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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 24. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 24, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1592

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Nato-Befehlshaber Clark in Belgrad eingetroffen
  • Nato-Befehlshaber Clark in Belgrad eingetroffen
  • Arafat bittet EU-Gipfel um weitere Unterstuezung im Friedensprozess
  • Herzog bei Friedensgipfel: Vertreibung im Kosovo nicht dulden
  • EU-Sozialdemokraten wollen bessere wirtschaftspolitische Abstimmung
  • Rumaenien und Frankreich vereinbaren militaerische Zusammenarbeit
  • Rumaenien und Frankreich schlossen Militaerabkommen
  • Neuer Nato-Druck auf Milosevic - Belgrad zieht weitere Truppen ab
  • Russland wuerde westliche Lebensmittelhilfe annehmen
  • Volmer und Beer: Staerke der Bundeswehr nicht zu halten
  • UCK will im Kosovo keine "grenzenlose" Zurueckhaltung ueben
  • Radiosender in Belgrad meldet Truppenrueckzug aus Kosovo
  • Polizei entdeckt Panzerminen fuer das Kosovo in Garage
  • OSZE-Vizepraesident warnt vor Militaerschlag ohne UN-Mandat
  • Nato-Vertreter nach Belgrad - UN uneins ueber neue Kosovo-Resolution
  • Moskau warnt Albaner und Serben - Sicherheitsrat ohne Beschluesse
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 18:53 http://seite1.web.de/show/36320633.NL1/
    Nato-Befehlshaber Clark in Belgrad eingetroffen
    Belgrad/New York/Brüssel(dpa) - Der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, General Wesley Clark, ist am Samstag in Belgrad zu Gesprächen mit dem jugoslawischen Generalstabschef, General Momcilo Perisic, zusammengetroffen. Das Treffen solle als Zeichen der Unzufriedenheit der Nato und der internationalen Gemeinschaft mit dem Tempo der Erfüllungen der jugoslawischen Verpflichtungen aufgefaßt werden, zitierte die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) einen Pressesprecher der US-Botschaft in der jugoslawischen Hauptstadt.
         Am kommenden Dienstag läuft ein Nato-Ultimatum aus. Bis dahin hatte die Allianz dem jugoslawischen Staatspräsidenten Slobodan Milosevic Zeit gegeben, die UN-Resolution 1199 zu erfüllen, die vor allem den Rückzug seiner Sicherheitskräfte aus der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo fordert. Andernfalls droht die Nato mit Luftangriffen auf serbische Stellungen. Clark wurde vom Chef des Militärausschusses der Allianz, General Klaus Naumann, begleitet. Beide Militärs äußerten den Wunsch, auch mit Milosevic zu sprechen, berichtete die Agentur Beta.
         Zuvor hatte der Belgrader Sender B 92 über die Fortsetzung des Rückzuges jugoslawischer Militäreinheiten aus den bisherigen Einsatzgebieten im Kosovo in die Kasernen der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina berichtet. Augenzeugen hätten einen langen Armeekonvoi in Begleitung von Polizeifahrzeugen gesehen, der sich aus Podujevo nach Pristina bewegt habe.
         Der UN-Sicherheitsrat wollte in New York seine Beratungen über eine Kosovo-Resolution fortsetzen. Am vergangenen Freitag hatte er sich noch nicht auf einen neuen Resolutionstext einigen können. Hauptstreitpunkt war ein Formulierungsvorschlag westlicher Staaten, der nach Ansicht von Rußland und China eine Genehmigung für Militäreinsätze bedeutet.
         Mit einer neuen UN-Resolution soll den Vereinbarungen Jugoslawiens mit der Nato und der OSZE über unbewaffnete Überwachungsflüge über dem Kosovo sowie über die Entsendung von 2 000 zivilen OSZE-Beobachtern Nachdruck verliehen werden. Gleichzeitig will der Sicherheitsrat auf die Erfüllung seiner Resolution 1199 dringen, die vor allem den serbischen Truppenabzug aus der südserbischen Krisen-Provinz vorsieht.
         Die Kosovo-Untergrundarmee UCK warnte am Samstag, daß sie sich nicht «grenzenlos» von Gewaltanwendung zurückhalte. Die UCK werde serbische Streitkräfte angreifen, wenn sie sich in Richtung der albanischen Dörfer oder UCK-Stellungen bewegten, heißt es in einer Verlautbarung des UCK-Hauptstabes, die von der in Pristina erscheinenden albanischsprachigen Zeitung «Bujku» veröffentlicht wurde.
         Das Belgrader Regime setzte seinen Kampf gegen die unabhängigen Medien fort. Am Samstag wurden die ersten drakonischen Geldstrafen gegen regimekritische Journalisten nach dem neuen, restriktiven Informationsgesetz verhängt. Der Verleger und die Journalisten der Nachrichten-Illustrierten «Evropljanin» (Belgrad) müssen laut Gerichtsbeschluß 2,4 Millionen Dinare (etwa 400 000 Mark) wegen angeblicher «staatszersetzenden, verfassungswidrigen und feindlichen» Berichterstattung zahlen, wie die Redaktion bekanntgab.
         Das Eilverfahren gegen die Illustrierte war am Freitag nach einer Anzeige des regimetreuen «Patriotischen Bundes» wegen eines besonders kritischen offenen Briefes an Milosevic eingeleitet worden. Die Anwälte bezeichneten den Prozeß als eine «Farce», der die gesamte unabhängige serbische Presse und alle regimekritischen Journalisten=einschüchtern soll. In der vergangenen Woche hatten die Behörden drei Belgrader Tageszeitungen und einen populären Rundfunksender aus den selben Gründen verboten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 18:18  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631FDFC.NL1/
    Nato-Befehlshaber Clark in Belgrad eingetroffen
    Belgrad (dpa) - Der Oberbefehlshaber der Nato in Europa, General Wesley Clark, ist am Samstag nachmittag in Belgrad eingetroffen und hat Gespräche mit dem jugoslawischen Generalstabschef, General Momcilo Perisic, aufgenommen. «Das heutige Treffen soll nicht als eine letzte Warnung, sondern als Zeichen der Unzufriedenheit der Nato und der internationalen Gemeinschaft mit dem Tempo der Erfüllungen der jugoslawischen Verpflichtungen aufgefaßt werden», zitierte die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) einen Pressesprecher der US-Botschaft in der jugoslawischen Hauptstadt.
         Dies sei das einzige für Samstag geplante Gespräch des Generals und seines Begleiters, des Chefs des Militärausschusses der Allianz, General Klaus Naumann. Die beiden äußerten auch den Wunsch, den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic sprechen zu wollen, berichtete die Agentur.
         Die Nato hat Milosevic eine Frist bis Dienstag nächster Woche gegeben, um vollständig die Sondereinheiten der jugoslawischen Armee und serbischer Polizei aus dem Kosovo zurückzuziehen. Andernfalls droht das westliche Verteidigungsbündnis Luftangriffen auf serbische Stellungen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 17:32  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631F32C.NL1/
    Arafat bittet EU-Gipfel um weitere Unterstüzung im Friedensprozeß
    Pörtschach (dpa) - Nach dem Durchbruch im Nahost-Friedensprozeß hat Palästinenserpräsident Jassir Arafat am Samstag die bedeutende Rolle der Europäischen Union für die internationale Politik hervorgehoben. Arafat informierte die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs bei Sondergipfel in Pörtschach (Kärnten) über das am Freitag unterzeichnete Nahost-Abkommen mit Israel. Arafat kam direkt aus den USA, wo er mit dem israelischen Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu die Vereinbarung ausgehandelt hatte. In Pörtschach geht es beim zweitägigen EU-Treffen um die Zukunft und Modernisierung Europas und vor allem um eine wirkungsvolle gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.
         Arafat rief die EU dazu auf, sich weiterhin im Friedensprozeß für den Nahen Osten zu engagieren. «Wir glauben an die Freundschaft zwischen dem israelischen und dem palästinensischen Volk», sagte Arafat. Die EU-Staaten gehörten zu den Ländern, die den Palästinensern am meisten geholfen hätten und sie spielten eine bedeutende Rolle in dem Prozeß. Die EU hat bisher umgerechnet 3,4 Milliarden Mark für den Ausbau der Selbstverwaltungsgebiete bereitgestellt und ist damit der größte Geldgeber. Zuvor hatte der EU-Ratsvorsitzende und österreichische Außenminister Wolfgang Schüssel eine Geldgeberkonferenz für die Palästinenser befürwortet.
         An dem informellen Gipfel, bei dem keine Entscheidung getroffen werden, nahm erstmals der künftige deutsche Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder teil. Auch der neue italienische Regierungschef Massimo D'Alema, ein Linksdemokrat, trat erstmals bei einem Spitzentreffen der EU auf. Am Mittag hatten sich die sozialdemokratischen Regierungschefs getroffen, die mittlerweile in elf von 15 EU-Staaten - außer in Belgien, Spanien, Irland und Luxemburg - die Geschäfte führen. Der Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas, der designierte deutsche Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping, verlangte eine bessere Abstimmung der Wirtschaftspolitiken in Europa im Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit.
         Großbritanniens Premierminister Tony Blair forderte, daß die EU selbst mehr Verantwortung in sicherheitspolitischen Fragen übernehmen müsse. «Europa muß endlich auf seinen eigenen beiden Füßen stehen», sagte Blair nach Angaben eines Regierungssprechers. So sollten friedenserhaltende Einsätze auch ohne amerikanische Beteiligung aber mit Hilfe der Nato ausgeführt werden können. Gerade die jüngste Kosovo-Krise habe gezeigt, daß sich Europa zu oft entzweit habe. «Wir reden nicht über ein eigene europäische Armee, sondern darüber, daß Europa seine Sicherheitsrolle entwickeln muß», zitierte der Sprecher den Premierminister. Die EU-Staaten brauchten flexible und moderne Streitkräfte. «Die europäische Außenpolitik muß sich in eine Kraft verwandeln, mit der zu rechnen ist», sagte Blair.
         Der Präsident des Europaparlaments, der Spanier Jose Maria Gil-Robles, sprach sich für eine Finanzierung der EU-Aufgaben über die Steuern seiner derzeit rund 340 Millionen Bürger aus. «Wir müssen nicht nur auf eine stärkere steuerpolitische Harmonisierung hinarbeiten sondern auch auf die direkte Beteiligung der Bürger an der Finanzierung Europas», sagte Gil-Robles. Der EU müßten Mittel verschafft werden, die sich unabhängig von der Nationalität am jeweiligen persönlichen Einkommen bemessen ließen.
    Österreichs Bundeskanzler, der amtierende EU-Ratspräsident Viktor Klima, wollte das Treffen für eine Grundsatzdebatte über die Modernisierung der EU nutzen. Nach Vorbereitung der gemeinsamen Währung sollte sich die EU auch auf die Beschäftigungspolitik konzentrieren. Strategien dazu zeigte der niederländische Regierungschef Wim Kok auf. Auch die Kriminalitätsbekämpfung soll verstärkt werden. Die Staats- und Regierungschef wollen sich damit der Klage annehmen, daß die Bürger nicht genügend von einem gemeinsamen Europa profitieren.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 16:57  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631EB0E.NL1/
    Herzog bei Friedensgipfel: Vertreibung im Kosovo nicht dulden
    Münster/Osnabrück (dpa) - Der deutsche Präsident Roman Herzog hat zu einem gemeinsamen europäischen Vorgehen im Kosovo aufgerufen. Bei den Feiern zum 350. Jahrestag des Westfälischen Friedens warnte er am Samstag in Münster, Tod und Vertreibung «als ein Stück europäischer Normalität hinzunehmen».
         In Anwesenheit von Staatsoberhäuptern und Monarchen aus 20 europäischen Ländern forderte Herzog «gemeinsame Taten»: Nur als Teil Europas hätten die einzelnen Staaten heute noch genügend Gewicht, um ihre Völker vor Unheil zu schützen.
         Mit dem nach Angaben des deutschen Außenministeriums größten protokollarischen Ereignis in der Geschichte Deutschlands erinnerten die Staatsgäste vormittags in Osnabrück und nachmittags in Münster an den Friedensschluß, der 1648 dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg ein Ende setzte. Rund 12 000 Schaulustige begrüßten in den beiden Städten, in denen die Verträge besiegelt worden waren, die Gäste.
         Bei der Eröffnung einer historischen Europaratsausstellung in Münster betonte Herzog, Europa müsse auch nach außen handlungsfähig werden - «nicht erst in Krisen, sondern auch vorbeugend». Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber Völkermord zerstöre «die Grundlagen dessen, was die eigene Gesellschaft zusammenhält - das gemeinsame Verständnis von Recht und Moral». Europa würde nach Herzogs Ansicht «an seiner Seele Schaden nehmen, wenn es Völkermord und ethnische Säuberungen auf seinem Boden hinnähme».
         Im historischen Rathaus in Osnabrück waren die Gäste vom designierten niedersächsischen Ministerpräsidenten Gerhard Glogowski begrüßt wurden. Glogowski sagte, es sei «vielleicht mehr als ein Zufall, daß es in der deutschen Geschichte zwei relativ stabile Verfassungsordnungen» gebe - die des Westfälischen Friedens und die des Grundgesetzes.
         Beide seien nicht von Deutschen allein, sondern unter ausländischer Beteiligung geschaffen worden und von einer Neuordnung Europas beeinflußt gewesen. Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerpräsident Wolfgang Clement appellierte an die Gäste, in ihren Ländern «vor allem das private Engagement für Europa zu fördern».
         Am Vormittag hatte in der Marienkirche in Osnabrück ein ökumenischer Gottesdienst stattgefunden. Der Vorsitzende der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, Karl Lehmann, sagte, der Friedensschluß von 1648 sei später durch «extreme Nationalismen» in eine tiefe Krise geraten.
         «Wir hoffen, daß wir uns aus dieser Krise in einem neuen Europa endgültig befreien und besser zueinanderfinden können.» Der Ratsvorsitzende der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), Manfred Kock kritisierte «fundamentalistische Rechthaberei, rassistische, nationalistische und ethnische Überheblichkeit».
         Zu den Gästen zählten die niederländische Königin Beatrix, König Carl Gustav von Schweden und Königin Silvia, König Harald von Norwegen und Königin Sonja, König Albert von Belgien und Königin Paola sowie Königin Margarethe von Dänemark.
         Spaniens König Juan Carlos wurde von vielen Landsleuten bejubelt. Der tschechische Präsident Vaclav Havel hatte von seinen Ärzten Ende vergangener Woche die Erlaubnis zu einem Kurzbesuch in Münster bekommen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 16:52  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631E9D8.NL1/
    EU-Sozialdemokraten wollen bessere wirtschaftspolitische Abstimmung
    Pörtschach (dpa) - Die Sozialdemokraten in der Europäischen Union, die inzwischen elf der 15 Regierungschefs stellen, streben eine bessere Abstimmung der Wirtschaftspolitik zwischen ihren Ländern an. Das sagte der künftige deutsche Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping, Vorsitzender der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas, am Sonnabend vor Beginn des zweitägigen EU-Sondergipfeltreffens in Pörtschach (Kärnten). Entscheidend sei, die nationalen Notenbanken und die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) in einen Dialog einzubinden. Die EU-Sozialdemokraten trafen sich zu einem Arbeitsessen.
         «Jeder respektiert die Unabhängigkeit der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB)». Damit wies Scharping den Vorwurf zurück, Sozialdemokraten mißachteten mit ihrer Forderung nach Zinssenkungen die Rolle der EZB und der Deutschen Bundesbank. «Wir brauchen dennoch einen Dialog auf der Basis dieser Unabhängigkeit.» Eine Erhöhung des Etatsdefizits in Deutschland erteilte er eine Absage. Scharping hob hervor, die künftige Bundesregierung in Bonn fühle sich den strengen Vorschriften nach Einführung der gemeinsamen Währung Euro verpflichtet. «Es wird keine Änderungen am Stabilitätspakt geben», sagte er.
         Scharping nannte drei Ziele der EU-Politik, die sich die Sozialdemokraten gesteckt hätten: Mehr Beschäftigung, mehr innere Sicherheit und eine wirkungsvolle gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. «Wir müssen sie aufbauen, um auf die Herausforderungen um Europa herum reagieren zu können.» Er begrüßte ausdrücklich die britische Initiative, die Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik der EU angesichts von Krisen wie im Kosovo neu zu gestalten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 16:31  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631E4E8.NL1/
    Rumänien und Frankreich vereinbaren militärische Zusammenarbeit
    Bukarest (dpa) - Rumänien und Frankreich haben ein Abkommen über militärische Zusammenarbeit geschlossen. Das berichtete am Samstag die rumänische Nachrichtenagentur Rompres. Das Abkommen kam während eines Treffens des französischen Verteidigungsministers Alain Richard mit seinem rumänischen Amtskollegen Victor Babiuc in Bukarest zustande. Beide Politiker hätten auch über die sicherheitspolitische Lage im Kosovo sowie Rumäniens Chancen für einen Beitritt in die Nato gesprochen.
         Das Abkommen über militärische Zusammenarbeit soll vor allem praktische Aspekte gemeinsamer Manöver regeln. Beide Politiker beschlossen ferner, die Zahl der französischen Militärberater in Rumänien zu verstärken. Richard betonte, Frankreich unterstütze Rumänien weiterhin auf dem Weg in die Nato und werde behilflich sein, daß das Land über Reformen die entsprechenden Voraussetzungen erreicht.
         Zur Lage im Kosovo betonten beide Minister, daß weiterhin militärischer Druck auf die dortigen Konfliktparteien notwendig sei. Richard sagte, Rumänien spiele eine stabilisierende Rolle in der Region. Frankreich interessiere sich dafür, wie Rumänien als Nachbarland zu Jugoslawien die Lage im Kosovo einschätze.
         Babiuc betonte, sein Land habe der internationalen Gemeinschaft Hilfe in Form von Beobachtern angeboten und wolle der Nato einen Überwachungs-Hubschrauber für das Kosovo zur Verfügung stellen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 16:06  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631DEEE.NL1/
    Rumänien und Frankreich schlossen Militärabkommen
    Bukarest (dpa) - Der französische Verteidigungsminister Alain Richard und sein rumänischer Amtskollege Victor Babiuc haben am Samstag in Bukarest ein Abkommen über militärische Zusammenarbeit geschlossen. Die bilaterale Zusammenarbeit, aber auch die Lage in Bosnien und im Kosovo, sowie Rumäniens Chancen für einen Beitritt in die Nato waren Gesprächsthemen der beiden Minister, meldete die amtliche rumänische Nachrichtenagentur Rompres.
         Richard betonte, Frankreich unterstütze wie bisher Rumäniens Streben in die Nato und helfe beratend bei der Anpassung an Nato-Standards. Frankreich wisse insbesondere die stabilisierende Rolle zu schätzen, die Rumänien in der Region spiele. Zur Kosovo-Krise meinte Richard, dieses Problem betreffe ganz Europa und könne nicht ohne die Beteiligung der USA und Rußlands gelöst werden. Der derzeitige militärische Druck auf die Konfliktparteien im Kosovo sei absolut notwendig.
         Das Militär-Abkommen zwischen Bukarest und Paris regelt vor allem praktische und finanzielle Aspekte für gemeinsame Militärübungen. Beide Minister berieten aber auch über Zusamemnarbeit im Bereich der Militär-Luftfahrt, Forschung und Rüstungsindustrie. Sie bschlossen, mehr französische Militärberater in Rumänien einzusetzen. Richard hatte am Freitag abend seinen offiziellen Besuch in Rumänien begonnen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 24.10.1998 15:41  http://seite1.web.de/show/3631D951.NL1/
    Neuer Nato-Druck auf Milosevic - Belgrad zieht weitere Truppen ab
    Belgrad/New York/Brüssel (dpa) - Drei Tage vor Ablauf des Nato-Ultimatums wollten am Samstag hohe Vertreter der Allianz in Belgrad erneut auf einen schnellen und vollständigen Abzug der Sondereinheiten der jugoslawischen Armee aus dem Kosovo dringen. Der Chef des Militärausschusses der Nato, General Klaus Naumann, sowie der Oberbefehlshaber der Nato in Europa, General Wesley Clark, wurden zu Treffen mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic und Generalstabschef General Momcilo Perisic erwartet. Dies meldete der Belgrader Sender B 92.
         Der Sender berichtete ferner über eine Fortsetzung des Rückzuges jugoslawischer Militäreinheiten aus den bisherigen Einsatzgebieten im Kosovo in die Kasernen der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina. Augenzeugen hätten einen langen Armeekonvoi in Begleitung von Polizeifahrzeugen gesehen, der sich aus Podujevo nach Pristina bewegt habe. Das Ziel sei die örtliche Armeekaserne. Die Nato hatte am 16. Oktober Milosevic weitere zehn Tage Zeit gegeben, die UN-Resolution 1199 zu erfüllen. Der sogenannte Aktivierungsbefehl für Luftangriffe wurde bis zum 27. Oktober ausgesetzt, bleibt aber voll gültig.
         Der UN-Sicherheitsrat wollte in New York seine Beratungen über eine Kosovo-Resolution fortsetzen. Am Freitag hatte er sich noch nicht auf einen neuen Resolutionstext einigen können. Hauptstreitpunkt war ein Formulierungsvorschlag westlicher Staaten, der nach Ansicht von Rußland und China eine Genehmigung für Militäreinsätze bedeutet.
         Der Vizepräsident der Parlamentarischen Versammlung der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE), Willi Wimmer, meinte am Samstag im Deutschlandradio Berlin, ein Einsatz von Nato-Truppen im Kosovo ohne UN-Mandat würde die Sicherheit in der ganzen Region gefährden.
         Mit einer neuen UN-Resolution soll den Vereinbarungen Jugoslawiens mit der Nato und der OSZE über unbewaffnete Überwachungsflüge über dem Kosovo sowie über die Entsendung von 2 000 zivilen OSZE-Beobachtern Nachdruck verliehen werden. Gleichzeitig will der Sicherheitsrat auf die Erfüllung seiner Resolution 1199 dringen, die vor allem den serbischen Truppenabzug aus der südserbischen Krisen-Provinz vorsieht.
         Die Kosovo-Untergrundarmee UCK warnte am Samstag, daß sie sich nicht «grenzenlos» von Gewaltanwendung zurückhalte. Die UCK werde serbische Streitkräfte angreifen, wenn sie sich in Richtung der albanischen Dörfer oder UCK-Stellungen bewegten, heißt es in einer Verlautbarung des UCK-Hauptstabes, die von der in Pristina erscheinenden albanischsprachigen Zeitung «Bujku» veröffentlicht wurde.
         Das Belgrader Regime setzte seinen Kampf gegen die unabhängigen Medien fort. Am Samstag wurden die ersten drakonischen Geldstrafen gegen regimekritische Journalisten nach dem neuen, restriktiven Informationsgesetz verhängt. Der Verleger und die Journalisten der Nachrichten-Illustrierten «Evropljanin» (Belgrad) müssen laut Gerichtsbeschluß 2,4 Millionen Dinare (etwa 400 000 Mark) wegen angeblicher «staatszersetzenden, verfassungswidrigen und feindlichen» Berichterstattung zahlen, wie die Redaktion bekanntgab.
         Das Eilverfahren gegen die Illustrierte war am Freitag nach einer Anzeige des regimetreuen «Patriotischen Bundes» wegen eines besonders kritischen offenen Briefes an Milosevic eingeleitet worden. Die Anwälte bezeichneten den Prozeß als eine «Farce», der die gesamte unabhängige serbische Presse und alle regimekritischen Journalisten einschüchtern soll. In der vergangenen Woche hatten die Behörden drei Belgrader Tageszeitungen und einen populären Rundfunksender aus den selben Gründen verboten.
    © dpa
          ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Wer nichts tut, macht keine Fehler. 
               - Oder ist gerade das ein Fehler ? 
    Was wird die NATO am Samstag (nicht) tun ?  

    Doing nothing means making no mistakes. 
               - Or ist exactly this a mistake ? 
    What will NATO do or not do on Saturday ?  

    Das ist die Antwort - THAT's the answer  
    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 18:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3627715F.NL1/ 
    Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus 
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 15:34 http://seite1.web.de/show/3629EE87.NL1/ 
    Washington sieht «klare Anzeichen» für serbischen Rückzug 
    ... Belgrad ziehe offensichtlich mindestens zwei der erforderlichen sieben Bataillone aus dem Kosovo zurück und erleichtere die humanitäre Hilfe. ...

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1592
    Datum:         Sat, 24 Oct 1998 16:23:11 +0200
        Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 24 October 1998

    Serb Police Shoots and Wounds Albanian Teenager Today

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - Serbian police shot at and wounded Zymber Buazku (18) at Tërdevc village of Gllogovc at noon today (Saturday), the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human 2Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) reported.
    The Albanian teenager received life-threatening gunshot wounds in his own woods at Tërdevc, where he had gone to fetch firewood. He was shot three times in his head and the chest.
    Local activists said they pressed for the International Red Cross to go to the Alb

    Serb Military Withdraws from Tabet e Llapashticës, Podujeva Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - Heavy Serbian military forces withdraw today morning from their position in the villages of the northeastern municipality of Podujeva.
    LDK sources in Podujeva said a convoy of over 60 tanks and other military vehicles pulled out from the location called "Tabet e Llapashticës" (a couple of km west of the town of Podujeva), and headed towards Prishtina.
    Serb military tanks stationed at Lupç, along the Prishtina-Podujeva roadway, have been pulled out, too.
    The Serbian military was stationed at "Tabet e Llapashticës", a strategic point between the villages of Llapashticë and Obrançë, two months ago. Last week, these forces withdraw to Serbia, to be only redeployed on Monday in the same location!
    Serb police forces patrolled all entry-exit routes to-from Podujeva today, halting and routinely harassing citizens. At midday, a number of shops were entered by police, and customers had their identity checked, sources said.
    A team of foreign observers toured Podujeva today. They went to the village of Llapashticë, from where Serb forces had withdrawn earlier in the day.
    anian youth's aid.

    Serb Forces Target Albanian Villages in Klina and Malisheva Areas
    14 Albanian villagers in Serb custody since 3 September

    PRISHTINA, Oct  (KIC) - For an hour on Thursday, from 23:00 through 24:00, Serb forces fired into the villages of Volljakë village of Klina and Panorc and Llapçevë village of Malisheva, the LDK chapter in Klina said.
    Heavy Serb military and police forces have been deployed at "Pishat e Volljakut", sources said.
    Meanwhile, LDK sources said 14 civilian Albanians, residents of the village of Sferkë, continue being held in a Serb jail in Lipjan.
    They were arrested on 3 September, LDK sources in Klina said.
    The house and local privat clinic in Klina whose proprietor is Dr. Ukë Berisha, member of the Parliament of Kosova, and a senior member of the Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosova (PSHDK) was raided and looted by unknown persons on 20 October.
    Medical equipment worth over 30,000 DM was looted in the clinic, whereas Berisha's house was looted for a second time that day, LDK sources said.

    Serb Officers Occupy Children's Resort at Nashec, Prizren

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - On Friday, Serb army officers occupied the children' resort at the village of Nashec, municipality of Prizren.
    The keys to the resort will be returned when "conditions to start work have been created", the LDK chapter in Prizren quoted the Serb officers as saying.

    Serb Forces Beefed up in Kosova-Albania Border Area
    A Serb police outpost is being erected at Zym

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - Serbian military forces have been stepping up their presence in the Kosova-Albania border area, local sources said.
    Serb troops have been holding the Albanian population of the Has region under a tight grip, the LDK chapter in Prizren said.
    Serb forces have been increasingly moving in the direction of the villages of Kushnin, Zym and other communities in the area.
    Serbs have been erecting a Serb police outpost in the village of Zym for several days now. A building is being reconstructed there, too, which will reportedly serve as a housing unit for the police, the LDK chapter in Prizren said.

    Albanians Illtreated in Serb Police Roadblock in Vushtrri Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - Serb forces deployed an armored vehicle at the crossroads of the villages of Smrekonicë, Bajskë and Pasomë, today morning. Albanians were being stopped, checked, and routinely illtreated, LDK sources in Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') said.

    Unidentified Body Found in Oshlan Village of Vushtrri
    He was probably killed during Serb offensive last month

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - The virtually decomposed body of a man, probably around 60 years of age, was found yesterday in the woods of the village of Oshlan, municipality of Vushtrri, local LDK sources said.
    The still unidentified dead man was wearing blue worker's uniform.
    He is presumed to be an Albanian killed late last month, when Serb forces embarked on a huge offensive against the area around Çiçavica mountains.

    Serb Court in Peja Sentences Five Kosovar Albanians to Total of 14 Years in Prison
    Five Citizens of Albania were sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment by the same court

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - The Serb-run District Court in Peja sentenced Friday five Kosovar Albanians to 14 years in prison. They faced Serb regime charges for alleged "hostile activity and terrorism".
    The LDK chapter in Peja said the following Albanians were sentenced on Friday in the town court: Gasper Selmanaj (22), from Radullofc of Klina, sentenced to five years; Martin Gj. Zefaj (19) from Ranoc of Klina, sentenced to 2.1/2 years, Filip P. Pjetri (28) from Polana of Istog to 2.1/2 years; Arif X. Ahmeti (61) from Batusha of Gjakova, to 2 years; Sadik A. Aradini (23) from Lybeniq of Peja to 2 years in prison.
    Serb court authorities have launched a large-scale campaign of prosecution of many Kosovar Albanians suspected for membership with the Liberation Army of Kosova (UÇK), or for having harbored and supported UÇK members.
    The Peja court has instituted court proceedings against at least 1,060 Albanians, according to Serb media.
    The LDK chapter in Peja said that five citizens of Albania charged with "illegal crossing of the border and smuggling arms into Kosova", were sentenced to a total of 15 years of imprisonment on 22 October. They will serve their prison terms in a jail in the town.

    LDK Activists of Gjilan to Another Month in Custody
    LDK branch deputy leader, Lutfi Haziri, severely illtreated while in Serb custody

    PRISHTINA, Oct 24 (KIC) - A Serb judge in Gjilan, Novica Stoilkovic, announced on Friday that the District Court in the town had decided to extend the pre-trail detention for half a dozen LDK activists to an additional month.
    The LDK activists of Gjilan, including Lutfi Haziri, vice-chairman of the branch in the town, and Nexhat Bunjaku (1971), Ismet Hashani (1962), Ibrahim Uruçi (1968), Ekrem Qerimi (1962), Tajar Berisha (1954), were arrested on 15 October, when heavy Serb forces raided their homes in early morning hours.
    Sources in the Serb court in Gjilan said that criminal proceedings have been instituted against another 20 Albanians from the area:
    Naim Hasani, Bekim Zylfi, Nehat Ibrahimi, Fatmir Salihu, Skënder Bunjaku, Fadil Kajtazi, Naser Latifi, Shkëlzen Elmazi, Naim Behluli, Ali Jahiu, Avni Kamberi, Nexhmedin Azizi, Nazmi Musa, Nijazi Idrizi, Ramiz Ramadani, Sadik Berisha, Nevxhet Haziri, Bujar Zymberi, Qani Hidiqi and Rashit Ymerit. Some are reported in custody, some others still in flight.
    The defending lawyers of Lutfi Haziri, vice-chairman of the Gjilan LDK branch, warned earlier this week that their client was subjected to brutal torture while in custody, during interrogation which is supposed to be part of the investigating procedures.
    Haziri has suffered severe body injuries, the lawyers said, and appealed on the court to ensure that he be treated by doctors and be examined in the Institute for Forensic Medicine in Prishtina.

    Kosova Information Center
    Last page!

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 22, 1998  at 23:15 hrs
    KOSOVA (KD reportage – Gërqinë)
    The death of the agreement
    By Ylber Bajraktari

    Gërqinë, 23 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    Leonora Sylmetaj, a killed twelve years old girl, was laying in the middle of the room, while the corpses of her uncle, Ramiz and his two children, hadn't arrived in the village yet.
    They were killed while they were passing the forests at the Albanian border, in the foggy morning of 21 October.
    Only a month ago, the police surrounded the home village of Leonora, Gërqinë. She escaped to Albania along with other 15 members of her family.
    "In those days, the border could easily be passed", says a villager.
    Leonora found shelter in the village of Nikoliqi, in Albania. She stayed with her mother, sister Lindita, uncles Fadil and Remzi, cousins Muharrem and Mazllum, uncle’s wife Ajshe...
    Time after time, she would hear from her father in Switzerland.
    She was so happy when she found out that she would be going home on 21 October. An agreement was reached, and she would be able to go to school again, where she had just began her fifth grade.
    Her neighbors in Albania found a person that would escort her and the other 15 members of the family back home.
    They left sometime around 2030CET, when the evening had already fallen in the high hills. They walked for three full hours to enter the territory of Kosova. They didn't know where they were. They were constantly asking their guide. They had just about enough. After passing the village of Goden, they had no more than a kilometer to reach their house. The guide told them they were very near. They only had to climb up the hill, up the main street, and she would see her school.
    Ramiz was walking behind the guide, by him was his wife, Ajshe, holding Mazllum in her arms. The six years old Muharrem, was standing close to his parents. Her uncle Fadil, was taking care of his four children and wife. Leonora's sisters and brothers were with him as well. Suddenly Leonora fell down on the ground, so did uncle Ramiz, his two boys and wife.
    The flares were shining over the children's faces covered in blood.
    The bullet hit the two years old Mazllum in the face, to end up in his mother's chest. They didn't make any call to stop. Muharrem was shot in the stomach, under the warm clothes, her mother had given him to wear that cold night. Their father was laying on the ground... dead.
    Fadil, who was at the end of the hill, threw himself on the ground. The bullets flew over his head, breaking the branches. One of the bullets also hit Lindita, very close to the eye.
    The children started crying, screaming, calling... it was dark. All they could hear was the shooting and the prayers of their father and uncle Fadil.
    "Don't shoot, I am alone, with my family", cried Fadil for the fifth or sixth ime. The soldiers told him to get out with hands up. The children were not letting go of him. They were all over him, grabbing him by the legs, hands. They were afraid to stay in the dark. Another flare shined over them. The soldiers with camouflage uniforms and black hats, surrounded
    Fadil, as Leonora was still laying down on the ground. She couldn't speak, all she did was move for the next 20 minutes.
    "Where do you come from", asked the soldiers Fadil, as he was begging them to let him help Leonora and Ajshe, his brother's wife. The bullet broke Ajshe’s leg and blood was running from her shoulder. Her son was killed while in her arms.
    "Go, but you must come back tomorrow", one of the soldiers told Fadil.
    Her uncle picked up Leonora. He walked for about 20 meters. He placed her on the ground. He went back and picked up Ajshe. He carried her for 20 meters. He picked Leonora again, he put her on his shoulder and walked. Slowly her body sled down. She got cold. LEONORA DIED.
    She didn't get to see the lights of her house. She was very close to them. The others remained in the forest, somewhere near the village of Lipovec. Fadil ran to get the tractor and to call his brother Xhafer, who was home.
    "Fadil brother, haven't you all arrived safe", cried Xhafer. "Did they kill them all?", was his question. He had lost his brother with his two sons. He had lost Leonora, of whom he had to take care, asked by his brother. To take care of her, while her father was at work.
    Four corpses were put in the house of Sylëmetaj family in Gërqinë (Has).
    Ajshe was transported to Gjakovë hospital. Her whole family was killed. She lost Muharrem who was supposed to learn the first letters. She lost Mazllum who should have taken the first steps. She will never see her husband Remzi again.
    All of them have thought of returning home together. They heard that Holbrooke reached an agreement.
    "I am not a politician, but this agreement is to be blamed for what happened to us. It cheated us to come back here", claims Fadil.
    "We would not have come, if there were no agreement. We went to seek shelter in Albania", he cries.
    "I hate both Milosevic and Holbrooke", says Fadil.
    When the police came for the first in the village on 21 September, they took Fadil and all his villagers and confined them in the building of the local school.
    "If we find a single bullet, we will burn the entire village", recalls Xhafer the words of the policemen. "Just after two days, police came again, and then the families decided to flee the village". Four of them never returned in Gërqinë.
    "We passed Goden - the first village in Kosova territory, for sure", claims Fadil. "We were only one kilometer far from home, we had to pass over only this hill", he claims pointing towards it. Its shadow now covers the graves of Leonora, Ramiz, Muharrem and Mazllum.
    Their half-opened eyes seem as looking towards the border which they never passed bef

                                        W A R N I N G
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    KOSOVA (KD interview – Robin Cook / part II)
    "Elections should take place within 6-8 months"

    Prishtina, 23 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    KD: Let us speak of the draft document on Kosova. The Albanian side does not regard in it a mechanism, the process of self-determination, or the referendum -- which are necessary for the further advancement of the status of Kosova, after the interim period...

    ….I think that it is also another important issue, which ought to be mentioned. It has to deal with the future of Balkans which I see in the ethnic integration, in developing the regional cooperation, in adapting the standards compatible with modern Europe, and which make this Europe as successful as it is now. In Western Europe, we are not putting any borders to one-another, but we are trying to tear down those that existed between us once. Therefore, Western-European countries would like to see Kosova using this possibility, by developing its self-administration structures. We would be ready to work with Kosovars to make this a reality.
    The future of Kosova and the rest of the Balkans is in strengthening the contacts and cooperation with these Western Europe countries, and I hope we will be able to build a partnership for this.
    I think that Kosovars will make a big mistake if they fail to act in conformity with what is currently being offered now, because of the request for independence which does not have the support of these European countries.

    KD: But the advancing of the status of Kosova within the federation seems unclear. If the European regionalisation of Kosova is aspired, in the current circumstances when Serbia is being centralized, then it is very difficult any positive trends to be expected...

    Cook: First of all, what is Serbia doing is in direct collision with the political trends of Europe. The other part of Europe is not being centralized, but on the contrary, i.e., see what is happening in Great Britain, the parliament of Scotland, Wales, and regional governance in Northern Ireland. In this context, we remain a part of the European political scheme. Milosevic is not looking forwards, he is not leading his country forward, but on the contrary, it is going backward.
    In addition, I personally think that Kosovars must not follow the example of Milosevic, but they ought to see the positive aspects of this package which are in conformity with the trends in Europe, which have to deal with decentralization.
    We will make continuous pressure on Milosevic, because I personally think that there won't be a stable result of the Kosova crisis, until we have a satisfactory political process and create the political institutions on which the Kosova people will have full confidence.

    KD: Have you seen any compliance with the requests posed to Belgrade?

    Cook: I just said that there were continuous hostilities from both sides, not only from Belgrade. We give a clear message to President Milosevic that we will continue the pressure, since we want to see significant withdrawal of the troops; we want compliance with the requests posed by the UN SC Resolution # 1199 according to which, the number of military and police forces must be reduced to the level it was before the hostilities started (in March).
    We request the return of the refugees--now we have some evidence that this has started, but still a lot of work has to be done. Until 2 November, we want a progress in the aspect of the political process.
    We have our role in this agreement as the international community, and we are working on it. As I mentioned before, Britain has provided 200 people for the verification mission in Kosova. Eight of them have already arrived there. I hope that by the beginning of the next month, the mission will be ready to act and fully control Milosevic's activities in Kosova, and therefore a huge pressure for the fulfillment of the requests is being made. However, this is not something that we should mention tomorrow like "well, we finished this and now we'll go".
    The mandate of the verification mission is initially one year, and we will apply pressure within this year. The elections would be held within eight months. I hope they will be held earlier and I emphasize the necessity of holding them.

    KD: Then what will happen to the 27 October deadline?

    Cook: Let me make myself clear concerning NATO’s decision. It is not a deadline for Milosevic. We expect Milosevic to start complying with the requests immediately.
    We want immediate evidences of withdrawal (of the troops). The NATO decision was an order for the NATO commanders to undertake actions. To remain into function. We will scrutinize further whether to maintain this order or not.
    We want to make clear that, this order will be kept as a part of the verification mission, and we want to make clear also that president Milosevic is under a huge pressure so he cannot obstruct the arrival and the work of the mission.
    I hope this mission will start to function by the end of this month, but maybe initially not with the number 2.000, which nevertheless has to be fulfilled by the end of the next month.
    Everything will be scrutinized by 28 October.
    This is a decision to make the order continuously present, so it must not be regarded as a deadline within which the requests must be fulfilled.
    The agreement in political negotiations would have had to be achieved until 2 November, but the elections should be held within 6-8 months. This is a process. I want to stress once again, that my most important message is that we do not regard the Holbrooke package as an episode, which puts an end to the Kosova crisis...
    Great Britain has played an important role for this agreement to be achieved. Now we are making preparations for the important role in putting into function this agreement, which covers the period from this current moment up to 28 October, even after this date.

    KOSOVA (KLA reacts to Dienstbier)
    KLA: "We are worried about Dienstbier’s irresponsible presentation"

    Prishtina, 23 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    "The KLA General headquarters is following with full attention the political and diplomatic activity concerning Kosova; it appreciates the engagement of the relevant international factors as well as of outstanding personalities, but it is worried with the irresponsible presentation of the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights, Jiri Dienstbier. His statement was an attack not only to our just and liberation struggle, but also to the basic principles of the organization he is representing. We believe that those are just his personal standpoints induced by the repulsive mythomania, and not the standpoints of the organization he represents.
    KLA thinks that the Russian and Chinese diplomacy still are not getting rid from the dilapidated antihuman concepts of Stalinism respectively Maoism. This approach is being imposed also to the relevant mechanisms like the UN Security Council, OSCE, NATO etc.
    Regarding the augmented interest of the international community for halting the bloody fighting, and in order to respect the UN SC Resolution 1199, as well as the decisions of Contact Group on Kosova, the KLA General Headquarters has proclaimed a self-restraint for halting the military actions as long as NATO actions against Serbia continue. The self-restraint continues, but it is not unlimited.
    The KLA General Headquarters, repeats that it will be open to any relevant mechanism of the international community, which is to the benefit from the peace and the future of our people. Every interest and activity of these organisms will be unimpeded and will be given our assistance.
    KLA will not undertake any attack against the Serb military and police forces during their withdrawal. However, every movement towards the villages or our strongholds will compel us to undertake measures of self-defense.
    We reconfirm the continuation of self-restraint, although for this, we are not obliged by any agreement, but by the interest of our nation fighting so eagerly for freedom, independence, democracy as well as by the activity of the international community for peace and stability in the region", states the communiqué of KLA General Headquarters.

    KOSOVA (UN Special Rapporteur)
    Dienstbier: "I was misinterpreted..."

    Prishtina 23 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights met with the representatives of Kosova Albanians as well as with the local Serb authorities during his visit to Kosova.
    Dienstbier has severely criticized for his reference to "the Albanian guerrilla" in an interview given to the daily "Gazeta Wyborocza". He labeled some of them as "diabolic supporters of the Albanian communist dictator Enver Hoxha", while the others as "organized Mafia which normally acts in Germany and Switzerland".
    After today’s meeting with Fehmi Agani – the head of the Albanian negotiating team, Dienstbier claimed, in a press briefing, that his interview was misinterpreted. Responding to the question whether he has abused the position of the special rapporteur, he stated:
    "I cannot accept this accusation because only a short part of a long interview was published here – and it referred to all aspects of the prevailing situation in the region", claimed Dienstbier.
    He added further that he does not think that he was misinterpreted in the Polish newspaper, but the misinterpretation was made in the text published here, although he is now used to the misinterpretations.
    Dienstbier denied to have blamed any of the parties in the conflict in his interview, but he said he spoke of the "situation, and various elements of the entire conflict".
    "I have spoken about some Enverist and other elements within KLA, but I have also claimed that most of those people are simply peasants who try to protect their villages", said Dienstbier.
    "I have appealed to official Belgrade for a general amnesty for these people", he claimed.
    Asked whether he met anyone from the KLA, since he speaks about Enverist elements within it, and whether he saw the living conditions in the war engulfed area, Dienstbier answered: "I have seen people suffering, but this does not have to deal with this description. I have condemned violence used by Serb army and police, several times".
    Dienstbier claimed that during his visit in Kosova he has visited the hospital in Prizren, where he spoke with a 17 years old boy who was arrested with the group of 150 people. Twenty out of them are under arrest. "I have asked the prosecutor, the President of the Court and the judges whether they have any orders for the implementation of the Milosevic-Holbrooke agreement (concerning amnesty), and they said they do not. Therefore I have demanded from our office in Belgrade to arrange a meeting with the Ministry of Justice in Belgrade, since this is one of the points which needs to be implemented immediately in order to create a more favorable atmosphere here and to establish mutual confidence", claimed the UN special rapporteur for human rights.
    Jiri Dienstbier also met Dr. Ibrahim Rugova and the KLA political representative Adem Demaçi today.

    KOSOVA (KLA holds two Serb journalists)
    Dobricic and Radosevic were stopped as they were suspected spies

    Prishtina, 23 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    "On Sunday, 18 October, at around 1500CET, the KLA police patrol met a `Yugo Florida' vehicle with Belgrade registration plates, near the village of Magurë. The vehicle had no "press" sign and had two passengers, Vladimir Dobricic and Nebojsa Radosevic, inside. The vehicle did not stop immediately after given the sign to do so.
    Their claims that they are journalists were not convincing, as they were suspected to have come to the area for espionage activities.
    They were detained, with the aim to find out their profession and the purpose of their travel. If the KLA Military Police Investigating Directory, concludes that they were not implicated in the war of the Serb regime against the Albanian people, they will be released through the ICRC. Their treatment during the investigation will be correct, without any elements of the police authority of Milosevic", it is stated in the communiqué of the KLA Military Police.

    KOSOVA (houses burning – Malishevë)
    Serb forces burn Albanian houses - two weeks old baby dies

    Malishevë, 23 October (ARTA) 1600CE --
    Loud shooting was heard during last evening and today, coming from the Serb positions in the territory of Malishevë, particularly from the checkpoint in Llozicë. Shooting and sporadic shelling from mine launchers were also evidenced last evening in the villages of Tërpezë and Lladrovc. On the other hand, loud detonations were heard in the village of Dragobil, yesterday and today.
    Witnesses state that the detonations started after the cattle stepped on the mines, planted near the Serb checkpoint. Such claims send serious signals to the residents in the mine planted fields, in case of the eventual withdrawal of the special Serb units from Dragobil. Despite this, the Serb forces also burned several Albanian owned houses in the village of Kijevë. According to Albanian sources, so far, 40 Albanian owned houses were burned in this village of mixed population. Local sources claim to have seen an excavator digging in the ground, near the house of Maliq Kryeziu, in the village of Mleçan, during the entire day. It is supposed that there the Serb forces have masked heavy artillery arms and anti air cannons.
    The humanitarian situation in the municipal territory is deteriorating. This situation is particularly tense in the eastern part, where the population of Tërpezë and Lladrovc were forced to abandon their houses, following the several days long attack of the Serb forces.
    The two weeks old baby, Egzon Krasniqi, from the village of Drenoc and another child, from the municipality of Klinë, sheltered in this village, died in the village of Drenoc, due to lack of medicine and medical treatment.
    Osman Krasniqi (68), also died yesterday in the same village. He had been wounded on 28 June by Serb special police units that killed his brother in the same attack.

    KOSOVA (shooting – Prizren)
    Shooting in Tusus again

    Prizren, 23 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    Besides in the region of the border belt where shooting by the Serb military forces can be heard every single night, Tusus was one of the neighborhoods that experienced the same thing on Thursday at around 2000CET. Shooting was coming from the direction of the police checkpoint in the outskirts of this neighborhood, Albanian sources state. Consequently, the residents of the houses close to this checkpoint, fled their homes and returned back on Friday.
    For three days, the electric power in this neighborhood was cut off, with the pretext that the residents did not pay their bills on time.
    On Friday at around 0900CET, the police arrested several residents of "Tusus", including some minors.
    "KD" sources from the Has region, confirmed on Friday that the building of the police station in Zym is being renovated. It had been closed down 10 years ago.
    Sources from the Has region inform that Serb military forces settled in by force, in several Albanian owned stores in the village of Planejë as well as other villages of this border belt, forcing the locals to fix the roads that lead to the military trenches.
    On the other hand, the Serb run Municipal Court in Prizren, has postponed the trials of Albanians arrested during the offensives. Accused of being terrorists, the arrested have spent the past two months in prison.

    KOSOVA (victims – Deçan)
    Two out of three victims identified

    Deçan, 23 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    The death of three new victims from this municipality was confirmed on Thursday.
    Two out of three corpses that were transported by the police to the Gjakovë hospital were identified as Shehide Tolaj and Zize Tolaj from Deçan municipal village of Pobergjë. The third one is supposed to be a 65-years-old woman from Lloçan whose identity is not confirmed yet. The Serb police brought her corpse into the morgue of Gjakovë hospital.
    The identity of the victims was ascertained by the relatives, although the bodies were severely burned.

    KOSOVA (mines planted – Klinë)
    Police mined the yard of an Albanian owned house

    Klinë, 23 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    After burning the house of Destan Selimi, the Serb police are now planting mines in the yard of his house.
    Destan is the father of Rexhep Selimi, sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in absence.

    KOSOVA (police/military movements – Mitrovicë)
    Large police\military movements

    Mitrovicë, 23 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    Large Serb police\military forces cruised through Mitrovicë and its outskirts, during yesterday and today, Albanian sources state. Serb police\military forces, consisting of 4 trucks, with Valjevo and Cacak registration plates, entered Mitrovicë today at around 0950CET, from the direction of Serbia. They circulated several times downtown Mitrovicë and then continued their way in the direction of Skënderaj. At around 1010CET, new Serb military forces equipped with heavy artillery weaponry, also went in the direction of Skënderaj.
    Today, for the first time, the international observers visited the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës, respectively the village of Rashan. The village of Rashan is one of the villages that paid the heaviest toll during the Serb offensive. It had not been visited by any humanitarian organization so far, since the road to Rashan is blocked by the Serb police, at Stantërg.

    KOSOVA (military stationing - Viti)
    Numerous military forces settle in several ocalities

    Viti, 23 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    Besides the increased movements, the Serb military forces, equipped with different caliber weaponry, including tanks, different caliber cannons, APCs etc., settled in several localities, as of 18 October, Albanian sources from Viti inform.
    They are posted in the following places: near the village of Gjylekar, resided by Albanian population, at the place called Çibicat e Vogla, in Vërbovc, in the yard of the local registry office camouflaged with hey stocks, as well as in Binçë and Letnicë, where they had already been stationed once.
    CDHRF in Gjilan informs that Serb military units are reinforced along the border with Macedonia and that in one of the bordering points in Stançiq, they improvised a small military checkpoint.
    On the other hand, yesterday and today, the movements of these forces down the streets of the town and other localities, are supposed to have been reduced because of the fact that three OSCE vehicles were seen in this region.

    KOSOVA (Rugova press conference)
    Rugova: "Serb forces have not withdrawn"

    Prishtina, 23 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    "Serb forces are still in Kosova, and it cannot be said that any progress is made. Hence, we requested that the NATO activation order be ready, to pressure Belgrade, and of course to have NATO present in Kosova", stated in his regular press conference, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova. This was at the same time, his comment concerning the information that came from the NATO in Brussels, according to which "progress was made in the withdrawal of the forces" and on the open statements telling how will the course of events run after 27 October, when the deadline of the NATO ultimatum, expires.
    President Rugova, condemned the Serb army action, which caused a big tragedy to the Sylmetaj family, from Gërqinë (Gjakovë municipality) when four of its members on their way back home from Albania, where they had become refugees, were killed.
    He evaluated that the situation in Kosova remains tense and threatening, as a result of the shelling of the villages of Malishevë, of Gjakovë outskirts and in the villages of Drenica. He stressed that the villages of Malishevë have many new IDPs and that thousands of people are still living under the open sky for in several villages, Serb police prevented the people from returning to their homes.
    After demanding an international security so that the refugees be allowed to return home, Rugova once more emphasized that the presence of the Serb forces in Kosova is still very large. They are only repositioning and reinforcing, he said.
    Rugova demanded that the NATO "Activation Order" still is kept in force and that the NATO troops be deployed in Kosova.
    Expressing his gratitude to the European MPs for honoring him with the "Sakharov '98" prize, President Rugova said that the news for this prize came at very difficult times for Kosova and it is an honor to the people of Kosova. "It is an award for the peaceful resistance of the people of Kosova for freedom, independence and democracy and for its sacrifices. The European Parliament and the American Congress, are the first institutions, which since the '80 have put the people of Kosova under their protection. I am pleased to be among those honored with this prize, such as Mandela and others. I also see it as very important for Kosova to be the second Kosovar to be given this award, after Adem Demaçi, said Rugova in his press conference.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
     ==> LINK to the news
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:24ata01
    Datum:         Sat, 24 Oct 1998 13:58:29 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Albanian Government supports powerfully Irbahim Rugova - Majko

          TIRANE, Oct.23 (ata)  - Albanian Government supports powerfully the President of the Republic of Kosove, Ibrahim Rugova and all other political factors voted by our Kosova brothers, thus respecting the Kosova political factor as determinant in the solution of the situation in Kosove, said Albanian PM Pandeli Majko in a meeting with a delegation of the Government of the Republic of Kosove, led by his counterpart, Bujar Bukoshi, the Ministry of Information told ATA.
          The present situation in Kosove and the dramatic developments there were in the focus of the meeting.
          The two ministers, says the report, voiced full understanding on the establishment of direct links so that to avoid any misunderstanding in the relations between the two governments, especially in the present situation when the international factor is so sensitized about the question of Kosove.
          Speaking of the measures that the Albanian Government has adopted to create the necessary conditions for the people displaced from Kosove, PM Majko stressed the need that the work be coordinated so that the assistance from the international community be efficiently used.
          After congratulating PM Majko and his cabinet, PM Bukoshi voiced his full belief that the present situation in Albania will pass soon.

    Serb forces bomb Lladroc village in Malisheve

          PRISHTINA, Oct. 24 (ATA) - Sources from the Kosova Democratic League reported that on Friday noon units of the Serb military and police forces, deployed in the place called Rreze, bombed the village of Lladroc, but so far there are no reports on casualties, the Kosova Information Center said.
          Meanwhile, all the villages of Lugu are still kept surrounded, and the Serb police raided the houses and maltreated the inhabitants. Two police road-blocks in Gllogjan have been backed recently by six checking points.
          It is also reported that the bodies of three killed people were sent to the morgue of the Prizereni Hospital. Only one of them has been identified, Shpetim Kryeziu, 20, from Pagarusha.

    Expert group for crime investigation created in Kosova

          PRISHTINE, Oct. 24 (ATA) - Kosova Information Minister, Xhafer Shatri, announced the creation of a group of foreign experts for the investigation of war crimes in Kosova, and made an appeal to the citizens to offer this Ministry all the information and datas for crimes and masaccres commited by Serb forces, said Kosova Information Center.
          The Serb criminels should appear before the International Court and should be condemned for our killed and masaccred children, mothers and parents," is said in the declaration signed by the Minister Shatri.
          The declaration says that a group of foreign specialists of the International Right, with experience in war crimes investigation in other countrie of ex-Yougoslavia, have created the work group, which is in contact with the Information Ministry of Kosova.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\23ats04
    Datum:         Fri, 23 Oct 1998 20:52:05 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Verification of implementation of U.N. resolution goes paralelly with political negotiations, Hill

          TIRANA, Oct. 23 (ATA) - By I. Luto:
          The envoy of U.S. President Bill Clinton, ambassador Christopher Hill, declared after the meeting with Albania PM that the process for the verification of the implementation of the U.N. Resolutions from Belgrade is parallely going with the political process for the solution of the status in Kosova.
          "We talked with Mr. Majko about the progress made in the resolution of the Kosova issue, but there is still a long way to go. It is very positive the fact that the monitoring mission of OSCE is now in Kosova, adding that the OSCE mission head is expected to arrive there on Friday. These and the ongoing political process of negotiations with Belgrade and Prishtina show the progress being done for the political solution of the crisis. We hope that the presence of the OSCE observation mission in Kosova will play a powerful role," ambassador Hill told Albanian journalists, after meeting with the Albanian Premier, Pandeli Majko.
          Referring to the political process for the resolution of the Kosova status, Ambassador Hill told the journalists that "a group of journalists are present in Prishtina and are working with me all the time, but I do not want to predict the date when we will finally have an agreement, except to say that it will be as soon as possible."
          Ambassador Hill held on Friday noon a meeting with PM Majko to discuss on the recent developments in Kosova, as well as to be informed about the stands of the Albanian government regarding the situation in the region.

    Kosova issue demands final solution by peaceful ways

          TIRANA, Oct. 23 (ATA) - By E. Nepravishta:
          The head of the Socialist Party, Fatos Nano, met Friday with the Ambassador of Great Britain, Stephan Nash, upon the request of the later.
          Ambassador Nash was interested in the recent political developments in the country for the approval of the constitution through a people's referendum, as well as on the stands regarding the Kosova matter, press office of the Socialist Party told ATA.
          In response to his interest, Nano briefed on the political life in the country, stressing the referendum for the approval of the new Albanian Constitution.
          In regard to the Kosova problem, they both stressed the necessity for the final solution of the Kosova issue through peaceful ways and appreciated the contribution of international organizations, engaged in the resolution of this question. Nano considered as very important the contribution of the British Foreign Secretary, Cook, in the solution of this problem by also expressing his thanks for the stands of Great Britain regarding Kosova.
          Nano held a meeting on same day with the deputy President of "France Liberte," Roland Merleux. Also, in this meeting, they discussed on the latest political development in the country and the Kosova problem.

    Last polls in Macedonia voted for coexistence, Nano

          TIRANA, Oct. 23 (ATA) - By E. Nepravishta:
          The chairman of the Socialist Party met Friday with the ambassador of the Former Republic of Macedonia in Tirana, Risto Nivoski, upon the request of the later.
          Focusing on the latest elections in Macedonia, Nano reiterated his idea regarding the coexistence, adding that certainly it has been voted for this coexistence. Further on, Nano briefed on the political situation in the country, the work and efforts made for drafting and approving the new Constitution, as well as on the measures taken for its approval in a people's referendum. He familiarized ambassador Nivoski with the support that SP has given and is giving to the new government for therealization of its government program.
          With regard to the Kosova issue, both parties expressed complete understanding for a final solution and through peaceful ways of the Kosova matter. Nano and Nivoski voiced their viewpoints regarding the situation in the region, stressing the common readiness to contribute to the creation of a real regional understanding.
          At the end of the meeting, ambassador Nivoski gave to chairman Nano a letter from Branko Cervenkovski.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press: Gazeta Albania
    Datum:         Fri, 23 Oct 1998 18:20:23 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
    NATO to Decide on its Future Steps after Verification Mission Remarks

    BRUSSELS, October 23 /Reuters/ - NATO was still looking for clear signs of irreversible troop and police withdrawals from Kosova on Friday as the clock ticked down to a Tuesday deadline when it must decide whether or not to launch air strikes. A NATO official said that the allies faced four options. They could go ahead with military intervention -- the "last resort" they have sought to avoid -- or extend the ultimatum to a new date, lift the threat entirely or keep it live but open-ended. It all depended on how closely Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic complied with United Nations demands to pull his troops from the southern Serbian province and let refugees return home. The allies did not expect full compliance by Tuesday on the entire political-military deal made to end the Kosova crisis, which includes de-mining, a political settlement and elections next year. But demilitarization was a key issue that brooks no delay, the NATO official said. U.S. and European observers who inspected troubleshoots in Kosova on Wednesday found conditions unchanged from a few days ago, when NATO began warning Belgrade to speed up troop withdrawals. In the final analysis, "compliance" is not an absolute and the decision to be taken by NATO will be a political one, weighing many factors. As the clock ticked down to the October 27 deadline, both sides in the conflict were clearly testing NATO's resolve, official and diplomatic sources said.

    Solana Cancels Visit to Sarajevo to NATO Permanent ambassadors

    BRUSSELS, October 23 /Reuters/ - NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana canceled a visit to Sarajevo and NATO's permanent ambassadors were set to meet at their Brussels headquarters on Friday and over the weekend to pore over assessments of the confused and changing situation. U.S. naval officers said the United States was pulling its aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower from the Mediterranean, sharply cutting NATO firepower for any eventual strikes. However, senior navy and intelligence staff said the West still had all the weaponry it needed to carry out substantial attacks if Belgrade failed to honor its commitment. The least likely NATO decision next week if Milosevic remains short on compliance is to lift the threat entirely. The launch of cruise missiles could lead to violent reprisals against ethnic Albanians or even to war with Yugoslavia, catapulting NATO and its post Cold War role as peacemaker into an abyss of uncertainty. The most likely decision, if the assessment of Yugoslav compliance continues to be a "mixed bag", would appear to be an open-ended extension of the threat, with no fixed date. The final word on whether to fire the missiles would rest in the political hands of NATO's member states, not its military commanders, as is the case with the current activation order.

    Proposed Draft-Resolution of SC of UN Seek to Endorse NATO Future Strikes

    UNITED NATIONS, October 23 /Reuters/ - Following are highlights of a proposed U.N. Security Council resolution Western nations want the 15-member body to adopt on Kosova, populated mainly by ethnic Albanians. Russia, which has veto power on the council, has balked at the draft. The draft would:
    endorse agreements between Yugoslavia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and NATO to verify earlier council demands that Belgrade pull back its forces from Kosova. It requests these groups "take steps to ensure their full implementation."
    affirm that the OSCE or NATO "may need to take action" to ensure the "freedom of movement and safety" of their respective monitoring missions.
    call for Yugoslavia and Kosova separatist leaders to implement a political solution to the crisis.
    condemn all acts of violence by any party as well as terrorism in "pursuit of political goals by any group of individual" including training and arms supplies.
    demand immediate action from Yugoslavia and the Kosova Albanian leadership to allow humanitarian groups help civilians forced out of their homes.
    call for prompt and complete investigations of all atrocities committed against civilians through the Hague-based U.N. tribunal on the former Yugoslavia.
    allow international organization to import weapons they may need as an exception to the arms embargo imposed on Yugoslavia.

    10. eventual additional press news 
     ==> LINK to the news
    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Heile Du mich, HERR, so werde ich heil; 
        hilf Du mir, so ist mir geholfen. 
        Jeremia 17,14
        HERR, ich bin matt geworden und ganz zerschlagen; 
             ich schreie vor Unruhe meines Herzens. 
        Du kennst all mein Begehren, 
             und mein Seufzen ist Dir nicht verborgen. 
        Verlass mich nicht, HERR, 
             mein Gott, sei nicht ferne von mir ! 
        Eile, mir beizustehen, 
             HERR, Du meine Hilfe !
      Psalm 38,9-10.22-23
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; 
        save me, and I shall be saved.
      Jeremia 17, 14
        I am feeble and sore broken: 
             I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart. 
        Lord, all my desire [is] before thee; 
             and my groaning is not hid from thee. 
        Forsake me not, O LORD: 
             O my God, be not far from me. 
        Make haste to help me, 
             O Lord my salvation. 
      Psalm 38, 8-9.21-22
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 24.10.1998  

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