated in the communique of the KLA General Headquarters.

    Betreff:         [kosovo] MEDIA CENTER: New KLA Attacks on the Police in Kosovo
    Datum:         Sat, 17 Oct 1998 22:31:27 +0200
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery
    MEDIA CENTER, October 17, 1998

    17 October 1998 12:20 PRISTINA - Branko Bojkovic, security worker of Belacevac Mine, was badly wounded last night, at about 10 p.m., during the attack committed from several directions by a group of Albanians, armed with automatic weapons. Bojkovic was transported to the Pristina Clinical-Hospital Center, and, according to the doctors’ statement, he is out of life danger.

    17 October 1998 12:20 PRISTINA - Last night, at about 10.30 p.m., three Albanians, wearing "Kosovo Liberation Army" uniforms, badly wounded Miroslav Stanisic, a policeman-conscript, in Mirena village, near Lipljan. They shot from automatic weapon against his car. Stanisic succeeded to reach with bullet riddled car to the nearest police checkpoint. Then, he was transported to the Pristina Hospital. He is out of life danger.

    17 October 1998 12:20 PRISTINA - Last night, at about 11 p.m., a group of armed Albanians attacked the police station in Pristina settlement Vranjevac. The attackers shot by automatic weapons. Several bullets hit the police building and spotlights in yard. No casualty was reported. The police did not fire back.

    17 October 1998 12:20 PRISTINA - Armed Albanians committed three synchronized attacks in Podujevo, last night. Simultaneously, they threw several hand grenades at the building of police station in the very center of the town, and it was fired with automatic weapons against the police checkpoint at the entrance of Podujevo. It was also shot on the police patrol in one of Podujevo streets at the same time. No casualty was reported. The police did not fire back.

    17 October 1998 12:20 PRISTINA - Last night, between 10 and 11 p.m., groups of armed Albanian extremists attacked the Komorane police checkpoint, on the Pristina – Pec road. The shooting came from the direction of Lapusnik. No policeman was reported wounded.

    17 October 1998 12:20 PRISTINA - Last night, around midnight, a group of armed Albanian extremists attacked a house of Ramadan Rusiti, employed at the Stimlje police, in village Donja Bitinja. The house was severely damaged. Following the attack, attackers withdrew. There was no casualty reported.

    17 October 1998 12:40 PRISTINA - Last night, between 06:00 and 07:00 PM CET, Albanian extremists committed a heavy attack by mortars, grenade launchers and automatic weapons against the police check-point near Dragobilje village, between Malisevo and Orahovac. No casualties were reported among the police. The police did not return the fire.

    17 October 1998 12:40 PRISTINA - Yesterday, between 12:00 and 03:00 PM CET, several attacks were made against the police in Kraljane village, Djakovica municipality. Albanian extremists fired from mortars, grenade launchers, machine guns and assault rifles, Media center was informed by the Djakovica municipality authorities. The police were attacked from the direction of Jablanica and Grgoc villages. No wounded policemen were reported. Four bullets hit a police car. The police did not return the fire.

    17 October 1998 12:40 PRISTINA - Yesterday, at about 02:00 PM CET, Albanian extremists fired against a policeman named Nenad Pavicevic while he was controlling the traffic. Pavicevic was not wounded. The attackers withdrew after the firing.

    17 October 1998 12:40 PRISTINA - Yesterday, at 01:30 PM CET, Albanian extremists attacked the police near Dulje village, on the Pristina – Prizren road. Automatic weapons were employed in the attack from the direction of Blace village. No policemen were reported wounded.

    17 October 1998 12:40 PRISTINA - Yesterday, at about 01:00 PM CET, Albanian extremists attacked the police, using automatic weapons, between Samodreza and Dobrodeljane villages, Suva Reka municipality. No policemen were reported wounded.

    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    CONTENTS  ==> LINK to further news
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press: Gazeta Albania Oct. 18
    Datum:         Sun, 18 Oct 1998 08:03:53 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
    OSCE First Team Arrives in Kosova

    BELGRADE, October 17 /Reuters/ - Sandrock, speaking to reporters shortly after the team's arrival on a special flight from Vienna, said the group consisted of 13 people, three of them representing the OSCE secretariat. "We will go to all the probable sites where we expect to have people in place, we will look at the infrastructure that's available, what we might need to bring with us (and) considering the size of the mission that may be considerable," he said. "We will report back to the OSCE permanent council on what we observe, what we see and what we feel we require in order to build this mission to the full strength that it's expected to reach." NATO gave Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic 10 more days on Friday to pull combat troops out of Kosova or risk air strikes, even though he once said he could withdraw them in little more than a day if he chose.

    Demaci: Arrival of Verifying Mission Must not Serve for Concessions to Belgrade

    Regarding the arrival of 2000 members of Verifying Mission, Mr. Adem Demaci, the General Political Representative of the Kosova Liberation Army (UCK), declares hereby: As the UCK is concerned, the arrival of verifiers is expected with a due respect, notwithstanding  the fact that we are concerned about the timing of their arrival in Kosova and dissatisfied with their insufficient number and competencies. It would be very good if they would be escorted by armed forces, which would guarantee their physical and moral integrity, as the presence of Serbian military - police forces would be an obstacle to them to practice their human duty. Nonetheless, this must not serve for concessions to the Serbian regime, as it was proved so many times now that the Serbian regime will misuse it in order to intensify its repressive and terrorist policy. The example of Bosnia, where Serbian forces still do not permit the return of Bosnian people to their hearths, makes our skepticism strongly based. In order for the Verifying Mission to have full support of the UCK in accomplishing its difficult and responsible duty, as well as to have a successful and full cooperation with the UCK units, it is necessary that OSCE make an agreement with the Political Representative of  the UCK.

    Kosova Leaders Accuse Milosevic of Sending Fresh Troops

    PRISHTINA, October 17 - Kosovar leaders have accused Milosevic of slipping fresh troops into Kosova. They feel they were excluded from a U.S.-engineered pact with Milosevic which averted immediate air strikes in exchange for swift compliance on troop withdrawals. Western sources said U.S. envoy Christopher Hill held emergency talks with Milosevic during the day after Kosova Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova accused Belgrade of dispatching fresh troops and police to the province. The Swiss-based spokesman for the KLA alleged that Yugoslav forces had shelled at least six villages overnight. "The attacks have continued without interruption," said Bardhyl Mahmuti. Ethnic Albanians have refused to bargain directly with Milosevic or his representatives and had no direct role in Tuesday's deal, although Holbrooke did have talks with them beforehand.

    France to Contribute to Verification Mission

    PARIS, October 17 /Reuters/ - France is ready to contribute up to 150 people to the verification mission to Kosova, a spokesman at the French Foreign Ministry said on Friday. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is planning to deploy 2,000 people across the troubled Serbian province to check that Yugoslavia sticks to its pledge to end a bloody crackdown on Kosova separatists. "The French contribution to the verification mission could reach 150 people," the French spokesman said. The OSCE plans to send a first technical mission to Kosova on Saturday.

    Rubin Denies that NATO is Giving Milosevic More Time

    WASHINGTON, October 17 - U.S. State Department spokesman James Rubin denied that NATO had backed down in giving Milosevic more time. Rubin said NATO had not expected all of its demands to be fulfilled by Saturday but was seeking a "strategic decision toward compliance" by Belgrade, which he said had been achieved. "(Milosevic's actions so far have been) substantial enough to avoid an immediate air strike tomorrow but it is not sufficient to avoid the strong possibility of air strikes in the coming days," he told a news conference in Washington. "We want NATO's guns to remain cocked. We want Milosevic to know that the threat of force still hangs over his head because there is not full compliance." Another reason for the postponement appeared to be the time needed to install a 2,000-strong civilian team of "compliance verifiers" in Kosova. This mission is being handled by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). "We are still at some distance from full compliance," a NATO and special units that are normally based outside Kosova are still deployed in Kosova," he told a news conference. "NATO expects these units to be withdrawn immediately," he added, and has therefore decided to maintain its readiness to launch air operations. "The North Atlantic Council has decided that the period before execution of air strikes will be extended until 27th October," he concluded, reiterating that NATO expected "urgent steps to ensure full compliance is achieved in this time period". A NATO diplomat tacitly acknowledged that Milosevic would be sniffing for any weakening of NATO's resolve, adding: "Whether he will try to buy us off with partial compliance will be the million dollar question over the next 11 days".

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:17ata04
    Datum:         Sat, 17 Oct 1998 19:25:33 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Shooting in Prishtine and Podujeve

          PRISHTINE, Oct 17 (ATA)
          Gun shots were heard in Prishtine and Podujeve overnight which injured one person and damaged seevral houses, the Kosova Informatin Center (KIC) reports.
          From 23.45 to 2.30 last night crackle of gunfire was also heard in the neighbourhood "Kodra e Trimave", Prishtine. The locals said that the shooting had come from the Serb police stations of this quarter and the shelling had damaged several houses accross from the police station and a car, the source says.
          The gunshots were earlier heard in Taukbashce road juction, at which police forces concentrate during the night.
          Sources from the League of Kosova say that gun shots were heard overnight also in Podujeve. At around 22.45, three powerfull explosions were heard which were later followed by automatic gunshots in different parts of the town.
          Besides the police forces locations shelling also came from Serbs' houses. KIC also reports of an Albanian wounded and another arrested.
          Police presence in Podujeve has meanwhile increased while the road near the police station and that of the market are still blocked. /P.Ta/lola/lm/

    1. Meldungen dpa | 2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations | 3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    4. Daily Report from KIC | 5. news from ARTA | 6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE | 7. news from Fr. Sava 
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations | 9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on | 10. eventual additional press news 
     Background-information earlier news  | The Bible says  -  Die Bibel sagt
    10. eventual additional press news 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

    ALBANEWS is not affiliated with  the Albanian Government, the Kosova Government, any association or organization,  nor any information or news agency.  Reports, articles and  news items from various sources are distributed via ALBANEWS for INFORMATIVE purposes only.
    Opinions expressed/published on ALBANEWS do  NOT necessarily reflect the views of the owner and the co-owners and/or moderators,  nor any of their host institutions. ALBANEWS does NOT guarantee the accuracy of the reports, articles and news items distributed via the list.

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Heile Du mich, HERR, so werde ich heil; 
        hilf Du mir, so ist mir geholfen. 
        Jeremia 17,14
        HERR, ich bin matt geworden und ganz zerschlagen; 
             ich schreie vor Unruhe meines Herzens. 
        Du kennst all mein Begehren, 
             und mein Seufzen ist Dir nicht verborgen. 
        Verlass mich nicht, HERR, 
             mein Gott, sei nicht ferne von mir ! 
        Eile, mir beizustehen, 
             HERR, Du meine Hilfe !
      Psalm 38,9-10.22-23
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; 
        save me, and I shall be saved.
      Jeremia 17, 14
        I am feeble and sore broken: 
             I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart. 
        Lord, all my desire [is] before thee; 
             and my groaning is not hid from thee. 
        Forsake me not, O LORD: 
             O my God, be not far from me. 
        Make haste to help me, 
             O Lord my salvation. 
      Psalm 38, 8-9.21-22
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

       __________ALBANEWS: Albanian News and Information Network___________
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       Koha Ditore (ARTA)          http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm
    Wolfgang Plarre
    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 18.10.1998  

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