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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 17. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 17, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1585

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • OSZE-Vorausmission in Belgrad eingetroffen - Nato verlaengert Frist
  • Kosovo-Albaner demonstrieren in Hamburg
  • OSZE-Vorausmission in Belgrad eingetroffen
  • Serben berichten von mehreren UCK-Angriffen im Kosovo
  • Anschlag auf serbische Polizeiwache in Pristina
  • Mazedonien waehlt neues Parlament
  • UCK-Sprecher fordert Abkommen auch zwischen OSZE und Rebellen-Armee
  • "Salzburger Nachrichten": Kosovo-Problem ist nicht geloest
  • "Le Figaro": Kontinuitaet in deutscher Aussenpolitik
  • "Kommersant daily": Milosevic fuerchtet Nato-Drohungen nicht
  • Nato verlaengert Frist fuer Milosvic - USA: "Finger weiter am Abzug"
  • Rot-gruene Koalitionsverhandlungen: Kampfeinsaetze moeglich
  • USA wollen im Kosovo-Konflikt "Finger am Abzug behalten"
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 17.10.1998 15:56   http://seite1.web.de/show/3628A229.NL1/
    OSZE-Vorausmission in Belgrad eingetroffen - Nato verlängert Frist
    Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die ersten 13 Mitglieder einer Kosovo-Beobachtermission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) sind am Samstag in Belgrad eingetroffen. Die technische Vorhut für die geplanten 2 000 OSZE-Beobachter soll sich von Sonntag an im Kosovo über die Infrastruktur sowie die Arbeits-und Wohnbedingungen für die Beobachter informieren.
         Die USA und die Nato halten unterdessen ihre militärische Drohung gegen Jugoslawien weiter aufrecht. Da sich der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic bisher nicht völlig den Forderungen der UN gebeugt habe, müsse die Nato «den Finger am Abzug behalten», sagte der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums, James Rubin.
         Der Nato-Rat in Brüssel hatte den Aktivierungsbefehl für Luftangriffe am Freitag bis zum 27. Oktober ausgesetzt, seine Gültigkeit aber nicht aufgehoben. Damit gab die Allianz Milosevic weitere zehn Tage Zeit, die UN-Resolution 1199 zum Kosovo-Konflikt vollständig zu erfüllen.
         Jugoslawien und die OSZE hatten am Freitag in Belgrad ein Abkommen über die einjährige Stationierung der bis zu 2 000 OSZE-Beobachter unterzeichnet. Aufgabe der unbewaffneten Truppe ist es, den jugoslawischen Truppenabzug und die Normalisierung der Lage zu überwachen.
         Der politische Sprecher der Kosovo-Untergrundarmee UCK, Adem Demaci, forderte die OSZE am Samstag auf, auch mit der UCK ein Abkommen über die geplante Tätigkeit der unbewaffneten Beobachter zu schließen. Dies sei nötig, um eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen UCK und OSZE-Beobachtern zu ermöglichen, sagte Demaci der in Pristina erscheinenden albanischen Tageszeitung «Koha Ditore». Nur so könne sichergestellt werden, daß die OSZE-Mission bei ihren Aktivitäten die volle Unterstützung der UCK genieße. Gleichzeitig lehnte der UCK-Generalstab die zwischen dem US-Sondervermittler Richard Holbrooke und Milosevic zu Wochenbeginn erzielten Vereinbarungen am Samstag ab.
         Unterdessen wurde aus der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina am Samstag von neuen UCK-Anschlägen auf serbische Polizei berichtet. Zwei Schwerverletzte sind nach serbischen Angaben die Bilanz mehrerer Anschläge am Freitag und Samstag. Wie das halboffizielle serbische Media-Zentrum berichtete, war eines der Opfer ein Polizeireservist und das zweite ein Wachmann der Kohlengrube Belacevac. Die UCK habe Polizeistationen im östlichen und zentralen Kosovo mit Handgranaten, Granatwerfern und aus automatischen Waffen angegriffen. Ein Anschlag sei auch auf eine Polizeistation in Pristina verübt worden; es habe aber keine Opfer gegeben.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 17.10.1998 15:38  http://seite1.web.de/show/36289DED.NL2/
    Kosovo-Albaner demonstrieren in Hamburg

    Photo: © dpa
    Mit Fahnen und Transparenten demonstrieren am Samstag (17.10.1998) mehrere hundert Kosovo-Albaner in der Hamburger Innenstadt gegen den Völkermord im Kosovo. Sie appellierten an die deutsche und europäische Öffentlichkeit sicherzustellen, daß humanitäre Hilfsmaßnahmen zu den vertriebenen Menschen gelangen sowie die Rückehr der vertriebenen Menschen in ihre Städte und Dörfer gewährleisten wird.

         ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Wer nichts tut, macht keine Fehler. 
               - Oder ist gerade das ein Fehler ? 
    Was wird die NATO am Samstag (nicht) tun ? 

    Doing nothing means making no mistakes. 
               - Or ist exactly this a mistake ? 
    What will NATO do or not do on Saturday ? 

    Das ist die Antwort - THAT's the answer 

    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 18:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3627715F.NL1/ 

    Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus 

    Betreff:         Milosevic begins another round of Crackdowns on Ethnic Albanians
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 18:52:36 EDT
        Von:         NAACDC@aol.com
    Keshilli Kombetar Shqiptaro-American
    1899 L Street, NW  Suite 1130
    Washington, DC  20036
    Tel: (202) 955-1428 Fax: (202) 955-1429

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                  CONTACT:   Aferdita Rakipi
    October 16, 1998                                                                (202) 955-1428

    Milosevic Begins Another Round of Crackdowns on Ethnic Albanians

    Washington, DC October 16, 1998--- The National Albanian American Council (NAAC) has received word from independent sources that a new offensive against ethnic Albanians has been launched.  Contrary to reports that Milosevic has begun pulling his forces out of Kosova, independent sources cite that they are further "digging in" and resuming attacks upon innocent civilians.  NAAC calls upon NATO to force immediate compliance from Milosevic through all means necessary including targeting strategic Serb positions.
    History has shown that Milosevic only complies and understands the actual use of force, and nothing less.  Again, this is one more grave yard of Milosevic’s broken promises.  How many will it take?  NAAC calls upon NATO to act immediately, no further evidence is needed to understand that Milosevic has no intention of fully complying.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Communique from Adem Demaci's office
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:17:48 +0200
        Von:         Adem Demaçi <Demaci@albanian.com>

    Regarding the arrival of 2000 members of Verifying Mission, Mr. Adem Demaçi, the General Political Representative of the Kosova Liberation Army (UÇK), declares hereby:

    As the UÇK is concerned, the arrival of verifiers is expected with a due respect, notwithstanding  the fact that we are concerned about the timing of their arrival in Kosova and dissatisfied with their insufficient number and competencies. It would be very good if they would be escorted by armed forces, which would guarantee their physical and moral integrity, as the presence of Serbian military - police forces would be an obstacle to them tp practice their human duty.

    Nonetheless, this must not serve for concessions to the Serbian regime, as it was proved so many times now that the Serbian regime will misuse it in order to intensify its repressive and terrorist policy. The example of Bosnia, where Serbian forces still do not permit the return of Bosnian people to their hearths, makes our skepticism strongly based.

    In order for the Verifying Mission to have full support of the UÇK in accomplishing its difficult and responsible duty, as well as to have a successful and full cooperation with the UÇK units, it is necessary that OSCE make an agreement with the Political Representative of  the UÇK.

    Information Service
            Adem Demaçi
            Përfaqësues i përgjithshëm politik i
            Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës (UÇK)
            Adem Demaçi
            General Political Representative
            of the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)
             Tel.       :  ++ 381 38 36 032
             Fax.       :  ++ 381 38 34 051
             E-mail     :  Demaci@albanian.com

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
  • Detonations, Shooting Incidents in Prishtina and Podujeva on Friday Night
  • 895 Albanians Slain By Serb Forces in Three Months, CDHRF Says
  • Serb Military Movement, Repositioning Continues in Kosova
  • Serb Forces Shell Seven Villages in Malisheva Area
  • Four Kosovars Killed in Minefield along Kosova-Albanian Border
  • ______________________________________________________________________
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1585
    Datum:         Sat, 17 Oct 1998 17:46:35 +0200
        Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 17 October 1998
    Detonations, Shooting Incidents in Prishtina and Podujeva on Friday Night

    PRISHTINA, Oct 17 (KIC) - Detonations and shooting from automatic and other fire-arms occurred late Friday evening in the capital Prishtina and the north-eastern town of Podujeva, wounding at least one Albanian and damaging more than a dozen houses.
    From 23:45 through 02:30 hrs automatic arms shooting was reported in the Kodra e Trimave ('Vranjevac') neighborhood in Prishtina. The fire came from the Serb police station in the area, local sources said.
    Many Albanian houses around the Serb police station in Kodra e Trimave were fired upon.
    Bullets hit the doors of the house of Musa Jusufi and penetrated to his sleeping rooms. Mr. Jusufi was summoned later to police, which alleged that the fire had been opened from his house! Bullets hit also the house of Fadil Tahiri, and a police armored car stayed for an hour near his house. An unexploded grenade was found in front of Tahiri's house today morning.
    At least half a dozen Albanian houses were damaged from the shooting in Kodra e Trimave area, LDK sources said, listing the names of family heads. The house of Abdyl Makolli suffered considerable damages, with five bullets having hit his front door and six others his Renault 5 car.
    Residents of Albanian houses in the close vicinity of the police station in Kodra e Trimave, virtually a 100 percent Albanian- inhabited neighborhood, fled their homes in panic last night, to return today morning.
    The office of Adem Demaçi, the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army) political representative, said last night's shooting spree from the Serb police station in Prishtina is evidence to the fact that Serb forces have not been withdrawing, but rather stepping up their "repressive and terrorist campaign" against the Albanian people.
    Meanwhile, sources from Podujeva said three heavy detonations were heard in the town at 22:45 hrs Friday, which were followed by an hour-long automatic arms shooting in different parts of the town.
    The shooting came from locations where Serb police is positioned, but also from Serb flats and houses in the town, as well as the police station in the village of Lluzhan.
    An Albanian, Esat Gashi, was wounded in Podujeva, and at least seven Albanian houses and a car hit with bullets, local LDK sources said.
    The houses of Latif and Skender Haliti, which are close to the Serb police station in Podujeva, were shot at and raided by police.
    Maliq Jaha, resident of Podujeva, was reported arrested. Police entered the "Lindja" clinic in Podujeva, to see for the wounded Esat Gashi, and smashed it, sources said.
    The police sealed off the marketplace in Podujeva in the morning hours today. Saturday is a market day in the town. Police lifted the seal-off in the afternoon.

    895 Albanians Slain By Serb Forces in Three Months, CDHRF Says

    PRISHTINA, Oct 17 (KIC) - The Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms released a report on the consequences of the Serbian military and police aggression in Kosova, as well as human rights abuses, in the last three months, July to September.
    The major Kosovar human rights group said 895 Albanians were killed, executed, slaughtered and burned by Serb forces in this period. 512 Albanians were wounded, whereas 586 taken hostage, kidnapped or went missing.
    More than 5,000 Albanians were illtreated in diverse fashions, and 2.197 arbitrary arrests made by Serb forces.
    More than 800 Albanians were severely beaten by Serb forces, and 157 Albanian houses raided and ransacked in non-conflict areas.
    42 mosques and other religious shrines were destroyed or badaly damaged by Serb forces in the past three months, the CDHRF said, which added that among the illtreated people are 195 children and 365 women.
    The major Kosovar human rights group said it had information confirming that 450.000 Albanians have been displaced by the Serb offensive in Kosova this year.

    Serb Military Movement, Repositioning Continues in Kosova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 17 (KIC) -  A convoy of 40 motorized vehicles of the Serb military left Ferizaj for Gjilan on Friday morning, LDK sources said.
    A Serb convoy consisting of 6 tanks and 2 lorries left Kaçanik for Ferizaj Friday, too.
    On Friday evening, around 22:00 hrs, a heavy Serb military convoy arrived from Shtime to Ferizaj. Serb soldiers opened automatic fire in Ferizaj.
    An hour later, the convoy which consisted of 100 Serb military vehicles passed through Tankosiq village heading for Gjilan, LDK sources said.
    Meanwhile, Serb military deployments and repositioning were reported elsewhere in Kosova, too, including Zhur (Prizren), Trudë (Prishtina), Mitrovica.

    Serb Forces Shell Seven Villages in Malisheva Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 17 (KIC) - Friday evening and Saturday morning (from 18:30 through 5:00 hrs), Serb forces stationed in Kijevë, Carrallukë, Balincë, and elsewhre in Malisheva area shelled with mortar and cannon fire the villages of Dragobil, Marali, Maxharrë, Domanek, Mleçan, Llazicë and Bubavec, local LDK sources said. Serb shells are said to have landed in other villages, too.
    Shelling continued well into morning on Saturday, especially in Kijevë, the LDK chapter in Malisheva said.
    There has been no word on casualties. Albanian houses and property were seen in flames, sources said, adding that it was impossible to obtain detailed information because the attacked area was sealed off by Serb forces.
    The sound of Serb mortar and cannon fire added to the fear of displaced Albanians living rough in the open in the villages of Pagarushë, Shkozë, Burim, etc, and spent the night in anxiety.

    Four Kosovars Killed in Minefield along Kosova-Albanian Border

    PRISHTINA, Oct 17 (KIC) - Four Kosovar Albanians were killed yesterday when they ran into a mine-field while trying to cross the border from Kosova to Albania in the Hasi region, the Voice of America reported today.
    Three of the Kosovars died on the spot, whereas the fourth, Hamëz Ukaj, died of wounds in the Albanian territory.
    Mr. Ukaj said before he died they were trying to cross to Albania when they ran into the minefield. The bodies of the three killed might have been collected by Serbs, he was quoted as saying.

    Kosova Information Center
    Last page!

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 17, 1998  at 22:45 hrs
    KOSOVA (shooting - Prishtina)
    Shooting from police station in Prishtina suburb of Kodra e Trimave

    Prishtina, 17 October - "Today, starting at 0100CET till 0300CET, in the Prishtina suburb of Kodra e Trimave, shooting from different caliber weaponry took place at the Serb police station", it is said in today's communique from the Information Service of the general representative of the KLA, Adem Demaçi.
         Targets for the bullets were private Albanian houses, surrounding this police station, it is said in the communique and added: "During this period the population grew rapidly concerned, believing war has broken out in the capital".
         "Bullet holes can be seen in the surrounding houses, as well as on the vehicles parked nearby", it is said in the communique.

    KOSOVA (shooting – Podujevë)
    Sporadic shooting and detonations in Podujevë – Serb reinforcements from Serbia to Prishtina

    Podujevë, 17 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    Sources in Podujevë claim strong detonations followed by continuous shooting with automatic weapons were heard yesterday in this town.
         The shooting came from the police checkpoint in Podujevë, from the police station and from the police checkpoint in "Besiana", as well as from other points in the city.
         Today it was informed that Esat Vesel Gashi (46) mentally retarded from Podujevë was wounded from the shooting. The bullets hit some houses, shops, and vehicles.
         Maliq Jaha (65) was arrested with the pretext that he has helped the wounded in his house. After being mal-treated in the Police station, he was released. A police vehicle and an APC intruded today at 0800CET in the specialist surgery "Lindja" in Podujevë. Meanwhile new police and paramilitary forces have continued to come from the direction of Serbia into Kosova. Three police land-rovers, one APC and some other vehicles headed toward Lluzhan at 0800CET, while three terrain vehicles, two APCs and two Special police vehicles came from the direction of Serbia towards Prishtina. Armed Serb civilians were spotted walking through the town.

    KOSOVA (Serb force shelling – Malishevë)
    Villages of Malishevë under attack

    Malishevë, 17 October (ARTA) 1915CET --
    Serb forces, from Kijevë, Bubavec, Carallukë, Baincë, Malishevë, and Dragobil undertook an attack on the villages of Drenoc, Vërrnicë, Llozicë, Lladrovc, Banjë, Gajrak, Dragobil, Gurëbardhë, Marali, Magjarë, and Shkozë. These villages were subjected to tank, cannon, and grenade fire.
         The attack lasted for five hours, starting at 1900CET Friday.
         Sporadic detonations could be heard from the Serb police checkpoints even today.
         In the villages of Pagarushë and in Gurëbardhë, two convoys of humanitarian help arrived Saturday. 127 tons of flour, 6 tons of sugar, cooking oil, shoes, hygienic packages etc. were delivered to the Albanian IDPs that have been living out in the open, many of them for over five months now.

    KOSOVA (Serb force shelling - Klinë)
    Villages of Anadrini region shelled from the Volljakë mine

    Klinë, 17 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Villages of Anadrini region, in Klinë municipality, were shelled from Serb positions in the Volljakë mine. Këpuz and Çeskovë are among the villages shelled, claim Albanian sources.
         According to the same sources, the Serb forces have repositioned but have not withdrawn from the Klinë municipality. The Serb forces now undertake attacks during the night, and not as previously during the daytime.
         Serb forces are positioned in 13 locations along six kilometers, from Volljakë to the Përçevë village. From the Dollc village up to Volljakë, there are numerous Serb policemen and soldiers at almost each kilometer.
         The Serb forces have withdrawn from the village of Këpuz and have stationed in the village of Kralan, Gjakovë municipality. The villages of the Dushkajë e Gjakovës region are being shelled from the newly assumed Serb positions.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces - Istog)
    Military convoy withdraws from Istog

    Istog, 17 October (ARTA) 1950CET --
    A part of military logistics and weaponry was moved out of the "Mokna" military air base and taken to open depots, in the region of Banjskë and Dreth, on the road to Zubin Potok.
         A military convoy withdrew from Dubravë, yesterday at circa 1500CET. The convoy numbered 55 vehicles. Soldiers in the convoy had hoods on and were "saluted" with gunshots from the local Serbs.
         Three EU observers visited Istog today.

    KOSOVA (victims - Suharekë)
    87 Albanian victims in the Suharekë municipality

    Suharekë, 17 October (ARTA) 1940CET --
    According to data issued by the SCDHRF in Suharekë, Saturday, 87 Albanians are killed due to the Serb military\police offensive on the villages of the Suharekë municipality. 18 are burned or massacred, while 70 persons are wounded.
         According to the SCDHRF over 1000 Albanians have been taken in by the police, in recent months, while 200 are under arrest, charged with "terrorism".
         Based on information of the LDK Information Council, 33 out of 43 villages of this municipality are partially or completely burned by the Serb military\police forces. In all, over 2.000 houses are shelled or burned, whereas more than 7 villages remain lifeless.
         It is also informed that 12 school objects are burned or demolished, as well as two mosques.
         Elementary school premises in Semetisht, Javor, and Bllacë are most severely damaged, while in Peçan and Bllacë local mosques are destroyed.
         Although there has been no recent fighting in this region, apart from sporadic shootouts, the villagers of Bllacë, Budakovë, Reshtan, Krushkë, Papaz and Grejçec fear returning to their homes, because of the Serb police positioned in, or close by the villages.

    KOSOVA (KLA – communique)
    "We do not accept the agreement between Rugova and Milosevic"

    Prishtina, 16 October (ARTA) --
    The KLA General Headquarters has followed with great interest the engagement of the all-international relevant mechanisms to halt the terror and the violence, which is induced in Kosova by the criminal and vandal herds of Milosevic.
         The KLA General Headquarters has appreciated the main points of Resolution 1199 of UN SC. But, not in those articles, where KLA was presented equal to the Serb military machinery. We appreciated the threat of the international community to the fascist regime of Milosevic, but we do not agree with the accord Milosevic-Holbrooke, which only provided space, Milosevic to continue the war, genocide and Serb massacres as well as deteriorate the humanitarian crisis. This implies taking responsibility for the expansion of war in the region. We demand from UN and NATO to force the withdrawal of the Serb forces from all the positions, in order to allow the movement of all the citizens. Nevertheless, KLA will continue the struggle for freedom, independence, and democracy.
         The seriousness of the situation on which we are, compelled us to make these decisions:

    1. KLA General Headquarters informs the international relevant factors that the decisive factor (from the Albanian side) which must lead the talks between Prishtina-International Community and Belgrade is the KLA factor, which will punish everybody who dares to sign any agreement which confronts the will of the people, which is expressed with the Referendum of 1991.

    2.The KLA General Headquarters will not allow any individual or political subject to ascend into the throne, without deserving and sacrificing anything. We will not allow anybody to abuse the blood the desire of the martyrs. We will not allow anybody to use the national tragedy and the misfortune for autocratic purposes.

    3.The KLA General Headquarters repeats avowedly that it does not recognize such an institution, which impedes the unification in the struggle for freedom and which abused the financial means.

    4.The KLA General Headquarters demands from the entire political spectrum of Kosova not to make political groups at a time that requires institutional unification, so it is demanded they permanently consult the KLA political representative Adem Demaçi.

    5.The Albanian media ought to reflect in their informative work, to inform truly, quickly, and correctly. We invite the foreign and local media to be as close as possible to the development of events and for this they will have the full support of KLA informative service. We appeal them to present professionally the glorious struggle of KLA as well as the massacres and the destruction which does the enemy to our people inflict.

    6. The KLA General Headquarters demands from the political parties and other mechanisms with influence in Albania to stop every action which induces the national divergences, which makes the destabilization of scientific and cultural institutions in Albania and impede them in stabilizing the economy and democracy in Albania and in helping the permanent solution of Kosova problem.

    7. The KLA General Headquarters repeats the appeal for unifying the entire national, political, intellectual, professional, material, social and moral energy and directs it towards our liberation objectives.

    8.The KLA General Headquarters demands from the international community to establish various groups of experts in order to investigate all kinds of crimes in Kosova. All those who induced and committed the crimes to respond in front of the Hague tribunal.

    9.Taking into account the seriousness of the international relevant factors especially UN, EU, NATO, USA, UK and other western countries, the KLA General headquarters, offers its universal cooperation to the Alliance intending to establish the peace and democracy where it is necessary. The help we are offering is the human factor, who is necessary for the peace and democracy everywhere in the world, is stated in the communique of the KLA General Headquarters.

    SWITZERLAND (KD reportage – Kreuzlingen, Basel)
    The Swiss Kreuzlingen - like Kishnarekë
    Enver Robelli

    Kreuzlingen, Basel, 17 October (ARTA) --
    The number of the Albanian asylum-seekers in Switzerland has reached large dimensions. Dramatic scenes are going one especially in Kreuzlingen, a city in the eastern part of Switzerland, near the German border. While applying for admission, many parents from Kosova were separated from their families and were forced to spend the night outside, due to the lack of beds.
         Most of the refugees in Kreuzlingen are from Kosova. They have arrived here after exhausting two weeks of travelling from Albania, through Italy or through the other way, from Hungary through Austria.
         In the yard of the Emigration office only the Albanian language is spoken. One can meet people of all ages: youngsters, elderly, women, children, mothers with their babies, pregnant women, sick people ...All of them have escaped from the war, hoping they will return one day, "when the things in Kosova will calm down", they say avowedly.
         Uniformed members of private security agency "Securitas" secure the emigration office; they patrol all the time. During the night, the area is observed by infrared cameras and trained dogs.
         The adult men cannot enter into the center, because "there is not enough space", claims the director.
         In the door it is written "Geschlossen" (closed tr.).
         They stay outside during the night, while they can meet the members of their families during the day. The dogs and the cameras take care that none of them trespasses the barbed wire and joins the members of the family.
         The Federal Office for Refugees' spokesperson, Vera Britsch, confirms that 166 refugees were refused only on Wednesday in Kreuzlingen. A part of the Kosovars who remain outside, hope for a bed, while the rest of them go "as guests" to their relatives.
         In the parking place of the center, one can see various canton license plates of the cars. People from all around Switzerland come here to take their families who survived the war. Swiss authorities prohibit such a thing, but because lacking of the beds, they act like being "generous".
         The Police spokesperson of Thurgau canton, informed that some of the Kosovars who did not find any shelter at their relatives, were compelled to sleep in the train station, under the bridges or other places just to protect themselves from the cold rain.
         The atmosphere inside the Emigration office is suffocating. The conditions have deteriorated, proportionally with the increase of the number of the refugees. Some of the refugees are happy to have found a place in the kitchen, dining hall or simply on the floor. "Just as long as the rain does not fall on us", says a young man from Deçan.
         The building of the Civil defense is opened in Kreuzlingen in order to survive this stream of refugees coming from Kosova. That building was planned to protect the civilian population in the case of a global conflict. However, the Cold War has ended, there are no more enemies for Switzerland.
         Around 60 Albanian refugees are sheltered there. They have only one shower on their disposal. The buses come here every day and take the refugees to the Emigration office where they get food and undergo the exhausting procedure of interrogation.
         When the dark falls, those that have remained out of the "Castle", start to prepare their "beds" for sleeping. Some of them cover themselves with newspapers; others put some sheet-steel to protect from the rain. A 40-year-old resident of Gjakovë, says that, the Swiss newspapers are the best to cover with. "They’ve got much more qualitative paper," he says ironically.
         In addition, while these lines are being written, a question is imposed: where are we? In Kishnarekë or in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland)? In both these "residences" the Albanians have to spend the night outside.
         The Swiss authorities have reacted only after the dramatic information that, the refugees are compelled to stay outside. The authorities of Basel Canton did not wait for the governmental decision, but they acted quickly by improvising a military pavilion for the refugees. The refugees, who are strolling around this metropolis in the triangle Switzerland-Germany-France, have a shelter at least.
         There were claims that in Bern plans were made for engaging special military units, to take care of the refugees. If the trend of the arrival of refugees continues like this, the Defense Ministry will put into disposal even train wagons, assure the Swiss officials.

    KOSOVA (KD reportage – Budakovë)
    Kosova of the ghost-villages
    Fisnik Abrashi

    Budakovë, 16 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    "The residents of the Suharekë municipal village of Budakovë were given an ultimatum, a couple of days ago, for handing in their weapons within 48 hours", claimed a humanitarian worker for "Koha Ditore", who went yesterday with a small convoy of cars to distribute the aids in this mountainous village.
         "Only some days ago there were around 500-600 people here, while today we found none", he claimed.
         Corpses of killed livestock and rascal dogs were the only sign of life in this village. Hundreds of houses of this village dispersed over the Sharr Mountains were burnt and destroyed. There is no confirmation whether the Serb police managed to enter this village, but the destruction could be evidenced and smelt from a large distance. The biggest problem is that the Budakovë residents could not be found even in the neighboring villages like Papaz and Bukosh, in order to learn form them what happened and the reasons which forced them to leave the village. Concerning the ultimatum for handing in the weapons, every Kosova Albanian knows its bitter meaning.
         The clothes hanged out to dry, proved that the residents had to flee in a hurry.
         The biggest attack on this village happened 20 days ago, when the Serb forces " carbonized" the village.
         Northeast of Budakovë, the first village with mixed population is Muhlan. Muhlan remains intact and is under the Serb police control. A policeman who checked the identity of the journalists claimed that the people of this village "Did not resist the police so they were not attacked".
         "You can do whatever you want. Ask the people if someone has abused them", he asserted strongly holding his machine-gun. Asked where are the residents of Budakovë, he said shortly and nervously-"They resisted the police".
         During a half-hour stay in this village we did not met any Albanian residents. The humanitarian convoy dedicated for hundreds of citizens of Budakovë ended up at the Muhlan health station.
         According to some of the humanitarian workers, who stayed there a couple of hours, only ten patients came in the health station.
         The residents of Budakovë were not even in the village of Vraniq where the people were staying in the half-ruined houses.
         We got near a carriage, which was going towards Budakovë. While getting near the old man who was driving the carriage with his members of the family, we learnt that he comes from Papaz village – a ghost-village. His name is Shaban Rexhaj and he had escaped from the village 20 days ago." I was the last one to leave the village. He has eight children. Three of them are still in the mountains and he has not heard anything about them for 20 days now.
         His wife (40) lies in the carriage covered with the blanket. "She is paralyzed, but we have to go back home. We have nowhere else to go ", claims Shaban.
         "For sure I am afraid, but there is no other solution. I am worried for the children", says Shaban, presenting them one by one. All of his children were no older than 10 years. Their pale faces indicate that they are infected by what is now called the "refugee diseases". Shaban says that he has no flour, and he hopes to find food in any of the burnt houses.
         There is an old saying that, hope is the last that dies, but it seems that Shaban's hope has died long ago.
         "I do not have what to hope for. Anything".
         Hundreds of Kosova villages look like Budakovë now. They are burnt and destroyed, without any sign that their residents will go back to live into them. But, even if they return there in this time, nobody knows what kind of life they can do there where "life is ruined".

    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 16, 1998  at 23:05 hrs
    KOSOVA (shelling – Malishevë)
    The shelling of Malishevë municipal villages continues - Serb forces do not retreat

    Malishevë, 16 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    Serb forces shelled and shot against the village Dragobil, while the bullets reached also the neighboring villages Maxharë, Burim, Shkozë and Pagarushë, starting from 1730CET to 2100CET last evening, state Albanian field sources.
         According to the sources, Serb forces shot several times against the Albanian forces in the villages Baincë and Llozicë. There is no confirmation about the eventual victims, while the material damages are evident. The Albanian municipal sources do not have any information about any withdrawal of the Serb forces from the checkpoints, where they are installed since three months.
         According to them these forces are being supplied and equipped intensively during the course of the two past days. The sources of "Koha Ditore" claim that Serb forces have continued the policy of the "scorched land" in the Malishevë municipal villages by burning several Albanian houses in Kijevë and Mleçan villages.

    KOSOVA (shelling - Mitrovicë)
    Villages of Shalë e Bajgorës shelled again

    Mitrovicë, 16 October (ARTA) 1920CET –
    Late Thursday night the villages of Mazhiq, Vidishiq, Rashan, and Melenicë of the Shalë e Bajgorës region, were shelled again.
         Previously, the same day, at about 1300 CET, villagers of Mazhiq, on their attempt of returning to the village, were prevented in doing so by Serb snipers. It is believed that they shot from the military base of Kutlloc, where they are positioned.
         Reinforcements came from Prishtina, Friday. They are positioned in Kutlloc. The forces numbered 3 tanks, 4 APC equipped with rocket launchers and 2 trucks with soldiers.
         Friday at around 1000 CET, 6 trucks went to the direction of Skënderaj, from Mitrovicë. They were loaded with sand, supposedly for erecting new fortifications.

    KOSOVA (victims - Skënderaj)
    One Albanian dead and one wounded

    Skënderaj, 16 October (ARTA) 1950CET -
    Serb forces stationed in Makërmal, killed on Thursday Zymer Goxhuli (33) and wounded Isuf Goxhuli (28). It is believed that the latter was taken by the police.
         SCDHRF in Skënderaj informs that they were shot at while they were gathering the cattle on the field.
         A convoy consisted of 8 tanks moved this morning, at around 1000CET, from Skënderaj to Likovc village.

    KOSOVA (reinforcements - border belt)
    Ten military trucks move in the direction of the region bordering Albania

    Prizren, 16 October (ARTA) 1930CET --
    Albanian sources in Prizren claim that a military convoy, consisted of 10 trucks, moved to the direction of the region bordering Albania. Other forces have been seen from the Zhur village to Murademë village, positioning at the location of Gomen.
         The same sources claim that military forces have also been registered moving in the direction of Dragash and positioning in Dubravë military base, close by the village of Zym i Opojës, Prizren Has.

    KOSOVA (raids - Gjilan)
    11 houses raided, 9 Albanians arrested

    Gjilan, 15 October (ARTA) 1945CET --
    Large Serb police forces raided Albanian houses and arrested 9 Albanians, at circa 0430CET, Thursday. The arrested are from Gjilan and Verbicë village of Kmetoc. The reason for their arrest is not yet known, however it has been informed that three of them have been released.
         Albanian sources claim that yesterday, around the elementary school, in Cërnicë village, holes were dug out, and ammunition placed in. On 12 October 11 trucks full of ammunition were unloaded in this school.

    KOSOVA (damages – Istog)
    Hectares of timber wood cut down

    Istog, 16 October (ARTA) 1940CET --
    The exploitation of Kosova's woods goes back along time in the region of Istog, especially after 1989, when the territory came under the supervision of the "Srbijasume" enterprise.
         Woodland began "disappearing" since, due individual and collective contracts, due to illegal cutting and smuggling. Experts evaluate that several hundred hectares of timber wood have been cut in the mountains of Korenik, Mokna, and Radusha. The Serb Government has legalized this.

    KOSOVA (Demaçi – communique)
    Demaçi:" For the KLA, the deployment of OSCE verifiers is accepted with respect"

    Prishtina, 16 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    "As far as the KLA is concerned the deployment of these verifiers is expected with respect, although we are worried about the dynamics of their arrival in Kosova and with the insufficiency of their number and competence. It would have been better if they would be escorted by armed forces, guaranteeing their moral and physical integrity, since the presence of the Serb military and police forces will be an impediment for them to exercise their human tasks", it is claimed in the communique issued by the KLA political representative, concerning the anticipated arrival of 2.000 international verifiers in Kosova.
         Nevertheless, the communique states that, "This must not serve to make concessions to the Serb regime, because the Serb regime will misuse this to intensify its repressive and terrorist policy, as it was proven several times so far".
         According to Demaçi "The example of BiH where Serb forces still do not allow the Bosniacs to return into their homes, is a serious argument for our suspicion".
         "An agreement between OSCE and the KLA political representative is necessary, in order to establish a fruitful cooperation between KLA units and verifiers, as well as the verifying mission to have the full support of KLA in accomplishing its activity", is stated at the end of this communique.

    KOSOVA (KACI – analysis)
    Mr. Holbrooke's and Milosevic's "besa"*
    Ylber Hysa

    After all the pomp and announcements of NATO air strikes, the "settlement of the Kosova crisis" ended with the shuttle diplomacy of the special American envoy, Richard Holbrooke. The architect of the Dayton peace accords, after a three-year pause and noninvolvement in the Cyprus crisis, has returned to the public opinion and has smiled once more in front of the world media, announcing the agreement reached with his old acquaintance, Mr. Milosevic.
         Holbrooke’s nine-day talks seemed to have turned off the NATO bombers' engines giving Milosevic a 96-hour "confidence", for as the American President said at his press briefing, Milosevic has agreed to several concessions based on the UN SC Resolution #1199 and the demands of the Contact Group.

    However, what exactly did Holbrooke and Milosevic agree upon?

    After a series of added pressure and beliefs that the "Yugoslav" president will not cave in and comply to the demands set out by the UN SC Resolution #1199, Holbrooke suddenly flew to Belgrade and after rounds of talks reached an agreement with Milosevic; the mission was typical of a negotiating process and not of sending out an ultimatum entrusted to him on basis of the conclusions drawn out from the UN and the Contact Group. Thus, Mr. Holbrooke shifted from a messenger to a patron, in order to "squeeze out" an agreement which in not in full conformity with the UN SC demands made in Resolution #1199.
         First of all, it was widely seen that Hill's interim agreement was no trouble for the Serb side. This was proved by the level of meetings, for it was negotiated at a "second table" in the talks between Hill (and O'Bryan) and Milutinovic. However, the only obstacle - which was to give at least some sort of self-governing guarantee to the Albanians - was the formation of a police force, created on the ratio reflecting the overall population structure. Milosevic asked that the police force be composed in a 50/50 manner. This meaning it should be 50% Albanian and 50% Serb (!), while Mr. Holbrooke insisted it was to be carried out as foreseen in the document (90% Albanian). Some media reports claimed that Holbrooke's stand was that the police force should be 80% Albanian and 20% Serb, but this does not reflect the ethnic structure of Kosova. Worst coming is that the option adopted between the American representative and Serb officials is not known. Further more, speaking of the agreement a number of objections have been raised and this from a number of public personas. The main objection is that the document represents a "minus 1974" version and that it never foresees the probability of selfadministration for the Albanians; not even in the aftermath of a three-year period. As such, it is very unlikely that the Albanian side, at least not from a part of credible political forces will accept it, which casts doubts on the realization of the agreement.
         As seen, the most complicated part of Holbrooke's negotiations was the presence of foreign troops in Kosova. After haziness as to what they will be and what will their mandate and mission character be, as well as to the number of those deployed. It came out that this will be a "verification mission", observing the implementation of the agreement. However, "verifiers" as Mr. Holbrooke referred to the members of this mission, will in fact be civilians, Furthermore, they will be unarmed.
         At first, their number was to be up to 2500. However as negotiations continued, Milosevic (in his well-known style "two steps further, one step back", as Stoltenberg called it), managed to set it down to 1500, only to strike a bargain at 2000 "verifiers".
         Thus, Western troops to deployed to Kosova, in order to supervise Serb force withdrawal and secure safety for the return of the refugees under threat from a humanitarian catastrophe will not be anything more than a observing mission - somewhat as an enlarged KDOM, already existing in Kosova. The only novelty is that they shall be working within the OSCE.
         Indeed, Milosevic’s "concession" and Mr. Holbrooke's "success" is nothing more than an adaptation of the Russian stand, clearly set out during Russian Foreign and Defense ministers, Ivanov and Sergeyev. After meeting Milosevic, they came out with a statement similar to the one presented by Holbrooke as a success in front of NATO. The sole difference is that the OSCE chairman in office, Bronislaw Geremek, dismissed that standpoint, while he shall fullheartedly accept it now; so did Holbrooke announce in front of journalists in Brussels, referring to the old Polish dissident as "an old friend" of his and Mr.Hill's (who by the way has served, apart from Belgrade, Tirana, Skopje, in the Cold War Poland as well).
         Thus, according to the this, it figures that Mr. Holbrooke, setting aside the UN SCE Resolution and the demands of the Contact Group, as well as 400 NATO airplanes, decided to adapt the Russian proposal, easy to swallow for Milosevic.
         Now, What counts is the extent of security that can be provided by the 2000 strong civilian "verifiers".
         They can anywhere and at anytime and will be guaranteed safety from the "Yugoslav" security forces, said Holbrooke to reporters. However, another of his colleagues, at one time member of the National Security Council dedicated to Bosnia, at the time of the Dayton talks, gave a different opinion on Holbrooke’s peace agreement.
         Ivo Daalder, current associate at the Brookings Institute says the deployment of the unarmed "verifiers" is the most problematic issue, for it threatens their personal security. It is not very wise to have such a mission in an environment of ethnic conflict; they can easily be snatched and used as hostage, said he.
         Such a thing already happened in Bosnia, When foreign soldiers were tied to poles. However, Milosevic has accepted the agreement as suitable and has no reason fur such actions, unless his rule is under threat, or the West's actions could be branded as dangerous during the three-year period of implementation. Anyhow, in order for the "verifiers" to feel safe, guarantees are needed and Milosevic himself is the guarantee; and this is known to the "verifiers" on the ground and to those that send them there.
         In addition though, to reinforce the sense of security, it seems that NATO troops shall be engaged in patrolling the Kosovar terrain, from Macedonia, of course not crossing the border.
         This agreement, mentioned above as based on the Russian proposition, enabled them (the Russian) to partake in this verifying mission. If this mission were to be military, as the SFOR, than this would have been a cornerstone in history, for it would be the first time that Russian soldiers set foot on Kosova soil.
         Another point, on Which Western analysts claim Milosevic has broken concession to the West, Would be the approval of air monitoring. Even here, it seems some elements are being set aside: namely, these airplanes will not be armed. As such it is not clear what these F-16s will do and how can they contribute as substitute to AWAX and satellites that have up till now serve to this purpose. This could the aerial completion of the ground "verifying" mission, but it has no guarantees of safety for the civilian population on the ground and is Without essential comeback to the long-term solution for the crisis. Thus, it seems that the entire "verifying mission" is centered towards the return of the refugees; moreover this issues seem to be the most disturbing for the western public opinion that has lately been overwhelmed With horrible footage from Kosova. However, the issue of the humanitarian crisis, as Mr. Bob Dole said after his visit to Kosova, derives from the long time unsolved political crisis and so being they depend on each other.

    "Baffling NATO" and "Saving Serbia"

    When it comes to security the element of the Resolution demanding the withdrawal of Serb security forces to the level of the month of March, has to be mentioned. Even military "know-nothings" knew that Kosova was overwhelmed with armed Serb forces since 1981. The number of the forces positioned is not in proportion to the space of the region, 10.887 square kilometers. Thus, their retreat from military positions to military barracks is no Warrant for the safety of the Albanian population. Refugees can go back home if they trust the 2000 unarmed civilians of the international mission, that are guaranteed safety from the Serb security forces; but Who guarantees that these "pre-March" forces Will not rush again, if ordered, and repeat What has already been done - destroy 52.000 houses and Albanian facilities in 432 settlements - 32% of entire settlements in Kosova! If nothing else, than the psychological aspect, in adverse circumstances and lack of clear guarantees for full safety, Will be an inhibiting factor for over 400 thousand IDPs to return top their homes. What are the promises of those that destroyed your house, Worth? Are they now going to be "nice police officers" allowing their return, aided by 2000 unarmed civilians from the OSCE mission, observed by unarmed air patrols?
         Another element not included in the Holbrooke-Milosevic agreement is "full cooperation With The International Hague Tribunal for War Crimes". This was an undisputed demand of the UN SC Resolution #1199 and the Contact Group; furthermore, it is one of the issues justifying "the outer Wall" of sanctions.
         This has got to do not only with responsibility, justice, and fundamental principles upon Which Western civilization is built, but is another psychological aspect of the surrounding in Kosova. This leaves murderers, bloodhounds of children, pregnant Women and the elderly, to Walk away freely; furthermore no one can guarantee the Kosova refugees that they shall not take-off their uniforms, secure large humanitarian convoys, or help their return to the burnt houses.
         However, this aspect clearly has elements of concessions to Milosevic, for setting him aside, culpability for crimes against humanity Will fall upon many of his aids, already stained With blood shed in Bosnia.
         In other Words, this is a guarantee for Milosevic to still continue "reigning", for he has once again become a partner for an international agreement, a partner to a Dayton II, Without air strikes.
         It is no news that Holbrooke and Milosevic, paradoxically, have mutual interests - to be in the game, and to be standard players in politics. After his failure in Cyprus, and after failing to be appointed US Ambassador at the UN, retirement for Holbrooke would have been boring, Whereas for Milosevic it would have been dangerous. Thus, the Hague concession.
         Anyhow, this agreement will help that both "quarterbacks", old- timers from Dayton remain in the game whenever there is an obstacle, misinterpretations, and failure to fulfil the agreement (itself needing three years for implementation). Considering this, the strange relation between the two political negotiators will have its impact in the future.
         Another element should not be forgotten: the Serb internal element reflecting from the agreement. Milosevic, constantly searching for recognition as an international partner (for this purpose creating the humanitarian catastrophe in Kosova) can now brag about with a halo above him, in front of the domestic auditorium. He has only begun portraying himself to the ordinary Serb as the "Baffler of NATO" and the "Savior of Serbia". This is no good news for Serb opposition. But, now it is no good news for Seselj either. After his latest fascist attacks on foreigners, Milosevic has got a firm grip on him, at the same time playing Draskovic against him, in order to bring both under his teepee.

    Settlement or winter armistice

    Adding Albanian grievances to "minus autonomy revisited", the problem comes full. In fact, the Albanian population, after going through such experiences, cannot stay in the Woods any longer, and cannot leave it either. They have to embark on a trip through a tunnel that shines no light at the end, but nor can they stay in it; furthermore, even if they reach the opposite end, it Will indeed be the opposite of the proclaimed, faced With the pale sunlight, much paler than in 1974.
         Thus, the agreement does not solve the Kosova problem, nor does it democratize Serbia. It is complex, not only due to the circumstances under which it was achieved, but even in its implementation.
         Observed from all these aspects, the agreement on Kosova cannot foretell anything good for the region or for the international community. As such, it cannot be called a long-term solution: rather it could be considered as winter armistice, ensued with the fear of consequences far graver than those up to this day.

    - "besa" – traditional word of honor; usu. permiting one’s free movement for a certain period of time, when in blood feud with his family;

    KOSOVA (Geremek – Prishtina)
    Geremek: "We ought to avoid the provocations-we know that there is someone interested for this"

    Prishtina, 16 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    The OSCE verifying mission, which resulted from the agreement Holbrooke-Milosevic is welcomed also by the President of the Republic, Ibrahim Rugova.
         "We welcome this mission in Kosova", claimed Rugova, after the meeting with the Polish Foreign Minister, Bronislaw Geremek who is also the chairman in office of the OSCE.
         "I appeal to all the Kosova citizens, political and other groups to welcome and support the work of this mission", stressed Rugova, because according to him, "The mission goes for our own improvement".
         Geremek who stayed in Kosova said early in the morning that he has signed an agreement with Belgrade, concerning the field verification of OSCE requests by the "Yugoslav" authorities. The verification should be conducted in the presence of 2.000 verifiers.
         The agreement between OSCE and "Yugoslav" government was achieved after the agreement between NATO and "Yugoslavia" for aerial verification was signed.
         Geremek stated that he was given the mandate by the EU and Contact group to present the OSCE mission as a very important message.
         "The European and the international Community want a peaceful process in Kosova, the human rights and the actual European political realities to be respected", claimed Geremek.
         Polish Foreign Minister said, "he hopes, the OSCE mission will present to Kosova the minimum of the confidence".
         Geremek also conveyed the respects of, as he said "Many international political leaders to the activity of Dr. Rugova in Kosova".
         "The agreements signed today and yesterday, were accepted very well by Rugova", stated Geremek.
         Asked about, how will the OSCE verifiers be protected in the field and who will offer them security, Geremek responded that "He was assured by Dr.Rugova that the Albanian community will do its best to help the mission and guarantee its safety".
         According to Geremek, "There are groups of people who are interested to provoke, and that will prevent the peaceful process in Kosova".
         Geremek also informed that OSCE would sign a dozen of special agreements with various international organizations, including NATO, which to some extent would guarantee the minimal security for the mission.
         "I hope they will not become hostages, but will stay together with Kosovars into the towns and villages of Kosova, I hope they will be safe and I promise that the international community is informed with the security of this mission and will do its best for this issue", claimed Geremek at the end.

    KOSOVA (Rugova – Prishtina)
    Rugova: "No Agreement has been achieved"

    Prishtina, 16 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    "Serb forces did not withdraw from Kosova, they got new positions and they are reinforcing on many strategic points", declared today Ibrahim Rugova in his regular press conference.
         Rugova mentioned that the IDPs are continuously suffering.
         "They are out in the forests and are not able to return into their homes. The return of the IDPs into their homes through an international guarantee is important, because they are still threaten by Serb police", he said.
         "We demand NATO troops to be installed in Kosova, as a guarantee for the security of Kosova people, and we demand the activation order to stay in power", claimed Rugova.
         Rugova evaluated the meeting he was about to have with Hill, as a regular work meeting with the American Ambassador, who is mediating the talks. He said: "There is no talk about any agreement today, it is simply a business and informative meeting".
         "No agreement is achieved", he emphasized.
         Asked about the diversities of the political organs in Kosova concerning the formation of the government, Rugova answered that, "We have our institutions, the President, the Parliament, the political parties - and they have to be respected".
         "Also a negotiating group exists, and it could be enlarged according to the need", claimed the President of Kosova, Ibrahim Rugova at the end of the press conference.

    SWITZERLAND (Serb "hackers" – Zurich)
    Swiss police chases Serb "hackers"

    Zurich, 16 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    The surfers of the web-site "Zëri i Kosovës" (newspaper of Populist Movement for Kosova-LPK) were surprised when some days ago, they found the Serb emblem instead of the Albanian eagle, in the header of this web-site. Two messages in Serbian and in English were written near the Serb emblem stating "Welcome in the web-site of the biggest world killers and liars", and "Albanian brothers, this emblem will remain on your flag for as long as you live".
         After being informed of the incident, the Swiss provider with the seat in Aargau, which hosts the edition of "Zëri i Kosovës" on Internet, engaged its professional team to detect the persons that have intruded into the web-site. During the control, it was concluded that the intrusion was made from abroad.
         Bruno Jehle-the director of the provider has declared to the "Tages Anzeiger" that, an illegal intrusion into the providers system was detected during the supervision of the connectings\disconnectings on last Friday. The employees of the Swiss enterprise have started to "chase" the "hacker" and have established a contact with him. It is informed that the clues of the hacker were located into some USA, Serbian, and Polish stations.
         In a server of this state the "route" was ended, while a person has appeared, presenting himself as a 'Yugoslav" student. In addition, the Swiss professionals established contact with him. The "Yugoslav" student has requested, the further edition of "Zëri i Kosovës" to be prohibited, otherwise he threatens to destroy the entire computer system of the Swiss provider.
         By the time the hacker felt he is being supervised, he started to destroy the hard disk of one of the provider's computers.
         After this virtual conflict the provider (in agreement with the "ZiK" responsible persons), decided to temporarily take the web of this newspaper out of the net. It seems that the newspaper "Zeri i Kosovës" is not the only newspaper affected by this illegal intrusion. Bruno Jahle claimed that another Swiss provider from Zurich who has an Albanian client was the target as well.
         Bruno Jahle, the director of the "ZiK's" provider, has raised the charge in the judicial institutions in Aargau. The Federal police in Bern are informed for this event as well. Philipp Kronig-one of its officials has claimed that this "is a blackmail with a political background".
         The "Tages Anzeiger" newspaper informs that, it possesses enough data, which testify that, the Serb side or Serb individuals commit the intrusion.
         The Internet address wherefrom the hacker has intruded is "Crna Ruka". This organization which was established in 1919 is known to be close to the Serb secret service. Its name was lately interconnected with the written threats addressed to the German embassy in Belgrade, at the beginning of March. The federal police official Kronig has promised that this case will "Scrutinized thoroughly, and adequate counter-measures will be eventually undertaken".
         The editor-in-chief of "Zëri Kosovës", Adnan Asllani, claimed for "Koha Ditore", that the new web-site of his newspaper will be put into function soon, and it will be "under federal police supervision".

    SWITZERLAND (explosive - Zurich)
    Explosive substance bursts in Army barrack where refugees from Kosova are supposed to be sheltered

    Zurich, 16 October (ARTA) 1730CET--
    An explosive substance exploded on Tuesday at 2225CET, in the Army barrack of Bronschofen in St.Gallen county, Switzerland.
         According to local authorities, the explosive was of an unknown substance, which was put into a gas bottle. The Federal Police Spokesman, Dominique Reymond declared that this institution was informed at once for this explosion.
         The first refugees from Kosova were expected to be sheltered in this barrack on 19 October. No one was present in the building when the explosion happened. The officers of the investigating team of Zurich visited the site on Wednesday morning.
         It is noteworthy that the plans of the official Bern for opening of this Army barrack have raised dissatisfaction of the local residents in the last weeks.
         In a joint communique, issued by the Minister of Justice and Police, Arnold Koller, and the Federal director for Refugees Jean-Daniel Gerber, this explosion is condemned and evaluated as an act of cowardice. The officials were relieved that nobody was in the barrack when the explosion happened. The communiques states that this act has to be condemned more severely, taking into consideration the fact that the refugees, who had to be installed there, fled Kosova because of the grave prevailing circumstances. Their houses are destroyed and they were forcibly rejected, claims Minister Koller and BFF Director, Gerber.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • RFE: Mr. Panic and Bishop Artemije On Kosovo Crisis
  •   ==> LINK to the news

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    CONTENTS  ==> LINK to further news
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\16ata03
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:41:29 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Serb forces continue to bomb the Albanian villages

          PRISHTINA, Oct. 16 - ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports: The Serb forces settled in Krelan of Gjakova have proceeded today the bombardments, that resumed late on Wednesday, towards the Jabllanice village and its outskirts, while the inhabitants have left their villages and are settled in the Albanian catholic church in Gllogjan village. Several villages, and Skenderaj city are shelled from many combative positions of Serb troops in Drenica, while a military convoy made up of 8 tanks and other military means are established on Friday in Liofc village. Sources from the Council of Human Right say that an Albanian is killed while another is wounded in Makermal of Skenderaj.
          During the last 24 hours, the Serb forces have attacked the villages of Sferke, Perzeve, Volljake of Klina commune, where they have encounter the resistance of Kosova Liberation Army units. Gunshots are also heard in Doberlan village, where, quoting sources from Suareka, the Serb forces are looting. Sources from Rahoveci say that there is a massive presence of military troops in cities and villages.

    Kosova president Rugova meets Christopher Hill

          PRISHTINE, Oct.16 (ata) - The President of the Republic of Kosova, Ibrahim Rugova today met in Prishtine with Ambassador Christopher Hill, mediator in the negotiations between Prishtine and Belgrade and talked with him the latest developments in Kosove.
          Hill informed Rugova of the agreement on the presence of OSCE and NATO monitors in Kosove and the implementation of Resolution 1198 of the U.N Security Council.
          Rugova considered important the efforts of Ambassador Holbrooke and Hill to mediate in the question of Kosove. They also talked a possible acceleration of the political process for the solution, through negotiations, of the question of Kosove. Present in the meeting also was dr. Fehmi Agani, coordinator of the negotiating group of Kosove.
          The U.S. will cooperate closely with Ibrahim Rugova and Kosove leadership until an agreement is reached for a just and lasting resolution to the question of Kosove, stressed Hill.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\16ata02
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 18:04:00 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Prizren: 93 Albanians send to Serb prisons

          PRISHTINE, Oct, 16 (ATA) - A contingent of 93 Albanian prisoners who were held in Prizreni prison are transferred in Serbian prisons at the beginning of this month, says the Kosova Information Center.
          According to the Albanian layers, 30 prisoners are settled in Vranja prison, 35 in Prokupl prison, while 28 others are send in Leskoc prison. The same sources say also that in the following two weeks in Serb lawcourt of Prizreni, 314 accused Albanians from the communes of Prizreni, Suareke and Malisheve are expected to appear before the tribunal. In the meantime, sources from KDLMNJ reports that the leader of the Party of National Unity, and the political prisoner, Ukshin Hoti, is removed in the Mitrovica of Sermi prison.

    Rugova asks NATO troops deployment in Kosove

          PRISHTINE, Oct 16 (ATA) Behlul Jashari, ATA correspondent reports:
          President Rugova asked on Friday NATO troops to deploy in Kosove and "the activation order" also to remain into force also after the 96-hour ultimatum to Belgrade.
          "We consider as very important ambassador Holbrooke efforts to provide an international presence in Kosove and NATO aircraft overflying Kosove on verification missions, but we ask NATO forces to deploy as a guarantee for the people of Kosove and NATO "activation order" to remain into force," Rugova told on Friday in a press conference in Prishtine.
          Rugova considered the situation in Kosove as "grave and dangerous". Rugova said that Serb forces keep on their military operations and bombardments therefor some Albanians were murdered and there were some other victims from cold and the grave humanitarian situation of the refugees still sheltered in the mountains.
          "The Serbian forces have not withdrawn from Kosove. There has been only a repositioning of those forces and they have been entrenching themselves in many strategic points at a time when there are new forces coming from Serbia," Rugova said.
          "We ask international protection of Kosove and first of all from the U.S., EU, the U.N. and NATO," Rugova said re-affirming the well-known stand that "the best solution is the independence of Kosove with all the guarantees for the local Serbs and an international protectorate as a transitory phase."
          "We are working on a provisional agreement for Kosove, initiated by ambassador Hill," Rugova said to reporters regarding the meeting between OSCE current chairman, Geremek and the merican ambassador, Hill, which is due to be held on Friday in Prishtine.
          While regarding the request for a National Reconciliation government to be represented in the possible talks, President Rugova said that "There exist the government and the Group of Negotiators, which depending on the needs can be completed by experts and other people."

    Meidani hails aid of Red Crescent Humanitarian Association for Kosova people

          TIRANE, Oct.16 (ATA) - By R.Xhuvani:
    The president of Albania met on Friday with a delegation of the leaders of the Red Crescent Humanitarian Association, which conducts its activity in Albania since 1992.
          The President's Press and Information office said that the Director of the Association conveyed to Meidani, the greetings the President and the government of his country, confirming at the same time the delivery of humanitarian aid of the Red Crescent for displaced Kosovars who have settled in the north of Albania to escape their tragedy in Kosova.
          The $ 160 000 aid, which consists of food articles and other necessary means, is being delivered by this association itself.
          Meidani hailed the solidarity of this association to help the Albanian people of Kosova. /dast/A.A/xh/

    10. eventual additional press news 
      ==> LINK to the news
    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
        dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
        1. Johannes 4, 21b
        Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
        noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
             noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
        sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
             und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
        Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
        der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
        und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
             Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
        Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
             sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
        Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
             noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
        Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
             aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
      Psalm 1
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        And this commandment have we from him, 
        That he who loveth God love his brother also.
      1Johannes 4,21
      Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
           nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
      But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
           and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
      And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
      that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
      his leaf also shall not wither; 
           and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
      The ungodly [are] not so: 
           but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
      Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
           nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
      For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
           but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
      Psalm 1
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Wolfgang Plarre
    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 17.10.1998  

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