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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 21. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 21, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1589

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Holbrooke warnt Milosevic mit dramatischen Konsequenzen
  • Russland bietet Nato Aufklaerungs-Flugzeug fuer Kosovo an
  • Holbrooke warnt Milosevic vor Missachtung der Kosovo-Zusagen
  • Belgrad hebt Regierungsbeschluss ueber Medienverbot auf
  • Britischer Aussenminister Cook zu Gespraechen ueber Kosovo in Bukarest
  • Sicherheitsrat beraet ueber neue Kosovo-Resolution
  • Nato unzufrieden mit Milosevic - Rat eroertert Operation "Adlerauge"
  • Nato-Rat unzufrieden mit Haltung von Milosevic im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • UN-Anklaegerin reist am 5. November in den Kosovo
  • Nato-Rat unzufrieden mit Milosevic Haltung im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • Serbische Journalisten demonstrieren vor US-Botschaft
  • Rumaenien bietet OSZE Hilfe fuer Kosovo-Mission an
  • Kontaktgruppe begruesst Rugovas Eintreten fuer politische Loesung
  • OSZE-Beauftragter wirft Belgrad "Krieg" gegen Medien vor
  • Menschenrechtler: Kritik an Tatenlosigkeit des Westens
  • Schweiz setzt Armee zur Betreuung von Asylsuchenden ein
  • Nato-Rat tagt zur Kosovo-Krise - Oberbefehlshaber informiert
  • Blair fuer europaeische Verteidigungsstruktur - "Neues Denken"
  • "Nesawissimaja Gaseta": Nach dem Kosovo-Abzug geht das Toeten weiter
  • Milosevic verurteilt UCK-Provokationen im Kosovo
  • Nato-Befehlshaber bei Milosevic - USA sehen Fortschritte im Kosovo
  • Nato-Rat beraet angesicht juengster Gefechte ueber Lage im Kosovo
  • US-Vermittler Hill erwartet Kosovo-Abkommen bis Mitter November
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 20:54  http://seite1.web.de/show/362E2E20.NL1/
    Holbrooke warnt Milosevic mit dramatischen Konsequenzen
    Brüssel/Belgrad/Paris (dpa) - Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic riskiert mit der zögerlichen Erfüllung des Kosovo-Abkommens einen Militärschlag der Nato in der kommenden Woche. US-Unterhändler Richard Holbrooke warnte Milosevic am Mittwoch in Paris eindringlich davor, von den Zusagen für eine politische Lösung des Konflikts abzurücken. Das könne «dramatische Folgen» haben, sagte Holbrooke in Paris.
         Nach einem Bericht des Nato-Oberkommandierenden in Europa, General Wesley Clark, vor dem Nato-Rat in Brüssel nannte ein hoher Beamter der Allianz das bisherigen Vorgehen der Führung in Belgrad unzureichend. Auch am Mittwoch gab es Gefechte zwischen der Kosovo-Untergrund-Armee UCK und serbischen Einheiten.
         Der Weltsicherheitsrat in New York wurde am Mittwoch einberufen, um über eine neue Kosovo-Resolution zu beraten. Diese soll den Vereinbarungen von Holbrooke und Milosevic den Rückhalt der Vereinten Nationen verleihen.
         Die Allianz bereitete weiter die Aufklärungsflüge über der südserbischen Provinz vor. Nach einer Zustimmung zu dem Plan für die Operation «Eagle Eye (Adlerauge)» - voraussichtlich bis diesen Donnerstag - dürften die unbewaffneten Flüge, an denen sich Rußland beteiligen will, in den kommenden Tagen beginnen, verlautete aus dem Hauptquartier der Allianz.
         Die Nato sei weiter für Luftangriffe vorbereitet, sagte Holbrooke. «Die serbischen Sicherheitskräfte wenden bis zu diesem Tag nicht die Resolution 1199 des Sicherheitsrates der UN an.» Wenn sich die Lage nicht in den nächsten sechs Tagen ändere, seien schwerwiegende Konsequenzen zu erwarten.
         Die Allianz hatte Milosevic bis kommenden Dienstag eine Frist gesetzt, seine Verpflichtungen zu erfüllen. «Wir sind überhaupt nicht zufrieden», sagte ein hoher Nato-Beamter nach dem Clark-Bericht. Er war am Dienstag mit Milosevic in Belgrad zusammengetroffen. Der Oberbefehlshaber habe eine deutliche Warnung ausgesprochen.
         Die Operation «Eagle Eye» soll helfen, den Rückzug der serbischen Truppen und die Einhaltung des Abkommens zwischen Jugoslawien und der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) zu überwachen. Milosevic hat sich zudem verpflichtet, daß die Flüchtlinge zurückkehren können und daß mit der mehrheitlich albanisch-stämmigen Bevölkerung ein politisches Abkommen ausgehandelt wird.
         Nach Verabschiedung des Operationsplan sollen den bisher nur von den USA gestellten unbewaffneten U-2-Spionage-Flugzeugen auch Maschinen anderer Bündnisstaaten zur Seite gestellt werden, wie es weiter im Hauptquartier hieß. Rußland habe ein Aufklärungs-Flugzeug angeboten, verlautete weiter aus dem Hauptquartier nach einem Treffen des Nato-Rußland-Rates. Die Nato habe eine Prüfung des Angebots zugesagt.
         Um den etwa 2 000 OSZE-Beobachter notfalls Schutz vor gewaltsamen Übergriffen zu gewähren, werde derzeit bei der Nato auf Expertenebene über eine schnelle Eingreif-Truppe nachgedacht, sagte der Beamte. Diese einige tausend Soldaten starke Einheit könnte in Mazedonien in Nachbarschaft zum Kosovo oder im Mittelmeerraum stationiert werden.
         Die internationale Kontaktgruppe begrüßte das Eintreten des Führers der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, für eine politische Lösung der Probleme. «Ein Weg für eine friedliche und politische Kosovo-Lösung ist offen», hieß es in dem Schreiben, das der französische Außenminister Hubert Vedrine im Namen der Kontaktgruppe unterzeichnete.
         Milosevic verurteilte die fortdauernden Kämpfe im Kosovo als «bewaffnete Provokationen» der Untergrundarmee UCK. Dennoch seien Serbien und Jugoslawien fest zu einer friedlichen Lösung des Konflikts entschlossen, teilte das Milosevic-Büro in Belgrad mit.
         Im Kosovo stießen Kosovo-Albaner am Mittwoch auf ein weiteres Opfer des Massakers, das serbische Sonder-Truppen Ende September in Gornje Obrinje (Region Drenica) an albanischen Zivilisten begangen hatten. Die Leiche des 35jährigen Mannes, dem die Kehle durchschnitten worden war, wurde in einem Brunnenschacht gefunden. Die Zahl der Opfer des Massakers bei Gornje Obrinje, bei dem auch Frauen und Kinder getötet wurden, erhöht sich damit auf 27.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 20:04  http://seite1.web.de/show/362E2237.NL1/
    Rußland bietet Nato Aufklärungs-Flugzeug für Kosovo an
    Brüssel (dpa) - Rußland hat der Nato ein Aufklärungs-Flugzeug für die Überwachung des serbischen Truppenrückzugs aus dem Kosovo angeboten. Das verlautete am Mittwoch aus dem Hauptquartier der Allianz in Brüssel nach einem Treffen des Nato-Rußland-Rates. Die Nato habe eine Prüfung des Angebots zugesagt. Einzelheiten sollen in den kommenden Tage geklärt werden.
         Der Operationsplan für die unbewaffneten Überwachungs-Flüge wird nach den Angaben voraussichtlich an diesem Donnerstag gebilligt. Die Operation läuft unter dem Namen «Eagle Eye (Adlerauge)». Die Nato will mit der Aufklärung rund 2 000 Beobachter der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) unterstützen, die den serbischen Truppenabzug und eine sichere Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge vor Ort überwachen sollen.

    (Achtung: Sie erhalten bis 20.30 Uhr eine zweite Gesamtzusammenfassung)
    © dpa

    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 19:56 http://seite1.web.de/show/362E2055.NL1/
    Holbrooke warnt Milosevic vor Mißachtung der Kosovo-Zusagen
    Paris (dpa) - Der amerikanische Kosovo-Unterhändler Richard Holbrooke hat den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic nachdrücklich vor einer Mißachtung der Kosovo-Zusagen gewarnt. Dies könne «dramatische Folgen» haben, sagte Holbrooke am Mittwoch vor Journalisten in Paris. «Die serbischen Sicherheitskräfte wenden bis zu diesem Tag nicht die Resolution 1199 des Sicherheitsrates der UN an», unterstrich er.
         Wenn sich die Lage nicht in den nächsten sechs Tagen ändere, seien schwerwiegende Konsequenzen zu erwarten. Die Nato bleibe zum Eingreifen bereit. Ihr Ultimatum laufe bis 27. Oktober. Die serbischen Sicherheitskräfte müßten sich vollständig aus dem Kosovo zurückziehen, sagte Holbrooke, der für den Abend mit dem französischen Außenminister Hubert Vedrine verabredet war.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 19:44  http://seite1.web.de/show/362E1D8F.NL1/
    Belgrad hebt Regierungsbeschluß über Medienverbot auf
    Belgrad/Wien (dpa) - Die serbische Regierung hat am Mittwoch die Schließung mehrerer unabhängiger Tageszeitungen und Rundfunksender rückgängig gemacht. Das sagte der Informationsminister Aleksandar Vucic der amtlichen Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug am Abend. Wann die aufgrund des vor zwei Wochen gefaßten Beschlusses verbotenen Medien ihre Arbeit wieder aufnehmen können, blieb zunächst unklar.
         Am Mittwoch trat das am Tag zuvor verabschiedete Informations-Gesetz in Kraft, das den Rundfunk-Anstalten eine Übernahme ausländischer Programme verbietet. Es droht denjenigen unabhängigen Medien mit hohen Strafen, deren Berichterstattung von den Behörden als staatsgefährdend eingestuft wird.
         Damit führt Belgrad nach den Worten des Beauftragten der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit (OSZE) für die Freiheit der Medien, Freimut Duve, einen «Krieg» gegen die unabhängigen Medien des Landes. Die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien müsse die Medienfreiheit garantieren, forderte Duve in einer am Mittwoch von der OSZE in Wien veröffentlichten Erklärung.
         «Das Gesetz institutionalisiert einen seit Monatsbeginn geltenden Kriegszustand der Behörden in Belgrad gegen die unabhängigen Medien», sagte Duve. Es sei gegen jene Journalisten gerichtet, die professionell und fair über die Lage im Kosovo berichten wollten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 19:20  http://seite1.web.de/show/362E1807.NL1/
    Britischer Außenminister Cook zu Gesprächen über Kosovo in Bukarest
    Bukarest (dpa) - Der britische Außenminister Robin Cook ist am Mittwoch zu einem zweitägigen Besuch in Rumänien eingetroffen. Haupt-Thema der bilateralen Gespräche mit seinem rumänischen Kollegen Andrei Plesu wird die Lage im Kosovo sein. Cook erwarte dazu eine Einschätzung der Regierung in Bukarest, teilte das rumänische Außenministerium mit.
         Zum Auftakt des Besuchs stand am Mittwoch abend ein Treffen mit Rumäniens Staatspräsident Emil Constantinescu auf dem Programm. Am Donnerstag sind Gespräche mit Außenminister Plesu, Ministerpräsident Radu Vasile und Senatspräsident Petre Roman geplant.
         Neben der Lage in der Region und den Perspektiven der regionalen Zusammenarbeit Rumäniens mit seinen Nachbarn gehören auch die Erweiterung von Nato und EU und Rumäniens Chancen auf Beitritt zu den Gesprächsthemen. Außerdem wollen die beiden Minister über finanzielle Hilfsprojekte Großbritanniens für Rumänien sprechen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 19:10 http://seite1.web.de/show/362E1595.NL1/
    Sicherheitsrat berät über neue Kosovo-Resolution
    New York (dpa) - Der Weltsicherheitsrat hat am Mittwoch noch für denselben Tag eine erste Beratung hinter verschlossenen Türen über eine neue Kosovo-Resolution angesetzt. Damit soll den Vereinbarungen zwischen Belgrad mit der Nato und der OSZE über unbewaffnete Nato-Überwachungsflüge über der Krisenprovinz Kosovo sowie über die Entsendung von 2 000 zivilen OSZE-Beobachtern Nachdruck verliehen werden.
         Gleichzeitig will der Sicherheitsrat auf die Erfüllung seiner Resolution 1199 dringen, die am 23. September verabschiedet worden war und vor allem einen serbischen Truppenabzug vorsah.
         Im Sicherheitsrat zeichneten sich allerdings schon vor Beginn der Beratungen Gegensätze ab: Rußland will, obwohl es Mitglied der Kontaktgruppe ist, einen eigenen Resolutionsentwurf vorlegen und darin sicherstellen, daß keine Maßnahmen gegen Jugoslawien über die bisher vereinbarten hinaus ohne neuen Beschluß möglich werden.
         Gerade das aber wollen die übrigen Mitglieder der Kontaktgruppe - die USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland und Italien - zumindest offenlassen. Kanada, ab 1. Januar nächsten Jahres Mitglied des Sicherheitsrats, hat sich bereits für die Androhung militärischer Maßnahmen in der Resolution eingesetzt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 17:49 http://seite1.web.de/show/362E029D.NL1/
    Nato unzufrieden mit Milosevic - Rat erörtert Operation «Adlerauge»
    Brüssel/Belgrad/Paris (dpa) - Die Nato ist weiterhin unzufrieden mit dem Rückzug serbischer Sicherheitskräfte aus der Provinz Kosovo. Das sagte ein hoher Nato-Beamter, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte, am Mittwoch in Brüssel.
         Der Nato-Rat setzte deshalb nach einem Bericht des Nato-Oberkommandierenden in Europa, General Wesley Clark, seine Beratungen am Abend fort. Clark war am Dienstag in Belgrad mit Jugoslawiens Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic zusammengetroffen. «Wir sind überhaupt nicht zufrieden», sagte der Beamte. Auch am Mittwoch gab es Gefechte zwischen der Kosovo-Untergrundarmee UCK und serbischen Einheiten.
         Die Nato hält gegen Jugoslawien ihre militärische Drohung aufrecht. Der Nato-Rat hatte am vergangenen Freitag die Frist für mögliche Luftangriffe bis zum 27. Oktober verlängert.
         Unter anderem berieten die 16 Botschafter nach den Angaben die Luftaufklärungsoperation «Eagle Eye (Adlerauge)», die helfen soll, den Rückzug der serbischen Truppen und die Einhaltung des Abkommens zwischen Jugoslawien und der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) zu überwachen. Milosevic hat sich zudem verpflicht, daß die Flüchtlinge zurückkehren können und daß mit der mehrheitlich albanisch-stämmigen Bevölkerung ein politisches Abkommen ausgehandelt wird.
         Mit der Verabschiedung eines Operationsplan für die Luftüberwachung sollen den bisher nur von den USA gestellten unbewaffneten Flugzeugen auch Maschinen anderer Bündnisstaaten zur Seite gestellt werden, wie es weiter im Hauptquartier hieß. Bei einer Sitzung des Nato-Rußland-Rates habe das Bündnis nach Möglichkeiten esucht, wie Rußland an der Luftüberwachung beteiligen werden könne.
         Um den etwa 2 000 OSZE-Beobachter notfalls Schutz vor gewaltsamen bergriffen zu gewähren, werde derzeit bei der Nato auf Expertenebene über eine schnelle Eingreiftruppe nachgedacht. Diese einige tausend Soldaten starke Einheit könnte in Mazedonien in Nachbarschaft zum Kosovo oder im Mittelmeerraum stationiert werden.
         Die internationale Kontaktgruppe begrüßte das Eintreten des Führers der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, für eine politische Lösung der Probleme in der serbischen Krisen-Provinz. «Ein Weg für eine friedliche und politische Kosovo-Lösung ist offen», hieß es in dem Schreiben, das vom französischen Außenminister Hubert Vedrine im Namen der Kontaktgruppe unterzeichnet und am Mittwoch in Paris veröffentlicht wurde. «Ich weiß, daß wir auf Ihren Mut und Ihren Verantwortungssinn bei diesem Vorhaben zählen können.»
         In dem Schreiben wurde Rugovas Aufruf an die Bevölkerung gelobt, die Arbeit der Beobachter der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) zu unterstützen. Es sei im Interesse der Kosovo-Albaner, daß die internationalen Beobachter so schnell wie möglich vor Ort seien und ihre Arbeit aufnehmen könnten.
         Der jugoslawische Präsident Milosevic hat die fortdauernden Kämpfe im Kosovo als «bewaffnete Provokationen» der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK verurteilt. Dennoch seien sowohl Serbien als auch Jugoslawien fest zu einer friedlichen und politischen Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts entschlossen, teilte das Milosevic-Büro am Mittwoch in Belgrad mit.
         In der Krisenprovinz stießen Kosovo-Albaner am Mittwoch auf ein weiteres Opfer des Massakers, das serbische Sondertruppen Ende September in Gornje Obrinje (Region Drenica) an albanischen Zivilisten begangen haben. Die Leiche des 35jährigen Mannes, dem die Kehle durchschnitten worden war, wurde in einem Brunnenschacht gefunden. Die Zahl der Opfer des Massakers bei Gornje Obrinje, bei dem auch Frauen und Kinder getötet wurden, erhöht sich damit auf 27.
         In Belgrad demonstrierten über 100 serbische Journalisten vor der US-Botschaft wegen des ungeklärten Verschwindens zweier Kollegen am Sonntag im Kosovo. Erst im August hatte die UCK zwei Journalisten des serbischen Rundfunks aus Pristina entführt. Auch sie gelten seitdem als vermißt.
         Der scheidende deutsche Außenminister Klaus Kinkel hat die «zunehmende Unterdrückung der freien Berichterstattung» in Jugoslawien scharf verurteilt. Das vom jugoslawischen Parlament verabschiedete neue Mediengesetz sei der provozierende Versuch, der Einschüchterung unabhängiger Medien «den Mantel der Legalität umzuhängen», sagte Kinkel am Mittwoch in Bonn. Das Gesetz stehe im eklatanten Widerspruch zu den Verpflichtungen Belgrads, die Pressefreiheit zu achten, und werde zu einer «verhängnisvollen politischen Selbstisolierung» Belgrads führen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 17:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/362DFAE7.NL1/
    Nato-Rat unzufrieden mit Haltung von Milosevic im Kosovo-Konflikt
    Belgrad/Brüssel/Paris (dpa) - Die Nato ist weiterhin unzufrieden mit dem Rückzug serbischer Sicherheitskräfte aus der Provinz Kosovo. Das sagte ein hoher Nato-Beamter, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte, am Mittwoch in Brüssel.
         Dagegen begrüßte die internationale Kontaktgruppe das Eintreten des Kosovo-Albanerführers Ibrahim Rugova für eine politische Lösung des Konflikts. Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic verurteilte am Mittwoch die jüngsten «bewaffneten Provokationen» der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo.
         Der Nato-Rat wollte wegen der Unzufriedenheit mit dem Abzug der serbischen Sicherheitskräfte aus dem Kosovo nach einem Bericht des Nato-Oberkommandierenden in Europa, General Wesley Clark, seine Beratungen am späten Nachmittag fortsetzen. Clark war am Dienstag in Belgrad mit Milosevic zusammengetroffen.
         Die Nato hält ihre militärische Drohung gegen Jugoslawien aufrecht. Der Nato-Rat hatte am vergangenen Freitag die Frist für mögliche Luftangriffe bis zum 27. Oktober verlängert.
         Die internationale Kontaktgruppe begrüßte das Eintreten des Führers der Kosovo-Albaner, Rugova, für eine politische Lösung der Probleme in der serbischen Krisen-Provinz. «Ein Weg für eine friedliche und politische Kosovo-Lösung ist offen», hieß es in dem Schreiben, das vom französischen Außenminister Hubert Vedrine im Namen der Kontaktgruppe unterzeichnet und am Mittwoch in Paris veröffentlicht wurde. «Ich weiß, daß wir auf Ihren Mut und Ihren Verantwortungssinn bei diesem Vorhaben zählen können.»
         In dem Schreiben wurde Rugovas Aufruf an die Bevölkerung, die Arbeit der Beobachter der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) zu unterstützen, gelobt. Es sei im Interesse der Kosovo-Albaner, daß die internationalen Beobachter so schnell wie möglich vor Ort seien und ihre Arbeit aufnehmen könnten.
         Der jugoslawische Präsident Milosevic hat die fortdauernden Kämpfe im Kosovo als «bewaffnete Provokationen» der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK verurteilt. Dennoch seien sowohl Serbien als auch Jugoslawien fest zu einer friedlichen und politischen Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts entschlossen, teilte das Milosevic-Büro am Mittwoch in Belgrad mit.
         In der Krisenprovinz stießen Kosovo-Albaner am Mittwoch auf ein weiteres Opfer des Massakers, das serbische Sondertruppen Ende September in Gornje Obrinje (Region Drenica) an albanischen Zivilisten begangen haben. Die Leiche des 35jährigen Mannes, dem die Kehle durchschnitten worden war, wurde in einem Brunnenschacht gefunden.
         Verwandte identifizierten den Mann, der Zivilkleidung trug, als einen Angehörigen der Familie Deliu, gegen die die serbischen Einheiten mit besonderer Härte vorgegangen waren. Die Zahl der Opfer des Massakers bei Gornje Obrinje, bei dem auch Frauen und Kinder getötet wurden, erhöht sich damit auf 27.
         In Belgrad demonstrierten über 100 serbische Journalisten vor der US-Botschaft wegen des ungeklärten Verschwindens zweier Kollegen im Kosovo. Zu dem Protest hatte die Redaktion der vermißten Reporter, die Staatsagentur Tanjug aufgerufen. Die Demonstranten verlangten von den US-Diplomaten, sich für die Freilassung der seit Sonntag Verschwundenen einzusetzen, die nach serbischen Angaben von der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK entführt wurden.
         Erst im August hatte die UCK zwei Journalisten des serbischen Rundfunks aus Pristina entführt. Auch sie gelten seitdem als vermißt.
         Der scheidende deutsche Außenminister Klaus Kinkel hat die «zunehmende Unterdrückung der freien Berichterstattung» in Jugoslawien scharf verurteilt. Das vom jugoslawischen Parlament verabschiedete neue Mediengesetz sei der provozierende Versuch, der Einschüchterung unabhängiger Medien «den Mantel der Legalität umzuhängen», sagte Kinkel am Mittwoch in Bonn. Das Gesetz stehe im eklatanten Widerspruch zu den Verpflichtungen Belgrads, die Pressefreiheit zu achten, und werde zu einer «verhängnisvollen politischen Selbstisolierung» Belgrads führen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 16:49  http://seite1.web.de/show/362DF468.NL1/
    UN-Anklägerin reist am 5. November in den Kosovo
    Den Haag (dpa ) - Die Chefanklägerin des UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunals in den Haag, Louise Arbour, will am 5. November zu Ermittlungen in den Kosovo reisen. Wie das Tribunal am Mittwoch mitteilte, habe die jugoslawische Botschaft allerdings noch nicht auf den Visums-Antrag reagiert. Arbour will eine Gruppe von Tribunal-Beamten anführen, die in der Provinz wegen Kriegsverbrechen ermitteln sollen.
         Über die Ermittlungen im Kosovo hatte es zwischen Belgrad und dem Tribunal einen Konflikt gegeben. Belgrad weigerte sich, Visa auszustellen, mit der Begründung, daß das Tribunal zu Ermittlungen in der serbischen Provinz nicht berechtigt sei. Arbour hatte daraufhin den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Milosevic hingewiesen, daß der UN-Sicherheitsrat das Mandat zu den Ermittlungen gegeben habe.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 16:30 http://seite1.web.de/show/362DF01E.NL1/
    Nato-Rat unzufrieden mit Milosevic Haltung im Kosovo-Konflikt
    Brüssel (dpa) - Die Nato ist weiterhin unzufrieden mit dem Rückzug serbischer Sicherheitskräfte aus der Provinz Kosovo. Das sagte ein hoher Nato-Beamter, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte, am Mittwoch in Brüssel. Der Nato-Rat habe deshalb nach einem Bericht des Nato-Oberkommandierenden in Europa, General Wesley Clark, seine Beratungen am späten Nachmittag fortsetzen. Clark war am Dienstag in Belgrad mit Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic zusammengetroffen.
         Bei einem Treffen des Nato-Rußlands-Rat habe die Allianz nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, wie Rußland sich an der Luftüberwachung des Abkommens für eine friedliche Lösung beteiligen könne.
         Die Nato hält gegen Jugoslawien ihre militärische Drohung aufrecht. Der Nato-Rat hatte am vergangenen Freitag die Frist für mögliche Luftschläge bis zum 27. Oktober verlängert.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 16:12 http://seite1.web.de/show/362DEBDC.NL1/
    Weiteres Opfer des Massakers von Gornje Obrinje gefunden
    Pristina (dpa) - Kosovo-Albaner sind am Mittwoch auf ein weiteres Opfer des Massakers gestoßen, das serbische Sondertruppen Ende September in Gornje Obrinje (Region Drenica) an albanischen Zivilisten begangen haben. Die Leiche des 35jährigen Mannes, dem die Kehle durchschnitten worden war, wurde in einem Brunnenschacht gefunden.
         Verwandte identifizierten den Mann, der Zivilkleidung trug, als einen Angehörigen der Familie Deliu, gegen die die serbischen Einheiten mit besonderer Vehemenz vorgegangen waren. Er wurde noch am Mittwoch in Anwesenheit von Dorfbewohnern und ausländischen Reportern an der Stelle beigesetzt, an der auch die anderen Opfer des Massakers begraben sind.
         Die Zahl der Opfer des Massakers bei Gornje Obrinje, bei dem auch etliche Frauen und Kinder getötet wurden, erhöht sich damit auf 27.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 14:55 http://seite1.web.de/show/362DD9EB.NL1/
    Serbische Journalisten demonstrieren vor US-Botschaft
    Belgrad (dpa) - Mehr als 100 serbische Journalisten haben am Mittwoch vor der US-Botschaft in Belgrad wegen des ungeklärten Verschwindens zweier Kollegen im Kosovo protestiert. Zu dem Protest hatte die Redaktion der vermißten Reporter, die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug aufgerufen.
         Die Demonstranten verlangten von den US-Diplomaten, sich für die Freilassung der seit Sonntag Verschwundenen einzusetzen, die nach serbischen Angaben von der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK entführt worden sind.
         Die beiden Journalisten wollten über einen UCK-Angriff auf serbische Polizei nahe der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina berichten. Ende August hatte die UCK zwei Journalisten des serbischen Rundfunks aus Pristina entführt. Auch sie gelten seitdem als vermißt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 14:50   http://seite1.web.de/show/362DD8A1.NL1/
    Rumänien bietet OSZE Hilfe für Kosovo-Mission an
    Bukarest (dpa) - Rumänien hat der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) die Beteiligung an der OSZE-Mission im Kosovo angeboten. Das berichtete die amtliche rumänische Nachrichtenagentur Rompres am Mittwoch unter Berufung auf das Außenministerium in Bukarest.
         Bukarest denkt daran, 25 bis 50 Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie sollen aus den rumänischen Kontingenten kommen, die bereits im Auftrag der OSZE in Kroatien und in Bosnien stationiert sind.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 14:47 http://seite1.web.de/show/362DD808.NL1/
    Kontaktgruppe begrüßt Rugovas Eintreten für politische Lösung
    Paris (dpa) - Die internationale Kontaktgruppe hat das Eintreten des Führers der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, für eine politische Lösung der Probleme in der jugoslawischen Krisen-Provinz begrüßt. «Ein Weg für eine friedliche und politische Kosovo-Frage ist offen», hieß es in dem Schreiben, das vom französischen Außenminister Hubert Vedrine im Namen der Kontaktgruppe unterzeichnet worden ist und am Mittwoch in Paris veröffentlicht wurde. «Ich weiß, daß wir auf Ihren Mut und Ihren Verantwortungssinn bei diesem Vorhaben zählen können.»
         Die Kontaktgruppe betonte zugleich die Bedeutung einer Unterstützung der Bemühungen um eine politische Lösung durch die Kosovo-Albaner. «Es ist zwingend, daß die Verhandlungen über den künftigen Status des Kosovo rasch vorankommen», wurde unterstrichen. Die Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen für die Bevölkerung hänge davon unmittelbar ab.
         In dem Schreiben wurde der Aufruf Rugovas an die Bevölkerung, die Arbeit der OSZE-Beobachter zu unterstützen, gelobt. Es sei im Interesse der Kosovo-Albaner, daß die internationalen Beobachter so schnell wie möglich vor Ort seien und ihre Arbeit aufnehmen könnten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 14:36  http://seite1.web.de/show/362DD553.NL1/
    OSZE-Beauftragter wirft Belgrad «Krieg» gegen Medien vor
    Wien (dpa) - Belgrad führt nach den Worten des OSZE-Beauftragten für die Freiheit der Medien, Freimut Duve, einen «Krieg» gegen die unabhängigen Medien des Landes. Die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien müsse die Medienfreiheit garantieren, forderte Duve in einer am Mittwoch am Sitz der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) in Wien veröffentlichten Erklärung.
         Das am Dienstag vom serbischen Parlament verabschiedete Gesetz, das Rundfunkanstalten eine Übernahme ausländischer Programme verbiete, müsse zurückgenommen werden, sagte der ehemalige Bundestagsabgeordnete.
         Das Gesetz ermögliche es den Behörden auch, gegen Medien vorzugehen, deren Berichterstattung als staatsgefährdend eingestuft werde. Es verstoße auch in weiteren Punkten gegen internationale Konventionen.
         «Das Gesetz institutionalisiert einen seit Monatsbeginn geltenden Kriegszustand der Belgrader Behörden gegen die unabhängigen Medien», sagte Duve. Es sei gegen jene Journalisten gerichtet, die professionell und fair über die Lage im Kosovo berichten wollten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 14:23 http://seite1.web.de/show/362DD25D.NL1/
    Menschenrechtler: Kritik an Tatenlosigkeit des Westens
    Bonn (dpa) - Die deutsche Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) hat den westlichen Ländern vorgeworfen, zehn Jahre lang der serbischen Vertreibungspolitik im Kosovo weitgehend tatenlos zugesehen zu haben. Sie hätten in Kauf genommen, daß bisher 750 000 Menschen in der Region fliehen mußten, sagte der Vorsitzende der GfbV, Tilman Zülch, am Mittwoch in Bonn. Mindestens 1 500 Menschen seien getötet, mehr als 300 Dörfer und mehr als 45 000 Wohnungen und Geschäfte zerstört worden.
         Die GfbV forderte den Abzug aller serbischen Polizei- und Armee-Einheiten aus dem Kosovo, die Rückkehr aller Vertriebenen, freie Wahlen und Minderheitenschutz. Die Organisation übergab zusammen mit in Deutschland lebenden Kosovo-Albanern einen entsprechenden Forderungskatalog an die neuen Bonner Koalitionsparteien sowie an die Botschaften der USA, Frankreichs, Italiens und Großbritanniens.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 13:38  http://seite1.web.de/show/362DC7DC.NL1/
    Schweiz setzt Armee zur Betreuung von Asylsuchenden ein
    Bern (dpa) - Die Schweiz setzt künftig die Armee zur Betreuung von Asylbewerbern ein. Wie die Regierung am Mittwoch beschloß, sollen Soldaten von November an Armeeunterkünfte für bis zu 2 000 Asylsuchende herrichten und unterhalten. Sie sollen sich auch um Verpflegung und medizinische Versorgung kümmern.
         Flüchtlingsorganisationen kritisierten den Beschluß. Zum Empfang von Flüchtlingen sei eine menschliche Logistik notwendig, keine Soldaten, sagte Kaplan Cornelius Koch vom Schweizer Empfangsbüro für Flüchtlinge in Como.
         Der Armee-Einsatz sei angesichts des Ansturms von Asylsuchenden aus dem Kosovo notwendig, sagte Justizminister Arnold Koller. Die vier Empfangszentren mußten am Dienstag bereits 450 Wartende mangels Platz abweisen.
         Koller rechnet in diesem Jahr mit 40 000 neuen Asylbewerbern, so viele wie noch nie in einem Jahr. Seit Januar haben mehr als 26 000 Menschen in der Schweiz Asyl beantragt. Mehr Asylsuchende meldeten sich nur in Deutschland, Großbritannien und den Niederlanden. Gemessen an der Bevölkerung hat die Schweiz mit 366 Asylbewerbern pro 100 000 Einwohner die meisten Asylgesuche aller westlichen Staaten.
         Die Flüchtlinge sollen von der Armee betreut werden, bis das Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge sie registrieren und in reguläre Asylunterkünfte verlegen kann. Das dauert nach Angaben von Koller zwischen zwei Wochen und drei Monaten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 10:41  http://seite1.web.de/show/362D9E37.NL1/
    Nato-Rat tagt zur Kosovo-Krise - Oberbefehlshaber informiert
    Brüssel (dpa) - Der Nato-Rat ist am Mittwoch erneut zu Beratungen über die Lage in der Krisenprovinz Kosovo zusammengekommen. Wie aus dem Hauptquartier der Allianz in Brüssel verlautete, wird Nato-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark den Rat über sein Treffen am Vorabend mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic informieren. Dabei ging es nach US-Angaben um die Luftüberwachung des serbischen Truppenabzugs.
         Die Nato erhält ihre militärische Drohung gegen Jugoslawien aufrecht. Der Nato-Rat hatte am vergangenen Freitag die Frist für mögliche Luftschläge bis zum 27. Oktober verlängert. Die Allianz verlangt von Serbien den Abzug der Sicherheitskräfte und eine friedliche Beilegung des Konfliktes.
    Am Nachmittag tagt der Nato-Rußland-Rat ebenfalls zum Kosovo-Konflikt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 10:14  http://seite1.web.de/show/362D97F5.NL1/
    Blair für europäische Verteidigungsstruktur - «Neues Denken»
    London (dpa) - Premierminister Tony Blair hat erstmals Bereitschaft gezeigt, den bisherigen Widerstand Großbritanniens gegen eine europäische Verteidigungsstruktur aufzugeben. Bei dem bevorstehenden Sondergipfel der Europäischen Union (EU) in Österreich will Blair die Zusammenarbeit von EU-Mitgliedern bei militärischen Einsätzen - eventuell auch ohne die USA - vorschlagen, sagte er in einem Interview, das am Mittwoch von der britischen «Times» und anderen europäischen Tageszeitungen veröffentlicht wurde.
         Eine «europäische Armee» unabhängig von der Nato oder eine sicherheitspolitische Rolle der EU-Kommission schloß der Labour-Politiker dabei aus. «Die Nato ist eine absolute Notwendigekeit und bleibt der Pfeiler unserer Verteidigungspolitik», erläuterte er. Vielmehr denkt Blair an gemeinsame Kampfeinsätze und Friedenstruppen von EU-Staaten. Der Bosnien-Krieg und der Konflikt im Kosovo verdeutlichen seiner Meinung nach, daß Europa sich die Mittel zulegen sollte, um seiner Verantwortung gerecht zu werden.
         Vorangegangene konservative Regierungen in London hatten eine eigenständige europäische Verteidigungskomponente - etwa durch eine Stärkung der Westeuropäischen Union (WEU) - bisher strikt abgelehnt, um die Nato nicht zu schwächen. «Es ist wichtig, daß Europa effektiver sprechen und handeln kann», sagte Blair. Daß die Labour-Regierung hier zu einem «Neuem Denken» bereit ist, wie Blair es nennt, deutet nach Ansicht der «Times» das Streben nach einer führenden Rolle in der EU an, auch wenn London der Euro-Zone fernbleibt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 09:40  http://seite1.web.de/show/362D9015.NL1/
    «Nesawissimaja Gaseta»: Nach dem Kosovo-Abzug geht das Töten weiter
    Moskau (dpa) - Die russische Tageszeitung «Nesawissimaja Gaseta» befürchtet, daß der Abzug der serbischen Soldaten aus dem Kosovo zu neuen Gewalttaten führen wird. Die Zeitung schreibt am Mittwoch:
         «Während die serbischen Einheiten gezwungenerweise das Kosovo verlassen, (...) geht der Krieg trotzdem weiter. Die Weltgemeinschaft wird dies kaum wahrnehmen, da in der täuschenden Stille hauptsächlich Serben ums Leben kommen (...)
         Die serbischen Einheiten sind beinahe vollständig aus dem Kosovo abgezogen (...) Das verbliebene Vakuum der Sicherheit wird in Kürze von den albanischen Terroristen aufgefüllt (...) Und dann beginnen neue Morde an Serben und Albanern, die mit den jugoslawischen Behörden kooperiert oder einfach nicht auf der Seite der Albaner gekämpft haben.»
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 09:31  http://seite1.web.de/show/362D8DE6.NL1/
    Milosevic verurteilt UCK-Provokationen im Kosovo
    Belgrad (dpa) - Der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat die jüngsten «bewaffneten Provokationen» der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK im Kosovo verurteilt. Trotzdem seien aber sowohl Serbien, als auch Jugoslawien fest zu einer friedlichen und politischen Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts entschlossen, teilte das Milosevic-Büro am Mittwoch mit.
         Die Erklärung folgte einem Gespräch des jugoslawischen Staatschefs mit dem Nato-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark und dem US-Vermittler Christopher Hill am späten Dienstag abend in Belgrad. Dabei wurde über die Kosovo-Krise gesprochen.
         Wie der Sprecher des US-Verteidigungsministeriums, Kenneth Bacon, sagte, ging es bei dem Gespräch um Einzelheiten der vereinbarten Nato-Flugüberwachung über der südserbischen Provinz sowie um weitere Schritte zur Beendigung der Gewalt im Kosovo.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 21.10.1998 04:48  http://seite1.web.de/show/362D4B7F.NL1/
    Nato-Befehlshaber bei Milosevic - USA sehen Fortschritte im Kosovo
    Washington/Belgrad/Brüssel (dpa) - Der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark und der US-Vermittler Christopher Hill haben am Dienstag abend in Belgrad mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic über die Kosovo-Krise gesprochen. Wie der Sprecher des US-Verteidigungsministeriums, Kenneth Bacon, sagte, ging es bei dem Gespräch um Einzelheiten der vereinbarten Nato-Flugüberwachung über der südserbischen Provinz sowie um weitere Maßnahmen zur Beendigung der Gewalt im Kosovo.
         Nach Angaben von Bacon wurden seit der vergangenen Woche bereits drei Flüge mit U-2-Maschinen über dem Kosovo durchgeführt, um den von Belgrad versprochenen Rückzug der Militäreinheiten zu überwachen. Die Nato plane weitere regelmäßige Kontrollflüge über der Provinz und einer 20 Kilometer breiten angrenzenden Zone, sobald das Vorgehen mit den jugoslawischen Behörden abgestimmt sei.
         Die USA hätten einige Fortschritte im Kosovo festgestellt, besonders bei der Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge und der humanitären Hilfe, sagte der Pentagon-Sprecher weiter. Bacon betonte jedoch: «Wir haben bislang keine vollständige Erfüllung (der UN-Auflagen) oder auch nur etwas, das dem nahekäme, gesehen.» Einzelne Gefechte zwischen den Kosovo-Freischärlern und Regierungseinheiten dauerten an, doch im allgemeinen sei die Lage aus Sicht der Kosovo-Albaner heute viel besser als vor zwei Monaten.
         Zuvor hatte sich US-Vermittler Hill in Belgrad vor Journalisten gesagt, ein Abkommen über die friedliche Lösung des Konflikts könne bis Mitte November vereinbart werden. «Vielleicht klingt das optimistisch, aber in diesem Geschäft müssen wir Optimisten sein», zitierte ihn am Abend die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta.
         Am heutigen Mittwoch will der britische Außenminister Robin Cook in der mazedonischen Hauptstadt Skopje den politischen Führer der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, treffen. Cook werde versuchen, Rugova und seine Delegation zur Annahme des Kosovo-Abkommens zu überreden. Das berichtete die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta am Dienstag unter Berufung auf diplomatische Quellen in Skopje. Das Abkommen war vor einer Woche zwischen dem US-Sonderbeauftragten Richard Holbrooke und Milosevic ausgehandelt worden.
         In Brüssel berät heute (Mittwoch) der Nato-Rat erneut über die Lage im Kosovo. Die Nato hatte am vergangenen Freitag ihre Frist für ein militärisches Eingreifen bis zum 27. Oktober verlängert. Sie verlangt von Serbien den Abzug der Sicherheitskräfte und eine friedliche Beilegung des Konfliktes. Am Nachmittag tagt der Nato-Rußland-Rat zum selben Thema.
         Unterdessen verabschiedete das serbische Parlament am Dienstag ein heftig umstrittenes Informationsgesetz. Es verbietet unter anderem die Übernahme von ausländischen Rundfunk- und Fernsehprogrammen in serbischer Sprache und schränkt die freie Berichterstattung ein.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 20.10.1998 23:00  http://seite1.web.de/show/362CF9F0.NL1/
    Nato-Rat berät angesicht jüngster Gefechte über Lage im Kosovo
    Brüssel (dpa) - Der Nato-Rat kommt heute (Mittwoch) wieder zu Beratungen über die Lage im Kosovo-Konflikt zusammen. Dabei dürften die jüngsten Gefechte zwischen serbischen Sicherheitskräften und der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK zur Sprache kommen.
         Die Nato hatte am vergangenen Freitag ihre Frist für ein militärisches Eingreifen bis zum 27. Oktober verlängert. Sie verlangt von Serbien den Abzug der Sicherheitskräfte und eine friedliche Beilegung des Konfliktes.
         Am Nachmittag tagt der Nato-Rußland-Rat zum selben Thema.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 20.10.1998 21:12  http://seite1.web.de/show/362CE0B5.NL1/
    US-Vermittler Hill erwartet Kosovo-Abkommen bis Mitter November
    Belgrad (dpa) - Ein Abkommen über die friedliche Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts könnte bis Mitte November vereinbart werden. Diese Erwartung äußerte der US-Vermittler Christopher Hill am Dienstag in Belgrad in einem Gespräch mit Redakteuren unabhängiger serbischer Medien.
         «Vielleicht klingt das optimistisch, aber in diesem Geschäft müssen wir Optimisten sein», zitierte ihn am Abend die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta.
         Nachdem die serbische Regierung ihr Programm zur Lösung der Kosovo-Krise veröffentlicht habe, berate jetzt die internationale Gemeinschaft mit den Vertretern der Kosovo-Albaner, um ein Abkommen zwischen beiden Seiten zu erzielen, sagte der US-Diplomat. Aber erst müsse das Töten im Kosovo aufhören, erst dann könne es zum direkten Dialog zwischen Serben und Albanern kommen.
         Hill und der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark sollten sich in den späten Abendstunden gemeinsam mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic treffen, meldete der Belgrader Sender B 92.
    © dpa
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Betreff:         NAAC Meets with Holbrooke
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 12:50:14 EDT
        Von:         NAACDC@aol.com
    Keshilli Kombetar Shqiptaro-American
    1899 L Street, NW  Suite 1130
    Washington, DC  20036
    Tel: (202) 955-1428 Fax: (202) 955-1429

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                CONTACT:   Aferdita Rakipi
    October 20, 1998                                                    (202) 955-1428


    Washington – Representatives from the National Albanian American Council (NAAC) and other community leaders met on Monday in New York City with United States Ambassador Richard Holbrooke.  Last week, the West presented a proposed agreement on the future of Kosova which provides the Kosovar Albanians with less political rights than they enjoyed under the old Yugoslav Constitution. Albanian Kosovar leaders have thus far rejected the agreement.

    The proposed agreement falls far short of the Clinton Administration's support of  "expanded" autonomy for Kosovar Albanians.

    NAAC conveyed to Holbrooke its strong belief that the proposal is unacceptable.  It rewards Slobodan Milosevic for his murderous campaign, while punishing his victims – Albanian women, children, and the elderly. Furthermore, the proposal plants the seeds for future repression of Kosovar Albanians and greater Balkan instability, and will only serve to continue the radicalization of both Albanians and Serbs.  Lastly, the proposal strengthens Milosevic at a time when the West should be working to decrease his influence in Yugoslavia and the Balkans.

    Although Ambassador Holbrooke's comments were "off the record," he did indicate that there is not yet an agreement and that the United States is continuing to discuss the future of Kosova with both sides.

    NAAC believes that our Nation's interests can be best served if the United States mediates negotiations between the Serbs and Albanians in an effort to achieve independence and self-determination for the Albanians and real peace in the Balkans.

    Betreff:         Kosov@ - OSZE sucht Beobachter
    Datum:         Sun, 18 Oct 1998 11:06:39 +0100
        Von:         Christopher Temt <temt@ins.at>
    "... Die OSZE-Beobachtertruppe soll insgesamt 2.ooo Mitglieder umfassen ... es ist unklar, ob so eine grosze Zahl an Beobachter in so kurzer Zeit zusammenkommen kann." Zeitungsmeldung vom Fr. 16. Okt. ´98

    Zivildiener in Oesterreich fordern schon seit laengerem eine 1-monatige Ausbildung waehrend ihres Dienstes, um anschlieszend genau fuer solche OSZE-/UNO-Einsaetze freiwillig zur Verfuegung stehen zu koennen.
    Das Konzept des DiplomZIVIs dazu:   http://www.zivildienst.at/Texte/diplomzivi.htm

    Fuer naehere Informationen zum Zivildienst am besten persoenlich am ZiviTAG am Freitag den 23. Oktober vorbeischauen:   http://www.zivildienst.at/zivitag98.htm
    Wir bitten die Medien den ZiviTAG ´98 in ihren Veranstaltungskalender aufzunehmen !

    Umfassende Informationen über den Kosov@ mit Texten von:
    Dr. Irmtraut Karlsson; Dr. Alois Mock; Alexander Lange; Dardan Gashi; Reinhard Laurer; Dr. Vojislav Seselj
    und Spendenkonto:

    mit zivilen Grueszen
    Christopher Temt
    0663 / 97 090 59

            Diskussionsforum zum Zivildienst (BlackBox):

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1589
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 17:48:42 +0200
        Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 21 October 1998

    President Rugova Receives UN Delegation

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr Ibrahim Rugova received today a UN delegation, headed by Mr. Staffan de Mistura, who are on a fact-finding mission to Kosova.
    The situation in Kosova is dangerous and volatile, as a result of the Serbian military and police offensives against the Albanian people, President Rugova said.
    The Serb regime has not been complying with UNSCR 1199, Rugova said, adding that Serb forces are not being withdrawn, but rather regrouping in Kosova.
    Hailing the establishment of NATO aerial and OSCE ground verification regimes in Kosova, the Kosova President said a comprehensive international protection for the people of Kosova is needed. He pressed for the deployment of NATO troops in Kosova.
    The people of Kosova have opted in referendum for independence of their country, Rugova said, concluding that an independent Kosova, with an interim stage international protectorate, would stabilize the entire south-eastern Europe.
    After the meeting, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, the head of the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's mission to Kosova, told the press in Prishtina he had met with Dr. Rugova, "based on the need to encounter all the personalities who are important on the issue of Kosova".
    He said he would make no declaration till the mission is over.

    Kosova Negotiators Meet with British Foreign Secretary Cook in Shkup

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - Dr. Fehmi Agani and Ms Edita Tahiri, members of the Kosova negotiating team, were to meet today with British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Robin Cook, in Shkup, FYROM capital.
    Reports said Mr. Cook would try to persuade the Kosovars the Holbrooke-Milosevic deal is the best one for the moment.
    The Kosova negotiating team has objected to the U.S. envoy, Chris Hill's plan for an interim solution in Kosova. In some occasions, Albanian negotiators said the plan could not even serve as a basis for further talks.

    Three Malisheva Villages Shelled by Serb Forces Tuesday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - Serbian military forces positioned at Ostrozub shelled yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon in the direction of the villages of Ostrozub, Dragobil and Guriq of the municipality of Malisheva, LDK sources said. There were no reported victims.
    Meanwhile, sources said Serb forces based in Malisheva, Dragobil, Shkorashnik and Carrallukë resumed shelling the villages of Tërpezë, Lladroc, Senik, etc. Serb police tried to enter part of the village of Bllacë in a bid to loot Albanian homes. They were resisted by UÇK members and after an exchange of fire, police withdrew to its base in the Sukaj and Bajraktari family compounds, sources said.
    New refugees, fleeing Tërpezë and two family compounds of the village of Lladrofc, have been arriving in Ngucat to escape Serb shelling.
    The health situation of the six-month boy, Albion Bali Krasniqi, is grave. He was wounded yesterday together with his mother, Shpresa (30), in Tërpezë village.

    Heavy Detonations in Shalë e Bajgorës Villages Tuesday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - Heavy detonations were heard yesterday (Tuesday) around 14:00 in the villages of Mazhiq, Rashan, Melenicë, Trepçali and Bare of the Shalë e Bajgorës region, which straddles the municipalities of Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Podujeva, LDK sources in Mitrovica said.
    Serb police reservists and civilians opened fire from automatic weapons overnight in the "Kroi i Vitakut" neighborhood in Mitrovica.
    Meanwhile, three Serb tanks and seven lorryloads of policemen left the Serbian military garrisons in Mitrovica today (Wednesday) morning and headed for Stari Tërg, the LDK chapter in Mitrovica said.
    Eight lorryloads of Serb police arrived in Mitrovica at 8:30 o'clock in the morning today. They came from Skenderaj area.
    The lorries were full of home appliances looted by Serb police in Albanian villages of Skenderaj, sources said.

    One More Killed Albanian Found in Deliu Family Compound Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - The killed body of a still unidentified man has been found in a well of the Deliu family compound in Obri e Epërme village of Skenderaj ('Srbica'), the local chapter of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said.
    It is suspected that the killed is one of the members of the Deliu family, massacred by Serb forces on 28 September. Two of them have been missing since then, Hajriz Fazli Deliu (35) and Sherif Deliu.
    The killed man may well turn to be the 25th slain member of the extended Deliu family.
    The massacre by Serb forces of the Deliu family late last month outraged the world public. [See related story below, "Member of Deliu..."]

    Member of Deliu Family Dies in Hospital of Wounds Received in Serb Slaughter

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - Last evening, Bedrie Deliu (25), mother of four, resident of Obria e Epërme village of Skenderaj, died in the intensive care unit of the Prishtina hospital, the KIC has learned.
    Hospital sources said she had been taken there with serious wounds to the head, as a result of physical torture.
    Bedrie was a member of the Deliu extended family, 25 members of whom were massacred by Serb forces in their native village of Obri late last month.

    Remains of Carbonated Body of Albanian Found in Jezerc Village of Ferizaj

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - The remains of the burned body of Hamdi Biba (68), killed by Serb paramilitary police forces in Jezerc village, were found Monday, a family member said.
    Shaqir Biba, Hamdi's son, told the LDK chapter in Ferizaj he found the body of his burned father tied to a pillar in the lobby of his burned house.
    "My father was probably executed first, then burned, because casings of spent bullets were near his body", Shaqir said.
    Hamdi Biba is the 14th Albanian slain by Serb forces in the village of Jezerc.

    Serb Police Kills Albanian in Raushiq Tuesday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - Serbian forces killed yesterday (Tuesday) an Albanian man, around 60 years of age, in the village of Raushiq of the municipality of Peja, the LDK chapter in Peja said. The name of the killed man has not been reported.
    There is a heavy Serb forces' presence in Raushiq and other Peja villages. Albanian villagers who have stayed behind or been trickling back to their homes in Peja villages are routinely ill- treated and arrested by Serb forces, sources said.

    Serb Police Illtreats Albanian Patients, Medical Staff, and Passers-bye in Prishtina
    Five wounded Albanian men, eight women and three children are at the mercy of Serb police in the Lungs Hospital in Dragodan neighborhood, sources say

    PRISHTINA, Oct 21 (KIC) - Serbian police have been ill-treating and harassing Albanian patients and medical staff in the Hospital for Lungs Diseases, as well as passers-by in the road passing along the front yard of the hospital situated in the Dragodan neighborhood of the Kosova capital, Prishtina.
    Serbian policemen have been placed, as it were, on duty in the Lungs Hospital a week or so ago, when NATO threatened air strikes against Serb targets.
    Hospital sources told the KIC a number of wounded Albanians, with the status of detainees [!], were taken out of the Surgery Clinic in the main Prishtina hospital and transferred to the Lungs Hospital so as to make room for potential patients in case of NATO strikes.
    Five wounded Albanian men, eight women, and three children are still in the Lungs Hospital. They are placed in the first floor, in the oncology department, alongside with ten Serb policemen who are on duty to guard the detainees, the KIC has been told by hospital staff on condition of anonymity.
    Most of the patients, excluding seriously ill ones, have been in fact driven out of the hospital to create space for pending wounded people.
    The wounded Albanian detainees, now holed up in the Lungs Hospital, are from war zones in Kosova.
    In one room, which is held permanently under lock, is where the five wounded men have been placed. Arbër and Valon, are the names of two ones, a third is surnamed Gjokaj and is seriously wounded, sources told the KIC. The names of two other wounded persons have not been made known.
    Five wounded women and three wounded children together with their mothers are in another room. A six-year child has an amputated leg, whereas another one had his arm immobilized till recently.
    Police, who have been on guard in shifts, have unrestricted access to all parts of the hospital. Reportedly, they attempted to hand- cuff the wounded Albanians who are being held under the status of detainees. Doctors reacted to such an attempt, sources said.
    Police have been harassing and threatening Albanian patients. In a couple of occasions, police reportedly ordered that the wounded people be denied their meals.
    There are up to ten policemen in one shift inside the hospital and outside it. They have recently been occupying upper stories, allegedly as a cover from eventual attacks by the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army).
    Patients and hospital staff have eye-witnessed horrendous scenes created by police in the street just in front of the Lungs hospital in Dragodan neighborhood.
    Several police ill-treat routinely passers-bye in the street. The Albanians are asked whether they are in possession of hard currency. Cars are routinely stopped, and drivers and others harassed and beaten up.

    Police threaten to rape Albanian girls
    An eye-witness described the horrendous scene of Tuesday evening, 20 October. Around 18:45, four policemen stopped two young Albanian girls, ill-treated and threatened them barbarically, the eye- witness told the KIC on condition of anonymity.
    The police were touching the girls with truncheons in all parts of the body, offended and provoked them. The terrified girls were screaming for help, the eye-witness said, because the policemen were threatening they would rape the girls. This scene was being watched by two policemen and a hospital guard from inside.
    An Albanian hospital nurse rescued the girls, snatched them from Serb hands, the eye-witness said, adding that the girls were then given a lift to their homes by a doctor.
    The medical staff of the Lungs Hospital have been crying foul over their predicament, too. Policemen have not been sparing them of ill-treatment, either. Drunken Serb policemen are there always to threaten Albanians inside or near the hospital, situated in Dragodan, around 100 meters away from the American Center in Prishtina.
    International organizations could perhaps do something about their plight in the hands of cruel Serb policemen.

    Kosova Information Center
    Last page!

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 21, 1998  at 22:10 hrs
    KOSOVA (Cook meets Kosova delegation)
    Cook: The agreement means starting of the political process- and not ist ending

    Shkup, 21 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    "We had a very good meeting with Professor Agani. We exchanged opinions about the prevailing crisis in Kosova and the possibilities for its solution", stated the British Foreign Minister, Robin Cook, after meeting with the political delegation of the Kosova Albanians in hotel "Alexander Palace" in Shkup, on Wednesday.
    Dr. Agani, accompanied by Edita Tahiri, member of the Albanian negotiating team, came in Shkup invited by the British Foreign Minister.
    "I assured Agani that Britain will not stop the efforts for finding a political solution for the Kosova problem. Great Britain had a leading role in the very hard double-path diplomacy authorized by the Contact Group for Kosova and strongly supported by NATO threats", claimed Cook.
    The British Foreign Minister answered the numerous question of the journalists with a particular emphasis on the role of Great Britain in Kosova’s question, during the course of the last weeks.
    "Great Britain was strong in the discussion (which took place both in NATO and the Contact Group) concerning the exercise of maximal pressure on "Yugoslav" President Milosevic -- to withdraw his military and police troops; to allow the return of the refugees into their houses and to initiate a political process which would ensure a self-governance of Kosova", claimed Cook.
    Concerning the credibility of the air raids of NATO and the posed ultimatums, Cook stated that he does not believe that "we would have had the agreement we have now, if we would not have used the threats of using the force".
    "I also assured Agani that Great Britain does not regard the agreement as the end of the process -- but on the contrary, it is its beginning and Britain will again aspire for the leading role in order to achieve it".
    As it concerns the OSCE verifying mission which is expected to arrive in Kosova these days, the British Foreign Minister claimed that, "Britain already has fulfilled its commitments concerning the verifying mission and this is the reason of sending (our) aircrafts over Kosova in order to observe the realization of NATO verifying process".
    "Maybe this is the main reason why I am in Macedonia", as he said, " in order to discuss with the ministers about cooperation to ensure stability in Kosova and in the entire region", Cook stated.
    Fehmi Agani, representative of the Albanian delegation, after the meeting with the British chief of diplomacy, "expressed the gratitude and acknowledgement for the really significant and positive engagement of Great Britain, concerning the solution of the Kosova problem".
    Agani claimed further that, "during the meeting, we expressed our opinions concerning the predominant situation and the possibilities for solving this problem. We asked, we found support and we were given the promise that Great Britain will be engaged also in the future, in the solution of this problem".
    Pertaining to the draft-document presented by the American mediator Holbrooke and its interim agreement achieved in Belgrade, Agani noticed that, "it is a draft on which we, of course, have remarks, although we have not published them yet, since we think that they will be settled during the negotiating process".
    "Nevertheless, we have not refused the plan", answered Agani in the questions whether the Albanian side has definitely refused the regulations proposed with this document.
    "We do not reject any eventual project. We will observe each one of them and try to agree upon what we can.
    "(The agreement) is not definite yet. If we have to deal with an agreement, which ought to imply the fulfillment of the UN SC requests, then we will be satisfied. If, in any case we have to deal with an agreement which implies the solution of Kosova problem, then we are in the phase of the initiation, and for that we still ought to discuss", said Agani at the end.
    The member of the Albanian negotiating team, Edita Tahiri stated that, "the interim settlement (which was offered with the draft document) excludes the option of independence of Kosova. On the other hand, the Albanian side considers that after the interim period expires, organizing a referendum on the future of Kosova, would be the most adequate and due approach, for the just solution of the actual and historical problems in Kosova".
    "The Albanian side is continuing to offer its proposals and remarks to some points -- and one of them, very essential, is the decisive request to have a referendum held", claimed Tahiri.

    The NATO verifying mission named "Hawk Eye"

    Brussels, 21 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    "We would wish that other ally countries send their verifying planes as well, because presently all we have are the American U2", stated a NATO senior official. He announced that the NATO verifying operation, named "Hawk Eye", will be starting during the next following days.
    "This operation plan was presented by the military authorities and it is being contemplated by the NATO Security Council, as its approval is expected in the coming hours", the senior Alliance official claimed. NATO sources announced that there will be close collaboration and coordination between this military organization and OSCE, which will be conducting the verifying process on the ground.
    During the next coming days, this is expected to be formalized by an agreement between NATO and OSCE. "It is essential for us to have exchange of information with OSCE, but also exchange of intelligence inspectors", claimed one of the officials. Concerning the cooperation and coordination with OSCE, a joint office of coordination is also expected to be established somewhere outside Kosova, announced NATO sources.
    Following today's first meeting of the Council, the senior official stated that they will form the "Rescue Forces" or "Withdrawal Forces", which would act in great speed, in case the OSCE verifiers in the ground are threatened. This would be a mission also controlled by NATO, as the legal base for it is expected to be given in the next UN Security Council resolution. "This resolution should make it clear to Milosevic, that he cannot escape from the UN pressure to fulfill the demands", said one of the NATO officials, insisting to remain anonymous. Concerning the security of the OSCE verifiers in Kosova, NATO already thinks that the largest responsibility falls onto Milosevic, who guaranteed their security. Answering to "KOHA Ditore" correspondent’s question, as to whether Milosevic could use the OSCE verifying mission and "the concern for their security" as a pretext to keep the police troops in Kosova, the senior official claimed that this will not be allowed. He criticized the killing of the Serb policemen in Kosova during the last weekend, expressing a reserve whether this was committed by the KLA or not. He also said that KLA should also be responsible for the situation and should sustain itself from provocation, because "thus, they will only work against the people of Kosova".
    "Despite this, Milosevic cannot use KLA as a pretext not to fulfill the demands for the withdrawal of the forces from the ground and Kosova", said the NATO official. He said that even in the cases of provocation, the army will not be allowed to go out, shell and destroy villages as they had been doing lately. "We make a call to the soldiers to immediately return to the military barracks in Prishtina, and not to frighten the population that is returning home".
    Asked as to whether they will sign any agreement with KLA, so they would also obtain their guarantees, the NATO official said that presently, they are not thinking of such an agreement, because it is still not clear who is behind the KLA.

    KOSOVA (Solana-Westendorp meet)
    Solana-Westendorp meeting: "Kosova more difficult than Bosnia"

    Brussels, 21 October (ARTA) 2000CET -
    "The NATO Council had much work in the last months concerning the situation in Kosova, but the situation in Bosnia and our mission there remains NATO's greatest challenge", stated the NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, after meeting the High Representative of the International Community in Bosnia, Carlos Westendorp. He further stated that a meeting of the Council for the Implementation of Peace, which will contemplate the further plan of the SFOR mandate in Bosnia and Hercegovina will be held in December.
    Concerning this, Westendorp stated that changes are expected in the implementation of the agreement, but according to him, there will not be any noticeable reduction in the number of the international troops in Bosnia.
    "The arrival of around 10,000 refugees from Kosova to Bosnia and Hercegovina, is the most visible aspect of the conflict in Kosova, that also affects the situation in Bosnia", said Westendrop. This, according to him, makes a great impact on the inter-ethnic relations, because there were several radical statements by several Serb officials in Bosnia, concerning the arrival of Albanians from Kosova into Bosnia and Hercegovina. He said that the SFOR mission in Bosnia and Hercegovina and the verification mission in Kosova, are very difficult and the distinction is that the Bosnian one is military, whereas the one in Kosova has a more observing character.

    KOSOVA (new victim – Drenica)
    CDHRF: "Another victim of the Delijaj family found"

    Prishtina, 21 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    CDHRF notifies that another victim of the Delijaj family was found on 21 October. "The corpse was identified as Fazli Delijaj (1964), of whom nothing was known since 26 September, when this family was massacred", CDHRF states. "His body was found in a pond in the Delijaj neighborhood. He was cut in the throat and palatum and was shot in the head at point-blank from a short distance. It is also to be mentioned that his wife Zahide, daughters Gentiana and Donjeta were massacred, whereas his father, Fazli, was burned inside his house", states CDHRF.

    KOSOVA (missing found dead – Suharekë)
    Found the body of a missing person

    Suharekë, 21 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    The corpse of Ruzhdi Qatani, teacher from Duhël was found on Tuesday, near the forest by the "Sopa" neighborhood in the village of Duhël. Qatani was missing since two months ago.
    According to CDHRF sources in Suharekë, two months ago, the police took him from his house and took him to an unknown direction.
    The locals found him on Tuesday and buried him in his village.
    Witnesses claim that his body was partially burned and he was missing one finger and his engagement ring.

    KOSOVA (no withdrawal – Klinë)
    Anti-air missiles still in Sverkë

    Klinë, 21 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    The arrival of the OSCE observers in Klinë, forced the Serb forces to withdraw from the town and settle in the agricultural buildings, hotels and in the abandoned Albanian owned houses in the town's outskirts.
    300 Serb policemen and paramilitary are sheltered in the seed factory in Klinë, while in Motel "Nora", the number of the policemen and paramilitary has tripled, meanwhile the police checkpoint in Dollc, is being fortified with construction material.
    Different caliber shooting, including flares, were occasionally heard last night in the region of Sverkë. On the other hand, Kramovik (Rahovec municipality), Rakovinë and other villages of the municipality of Gjakovë, were shelled today from three points where the Serb forces are stationed in the village of Mrasor.
    Two system anti-air missiles and three trucks full of Serb soldiers arrived in Sverkë today at around 1100CET.
    Telephone lines were established between the Serb military\police bases in this region.

    KOSOVA (detonations – Mitrovicë)
    Detonations in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës

    Mitrovicë, 21 October (ARTA) 2110CET --
    Loud detonations were heard on Tuesday at around 1400CET, in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës -- Mazhiq, Rashan, Melenicë, Trepçali and Bare, Albanian sources from Mitrovicë inform.
    The same sources state that 3 tanks and 7 trucks filled with Serb soldiers, departed from the military barrack in Mitrovicë early this morning, continuing the way to Stantërg, to later position in the military base in the village of Kutlloc in Shalë e Bajgorës, from where the nearby villages are shelled and shot at every day.
    On the other hand, new forces arrived from the direction of Serbia today at around 1015CET, going in the direction of Skënderaj. Tuesday night, up to the early morning hours, the Serb police and paramilitary shot on the "Kroi i Vitakut" neighborhood. Afterwards, they also fired in the direction of "Tavnik" neighborhood in Mitrovicë, inducing great fear and panic among the local inhabitants.

    KOSOVA (wounded – Malishevë)
    The six-month-old child saved

    Prishtina, 21 October (ARTA) 2010CET --
    After many sufferings, Albian Krasniqi, a six-month-old child from Tërpezë, municipality of Malishevë, managed to arrive somehow in Prishtina. He was wounded along with his mother Shpresa during the shelling that took place in this village on Tuesday. After the quick medical intervention, his life was saved.
    "Thanks to the quick intervention, we saved the life of the wounded child from Tërpezë", said Dr. Lutfi Dervishi. He added that "presently, on the right side of his body, he still has a part of the shell, which we will remove after a week ".

    KOSOVA (sentence – Pejë)
    Student Avni Shala sentenced with 3 years in prison

    Pejë, 21 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    On Monday, the Municipal Court in Pejë sentenced Avni Shala (25), a student from Loxhë, with 3 years in prison, local sources in Pejë inform.
    Avni Shala is charged of "terrorism" and he is serving his sentence in the Mitrovicë prison.

    KOSOVA (killed – Pejë)
    Serb police kill an Albanian from Raushiq

    Pejë, 21 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    In the village of Raushiq, municipality of Pejë, Serb forces killed a sixty-years-old Albanian, on Tuesday , LDK sources in Pejë inform. According to the same sources, the circumstances under which he was killed remain unknown.

    KOSOVA (return of IDPs – Suharekë)
    People of Peçan to spend the winter in their ruined houses

    Peçan, 21 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    The Suharekë municipal village of Peçan, same as many other villages of Kosova, was destroyed in the course of the Kosova conflict. More than 250 houses (out of total 270) are burnt and destroyed, five locals were killed while 21 were wounded. The village resembles a huge ruin, even two months after the Serb offensive. Although a number of people have returned into their houses, the conditions in them do not differ at all from the plastic tents in the mountains and valleys of Kosova.
    The residents of Peçan were engaged in setting the tents in those areas, which have remained as most suitable for spending the upcoming winter.
    "Our 22-member family has invested more than 2 million DM in these houses (3 houses and 8 shops) which were furnished with Slovenian production furniture and central heating systems, Now, everything is turned into ashes", states Naim.
    Another peasant was trying to set plastic sheeting on top of the burned roof of his house. As he says, "even if you have money, you cannot find bricks anywhere".
    "My name is Nezir Hoxha, and I am 48 years old. The winter is coming and we are homeless. We are staying in some damp basements and we will probably hardly survive until the spring. But we have no other choice but try to get over all this", says another peasant.
    While strolling around the village, one could see the houses transformed into ruins, the shelled minaret of the mosque, while the local school building has turned into the nest of ravens.
    The only association, which is still acting in this, are is the Emergency Council. Several activists were distributing a very little quantity of the humanitarian assistance, while the others were assessing the inflicted damages by the Serb forces.
    According to Muhamet Xhemajliu, an activist of this association, "the overall value of the damages, without taking into account the livestock and damaged crops, reaches 21 million DM".
    According to him, "most of the residents of this village have returned, but it is very hard for them to stay here because they do not have any shelter. This winter will be severe indeed", he stated at the end.

    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 20, 1998  at 21:45 hrs
    KOSOVA (victims – Drenica)
    Serb sniper shoots a 23-year-old

    Drenica, 20 October (ARTA) 1800CET--
    Serb snipers from the Rezallë checkpoint killed Ali (Muharrem) Ahmeti (23) from this village, on Monday. Ali was buried yesterday in the Tushilë village, claimed Murat Musliu chairman of the SCDHRF.
    Large movements of Serb Military forces were noticed yesterday in Drenica. They were getting into new positions. The village of Polluzhë is turned into a strong military base, states Murat Musliu-chairman of the SCDHRF. Tanks are dug-in in this village. According to the witnesses, around 50 tanks are installed there so far. The excavators of the Serb military are digging since three days in the yard of elementary school "Emin Duraku" in Likovc, and tanks and heavy armament is being installed. A carrier of surface to surface missiles was sent into this village yesterday. Most of the Serb soldiers are staying into the abandoned Albanian houses in the villages Likovc, Makërmal, and Polluzhë.

    KOSOVA (victims – Drenica)
    9-year-old child dies due to lack of food and medicine

    Drenica, 20 October (ARTA) 1520CET --
    Flamur Zatriqi (9), from the village of Baincë died as a result of the food and medicine lack, in the forest of Gryka e Vuçakut. The infant and his parents have been staying in the forest, out in the open, for two weeks.

    KOSOVA (victims – Deçan)
    Police brings five corpses to the Gjakovë Hospital

    Deçan, 20 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    Albanian sources notify that the Serb police brought two female corpses, in their thirties, said to have been burned, to the hospital morgue of Gjakovë, Sunday.
    They are supposed to be from the territory of the Deçan municipality. The same sources state that on Monday, the Serb police brought three other young, male, unidentified corpses, to the same hospital morgue. It is assessed that these persons were from the village of Kralan, municipality of Gjakovë, where since 14 October, large Serb police forces are settled in the local school building.
    On the other hand, no Serb police\military forces were witnessed withdrawing from their positions in the territory of the municipality of Deçan. On the contrary, they are even reinforcing.
    Serb police forces settled for the first time in the village of Dashinoc on Saturday, same as in the elementary school buildings in the village of Manzik, where classes were expected to start today.

    KOSOVA (missing persons – Prizren)
    Dozens of Albanians missing

    Prizren, 20 October (ARTA) 1830CET --
    The Serb District Court of Prizren postponed on Tuesday, the trial of 4 Albanians from Suharekë municipality who are being charged for "terrorism". The Serb police arrested Afrim Beqir Krasniqi from the suburb of Tusus and he is currently under custody. The procedure of investigation against this young Albanian is initiated as well.
    Yet, there is no confirmation on the fate of dozens of Albanians who are missing since three months (respectively two months ago) at the time when the offensives in Rahovec, Malishevë, Suharekë and Prizren were undertaken, state the sources of SCDHRF in Prizren.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces – Sverkë)
    Serb force repositioning continues in the Sverkë region

    Klinë, 20 October (ARTA) 1630CET --
    Occasional shooting was continued last night in the region of Sverkë. Today, Serb force reinforcements, mainly motorized machinery, were constantly arriving at the place called Fusha Lahës. At around 0900CET, 3 APCs and trucks filled with Serb soldiers positioned near Sverkë. An excavator was working throughout the day by the bauxite mine in Volljakë, as in the village the Serb police burned two Albanian houses. They also burned houses in the Buzhala neighborhood, in the village of Çabiq. The Serb police, today from 1400CET shelled the villages of Kramovik, and Rakovinë, municipality of Gjakovë, until 1500CET, from their military\police stationing points in Mrasor.
    While sporadic shootouts continue, the death toll among Albanian refugees rises. Veli Krasniqi (75), from Përçevë, died as a result of the bad living conditions, under the open sky, near the village of Turjakë, municipality of Malishevë. While Doctor Zaim Gashi is kept in the Pejë prison, the number of the ill increases constantly.
    The Serb police, wearing civilian clothes, went out in the streets of Klinë, today and evidenced Albanians, arresting the ones coming from the war afflicted areas.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces – Prizren)
    Serb forces position in city factories

    Prizren, 20 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    Albanian sources from Prizren confirm that since Sunday, Serb military forces got stationed in the factories of town, managed by Serb directors. A military convoy made of 12 trucks and 2 APCs was seen entering the metal factory "Metalac", but it is also confirmed that another convoy entered the shoe factory "Komuna". Heavy military machinery is supposed to have been stationed in the other factories of the industrial zone of the town.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces – Gllogoc)
    Serb military battalion heads to Drenica

    Gllogoc, 20 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    A regular "Yugoslav" army unit was concentrated in Komoran, where three Serb policemen were killed on Saturday in an attack, blamed by Belgrade on the KLA. The Western diplomats and witnesses state that large motorized and armored units departed from Prishtina. Sources close to KLA claim that civilians are inside the territory of the fierce shelling, although there is no independent confirmation concerning this fact, the foreign media notified on Monday.
    Western diplomats and other witnesses claimed to have seen tanks, APCs, artillery weaponry, and infantry departing from the military barrack in Prishtina and heading to the region of Drenica.
    They are referring to the military force of a size of a battalion, said an official and added that this is very serious. The armed column was seen moving in the direction of the checkpoint in Komoran, where the Serb police are fighting the KLA.
    The village of Orllat is situated nearby. Saturday night, three policemen were killed in this village, during an attack, which according to the Serb authorities was undertaken by the KLA.
    Whether this movement of the "Yugoslav" military units, from the barracks, presents a violation of the UN Resolution, based on which the NATO air attacks are still possible to be launched, waits to be seen. The Western officials in Prishtina claim that this is a military unit centered in Kosova, and not brought from other parts of Serbia and it is still not clear as to whether they have violated the UN resolution. On the other hand, the journalists and diplomats seem to keep themselves away from the schemes of the "Yugoslav" security forces. Nevertheless, all the signs show that while the OSCE observers arrive in Kosova, the conflict here is very far from ending.

    KOSOVA (Serb shelling – Malishevë)
    Mother and child wounded during the shelling in Tërpezë – four Albanians arrested

    Malishevë, 20 October (ARTA) 1945CET --
    A thirty-year-old woman and her 6-month-old child were wounded during last evening's shelling in the village of Tërpezë, municipality of Malishevë. They are in critical condition as they were not allowed to be sent to the hospital, Albanian sources claim.
    Yesterday's shelling lasted from 1715CET until 1900CET, as they recommenced at 0000CET and continued until 0100CET. It is stated that the target of the shelling in the village of Tërpezë were not only the houses, but also the schools, health stations and the plastic tents, where the population is sheltered.
    The police in Kraishtë village, municipality of Lipjan, arrested four young Albanians from the village of Lladrovc, municipality of Malishevë, on Monday. LDK information sources claim that they were sent to the police station in Lipjan where they underwent severe maltreatment. Only one of them was released as the others continue to be kept under arrest.

    KOSOVA (Serb reinforcements – Lipjan)
    Police reinforcements in "Qafa e Goleshit"

    Lipjan, 20 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Due to the police reinforcement in "Qafa e Goleshit", near Magurë, where three days ago, two journalists of the "Tanjug" news agency were lost without a trace, no buses traveled in the line Shalë e Drenicës-Prishtina, today. Under this iron police siege, and blocked by the checkpoints in "Gryka e Llapushnikut", in the village of Kleçkë and along the asphalt road Orllat-Malishevë-Duhël, the residents feel threatened from possible shelling.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces – Prishtina)
    Large Serb military forces position in Teneshdoll neighborhood

    Prishtina, 20 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    A large convoy of Serb forces composed of tanks, trucks and other motorized vehicles, settled in the Teneshdoll neighborhood in Prishtina, at the place called "Kulina", on Monday at around 1300CET, LBD information service informs. It is claimed that the Serb soldiers settled in the nearby forest.

    KOSOVA (Demaçi – press conference)
    Demaçi: KLA could accept any solution resulting with the fulfillment of the referendum held in September 1991

    Prishtina, 20 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    The KLA political representative Adem Demaçi in the very beginning of the press conference refuted the statements of Henry Kissinger that, "A fight between the Islamic and Christian culture is being carried out in Kosova".
    "Albanians profess to three confessions and no inter-religious disputes were written in their history. Therefore this is neither a religious conflict as Mr.Kissinger states nor an ethnic conflict, but it is a conflict between the enslaved Albanian nation and Serb regimes which has continued to work since 1878 against all non-Serb nations".
    Plenty of questions were posed to Demaçi during his press conference especially concerning the letter, which "Reporteurs sans frontiers" has addressed to the KLA political representative. In that letter, it is demanded that Demaçi "do his best in securing information about the fate of the two reporters of 'Tanjug', who disappeared in the Magurë region".
    "Reporteurs..." claim that, "they have reasons to suspect that they were abducted by KLA".
    "I feel sorry for the fate of every human, and so for the fate of the reporters", claimed Demaçi initially, adding further that "Since you (the journalists) could come and take a permission, they (those reporters) ought to know that an office also exists, where they can get a permission to go in the territories controlled by KLA".
    "If they are in the hands of any of the local headquarters, or the KLA General Headquarter has any information on this issue, then I do not believe that they will be in trouble", he claimed, expressing the doubt that this could be "a trick or a set-up of the Serb regime in order to distort the KLA policy".
    Demaçi also expressed doubts concerning the recent killings of the Serb policemen. Those may be "Actions intending to falsely alarm the public opinion that the KLA proclaims it will restraint itself, while in the other hand the police is being shot at".
    "It is very good that the world is alarmed for the fate of the two reporters, but I can not understand why the world is not alarmed about the fate of Dr. Hafir Shala who is missing since 10 April as well 1.400 missing and abducted Albanians", continued the KLA representative.
    Demaçi confirmed his contacts with Mr.Fehmi Agani, Mr.Veton Surroi, and Mr.Fatmir Sejdiu and explained that he is making efforts to establish a national assembly.
    "...A government to be established including the entire political spectrum of Kosova and to establish an improved negotiating team which will be capable to start themselves the direct negotiations with the Serb side, and not entitle someone else on the behalf of the Albanians to negotiate while the Albanians themselves do not know what has been negotiated", claimed Demaçi concerning the National Assembly.
    Concerning the attitude of KLA regarding the cease-fire proclaimed on 8 October, Demaçi stated "KLA is restrained from the military actions, without needing to talk or negotiate with someone".
    He accused the Serb side for not stopping the fighting at all.
    Asked about what is the minimum of what could accept by KLA, Demaçi answered "KLA may accept every solution which results into the fulfillment of the decisions of the referendum held in September 1991".
    "The Serb side has indicated several times since 8 October that it does not respect the agreement on cease-fire, because it has continued the shelling and burning of the villages as well as the killing of the Albanians. While KLA can resign itself from the decision it has made itself", claimed the KLA political representative at the end of the press conference.

    KOSOVA (OSCE – Kosova)
    OSCE "jeeps" in Ferizaj as well

    Ferizaj, 20 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    Four OSCE field vehicles came to Ferizaj on Monday. Upon their arrival, these international "verifiers", visited the Municipal Council, where it is assessed that they met with the Serb installed leadership. Then they visited the Mall, where they are supposed to set up their offices.
    So far, the OSCE representatives did not meet with any local Albanian representatives.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • NYT: A Peace Agreement That's Bound to Fail
  • Serbian Unity Congress: Letters to Secretary Albright and Amb. Holbrooke
  • An Opinion from the Church about the Kosovo Issue
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Betreff:         [kosovo] NYT: A Peace Agreement That's Bound to Fail
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 14:29:36 +0200
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery

    The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

    The New York Times
    October 19, 1998, Monday, Late
    Edition - Final
    SECTION: Section A; Page 17; Column 1; Editorial Desk
    HEADLINE: A Peace Agreement That's Bound to Fail
    BYLINE:  By John J. Mearsheimer; John J. Mearsheimer is a professor of
    political science at the University of Chicago

    The Clinton Administration claims that it has made progress toward bringing peace to Kosovo. Don't believe it. The deal arranged by Richard Holbrooke is likely to fail sooner rather than later.The Clinton team wants to end the fighting between ethnic Albanians and Serbs through a settlement that leaves Kosovo as a province within Serbia. It fears that any deal allowing Kosovo its independence wouldencourage ethnic separatism in Bosnia and Macedonia, two multi-ethnic states that the Administration is struggling to hold together.In this the Yugoslavian President, Slobodan Milosevic, shares American aims. Kosovo is not like Bosnia, which Mr. Milosevic tried to tear apart. Where the United States and Mr. Milosevic part company, of course, is that the Serb leader believes that the solution is usingpolice and army troops to crack down on ethnic Albanians, who make up 90 percent of Kosovo's population.
         Mr. Holbrooke's deal, which is more a loose agreement than a coherent plan, would have the Serbs cease all military and police operations in Kosovo and send home all the Serbian forces that have moved into the province over the past seven months. Any troops left in Kosovo would be made to return to their barracks.
         The agreement also seeks to give the Albanians limited autonomy.Specifically, it calls for new elections within nine months forKosovo's parliament and executive, and for creating a police forcethat reflects Kosovo's ethnic composition. Some 2,000 civilian monitors would be put on the ground for at least one year to monitor Serbian compliance. The threat of NATO air strikes would be held overthe Serbs
         This deal is doomed, however, because neither the Albanians nor theSerbs are likely to stick to it. Friday's extending of the deadline for Serbia to comply with its troop withdrawls is a sign of things to come.
         There is near-unanimous agreement among Kosovo's Albanians that full independence is the only acceptable outcome. Even the moderate Ibrahim Rugova, the most influential Albanian leader and an advocate of nonviolence, says adamantly that autonomy within Serbia isn't enough.Albanians might be amenable to delaying a final decision on Kosovo'sstatus for three years if they receive significant autonomy in the meantime, as the Clinton Administration proposes. But when the time is up they will insist on independence and fight to achieve it.In Mr. Milosevic's eyes, any degree of autonomy for Kosovo will onlyaid the Albanian push for independence. Ethnic Serbs have been leaving Kosovo for decades, mainly because job opportunities are poor. In1961, 227,000 Serbs lived in Kosovo; the number today is about 180,000.
         With autonomy, the situation for Kosovo's Serbs would rapidly go frombad to worse. If Albanians controlled Kosovo's main institutions, they would make life very unpleasant for the Serbs.
         The Albanian authorities would find ways to move Serbs out of government jobs and to shut down Serbian-owned enterprises. Serbswould lose control of the educational system, and classes would soon be taught only in Albanian. Because Albanians would control thepolice, Serbs would have little protection from ethnic violence.Militant Albanian separatists would have easy access to arms from neighboring Albania and would surely renew their drive to push the Serbs out.
         Faced with a bleak economic future and the threat of violence, ethnic Serbs would probably flee even faster, just as they left Sarajevo after it was placed under Bosnian Muslim control in 1995. Autonomy for Kosovo, in short, would mean that the local population would becomealmost 100 percent Albanian.
         Mr. Milosevic is unlikely to let the situation reach that point.Instead he is likely to make excuses not to hold elections and to delay changes in the police force, while moving Serbian military forces across the border. Open conflict with the Albanians would be likely to follow, and we would be back at square one. Only this time NATO would find it harder to threaten air strikes, because Mr.Milosevic could take the 2,000 civilian monitors hostage.There is no good solution for the United States to support, but theleast bad option is to convince both sides that the best thing for them is a a real partition separating Kosovo from Serbia. Selling independence to the ethnic Albanians is a no-brainer. And although itmay seem far-fetched, there are convincing reasons for the Serbs tolet Kosovo go.
         Kosovo is an important cultural and historical symbol for the Serbs; it was the center of their medieval empire. Nevertheless, there is reason to think that Serbia might part with the region if the right incentives were provided. Again, demography is the key. Given theimposing disparity in birthrates between Albanians and Serbs (today, 16 Albanian children are born for every Serb baby), the population of Kosovo will continue to shift against the Serbs. Moreover, as the head of the nationalist Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts recently pointed out, Serbs will be a minority in Serbia itself by 2020 if Kosovo remains within its borders.
         With numbers like that, Serbia won't be a Serbian nation-state any more. Hence partition is in the long-term interest of Serb nationalism.
         The United States can offer both carrots and sticks to bring the Serbs along. As a stick, we could threaten to train and arm Albanian separatist forces and to give them tactical air support should the Serbs refuse a fair partition deal.
         As a carrot, the United States could guarantee Serbs leaving Kosovo safe passage to their new homes and compensation for their loss of property and jobs. We could lean on our European allies to help create a fund for that purpose.
         Yes, independence for Kosovo would complicate the Clinton Administration's efforts to hold Bosnia and Macedonia together. Bu tthose are lost causes anyway.
         The effort to stitch Bosnia back together has failed: the Bosnian Serb and Croatian communities both reject the joint Bosnian government, and only the presence of NATO troops keeps the peace. Macedonia is another Kosovo in the making. Ethnic Albanians make up somewhere between 25 and 40 percent of the Macedonian population, and their numbers are growing, as is their desire for independence.
         It is hard for Americans to understand that the breakup of large countries into smaller states can sometimes lead to stability. Bu tunless we intend to intervene in Kosovo and to occupy Bosnia andMacedonia forever, the only way to stop the spread of violence and civil war is to help the antagonists find the best ways to divorce.

    Betreff:         [kosovo] Serbian Unity Congress: Letters to Secretary Albright and Amb. Holbrooke
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:44:17 +0200
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery

    The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.

    Dear List members,
    I have received two letters issued by the Serbian Unity Congress, the most influential Serb organization in USA. I guess you might be interested to hear their positions on the latest developments in Kosovo.

    Fr. Sava

    Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 16:06:28 -0400
    From: Jonathan Clarke <jcahi@mindspring.com>
    Subject: Albright letter about KLA
                                                                       October 19, 1998
    The Honorable Madeleine Albright,
    Secretary of State,
    Department of State,
    Washington, D.C. 20520

    Dear Madam Secretary:

            In previous letters I warned that the prime source of challenge to the American-brokered Belgrade agreement on Kosovo would be the Kosovo Albanian side. Events over the weekend confirm this analysis. With the clock running on a new NATO deadline for possible intervention, a new emergency has arisen that requires immediate and decisive intervention by our government.

            The so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has rejected the agreement and, it is reported, assassinated four Serbian policemen and wounded several others. Two journalists from the Tanjug agency have been kidnapped. Many other attacks have been documented, including the use of grenades against unarmed civilians. The KLA's aims are clear. Just as today's terrorist attacks in Israel were designed to sabotage the Middle East peace talks, so the KLA calculates that it can derail the Belgrade agreement through its acts of terrorism. In February Ambassador Gelbard described the KLA as a terrorist organization. He was absolutely right. These new outrages provide yet further evidence that the KLA is a terrorist organization, profoundly and utterly opposed to American interests in the region.

            The Serbian authorities retain final responsibility for security in Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia. Just as in the U.S., it is the duty of the police and, if necessary, army to maintain public order. The American authorities would not stand by if innocent officials and civilians were murdered here. Neither can the Serbian authorities in Kosovo. By its campaign of murder and violence, the KLA is seeking to back NATO into regarding normal police measures to guarantee public security as violations of the Belgrade agreement. It is seeking to enlist NATO support for its brand of ethnic cleansing. The KLA must not be allowed to get away with this provocation.

            KLA terrorism has brought the Belgrade agreement to a knife-edge. The KLA is trying to push it over the abyss. The Administration has, rightly, been quick to condemn today's terrorist grenade attack in Israel. The situation in Kosovo is precisely parallel. The Administration must be equally forceful in its condemnation of the KLA terrorism. Otherwise it will seem that there is one for standard for terrorism in Israel and a different standard for terrorism when Serbs are the victims.

            While insisting that Belgrade complies with its obligations, it is therefore imperative that our government must also insist that the Kosovo Albanian side honors their obligation under Security Council Resolution 1199 to renounce the use of violence. I urge you to insist that this happens at a very early date. So far American spokesmen, including Ambassador Holbrooke, have concentrated on Serbian compliance and have made no mention of the KLA's violations and provocations.

            The KLA is clearly intent on destroying the Belgrade agreement by violence and terrorism. For the sake of regional peace, humanitarian relief, and the prospects of fruitful negotiations, it is essential that the OSCE implementation observers and NATO monitors bring this KLA terrorism to a swift end.

    Milosh D. Milenkovich

    5851 Pearl Road, Suite 307,
    Cleveland, OH 44130
    tel: (440) 842-2770 fax: (440) 842-2740

    cc:     President Bill Clinton,
            Senate Foreign Relations Committee
            House International Relations Committee
            Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, New York
            Members of NATO
            OSCE Headquarters, Pristina

    Jonathan Clarke
    tel (202) 785-8430
    fax (202) 466-4089
    Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 15:35:02 -0400
    From: Jonathan Clarke <jcahi@mindspring.com>
    Subject: Holbrooke letter

                                                                                           October 20, 1998
    The Honorable Richard Holbrooke,
    Credit Suisse First Boston,
    11 Madison Avenue,
    New York, New York  10010-3629

    Dear Ambassador Holbrooke:

            Yesterday I sent you a copy of my letter to Secretary Albright about the emergency in Kosovo arising from KLA actions against Serbian policemen, civilian officials, other civilians, and journalists. I am now writing directly to you in your capacity as the lead American negotiator and in the belief that your voice will be decisive.

            The Serbian Unity Congress has been a leading organization among the Serbian American Diaspora seeking a negotiated settlement of the Kosovo crisis. We hold no brief for the Belgrade regime and we supported international mediation at a time when this was being rejected in Belgrade. In September, we sponsored a visit to Washington by Kosovo Bishop Artemije to make the case for a peaceful solution.

            In our recent public statements we have welcomed your efforts in averting NATO military intervention. For many reasons, we regard this as a potential disaster. Not only would it severely disrupt humanitarian relief and make peaceful negotiations impossible, it would risk very damaging regional war. I am sending under separate cover a copy of our open letter to President Clinton published in the Washington Times on September 25 setting out our arguments.

            It is clear that we now face a new emergency in Kosovo. This does not, however, arise from Serbian actions. According to our contacts in Kosovo and reports from international agencies, the Serbian authorities are complying with the provisions of the Belgrade agreement. The KLA is doing the opposite. In a series of murders and other attacks it has killed four Serbian policemen, wounded several others, attacked civilian officials, and kidnapped two Tanjug journalists. (This will be of especial concern to you given your actions in Bosnia when, as you relate in your book, you delayed the negotiations pending the release of an American journalist). Further reports of KLA terrorism are coming in as I write. In addition, the KLA is exploiting the withdrawal of Serbian forces to reestablish their presence on the ground.

            These actions by the KLA create a situation in Kosovo that is the precise parallel of the Middle East. In Kosovo the KLA is using assassination and grenade attacks to try to derail an agreement that it rejects and to establish new positions on the ground that will enable them to wreck any future peace deal that falls short of total independence. In Israel Palestinian terrorists are using the same tactics to sabotage the Wye Plantation talks. On the latter, the Administration has swiftly and forcibly condemned the Palestinian terrorism. For their part, the Israelis have suspended negotiations on topics other than security. They have won Administration support for this course of action.

            A similar approach is now needed in Kosovo. The Serbian authorities face a determined and cynical challenge from terrorists utterly opposed to peace. The KLA rejects the Belgrade agreement and refuses to honor its obligations under Security Council Resolution 1199 to renounce violence. In such circumstances, the Serbian authorities have a legal and moral duty to guarantee law and order. They cannot do otherwise.

            This produces a situation that threatens to render the Belgrade agreement and your own efforts null and void. To avert this, it is incumbent on our government and the whole international community to support the legitimate authorities in Serbia in their fight against terrorism. Regretfully, this has not happened to date. Comment from the American side, including from yourself, has focused much more harshly on Serbian actions than the KLA. I have noted some welcome change in the tone of your statements yesterday and also of the State Department and NATO. But these do not go far enough. So far, the KLA has been allowed to operate without restraints and to get away literally with murder.

            For Serb Americans this creates the impression of double standards. Our government takes a strong stand against all manifestations of terrorism except when the victims are Serbs. This is morally unacceptable. It is also unacceptable for pragmatic reasons. If the U.S. insists that the Serbs implement the Belgrade agreement down to the last detail while allowing the KLA carte blanche to violate it and SCR 1199, then the agreement will not be worth the paper it is written on. KLA terrorism will destroy Mr. Rugova's standing, cause your efforts to go to waste, and to bring us to the point of a region-wide war, about the dangers of which you yourself have so cogently warned.

            Mr. Ambassador, I do not have to give you negotiating advice, but the need of the moment is clear. Our government, our NATO allies, and our OSCE partners must join in sending a clear, unambiguous message to the KLA that their terrorism and their efforts to undermine the will of the international community will not be tolerated. This might be in the form of a new Security Council resolution or statement setting out clear expectations or benchmarks for KLA and overall Kosovo Albanian compliance with SCR 1199. Any such resolution should apply strict constraints on KLA activities. It may be that a side agreement with the Albanian government in Tirana is necessary. Another highly desirable action would be the cancellation of the NATO 'activation order.' Athough designed to put pressure on Belgrade, it is clear that the main effect of this has been to encourage the KLA to redouble terrorism and their intransigence.

            The key ingredient is speed. If this message is not sent to the KLA in the very near future, I fear that we will be back at the edge of the abyss.


    Milosh D. Milenkovich

    5851 Pearl Road, Suite 307,
    Cleveland, OH 44130
    tel: (440) 842-2770 fax: (440) 842-2740

    cc:     President Bill Clinton
            Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
            Senate Foreign Relations Committee
            House International Relations Committee
            Members of NATO and OSCE, Pristina

    Jonathan Clarke
    tel (202) 785-8430
    fax (202) 466-4089

    Betreff:         [kosovo] An Opinion from the Church about the Kosovo Issue
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 02:52:07 +0200
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery
    Doug Hostetter
    International/Interfaith Secretary
    Fellowship of Reconciliation

    Dear Mr. Hostetter,

    I have just read your text on Kosovo in which you condemned the violence of the police and security forces against the Albanian population in Kosovo and called for the immediate withdrawal of the police forces from this restive Serbia's province. I deeply share your concern about the situation in Kosovo but I also feel free to make certain remarks on your text.

    Our Orthodox Church has already condemned the violence against civilian population in the Kosovo conflict in our numerous appeals and press releases which have been  published in the media. But despite our conviction that the regime of Slobodan Milosevic bears a great deal of responsibility for the tragic events in Kosovo we cannot agree with your rather one-sided condemnation of the Serbian side only. It is known that certain number of human rights violations against civilians has been also committed by individuals belonging to the Kosovo Albanian militant groups, which has been recently documented in the report by the Human Rights Watch and other humanitarian organizations. Our Church and the IRCR have completed the list of 170 missing Serbs and Albanians who have been kidnapped by the rebels. The bodies of some of these persons have been found in the recently discovered mass grave in Glodjani village, near Decani. Eight elderly people from our parish were massacred there. There is no need to mention that beside the Albanian IDP's, 10% of the Serb population has fled from the KLA held territories and  many Serb homes throughout Kosovo have also been destroyed and looted. The entire central part of Kosovo has systematically been cleansed from the Serb population, which is, regrettably, not mentioned in any official report from the area. Just as many Albanians do not dare go back to their villages in fear of the police, many Serb refugees cannot go back to their homes in the villages which are under control of the KLA.

    As Christians and pacifists we definitely oppose to use of violence in inter ethnic conflicts and strongly condemn the excessive use of police force, especially against civilians, but we cannot agree with your formulation that the Serb police and army have "occupied" Kosovo because Kosovo has been the internationally recognized part of our country since 1913, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. In fact Kosovo has never been an independent country on its own. The Kosovo Serbs who live in Kosovo are the native population there as well as the Kosovo Albanians and the deployment of the police forces on the sovereign territory of one country cannot be explicitly called "occupation" despite many serious faults of the Serbian official policy and the general lack of democracy and rule of law in the area. The complete withdrawal of all Serb troops from Kosovo would unfortunately not be enough to end the Kosovo crisis because the other side in the conflict, KLA, may easily then take control over the province which would inevitably result in mass exodus of the Serb population and a possible Serb strike back. That is why the international community is insisting now on the partial pull out and the cantonment of the remaining Kosovo based units until both sides are demilitarized and the multiethnic police established under the OSCE auspices.

    The conflict of Kosovo is  much older than we all are, and the secessionist Albanian policy has been there in direct clash with the Serbian nationalist policy. The both policies are rather extremist and belong to the past. Their supporters unfortunately fail to understand that our continent is on the threshold of the 21st century and that the future of the Balkans is in further democratic integration with Europe, economic development and prosperity and not in atomization of the region. I dare quote Amb. Robert Gelbard who said that the problem of Kosovo was the problem of democratization and not the problem of territory.

    Of course, mentioning this I do not have an intention to justify or minimize the human rights violations against the Albanian population. Quite on the contrary, we feel great compassion for the suffering of our neighbors and our Church is making sincere efforts to stop the violence and alleviate the suffering people in Kosovo regardless of their ethnicity or religion.

    Further on, I fully agree that all the alleged crimes committed by both sides in the conflict should be independently investigated, but I regret to see that you  mention only  the responsibility of Mr. Milosevic and the Serbian side, not even mentioning the Kosovo Albanian extremists. Without a balanced and objective approach,  I am afraid that it would be impossible to build confidence among the people of Kosovo.Your efforts, no matter how sincere they were, may be understood as one sided.

    I agree with you that the NATO military intervention would make the things worse and our Church supports the idea of the OSCE verifying mission which is about to arrive in Kosovo instead of NATO military troops. We are making a strong appeal on both sides to comply with the demands of the UN resolution on Kosovo and work together on the peaceful resolution of the conflict through a meaningful dialogue. But we insist together with the international community that the inviolability of the existing international borders of our country is duly preserved and secured and that the solution is found within the framework of the international law.

    I also feel free, to express my frank disagreement with the term "Kosova" which is used in your appeal. With all respect to the right of Kosovo Albanians to use locally their linguistic version of the region's name, our southern province, as a constitutive part of Serbia (still) has the official name "Kosovo (and Metohija)". Since no official government in the world today is supporting the secession of this province and nowhere in the official documents or international media the term "Kosova" is explicitly used, there is no reason whatsoever that such a term is applied in your appeal.

    At the end, with sincere support to your humanitarian efforts and  good will to help the restoration of peace in Kosovo, I humbly dare suggest: AUDIATUR ET ALTERA PARS - in the name of truth and humanity.

    Sincerely Yours
    hieromonk Sava

    Doug Hostetter wrote:
    Date:   17-10-98  2:40 PM


      The FOR opposes bombing and calls for the arrest of Slobodan Milosevic

                                  15 October 1998
            Contact:  Doug Hostetter, International Secretary
                            John Dear, Executive Director

            The Fellowship of Reconciliation, the oldest and largest interfaith peace and justice organization in the US, is morally outraged by the the widespread pillage, wanton destruction of housing and livestock, and the senseless killing of Kosovar civilians which has resulted from the occupation of Kosova by the Serbian military and Special Police. The FOR calls for the withdraw of all troops and Special Police, the return of civil and political rights to all of the citizens of Kosova, and the immediate involvement of the UN War Crimes Tribunal in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Kosova.

            The Fellowship of Reconciliation opposes the threatened use of NATO air strikes in Kosovo.  Air strikes would only increase hostilities, further frustrating the possibility of peace in the region.  Air strikes also would not necessarily serve the stated goal of protecting civilians, since Kosovars who have been forced from their homes and villages could be further isolated from relief efforts or harmed directly by air strikes.  The FOR is concerned also for the safety of Serb soldiers, NATO pilots facing Serb anti-aircraft weapons and other civilians within Serbia.  Any bombing would also likely make things more difficult for the democratic opposition within Serbia.  Serbian  Deputy Prime Minister  Vojislav Seselj has threatened to take hostage members of prominent opposition groups such as the Helsinki Committee, The Women in Black, and the Belgrade Circle in the event of a NATO attack.  Prime Minister Mirko Marjanovic has also threatened charging members of the independent media with high treason.  These groups are crucial to peace and future stability in the Balkans, and as voices against nationalism.

            The FOR believes that it is time for the UN War Crimes Tribunal should deal directly with President Slobodan Milosevic.  The arrest of Slobodan Milosevic would do far more to protect the civilians of Kosovo and to secure lasting peace in the region than air strikes which will likely be counter productive to achieve the goal of protecting civilians in Kosova.

            The Fellowship of Reconciliation urges US government leaders and the United Nations to recommend the immediate indictment and arrest of Slobodan Milosevic and all others responsible for the slaughter of Kosovar civilians; to advocate strongly against NATO air strikes; and to pursue creative nonviolent, long term solutions to the crisis.

    Doug Hostetter

    International/Interfaith Secretary
    Fellowship of Reconciliation
    521 North Broadway
    Box 271
    Nyack, NY 10960   USA
    Tel. 914-358-4601, Fax 914-358-4924
    Email: DHostetter@igc.org
    Web:  Http://www.nonviolence.org/for

    Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
    38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
    http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:21ata02
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:59:54 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    OSCE unarmed observers cannot establish peace in Kosova- Qosja

          PRISHTINE, Oct 21/ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports that the head of the Democratic United Movement, academician Qosja, met in Prishtine yesterday with the first secretary of the Great Britain embassy in Belgrade.
          He said that the 2000 unarmed observers OSCE will sent to Kosova to verify the Serb military and police forces' withdrawal from there, as required by the Security Council resolution of 1199, cannot establish peace in Kosova.
          They should be provided the guarantee to act in Kosova, he added.
          Qosja considers the Holbrooke - Milosevic agreement a small step, which, he says, unfortunately cannot resolve either the humanitarian crisis or the Kosova issue and will not be able to create even the conditions for the political process needed to resolve this issue. /p.ta/lm/

    10. eventual additional press news 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] NEWS: 21.10.
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:52:21 -0400
        Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>

    Without permission, for fair use

  • Another Village Flees as the Kosovo Conflict Continues
  • Albanian Parliament Passes Draft Constitution
  • Macedonia Right Wins most Seats in 1st round Vote

  • -----

    Another Village Flees as the Kosovo Conflict Continues
    AP   21-OCT-98

    TERPEZA,  (AP) -- The shooting usually comes at night, when it's the most terrifying.
         Five or six mortars explode in the early evening. A dozen or more just before midnight. Even when there are no deaths or injuries, pure fear is enough to drive people from their homes.
         "The problem with leaving is we didn't know which way to go, because we didn't know from which way (Serb police) would come," said Kastriot Zogaj, an ethnic Albanian in a mountain refugee camp southwest of Pristina, the capital of Kosovo. "Some just fled into the forest."
         The conflict in Kosovo is supposed to have halted. President Slobodan Milosevic has agreed to stop fighting and reduce the levels of police and military in this southern province of Serbia, the largest of the two Yugoslav republics, and the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army has declared a cease-fire.
         Nonetheless, the shooting continues. New refugees are being created even as a trickle is beginning to return home in other areas. And a humanitarian disaster is still building, with thousands of ethnic Albanians camped out in the open as winter approaches.
         The Serbs say the ethnic Albanian rebels are carrying out ambushes and attacks to provoke a response that will lead to NATO intervention. The Albanians say the Serbs are deliberately provoking them by shelling their villages.
         Hundreds have died in since President Slobodan Milosevic launched a military offensive against separatists in February.
         Myrtez Krasniqi said nearly the entire village of Terpeza, which the Serbs call Trpeza, fled Monday morning -- 1,200 residents plus 500 refugees who had taken shelter there.
         Among those who stayed, a woman and her 6-month-old son were reported wounded in shelling Monday night, the Albanians' Kosovo Information Center reported Tuesday.
         "Nobody slept, from fear," said Tahir Gashi, who walked all night over the mountain to a refugee camp on the eastern slope.
         An angry young man shouted out: "I have 30 members of my family here. I am not moving them. If they kill them, they kill them. There is no place to go anymore. There are police all around."
         He declined to identify himself, saying he already had enough problems.
         Kadri Krasniqi of the local safety committee was back in Terpeza with a few other men examining the damage to buildings.
         "There was panic," he said. "Ninety percent of the people fled."
         Nobody was wounded, he said, but a number of farm animals were hit, houses were damaged and a tractor was blown up.
         From this mountainside village it's possible to see the Serb gun positions in the valley below, dug-in armored vehicles that pose a permanent menace to any who dare stay.
         From here one can also see the road that leads to the village of Orlate a few miles away. It was there that three Serb policemen were killed with a grenade last weekend.
         That and other attacks, generally blamed on the KLA, have led to a strengthening of Serb forces here, and perhaps to a revenge shelling of Terpeza. It's no secret the KLA operates freely in and around this village. For that matter, this whole central mountain area is a guerrilla stronghold and one of the reasons it's virtually surrounded by army and police.
         None of this is any comfort to the villagers, simple farmers for the most part.
         While deals in Belgrade fill the headlines of newspapers around the world, the people of Terpeza know only that they have joined the estimated 300,000 ethnic Albanian refugees who have been forced to flee.

    Copyright 1998& The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

    Albanian Parliament Passes Draft Constitution
    Reuters  21-OCT-98

    TIRANA, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Albania's parliament on Wednesday voted in favour of a draft constitution to be put to a referendum next month.
         The Socialist-dominated parliament voted by 115 votes for and none against to adopt the draft compiled by a parliamentary commission. There was one abstention.
         The opposition Democratic Party, which has boycotted parliament for most of the past year, did not take part in the vote.
         The Democrats of former President Sali Berisha, who have sought to prompt early general elections by boycotting parliament, also boycotted the commission.
         Since April 1991, Albania has had a set of constitutional dispositions but no actual constitution. The dispositions were agreed upon by the last ruling communist government and the Democratic Party, which was also the main opposition in 1991.
         A draft constitution prepared by the former Democratic government was rejected in a 1994 referendum.

    Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

    Macedonia Right Wins most Seats in 1st round Vote
    Reuters  21-OCT-98

    SKOPJE, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Macedonia's right-wing opposition won the biggest share of seats in the first round of parliamentary elections, giving it a good chance of forming the next government, final official returns showed on Wednesday.
         The state elections committee said the VMRO DPMNE - Democratic Alternative (DA) bloc won 15 out 35 seats at stake in Sunday's first round while the ruling Social Democrats (SDAM) got 10 seats. The second round of voting will be on November 1.
         Analysts and foreign diplomats said the first-round returns, which illuminated the relative strength of the parties, suggested the right could form the next government once all 120 parliament seats were decided.
         "The opposition is well ahead, and with some good bargaining they can win the support of smaller parties and form a coalition government," one political analyst said.
         Two parties representing Macedonia's large ethnic Albanian minority won eight seats and the smaller Liberal Democratic party took two.
         Macedonia won its independence from federal Yugoslavia in 1991 but, with a restive Albanian population, could be destabilised by an Albanian guerrilla campaign for independence in the neighbouring Serbian province of Kosovo.

    Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Heile Du mich, HERR, so werde ich heil; 
        hilf Du mir, so ist mir geholfen. 
        Jeremia 17,14
        HERR, ich bin matt geworden und ganz zerschlagen; 
             ich schreie vor Unruhe meines Herzens. 
        Du kennst all mein Begehren, 
             und mein Seufzen ist Dir nicht verborgen. 
        Verlass mich nicht, HERR, 
             mein Gott, sei nicht ferne von mir ! 
        Eile, mir beizustehen, 
             HERR, Du meine Hilfe !
      Psalm 38,9-10.22-23
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; 
        save me, and I shall be saved.
      Jeremia 17, 14
        I am feeble and sore broken: 
             I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart. 
        Lord, all my desire [is] before thee; 
             and my groaning is not hid from thee. 
        Forsake me not, O LORD: 
             O my God, be not far from me. 
        Make haste to help me, 
             O Lord my salvation. 
      Psalm 38, 8-9.21-22
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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