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Dear friends and colleagues, this is the letter for special e-mail action we announced!
Dragi prijatelji i kolege, ovo je pismo koje cete koristiti u specijalnoj e-mail akciji koju smo najavili!
READ Kosovo’s Missing – Everybody’s Burden 
By Eleanor Beardsley, UNMIK Press Officer
written for the newspaper Jedinstvo, in northern Mitrovic
Abducted people in UN governed Kosovo: more than 1000
104 confirmed murdered, 54 released from KLA captivity)
list in Serbian language (no date or source given):
Link received by mail 9 Dec 2001 - "DEC 10, UN and basic human rights in Kosovo"

__ _  _   _    _     _      _       _        _         _           _            _             _              _               _                _                 _                   _
received by mail "Kosovski bozur"




Versuch einer Übersetzung der englischen Version ins Deutsche:
Please think about: 
Of the thousands of missing persons from Kosov@ the remain of at least 229 is known since two years: they are yet detained in Serbian jails, among them Albin Kurti.
#  100 criminal cases have not been processed
#  119 political cases should be dismissed
    due to gross violations of human rights 
  • Release the political Albanian prisoners !
  • Transfer the Albanian prisoners convicted for ordinary crime to prisons in Kosov@ !
  • Faciliate the possibilities of their relatives and friends to visit them in the jails - without any discrimination and abuse.
Some very ugly 'things' happened to them in the past.


Kosovo’s Missing – Everybody’s Burden 

By Eleanor Beardsley, UNMIK Press Officer
written for the newspaper Jedinstvo, in northern Mitrovic

Beneath a blazing mid-day sun, a handful of people lie on pallets under the shelter of a tent.  Just outside the tent, a row of women sit in vigil in chairs in the shade –  mothers and wives, cradling photos of husbands, sons and daughters.  The mixture of heat and emotions bears down on the little camp.  These are the hunger strikers of Gracanica, who say they are trying to call the world’s attention to the fact that nearly 1,200 Serbs have gone missing in the province of Kosovo since 1999.  Sixty-year-old Nada says her son and daughter-in-law disappeared in July 1999 from their home in Pristina. 
    “My son was a doctor, a specialist in oral surgery.  He was a humanitarian worker, not a soldier or policeman, so he thought nothing bad would happen to him,” she cries.  “We ask assistance from anyone who can shed light on their disappearance.”
    Forty-five-year-old Dragan says he does not know how to say goodbye to his only son, who he says was kidnapped while going to his job at the Belacevac mine.  “How can I put this sorrow behind me?” he says.  “UNMIK and KFOR know where our people are.  Why don’t they release them from where they’re being held?” 

Believing is Hope

Back in Pristina, Lt. Barry Dunn is all too familiar with the grief and frustration of these people.  He has been with UNMIK Police for two years and has investigated dozens of reports of Serbs being held against their will around Kosovo. 
    “We have physically investigated at least 120 locations where Serbs were supposedly being held as forced laborers,” he explains.  “Not a single one of them has ever panned out.  I know people want to believe that their loved ones are still alive, but it’s just not realistic to go along with this line of thinking.  We have never found any evidence of camps or prisons in Kosovo.” 
    According to Valerie Brasey a worker with the International Committee of the Red Cross in Pristina, the belief that the missing are being held somewhere is what keeps peoples’ hopes alive.  Brasey talks to Serbian families about their missing on a daily basis.  “The most important thing a family can do if they want to find out what happened to their loved one is to give information about that person to us or to the police,” she explains.  “But by giving this information, which we call ante mortem data, people feel they are accepting that the missing person is dead.  So they don’t want to do it.”  Brasey estimates that there are around 1,500  families in Kosovo (Albanian and Serbian) who have not yet given this information.  The Serbian Red Cross also collects ante mortem data from IDPs living in Serbia.

New Technologies in the Search

This ante mortem data collected from families is compared with post mortem data, which is information taken from exhumed bodies and compiled in police reports and autopsies.  When a match is found between the two, there is one less missing person case in Kosovo.  In July of this year, UNMIK signed a working agreement with the Sarajevo based International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP).  This agreement will give the UNMIK Police Missing Persons Unit (the entity now coordinating all efforts to locate and identify the missing) DNA testing capabilities and a sophisticated computer software program called Disaster Victim Identification (DVI), which helps match ante and post mortem data. 
    The agreement with ICMP highlights the importance that UNMIK places on finding Kosovo’s missing.  “The grief of families missing loved ones is something common to all the people of Kosovo,”says Hans Haekkerup, UNMIK’s top Administrator in Kosovo.  “It crosses ethnic barriers and spares no one.  This grief and anger also stands as an impediment to Kosovo’s future.  This is why finding the missing is a top priority for UNMIK.”

Difficult from the Start

From the beginning, finding Kosovo’s missing has been a complex and difficult problem.  In 1999, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia exhumed 2,100 bodies; in 2000 they exhumed nearly 2,000.  Around 1,200 of these bodies remain unidentified and are reburied in two UNMIK cemeteries (at Suva Reka and Dragodan), but mostly throughout Kosovo in municipal cemeteries.  These graves are all individually marked and mapped with an ICTY number.  Graves of the unidentified are considered safe because each community believes they hold the bodies of its own missing. 
    In 2000, ICTY completed its work and pulled its exhumation crews from Kosovo.  Before leaving, ICTY passed on a list of 60 further sites that could possibly contain mortal remains.  Exhuming these sites is now the job of the UNMIK Police Missing Persons Unit. 
    Guido van Rillaer, head of the Missing Persons Unit, has just returned from Belgrade where he met with FRY officials in an attempt to formulate a strategy of cooperation on the issue of Kosovo’s missing. 
    “We still have some 60 to 80 sites to exhume in Kosovo,” says van Rillaer.  “These, along with sites currently being exhumed around Belgrade, will hopefully provide us with answers to some of the outstanding missing cases.  And we will be using DNA testing to establish missing links.”  But according to van Rillaer, DNA testing is no panacea.  “The traditional ways of identification are still the most effective – photos, forensics, testimony from the families.  If we are very close to identifying a body but still can’t make a match, this is where DNA testing will be important as a backup.” 

Every Family’s Pain

Meanwhile, the UNMIK/FRY Contact Group on Missing Persons has brought a group of Serbian journalists to inspect the UN cemetery at Suva Reka.  Advisor to the FRY President on Missing Persons, Gradimir Nalic, is part of the visiting team.  Nalic says that his work with ICTY in Bosnia showed him that the real answers about the missing come only when the families begin to communicate.  “It will be the same for Kosovo,” he says.  “But whether these bodies are Serbian, Albanian or Roma,” he says, gesturing to the graves around him, “what is important is that they are identified and that their families are notified.”
    There are many families in Kosovo living with the agony of uncertainty.  Just five kilometers down the road from the cemetery where the Serbian group is looking for answers about its missing, lies the town of Suva Reka where 43 Albanian women and children were killed in March of 1999.  All of their bodies are also still missing.

published with permission of Susan Manuel, UNMIK spokeswoman, 
mail on Mon, 10 Sep 2001 07:08:29 +0200


www.inet.co.yu - I*Net a.d. Kneza Milosa 12 11000 Beograd Yugoslavia (+381 11) 642429

Spisak nestalih i kidnapovanih Srba i drugih ne-Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji u poslednje tri godine

Spisak nestalih lica sa opisom nacina kako su nestali je na srpskom - fajl "Spisak kidnapovanih sa opisom nestanka.zip". 
Na spisku je ukupno 1006 lica. Spisak jos nije kompletan. Kako budemo dolazili do novih podataka spisak ce se dopunjavati.
Spisak nestalih lica sa opisom nestanka.zip
ZIP file 247949 bytes
PDF file 372062 bytes
U fajlu "Tabela srpski.pdf" se nalazi tabela sa 822 imena nestalih i kidnapovanih, sa biografskim podacima i mestom nestanka na srpskom.
Tabela srpski.zip
ZIP file 280653 bytes
PDF file 1039284 bytes
U fajlu "Table English.pdf" se nalazi tabela sa 822 imena nestalih i kidnapovanih, sa biografskim podacima i mestom nestanka na engleskom.
English list.zip
ZIP file 264284 bytes
PDF file 1020606 bytes
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prisoners in Serbian jails  / missing persons: LINKS

Peticija i sajt Povratak za sve na Internetu / Petition and site RETURN FOR ALL on Internet: http://www.akcija.f2s.com
NEW LINK for petiton on CRNPS http://www.crnps.org.yu/
Link for petition http://www.tiker.co.yu/istrazivanje.htm on http://www.tiker.co.yu
Links for the petition in Internet: http://www.inet.co.yu  (also other important daily news from Kosovo and Metohia, return to Osojane, and more from the ground). Petition link: http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html
Also visit the petition and more: link on A-PAL site
http://www.bndlg.de/~wplarre/appeal010820.htm  [ this website ]
Serbian Orthodox monastery Visoki Decani http://www.decani.yunet.com


Datum: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 00:27:44 +0200
Von: "Kosovski bozur" <kosbozur@yubc.net>
An: <Undisclosed-Recipient:@cer.yubc.net;>

LATEST PETITION UPDATE, over 80 organizations and several hundreds individual signatures, AND OUR NEW SITE FOR - RETURN AND EQUAL CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL IN KOSOVO AND METOHIA!

Dear friends and colleagues,
we have a new Internet sait "RETURN FOR ALL" for this petition, please visit, your comments would be of utmost help for our joint efforts http://www.akcija.f2s.com/
Dragi prijatelji i kolege,
postavljen je novi Internet sajt (RETURN FOR ALL/ POVRATAK ZA SVE http://www.akcija.f2s.com/) na kojem se nalazi nasa zajednicka peticija, i bilo bi nam od izuzetne koristi da nam posaljete svoje kometare o ovom nasem zajednickom sajtu.

Takodje na Internetu / Also on Internet:
Link for petition http://www.tiker.co.yu/istrazivanje.htm on http://www.tiker.co.yu
Links for the petition in Internet: http://www.inet.co.yu  (also other important daily news from Kosovo and Metohia, return to Osojane, and more from the ground).
Petition link: http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html
Also visit the petition and more: link on A-PAL site http://www.bndlg.de/~wplarre/appeal010820.htm    [ this website ]

Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 22:19
Subject: Somebody did welcome Serb returnees in Osojane with joy! /

Almost 80 organizations from FRY and abroad signed until today!
Several hundreds eminent individual signatures also! See latest update below!


Welcoming Serb returnees in Osojane with joy!
Ko je sa iskrenom radoscu docekao povratak Srba u selo Osojane!

In the summer of 1999, in the aftermath of the NATO air strikes, the villagers of Osojane in the Istok municipality were brutally expelled from Kosovo and Metohija together with 250.000 other Serbs and non-Albanians. There was complete chaos in which nobody asked who was guilty and who was not, heads were flying off, mostly innocent ones, the houses were being set on fire...
Në verë te vitit 1999, banorët e Osojanit, fshati Sërb në komunë Istok, si edhe 250 000 Sërbë dhe joshqiptarë të tjerët i braktisën vatrat e veta për shkak të hakmarrjes, tiranisë e kaosit i cili fillonte pas bombardimit derisa trupat e NATO ushtrisë ndaheshin nëpër Kosovë e Metohi. Aty nuk pyetej kush ka faj e kush s' ka , kokat po fluturonin, më shpesh  ato krejt të pafajshme, shtëpitë po digjnin...
Leta 1999, stanovnici Osojana, srpskog sela u Opstini Istok, kao i ostalih 250.000 Srba i nealbanaca napustili su svoja ognjista pred osvetom, nasiljem i haosom koji je nastao posle bombardovanja dok su se NATO trupe rasporedjivale po Kosovu i Metohiji. Nasiljem u kojem se nije pitalo ko je kriv a ko prav, glave su letele, najcesce sasvim nevine, kuce gorele...
With them they took only a few basic belongings that could fit on a tractor or in a few bags. They also brought the deep sorrow and longing for their family hearths, cattle they had to leave behind, their fields and orchards.
I marrin me vete vetëm gjërat shumë të nevojshme, ato gjëra që mund të vendosin në traktor ose në një çantë. E marrin me vete pikëllim ndaj vatres, bagëtisë së braktisura, ndaj shpesërisë, arave, pemishtave...
Sa sobom su poneli najneophodnije, ono sto je moglo da stane na traktor ili u torbu-dve. Sa sobom su poneli tugu za ognjistem, ostavljenom stokom, zivinom, njivama, vocnacima....
Later during 1999, an old Serb woman from Istok, now residing in a refugee camp near Belgrade, was telling us with tears in her eyes how, just before they went into exile, she had gone to the stables, opened the gate and let out her cows and sheep, with a deep sigh of regret and sadness that she could not take them with her. The old woman's story is one of many heartbreaking stories from the Balkans.
Një plakë nga Istoki, në atë vit, e vendosur  në kampin kolektiv për refugjatët afër Beogradit, me lot ndër sy na tregonte si , para se të niseshin shkoi në shtallë dhe i ka lëshuar lopët e delet e veta, me një psherëtimë të thellë dhe me pikëllim që s'mund t'i marrë me vete. Tregimi i plakës  është vetëm  një nga shumica tregimet tronditëse nga Ballkani në dhjetë vite të fundit.
Jedna baka iz Istoka nam je te 1999, smestena u kolektivnom kampu za izbeglice u okolini Beograda, sa suzama u ocima pricala kako je pre nego sto su krenuli u izbeglistvo otisla do staje, otvorila vrata i pustila svoje krave i ovce napolje, uz duboki uzdah i zalost sto ih ne moze povesti sa sobom. Bakina prica je samo jedna od mnogih potresnih prica sa prostora Balkana u proteklih deset godina.

The village of Osojane, summer 2001.
After two years in exile, sixty returnees have found their houses burned to the ground. The return was initiated by "Kosovski bozur" together with the people from Osojane. With organisational support of the UNHCR, security escort by KFOR and reconstruction of houses provided by the German NGO THW, the return of these people to their homes was made possible.
The construction works are progressing rapidly, but the small group of Osojane returnees, who have never harmed anybody, encountered a violent protest staged by 1500 Albanians from Istok against the return of Serbs to Osojane. However, there are certain creatures who do not recognise ethnic divisions, and who just may be better teachers than us.
Osojan, vera e 2001.
Pas dy vitesh të jetës refugjate, rreth gjashtëdhjetë riatdhesuarve në fshat i kanë gjetur shtëpitë e veta të djegura deri në themell. Kthimi e provokoi Bozhuri i Kosovës së bashku me qytetarë të Osojanit, i cili ka bërë të mundshëm që ta, bashkë me UNHCR, me sigurimin e KFOR-it, me rindërtimin e shtëpive OGR (organizata gjermane për rindërtim) ktheheshin këta njerëz në dhomë.
Tani Osojani ndërtohet shpejtë, por pritja e këtij grupi të Osojanëve të vegjla, të cilët askurrë  s'kanë bërë keqe të askujt, s'kishte marrje të mirë tek Shqiptarët.
 1500 Shqiptarë nga Istoki protestuan për shkak të kthimit të Sërbëve në Osojan. Megjithatë, ekzistojnë krijesat të cilat nuk i njohin dallimet midis kombeve dhe të cilat ndoshta janë mësuesit  më i mirë prej nesh.
Selo Osojane, leto 2001.
Posle dve godine izbeglistva, oko sezdeset povratnika u selo zateklo je svoje kuce spaljene do temelja. Povratak je inicirao Kosovski bozur zajedno sa gradjanima Osojana, koji je uz organizaciju UNHCR-a, obezbedjenje KFOR-a, rekonstrukciju kuca THW (nemacke organizacije za rekonstrukciju) omogucilo da se ovi ljudi vrate kucama. Sada se ubrzano gradi, ali docek ove male grupe Osojanaca, koji nikom nisu zlo ucinili nikad, nije naisao na dobar prijem kod Albanskog stanovnostva.
1500 Albanaca iz Istoka protestvovalo je zbog povratka Srba u Osojane.
Ipak, postoje stvorenja koja ne poznaju razlike u nacionalnostima i koja su bolji ucitelji mozda i od nas samih.

A day or two upon return of the villagers to Osojane, the watchdogs and shepherd dogs began to come down from the mountains! They saw the smoke coming out from the chimneys and carefully descended into the village.
Një a dy ditë pas kthimit në Osojan, nga malet dhe pyjet e afërta filluan të kthehen qentë. E panë tymi si erdhi përsëri dhe zbritën në fshat me kujdes.
Dan-dva po povratku u Osojane, iz planine i okolnih suma poceli su da se vracaju psi! cponovo i oprezno sisli u selo.

Faithful friends of their house owners, the dogs have remained close to Osojane, to watch over the burned down ruins for two years, waiting and never losing hope, living alone in the wilderness, staying in the woods at daytime and howling over the remains of their homes at night.
Miqtë besnikë e shtëpiarëve të vet, kanë mbetur në afërsinë e Osojanit t'i ruajnë shkrumbajat, dhe dy vite të plota, duke prekur e mos duke humbur shpresën, kanë jetuar të  vetëm në egërsirë, natën duke rënkuar në mbeturinat e vatrës së tyre.
Verni prijatelji svojih domacina, ostali su u blizini sela Osojana da cuvaju zgarista i dve pune godine, cekajuci i ne gubeci nadu, ziveli sami u divljini, danju u sumi, nocu cvileci na ostacima svog ognjista.

It was an unforgettable reunion; there was joy and tears in abundance. This event has touched the unhealed wounds of those who have suffered two years in exile longing for their destroyed homes, and has shown us that we humans can learn a great deal from the simple joy of a faithful animal.
Momenti i takimit ishte i paharrueshëm, me shumica lote dhe gëzime, kjo ngjarje ka prekur në plagë ende të rishtshme , të rezultuara nga pervoja e rëndë të jetës refugjate dhe nga malli dyvjetësh për shtëpinë e shkatërruar. Ai gëzim i thjeshtë dhe i zakonshëm të kafshës bujare na tregon se ne - njerëz mund të mësojmë shumë nga ato.
Trenutak susreta bio je nezaboravan, radosti i suza bilo je na pretek, ovaj dogadjaj je dirnuo u jos sveze rane teskog izbeglickog iskustva, dvogodisnje ceznje za razorenim domom... Ta prosta i obicna radost plemenite zivotinje kazuje nam kako itekako mozemo, mi ljudi, od njih, da naucimo mnogo.

Link for petition http://www.tiker.co.yu/istrazivanje.htm on http://www.tiker.co.yu
Links for the petition in Internet: http://www.inet.co.yu  (also other important daily news from Kosovo and Metohia, return to Osojane and more. Petition link: http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html
Also visit the petition and more: link on A-PAL site
http://www.bndlg.de/~wplarre/appeal010820.htm   [ this website ]




Watched helplessly by their loved ones, they were mercilessly taken away and the fate of most of them remains unknown to date. The pain of their families is the same and SO MUST BE THE EFFORTS to find them regardless of whether they are Serbs, Albanians, Roma, Ashkali, Muslims, Gorani or other. They deserve to be found and either decently buried or released. The families of the missing are seeking only truth and justice!

The new democratic government in Belgrade, within just a few months in power, has released 1,800 Albanian political prisoners convicted and detained by the previous regime. It has also facilitated the search for missing civilians and victims of war from Kosovo, uncovering some of the bodies in Serbia proper.

In contrast, the UN authorities in Kosovo have made no effort to aid the release of Serbian political prisoners from Kosovo jails and have resolved almost none of the 1,300 cases of missing Kosovo Serbs and other non-Albanians, to date.

Until and unless the fate of ALL the missing is revealed, there shall be no multiethnic trust and no return of the 250,000 internally displaced Serbs who will be forced to spend the third winter away from their ancestral homes. Consequently, there shall be no development of the society, free and fair elections and ultimately – no democracy in Kosovo!

Therefore, we demand that the relevant authorities take the following actions:

1. That UNMIK and KFOR do their duty and live up to the mandate they were entrusted with by all the members of the UN, including its fully recognized member - Yugoslavia, to find out and make public all locations in Kosovo that are currently holding missing people or their graves.

2. That the authorized Yugoslav and Serbian institutions be immediately involved in the exposure of all crimes perpetrated in Kosovo and that they be permitted the same access and investigating privileges as are granted to the international organizations and the UN authorities regarding the current mass-graves investigation in Serbia proper.

3. That the OSCE guarantees that forthcoming elections in Kosovo will be truly free and democratic this time and without a double standards or pressure exerted on any side. That OSCE must live up to its mandate which is to secure the full freedom of movement and political gathering as well as the right of ALL political parties to monitor elections of ALL Kosovo’s citizens. These democratic rights and procedures were not equally available to all segments of the population in Kosovo during previous elections.

4. That the local municipal, republic and federal authorities, immediately focus on resolving the still outstanding question of 250,000 displaced Serbs and non-Albanians and jointly with UNMIK and KFOR, facilitate their prompt return to Kosovo. Such joint efforts have already secured the return of 7,000 displaced Albanians, peace and progress in Southern Serbia suggesting that a successful policy and available resources are in place and must be used to bring other displaced people to their homes in Kosovo.

5. That all humanitarian organizations, especially those defending human rights, do their utmost to record and expose the daily killings, abductions and human rights violations against the Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohia. If the standards of respect for human rights in Kosovo are to be improved, then humanitarian organizations should be in the forefront in advocating that all human rights violations and offenders must be punished equally.

This appeal is addressed to the relevant authorities involved in the running and building of the future for Kosovo. It is also an invitation for the decision makers, people of prominence and citizens of the world to use their power, influence and compassion to help us discover the fate of missing citizens in Kosovo. This civilization and this humanity owes them the decency to either have them properly buried or returned to their families.

(If you are willing to sign this appeal, either on behalf of an organization or as an individual, or both, please e-mail us at: kosbozur@yubc.net, stating your first and last name, city, country, name of organization and other information you would like to appear next to your signature on the list. Your support will be deeply appreciated. Thank you!)

Please note: This appeal is also available in Serbian and Albanian languages, and will be sent in either version to all who request it.

[ the signer list you find at the end of this site ]



Jan ndar pa ndergjegje, para suve të afermit, fati shumices e ture deri ditën e sotmë është pa njohur. Dhimbje ature famileve është e njejtë - DUHET TË JETË E NJEJTË perpjëkët qe po behen të ata gjinden, pa arsue a është fjalia per Sërb. Shqipëtar, Romët, Ashkali, Muslimanët, Goran...

Familët e Humburit kërkojnë vetem drejtsin dhe vërtëten!

Qeveria Demokratike në Beograd vetem për disa muaj, kan leshuar në liri më së shumti 1800 Shqiptar burgosiurit politikë, burgosirt thë denuaritë ne reziminë e kaluar thë kanë mundesuar gjetje trupave te humbyra civile nga  Kosova dhe Metohis në teritorin e Srbisë.

Deri sotë po ashtu, Qeveria KB  në Kosovë nuk kanë artuar fatin as njerit prej 1300 humbur Serb, dhe joshqiptar nga Kosova, po ashtu burgusorit Sërbët politik qe qinden ne burgjet e Kosovës.

Pa shqurtimin fatin TË GJITHË humburit, nuk do te  jetë as mirkuptin, as kthim 250.000 larguarit Sërbë të Kosovës cilet te dimrit tretë presin larg nga trojet të veta, as zhvilimin shoqeror, as zgjedhje të drejta as Kosovën Demokratike.

Ashtu Kerkojme:

    1. UMNIK-u dhe KFOR-i duhen te kruar obligimet, deturen qe ju ka dhenë KB -um,  ne cilen është Jugoslavia antar barabartë, të gjejnë dhe publikisht shpalen vendet ne Kosovë e ku gjinden arestuarit dhe ata mbuturit per persona te kerkuarit.

    2. Po ashtu kërkojmë nga institucionet tona shpejtë qe më një hërë te angazhohen në ndriqmin të gjitha krimet në Kosovë, te mundsohet angazhimi  principet e njejtë të cilat kanë mundesuar organizatavë nderkomtare dhe KB instutucioneve për ndriqmin varezat ne Serbi.

    3. OEBS-i duhet pa arshinet duanshme siguron zgjeljet të lira në Kosovë, pa shtupje as një palë, që kuptohet lirine e plotë levizjes dhe organizimin politik, dhe kontrol për TË GJITHË gjutetarvë ne Kosovë dhes Metohi, për sot nuk egzistojnë  as një menur, minimale digjnitetin njrzor.

    4. Organet lokale, Republikanë dhe ata këshilit ekzukativ cilet kan aplikuar kthimit per gjithshëm më se 7000 refugjat Shqiptar ne Jugun e Serbisë, në paqë dhe prosperitin duhen te prebalojnë më probleme Kosovës dhe se zbashkuj më Unmik-un the Kfor-in mundesojnë kthimin 250.000 Sërbët te larguarit dhe jo Shqiptar në Kosovë dhe Metohi.

    5. Organizatat Humanitare, veqënarisht ata cilet punojnë ne putjet drejtat e njeriut, të bejnë gjithshka në mbutje përditshmë, kidnapime dhe te tjera shkeljet drejtat njerzore Sërbve dhe joShqiptarve në Kosovë, dhe te angazhohen për te denuar raste të tila, për aritjen  e drejtat  e njeriut dhe përmiqsohet standardi njerzor.

Apelojm në persona më autoritet te tregojnë botës fatin te kidnapuarit, dhe te mbeshtetin në ata persona cilët kanë fuqi  te perdorin menqurine për ndriqimin të gjithë humburit dhe të kthehën  familjevë të vëta.

(Se kini deshirë që të afrohëni këti apelit, si organizate ose personat, ose zbashkujtë ju lusim që të dergoni e-mail dhe publikoni emrin dhë mbiemrin, qutetin, shtetin, emrin organizates dhe shenimen e tjera ashtu se kini deshirë që të shpalin si nenshkrimin e juaj në apel e- mail adresa kosbozur@yubc.net)

[ the signer list you find at the end of this site ]



Odvodjeni su bez milosti, na ocigled svojih najblizih, a sudbina vecine njih je i do dan danas nepoznata. Bol njihovih porodica je isti – MORA BITI ISTI i napor koji se ulaze da oni budu pronadjeni, dostojno sahranjeni ili oslobodjeni, bez obzira na to da li su Srbi, Albanci, Romi, Askali, Muslimani, Goranci... Porodice nestalih zele samo istinu i pravdu!

Demokratske vlasti u Beogradu, za samo nekoliko meseci pustile su na slobodu preko 1800 Albanskih politickih zatvorenika hapsenih i sudjenih u proslom rezimu i omogucile pronalazenje tela ubijenih civila sa Kosova i Metohije na teritoriji Srbije.

Do sada, medjutim, vlasti UN na Kosovu nisu razresile sudbinu bezmalo nijednog od 1300 nestalih Srba i drugih nealbanaca sa Kosova, niti Srpskih politickih zatvorenika u Kosovskim zatvorima.

Bez razresenja sudbine SVIH nestalih nema ni ponovnog medjuetnickog poverenja, ni povratka 250.000 izbeglih Kosovskih Srba koji vec trecu zimu docekuju daleko od svojih ognjista, ni razvoja gradjanskog drustva, niti pravednih izbora, niti demokratskog Kosova.

Stoga zahtevamo:

1. Da UNMIK i KFOR obave svoju duznost i ispostuju mandat koji im je dat od UN ciji je Jugoslavija punopravni clan, da pronadju i javno objave mesta na Kosovu gde su zatoceni ili pokopani ljudi za kojima se traga!

2. Da se zvanicne institucije Jugoslavije odmah aktivno ukljuce u rasvetljavanje svih zlocina na Kosovu i da im se omoguci pristup po istom principu po kojem je omogucen pristup medjunardnim organizacijama i UN institucijama pri pronalazenju grobnica u Srbiji!

3. Da OEBS osigura istinski slobodne izbore na Kosovu, bez pritisaka na ma koju stranu i bez ucenjivanja, sto podrazumeva potpunu slobodu kretanja i politickog organizovanja i kontrole tog procesa za SVE gradjane Kosova, a koji za sada ne postoje ni u minimalnom obliku dostojnom coveka.

4. Da se lokalne, republicke i savezne vlasti, politikom kakva je donela trajni povratak preko 7.000 raseljenih Albanaca, mir i napredak na jugu Srbije uhvate u kostac sa problemom Kosova i zajedno sa UNMIK-om i KFOR-om omoguce hitan povratak 250.000 raseljenih Srba i nealbanaca na Kosovo i Metohiju.

5. Da humanitarne organizacije, narocito one koje se bave ljudskim pravima, ucine sve da ukazu na svakodnevna ubistva, otmice i druga krsenja ljudskih prava Srba i nealbanaca na Kosovu i zaloze se da ona budu kaznjena, a standard postovanja ljudskih prava unapredjen.

Apelujemo na ugledne pojedince da nam pomognu da svetu predocimo sudbinu nestalih i uticemo na one koji imaju moc, da tu moc upotrebe za pronalazenje svih nestalih i zatocenih kako bi bili dostojno sahranjeni ili se vratili svojim porodicama!

(Ukoliko zelite da potpisete ovaj apel, kao organizacija ili pojedinac, ili oboje, molimo vas da posaljete svoj e-mail sa tacnim imenom i prezimenom, imenom grada, zemlje, imenom organizacije, onako kako zelite da se pojavi u spisku potpisnika na e-mail adresu kosbozur@yubc.net)

Napomena: Oni koji to zele mogu dobiti ovaj apel i na albanskom i na engleskom jeziku.

[ the signer list you find at the end of this site ]

Versuch einer Übersetzung des englischen Textes:


Hilflos mußten ihre Lieben zusehen, wie sie ohne Gnade weggeführt wurden, und das Schicksal der meisten von ihnen ist bis heute nicht geklärt. Das Leiden ihrer Familien ist das selbe und SO MÜSSEN AUCH DIE BEMÜHUNGEN SEIN sie zu finden - unabhängig davon ob sie Serben, Albaner, Roma, Ägypter, Muslims, Gorani oder anderer Herkunft sind. Sie verdienen, dass sie gefunden werden und entweder würdig begraben oder freigelassen werden. Die Familien der Vermissten suchen nichts anderes als Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit !

Die neue demokratische Regierung in Belgrad hat innerhalb der wenigen Monate, die sie an der Macht ist, 1.800 albanische politische Gefangene freigelassen, die vom vorigen Regime für schuldig erklärt und in Haft genommen worden waren. Sie hat außerdem die Suche nach vermissten Zivilisten und Opfern des Krieges aus Kosov@ erleichtert, einige der Leichen selbst in Serbien entdeckt.

Im Gegensatz dazu haben die UN-Behörden in Kosov@ keine Bemühungen unternommen, um bei der Freilassung von serbischen politischen Gefangenen aus Gefängnissen in Kosov@ zu helfen, und haben bis heute so gut wie keinen Fall der 1.300 Vermissten Serben und anderer Nicht-Albaner klären können.

Bis und solange nicht das Schicksal von ALL den Vermissten aufgedeckt ist, wird es kein multiethnisches Vertrauen und keine Rückkehr für die 250.000 vertriebenen Serben (IDP's) geben, die gezwungen sind, jetzt den dritten Winter fern ihrer angestammten Heimat zu verbringen. Folglich wird es keine Entwicklung der Gesellschaft, keine freien und fairen Wahlen und letztlich auch keine Demokratie in Kosov@ geben !

Deshalb fordern wir, dass die dafür zuständigen Behörden folgende Maßnahmen ergreifen:

1. Dass UNMIK und KFOR ihre Pflicht tun und entsprechend dem Mandat handeln, das ihnen von allen Mitgliedern der UN, einschließlich des voll anerkannten Mitglieds Jugoslawien, übertragen wurde, alle Orte in Kosov@ zu finden und zu veröffentlichen, wo sich gegenwärtig Vermisste oder deren Gräber befinden.

2. Dass die dazu bevollmächtigten jugoslawischen und serbischen Institutionen sofort mit einbezogen werden bei der Aufklärung all der Verbrechen, die in Kosov@ begangen wurden, und dass sie denselben Zugang und Rechte zu den Untersuchungen erhalten wie sie den internationalen Organisationen und den UN-Behörden in Bezug auf die gegenwärtigen Untersuchungen der Massengräber in Serbien gewährt werden.

3. Dass die OSCE garantiert, dass die anstehenden Wahlen in Kosov@ diesmal wirklich frei und demokratisch sein werden ohne zweifachen Maßstab oder Druck auf irgendeine Seite. Dass die OSCE entsprechend ihrem Mandat handelt, die volle Bewegungsfreiheit und politische Versammlungsfreiheit zu gewährleisten wie auch das Recht ALLER politischen Parteien die Wahlen ALLER Bürger Kosov@'s zu überwachen. Diese demokratischen Rechte und Verfahrensweisen waren bei den letzten Wahlen nicht von allen Teilen der Bevölkerung Kosov@'s in gleicher Weise wahrzunehmen.

4. Dass die Behörden auf örtlich gemeindlicher Ebene, wie auch der Republik und des Bundes, sich sofort der Lösung der noch offenen Frage der 250.000 vertriebenen Serben und Nicht-Albaner zuwenden und zusammen mit UNMIK und KFOR deren rasche Rückkehr nach Kosov@ ermöglichen. Solche gemeinsamen Anstrengungen haben bereits die Rückkehr von 7.000 vertriebenen Albanern, Frieden und Fortschritt in Süd-Serbien gewährleistet und lassen erwarten, dass erfolgreiche Politik und verfügbare Mittel vorhanden sind [available resources are in place] und genutzt werden müssen, um andere Vertriebene zurück zu ihren Wohnstätten in Kosov@ zu bringen.

5. Dass alle humanitären Organisationen, besonders jene, die sich für die Wahrung der Menschenrechte einsetzen, ihr möglichstes tun, um die täglichen Tötungen, Entführungen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Serben und anderen Nicht-Albanern in Kosov@ aufzuzeichnen und öffentlich zu machen.Wenn der Grad der Anerkennung der Menschenrechte in Kosov@ verbessert werden soll, dann sollten vor allem humanitäre Organisationen sich dafür einsetzen, dass alle Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Übeltäter in gleicher Weise bestraft werden.

Dieser Appell richtet sich an die maßgeblichen Stellen, die mit Verwaltung und Aufbau der Zukunft Kosov@'s befaßt sind. Er ist auch eine Einladung an Entscheidungsträger, Prominente und einfache Bürger in dieser Welt, ihre Macht, Einfluß und Mitgefühl dafür einzusetzen, uns bei der Aufklärung des Schicksals der vermissten Bürger in Kosov@ zu helfen. Die Zivilisation und die Menschheit schuldet ihnen den Anstand, dass sie entweder in Würde begraben werden oder zu ihren Familien zurückkehren können.

(Wenn Sie diesen Appell unterzeichnen wollen, im Namen einer Organisation oder als Einzelperson oder beides, senden Sie bitte ein e-mail an: kosbozur@yubc.net, geben ihren Vor- und Nachnamen an, Wohnort, Land, Name der Organisation und andere Informationen, die neben Ihrer Unterschrift auf der Liste erscheinen sollen. Ihre Unterstützung wird sehr begrüßt. Vielen Dank ! )

Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis: Dieser Appell ist auch in englischer, albanischer und serbischer Sprache erhältlich und wird auf Anforderung in der gewünschten Version zugesandt.

[ Die Liste der Unterzeichner folgt unten. ]

Der Text, den ich unterschrieben habe - the text I signed:

Datum:  Sun, 19 Aug 2001 13:56:26 +0200
Von:      Wolfgang Plarre <wplarre@bndlg.de>
An:        Vajat <Vajat@EUnet.yu>

Dear Jovana,

thank you for your reply. Even I feel you a bit annoyed in some points, I want not every word to be weighed. My concern by remarks to the text is and was
# to underline the very good intention to work for all humans being in same conditions, having same problems
# to avoid probably coming critics unnecessary taking one's mind of the things.
I hope you can understand by heart, what I want to express.
Below I give a 'compromise' I signed.

Just I received your further mail "Final version (I hope!?!) ..."
I will read it now.


  below the text I sign



They were taken without mercy, in front of their loved ones, and the
fate of most of them has remained unknown until today. The pain of their
families is the same - THE SAME MUST BE the efforts to find them,
decently buried or released, regardless of whether they are Serbs,
Albanians, Roma, Ashkali, Gorani or other. The families of the missing
demand only truth and justice!

Within only a few months, the democratic government in Belgrade has
considerable increased the number of released Albanian political
prisoners arrested and convicted during the former regime to nearly
1800, about 100 yet being left. The government as well assisted in
finding the bodies of the missing and killed civilians from Kosovo and
To date, however, the UN authorities in Kosovo have resolved almost none
of the 1300 cases of missing Kosovo Serbs and other non-albanians, nor
the cases of Serb political prisoners being held in Kosovo jails.
Unless the fate of ALL the missing is resolved, there will be no
multhiethnic trust, no return of the about 300.000 internally displaced
former living in Kosovo and Metohija who will be spending their third
winter away from their homes, and therefore no development of the
society, no just elections and no democratic Kosovo.

Therefore we demand:

1. UNMIK and KFOR perform their duty and implement the mandate given to
them by the UN (of which Yugoslavia is a fully recognized member), to
find and make public all places in Kosovo where the missing people
were/are being held or have been buried.

2. We also demand that the official FRY and Serbian institutions be
immediately involved in uncovering all crimes in Kosovo and that they be
allowed access in the same way that access was allowed to international
organizations and UN bodies when mass graves were being uncovered in
Serbia proper.

3. That the OSCE ensures free and democratic elections in Kosovo,
without double standards, without pressure on any side, which means full
freedom of movement and political organization and election monitoring
for ALL citizens of Kosovo, which are currently non-existent for a great
part of the population.

4. That the local, republican and federal authorities, applying the
policy that has brought about the return of over 7000 internally
displaced Albanians, peace and progress in the South of Serbia, become
fully involved in resolving the problem of Kosovo, and that together
with UNMIK and KFOR they facilitate urgent return of the about 300.000
internally displaced former living in Kosovo and Metohija.

5. That the humanitarian organizations, especially those engaged in
human rights, do their utmost to expose everyday killings, abductions
and other violations of human rights in Kosovo, and advocate that these
violations be punished and the standard of the respect for human rights
be improved.

We also appeal to prominent individuals to help us reveal and draw
attention to the fate of the missing and influence the decision makers
to use their power to find all those missing, to release those unlawfull
kept in prison, so that they could be decently buried or reunited with
their families.

(If you are willing to sign this appeal, as organizations or individual,
or both, please just send your e-mail with your first and last name,
city, country, name of organizations and other information you would
like to appear on the list as your signature at the e-mail address
_ _ _

The text above I sign

Wolfgang Plarre, Germany, coworker to A-PAL, www.bndlg.de/~wplarre

    signer list  (updated on  Wed, 5 Sep 2001 19:00:44 +0200)

    Peticija i sajt Povratak za sve na Internetu / Petition and site RETURN FOR ALL on Internet: http://www.akcija.f2s.com
    NEW LINK for petiton on CRNPS http://www.crnps.org.yu/
    Link for petition http://www.tiker.co.yu/istrazivanje.htm on http://www.tiker.co.yu
    Links for the petition in Internet: http://www.inet.co.yu  (also other important daily news from Kosovo and Metohia, return to Osojane, and more from the ground). Petition link: http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html
    Also visit the petition and more: link on A-PAL site
    http://www.bndlg.de/~wplarre/appeal010820.htm  [ this website ]
    Serbian Orthodox monastery Visoki Decani http://www.decani.yunet.com


    His Eminence The Most Reverend Metropolitan Christopher
    Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Midwestern America

    Srpski pravoslavni manastir VISOKI DECANI
    Serbian Orthodox monastery Visoki Decani


    1. NGO Kosovo peony / "Kosovski bozur" / Bozhuri e Kosoves, Beograd
    2. NGO Group 484 / Grupa 484 Beograd/ Grupi 484, Beograd
    3. NGO Humana, Beograd-Orahovac (Rahovec)
    4. NGO Real Help / Prava pomoc / Ndihma e drejte, Beograd
    5. Humanitarian Fund "Simonida"/ Humanitarni fond "Simonida" / Fondi humanitar "Simonida", Beograd
    6. Assosication of families of kidnapped persons from K.i.M./ Udruzenje porodica kidnapovanih lica sa Kosova i Metohije / Bashkesija familave e kidnapumave personat nga Kosova dhe Metohis, Beograd
    7. Doctors without borders Serbia / Lekari bez granica Srbije / Mjeket pa kufi Serbise, Beograd
    8. Association for trauma and integrative theraphy "Encounter" / ATIP "Susret", Beograd
    9. NGO "Holy Salvation" / Udruzenje gradjana za pomoc raseljenim sa Kosova i Metohije "Sveti Spas" / Bashkesija qutetarve per ndihme larguarite nga Kosova dhe Metohis "Sveti Spas", Beograd
    10. NGO "Peony" / Udruzenje gradjana za pomoc raseljenim sa Kosova i Metohije "Bozur" / Bashkesija per ndihme  personave larguarite nga Kosova dhe Metohi "Bozhuri", Smederevska Palanka
    11. NGO "Bistrica" / Udruzenje za pomoc raseljenim licima "Bistrica" / Bashkesija per ndihme personave larguarit "Bistrica", Pozarevac
    12. NGO "Homeland" / Udruzenje raseljenih lica sa Kosova i Metohije "Zavicaj" / Bashkesija personave te larguarit nga Kosova dhe Metohi  "Vendlindja", Kragujevac
    13. Association "Kosovo and Metohia" / Udruzenje "Kosovo i Metohija" / Bashkesija "Kosova dhe Metohi", Lazarevac
    14. NGO "Voice of Kosovo and Metohia" / "Glas Kosova i Metohije", Beograd/Zoni e Kosoves dhe Metohise, Beograd
    15. NGO "Vidovdan" / Udruzenje gradjana "Vidovdan"/Bashkesija qutetarve "Vidovdan" Kursumlija
    16. NGO "Old Serbia" / Udruzenje gradjana "Stara Srbija"/Bashkesija qutetarve "Serbia e vjeter" Beograd
    17. Association of displaced persons from the Prizren county "Holy Archangels" / Udruzenje raseljenih lica Prizrenskog okruga "Sveti Arhangeli"/Bashkesija qutetarve personat refuqatve Okrugu e Prizrenit "Sveti Arhangeli" Kraljevo
    18. Forum for Assistance and Development of Democracy / Forum za pomoc i razvoj demokratije/Forumi per ndihme dhe zhvilimin Demokracise, Vranje
    19. NGO "Metohia" / Udruzenje "Metohija", Pec /Bashkesija "Metohi", Peje-Beograd
    20. NGO "Native country" / Udruzenje "Postojbina" /Bashkesija "Vendlindja", Mladenovac
    21. NGO "Gazimestan" / Udruzenje "Gazimestan" /Bashkesija"Gazimestan", Krusevac
    22. Committee for Return / Odbor za povratak / Keshili per kthim, Kraljevo
    23. NGO "Tzar Lazar" / Udruzenje "Car Lazar" / Bashkesija "E Mbreti Lazar", Vrnjacka Banja
    24. NGO "Sutomore" / Udruzenje "Sutomore"/ Bshkesija "Sutomore", Sutomore
    25. NGO "Children Without Home" / Udruzenje "Deca bez doma" / Bashkesija "Femijete pa shtepi" Cacak
    26. NGO "Sitnica" / Udruzenje "Sitnica"/ Bashkesija "Sitnica", Trstenik
    27. Association of displaced Serbs from Kosmet / Udruzenje raseljenih Srba sa Kosmeta / Bashkesija refuqutve Serbve nga Kosmeti,   Beograd
    28. Associations of Serbs from Pristhina / Udruzenja Srba iz Pristine / Bashkesija Serbeve nga Pristina, Beograd
    29. Serbian Sisters' Circle / Kolo srpskih sestara / "Vala motrave Serbave"nga Pristina, Beograd
    30. NGO "The Voice of Serbian Woman" / Udruzenje gradjana "Glas Srpkinje" / Bashkesija qutetarve "Zoni Serbijane", Beograd
    31. NGO "Homeland Club" / Udruzenje gradjana "Zavicajni klub" / Bashkesija qutetarve "Klubi Vendlindes", Pec-Beograd
    32. NGO "Gorazdevac" / Udruzenje gradjana "Gorazdevac" /Bashkesija qutetarve "Gorazhdevc", Gorazdevac
    33. Forum for Ethnic Relations / Forum za etnicke odnose / Forumi per lidhje etnike, Beograd
    34. NGO Timok Club / Timocki klub / Klubi Timokut, Knjazevac
    35. Wolfgang Plarre, Germany, coworker to A-PAL, www.bndlg.de/~wplarre
    36. Doreen Davies. NGO -Balkan Aid/"Pomoc Balkanu"/ . Harpenden. UK.-
    37. International Council of Voluntary Agencies, FRY / Medjunarodni savet za volonterske organizacije / Lidhja ndrkomtatre per organizata volontare, Beograd
    38. Yugoslav Society for Integrative Art Psychotherapy / Jugoslovensko drustvo za integrativnu art psihoterapiju / Bashkesija Jugoslave per pune integrativa, psihoterapise, Beograd
    39. Roma People Rights Society - Stip / Udruzenje o pravima Roma / Bashkesija per drejtave e Romave, Stip, R. Makedonija
    40. Center for Information on Refugee Return / Centar za informiranje o povratku izbjeglica / Qendra per iformim per kthim refuqatve,, Osijek, HR
    41. Citizens Association for Self-Supporting Mothers / Udruzenje gradjanki Samohrane majke  / Bashkesija e venave Vetemshequse,- Beograd, Jugoslavija
    42. Snezana Vitorovich, President  of Association of Serbian Women , Udruzenje Srpskih Zena / Bashkesija grave Serbave, Toronto, Canada
    43. Association de Solidarite France - Serbie/ Asocijacija solidarnosti Francuska - Srbija, Strasbourg, France
    44. Udruzenje starosnih penzionera /Bashkesija penzinerve e vjeter, Beograd, YU
    45. Invalidi rada, MZ Staro Zarkovo / Invalidet e punes, Beograd, YU
    46. Centar za ljudska prava / Center for Human Rights / Qendra per drejtat e njiriut, Nis
    47. Autonomni zenski centar / Autonomus Women's Center / Qendra Autonomve e grave, Beograd
    48. Bob Rossi and Margaret Stephens, Northwest Ethnic Voice, USA
    49. SDF (Srpski demokratski forum), Podružnica za Liku / Forumi demokratik Serbve,Korenica
    50. Medjunarodna mreza pomoci / NGO International Aid Network - I.A.N. / Ligja nderkomtare per kthime, Beograd.
    51. Romski Informativni Centar / Roma Information Center / Qendra informative e Romve, Kragujevac
    52. Foundation SOVB The Netherlands
    53. M N Piano Tuning. Toronto. Canada
    54. SKC (Serbian Cultural Center), Toronto
    55. OUT/AUT galery of modern art, Toronto
    56. P.E.CH. Udruzenje Pecanaca / Shoqerija e Pejanve, Toronto
    57. NGO FORUM-Kraljevo/FORUM NVO / NGO Forum,Kraljevo
    58. Belgrade Centre for Human Rights -Kraljevo/Beogradski centar za ljudska prava / Qendra Beogradit per drejtat e njeriut, Kraljevo
    59. LINGUA NGO-Kraljevo/ NVO Lingva-Kraljevo
    61. NGO Forum of civic action - FORCA - Pozega / NVO Forum civilne akcije - FORCA  / Forum Akcionit civil Forca, Pozega
    62. Foundation for Pluralism, Bucharest, Romania / Fondacija za pluralizam / Fondacion per plralizmit, Bukurest, Rumunija
    63. Zdravo Da Ste/ NGO Hi Neighbour, nevladina organizacija / Mire se jeni organizata jo qeveritarve, Beograd, Yu
    64. Odbor za ljudska prava-Bujanovac / Committee for Human Rights / Lidhja per drejtat e njiriut, -Bujanovac, YU
    65. NVO "Centar za razvoj gradjanske svesti" (CRGS) Babusnica
    66. Novinska agencija TIKER / News Agency TIKER / Agencija e gazetave, Belgrade
    67. IMGP, Independent Media Group - Pristina, Gracanica - Pristina
    68. Fond istine o Srbima, Beograd
    69. NVO"Alijansa za Prosperitet i Stabilnost", Bujanovac
    70. NGO Association of Creative Development - Youth Open Club / Udruzenje za kreativni razvoj - Omladinski Otvoreni Klub / Belgrade
    71. NGO club Civic House, Cetinje
    72. Youth Parlament of Montenegro, Podgorica
    73. Student Cultural Center of Montenegro, Podgorica
    74. Fond istine o Srbima, Beograd
    75. Fondation Save Serbian Children / Fondacija Spasite srpsku decu, Kalifornia, California, USA
    76. Pokret za zastitu ljudskih prava, Beograd
    77. Srpsko Kanadsko Drusvo Vankuver / Serbian Canadian Society of Vancouver, Canada SCS@serbian-canadian.org  http://www.serbian-canadian.org/
    78. NGO,Centre for Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija-MNEMOSYNE / Centar za ocuvanje nasledja Kosova i Metohije-MNEMOSYNE, Beograd
    79. Office for Human Rights / Biro za ljudska prava, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, BiH
    80. NVO Centar informativno-pravne pomoci Zvornik, Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina
    81. First European House / Prva evropska kuca, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    82. European Movement in Serbia, Local Council Cukarica/ Evropski pokret u Srbiji - lokalno Vece Cukarica, Beograd
    83. Women Group Cukarica / Zenska grupa Cukarica, Beograd
    84. Josephine Grey, Low Income Families Together, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    85. Humanitarian association "Roma's Heart" / Humanitarno udruzenje "Romsko srce" / Bashkesija humanitare "Zemra e Romave", Beograd
    86. Mary Paich, PAICH COMMUNICATIONS, Pittsburgh, PA USA
    87. Republicki komesarijat za izbeglice / Commissariat for refugees, Republic of Serbia, Beograd
    88. Srpsko nacionalno vece Kosovska Mitrovica / Serbian National Council, Kosovska Mitrovica, YU
    89. Odbor za povratak Srba, Orahovac
    90. Odbor za povratak Srba i Crnogoraca na Kosovo
    92. O.S.C. "Ravna Gora" MO. Canberra, Australia
    93. NGO Grupa "Hajde da...", grupa za psihosocijalnu podrsku i socijalnu akciju / Group "Let's..." (group for psycho-social support and social action), Beograd
    94. Slobodan Mitanovski, Predsednik Odbora za invalidska pitanja, Srpski Rojalisticki Pokret, Beograd
    95. Andrew Yiannides, Founder - President, Human-Rights Organisation Non Governmental Organisation Promoting and Protecting Human Rights World Wide, London, UK / NVO za promociju i zastitu ljudskih prava, London, UK  http://members.human-rights.org
    96. Udruzenje TRAG / Shoqata GJURMA / Amalipe BELEGO - Nis, YU
    97. "Un Ponte per...", Roma, Italia (i kancelarija "Un Ponte per..." u Beogradu)
    98. Savez Roma Srbije, Dragan Stankovic, Beograd, Jugoslavija
    99. Drustvo ROM  Beograd, Beograd, Jugoslavija
    100. Viktimolosko drustvo Srbije, YU
    101. NGO "RADOST ZIVOTA", Beograd / NGO "THE JOY OF LIFE", Belgrade, YU
    102. Serbian Society of UNSW (Srpsko Udruzenje Univerziteta Novog Juznog Velsa), Sydney, Australia
    103. "Forum Roma i Askalija sa Kosova" pri "Udruzenje za ugrozene narode - G.f.b.V" - Göttingen,  Nemacka

    (sorted by surname alfabetical order)
    (sortirano abecednim redosledom prezimena)

    1. Adamov Dario, Cirich, Svajcarska
    2. Cynthia Alexander, Rio Nido, California, USA
    3. Nadezda Alfano, Busto Arsizio (VA), Italia
    4. Angelo Roberto Alfano, Busto A. (VA), Italia
    5. Ivan Alfano, Busto A. (VA), Italia
    6. Zoran Alimpic, Predsednik Skupstine opstine Cukarica, Beograd, YU
    7. Tijana M. Andrejevic, Svajcarska
    8. Miroslav Antic
    9. Vladimir Antic, Beograd, Srbija
    10. Slobodanka Antic, Beograd,YU
    11. Dusan Antonijevic, Bracknell, UK
    12. Asatriai Minas, Yerevan, Armenia
    13. Asatrian Mesrob, Yerevan, Armenia
    14. Dragan Atanackovic, Novi Sad, Yu
    15. Adelchi Azzano, Roma
    16. Stefano Bacchetta, Roma, Italia
    17. Sead Banda, New Jersey, USA
    18. Vladimir Banjanac
    19. Zoran Banjanin, Seattle, USA
    20. Nenad Basanovic, Vancouver, Canada
    21. Cvetko Batakovic, Melbourne
    22. Carla Berg, Austria
    23. Louis Bertholet, The Netherlands
    24. Mien  Bertholet-den Oudsten, The Netherlands
    25. Safeta Bisevac, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    26. Vuk Blecic,Beograd
    27. Vlasta Blecic,Beograd
    28. Jelena and Don Bohne, Milwaukee, USA
    29. Dr Vera Bojic, Beograd, potpredsednik Svetskog sabora Srba iz Hajdelberga
    30. Branko O. Bojovic, Beograd, Jugoslavija
    31. Svetlana Bojovic, Beograd, Jugoslavija
    32. Ing. Nikola Borozan, Cetinje, Montenegro
    33. Sanja Bosanac, Podgorica, Yugoslavia
    34. Boba Bosnjakovic Shaw, Fullerton, CA, USA
    35. Donatella Bradic, Beograd
    36. Branislav Brajuskovic, Naperville, IL, USA
    37. Tamara Brkic, Beograd, YU
    38. Mihailo Budjevac, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
    39. Nebojsa Bugarinovic, beograd, novinar
    40. Luka S. Bujenovic
    41. Dusica Bursac Babic, YU
    42. Ana Caratsch, Geneva, Switzerland
    43. Una M. Coghlan
    44. Michel Collon, Belgium
    45. Tatjana Cuic, Indiana, US
    46. Zoran Cvetanoski, Skopje, Makedonija
    47. Ana Cvetkovic, Nis, Yugoslavia
    48. Ljubisa Cvetkovic, Nis, Yugoslavia
    49. Dragisa Dabetic, Beograd
    50. Danica Dabic, Oakland, CA, USA
    51. Damjanovic Slobodan, Beograd
    52. Dragana Danilovic, Beograd, Yu
    53. Zeljko Danilovic, Beograd, Yu
    54. Majda Dautovic, Beograd
    55. Zarko Djokic, Beograd, YU
    56. Aleksandar Djordjevic, Beograd, Yu
    57. Desanka Djordjevic, Pancevo, Yu
    58. Lazar Djordjevic,Lake Wales, FLORIDA, USA
    59. Svetislav Djordjevic, Beograd, Yu
    60. Djukanovic Bojan, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    61. Djukanovic Olja, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    62. Nikola Djuraskovic, Cetinje, Montenegro
    63. Damir Djurbuzovic, Cetinje, Montenegro
    64. Milanka Djurdjevic, Beograd, Yu
    65. Slobodan Djurdjevic, Beograd, Yu
    66. Uros Djurdjevic, Beograd, Yu
    67. Boris  Djuric, Beograd, Serbia
    68. Jelena Djuric, Beograd
    69. Predrag R. Dragic Kijuk, Beograd, predsednik Fonda istine o Srbima Sreta Dragicevic,Canbera, Australia.
    70. Lazar Dragin Florida USA
    71. Ing Danilo Dragojevic, Beograd, Yu
    72. Ljiljana Dragojevic, Beograd, Yu
    73. Mr Milica Dragojevic, Beograd, Yu
    74. Dusan Dumanovic, Beograd
    75. Tatjana Dumanovic, Beograd
    76. Andrija Dzelewtovich, Burlington, Canada
    77. Nemanja Dzokic, Oakland,CA, USA
    78. Thomas Enders
    79. Milos Ercegovac, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    80. Volker Eschen (Master of theology), Bonn, Germany
    81. Marko Fabry, Beograd ,Yugoslavia
    82. Chris and Mary Fogarty, Chicago, IL, USA, Friends of Irish Freedom
    83. Stephanie Forder, Toronto, Canada
    84. Pernille Frahm, Kolding, Denmark, Member of the European Parliament, GUE/NGL
    85. Borislav Gajicic, Kapfenhardt, Unterreichenbach, Germany
    86. Lenka  Gajicic, Kapfenhardt, Unterreichenbach, Germany
    87. Prof.dr Milena Gavrilovic, Novi Sad, Yu
    88. Hartmut Gehrke-Tschudi, Bochum, Germany
    89. Milena Ginic -  Markovic, Adelaide, Australia
    90. Miroslav Gligorevic, Toronto, Canada
    91. Gorana Gligorevic, Toronto, Canada
    92. Golubovic Mirko, Toronto, Canada
    93. Golubovic Svjetlana, Toronto, Canada
    94. Rahul Goswami, Singapore, Republic of Singapore
    95. Grkovic Aleksandar, Orahovac
    96. Zivorad Grkovic, Orahovac
    97. Ivan Grujic, Leskovac, Srbija
    98. Dr Lyubomir T. Gruyitch, Professor, Belfort, France, (signs the Petition provided only the return and the same rights will be guaranteed exclusively to the citizens and legal aliens of Republic of Serbia and Republic of Montenegro)
    99. Hadzic Boro ,SKOVDE SWEDEN
    100. Kjell Hägg, Stockholm, Sweden
    101. Joel-Konstantin Hägg, Stockholm, Sweden
    102. Aleksanda Kasanin Hägg, Stockholm, Sweden
    103. Nancy Hey, Bethesda, MD, USA
    104. Elena Hoffman, LA, USA
    105. Ksenija Ilic, Toronto, Canada
    106. Ljubomir Isakovic, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
    107. Oliver Ivanovic, Kosovska Mitrovica
    108. Gordana Ivic, Beograd, Yu
    109. Tomislav Ivic, Beograd, Yu
    110. Vladimir Ivkovic, Beograd, Yu
    111. Sasha Jablanovic, Chicago, USA
    112. Aleksandar Jankovic, Beograd, Yu
    113. Marija Jankovic, Beograd, Yu
    114. Slobodan Jarcevic, Yugoslav Embassy, Minsk, Beloruss
    115. John Jay, London, UK
    116. Jelisavcic Slobodan, PARACIN, YUGOSLAVIA
    117. Alexandra Jeneaue, Edmonds, WA, USA
    118. Prof.dr Katarina Jeremic, Beograd, Yu
    119. Nada Jeremic, Beograd, Yu
    120. Milan Jeremic, Beograd, Yu
    121. Dusko Jeremic, Beograd, Yu
    122. Mihailo Jojic, Beograd
    123. Ljiljana Jokic Kaspar, knjizevnik, Novi Sad, YU
    124. Lawrence W Johnson, Goffstown, NH, USA
    125. Mirjana Jovanovic, Phoenix, AZ, USA
    126. Henry Jovanovic, Chandler, Arizona, USA
    127. Gordana Jovanovic, Beograd, Yu
    128. Nebojsa Joveljic, Auckland, New Zealand
    129. Vlado Jovic, Windsor, Canada
    130. Dr Nebojsa Kalenic, Beograd, Yu
    131. Ing Ljiljana Vratovic-Kalenic, Beograd, Yu
    132. Stevo Kangrga, Toronto, Canada
    133. Vida Kasanin, Stockholm, Sweden
    134. Milan Kasic (Cffkale)
    135. Bruce Katz
    136. Gorica Kecman, Chicago,IL., USA
    137. Zivorad Kecman, Chicago,IL., USA
    138. Judith Kent, MSW, Tucson, AZ, USA
    139. David Klesic, Akron, Ohio, USA
    140. Marija Knezevic, knjizevnica, Beograd, Srbija
    141. Knight, Jonathan London, UK
    142. Djordje Koldzic, Boston, MA, USA
    143. Kovach Dorothy, Toronto, Canada
    144. Jovan Kovacevic, meteorolog,  Toronto, Canada
    145. Sanja Kozomara, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
    146. Tomislav Krsmanovic, Beograd
    147. Dr Tamara Krstajic, Beograd, Yu
    148. Ing Drasko Krstajic, Beograd, Yu
    149. Filip Krstic, Cetinje, Montenegro
    150. Anika Krstic, prevodilac, Beograd, YU
    151. Angela Kupzik, Vienna, Austria
    152. Dragan Labudovic,Toronto,Canada
    153. Milica Labudovic,Toronto,Canada
    154. Vladimir Landolac , Brookfield ,Illinois/USA
    155. Jovan Laki, Pancevo, Yu
    156. Natasa Laki-Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    157. Snezana Lazovic, Windsor, Canada
    158. Suncica Lazovic, aps. medicine, Cacak, clan Studentske Unije Medicinara (S U M C)
    159. Nina Ledkovsky, New York, NY, USA
    160. Nebojsa Ljubic, Vranje
    161. Olga Madzarevic, Beograd
    162. Peter Maher, USA
    163. Cedo Maksimovic, London UK
    164. Slobodan Maricic, novinar i publicista, Beograd
    165. Ing Svetrlana Marjanovic, Beograd, Yu
    166. Vera Markovic, Institut za mol. genetiku i gen. inz. Beograd
    167. Angelina Markovic, Beograd
    168. Anica Markovic, Beograd, Yu
    169. Branko Markovic, Cacak, Yu
    170. Darko Markovic, Beograd, YU
    171. Milivoje Markovic, Beograd, Yu
    172. Miroslav Markovic, Beograd, Yu
    173. Predrag Markovic, Beograd, Yu
    174. Vukosava S. Martinovic, Cetinje, Montenegro
    175. Peter Martins, Boston, USA
    176. Dr. George A. Masini, Dunfermline, Fife, SCOTLAND
    177. Gillian Masini, Dunfermline, Fife, SCOTLAND
    178. Dusan Matic, Beograd, Yu
    179. Richard McBride, Dallas, Texas USA
    180. Djoko Marusic
    181. Daniel Meskovic, Beograd, Yu
    182. Goran Micic, Winterthur, Schweiz
    183. Nadja Miladinovic,Beograd,Yu
    184. Kacha Mijanovich, novinar, Beograd
    185. Miroslav Milanovic, Bujanovac, Yugoslavia
    186. Milicevic Boban
    187. Branko Milicevic, Beograd, Yu
    188. Radovan Milicevic,Kraljevo,Yugoslavia
    189. Milorad Mikic, Beograd, Yu
    190. Slobo Milonjic, Beograd, Yu
    191. Milica Miloradovic, Beograd, Yus
    192. Dr Milan Miloradovic, Beograd, Yu
    193. Olivera Milovanovic, Beograd, Yu
    194. Lazar Milutinovis, Beograd, Yu
    195. Relja Mirkovic, London, U.K.
    196. Misic Boris, Toronto, Canada
    197. Misic Natasa, Toronto, Canada
    198. Misic Darinka, Cacak, Yugoslavia
    199. Misic Zivko, Cacak, Yugoslavia
    200. Jovo Miskin, Mississauga, ON, Canada
    201. Lazar Miskovic, Beograd, Yu
    202. Mirjana Bobic Mojsilovic, Beograd, Serbia
    203. Dan Myers, Attorney-at-Law, Houston, Texas, USA
    204. Sonja Myers, Houston, Texas, USA
    205. Doy Myers, Houston, Texas, USA
    206. Dean Myers, Houston, Texas, USA
    207. Robert Myers, Houston, Texas, USA
    208. Dr Dragana Nalic, Beograd
    209. Gradimir Nalic, savetnik za ljudska prava predsednika SRJ
    210. Stevan Naumovic,  Beograd, Yu
    211. Ruzica Naumovic, Beograd, Yu
    212. Nedeljkovic Tatjana, Beograd
    213. Nedeljkovic Igor, Beograd
    214. Nedeljkovic Gordana, Beograd
    215. Nedeljkovic Blagoje, Beograd
    216. Ing Milan Neskovic, Brossard, Canada
    217. Ljubica Neskovic, Brossard, Canada
    218. Stephanie Niketic, Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
    219. Dragana Abramovic Nikolic, potpresednik odbora OTPORA, Palilula
    220. Nenad Nikolic, clan OTPORA
    221. Ivana Nikolic, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    222. Mara Nikolic, Toronto, Canada
    223. Nikolic Prvoslav, Nis, Jugoslavija
    224. Zoran Nikolic, Beograd, Yu
    225. Helen Norton, Spring, TX  US Citizen
    226. Dusan Novkovic, Novi Sad, Yu
    227. Tamara Novkovic, Novi Sad, Yu
    228. Biljana Novkovic, Novi Sad, Yu
    229. Gordana Nunic, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska
    230. Vukasin Obradovic, Vranje,Yu
    231. Daphne O'Brien, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
    232. Ohanian Anush, Moskow, Rusia
    233. Ohanian Misak, Moskow, Rusia
    234. Oskanian Ara, Yerevan, Armenia
    235. Oskanian Asthik, Yerevan, Armenia
    236. Milica Paich Galagaza, Cypress, Texas
    237. Pajovic Jovan, Mississauga, Canada
    238. Pajovic Sanja, Misssissauga, Canada
    239. Pajovic Mile, Mississauga, Canada
    240. Pajovic Simo, Misssissauga, Canda
    241. Pajovic Jovana, Misssissauga, Canada
    242. Maja Palinic,Vankuver, KANADA
    243. Ruza Paljic, Beograd, Beograd, Yu
    244. Ana Paljic-Spiridakis, Hania, Kreete
    245. Ivan Pandurovic,Beograd
    246. Predrag Pandurovic,Beograd
    247. Zoran Pandurovic,Beograd
    248. Savka Pandurovic,Beograd
    249. Radojka Pandurovic,Beograd
    250. Jasmina Paunovic, Beograd, Yu
    251. Radomir Paunovic, Beograd, Yu
    252. Ranko Pavic, artist from Toronto
    253. Dr Vera Pavic, Beograd, Yu
    254. Mr Ljubica Pavic, Beograd, Yu
    255. Snjezana Pavicevic, Podgorica, Project Assistant - IOM Montenegro
    256. Prof.dr Olivera Pavlovic, Beograd,Yu
    257. Mr Miodrag Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    258. Ana Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    259. Branislav Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    260. Nevena Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    261. Jelena Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    262. Vladimir Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    263. Jelena Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    264. Stanija Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    265. Dejan Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    266. Ivan Pavlovic , Kraljevo , YU
    267. Jovan Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    268. Mirjana Pavlovic, Pancevo, Yu
    269. Nikola Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    270. Mara Djordjevic-Pavlovic, Beograd, Yu
    271. Sandra Peric, Podgorica
    272. Dr.med. Michael M. Perisic, Luebeck, Germany
    273. Mr Dusan Pesic, Beograd, Yu
    274. Nicole Petrin, Toronto, Canada
    275. Djordje Petrovic,Toronto,Canada
    276. Slobodan Petrovic, Essex, Britain
    277. Mirjana Petrovic, USA
    278. Rade Petrovic, USA
    279. Miodrag Petrovic, Beograd, Yu
    280. Dusan Petrovic, Beograd, Yu
    281. Ljiljana Petrovic, Beograd, Yu
    282. Aleksandar Popovic, novinar-veteran, Beograd
    283. Gostimir Popovic, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska
    284. Ivanka Popovic, Beograd, Yu
    285. Mira Popovic, advokat, Toronto, CA
    286. Srdan Popovic, Beograd, Yu
    287. Trish Porter, Marianna, Florida  USA
    288. V. Rev. Dr. Michael Prokurat, Assoc. Prof. of Sacred Scripture, University of St. Thomas School of Theology, Houston, Texas, USA
    289. Bojan Radic, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
    290. Jasmina Radivojevic, Roma
    291. Radojevic Vojislav, Beograd, Srbija
    292. Jelena Radosavcev, Beograd, Jugoslavija
    293. Milovan Radosavljevic, Beograd, Yu
    294. Katarina i Aleksandar Radovanovic, Beograd, YU
    295. Radovan Radovic, Beograd, Yu
    296. Danijela Radulovic, novinar, Cetinje, Montenegro
    297. Dragan St.Rakic, Strasbourg, France
    298. Miomir Rakic, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Energoprojekt
    299. Slobodanka Rakidzic , San Jose , California/USA
    300. Milorad Randjelovic, Melbourne, Australia
    301. Nikola Rankovic, Beograd, Yu
    302. Mladen Rasich, Brantford, Canada
    303. Dr. Edeet Ravel, Montreal, Quebec
    304. Rebic Rajna, Arandjelovac, Yugoslavia
    305. Alan Reynolds, Chippenham, England
    306. Sava Ristic, Beograd, Yu
    307. Ruzic Mihailo, Cacak, Yugoslavia
    308. Ruzic Milutin, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    309. Ruzic Ljiljana, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    310. Ruzic Nevena, Beograd, Yu
    311. Ljiljana Savic, Beograd, Yu
    312. Jane Scharf, Ontario, Canada, Social Activist in the areas of welfare and education rights
    313. Sehovac Vera, Toronto, CANADA
    314. Anna Seraphimidou Vayaki, Athens, Greece
    315. Mirjana Sipka
    316. Mr Vidan Slana, Beograd, Yu
    317. Stefan Smileski, Beograd, Yu
    318. Jelena Sorak, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, BiH
    319. Dragana Sotirovic,  Beograd, Yu
    320. Milena Spasic, business manager / slikar, cerka nestalog Srbina sa Kosova
    321. Vladimira Spasica , Washington dc, USA
    322. Cheryl Spasojevic, Edmonds, WA, USA
    323. Manos Spiridakis, Hania Kreete
    324. Martha Springborn, Monroeville, PA
    325. Prof.dr Vladimir Srdic, Novi Sad, Yu
    326. Petar Stanisic, Beograd, Yu
    327. Isidora Stanisic, Beograd, Yu
    328. Svetlana Stanisic, Beograd, Yu
    329. Zeljko Stanivuk, Kitchener, Ontario, CANADA
    330. Milic Stankovic, Lawyer, Belgrade
    331. Rajka Stankovic, Beograd, Yu
    332. Ljiljana Stojanovic, Beograd, Yu
    333. Predrag Stojkovic, Mississauga, Canada
    334. Milan Stokanovic
    335. Natasa Strugar, slikar, Podgorica Montenegro
    336. Irina Subotic, Beograd
    337. Milos Supica, Stockton, California, USA, Fondation Save Serbian Children, owner European Motors
    338. Barbara Freeburg Supica, Stockton, California, USA
    339. Jovana Susic, New Orleans, LA, US
    340. Aleksandar Tasic,  Beograd, Yu
    341. Jasna Tasic, Beograd, Yu
    342. Damjan Tatic, M Sc, Secretary- General of "Serbia Nostra", lawyer, Belgrade, Serbia, FRY
    343. Andrew Ternopolsky, Toronto
    344. Zika Terzibasic, Amsterdam, Holandija
    345. Zivko Terzic, Melbourne - Australia
    346. Milan Timotic, Valjevo,YU
    347. Dimitrije Todoric, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    348. Vesna Todorovic, Beograd, YU
    349. Jelena Tomasevic, Beograd, Yu
    350. Uros Tomasevic, Cetinje, Montenegro
    351. Ana Tomic, Novi Sad, Yu
    352. Torosian Nune, Yerevan, Armenia
    353. Snezana Tosic, Pancevo, Yu
    354. Ljiljana (Samardzija) Travica, Erina, N.S.W., Australia
    355. Momcilo Trifunovic, Valjevo, Srbija,YU
    356. Milica Trifunovic, Valjevo, Srbija,YU
    357. Marko Urosevic, Beograd, Jugoslavija
    358. Milovan Urosevic, Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Exploration Geophysics
    359. Milan Valcic, Beograd, Yu
    360. JJ van Kempen, The Hague, Netherlands
    361. Vardanian Vardan, Yerevan, Armenia
    362. Slavica Velikinac, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    363. Branko Vincic, Hamilton, Canada
    364. Prof.dr Milan Vojnovic, Beograd, Yu
    365. Zora Vojnovic, Beograd, Yu
    366. Milica Vuckovic, Beograd, Yu
    367. Ado Nikola Vujasinovic, Houston, Texas, USA
    368. Otti Vujasinovic, Houston, Texas, USA
    369. Nikola Vujcic, Beograd, Yugoslavia
    370. Aleksandar Vujovic, Univerzitet Crne Gore, asistent
    371. Biljana Vukcevic, Beograd, Srbija, Jugoslavija
    372. Dr Filip C. Vukmirovic, Podgorica, Montenegro
    373. Vukovic Mira Sweden
    374. Vukovic Shane Sweden
    375. Zivko Vukovic, Schweiz
    376. Dana Wicklund, Houston, Texas, USA
    377. Miriam Wiegers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    378. Gregory S. Yodis,Tempe, Az. USA
    379. Kyriaki D. Yodis,Tempe, Az.  USA
    380. Zamac Dusan, Boras (Boros), Sverige (Svedska)
    381. Jelena Zdravkovic, Beograd, Yu
    382. Zdravkovic Nebojsa (vojno lice u penziji), Strasbourg, France
    383. Aleksandar Sasa Zekovic, Podgorica, Montenegro
    384. Ellen Zimmermann, Houston, Texas, USA
    385. Dejan Zivkovic, Belgija
    386. Petar Zivkovic, Beograd, Yu
    387. Predrag Zoric, Vancouver, Canada

    Peticija i sajt Povratak za sve na Internetu / Petition and site RETURN FOR ALL on Internet: http://www.akcija.f2s.com
    NEW LINK for petiton on CRNPS http://www.crnps.org.yu/
    Link for petition http://www.tiker.co.yu/istrazivanje.htm on http://www.tiker.co.yu
    Links for the petition in Internet: http://www.inet.co.yu  (also other important daily news from Kosovo and Metohia, return to Osojane, and more from the ground). Petition link: http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html
    Also visit the petition and more: link on A-PAL site
    http://www.bndlg.de/~wplarre/appeal010820.htm  [ this website ]
    Serbian Orthodox monastery Visoki Decani http://www.decani.yunet.com

Betreff: SPECIAL OCCASION FOR OUR ACTION: OSCE Implementation Meeting on Human Dimension Issues in Warsaw, 17-27 September 2001
Datum: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 09:35:14 +0200
Von: "Kosovski bozur" <kosbozur@yubc.net>
Dear friends and colegues,

OSCE  Implementation Meeting on Human Dimension Issues in Warsaw, 17-27 September 2001

This is a new group of e-mail addresses we prepared for this occasion (see addition below to Guideline *2*). Please start sending your personal e-mail letters on Friday 14th September, and send at least two more times during the OSCE Meeting.
And please keep sending your letters to our regular "recepients" also!

Dragi prijatelji i kolege,

OSCE implementacioni sastanak na temu ljudskih prava se odrzava u Varsavi od 17. do 27. septembra 2001.

U ovom e-mailu, saljemo vam e-mail adrese koje smo pripremili za ovu priliku (pogledajte dole dodatak Uputstvu *2*). Molimo vas da svoje pismo posaljete u petak, 14. septembra i bar jos dva puta u toku naredne nedelje.
Molimo vas da i dalje redovno saljete pismo i redovnim adresantima po prethodnom uputstvu!

Addition to Guideline *2* addresses OSCE for line "TO" (copy-paste):
Dodatak Uputstvu *2* adrese OSCE za rubriku "TO" (kopiraj-umetni):

[ OR SIMPLY on this website:  click on the adresses below ]
[ your mail-programm will open and load all these addresses ]

info@osce.org; mpromviena@magnet.at; holy.see.vienna@aon.at; osce@osce.kiev.ua; rfms@atnet.at; press@omik.org; mission.vienna@mfa.no; georgia@magnet.at; sanomat.wet@formin.fi; permanentmission@cyprus.osce.vienna.at; bulgvert@aeon.at; viennaosce@via.at; abtii7@bmaa.gv.at; rbimo@compuserve.com; osce@oscepa.dk; secretary@osce.md; osce-portparol@omifry.org; osce@nursat.kz; italosce@aon.at; IRELAND-OSCE@aon.at; EBESZmail@huembvie.at; mailto:hcnm@hcnm.org; greeceosce@vienna.at; osze@deubowien.at; osce@access.sanet.ge; france-osce@netway.at; pm-fom@osce.org; oscemission@osce.ee; oscedk@eunet.at; misija.oess@aon.at; maosce-cz@eunet.at; osce-croatia@oscecro.org; osce-chechnya@sovintel.ru; osce_bih@oscebih.org; osceamg@osce.org.by; office@osce.baku.az; pm@osce.org; office@odihr.osce.waw.pl; brenan@osce.lv; oscepress@icc.al.eu.org; sec_osce@osce.un.md; helin@osce.ee; mailto:jens@odihr.osce.waw.pl; jan@oscepa.dk; press@oscebih.org; oscemsk@unet.com.mk; gohar@osce.am; office@delaut.cec.eu.int; pau@oscecro.org

Easy instructions - please take a few minutes and send your personal e-mail (see guidelines below). More e-mails from more addresses - it will make a difference!

Who are we sending our plea?
Kome saljemo nasu molbu?

ICTY (Haski Tribunal), Mr. Hans Hakerup UNMIK, U.S Mission to the UN, Alex Schmid UNDC, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, Mr. Carl Bilt, EU monitoring mission, HCIC Pristina, Human Rights IS Council of Europe, Human Rights Watch, KFOR Boundstil, KFOR Press and Information Centre, Kim Burton AI, Mr. Smart Eze UNDC, Mr.Richard Towle, Chief of UNHCR Mission in YU, Ms Doris Pack, EP, Ms. Mary Robinson, OHCHR - HC for HR, OSCE, Spokesperson Roland Bless, R.W.Huckaby, Rachel Bien HRW, U.S Mission to the UN, UN Secretary General Kofi Anan, UN Volonteers, UN Zeneva, UNDC THB.

SEND YOUR PREPARED PERSONAL LETTER (FIND BELOW TEXT OF THE LETTER) AT LEAST THREE TIMES A WEEK, PLEASE! (if you have trouble with some e-mails addresses returned as "Mail delivery error...", just erase them from your list and inform us, please, on kosbozur@yubc.net)
MOLIMO VAS DA PRIPREMLJENO PISMO KOJE JE U PRILOGU SALJETE SA VASE ADRESE BAR TRI PUTA U TOKU NEDELJE! (ukoliko imate problem da vam se neki e-mail-ovi vrate kao "Mail delivery error...", molimo vas, samo ih obrisite sa svoje liste i obavestite nas na kosbozur@yubc.net)


*1* Create a new message /
       Kreiraj novu poruku

[ OR SIMPLY on this website:  click on the adresses below ]

*2* In field TO: copy - paste the following e-mail addresses /
       U polje TO: kopiraj i umetni sledece elektronske adrese:

[ your mail-programm will open and load all these addresses ]

cicp.tpb@cicp.un.or.at; sscarpel@amnesty.org; carl.bildt@moderat.se; prro_pristina@ecmm.org; yughcic@unhcr.ch; HumanRights.Info@coe.int; HRWpress@hrw.org; office@icty.org; pao@bondsteel2.areur.army.mil; kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int; kburton@amnesty.org; haekkerup@unmik.org; smart.eze@odccp.org; rtowle@unhchr.org.yu; dpack@europarl.eu.int; webadmin.hchr@unog.ch; info@osce.org; pristina@diplomats.com; bienr@hrw.org; usa@un.int; perry-carpenter@un.org; information@unv.org; webmaster@unog.ch; cicp.thb@cicp.un.or.at

*3* Enter into the Subject line (copy - paste) /
U Subject polje unesi (kopiraj i umetni):
Help us regain the trust and faith in humanity and justice that the UN Charter guarantees to ALL NATIONS in the world!

*4* Copy the text of our appeal below horizontal line using famous copy-paste technique (from Dear Sir/Madam...) and DON'T FORGET TO SIGN YOUR NAME (AND/OR THE NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION) UNDER THE "SINCERELY" and TO CHANGE THE FIRST SENTENCE IN "I AM" INSTEAD OF "WE ARE" IF YOU ARE WRITING THE LETTER AS A PERSON, NOT ORGANIZATION! /
Kopiraj tekst nase molbe ispod horizontalne crte koristeci cuvenu kopiraj - umetni tehniku (from Dear Sir/Madam...) i NE ZABORAVITE DA POTPISETE SVOJE IME (I/ILI NAZIV ORGANIZACIJE) ISPOD "SINCERELY" I DA ISPRAVITE U PRVOM PASUSU "I AM" UMESTO "WE ARE" UKOLIKO PISETE KAO POJEDINAC, A NE U IME ORGANIZACIJE!

*5* Click on Messages menu, select Set Priority and then High (valid for Outlook Express) (there is Priority button on the toolbar); this is optional /
Klikni na Messages meni, izaberi Set Priority opciju, a zatim, High (ovo vazi za Outlook Express) (postoji i Priority dugme na toolbaru); ovo nije obavezno.


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to you in support of the petition "RETURN AND EQUAL CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL IN KOSOVO AND METOHIA", see the latest update of the signatories on
http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html or
We would appreciate if you could take a few moments and read this letter.

This appeal is addressed to the relevant authorities involved in the running and building of the future for Kosovo. It is also an invitation for the decision makers, people of prominence and citizens of the world to use their power, influence and compassion to help us secure the return of the displaced and discover the fate of ALL missing citizens in Kosovo. This civilization and this humanity owes the former return to their homes and later, the decency to either have them properly buried or returned to their families.

For your information, this appeal has been signed by more than one hundred Yugoslav and international Non-governmental organizations and institutions.
In addition, as is evident from the list of petition signatories, several hundreds prominent and caring individuals also gave it their support. Please bear in mind that those signatures are not just dry ink on paper. They signify a desperate plea for help by more than 250,000 still displaced Serbs and non-Albanian citizens of Kosovo. Likewise, they symbolize a three-year long anguish and tears of the families still looking for their abducted and missing kin - 1,300 of them. Please see the latest database on missing http://arhiva.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010901/list.html
It was bad enough that these unfortunate people were ignored by the previous Milosevic regime which remained silent on this issue in the past with regards to both, missing Serbs and Albanians. Mr. William Walker, heading the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission in 1998/99, had done considerable work on behalf of missing Albanians, but had not lifted a finger then or since to also deal with missing Serbs and non-Albanians.

Since coming to power on 5. October, 2000 the democratic government of Yugoslavia, has done its duty and resolved many cases of missing Albanians in Serbia proper, giving Albanian families a peace of mind. Mandated by the Resolution 1244, the UN is obligated to do the same in Kosovo and Metohia and should do it without any further delay!

Our appeal to find the 1,300 missing Serbs and non-Albanians has been in circulation world-wide and some small progress was made since its initiation. The UNMIK and the Serbian government have set up a joint Contact Group to uncover the fate of 1,300 abducted and missing non-Albanians. So far, only ten bodies were exhumed but the work on identifying the bodies is still conducted only on Albanian victims of war.

Please give our efforts your full support. Help those desolate people regain the trust and faith in humanity and justice, something that the UN Charter guarantees to ALL NATIONS in the world!

Thank you.




Betreff: Easy instructions for e-mail action on petition "RETURN" /
Jednostavne instrukcije za e-mail akciju peticije "POVRATAK"
Datum: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 22:47:49 +0200
Von: "Vajat" <Vajat@EUnet.yu>
An: <Undisclosed-Recipient:@sxu1002.smtp-gw.to;>

Dear friends, if you already received this from Kosovo Peony, just use delete buton. If youd didn't, please take a few minutes and send your personal e-mail. Those who have made special groups by previous instructions, don't need to change anything.


Dragi prijatelji, ukoliko ste ovo vec dobili od Kosovskog bozura, molim vas izvinite i izbrisite. Oni koji su vec napravili grupe i e-mail po prethodnom uputstvu, ne treba nista da menjaju, naravno.

Easy instructions for e-mail action on petition "RETURN" /
Jednostavne instrukcije za e-mail akciju peticije "POVRATAK":

Who are we sending our plea?
Kome saljemo nasu molbu?

ICTY (Haski Tribunal), Mr. Hans Hakerup UNMIK, U.S Mission to the UN, Alex Schmid UNDC, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, Mr. Carl Bilt, EU monitoring mission, HCIC Pristina, Human Rights IS Council of Europe, Human Rights Watch, KFOR Boundstil, KFOR Press and Information Centre, Kim Burton AI, Mr. Smart Eze UNDC, Mr.Richard Towle, Chief of UNHCR Mission in YU, Ms Doris Pack, EP, Ms. Mary Robinson, OHCHR - HC for HR, OSCE, Spokesperson Roland Bless, R.W.Huckaby, Rachel Bien HRW, U.S Mission to the UN, UN Secretary General Kofi Anan, UN Volonteers, UN Zeneva, UNDC THB i Medijima po ovonedeljnom izboru.


Guidelines /

* Create a new message /
Kreiraj novu poruku

[ OR SIMPLY on this website:  click on the adresses below ]

* In field TO: copy - paste the following e-mail addresses /
U polje TO: kopiraj i umetni sledece elektronske adrese:

[ your mail-programm will open and load all these addresses ]

cicp.tpb@cicp.un.or.at; sscarpel@amnesty.org; carl.bildt@moderat.se; prro_pristina@ecmm.org; yughcic@unhcr.ch; HumanRights.Info@coe.int; HRWpress@hrw.org; office@icty.org; pao@bondsteel2.areur.army.mil; kforcpic@main.kfor.nato.int; kburton@amnesty.org; haekkerup@unmik.org; smart.eze@odccp.org; rtowle@unhchr.org.yu; dpack@europarl.eu.int; webadmin.hchr@unog.ch; info@osce.org; pristina@diplomats.com; bienr@hrw.org; usa@un.int; perry-carpenter@un.org; information@unv.org; webmaster@unog.ch; cicp.thb@cicp.un.or.at

* Enter into the Subject line (copy - paste) /
U Subject polje unesi (kopiraj i umetni):

Help us regain the trust and faith in humanity and justice that the UN Charter
guarantees to ALL NATIONS in the world!
* Copy the text of our appeal below horizontal line using famous copy-paste technique (from Dear Sir/Madam...) and DON'T FORGET TO SIGN YOUR NAME (AND/OR THE NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION) UNDER THE "SINCERELY" and TO CHANGE THE FIRST SENTENCE IN "I AM" INSTEAD OF "WE ARE" IF YOU ARE A PERSON, NOT ORGANIZATION! /
Kopiraj tekst nase molbe ispod horizontalne crte koristeci cuvenu kopiraj - umetni tehniku (from Dear Sir/Madam...) i NE ZABORAVITE DA POTPISETE SVOJE IME (I/ILI NAZIV ORGANIZACIJE) ISPOD "SINCERELY" i DA ISPRAVITE U PRVOM PASUSU "I AM" UMESTO "WE ARE" UKOLIKO PISETE KAO POJEDINAC!

* Click on Messages menu, select Set Priority and then High (valid for Outlook Express) (there is Priority button on the toolbar); this is optional /
Klikni na Messages meni, izaberi Set Priority opciju, a zatim, High (ovo vazi za Outlook Express) (postoji i Priority dugme na toolbaru); ovo nije obavezno


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to you in support of the petition "RETURN AND EQUAL CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL IN KOSOVO AND METOHIA", see the latest update of the signatories on
http://www.inet.co.yu/inet/d/20010822/v4.html or
We would appreciate if you could take a few moments and read this letter.

This appeal is addressed to the relevant authorities involved in the running and building of the future for Kosovo. It is also an invitation for the decision makers, people of prominence and citizens of the world to use their power, influence and compassion to help us secure the return of the displaced and discover the fate of ALL missing citizens in Kosovo. This civilization and this humanity owes the former return to their homes and later, the decency to either have them properly buried or returned to their families.

For your information, this appeal has been signed by more than one hundred Yugoslav and international Non-governmental organizations and institutions. In addition, as is evident from the list of petition signatories, several hundreds prominent and caring individuals also gave it their support. Please bear in mind that those signatures are not just dry ink on paper. They signify a desperate plea for help by more than 250,000 still displaced Serbs and non-Albanian citizens of Kosovo. Likewise, they symbolize a three-year long anguish and tears of the families still looking for their abducted and missing kin - 1,300 of them. Please see the latest database on missing
It was bad enough that these unfortunate people were ignored by the previous Milosevic regime which remained silent on this issue in the past with regards to both, missing Serbs and Albanians. Mr. William Walker, heading the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission in 1998/99, had done considerable work on behalf of missing Albanians, but had not lifted a finger then or since to also deal with missing Serbs and non-Albanians.

Since coming to power on 5. October, 2000 the democratic government of Yugoslavia, has done its duty and resolved many cases of missing Albanians in Serbia proper, giving Albanian families a peace of mind. Mandated by the Resolution 1244, the UN is obligated to do the same in Kosovo and Metohia and should do it without any further delay!

Our appeal to find the 1,300 missing Serbs and non-Albanians has been in circulation world-wide and some small progress was made since its initiation. The UNMIK and the Serbian government have set up a joint Contact Group to uncover the fate of 1,300 abducted and missing non-Albanians. So far, only ten bodies were exhumed but the work on identifying the bodies is still conducted only on Albanian victims of war.

Please give our efforts your full support. Help those desolate people regain the trust and faith in humanity and justice, something that the UN Charter guarantees to ALL NATIONS in the world!

Thank you.



Please think about: 
Of the thousands of missing persons from Kosov@ the remain of at least 229 is known since two years: they are yet detained in Serbian jails, among them Albin Kurti.
#  100 criminal cases have not been processed
#  119 political cases should be dismissed
    due to gross violations of human rights 
  • Release the political Albanian prisoners !
  • Transfer the Albanian prisoners convicted for ordinary crime to prisons in Kosov@ !
  • Faciliate the possibilities of their relatives and friends to visit them in the jails - without any discrimination and abuse.
    Open letter to politicians and media all over the world

    Dear Ladies and Sirs, 

    Over two years after the end of the war in Kosova, 229 Albanians remained detained in Serbian prisons. We are asking for their immediate transfer to the UNMIK justice system. In June, 1999, 2,300 Albanians were transported into Serbia along with Serb judges from the courts in Kosova. However this action violated their international human rights set out in UN Resolution 1244 which states: 

    - All rights and freedoms set forth in the European Conventions apply to Kosova -Anyone arrested in Kosova shall be subjected to Kosova's courts (it does not state that they shall be transfered to courts in Serbia, set up unilaterally by Slobodan Milosevic which is what happened). 
    - Neither side will prosecute anyone for crimes related to the conflict 
    - Defendant is entitled to have his trial transfered to a Kosova court of his choice. 

    To summarize what has happened to date, of the 2,300 original prisoners: 

    * 1,800 were released because of bribes paid privately by families 
    * 1 was pardoned (Flora Brovina)
    * 35 minors were released in November, 1999 
    * 400 were released through amnesty or review 
    * 100 criminal cases have not been processed
    * 119 political cases should be dismissed due to gross violations of human rights 

    It is time for international leaders to openly insist that the cases of the Albanian prisoners be transfered to the UNMIK justice system. UNMIK now has a Belgrade office, but it will take a unified international effort to initiate this process and to follow through. No one must be left behind. 


    wplarre@bndlg.de  Mailsenden

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