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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 14. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 14, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1582

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Kontaktgruppe beraet ueber Kosovo-Uebereinkunft
  • Belgrad stimmt unbewaffneten Kontrollfluegen ueber dem Kosovo zu
  • Washington sieht Zeichen der Entspannung im Kosovo
  • IPI verurteilt Verbot zweier Zeitungen in Belgrad
  • Grossbritannien stellt 200 Militaers und Zivilisten fuer OSZE-Mission
  • Rumaeniens Parlament billigt Luftraum-Oeffnung fuer NATO
  • Ungarisches Parlament stimmt fuer Oeffnung des Luftraums fuer NATO
  • Elf-Punkte-Plan fuer Frieden im Kosovo - Wahlen angekuendigt
  • NATO-Aktivierungsbefehl fuer Kosovo-Luftschlaege bleibt in Kraft
  • IKRK und UNHCR nehmen Arbeit im Kosovo wieder auf
  • NATO-Aktivierungsbefehl fuer Kosovo-Luftschlaege bleibt in Kraft
  • Kosovo-Debatte hindert Rumaeniens Aussenministers an Reise nach Ungarn
  • Russische Parlamentskammern warnen vor Militaerschlag im Kosovo
  • Zufriedenheit in Bulgarien ueber Loesung fuer Kosovo
  • Bonn begruesst Vereinbarung zur Loesung der Kosovo-Krise
  • Milosevic gibt im Kosovo nach und vertaerkt Druck in Serbien
  • Kriegsverbrecher-Tribunal bekam Visa fuer Ermittlungen im Kosovo
  • EU-Beauftragte Petritsch bei Albaner-Fuehrer Rugova
  • Sprengstoff-Anschlag auf Schweizer Fluechtlingsheim
  • Duma warnt vor Militaerschlag im Kosovo - Delegation nach Belgrad
  • Erpressung im Internet - Kosovo-Zeitung aus dem Netz genommen
  • Belgrads Elf-Punkte-Plan fuer das Kosovo
  • Treffen der Balkan-Kontaktgruppe am Donnerstag in Paris
  • Serbien verbietet zwei unabhaengige Zeitungen in Belgrad
  • Cook warnt Milosevic: Wir passen genau auf
  • UCK-Rebellen: Fuer Kosovo nur Unabhaengigkeit akzeptabel
  • "Pravo": Kompromiss eroeffnet Moeglichkeiten zur politischen Loesung
  • "Rzeczpospolita": Frieden in Kosovo noch weit entfernt
  • Petritsch: Skepsis nach Einlenken von Milosevic
  • "Trud": Pause auf dem Balkan
  • "ABC": Milosevic versteht nur die Sprache der Gewalt
  • "Kommersant daily": NATO hat nicht auf Angriffsoption verzichtet
  • "Neue Zuercher Zeitung": Kein Grund zur Euphorie
  • "Financial Times": Massaker ruettelten die Menschen im Westen auf
  • "Corriere della Sera": Kosovo-Erfolg Wolkenkratzer ohne Fundament
  • "L'Alsace" zur Kosovo-Krise: Das echte Problem ist Milosevic
  • "Il Messaggero": Weisse Flagge
  • "Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace" zu Kosovo: Gewalt zahlt sich aus
  • "Le Monde" zu Kosovo-Krise: Ganz besondere Risiken bei Intervention
  • Deutsche Zeitungen kommentieren Kosovo-Konflikt
  • Nato will Abkommen mit Milosevic ueberwachen - Wahlen im Kosovo
  • Belgrad verspricht Wahlen im Kosovo innerhalb von neun Monaten
  • Serbien verbietet unabhaengige Belgrader Zeitung "Danas"
  • NATO plant Kontrollfluege ueber dem Kosovo und ein Ueberflugverbot
  • Albanien begruesst Einigung im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 20:51  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624F2C1.NL1/
    Kontaktgruppe berät über Kosovo-Übereinkunft
    Paris (dpa) - Die Außenminister der sechs Staaten der internationalen Kontaktgruppe beraten an diesem Donnerstag in Paris über das weitere Vorgehen in der Kosovo-Krise. Dabei soll nach französischen Angaben die Übereinkunft bewertet werden, die der US- Vermittler Richard Holbrooke mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic erreicht hat.
         Zudem soll die Umsetzung der Zusagen und deren Überwachung erörtert werden. Dazu wird auch der derzeitige OSZE-Vorsitzende Bronislaw Geremek an den Beratungen beteiligt.
         Der Kontaktgruppe gehören die USA, Rußland, Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und Italien an.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 20:32  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624EE4C.NL1/
    Belgrad stimmt unbewaffneten Kontrollflügen über dem Kosovo zu
    Belgrad (dpa) - Die jugoslawische Regierung hat am Mittwoch abend internationalen Kontrollflügen von «Nichtkampfmaschinen» über der Krisenprovinz Kosovo zugestimmt. Die Flüge sollen der friedlichen Verifizierung und Beobachtung der Lage im Kosovo dienen, hieß es in einem Regierungsbeschluß, aus dem die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug zitierte.
         Gleichzeitig wurde der Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic beauftragt, mit dem amtierenden OSZE-Vorsitzenden Bronislav Geremek ein Abkommen über die Entsendung einer OSZE-Mission in den Kosovo zu unterzeichnen.
         Dieses sieht die vom US-Sonderbeauftragten Richard Holbrooke mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic erzielte Vereinbarung über eine friedliche Lösung der Kosovo-Krise vor. Geremek wird am Freitag in Belgrad erwartet.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 19:47  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624E3AB.NL1/
    Washington sieht Zeichen der Entspannung im Kosovo
    Washington (dpa) - Das US-Außenministerium hat am Mittwoch von Zeichen der Entspannung in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo berichtet.
         Internationale Beobachtergruppen hätten ihre Arbeit ungehindert ausführen können, sagte Außenamtssprecher James Rubin in Washington. Die Präsenz serbischer Polizei sei geringer geworden. Die Zahl der Straßenkontrollpunkte nehme ab und es gebe Beispiele dafür, daß das Alltagsleben in Dörfer der serbischen Provinz zurückkehre.
         Rubin machte darauf aufmerksam, daß es sich um «sehr vorläufige Berichte von ein paar Beobachtern» handele. Erst das vereinbarte neue Beobachtersystem vom Boden und aus der Luft werde dann mehr Klarheit bringen.
         Die vorgesehenen 2 000 internationalen Beobachter könnten allerdings nicht alle bereits in ein paar Tagen im Einsatz sein. Sie werden Rubin zufolge unbewaffnet sein, sollen aber rasch von einer Einsatztruppe unterstützt werden können, «falls eine gefährliche Lage entsteht».
    © dpa
    Meldung vom  14.10.1998 18:14  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624CDC7.NL1/
    IPI verurteilt Verbot zweier Zeitungen in Belgrad
    Wien (dpa) - Das Internationale Presse Institut (IPI) hat am Mittwoch das Erscheinungsverbot für die beiden unabhängigen Tageszeitungen «Danas» und «Dnevni Telegraf» in Belgrad verurteilt.
         IPI-Direktor Hans Fritz forderte den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic in einem Schreiben auf, die serbischen unabhängigen Medien ungehindert arbeiten zu lassen. Das in Wien ansässige IPI vertritt Herausgeber und Chefredakteure aus aller Welt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 18:03  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624CB32.NL1/
    Großbritannien stellt 200 Militärs und Zivilisten für OSZE-Mission
    London (dpa) - Großbritannien will für die OSZE-Mission zur Überwachung der mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten, Slobodan Milosevic, ausgehandelten Kosovo-Vereinbarung 200 unbewaffnete Militärs und Zivilisten entsenden.
         Dies teilten Außenminister Robin Cook und Verteidigungsminister George Robertson am Mittwoch auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz in London mit. Die Mitgliedsländer der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) wollen insgesamt 2 000 Experten für die Überwachungs-Mission zur Verfügung stellen.
         Ein Voraustrupp des britischen Kontingents steht nach Angaben Cooks zur Abreise in das Krisengebiet bereit. Zu den 200 britischen Experten gehören Zivilisten sowie ehemalige und noch aktive Soldaten, teilte das Außenministerium mit.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 17:22 http://seite1.web.de/show/3624C1C1.NL1/
    Rumäniens Parlament billigt Luftraum-Öffnung für NATO
    Bukarest (dpa) - Bei einem eventuellen militärischen Eingriff in Kosovo-Konflikt darf die NATO den rumänischen Luftraum «in Notfällen und unvorhergesehenen Situationen» benutzen.
         Das hat das Parlament in Bukarest am Mittwoch auf Empfehlung des Obersten Verteidigungsrats Rumäniens nach einem entsprechenden Antrag des Nordatlantischen Rats beschlossen.
         Wie der rumänische Rundfunk weiter berichtete, billigten die Volksvertreter der beiden Parlamentskammer den Antrag mit 244 zu 160 Stimmen. Die postkommunistische und nationalistische Opposition stimmte dagegen.
         In einer knapp vierstündigen Debatte warnte die Opposition vor einer angeblich drohenden Verschlechterung der Beziehungen zum Nachbarland Jugoslawien durch Unterstützung der NATO aus.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 17:22 http://seite1.web.de/show/3624C1B7.NL1/
    Ungarisches Parlament stimmt für Öffnung des Luftraums für NATO
    Budapest (dpa) - Das ungarische Parlament hat am Mittwoch mit großer Mehrheit dafür gestimmt, daß NATO-Flugzeuge bei möglichen Angriffen auf Ziele im Kosovo den ungarischen Luftraum benutzen können. 260 Abgeordnete stimmten dafür, elf dagegen und 60 enthielten sich, meldete die ungarische Nachrichtenagentur MTI.
         Die ungarische Regierung hatte bereits am Dienstag der Öffnung des Luftraumes für NATO-Einsätze in der serbischen Unruheprovinz Kosovo zugestimmt. NATO-Flugzeuge sollen «ohne Einschränkungen» über Ungarn operieren können.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 16:59  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624BC54.NL1/
    Elf-Punkte-Plan für Frieden im Kosovo - Wahlen angekündigt
    Belgrad/Brüssel/London (dpa) - Einen Tag nach dem Kosovo-Abkommen hat Belgrad am Mittwoch einen Elf-Punkte-Plan für eine friedliche Lösung in der Krisenprovinz veröffentlicht. Die serbische Regierung versprach zudem, innerhalb von neun Monaten im Kosovo allgemeine Wahlen abzuhalten.
         Die NATO hielt ihre Drohung mit Luftangriffen aber zunächst aufrecht. Die jugoslawische Führung müsse ihre friedlichen Absichten noch beweisen, hieß es im Hauptquartier in Brüssel. «Für uns ist es der Test für die Wirksamkeit des Abkommens, daß es uns gelingt, die Flüchtlinge heimzuholen», sagte der britische Außenminister Robin Cook in London.
         Die aus ihren Dörfern vertriebenen Menschen müßten vor dem ersten Schnee zurückgekehrt sein. Bis zum kommenden Montag soll eine Vereinbarung über die Stationierung von internationalen Beobachtern im Kosovo geschlossen werden.
         «Wir passen genau auf», warnte Cook den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic vor Verstößen über die in den Dauergesprächen mit dem US-Sondergesandten Richard Holbrooke geschlossenen Vereinbarungen. Wenn Milosevic davon abweiche, werde die NATO ihren Druck auf Belgrad wieder erhöhen.
         «Es besteht weiter eine Krisensituation», sagte ein NATO- Mitarbeiter. «Wir haben noch keine Zeichen, daß die UNO-Resolution 1199 erfüllt wurde.» Das zeigten auch die etwa 50 000 Flüchtlinge in den Wäldern des Kosovos, die noch nicht in ihre Heimatorte hätten zurückkehren können.
         Die deutsche Regierung begrüßte die Vereinbarung mit Milosevic und mahnte eine schnelle Umsetzung an. Nur wenn Belgrad das Abkommen vollständig erfülle, könne vor dem näherrückenden Winter eine humanitäre Katastrophe auf dem Balkan verhindert werden, sagte Regierungssprecher Otto Hauser.
         Das Rote Kreuz und das Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) nahmen ihre Tätigkeit im Kosovo wieder auf. Beide Organisationen schickten Lastwagen mit Decken, Plastikplanen und Nahrungsmitteln.
         Der EU-Sondervermittler für das Kosovo, Wolfgang Petritsch, sprach in Pristina mit dem führenden Politiker der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, über das Abkommen.
         Rugova habe sich «verständlicherweise skeptisch» geäußert, sagte Petritsch anschließend. Die Kosovo-Albaner hätten viele Gründe, mit dem US-Plan unzufrieden zu sein, sagte ein Berater von Rugova.
         Petritsch forderte die kosovo-albanische Untergrundarmee UCK auf, Frieden zu halten. Sie sollten «die große Chance, die sich jetzt bietet, nicht zunichte machen».
         In einer Erklärung äußerte die UCK-Führung zwar Respekt für die internationalen Bemühungen um Frieden im Kosovo, wiederholte zugleich aber ihre Forderung nach einer Unabhängigkeit der zu 90 Prozent von Albanern bewohnten südserbischen Provinz. «Für die UCK ist keine andere Lösung annehmbar als die Unabhängigkeit», hieß es in einem Schreiben der Untergrund-Organisation.
         Die serbische Regierung ließ am Mittwoch die Redaktionen zweier unabhängiger Tageszeitungen besetzen und verbot das weitere Erscheinen der «Danas» und der «Dnevni Telegraf».
         Nachdem er im Kosovo-Konflikt habe nachgeben müssen werde Milosevic jetzt «mit aller Kraft gegen die Überreste der demokratischen Opposition und der freien Presse in Serbien» vorgehen, sagte ein Redakteur von «Danas».
         Das russische Parlament warnte die NATO am Mittwoch noch einmal vor einem Militärschlag in Jugoslawien. Ein NATO-Einsatz ohne Billigung des Weltsicherheitsrates würde dem gesamten System internationaler Beziehungen Schaden zufügen, hieß es.
         Die Außenminister der sechs Länder, die sich in der Internationalen Kontaktgruppe um eine Kosovo-Lösung bemüht haben - USA, Rußland, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Italien und Frankreich - treffen sich an diesem Donnerstag in Paris um eine Bilanz zu ziehen und die Übereinkunft zu bewerten.
         Ermittlern des UNO-Kriegsverbrecher-Tribunals erlaubte Milosevic nach monatelangem Warten am Mittwoch die Einreise ins Kosovo. Die UNO-Ermittler wollen im Kosovo den Berichten über Massaker an Zivilisten nachgehen
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 16:18  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624B2B4.NL1/
    NATO-Aktivierungsbefehl für Kosovo-Luftschläge bleibt in Kraft
    Brüssel (dpa) - Die NATO hält in der Kosovo-Krise ihre Drohung mit Luftangriffen gegen Serbien weiter aufrecht. Das verlautete am Mittwoch aus dem Hauptquartier in Brüssel. Die Allianz bleibe bei dem Kurs, da die Führung Jugoslawiens ihre friedlichen Absichten im Kosovo noch unter Beweis stellen müsse.
         Der NATO-Rat hatte am Dienstag den Aktivierungsbefehl für Luftschläge gegen serbische Ziele gebilligt. Der Befehl soll am kommenden Samstag morgen nach einer Vier-Tage-Frist vermutlich gegen 02.00 Uhr wirksam werden. Dann erhält der NATO-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, General Wesley Clark, das Kommando über mehr als 400 Flugzeuge und zahlreiche Schiffe aus den NATO-Staaten über.
         Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hatte kurz nach Billigung des Aktivierungsbefehls im Kosovo-Konflikt eingelenkt. Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und die Führung Jugoslawiens wollen an diesem Freitag ein Abkommen für eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts unterzeichnen.
         Die OSZE will 2 000 Beobachter zur Überprüfung des politischen Lösungsprozesses stellen. Die NATO will dieses Team durch Aufklärungsflüge unterstützen.
         Wie es im Hauptquartier weiter hieß, wird der NATO-Rat voraussichtlich an diesem Freitag abend eine Entscheidung treffen, wie es mit dem Aktivierungsbefehl weiter geht. Ein hoher NATO- Mitarbeiter hatte am Dienstag erklärt, der Rat könne den Befehl aufheben oder die darin vorgesehene Frist verlängern.
         «Wir haben bisher noch keine Zeichen, daß die UNO-Resolution 1199 erfüllt wurde», sagte ein NATO-Mitarbeiter, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte. Die rund 50 000 Flüchtlinge, die sich in den Wäldern des Kosovo versteckten, hätten beispielsweise noch nicht in ihre Heimatorte zurückkehren können. «Es besteht weiter eine Krisensituation.»
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 16:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624B02E.NL1/
    IKRK und UNHCR nehmen Arbeit im Kosovo wieder auf
    Genf (dpa) - Das Internationale Komitee vom Rote Kreuz (IKRK) und das Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) haben ihre Tätigkeit im Kosovo am Mittwoch wieder aufgenommen.
         Das Rote Kreuz hatte seine Arbeit in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz nach einem Minenunfall vor zehn Tagen eingestellt. Dabei war ein albanischer Arzt ums Leben gekommen. Die ausländischen Mitarbeiter des UNHCR waren am Montag nach Skopje in Mazedonien abgezogen worden.
         Ein Lastwagen-Konvoi habe 30 Tonnen Hilfsgüter nach Mitrovica im Norden der Provinz gebracht, teilte das IKRK mit. In den kommenden Tagen seien weitere Hilfslieferungen geplant.
         Die Lastwagen hätten unter anderem Mehl, Teigwaren, Salz, Toiletten-Artikel sowie Decken und Plastikplanen geliefert. Das UNHCR brachte fünf Lastwagen voll Nahrungsmittel und Decken nach Jezerce und Kisna Reka.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 16:03   http://seite1.web.de/show/3624AF23.NL1/
    NATO-Aktivierungsbefehl für Kosovo-Luftschläge bleibt in Kraft
    Brüssel (dpa) - Die NATO hält in der Kosovo-Krise ihre Drohung mit Luftangriffen gegen Serbien zunächst aufrecht. Das verlautete am Mittwoch aus dem Hauptquartier in Brüssel. Die Allianz bleibe bei dem Kurs, da die Führung Jugoslawiens ihre friedlichen Absichten im Kosovo noch beweisen müsse.
         Der NATO-Rat hatte am Dienstag den Aktivierungsbefehl für Luftschläge gegen serbische Ziele gebilligt. Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hatte kurz darauf im Kosovo-Konflikt eingelenkt. Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und die Führung Jugoslawiens wollen an diesem Freitag ein Abkommen für eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts schließen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 15:45  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624AB14.NL1/
    Kosovo-Debatte hindert Rumäniens Außenministers an Reise nach Ungarn
    Bukarest (dpa) - Der rumänische Außenminister Andrei Plesu hat eine für Mittwoch geplante Reise ins Nachbarland Ungarn kurzfristig abgesagt, weil eine verlängerte Debatte um die Öffnung des rumänischen Luftraums für die NATO seine Anwesenheit im Parlament erforderte. Das meldete der rumänische Rundfunk in Bukarest.
         Das Parlament in Bukarest sollte am Mittwoch über einen Antrag des Obersten Verteidigungsrats des Landes (CSAT) abstimmen, nach dem die NATO im Fall einer Militäraktion im Zusammenhang mit der Kosovo-Krise den rumänischen Luftraum für Notfälle nutzen darf. Außerdem wollte der CSAT der NATO eine humanitäre Hilfstruppe zur Verfügung stellen.
         Nach zweistündiger hitziger Debatte lag am Nachmittag noch kein Ergebnis vor. Die postkommunistische und nationalistische Opposition plädierte vehement dafür, die Beziehungen zum Nachbarland Jugoslawien nicht durch Unterstützung der NATO zu trüben und verlangte, den Luftraum auch für jugoslawische Kriegsflugzeuge zu öffnen.
         Außenminister Plesu sollte in Budapest an bilateralen Gesprächen über den Stand der Beziehungen auch im Hinblick auf die Einhaltung der im Grundlagenvertrag verankerten Rechte der ungarischen Minderheit in Rumänien teilnehmen.
         Das Thema sorgte in den vergangenen neun Jahren immer wieder für Spannungen. In der öffentlichen wie politischen Kosovo-Debatte in Rumänien wurden immer wieder Parallelen zur Situation der nahezu zwei Millionen Ungarn in Rumänien gezogen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 15:33 http://seite1.web.de/show/3624A808.NL1/
    Russische Parlamentskammern warnen vor Militärschlag im Kosovo
    Moskau (dpa) - Die beiden russischen Parlamentskammern, Duma und Föderationsrat, haben am Mittwoch die Weltgemeinschaft noch einmal vor einem Militärschlag zur Lösung der Kosovo-Krise gewarnt.
         Ein NATO-Militäreinsatz im Kosovo ohne Billigung des Weltsicherheitsrats würde dem gesamten System internationaler Beziehungen Schaden zufügen, hieß es in einem eimstimmig angenommenen Aufruf des Föderationsrats, der Regionenvertretung.
         Die Führung Jugoslawiens habe bereits konkrete Schritte zur Erfüllung der Resolutionen des UNO-Sicherheitsrats unternommen. Die Duma warnte in einer mit Mehrheit angenommenen Erklärung vor einer Verschlechterung der Beziehungen zwischen Rußland und der NATO sowie vor wachsenden Spannungen in Europa und der Welt im Falle eines Militärschlags der Allianz.
         Eine achtköpfige Duma-Delegation unter Leitung des nationalistischen stellvertretenden Duma-Chefs Sergej Baburin flog unterdessen nach Belgrad und wollte noch am gleichen Tag ins Kosovo weiterreisen.
         Präsident Boris Jelzin erörterte mit Regierungschef Jewgeni Primakow, Verteidigungsminister Igor Sergejew und Außenminister Iwanow im Kreml die Verhandlungsergebnisse im Kosovo-Konflikt. Jelzin habe den Einsatz einer Mission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) im Kosovo begrüßt, sagte Primakow.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 15:15  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624A3EA.NL1/
    Zufriedenheit in Bulgarien über Lösung für Kosovo
    Sofia (dpa) - Bulgarien hat den Kosovo-Kompromiß mit «Befriedigung" aufgenommen. das erklärte am Mittwoch der Sprecher des Außenministeriums in Sofia, Radko Wlajkow, nach Angaben der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur BTA.
         «Die nächsten Tage und Wochen werden bestätigen, ob das erzielte Abkommen lebensfähig ist und voll umgesetzt wird", sagte Wlajkow weiter. Bulgarien sei bereit, mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft bei der Implemetierung des Abkommens aktiv zusammenzuarbeiten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 15:13  http://seite1.web.de/show/3624A391.NL1/
    Bonn begrüßt Vereinbarung zur Lösung der Kosovo-Krise
    Bonn (dpa) - Die deutsche Regierung hat die Vereinbarung des US- Sonderbeauftragten Richard Holbrooke mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic zur Lösung der Kosovo-Krise begrüßt.
         Bonn erwarte, daß Milosevic nun die Forderungen des UNO- Sicherheitsrates schnell und sorgfältig umsetzt, sagte Regierungssprecher Otto Hauser am Mittwoch. Nur durch eine vollständige Erfüllung könne vor dem näherrückenden Winter im Kosovo eine humantäre Katastrophe verhindert werden.
         Hauser sagte, die internationale Staatengemeinschaft habe durch ihre Entschlossenheit Milosevic zum Einlenken bewegt, und diese Entschlossenheit müsse weiter Bestand haben.
         Das deutsche Parlament will an diesem Freitag über eine deutsche Beteiligung an einem möglichen NATO-Militärschlag gegen Jugoslawien entscheiden, um sich an der Auchrechterhaltung des Drohpotentials zu beteiligen.
         Nach Anbgaben eines Sprechers des deutsche Verteidigungsministeriums wird noch geprüft, wie sich Deutschland an einer internationalen Überwachung der Friedensvereibarung für den Kosovo beteiligen kann. Die für eine mögliche NATO-Aktion eingeplanten 14 Tornado-Kampfflugzeuge seien ungeeignet, weil sie bewaffnet seien.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 14:44 http://seite1.web.de/show/36249CAD.NL1/
    Milosevic gibt im Kosovo nach und vertärkt Druck in Serbien
    Belgrad (dpa) - Die Menschen in Belgrad und ganz Jugoslawien haben am Mittwoch mit großer Erleichterung auf das Einlenken ihres Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic in der Kosovo-Krise und die Abwendung der angedrohten NATO-Lufteinsätze gegen Jugoslawien reagiert.
         «Das hätte er schon vor Monaten machen müssen, denn ein Krieg mit der NATO wäre vollkommen sinnlos", war die verbreitete Meinung. Währenddessen feierten offizielle Medien die Versprechen von Milosevic als den Schritt eines «weisen Staatsmannes".
         «Dies ist der Sieg der prinzipiellen Politik der Verteidigung der nationalen Interesse", steht in Hunderten von gleichlautenden Unterstützungstelegrammen, die die Staatsmedien verbreiten.
         Fast gleichzeitig mit der Veröffentlichung des Elf-Punkte Plans der Regierung in Belgrad für eine friedliche Lösung des Kosovo- Konflikts, haben Polizisten im Regierungsauftrag in der Nacht zum Mittwoch die Redaktionsräume der unabhängigen Tageszeitungen «Danas" und «Dnevni telegraf" in Belgrad besetzt und ihr weiteres Erscheinen verboten.
         «Milosevic braucht sich jetzt weniger um das Kosovo zu kümmern, denn dort werden bald internationale Beobachter stationiert sein, und (er) wird sich jetzt mit all seiner Kraft gegen die Überreste der demokratischen Opposition und der freien Presse in Serbien richten", sagt ein «Danas"-Redakteur.
         Serbien werde alles unternehmen, um das Kosovo-Abkommen vollständig durchzusetzen, versicherte am Mittwoch Zoran Andjelkovic, Chef der vorläufigen von Belgrad eingesetzten Kosovo- Provinzregierung.
         Er antwortete damit auf die weltweit verbreitete Skepsis, Milosevic werde auch diesmal sein Wort nicht halten. Denn seit Juni hatte dieser mehrmals versprochen, die blutigen Armee- und Polizeieinsätze gegen die albanische Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo, in denen viele albanische Zivilisten getötet und Zehntausende zu Obdachlosen gemacht wurden, einzustellen.
         Nach den serbischen militärischen Erfolgen gegen die UCK und nach der gezeigten internationalen Entschlossenheit, sogar mit Lufteinsätzen die Ruhe im Kosovo wieder herzustellen, wird Milosevic diesmal die erzwungenen Zugeständnisse doch erfüllen, meint einer der wenigen in Belgrad verbliebenen westlichen Diplomaten.
         Nach den NATO-Luftschlägen gegen bosnische Serben hat Milosevic auch dem Bosnien-Friedensplan zugestimmt, erinnerte er und sagt, daß wegen dieses Mißtrauens internationel Vertreter das Abgemachte kontrollieren werden.
         Und den meisten Serben blieb unbekannt, daß nun NATO- Aufklärungsflugzeuge im jugoslawischen Luftraum die Durchsetzung des vereinbarten jugoslawischen Truppenrückzuges kontrollieren werden. Dies meldeten lediglich die wenigen freien Medien, die sich damit der Gefahr ausgesetzt haben, wegen «defätistischer und staatsfeindlicher" Berichterstattung auch verboten zu werden.
         «Das Abkommen und die Aufnahme der internationalen Verifizierungskommission, die Aufklärungsflüge und die aufgewungene Kosovo-Autonomie machen aus Serbien ein Protektorat und entfernen es weiter von einer echten Demokratie", meint Vojislav Kostunica, Chef der oppositionellen Demokratischen Partei Serbiens.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 14.10.1998 14:30  http://seite1.web.de/show/36249949.NL1/
    Kriegsverbrecher-Tribunal bekam Visa für Ermittlungen im Kosovo
    Den Haag (dpa) - Der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat Ermittlern des UNO-Kriegsverbrecher-Tribunals die Einreise in das Kosovo erlaubt.
         Eine Sprecherin des Tribunals sagte am Mittwoch in Den Haag, nach monatelangem Warten hätten die Ermittler nun endlich ein Visum bekommen.
         Dies gehe aber nicht auf die Übereinkunft zwischen Milosevic und dem US-Sonderbeauftragten Richard Holbrooke zurück. Die Visa seien schon vorher ausgestellt worden. Die UNO-Ermittler wollen im Kosovo den Berichten über Massaker an Zivilisten nachgehen.
         Die Präsidentin des Tribunals, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, forderte Milosevic am Mittwoch auf, endlich die drei angeklagten serbischen Offiziere Mile Mrksic, Miroslav Radic und Veselin Sljivancanin auszuliefern.
         «Die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien verhöhnt das Recht und den Willen der internationalen Gemeinschaft, indem sie die Auslieferung an das Tribunal verweigert», sagte Kirk McDonald. Die Offiziere sollen 1991 die Ermordung von 260 Menschen in der kroatischen Stadt Vukovar angeordnet und überwacht haben.
    © dpa
         ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Betreff:         Press release
    Datum:         Wed, 14 Oct 1998 14:21:56 EDT
        Von:         NAACDC@aol.com
    Keshilli Kombetar Shqiptaro-American
    1899 L Street, NW  Suite 1130
    Washington, DC  20036
    Tel: (202) 955-1428 Fax: (202) 955-1429

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                  CONTACT:   Aferdita Rakipi
    October 14, 1998                                                                (202) 955-1428

    The National Albanian American Council Cautions Against Concessions Made to Milosevic in Belgrade

    Washington, DC Oct 14, 1998—The National Albanian American Council ( NAAC) is deeply disturbed by the news reporting an agreement reached in Belgrade between the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic and the US Envoy to Kosova, Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke.  The Agreement appears to have conceded a new victory to the "Butcher of Belgrade" by allowing him to make unilateral statements granting limited autonomy to ethnic Albanians of Kosova in the areas of local government, schools, and policing, and promising a full review of the Kosova status in three years.

    Additionally, the West and the international community are repeating the mistakes of Bosnia in which the proposal rewards Milosevic for his campaigns of ethnic genocide against innocent Albanian women, children and the elderly, rendering almost half a million homeless. There will be no viable mechanisms in place to sustain any agreement since the purposed 2,000 OSCE monitors can only "observe" thus Milosevic now has 2,000 people which he can take hostage if he decides not to comply.  There are enough grave yards in the Balkans with Milosevic’s broken promises according to a statement made by President Clinton.

    NAAC cautions the international community, and especially the Contact Group on Kosova that any agreement made without the approval of the Albanian people of Kosova will be considered a dangerous concession to the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, and cannot serve as a basis for further discussions on the status of Kosova.  Moreover, the proposal rejects the freely expressed will of the Albanian people for Independence, who have been denied their basic human rights by Belgrade. Peace in Kosova is essential.  Yet, a peace without justice in Kosova is a prelude to continuing instability and conflicts and therefore is unacceptable when a deal is made rewarding the oppressor and further victimizing the Albanian people.

    Betreff:         Two Press Releases from Adem Demaci
    Datum:         Wed, 14 Oct 1998 11:24:03 +0200
        Von:         "Adem Demaçi" <Demaci@albanian.com>

            In agreement with the following: the first point of 1199 UN Resolution of October 24, 1998, the October 3, 1998, UN recommendation and the recommendation of the Group of Contact of October 10, 1998, with understanding of the article 36 of 1907 Hague Regulations on war law and behavior, the 1929 and 1949 Geneva Conventions, the conclusions of the UN Assembly in 1952, and the appeal by the NATO committee, the General Headquarters of Kosova Liberation Army informs all of the military powers in Kosova, on October 10, 1998, of the following:


    I. General Headquarters of Kosova Liberation Army have pledged that as long as the international bodies responsible for international collective security, such as UN, SC, NATO, Contact Group, and the American diplomatic mediators actively work toward finding a right solution for the political status of Republic of Kosova, they will refrain from taking any military actions against the Serb aggressor and its forces.

    II. This restraint has to do with respecting the first point of the 1199 S.C of UN Resolution and allowing way for a correct solving of the political status of Republic of Kosova through political means.

    III. In agreement with article 20 of the Hague Conventions of 1907, article 75 of Geneva Conventions of 1929, article 118, 122 and 126 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and the conclusions of the General Assembly of UN of 1952, General Headquarters of KLA AUTHORIZE Mr. Adem Demaci , in cooperation with the International Red Cross, to mediate with the other side the release of all war hostages, wounded, prisoners and the ones kidnapped for allegedly being members of KLA, and a permission for a safe return for all of those forced to leave Kosova.

    IV. The restraint will be valid as long as the other side refrains from making any military attacks on the KLA forces or innocent civilians.

    The restraint will be strictly obeyed by the members of KLA, respecting all of the laws and regulations of war, to the point where they have to act on self-defense.

    V. In agreement with Article 40 of Hague regulations, the side that violates this restraint from any military actions will be considered as an aggressor.

    VI. KLA will consider its resistance finished if there is a solution for the political status of Kosova found in agreement with the national expressed desire in the 1991 Referendum.

    The General Political Representative of KLA, Mr. Adem Demaci, is authorized to oversee the restraint and contact the International Red Cross, as well as the other side, and to inform the Security Council of UN, UN, NATO, the member countries of the Contact Group, The Hague Tribune Court and the Kosovar and world masses of this decision.

                            COMMUNIQUE Nr.2

    After a long and serious contemplation of the sincere situation and goals of the American diplomacy and of the Contact Group, the office of the General Political Representative of KLA, for the local and international masses, when considering the latest version of the Project-Agreement for a solution to Kosova issue:


    That the presented Project-Agreement has a few substantial weaknesses:

    1. The validity of any agreement in the international level disappears if the act of settling down the belligerent situation between two sides with an international mediator does not include citations from international acts for judicial backup and security.  The disagreement in the SC of UN Resolution on the political status of Kosova endangers peace and security in the region and beyond.  As a result of this, in agreement with Article 35, paragraph 2 of the UN Card, Great Britain has required from the Security Council of the United Nations (since Serbia and Kosova are not and have never been a subjective factor in the international scene or UN)-taking under consideration that the adoption procedures, for formulation of this of this agreement have been achieved by both sides-to base this agreement on Article 36, paragraph 2 of the UN Card, with the Security Council of UN guaranteeing its success.
    2. The subjectivity of the Kosovar side is not identified in any dispositions or ways even though the disagreements have political character in the issue of the political status.  Not recognizing Republic of Kosova as an equal part of this Project-Agreement, which is a collusively normative conflict, is a political agreement whose primary goals are to avoid inter-country conflict, and the elimination of the necessity for Kosova with its own borders, subjectivity, and elements of a country and sovereignty.
    3. Justification for the agreement that prejudges the political status of Kosova does not stand because anybody who knows the Serb constitution and laws, as far as not recognizing Kosova goes and human rights and liberties (except a few basic ones from the corpus of freedoms and rights), does not differ with the regional regulation of Nish, Kragujevac, etc.  Therefore, if Kosova is not a figment of imagination then is just another district in Serbia.
    4. If the Project-Agreement does not aim at prejudging a political status, then how was it able to earlier determine the destiny of Albanians as an ethnic group?  An ethnic group that represents the defense of national minority by the universal human rights in accordance with the international right, and other multinational and international security institutions that does not have a right for independence.  These are also known as Reservations with specific rights - except those for a political status.  Therefore, the Kosova as an autonomous province within Serbia is pre-assumed from the beginning.  The composers of this Project-Agreement are the same ones from the Dayton Agreement in December of 1995.  They could not find any circumstances under which the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia would be named as ethnic groups, but they found enough contingencies and judicial space to form states with contractual sovereignty.
    5. Appointing no judicial security means to carry out this internationally characterized act and especially not appointing a dead line for the acceptance of the requests in the Project-Agreement, makes this agreement worthless.
    6. Avoiding the generation of a deadline for this Project-Agreement and the declaring of the will of Kosova people for the future political status, in accordance with international mechanisms, it represents a judicial and political stunt to disallow this possibility and with hopes that this "temporary solution" will become a permanent one!
    7. Considering all these weaknesses and legitimate complaints, KLA, refuses to accept this Project-Agreement, and does not embrace, in any way, this temporary solution that with elimination of the borders and sovereignty of Republic of Kosova directly expunges KLA as a realistic protective force of sovereignty.

    General Political Representative of KLA
    Adem Demaci

    Translated by: Korab Rashid Sejdiu
            Adem Demaçi
            Përfaqësues i përgjithshëm politik i
            Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës (UÇK)
            Adem Demaçi
            General Political Representative
            of the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)
             Tel & Fax :  ++ 381 38 36 032
             E-mail    :  Demaci@albanian.com

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    taken from  http://www.kosova.com  on October 14,1998 at 18:45 hrs
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 14 October 1998, 17:45 CET


  • President Rugova Receives Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch
  • Negotiating Group Has Objections on Proposed Plan for Kosova, Agani Tells Petritsch
  • Serb Texture of Draft Document for OSCE Kosova Verification Mission
  • Two Teenagers Killed in a Minefiled in Western Kosova
  • Refugee Girl, Wounded By Serb Shrapnel, Dies in Hospital
  • Serbs in Plain Clothes Inflict Life-Threatening Injuries to Albanian in Prizren
  • Serb Police Beat Brutally 13-Year-Old Girl in Her School
  • At Least 14 Serb Police Bases Still in Place in Skenderaj
  • Serb Forces Crack Down on Albanian Families in Gjakova
  • Serbs Take Livestock of Albanians Away in Lorries in Klina Area
  • Serb Military Orders Albanians Repair Road
  • President Rugova Receives Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - In Prishtina today, the President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received the European Union (EU) special envoy for Kosova, Mr. Wolfgang Petritsch, Austrian Ambassador to Belgrade.
    President Rugova and Ambassador Petritsch discussed at length about the situation in Kosova, the efforts of the international community to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe and create the preconditions for the establishment of negotiations between Prishtina and Belgrade in pursuit of a political resolution in Kosova.
    Rugova said he appreciated the significance of the NATO ultimatum for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1199 on Kosova, and the protection of the people of Kosova.
    The President hailed as a positive step the efforts of Ambassador Holbrooke and the deployment of an OSCE Verification Mission in Kosova.
    International pressure on Belgrade should be maintained and efforts stepped up to create the conditions for a negotiated settlement to the Kosova issue, based on the will of the people of Kosova, President Ibrahim Rugova concluded.

    Negotiating Group Has Objections on Proposed Plan for Kosova, Agani Tells Petritsch

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - Dr. Fehmi Agani, the chief Kosova negotiator, met today in Prishtina with Austrian Ambassador to Belgrade, Wolfgang Petritsch, who is a special European Union (EU) envoy for Kosova.
    The current developments in Kosova, the Holbrooke-Milosevic discussions, as well as the negotiating process mediated by Ambassador Chris Hill, were discussed in the meeting.
    Dr. Agani unveiled the reservations of the Kosova negotiating team on the plan Hill and has team have put forward. The objections and complaints have been raised in the meetings with the mediator, but also in a written form, he said.
    There is no way the Kosova problem can be solved if the solution is sought within Serbia, Dr. Fehmi Agani stressed. In the process of the resolution of the Kosova issue, the wishes and demands of the people here, as well as political developments in Kosova since the Independence Declaration of 1990 should be taken into consideration, the Kosova negotiator concluded.

    Serb Texture of Draft Document for OSCE Kosova Verification Mission

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - The deployment of a 2000 person OSCE verification mission to Kosova was hailed as the crowning success of the Holbrooke-Milosevic's marathonic talks which concluded Tuesday in Belgrade.
    The Kosova Information Center (KIC) obtained Wednesday a copy of the draft agreement for OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission, which will reportedly be signed in a couple of days' time by Bronislaw Geremek, the Chairman in Office of the OSCE, and Zivadin Jovanovic, the Foreign Minister of the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia", the country that has not yet been admitted in the OSCE.
    The five-page draft agreement sets down the mandate for the Mission which will last for one year, with possible extensions, "upon the request of either the OSCE Chairman-in-Office or the FRY government'.
    The regrettable thing about the draft document is that the mainstream Kosovar authorities, namely the structures of the majority Albanian population, do not figure as a party in communications, let alone as a signatory.
    Key propositions in the draft agreement, including "Preambular Language", have been couched in typical Serb regime terminology on Kosova.
    "Considering in particular the importance of reaching a peaceful, democratic, and lasting solution of all existing problems in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, based on the equality of all citizens and national and ethnic communities", reads paragraph 2 of the Preambular Language. The matter and the manner in this is Serbian: "existing problems", "the Province of Kosovo and Metohija" are two phrases notoriously conveying the Serb vision of Kosova. There is no Kosova question as such, but 'existing problems", the Serb argument goes, as well as the Serb claim over Kosova which is embodied in its Serbianized name: Kosovo and Metohija (Kosmet).
    The concluding "Field Presence" gives away the Serb texture of the draft agreement. The territorial division known in English as the 'municipality' or 'commune' (in Albanian 'komunë'; in Serbian 'opstina') is referred to in the document in plain Serbian 'opstina', and is emphasized in cursive, as if it was a word that is so singular that it is untranslatable!
    Following are excerpts of this part of the OSCE Kosova Verification Mission, which indicate that the Mission will maintain a liaison relationship with the (Serbian) authorities in 'opstinas' and "the local leadership of the Albanian and other communities".
    "Coordination centers will be established in the capital of each opstina in Kosovo with specific areas of responsibility, under Mission Director located in Pristina. Many opstina coordination centers will have one or more sub-stations in smaller towns/villages in the opstina. The number and location of sub-stations will vary from opstina to opstina, depending on the verification environment and past conflict situation", one paragraph reads. Sub-stations will be responsible for coordination with "local authorities, including the local leadership of the main ethnic groups", the paper goes on to say, further degrading the stature and status of the 90 plus percent population of Kosova in the draft agreement.
    The draft agreement on the OSCE Mission is supposed to be concerned with Kosova, which has not been designed to be included amongst the signatories. Kosova is not a recognized nation, the argument goes perhaps. Nor it is the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" as such, for that matter.

    Two Teenagers Killed in a Minefiled in Western Kosova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - Two Kosovar Albanian teenagers died Tuesday when they walked into a mine-field laid down by the Yugoslav army.
    Shpejtim Kryeziu (18), resident of Suhareka, and Latif Gollopeni (19) from Dobërdelan village (Suhareka), died near Ponashec village, in the Kosova-Albania border zone, in the Gjakova municipality, LDK sources in Gjakova said.

    Refugee Girl, Wounded By Serb Shrapnel, Dies in Hospital

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - A nine-month girl Fikrije (Bejtush) Klinaku, wounded three weeks ago near her Bivolak village of Vushtrri, died in the Prishtina hospital.
    On 22 September, a Serb army grenade hit a tractor in which the Klinaku family was fleeing the village of Bivolak, which was targeted together with a dozen other villages in the Çiçavica mountain during a huge Serb offensive.
    One member of the Klinaku family died at the spot, and several others were wounded then.

    Serbs in Plain Clothes Inflict Life-Threatening Injuries to Albanian in Prizren

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - A 20-year-old Albanian, Ibrahim Llapçeva (20), received serious injuries when attacked by three Serbs in Prizren today morning.
    Sources in Prizren said three Serb civilians apprehended Ibrahim Llapçeva near the "A. Frashëri" primary school in the town at around 7:00 hrs today. They took him in a basement in a block of apartments nearby, and beat him brutally. He was reportedly hit with sharp objects and sustained severe body injuries.
    Ibrahim Llapçeva was taken to the Prizren hospital in a life-threatening condition. Witnesses have told the LDK chapter that all the three Serbs in plain clothes who tortured Mr. Llapçeva had talkie-walkie sets, implying that they could be members of the Serb security.

    Serb Police Beat Brutally 13-Year-Old Girl in Her School

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - Four Serb policemen cracked down on a 13-year-old girl in the courtyard of the "Muharrem Bekteshi" primary school in Mitrovica.
    Serb policemen dragged Lejla S. Smaka (13) by her hair and began kicking her in front of other kids, the LDK chapter in Mitrovica said. The Serbs said they would kill her and her father.
    Residents of the "Kroi i Vitakut" suburbs in Mitrovica said they were intimidated and provoked for hours by armed Serb civilians on Monday evening. Over 40 Serbs roamed the streets of the suburbs, shooting in the air, waving Albanian banners and singing Serb nationalist songs, stormed the neighborhood.

    At Least 14 Serb Police Bases Still in Place in Skenderaj

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - At least 14 checkpoints manned by heavily armed Serb policemen were still in place by today in villages and roads in the Skenderaj ('Srbica') municipality, the chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in the town said.
    Around the Llausha village alone there are five Serb police bases, and three near Likoc. Police outposts are still in place near the villages of Polac, Makërmal, Polluzhë, Tërnavc, Çubrel, Vitak, Runikë, Suhogërllë, Padalishtë, Leçinë and Çitak. Yugoslav army troops are still dug in near Açarevë, it said.
    The former ammunition factory near Skenderaj has been turned into a huge base of Serb troops and armory since February. Scores of Albanians have been terrorized in its compounds over the past months.
    Skenderaj is a 99 percent Albanian-inhabited municipality in central Kosova.

    Serb Forces Crack Down on Albanian Families in Gjakova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - Heavy Serb police forces cracked down Tuesday morning against the extended Lleshaj family in Hosek-Hyl village in Gjakova, brutalizing family members and arresting four menfolks subsequently.
    Sources said Lush Dodë Lleshaj (70), Sokol Dodë Lleshaj (66), Maxhun Dodë Lleshaj (42), and Besnik Llesh Lleshaj (18) arrseted early in the morning on Tuesday, were being still held in police custody by Wednesday morning. The Serb police did not produce any arrest warrant or explanation on the reason why the four Albanians were detained.
    The LDK chapter in Gjakova described the situation in the town today as highly volatile. Serb police and army troops have been increasingly moving on the streets of the town, intimidating the population. Almost half of the town has been without electricity supply since Tuesday morning, it said, adding that thousands of uprooted persons sheltered in the town were in a desperate situation, unable to return to their gutted homes.

    Serbs Take Livestock of Albanians Away in Lorries in Klina Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - The Serbs, both police and civilians, have resumed looting the property of Albanians in the villages of Klina, the LDK Information Commission in the town said toady.
    Lorryloads of livestock as well as household commodities and appliances have been taken away from Albanian villages in the region, it said.
    The Albanian population was driven from around 40 villages and hamlets in the municipality of Klina, central Kosova, during repeated campaigns of bombardment and attacks by Serb infantry. Thousands of farmhouses have been razed or badly destroyed. Part of the population whose houses survived the Serb shelling are still afraid to return to their homes because of the ubiquitous presence of Serb troops and intimidation drives by armed Serb paramilitary gangs, the Commission said.
    Sources in Klina said that a Serb civilian shattered on Monday all the windows of the "Fontana" restaurant in Klina. In addition, the Serb threatened to kill the owner, Sylë Gashi, and the customers with the shovel he smashed the windows with.

    Serb Military Orders Albanians Repair Road

    PRISHTINA, Oct 14 (KIC) - In the village of Krajk on Tuesday, Serb military officers ordered Albanian residents repair the road, the LDK sources in Prizren said.
    Two weeks ago, Serb military forces started bailing a military outpost at the nearby village of Kushnin.
    Amidst stepped up Serb police and military movements in the area, the population has increasing security concerns, LDK sources said.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 14, 1998 at 16:15 hrs
    KOSOVA (KD analysis)
    The game called negotiations continues
    Veton Surroi

    The American mediator Richard Holbrooke shouldn't have wasted all this energy - spending entire days without sleep during this whole week - if the result of his engagement were to be two concessions that aren't concessions. The deployment of 2000 OSCE "verifiers" to Kosova and allowing observing NATO flights, is in substance a concession Milosevic would have made even without enormous pressure from NATO.
         What is addressed to as the "verification mission", is in fact the broadening of the present diplomatic observers' mission. Instead of a dozen observers, this mission now numbers 2,000. The increase is not in quality, but in quantity: the mandate of the "verifiers" is not to install peace, but to inform on the eventual breach of the # 1199 UN Resolution.
         Following observation flights above Kosova is no different either: information on police\military movements was anyway taken from air, through satellite images. Now, with NATO air patrols, these informations will be furthermore reliable and accessible - and that's it.
         If these two concessions are compared to the UN Resolution, it derives that Milosevic can dodge the Resolution itself as well as the concept of finding a political settlement for the Kosova issue.
         "Verifiers" and air patrols do not create a safe surrounding for Albanian refugees either, nor for the potential ones: Kosova, through these two concessions, remains Serb regime's concentration camp observed by foreigners, from air and land.
         All sorts of Serb-Albanian future negotiations are mentioned in press conferences; based on draft-documents charted to this day, and approved by the Contact Group. These draft-documents, published in our newspaper, leave Kosova under Serbian rule, with the level of self-governance beneath those it enjoyed up to 1989; and without the right to self-determination, in the aftermath of a three-year period.
         If this is the third concession, then engaging mediation is needless. Keeping Kosova under Serbian rule is Milosevic's aim and he tried to do this with or without international verifiers; with or without air patrols. Did such an aim require Serb military arsenal, the strength of NATO power and international legitimization?
         This is the direction things are going to. For, now we don't have to deal with few diplomats wasting their energy, but with the credibility of two notions representing global stability in the present day world: USA and NATO. If the greatest military force in the history of mankind was to be employed in order to, "squeeze" such concessions from Milosevic, then the message sent out to mini-dictators around the globe, is that you can get away with the crimes committed.
         And the Serb leader is squeezing out, furthermore with the cooperation of the mediators: there is no approval from his side to cooperate with The Hague Tribunal, there is no approval from his side that security in Kosova should be installed by peace keeping forces and not his war-raging forces, there is no approval from his side that the basis for future negotiations should be those rights divested by Belgrade in 1989... All of these are lacking because Milosevic is today treated as a peace-building partner and not the one accountable for destruction. Furthermore, he is treated as a partner which, out if this crisis, comes out stronger: not only can he say that he has baffled NATO pressure, but has used the opportunity to purge freedom of speech in his country.
         Why does this happen, ask foreign journalists in Kosova and out of it?
         This is an old question, overasked in this decade throughout the devastating wars of the former Yugoslavia. But, it is older than this. It originates more than fifty years ago and it was addressed to Mr. Chamberlain, carrying a letter in his hand, upon his return from Munich, believing it said there shall be no war.

    No other solution except independence is acceptable for the KLA

    Prishtina, 13 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Regardless of the self-restraint and armistice which KLA applied recently, in order to respect the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council (UN SC), Serb military, police and paramilitary units did not respect it, but on the contrary continued the reinforcing of all their previous locations. Furthermore, they are installing new bases for military vehicles, missile systems, and infantry.
         Serb military and police forces present a permanent danger, which obstruct and prevent the return of the dislocated into their looted and burnt houses. In the last three days, they continued the shelling of the Albanian residencies; they looted and burnt the few remaining houses. Accordingly, shelling against the entire border region with Albania were conducted by Milosevic's criminals. Even shooting against the Albanian border units was registered.
         Continuous shelling of lower intensity was conducted over the region of Shala e Bajgorës (in the villages Oshlan, Prelluzhë, Shipitull etc).
         Shelling continued also in the Pashtrik and Nerodime sub-zones like in Malishevë, Dragobil, Cerrovik, Bubavec etc., and in Petrashticë, Carralevë, Jezerc, Kashtanjevë etc. Yesterday, on 12 October 1998 the villages of Petrashticë, Duhël, and Carralevë were shelled.
         Fresh military and police forces came from Serbia into Kosova during the past days; enemy troops were installed in the Llap region and in the border zone between Kosova and Serbia.
         These are ultimate and confirmed evidences that, Milosevic's regime will not respect the UN SC's Resolution #1199.
         That regime is trying to use the recent serious efforts of the international community for further deteriorating the humanitarian tragedy. Therefore, we request an immediate and vigorous intervention of NATO, in order to halt the continuation of the humanitarian tragedy in Kosova.
         The KLA General Headquarters informs that it respects the mechanisms of the international community, but we request a just and sustainable solution of Kosova issue.
         After all what was done to the Kosova Albanian people by Milosevic's criminals, no other solution except the independence is acceptable for KLA.
         In the prevailing grave circumstances, KLA General headquarters urges all Albanian political subjects to establish the Government of National Salvation which will lead the talks for the independence of Kosova, otherwise we will not accept any one-partial group to decide for the fate of the Kosova people. The existing group is not only unacceptable, but we strongly demand it to withdraw from the further talks, it is stated in the communique of the KLA General Headquarters.

    KOSOVA (KLA representative – Demaçi)
    Demaçi: "The draft document is without base and unacceptable, even as a temporary solution"

    Prishtina, 13 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    After essentially scrutinizing the objectives of the sincere American diplomacy (as mediator) and those of the Contact group, the office of the political representative of KLA issued a statement for the internal and international public opinion concerning the most recent version of the draft document for solving the Kosova issue. According to that, the presented draft-document has the following substantial mismatches:
         "No agreement of an international character could be treated as valid, in conformity with the international jurisdiction, if the mere act which represents the will of resolving the disputes between the parties in the conflict (with the mediation of the third side) on its preamble, does not refer to the international acts as a judicial resource and security. Namely, after the resolution of the UN Security Council (UN SC) which states that, the disputes concerning the political status of Kosova represent a pattern which seriously endangers the peace and security in the region and wider. Referring to this and the section 35, article 2 of UN Covenant-United Kingdom (since Serbia and Kosova do not possess any international subjectivity, and never were members of the UN) applied the request in the UN SC. Also regarding the fact that, the procedures for achieving an agreement are adopted by the parties - this draft-document must rely on the preamble of the section 36, article 2 of the UN Covenant, according to which the UN SC would have been the mere guarantee for its implementation.

    2. The subjectivity of the Kosovar side is not identified by any disposition, although the disagreements have a political character and deal merely with the political status.
         The undefining of the Republic of Kosova as a subject and equal party in this draft-document eliminates the essential patterns: the borders, the subjectivity, and the elements of the territorial sovereignty and statehood of Kosova.

    3.The justification that the agreement does not prejudge the political status of Kosova is unfounded, because the attitude of who does not identify the Kosova borders and sovereignty, does not recognize its political rights (posing only some limited human rights), does not differ at all from the regional framework of the Serb laws applied over the districts like Nis, Kragujevac etc. So, Kosova (if it is not an imagined name) is treated only as a district of Serbia.

    4.If the draft-document does not intend to prejudge the political status, than how come the fate of the Albanian people is to be determined as an ethnic community. The ethnic community (which is in fact treated as a national minority, protected with the universal human rights based onto the international justice) does not enjoy the right of self-determination. In other words, they are called reservations, which have some special rights, lacking those for the political status. So, the status of Kosova is prejudged in the very beginning, implying mostly a status of an autonomous province within Serbia.
         The authors of the draft document are those who compiled the Dayton agreement in December 1995.
         In that time, they did not use the term of ethnic community for the Serbs and Croats in Bosnia, but they found the possibilities and juridical gaps for establishing states with contracted borders and sovereignty.

    5. The non-determination of the judicial security means for applying an act of an international character (like in this case) and especially non-determination of the deadlines for applying the items planned with the draft-document, postpone and make it (the draft document) not valid.

    6.The mere attempt of avoiding to determine a preclusive deadline in the draft-document as well as a free and willing expression of the Kosova people (after that deadline and with the presence of the international community) about the future political status of Kosova completed with internationally accepted mechanisms and declarations- represents itself a juridical and political contortion. Namely, that possibility is denied and is an unfulfilled hope, resulting with "the interim settlement" becoming a definite solution.

    7. Relying on all these reasonable remarks, KLA considers the draft-document as unsustainable and does not accept it by any means even as an interim settlement. This is because the mere fact of eliminating the sovereignty of Kosova and its borders means directly the elimination of KLA as a realistic force of safeguarding the sovereignty.

    While the diplomatic attempts continue - KLA is still restraining

    Prishtina, 13 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    In regard to the UN Security Council, Resolution 1199, point #1 of the date 24.091998, the UN recommendation of the date 2.10.1998, and of the Contact Group recommendation of 3.10.1998, in conformity with article 36 of the Hague regulation on laws of war 1907, of the Geneva Conventions 1929 and 1949 and with the conclusions, derived from the UN Assembly in 1952 and the NATO appeal, the KLA general Headquarter, of date the 8.10.1998, informs all the military forces about the following decision:


    I. The KLA General Headquarter vows that until the international bodies, competent for the international collective security, UN, Security Council, NATO, the Contact Group and the mediators of the American diplomacy are actively engaged, to find the just political status for the Republic of Kosova, we will not undertake any military action against the Serb aggressor and its forces.

    II. The only aim of this restraint is to respect the point #1 of the UN Security Council resolution #1199 and to allow space for the just solution of the political status of the Republic of Kosova, by political means.

    III. In regard to the article 20 of the Hague Convent 1907, article 75 of the Geneva convent in 1929, article 118 and 126 of the Geneva convent in 1949 and the conclusions of the UN General Assembly in 1952, the KLA General Headquarters authorizes the KLA General representative, Adem Demaçi, that in cooperation with ICRC, to get engaged as as a mediator with the other side, in releasing all the war hostages, the wounded, prisoners and those kidnapped based on the suspicion of participation in KLA and enabling the immediate repatriation of those who fled Kosova for the same reasons.

    IV. The self-restraint will be valid up to the moment the other side undertakes any action against the KLA forces or the innocent civilians. KLA will remain self-restrained, it will respect with great discipline, and follow all the war laws and rules, up to the level it is considered as self-defense.

    V. The side that does not respect the self-restrain from the fighting actions is considered as an aggressor, based on the article 40 of the Hague regulation.

    VI. KLA considers its resistance as a final act, at the moment a political solution of the Republic of Kosova in harmony with the people's will expressed in the Referendum of 1991, is found.

    The KLA General Political Representative, Adem Demaçi is authorized to follow the situation during the period of self-restraint and in the name of the KLA General Headquarters contact with ICRC and the other side and inform about this decision the UN Security Council, UN, NATO, the Contact Group members, the Hague Tribunal and the Kosovar and world opinion, it is stated in the communique of the political representatives.

    KOSOVA (Demaçi – press conference)
    Demaçi: "Accept the referendum of the year 1991 - all Albanians agree on this point"

    Prishtina, 13 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    "We are pleased with NATO's readiness to react within four days, if Milosevic will not show any activity or will to fulfill the UN SC Resolution demands", said at the beginning of the press-conference, Adem Demaçi, KLA General political representative.
         "We hope that with a few sacrifices and difficulties, we will achieve our aim and all the people will solve their problem, their demands complementary, so that the Balkans could once and for all be off the top lists of the world's and European problems".
         "It is very difficult to predict anything, when dealing with Milosevic and his policy. Nevertheless, I expect Milosevic to understand that the world means it, and I am very pleased to see that the world showed him its seriousness", he stated.
         However, Demaçi thinks, "Three years are too much for the solution of all the problems of Kosova". According to him "within two years we will put an end to all the existing problems between Albanians and Serbs, and we will have a totally different status".
         The KLA political representative is not pleased with agreement about sending unarmed monitoring troops in Kosova, for as he stated "we are dealing here with the Serb police and army and I know that Milosevic wants to trick us again, but we will see how the course of events will go".
         "KLA's stand is not to get incorporated in talks and to start negotiations without fulfilling some previous conditions by the Serb regime, such as releasing all the arrested and kidnapped, releasing the media, usurped by violence by Serbia in 1990, the repatriation of all people etc.", answered Demaçi to the question made on this regard.
         "KLA is being restrained giving an example to the Serb army and police to slowly start deactivating and accept this self-maintenance, which could turn into a longer term cease-fire. This will depend on the Serb regime", he stated.
         "How will we achieve the aim of the Albanian people, will largely depend on the Albanians themselves, the American and the Serb side. We are active partners and we will attempt to achieve this aim", he concluded.
         "Our main demand is to accept the political will of the Kosova Albanians, expressed in the referendum of the year 1991. All Albanians agree on this point", ended the press conference, the KLA general political representative.

    KOSOVA (KD survey – Prishtina)
    People: "We’ve been had again, but this time from the West"
    Bardh Rugova

    Prishtina, 13 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    Gazmend seemed depressed. He is a student of medicine, in the fifth year. He stayed up all night last night, waiting for the news on the achievement of the agreement between Milosevic and Holbrooke.
         "We’ve been had again, but this time from the West", he said about the eventual agreement that leaves Kosova under Serbia, as he was nervously rolling around his pack of cigarettes in the bar called "Magic". "How much do you want to bet that Milosevic will now only increase the concentration of forces in Kosova".
         The previous night, while the NATO allies, were approving the "activation order", by authorizing the use of military force in Kosova, the American diplomats stated that Milosevic agreed to accept the UN Resolution demands. However, in his statement before his people, today he stated that this plan does not violate the territorial integrity, and that Kosova will remain within Serbia.
         Gazmend and many other Albanians of Kosova are not content.
         "This agreement will result with the same events in next spring", says Premtim, another young from Prishtina. "We haven't lost our hopes in NATO, but we can't remain under Serbia", he added.
         Feride, a law student from Prishtina, shared the same view also. "Even if an agreement is reached, whatever it might be, its implementation is not possible without air strikes", she said.
         "Of course, if we are referring to the agreement published in "KOHA Ditore', to me it seems ideal for a temporary solution, but I am saying that for its realization, strkes are needed".
         Ahmet, a pensioner, that prefers to stay home and listen to the news on TV, rather than to go to the pensioner's club to play chess, fears the Albanian's side reaction.
         "If our people, accept something like that, then NATO has no reason to intervene. If we are no good to ourselves, then why should the others be", he states.
         Bajram Geci, from the Crisis Committee of Kosova, in BBC British Channel, also opposed to accept such an agreement.
         Faced with the claims that by not accepting the agreement, the dislocated will be harmed, Geci said that those people understand Serbia and they know they will have it the same, they will die, just the same, in the forest or inside their houses. However, among the residents of Prishtina, there were people sharing the opinion that an agreement is better than the present situation.
         "Let us have our police, then we can fight again after three years, if there is a need to do so", said Sokol a student of Electronics.
         "Maybe, and I say maybe, it would be nice allow us at least for some time, to take away the fear, then we would have a referendum", Avni thinks.
         During, a rainy day, without any frequent movements, such stands are very rare. The atmosphere of waiting for NATO attacks to stop the violence in Kosova has turned into an atmosphere of doubts and skepticism.
         "Clinton says that the graves of the Balkans are filled with promises of Milosevic, thus we all know that Milosevic cannot be trusted", states Fitore, who thinks that without attacks there is no solution for the Kosova problem.
         Gazmend says, "Albanians are left helpless. Nothing depends from us, we can only scream or cry", he adds.

    KOSOVA (border incident)
    One Albanian policeman wounded in Albania-Kosova border

    Tirana, 13 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    One border policeman, was severely wounded by the "Yugoslav" security forces, along the Albanian border with Kosova, informs the Albanian Foreign Ministry.
         The 27 years old policeman was wounded on Monday afternoon in the village of Kamenicë, near Tropojë, 240 km northeast of Tirana. His life is in danger.
         "A group of five `Yugoslav' soldiers opened fire without any reason on the Albanian border patrol, which was at that moment 50 meters inside the Albanian territory", it is stated in the Ministry's communique.
         The incident is considered as a severe provocation.

    KOSOVA (victims – Gjakovë)
    Four killed Albanians found killed in Carrabreg i Epërm

    Gjakovë, 13 October (ARTA) 2230CET --
    SCDHRF in Gjakovë confirmed on Sunday that, Arben Tahir Hajdaraj (22) from Deçan municipal village of Shaptej, died from the wounds inflicted during the Serb offensive in Hereç.
         It is informed also about four killed Albanians in Carrabreg i Epërm. They are Cufë Balaj (78), Mone Balaj (75), Ajmane Dautaj (70), and an unidentified youngster.
         According to the SCDHRF, Serb police has demanded from the residents of Dujakë village to hand in their weapons.

    KOSOVA (victims – Prizren)
    "Yugoslav" Army forces peasants to work on the way leading to border outposts

    Prizren, 13 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    SCDHRF in Prizren, confirmed that, the carbonized corpse of Agim Kelmendi (22) is found in the Xërxë village in 11 October. Also, another unidentified corpse is found. Both corpses are buried in the cemetery of Rahovec municipal village of Bellacërkë.
         Meanwhile the security situation is deteriorating in the villages of border belt and in the Has region.
         The sources of "Koha Ditore" from Prizren Has municipal village of Kushnin, confirmed that military forces continuously cruise through the region, forcing the local residents to work in restoring the way which leads from this village towards the border outposts of the "Yugoslav" Army.
         A column of the Serb military, comprised of 8 trucks, one bus, and five land rovers carrying superiors drove from Prizren toward Gjakovë.

    KOSOVA (destruction – Gllogoc)
    Six elementary schools destroyed

    Gllogoc, 13 October (ARTA) 1645CET --
    During the eight-month long clashes that took place in this region, the Serb forces did not spare even the elementary schools, which were completely destroyed.
         According to the data, in Gllogoc, six school buildings were destroyed in the following villages: Fushticë e Poshtme, Dobrashec, Gradicë, Obri e Epërme, Baincë, and Vasilevë.

    KOSOVA (Holbrooke – Brussels)
    "Talks between me and Milosevic go on in a very tense atmosphere"

    Brussels, 13 October (ARTA) 1930CET --
    "Time runs fast when you’re having a good time", answered Richard Holbrooke, asked by NATO General Secretary Solana if he feels tired. After very long meetings with NATO General Secretary Javier Solana, and with the NATO Council, Richard Holbrooke gave some short statements in front of journalists. He said that the aim of the visit in the NATO seat was to inform the NATO Council with the results of the last talks with Milosevic.
         "I met the Ambassadors, members of the Council in a closed session, and it is not right if I tell you what we talked about ", he claimed.
         Holbrooke announced afterwards that, he would meet Bronislaw Geremek-the OSCE Head in order to inform him with the talks carried out with Milosevic.
         "As you may know, many talks about the OSCE role, regarding the future of Kosova, were done", claimed Holbrooke in the aftermath.
         Asked whether Milosevic will be able to avoid the NATO bombardment, Holbrooke refused to answer. While, the journalist of CNN asked the American mediator why is he talking that long with Milosevic, Holbrooke answered: "With all the respect to your questions, it implicates that I am working in an agreement with Milosevic, but that is not true. We are speaking in a very tense atmosphere and I can not respond to your question the way you put it".
         The American Ambassador left aside for a moment the modesty and recalled his visit of three years ago to the NATO seat when the war in Bosnia was being carried out on its full intensity: "I was here three years ago when the crisis in Bosnia was on its highest peak. Now it is a vast difference compared to then, because bombs were falling in Bosnia while we were speaking, while now it is not that case. We are here to look how to go forward with the implementation of the UN SC Resolution which would be verified and efficient", claimed Holbrooke.
         Asked why he came to NATO again, the American mediator stated that he did it with the demand of Madeleine Albright in order to report to NATO at the time when the discussions and the situation within the Alliance is highly tense. Holbrooke met the OSCE Head Bronislaw Geremek. After this meeting, Geremek announced the agreement, which implies sending of OSCE troops in Kosova in order to verify the compliance of the UN SC's requests from the "Yugoslav" President.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
     ==> LINK to the news
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    CONTENTS  ==> LINK to further news
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    CONTENTS  ==> LINK to further news
    10. eventual additional press news 
    Datum:         Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:03:01 -0400
        Von:         "Steinbaum, Jason" <Jason.Steinbaum@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV>
    News from:
                                                      Seventeenth District,
    New York

    3655 Johnson Avenue, Bronx, NY  10463 -- 718 796-9700
    2303 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 -- 202 225-2464
    For release: Thursday, October 13, 1998
    Contact:        Joseph O'Brien 718 796-9700
                    Jason Steinbaum 202 225-2464


    "I commend the U.S. government for its efforts to end the brutal repression of the Albanian people of Kosova.  The negotiated settlement announced today, however, must not be viewed as a final resolution of the conflict.  I have some concerns that the agreement may not adequately address the legitimate grievances of the people of Kosova.  I await the complete details of the agreement and further discussions with Administration officials before passing judgment."

    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
        dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
        1. Johannes 4, 21b
        Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
        noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
             noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
        sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
             und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
        Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
        der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
        und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
             Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
        Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
             sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
        Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
             noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
        Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
             aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
      Psalm 1
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        And this commandment have we from him, 
        That he who loveth God love his brother also.
      1Johannes 4,21
      Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
           nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
      But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
           and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
      And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
      that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
      his leaf also shall not wither; 
           and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
      The ungodly [are] not so: 
           but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
      Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
           nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
      For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
           but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
      Psalm 1
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 14.10.1998  

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