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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 7. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 7, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1575

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
If available you find on this page  -  Soweit verfügbar finden Sie auf dieser Seite  

Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 19:43  http://seite1.web.de/show/361BA854.NL1/
Milosevic: NATO-Druck macht politischen Dialog im Kosovo unmöglich
Belgrad (dpa) - Der internationale Druck auf Jugoslawien macht einen politischen Dialog für eine friedlichen Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts unmöglich.
     Das sagte der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic im Gespräch mit dem US-Sondergesandten Richard Holbrooke am Mittwoch in Belgrad, berichtete das staatliche serbische Fernsehen.
     Im Kosovo bestehen nach den Worten von Milosevic jetzt Bedingungen für die internationale Gemeinschaft, sich vor Ort über die tatsächliche Lage zu vergewissern.
     Deswegen verlangte er internationale Unterstützung für die Fortsetzung des Dialogs und Überwindung der, wie es hieß, bestehenden Differenzen über die Lage in der Krisenprovinz, meldete der Staatssender.
     Holbrooke, der sich nicht zum Inhalt des Gesprächs äußern wollte, flog nach diesem dritten Treffen mit Milosevic in zwei Tagen zu Treffen mit der US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright und dem NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana nach Brüssel.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 19:35  http://seite1.web.de/show/361BA682.NL1/
NATO zu Militäreinsatz im Kosovo bereit
Belgrad/Paris/London (dpa) - Trotz der ablehnenden Haltung Rußlands steht die NATO in der Kosovo-Krise weiterhin angriffsbereit. Der drohende Militäreinsatz unter Führung der USA und Großbritanniens könnte nach einem Bericht der britischen BBC vom Mittwoch bereits an diesem Wochenende geführt werden.
     Nach den USA und Kanada riefen am Mittwoch auch die Regierungen Deutschlands, Großbritanniens und Frankreichs ihre Bürger zum sofortigen Verlassen Jugoslawiens auf. Der deutsche Außenminister Klaus Kinkel legte den etwa 600 in Jugoslawien lebenden Deutschen die Ausreise nahe.
     Widersprüchliche Angaben gab es bis zum Abend über ein Treffen der internationalen Jugoslawien-Kontaktgruppe am Donnerstag in London. US-Präsident Bill Clinton bekräftigte unterdessen in Washington, daß Serbien einlenken müsse, wenn es eine militärische Intervention der Allianz vermeiden wolle.
     In Belgrad beendete der US-Sonderbeauftragte Richard Holbrooke seine intensiven Gespräche mit der serbischen und jugoslawischen Führung und flog zu Konsultationen mit der NATO und US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright nach Brüssel.
     Seine bisherigen Unterredungen seit Wochenbeginn mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic und den Vertretern der Kosovo-Albaner waren ergebnislos verlaufen.
     Sein jüngster Vorschlag an den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic hieß nach Angaben der Agentur Beta (Belgrad), westliche und russische Bodentruppen in die Kosovo- Provinz zu entsenden. Sie sollen zunächst einen Waffenstillstand und später Verhandlungen sowie Ergebnisse durchsetzen.
     Die Außenminister der Internationalen Kontaktgruppe werden nach Bonner Angaben an diesem Donnerstag in London zusammenkommen, um im Lichte der jüngsten Kosovo-Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates erneut über die Lage in der Krisenprovinz zu beraten. Das teilte der Sprecher des deutschen Außenministeriums, Martin Erdmann, mit. Dagegen verneinte in London ein Sprecher des britischen Außenministeriums eine solche Tagung. «Wir bemühen uns um ein solches Treffen in der nächsten Woche.» Ob es in London stattfinden werde, könne er nicht sagen. Der Kontaktgruppe gehören die USA, Rußland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland an.
     Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat hatte sich am Dienstag abend nicht zu einem Votum über einen möglichen Militärschlag durchringen können.
     Albright und Holbrooke wollten am Donnerstag mit der NATO in Brüssel über die Lage im Kosovo beraten. Zuvor war ein für Donnerstag geplantes Treffen der NATO-Außenminister in der belgischen Hauptstadt ohne Angaben von Gründen abgesagt worden.
     In einem Interview der französischen Zeitung «Le Monde» vom Mittwoch sagte NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana: «Der Countdown hat begonnen». «Wir haben den Prozeß der Planung abgeschlossen und sind bereit zu handeln.»
     Die letzte Etappe vor einem Militärschlag - der Entschluß zur Aktivierung der betroffenen Nato-Streitkräfte - werde in den kommenden Tagen getroffen. Solana unterstrich die Bereitschaft der Nato zu einer Intervention im Kosovo, auch wenn Rußland einen Militärschlag entschieden ablehne.
     Der russische Präsident Boris Jelzin bekräftigte am Mittwoch die Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatzes im Kosovo. In einem Telefonat mit dem britischen Premierminister Tony Blair äußerte er seine Besorgnis über Aufrufe innerhalb der NATO für eine Militäraktion, meldeten die russischen Nachrichtenagenturen.
     Blair hatte dabei nach Berichten britischer Medien verdeutlicht, daß die Geduld des Westens mit Milosevic «am Ende» sei. Blair, der auch mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton telefonierte, sagte außerdem: «Präsident Milosevic mag glauben, die internationale Gemeinschaft handelt nicht. Aber am Ende werden wir handeln. Wir sind jetzt am Ende angelangt...»
     Clinton sagte am Abend in Washington, für die USA sei es am wichtigsten, zusammen mit den Russen einen Weg zu finden, der einen NATO-Angriff überflüssig mache.
     Nach einem Bericht der britischen BBC könnte der von den USA und Großbritannien geführte Einsatz der Nato gegen Jugoslawien schon an diesem Wochenende geführt werden. Beide Länder seien für einen Angriff gerüstet, hieß es in einer  Nachrichtensendung am Nachmittag.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 19:10  http://seite1.web.de/show/361BA070.NL1/
Holbrooke beendet Jugoslawien-Besuch und fliegt nach Brüssel
Belgrad (dpa) - Der US-Sondergesandte Richard Holbrooke hat am späten Mittwoch nachmittag in Belgrad mehrstündige Gespräche mit dem jugoslawischen Präsident Slobodan Milosevic und dem serbischen Republikspräsident Milan Milutinovic über eine friedliche Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts geführt.
     Er wollte sich nach dem Treffen nicht zu den Einzelheiten des Gesprächs äußern, meldete der Belgrader Sender B 92 am Abend. Anschließend flog Holbrooke zu Treffen mit der US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright und dem NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana nach Brüssel.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 19:06  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B9FA1.NL1/
Rußland ruft erneut zu friedlicher Lösung des Kosovo-Konflitks auf
Moskau (dpa) - Rußland hat am Mittwoch abend erneut zu einer friedlichen Lösung des Kosovo-Konfliktes aufgerufen. Der Sprecher von Präsident Boris Jelzin, Dmitri Jakuschkin sagte, Rußland unternehme alles, um Gewaltmaßnahmen im Kosovo zu vermeiden.
     Der Präsident habe am Mittwoch intensive Gespräche über die Entwicklung der Lage im Kosovo geführt. In einem Telefonat mit dem britischen Premierminister Tony Blair hatte Jelzin die Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatzes im Kosovo bekräftigt.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 17:27  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B884C.NL1/
Holbrooke für Entsendung internationaler Truppen in den Kosovo
Belgrad/Washington (dpa) - Zur Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts hat der US-Sondergesandte Richard Holbrooke dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic vorgeschlagen, westliche und russische Truppen in die Konfliktprovinz zu entsenden.
     Sie sollen einen Waffenstillstand sowie Verhandlungen und die Durchsetzung eines entsprechenden Abkommens kontrollieren.
     Das meldete am Mittwoch abend die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) unter Berufung auf NATO-Kreise in Brüssel. Eine Reaktion wurde zunächst nicht bekannt.
     US-Präsident Bill Clinton bekräftigte unterdessen, daß Serbien unbedingt einlenken müsse, wenn es NATO-Luftangriffe vermeiden wolle. Es sei «absolut erforderlich», daß es einen Waffenstillstand, einen (serbischen) Truppenrückzug, humanitäre Hilfe für die Flüchtlinge in der serbischen Krisenprovinz sowie Verhandlungen gebe, sagte Clinton am Mittwoch im Weißen Haus.
     Für die USA sei es am wichtigsten, zusammen mit den Russen nach einem Weg zu suchen, mit dem Luftangriffe überflüssig würden, sagte Clinton.
     Eine Intervention der NATO werde sich nicht als «strafende Operation» erweisen, sondern in einen Krieg ausarten, warnte der russische Verteidigungsminister Igor Sergejew am Mittwoch in Athen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 17:08   http://seite1.web.de/show/361B83FA.NL1/
Holbrooke für Entsendung internationaler Truppen in das Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Der US-Sonderbotschafter Richard Holbrooke hat dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic als Lösung der Kosovo-Krise die Entsendung von westlichen und russischen Truppen in die Konfliktprovinz vorgeschlagen.
     Diese Truppen würden einen Waffenstillstand, Verhandlungen über eine friedliche Lösung und die Durchsetzung eines entsprechenden Abkommens kontrollieren.
     Im Fall der Annahme würden die Drohungen mit NATO-Militärschlägen gegen Jugoslawien zurückgezogen werden. Milosevic habe darauf noch nicht geantwortet, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) am Mittwoch unter Berufung auf NATO-Kreise in Brüssel meldete.
     Holbrooke und Hill haben sich am Mittwoch nachmittag zum dritten Mal in zwei Tagen in Belgrader getroffen. Am Gespräch nimmt auch der serbische Präsident Milan Milutinovic teil. Holbrooke wird nach dem Treffen nach Brüssel reisen, berichtete der Sender B 92.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 17:01  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B8248.NL1/
Russischer Verteidigungsminister warnt vor Militär-Einsatz im Kosovo
Athen (dpa) - Der russische Verteidigungsminister Igor Sergejev hat am Mittwoch bei einem Besuch in Griechenland erneut vor einem militärischen Eingreifen in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo gewarnt. Interventionen im Kosovo würden sich nicht als strafende Operationen erweisen, sondern in einen Krieg ausarten, sagte Sergejev.
     In Athen hatte er ausführlich mit seinem griechischen Kollegen Akis Tsochatsopoulos über die Lage auf dem Balkan, das derzeit zugespitzte Verhältnis zwischen der Türkei und Syrien, aber auch über die mögliche Aufstellung russischer Flugabwehr-Raketen vom Typ S 300 auf Zypern gesprochen.
     Die beiden Verteidigungsminister kamen überein, daß im Kosovo alle diplomatischen und politischen Möglichkeiten zur Beilegung des Konfliktes unbedingt erschöpft werden müßten, um somit ein militärisches Einschreiten eventuell doch noch abzuwenden. Akis Tsochatsopoulos erklärte nach den Gesprächen mit Sergejev: «Es gibt keine militärische Lösung.»
     Sergejev sagte, er plane einen Besuch in Damaskus, um das Verhältnis Syriens zur Türkei zu erörtern. Die Verschlechterung der Beziehungen zwischen beiden Ländern folge der Sorge in Damaskus über die wachsende militärische Verbundenheit der Türkei mit Israel und den türkischen Anschuldigungen, daß Syrien kurdische Separatisten unterstütze.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 17:00  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B8221.NL1/
Clinton: Milosevic muß unbedingt einlenken
Washington (dpa) - US-Präsident Bill Clinton hat bekräftigt, daß Serbien unbedingt einlenken muß, wenn es NATO-Luftangriffe wegen der Gewalt im Kosovo vermeiden will.
     Es sei «absolut erforderlich», daß es einen Waffenstillstand, einen (serbischen) Truppenrückzug sowie humanitäre Hilfe für die Flüchtlinge in der serbischen Krisenprovinz und Verhandlungen gebe, sagte Clinton am Mittwoch im Weißen Haus vor einem Gespräch mit dem ungarischen Ministerpräsidenten Viktor Orban.
     Für die USA sei es am wichtigsten, zusammen mit den Russen nach einem Weg zu suchen, mit dem Luftangriffe überflüssig würden, sagte Clinton.
     Sofern der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic die Forderungen der UNO-Resolution zum Kosovo erfülle, «dann ist das der Weg, Luftangriffe zu vermeiden». Auch der ungarische Regierungschef setzte sich dafür ein, noch eine friedliche Kosovo-Lösung zu finden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 16:40  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B7D6F.NL1/
Bulgariens Präsident besorgt über Entwicklung in Kosovo
Sofia (dpa) - Der bulgarische Staatspräsident Petar Stojanow ist «äußerst besorgt" über die Entwicklung in der südjugoslawischen Provinz Kosovo.
     «Wir sollten dennoch Ruhe und Vernunft bewahren, damit die Entwicklung in Kosovo keine Panik in Bulgarien verursacht", warnte Stojanow am Mittwoch nach Angaben der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur BTA.
     Die Situation im Kosovo sollte keine negative Auswirkung auf die Staaten in der Balkan-Region haben, meinte Stojanow. «Wir sollten sehr aufmerksam die Entwicklung beobachten", sagte Stojanow, der auch Oberbefehlshaber der bulgarischen Streitkräfte ist.
     Stojanow verwies auf die Bedeutung der Tagung der NATO in Brüssel, an der auch der bulgarische Regierungschef Iwan Kostow teilnimmt.
     Die Streitkräfte Bulgariens werden sich nicht im Kosovo einmischen, zitierte BTA einen ranghohen bulgarischen Offizier. Vor Bulgarien stehe keine Aufgabe, sich an einer Operation von internationalen Kräften der UNO zu beteiligen.
     Nach Angaben des Generalstabs der bulgarischen Streitkräfte sollen sie nicht in einer höheren Stufe der Kampfbereitschaft versetzt werden. Bulgarien plane nach Angaben des Außenministeriums zunächst nicht, seine Diplomaten in Belgrad zu evakuieren.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 16:36   http://seite1.web.de/show/361B7C6D.NL1/
NATO steht zu Militäreinsatz im Kosovo-Konflikt bereit
Belgrad/Paris/London (dpa) - Die NATO steht in der Kosovo-Krise trotz der ablehnenden Haltung Rußlands weiterhin angriffsbereit. Dieser drohende Militäreinsatz der Allianz unter Führung der USA und Großbritanniens könnte nach einem Bericht der britischen BBC vom Mittwoch bereits an diesem Wochenende geführt werden.
     In Belgrad setzte der US-Sonderbeauftragte Richard Holbrooke seine intensiven Gespräche mit der serbischen und jugoslawischen Führung fort, um deren Einlenken im Konflikt um die südjugoslawische Krisenprovinz zu erreichen. Der deutsche Außenminister Klaus Kinkel legte inzwischen den etwa 600 in Jugoslawien lebenden Deutschen die Ausreise aus Jugoslawien nahe.
     Die Außenminister der Internationalen Kontaktgruppe werden an diesem Donnerstag in London zusammenkommen, um im Lichte der jüngsten Kosovo-Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates erneut über die Lage in der Krisenprovinz zu beraten.
     Das höchste UNO-Gremium hatte sich Dienstag abend nicht zu einem Votum über einen möglichen Militärschlag durchringen können. Der Kontaktgruppe gehören die USA, Rußland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland an.
     US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright und Holbrooke wollten an diesem Donnerstag mit der NATO in Brüssel über die Lage im Kosovo beraten. Zuvor war ein für Donnerstag geplantes Treffen der NATO-Außenminister in der belgischen Hauptstadt ohne Angaben von Gründen abgesagt worden.
     Das NATO-Hauptquartier verwies unter anderem auf das Treffen der Kontaktgruppe in London. Holbrooke traf Mittwoch nachmittag wieder zu Gesprächen mit der Führung in Belgrad zusammen.
     Seine bisherigen Unterredungen seit Wochenbeginn mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic und den Vertretern der Kosovo-Albaner waren ergebnislos verlaufen.
     In einem Interview in der französischen Zeitung «Le Monde» vom Mittwoch sagte NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana: «Der Countdown hat begonnen». «Wir haben den Prozeß der Planung abgeschlossen und sind bereit zu handeln.»
     Die letzte Etappe vor einem Militärschlag - der Entschluß zur Aktivierung der betroffenen NATO-Streitkräfte - werde in den kommenden Tagen getroffen. Solana unterstrich die Bereitschaft der NATO zu einer Intervention im Kosovo, auch wenn Rußland einen Militärschlag entschieden ablehne.
     Der russische Präsident Boris Jelzin bekräftigte am Mittwoch die Ablehnung eines Militäreinsatzes im Kosovo. In einem Telefonat mit dem britischen Premierminister Tony Blair äußerte er seine Besorgnis über Aufrufe innerhalb der NATO für eine Militäraktion, meldeten die russischen Nachrichtenagenturen.
Blair hatte dabei nach Berichten britischer Medien verdeutlicht, daß die Geduld des Westens mit Milosevic «am Ende» sei. Blair, der auch mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton telefonierte, sagte ferner: «Präsident Milosevic mag glauben, die internationale Gemeinschaft handelt nicht. Aber am Ende werden wir handeln. Wir sind jetzt am Ende angelangt...»
     Nach einem Bericht der britischen BBC könnte der von den USA und Großbritannien geführte Einsatz der NATO gegen Jugoslawien schon an diesem Wochenende geführt werden. Beide Länder seien für einen Angriff gerüstet, hieß es in einer Nachrichtensendung am Nachmittag.
     Nach den USA und Kanada riefen am Mittwoch die Regierungen Deutschlands, Großbritanniens und Frankreichs ihre Bürger zum sofortigen Verlassen Jugoslawiens auf. Das offizielle Paris empfahl den Familien der in Jugoslawien lebenden Franzosen, das Land «bis auf weiteres» zu verlassen.
     Das britische Außenministerium begründete seinen Aufruf mit der «zunehmend labilen» Situation. Schon in den vergangenen Tagen hatten Angehörige amerikanischer und kanadischer Botschaftsmitarbeiter Belgrad verlassen.
     Das deutsche Außenministerium in Bonn wies am Mittwoch ebenfalls die Familien der Botschaftsangehörigen in Belgrad an, Jugoslawien zu verlassen. Wer jedoch bleiben wolle, müsse sich darauf einstellen, daß zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt eine rasche Abreise notwendig sein könnte.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 16:30  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B7AED.NL1/
OSZE-Vorsitzender Geremek beklagt fehlenden guten Willen Belgrads
Warschau (dpa) - Der polnische Außenminister und amtierende OSZE-Vorsitzende Bronislaw Geremek hat den «fehlenden guten Willen» der jugoslawischen Führung bei der Suche nach einer Lösung im Kosovo-Konflikt beklagt.
     «Wir wünschen uns, daß die Vernunft die Oberhand gewinnt», sagte Geremek am Mittwoch in Warschau. Vom jugoslawischen Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic habe er einen «enttäuschenden Brief» mit der Einladung einer OSZE-Mission nach Kosovo erhalten. Diese Mission solle nach dem Willen Belgrads aber eine «positive Evolution» der Entwicklung in der Krisenregion feststellen.
     Der Forderung der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa nach einer Rückkehr von drei ständigen OSZE-Missionen nach Jugoslawien werde damit in keiner Weise entsprochen.
     «Es fällt mir schwer, auch nur ein Minimum guten Willens zu erkennen, das es der OSZE ermöglichen würde, die Chance einer friedlichen Lösung festzustellen», sagte Geremek. Jugoslawien und der Welt wünsche er, daß die Gespräche des US-Sondergesandten Richard Holbrooke zum Erfolg führen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 15:53  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B726E.NL1/
Tribunal: Belgrad behindert Untersuchung in Kosovo
Den Haag (dpa) - Das UNO-Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag hat Belgrad beschuldigt, Untersuchungen im Kosovo zu blockieren. Die Mitarbeiter von Chefanklägerin Louise Arbour hätten in der vergangenen Woche plötzlich und ohne jeden Anlaß keine Visa mehr bekommen, sagte der Stellvertreter von Arbour, Graham Blewitt, am Mittwoch in Den Haag.
     Er forderte Belgrad auf, die Arbeiten nicht länger zu behindern. Belgrad soll außerdem damit gedroht haben, die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Tribunal einzustellen.
     Das Außenministerium in Belgrad hatte dem Tribunal mitgeteilt, daß es zu Ermittlungen im Kosovo nicht befugt sei und daß die Untersuchungen die jugoslawische Souveränität verletzten. «Das ist absolut unakzeptabel», sagte Ankläger Blewitt.
     Die entsprechenden UNO-Resolutionen sowie auch der Status des Tribunals zeigten deutlich, daß die Anklage zu Untersuchungen berechtigt sei. Noch im März hatte der UNO-Sicherheitsrat die Chefanklägerin aufgefordert, Informationen über Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Kosovo zu sammeln.
© dpa
Meldung vom 07.10.1998 15:51  http://seite1.web.de/show/361B71E6.NL1/
Landesweite Proben der Alarmsysteme in Serbien
Belgrad (dpa) - Mit Ausnahme Belgrads sind am Mittwoch in vielen Städten Serbiens die Alarmsysteme im Falle von Luftangriffen ausprobiert worden. Das meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad). Landesweit werden auch der Zustand der Luftschutzkeller und anderer Schutzräume kontrolliert, berichtete der Sender B 92.
© dpa
weitere Meldungen  ==>  Teil 2
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
Kaum zu glauben:
  s o  handelt das Land
Oktoberfestes !
dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
© dpa
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1575
Datum:         Wed, 7 Oct 1998 16:56:29 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 7 October 1998


40 Serb Military Tanks Enter Kosova Today

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - A convoy of 40 Serb military tanks entered Kosova from Serbia today (Wednesday), LDK sources in Podujeva said, adding that the convoy headed in the direction of capital Prishtina.
The LDK chapter said some Serb forces have indeed moved out of Kosova to Serbia, but this has not been of a considerable level.

Serb Arsenal Camouflaged in Gazimestan and Bërnica, Near Prishtina

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) -  The Serbian military has camouflaged considerable combat arsenal in the village of Gazimestan, 5 km west of Prishtina, and Bërnicë, half a dozen km north of Prishtina, local LDK sources said.
In these two locations, Serbs have camouflaged heavy guns, anti- aircraft missiles, tanks, lorries and rockets.
Early in the morning today (Wednesday), Serb forces conducted military exercises in Gazimestan. Heavy shooting and detonations were heard, local sources said.

Serb Tanks in Drenica: Likoc, Makërmal, Rezallë, Açarevë, Morinë, Polac, Llaushë...

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - Serb regime propagandeering on the alleged withdrawal of its troops from Kosova is best illustrated and invalidated by the case of Drenica region.
The local chapter in Skenderaj of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said Serb forces continue to remain in their positions in Likoc, Makërmal, Rezallë, Açarevë, Morinë, Polac, Llaushë, etc.
These Serb forces are equipped with heavy combat equipment and held the Albanian villages at gunpoint, thus making it impossible for refugees to return back to their homes.
Yesterday, there was sporadic shooting and Serb shelling in the direction of the villages of Likoc, Makërmal, Rezallë, Polluzhë and Açarevës. Likewise yesterday, the burning of Albanian houses that survived earlier onslaughts was continuing in the villages of Likoc, Makërmal and Polluzhë.

Serb Forces in Jezerc, Semajë, Kashtanjevë, South-eastern Kosova

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - Heavy Serb military and police troops continue being deployed in several locations in the municipality of Ferizaj, Kaçanik and Shtërpcë, sources from the ground say.
Considerable Serb arsenal, including tanks and armored cars, are dug in in the village of Semajë, municipality of Kaçanik. They have been camouflaged, sources said, adding that these very forces have Looted and raided many deserted Albanian houses and ill-treated many residents who have remained behind in the village.
Heavy Serb forces are reported stationed near the village of Kashtanjevë and several other locations in the municipality of Shtërpcë, which have been hidden and camOuflaged in the wooded area of this small municipality in south-eastern Kosova.
The KIC sources have been unable to obtain information on the fate of some 1,000 Albanian residents of the village of Jezerc, who have presumably been living somewhere rough in the open, in gullies and hills, without food and clothing.
No domestic or international organization is known to have sought access or assisted the unprotected people there in the wake of the Serb onslaught ten days ago.

Serb Army Makes Tactical Repositioning in Gjakova Area

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - The situation in the town of Gjakova is reported to be very grave amidst sustained Serb police and military movement, the LDK chapter in town said today.
In the past few days, Serb military repositioned in the Çabrati hill near Gjakova, as well as in the hills of the Qerim village.
Seven Serb policemen raided the LDK chapter's offices in Gjakova yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon, the chapter said.
The police questioned the four activists who happened to be in the room for 40 minutes and left.

Serbs Resume Attacks against Albanian Communities in Malisheva on Tuesday and Wednesday

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - Four Albanian villages in the Malisheva municipality, central Kosova, came under renewed Serb forces fire last evening and today (Wednesday) morning. LDK sources in the area said the villages of Dragobil, Astrazub, Maxharrë and Burim were pounded wit machine-gun and artillery fire.
These villages were attacked by Serb forces on Monday afternoon and evening too. Damage was reported caused in many farmhouses there.
LDK activists in Malisheva described the situation in the area highly critical.
Serb forces have not withdrawn, but rather changed positions and in camouflaged sites. At a location called "Baraka", Serb forces have built huts where from they hold the outlying village under a watchful eye. Serb army jets flew overhead the area on several occasions today, they said.

Bodies of Six Killed Albanians Found near Plloçica Village on Tuesday
The mutilated bodies of five other Albanians were found there only two days ago

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - LDK sources in Malisheva said today the dead bodies of 6 other Albanians were found on Tuesday in forests near Plloçica village.
The mutilated bodies of Ajet Maloku (49) and Bajram Gashi (25) were found in the woods not far from the village of Plloçica.
The two men had gone missing a couple of weeks ago.
In another forest between Plloçica and the neighboring village of Rixheva the bodies of four other Albanians were laying on the ground: Pajaz Veselaj, Bali Veselaj (65) and his son whose name was not reported, and Remzi Veselaj (41).
Local activists said they fear other dead bodies may be scattered in the hills and forests in the area around Plloçica and Rixheva.
It is impossible to search the area thoroughly as it is being held at gunpoint of Serb snipers positioned near the Vulljaka bauxite mines.
Only two days ago, the bodies of five other Albanians were found in the hills near Plloçica village. Local villagers named four of them as Ahmet Maloku, Hazir Maloku, Kajtaz Maloku, and Rizah Maloku, while the identity of the fifth one, cut in half, could not be established.
At least 12 Albanians were executed by Serbs in the Plloçica village ten days ago, only a day before the horrendous massacre against 18 civilians in the neighboring village of Obria e Epërme occurred.
The LDK Information Commission in Malisheva said today afternoon that the body of another Albanian, Sherif Hoti (60), was found today in the vineyards at Carralluk village. His body was reportedly decomposed, and his identity could only be established based on his clothes.
Sherif Hoti was considered missing for quite a long time, the source said.

Bodies of Two Elderly Men Found in Village of Budakova, Suhareka

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - Residents of Budakova village in Suhareka said they found yesterday the remains of their neighbor, Hasan Kokollari (83), in his garden. The late elderly man was apparently shot dead, they said.
On Tuesday, the body of another village of Budakova Mursel Buqaj (60) was found near a barn in his farmhouse. His body was mutilated, local sources said.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka said the situation in the area continues to be very grave and dangerous. Several villages are still being held inside a virtual siege by Serb troops who are caution against having themselves seen near the bigger roads.
At least 108 Albanians from Suhareka and surrounding village are being held in a Serb jail in Prizren.

Albanian Hamlets in Rugova Region, Western Kosova, Encircled by Serb Troops

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - Several hamlets and Alpine summer hut sites in the Rugova mountains, western Kosova, have seen themselves encircled by Serb police and army forces, local sources said.
Serb forces have been garrisoned in four locations in the area - Çakorr, Lic, Vraçevë and Qafa e Hajles (Hajla Pass) - and have completely cut supply routs for local population.
LDK sources in Peja said Serb and Montenegrin forces have cracked down on several hamlets in the Rugova region.
Scores of Albanian have been reported maltreated in Shtupeç i Madh, who had also their cottages burned.

Arkan Vows to Reactivate His Paramilitary Militia

PRISHTINA, Oct 7 (KIC) - Zelkjo Raznatovic-Arkan, the man accused for war crimes in Bosnia and Croatia, told a Serb radio yesterday he would reactivate his militia if NATO intervened against Serbia.
"We will defend our holy Serbian land in Kosova and will not back off to confront any force", Arkan was quoted as saying, the French RFI reported.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 7, 1998  at   06:50 hrs
KOSOVA (Holbrooke – Prishtina)
Milosevic sent off?
Ylber Bajraktari

Prishtina, 6 October (ARTA) 2030CET --
Following the visit to NATO in Brussels, and last night's discussions with President Milosevic, the American architect of the peace in Bosnia, Richard Holbrooke, arrived today in Prishtina, to meet with the Albanian side as well. Holbrooke is in his mission of "reading the last note to Milosevic", if he does not fulfill the demands presented with the current resolution of the Security Council #1199.
After the meetings in the NATO office, in Brussels, Holbrooke stated that the planning for air attacks is "serious, intense, and sustained".
It seems that he had passed over the same message to the "Yugoslav" President Milosevic, during the several hour meeting.
"We want to tell Belgrade that this is a serious matter", declared, on Tuesday an American diplomat, escorting Holbrooke and Hill, that wanted to remain anonymous.
In Prishtina, Holbrooke made the first stop at the premises of the Diplomatic Observing Mission of Kosova (KDOM), for "a grim briefing" as he evaluated this meeting.
Earlier, Holbrooke, received a "disturbing report" from the observers, about the presence of the Serb police in Kosova and how the refugees are being prevented from going home, a data announced by the American State Department spokesman, James Rubin.
This is the third time that Holbrooke visited Kosova, in his attempt to mediate between Prishtina and Belgrade, at the time when it is expected for him to be named US Ambassador at the UN, a post offered thanks to the accomplishment of the Dayton agreement, that put an end to the four year long war in Bosnia.
Holbrooke was the first Western official to meet with the KLA representatives, during a previous visit to Kosova. He is also considered as the man who arranged the 15 May meeting, between Rugova and Milosevic, in Belgrade.
Today, Holbrooke initially met the President of the Republic, Ibrahim Rugova, with whom he had an almost two hour-long meeting that was not followed by any comment from either of the sides.
During his meetings, the American Ambassador escorted Holbrooke to Shkup, Christopher Hill, who is authorized by the Contact Group to mediate through a "shuttle diplomacy", between Prishtina and Belgrade.
"I have a feeling that we are going to see enough `flights'", in the coming days, stated Veton Surroi after the meeting with the American President's envoy.
According to Surroi, Ambassador Holbrooke was in the discussing process with Milosevic and Rugova.
"I feel it is going to be an increasingly difficult process", stated Surroi.
Concerning the possibility of the existence of an American document, offered to the Albanian side, the secretary general of the Albanian Democratic Movement, now "merged", into the United Democratic Movement, Mehmet Hajrizi said that "the American side did not bring a document".
The other Albanian representatives, on the other hand, that also met the special American convoy, them members of the negotiating structure, or others, stressed that "they haven't seen any document", not excluding the possibility of the existence of such a document, of what it was reported in the media.
Otherwise, Holbrooke also had a meeting with the representatives of the UN Senior Commissariat for Refugees (UNHCR), getting interested, and this way, for the humanitarian situation in Kosova.
After this meeting, Holbrooke left for Belgrade, where he will again meet the "Yugoslav" President Slobodan Milosevic.

KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Deçan)
Helicopters fly above the villages of Deçan -

Deçan, 6 October (ARTA) 1830CET --
A military helicopter, coming from the direction of Gjakovë, flew at a very low altitude above the villages of Deçan, today at 0930. After cruising over the bordering belt villages, it went back to the direction it came. The situation in the municipality of Deçan is still very tense, thus the people still fear going back home.
In the meantime, sources from the ground inform about the arrests that are taking place in the villages that people are going back to. A few days ago, the Serb police arrested 6 Albanians. Nothing is known on their whereabouts ever since. Sources from the ground also confirm that the Serb police, instead of withdrawing, it is taking positions in the villages of Prapaçan, Strellc etc., causing many Albanian families to move out. Schools lessons in this area have not started yet.

KOSOVA (abductions – Mitrovicë)
Some 200 Albanians suspected to be held in the Mitrovicë prison

Mitrovicë, 6 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
A very tense situation has prevailed over the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës and those of the municipality of Mitrovicë, following the Serb offensive. The Serb police continue arresting Albanians, mainly from Shalë and Drenica regions, temporarily sheltered in Mitrovicë.
On Tuesday, the Serb police in Shipol, municipality of Mitrovicë, arrested three Albanians from the village of Pantinë, municipality of Vushtrri, keeping them at the police station until today.
There are claims that about 200 young Albanians, particularly from Drenica, are being kept under arrest in the Mitrovicë prison, were they are subjected to tortures. Albanians that have sought refuge in cities around Kosova, but originate from other municipalities are especially targeted by the Serb police, which indiscriminately treat them as "terrorists".

KOSOVA (legal offensive – Prizren)
Investigating procedure filed against 128 Albanian residents of Suharekë

Prizren, 6 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
The Municipal Court in Prizren, sentenced detention and filed an investigating procedure against 128 residents of the municipality of Suharekë, arrested during the current Serb offensive against the villages of this municipality. They were all held in detention since last week. The defense attorneys and other witnesses state that they were subjected to increased pressure by the Serb security workers, forcing some of them to seek medical help. Subsequently some of the arrested are now n the surgical department, the orthopedic one, and intensive care in the Hospital of Prizren.
The prosecutors, Jugoslav Skenderi, Jovica Mitrovic, Nikola Vezura, Nada Hadziperic, and Dusan Spasic, after interrogating all of the accused, charged them of "terrorism", according to the article 125 in conjunction with article 139 of the "FRY" Criminal Code.
Sources from Prizren inform that lately, following the Serb ultimatums, and the arrests, about 30 Albanian families of the villages of the Prizren Has region, were forced to head to Albania, through the forest of Pashtrik.

KOSOVA (KD interview – Human Rights Watch)
Human Rights Watch activists - "a politics of postponement" without any clear vision for the future of Kosova
Garentina Kraja & Nebi Qena

Prishtina, 6 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
Two HRW activists, American Fred Abrahams and Belgian, Peter Bouckeart, have compiled a 100 page long report, to be sent to the Hague. If the persons responsible for war crimes in Kosova were brought to justice, it would serve as a document of enormous importance.

KD: Can you draw a parallel between the situation here the last time you were and now?

HRW: The situation has clearly deteriorated. There’s been an ongoing offensive. I left Kosova before this offensive really began, in June. It is clear that it has been a very powerful and well-planned military offensive, by the Serb police and army, and the results are obvious for everybody to see - tremendous humanitarian disaster. From Milosevic’s perspective, I think the offensive was very successful. He has managed to induce very deep fear among the Albanian population and he has managed to ensure that KLA will exist for the next ten years, which I think was his objective. Milosevic is a person who needs conflict to survive. His carrier, his whole political existence, is based in the conflict. First, there was Croatia, next Bosnia, and now Kosova. So, in a way, he needs KLA to exist and I think he has succeeded to achieve that.

KD: You have criticized Hill's policy?

HRW: We have criticized the American politics and the strategy of Ambassador Hill, because we think it is a short term "day by day" approach - we have called that "a politics of postponement" - without any clear vision for the future of Kosova. Ultimately that involves a discussion on the status of Kosova.

KD: Do you think the problems in Kosova and the other wars in "Yugoslavia" in general, in a way reflected themselves in the relationships within NATO, USA and the European Union?

HRW: The issue of Kosova highlighted the real question about NATO. What is the purpose of this organization in the post-Cold War era? If NATO, as an international body and the USA as the main world power after the Cold War, are not able to resolve conflicts like we have in Kosova, then we have to question the reason of their existence.

KD: (to Peter Bouckeart) You were in South Africa. Could you in some way, make a comparison?

HRW: I think that each situation of conflicts has its own individual dynamics. However, there are certain similarities with the situation in South Africa. I think that the situation in Kosova, like the situation in South Africa, developed out of a system of discrimination; out of wide spread human rights abuses against that majority population, caused by a feeling of insecurity on the part of the minority population. And, as in South Africa, I don't think that it is desirable to maintain a system of minority rule in Kosova by Serbia. So to seek a political solution in Kosova will mean, addressing both aspirations of the Albanian majority community and the fears of the Serb minority and other minority communities that live here.

KD: To some extent, the guerilla movement in South Africa enjoyed some sort of a support by the international community. Why do you think the Albanian guerilla movement does not enjoy any support and why is it branded as a "terrorist" group?

HRW: I think especially after this week, the public opinion in western countries understands now better the dynamic of this conflict. But, the international community, the political community, is very concerned for the regional stability. There has been a reluctance to support the armed independence movement, because of the fears of the impact that independent Kosova would have on Bosnia and very important on Macedonia. The international community is also afraid to support an armed movement because of the message that it would send to other discontent minority groups in Europe. In my opinion, however, this approach is short sighted. It is wrong to tolerate serious human right's violations in the name of the territorial integrity. So I am not taking a position in favor of Kosova independence, but what I am saying is that in attempting to preserve in all costs the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia, the international community has turned a blind eye to the serious human right's abuses here.

KD: Do you think that the international community equalized the Serb forces and the KLA?

HRW: I don't think that international community has put the two sides on the same level. There has been a lot of criticism of the Yugoslav offensive, in words, but in action the international community has failed to address the root cause of the conflict, which is Slobodan Milosevic. They continue to see Milosevic as a viable partner in these negotiations. This doomed to fail. For example, after Dayton, Milosevic's signature was in the Dayton and the international community needed his support to guarantee the Dayton agreement. So, they were very reluctant to push him on the Kosova issue, because they needed him in Bosnia. Now we see the result of that. Again, thinking towards the future, if you looked at Milosevic, as the person who can solve the Kosova problem then he will create some other tension, within the country or the region. The obvious place where that could be is Macedonia. The mistake was that they continuously rely on Milosevic, as the person to solve this problem, when in fact he is the person that created it.

KD: Are you saying that in order to solve the Kosova issue, the international community needs to ignore Milosevic?

HRW: Obviously, he is an actor. But I think that there must be a more creative approach, starting with the nurture of the opposition in Serbia and supporting the independent media and promoting the democratization of the Serb politics.

KD: Do you think that international communities reluctance, led to the idea that Milosevic was given a green light, to destroy the KLA to that extends so it is no more considered as a "threat"?

HRW: In the very least, I think that Milosevic understood that the international community would not stop him from continuing this offensive, and perhaps he was even given the green light. In part here, I also blame the KLA, because in July they made several steps that terrified the international community. First they tried the Belacevac mine and then they tried to take Rahovec. At the same time there at that moment a great euphoria among Albanians generally and some KLA spokesman talked about taking Prishtina and liberating Albanian lands in Montenegro, Macedonia and creating a greater Albania, and the Western countries obviously responded to this in a very negative way, since this is precisely what they did not want. So, I think that contributed to their decision to, either directly or indirectly, allow Milosevic to begin this offensive, in a way, even some diplomats at the time said to bring the KLA down a level. Again, I say in the very least Milosevic understood that the West would not stop him, and perhaps he was even given the green light.

KD: Talking about Macedonia, what are the chances for Macedonia to get stabilized?

HRW: We issued a report four or five months ago, saying that it is not going well. I understand very well the problems that Macedonia has, to and politically and deserve support. However, they are not doing enough in terms of democratization of human rights, specifically against Albanians but also against Macedonians. Because you have problems there with the free press, the police the courts and this is what it affects all of the citizens of Macedonia. So, our complaint has been that the international community should support the Government of Macedonia, but also push it to democratize. If they fail to do that, if the Macedonian Government continues to act the way they did, there is a real danger of increased tension. I think that problems in Kosova are extremely bad as you know, but a conflict in Macedonia would be very ugly. The interesting thing about Macedonia is that the problems there can be solved, relatively easily. What are the major complaints of the Albanians in Macedonia want: they want to be a constituent nation in the constitution, they want to have a Tetovë university, and they want to have more representation in the Government, and so forth. Those are three relatively minor points, and I think that the problems in Macedonia could be solved very easily. So, that's why we are specially disappointed and confused, why the Macedonian Government continues in this way and why the international community continues to support the Macedonian Government so unconditionally.

KD: In the last week you have just finished a 100 page long report that will go to the Hague tribunal and the persons responsible for this will be indicted?

HRW: We certainly hope. The Tribunal takes time. In Bosnia, we are now seeing slowly more arrests and some trials are going. So, I hope that the same will happen here. It is a very important process. And I would also say with that to investigate all crimes, because the KLA is also guilty of committing some human rights violation. Now, we have lots of allegations about massacred: in Obri, Gollubovc, and Qirez. Likoshan and also in Kleçkë, Gllogjan where it is alleged that KLA committed crimes. Our position is, then let The Hague come here, with international forensics team and investigate all these cases. And if the Government claim that ethnic Serbs were killed by the KLA then let the international forensics team come here and check out that case, plus Qirez, Likoshan, Obri Gollubovc and all the other allegations. If they believe that these abuses have happened then open the door and let the team come in and check it out.

(To be continued)

KOSOVA (victims – Suharekë)-
One Albanian killed, five arrested

Suharekë, 6 October (ARTA) 2015CET --
Due to the presence of Serb forces in the Suharekë-Prishtina road, the villages of Murlan, Krushicë, Stravuqin and Grejçec remain blocked, while large number of people are still sheltered in the hills and forests.
According to Albanian sources in Suharekë, in the village of Vraniq, Mursel Buqaj (60), from the village of Budakovë, was found burned in the haystack, while five Albanians from the Mushtisht and Bllacë villages have been arrested.
Because of the large concentration of people in the town of Suharekë, there is a lack of elementary supplies for living. Suharekë also faces the problem of giving shelter to the displaced that can't go back to their villages.
"Until now we have managed somehow to shelter the displaced, but now we have no capacity and the problem of giving shelter to the IDPs in our town is becoming insurmountable", explains Xhemajl Shala, the chairman of the Emergency Council in Suharekë.

KOSOVA (reinforcements – Podujevë)
Serb military forces building new trenches and barricades

Podujevë, 6 October (ARTA) 2135CET --
In the village of Obranqë and in the place known as Tabet e Llapashticës, 2 km away from the town of Podujevë, the Serb military forces have repositioned, thus intensifying the situation. It is reported that they are building new trenches and barricades with excavators.
Albanian sources claim that from around 100 Serb forces vehicles, stationed in these two places, 50 of them are tanks and other armored vehicles, equipped for opening the trenches. According to these sources, "they are being attached to other additional equipment, are being camouflaged with tree branches and leaves".
In the hill that links the villages of Llapashticë e Poshtme and Obranqë, a number of tanks are placed, all pointing towards the town, in full fighting gear.
These military forces have blocked the road that links several villages, restricting the free movement of the inhabitants as well as supplying these villages with food items.
That's why the displaced inhabitants are reluctant to return to their houses.
According to these sources, "APCs have moved throughout the town, today. Intensified police force presence in the town's key points and increased controls of cars and passengers was noted".

KOSOVA (IDPs – Kishnarekë)
"Plastic" town inhabitants
Nebi Qena

Kishnarekë, 5 October --
The houses in Kishnarekë are roofless, wall-less, and lifeless. Al the villagers are sheltered in the nearby gully, Mrizat e Berishës, where some 2.000 to 3.000 people live under plastics. Some of them are there for five months now; some for three or four.
"I've come to see the cattle and milk the cows -then I'm heading back to the woods", says Habib Berisha, while carrying a sack full of corn for the chicken, he points with his crutch to his burned down, shelled house. He says that some villagers of Kishnarekë go to the village during the day, just to check on the cattle, and then return to their families in the woods. They dare not spend the night in the village.
"They shot during throughout the nigh, last night. Who dares stay". Walking up the hill, he talks of NATO intervention. "We hope they'll do something, otherwise we're all doomed".
As a temporary, tiny town, Mrizat e Berishës, is full of plastic tents. Smoke comes out of these hapless "houses", as one approaching them hears sounds from the improvised settlement and the noises of children playing.
"D, D, Drenica...rumba, rumba, Drenica", the children sing along an alphabet song, mentioning regions subjected to the Serb force attacks...After Drenica, there comes Deçan...
People constantly walk around, women wash the clothes; brush the leaves out of their "plastic-house doorsteps".
Further away, men gathered around observe the journalists that have come to visit them. "Journalists come here everyday", says one of the inhabitants, as he breaks away the crowd of children surrounding the journalists.
"Go away; scatter. As if you've never seen journalists..." (!)
Women fill buckets of water, at the nearby watertaps, built by the ICRC. "Plastics" overwhelm the surrounding hills, as well, but the largest number is concentrated at the bottom of the gully. The villagers call it "the center".
Why is it so? For, that's the only spot upon which sunrays fall.
"When it rains, the mud reaches at knee-height", says a 30-year old villager. For the last three months, he has been here, together with his large family. "This is the only spot, heated by the sun. If you go further up, you'll still find mud", he says.
Though in miserable circumstances, plastic shelters are neatly built, due to the villager’s skillfulness, or to previous experience. There are some families whose experience in being refugees is threefold.
"I left my village about four months ago. I'm amid an eleven member family", says 60-year-old Ramë Rexhiqi. His appearance makes one add 20 more years to his age.
Ramë tells of his house being burnt completely, but adds he would prefer going back to his village.
"It doesn't matter about the house. If I could go back to my yard; I'd sleep under plastic again - just to get back to my village".
The old man knows not what to do now. As most of the people around him he hopes "Germany, France, Switzerland and the USA will do something", or else, with the winter approaching - "I don't know", he says.
...The police checkpoint in Komoran has "shrunk". Full of policemen and APCs, as it used to be, the crossroad is now supervised only by a traffic policeman and a sole APC. The policeman, smilingly, asks of the destination. Showing no great interest, he allows the vehicle pass. Other policemen, according to the Serb Government, have been retreated from Kosova. But, semi-ruined houses nearby, filled with policemen, seem to prove the opposite...

KOSOVA (IDPs – Ferizaj)
"If you can't help me, kill me - I can't see my children like this", says mother – civilians mentally misbalanced due to war experience, says sociologist

Ferizaj, 6 October (ARTA) 1915CET --
Ismail Hasani, nostalgic for his village, Devetak, succeeded to go there crossing by foot the villages of Petrovë, Mollopolc, Jezerc, Topillë, Budakovë, Papaz, Llanishtë, Grejçec and seeing all the terrifying scenes left by the Serb offensive.
Mr. Hasani, a sociologist from Ferizaj, was one of the few to go to the villages of the Ferizaj-Suharekë-Shtime triangle, under the Serb offensive in recent days. -
"It was not easy to go through all those places where the barbaric traces were chasing you" - states in his story Mr. Hasani, adding: "The first contact with people sheltered in streams and valleys was very emotional".
"There were around 800 people near the place called Përrojtë e Papazit, between Jezerc and Topillë there were other 300, while between Jezerc and Devetak, in the place known as Kroi i Bibës - around 150-200 people were stationed", says Mr. Hasani.
All these people, clarifies Hasani, were inhabitants of these villages and now they were waiting here in the open to return to their houses. "While I was meeting them, I met the most harsh shapes of our tragedy. The words of one mother were very emotional - she said to me 'take me with you, if you can't help me, kill me - I can't see my children like this".
According to this sociologist, these displaced people were traumatized, the war has taken them to the brink of mental misbalance, they tremble at every sound, and most of them have hearing defects. He also said, that among them, many had infection diseases.
"Scabies and lice overflow them, while they were trying to keep the hygiene along the plods of water" - he stated while describing the living conditions of the inhabitants of this besieged area.

KOSOVA (political statement – KLA)
KLA urges Albanian political subjects give up the wrong political stands

Prishtina, 6 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
Urging for the cease of further bloodshed, in the area of Kosova, the Secretariat of the office of the KLA General Political Representative, in a press release, appeals to the President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, the Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov, as well as the Foreign Minister, Igor Ivanov, to "stop their constant attempts against the members of the UN Security Council, to prevent the NATO intervention against "Yugoslavia", since they are well aware that a genocide is being conducted against the Albanian people in Kosova".
"We would request from the gentlemen to retain the not so long ago attitude, when in a peaceful manner, it allowed the independence of 16 states of the former USSR, without bloodshed, and particularly, when with the Lebed-Maskhadov Agreement, it was agreed that by the year 2001 Chechnya is to be granted the right to decide on its political status, based on the principle of self-determination".
"We are aware of their sympathy towards Serbia, but we believe that their righteous position would create an unforgettable friendship with the Albanian population", it is stated in the communique and added that "this activity is being carried out, because they know that NATO could attack even without the mandate of the Security Council, only with the decision of the UN Assembly, based on the UN "Partnership for peace" Resolution, approved in 1950, when the Assembly could decide about the use of force from one or more countries, if there is a risk of a war and its further expansion in a region, in which case as a result of a Security Council country's veto, it is prevented from being approved". Such a thing is quite possible, now when the regular UN Assembly is being held. This is how it was done in the case of Suez Canal. Those who remember, know that that step was initiated by former Yugoslavia itself".
Based on the entire political course, this office urges the political subjects in Kosova to give up the political break-ups and also give up the wrong political stands.
Fehmi Agani's claims that Kosova will be an ethnic community within "Yugoslavia", or the claims of Idriz Ajeti, that some time Kosova will be within "Yugoslavia", with internal independence as a united ethnic community, are stated to be "in opposition with the Albanian people's will, expressed in the Referendum of 1991".
"The Gentlemen should know the difference between ethnic community and united ethnic community (?!) - which in fact is a qualifying, status and an internationally acknowledged category. Such categorization is less than "Tito's nationhood", not to mention the qualification, throughout the War, as a nation. This was later legitimized by the Referendum, voted by the entire Albanian people in Kosova, it is stated in the communique.

KOSOVA (Demaçi – press conference)
Demaçi: "I don't think NATO will intervene"

Prishtina, 6 October (ARTA) 2040CET --
"NATO is threatening the Serb regime and the military/police machinery", stated Adem Demaçi, the political representative of Kosova Liberation Army (KLA).
"The leading global powers have to understand that without destroying, dispersing and dismantling the force of this military/police complex, there will be no peace in this region, or anywhere where Serbia or the FRY exists", he said.
The KLA representatives’ personal opinion is that "there will be no intervention from the North Atlantic Alliance, although this is very close and people are eager to witness it".
I hope, said Demaçi that the Serb armed forces will come to see that it is not worth fighting NATO. "For we all know what forces they are", said he.
But, stated Demaçi, the contrary might happen, so "we have to be ready for all situations".
"If the international community will mediate in that direction and take steps that will lead towards the realization of the legitimate right of the Albanian nation for self-determination and within the framework of the 1991 referendum where freedom and sovereignty is predicted for the Albanians with several other additional rights that could come after Kosova will become a political subject, then I think that the road will open for the KLA to stop the war", stressed Demaçi.
"There are some attempts for something small to become very, very interesting and then at the end that something is not interesting at all. I don't know why this document is also being kept secret. It is said that the Contact Group has influenced to make some changes in Mr. Hill's proposal which was catastrophic", stated Demaçi adding that it was "sad for a bright guy like Mr. Hill to design such a proposal".
"I hope that those people will keep in mind such a thing and will not pretend that the KLA doesn't exist, or maybe it was them who allowed all these fighting to happen to eliminate the KLA from Kosova's political scene, which proved impossible".
Asked what consequences he expects from NATO air strikes - military, political, or psychological, Demaçi said, "If the strikes are serious than I expect from the Serb regime to start acting seriously and to start considering that it cannot do what it wants in this country. The consequences that you've mentioned are only military ones, because the Serb regime uses the military means".
According to Serb side claims of the withdrawal of police/military forces from Kosova, the political representative of the KLA stated: "It is not the first time the Serb regime uses these methods. Facts tell the contrary. Serbs send few units back to Serbia during the day and they hide the tanks under ground, so if NATO strikes occur, the Serb fighting equipment will be saved. This is a very transparent game to trick the world, because you know that through the satellites footsteps can be recorded, and not to mention tanks".

KOSOVA (School year – Gjakovë)
No lessons, since school building resided by the Serb police

Gjakovë, 6 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
Although no clashes took place in the villages of Shipol and other villages of Lugu i Çarragojës, municipality of Gjakovë, Serb police forces are stationed in the old school building, in the village of Sheremet. These forces cruise down the villages of this area, during the day, demanding from the population to hand over the weapons.
The presence of the Serb police and army made over 500 students from the villages of Sheremet, Dobrosh, Pacaj, Rracaj, and Dallashaj, to cease going to school lessons. The locals state that they are not sending the children to school, because they fear for their security.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
 many  news  ==>  PART 2
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\07ata02
Datum:         Wed, 7 Oct 1998 14:22:53 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
Kosova is right to be fully sovereign

      PRISHTINE, Oct 7/ ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports that "Kosova and Vojvodina are right to demand from the United Nations to be fully sovereign," head of the parliamentary group of the Liberal League Vucinic said at an emergency session of Montenegrin parliament yesterday.
      In the debate on the conclusions about the current situation in Kosova, Vucinic, referring to history, said that "Kosova with the aid of the internationals powers was annexed to Serbia in 1912, while Vojvodina in 1918."
      Considering this fact, he added, they "deserve to have legitimacy beyond the Serbian state borders, that is, as a sovereign state," newspaper Bujku of Prishtine quotes him as saying. /p.ta/lm/

Jail for 115 Albanians in Prizren

      PRISHTINE, Oct 7/ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports:
      The Prizren Serb Tribunal yesterday ruled prison arrest for  the 115 Albanians arrested in the commune of Suharreke.
      The lawyers of the 115 Albanians accused of "terrorism" say that torture is being used against their clients as a means to accept the charge and as a result many of them have been hospitalised in Prizren.
      According to the Political Prisoners Association, the number of the Kosova Albanians arrested and penally prosecuted for "terrorist activity", is estimated to be 2000 so far. /p.ta/lm/

Dragobil village pounded in Malisheve, houses keep burning

      PRISHTINE, Oct 7 (ATA)-Serbian forces yesterday afternoon shelled the Dragobil village and kept burning many Albanian houses of the Malisheve commune, making impossible the return home of the Albanian inhabitants, according to the Kosova Information Centre (CIK).
      CIK says that in the villages of Lladrovc, Senik, Terpeze, Berishe, Fshat i Ri, the number of the inhabitants leaving for Prishtine and other centers to escape danger keeps increasing. /pas/lm/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\07ata01
Datum:         Wed, 7 Oct 1998 12:15:44 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
Yugoslav soldiers open fire on Albanian border unit

      TIRANA, Oct. 7 (ATA) - The Yugoslav soldiers have opened fire on an Albanian border unit in the district of Kukes on Tuesday.
      The spokesman of the Ministry of Public Order reported to ATA that on Tuesday at 12:10, in vicinity of the border post D 16/9 in the village of Borje, the Albanian border unit was shot by fire weapons from a Yugoslav unit while patrolling.
      The Albanian border soldiers have taken up defensive positions but without responding to the fire. The bullets of the Yugoslav soldiers have hit the observation post of the Albanian unit and its fire sites.
      The Yugoslav party has been called to a meeting regarding this incident, said the spokesman of this ministry. /s.s/mt/

We are conscious Milosevic is not serious and reliable partner for negotiations - Chrismant

      TIRANA, Oct 6 (ATA)-President of the Republic Rexhep Meidani on Tuesday met, at their request, with the ambassadors of the Contact Croup nations accredited to Tirana.
      The ambassadors, by order of the French and British Foreign Ministers set forward to Meidani the stand of the Contact Group in its latest meeting for the implementation of the 1199 Resolution of the U.N. Security Council.
      The president's press and information office told ATA that on behalf of ministers Hubert Vedrine and Robin Cook, French ambassador Patrick Chrismant explained the determination of the Contact Group and mounting pressure of the western chancelleries on Belgrade for a full implementation of the latest Security Council Resolution.
      "Now we are conscious that Milosevic is not a serious and reliable partner for negotiations, therefore our demands and pressure will be increasing," said the ambassador.
      Further on, he called on the warring parties in Kosova to "try to halt the violence and withdraw the troops, to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe."
      Meidani, after praising the resolution said that there is no sign that Milosevic is withdrawing military troops besides some of his maneuvers to gain time.
      Meidani repeated his constant stand that without a wider international presence throughout the region, there cannot be a calm down of the situation.
      He added that the monstrous crimes have now created a negative memory which discourages any speedy solution to the Kosova issue. Leaving open any option, also the military, Meidani said that there is no moment to lose.
      "Avoiding humanitarian crisis is an imperative for the whole international community and a significant factor to calm and stabilise the situation which has now affected the whole region in one way or another," he said.
      Meidani asked the Contact Group to take urgent measures to end the Serb military violence, as an indispensability for the refugees to return home and creation of the possibility for and trust in the solution of the Kosova crisis.
      Also taking part in the meeting was Albanian Foreign Minister Paskal Milo. /pas/lm/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\06atanews02
Datum:         Tue, 6 Oct 1998 19:52:09 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
Hidden roadblocks in Decan

      PRISHTINE, Oct 6 (ATA)-Sources from the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) report that along the Peje-Decan main road roadblocks have been set up on road sides, in a way that they are not seen by reporters and foreign observers.
      The Serb forces have set up such roadblocks in Lybeniq, Strellc i Eperm, Lebushe, Isniq and Carrabreg.
      Meanwhile in the villages of Isniq, Strellc, Lebushe, Lluke e Eperme and Prapacan, where most of the population of the Decan commune are concentrated, the police stay nonstop.
      The Decan commune now numbers 15 000 out of 60 000 inhabitants it had earlier. While the city itself has no more than 120 Albanians. Their houses have mostly been occupied by Serbs, while in several villages such as in Beleg, Carrabreg i Ulet and i Eperm, Llocan, Drenoc, Kodrali and other villages, the people's return home has become impossible because of the Serb police presence. /p.ta/lm/

No change in foreign policy of new government, says Milo

      TIRANA, Oct. 6 (ATA) - By I. Luto:
      There will be no change in the Albania's foreign policy of the new government, Foreign Minister Paskal Milo told the journalists on Tuesday.
      The chief of the Albanian diplomacy reiterated the stands of the Albanian diplomacy regarding the crisis in Kosova, stands which have to do with the sudden stop of the Serb violence and aggression against the civil population and beginning of talks.
      "For this, we support the NATO air strikes against the Serb military structures, installed in Kosova," continued Milo.
      He declared that the Albanian government will continue to back its stand for an international presence in Kosova and it will support the efforts of the Kosova Albanians to realize their aspirations, despite the option to be followed to resolve the Kosovar crisis. /dast/mt/

Serbian military forces moving toward Albanian border belt

      PRISHTINE, Oct 6 (ATA) - The situation in Prizeren region (Western Kosova, near Albania's border) over the last to days is noticeably tensed, because of the increase of the Serbian military and police forces, Kosova Information Center reports.
      Yesterday reinforcement forces, from military base of Landovice, were sent toward Albania's border belt and mainly concentrated in Planeje village, KIC said.
      Last week there were a lot of Serbian military moving to displace their military arsenal, which is now concentrated in the quarters of Vrelle, Pomozot and Sllatine airport as well as in the villages inhabited by Serbs in Fushe-Kosove Commune, informs Kosova Information Center.
      The abovementioned source, referring to eyewitnesses, reports that military convoys transported different military devices to Serbs inhabited villages of Batuse, Radeve and Skullane, meanwhile at the pines of Sllatine e Madhe, where years ago the Serbian army built up a shooting-gallery, many reinforcements were sent. Serbian forces mounting different types of rockets were noticed in Kuzmin, village inhabited by Serbs. /pas/lola/

10. eventual additional press news 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Albanian Americans Support NATO Air Strikes to End War in Kosova
Datum:         Tue, 6 Oct 1998 14:42:36 EDT
    Von:         Aferdita Rakipi <NAACDC@AOL.COM>
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                  CONTACT:   Aferdita Rakipi
October 06, 1998                                                        (202) 955-1429

Albanian Americans Support NATO Air Strikes to End War in Kosova

Washington, DC-- Oct.06, 1998-The National Albanian American Council (NAAC) today called on NATO to press ahead with air strikes on Serb targets to bring about a cease fire and a negotiated settlement in Kosova in light of strained diplomatic efforts.

The State Department announced yesterday that Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, who brokered the 1995 Dayton accord on Bosnia, would meet with Milosevic again today to explore a diplomatic solution to the Kosova crisis.

NAAC appreciates the effort of the United States to bring about a diplomatic solution to the Kosova crisis as a means of bringing an immediate end to the bloodshed and terror inflicted on the Albanian citizens by the Belgrade regime.  However, we are convinced that NATO military force is the only message Milosevic will understand.  Failing any progress with this 11th hour appeal, NATO must move immediately against the Serb aggressors.

NAAC said Milosevic must comply with the September 23 UN resolution that calls for the removal of all Serbian special police forces, paramilitary and Yugoslav armed forces from Kosova; unrestricted flow of humanitarian assistance to the refugees; return of all displaced people to their homes; deployment of international observers without restrictions; examination of mass graves by international forensic experts; and resumption of unconditional negotiations with international mediation and guarantees.

Go to  Part 2

Link to Background-information  
Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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Die Bibel sagt 
      HERR, du wollest deine Barmherzigkeit nicht von mir wenden; 
           lass deine Guete und Treue allewege mich behueten. 
      Lass deiner sich freuen und froehlich sein 
           alle, die nach dir fragen; 
      und die dein Heil lieben, lass allewege sagen: 
           Der HERR sei hoch gelobt ! 
      Du bist mein Helfer und Erretter; 
           mein Gott, saeume doch nicht !
    Psalm 40, 12.17.18b
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
    Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: 
         let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me. 
    Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: 
    let such as love thy salvation 
         say continually, The LORD be magnified. 
    thou [art] my help and my deliverer; 
         make no tarrying, O my God. 
    Psalm 40, 11.16.17b
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 7.10.1998  

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