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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 15. September 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - September 15, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1553

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1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 20:59   http://seite1.web.de/show/35FEB914.NL1/

EU-Kommission berät lückenhafte Umsetzung des JAT-Landeververbots
Brüssel (dpa) - Die Europäische Kommission befaßt sich an diesem Mittwoch mit der Weigerung Großbritanniens und Griechenlands, das Landeverbot für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT umzusetzen.
Die Strafmaßnahme ist seit acht Tagen für alle EU-Staaten rechtlich bindend. Mit dem Landeverbot soll Serbien im Kosovo-Konflikt zum Einlenken gebracht werden.
Großbritannien und Griechenland berufen sich auf Luftverkehrsabkommen mit Jugoslawien, die Kündigungsfristen bis zu einem Jahr haben.
Kommt die Kommission zu dem Schluß, daß eine solche Ausnahme unzulässig ist, droht beiden Staaten eine Klage vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 19:33   http://seite1.web.de/show/35FEA513.NL1/
Chirac fordert Treffen internationaler Kontaktgruppe zu Kosovo
Paris/Belgrad/Genf (dpa) - Angesichts der kritischen Situation im Kosovo hat der französische Präsident Jacques Chirac für kommende Woche ein Treffen der Balkan-Kontaktgruppe in New York gefordert.
In einem Telefonat mit seinem russischen Kollegen Boris Jelzin betonte Chirac am Dienstag nach Angaben seines Amtes, Paris werde zugleich bei den Vereinten Nationen auf eine Kosovo- Resolution hinarbeiten.
Vor dem halbstündigen Gespräch mit Jelzin hatte Chirac am Montag auch mit dem deutschen Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl sowie am Sonntag mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton über den Konflikt gesprochen. Zur Kontaktgruppe gehören neben Frankreich auch die USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Italien sowie Rußland.
Der US-Vermittler für den Kosovo, Christopher Hill, traf am Dienstag mit dem Spitzenpolitiker der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, zusammen. Nach Angaben des Senders B 92 (Belgrad) sprach er mit ihm über die humanitäre Lage in der umkämpften serbischen Provinz.
Indessen begannen starke serbische Kräfte am Dienstag eine großangelegte Offensive auf mehrere albanische Dörfer im Nordosten Kosovos. Wie das albanische Kosovo- Informationszentrum aus der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina mitteilte, seien in der Region um Podujevo, Kosovska Motrovica und Vucitrn auch gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Panzer und Artillerie im Einsatz.
Es werde von heftigem Beschuß berichtet. Dieses Gebiet war seit Ausbruch der Kämpfe im Kosovo, vor fast sieben Monaten, weitgehend von den Gefechten verschont geblieben.
In den Wäldern Kosovos sind nach UNO-Angaben bereits Kinder gestorben, deren Dörfer von serbischen Einheiten zerstört worden sind. «Fast 60 Prozent der 50 000 Flüchtlinge, die in den Bergen und Wäldern unter freiem Himmel leben, sind Kinder», sagte der UNO-Beauftragte für Kinder in bewaffneten Konflikten, Olara Otunnu, am Dienstag in Genf.
«Die ersten von ihnen sind bereits an Durchfallerkrankungen und Flüssigkeitsverlust gestorben», erklärte sie nach einer Reise durch die serbische Provinz. Es fehlten Decken, sauberes Trinkwasser und Lebensmittel.
Die Flüchtlinge müßten in ihre zerstörten Dörfer zurückkehren. Um den Kosovo-Albanern die Angst vor der Rückkehr zu nehmen und Übergriffe der serbischen Polizisten auf die Zivilbevölkerung zu verhindern, sei auch die Präsenz von UNO-Mitarbeitern und EU-Beobachtern vor Ort notwendig.
   Die Flüchtlingsorganisation Pro Asyl warf den EU-Staaten vor, die Augen vor dem Flüchtlingselend im Kosovo zu verschließen. Während sich die Situation der Flüchtlinge in der Krisenregion von Tag zu Tag verschärfe, werde die Rücknahme des Landeverbotes für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT gefordert.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 17:15  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE84AD.NL1/
Bulgariens Außenministerin Michailowa verschiebt Besuch in Albanien
 Sofia (dpa) - Angesichts der Unruhen in Albanien hat die bulgarische Außenministerin Nadeschda Michailowa ihren für den 17. September geplanten Besuch in Albanien aufgeschoben.
«Wir sind äußerst beunruhigt von der Lage in Albanien und verurteilen entschieden die Ermordung des Oppositionsführers Azem Hadjari», sagte Michailowa nach Angaben der amtlichen bulgarischen Nachrichtenagentur BTA vom Dienstag.
Michailowa rief alle politischen Kräfte in Albanien auf, sich vor Gewalthandlungen zurückzuhalten. Sie sollten «Vernunft zeigen und einen politischen Ausweg aus der Krise finden, die die ganze Region gefährden könnte», sagte Michailowa.
Nach Ansicht des bulgarischen Regierungschefs Iwan Kostow ist die Entwicklung in Albanien «äußerst ungünstig». «Die Krise in Albanien behindert die Möglichkeiten, Frieden und ein gutes Abkommen in Kosovo zu erzielen», sagte Kostow.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 18:26  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE955C.NL1/
Chirac forderte Treffen der Balkan-Kontaktgruppe
Paris (dpa) - Vor dem Hintergrund der sich weiter verschärfenden Situation im Kosovo hat Frankreichs Präsident Jacques Chirac für kommende Woche ein Treffen der Balkan-Kontaktgruppe in New York gefordert.
In einem Telefonat mit seinem russischen Kollegen Boris Jelzin betonte Chirac am Dienstag nach Angaben seines Amtes, sein Land werde zugleich bei der UNO auf eine Resolution zum Kosovo hinarbeiten.
Vor dem halbstündigen Gespräch mit Jelzin hatte Chirac am Montag auch mit dem deutschen Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl sowie am Sonntag mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton über das Thema gesprochen.
Zur Kontaktgruppe gehören neben Frankreich auch die USA, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Italien sowie Rußland.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 16:03  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE73E8.NL1/
Schengen-Staaten wollen Kampf gegen illegale Zuwanderung verschärfen
   Bonn (dpa) - Der Kampf gegen illegale Einwanderung in die Staatendes Schengener Abkommens soll weiter verschärft werden. «Die Zusammenarbeit an den Außengrenzen muß noch verbessert werden», sagte der Staatssekretär im deutschen Innenministerium, Kurt Schelter, am Dienstag in Bonn. Er äußerte sich vor dem Beginn einer Konferenz der Innenminister der am Schengener Abkommen beteiligten Länder.
   Ein von Experten erarbeiteter Plan sieht vor, die Grenzsicherung zu intensivieren. Illegal aufgegriffene Einwanderer sollten unverzüglich in ihre Heimat zurückgebracht werden. Außerdem solle die Zusammenarbeit mit den Herkunftsländern der Immigranten und den Transitstaaten verbessert werden. Unter anderem ist dabei an eine verbesserte Ausreise-Kontrolle in diesen Ländern gedacht.
An den deutschen Grenzen zu Staaten, die nicht dem Schengener Abkommen beigetreten sind, wurden im ersten Halbjahr nach Angaben des Innenministeriums in Bonn 12 869 Personen nach einer unerlaubten Einreise festgestellt. Aber auch an den Grenzen zu Schengen-Staaten wurden in dieser Zeit 3 675 illegale Einwanderer aufgegriffen.
«Der Schengener Raum ist derzeit von einer steigenden Zuwanderung an seinen Außengrenzen betroffen», hieß es im deutschen Innenministerium. Ein Brennpunkt sei die Küste Süd-Italiens, wo Flüchtlinge aus dem Maghreb, Kurden aus der Türkei und dem Irak sowie Flüchtlinge aus dem Kosovo und Albanien ankommen.
In Deutschland wurden nach diesen Angaben im ersten Halbjahr 5 130 unerlaubt eingereiste jugoslawische Staatsangehörige festgestellt.
   Die Konferenz der Schengener Vertragsstaaten tagt unter Leitung des deutschen Innenministers Manfred Kanther am Mittwoch in Königswinter bei Bonn.
Zu den Schengen-Ländern gehören Deutschland, Frankreich, Belgien, die Niederlande, Luxemburg, Spanien, Portugal, Italien und Österreich. Griechenland ist mit Einschränkungen beteiligt. Deutschland hat die Schengen-Präsidentschaft seit dem 1. Juli 1998 bis zum 30. Juni nächsten Jahres.
Ein weiteres Thema der Konferenz soll nach deutschen Angaben das Verhältnis der Schweiz zu Schengen sein. Die Schweiz ist vollständig von Schengen-Staaten umschlossen, ohne selbst an diesem Verbund teilzunehmen. Wünschenswert wäre eine informelle Zusammenarbeit, hieß es im deutschen Innenministerium.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 15:15  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE689B.NL1/
US-Vermittler Hill im Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Der US-Vermittler für den Kosovo, Christopher Hill, hat sich am Dienstag mit dem politischen Führer der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, getroffen.
Es wurde über die humanitäre Lage in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz geredet, sagte er nur nach dem Treffen, berichtete der Sender B 92 (Belgrad aus der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina. Andere Einzelheiten wollte er nicht nennen. Hill reist am Dienstag weiter nach Brüssel.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 15:37  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE6DC8.NL1/
Demaci: UCK nicht in Unruhen in Albanien verwickelt
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK ist nicht in die neuesten Unruhen im benachbarten Albanien verwickelt. `Die Krise in Albanien ist nicht im Interesse der Kosovo-Albaner", sagte der politische Vertreter der bewaffneten Separatistenarmee, Adem Demaci, am Dienstag in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina. Das meldet die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad). Die UCK unterstütze keine Gewaltanwendung weder zu Machtergreifung noch zur Machterhaltung.
`Wir wünschen ein starkes Albanien, denn das wird dann auch gut für das Kosovo sein", sagte Demaci. Er sprach sich für die Bildung einer `technischen Übergangsregierung" der Patrioten und Fachleute in Albanien aus.
Ohne Rücksicht auf die Ereignisse in Albanien werden `alle Albaner" im Kosovo und anderswo ihren Freiheitskampf fortsetzen, sagte Demaci.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 15:58  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE728E.NL1/
Albaner berichten von serbischer Offensive im Nordosten Kosovos
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Starke serbische Kräfte haben am Dienstag eine großangelegte Offensive auf mehrere albanische Dörfer im Nordosten Kosovo, im Grenzgebiet zu Serbien, begonnen.
In der Region um Podujevo, Kosovska Motrovica und Vucitrn sind auch gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Panzer und Artillerie eingesetzt, berichtete das albanische Kosovo-Informationszentrum aus der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina.
Es wird vom heftigen Beschuß aber zunächst von keinen eventuellen Opfern berichtet. Dieses Gebiet war seit Ausbruch der Kämpfe im Kosovo, vor fast sieben Monaten, weitgehend von den Konflikten verschont.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 14:00  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE5711.NL1/
Kinkel und Dini für neue internationale Polizei-Mission in Albanien
Bonn (dpa) - Die Außenminister Deutschlands und Italiens, Klaus Kinkel und Lamberto Dini, haben sich angesichts der Zuspitzung der Lage in Albanien für eine neue «internationale Polizeimission» ausgesprochen. In einem am Dienstag in Bonn veröffentlichten Brief an den österreichischen EU-Ratsvorsitzenden Wolfgang Schüssel forderten sie allgemein ein verstärktes Engagement der EU zur Stabilisierung der Lage in Albanien.
Die beiden Außenminister betonten, die Bemühungen Tiranas um politische und wirtschaftliche Stabilisierung seien wegen der allgemeinen Entwicklung auf dem Balkan und besonders im jugoslawischen Kosovo zunehmend gefährdet.
Deshalb müsse die Staatengemeinschaft - besonders die Europäische Union als Nachbarregion - ihre Hilfe verstärken. Eine Entwicklung wie im Frühjahr 1997, als das Land in Anarchie und Chaos versunken sei, dürfe sicht nicht wiederholen.
Zusätzlich zu den bereits geleisteten Maßnahmen der EU brauchen die albanischen Behörden nach den Worten Kinkels und Dinis Unterstützung zur Aufrechterhaltung von Recht und Ordnung, zur Eindämmung des Waffenflusses in Richtung Kosovo und der illegalen Einwanderung. Hierzu schlugen die Minister die «Durchführung einer internationalen Polizeimission» vor, ohne dies näher zu erläutern. Die EU solle auch bei der Bekämpfung der Korruption, des organisierten Verbrechens und der Schleuserkriminalität helfen. Ferner sollen weitere EU-Mittel zur Lösung des Flüchtlingsproblems bereitgestellt werden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 13:30  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE4FED.NL1/
UNO-Beauftragter: In Kosovo sterben die ersten Flüchtlingskinder
Genf (dpa) - In den Wäldern des Kosovo sind nach UNO-Angaben bereits Kinder gestorben, deren Dörfer von serbischen Einheiten zerstört worden waren. «Fast 60 Prozent der 50 000 Flüchtlinge, die in den Bergen und Wäldern unter freiem Himmel leben, sind Kinder», sagte der UNO-Beauftragte für Kinder in bewaffneten Konflikten, Olara Otunnu, am Dienstag in Genf nach einer Reise durch die serbische Provinz. «Die ersten von ihnen sind bereits an Durchfallerkrankungen und Flüssigkeitsverlust gestorben.» Es fehlten Decken, sauberes Trinkwasser und Nahrungsmittel.
Die Flüchtlinge müßten in ihre zerstörten Dörfer zurückkehren. Dies werde offiziell auch von der serbischen Regierung gefordert, betonte Otunnu. «Deshalb muß die internationale Gemeinschaft die Regierung in Belgrad jetzt beim Wort nehmen. Sie muß dort für Sicherheit sorgen.» Um den Kosovo-Albanern die Angst vor der Rückkehr
zu nehmen und Übergriffe der serbischen Polizisten auf die Zivilbevölkerung zu verhindern, sei jedoch auch die Präsenz von UNO-Mitarbeitern und EU-Beobachtern vor Ort notwendig.
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 08:32    http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE09FC.NL1/
«Magyar Hirlap»: In Albanien ein «Beben im Armenhaus»
Budapest (dpa) - Zu den Unruhen in Albanien schreibt die liberale ungarische Tageszeitung «Magyar Hirlap» (Budapest) am Dienstag:
"Natürlich steht das Ansehen der Regierung im ärmsten Land Europas in direkter Relation zu den dort herrschenden chaotischen Umständen. Um die Emotionen hochzupeitschen, wie dies Ex-Präsident Sali Berisha tut, bedarf es keiner allzu großen Erfindungsgabe.
Im vergangenen Jahr rang sich der Westen nur schwer zur Hilfeleistung durch und entsandte schließlich eine von Italien angeführte internationale Streitmacht. Nach dem Kosovo geht ein neues Beben durch den Balkan, noch dazu durch das Mutterland der Mehrheitsbevölkerung im Kosovo. In der unmittelbaren Umgebung von Albanien ist die Panik bereits zu spüren. Die Frage ist, ob den beschwichtigenden Worten auch Taten folgen werden.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 15.09.1998 08:36  http://seite1.web.de/show/35FE0B13.NL1/
«La Repubblica»: Neue Krise in unserem Hinterhof
Rom (dpa) - Zur Krise in Albanien schreibt die linksliberale italienische Zeitung «La Repubblica» (Rom) am Dienstag:
«Die Flammen des Aufstandes, die gestern Albanien erschüttert haben, markieren den Beginn einer erneuten dramatischen Krise in unserem regionalen 'Hinterhof'. Wenn auch regierungsloyale Streitkräfte am Abend die wichtigsten Machtzentren wieder unter ihre Kontrolle bringen konnten, so steigt die Gefahr eines Bürgerkrieges in dieser Region des Balkans weiter an, der gegenwärtig bereits durch die Krise im Kosovo auf eine harte Probe gestellt wird. Es wäre heuchlerisch, wenn wir uns hinter Redensarten etwa der Art 'Keine Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten eines fremden Staates' verstecken würden.»
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
........Augsburger Allgemeine  9.9.1998
       now Germany can not deport Kosova-Albanians !

   Three months ago:

Contact Group Statement on Kosova, London/12 June 1998
   8.  The Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States confirmed their decision to implement the ban on new investment in Serbia and to freeze funds held abroad by the FRY and Serbian governments, and agreed to take steps to ban flights by Yugoslav carriers between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and their countries. Japan supported this approach and agreed to consider similar action. The Russian Federation does not associate itself with these measures.
       How lang one has to wait the other decisions of Contact Group are implemented ?

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !

Meldung vom 11.09.1998 19:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F958DA.NL1/

Flüchtlingsbeauftragter: Rückführung auf dem Landweg

Frankfurt am Main - Der Flüchtlingsbeauftragte der deutschen Regierung, Dietmar Schlee, hat darauf hingewiesen, daß nach dem JAT-Embargo eine Abschiebung der Kosovo-Flüchtlinge auch auf dem Landweg möglich sei.
Dabei vertraue die Regierung auf die Solidarität von Staaten wie Österreich und Ungarn, sagte Schlee im Hessischen Rundfunk.
Auch die noch bestehenden Flugverbindungen über London oder Athen seien nutzbar. Schlee bedauerte, daß sich Griechenland und Großbritannien nicht am EU-weiten Landeverbot beteiligten.
Aber wenn diese Länder meinten, rechtlich nicht anders zu können, «dann muß es doch eine Möglichkeit geben, über diese Flughäfen abzuschieben.
© dpa

......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1553b
Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 18:06:50 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 15 September 1998

Second Edition: 17:30 hrs

Serb Troops Step Up Shelling from Podujeva Area
A great number of people from the villages of Revuç, Dobratin, Zakut, Bajçinë, Dobratin, Bradash, Obrançë and Llapashticë have fled their homes today

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) - In afternoon hours today (Tuesday), Serb forces continued shelling the Shalë e Bajgorës region from their positions above Bajçinë village, along the Podujeva - Kërpimeh roadway, 35 km north of Prishtina.
The mountainous Shalë e Bajgorës region straddles three municipalities in northern Kosova - Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Podujeva.
Several houses were in flames at Dobratin village of Podujeva. There has been no immediate word on possible casualties. An unspecified number of Albanians were reported arrested, though.
A highly volatile situation is reported in the entire municipality of Podujeva, with more than 100,000 inhabitants, 99 percent of whom Albanians.
The population has been panic-stricken.
LDK activists and the members of the Kosova Parliament, Dr. Rexhep Gjergji, Fatmir Sejdiu and Naip Zeka, have been trying to calm down the situation, to persuade people who are not directly affected not to flee their homes.
They called on the population to stay in the homes, or else in neighboring villages. Ethnic cleansing of this northern part of Kosova is expedited if people vacate their homes in Podujeva area, the Kosova legislators said during a meeting with the local LDK leadership in Podujeva.
Sources in Podujeva said Serb forces have ill-treated many citizens in the road leading to the village of Shajkofc.
Local LDK activists in Podujeva said Serb police have been preventing people from leaving the town and proceeding towards Shajkofc as well as travelling on the Podujeva - Kërpimeh roadway.
In the afternoon, Serb forces stationed at Lluzhan village straddling the Podujeva-Prishtina rowaday prevented people from travelling towards Prishtina.
Reports said a great number of people from the villages of Revuç, Dobratin, Zakut, Bajçinë, Dobratin, Bradash, Obrançë and Llapashticë have fled their homes today. Most of them have sought refuge in the town of Podujeva and in the surrounding villages, hoping they would be able to get back to their homes in the near future.

Serb Troops Mount Artillery Attack on Shalë e Bajgorës Villages
A dozen villages shelled, an unspecified number of Albanians said to have been wounded today

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) - Early in the morning today (Tuesday), a convoy of Serb military and police consisting of over 150 vehicles headed in the direction of Stantërg ('Stari Trg'). A bit later, Serb troops started shelling the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës region, LDK sources in Mitrovica said.
The mountainous Shalë e Bajgorës region straddles three municipalities in northern Kosova - Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Podujeva.
The LDK chapter in Mitrovica reported Serb forces were shelling the villages of Kaçanoll, Bajgorë, Bare, Zjaq, Mazhiq, Kutllofc, Rashan, Pasomë, Melenicë, Rahovë, and other oultying villages.
Reports said Serb forces were shelling from their positions at a location called Kisha e Boletinit (the Boletini church), Zherovica, the Banjskë village of Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') and the village of Dobratin of Podujeva municipality.
Eye-witness accounts said a number of civilian Albanians were wounded in the village of Rahovë. The number and names have not been made available.
Reports said Serb forces have been concentrated along the Mitrovica-Leposaviq roadway. The road has been blockaded to prevent the movement of the Albanian population.

Returning Refugees Find Bodies of Killed Villagers

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) - Sources in Deçan said today (Tuesday) that the local population returning to their communities have found unburied victims of Serb onslaught in the area.
Villagers of Ratish village claimed they found the bodies of three of their neighbors: Isuf Ukaj (76), Sadri Ukaj (73) and Azem Ukaj (67). The three elderly men were killed on 9 September, when Serb troops advanced into the village, the LDK chapter in Deçan said.
In another village, in Isniq, the unburied body of Halil Berisha (57), killed on 11 September, was found.
Activists in Deçan area said they fear more corpses of Albanians lie scattered about in the villages or under the rubble of houses bombarded by Serb troops.

Serb Troops and Civilians Terrorize Albanians in Istog

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) -  Scores of Albanians have been subjected to different kinds of harassment and terror by Serb troops and paramilitary units in Istog municipality, central Kosova, local sources reported.
Chapters of LDK and human rights Council in Istog named several Albanians who were detained, beaten, terrorized and/or intimidated over the past few days.
Emin Maksutaj, Ibrahim Etemaj, Ejup Pacaj, Malush Zogaj and Kurt Muzliaj, local activists in Orrobërda village, were held for hours in the local police station in Istog on 12 September. They were beaten up severely. They were threatened with additional maltreatment unless residents of their village handed over weapons they allegedly possessed.
Beqir Fekaj (23) from Kërrnica village was forced off a bus and was beaten brutally by Serb police on the same day. He was reported beaten up in at least two other police checkpoints between Mitrovica and Vushtrri. Mr Bekaj said that at one point, when the representatives of the International Red Cross saw him in the hands of Serb police, they [police officers] alleged he was a security worker in plain clothes!
Bekaj told the LDK chapter he was afraid to tell the Red Cross people that the police was lying.

Serbs Continue Pillaging and Torching Homes in Magura Mining Town

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) - Serb forces, both police and armed civilians, have continued to pillage and burn houses of Albanians in the mining town of Magura, municipality of Lipjan.
Most of the local Albanian population fled the town a month ago in the wake of a huge Serb offensive against communities in west Drenica region.
Activists from Lipjan told the KIC today that in the past week alone, Serbs have set afire at least 30 homes of Albanians. During the last few days, Serbs burned the homes of Sabri Rrustemi, Nexhmi Rrustemi, Arsim Rrustemi, Shefki Restelica and Raif Osmani.
Witnesesses said that before setting houses afire, the Serbs looted everything.

Serb Policemen Cut with Knife a '4-S' Serb Sign on Body of Albanian

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) -  A 23-year-old Albanian, Besim Bislimi, resident of Drobesh village in Vitia, was terrorized for hours by Serb policemen on Sunday afternoon.
Sources in Vitia said that Besim Bislimi taken to a cornfield by three Serb policemen. After having been given an obscure liquid to drink, he was subjected to ruthless maltreatment.
Serbs cut with knives 4-S Serb signs [Samo Sloga Spasava Srbiju - 'Only unity saves Serbia'] on the body of the young Albanian.
One such a sign was sketched in his forehead too, witnesses said.
In addition, when Besim Bislimi returned home, he found a note in his pocket written by the Serb policemen who vowed to continue with additional terror. "You will die on 18 October, and it will be a dreadful death", the letter read.

LDK Activist in Serb Custody in Kamenica

PRISHTINA, Sept 15 (KIC) - Three local LDK activists in Kamenica have been reported in Serb custody since today morning.
Hasan Rapuca and Ramadan A. Haxhiu, members of the LDK presidency in the town, and Shpëtim A.Krasniqi, an activist with the LDK Youth Forum, were arrested in their homes by Serb police today.
The Serb police authorities did not provide any arrest warrant or any explanation about the arrest of the LDK activists.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

taken from   http://www.kosova.com  on September 15, 1998  at 18:50 hrs

        Prishtina, 15 September 1998, 12:00 CET


  • Serb Offensive Operations Extend to Northern Kosova
  • Serb Troops Pound Villages in Shala a Bajgorës, North-East Kosova
  • Huge Serb Troops and Combat Equipment Have Been Deployed in the Podujeva Area
  • Serbs Launch Artillery Attack against Pasoma Village in Vushtrri Tuesday Morning
    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm   on September 14, 1998  at  23:40 hrs
    ALBANIA (turmoil after MP assassination)
    Chaos in Albania

    Tirana, 14 September (ARTA) 1630CET --
    About 10,000 people gathered in the "Skënderbeg" square, at 1100CET today, to give the last farewell to the democratic leader, the delegate of four legislative acts of the People's Convention, and leadership member of the Democratic Party, Azem Hajdari.
    The chairman of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha, and the other rightist leaders, were standing on the tribunal. Sali Berisha held a casual speech, in which he requested the immediate resignation of Fatos Nano, and sent a message to the Albanian people, all over the world to be united. It seemed as though the funeral ceremony would be running normally. However, that is not how things went. The crowd was roaring "Revenge", "Today, or never", and "Azem is alive", the whole time through.
    With the national anthem playing loudly, the crowd stood still for about a minute, with two fingers raised. It was then that the people, who were carrying Azem’s body, and the bodies of his guard and of the former leadership member of extremist party "Balli Kombëtar", headed in the direction of the "Dëshmorët e Kombit" square, instead of taking the street to the cemetery. Explosions and shooting was heard immediately after the mass arrived in front of the PM cabinet, just a few minutes before noon, when the dead line set by the democrats for Prime Minister Nano’s resignation, expired. The people froze. Those, whose nature is more ardent, started shooting in the air. After about 20 minutes of shooting, the first tanks started coming out on the street. Upon approaching the area in front of the PM cabinet, two of the tanks were overwhelmed by the crowd. As a result of the shooting, the chairperson of the Conservative Party, Armando Oruçi was wounded, as well as a 13 years old child, who was wounded on the head. Just then, rumors that the Prime Minister resigned started to spread among the mass. The news was not false.
    Although according to the schedule, Hajdari was supposed to be buried at 1200CET, his body was still cruising up and down the streets of the city. At around 1300CET, people were spread all over the place. Some were still in front of the PM building, others by the "Skënderbeg" square, as a part of the people headed in the direction of the Albanian Television premises. Democratic Party leadership members that were there, appealed to the crowd not to cause any trouble and not to break anything at the State TV building.
    There are reports that such a scenario was already prepared before the first shootings started. People with automatic guns mingled among the crowd. They had vehicles with Krujë license plates. During the time that this drama was taking place on the Albanian capital’s streets, politicians were trying to reach a political solution through institutional paths. Although any delay could lead to new tragic victims and events, the clock struck 1300CET and politics had no say in the situation that was left in the hands of the mass, which was roaring "Revenge".
    Aiming at finding a solution, the OSCE Ambassador, Dan Everett had intensive meetings with political representatives of both wings. Being acquainted with the situation, Everett claimed that no political solution can be found if violence continues. He stated that important changes would occur, not specifying where these will take place. On this regard, the American authorities harshly condemned the violence.
    It was claimed that the former director of the radio station, Antoneta Malia, as well as the democratic leader, Berisha, appeared in front of state-run TV cameras. This proved that the state TV was in the hands of the democrats. It was broadcasting, Berisha, as he called for Nano's resignation and called the mass to maintain themselves. He also stated that the Democratic Party did not take the power over forcefully, although there were armed persons all around the building, where Berisha held his speech. Later on, Berisha, along with the Democratic Party vice-chairman, Genc Pollo, headed to the cemetery to bury Hajdari and the two other victims. From the rightist leaders, the former Foreign Minister Arian Stanova, who was heading the mass the entire time, stated that the crowd's irritation was lawful.

    ALBANIA (turmoil – MP assassination)
    Blushi: "This is a coup d'état"

    Tirana, 14 September (ARTA) 2030CET --
    The PM cabinet spokesperson, Ben Blushi, confirms that, "no other political step will be undertaken until the forces, which have occupied the institutions, do not withdraw from them".
    "This is a coup d'etat", claimed the PM's office spokesperson, Ben Blushi.
    "We will not hold any activities until the people who have entered in the institutions, do not withdraw. Our political institutions also supported this stand".
    Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Socialist Party, Pandeli Majko, was appointed representative of his party in the negotiating table, as the chair of the Socialist Party, Fatos Nano, was dismissed from the talks.
    The spokesman, Ben Blushi, declared that he knows nothing about this issue because has lost contact with other politicians. Meanwhile, the rightist parties, from the Democratic Party’s headquarters addressed a letter to President Meidani, asking him to take hold of the government, in conformity with the constitutional regulations, until a political solution is found. The Democratic Party, the Social-Democratic Union, the Republican Party, the Movement of Legality, the Peasants’ Party, and the Democratic Union signed the letter.
    Presently, the situation in the city is very tense. The streets are now empty. There are claims that Civil Committees have been established to safeguard private and state properties since some shops were plundered. These groups, which are mainly comprised of former officers who were dismissed by the socialist government, stated that they will shoot, without warning, at everybody who tries to get near (try to loot tr.) the private and state properties.

    ALBANIA (turmoil – MP assassination)
    Meidani: "Let us mourn the death of Azem Hajdari properly"

    Tirana, 14 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
    Upon the assassination of the Democratic Party delegate, Azem Hajdari, the President of Albania, Rexhep Meidani, addressed the Albanian nation, saying:
    "I requested from competent bodies to act quickly and clarify the terrorist act, by doing everything to identify and catch the ones responsible for this murder. This great loss requires justice. In the meantime, I want to add, honorable fellow citizens, that the tragic killing of Azem should not be used as a reason to repeat the chaos for which we paid a heavy toll a year ago. Our task is to keep our relentlessness, and heal our wounds as a people and as a nation. This is an answer that an intelligent people, would give to any kind of crime, to those that want to keep Albania in an ongoing turmoil. This is should be the first honor to the memory of a democrat and a patriot, whose absence is greatly felt today. Let us properly mourn the death of Azem Hajdari. Put the weapons down. Stop the violence and the language of hatred. Let the Law be our altar for everything we say and do. This is how we will safe-keep and develop democracy. It is to our responsibility to use the state, party, and social institutions, properly. It is to our responsibility to keep the international community’s attention focused on the Albanian people and martyr Kosova, because history will not forgive us anymore.
    As a President, I am here to serve until the end, to justice and truth. I once again plea you to work and be together in this path. I summoned the political forces today, to discuss and claim the responsibility of this period together. I assure you with my engagement that the competent organs, the Law and justice will act quickly, with transparency and efficiency to discover the murderers and give them the sentence they deserve. It is the task of everyone, to prove that Albania can and must build a state of justice, and respect the Law and state institutions", said at the end Rexhep Meidani.

    ALBANIA (turmoil – NATO)
    Solana: "NATO fears explosion in Albania"

    Brussels, 14 September (ARTA) 1900CET --
    The European Commission spokesperson claimed in a press conference that the Commission demands from all parties in Albania to exercise restraint and cooperate in order to prevent the further escalation of the situation there.
    On the other hand, NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, expressed his deep concern for the violence, which emerged these days in Albania, and appealed to all sides to exercise restraint and create the grounds for stability and peace in the country.
    Besides its concern for the stability of Albania, NATO is also anxious because the violation of law and order in the (politically weak) Republic of Albania will intensify the ongoing conflict in neighboring Kosova.
    Solana appealed to the leaders of all political parties in Albania, to work together and safeguard state democratic institutions. He also expressed NATO’s determination to cooperate with Albania in maintaining security and stability in the country.
    "In this aspect we are working with Albania in the framework of Partnership for Peace and we consider as very important the continuation of these activities", said NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana.
    NATO sources told Albanian daily "Koha Ditore", that the NATO Council, on its Wednesday session will discuss the situation in Kosova as well as the new circumstances in Albania which emerged after the assassination of one of the opposition leaders.
    Solana claimed that NATO promised to promote security and stability in Albania, which is a member of the project Partnership for Peace.

    ALBANIA (German Foreign Minister)
    Kinkel appeals to Albanians to exercise restraint

    Bonn, 14 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
    The disastrous situation in Albania after the assassination of democrat MP, Azem Hajdari, is being followed in Germany with a great interest. This could be noticed in the German media as well as German political circles. Special attention was given to the appeal that the Kosovar political leadership, and Kosova Albanian leader, Ibrahim Rugova, made to the Albanian political leadership and the Albanian people.
    Rugova’s call for "the restraint and relentlessness of all democratic forces", was transmitted by most German news agencies, especially since these times are hard for Albanians in general.
    The German Foreign Minister, Klaus Kinkel, also reacted toward the situation in Albania by sending a telegram to Fatos Nano, and strongly condemning the assassination of the opposition leader and MP Azem Hajdari. He warned Nano to undertake all necessary measures for keeping peace and order in Albania. Kinkel also warned other democratic forces to exercise restraint and to fight this state of chaos (which could be dangerous not only for Albania, but for the entire region as well) with democratic means.

    KOSOVA (onslaught - Shalë e Bajgorës)
    Serb onslaught in Shalë e Bajgorës continues

    Mitrovicë, 14 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
    The Serb police\military offensive against the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës is still continuing. The villages of Shalë e Bajgorës, Mazhiq, Vidishiq, Rashan, Melenicë, Bair, Tërsten, Zjaçë, etc were shelled yesterday starting from the morning until late evening hours. They were shelled from the military bases in the villages of Kutlloc, Stantërg, and Zheronicë. There are confirmations that the attacks claimed the lives of none, although the material damages are said to be enormous.
    On the other hand, large police\military forces kept coming out of the military barrack in Mitrovicë heading in the direction of Tuneli i Parë in Stantërg and in the direction of Skënderaj. So far, no signs of police reinforcement were witnessed in Mitrovicë proper and in its suburban parts. It is suspected that they are all fighting in front lines, in Shalë e Bajgorës and in Drenica.
    Whereas, today at 1230CET a Serb police\military convoy, suspected to be a special unit, returned from the villages of Drenica and continued its way in the direction of Zveçan. They cruised down town, swearing and provoking the Albanians and pointing the guns in the direction of the passersby.

    KOSOVA (onslaught - Klinë)
    Fire spreads in the villages of Klinë

    Klinë, 14 September (ARTA) 1900CET --
    The Serb police arrested 15 Albanians from the village of Potërç, at around 1700CET, yesterday. These Albanians were previously given an ultimatum to hand in their weapons in a short period of time, with the threat that "the village will turn into ashes" if they do not obey the police.
    The police had already looted two and burned one of the houses.
    There are reports that in Gjurgjevik i Madh the Serb forces burned the entire "Prenaj" neighborhood along with a 300 years old fortress of Pren Delia. In Klinë, the Serb civilians burned the fourth Albanian house in this town.
    Sources from the ground claims that large Serb infantry forces, entered the village of Sverkë in the early morning hours, and until 1600CET, looted and burned houses belonging to Albanians. 15 houses were looted and burned so far.
    On the other hand, a 30-member family from Dobërdol, whom the Serb police burned everything they had, headed to the Western European states. Albanian gangs stole those few valuable things they had managed to save from the Serb looting and fire. All this looting took place after members of the gang took their children and threatened to kill them by putting their heads under the water. This made them give everything they had.

    KOSOVA (burnt land – Prizren)
    More Albanian houses burnt

    Prizren, 14 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
    The situation in Prizren and its surroundings is still tense because of the provocations and other forms of repression exercised by Serb police forces. Serb authorities continue to arrest Albanians, burn houses and voice ultimatums for "handing in" weapons, in almost all the suburbs and surrounding villages of Prizren. According to Albanian sources, the Serb police set fire to two Albanian houses in the village Lubizhdë, yesterday afternoon. The school year in this village has been canceled until 17 September, because of the tense situation in the village. Meanwhile, the Serb District Court of Prizren sentenced 23 Albanians from Rahovec to detention, and has initiated investigations against them.
    All these people are charged with the crime of "terrorism" according to the Art. 125 of the "Yugoslav" Criminal Code.

    KOSOVA (casualties – Skënderaj)
    A Serb police officer killed in Likovc

    Skënderaj, 14 September (ARTA) 2130CET --
    Sources from the ground report that Serb forces are situated in the villages Likovc and Rezallë, and that they continued the fighting with KLA forces. On Sunday evening at 2100CET, KLA soldiers killed a Serb police officer, while another one was badly wounded.
    On the other hand, there are claims that the Serb police gave an ultimatum to the people of Prekaz to hand their weapons in as soon as possible, threatening to burn Prekaz to ashes. A local villager told Albanian daily "Koha Ditore" that they did not turn to weapons just so they could hand them in and that it is not the tradition of Albanians to do so.

    KOSOVA (reinforcements – Ferizaj)
    Serb military forces between the villages of Balaj, Dremjak, and Nerodime e Epërme

    Ferizaj, 14 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
    The situation in the municipality of Ferizaj is still tense after the attacks against the villages Nerodime e Epërme and Nerodime e Poshtme, where the suburb "Kashtanjevë" was shelled by Serb military and police forces.
    Nearly all Albanian fled these two villages because of the frequent provocations of the Serb police and local Serb civilians. The seven arrested members of the family Kashtanjeva were released on Sunday. It has been claimed that they were severely beaten and maltreated during detention.
    The LDK Information Commission and the CDHRF branch in Ferizaj, inform that heavy military forces headed towards this region, after the attacks that they carried out on Saturday and Sunday. These forces are now stationed in 'Toplikë', which is a place between the villages Balaj, Dremjak and Nerodime e Epërme. Numerous soldiers were deployed in that region as well as 20 vehicles, including tanks, cannons, trucks, and APCs.
    Meanwhile, there are reports that the situation in Koshare has somewhat calmed down. The residents of this village appeal to their dislocated fellow-countrymen to return to their homes, especially since the new school year (in this village) is expected to start on Wednesday.

    KOSOVA (Serb reinforcement - Llap)
    Large concentration of Serb police and military forces in Llap

    Podujevë, 14 September (ARTA) 1500CET --
    LDK and CDHRF sources in Podujevë notify that "last night at around 1830CET, 3 tanks and 4 fighting vehicles came from the direction of Prishtina and settled in the military field base in Obranqë, municipality of Podujevë, from where large fighting forces were dislocated a day before".
    According to the same sources, a convoy consisting of four police vehicles and two with civilian license plates, filled with uniformed police officers and soldiers, was seen coming from the direction of Prishtina, today at 1000CET. They headed to their military base in Obranqë, from where they departed at around 1400CET, leaving the personnel in the base. At around 1330CET, a bus filled with soldiers arrived at this military base.
    On the other hand, there are claims that an armored vehicle escorted by numerous APCs, arrived at the police station in Podujevë, at around 0800CET.
    Movements of APCs were witnessed the whole day today in the streets of town proper and in the direction of Lluzhan, Orllan, and Kërpimeh. During these movements, the police provoked the passersby from APCs, by pointing guns in their direction.

    KOSOVA (tension mounts – Viti)
    Serb peasants attack their Albanian neighbors

    Viti, 14 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
    CDHRF sources inform about new cases of threats and maltreatment of Albanians by their Serb and Montenegrin neighbors. Accordingly, an armed person gave a light signal for stopping to Milaim Abazi, Muharrem Saqipi and Ibrahim Abazi from the Viti municipal village of Gjylekar, as they drove with a tractor through the village Vërboc (Serb inhabited village), on 11 September. It has been reported that they were shot at after trying to escape. Milaim Abazi was badly wounded from the shots, while the others fortunately manage to escape unharmed. It has been claimed that many bullets hit the tractor they were driving.

    KOSOVA (IDPs – Deçan)
    Nowhere to return

    Deçan, 14 September (ARTA) 1500CET --
    The burnt roof, of the Humanitarian Association "Mother Theresa", which once used to help the locals, can be seen at the very entry of Deçan. Further down the road, in the direction of the center, one can see that most of the houses on both sides of the streets, were spared from destruction. Nevertheless, many houses have been burnt and destroyed, especially those belonging to Bajram and Mehmet Goga. The windows of local shops are all shattered, as entire wares have been looted.
    A description that would best fit the sight in the neighborhoods "Kuqi", "Ibërhysaj", "Kokaj", and "Haxheraj", is "burnt land", being that most of the houses are roofless and destroyed by the shelling, and others still, burnt to the ground.
    There are evident signs of shelling in every house. It also seems that after being shelled, fire was set to the rooms of the houses.
    Two houses belonging to Isuf Mushkolaj, as well as his carpenter workshop, are completely destroyed. The local CDHRF branch offices are also burnt. Even the house of Shefqet Mushkolaj, which was host to many journalists some months ago, is destroyed. Nothing remained from the furniture and equipment. It seems as though a truck, "Raba", which used to be parked nearby, also "traveled" somewhere. The truck’s owner, Rrustem Gjikokaj, had parked it there, considering the place "safer".
    Over 250 grenades had fallen in the premises of the old, local elementary school "Lidhja e Prizrenit", only. Those few people, who returned to their homes after the police insisted, are very upset. They say that they do not have the nerve to start working and cleaning up what is left of their ruined houses. They even claim that those houses, which were left undamaged, cannot be adapted for a living since their walls cracked from high temperatures, and thus, are not strong enough keep the roof. They lack basic food items and necessary clothes, not to speak about the material needed to rebuild the houses. What is even worse, there is no information on 102 Albanian citizens that are considered abducted.
    The situation is almost the same in the village of Carrabreg i Poshtëm.
    Ruined and looted houses and dead cattle can be seen everywhere. Nearly everything is burnt and destroyed in the neighborhoods "Qorraj", "Ukëhaxhaj", and "Ramosaj".
    Whereas, in the very heart of Deçan, some Serbs could be seen, drinking beer in a shop which used to belong to an Albanian.

    KOSOVA (German Foreign Minister)
    Kinkel: "The Kosova problem should have been solved in Dayton"

    Bonn, 14 September (ARTA) 1640CET --
    Speaking about the grave situation in Kosova, about which Belgrade and the Serb leader Milosevic are to blamed, the German Foreign Minister Kinkel, during his pre-electoral campaign, stated that the Kosova problem should have been solved through means of coexistence between the ethnic communities there. This should have been accomplished during the Dayton process, he minded.
    "It was a big mistake not to do this, and it was my mistake", claimed the German Foreign Minister. He also said that everything must be done for dialogue to begin between both sides involved in the conflict, and that "international forces must ensure the autonomy, which was revoked from Kosova, even through military means".
    In an interview he gave daily "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung", the German Foreign Minister, Kinkel, asked the international community to undertake urgent measures to prevent the humanitarian catastrophe in Kosova which is threatening around 150,000 Albanian escapees, currently homeless.
    Kinkel also requested from Milosevic to withdraw his forces from Kosova, so grounds for the beginning of dialogue could be created, as well as suitable conditions for the return of refugees to their homes.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News: Radio Free Europe Sept.15
    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:35:28 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>


    CNN reported on 15 September that several opposition supporters held a silent march through the center of the capital, despite an earlier police ban on the protest. CNN added that security forces kept a low profile during the march and that both sides seemed interested in ending the current tensions through talks. Earlier that day, some 200 opposition supporters gathered outside Democratic Party headquarters, having acquired two tanks and several dozen machine guns. Police began negotiating with the men, trying to convince them to hand over their weapons, AP reported. The Interior Ministry had issued a statement in Tirana the previous day saying that police are under orders to "shoot without warning" if they encounter opposition. It also called on the "Democratic Party to distance itself from [armed] individuals," adding that "otherwise, it will bear responsibility for subsequent developments." FS


    Albanian special police forces on 14 September recaptured the buildings of state radio and television, the offices of Prime Minister Fatos Nano, and the parliament building. Opposition protesters had occupied them earlier that day during unrest throughout the city, in which at least three people died and 14 were injured (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 14 September 1998). In the afternoon, crowds of armed opposition supporters had roamed the streets and fired in the air with machine guns, but they dispersed when special police forces arrived. Interior Minister Perikli Teta said on state television that "the attempt at a coup d'état today failed." Teta told Reuters on 15 September that most of those killed were police officers. According to Interior Ministry spokesman Artan Bizhga, "there was a small battle [around the television building] and those who had occupied it fled." FS


    Former President Sali Berisha told VOA's Albanian-language service on 15 September that he did not try to stage a coup d'etat the previous day. He called Teta's accusations "crazy and absurd" and stressed that he has called on his supporters to remain peaceful. Berisha charged government guards with provoking the clashes during the funeral that day of Democratic Party legislator Azem Hajdari, whom unidentified gunmen killed on 12 September (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 14 September 1998). Berisha also repeated his call for Nano's government to resign, but Socialist parliamentary leader Pandeli Majko rejected the demand. Nano's spokesman Ben Blushi told Reuters on 15 September that "we blame Berisha [for the unrest], because all the trouble started at the Berisha rally." He also claimed that Berisha's "bodyguards and political collaborators" played key roles in the violence that followed. Blushi said that Nano--who has not appeared in public since the riots started--has resumed working. FS


    State Department spokesman James Rubin on 14 September urged the Albanian government to work with President Rexhep Meidani to draft "constructive proposals that will end the current upheaval." He stressed that "leaders of all political parties...must take responsibilities for the behavior of their followers," warning that otherwise the leaders must "bear the consequences." Meanwhile, Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi advised Defense Ministry officials to draw up evacuation plans for Italian citizens in Albania. FS


    Several hundred refugees remain stranded in the area where Kosova borders Montenegro and Albania, RFE/RL's South Slavic Service reported on 14 September. Montenegro had earlier refused to admit several thousand recently arrived refugees--citizens of federal Yugoslavia, to which Montenegro belongs--and sent them by bus to Albania (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 14 September 1998). The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Prishtina sent a letter to Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on 13 September appealing to him to keep his country's borders open. In other news, the Kosovar news agency KIC reported the following day that Serbian forces shelled the village of Sferka near Klina and later set fire to Kosovar homes there. PM


    Hans van den Broek, who is the EU's chief official dealing with Eastern Europe, recently sent a confidential letter to EU foreign ministers warning that continued inaction over Kosova is not "compatible with vital EU interests," the "Financial Times" reported on 15 September. Van den Broek added that "the time has come for the EU to make a clear ultimatum to [Yugoslav President Slobodan] Milosevic to stop military operations [in Kosova] and thereby pave the way for negotiations." The diplomat added that time has come for the EU to distance itself politically from the international Contact Group, which has been unable to formulate a clear and effective policy because of Russian reluctance to oppose Milosevic. Officials from Germany and some other EU member states recently criticized the U.K. and Greece for refusing to implement the EU ban on landing rights for Belgrade's airline, JAT. PM


    State Department spokesman James Rubin said on 14 September that the recent general elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina were "the freest and fairest elections in Bosnian history." He stressed that Washington will be waiting to see what policies the victors pursue and that the U.S. will help those politicians who actively back the Dayton peace agreement. In Sarajevo, Robert Barry, who led the OSCE mission to supervise the vote, warned against taking seriously unnamed politicians' claims of victory before official results are in (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 14 September 1998). "We haven't the slightest idea who has won, and anybody who claims victory at this point is no doubt blowing a little bit of air," he said. Another OSCE official noted in Banja Luka that tens of thousands of absentee ballots from outside Bosnia have not yet arrived at counting stations in that country. PM

    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
    Betreff:         [kosovo] Kosovo Serb Delegation in US
    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 14:44:11 +0200
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery

    The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

    FONET, Belgrade September 14, 1998
    A delegation of Kosovo Serbs, headed by the Raska-Prizren bishop, Artemije, and the president of the Serbian Resistance Movement, one of the political organizations of Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija, Momcilo Trajkovic, begins a several days' visit to America on Monday.
    Besides a meeting with Clinton's special envoy for former Yugoslavia, Robert Gelbard, and representatives of the US administration, Bishop Artemije and Momcilo Trajkovic will also be guests of the US Congress in the following days, and will also participate in public platforms devoted to Kosovo, organized by the Washington Institute for Peace and the reputable Carnegie Foundation.
    Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
    38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
    http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Surrender your weapons, Albanian government tells foes
    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:41:57 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>

    Surrender your weapons, Albanian government tells foes

    Copyright © 1998 Nando.net
    Copyright © 1998 The Associated Press

    TIRANA, Albania (September 15, 1998 12:31 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) --
    As Albanian opposition protesters defied a ban and held a peaceful rally Tuesday, the government ordered armed opponents to turn in their weapons in an effort to squelch new violence after two days of riots.
         In a nationally televised address, Prime Minister Fatos Nano said the government's patience was running out and it would not "wait endlessly for all weapons to be taken out" of the headquarters of his rival, former President Sali Berisha.
         Nano guaranteed the safety of Berisha and his followers, and said he was willing to consider "in principle" any formula for resolving the crisis, presumably including his own resignation, as the opposition has demanded.
         The Interior Ministry -- responsible for law and order -- warned Tuesday it would respond with force to any resistance from Berisha supporters after clashes Sunday and Monday. Police were authorized to "shoot without warning" if opposed, the ministry said on state television.
         About 3,000 of Berisha's supporters rallied in the main Tirana square, despite a ban by the Interior Ministry. The protest ended peacefully.
         Many protesters flashed the two-fingered victory sign as Berisha coupled demands for Nano's resignation with exhortations that the demonstrators remain peaceful.
         Dozens of police cars surrounded the protesters on Skanderbeg Square, lights flashing and sirens howling. The cars and several police vans were filled with officers carrying submachine guns and wearing stocking masks.
         Sharpshooters took up positions on the roof of the nearby Interior Ministry building.
         The weekend assassination of a popular Berisha ally touched off two days of unrest reminiscent of the nationwide anarchy that lasted for months in 1997.
         U.S. and European diplomats were seeking to negotiate a peaceful end to the crisis. Many fear the unrest could spread, further complicating the situation in the neighboring Serbian province of Kosovo, where ethnic Albanian rebels are fighting for independence.
         The top Serbian official in Kosovo, Veljko Odalovic, warned Tuesday that the stability of the southern Balkans was at stake. Berisha has openly supported Kosovo's ethnic Albanian rebels.
         In southern Albania, police reported overnight shootouts between gunmen and border guards at the Kakavia crossing to Greece. They said the attackers, from the nearby Albanian city of Gjirokastra, wounded three people.
         Foreign ministers of Italy and Germany recommended Tuesday that an international police force be sent to Albania and urged the European Union to increase aid to the country.
         The Interior Ministry also urged Berisha supporters holed up at downtown Democratic Party headquarters to lay down their arms.
         Berisha remained defiant, warning Interior Minister Perikli Teta to rescind his shoot-without-warning orders or "bear all responsibility for the consequences."
         He announced a new rally for Wednesday unless Nano resigned.
         "Now it's up to the Albanian political parties and the Albanian people to defend the values of democracy," Berisha told reporters in his party stronghold. "I'm sure that people don't want violence. But a worse thing is dictatorship."
         President Rexhap Meidani was trying to mediate a settlement, and government sources said he raised the possibility of Nano's resignation during a meeting with him late Monday.
         Police said at least three Berisha supporters were killed and 14 wounded Monday when government forces launched a counterattack and swiftly regained control of key facilities: Parliament, the state television and radio building and Nano's office.
         The unrest threatened a repeat of the riots that swept Albania last year after the collapse of pyramid investment schemes, which cost many people their life's savings.
         At least four tanks rumbled through the streets Monday, crowds of looters broke into stores and gangs of armed men roamed the city, firing in the air.
         One tank was parked in front of Democratic Party headquarters Tuesday, apparently in rebel hands. About a half dozen Berisha supporters armed with submachine guns were nearby.
         Some of the dozens of shops looted Monday remained closed. Government spokesman Ben Blushi said looters also cleaned out Nano's villa in Tirana on Monday.

    By ARLINDA CAUSHOLLI, Associated Press Writer

    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:42:55 -0400
        Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
    14 September 1998


    (All parties must work together for peaceful solution) (280)

    Washington -- State Department spokesman James Rubin said September 14 that the United States "strongly condemns the use of violence for political ends" in Albania.
         "The United States will not recognize or work with a government that comes to power through violent means," Rubin added, calling on all parties to "work together toward a peaceful solution that respects the democratic process."

    Following is the text of the statement:
    (Begin text)

    September 14, 1998



    The United States strongly condemns the use of violence for political ends. Albania's political leadership in the government and the opposition will be held responsible for resolving the current crisis. Members of all parties must work together toward a peaceful solution that respects the democratic process. The United States will not recognize or work with a government that comes to power through violent means. We call on the political leadership of Albania to cooperate with President Mejdani in working on constructive proposals that will end the current upheaval. The leaders of all political parties in Albania must take responsibility for the behavior of their followers. Those that do not play a constructive role must bear the consequences.
         The United States is consulting with the European Union to support those pursuing a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. The United States is committed to support actively any package of measures consistent with the rule of law adopted in the political consultations of the Albanian political leadership.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:15atanews
    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 20:24:37 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>

    Albanian government decides to increase wages of order forces

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA) - By Th. Thanasi: Albanian government has decided recently to increase wages and offer rewards to public order forces which are always in fight against crime.
          A spokesman of the Public Order Ministry said to ATA on Tuesday that the government would issue a special decision to increase wages for order forces by 50 to 100 percent.
          The Minister of Public Order Perikli Teta had ordered that forces dependent on this ministry would receive 30.000 to 50.000 leks reward for their devotion to the duty. /mima/ak/

    1.221 Albanians killed in less than eight months in Kosova

          PRISHTINE, Sept 15 - ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported that at least 1.221 Albanians were killed, massacred and executed without trial by Serbian forces in less than eight months since January 8, according to the Council for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedom in Prishtine.
          There are 99 children, 131 young women and women, 191 elderly people over 55 and 325 unidentified persons among the victims. Other victims are from 18 to 55 years old.
          The Council said that the number of victims was higher but so far there were no reports on the fate of missing people and those buried in massive graves.
          It has also found out 900 cases when people were missing, kidnapped or taken hostage by the Serb police forces.
          The Serb forces have killed over 200 Albanians during August in Kosova, the council said. /mima/ak/

    Speaker says failed coup d'etat seen by whole world

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA) - By K. Shehu: Speaker of the Albanian parliament Skender Gjinushi considered on Tuesday the armed attacks against state institutions "failed coup d'etat".
          "It was a warned coup d'etat," Gjinushi said to ATA.       He added that "in the last two months the Democratic party (DP) has said that it would topple and take over the power at all costs but these warnings have been cleared on Sunday and Monday."
           Gjinushi said that "this coup d'etat was seen by the whole world and Albania while Tirana experienced it."
          Considering the attempts for coup d'etat a naive game by the opposition, Gjinushi said that "the DP should separate itself from this clique which tries to put Albania in a chaos and fratricide war."
          In the last days the Albanian capital experienced preposterous events resulting from the killing of the Democratic leader Azem Hajdari. Armed crowds calling for government and prime minister's resignation attacked main state institutions and the Albanian television. /mima/ak/

    Serb forces set houses on fire, pound village

          PRISHTINE, Sept 15 - ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reported on Tuesday that the Serb forces have set fire on few remaining houses in the villages of Volljake, aupeve and Gremnik.
           Sources from the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) said that Serb police forces supported by 30 tanks, surrounded the village of Sterke today on midday and pounded it. Later they entered the village setting fire on all the remained houses. /mima/A.A/

    Albania enjoys full support for a democratic solution

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA) - Ambassadors of Austria, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), United States, Germany, Italy as well as resident representatives of the Council of Europe (CoE) and British Embassy in Albania strongly denounced acts of violence and attacks against state institutions and said that they would not back any kind of solution resulting from violence, illegal and antidemocratic ways, a spokesman of president said.
          West senior officials stated this in a meeting on Tuesday with the president of Albania Rexhep Meidani, on their request.
          Austrian ambassador Riedel, whose country is holding the presidency of the European Union, told Meidani that organisations and countries they represent backed him in his efforts to exert his authority in order to reach an acceptable political solution.
          President Meidani said that the wayout from this situation would be find soon if the opposition representatives would put an end to any kind of idea to resort to violence against state institutions and condemn Monday's criminal acts. /mima/ak/

    Reppas says Greece does not interfere in Albania's internal Affairs

          ATHENS, Sept 15 (ATA)-Greece on Tuesday, through its press minister Dimitris Reppas, denied charges by Albania's Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha that the Greek Prime Minister and state institutions interfere in Albania's home affairs.
          Reppas told a news conference that Greece and its Prime minister are not interfering in Albania's internal affairs and that "we have asked that in these moments of crisis there should be no pronouncements on the part of the Greek policy protagonists which will be taken as an interference in internal affairs."
          DP leader Sali Berisha, at a news conference on Tuesday, accused the Greek forces in Albania of coming in aid to the Albanian police.
          Referring to a request that the 280 Greek soldiers leave Albania, Reppas said that "the presence of Greek troops in Yzberish is based on the international agreement signed in '97 to stabilise the situation in Albania."
          "We believe that their presence is necessary because the soldiers also offer aid for Albania's recovery," said Reppas.
          Reppas assessed the current situation in Albania and stressed that "after yesterday's damages and violence, the first necessary step DP leader Sali Berisha ought to make is to dissociate himself from wrongdoers, who exploit the strained situation to realise their aims."
          Reppas expressed hope that the situation in Albania will be normalised and  the current crisis settled through political means. /mima/lm/

    SP supports Meidani's statement addressed to Albanian people

    TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA)-By K. Shehu, The leadership of the Socialist Party (SP), at an emergency meeting on Tuesday, discussed the situation created in Albania recently, concluding that everything taking place on Monday has only one name: "an outright coup". The Secretary for Public relations, Musa Ulqini, says at this meeting they discussed issues which have to do with the situation created in districts, especially in the capital where, according to this party's structures, everything is under control. The funeral ceremony of the Democratic Party (DP) deputy, Azem Hajdari, who was shot dead on Saturday by unidentified gunmen, was held. During the ceremony armed men attacked institutions, looting offices' equipment, destroying documents on pensions, houses, and properties. "The leadership, leading committees have gathered and efforts are underway to coordinate performance with the coalition parties, legitimate institutions, and order forces to calm the citizens," says Ulqini. The SP leadership will make publicly known, through a statement, that it supports the statement of the President of the Republic, Rexhep Meidani, addressed to the Albanian people late on Monday. The SP leadership is also reported to have decided at the emergency meeting that the socialist parliamentary group meet as soon as possible to sketch the political operation to calm down the situation. /mima/lm/

    Vlore rally in support of state institutions

          VLORE, Sept 15, ATA H.Kozi
          Thousands of people from Vlore (south of Albania) rallied on Tuesday, in "Flamurit" square in support of the state institutions.
          Representatives from local government decided the rally to take place in the Palace of Sport of the town.
          Mourning mothers, who lost their sons in last year's tragic events, headed the participants and once again expressed their indignation towards Democratic Party leader (DP in opposition), Sali Berisha whom they defined as "Albanian's chief criminal."
          The rally was greeted by the leader of Socialist Party (SP) for Vlore, Niko Veizi, the chairman of the town council, Medin Xhelili, the mayor, Neki Dredha, the socialist deputy Luiza Hoxha, who condemned the ways the opposition used to come to power through violence.
          The rally also condemned the local Democratic Party leaders who went to Tirana backing the violation of the state institutions.
          During Monday's funeral ceremony of the Democratic Party deputy, Azem Hajdari, murdered by unidentified persons on Saturday, gunmen attacked the institutions looting office equipment and destroying the documents on pensions, houses and properties.
          Representatives from Organisation for Cooperation and Security of Europe (OSCE), who were also present, evaluated the calm the rally took place.
          Vlore was the center of Feb.-March '97 riots which spread over south of Albania after the demise of pyramid schemes, where the Albanians lost their savings. These riots ousted the democratic government of the ex-president Sali Berisha. /mima/lola/

    Kinkel condemns attempts to topple government through violence

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA)-By I. Luto,
          German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel on Monday condemned in the sharpest terms the attempts to topple the democratically elected Albanian government through the use of violence, Albania's Foreign Ministry Press and Information department told ATA on Tuesday.
          "The anti-government protestors should immediately lay down their weapons and give up further violence and threats. The current conflict can be settled only through talks based on the constitutional order. We support president Meidani in his efforts to resolve the  conflict," said kinkel.
          He said that there is an acute danger that the success of efforts over the last year to achieve stability in the country will be carelessly gambled away by the violent behavior of rebels and the whole country will - as in spring 1997 - slide into chaos and anarchy."
          "The international community is prepared to help mediate to end the confli ct if it escalates further. In this regard we are holding talks with our partners of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and NATO. The fateful events of spring 1997 must not be allowed to be repeated," said Kinkel.
          He has also spoken of the creation, at his own initiative, of a crisis headquarters to monitor the situation in Tirana through constant contact with the Austrian presidency of the European Union (EU), to establish close cooperation and agreement on all matters  concerning Albania. /mima/lm/

    Parliament's Presidency 7 years work looted

          TIRANE, Sept 15, ATA - Parliament's Presidency incurred great losses because of the raid carried out by the gunmen, who broke in the offices of this building on Monday.
          All the offices and conference halls are out of use, not fit for normal work. It is destroyed all the computer system,the archive, the documentation on legislation, press office, research work office and the library," Skender Duka the spokesman of the parliament told ATA.
          "What concerns us more it is not the loot of the equipment, but the loss of the discs having the 7 years work of this institution," he added.
          During Monday's funeral ceremony of Democratic Party deputy, Azem Hajdari murdered by gunfire on Saturday, a group of armed men attacked Prime Minister's Office, Parliament's Presidency building and other state institutions./dast/lola/

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Albania Crisis web page
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 23:21:44 +0200
        Von:         Mario Profaca <mprofaca@PUBLIC.SRCE.HR>
    ALBANIA  web page  at Mario's Cyberspace Station   http://mprofaca.cro.net/albania.html

     Mario Profaca,  freelance journalist  mprofaca@reporters.net  Zagreb, Croatia

     * * * Mario's Cyberspace Station  <http://mprofaca.cro.net>
    "Yes, the world is a sick place, and Mario Profaca is its webmaster."
          The New York Times, Cybertimes, <http://mprofaca.cro.net/refnyt.html>

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\15ata01
    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 14:18:48 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Albanian president sends message to Albanian people

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - President of Albania Rexhep Meidani sent a message on Monday to the Albanian people saying that the future of the democratic Albania could not be achieved through "coup d'etat type" of occupation of institutions and perpetrators  would soon be brought before justice.
          "On Sunday I started consultations with the political parties to find a political solution acceptable and fruitful for all Albanians for the present situation. But today some armed groups taking advantage of the funeral of the deputy Azen Hajdari  dealt a blow at this process by attacking some state institutions  and keeping the capital under terror for some hours," Meidani said.
          The funeral of the Democratic deputy Azem Hajdari, who was killed on Saturday by unidentified persons, was organised on Monday during which armed persons attacked institutions looting office equipment, destroying documents and others.
          Meidani said that he did not doubt that members and sympathizers of the Democratic Party know how to distinguish pain, revolt and their requests for justice and political solution from vandalism which served only a group on the detriment of all others.
          He said that he had cooperated with the political parties and all political forces of the Albanian institutions to restore normality which was and will be a preliminary for efficacious political consultations.
          "The international community, institutions present in Albania, numerous friends and partners, condemn violence for political reasons. This has been said in many contacts we have had with presidents and prime ministers of different countries and statements of international organisations," Meidani said. /mima/ak/

    Albania persident meets all coalition political forces

           TIRANE, 15 Sept. (ATA) - The president of Albania, Rexhep Meidani, is holding a meeting with all the political forces of the coalition government, to find an acceptable solution to the present situation, a president's spokesman said on Monday.
          The political parties of the coalition government are represented by their leaders, while Socialist Party is represented by its Secretary General, Pandeli Majko, the press office at the presidency said.
          President Meidani will carry on his attempts to restore institutional normality in Albania. /mima/A.A/

    Albanian finance minister resigns

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA) - Albanian Finance Minister Arben Malaj resigned on Tuesday making public the reasons for his resignation in a message to the ministry staff, sources from the Finance Ministry said to ATA.
          "For reasons already public i.e. for lack of responsibility  on the part of Albanian politics, for lack of ethics and support in cooperation, I have been obliged to present my resignation twice but it has been turned down both in October 1997 and some days earlier," Malaj said in the message.
          He said that he together with the staff had worked to establish good finances for Albania. He added that these successes are devoted "to the staff I have worked, to the government, to the understanding of people who accepted them as a solution."
          "Every success in finance is not stable if the Albanian political class is not able to understand that the political crises which are not managed well bring about financial crises which are a burden to those people who hope for a better situation, and the successes can die out very soon together with our work," Malaj said.
          "At present I will face a difficult personal situation, full of slanders, accusations, plots and false files as well as phone eavesdrop. The Albanian politics has always wanted scapegoat and has always had its victims," he said.
          "In no case I would feel myself guilty of being an idealist for my country, in no case I would feel myself guilty of trying to introduce order in finances of my country even when this harms concrete interests, which concocted preposterous charges," he said.
          Arben Malaj was appointed minister of Finance in the government of national reconciliation in March '97 and kept his post in the new government founded after the June '97 elections. /agj/ak/

    Interior Minister says coup d'etat failed

          TIRANE, Sept 15 (ATA) - Albanian Interior Minister, Perikli Teta,  declared on Tuesday that the coup d'etat organized by the criminal structures of the Democratic Party, had totally failed and the police had the situation under control.
          The number one of the Albanian Police told the state media after attempts on Monday to usurp state institutions by force of arms.
          The funeral of the Democratic deputy, Azem Hajdari, who was  killed on Saturday by unidentified persons was organized on Monday. During this ceremony many armed people stormed their way into institutions looting offices, destroying documents of pensions, houses, estates, and so on.
          Teta declared that the police were on alert to protect state institutions and properties of citizens.
          "Me first and police forces that are on alert are ready to die in defence of the state".
          He also said that he had not given permission for a rally of the Democratic Party, scheduled early on Monday.
          "I have not given permission for this rally because many terrorist acts, which we themselves saw on Sunday, may happen. /mima/A.A/

    Special forces engaged in seizing a tank at DP headquarters

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA) - By Th. Thanasi: Special forces of the Ministry of Public Order have prepared a special plan to seize a tank commandeered by a group of terrorists and located near the opposition Democratic party (DP) headquarter in Tirana.
          A ministry's spokesman said to ATA on Tuesday that they expected that special forces undertake an operation to seize it and weapons the terrorist group was holding.
          The spokesman said that negotiations held during the night and early in the morning by deputy minister and adviser of the Interior minister with the DP representatives failed.
          "The DP leaders refused to persuade terrorists to hand in weapons," he said.
          He added that the Ministry of Order had taken all the measures to face this situation. Some 2.000 forces have been deployed at the Ministry of Public Order while 1000 other were  on incessant move in Tirana roads. /mima/ak/

    Interior Ministry appeals to terrorists to hand in weapons

          TIRANA, Sept 15 (ATA) - Albanian Interior Ministry, which closely follows the situation, warned the Democratic Party (DP) to assume responsibilities for a group of terrorists and a commandeered tank located in front of party's headquarter in Tirane, a ministry's statement said on Tuesday.
          Until early in the mourning police have negotiated with  the DP representatives to persuade them hand in weapons and draw back from their positions in order to avoid further incidents.
          Hoping that the leaders of the opposition will become reasonable, police is waiting for weapons to be handed in. The terrorists have provoked police firing at the direction of the Interior Ministry, but more than provocations these acts show the desperation of criminals who loot others' properties as in Middle Ages.
          The Interior Ministry called on the Democratic Party to distance itself from these persons, otherwise the DP would be responsible for all that could happen afterwards.
          At the same time the Interior Ministry called on all international bodies operating in Albania to follow the situation  near this ministry which on its part was decided to act with all its might to squash armed groups. /mima/A.A/

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press-Release: FREE SPEECH FORUM
    Datum:         Tue, 15 Sep 1998 09:00:29 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
    Contact Person: Fisnik Sina
    Tel. 00 355 42 28666

    Tirana, September 15, 1998

    The police forces in Tirana last night broke in the house of the known journalist, Mrs. Antoneta Malja to arrest her.   Her "guilt" is already made public, not only inside Albania's borders, but also in Diaspora and anywhere Albanians live. From the screen of the Albanian state TV, she called on the Albanian people to calm down and self-restraint, so indispensable in these moments Albania is going through.
            "Free Speech" forum protests in the strongest terms for these actions and calls on the official authorities to withdraw from violence and pressure against journalists that bravely and with high responsibility inform the public opinion

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:14ata03
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 21:07:13 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Speaker says state should strongly act against law violators

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - By P. Shuteriqi: State should be engaged totally against those who violate law, its legal institutions, Skender Gjinushi, Albanian parliamentary Speaker and leader of the Social Democratic party, said on Monday.
          Asked by ATA on the attitude of the coalition government towards the request of Democratic leader Sali Berisha, who speaks on behalf of the Union for Democracy, for the resignation of the Albanian president Fatos Nano, Gjinushi said: "Resignations should not be asked in the form of coup d'etat by usurping state institutions by force of weapons."
          As regards possible changes in this crisis situation Albania is facing he said that "at issue is not what would change in the ruling coalition but what would change in the mentality of those who brought about this chaotic situation."
          Saying that the present situation "is under the total control of government forces", Gjinushi added that "we are drawing up a special institutional package considering possible improvements as regards public order and law, fight against corruption and contraband in every form they would appear." /s.s/dast/ak/

    DAP leader says "we are determined to implement government mandate of June 29"

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - By P. Shuteriqi: President of the Democratic Alliance party (DAP) Neritan Ceka said late on Monday that "we have asked the minister of Order Perikli Teta to stay at his post until justice establish the circumstances on the assassination of the leaders of students' movement Azem Hajdari."
          Ceka was determined that the present government should implement the mandate it gained by the free vote of the people on June 29, defend by all means "the building and its leaders".
          As regards the possible changes, he said that "they are necessary in the spirit of proposals which would be presented institutionally in the round table of political parties," /dast/ak/

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:14ata02
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 20:31:25 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Police forces control state owned television

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - Albanian police have put under complete control the building of the Albanian radio television, the only national television channel.
          A spokesman of the Ministry of Order said to ATA that RENEA special forces have put the building of the Albanian radio Television under control at 19.20. p.m.
          Armed persons, militants of the Democratic party (DP) were forced to go away in panic leaving behind the ammunition.
          The building was occupied on Monday midday by armed protesters. /ak/
    US official calls on Albanians to resort peaceful means

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - A U.S. senior official of the Department of State Aline Milloy called on the Albanian people to continue using all democratic means to stop the latest unrest.
          Milloy said that the United States strongly condemned the use of force either by the protesters or the government forces.
          She said that the U.S. Embassy in Tirana is working hard and is in touch with the Albanian political forces to find a peaceful solution. /dast/ak/
    Albania president to consult opposition party leaders

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - Prez Zogaj, adviser of the Albanian president said in an interview on Monday that "the president of Albania is expected to have a meeting with the leaders of the Albanian opposition parties on extremely tense situation engulfing Albania."
          Zogaj said that Meidani had a package of political solutions on his table which, according to him, would be considered in meetings with leaders of the Albanian opposition parties. /dast/ak/
    Normality restored in capital, police patrol roads

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - By Th. Thanasi: Police forces restore order and law late on Monday all over the capital of Albania.
          "Albanian police will protect institutions. State and Albania will exist, Albanians should not be afraid to leave in Albania," Perikli Teta, minister of Public Order, told journalists late on Monday.
          Police sources said that on Monday at 16.00 p.m. police vehicles and those of "Shqiponja" forces started patrolling squares and roads of Tirana to restore normality lost during today's midday.
          "All state buildings and the Radio Television are put under the control of police and these forces have also been supported by the Tirana people," Ilir Bellovoda, chief of the police department at the Tirana prefecture said. /dast/ak/

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:14ata01
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 18:10:07 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    OSCE - Council of Europe joint statement

          TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)-The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe join the international community in the deep sorrow and condemnation for the assassination of Azem Hajdari and his bodyguard. They convey their deepest condolences and sympathy to their families and friends.
          In this statement the OSCE and the Council of Europe stress that the Albanian government should undertake the most vigorous acts possible to bring the culprits to justice.
          "We understand the anger and emotions created from this tragic event. However we strongly denounce the emerging violence."
          "We are fully convinced that the majority of Albanians do not want the reoccurrence of last year's anarchy and chaos. Therefore, we call on all political leaders and their supporters not to respond to the situation in an undemocratic and violent way.
          The OSCE and the Council of Europe offer their full support in overcoming the current situation and addressing to the long-term problems of Albania.
          In conclusion the statement says that the OSCE and the Council of Europe are ready to make possible a quick meeting with all political leaders to find a peaceful settlements to the situation. /das/lm/
    Meidani-Prodi telephone conversations

          TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)-President of the Republic Rexhep Meidani today, besides consultations with various political parties, also had telephone conversations with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, according to the press and information office close to the President of the Republic.
          Prodi, concerned about the negative evolution of the events in Albania, expressed to Meidani his own and his country's maximum support for his efforts in finding a solution to come out of the situation through institutional ways, accepted by all.
          He expressed confidence in these efforts, considering his (Meidani's) ongoing balanced role during his term as president.
          Constantly informed of today's events, Prodi expressed readiness to offer his aid in resolving the crisis.
          Meidani thanked the Italian friend and the country he leads for their interest and assistance for Albania's stability and development. /das/lm/
    Italian Premier calls for dialogue among Albanian political Forces

          TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)-Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi on Sunday condemned the murder of the Democratic Party (DP) deputy Azem Hajdari and his bodyguard.
          He emphasised the need for a halt to violence and for the whole country and its political forces to renew their pledge to overcome difficulties in the name of the supreme and common interest to create conditions for a civil community, according to the Albanian Foreign Ministry Press and Information Department.
          This statement was made at the end of an emergency meeting on Sunday between Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi with deputy Prime Minister Valter Veltroni, Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini, undersecretary for Foreign Relations Piero Fassino and Defence Minister Beniamino Andreatta to discuss the situation in Albania.
           "Prodi, who has had several telephone conversations today with the president of the Republic Rexhep Meidani, Prime Minister Fatos Nano and chairman of the Democratic Party Sali Berisha, has condemned the murder in Tirana of the Democratic Party deputy, Azem Hajdari, and of one of his bodyguards near his party's headquarters," the statement s says.
          It says that based on the commitment of the Albanian political forces to overcome the difficulties in the name of the supreme interest, the international community and Italy will continue efforts to rehabilitate Albania and stabilise it within the framework of the European institutions."
          "An end to any violent act, from all sides, and the stability of institutions are indispensable conditions for political and democratic dialogue to resume and international support in rebuilding the nation to continue," it added.
          Saturday evening, at around 21.15, near the DP headquarters, the DP deputy and chairman of the parliamentary Defence Commission was shot dead by gunfire.
          The shooting also killed one of his bodyguards, Besim Ceraj, while the other was severely wounded. /mima/lm/

    Meidani meets opposition Union for Democracy and United Right Groupings

          TIRANA, Sept 13 (ATA)-President of the Republic Rexhep Meidani called representatives of the political parties of government coalition as well as of the opposition, represented by the Union for Democracy and the United Right, to separate meetings today.
          Meidani asked the political forces to try to find solutions to calm the situation and bring the country back to normality.
          Meidani pledged that, within the constitutional powers, he will continue his efforts in this direction. /das/lm/

    Public statement of Rexhep Meidani on latest developments

          TIRANE, Sept 13 /ATA/ - President of the Republic Rexhep Meidani on Sunday evening made a public statement on the murder on Saturday of Azem Hajdari, deputy and member of the Democratic Party.
          "Dear compatriots, mothers, sisters, brothers, young men and women.
          I am speaking to you tonight, as your President, your fellow-citizen, as a parent, brother and as one of you. I wouldn't like to speak about grave things, because I know, we are weary of grave events. But, a fatal event took place, a deputy was murdered, a politician of the opposition, a parent, a husband, member of our Albanian family, Azem Hajdari.
          I am convinced that we all are afflicted, we all condemn that bloody hand and are thinking who are these enemies to peace and stability.
          Today I expressed my deep condolences to Azem's family, wife, friends and fellow-workers. I have asked the competent bodies to urgently investigate this terrorist act to identify and bring the perpetrators to justice. This grave loss asks for justice.
          The tragic assassination of Hajdari should in no way serve to bring back the chaos, which cost us dearly last year. It's our duty show self-restraint, to be united as a people and as a nation.
          Let's mourn for the death of Azem Hajdari. Let the guns be put down, let the violence and the language of hatred be stopped. Let the law be our altar for everything we say and do. In this way do we defend democracy.
          I assure you of my commitment for the competent authorities, law and justice to act quickly, efficiently and with transparence to track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
           It is the duty and honor of everyone for Albania to testify that it can and should build the rule of law and respect the law and state institutions. /das/lola/lm/

    Prime Minister's office attacked -Five tanks of the Guard of the republic seized

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA)-By P. Shuteriqi,
          The participants in the funeral ceremony to pay the last respects to the Democratic Party leader, Azem Hajdari, held at the Scanderbeg square in the capital this morning, attempted to storm the Prime Minister's office.
          Asking the resignation of Prime Minister Fatos Nano, as DP chairman Sali Berisha called for, the crowd of people threw stones and rocks at the prime minister's office, while its guards fired into the air.
          Kalashnikov automatic crackles were heard for some moments from within and outside the prime minister's office, while the crowd of people also seized five tanks of the Guard of the Republic, positioned near the prime minister's office.
          After making several demonstrative movements along the capital's boulevard, the five tanks loaded with dozens of people drove roundabout the prime minister's office and across from the Albanian RTV building.
          The armed policemen of the RTV did not react when people from the crowd stormed the building.
          The current situation in the capital remains tense, while the public life is completely paralyzed. There is no immediate official confirmation of Prime Minister Fatos Nano's resignation.
      Prec Zogaj, advisor to the President of the Republic, in his pronouncement, insisted on "finding a political solution through institutional avenues". /lm/

    Saving deposits increase in leks and foreign currency

          SARANDE, Sept 14, ATA - By Shkelqim Hajno, Saving Bank in Saranda marks a noticeable increase of deposits in lek and foreign currency.
          "The deposits in leks marks an increase of 35% as compared with late 1997, while those in foreign currency marks 19%," said Andon Vasili, director of this bank for ATA.
          To his opinion the increase of the citizens' deposits shows the restore of confidence to saving banks. Vasili considers the reconstruction of the banks, which brought about the joint of both agriculture and saving banks, as a positive factor  which influence the circulation of the clients'payments, reducing the procedures from 15-20 days to 2-3 days. Vasili said that the use of the cheque has noticeably influenced bank's payments, avoiding in this way the movement of the traders and businessmen with the money from Saranda to the capital and other parts of Albania, and vice versa.
          Saving bank in Saranda was looted during the riots and chaos of 1997. The monetary value looted last year was estimated some 30% of the treasure. While the rest of the treasure was defended by the bank's employees, said the director./s.s./lola/

    New academic year starts in all capital's schools

          TIRANE, Sept 14, ATA By P.Shuteriqi
          The new academic year 1998-1999 starts, on Monday, in all schools of the capital.      "Some 55 000 pupils flocked 75 schools, of elementary and high-school level, in the capital," Kujtim Kapllani, director of Education Department in Tirana said to ATA.
          "In order to rehabilitate the 75 schools, of elementary and high-school level, in Tirana the project "Tirana 2 000" will start. This project has a fund of 500 000 dollars, provided by "For Education development" (AEDP) office of Soros foundation" Kapllani said./mima/lola/

    Berisha urges prime minister's resignation, calm

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - Head of the Democratic party (DP) Sali Berisha again called on the Albanian prime minister Fatos Nano to step down in order not to deepen the crisis and create the possibility for political forces to create an interim government.
          "We believe that every crisis cannot be resolved through violence but it needs a political solution," Berisha said on Monday.
          He called on protesters to stay calm and avoid acts of violence.
          Berisha' appeal comes immediately after today's protests when people irritated about the killing of the deputy Azem Hajdari, protested in front of the Council of Ministry building and Albanian radio television. Weapon confrontations were also reported. /s.s/ak/

    Albanian politicians should find a peaceful political solution

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - The ambassador of the United States in Tirana Marisa Lino said on Monday that she and heads of the European Union, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe missions met today to discuss situation in Albania.
          "The U.S. government as well as the heads of these bodies strongly condemn the use of violence in Tirana for political reasons. Leaders of all political forces should assume the responsibility for the behavior of their supporters," Lino said.
          She said that the task of the political leaders in Albania is to find a peaceful solution in order to respect the democratic process.
          "We call on political leaders to cooperate with the president on proposals for a solution to the crisis. The international community is engaged in supporting every package of measures approved through political consultations. Parties which are not playing a constructive role should be aware of the consequences," the U.S. ambassador said. /s.sh/ak/

    Chaotic situation prevails in Tirana

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - The situation in the Albanian capital Tirana continues to be chaotic after Monday midday.
          Groups of people moved around at 15.00. p.m. and fired shots in the air while others on tanks moved along the Skenderbej square and main roads of Tirana.
          After the attacks on main state institutions and Albanian radio television, the crowds both in the Tirana main square and in front of the Democratic party headquarters shouted slogans asking the government and its prime minister Fatos Nano to resign amid fireshots.
          Passers-by moved quickly along and all bars and shops were closed. Special individuals were seen carrying looted goods from different shops such as television sets, shoes and others. Others in groups looted cars, parts of vehicles, motorcycles.
          Fireshots started on Monday midday and lasted even after 15.00. and the communication with the order bodies is impossible.
          There is no official confirmation on 17 injured by fireshots reported by private electronic media in Tirana.
          International bodies have called for calm saying that "any solution should be natural after a calm situation," they said in their statements while the situation in the capital is paralysed. /ak/

    Dialogue between political forces is very important

          TIRANA, Sept 14 (ATA) - Secretary General of the Socialist party Pandeli Majko denied on Monday midday the news reported by the private electronic media for the resignation of Albanian prime minister Fatos Nano.
          "I can say you that Nano has not resigned," Majko, one of the main leaders of the Socialist party, said.
          "Resignation is a personal act and it should not serve as a basis for Berisha's revanche," Majko said.
          He said that "the Albanian politics should give messages of peace and security for people in these moments. Therefore, the dialogue between political forces is very important and politicians should get rid of statements."
          Majko said that the Italian prime minister Romano Prodi was expected to visit Albania.
          "His scheduled visit for Monday is postponed only," Majko said. /s.sh/ak/

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News: Government Counterattack in Albania.8.05pm AlbTime
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 15:52:33 -0400
        Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
    Taken without permission, for fair use only.

    Government Counterattack in Albania
    TIRANA, Albania (AP) - Supporters of former President Sali Berisha seized government buildings in the Albanian capital today and demanded the government resign. Government forces launched a counterattack hours later, killing three Berisha supporters and wounding 14.
    Interior Ministry spokesman Artan Bizhga, who reported the casualties, also said the parliament building and the offices of Prime Minister Fatos Nano were back in government hands.
    Shortly afterward, special police units recaptured government television. A member of the television's board of directors appeared on camera and urged workers who had fled to return because "I can't run this by myself."
    The shooting began in Tirana after protesters carried the bodies of a slain politician and two others to Nano's office. The opposition blames him for the deaths.
    A daylong insurrection followed in which gunmen seized government television, the parliament and at least four government tanks. At one point, thousands of people milled about central Skanderbeg Square, firing weapons in the air.
    At least three people were wounded in front of Nano's office; a complete count of casualties was impossible.
    The unrest threatened a repeat of nationwide riots that swept Albania last year after the collapse of pyramid investment schemes that cost many people their life's savings. The turmoil sent refugees into Italy, Greece and elsewhere in Europe.
    The United States and the European Union have expressed fear that the current violence could spread elsewhere in the Balkans, including the Serbian province of Kosovo, where ethnic Albanian rebels are fighting for independence.
    Thousands of mourners scattered in terror today as guards inside the main government building began firing at those who brought the bodies of opposition leader Azem Hajdari and two others to Nano's office following a service at Skanderbeg Square. Hajdari and a party member were slain Saturday outside their Democratic Party headquarters, and the third victim was a protester killed during rioting Sunday.
    Berisha, who has called for Nano's immediate resignation, appealed for calm in a televised address. He urged his followers to seek a political solution to "this deep crisis."
    "The attempts of Sali Berisha to come back to power through a coup are in vain," Foreign Minister Paskal Milo told a private radio station. "The international community is acting very fast. This government has won the vote of the majority of the Albanian people and it has the responsibility for governing the country."
    Government spokesman Ben Blushi said Nano would not resign and that Nano was in Tirana.
    this afternoon, police cars reappeared in Skanderbeg Square and firefighters battled a blaze in an electronics shop that had been looted and set afire.
    Early in the day, opposition members seized at least four government tanks, and civilians climbed atop the vehicles while they moved down the streets. Another group stormed the government's television studios, sending many of staff members fleeing. An unidentified man appeared on television, announcing "we have taken over."
    Young men were breaking into shops, which had closed for Hajdari's funeral, and could be seen carrying off jeans and other goods. A luxury hotel on Skanderbeg Square sealed off its entrances.
    Residents were stocking up on food, fearing a protracted power struggle.
    During today's funeral, Berisha repeated allegations that Nano was responsible for Hajdari's death and called for a "day of peace" to honor the charismatic former student leader.
    After the ceremony, the crowd carried the bodies - each in a wooden coffin - to the prime minister's office, which was attacked and set afire Sunday. Envoys from the United States and the European Union issued a joint statement deploring the violence and hinting that they might cut off economic aid if the government falls.
    "The government will ... take necessary decisions to avoid conflicts and bloodshed," Nano's office said Sunday. Nano called on the people "to be calm and not permit armed crowds to violate the state institutions."
    Berisha has openly supported rebels in neighboring Kosovo. In last year's Albanian unrest, more than a million weapons were looted from government armories, and many of the guns ended up in Kosovo.

    U.S. condemns violence in Albania
    WASHINGTON, Sept 14 (Reuters) - The United States on Monday condemned political violence in Albania and said it would not recognize a government that took power by force.
    State Department spokesman James Rubin said: "The United States strongly condemns the use of violence for political ends in Albania.... The United States will not recognize or work with a government that comes to power through violent means."
    Anti-government protesters stormed public buildings and commandeered tanks in the Albanian capital Tirana on Monday in the worst violence in the country for over a year. Prime Minister Fatos Nano, in hiding, said a coup was underway.
    Opposition Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha, blaming Nano for the murder of colleague Azem Hajdari, demanded the resignation of Nano's five-party coalition.
    Rubin said: "The government and the opposition will be held responsible for resolving the current crisis. Members of all parties must work together toward a peaceful solution that respects the democratic process.
    "The leaders of all political parties in Albania must take responsibility for the behavior of their followers. Those that do not play a constructive role must bear the consequences."

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press Release of Union for Democracy
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 19:19:38 -0100
        Von:         Mira <mira@ABROCI.TIRANA.AL>


    Tirana, 14 September 1998

    This Monaday had a tragical outcome.
    This Monday can be considered as the bloody Monday of Fatos Nano.
    Still hungry, after suckling the blood of three martyrs of democracy: Azem Hajdari, Besim Cerajand Skender Kalenja, the police and the army have wounded 40 persons amongs whoch 5 children and 10 women.

    Some 18 persons have been hospitalized in Tirana hospital and others are being treated at home.
    The violence erupted when the bodyguards of Fatos Nano shot their first injuries and injured 4 unarmed persons.
            Criminals in uniform, so many times denounced by the Union for Democracy are ill treating citizens of Tirana who are travelling on feet or by car in different streets of Tirana.
            Union for Democracy expresses its regret and wishes soon recovery of the injured and their family members and calls on the international community to intervene in order to stop the activity of this state whose platform is based on crime.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] PRESS RELEASE
    Datum:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 18:31:43 -0100
        Von:         Mira <mira@ABROCI.TIRANA.AL>

                            PRESS RELEASE

                                             Tirana, 14 September 1998


            Berisha denies that the Democratic Party (DP) intends to take part in a technical Government.
            Berisha reiterates that the DP woun't take part in any kind of government that will be issued following the negotiations of all political parties, but it will support the future government.

    10. eventual additional press news 
    Go to  Part 2
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    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Halleluja! Lobe den HERRN, meine Seele ! 
        Ich will den HERRN loben, solange ich lebe, 
             und meinem Gott lobsingen, solange ich bin. 
        Verlasset euch nicht auf Fuersten; 
             sie sind Menschen, die koennen ja nicht helfen. 
        Denn des Menschen Geist muss davon, 
        und er muss wieder zu Erde werden; 
             dann sind verloren alle seine Plaene. 
        Wohl dem, dessen Hilfe der Gott Jakobs ist, 
             der seine Hoffnung setzt auf den HERRN, seinen Gott, 
        der Himmel und Erde gemacht hat, 
             das Meer und alles, was darinnen ist; 
        der Treue haelt ewiglich, 
        der Recht schafft denen, die Gewalt leiden, 
             der die Hungrigen speiset. 
        Der HERR macht die Gefangenen frei. 
             Der HERR macht die Blinden sehend. 
        Der HERR richtet auf, die niedergeschlagen sind. 
             Der HERR liebt die Gerechten. 
        Der HERR behuetet die Fremdlinge 
        und erhaelt Waisen und Witwen; 
             aber die Gottlosen fuehrt er in die Irre. 
        Der HERR ist Koenig ewiglich, 
             dein Gott, Zion, fuer und fuer. Halleluja ! 
         Psalm 146
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. 
        While I live will I praise the LORD: 
             I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. 
        Put not your trust in princes, 
             [nor] in the son of man, in whom [there is] no help. 
        His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; 
             in that very day his thoughts perish. 
        Happy [is he] that [hath] the God of Jacob for his help, 
             whose hope [is] in the LORD his God: 
        Which made heaven, and earth, 
             the sea, and all that therein [is]: 
        which keepeth truth for ever: 
        Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: 
             which giveth food to the hungry. 
        The LORD looseth the prisoners: 
             The LORD openeth [the eyes of] the blind: 
        the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: 
             the LORD loveth the righteous: 
        The LORD preserveth the strangers; 
        he relieveth the fatherless and widow: 
             but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down. 
        The LORD shall reign for ever, 
             [even] thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. 
        Praise ye the LORD. 
        Psalm 146
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
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    Wolfgang Plarre
    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 15.9.1998  

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