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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 22. September 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - September 22, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1560

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1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 17:02  http://seite1.web.de/show/3607BC0C.NL1/

Serben berichten von Erfolgen bei Offensive im Kosovo
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Serbische Einheiten haben nach eigenen Angaben am Dienstag mehrere Stützpunkte der albanischen Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK in Zentral-Kosovo eingenommen.
     Bei heftigen Kämpfen habe die UCK große Verluste erlitten, berichtete das halboffizielle serbische Medien-Zentrum aus der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina. In den eroberten Siedlungen seien zahlreiche Waffen und Munition sichergestellt worden.
     Die Sicherheitskräfte setzten in den Nachmittagsstunden die Verfolgung versprengter UCK-Gruppen in den Cicevica-Bergen fort. Das serbische Innenministerium hatte zuvor Kämpfe in den Cicevica-Bergen bestätigt. Der Sender B 92 (Belgrad) meldete, daß bei der Offensive auch Einheiten der jugoslawischen Armee mit Panzern eingesetzt würden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 17:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3607BF64.NL1/
Kinkel: Kontaktgruppe vor Einigung über Kosovo-Resolution
New York (dpa) - Die westlichen Staaten und Rußland stehen kurz vor der Einigung auf eine Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates zum Kosovo-Konflikt. Der deutsche Außenminister Klaus Kinkel sagte am Dienstag in New York vor Journalisten, er erwarte den Entwurf der Entschließung noch in dieser Woche. Darin werde auch auf Maßnahmen nach Kapitel 7 der UNO-Charta Bezug genommen, auf die Möglichkeit eines militärischen Eingreifens als letztem Schritt. Dagegen hatte es bisher starken russischen Widerstand gegeben.
     In den Beratungen an Rande der UNO-Vollversammlung sei «ein entscheidender Schritt vorwärts» gemacht worden, sagte Kinkel. Er war am Vorabend zu einem offenbar entscheidenden Gespräch mit seinem russischen Kollegen Igor Iwanow zusammengetroffen. Deutschland ist neben den USA, Rußland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und Italien Mitglied der Balkan-Kontaktgruppe.
     Kinkel gab dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic erneut die Hauptschuld an dem blutigen Konflikt im Kosovo. «Milosevic geht mit seiner Schönrederei massiv an den Tatsachen vorbei», sagte der deutsche Außenminister. Milosevic lasse nach wie vor die Kosovo-Albaner, also seine eigenen Staatsbürger, aus ihrer Heimat vertreiben.
     Die EU-Außenminister beschlossen am Dienstag die Ernennung eines eigenen Kosovo-Beauftragten. Diese Funktion wurde dem österreichischen Botschafter in Belgrad, Herbert Grubmayr, übertragen. Er soll nach dem Beispiel des amerikanischen Kosovo-Beauftragten Christopher Hill die europäischen Aktivitäten bündeln.
     Der italienische Ministerpräsident Lamberto Dini hatte bereits in der vergangenen Woche eine Reihe von Vorschlägen gemacht, darunter eine starke europäische Polizeimission. Innerhalb der OSZE soll sich ein «Freundeskreis Albanien» intensiv um die Normalisierung der Verhältnisse kümmern. Über Einzelheiten wird die EU-Arbeitsgruppe für den westlichen Balkan am 29. September beraten.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 14:04  http://seite1.web.de/show/3607927A.NL1/
Neue Kämpfe im Zentral-Kosovo
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Am Dienstag ist es zu neuen heftigen Kämpfen zwischen serbischen Sicherheitskräften und albanischen Untergrundkämpfern der UCK im Drenica-Gebiet in Zentral-Kosovo gekommen.
     Die Serben setzten in ihren Angriffen auf das Dorf Cirez Hunderte von Panzerfahrzeugen ein, meldete das albanische Kosovo-Informationszentrum aus der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina.
     An den Angriffen, bei denen mindestens 16 Albaner verletzt wurden, nehmen auch Armee-Einheiten teil. Cirez gilt als einer der letzten größeren UCK-Stützpunkte. Dort sollen sich einige tausend Flüchtlinge befinden.
     Gekämpft wurde auch im Bereich des Cicevica-Gebirges, nahe Obilic, und die starken Detonationen konnten auch in Pristina gehört werden, meldete die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta.
     Serbische Quellen bestätigten die Militäraktion, die nach einem UCK-Angriff auf ein serbisches Dorf begonnen hatte. Dabei wurde ein Serbe verletzt.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 14:45  http://seite1.web.de/show/36079C2A.NL1/
Militärbeauftragter der Kosovo-Albaner erschossen - heftige Kämpfe
Tirana/Belgrad/Brüssel/New York (dpa) - Oberst Ahmet Krasniqi, «Verteidigungsminister» der Kosovo-Albaner, ist in der albanischen Hauptstadt Tirana von Unbekannten erschossen worden.
     Zwei Maskierte hätten den 50jährigen «Verteidigungsminister» am Montag abend vor seinem Haus ermordet, teilten das albanische Ministerium für Öffentliche Ordnung und die international nicht anerkannte Kosovo- Regierung am Dienstag mit.
     Krasniqi sollte militärische Strukturen aufbauen. Unterdessen lieferten sich serbische Einheiten und albanische Kämpfer der Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK am Dienstag im Zentrum der Krisenprovinz neue heftige Gefechte.
     Die Serben hätten bei Angriffen auf das Dorf Cirez Hunderte Panzerfahrzeuge eingesetzt, meldete das albanische Kosovo-Informationszentrum. Auch serbische Soldaten seien beteiligt. Mindestens 16 Albaner seien verletzt worden. Cirez gilt als einer der letzten größeren UCK-Stützpunkte.
     Dort sollen sich einige tausend Flüchtlinge befinden. Gekämpft wurde auch im Gebiet des Cicevica-Gebirges. Starke Detonationen konnten in Pristina gehört werden, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) meldete. Serbische Quellen bestätigten die Militäraktion, die nach einem UCK-Angriff auf ein serbisches Dorf begonnen habe.
     Der ermordete Krasniqi war bis 1991 Oberst der ehemaligen Jugoslawischen Volksarmee. Nach Beginn des Krieges in Kroatien trat er den neuen kroatischen Verteidigungskräften bei. Nach Angaben des Ministeriums in Tirana soll er eine hohe Funktion in der UCK bekleidet haben.
     Die albanischen Rebellen im Kosovo hatten sich zum Teil über das benachbarte «Mutterland» Albanien mit Waffen im Kampf gegen die Serben versorgt. «Dieser Mord wird die Bemühungen des Volkes im Kosovo um Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit nicht aufhalten», hieß es in einer Stellungnahme der albanischen Kosovo-Regierung.
     Die jüngste Offensive serbischer Einheiten im Kosovo hat nach Schätzungen des UNO-Flüchtlingshilfswerks weitere 15 000 bis 20 000 Menschen obdachlos gemacht. Nach Berichten von Vertriebenen seien bei den Angriffen auf mehrere Dörfer in der vergangenen Woche 90 Menschen getötet worden, sagte UNHCR-Sprecher Kris Janowski in Genf.
     Angesichts zunehmender serbischer Gewalt sowie der Flucht Zehntausender Kosovo-Albaner werde ein militärisches Eingreifen der NATO immer wahrscheinlicher, hieß es am Dienstag aus NATO-Kreisen. Am Mittwoch wird der NATO-Rat in Brüssel darüber beraten, mit welchen Kampfflugzeuge die Allianz serbische Stellungen angreifen könnte.
     Von serbischer Seite würden mittlerweile auch Panzerverbände gegen die Kosovo-Albaner eingesetzt. Somit werde ein Eingreifen aus humanitären Gründen, das auch ohne UNO-Resolution gerechtfertigt werden könne, fast zwingend. Dazu gehörten «Luftschläge auf harte militärische Ziele bei den Serben», hieß es weiter.
     Im Tauziehen um das Zustandekommen einer Entschließung des UNO-Sicherheitsrates zum Kosovo-Konflikt zeichnet sich nach deutschen Angaben möglicherweise ein Kompromiß ab.
     Bei den Beratungen in New York geht es um die Formulierung einer Resolution, die Maßnahmen nach Kapitel 7 der UNO-Charta gegen Belgrad. Dieses Kapitel bietet die Möglichkeit eines militärischen Eingreifens als letztes Mittel.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 15:31  http://seite1.web.de/show/3607A6A4.NL1/
Belgrad bestätigt Kämpfe im Zentral-Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Das serbische Innenministerium hat am Dienstag schwere Kämpfe in den Cicevica-Bergen in der Krisenprovinz Kosovo bestätigt. Polizei-Einheiten hätten das Berggebiet eingekreist, teilte das Ministerium mit.
     In dieser Region, 20 Kilometer nordwestlich der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina, befinden sich etwa 50 Angehörige der albanischen Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK, die wegen Kriegsverbrechen gesucht würden, sagte Polizeisprecher Bozidar Filic dem staatlichen Radio Belgrad. Angaben über eventuelle Opfer der Kämpfe nannte Filic zunächst nicht.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 13:02  http://seite1.web.de/show/360783CC.NL1/
NATO will im Kosovo-Konflikt Druck auf Milosevic verschärfen
Brüssel (dpa) - Im Kosovo-Konflikt will die NATO in dieser Woche den Druck auf den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodon Milosevic verstärken. An diesem Mittwoch wird der NATO-Rat in Brüssel darüber beraten, mit welchen Kampfflugzeigen die Allianz serbische Stellungen angreifen könnte. Am Donnerstag und Freitag kommen die NATO-Verteidigungsminister im südportugiesischen Ort Vilamoura zusammen.
     Angesichts zunehmender Gewalt serbischer Sicherheitskräfte sowie der Flucht zehntausender Kosovo-Albaner werde ein militärisches Eingreifen der NATO immer wahrscheinlicher, hieß es dazu am Dienstag aus NATO-Kreisen.
     Von serbischer Seite würden mittlerweile auch Panzerverbände gegen die Kosovo-Albaner eingesetzt. Somit werde ein Eingreifen aus humanitären Gründen fast zwingend, das auch ohne UNO-Resolution gerechtfertigt werden könne. Dazu gehörten «Luftschläge auf harte militärische Ziele bei den Serben», hieß es weiter.
     «Wir müssen Milosevic nun eine klare Warnung geben, daß unsere Geduld zu Ende ist». sagte ein hoher NATO-Beamter in Brüsel, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte. «Mindestens 50 000 Menschen müssen im Freien leben. Die Aufklärungs-Satelliten zeigen uns nachts die Bilder von den Lagerfeuern.» Die NATO stehe auch bereit, eng mit der UNO-Flüchtlingsorganisation UNHCR zusammenzuarbeiten.
     Bei dem Treffen in Vilamoura steht deshalb die Krise um das Kosovo im Mittelpunkt. Die Verteidigungsminister werden noch einmal die militärischen Optionen prüfen. «Sie haben nun klare Entscheidungshilfen der Militärs auf dem Tisch», erklärte der NATO-Beamte.
     Allerdings hat der nach Portugal eingeladene russische Verteidigungsminister Igor Sergejew abgesagt. Als Grund wurden der NATO die inner-russischen Probleme genannt. Rußland lehnt bisher jedes militärische Eingreifen der NATO in den Kosovo-Konflikt ab.
     An diesem Donnerstag kommt in New York aber erstmals seit diesem Juli wieder die Internationale Kontaktgruppe zusammen, in der neben den USA, Großbritannien, Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien auch Rußland vertreten ist. Ebenfalls in New York soll in dieser Woche noch die von Großbritannien und Frankreich vorbereitete UNO-Resolution zum Kosovo vorgelegt werden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 11:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/360768F7.NL1/
Albanischer Kosovo-«Verteidigungsminister» in Tirana ermordet
Tirana (dpa) - Der «Verteidigungsminister» der selbsternannten albanischen Regierung in der südjugoslawischen Provinz Kosovo, Ahmet Krasniqi, ist am Montag abend in der albanischen Hauptstadt Tirana ermordet worden.
     Unbekannte hätten sich den 50jährigen erschossen, als er sich in einem Vorort Tiranas auf dem Heimweg befand, berichtete das Ministerium für Öffentliche Ordnung am Dienstag in der albanischen Hauptstadt.
Krasniqi gehörte der im Ausland arbeitenden Kosovo-«Regierung» an und soll eine hohe Funktion in der Albanischen Befreiungsarmee des Kosovos (UCK) bekleidet haben.
     Die albanischen Rebellen in der von Belgrad kontrollierten Provinz Kosovo hatten sich zum Teil über das benachbarte «Mutterland» Albanien mit Waffen im Kampf gegen die Serben versorgt.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 11:42  http://seite1.web.de/show/36077124.NL1/
UNHCR: Serbische Offensive vertrieb mehr als 15 000 Kosovo-Albaner
Genf (dpa) - Die jüngste Offensive serbischer Einheiten im Kosovo hat nach Schätzungen des UNO-Flüchtlingshilfswerks weitere 15 000 bis 20 000 Menschen obdachlos gemacht.
     Nach Berichten von Vertriebenen seien bei den Angriffen auf mehrere Dörfer in der vergangenen Woche 90 Menschen getötet worden, sagte UNHCR-Sprecher Kris Janowski am Dienstag in Genf. UNO-Mitarbeiter hätten in der Region zwischen Podujevo und Mitrovica brennende Häuser und verkohlte Leichen gesehen.
     Die UNO-Hochkommissarin für Flüchtlinge, Sadako Ogata, reist an diesem Donnerstag nach Belgrad und besucht anschließend das Kosovo. Ziel ihrer fünftägigen Reise ist es, - angesichts der Situation der obdachlosen Flüchtlinge - für eine rasche politische Beilegung des Konflikts zu werben.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 09:18  http://seite1.web.de/show/36074F3E.NL1/
US-Vermittler Hill erneut im Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Der US-Vermittler für den Kosovo, Christopher Hill, ist am Dienstag zu neuen Gesprächen mit dem politischen Führer der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, in Pristina eingetroffen.
     Hill setze damit seine Bemühungen um eine politische Lösung der andauernden Krise in der südserbischen Provinz fort, meldete der Sender B 92 (Belgrad). Am Montag abend hatte sich Hill in Belgrad mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic getroffen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 22.09.1998 03:09  http://seite1.web.de/show/3606F8FE.NL1/
Hoffnung auf Kosovo-Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates
New York (dpa) - Im Tauziehen um das Zustandekommen einer Entschließung des UN-Sicherheitsrates zum Kosovo-Konflikt zeichnet sich nach deutschen Angaben möglicherweise ein Kompromiß ab. Nach einem 45minütigen Gespräch von Außenminister Klaus Kinkel mit seinem russischen Kollegen Igor Iwanow am Rande der UN-Generalversammlung in New York sagte Außenamtssprecher Martin Erdmann in der Nacht zum Dienstag: «Wir stehen am Anfang eines zielführenden Prozesses.»
     Bei den New Yorker Beratungen geht es um die Formulierung einer Resolution, die Maßnahmen nach Kapitel 7 der UN-Charta gegen Belgrad wegen der Verfolgung der ethnisch-albanischen Bevölkerung der Kosovo-Region nicht ausschließt. Dieses Kapitel bietet die Möglichkeit eines militärischen Eingreifens als letztes Mittel. In den vergangenen Monaten hatten Rußland und auch China zu erkennen gegeben, sie würden im UN-Sicherheitsrat ein Veto gegen eine Entschließung einlegen, die auf Kapitel 7 Bezug nimmt.
     Nach Informationen von deutscher Seite haben sich die diplomatischen Bemühungen am Rande der UN-Generalversammlung am Montag auf den Kosovo-Konflikt konzentriert. Kinkel, der darüber auch mit seinem chinesischen Kollegen Tang Jiaxuan konferierte, strebte nach Worten seines Sprechers Erdmann noch in der laufenden Woche ein Treffen der sogenannten Sechs-Mächte-Kontaktgruppe (USA, Rußland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien) auf möglichst hoher Ebene an.
     Erdmann sagte, daß Rußland offenbar bereit sei, mit den übrigen Kontaktgruppen-Mitgliedern «zielführend» zusammenzuarbeiten. Damit hätten sich frühere Eindrücke aus Kinkels Gesprächen mit der russischen Führung bestätigt. Eine gegen den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic gerichtete UN-Entschließung müsse nicht notwendigerweise eine militärische Drohung enthalten, könne aber als «Sprungbrett» für eine zweite harte Resolution dienen, sagte er nach Kinkels Gespräch mit Iwanow.
     Kinkel hatte zuvor seinen chinesischen Kollegen Tang ersucht, sich einer Kosovo-Resolution im Sicherheitsrat nicht zu verweigern. Tang sagte, er verstehe die Besorgnisse. Seine Regierung hoffe auf eine politische Lösung, wobei die Souveränität und die territoriale Integrität Jugoslawien zu respektieren seien. Er lehnte jedoch nicht ausdrücklich die Bitte Kinkels ab, eine Resolution mitzutragen, die auch Maßnahmen gegen Belgrad nach Kapitel 7 der UN-Charta vorsieht.
© dpa
Meldung vom 21.09.1998 21:45  http://seite1.web.de/show/3606ACEE.NL1/
Milosevic sprach mit Hill und Afanasjewski
Belgrad (dpa) - Die USA und Rußland haben ihre Bemühungen um eine friedliche Lösung der Krise in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo am Montag fortgesetzt. Am Abend traf sich der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrad getrennt mit US-Vermittler Christopher Hill und dem stellvertretenden russischen Außenminister Nikolai Afanasjewski, wie die serbischen Staatsmedien berichteten.
     In Erklärungen des Milosevic-Büros nach den Gesprächen wurde der Druck des Westens auf Serbien als «unangemessen» zurückgewiesen und die Existenz einer humanitären Katastrophe der obdachlosen Flüchtlinge im Kosovo bestritten. Nähere Einzelheiten der Gespräche wurden nicht bekannt.
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !

......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details

Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
taken from  http://www.kosova.com   on September 22 at 23:10 hrs
Prishtina, 22 September 1998, 17:30 CET

Parliament of Kosova Calls for Detained Politicians to Be Released Immediately
Serb Forces Are Burning Several Villages in Drenica
Serb Forces Shell and Burn Villages in Obiliq Municipality
Serb Forces Separate Menfolks from Fleeing Families in Plemetin, Obiliq
Three Villages in Mitrovica Shelled by Serb Troops
Identity of Four Other Burned Albanians in Podujeva Established
Serbs Kill 3 and Wound 4 Albanians in Shepherds Huts in Deçan, Western Kosova
Serb Troops Order Albanians to Deliver Weapons or Face Brutal Crackdown
Serbs Terrorize Albanian Communities near Kosova-Albania Border
Serb Abduct Human Rights Worker in Prishtina

Parliament of Kosova Calls for Detained Politicians to Be Released Immediately

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - The Presidency of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, after having discussed with the political parties (LDK, PSHDK, PLK, PNDSH, PNDSHK, PPSH dhe BSPK) the situation after the detention of the Kosova political activists in Qirez village of Skenderaj ('Srbica') on Sunday, made an appeal for them to be released immediately.
The Presidency of the Parliament and the political parties and trade unions have received with deep concern the news of the arrest by the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army) of a number members of the Republic of Kosova Parliament's, including the deputy speaker Gjergj Dedaj, and representatives of the Albanian political parties who were visiting the Albanian civilian population in the village of Qirez of Skenderaj, a press release said today.
The Kosova Parliament and the above-mentioned political parties consider that such an act make the work of political activists harder, and "does not contribute to the rapprochement and concerted action of all the political and state institutions in their struggle for freedom and independence of Kosova", the speaker of the Parliament, Idriz Ajeti said in a statement today.
The Presidency of the Parliament of Kosova and the political parties strongly believe that the detained political activists will be released immediately, the softly-worded appeal of the Parliament speaker concludes.
These members of the delegation were arrested by the UÇK on Sunday: Gjergj Dedaj, vice-president of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, Agim Krasniqi, member of the presidency of the LDK (Democratic League of Kosova), Professor Jusuf Telaku, an MP from the LDK, Mehdi Bardhi, member of the LDK General Council, Veli Bytyçi, vice-chairman of the PSHDK (Christian Democrats), and Kurtesh Devaja and Simon Augustini, members of the PSHDK presidency, Sokol Blakaj, Halim Mujku, and Hasim Dërmaku, members of the presidency of the PLK (Liberal Party), Milaim Kadriu, chairman, and Musa Binakaj, vice-chairman of the PPSH (Albanian Popular Party), and Qaush Bajrushi, chairman of a Trade Unions branch.
Part of the delegation were also Mrs Nekibe Kelmendi, Secretary-General of the LDK, and Mrs Sanije Aliu, member of the LDK presidency, but they, along with the journalists escorting the delegation, were let go.

Serb Forces Are Burning Several Villages in Drenica

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - A Serbian military and paramilitary police offensive against the villages around the Çiçavica mountains north-west of capital Prishtina has been going on since early in the morning today (Tuesday.
Local sources in Skenderaj ('Srbica') said around 15:00 hrs today Serb forces had advanced into the villages of Tërstenik, Gllobar, Prekaz, etc. and have been torching the Albanian houses.
Meanwhile, the displaced Albanian population has been living in the mountains fearful of Serb shells landing there, too, as it has happened in elsewhere in Kosova.
An LDK source in the village of Qirez told the KIC Serbs have been shelling continuously the villages of Dobroshefc, Çikatovë, Gllanasellë and Baicë. They villages are being shelled from Serb forces positions in the Ferronikeli (Ferrous-Nickel) factory compounds near the town of Gllogovc. The villages are burning, the source said, adding that Serb tanks are advancing towards the villages.
An Albanian was confirmed wounded by midday today in the village of Gllanasellë.
The Albanian population has deserted the attacked villages and flee to the mountains.

Serb Forces Shell and Burn Villages in Obiliq Municipality

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - Early in the morning today (Tuesday), heavy Serb military and police troops started shelling the villages of the municipality of Obiliq stretching at the foot of the Çiçavica mountains.
An LDK activist told the KIC Serb forces have been shelling the villages of Grabovc i Epërm, Shipitullë, Hade, Sibovc, Lajthishtë ('Leskovsic'), Zhilivodë and outlying areas.
Serb forces have been attacking from their positions in the outskirts of Bardhi i Madh ('Belacevac'), the Dobrosellë open mine pit, the "Kosova B" power plant compounds, the village of Mazgit, while the attacked villages have been placed under a deadly siege.
The houses of the Mirena family compound have been set ablaze amidst Serb shelling of Hade village.
Movement of people has been hampered in the region, and the employees of the open pit mine in Bardhi i Madh have not been allowed to go to their work-places.
Heavy Serb forces with tanks and armored vehicles have been repositioned at a location called Pishat e Sllatinës near Fushë Kosova.
Latest reports said the villages of Lajthishtë, Sibofc, Hamidi, Grabofc, Shipitullë, Gllavotin, Zhilivodë, Bivolak, Mihaliq and Strofc, municipality of Obiliq, are all in flames. Having entered the villages, Serbs loot the houses before setting them ablaze.
In these villages, besides their population, displaced people who had been running towards Çiçavica today morning have found themselves in the face of new risks.
The refugees in Çiçavica region - mostly women, children and the elderly - have been in a desperate situation. They have been streaming up there after the shelling today.
Local sources said a woman of the Kelmendi family compound of Sibovc village had been wounded today.
A local resident of the village of Plemetin told the KIC today the Albanians left their village after it came under shelling and were moving towards Milloshevë village.
The resident said Serb soldiers and policemen had held up the men of this village and ordered women to proceed towards the small town of Obiliq.
Serb policemen and sliders told the Albanian women they could stay in Plementin because "nothing had happened there!"

Serb Forces Separate Menfolks from Fleeing Families in Plemetin, Obiliq

PRISHTINA, Sept (KIC) - The Serb troops have been separating menfolks from clusters of fleeing Albanians in Plemetin village, in Obiliq municipality, north-west of Prishtina, two witnesses told the KIC today.
Sources in the area said heavy Serb troops backed up by 30 tanks, half a dozen trucks and other combat vehicles ,were deployed around the Plemetin village early in the morning today. At around 6:00, Serbs unleashed an artillery attack against the farmhouses in the village.
The witnesses said once the bombardment died out for a while, the local population began fleeing in panic. Clusters of fleeing people were halted by Serb troops later. The Serbs held up all the menfolks, while the rest of their families were ordered to return to their village.
By early afternoon the KIC could not learn anything about the fate of Albanians held up by Serb troops in Plemetin today morning.

Three Villages in Mitrovica Shelled by Serb Troops

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - The villages of Vaganicë e Epërme, Vërnicë and Pirç, in the Mitrovica municipality, came under heavy Serb fire both last night and today (Tuesday) morning.
The LDK chapter in Mitrovica said Serb troops entered the Vaganica village today morning, embarking on a brutal campaign of repression and intimidation. Serbs set afire half a dozen farmhouses of the Haxhiu and Gjoshi extended families.
Several houses have been reported torched likewise in the villages of Vërrnicë and Lushtë.
The plundering and destroying of property of Albanians preceded the actual burning of houses, local residents told LDK chapter in Mitrovica.
Several KIC sources, including the LDK Information Commission in Mitrovica, reported of an immense buildup and movement of Serb forces in the town and surrounding areas. Armed Serb civilians have also been roaming the streets, they said.
Serb police and armed civilians manning patrols were positioned this morning in several places between the town theater and the secondary technical school in the town, as well as on the Mitrovica-Shipol road.

Identity of Four Other Burned Albanians in Podujeva Established

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - Charred bodies of four other Albanians burned last week in houses between the villages of Dobratin and Bajçinë, in Podujeva, were identified today.
The bodies of six, perhaps seven, Albanians were found Sunday in three burned houses in the Lepaja family compound near Dobratin. Family members identified on Monday corpses of Rrahim Lepaja (30), and Beqir Lepaja (28), both of them residents of the Lepaja family compound.
The LDK chapter in Podujeva said the identitity of the following four burned Albanians was established today: Xhafer Ajvazi (60) resident of Dobratin, Ejup Sejdiu (36), Rrahim Ramadani (16) the three of them residents of Dobratin, and Muhamet Fazliu (35), resident of Llausha village, Podujeva municipality.
The four victims had tried to go to Dobratin village and evacuate their families in the wake of the Serb crackdown on the village last week. The men were apprehended by Serb troops and were finally burned after having been terrorized brutally, the LDK chapter said, quoting witnesses who spoke on condition of anonymity, fearful of Serb reprisals.
At least 23 Albanians were killed last week during a huge Serb forces' offensive against Albanian communities in the Shala a Bajgorës region, straddling between the municipalities of Podujeva, Mitrovica and Vushtrri, north-west of Prishtina.

Serbs Kill 3 and Wound 4 Albanians in Shepherds Huts in Deçan, Western Kosova

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - The LDK chapter in Deçan said today (Tuesday) three Albanians were killed and four others wounded in an Alpine summer hut in Strellc mountains, when the site was attacked by Serb troops on Sunday.
It named the following Albanians as slain by Serbs: Ms Florije Kamaj (35), Canë Çelaj (29), and Naser Bajramaj (15).
The women, Shyhrete Bajramaj and Vjollca Bajramaj, and two other men, whose identity could not be learned still, were wounded. They were taken to hospital for treatment, the LDK said, failing to describe their health condition.
Several other Albanians were tortured badly, including Ms Sofe Bajramaj, Elez Kamaj, Hasan Hoxhaj, Ms Ajmane Hoxhaj, Isuf Demush Kurtulajn, LDK sources said.

Serb Troops Order Albanians to Deliver Weapons or Face Brutal Crackdown

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - Residents of four villages in Suhareka, south-east Kosova, were given on Monday a 24-hour ultimatum by Serbs to surrender all the weapons they allegedly possess or else face brutal crackdown.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka said the police and military troops backed up by heavy armament drove yesterday along the main squares of the villages of Gjinoc, Sopijë, Mushtisht and Reçan. Residents of these villages were told to hand ine every single piece of armament by Tuesday noon.
Witnesses said Serb forces on board of the vehicles waved Albanian banners, symbols of UÇK and other national Albanian symbols, provoking and ridiculing the local population.
Similar ultimatums for surrendering weapons have been lately issued to many villages across Kosova. The immediate consequence of such a campaign has been thousands of people fleeing their homes out of fear of Serb onslaughts and massacres.
Residents of a village near Rahovec (Orahovac) were last week told by Serb forces that they may give 50 German marks per family instead of weapons if they wanted to be spared from persecution.
They did so, but the odd thing is that other troops asked the same amount of many from the same villagers the very next day.

Serbs Terrorize Albanian Communities near Kosova-Albania Border

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - The LDK Information Commission in Prizren described the situation in Hasi region, located near the Kosova-Albania border in western Kosova, as very repressive and dangerous amidst unremitting Serb army and police campaigns of terror.
The villages of Dedaj, Lugishtë, Kushnin, Kabash and Romajë, which have been under a virtual siege by Serb troops since last Saturday, have been further oppressed today.
Residents of these villages have been ordered to surrender all the weapon they allegedly possess, or else "face a complete destruction" as Serb officers put it.
Serb officers went to the villages of Krajk and Gjonaj today ordering villagers to choose representatives who they would talk to about the modalities of handing over to the police the weapons they allegedly possess.
At the villages of Kabash and Romajë, Serbs have set afire several houses and barns, including those of Refki Demaj, Sali Demaj, Sadri Demaj, Ismet Xhemaj, Arif Ukaj and Naki Nezaj. In addition, the Serbs vowed to raze the two villages unless every single piece of weapon is delivered to them, sources said.

Serb Abduct Human Rights Worker in Prishtina

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - The fate of a Kosovar human rights worker, abducted by Serbs in Prishtina five days ago, is till unknown, his organization said today.
Xhavit Haziri, a former political prisoner, currently an administrative worker with Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF), was abducted in Prishtina on 17 September, at 11:30 a.m. while on his way to his office.
The CDHRF quoted eye-witnesses speaking on condition of anonymity as saying that Xhavit Haziri was abducted by Serbs in plain clothes. The kidnapers were apparently officers of the Serb state security, they said.

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1560a
Datum:         Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:14:32 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 22 September 1998

First Edition: 12:00 hrs

Kosova Defense Minister Assassinated in Tirana Monday

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - Ahmet Krasniqi, Defense Minister of the Republic of Kosova, was gunned down by two masked persons at 23:25 hrs in Tirana, Albania, on Monday, the Kosova Defense Ministry said. Ahmet Krasniqi (1948) was assassinated while on his way to his apartment, a statement said.
Colonel Krasniqi was named Defense Minister of the Republic of Kosova in March 1998. He completed his Military Academy in Belgrade in 1973 and served in the former Yugoslav army (JNA) till the war in Croatia started in 1991. He had been in contact with the Kosova Government ever since, the Defense Ministry said, having contributed "military-political analyses". Ahmet Krasniqi was author of numerous papers and studies on the military art.
He was killed by the "extended hand of the barbarous Serb occupier", the information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kosova said in a statement.

Serb Military Mounts Large-scale Offensive against Albanian Villages Northwest of Prishtina
- Huge Serb military and paramilitary police troops, backed by hundreds of tanks and other combat equipment, involved
- Initial reports indicate at least 16 Albanians, of whom 2 children, were wounded in Prekaz and in the neighboring village of Mikushnica today.

PRISHTINA, Sept 22 (KIC) - Serbian forces unleashed today (Tuesday) morning a large-scale offensive against more than a dozen villages along the Çiçavica mountianfoot north-west of Kosova's capital Prishtina.
The Çiçavica area has been placed inside a deadly siege since last night when huge Serb troops began taking up many positions.  Serbs launched attacks against Çiçavica villages from several old bases as well as positions taken up overnight and today morning from the surrounding municipalities of Skenderaj, Gllogovc, Mitrovica, Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') and Obliq.
Sources told the KIC that the villages of Prilluzhë, Gllavotin, Bivolak, Strofc, Zhilivodë, Beçuk, Prekaz, Mikushnicë, Polac, Lubovec, Gllobar, Çikatovë e Re, Çikatovë e Vjetër, Poklek i Ri, have been under heavy fire since early morning hours today. Smoke has been billowing from all these villages, witnesses said.
It seems like the Serbs are intent on advancing to the Qirez village (municipality of Skenderaj), the make-shift camp of several thousand Albanian refugees. It is in this village that 13 representatives of Kosovar political parties and organizations, including a number of Kosova Parliament members, are being held under arrest by the UÇK since Sunday.
Sources in all these municipal centers reported of a robust buildup of Serb troops in the positions where from Çiaçvica area can be attacked.

Sllatina (Fushë-Kosova), Komoran, Gllogocv:
Since late afternoon hours on Monday, several motorized convoys of Serb troops have been seen heading for the Drenica region along the Prishtina-Peja road. At around 17:00 hrs on Monday 18 tanks, 10 trucks and several armored personnel carriers left Prishtina heading for Gllogovc.
At 4 a.m today, another long convoy consisting of tanks, trucks trailing artillery guns, and busloads of special units of Serb security were seen moving in the same direction.
At around 6:00 a.m today, at least 130 Serb army and police vehicles drove along the Komoran-Gllogovc road. Serb troops launched a heavy attack against Gllobar village near the town of Gllogovc.

Since 7:00 a.m., Serb forces kicked off a fierce attack against Prekaz village. The village is being attacked from the former ammunition factory near Skenderaj as well as from a base established overnight in Polac village.
Initial reports indicate that at least 16 Albanians, of whom 2 children, were wounded in Prekaz and in the neighboring village of Mikushnica today.

Heavy Serbian military and police forces arrived today in the municipality of Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') from the direction of Prishtina and have advanced into the villages at the foot of Çiçavica mountain.
Serbs started shelling the villages at 7 o'clock in the morning. Part of the Serb armed forces have been stationed at Bruznik.
At 9 o'clock the village of Gllavotin was shelled. Heavy smoke was seen billowing from this village.
Vushtrri and all the villages of the municipality which are situated alongside the Çiçavica have been placed under a ring of steel.
For the first time, heavy Serb forces have been deployed along the Sitnica river banks. They are backed up by armored vehicles.
Yesterday, the situation in the municipality of Vushtrri was further aggravated when a large number of armed Serbs made themselves visible. The arming of civilian Serbs went on throughout the day on Monday.

Early in the morning today, Serbian forces started shelling the villages of Obiliq around Çiçavica.
Heavy Serbia paramilitary police forces have been stationed in the village of Plemetin. They are backed up by a huge arsenal, over 100 tanks and other combat equipment. A pontoon bridge is there upon Sitnica in Plementin.
Serbian forces have been deployed also in the village of Prilluzhë and other locations in the municipality of Vushtrri.
Reports said Serb forces have besieged the entire area of Çiçavica.
Meanwhile, since 5 o'clock in the morning, Serb forces have been shelling the villages of Hamidi and Sibovc of Obiliq municipality.

Shkabaj, Prishtinë:
Heavy Serbian troops backed up by combat tanks and armored vehicles arrived yesterday and today in the village of Shkabaj ('Orlovic') near Prishtina, situated on the right side of the Prishtina-Obiliq- Vushtrri-Mitrovica roadway.
Serb forces have been moving in the direction Gazimestan-Shkabaj-Prishtina, with flags, chanting nationalist songs, and holding the village at gunpoint.
The local Serbs have been armed and joined forces with the Serb police in manning guards.
Sentries have been posted near the Tyrbja, near the village cemetery in Mazgit.
Yesterday, Serb civilians ill-treated the villagers taking part in the funeral processions of one of their fellow villager.
More than 200 Albanian families and 15 Serb ones live i this village.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on September 21, 1998 at 23:15 hrs
KOSOVA (IDPs shelled - Klinë)
Serb forces shell two tractors loaded with escapees - two children wounded - three month old infant dies due to lack of food

Klinë, 21 September (ARTA) 2045 CET --
Serb police forces, in the village of Grabanicë, shelled yesterday at 1500 CET two tractors loaded with women, children and aged persons. The civilians were on their way back from the village of Kusuriqi, heading towards Gremnikë. Zyhra Dragidella, aged 11, and her 6-year-old sister Afërdita were wounded on this occasion. One of the tractors rolled over, but there were no victims. The others were maltreated.
On Monday, Albanian sources say, in the village of Zllakuqan, the three months old infant of Shtjefën Krasniqi, died due to lack of nutrition. Krasniqi's family was coerced to stay in the woods for days, in lack of food and basic living conditions, after Serb police forces burnt their house in the village of Nepola e Pejës.
Meanwhile, Serb police forces stationed in the villages of Sverkë, Perçevë, Dush, Volljakë, Çypevë and Gremnik, after the deadline for handing in of weapons lapsed, arrested and abused a number of Albanian villagers. The village of Përçevë is under continuous shelling.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive - Likovc)
Likovc attacked again

Prishtina, 21 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
Following yesterday's attack of the Serb forces on the villages of Prekaz i Epërm and Klinë e Poshtme, Albanian sources notify about clashes of increased intensity in the villages close to the Gllogoc-Skënderaj road. There are reports that starting from early morning hours, Serb forces have been attacking the village of Likovc and the surrounding villages.
CDHRF sources in Skënderaj, state that the clashes are focused in the center of Likovc, Makërmal, Polluzhë etc. Reports inform that one tank is stationed in Likovc, while Serb forces are shelling the outskirts of the village. So far, there is no information on the eventual consequences of today's assault.
The village of Likovc is otherwise known as KLA's center for Drenica region. The clashes around this village have been going on for more than a month.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – border belt)
Bordering belt Kosovë-Albania under Serb siege – villagers flee

Prizren, 21 September (ARTA) 1600CET --
The villages of the bordering belt, Kushnin, Lugishtë, Kabash, Dedaj and Romajë are being held under siege, by the Serb forces, for the third consecutive day today, Masar Shala, CDHRF representative informs, during a meeting of the political parties of Prizren.
"No lessons are being held in the schools of these villages, since the residents are trapped in them. In the meantime, the houses are constantly being raided, with the pretext of arms' search", claims Shala.
The villagers of Gjonaj, Krajk, Bregdri, Tupec and Lukinaj, have in the meantime started fleeing to the direction of Prizren, a town already overloaded by escapees from the war afflicted areas.
The Serb forces threatened the parents and students of the village of Skorovisht, demanding that Serb language be used in the local school. Similar threats were also made to the residents of Mushnikovë and Lubizhdë.
Discussing about the situation of the dislocated population from the flashpoints, that have found shelter in Prizren proper, Humanitarian organization representatives state that due to large number of IDPs already sheltered in Prizren "humanitarian assistance is minimal", thus the situation of the sheltered is miserable.
In the meantime, there are reports that this morning, Serb police arrested in his house in Prizren, ex-political prisoner Sylë Millaku.
Millaku was then imprisoned with a group of 42 ex-security workers in 1996.

KOSOVA (Serb military ultimatum – Podujevë)
Serb forces hand ultimatum to residents of Llapashticë –
commanding officer threatens to "flatten" village

Podujevë, 21 September (ARTA) 1830 CET --
Serb military forces have blocked access to the village of Llapashticë, today, positioning troops between the villages of Llapashticë and Obranqë. Field witnesses claim that the troop commander has halted professor Hasan Potera, and after informing him that two Serb soldiers have been shot, he ordered for representatives of the villages to gather at 1400 CET.
The commanding officer made a threat that unless representatives gather in front of his tent, he will order for the villages to be "flattened".
Fearing eventual massacre, part of the population from Llapashtica and surrounding villages have fled.
Following the Serb forces recent attack in this area, two of the corpses, among those found at the location of "Fusha e Lepajave", close to the village of Dobratin, have been identified by relatives.
The corpses have been identified as Rrahim K. Lepaja and Beqir Xh. Lepaja from the village of Bajçinë. Other corpses remain unidentified.
Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that the corpse buried in the village of Dobratin has been exhumed and than reburied, after being identified as Haki Rekaliu.
Seven people, from the villages of Podujevë region, listed as missing, are believed to have been burnt in Lepajë.
According to LDK and CDHRF sources, the Serb military\police offensive on the villages of Shala e Bajgorës, has resulted with at least 10 massacred, 3 wounded and several missing Albanians.

KOSOVA (KLA arrests – Drenica)
KLA arrests 11 political activists from Prishtina

Prishtina, 21 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
The KLA Secret Service arrested 11 members of a delegation comprised of political party representatives and members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova. The delegation was trying to visit escapees from the war afflicted areas of Drenica, that are presently sheltered in Skënderaj.
Sanije Aliu, member of the LDK leadership who was a part of the delegation and present during the time of the arrest, told "KOHA Ditore" that, "all 11 members of the delegation, five of whom were members of the Parliament of Kosova, were arrested by the KLA Secret Service, at the information office in Qirez, while the employees of this office were informing them about the humanitarian situation in this village".
"The KLA members entered the office, unexpectedly. About 10 heavily armed persons requested ID cards from all the people present, so they could verify their identities".
"After they returned our ID's, they told us that, apart from the women and the journalists, all the other political party members are under KLA arrested ", she claims to have been told by the leader of the KLA Secret police. " So are those who speak and write against KLA", they were told.
The police put all the 11 arrested in their cars and drove them to an unknown destination, and, according to Aliu, "there is no information on their whereabouts, ever since".
The KLA Secret Police arrested the following: Gjergj Dedaj chairman of Kosova's Liberal Party and vice-chairman of Kosova's Convention, Agim Krasniqi, member of the LDK leadership, Mehdi Bardhi, member of the LDK leadership, branch in Gllogoc, Veli Bytyçi, vice-chairman of Kosova's Christian Democratic Party, Kurtesh Devaja and Simon Augustini, members of the steering board of this party, Jusuf Telaku, member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, Sokol Blakaj and Halim Mujku, members of the (PLK) leadership, Milaim Kadriu, chairman of the Albanian People's Party and the vice-chairman of this party, who is at the same time the chairman of the Independent Trade of housing and apartment policy Qaush Bajrushi. "The purpose of our visit was to get in touch with the people who are sheltered in this village, who are faced with a humanitarian catastrophe. Qirez presently provides shelter to 22,000 displaced. 519 people, or about 40 families, are sheltered in the elementary school ‘Dëshmorët e Çiçavicës’ alone", explained Aliu and added, "their situation is very bad". "
The assistance they have been sent is merely symbolic. These people mostly need clothing, and covers".

SPOTLIGHT (KOHA Ditore interviews Ambassador Hill)

Hill: Now you are asking me? Isn't that a little late? That is a declaration. Maybe I should ask a question, since you made a declaration! OK, go ahead.

Koha: We mentioned Republika Srpska at the beginning. How can you explain the U.S. policy in the case of Republika Srpska, since it means an international recognition of territories taken by force?

Hill: I think one thing you need to remember about the Dayton Accords is that they were a negotiated document, i.e., we worked with three sides--which made it especially complicated--to come up with the settlement. Each side brought to the table some views, some points that they felt were extremely important to them. Because it was a negotiated document, sometimes people were not able to get the point that they wanted. I can assure you that the Serbs in the Dayton process brought a lot of points to the table, the first one being that they wanted, that somehow, the Serb entity, if you will, would be like an independent state or something. And that was clearly rejected, clearly unacceptable to the Croats and to the Bosniacs. So, in working on this, and trying to negotiate the different points of view, it was acceptable to the other two sides, the Croats and the Bosniacs, that the Serb entity could be called the Republika Srpska. That was acceptable to the other sides. So, you should not look at it as the mediators creating the entity. The entity was created through a negotiated process. They sat down at a table--sometimes they didn't sit down at the same table, sometimes we had to shuttle between them. But, it emerged from the negotiation.

Koha: Bosnia was also internationally recognized state, as Yugoslavia is. How can you justify the difference in the policy towards Kosovo as compared to the situation in Republika Srpska?

Hill: OK. I'm not sure that I entirely understand your question, but let me say that Bosnia and Kosovo are different situations. I appreciate your point that there are similarities, but they're different situations. Secondly, let me reiterate that Bosnia was solved through a negotiated process. I believe Kosovo needs to be solved through a negotiated process. I think that two sides need to work out things that they can agree on, and compromise on things that they can't agree on. As for Kosovo's eventual status, you know there's a sharp disagreement between the majority view in Prishtina and the majority view in Belgrade. So, you will have to work this out.

Koha: I saw in the newspapers yesterday that you have drafted a new agreement, that, according to many constitutional law experts in Prishtina, it was translated and transcribed from Cyrillic. How do you comment on that?

Hill: Well, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. And the fact is that these "lists" are of suggestions. And I don't want to call it a plan, because it was not a plan. There's a list of ideas--numbered, etc. to, look like a plan, but it wasn't, because we haven't had a reaction to it, no formal reaction to it. It was based on concepts, on ideas that emerged out of discussions. Clearly, there are elements of it that are unacceptable in Belgrade; there are elements of it that are unacceptable in Prishtina. The point is to react to those elements to find different language, to find different ideas, to take out certain sections, to put in different sections, to work on it. It's a working document. I can assure you that what you read in your newspaper in not going to bear much similarity to what eventually comes out of this negotiated process. This was an idea--a set of ideas--cooked up in Washington. And I can assure you; no one is reading "Cyrillic" in Washington! It was done in Washington. Of course, you may have recognized ideas you felt came out of Belgrade. I can assure you that there are other ideas there that came out of Prishtina. There are other ideas that came out of the Helsinki process, still other ideas that emerged very clearly from earlier Contact Group work. And it was an attempt to put down ideas on a piece of paper and start getting people to react to them, and to begin a process of narrowing the differences between Prishtina and Belgrade. This is a very normal course of events in any negotiation. And to try to look for the antecedents--whether an idea came from Helsinki, Belgrade, Pristina--I think it's a bit of a waste of time, with due respect. And I think you should be focusing on what are the things that you want, what are the things that you want to see in an eventual agreement.

Koha: You are authorized by the Contact Group to mediate. Are they informed about this list of ideas?

Hill: Yes, they are, and we stay in very close co-operation with our Contact Group partners. I continue to talk to them regularly. They have some points of view, which are also reflected in the document. I haven't gotten any formal comments back from them on that particular draft, I'm sure we will. Which is why I'm already convinced that even within a week we won't recognize too many of the elements, because it was there to stimulate discussion and ideas and maybe even somebody's newspaper circulation. Were you able to sell more newspapers as a result of having that in there? Was there economic benefit to Koha? Good. I really believe that we need to stimulate the economy in Kosovo, so I made my contribution!

Koha: You said that you are going to get the responses in Prishtina to this draft and send them to Washington. Won't that take too long, now with the winter approaching?

Hill: Don't worry, we have things called fax machines and e-mail and telephones, so we are fairly rapid in our ability to transmit information across the Atlantic. We will try to push as quickly as possible on this. We are not waiting for the winter to set upon us, but if you're getting at the question of can I predict when the two sides will be able to make some progress in narrowing their positions, I can't predict that.

Koha: You said in Ohrid, two months ago, that Kosovo problem can be solved in two weeks.

Hill: I did not say that, that is a total misquote, and I don't know who said that. I said I would like to see it solved in weeks rather than months. Alas, it's now been, what, two months, eight weeks. Look, I would like to see this problem solved yesterday if we can, but it's proving to be a very difficult problem.

Koha: Do you think, since you have met him many times, that Milosevic is ready for Kosovo republic in Yugoslavia?

Hill: You'll have to ask him.

Koha: Milosevic is responsible for so many things now, and this radical party wants to see him indicted in front of the International Court in the Hague. Why does Washington still consider Milosevic as relevant partner in negotiations?

Hill: Let me ask you, as a keen observer of events in the Balkans, with whom would you like me to talk to in Belgrade? Assuming that when you mediate you has to talk to two sides. I'm turning the question to you. Who should I talk to, if I'm mediating? And by definition the mediator has to talk to two sides, otherwise you are not a mediator. So, whom do I talk to?

Koha: But Mr. Gelbard said in May, that it is no longer possible to talk to Milosevic.

Hill: I'm asking you, as a mediator. And bare in mind, I was assigned this job to be helpful as a mediator to try to resolve the problem. Now, mediator means dealing with two sides. So, just tell me whom I should talk to on the other side? Let's back up. Who should I talk to on the Prishtina side?

Koha: What do you mean, you have Mr. Rugova.

Hill: OK, that's good advice, thank you. Who should I talk in Belgrade?

Koha: But, you are missing on the Serbian opposition.

Hill: Would you like to talk to them too, on the agreement? That's a good idea.

Koha: But, Milosevic's position seems reinforced by being the partner of the international community. Do you think this is a good approach?

Hill: I don't think my having discussions reinforces anybody. I think I'm simply having discussions on a very difficult issue, and trying to find some common language to see if we can put this difficult issue behind us. I don't think I'm reinforcing anybody in any of the discussions I've had.

Koha: But, Milosevic is trying all these years to promote himself as the sole person in Serbia that can talk to the West?

Hill: I'll just restate. I'm sorry to be a bore to your readers--and maybe you won't sell as many newspapers in this edition as you did with the previous one! But my job is to try to work out a political settlement, to try to find some common language between the sides, to share some ideas and try to get a settlement. That's what I'm trying to do. And I welcome ideas that you have on how I can do that job better.

Koha: Do you think that the military component of the negotiations that was present in Bosnia is missing here, and do you think it has negative impact on the situation?

Hill: I don't know, but I think you raise an important issue, which is, what will the post-settlement look like. And we feel very strongly that the agreement needs to be lived up to, absolutely needs to be followed to the letter. And we need to make sure that we have adequate mechanisms for making sure that every aspect of the agreement is followed, and I can assure that's very much on the minds of the International Community.

Koha: Last question. Yesterday you said that you are not here to stop the violence...

Hill: I did NOT say that I did not say that! I'm sorry, you know, look: a little precision would go a long way. I never said I'm not here to stop the violence. I emphasized that my job is to work on this political settlement. I fully understand what the violence does to that political settlement. I am doing all I can within my powers, to find ways to stop that violence, and energize a political process.

Koha: Is it possible to create peace without stopping the violence? Our readers would like to know that?

Hill: I think that when people believe that there is progress on the political track, when people believe that there can be a solution to the political problem, that will be, in itself, an inducement to stop violence. I mean, why should police be attacking a village, which is an Albanian village, which is going to remain an Albanian village. Why to do that, when there is a political settlement? So the hope is that as the political process moves forward, that will be a greater incentive for everybody to join in that political process and to realize that violence will not contribute to it.

KOSOVA (communique – KLA)
KLA: "The only factual institution in Kosova today, is our war for freedom"

Prishtina, 21 September (ARTA) 1800CET --
In a communique nr. 53, issued by the KLA General Headquarters, it is stated: "Kosova's Liberation Army, in the sub-zones of Shalë e Bajgorës and Llap, starting from 15 to 18 September, has been facing the offensive of the enemy, made by thousands of Serb soldiers, but also Russian and Rumanian mercenaries, with more than 50 tanks and other motorized vehicles and heavy artillery.
Our Liberation army threw itself, with great courage and heroism, against the enemy forces and pushed them back. During the clashes in Mazhiq, Kutlloc, at the entrance of Barë and in Pasomë, in Shalë e Bajgorës, the enemy suffered a loss of 50 killed soldiers. Whereas KLA, had two killed and ten wounded soldiers.
The defeat in the battlefield enraged further more the enemy, who took out all its anger on the civilian population, on children and women, by destroying and burning the housing facilities as well.
In the sub-zone of Llap, the most fierce clashes took place in Qafa e Kaqanollit, where the enemy lost over 100 soldiers, and was forced to withdraw, leaving in the battlefield ten tanks and other vehicles, as well as a large amount of ammunition. To secure its withdrawal, the enemy placed in front of the barrels, the civilian population of the village of Dobratin, killing, massacring, and terminating many residents. In this battle for defending the nation's honor, five martyrs of freedom fell heroically.
Everyday, successful fights have also been taking place in the sub-zone of Drenica. Our special units, concentrated around Likovc and Prekaz are causing great losses to the enemy, everyday, in human lives and fighting technique...
The commanders and soldiers of Llap, Shalë e Bajgorës, Drenicë, Dukagjin, and the entire Kosova have no need for envoys that induce confusion and defeatism among the people. They know their duty very well, they have a sacred duty to defend and liberate the people and the homeland.
The war that is taking place in Llap, Shalë e Bajgorës, Drenicë, Dukagjin and Pashtrik and in Kosova, coerces gatherers of the financial assets in the action "Everything for the Independence of Kosova", that money, gathered by the blood and the work of the people, be used precisely for the Independence of Kosova, by financing Kosova's Liberation Army, and through it, it's independence.
The only factual institution in Kosova today, is our war for freedom, thus we must direct all our national potential in it..." it is stated among others in this communique.

KOSOVA (scorched earth – Malishevë)
Serb police burns the houses of Malishevë and Banjë again

Malishevë, 21 September (ARTA) 1630CET --
Yesterday afternoon, Serb police\military forces, recommenced burning the houses in the village of Banjë and in Malishevë proper. Starting from 28 July, when the Serb forces re-attacked Malishevë, they burned a total of 16 localities and a big part of the other housing facilities of this municipality. They remain partially or completely cleansed off the population. The remainder of the population is under constant threat from the Serb forces, which having positioned themselves on strategic points, are shooting at everything that moves. In addition, a number of people were killed and several others were wounded.
On the other hand, the situation of thousand of displaced from the villages of the municipality of Malishevë, Anadrin and Lugu i Baranit, a good part of which remained outdoors, living under the improvised tents, is extremely bad. Their situation is deteriorating, due to the change in weather, and is threatening to turning into a catastrophe with the winter approaching.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive - Ferizaj)
The village of Nerodime engulfed in flames

Ferizaj, 21 September (ARTA) 2130CET --
LDK and CDHRF sources claim that "deserted Albanian houses in the village of Nerodime are being set on fire". The village is under Serb forces' siege, therefore it is not possible to pinpoint which houses are burning.
In Nerodima e Poshtme, the house of Sali Sejdiu has been burnt to the ground, while a number of Albanian houses have been looted and destroyed.
The village, deserted by large, is now inhabited only by few aged Albanians, that are witnesses to the crimes of the Serb forces.

KOSOVA (destruction – Gjakovë)
Elementary school buildings -- sheltering places for Serb forces - Serb forces withdraw from Junik

Gjakovë, 21 September (ARTA) 2200CET --
LDK sources in Gjakovë, inform that since Saturday, the building of the elementary school "Mark Zef Perkaj" and the building of the Health Clinic in the village of Sheremet, municipality of Gjakovë, have been serving as shelters for large Serb police\military forces.
Albanian sources confirm that no clashes took place in the village, nor in other surrounding villages. Nevertheless, the presence of the police forces will have its repercussions in that the residents that fled their houses will hesitate to come back.
The Serb military forces completely demolished and destroyed the building of the elementary school "Fan S. Noli", situated in the outskirts of Gjakovë. This school has for several months been serving as shelter for Serb army units.
Sources from the ground notify that the Serb army and police forces aided the houses in the village of Dobratin, municipality of Gjakovë and arrested a young Albanian.
The Serb forces continue to burn houses in the villages of the region of Has, municipality of Gjakovë, Albanian sources state.
On the other hand, sources from Junik claim to have seen many Serb police\military forces, withdrawing from Junik, on Monday.

MACEDONIA (police raids – Macedonia)
Political subject: " This is Government supported violence with a political background"

Kërçovë, 21 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
The Macedonian police raids upon dozen Albanian families, in western Macedonia, using the pretext of arms search, that resulted with the killing of Beqir Limani, in Kërçovë and four arrested for "terrorism", greatly concerns the public opinion in Macedonia.
During this entire action in Kumanovë, Shkup, Tetovë, Strugë, and Kërçovë, which lasted for a week, the police managed to find only one automatic gun, without ammunition and a pistol.
Nothing was found in ten other houses that were raided during this action. This is confirmed by the official documents left behind by the police, after they finished the raids. Parallel to this, Macedonian police officials, speak of great arsenals of weaponry and other explosive materials, they found during this action. The official communiqué, issued by the Internal Ministry of the Republic of Macedonia, which phrases this police action and evaluates it as highly successful, completely opposes the factual situation on the ground.
More precisely in Kërçovë, the Macedonian officials tell of great quantity of weapons found at the Albanian raided houses. The stories presented by the Macedonian TV are the same ones broadcasted months ago. They are most probably going to be presented again, each time the Macedonian police wants to manipulate the public, about alleged successful actions, against as they claim "terrorist organizations" in Macedonia.
The killing of Beqir Limani, which by the Albanian political subject was evaluated as a murder with a political background, as it seems, forced the present Macedonian political authorities to arrest four other Albanians, the next day. They are already considered "terrorists" even though the procedure of the legal investigation is not yet finished.
The Albanian political subject in Macedonia is following this whole phenomenon with great concern. The Albanian Democratic Party, evaluated the recent actions of the Macedonian police as "Government supported violence with a political background", which includes the killing of Beqir Limani and the arresting of four other persons.
The leadership of the Party for Democratic Prosperity of Tetovë do not wish to declare themselves concerning these events, due to, as they claim "lack of valid information". In the meantime, the branch of the same party in Kërçovë, evaluated the Macedonian police action, as a political one, aimed at inducing fear among the Albanian population.
On the other hand, the media evaluate the police action of the recent days as "highly successful in the war against the Albanian terrorists in Macedonia". The arrested persons from Kumanovë, Shkup and Kërçovë are immediately branded as "terrorists", "people who are directly linked with KLA" and the "same are the basis of this terrorist organization in Macedonia".
The police chose the moment to "show off its muscles", right before the Parliamentary election campaign, and thus arrested a number of other students, for the acts of explosion in several towns in Macedonia.
The Albanian political subject in Macedonia expressed its doubts concerning the explosions as "framed by certain people, coming from inside the Macedonian police".

ALBANIA (PD arrests – Tirana)
20 arrest warrants issued, claim sources from the prosecutor's office

Tirana, 21 September (ARTA) 1500CET --
Sources from the prosecutor's office claim that 20 arrest warrants have been issued, concerning 20 persons, accused of "forced entry into Ministerial premises and TV building, during the days of the unrest".
The same sources so far confirm the arrest of three persons indicted. They referred to the ex-deputy executive of the TV, Antoneta Malaj, the chairman of the Legality Party, Eqrem Spahiu, and the director of Radio Contact, Alfons Zeneli. So far, no Democratic Party (PD) members were among those arrested. Party President, Sali Berisha, was the only one whose diplomatic immunity has been revoked.
In the meantime, it has been requested that charges against 5 other persons be studied carefully, before discussing their immunity in the Parliament.
The prosecutor's office explained that "Sunday's arrests are the first phase of the investigations of 13 and 14 September, and that they will continue gathering proof, in order to be as accurate as possible, concerning the accusations filed against different persons, involved in these events".

BONN (Ruehe - Kosova policy)
Ruehe urges Schroeder declare himself on Kosova

Bonn, 21 September (ARTA) 1910CET --
German Social Democratic Party President (SPD), Oscar Lafontaine, held e press conference today which also included discussions on German Defense Minister, Volker Ruehe's interview published in the weekly "Der Spiegel". Ruehe has urged SPD Chancellor candidate, Gerhard Schroeder to declare himself on the situation in Kosova and more concretely on NATO engagement in halting Milosevic regime's violence on the civilian population in Kosova. Lafontaine avoided giving a straight comment on Ruehe's demand.
Ruehe's spokesman read out a Defense Ministry statement at Government spokesman Otto Hauser's regular press conference, which reiterates Ruehe's demand. Schroeder is urged to make a clear stand on his policy "in order to stop the massacre and violence brought about by the Milosevic regime".
Asked whether this is "genuine concern or pre-election propaganda", Defense Minister's spokesman said that this has got to do with the situation in Kosova adding that Minister Ruehe has frequently and carefully declared himself on this issue.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
10. eventual additional press news 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] NEWS: Balkan hotspots to dominate NATO meeting, Sep 21,
Datum:         Mon, 21 Sep 1998 14:01:26 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>

Taken without permission, for fair use only.

Balkan hotspots to dominate NATO meeting
01:48 p.m Sep 21, 1998 Eastern
By Douglas Hamilton

BRUSSELS, Sept 21 (Reuters) - The campfires of some 50,000 refugees will show up clearly on surveillance satellites over the Balkans this week as Alliance defence ministers discuss what NATO can do about the continuing crisis in Kosovo.
     A NATO official briefing reporters ahead of ministerial talks in Portugal on Thursday said the thermal image of the refugee fires was already sufficiently strong to be picked up by satellites.
     For the time being, there are few uncomfortable images of Kosovo on global satellite television, which is greatly preoccupied by the White House sex scandal.
     But the Western allies need no reminding of the humanitarian disaster taking shape in Kosovo as a freezing winter approaches, or of how impotent they will quickly be made to appear if it comes to pass and they do nothing but bluster.
     Ethnic Albanian families fled from their villages by the thousands in July and August as Serbian security forces launched an offensive against the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which is seeking independence from Serbia, a republic within Yugoslavia.
     They ran in terror for the hills where they now live in makeshift camps, their numbers rising as the offensive continued through most of September, with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic discounting earlier threats of NATO intervention.
     Most are genuinely dismayed and perplexed by NATO's failure to act and "rescue" them from violent Serbian repression in the name of democracy. They cannot understand what they regard as the world's excuses and delays.
     If, by some miracle, Kosovar refugees returned voluntarily to their homes and negotiations began, the allies could declare partial success without firing a shot: the crisis would be two major steps closer to the outcome they seek -- an end to the fighting and autonomy for Kosovo short of independence.
     But with winter on its way and no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough, the international community again feels obliged to raise the threat of force to get Milosevic's attention.
     The latest warning came on Monday. Addressing the United Nations, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said the world had lost patience with Milosevic's "broken promises and phoney assurances."
     Blair warned of a "new kind of response" if repression continued. But he did not spell out what it might be, beyond a United Nations resolution sponsored by France and Britain which, while not specifically threatening force, could be the first step on the way to U.N.-backed military action.
     One of the key obstacles to NATO intervention mentioned by various officials and analysts so far is the likelihood that Russia -- a traditional ally of the Serbs -- would veto it in the U.N. Security Council.
     While no formal decisions are expected to be taken by the NATO defence ministers, the nature of the "new response" and NATO's key role in it must be high on the Portugal agenda.
     The Alliance has already offered to help the U.N. refugee agency deliver humanitarian aid to Kosovo. But unless Milosevic gives his consent and moves his troops out of the way, NATO may have to shoot its way in to provide that assistance.
     The glowing embers of two related Balkan hotspots will also be carefully examined at the meeting in Vilamoura, Portugal.
     In Bosnia's general election this month, nationalist hardliners appear to have done unexpectedly well, setting back hopes of faster ethnic reconciliation and a reasonably early pullout of an expensive NATO-led peacekeeping operation.
     And Albania's latest convulsions only serve to underline its extreme political volatility, magnified now by the spectre of a Kosovo conflict spiralling out of control and over the borders of the southern Balkans.
     A NATO official said defence ministers would anxiously await final results from the Bosnian election in hopes that the results were indeed "slightly less dire" and more of a mixed bag than a rout for the forces of reason and reconciliation.
     They would also await word from a Thursday meeting of the six-power Contact Group on ex-Yugoslavia in New York, where foreign ministers will discuss the next step in what some believe is a Balkan quagmire offering few alternatives.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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Die Bibel sagt 
      Alle eure Sorge werft auf ihn; denn er sorgt für euch. 
       1. Petrus 5, 7
      Wenn der HERR nicht das Haus baut, 
           so arbeiten umsonst, die daran bauen. 
      Wenn der HERR nicht die Stadt behuetet, 
           so wacht der Waechter umsonst. 
      Es ist umsonst, dass ihr frueh aufsteht 
           und hernach lange sitzet 
      und esset euer Brot mit Sorgen; 
           denn seinen Freunden gibt er es im Schlaf.
    Psalm 127, 1-2
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
       1. Petrus 5, 7
    Except the LORD build the house, 
         they labour in vain that build it: 
    except the LORD keep the city, 
         the watchman waketh [but] in vain. 
    [It is] vain for you to rise up early, 
         to sit up late, 
    to eat the bread of sorrows: 
         [for] so he giveth his beloved sleep.
    Psalm 127, 1-2
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 22.9.1998  

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