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         Monatsbericht August 1998 der
         KMDLNJ / CDHRF Prishtina

           IN KOSOVA
           DURING AUGUST 1998

Betreff:         Monthly Report/ August 1998
Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 15:56:42 -0700
    Von:         Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Prishtina <ibro@EUnet.yu>

     There were many people reported killed, wounded, kidnapped, arrested and displaced ones, among whom men, women, children and elderly, during the latest offensive undertaken by the Serbian military-police and paramilitary forces. They were forced to flee their homes and take shelter in other places or they are wandering without any food, water, medicine or medical assistance. Serbian forces have put them under iron siege and are opening fire towards "everything that moves". Meanwhile, the number of the killed is increasing every hour. One of the cases worth mentioning is that of Asllani family killed by the mortar attack from the tank in flight from the Serbian shelling or the newly-born babies and elderly, who are dying as an aftermath of famine and cold, pregnant women and those that have just given birth dying due to the lack of medical care, mass graves or persons buried violently by the Serbian police, the kidnapped or those missing, the killed in custody, assaulted and sick ones left with open wounds in the mountains, gorges and are dying due to the lack of medical assistance and destroyed settlements leveled to the ground.
     CDHRF keeps registering these cases and appealing time and again to all international humanitarian organziations so that a humanitarian catastrophe should be prevented. It also keeps informing all foreing embassies and relevant factors.
     In order to represent the dramatic situation prevaing in Kosova, we are hereby giving the cases that happened during the month of August.
     On 26 August 1998, while fleeing in a tractor, the following 11 members of Asllani family from the village of Ranca were killed by a Serbian tank: Jalldyze (65), Halide (37), Ajshe (27), Burim (13), Lumni (11), Ejup (9), Luljeta (7), Shpend (5), Xhafer (3), Antigona (1) and Albiona (6 months). Three brothers Isak, Musa and Ekrem were wounded.
     On 27 August 1998, in a tunnel in the vicinity of Açareva, Pajtime Xhelal Millaku (18 months) died due to the cold and lack of medical assistance. A mass grave of 5 corpses was found in Llausha. The corpses could not be identified due to their condition.
     On 28 August 1998, Emine Olluri (29), a woman that has just given birth from Krojmir near Lipjan, died due to the lack of medical assistance. In Shiroka, police buried 4 unidentified Albanians.
     On 28 August 1998, 100.000 Albanians, mainly women, children and elderly from the districts of Suhareka, Lipjan, Deçan, Rahovec, Malisheva, Klina, Skënderaj and Gllogoc took shelter in Pagarusha near Rahovec, a village inhabited by about 2000 people. A newly- born baby (4 months) from the village of Javor near Suhareka and the baby of Hajdin Shala (3 months) from the village of Kleçka died due to the lack of food, medicines and medical assistance.
     Bilall Shala (47) from Ngucat near Malisheva, who was arrested several days before, died as an aftermath of police torture.
     On 24 August 1998, the Serbian Run District Court in Prizren convicted the following students: Nijazi Kryeziu (1977) - 7,5 years imprisonment; Aqif Iljazi (1977) - 6,5 years imprisonment; Bylbyl Duraku - 5,5 years imprisonment; Sejdi Bellanica (1975) - 3,5 years imprisonment; Dëfrim Rifaj (1976) - 2,5 years imprisonment; Behare Tafallari (1976), Jehona Krasniqi (1976) and Leonora Morina - 2 years imprisonment; Sherif Iljazi - 1 year imprisonment.
     On 26 August 1998, the Serbian Run District Court in Peja initiated the investigative proceedings for alleged"terrorism" against 99 Albanians from the District of Gjakova, among whom 7 under age. Of 92 persecuted, only Kastriot Gurkuçi (1967), Esat Shehu (1978) and Adrian Kumnova (1974) from Gjakova are in pre- trial detention in Peja. The others are on the flight.
     Meanwhile, the Court in Peja initiated investigative proceedings against 76 Albanians from the villages of Ramoc, Nec, Jahoc, Luzhnja, Shishman, Krekoc, Batusha, Rracaj, Skivjan, Dellova and Dolloshaj.
     During the month of August 1998:
     - 206 Albanians were killed, massacred and arbitrarily executed;
     - 199 Albanians were wounded;
     - 1590 Albanians were ill-treated in different ways;
     - 202 individuals were taken hostage, kidnapped or reported missing;
     - 250 persons were arbitrarily arrested;
     - 230 persons were physically tortured;
     - 30 persons suffered severe injuries;
     - 48 families were raided;
     - 36 persons underwent routine checking;
     - 72 children were ill-treated, killed, wounded, kidnapped and arrested;
     - 119 women were ill-treated, killed, wounded, arrested, conivted or reported missing;
     - 47 educational, political and human rights activists were subjected to ill-treatment;
     - 24 Albanians were convicted for petty-offences and penal deeds;
     - 243 Albanians are under investigative proceedings for "terrorism"

     Since 14 January until 11 September 1998, CDHRF has registered 1221 killed Albanians, among whom 131 women, 99 children, 191 over the age of 55, 325 are unidentified. The others are between 18-55, who died due to shelling, Serbian snipers, arbitrary executions or police torture.
     Since March 1998, over 900 people were taken hostage, kidnapped or were reported missing. 202 such cases were reported during the month of August.

Prishtina, 11 September 1998                 Information Service

wplarre@bndlg.de     Mail senden

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