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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 1. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 1, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1569

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1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 20:42  http://seite1.web.de/show/3613C5D4.NL1/

USA warnen Bürger vor Reisen nach Serbien und Montenegro
Washington (dpa) - Wegen bald möglicher Luftangriffe der NATO auf serbische Ziele in Kosovo haben die USA ihre Bürger vor Reisen nach Serbien und Montenegro gewarnt.
     James Rubin, der Sprecher des amerikanischen Außenministeriums, betonte in Washington, daß nur noch ein förmlicher Befehl durch den NATO-Rat für einen Militäreinsatz nötig sei und daß alle vorbereitenden Schritte bis Anfang kommender Woche abgeschlossen werden könnten.
     Der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic «sollte an unserer Entschlossenheit nicht zweifeln», sagte Rubin. Grund eines Eingreifens wäre der serbische Dauerangriff auf zivile Ziele in der Krisenprovinz, der eine Flüchtlingswelle zur Folge habe, fügte er hinzu. Die Berichte über neue Greueltaten hätten das Problem allerdings dramatisiert.
     Auch wenn Slobodan Milosevic keine Frist genannt worden sei, «handelt es sich eindeutig um eine dringende Angelegenheit», sagte Clintons Sprecher Michael McCurry. Washington werde bereitstellen, was die NATO in Brüssel an militärischer Unterstützung für einen Einsatz im Kosovo fordere.
     Im Falle von Militärschlägen sei das Handeln des Westens damit auch nicht beendet, ließ McCurry auf die Frage nach einem weiteren militärischen Engagement der USA über Luftangriffe hinaus erkennen. Darüber müsse allerdings das Militärbündnis entscheiden. «So etwas muß aber zu Ende geführt werden».
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 18:43  http://seite1.web.de/show/3613B117.NL1/
Jugoslawiens Außenminister ruft zu Dialog statt Drohungen auf
Washington (dpa) - Der jugoslawische Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic hat am Donnerstag zu einem Dialog aufgerufen und sich gegen die Anwendung von internationaler Gewalt im Kosovo-Konflikt gewandt.
     «Wir erwarten Vernunft und Klugheit. Wir erwarten keine Luftangriffe», sagte er vor Journalisten in Washington.
     Jovanovic widersprach der Annahme, serbische Regierungtruppen seien für die jüngsten Massaker an Zivilisten im Kosovo verantwortlich. Westliche Länder würden mit zweierlei Maß messen, wenn sie Anschuldigungen gegen serbische Truppen einfach übernähmen.
     Einige der «Terroristen» im Kosovo seien von Landsleuten in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz rekrutiert worden und würden von ihnen unterstützt. «Wir würden gern wirkliche Hilfe sehen statt Drohungen», sagte der Minister. «Wir hoffen, die von mir genannten Länder würden etwas tun, um die Stabilität in der Region zu fördern».
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 16:42  http://seite1.web.de/show/361394E0.NL1/
Sozialisten in Belgrad: Medienkampagne gegen Serbien
Belgrad (dpa) - Die in Belgrad regierenden Sozialisten sehen in den jüngsten Berichten ausländischer Zeitungen über Massaker an der albanischen Zivilbevölkerung in der Unruheprovinz Kosovo eine «gezielte Medienkampagne» gegen die jugoslawische Teilrepublik Serbien.
     «Dadurch soll der internationale Druck auf Serbien und die Republik Jugoslawien verstärkt werden», sagte Ivica Dacic, Sprecher der Sozialistischen Partei des jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic, am Donnerstag in Belgrad. «Alle, die tagelang über die Verbrechen an serbischen Zivilisten geschwiegen haben, konstruieren jetzt Verbrechen der Serben an albanischen Zivilisten», sagte Dacic nach Angaben der Agentur Beta (Belgrad) weiter.
     Dacic lud «objektive Vertreter der internationalen Gemeinschaft» ein, sich an der Untersuchung der Hintergründe der Bluttat in der Kosovo-Ortschaft Donje Obrinje zu beteiligen. Dort waren Ende vergangener Woche 18 Albaner, unter ihnen fünf Kinder und sechs Frauen, ermordet worden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 16:31  http://seite1.web.de/show/3613925E.NL1/
Neue Kosovo-Greuel vor Dringlichkeitssitzung des UNO-Sicherheitsrats
Belgrad/New York/Moskau (dpa) - Wenige Stunden vor einer Dringlichkeits-Sitzung des UNO-Sicherheitsrates wegen der Massaker im Kosovo sind am Donnerstag weitere Gewalttaten bekanntgeworden, bei denen es Tote und Verletzte in der Krisenprovinz gab.
     Britische Zeitungen berichteten über neue Morde an Albanern und einen Überfall auf einen Flüchtlingstreck, während die jugoslawische Armee sieben an der Grenze getötete Soldaten meldete.
     Unmittelbar vor der Sitzung in New York warnte Rußland den Westen noch einmal vor einem militärischen Eingreifen. Der Weltsicherheitsrat wollte noch am Donnerstag abend (22.30 Uhr MESZ) das Vorgehen serbischer Kräfte ausdrücklich verurteilen, wie UNO-Sprecher Fred Eckhard bestätigte.
     Bei der dritten Bluttat, die innerhalb von 48 Stunden bekannt wurde, seien am Montag bei Vraniq, knapp 50 Kilometer südwestlich von Pristina, vier Männer ermordet und 50 andere verhaftet worden, meldete die Zeitung «Guardian».
     Unter Berufung auf einen Beobachter der Menschenrechts-Organisation Human Rights Watch (New York) schrieb das Blatt zudem, ein Treck albanischer Flüchtlinge mit 250 Fahrzeugen sei überfallen und geplündert worden.
     Der Beobachter habe die Leichen von fünf Männern gesehen, die aus kurzem Abstand erschossen worden waren. Andere berichteten, sie seien mißhandelt worden, schilderte auch die Zeitung «Independent».
     Weitere Aktionen des Sicherheitsrates wurden nicht vor Anfang kommender Woche erwartet, wenn Kofi Annan dem höchsten UNO-Gremium berichtet, ob die Führung in Belgrad die vorangegangene UNO-Resolution eingehalten hat.
     In seiner Resolution vom vergangenen Mittwoch hatte der Rat von der Regierung in Belgrad verlangt, unverzüglich alle Angriffe auf Zivilisten im Kosovo einzustellen und einen ernsthaften Dialog aufzunehmen.
     Es könne keine gewaltsame Lösung im Kosovo geben, sagte der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Waleri Rachmanin, am Donnerstag. Ein möglicher Militäreinsatz der NATO ohne Sanktion des UNO-Sicherheitsrates könnte die Lage in der Region «dramatisch verschärfen und ein schwerer Schlag gegen die Vereinten Nationen und den Weltsicherheitsrat sein», zitierten ihn die russischen Nachrichtenagenturen.
     Eine solche Aktion wäre «ein äußerst gefährlicher Präzedenzfall». Rußland ist eines von fünf ständigen Mitglieder im UNO-Sicherheitsrat mit Veto-Recht.
     Militärische Strafaktionen der NATO sind nach einem Bericht der «Washington Post» innerhalb einer Woche möglich, falls die Gewalt gegen Kosovo-Albaner andauert. Deutliche Hinweise auf ein möglicherweise bevorstehendes Vorgehen der NATO hätten Beamte der Regierung von US-Präsident Bill Clinton und des Verteidigungs-Bündnisses gegeben.
     Nach US-Angaben soll mit einer intensiven ersten Serie von Luftangriffen begonnen werden, wobei dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic in einer kurzen Angriffspause Zeit zum Einlenken gegeben werde. Falls er nicht den Kurs ändere, werden dann Luftangriffe folgen, bis die Einheiten im Kosovo aktionsunfähig seien. NATO-Bodentruppen könnten notwendig sein.
     Jugoslawiens Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic sagte der Zeitung, «daß die regulären Polizeikräfte, die Recht und Ordnung aufrechterhalten, dort (im Kosovo) bleiben werden».
     Die Armee bleibe, um die Grenze (zu Albanien) zu bewachen. Er stritt nicht ab, daß es zu Greuel-Taten gekommen sei, bekräftigte allerdings, es gebe «kein wahlloses Töten von Zivilisten. Es gibt nur einen Kampf gegen Terrorismus». Manchmal gehe das auf Kosten der Zivilbevölkerung.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 15:50  http://seite1.web.de/show/361388BB.NL1/
Bischöfe besorgt über «Asylantenfeindlichkeit» der Schweizer
Bern (dpa) - Die Schweizer Bischöfe sind beunruhigt über eine zunehmende «Asylantenfeindlichkeit» ihrer Landsleute. «Unserer Generation sollen nicht dieselben Vorwürfe gemacht werden können, wie sie jetzt gegen die Kriegsgeneration erhoben werden», sagte Basels Bischof Kurt Koch am Donnerstag in Bern mit Blick auf die aktuelle Debatte über die Flüchtlingspolitik der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
     Trotz der steigenden Zahl von Asylbewerbern dürfe Verfolgten und Bürgerkriegsflüchtlingen nicht mit einer restriktiven Gesetzgebung der Zugang zur Schweiz versperrt werden, erklärte die Schweizerische Bischofskonferenz (SBK).
     Die Bischöfe hätten angesichts der dramatischen Lage im Kosovo Verständnis für die rapide steigende Zahl von Asylgesuchen, sagte SBK-Vizepräsident Koch. Er rief die christlichen Gemeinden zu weiteren Anstrengungen bei der Aufnahme «dieser hilfsbedürftigen Menschen» auf.
     Das Schweizer Asylgesetz war zum 1. Juli 1998 verschärft worden. Seither können Ausländer, die ohne Papiere einreisen oder sich illegal im Land aufhalten, keinen Asylantrag mehr stellen. Verschiedene Organisationen wollen das neue Gesetz durch eine Volksabstimmung kippen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 15:21  http://seite1.web.de/show/361381D8.NL1/
UNO-Sicherheitsrat berät in Dringlichkeitssitzung über Kosovo-Greuel
New York (dpa) - Nach den jüngsten Greueltaten an ethnischen Albanern in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo wollte der Weltsicherheitsrat noch am späten Donnerstag abend (22.30 MESZ) eine Dringlichkeitssitzung einberufen und das Vorgehen serbischer Kräfte ausdrücklich verurteilen. Das bestätigte UNO-Sprecher Fred Eckhard im Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen in New York.
     Weitere Aktionen des Sicherheitsrates werden jedoch nicht vor Anfang kommender Woche erwartet, wenn Kofi Annan dem höchsten UNO-Gremium über die Einhaltung der vorangegangenen UNO-Resolution durch Belgrad berichtet. Annans Analyse wird dem Weltsicherheitsrat voraussichtlich am Montag vorliegen.
     In seiner Resolution hatte der Rat von der Regierung in Belgrad verlangt, unverzüglich alle Angriffe auf Zivilisten im Kosovo einzustellen und einen ernsthaften Dialog aufzunehmen.
     Nur drei Tage später wurden in und bei Gornji Obrinje 13 albanische Männer erschossen und 18 Mitglieder einer Großfamilie, Frauen, Kinder und ältere Leute, umgebracht und zum Teil schrecklich verstümmelt. Augenzeugen machten jugoslawische Polizisten und Militärs für die Massaker verantwortlich.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 15:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36138099.NL1/
Robinson fordert wegen der Massaker in Kosovo dringendes Handeln
Genf (dpa) - Die UNO-Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte hat die jüngsten Massaker in Kosovo am Donnerstag verurteilt. Angesichts der inakzeptablen Menschenrechtssituation besteht dringender Handlungsbedarf, sagte Mary Robinson in Genf. Trotz offizieller Zusicherungen, die Menschen zu schützen, würden die Greueltaten fortgesetzt.
     Die Hochkommissarin wiederholte ihre Forderung nach einer unabhängigen Untersuchung aller Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Kosovo. Sie forderte die Regierung in Belgrad auf, endlich grünes Licht für die Entsendung weiterer Menschenrechtsbeobachter zu geben.
     «Es ist an der Zeit, das inakzeptable Leiden der Menschen, die aus ihren Häusern vertrieben werden, auf politischer Ebene anzupacken», sagte Robinson.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 13:26  http://seite1.web.de/show/361366E8.NL1/
Nach Massaker-Berichten: Bonn fordert lückenlose Aufklärung
Bonn (dpa) - Der deutsche Außenminister Klaus Kinkel hat eine lückenlose Aufklärung der Berichte über Massaker an Zivilisten im Kosovo verlangt. Die Urheberschaft dieser Morde müsse eindeutig festgestellt werden, erklärte Kinkel am Donnerstag in Bonn.
     Der deutsche Außenminister unterstützte die britische Aufforderung an UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan, bis zum kommenden Mittwoch einen Bericht über die Erfüllung der jüngsten Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates durch Belgrad vorzulegen. Danach könne der Sicherheitsrat weitere Maßnahmen beschließen.
     Kinkel warf der jugoslawischen Führung vor, sie belüge trotz eindeutiger Berichte und Bilder über das Töten von Zivilisten systematisch die Weltöffentlichkeit.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 14:02  http://seite1.web.de/show/36136F75.NL1/
Rußland warnt den Westen vor Militär-Einsatz im Kosovo
Moskau/New York (dpa) - Unmittelbar vor einer geplanten Dringlichkeits-Sitzung des UNO-Sicherheitsrats hat Rußland den Westen noch einmal vor einem möglichen militärischen Eingreifen im Kosovo gewarnt. Es könne keine gewaltsame Lösung des Problems geben, sagte der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, Waleri Rachmanin, am Donnerstag.
     Ein möglicher Militär-Einsatz der NATO ohne Sanktion des UNO-Sicherheitsrates könnte die Lage in der Region «dramatisch verschärfen und ein schwerer Schlag gegen die Vereinten Nationen und den Weltsicherheitsrat sein», zitierten ihn die russischen Nachrichtenagenturen. Eine solche Aktion wäre «ein äußerst gefährlicher Präzedenzfall», sagte Rachmanin weiter.
     Der kommunistische Vorsitzende des russischen Parlaments, Gennadi Selesnjow, schloß im Fall eines NATO-Einsatzes im Kosovo die Aufkündigung des Rußland-NATO-Grunglagenvertrags nicht aus.
     Wenn die NATO das Territorium Jugoslawiens bombardiere, werde die Duma «möglicherweise die Frage der Kündigung des Vertrages erörtern, der zwischen Rußland und der NATO geschlossen ist», sagte er am Mittwoch abend im russischen Fernsehen. Moskau und die NATO hatten im Mai 1997 die Grund-Akte abgeschlossen, um Rußlands Bedenken angesichts der NATO-Erweiterung zu zerstreuen.
     Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat wollte sich voraussichtlich am Donnerstag in New York in einer Dringlichkeits-Sitzung mit der Lage im Kosovo befassen. Dies hatte der britische Außenminister Robin Cook als neuer Vorsitzender des Rates mitgeteilt.
     Anlaß sind Berichte über neue Greueltaten in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz. Bei der geplanten Sitzung dürfte es auch darum gehen, ob die Vereinten Nationen ein Mandat für einen Militär-Einsatz im Kosovo erteilen. Die USA hatten am Mittwoch nochmals klargemacht, daß die NATO nach ihrer Überzeugung auch ohne Unterstützung des UNO-Sicherheitsrates militärisch gegen serbische Ziele im Kosovo vorgehen könne.
     Rußland ist eines von fünf ständigen Mitglieder im UNO-Sicherheitsrat. Moskau hat in dem Gremium ein Vetorecht. Rachmanin verwies am Donnerstag auf die UNO-Resolution zum Kosovo-Konflikt von vergangener Woche, die keine Ermächtigung für mögliche militärische Einsätze enthält.
     Rachmanin verurteilte die jüngsten Bluttaten an albanischen Zivilisten im Kosovo. Die Umstände müßten aufgeklärt werden. Internationale Beobachter hatten nach britischen Angaben an zwei Orten im Kosovo insgesamt 31 Leichen von Albanern entdeckt, von denen einige verstümmelt waren. Die serbische Sonderpolizei hatte jede Beteiligung an einem Massaker abgestritten.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 14:28    http://seite1.web.de/show/36137590.NL1/
«Washington Post»: NATO-Angriffe innerhalb einer Woche möglich
Washington (dpa) - Militärische Strafaktionen der NATO gegen Serbien sind nach einem Bericht der «Washington Post» vom Donnerstag innerhalb einer Woche möglich, falls die Gewalt gegen Kosovo-Albaner andauert.
     Deutliche Hinweise auf ein möglicherweise bevorstehendes Vorgehen der NATO hätten Beamte der Regierung von US-Präsident Bill Clinton und des atlantischen Verteidigungsbündnisses gegeben. Rußland sei zwar weiterhin gegen ein militärisches Eingreifen, in der NATO gebe es jedoch keinen größeren Widerstand mehr gegen eine Strafaktion, schrieb die Zeitung.
     Nach den jüngsten Berichten über Massaker an Zivilisten im Kosovo hat Jugoslawiens Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic in einem Interview mit der Zeitung erklärt, «daß die regulären Polizeikräfte, die Recht und Ordnung aufrechterhalten, dort bleiben werden». Die Armee bleibe, um die Grenze (zu Albanien) zu bewachen.
     Er stritt nicht ab, daß es zu Greueltaten gekommen sei, bekräftigte allerdings, es gebe «kein wahllosen Töten von Zivilisten. Es gibt nur einen Kampf gegen Terrorismus». Manchmal gehe das auf Kosten der Zivilbevölkerung.
     Entscheidend für die Haltung der NATO wird dem Zeitungsbericht zufolge sein, ob UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan von einem Rückzug der Truppen des jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic berichtet. Nach US-Angaben soll mit einer intensiven ersten Serie von Luftangriffen begonnen werden, wobei dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten in einer kurzen Angriffspause Zeit zum Einlenken gegeben werde. Falls er nicht den Kurs ändere, werde es andauernde Luftangriffe geben, bis seine Truppen aktionsunfähig seien. Es könne notwendig sein, NATO-Bodentruppen einzusetzen.
     Mehrere führende Kongreßpolitiker in Washington hatten in der vergangenen Woche mögliche Militärschläge gegen serbische Truppen klar befürwortet. Darunter waren der einflußreiche republikanische Senator John McCain aus Arizona und die demokratische Senatorin Dianne Feinstein aus Kalifornien. US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright wollte dem Kongreß am Donnerstag über den Kosovo unterrichten.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 14:48  http://seite1.web.de/show/36137A1A.NL1/
Sieben Tote bei Angriffen auf jugoslawische Grenzsoldaten
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - In der Unruheprovinz Kosovo sind bei zwei Angriffen auf Grenzposten entlang der jugoslawisch-albanischen Grenze insgesamt sieben jugoslawische Soldaten ums Leben gekommen. Ein Sprecher der jugoslawischen Armee in der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina erklärte am Donnerstag nach Angaben der Agentur Beta (Belgrad), die beiden Grenzposten seien am Vortag vom Gebiet des benachbarten Albanien aus «von Terroristen» angegriffen worden.
     Zuvor hatte bereits das serbische Medien-Zentrum in Pristina von einem Überfall auf den Grenzposten «Kosare» berichtet. Bei dem massiven Beschuß aus Granatwerfern und Maschinengewehren starben nach den Angaben sechs Soldaten und Offiziere, zwei weitere Armeeangehörige wurden dabei verwundet. Der anschließende Schußwechsel mit den Angrifern dauerte mehrere Stunden.
     Nach Armee-Angaben wurde beinahe zeitgleich der Grenzposten «Morina» aus Granatwerfern beschossen. Ein Offizier kam dabei ums Leben, vier weitere Soldaten wurden verwundet.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 12:38  http://seite1.web.de/show/36135B8D.NL1/
EU-Ratspräsident: Keine Lösung im Kosovo mit Milosevic
Wien (dpa) - Der österreichische Außenminister und amtierende EU-Ratsvorsitzende, Wolfgang Schüssel, hat eine Lösung der Krise in der südjugoslawischen Provinz Kosovo mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic als unmöglich bezeichnet.
     «Solange Milosevic das Sagen hat, wird es keine dauerhafte friedliche Lösung geben», sagte Schüssel am Donnerstag in Wien. Daher seien «internationaler Druck und Sanktionen» gegen Belgrad notwendig. Letztlich müsse aber die serbische Bevölkerung selbst dafür sorgen, daß Milosevic die politische Bühne verläßt.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 09:01  http://seite1.web.de/show/361328DB.NL1/
Fünf jugoslawische Soldaten an Grenze zu Albanien getötet
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - In der Unruheprovinz Kosovo sind bei einem Feuergefecht an der jugoslawisch-albanischen Grenze fünf jugoslawische Grenzsoldaten ums Leben gekommen. Nach Angaben des serbischen Media-Zentrums in der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina vom Donnerstag hatten Unbekannte am Vortag von albanischem Gebiet aus das Feuer auf den Grenzposten eröffnet.
     Der Grenzposten sei mit Granatwerfern und schweren Maschinengewehren angegriffen worden. Das Gefecht habe mehrere Stunden gedauert.
     Die Agentur Beta (Belgrad) berichtete, die jugoslawische Armeeführung in Belgrad habe zu dem Zwischenfall vorerst jede Stellungnahme verweigert.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 09:05  http://seite1.web.de/show/3613299F.NL1/
«The Independent»: Auf dem Balkan droht weitere Fragmentierung
London (dpa) - Über die mögliche künftige Entwicklung der Beziehung zwischen Kosovo-Albanern und Serben schreibt der britische liberale «Independent» am Donnerstag:
     «Jetzt steuert alles auf einen Krieg hin. Wenn es dabei (Kosovo-) albanische Siege gibt, wird der Westen vor einem größeren Problem stehen als jetzt mit der serbischen Brutalität. Die (Kosovo-)Albaner sind nicht in der Stimmung zur Versöhnlichkeit. Fast einstimmig verlangen sie jetzt volle Unabhängigkeit für das Kosovo, nicht nur Autonomie.
     Dies wiederum eröffnet die Möglichkeit weiterer Fragmentierung auf dem Balkan, auch im Hinblick auf die große albanische Minderheit im benachbarten Mazedonien. All dies geschieht, weil sich westliche Politiker nicht auf ein Eingreifen verständigen konnten, als dies noch sinnvoll gewesen wäre. Dies ist eine gleichermaßen bedrückende und beschämende Geschichte.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 09:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/36132A2F.NL1/
Russischer Parlamentschef warnt Westen vor Eingreifen im Kosovo
Moskau (dpa) - Der kommunistische Vorsitzende des russischen Parlaments, Gennadi Selesnjow, hat den Westen vor einem militärischen Eingreifen im Kosovo gewarnt. Wenn die NATO das Territorium Jugoslawiens bombardiere, werde das Parlament «möglicherweise die Frage der Kündigung des Vertrages erörtern, der zwischen Rußland und der NATO geschlossen ist», sagte er am Mittwoch abend im russischen Fernsehen.
     Beide Seiten hatten im Mai 1997 die Grundakte Rußland-NATO zur Beilegung des Konflikts um die von Rußland abgelehnte NATO-Erweiterung geschlossen. Zu den neuen Greueltaten an ethnischen Albanern im Kosovo äußerte sich Selesnjow nicht.
     Der Kreml und das Außenministerium lehnten eine Stellungnahme zur Entwicklung im Kosovo und zu Selesnjows Äußerungen ab. Bei früheren Warnungen des Westens vor einem militärischen Eingreifen in der südserbischen, überwiegend von ethnischen Albanern bewohnten Provinz hatte jedoch auch der Kreml wiederholt mit einer Aufkündigung des Vertrages mit der NATO gedroht.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 09:08  http://seite1.web.de/show/36132A7F.NL1/
«The Times»: Ohne Bodentruppen geht es nicht
London (dpa) - Über die Lage im Kosovo und die Notwendigkeit für internationales Eingreifen schreibt die britische konservative «Times» am Donnerstag:
     «Es wäre ein Ausdruck von Wunschdenken, wenn man glauben würde, daß eine politische Lösung möglich wäre, ohne daß internationale Streitkräfte im Land eingesetzt werden. Je länger eine Entscheidung darüber verschoben wird, desto größer muß dieses Kontingent sein und desto länger muß der Einsatz dauern.
     Milosevic muß klargemacht werden, daß eine internationale Militärpräsenz im Kosovo erforderlich ist, um Frieden und Sicherheit in der Region zu gewährleisten. Wir werden mit der jugoslawischen Armee zusammenarbeiten, aber über die Rahmenbedingungen wird nicht verhandelt. Alle Kämpfe müssen beendet werden, ehe ernsthafte politische Verhandlungen beginnen können.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 09:47  http://seite1.web.de/show/36133393.NL1/
Britische Presse berichtet über weiteres Massaker im Kosovo
London (dpa) - Britische Zeitungen haben am Donnerstag von einem weiteren Massaker im Kosovo berichtet. Bei der dritten Bluttat, die innerhalb von 48 Stunden bekannt wurde, seien am Montag bei Vraniq, knapp 50 Kilometer südwestlich von Pristina, vier Männer ermordet und 50 andere verhaftet worden, meldete der «Guardian».
     Die Zeitung hatte am Vortag über zwei andere angeblich serbische Massaker berichtet. Dabei seien in der Nähe des Dorfes Obrinje bis zu 31 Menschen ermordet worden, unter ihnen zahlreiche Frauen und Kinder.
     Bei einem der beiden Übergriffe seien 18 Mitglieder einer Familie umgebracht worden. Aufgrund der jüngsten Massaker-Berichte hatte der britische Außenminister Robin Cook eine Sitzung des Sicherheitsrats für den heutigen Donnerstag beantragt.
     Außenminister Cook versicherte am Donnerstag morgen im BBC- Fernsehen, daß sein Land zur Beteiligung an Luftangriffen gegen serbische Truppen im Kosovo bereit sei.
     «Großbritannien ist zum Handeln bereit, falls sich Milosevic nicht entsprechend den Entschließungen der Vereinten Nationen verhält,» sagte er. «Was wir hier sehen, ist schierer Mord.» Der serbische Präsident habe damit die ganze internationale Gemeinschaft gegen sich aufgebracht.
     Unter Berufung auf einen Beobachter der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human rights Watch (New York) meldete der «Guardian» am Donnerstag, daß ein Treck albanischer Flüchtlinge mit 250 Fahrzeugen überfallen worden sei, nachdem man ihn aus den Wäldern gelockt habe.
     Der Zug sei geplündert und teilweise zerstört worden. Der Beobachter habe die Leichen von fünf Männern gesehen, die aus kurzem Abstand erschossen worden waren. Einem Toten sei die Nase abgeschnitten worden.
     Von 300 Männern aus dem Zug, die verhaftet und am Dienstag weggeführt wurden, seien alle bis auf 50 am Mittwoch wiedergekommen. Viele berichteten, sie seien mißhandelt worden, schilderte auch der «Independent».
Meldung vom 01.10.1998 05:22  http://seite1.web.de/show/3612F566.NL1/
UN-Sicherheitsrat berät nach Massakern über Lage im Kosovo
Washington/New York/Belgrad (dpa) - Der UN-Sicherheitsrat wird sich voraussichtlich an diesem Donnerstag in New York in einer Dringlichkeitssitzung mit der Lage im Kosovo befassen. Dies teilte der britische Außenminister Robin Cook als neuer Vorsitzender des Rates mit. Anlaß sind Berichte über neue Greueltaten in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz.
     Internationale Beobachter hatten nach britischen Angaben an zwei Orten im Kosovo insgesamt 31 Leichen von Albanern entdeckt, von denen einige verstümmelt waren. Die serbische Sonderpolizei stritt am Mittwoch jede Beteiligung an einem Massaker ab.
     In der geplanten Sitzung des Sicherheitsrates dürfte es auch darum gehen, ob die Vereinten Nationen ein Mandat für einen Militäreinsatz im Kosovo erteilen. Die USA machten am Mittwoch nochmals klar, daß die Nato nach ihrer Überzeugung auch ohne Unterstützung des UN-Sicherheitsrates militärisch gegen serbische Ziele im Kosovo vorgehen könne.
     Der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, James Foley, warnte die Serben, daß eine Entscheidung über eine Militäraktion näherrücke: «Die Uhr läuft.» Den Ausschlag werde geben, ob der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic den Kurs ändere. Es scheine, daß abziehende serbische Einheiten im Kosovo durch andere ersetzt würden und ihre Zahl somit konstant bleibe, sagte Foley.
     Rußland, eines von fünf ständigen Mitglieder im UN-Sicherheitsrat mit Vetorecht, lehnt eine Militäraktion im Kosovo bislang ab.
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !

......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details

Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1569
Datum:         Thu, 1 Oct 1998 18:02:34 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 1 October 1998

Serb Attacks against Albanian Communities in Kosova Continued Thursday

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - Serb forces attacks against Albanian communities have been reported resuming in at last four Kosova municipalities on Thursday. LDK sources in the areas that have been targeted by the Sreb offensives for months could not confirm allegations about any withdrawal of Sreb troops.
Gjakova: The local LDK chapter in the town said the village of Kralan, Dushkaja region, came under heavy Serb artillery fire today morning. The village was badly destroyed during an attack a month ago and part of the population which returned there has been sheltered in house basements that survived the shelling and in make-shift huts.
Further Sreb troops' buildup was reported today morning around Mrasor village of Klina. By early afternoon there was no word about any attack against the village.
Ferizaj: Serb forces advanced today towards the Jezerc village, the LDK chapter in Freizaj ('Urosevac') reported. Fire from artillery guns was reported heard in the area before the Serb entered the village.
Sources said around 1.500 resident of Jezerc village have found themselves sealed off by the Sreb troops.
Malisheva: The Serb troops garrisoned near the villages of Ostrozub and Dragobil opened fire from artillery guns against the outlying villages lats evening, local sources said. The villages of Shkozë, Maxharrë and Janqiq were pounded with fire for several hours. No report about possible casualties has been available yet.
Skenderaj: Between 11 and 13:30 today (Thursday) parts of the Obria e Epërme village were pounded with heavy artillery fire, sources reported. The chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms in Skederaj ('Srbica') said Obria was fired upon from a Sreb position at Likoc. Several Serb shells landed in the village of Terstenik of Glogovc, local resident said.

Serb Execute Five Albanians in Village near Suhareka
One of the executed Albanian was forced to put on UÇK uniform before being shot dead

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) -  The dead bodies of five Albanians were found today in the Vraniq village of Suhareka, 55 km south-west of Prishtina.
Local sources said they were executed by Serb forces during the latest offensive in the area launched on Sunday morning.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka identified the killed Albanians in Vraniq as Burim Elshani, Milaim Bugari (20), both of them from Suhareka, Hafir Elshani (35) from Sllapuzhan village, his body mutilated; Rasim K. Kolgeci (15) from Vraniq and Hazir Bajraktari from Budakova village.
Witnesses have told the LDK chapter that Burim Elshani was separated by the Serb forces from a cluster of uprooted Albanians, was taken to a nearby forest and executed there. Before killing him, the Serb stripped his clothes of and forced him put on a uniform of the Liberation Army of Kosova (UÇK).
Local LDK and human rights activists in Suhareka said they suspected there are more killed Albanian scattered in the area.
Thousands of Albanians from Suhareka region and adjacent municipalities swelled Vraniq village in the wake a huge Serb offensive against Albanian communities in south-west Kosova since last weekend. At least 20 villages straddling a triangle between the municipalities of Suhareka, Shtime and Ferizaj came under heavy Serb attacks on Sunday morning.
Five mutilated bodies of Albanians were found yesterday in the villages of Mushitisht and Budakova in the Suahareka municipality; one Albanian died and two others were wounded on Tuesday in a minefield in their native Petrova village of Shtime; still unconfirmed spoke of several casualties at Jezerc village of Ferizaj.

Five Albanians Killed, Two Wounded, at Gllareva Village, Klina

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - Sources in Klina, a town 50 km west of Prishtina, said five Albanians were found killed in Gllareva village today.
The LDK chapter in Klina said it has learned the identity of two killed Albanians, naming them as Ahmet Pantina and Hysen Pantina, both local residents of Gllareva. The identity of three others could not been established yet it, said.
Citing local resident the LDK information Commission in Klina said the Albanians were killed during a Sreb attack in the village last weekend. Two other residents of Gllareva, Ymer Veselaj and Rexhë Balaj were wounded during the attack.

Two More Killed Albanians Found in Oshlan Village, Vushtrri
19 other Albanians were identified as killed in Oshlan during a Serb attack in third decade of September

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - The dead bodies of Arsim Ibrahimi (14) and Musa Sheremeti (60) were found today in Oshlan village, Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') municipality. The corpse of Musa Sheremeti was carbonated and took residents a long time to identify him, local sources said.
Oshlan and at least 20 other villages in the Çiçavica mountain foot, north-west of Prishtina, was targeted by a huge Serb offensive in late September. Over 100 Albanians were killed during several day long attacks, 19 in the Oshlan village alone. Many victims were slain or shot from short distance, eye-witnesses have told the LDK chapter in Vushtrri later.
Source in Vushtrri said they suspected more dead Albanians are still scattered in the mountains around Oshlan and other hamlets that were targeted by the latest Serb offensives.

Three Unidentified Dead Bodies Held in Front of Town Hall in Gllogovc

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - A resident of Zabel i Ulët village near Gllogovc told the KIC today (Thursday) he had seen three dead bodies in front of the municipal assembly building in the town this morning.
The witness who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons said the bodies were being held near a staircase of the building and were guarded by Serb policemen. He could not tell anything about their identity as they were covered.
He said that scores of Albanians are still being held in the Serb police station in Gllogovc and that they were subjected to brutal torture.
During the past 7-8 days, sources in Gllogovc have reported of a couple of hundreds of Albanian rounded up in the surrounding villages. Many were reported taken to the halls of a Ferrous-Nickel plants in a suburb of the town and the local police station. [See related story below]

Witnesses' Accounts about Torturing of Detainees in Serb Police Station in Gllogovc

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - Four Albanian who were held for several days in the Serb police station in Gllogovc claimed the detainees there were subjected to outrageous torture. Some of the detainees have even had their genitals cut or eyes pulled out, they said. Hajriz F. Kajtazi (47), resident of Prekazi i Epërm and Hajriz F. Islami (63) from Mikushnica, Azem Gashi (36) from Rezalla and Naim Sinani (19) from Tica, Skënderaj municipality, said they were arrested by the Serb forces during the offensive against Albanian communities in Çiçavica mountains foot. In a testimony later with the LDK chapter in Mitrovica the men claimed that they were themselves tortured brutally while in custody.
Hajriz Kajtazi said that during five days in custody in Serb police station in Gllogovc he saw many Albanians by and lareg young men being subjected to uncommon tortures. The Serb police even cut the genitals or pulled out eyes of detainees, he told the LDK chapter in Mitrovica.
Tens of detainees were being held in police station rooms. In some of the cases the police would take out groups of them, but some were never brought back in the rooms, he said, adding that they could have been executed. Mr. Kajtazi said during the whole time while in custody he could hear painful screams of people being tortured in the other rooms.
Hajriz Islami said he was arrested together with his son on 24 September in Qirez village. He was held for three days in the police station in Mitrovica but his son Agim Islami (19) was not. According to still unconfirmed reports, he was taken to Gllogovc, he said.
Azem Gashi and Naim Sinani have told the LDK chapter in Mitrovica they were first held for two days in the Serb police station in Mitrovica before being transferred to Gllogovc. They were taken to a hall in Gllogovc where they were tortured badly. Romani (gipsy) civilians were hired to beat the detainees. During the whole time the gipsies swore they would kill all the Albanians, the two witnesses said.

Serbs Slain Albanian Villager in Bitia, Southern Kosova

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - The mutilated body of Sami Bakiu (27), was found today morning in the Bitia e Ulët village in the municipality of Shtërpca, south-east of Kosova.
Sources in Ferizaj said the late Sami Bakiu could not leave his village before a Serb forces attack on Tuesday.
A local resident of the village told the KIC on Wednesday that after having pounded the village with artillery fire the Serb troops entered the village and set ablaze at least 8 farmhouses of local Albanians. Sami Bakiu who was still in the village was apparently caught by Serbs and killed, the LDK chapter in Freizaj said. It added that his body could not be buried yet.
A foreign reporter who spoke on condition of anonymity has told the KIC he witnessed himself Serb forces' operations in Bitia village on Tuesday. Serb police ordered the local Albanians to leave the village at once or else they would see themselves burning together with their homes, the reporter said.
Sources in the area said that the Serbs troops have intruded into the houses of Albanians in Bitia, looting commodities and appliances. Serb civilians were involved in the camping of pillaging and destroying the property of Albanians.

Five More Albanians Buried in Obria Village on Wednesday

PRISHTINA, Oct 1 (KIC) - The chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Skederaj said five more Albanians were buried Wednesday in Obria e Epërme village. The Albanians were killed during the last week's Sreb offensive in the area but their bodies were only found yesterday.
The CDHRF named the following Albanians buried in Obria on Wednesday: Xhevdet Deriqi (38), mentally sick man, Rrustem Hysenaj (80) and Mehmet Xhemajlaj (70), residents of Obria e Epërme; and a middle-aged couple from Greminik of Klina, whose identity could not be established.
18 Albanians, members of two extended families from Obria e Epërme village, were massacred by the Sreb forces last weekend.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
 taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 1, 1998  at 22:00 hrs
KOSOVA (reportage - Obri e Poshtme)
"They killed us and ran away, leaving behind traces of their crime"
Valbona Mehmeti

Obri e Poshtme, 1 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
"Take the flour and everything else that’s left. I don't need anything. I have no one to save it for", told his compatriots Imer Delia (38), from Obri e Poshtme, whom the Serb paramilitary massacred 18 family members on 26 September.
We met Imer sitting on a fallen roof of a house, by the macadam road in the village of Obri e Poshtme. He slowly approaches the vehicle and asks for a newspaper from us.
It was impossible to oppose his insisting to see the photographs of his massacred family, published in "KOHA Ditore"."
I have already seen all the corpses, why shouldn't I see them now", he said as he was turning the pages, filled with pictures that shivered the world, with tears in his eyes.
"I sat here to see if any of them from ICRC is passing by, because I have one of my sons and four children of my brother, Enver, wounded... I don't know what to do with them", says Imer, getting no reply. The words "be strong", vanish in front of this man, as if they were never spoken.
"For three weeks, they have been wandering from one village to another, searching for a more secure place. For some time they were sheltered in Gllobar, then in Qirez, where they merely escaped from the Serb police force siege", says Imer.
On Friday, 25 October, at around 1200CET, the women and children of the Delia family returned to their homes to arise on the morning of Saturday, under the knife of the Serb paramilitary.
"They were killed as they were attempting to find shelter in the neighboring forest. I was not with them. When I returned at the place where the massacre was conducted, I saw my seven weeks old daughter, under the slaughtered body of my wife. My daughter's mouth was filled with blood", Imer was slowly telling.
The four children that survived the massacre suffered minor injuries and their condition is not critical. The one-year-old daughter of Enver Delia, Arlinda, had her wound on the leg wrapped, whereas three others had slight wounds on their heads. Imer assessed they were "wounds from the shelling".
"These four children saved my life", says the old women, Shehide Hysenaj, whom the Serb police killed her husband and two guests, that were staying at her house.
"I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly my house yard was flooded by about 20 policemen, who left these four children on my hands, I didn't even know whose they were", the old woman was telling.
"Take these children and hold them until we come back, cause we'll be back to kill you", the police had told her. She was in the yard, when the police got inside the house and killed her husband Rrustem Hysenaj (73), Ali Kadrulla (62), and Hyra Kadrulla (50), from the village of Gremnik. "I don't know what happened inside, I only heard the shooting", says Shehide adding that "the police went and never came back, and the children were left with me".
One of the girls that was taking care of the children said: "The police came in the forest where we were sheltered, holding the three-year-old baby of the Delia family. ‘ Where is the mother that left a three years old baby and ran away’, the policeman cynically asked". The mother of this innocent creature was left massacred somewhere in the village valleys, as she was attempting to save her children from the claws of those that cannot get fed up with the blood of innocent people.
As the journalists were taking photographs of this little girl, still incapable of understanding what was going on around her, the five-year-old son of Imer, was forcing his head into his father’s chest, who was on the brink of tears.
In his father’s arms, he was trying to find the warm hug of his mother, now massacred and buried meaninglessly... With hugs, they were comforting each other for the death of mom, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter... the victims of a massacre of a savage and ruthless world.

Serb forces shell civilian convoy

Vraniq, Ferizaj, 1 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
Serb police forces attacked on Tuesday a convoy of civilian's cars and tractors that were escaping from the shelling in their villages informed today Human Rights Watch activists. An investigator of this organization witnessed the corpses of four Albanian males, who were killed near the village. They also saw another person, who according to them was executed from close range and another whose face was severely disfigured.
Several thousand men were arrested during this police action against the convoy in the village of Vraniq, near Ferizaj, in the southwestern part of Kosova. Further, they were transported to Prizren were they were mistreated while in detention. The larger parts of the village of Vraniq were burned by the police, as the shelling and the burning of the surrounding villages of Ferizaj, continued today as well, claim activists of this organization.
Two of the four killed were found on a hill that has a view on the convoy in Vraniq, and they seem to have been shot from a short distance, most probably from a sniper. Two other corpses were brought to the village mosque for burial.
Milaim Bugari (29) had burning marks on the head, indicating that he was shot from close range. Hafir Elshani’s (35) face was disfigured and his nose was cut off.
In Vraniq, the activists of this American organization for human rights witnessed what had been left from convoy of civilian vehicles, assessed to be three kilometers long.
The cars, tractors, and trucks were filled with civilian's belongings. 34 destroyed vehicles were badly destroyed while 55 others were less damaged. In a valley, these activists saw 145 other vehicles, half of which were badly damaged. The people's belongings were spread around the crime site. Many of the vehicles were burned down.
According to witnesses, the residents of Vraniq decided to evacuate their village, on Sunday morning, of 27 September, after the Governmental forces started shelling the neighboring villages of Bukosh and Budakovë, and after they started approaching the village of Vraniq. Many persons from the region, sought shelter in this area for the past two months. The civilians fled in the nearby forest and spent Sunday night over Vraniq, even though it was pouring rain.
Witnesses told the Human Rights Watch activists that an old man was sent by the police on Monday morning, to pass a message by the police that it is safe to go back home. The convoy started going back to Vraniq, but the police in the center of the village stopped the first vehicles of the convoy. The police then started surrounding the civilians in the convoy.
According to the same sources from the ground, the women and children were held in a school building in Vraniq, whereas the men were divided into two groups. One group was held in a house in Vraniq and the rest were taken to a nearby school in Bukosh. While the civilians were detained, the police started burning the houses in Vraniq and destroying many of the villages of the convoy.
About 250-300 men were transferred from a house in Vraniq to the fire station, close to the police station in Prizren, on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. The police brought the majority to Vraniq at around 0300CET today, while the HRW activists were at the site. These men told the activists that they were brutally beaten by the police. They showed them the injuries, which corresponded with their stories. They said they were not given any food or water since they were arrested. According to them at least fifteen men from the convoy of Vraniq, remain arrested in Prizren.
As they were approaching the town of Vraniq, the HRW activists saw the village of Budakovë burning. According to all of these sources, Budakovë was shelled in the morning of 30 September, before the police entered the town to burn the houses.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Ferizaj)
Serb forces besiege some 1.500 Albanians

Ferizaj, 1 October (ARTA) 2145CET --
Sporadic shooting and shelling continued in the village of Jezerc, during Thursday as well, LDK local sources inform.
The Serb forces besiege about 1,500 Albanians of this village.
The corpse of Sami Bakiu (27), from Biti e Epërme, father of three, was found at the same village on Thursday, LDK and CDHRF sources in Ferizaj inform. The same source informs that Bakiu could not leave the village, since the Serb infantry had just entered, after the two day shelling of the villages of Biti e Epërme and Biti e Poshtme.
The Albanian residents of these villages are staying outdoors and several of them are sheltered in the town of Ferizaj.

KOSOVA (clashes – Malishevë)
Intense shootouts in the municipality of Malishevë

Malishevë, 1 October (ARTA) 1730CET --
Yesterday afternoon, the Serb police forces stationed in Malishevë, continued shooting at surrounding civilian targets, Albanian sources claim.
Serb forces used mine launchers, for more then ten times on the road that leads to Dragobil and in some of the suburban neighborhoods of this village.
Late last evening, three APCs shot at the houses of the villages of Dragobil, Magjerë, and Ostrazub.
Similar shootings were also heard today coming from the side of Drenica and Lugu i Baranit. The shooting along the Malishevë-Ostrazub line, intensified, particularly following the death of three policemen and the wounding of several others, by the KLA forces near Malishevë, on the night of 29 September. Albanian sources confirmed this, adding that a Serb military helicopter landed, picking up the wounded Serb policemen.

KOSOVA (victims – Suharekë)
Five more dead in Suharekë – 200 people still besieged by Serb police

Suharekë, 1 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
Five days following the commencement of the third Serb force offensive against the villages of the municipality of Suharekë, LDK information sources in Suharekë, besides the five victims of yesterday, evidenced five other victims today. A 15-year-old boy, Rasim Kolgeci, from the village of Vraniq, is among them.
According to the same sources, four other victims were identified and they are the following: Milaim Bugari (29) from Suharekë, Hafir Elshani (35) from the village of Sllapuzhan, who was found massacred, Burim Elshani (20) executed and Hazir Bajraktari from Budakovë. The source claims that Burim Elshani was separated from other Albanian civilians and was sent to the forest before being executed. There the Serb paramilitary dressed him on a military uniform, to present him as a KLA soldier.
"KOHA Ditore" sources state that presently more than 200 people are in the forest of Budakovë, without food and other basic living items. It is suspected that there are many killed in these villages, since no information reached out.
Albanian sources also inform that a number of Albanian civilians, from the war afflicted areas, held hostage in Lugu i Vraniqit, are released.
A convoy of humanitarian aid arrived today in Suharekë. Different international humanitarian associations organized this assistance. The convoy contained about 80 tons of aid, such as flour, hygienic-sanitarian packages, as well as clothing.

KOSOVA (victims – Gllogoc)
Three unidentified corpses in front of the Municipal Council Building

Gllogoc, 1 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
Five Albanians killed by the Serb forces in Obri e Epërme, during last week’s attack, were buried on Wednesday, CDHRF branch in Skënderaj informs.
Albanian sources inform that the Serb police in front of the Municipal Council are constantly watching three covered corpses. Their identities are unknown.
In the meantime, many Albanian civilians are still being kept under arrest in the Serb police station in Gllogoc. They are also being brutally tortured, witnesses claim.
Wednesday afternoon, Serb police and army units sent in the neighborhood of Dvoran, of the village of Tërstenik, the corpse of a killed Albanian.
CDHRF in Gllogoc claims that on Thursday, the police placed a weapon, near the Albanian corpse and photographed the corpse. Afterwards the corpse was placed inside an abandoned house and after a half an hour, two other vehicles picked it up.

KOSOVA (arrests – Gjilan)
Serb police arrests 5 "Mother Theresa" aid workers

Gjilan, 1 October (ARTA) 1710CET --
CDHRF in Gjilan informs that during Wednesday morning hours (0600CET), the Serb police forces arrested five "Mother Theresa" aid workers, from Gjilan, after they broke into their houses.
The arrested are Ruzhdi Rashiti, chairman, Hetem Arifi and Xhevat Nevzati, vice-chairmen, and Nazmi Rapuca and Riza Kçiku, drivers. According to this source, the above mentioned were sentenced with three days of arrest. The reasons of these arrests were still not confirmed.

KOSOVA (victims – Prizren)
CDHRF: 48 killed in Prizren municipality in September

Prizren, 1 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
According to the CDHRF monthly report, 48 killings, 14 wounding, 350 maltreatment cases, and 4,000 arresting, were registered in the municipality of Prizren, in the month of September alone.
138 Albanians suffered body injuries from the police tortures, whereas 472 houses were burned as a result of the Serb offensive against the villages of Vërrin, mainly in the villages of Lezë, Lybeniq, Jeshkovë, and Leskovec, CDHRF claims.
When other cases and forms of human rights violations are added, CDHRF says that during September in the municipality of Prizren, 4,505 persons were mistreated, while 9,421 cases of human rights violations were registered.
In addition, 20 killings, as a result of the Serb police repression, 36 wounding, 242 arrests and 17 villages of this municipality were registered in the municipality of Rahovec.
The overall number of the violation of human rights of Albanians is 995; 150 mistreated persons were evidenced only in the Human Rights Council in Prizren.
"KOHA Ditore" sources state, that the 23 member family of Sokol Ahmeti, from Matiçevë, municipality of Suharekë and their guest, arrested by the Serb police, have been released and are now staying with their relative.

KOSOVA (destruction – Drenica)
120 houses in the village of Vasilevë burned to the ground

Drenica, 1 October (ARTA) 1730CET --
120 houses – all houses of the village of Vasilevë, municipality of Gllogoc, a village with at least 700 residents, were burned to the ground, during the Serb police\military offensive in this village.
Residents of Vasilevë state that the Serb forces came to this village with some 80 tanks and other fighting vehicles, and burned down their houses.
Even the village elementary school, "Fazli Greiçevci", which was built by volunteer work and contribution of the local residents, was burned. Serb forces leveled it to the ground.

KOSOVA (KLA communique)
Civilian population targeted - Albanian wealth prey of Serb attacks

Prishtina, 1 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
"The liberation war of our people, lead by KLA has entered a new phase, difficult and dramatic, yet ethical. It will end with victory", says communique NR. 57 issued by the KLA General Headquarters.
"The enemy conducted the strongest offensive ever in the first operational zone, from 21 to 30 September. The enemy engaged thousands of tanks, transporters, APCs, and other motorized vehicles during this offensive that included the sub-zone of Drenica, Shalë, Pashtrik, and Nerodime. The KLA replied back to these forces, everywhere, with great determination. It caused them enormous loss in fighters and fighting technique. In the sub-zone of Drenica, which is entirely taken over by war, the harshest clashes took place in Prekaz, Gllanasellë, Rezallë, Likovc, Negroc etc. The enemy suffered a loss of 97 soldiers and paramilitary, with 114 tanks and other fighting vehicles destroyed. The KLA had 11 killed and eight wounded, among its ranks. The enemy, always defeated by the KLA, takes its revenge on civilians, killing, and massacring them. Such was is the case with the Delia family in Obri. In the sub zone of Shalë, as well, the brave boys of Artikoll, caused enormous damage and loss in men power to the enemy.
In the sub-zones of Pashtrik and Nerodime, fierce clashes took place in Budakovë, Greiçevc, and Jezerc. The enemy suffered great loss. In these particular clashes, the enemy had 100 killed and wounded and dozens of burned vehicles. In the Pashtrik sub-zone, the units of the 21 brigade, attacked the enemy forces in Petrovë and Cërnalevë, whereas the units of the 121 brigade attacked the enemy forces in Dragobil and Malishevë. During these actions, the KLA killed 65 Serb bandits and destroyed two tanks and one vehicle.
Clashes of lower intensity took place in other parts of the first operative zone. In all these clashes, the KLA losses are relatively minimal. This is another proof that the enemy can not defeat the KLA. On the contrary, our army is well prepared and it is now getting prepared for the final war. During this three-month offensive, the enemy managed to cause the Albanian people, great spiritual pain and unaccounted material damage, but has not achieved in seriously damaging the fighting capability of the KLA.
The International Community should realize, and there are many facts to proof that the target of the attacks of the criminals and barbarians, is the civilian population, the Albanian wealth and localities.
Thus, we have to convince them that for a nation, that has each doorstep covered in blood, that was confiscated all its wealth, and was burned the village, any solution or agreement, that is less than its independence is unacceptable.
Honorable countrymen, the spilled blood in Kosova, in the burned and looted villages, the arrested young men and the terrorized, are calling us all, to talk and think in Albanian, without any administrative, party or ideological differences; to gather all, and give in everything we have to achieve the freedom and independence of our sacred country.
Let us gather about in our liberation war, which is a guarantee for freedom. The KLA is the only one that guarantees the freedom and independence of Kosova. Following the steps of the boys and girls, who know the reason they live and die, we will win the long expected freedom and independence.

KOSOVA (rape attempt)
Serb students attempt to rape a 12-year-old Albanian girl

Istog, 1 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
A Serb student, assisted by other students, attacked a sixth grade Albanian student, B.B from Kovraga, on Wednesday, in the elementary school "Martin Camaj" in Gurrakoc.
It is reported that they attempted to rape her while she was in the school's rest room.
After managing to escaping, the minor B.B, in a traumatized state reported the school's counselor, Ilir Shatri, who reported the case to the Serb school's steering board.
It is reported that Serb students often appear in classrooms wearing police uniforms and carrying knifes.
Albanian students are everyday maltreated and beaten by the Serb students, in most of the cases in the presence, or urged, by Serb teachers.

taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on September 30, 1998  at 22:25 hrs

You may find the following pictures disturbing

          Vraniq - attack on IDP convoy




KOSOVA (land mine – ICRC)
ICRC vehicle runs into land mine - one doctor killed, three aid workers wounded

Prishtina, 30 September (ARTA) 1740CET --
One Albanian doctor was killed and three other ICRC aid workers, two Albanians from Prishtina and one from New Zealand, were wounded when their vehicle ran into a land mine, between the village of Likovc and Obri e Epërme, ICRC in Prishtina informs.
"Dr. Shpëtim Robaj, who was voluntarily working at the ICRC, and three of his colleagues, were in the first vehicle of the team composed of two vehicles, when they ran into, as it seems, land mine, on the Likovc-Obri e Epërme road", it is stated in an ICRC report.
"The other medical team that was in the second vehicle, gave the first aid immediately, but due to the severe wounds, dr. Robaj died shortly after", states ICRC.
A Kosova Diplomatic Observers Mission (KDOM) team, was nearby and offered help.
The wounded were taken to the Hospital of Prishtina, in a "Yugoslav" Army helicopter.
According to the ICRC communique, the team was in a medical mission in this region. Robaj was working voluntarily for the last two months helping the wounded victims of the conflict.
Dr. Ilir Tolaj, from Prishtina, Linda Bunjaku, from Prishtina and Maggie Bryson, from New Zealand are injured.

KOSOVA (clashes – Malishevë)
Continuous shootouts in Malishevë, Dragobil, Ostrazub...

Malishevë, 30 September (ARTA) 1610CET --
The municipality of Malishevë was, throughout last night continuously attacked from all sides. These attacks were more intense in the villages of Dragobil, Ostrazub, and Llozicë.
Several villagers of Llozicë, said that it was impossible for them to stay home, since their houses and house yards were the target of the Serb force APCs during the whole time.
The Serb police in Kijevë burned several Albanian owned houses of this village. This village is comprised of a mixed population, and has for a long time been under Serb police control.
Albanian sources claim to have witnessed fierce fire exchange between the Serb forces and the KLA units, at the southern exit of Malishevë, last night and this morning. The same sources state that these clashes resulted with the death of three policemen who were riding in a civilian vehicle.
Presently, the Serb forces are conducting a harsh control in this area, shooting at everything that moves.

KOSOVA (victims – Gllogoc)
Bodies of 7 massacred Albanians found in Krajkovë

Gllogoc, 30 September (ARTA) 1945CET --
The bodies of 7 killed and massacred Albanians, by the Serb forces, were found on Tuesday in the village of Krajkovë, municipality of Gllogoc, LDK and CDHRF local sources from Gllogoc inform.
CDHRF sources in Gllogoc inform that people of different ages, were killed in this village, while local sources from Krajkovë inform about the killing of another Albanian.
According to the same sources, four other Albanians were wounded in this village; one of them was arrested by the Serb police and is still being held under arrest.
There are reports that the Serb police took hostage 28 Albanian civilians. However, no further information is available on this issue.

KOSOVA (victims – Suharekë)
Four killed and many wounded – 500 Albanians arrested

Suharekë, 30 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
Following the current Serb offensive against several villages of Suharekë municipality, the regions afflicted by the war are still blocked by numerous Serb police\military forces.
Four more killed and many other wounded, without receiving any medical treatment are reported today in Suharekë.
According to the CDHRF, Zymer Buzhala (50), Murat Kokollari (55), Adem Buzhala (50), from the village of Budakovë, and Bajram Bytyqi (29), from the village of Mushtishtë, were killed.
"KOHA Ditore" sources inform that a large number of escapees from the war afflicted zones, came to Suharekë. Circa 500 Albanians are under arrest, sources add.
A source from the village of Buzhalë states that the four killed persons remain unburied in the fighting zones, since the numerous Serb forces are still surrounding them. 200 hundred people that are trapped in the forest of this village make an appeal to different international associations, particularly to the ICRC, to force the police out.

KOSOVA (victims – Mitrovicë)
The corpse of a 13-year-old found covered in blood

Mitrovicë, 30 September (ARTA) 2030CET --
Arsim Ibrahimi (13), from the village of Oshlan, of whom nothing was known since the Serb military\police offensive in this village, was found on Tuesday night. The child's corpse was found in a village valley. His body was slaughtered.
Despite Serb claims on the withdrawal of the Serb forces, on Wednesday, at around 1130CET, two buses full of policemen, came from Serbia, and settled in the military barrack in Mitrovicë.
At circa 1215CET, 6 fighting vehicles came out from this military barrack and headed to the direction of Skënderaj. These vehicles were loaded with Serb police, armed civilians, and paramilitary.
There are also reports that 6 APCs and military tanks settled in the village of Pirç.
According to witnesses, a few days ago, two Gypsies, under the surveillance of the police dug up a grave in the cemetery of Mitrovicë and buried a corpse. It is suspected that several victims of the current Serb force offensive against the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës and Artakoll were buried in this grave.

KOSOVA (Serb forces retreat - Lipjan)
Hundreds of Serb tanks parade through Lipjan - convoys headed to Prishtina

Lipjan, 30 September (ARTA) 1600CET --
Three convoys of Serb military vehicles passed through Lipjan on Friday.
The longest convoy of the Serb forces was comprised by 70 motorized military vehicles (most of them tanks), trucks loaded with soldiers, APCs with double barreled heavy machine guns, and other military vehicles.
Most of the vehicles were covered with mud, which makes one suspect that they were coming from operation zones in the territory of Kosova. It is supposed that this convoy withdrew from the positions, wherefrom Shtime and Ferizaj municipal villages were shelled during the last months.
Various vehicles of Serb military forces, including trucks with license plates from Serbian cities, paraded through the town in the aftermath.
It is believed that those trucks were loaded with wares looted from Albanian houses in the war stricken areas.
The convoy continued towards Prishtina.

KOSOVA (arrests – Gllogoc)
Serb police separates men from women, takes men to Police station in Prishtina

Gllogoc, 30 September (ARTA) 2000CET –
A police bus, loaded with young people from Drenica, with their hands tied behind their heads, escorted by an APC, went from Gllogoc in the direction of Prishtina, yesterday afternoon.
Witnesses claim that, after being "tested" at the police station in Gllogoc, these youngsters were taken at the police station in Prishtina, for further interrogation.
According to a boy from Dobroshec, the Serb police separated the men from women and their families in this village. The police then filled trucks with young men from Drenica, and sent them to an unknown direction. Witnesses claim they were beaten and maltreated.

KOSOVA (arrests – Istog)
Serb officials deport prisoners to prisons in Serbia proper

Istog, 30 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
Serb officials are deporting Albanian prisoners to prisons in Serbia proper. Two buses full of prisoners, departed on Wednesday from the Municipal Prison in Pejë, witnesses state. They claim that the prisoners had many bruises. One of the drivers said that their destination was Smrekovnicë. It is suspected that their final destination might be the notorious prisons of Leskovc, Nis, Mitrovicë, and Srem.
The Serb officials blocked dozens of Albanian owned buses, at the bus station in Pejw, Tuesday. The keys were given back after a while.

KOSOVA (arrests – Prizren)
23 members of one family arrested

Prizren, 30 September (ARTA) 1950CET --
23 members of Sokol Ahmeti's family and a guest of them and the 4 member family of Jakup Krasniqi, all form Maqitevë, were arrested on Wednesday, in the village of Maqitevë, CDHRF in Prizren confirmed.
According to the Albanian sources from the ground, it is confirmed that the Serb police and paramilitary forces have been currently provoking the residents of the "Jaglenicë" neighborhood, as they were cruising down the Prizren-Suharekë road.
During last night and today, convoys of motorized vehicles of the Serb police, cruised down the streets of the town proper, provoking the residents.
There are reports that over 20 tortured Albanians that were arrested in the villages of Suharekë were sent to the Hospital of Prizren in a critical health condition. Sources from Prizren inform that the town's hospital, is being supervised by the Serb police for several days now.
The Prizren-Suharekë-Prishtina road was open for traffic on Tuesday, during the late afternoon hours. Nevertheless, the passengers prefer to take the road through Brezovicë. Using the road through Brezovicë, passengers have to go through 6 police checkpoints.

KOSOVA (Rugova press conference)
President Rugova announces Thursday a mourning day in Kosova

Prishtina, 30 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
After the massacre conducted on the Deliu family, from Obri e Epërme and the killings of the current months in Kosova, by the Serb military and police force offensive, Ibrahim Rugova, President of the Republic of Kosova, announced Thursday, 1 October 1998, a mourning day in Kosova.

KOSOVA (destruction – Shtërpcë)
Over 50 houses burned in the village of Bitijë

Shtërpcë, 30 September (ARTA) 1800CET --
CDHRF sources from Shtërpcë report that Serb forces shelled the village of Bitijë e Ulët, municipality of Shtërpcë, yesterday at around 1800CET. According to the same source, besides the 15 Albanian residents that managed to escape, nothing is known of the Albanian population that remained besieged by the Serb forces.
Western journalists that managed to enter this village - the only Albanian village in this municipality - claim to have seen burning houses and people leaving them. An Albanian family, interviewed by Western journalists, said that the police had dared them to leave the village or else they would "kill them all". More than 50 Albanian owned houses are burned in the village of Bitijë add journalists.
In the meantime, sources from Shtime claim that thousands of people from the attacked villages of the municipalities of Shtime, Shtërpcë, Ferizaj, and Suharekë, remain without a shelter in the forest of Devetak, in Jezerc. Due to lack of food and medicine and from the bad weather, they are threatened by a humanitarian catastrophe.

KOSOVA ("FRY" Ambassador in Germany)
Jeremic: "If need be, and where there are still terrorist strongholds, the Serb State will continue working on their destruction".
Beqë Cufaj/Bonn

Bonn, 30 September (ARTA) 1830CET --
"The ones with the greatest responsibility for the conflict and the terror in Kosova are precisely Albanians and the so-called KLA", said the "Yugoslav" Ambassador in Germany, at a press conference in Bonn. All the responsibility falls upon the Albanian secessionist movement, which is urging that Albanian people to self-destruction and catastrophe said he. With emphasis on the "end of the Serb offensive", Jeremic stated that the Serb Government has once more offered dialogue to the Albanians and claimed that it is ready to take care of the refugees, in order for them to "return home as soon as possible".
For at least ten times, Jeremic, compared Kosova with Vojvodina, repeating that the Albanian "minority" in Kosova, does not want to use its rights, using on the other hand terrorism and terrorist actions.
Concerning the decision reached by the German Government to put in disposition 14 German "Tornado" aircrafts, in case of an attack against the Serb points, the "Yugoslav" Ambassador stated that he "did not officially get this information yet. If this is to be true, this tells nothing but the well-known fact that Germany as the main country within EU and NATO, is playing a negative role concerning the conflict in Kosova".
"I am a journalist from Kosova, respectively from Deçan. You and the colleagues present know that presently this territory virtually does not exist, due to the Serb terror and destruction. I cannot understand how you attempt to persuade the public opinion that the Serb offensive has ended, where we have right here so many newspapers and photographs of the massacred, that are none others but, children, women and elderly".
At the moment when the author of these lines attempted to show the Serb Ambassador the photographs of the Serb terrors in Obri e Epër, Jeremic became confused and tried to stop the question of the "KD" journalist, at any price.
"How do you explain the fact that two days ago, more than 200 tanks and other armored vehicles entered Kosova from Serbia through Podujevë? And how do you comment the fact that since the Serb official ending of the offensive, more than 68 Albanians, mainly civilians, were killed and massacred", was the "KD" question.
"You as an Albanian journalist, most probably belong to the separatist and secessionist units of Kosova", was Jeremic’s first comment, who at the moment was disrupted by the press conference supervisor, and was politely asked to be more careful and not offend the present journalist who were asking the questions... He acknowledged this and continued answering the question saying "If need be, and where there are still terrorist strongholds, the Serb State will continue working on their destruction".
In the meantime, the photographers and cameramen were recording the terrifying copy of today's issue of "KOHA Ditore" newspaper, which showed an 18 month old baby, massacred by Jeremic's and Milosevic's boys!

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
Betreff:         [kosovo] SUC: KOSOVO - Atrocity Claims Must Be Investigated
Datum:         Thu, 01 Oct 1998 01:10:50 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery

The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

No 31/98 September 30, 1998      JONATHAN CLARKE ( 202) 785-8430


     On September 30, 1998 leading newspapers in the United States carried highly disturbing accounts of events in Kosovo, including the deaths of innocent civilians. The Serbian Unity Congress treats these accounts seriously. If confirmed, they represent indefensible actions that offend against any standard of human decency.
     We now call for urgent investigation of these press stories both by the Yugoslav authorities and the international community. If confirmed, those responsible should be held accountable for their actions.
     In addition to any investigation of these accounts, the SUC calls for a parallel investigation of  accounts of killings and kidnappings of Serb officials and civilians. On August 31, 1998 the New York Times and Washington Post carried accounts of murders and killings of Serbs, including of a massacre at Kleka. During his September 12-18 visit to Washington Kosovo Bishop Artemije showed a list containing several hundred names of Kosovo Serbs abducted by the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army and whose whereabouts are unknown. These accounts, which included instances of torture, also represent intense human suffering. They must be investigated and those responsible brought to justice.
     An investigation is all the more needed to establish the truth of these allegations because media accounts during the Bosnia and Kosovo tragedies have often been distorted. On August 5, 1998, for example, allegations circulated in the European press that a mass grave containing over the bodies of over 500 Kosovo Albanian had been discovered and that others containing over 100 bodies had been reported. Following investigation by the Pristina-based press corps, the reports were shown by European Union, U.S., NATO and media organization investigations to have been manufactured and to have not the slightest basis in fact. During the Bosnia war there were similar allegations against the Serbs which on investigation proved to be false.
     The SUC has been in the forefront of those calling for a negotiated settlement of the Kosovo tragedy, including the involvement of international mediators. We have deplored the humanitarian disaster. We have been active in encouraging mediation by the Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbian democratic movements in Kosovo. We have been active in shipping medical supplies to those most afflicted. We have called for open access to the victims of war by humanitarian relief agencies We are strenuously supporting brave democratic forces in Serbia that are seeking to bring about conditions for a new democratic order in Serbia.
     These efforts would suffer irreparable damage from any western military action against Serbia. The only beneficiary would be the regime in Belgrade. For these reasons, the SUC rejects western plans for military action against Serbia. We support urgent investigation by the west of these reports as of reports of atrocities against Serbs. Pending the result of these investigation, the west should continue its efforts at political mediation and humanitarian relief. Emotional and ill-judged western actions are not justified.
The message reposted by:
Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
10. eventual additional press news 
Go to  PART 2
Link to Background-information  
Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

ALBANEWS is not affiliated with  the Albanian Government, the Kosova Government, any association or organization,  nor any information or news agency.  Reports, articles and  news items from various sources are distributed via ALBANEWS for INFORMATIVE purposes only.
Opinions expressed/published on ALBANEWS do  NOT necessarily reflect the views of the owner and the co-owners and/or moderators,  nor any of their host institutions. ALBANEWS does NOT guarantee the accuracy of the reports, articles and news items distributed via the list.

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Die Bibel sagt 
    Gott hat uns nicht gegeben den Geist der Furcht, 
    sondern der Kraft und der Liebe und der Besonnenheit. 
      2. Timotheus 1,7
      Ein Vater der Waisen und ein Helfer der Witwen 
           ist Gott in seiner heiligen Wohnung, 
      ein Gott, der die Einsamen nach Hause bringt, 
           der die Gefangenen herausfuehrt, dass es ihnen wohlgehe. 
      Gelobt sei der Herr taeglich. 
           Gott legt uns eine Last auf, aber er hilft uns auch. 
      Wir haben einen Gott, der da hilft, 
           und den HERRN, der vom Tode errettet.
    Psalm 68, 6.7a.20.21
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; 
      but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
      2. Timotheus 1,7
    A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, 
         [is] God in his holy habitation. 
    God setteth the solitary in families: 
         he bringeth out those which are bound with chains 
    Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] 
         the God of our salvation. Selah. 
    [He that is] our God [is] the God of salvation; 
         and unto GOD the Lord [belong] the issues from death. 
    Psalm 68, 5.6a.19.20
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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   Kosova-Info-Line (German)   http://www.kosova-info-line.de
   Koha Ditore (ARTA)          http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm
Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 1.10.1998  

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