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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 13. September 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - September 13, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1551

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1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 13.09.1998 19:19    http://seite1.web.de/show/35FBFEA7.NL1/

Belgrad: Keine Flüchtlinge mehr unter freiem Himmel im Kosovo
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - In der südserbischen Konfliktprovinz Kosovo gibt es nach serbischen Angaben keine Flüchtlinge mehr ohne ein Dach über dem Kopf. Das halboffizielle serbische Mediazentrum berief sich dabei in Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina am Sonntag auf ungenannte humanitäre Organisationen und örtliche serbische Behörden.
Alle bisher aus den Kampfgebieten Geflüchteten seien entweder in ihre Dörfer zurückgekehrt oder hätten Unterkunft bei Verwandten und Freunden gefunden, hieß es.
Das Mediazentrum berichtete außerdem am Abend, daß bei Angriffen albanischer Separatisten auf serbische Polizeieinheiten nahe Srbica am Samstag abend ein Polizist getötet und ein weiterer schwer verletzt worden sei.
© dpa
Meldung vom 13.09.1998 17:52  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FBEA5E.NL1/
Montenegro schließt Grenze und schiebt Flüchtlinge nach Albanien ab
Belgrad/Podgorica/Wien (dpa) - Die kleinere jugoslawische Teilrepublik Montenegro hat ihre Grenze für Albaner aus der Krisenprovinz Kosovo gesperrt und am Sonntag 3 200 Flüchtlinge nach Albanien abgeschoben.
Dies sei mit Zustimmung der Kosovo-Albaner erfolgt, die nicht zurück nach Serbien wollten, zitierte der Sender B 92 (Belgrad) einen montenegrinischen Regierungsvertreter. «Wir konnten die Einreise aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht zulassen, denn viele der Männer waren bewaffnet», sagte er.
Die Flüchtlinge waren am Samstag an der Grenze abgewiesen worden. In Montenegro gebe es schon mehr als 70 000 Flüchtlinge aus Kroatien, Bosnien und dem Kosovo, hatte die montenegrinische Regierung am Samstag diesen Schritt begründet, wie die amtliche jugoslawische Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug meldete. Sie machten knapp zwölf Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung aus.
Montenegro bat um internationale Hilfe für die aufgenommenen Flüchtlinge. Zwei albanische Parteien, die in der montenegrinischen Koalitionsregierung vertreten sind, protestierten am Sonntag. Das Helsinki Menschenrechtskomitee in Montenegro kritisierte die Abschiebung.
Das albanische Kosovo-Informationszentrum berichtete, nach serbischen Angriffen seien erneut mehrere tausend Menschen aus Dörfern geflohen. Ein Experte der Vereinten Nationen hat die Lage im Kosovo am Sonntag als «große Katastrophe» bezeichnet.
Serbische Einheiten hätten übermäßige Gewalt gegen bewaffnete Zivilisten angewendet, zitierte die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) den für Kinder in Kriegsgebieten zuständigen UNO-Vizesekretär Olara Otunu. Offizielle serbische Medien berichteten am Sonntag von einer weiteren «Massenrückkehr» der Albaner in ihre bis vor kurzem umkämpften Ortschaften.
Österreich, das zur Zeit die Ratspräsidentschaft der EU innehat, will für neue Flüchtlinge aus dem Kosovo einen «Lastenausgleich» durchsetzen. «Wir sind an der Grenze der Leistungsfähigkeit angelangt», sagte der österreichische Innenminister Karl Schlögl der Wiener Zeitung «Kurier» am Sonntag mit Blick auf Deutschland und Österreich.
«In erster Linie muß aber auf europäischer Ebene das Prinzip des Lastenausgleichs durchgesetzt werden», sagte Schlögl: «Wenn schon nicht bei der Verteilung der Flüchtlinge, so doch in finanzieller Hinsicht. Ich bin überzeugt, daß die Kosovo-Krise die Nagelprobe für die Europäische Union ist.»
Im Kosovo waren am Samstag die Leichen von 29 hingerichteten Zivilisten entdeckt worden. Es handele sich um Opfer der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK, sagte der zuständige Untersuchungsrichter dem halboffiziellen serbischen Media-Zentrum in Pristina.
Das UCK-Oberkommando hat in einer am Samstag in Pristina veröffentlichten Erklärung jede Verantwortung für die Morde bestritten. Glodjane galt monatelang als UCK-Hochburg und wurde Anfang September von der serbischen Polizei eingenommen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 13.09.1998 17:33    http://seite1.web.de/show/35FBE5D7.NL1/
Montenegro deportierte 3 200 Kosovo-Albaner nach Albanien
Belgrad (dpa) - Die kleinere jugoslawische Teilrepublik Montenegro hat am Sonntag nach Angaben des Radiosenders B 92 (Belgrad) 3 200 aus dem Kosovo kommende Flüchtlinge nach Albanien deportiert.
Die Abschiebung sei im Einvernehmen mit den Betroffenen erfolgt, zitierte der Sender einen montenegrinischen Regierungsvertreter. `Wir konnten aus Sicherheitsgründen die Einreise nicht zulassen, denn viele der Männer waren bewaffnet", sagte er.
Montenegro hatte zuvor seine Grenze für die Kosovo-Flüchtlinge gesperrt. Gegen diese `unmenschliche" Maßnahme protestierten am Sonntag zwei albanische Parteien, die in der montenegrinischen Koalitionsregierung vertreten sind. Auch das Helsinki Menschenrechtskomitee in Montenegro kritisierte die Abschiebung.
© dpa
Meldung vom 13.09.1998 14:01  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FBB430.NL1/
UNO: «Große Katastrophe» im Kosovo - Montenegro schließt Grenzen
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die Situation in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo gleicht nach Ansicht eines UNO-Beauftragten einer «großen Katastrophe».
Der UNO-Vizesekretär für Fragen der Kinder in Kriegsgebieten, Olara Otunu, warf serbischen Sicherheitskräften vor, sie hätten «übermäßige Gewalt» gegen bewaffnete Zivilisten angewendet. Das meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Beta am Sonntag aus der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina.
Die Weltorganisation sei wegen der Lage im Kosovo besorgt, sagte Otunu. Er hat sich während des zweitägigen Besuchs mit serbischen und albanischen Vertretern getroffen und sich vor Ort über das Flüchtingselend und die Zerstörungen informiert. Er sprach sich für eine stärkere Präsenz der internationalen Gemeinschaft in der Unruheprovinz und eine umgehende politische Lösung des Konflikts aus.
Die kleinere jugoslawische Teilrepublik Montenegro hat am Samstag etwa 3 000 Kosovo-Albaner nach Serbien zurückgeschickt. In Montenegro leben schon mehr als 70 000 Flüchtlinge aus Kroatien, Bosnien und dem Kosovo. Sie machten knapp zwölf Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung aus, sagte die Regierung in Podogrica zur Begründung des Einreiseverbots. Sie bat gleichzeitig um internationale Hilfe für die aufgenommenen Flüchtlinge.
Serbische Behörden haben in der Kosovo-Ortschaft Glodjane die Leichen von 29 hingerichteten Zivilisten entdeckt. Es handele sich um Opfer der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK, sagte der zuständige Untersuchungsrichter. Die Zahl der Opfer könnte auch größer sein. Polizeitaucher suchten in einem nahen See weiter nach Leichen.
Das UCK-Oberkommando hat in einer am Samstag in Pristina veröffentlichten Erklärung jede Verantwortung für die Morde bestritten. Glodjane galt monatelang als UCK-Hochburg und wurde Anfang September von der serbischen Polizei eingenommen.
Offizielle serbische Medien berichteten am Sonntag von weiterer `Massenrückkehr" der Albaner in ihre bis vor kurzem umkämpften Ortschaften im Kosovo.
© dpa
Meldung vom 13.09.1998 13:34  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FBADE7.NL1/
UNO-Vertreter nennt Lage im Kosovo katastrophal
 Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - In der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo ist die Situation nach Ansicht eines UNO-Beauftragten katastrophal. Der UNO-Vizesekretär für Fragen der Kinder in Kriegsgebieten, Olara Otunu, warf serbischen Sicherheitskräften vor, sie hätten `übermäßige Gewalt" gegen bewaffnete Zivilisten angewendet. Das meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Beta am Sonntag aus der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina.
Otunu hat sich während des zweitägigen Besuchs mit serbischen und albanischen Vertretern getroffen und sich vor Ort über die Flüchtingslage und die Zerstörungen informiert. Er sprach sich für eine stärkere Präsenz der internationalen Gemeinschaft in  der Unruheprovinz aus.
© dpa
Meldung vom 13.09.1998 11:19  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FB8E31.NL1/
Österreich will «Lastenausgleich» in der EU für Kosovo-Flüchtlinge
Wien (dpa) - Österreich, das zur Zeit Ratspräsident der Europäischen Union (EU) ist, will für neue Flüchtlinge aus der südjugoslawischen Unruheprovinz Kosovo einen «Lastenausgleich» innerhalb der Union durchsetzen. «Wir sind an der Grenze der Leistungsfähigkeit angelangt», sagte der österreichische Innenminister Karl Schlögl der Wiener Zeitung «Kurier» am Sonntag mit Blick auf Deutschland und Österreich.
«In erster Linie muß aber auf europäischer Ebene das Prinzip des Lastenausgleiches durchgesetzt werden», verlangte Schlögl weiter. «Wenn schon nicht bei der Verteilung der Flüchtlinge, so doch in finanzieller Hinsicht. Ich bin überzeugt, daß die Kosovo-Krise die Nagelprobe für die Europäische Union ist».
Um eine neue Welle von Kosovo-Flüchtlingen in Österreich und Deutschland zu verhindern, will Schlögl in der Provinz-Hauptstadt Pristina ein von der EU finanziertes Flüchtlingsbüro einrichten. In den Nachbarländern sollen darüber hinaus Aufnahmelager aufgebaut werden, um «das Problem vor Ort zu lösen».
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
........Augsburger Allgemeine  9.9.1998
       now Germany can not deport Kosova-Albanians !

   Three months ago:

Contact Group Statement on Kosova, London/12 June 1998
   8.  The Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States confirmed their decision to implement the ban on new investment in Serbia and to freeze funds held abroad by the FRY and Serbian governments, and agreed to take steps to ban flights by Yugoslav carriers between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and their countries. Japan supported this approach and agreed to consider similar action. The Russian Federation does not associate itself with these measures.
       How lang one has to wait the other decisions of Contact Group are implemented ?

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !

Meldung vom 11.09.1998 19:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F958DA.NL1/

Flüchtlingsbeauftragter: Rückführung auf dem Landweg

Frankfurt am Main - Der Flüchtlingsbeauftragte der deutschen Regierung, Dietmar Schlee, hat darauf hingewiesen, daß nach dem JAT-Embargo eine Abschiebung der Kosovo-Flüchtlinge auch auf dem Landweg möglich sei.
Dabei vertraue die Regierung auf die Solidarität von Staaten wie Österreich und Ungarn, sagte Schlee im Hessischen Rundfunk.
Auch die noch bestehenden Flugverbindungen über London oder Athen seien nutzbar. Schlee bedauerte, daß sich Griechenland und Großbritannien nicht am EU-weiten Landeverbot beteiligten.
Aber wenn diese Länder meinten, rechtlich nicht anders zu können, «dann muß es doch eine Möglichkeit geben, über diese Flughäfen abzuschieben.
© dpa

......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1551
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 16:27:30 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 13 September 1998

President Rugova Receives UN Under-Secretary General

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received Saturday afternoon Mr. Olara Otunnu, Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, and his aides. The current situation in Kosova and the prospects for a solution through political means were discussed in the meeting.
Mr.Otunnu said he had come here as a special representative of Secretary-General Kofi Anan to get first-hand information about the situation in Kosova. The aim is to identify needs and steps to de- escalate the grave situation he added, according to President Rugova's Office.
Regarding the situation in Kosova in the midst of the Serb offensive against the Albanian population, Rugova said many people have been killed and hundreds of thousands turned into refugees and internally-displaced persons. President Rugova called for UN support and intervention to get the people back to their homes and create a climate conducive to dialogue. Independence for Kosova is the optimal and viable solution, Rugova said, adding that such an arrangement would stabilize the entire region. He recalled, in addition, that he has been pressing for an 2international protectorate as an interim stage. "It would demilitarize Kosova and create the conditions for a negotiated settlement to the Kosova issue".
Under-Secretary Otunnu, who had earlier in the day toured some parts of Kosova affected by the Serb offensive, expressed his deep concern over what he had seen, especially the plight of displaced women and children. "We are worried over the human suffering in Kosova", Rugova's Office quoted him as saying.
Meanwhile, late afternoon on Saturday the UN Under-Secretary General Olara Otunnu held a press conference in the Media Center, run by the Serb occupation authorities, in Prishtina, capital of Kosova.

LDK and PLK Denounce Assassination of Prominent Albanian Opposition Figure
Current Albanian Communist-turned-Socialist authorities blamed for the assassination of Azem Hajdari

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - The killing Saturday evening of Azem Hajdari, one of the founders of the first opposition party in Albania, the Democratic Party, and a member to the Parliament of Albania, has been strongly denounced by the leading Kosovar party, the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK), and the Liberal Party of Kosova (PLK).
"In his (Hajdari's) figure, the LDK has always seen one of the pillars of democracy in Albania which overthrew the 50-year-long Communist dictatorship in the Albanian state", the LDK said in a statement Sunday.
The LDK is fearful that the killing of the Democrat deputy, Azem Hajdari, "is but the continuation of the killing of democracy, the people and the Albanian state, which started with such brutality in the spring of 1997". The LDK sees the killing of Azem Hajdari as "a political assassination". Yet, the LDK calls for prudence in these "critical days not only for the Albanian people within the borders of the Republic of Albania, but also the entire Albanian nation, including Kosova, which is bleeding from the Serb military-police machinery".
Meanwhile, the Liberal Party of Kosova (PLK) said in a press release signed by its leader, Gergj Dedaj, the assassination of Azem Hajdari was a "criminal act committed against the democracy in Albania with grave consequences for Albania's future". In the wake of last year's events, "when a fratricide warfare was instigated by anti-Albanian neighbors and the remnants of Communist dictatorship", the latter (Communist remnants) are adamant on returning Albania and its people to Bolshevik ideology, Dedaj said. The killing of Azem Hajdari is to be blamed on the current authorities in Albania, according to the PLK. Azem Hajdari was always supportive of Kosovars and their struggle, therefore his killing is a huge loss for the people of Kosova, too, the PLK said, at a time the "corrupt government of Fatos Nano, who has rendered himself in the service of Greek and Serb quarters", is trying to "bury the political will of the people of Kosova for self-determination and independence".

At Least 14 Albanians Feared Killed in Mountains Between Kosova and Montenegro
Sources in Deçan have named 4 of them

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - Serb troops killed Friday night four Albanians who were on their way to cross into neighboring Montenegro through Bjeshkët e Nemuna (Cursed Mountains, the Albanian Alps) mountains, in western Kosova.
Sources in Deçan named the four victims as Orhan Dervishaj (17) from Irzniq, Ekrem Lulaj (18), Zenel Lulaj (22) and Musa Çekaj (47), the three of them from Broliq village. They were killed from a Serb troop ambush in the mountains of Isniq, eye-witnesses told the LDK chapter in Deçan.
Other witnesses claimed they had spotted 10 other dead bodies laying on the ground at Qafa e Roshkodolit (Roshkodoll mouintain pass), not far from Isniq. They were presumably killed on Friday night, also while on their way to the neighboring Montenegro, local sources said.
Thousands of Kosovar Albanians, mainly from Deçan area, have tried over the past three days to cross into Montenegro in flight from Serb troops. At least 3,000 refugees who were trekking for Plavë region of Montenegro were halted Friday afternoon by the Serb police and Yugoslav army troops at a location called Bogiqe.
A resident of Rugova region told the KIC by phone on Saturday afternoon that Serb forces had opened fire from an ambush on the refugee crowd. He feared that there could be many casualties at a location called Stanet e Roshkodolit (the Roshkodol alpine summer huts).
The eye-witnesses who claimed they had seen 10 bodies in the mountains said they returned to Deçan, as they were afraid to proceed any further for Montenegro.
The LDK chapter in Deçan noted that it has heard from other sources about the event, but no one has dared to go and collect the bodies yet.

Two More Albanians Die as Serbs Continue Attacking Drenica Villages

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - Two Albanians were reported killed in Rezalla village Skenderaj ('Srbica') municipality, on Saturday afternoon. Local sources said the village came under renewed Serb attacked on repeated occasions Saturday.
Abdyl Imeri, a local activist in Qirez village, named the two killed Albanians in Rezalla yesterday as Ramë Gjinovci (64) and a 7-year-old girl, Elfije Ahmeti. Hazir Tahiraj (42) and Skënder Krasniqi (36) were wounded, he said.
Rezalla and four other villages in Skenderaj were intermittently attacked by Serb troops over the past two days.
Three Albanians - Leutrim Ahmeti (9), Xufë Ahmeti (8) and Ramë Ahmeti (42) - were killed, and 16 others wounded in Rezalla village on Friday.
Sources in Skenderaj reported that Serb troops advanced today (Sunday) into the villages of Polac, Morinë and Rrezalla, setting ablaze scores of farmhouses there.
Gunfire was heard during the whole course of today morning around these villages, sources said, failing to tell what has exactly happened there.

Albanian Killed During Serb Attack in a Klina Village

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - A 26-year-old Albanian, Arif Berisha from Volljaka of Klina, was killed last Thursday in the neighboring village of Sferka. Sources in Klina said that Arif Berisha was killed during a Serb troops' attack on Thursday afternoon.
Asllan Gashi, head of the local LDK sub-branch, told the KIC that the Sverka village was attacked again on Saturday afternoon. Heavy Serb troops in over a dozen armored vehicles drove along the village, opening indiscriminate fire on the farmhouses.
The LDK activist said the Albanian population of Sverka and the neighboring villages of Gremnik, Siçevë and Volljakë have fled their homes, most of them hiding in the nearby forests.

Serb Police Force 90 Tractors with Albanian Refugees to Leave Isniq
Having no homes to return to, some of them ran to the mountains Elsewhere

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - Thousands of people form Dushkajë region of Gjakova who had been camping out in Isniq village of Deçan in the wake of Serb military offensive in the area were forced by police to leave Isniq Saturday afternoon, the LDK chapter in Gjakova said.
Over 90 tractors full of refugee women, children and elderly were escorted by police to the village of Piskotë, near Gjakova. Some 30 tractors remained there, whereas the 60 or so others departed in the direction of the villages of Cërmjan, Krelan, Gërgoc, etc.
The painful journey of Albanian people driven and perscuted by Serb forces was not to end there, though. Their homes having been turned to rubble in Serb offensive, the people had nowhere to return to. They fled again to the mountains area in the region, where thousands have already been camping out for quite some time.
The tens of thousands of people sheltering out in Isniq were forced yesterday to leave the area on tractors, lorries, cars, or horse- drawn-carts, LDK sources said. Once on the Peja-Gjakova roadway, the Albanian refugees were travelling on either direction without any safety and security whatsoever.
In the village of Isniq, police set up a checkpoint in a village shop today.

Serb Military Convoy Leaves for Dushkajë Region

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - Early in the morning today (Sunday), a huge Serb military convoy consisting of 37 tanks and tens of lorries and other vehicles with soldiers and police on board backed up by heavy artillery guns left Gjakova for the Dushkajë region, LDK sources said.
Thousands of Albanians are living rough in the open in the region. They fear a Serb massacre.

Serb Troops and Civilians Attack Nerodime Village in Ferizaj

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - The village of Nerodime e Poshtme, in Ferizaj ('Urosavac') municipality, came under a fierce Serb attack on Saturday evening.
Sources in Ferizaj said that both Serb forces and civilians were involved in the attack which lasted for about one hour. The Serbs in armored vehicles drove up and down the main square of the village, spraying house with machine-gun fire.
The LDK chapter in Ferizaj said residents of Nerodime village fled their homes in panic last night. Some returned today morning, but many have sought shelter in safer areas or in the town of Ferizaj itself.

Fresh Troops Arrive to Kosova from Serbia

PRISHTINA, Sept 13 (KIC) - Fresh Serb troops backed by armament and other combat equipment were brought from Serbia to Kosova last night and today (Sunday).
Sources in Mitrovica said 6 busloads of Serb troops and half a dozen other transporters reached the town of Mitrovica today morning. The vehicles with number plates of different towns of Serbia came from the Raska direction.
Reports from Mitrovica said around 45 trucks with police and soldiers on board drove along the main square of the town yesterday evening. The troops seemed to have been freshly deployed from Serbia, and were seen heading towards Skenderaj later.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm at September 13 at 00:45 hrs
KOSOVA (clashes – Prizren)

Over 40 killed and dozens of wounded and arrested in Prizren

Prizren, 12 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
The death toll in the municipality of Prizren has reached 42, as the number of the wounded and arrested is tens time higher, LDK information sources inform.
Albanian sources notify that the situation in the municipality, following the Serb force operation, has escalated. The situation also turned for the worse as a result of the constant disarming ultimatums made by the Serbs. Yesterday, a police convoy cruised through the villages of Xërxë, Celinë, Krushë e Madhe, Krushë e Vogël, Piranë, Landovicë and Dushanovë, demanding from the residents to hand in the weapons, using a megaphone. This ultimatum directed to the people greatly disturbed its residents.
In the meantime, the Municipal Emergency Council in Prizren, where 50 thousand escapees have found shelter, appealed to the people to return home, if possible. This appeal was addressed to Albanian IDPs, like those from Dushanovë, in the neighborhood of Bajram Curri, because the large number of the escapees sheltered in town has greatly aggravated the situation.
This Council also appealed to humanitarian organizations to help the people of this region with food and medicine.

KOSOVA (casualties – Skënderaj)
3 Albanians killed and 16 wounded in Drenica

Skënderaj, 12 September (ARTA) 1830CET –
According to the CDHRF branch in Skënderaj, Serb forces occupied a part of the village of Likovc, while the villages Rezallë, Makërmal, and Ticë, Plluzhinë, are still being shelled. Witnesses assert that the Serb police started to burn the village Likovc in Drenica. A witness who was not far from the village stated that the police was in the village, which was the target of a severe attack undertaken by the Serb armed forces yesterday.
Likovc was attacked for the first time on 6 August. According to KLA officers, the police burned almost all of the houses, the local school, the local health station, and other buildings in the village.
Sources from this village claim that a large convoy of Serb police and military forces, including 50 tanks, 30 trucks, and other vehicles came from Mitrovicë to Llaushë. On the other hand, the villages of Rezallë, Ticë, Plluzhinë, Likovc, and Makërmal, were subjected to yet another attack immediately afterwards, declared Fadil Ymeri, from the LDK Information Commission in the village of Qirez. It has been reported that many people were dislocated, and that they are currently in a very bad state because of this offensive.
Serb police\military forces started their large-scale operation against the above-mentioned villages, as well as others like Vërboc, Obri, Açarevë, Polluzhë, and Kryshec, today morning. These villages are being attacked with heavy artillery weapons starting from RPGs to surface-to-surface missiles.
Three Albanians (two children included) were killed, while other 16 were wounded during the Serb shelling. Also hundreds of Albanian houses and other buildings were burnt and destroyed so far from the shelling conducted by Serb forces.

KOSOVA (casualties – Klinë)
A paralyzed woman died lacking care

Klinë, 12 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
After fighting with the KLA forces, the Serb police and military forces managed to go into the village of Çabiq. Thus, the locals spent weeks in the forests. Only some old people (some of them ill) remained in the village to take care of the houses and livestock. Pashk Buzhala (74) from Çabiq together with his wife Zoja and Dakë Buzhala (70) were among the many Albanians to flee the village. He told Albanian daily "Koha Ditore" about the terrible experiences he had there.
"All the houses in Çabiq were burned and destroyed. The suburb "Buzhala" was shelled and looted. I saw soldiers and policemen as well as some gypsies who as they looted domestic compounds and carried them away with tractors", claims Pashk. He said that an Albanian called Mujë was killed on 3 August and that the police are guarding his corpse, which is still not buried. "His brothers Ukë and Zukë do not dare admit that he is their brother, because they are afraid of being killed or massacred by the police", he claims.
"The family of Haxhi Salihu escaped in the forests and left behind Haxhi's wife, Halime (53), who was paralyzed. She died three weeks later because nobody was there to take care of her. The police forced some old men to bury her. They covered her with a blanket and buried her body in the yard", he claims.
"It is impossible to get out of the village, because it is surrounded by the Serb police. Seven police officers entered my garden, and one of them shot at me, but fortunately, the bullet missed me. He (the policeman) introduced himself as being from Bosnia. They started to beat and insult me, asking where the KLA hideouts are. They handcuffed my wife, Zoja, Dakë, and me, and sent us to the police checkpoint in Çabiq. We were kept there until 0830CET the next day. When we got out of Çabiq, we spotted a corpse of a youngster, which was mutilated by the hounds of the village. The flesh was almost completely removed from the bones. The police sent us to Kijevë afterwards. Just when we reached the local cemetery, the KLA started to shoot and they fought for half an hour", he recalled.
He claims that after Kijevë, they were sent to Klinë. "We were held in the police station in Klinë, for six hours. I saw the police as they beat four Albanians to death. Two of the Albanians were from Svërk, one of them from Çupevë and the other from Dush. They were arrested among the refugees from the forests of Panorc. When we got out of the police station, we decided not to return to the village. Instead, we gave an ambulance 1,250 Dinars to take us to Prishtina. We managed to get out of that iron police siege", he said in relief.

Another corpse found in Çabiq

Klinë, 12 September (ARTA) 2030CET --
According to various sources, two corpses have still not been buried in the village of Çabiq. The Serb police pass near them every day.
On the other hand, it has been reported that around 30 tanks and other Serb military vehicles drove through the village Poterç i Epër. They apparently came from the villages of Lugu i Baranit. Sources assert that this convoy drove towards Klinë.
According to the latest reports, two houses were raided in the town of Klinë and their owners, Zahir Agushi, and Agim Duraku, were arrested. They were sent to the police station in Pejë and are being kept under arrest. The pretext of their arrest is still unclear.

KOSOVA (situation tense – Istog)
Armed provocations and beatings continue

Istog, 12 September (ARTA) 1900CET --
During the last two days, Serb police and military forces from the prison in Dubravë were sent to assist other Serb forces, in their attack against KLA strongholds and Albanian civilian households in Drenica and Dukagjin. On the other hand, the local police and armed Serb civilians continue to provoke and maltreat local Albanian civilians. Sporadic shooting by drunk Serb civilians could be heard last night from the villages (with mixed population) Dubravë, Dragolevë, Kërninë etc. Many Albanian properties were shot at in this occasion.
It has been reported that the Serb police in Pejë forced several Albanians to take part in the evacuation (to an unknown direction) of thousands Albanians who were isolated in the village of Isniq, because of the siege of police forces.
On the other hand, sources from the ground inform that the Serb police in Istog continue to summon Albanian political activists to the local police station, for interrogation. Accordingly, Emin Maksutaj and Brahim Hetemaj - LDK activists, as well as Jup Pacaj, Malush Zogaj and Kurt Muzlijaj from village of Orrobërdë, were summoned to the police station, today.
The Serb police stationed at the checkpoint in Shipol beat Beqir Fekaj (23) from the village of Kerning, who was travelling by bus from Mitrovicë to Rakosh. The police ordered him to get off the bus, and after accusing him of being a member of a "terrorist" family, they started to hit him on the left side of the chest and on the head. Consequently, his left ear became deaf. Beqir was released after the ICRC crew, which was driving to Llukavc, intervened.

KOSOVA (situation deteriorates – Mitrovicë)
Recent shelling in Shala e Bajgorës

Mitrovicë, 12 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
Serb police and military forces situated in the military base in the village of Kutlloc shelled the villages Mazhiq, Melenicë, Vidishiq, (Trepça suburb), Tërsten Rashan last night.
There is still no information on casualties, while the damages caused by the shelling are enormous.
Two lorries and two APCs followed by a truck filled with sand left from Mitrovicë to Skënderaj, today at 1100CET.
In addition, eight trucks, loaded with police officers drove from Mitrovicë to Skënderaj.
Last evening a truck loaded with domestic equipment followed by a car "Omega" drove through Mitrovicë toward Zveçan and Rashkë. It is suspected that the equipment and the car were stolen from the war stricken areas of Drenica and Dukagjin.

A huge dislocation of the people from Shala e Bajgorës

Mitrovicë, 12 September (ARTA) 1800CET --
All special war methods (except the armed ones) which the Serb government applied in Drenica and Dukagjin are being applied in the region of Shala e Bajgorës. The vast majority of poor people are escaping from this region towards Mitrovicë because of the recent shelling and the special war propaganda.
Therefore, besides the dislocated people from Drenica and Dukagjin, displaced people from Shala e Bajgorës are also staying in Mitrovicë. The economic and social state of the escapees in Mitrovicë deteriorated. Some of the escapees in the suburbs of Mitrovicë are compelled to sleep outdoors, lacking any shelter, while the shortage of medicaments is evident. The only humanitarian association, which is providing help to the dislocated, is humanitarian association "Mother Theresa", although its stocks are over. The political, nonpolitical, and humanitarian associations, appeal to international humanitarian organizations to help the dislocated people, otherwise this town too, will face a humanitarian catastrophe.

KOSOVA (besiege – Deçan)
Thousands of residents of Isniq still under siege

Deçan, 12 September (ARTA) 1730CET --
Albanian sources from the ground inform that thousands of Albanians are still besieged by the Serb forces in the village of Isniq in Deçan. LDK information sources in Deçan inform that the Serb forces today told the people that are not from Isniq, to leave the village within 2-3 hours, or else they will use force against them. The residents besieged by Serb forces, stated that if a solution is not found within the two coming days, they will head to Prishtina, claim the journalists who have visited the region.
"We cannot live like this any longer", they said.
On the other hand, Albanian sources and foreign journalists stated that the number of the dislocated in this region reaches 40 thousand, as a considerable number of them are headed to Montenegro.

KOSOVA (shooting – Suharekë)
Shooting in the village of Shirokë

Suharekë, 12 September (ARTA) 1800CET --
Unknown persons shot from different weapons in the direction the Serb owned "Bos" Hotel in the village of Shirokë, last night at around midnight, "KOHA Ditore" sources inform. Following these shootings, the Serb forces headed in the direction of this village, which is situated 2 kilometers away from Suharekë, from where frequent shooting was heard throughout the night until this morning. This induced great panic among the residents of Suharekë. There are reports claiming that large police convoys cruised down the streets of town as well as in the direction of the village of Reshtan, Shirokë, and Reqan. "KOHA Ditore" sources inform that the people from the burnt villages still hesitate to go near their houses, fearing the very presence of Serb forces. The atmosphere is particularly tensioned in the villages of Bllacë, Duhël, Reshtan, Luzhnicë, Javor etc.
On the other hand, the cruising of a police convoy in the village of Peçan, which was completely destroyed, caused great fear among the locals.

KOSOVA (situation deteriorates – Malishevë)
IDPs still in critical condition

Malishevë, 12 September (ARTA) 1820CET --
An atmosphere of insecurity prevails in the municipality of Malishevë. The concentration of Serb forces along the Rahovec-Orllat road, divided the municipal territory in two parts, Albanian sources claim. There are reports that the Serb forces burned several houses in the town of Malishevë, today morning. On the other hand, it has been claimed that about 300 police\military vehicles, including cars that the Serb police confiscated from local Albanians, were seen moving from Malishevë in the direction of Orllat from 1800CET to 2200CET. There are also claims that flares were fired last night, escorted by shootings from different weapons.
Sources say that the police withdrew from their positions in Kroi i Canit. They claim that Albanians from Ostrazub went to Kroi i Canit immediately after the police left, to see if it was true that the police exhumed the victims that they had buried there. According to earlier reports, the police had exhumed these bodies and sent them to an unknown direction.
In the meantime, there are claims that IDPs sheltered in the region are facing many difficulties, especially those that are living under the open sky. Sources from the ground inform that the humanitarian aids, which arrived in Domanek, were distributed in the western part of the municipality. These sources assert that the ICRC sent two more humanitarian aid trucks in the village of Panoc. About 600 dislocated people from Lugu i Baranit, who were under a complete police siege for eight days, arrived in the region during these past two days only. They claimed that they lived under very bad conditions, not being able to even bake bread because, as they said, as soon as the Serb forces, who were situated about one kilometer away from them, saw smoke, they would start shooting in their direction. They informed that they left four paralyzed elderly Albanians behind.

CDHRF: 206 Albanians killed during August only

Prishtina, 12 September (ARTA) 2110CET --
In the monthly report about the violation of human rights, the CDHRF states that violence is still being applied against Albanians. The death toll is in a constant increase. The number of wounded and arrested persons is very large, as the number of escapees is many times larger.
"There is the case of the Asllani family, whose members were shelled by a Serb tank as they tried to escape from the Serb attacks. There are many babies and elderly dying from the hunger and the cold. Pregnant women and lactating mothers, die every day due to the lack of medical treatment. There are mass graves and bodies buried by force by the Serb police. People are being kidnapped and many are missing. Some are even dying as a result of the torture they are subjected to in Serb prisons. There is a large number of people, who remained in forests with open wounds and sick people, who die due to the impossibility of receiving medical treatment. Whole localities are destroyed and burned to the ground", states the monthly report of August, issued by the CDHRF.
To illustrate the highly dramatic situation in Kosova, the CDHRF mentioned the most specific-drastic cases of human rights violations. It highlighted the case in which an entire 11-member family was killed as they tried to escape on a tractor, as well as the death of babies, as a result of the cold and hunger. It also mentioned the death of pregnant women, because of bad living conditions and the lack of medical treatment.
The CDHRF report for the month of August claims that: 206 Albanians were killed, massacred and executed without trial; 199 were wounded; 1,590 Albanians were maltreated in different ways; 202 individuals were taken hostage, went missing or were kidnapped; 72 children maltreated, killed, wounded, kidnapped and arrested; 119 women were mistreated, killed, wounded, arrested, sentenced or went missing; an investigating procedure for the crime of "terrorism" was initiated against 243 Albanians.
The CDHRF report claims that it registered 1,221 killed Albanians from 14 January until 11 September.
According to this report, 131 women, 99 children, and 191 people over 50 years old, as well as 325 unidentified people, were killed. The other victims, aged between 18 to 55, were killed by the shelling, Serb snipers, were executed without a trial or else died as a result of the torture in Serb prisons.
Since March, the CDHRF registered 900 cases of missing persons, kidnapped or taken hostage. 202 such cases were registered, during August alone.

KOSOVA (CDHRF - communiqué)
Kosovars not allowed shelter in Montenegro?

Plavë, 12 September (ARTA) 2130CET --
The Emergency Council in Plavë informs that the Montenegrin Government has not allowed dozens of thousands of Albanian escapees to be sheltered in this town. The Council claims that the escapees were offered an insufficient amount of food and medicaments, adding that it was the conduct of police\military authorities towards them that the IDPs feared most.
The local CDHRF branch fears that they could be turned back by force, of course selectively. CDHRF sources state that, the physical and health condition of escapees is very bad. They are exhausted after travelling through the mountains and they (especially the children and elderly) will probably be unable to bear an eventual return.

KOSOVA (UN Deputy Secretary)
Otunnu: "Milosevic is responsible for the safety of the dislocated"

Prishtina, 12 September (ARTA) 2145CET --
The UN Deputy Secretary, Otara Otunnu, who is presently staying in Kosova, stated on Saturday that it is up to "Yugoslavia" to "offer security to the dislocated people".
"The `FRY' Government has the challenge of offering protection and safety to IDPs, and this is their political task, above all", stated Otunnu, in a press conference that was held in the Serb-run "Medija Centar" premises today.
After spending Friday in Belgrade, Otunnu came to Kosova, where he visited many villages and held a meeting with the President of the Republic, Ibrahim Rugova.
"International humanitarian organizations are not responsible for safety issues. This is the responsibility of the Federal Republic of `Yugoslavia'", stressed the UN Deputy Secretary. He added "the role of the humanitarian organizations is very important, because their presence could be used to create mutual trust".
"I came here with three major preoccupations", he said. "The first and the most important was to visit the province of Kosova and to witness the influence of the violence and bloodshed on the fragile part of the population, children and women".
The second, as he said, "has to do with the living conditions of about half a million refugees from Croatia and Bosnia".
Whereas, "my third preoccupation is the influence that the sanctions, imposed on the `FRY', has on the civilians".
After returning from the terrain, in which case Otunnu, visited the villages of Ostrazub, Bellacerkë, Nekoc, Komoran, Katund i Ri, Xërxë, Sedllar, Duhël... he talked about the first signs of a catastrophe in the forests, situated not very far from Prishtina.
"My colleagues and I just returned from the forest, where I saw for myself and witnessed the beginning of a catastrophe", Otunnu said.
He stated that he was "especially upset with the mass and systematic destruction, with the completely abandoned villages and the burned houses and other buildings".
"As you know, many people have been forced out of their homes... others still, who have fled, but there is also a great number of people who remained outdoors, in the forests", claimed Otunnu.
"About 80 percent of the people I saw today, were children and women", he stated.
"It is unacceptable to have such a large number of children and women, outdoors, exposed to the nature without any protection or help, now, at the end of the 20 century", said Otunnu.
"Undertaking political action is an imperative for putting an end to this drama", claimed Otunnu. "It is very important that this catastrophe does not expand any further, but be solved by urgent political means", he said in the end.

KOSOVA (UN Deputy Secretary – Rugova)
Rugova: "I demanded protectorate for Kosova"

Prishtina, 12 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
After meeting with Kosova Albanian leader, Ibrahim Rugova, in Prishtina today, the UN Deputy Secretary, Otara Otunnu, declared that, "Rugova told his perspective of the situation in Kosova, and his envision of the prevailing circumstances".
Rugova, on the other hand, "thanked the UN for its engagement in Kosova and called for increased engagement".
"We also thank the Secretary General, Annan, who was actively engaged in the Kosova issue", claimed Rugova.
President Rugova also requested for UN presence in Kosova and for an end of Serb offensives so "the dislocated people are safe to return to their villages and towns".
According to Rugova, the IDPs must return to their homes "under international supervision and before the weather in Kosova worsens".
"Of course we are interested for this negative trend in Kosova to stop and of course, I demanded international protectorate for Kosova", claimed at the end President Rugova.

MONTENEGRO (no IDPs from Kosova)
Dinosha: "The Montenegrin Government step does not correspond with the democratic process here"

Prishtina, 12 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
"The Montenegrin Government made a quick step... it rushed. This step does not correspond with the democratic processes that are taking place here in Montenegro", evaluated member of the Albanian Democratic Union (UDSH) in Montenegro, Ferhat Dinosha, about the Montenegrin Government’s decision to prohibit the entrance of Kosovar IDPs in Montenegro.
Although the Albanian Democratic Union, hasn't yet taken a determined stand concerning this Government's step, Dinosha expressed his doubts that the "Montenegrin Government would react the same way if this was about Serb or Montenegrin refugees".
"I doubt that the Montenegrin Government would rush such decisions in other cases, say if they were Serbs or Montenegrins from regions outside Montenegro, like during the war in Bosnia and Croatia", Ferhat Dinosha told Albanian daily "Koha Ditore".
According to Dinosha, UDSH will follow the course of events after this decision, and it will take a certain stand. "Our behavior will depend on Montenegrin moves in the political scene, but it seems that, when Kosova is the issue, this Government will back Belgrade", stated Dinosha. "Last night's step proves that things will not develop democratically. We will act depending on the course of events. Although we cannot influence the decisions of the Montenegrin Government, we can decide whether we want to be part of such Government or not".

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:13ata03
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 19:35:17 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>

Police determined to find killers of DP deputy, his bodyguard

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA) - By Th. Thanasi: Albanian police have been mobilised all over Albania to find the killers of the Democratic party (DP) deputy Azem Hajdari, Perikli Teta, minister of Public Order, said on Sunday.
      Teta said that one of the leads they are following is that contained in the Democrats' statement, which accused Jaho Salihi, chief of crimes at the Bajram Curri commissariat, of killing Hajdari. The ministry said that he was declared wanted.
      But Teta added that they had received a telephone call by the suspected man early on Sunday, who said that he had been in Bajram Curri and was at work at 07.15 this morning.
      Jaho's presence there was confirmed by Taulant Dedja, the government plenipotentiary, Teta said, adding that Salihi would be at the disposal of justice and police follow other leads. /das/ak/

Albanian government urges DP to help restrain armed people

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA) - The Albanian government informed the Albanian public opinion that a group of armed people attacked on September 13 the headquarters of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania failing to put it under control but causing great damages using stones and particularly automatic weapons.
      The armed crowd has first set fire on state cars parked near the Council of Ministers building. Later they attacked it from the Eastern side trying to force their way into. The main target was the meeting hall, prime minister's office and deputy prime ministers' firing shots and hurling stones.
      The event has occurred at 11.00 a.m. when the Albanian government had called an urgent meeting to discuss the circumstances of Hajdari's killing and measures to be taken to that.
      The government is continuing to take measures to safeguard order from armed people who came out of the DP headquarters calling for revenge and blood.
      It urged the Democratic party its leadership to restrain armed people, avoid confrontation with order forces and wait for results of investigation on persons suspected to have killed the deputy Hajdari. /das/ak/

Everts says Albanians do not like chaos, anarchy engulf Albania

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA) - By A. Haxhiu:
Tirana-based ambassador of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Daan Everts said that the assassination of the Democrat deputy Azem Hajdari was an atrocious act which should be absolutely condemned but based on facts.
      Everts told a news conference on Sunday in Tirana that the situation was serious and urged both sides to be calm and order be restored in roads.
      "I am sure that no Albanian likes Albania be engulfed in chaos and anarchy as last year. I am convinced that no Albanian likes use of violent means to achieve political goals," Everts said.
      He appealed on all for calm and justice be restored. Therefore, he urged the Albanian government to work in finding as soon as possible the culprits of the crime.
      Referring to meetings with representatives of Albanian political circles, the OSCE ambassador said that all should agree that there was no solution with violence.
      "People who try to create violence and tension should not be allowed to do what they want. Most of Albanians do not like violence. Irresponsible acts of violence and appeals for violence are strongly condemned by international organisations," Everts said. /das/ak/

People pay tributes to Democrat deputy

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA) - By A. Haxhiu: Thousands of people gathered on Sunday at 16.00. p.m. at the square in front of the Palace of Culture in Tirana to pay homages to the deputy and member of the Democratic Party (DP) presidency Azem Hajdari, whose body was laid out for public viewing.
      Citizens paid last respects to Azem Hajdari and his bodyguard Besim Ceraj killed on Saturday night at around 21.15. p.m. near the DP headquarters.
      The DP leader Sali Berisha, other party official as well as leaders of opposition parties, friends also paid tributes to them.
      Homages lasted until 18.00 p.m. and would resume on Monday from 9.00. a.m. to 10.00. a.m. The funeral ceremony will be organised in the Skenderbeg square at 11.00. a.m. /das/ak/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news: Albanians dodge gunfire protesting Saturday assassination
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:42:30 -0400
    Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
The Associated Press

TIRANA, Albania (September 13, 1998 09:07 a.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) --
Crowds marched on government buildings in Albania's capital on Sunday, firing weapons in the air and hurling stones at police to protest the assassination of a top opposition lawmaker.
One protester was killed and four guards defending Prime Minister Fatos Nano's office were wounded, police said. Troops fired over the heads of the estimated 1,500 protesters, trying to disperse them.
The demonstrators set fire to three government cars in front of Nano's office and shouted demands for his resignation. Stones and bullets shattered some windows of the building.
A few protesters managed to enter the prime minister's building. Witnesses could hear gunfire inside.
Explosions from the gasoline tanks of burning cars echoed through the streets. The ground floor of the building, which includes Nano's office and Cabinet meeting rooms, was in flames.
Officials said the Cabinet was meeting at the time of the attack, but members had scurried out the back door to safety.
The protesters were responding to a call by opposition leader Sali Berisha, the former president, to protest the assassination Saturday of Azem Hajdari, a deputy of the opposition Democratic Party.
Hajdari was hit by shots fired from two cars parked next to party headquarters, police said. He died soon after in a nearby hospital. One of Hajdari's two bodyguards also was killed, police said.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Berisha blamed Nano's party, and in a statement Sunday gave Nano 24 hours to resign and said if he did not, the opposition would use "all means" to force him out.
Nearly a year ago, Hajdari was shot and badly wounded in Parliament by a rival legislator, who was later convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 11 years in jail.
Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe, has barely recovered from nationwide riots last year that broke out after the collapse of pyramid investment schemes that cost many people their life savings.

By ARLINDA CAUSHOLLI, Associated Press Writer

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press-Release: DPA CONFUTATION SEP.13
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:21:48 -0400
    Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
The Democratic Party of Albania Confutes  and protests in the strongest terms the false news by ATA of  an accident involving its leader's, Dr Sali Berisha, death . The news of the accident and the death are false.
Democratic Party of Albania    http://www.albania.co.uk/dp    e-mail. dpa@albania.co.uk

Accident happens to the other leader of DP
Tirana, Sept 13(ATA)- By L Thanasi: Another tragedy in the DP.
Its main leader and Albania's ex-president had a car accident which took his life. The Prime Minister's spokesman said that this the last days have been tragic for Albania and its fragile democracy. He also prayed once more the civic order and the main parties in Albania not to express their indignation in a violent way. /ak/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\13atanews
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 13:12:13 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>
DP deputy Azem Hajdari killed
-one of his bodyguards killed, the second seriously injured-

      TIRANA, Sept 12 (ATA)-By Th. Thanasi,
      Deputy of the Democratic Party (DP) Azem hajdari was gunned down by automatic fire on Saturday night at around 21.15 as he came out of the DP headquarters in Tirana, sources from the Tirana police told ATA.
      Unknown persons shot on deputy Hajdari and two of his bodyguards from a car in one of the streets near the DP headquarters.
      Hajdari and one of his bodyguards were killed while the second bodyguard was seriously injured.
      The police report that they have information about the persons responsible and are working to throw light on the incident, identify and hunt down the killers.
      The DP deputy and chairman of the Defence Parliamentary Commission, Azem Hajdari, was one of the initiators of the December 1990 movement. He was one of the most active members of the Democratic Party of Albania. /mima/lm/

Simitis pledges continued Greek credit

      TIRANA, Sept 12(ATA)-Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis met with Albanian President in Athens on Saturday and declared that Greece will continue to release credit for Albania, especially the part destined for housing, Albanian Presidency Press Office told ATA.
      Simitis evaluated the measures taken by the Albanian government for a quick and effective normalisation of the situation in relation to one year ago.
      Meidani said Albania's new constitution will be approved in November. It will be a positive factor and condition for Albania's internal peace and stability, he said.
      Referring to the process of Albanian emigrants' legalisation in Greece, Simitis said that the registration process is over and they would later receive work permits.
      Simitis dwelt on the Kosova issue and briefed president Meidani on the recent visit to Belgrade by the chief of the Greek diplomacy, Theodoros Pangalos. /mima/lm/
Killing of Azem Hajdari, great loss for Albanian democracy
-Statement of Albanian government-

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)- The Albanian government on Saturday conveyed its deep condolences to the family of democrat leader Azem Hajdari, who was shot dead on Saturday evening while coming out of the Democratic Party (DP, opposition) headquarters.
      "The Albanian government offers its deepest condolences to the Hajdari family, his wife and children for the death of her husband and their father, Azem Hajdari. It strongly denounces the tragic act, which took the life of deputy Hajdari and his bodyguard on Saturday evening, September 12," the statement says.
    The statement says that the killing of the leader of the December students' movement, which led to the overthrow of communism in Albania, and deputy of the Democratic Party is a great loss for the Albanian democracy.
      "The government has involved all public order structures, criminal police and National Information Service (SHIK) to track down the killers," the statement goes on.
      The Albanian government, through this statement, begs the relatives, political parties, Democratic Party in particular, to find strength to contain the sorrow and emotions for the loss of their beloved.
      The government asks all persons or witnesses to the incident to cooperate and offer information to the state bodies. /mima/lm/

We are working with International Community to resolve status of Kosova - Nano

      TIRANA, Sept 12 (ATA)-By Y.Pata,
      Albanian Prime Minister Fatos Nano on Saturday declared that the Albanian government is cooperating with the International Community and the Kosova legitimate representatives to finally resolve the political status of Kosova.
      "We consider that the package of proposals presented as a start for negotiations by the International Community, Contact Group, especially by the U.S., is an important starting point for the negotiations," Nano told reporters at Rinas airport on Saturday, after his return from Portugal where he took part in the EXPO '98 Albanian pavilion.
      "This can be realised only after the Serbian war machine is called to a halt, cease-fire is attained and the final settlement of the Kosova political status is identified in a three to five year transition period."
      "This status will be based on the independence of the local self-governing institutions which guarantee the fundamental human rights and freedoms for the Kosova people."
      Meanwhile, sources close to the Prime Minister told ATA that the information provided by a news agency on Nano's statements on Kosova do not comply with the words of the government head, himself, at the news conference held in Lisbon two days ago.
      "In the position of Albania's Prime Minister and the man who should defend the programme voted by Albanians, in the position of a politician and official representative who holds contacts with the political forces in Kosova and international partners, I should reiterate that the historical optics does not allow the solution of issues beyond the framework of Europeanisation and new Europe." /mima/lm/

DP decides three-day mourning in respect for democrat leader Hajdari

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)-By H. Haxhiu,
      The Democratic Party (DP,opposition) decided to hold a three-day mourning, beginning from September 13, in respect for its leader and deputy Azem Hajdari.
      The DP leadership, at a meeting on Saturday by midnight, decided that flags be raised at half-mast at the DP headquarters and those of the democrat local government.
      It also decided to set up a commission for organising the funeral, made up of 23 members, among whom Sali Berisha, deputy chairman Genc Pollo and other leaders of this party.
      The commission will undertake the homage ceremony in honour of the outstanding leader of the December movement, Azem Hajdari, in front of the Palace of Culture.
      The funeral ceremony will be held at Scanderbeg square on Monday, September 14, at 11.00.
      On Saturday evening, at around 21.15, near the DP headquarters, the DP deputy and chairman of the parliamentary Defence Commission was shot dead by gunfire.
      Police sources say that unidentified gunmen fired volleys from a car in one of the roads of the DP headquarters, hitting Hajdari and two bodyguards accompanying him.
      The shooting also killed one of his bodyguards, Besim Ceraj, while the other was severely wounded. /mima/lm/

Berisha accuses government of Hajdari's killing

      TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)-By A. Haxhiu,
      The Albanian Democratic Party (DP, opposition) on Sunday accused the Albanian government, particularly Prime Minister Fatos Nano, of their direct involvement in killing DP deputy and leader Azem Hajdari.
      "This is an open political crime against the opposition leaders. Azem Hajdari was killed by the state with its Falangists," DP chairman Sali Berisha told a news conference on Sunday, asking the Albanian government to resign in no later than 24 hours.
      Right after the DP news conference, crowds of people, angry because of the  killing of this party leader Azem Hajdari the night before, took to the main streets of the Tirana city and headed for the Prime Minister's office and Public Order Ministry.
   The crowd threw stones in the direction of the above said institutions and in front of the Public Order Ministry torched a car and broke the windows of the building.
      Meanwhile, the crowds attempted to enter the Prime Minister's office, irrespective of the guards' warning shots into the air.
      The situation is extremely grave and it is unclear where the shooting comes from. /mima/lm/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news\:13atanews
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 14:55:48 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>

- ATA has not broadcasted any news about a car accident of the DP leader, Sali Berisha -

      TIRANA, september 13 /ATA/ - Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) has never broadacasted through its network on sunday, as the Democratic Party claims, the news titled: "Accident happens to the other leader of DP" that said that "Berisha was killed at a car accident".
      This news is neither written nor transmeted by the Albanian Telegraphic Agency and the claim of DP is completely unfounded.
      That this news is never broadcasted by ATA may be verified by observing both internal and external network of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency where such a news does not exist.


Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:13ata01
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 11:12:29 +0200
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>
Accident happens to the other leader of DP

Tirana, Sept 13(ATA)- By L Thanasi:
Another tragedy in the DP. Its main leader and Albania's ex-president had a car accident which took his life. The Prime Minister's spokesman said that this the last days have been tragic for Albania and its fragile democracy. He also prayed once more the civic order and the main parties in Albania not to express their indignation in a violent way. /ak/

Datum:         Sat, 12 Sep 1998 22:34:26 -0700
    Von:         PD <dpa@albania.co.uk>

Democratic Party of Albania   http://www.albania.co.uk/dp   e-mail. dpa@albania.co.uk

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Albanian opposition lawmaker killed by gunmen
Datum:         Sat, 12 Sep 1998 21:36:00 -0400
    Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
Albanian opposition lawmaker killed by gunmen
Copyright © 1998 Nando.net
Copyright © 1998 The Associated Press

TIRANA, Albania (September 12, 1998 8:02 p.m. EDT
http://www.nandotimes.com) -- A prominent Albanian opposition lawmaker was assassinated by unidentified gunmen Saturday as he emerged from his political party's headquarters, police said.
Azem Hajdari, a Democratic Party deputy, was hit by shots fired from two cars parked next to the headquarters in the Albanian capital, Tirana, police said. He died shortly thereafter in a nearby hospital.
One of Hajdari's two bodyguards also was killed, police said.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
Nearly a year ago, Hajdari was shot and badly wounded in Parliament by a rival legislator, who was later convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 11 years in jail.
The shooting was likely to inflame tensions in already-unstable Albania, where the Democratic Party of former President Sali Berisha has tried to organize mass resistance against the Socialist Party government that replaced it last year.
After Hajdari was shot on Sept. 18, 1997, the Democratic Party ordered days of protests against Prime Minister Fatos Nano and his Socialist-led government, accusing it of masterminding the attack.

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:AFP/Hajdari
Datum:         Sat, 12 Sep 1998 15:18:12 -0700
    Von:         Kreshnik Bejko <kbejko@KRUNCHER.PTLOMA.EDU>
Albanian opposition leader and bodyguard shot dead
Sat 12 Sep 98 - 21:02 GMT

TIRANA, Sept 12 (AFP) - A prominent figure in Albania's opposition Democratic Party was shot dead outside party headquarters in Tirana Saturday night, one year after he survived a shooting by a fellow deputy in parliament, sources said.
Azem Hajdari, a close associate of DP leader and former president Sali Berisha, was hit by a volley of automatic weapons fire as he left the building with two bodyguards, party deputy president Genc Pollo said.
Police confirmed Hajdari died as a result.
One of the bodyguards was killed in the shooting while the other was seriously wounded, Pollo said.
No other details were available.
Hajdari was shot and wounded on September 12 when a deputy from the ruling Socialist Party pulled a gun on him and fired during an argument in the Albanian parliamentary assembly.
The death of Hajdari, a founder of the DP and a party committee member, is certain to increase tension between the two parties.
Relations between the Socialists and the opposition group turned sour after six former DP leaders were arrested on August 23 for allegedly leading a rebellion which broke out in March 1997. About 2,000 people are estimated to have died in five months of fighting.

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:ANA/Nano-interview
Datum:         Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:49:39 -0700
    Von:         Kreshnik Bejko <kbejko@KRUNCHER.PTLOMA.EDU>
Albanian prime minister speaks to ANA

Albanian Prime Minister Fatos Nano yesterday said that there will be peace in the Balkans when there will be prosperity in the regions that are hard hit by conflict today. In an exclusive interview with the Athens News Age ncy (ANA) Mr. Nano said that "prosperity can come only through wideranging democratic reforms. It is the means to put an end to conflicts, which are exploited by the 'primitive' politicians."
"The misery of peoples is the best weapon in the hands of dictators. The Serbs are learning this, today, in Kosovo. We learned it during the communist dictatorship," he added. Mr. Nano also said that there was a need for mutual understanding and European orientation, which will guarantee freedom of movement of both goods and people. He added that "between Albania and the other two countries (Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - FYROM), today there is free cross-border movement, guarante ed by bilateral agreements."
Finally, Mr. Nano stressed that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is not the only representative of the Kosovo Albanians, while he added that the majority of the people there wanted peaceful co-existence.
Mr. Nano, who was on an official visit here, headed a delegation of Albanian businessmen and journalists to participate in the events of EXPO '98 dedicated to his country, while he also met with several Portuguese dignitaries and held a press conference for Portuguese and foreign journalists.

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:AFP/Nano/Becker
Datum:         Sat, 12 Sep 1998 13:04:56 -0700
    Von:         Kreshnik Bejko <kbejko@KRUNCHER.PTLOMA.EDU>
Albanian PM wants Kosovo in a democratic Serb federation
Fri 11 Sep 98 - 07:41 GMT

LISBON, Sept 11 (AFP) - Albania's Prime Minister Fatos Nano spoke out here against independence for the troubled Serbian province of Kosovo, which he said should instead become part of a democratic Serbian federation.
Nano was speaking Thursday to journalists during a visit to Expo 98 in the Portuguese capital Lisbon.
Independence for Kosovo, where nine out of ten inhabitants are ethnic Albanian, would exacerbate ethnic tensions in the region, said Nano, whose country has seen an influx of refugees fleeing a Serb crackdown on Kosovo separatists.
The Albanian premier stressed the need for Serbia to become a federal democracy, with a coalition government, a parliament representing all political factions and a capital in Belgrade controlling foreign affairs and defence matters.
Expressing his confidence in the international mediation efforts and particularly in NATO, Nano said an interim ceasefire leading to a peace-keeping deal would ensure a "peaceful, moderate end" to the conflict.
An end to regional conflicts was urgently needed to safeguard the stability reached in Albania, Greece and in Macedonia, he said, adding that his government favoured "cohabitation" among political parties in Serbia in order to secure "national reconciliation."
"Cohabitation, based on the division of institutional responsibilities must be at the forefront of the government's concerns, in order to rebuild the country, a European country, functioning in a truly democratic way," he said.
Nano met his counterpart Antonio Guterres and the Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio during his visit to Lisbon.

British aid worker Becker attacked in Albania
Sat 12 Sep 98 - 18:15 GMT

LONDON. Sept 12 (AFP) - British aid worker Sally Becker was attacked by an armed gang during a humanitarian operation in the north of Albania, the Foreign Office said here Saturday.
Becker was dragged from her vehicle and hit with the butt of a Kalashnikov rifle while on her way to deliver aid to refugees in Bajarmcurri. She was treated in hospital.
"Nothing will stop me and my work, while there are people in need I shall try to help," Becker said.
The 37-year-old cofounder of the humanitarian agency Operation Angel, was sentenced to a month in jail in Kosovo in July after being arrested by the Yugoslav army for trying to smuggle a refugee family into Albania.
She was released early, after starting a hunger strike, and vowed to carry on with her humanitarian work.
Becker became known for her controversial humanitarian actions in Bosnia in 1993 and in Chechnya in 1995, criticized for independent actions that threatened the safety of other aid workers..

10. eventual additional press news 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] NEWS: Kosovar refugees blocked at Montenegrin border.09/13.
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 12:39:19 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
Taken without permission, for fair use only.

Kosovars sent from Montenegro to Albania
12:16 p.m. Sep 13, 1998 Eastern

PRISTINA, Serbia, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Three thousand ethnic Albanian refugees who fled Kosovo on foot into Montenegro on Friday have been sent to Albania, raising questions of human rights and international law, a U.N. spokesman said on Sunday.

The spokesman reported that another 3,000 ethnic Albanians were stuck just inside Kosovo, unable to enter Montenegro after the border was closed to refugees on Saturday.
     "Three thousand internally displaced persons (IDP's) crossed on foot into Montenegro on Friday after three days and nights of travel through the mountains," said Fernando del Mundo, a spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency in Kosovo.
     "This morning they were all sent to Albania through the border town of Vrnos on trucks provided by Montenegrin authorities."
     "We had a team at the border and they were told that the IDP's had voluntarily agreed to go to Albania and that no force was used. Today we sent a letter to the Montenegrin president reminding him of his obligation to keep the border open."
     Kosovo is a southern province of Serbia, which together with Montenegro comprises Yugoslavia. Albania abuts both Kosovo and Montenegro.
     Serbian security forces have been battling ethnic Albanian separatists in Kosovo since late February in a conflict that has driven at least 270,000 people from their homes.
     About 200,OOO of those displaced remain in Kosovo. The remainder have sought refuge in neighbouring Montenegro and Macedonia, both of which have substantial ethnic Albanian minorities, and in Albania itself.
     Regional govenments and the international community worry that ethnic Albanian refugee flows from Kosovo could destabilise the Balkans and lead to a wider war.
     A statement issued by Montenegro's Deputy Prime Minister, Dragisa Burzan, said that some of the ethnic Albanian refugees who crossed from Kosovo on Friday were armed, which was why they were forced to stay in open air camps outside the town of Plav.
     The statement explained that Montenegrin authorities had tried to segregate ethnic Albanian men from women and children to sort out the issue of arms, but that the refugees had objected and asked to be sent to Albania en masse.
     Montenegro, which has a population of only 650,000, says it has already taken in more than 70,000 refugees from Kosovo since the conflict began.
     Western relief officials expressed some doubts about the accuracy of Burzan's account and said they reckoned Montenegro had simply decided that it wanted no more of the overflow from months of fighting in Kosovo.
     Montenegro was dealing with persons displaced from their homes by police and army units over the past week in an area about 80 kms (50 miles) west of Pristina, capital of Kosovo.
     Serbian security forces have burned and looted scores of villages during their current offensive, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee rural parts of central and western Kosovo.
     The United Nations, in a recent appeal for funds to provide humanitarian assistance in Kosovo, spoke of 270,000 people being driven from their homes this year.
     But the American-based relief organization Mercy Corps International, which has mounted one of the most visible aid operations on the ground in Kosovo, estimates that more than 400,000 people have now been displaced by the conflict here.
     Precise estimates of the numbers dislaced are difficult to make because ongoing Serbian security force operations keep people moving from one spot to another.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] NEWS: Italians urged to stay out of Albania .09/13.
Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 12:39:31 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
Taken without permission, for fair use only.

Italians urged to stay out of Albania
11:52 a.m. Sep 13, 1998 Eastern

ROME, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Italy on Sunday urged its citizens not to travel to Albania, where violent protests have broken out after the killing of a political opposition leader.
     "Because of last night's events in the (Albanian capital) Tirana...and in view of the protests which are taking place in there in these hours, the Foreign Ministry advises citizens not to go to Albania for the moment," a ministry spokesman said.
     Prime Minister Romano Prodi cancelled a visit to a party convention in northern Italy on Sunday afternoon "to return to Rome...so he could follow the Albanian situation more carefully," Prodi's office said in a statement.
     About 2,000 supporters of Albania's opposition Democratic Party stormed and set fire to the prime minister's office in Tirana on Sunday to protest against the assassination of an opposition leader the night before.
     Black smoke billowed from 10 cars burning in the street outside Socialist Prime Minister Fatos Nano's office in a reminder of scenes from March last year when protest against the collapse of pyramid finance schemes turned violent and the country came to the brink of anarchy.
     Italy -- which faced an influx of Albanian immigrants trying to escape last year's violence -- led a multinational force sent to restore peace in the Balkan nation.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

Datum:         Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:58:11 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
Kosovo crisis contained, Western policy working
          REUTERS. Sep 13, 1998

Kosovo crisis contained, Western policy working
06:57 a.m. Sep 13, 1998 Eastern
By Kurt Schork

ISTINIC, Serbia, Sept 13 (Reuters) - The Kosovo crisis has been contained and Western policy is working, a Western diplomatic observer in the Serbian province said on Sunday.
     Kosovo has been in upheaval since ethnic Albanian guerrillas launched a campaign for independence early this year.
     "The goal has been to erect a fire-break around Kosovo, to prevent the conflict here from destabilising (neighbouring) Albania and Macedonia and igniting a wider war," said the source, who asked not to be named.
     "Measured against that standard, the policy is working. One could object that it is a cold and calculating policy dressed up in rhetorical concern for human rights and vague threats against Belgrade to make it more palatable."
     "But at the end of the day we have managed to avoid air strikes and any deployment of troops. The dollar cost of our effort can be measured in tens of millions, not in billions as happened in Bosnia. And there is no great public outcry."
     The human cost of containment was easily reckoned in the village of Istinic in western Kosovo last week where at least 50,000 ethnic Albanians were trapped for several days between Serbian police and army units.
     These refugees -- or internally displaced persons as diplomats refer to them, since they have not yet crossed an international border -- were just the latest wave in a tide of human suffering engulfing Kosovo.
     The United Nations estimates that 265,000 people have been driven from their homes here this year. Mercy Corps International, an American-based relief organization, reckons the number is over 400,000.
     Driven from their villages by Serbian armoured columns, their homes looted and burned by Serbian police, the refugees who arrived in Istinic had hoped for some protection from the international community.
     Delegates of the International Red Cross were repeatedly denied access to the area by government security forces.
     After a few days milling around muddy village lanes and fields the weary refugee throng was dispersed by Serbian police using armoured personnel carriers and loud-hailers and ordering people to return to homes just destroyed.
     Ostensibly, the current Serbian offensive through central and western Kosovo is intended to root out strongholds of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) insurgents.
     But most KLA bases have been shattered and its units routed, many without a fight. The government's goal now appears to be to crush the civilian population's will and ability to resist in the countryside, where the insurgents have been most active.
     Ninety per cent of Kosovo's population is ethnic Albanian. Belgrade simply hasn't the men or money to garrison all of Kosovo to deny the KLA its rural operating base.
     Instead, government forces are laying waste to scores of villages, forcing ethnic Albanians into semi-permanent dependence on international food, medical and shelter aid, the delivery of which will be controlled by Belgrade.
     Survival, not independence, will become the all-consuming struggle for many Kosovar Albanians through the coming winter.
     American diplomats said on Saturday that the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, which with Serbia makes up the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, had been closed to refugees from Kosovo.
     Police and army units have effectively sealed Yugoslavia's external frontiers with Albania and Macedonia to Kosovar refugees.
     Containing the crisis in Kosovo has meant bottling up the refugees, preventing them from crossing international borders where they might further destabilise the region. On this, at least, the Yugoslav authorities and the West seem to agree.
     For its part, and from its perspective, Belgrade has managed the problem in Kosovo masterfully. Western military intervention now appears less likely than at any time since fighting erupted in late February this year.
     Serbian security forces have doled out defeat to the ethnic Albanians in small doses, taking care not to provide graphic television footage that might inflame international public opinion as happened in Bosnia.
     Army and police units operating in relatively remote rural areas usually manage to stay at least one step ahead of cameramen and reporters searching out the day's story.
     There is no siege of Pristina, Kosovo's capital, as there was of Sarajevo, which became the front door to the Bosnian war.
     Western politicians who talked tough about sending NATO into Kosovo earlier this year instead sent troops for training exercises in Macedonia and Albania and conducted fly-overs.
     These efforts, it was said, would impress Belgrade with NATO's military muscle.
     Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic seems to have interpreted the repeated warnings, the planning and training exercises as signs of Western political irresolution.
     The current Serbian offensive began after, not before, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's most direct warning of potential NATO military intervention.
     The unanswered question about containment in Kosovo is whether it can ever be anything more than a short-term success.
     If American-led efforts to broker an interim agreement for some form of governing autonomy in Kosovo bear fruit, the steam building in the Kosovar pressure cooker could bleed off without an explosion.
     But there is at least an equal chance, observers say, that graphic television footage of a massacre will one day be captured and aired, that the mass of refugees will become unmanageable and spill over, that the wider war will occur.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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Die Bibel sagt 
      Halleluja! Lobe den HERRN, meine Seele ! 
      Ich will den HERRN loben, solange ich lebe, 
           und meinem Gott lobsingen, solange ich bin. 
      Verlasset euch nicht auf Fuersten; 
           sie sind Menschen, die koennen ja nicht helfen. 
      Denn des Menschen Geist muss davon, 
      und er muss wieder zu Erde werden; 
           dann sind verloren alle seine Plaene. 
      Wohl dem, dessen Hilfe der Gott Jakobs ist, 
           der seine Hoffnung setzt auf den HERRN, seinen Gott, 
      der Himmel und Erde gemacht hat, 
           das Meer und alles, was darinnen ist; 
      der Treue haelt ewiglich, 
      der Recht schafft denen, die Gewalt leiden, 
           der die Hungrigen speiset. 
      Der HERR macht die Gefangenen frei. 
           Der HERR macht die Blinden sehend. 
      Der HERR richtet auf, die niedergeschlagen sind. 
           Der HERR liebt die Gerechten. 
      Der HERR behuetet die Fremdlinge 
      und erhaelt Waisen und Witwen; 
           aber die Gottlosen fuehrt er in die Irre. 
      Der HERR ist Koenig ewiglich, 
           dein Gott, Zion, fuer und fuer. Halleluja ! 
       Psalm 146
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. 
      While I live will I praise the LORD: 
           I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. 
      Put not your trust in princes, 
           [nor] in the son of man, in whom [there is] no help. 
      His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; 
           in that very day his thoughts perish. 
      Happy [is he] that [hath] the God of Jacob for his help, 
           whose hope [is] in the LORD his God: 
      Which made heaven, and earth, 
           the sea, and all that therein [is]: 
      which keepeth truth for ever: 
      Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: 
           which giveth food to the hungry. 
      The LORD looseth the prisoners: 
           The LORD openeth [the eyes of] the blind: 
      the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: 
           the LORD loveth the righteous: 
      The LORD preserveth the strangers; 
      he relieveth the fatherless and widow: 
           but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down. 
      The LORD shall reign for ever, 
           [even] thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. 
      Praise ye the LORD. 
      Psalm 146
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
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Wolfgang Plarre
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Seite erstellt am 13.9.1998  

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