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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 25. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 25, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1593

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1. Meldungen von dpa

Meldung vom 25.10.1998 16:56 http://seite1.web.de/show/36334A31.NL1/
Rumäniens Verteidigungsrat will Teilnahme an Kosovo-Missionen
Bukarest (dpa) - Der Oberste Verteidigungsrat Rumäniens hat am Sonntag beschlossen, das Parlament in Bukarest um Billigung der Beteiligung Rumäniens an den Friedensmissionen der OSZE und der Nato zu bitten. Der Rat tagte unter dem Vorsitz von Staatspräsident Emil Constantinescu.
     Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) hatte Rumänien um die Entsendung von Beobachtern für die OSZE-Mission im Kosovo gebeten. Die Nato hat Rumänien, wie alle anderen Teilnehmer des Nato-Programms «Partnerschaft für den Frieden» gebeten, einen Beobachtungshubschrauber zur Verfügung zu stellen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 25.10.1998 15:08 http://seite1.web.de/show/363330DB.NL1/
OSZE beschließt Überprüfungsmission für das Kosovo
Wien (dpa) - Der Permanente Rat der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) hat am Sonntag in Wien formell den sofortigen Beginn der Überprüfungsmission für die südjugoslawische Krisenprovinz Kosovo beschlossen. Der Beschluß sei eine Folge der letzten Entscheidung des UN-Sicherheitsrates, in dem die OSZE-Beobachter ausdrücklich ermächtigt werden, die Lage im Kosovo zu kontrollieren.
     Geplant ist die Entsendung von 2 000 OSZE-Beobachtern, die sich aus Diplomaten und polizeilichen sowie militärischen Fachleuten zusammensetzen sollen. Es handelt sich um das bisher größte Projekt der OSZE in ihrer Geschichte.
© dpa
Meldung vom 25.10.1998 14:58  http://seite1.web.de/show/36332EA6.NL1/
Europas Linke macht sich an Um- und Ausbau der EU
Pörtschach (dpa) - Die Geste sagt mehr als wortgewaltige Gipfelerklärungen: Helmut Kohl, der 16 Jahre die Interessen eines konservativen Deutschlands in der Europäischen Union vertrat, soll Ehrenbürger der EU werden. Der «schwarze Riese» geht, und nun bekommt auch die stärkste Wirtschaftsmacht der Europäischen Union mit Gerhard Schröder als neuem deutschen Kanzler einen roten Vormann.
     Das zweitägige EU-Sondergipfeltreffen in Pörtschach (Österreich) brachte wenig Greifbares, reichte aber schon weit in die Zukunft und stellte ohne Zweifel Weichen. Und er war eine Demonstration sozialdemokratischen Machtbewußtseins. Die am Konferenztisch dominierenden linken Staatsmänner zollten somit selbstbewußt den Verdiensten Kohls um die europäischen Einigung noch einmal Respekt und riefen dann eine neue Ära aus.
     Pragmatisch soll es künftig in der EU zugehen. Die Bürger sollen das Gefühl haben, daß «die in Brüssel» eine Politik machen, für die es sich lohnt, jährlich etwa 80 Milliarden Ecu (160 Milliarden Mark) auszugeben. Daß sich die elf sozialdemokratischen und vier konservativen Regierungschefs einig waren, den Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen, war und ist ein gern beschworenes Ziel europäischer Gipfeltreffen. Doch die Linken wollen nun andere Wege als bisher gehen.
     Der italienische Ministerpräsident Massimo D'Alema, ein gewendeter Kommunist, forderte die auf ihre Unabhängigkeit pochende Europäische Zentralbank offen heraus. Eine Zinssenkung müsse her, um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln und den etwa 17 Millionen Arbeitslosen eine Chance zu geben. Wohlwollendes Nicken bei den Parteifreunden aus Frankreich und Deutschland. «Es ist kein Geheimnis, daß Schröder bei der Wirtschaftspolitik neue Akzente setzen will», folgerte ein österreichischer Diplomat nach dem ersten, noch zurückhaltenden Auftritt Schröders auf der EU-Bühne. «Roter Oktober» nennt die britische Wirtschaftszeitung «Financial Times» diesen Politikwechsel.
     Dem britischen Premierminister Tony Blair war es in Pörtschach vorbehalten, eine zweite Kursänderung einzuleiten. Die gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, vor allem von Großbritannien bisher blockiert, soll eine glaubhafte Demonstration europäischer Stärke werden. Die Krisen auf dem Balkan zeigten, daß die EU-Staaten im Ernstfall ohne die USA «zerstritten und uneinig» und damit handlungsunfähig seien, bemerkte Blair in seinem Vortrag. «In der Kosovo-Krise waren wir zu langsam.»
     Mit dem neuen EU-Vertrag von Amsterdam ist der Grundstein gelegt, daß nach der wirtschaftlichen Verflechtung - Binnenmarkt und Währungsunion - nun die politische Einigung folgt. Aber das Beharren Großbritanniens und Frankreichs auf eine eigenständige Rolle auf der internationalen Bühne und die franzöischen Vorbehalte gegen einen sicherheitspolitischen Schulterschluß mit den USA haben bisher jeden Ansatz im Keim ersticken lassen.
     In Pörtschach hat auch der französische Präsident Jacques Chirac betont, wie nötig es angesichts der Krisen auf dem Balkan sei, daß die EU, mit einer Stimme spricht. Beim nächsten Gipfel in Wien soll ein außenpolitischer Vertreter der EU gekürt werden. Bei der militärischen Kooperation dürfte wohl geprüft werden, in welchem Verhältnis die EU künftig zur Nato stehen soll. Die Westeuropäische Union, der europäische Arm der Nato, wird möglicherweise mit der EU verschmolzen. Blair warnte allerdings vor überzogenen Erwartungen. «Was wir brauchen, ist der politische Wille.» Er sollte im «Geist von Pörtschach» schon eingegangen sein, meinte der österreichische Bundeskanzler Viktor Klima.
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Meldung vom 25.10.1998 14:57  http://seite1.web.de/show/36332E6D.NL1/
UN-Sicherheitsrat verabschiedete neue Kosovo-Resolution
New York/Belgrad (dpa) - Der Weltsicherheitsrat hat begleitet von Druck der Nato auf Jugoslawien eine neue Kosovo-Resolution verabschiedet. Darin wird «zur Kenntnis genommen», daß die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) «in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Organisationen (...) Arrangements erwägt», um im Falle eines Notstands Aktionen zur Sicherheit und zur Bewegungsfreiheit ihrer künftigen Beobachter in der Krisenprovinz zu ergreifen. Unterdessen führten am Wochenende die ranghöchsten Nato-Offiziere langwierige Gespräche mit der politischen und militärischen Führung Jugoslawiens in Belgrad.
     Die gewundene Formulierung der UN-Resolution vom Samstag, die nach Überzeugung westlicher Diplomaten Militäreinsätze für den präzise begrenzten Zweck ermöglicht, hat Rußland und China von einem Veto abgehalten. Beide hatten sich nachdrücklich gegen deutlichere Ermächtigungen des höchsten UN-Gremiums für Militärschläge der Nato ausgesprochen. Sie enthielten sich dennoch auch bei der neuen Resolution 1203 der Stimme.
     Die Nato, die in früheren westlichen Resolutionsentwürfen noch ausdrücklich zum Eingreifen ermächtigt werden sollte, verbirgt sich jetzt hinter den «anderen Organisationen». Da sie aber bereits bisher ohne Mandat des Sicherheitsrates weitgehende Beschlüsse zum möglichen Eingreifen im Kosovo gefaßt hat, werden nach Einschätzung von Experten viele Politiker des Bündnisses die Formulierungen der neuen Resolution extensiv auslegen.
     Der Oberbefehlshaber der Nato in Europa, General Wesley Clark, und der Chef des Militärausschusses der Allianz, General Klaus Naumann, verhandelten bis zum Sonntag insgesamt zwölf Stunden lang mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic, Generalstabschef Momcilo Perisic und der Polizeiführung. Das berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher der US-Botschaft in Belgrad.
     Diplomatische Kreise in Belgrad erklärten, die Nato-Offiziere hätten der jugoslawischen Führung verdeutlicht, daß das Verteidigungsbündnis mit dem Tempo der Umsetzung der jugoslawischen Verpflichtungen aus der UN-Resolution unzufrieden ist.
     Die Nato hatte Milosevic eine Frist bis zum Dienstag dieser Woche gegeben, um die Sonder-Einheiten der jugoslawischen Armee und serbischen Polizei vollständig aus dem Kosovo zurückzuziehen. Andernfalls droht das Bündnis mit Luftangriffen auf serbische Stellungen.
     Der serbische Vizeregierungschef Tomislav Nikolic wiederholte am Sonntag, Belgrad habe alle Forderungen der UN, wie sie im Abkommen Milosevic' mit dem US-Sonderbeauftragten Richard Holbrooke stehen, erfüllt. «Wir haben unsere Verpflichtungen erfüllt und den Großteil der Polizei aus dem Kosovo abgezogen», sagte er einem serbischen Lokalsender. Serben und Albaner berichteten am Wochenende über den Rückzug starker Armee-Einheiten aus dem Kosovo in ihre Kasernen.
     In der UN-Resolution wird die Bereitschaft Belgrads «willkommen geheißen», die Sicherheit der Beobachtermissionen zu garantieren. Das höchste UN-Gremium unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, daß die Machthaber in Jugoslawien und die Führung der Kosovo-Albaner unverzüglich in einen Dialog ohne Vorbedingungen und mit internationaler Beteiligung eintreten. Dabei müsse es einen klaren Zeitplan geben, so daß ein Ende der Krise und eine politische Lösung für die Kosovo-Krise erreicht wird.
     Der Sicherheitsrat «besteht darauf», daß die Führung der Kosovo-Albaner alle terroristischen Aktionen «verurteilt», und fordert, daß diese Aktionen sofort eingestellt werden. Die Kosovo-Albaner sollten ihre Ziele nur mit friedlichen Mitteln anstreben.
     Die Führung in Belgrad und die Führung der Kosovo-Albaner wurden aufgefordert, mit den internationalen Bemühungen um eine Verbesserung der humanitären Lage zu kooperieren und eine drohende humanitäre Katastrophe zu verhindern. Das Recht aller Flüchtlinge auf sichere Rückkehr in ihre Heimat wird bestätigt und die Verantwortung Belgrads unterstrichen, dafür die Bedingungen zu schaffen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 25.10.1998 12:46 http://seite1.web.de/show/36330FA3.NL1/
Nato-Befehlshaber sprachen mit Milosevic und Belgrader Militärspitze
Belgrad (dpa) - Der Oberbefehlshaber der Nato in Europa, General Wesley Clark, und der Chef des Militärausschusses der Allianz, General Klaus Naumann, haben bei einem zweiten Treffen mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrad bis zum frühen Sonntag morgen verhandelt. Das berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Beta unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher der US-Botschaft in Belgrad. Clark und Naumann flogen am Mittag nach Brüssel zurück. Sie waren bereits am Samstag zu einem ersten Gespräch mit Milosevic zusammengetroffen.
     Die beiden Nato-Generäle trafen sich auch mit dem jugoslawischen Generalstabschef General Momcilo Perisic. Sie wollten der Führung in Belgrad die Unzufriedenheit der Nato mit dem Tempo der Umsetzung der jugoslawischen Verpflichtungen bei der Erfüllung der UN-Resolution zum Kosovo klarmachen. Einzelheiten der Gespräche wurden zunächst nicht bekannt.
     Die Nato hat Milosevic eine Frist bis zum Dienstag dieser Woche gegeben, um die Sonder-Einheiten der jugoslawischen Armee und serbischen Polizei vollständig aus dem Kosovo zurückzuziehen. Andernfalls droht das westliche Verteidigungsbündnis mit Luftangriffen auf serbische Stellungen.
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Meldung vom 25.10.1998 11:34  http://seite1.web.de/show/3632FEDB.NL1/
Jelzin reist nach Wien - Hoffnung auf Hilfe bei Kredit-Gesprächen
Moskau (dpa) - Der russische Präsident Boris Jelzin will bei seinem für Dienstag geplanten Besuch in Wien demonstrieren, daß Rußland trotz der schweren Finanzkrise ein verläßlicher Partner des Westens ist. Der Kreml wies am Sonntag erneut Spekulationen zurück, wonach Jelzin (67) den Staatsbesuch und die Teilnahme am Gipfeltreffen der Europäischen Union (EU) und Rußlands absagen werde. Jelzin werde sich nicht durch Ministerpräsident Jewgeni Primakow vertreten lassen, meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax unter Berufung auf einen Kreml-Vertreter.
     Jelzin versicherte dem Westen, daß Rußland auf demokratischem Wege die schwere Finanzkrise überwinden wolle. Zugleich forderte er Westeuropa auf, Rußland als gleichberechtigten Handels- und Wirtschaftspartner zu akzeptieren.
     Möglicherweise werden in Wien die Kreditprogramme des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) und der Weltbank mit Rußland erörtert. Jelzin werde die EU aber nicht um Finanzhilfe bitten, hieß es nach Kreml-Angaben. Österreich hat derzeit die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft inne.
     Jelzins Besuch in Wien war um einen Tag gekürzt worden. Der russische Staatschef ist nach offiziellen Angaben von seiner Bronchitis genesen, die er sich vor zwei Wochen bei einer Mittelasien-Reise zugezogen hatte. Die vorzeitige Beendigung der Reise hatte zu neuen Spekulationen über den Gesundheitszustand Jelzins, der im November 1996 am Herzen operiert worden war. Einen Mitte November geplanten Besuch in Malaysia hatte der Staatschef abgesagt. Er läßt sich von Primakow vertreten.
     Rußland werde nicht von den Reformen zum Aufbau einer sozial orientierten Marktwirtschaft abkehren, sagte Jelzin in einem am Samstag von den russischen Nachrichten-Agenturen verbreiteten Interview mit der österreichischen «Neuen Kronenzeitung». Jedoch müsse die Wirtschaftspolitik Rußlands infolge der Krise «etwas korrigiert» werden. Dabei gehe es vor allem um schärfere Maßnahmen zur Steuereintreibung sowie gegen die Korruption und illegale Kapitalausfuhr.
     Jelzin forderte die EU auf, die Märkte für russische Waren zu öffnen. Rußland hoffe auch auf verstärkte Investitionen aus dem Ausland und wolle die Sicherheit der Investoren garantieren. Die russische Delegation will mit österreichischen Unternehmen Investitionsprojekte mit einem Volumen von 600 Millionen Dollar erörtern.
     Europa müsse die Interessen Rußland bei der EU-Osterweiterung und der Einführung des Euros berücksichtigen, sagte Jelzin weiter. Zugleich sprach er sich noch einmal gegen die beschlossene Nato-Osterweiterung aus und nannte sie einen «schweren Fehler».
     Er würdigte die Neutralität Österreichs als stabilisierenden Faktor in Europa. Bei den politischen Gesprächen in Wien sollen unter anderem die Kosovo-Krise, der Nahost-Friedensprozeß sowie die von Rußland abgelehnte Nato-Osterweiterung erörtert werden.
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Meldung vom 25.10.1998 10:20  http://seite1.web.de/show/3632ED56.NL1/
«Maariv»: Einigung in Wye konnte neuen Nahost-Krieg abwenden
Tel Aviv (dpa) - Die israelische Zeitung «Maariv» kommentiert am Sonntag die Unterzeichnung eines israelisch-palästinensischen Zwischen-Abkommens in Washington:
     «Das Wichtigste an dem in Washington unterzeichneten Abkommen ist das Abkommen selbst. Ohne diese Einigung wären wir auf dem Weg zu einem Krieg, den wir nur knapp und mit großen Verlusten gewinnen könnten. Netanjahu wollte nicht der Milosevic des Nahen Osten werden, mit Israel in der Rolle Jugoslawiens und den Palästinensern als bosnische Moslems oder Kosovo-Albaner.
     Die selbstzufriedene Linke in Israel unterschätzt jedoch den schweren Bruch innerhalb der Rechten: Ein Regierungschef, der aus dem Herzen des nationalistischen Lagers stammt, übergibt große Teile des Landes Israel, und an wen? An Arafat, den Terroristen, an dessen Händen das Blut jüdischer Kinder klebt. Die Siedler fühlen sich belogen und betrogen.»
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Meldung vom 25.10.1998 09:32  http://seite1.web.de/show/3632E23D.NL1/
Die Großmacht Rußland will nicht um humanitäre Hilfe betteln
Moskau (dpa) - Erstmals seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion vor acht Jahren könnte Rußland in diesem Winter wieder auf humanitäre Hilfe aus dem Westen angewiesen sein. Dem krisengeschüttelten Land drohen Engpässe bei der Lebensmittel-Versorgung. Befürchtungen um eine drohende Hungersnot weist die Regierung zurück.
     Rußland hat bis zur Rubelabwertung im August mehr als die Hälfte der Nahrungsmittel aus dem Ausland importiert. Durch den Kursverfall sind die Importe im September um das Sechsfache zurückgegangen. Verschärft wird die Lage durch eine Mißernte. Die Getreide-Ernte betrug in diesem Jahr weniger als 50 Millionen Tonnen (1997: 88,5 Millionen Tonnen), so daß Getreide-Importe trotz gegenteiliger Erklärungen nicht auszuschließen sind.
     Ministerpräsident Jewgeni Primakow aber will auf keinen Fall beim Westen die Hand aufhalten und betteln. Die russische Führung will ihr Gesicht wahren. Sie ist sie bemüht, sich als Großmacht darzustellen, die, so betonte Primakow am Samstag, «nicht die zweite Geige» spielen will. Mit Blick auf die harte russische Haltung in der Kosovo-Krise warnte Primakow den Westen vor dem Glauben, Rußland hänge angesichts der Wirtschaftskrise «an irgendeinem Haken».
     Andererseits kann Moskau aber die Angebote der Europäischen Union und der Vereinten Nationen für Lebensmittel-Hilfe wohl nicht ausschlagen. Doch die Bitte kommt Primakow nicht über die Lippen. Moskau werde den Westen nicht bitten, würde aber Angebote auch auf Kreditbasis zu günstigen Zinsen nicht ausschlagen, umschrieb Primakow die unangenehme Lage. Die EU wartet jedoch auf ein offizielles Hilfe-Ersuchen Moskaus.
     Nach dem ersten Krisen-Schock im August stürmten die Russen die Geschäfte und hamsterten Mehl, Zucker und Brot. Die Lage hat sich inzwischen beruhigt. Doch daß es Lücken bei der Versorgung der Russen geben wird, vor allem in der Provinz, gibt auch Primakow zu.
     Die vernachlässigte russische Provinz ist nicht erst seit Beginn der Krise, sondern seit Jahren unterversorgt. Der eigene Garten ist für viele Russen überlebenswichtig. Oder der Tauschhandel. Anna Ganina, eine 56jährige Lehrerin in der Nähe von Nischni-Nowgorod, bekommt seit Monaten keinen Lohn mehr. Die Verwaltung hat Abkommen mit den steuersäumigen Milch- und Fleischkombinaten geschlossen. Statt Rubeln erhält die Lehrerin Eier, Geflügel und Sonnenblumenöl. Das tauscht sie bei Verwandten und Bekannten gegen Mehl und Zucker.
     Die Regierung will nun die Importzölle senken und hat die Bahntarife für den Transport von Obst und Gemüse halbiert. Ab 1999 sollen auch die Tarife für den Transport von Fisch um 50 Prozent gesenkt werden. Mit der Ukraine und Weißrußland werden Verhandlungen über die Begleichung eines Teils der Schulden der Länder in Lebensmitteln geführt. Zudem hat die Regierung in den vergangenen Wochen eine Lebensmittel-Reserve im Wert von 600 Millionen Dollar gebildet. Mit den Beständen könnten die Bedürfnisse eines Drittels der russischen Bevölkerung gedeckt werden, hieß es.
     Doch das sind nur Tropfen auf den heißen Stein. Nach Ansicht von Experten drohen Rußland im Winter Engpässe bei der Versorgung mit Fleisch, Butter und Pflanzenöl. Das russische Rote Kreuz hat international um Unterstützung in Höhe von 15 Millionen Dollar gebeten.
     Die Ursache für das Versorgungsproblem liegt weiter zurück als die jüngste Finanzkrise in Rußland. Seit Beginn der neunziger Jahre ist die Produktion von Milch und Fleisch dramatisch gesunken. Zwischen 1990 und 1997 sank allein die Milch-Produktion von 20 Millionen Tonnen auf fünf Millionen Tonnen.
     Der Vieh-Bestand ist nach Angaben des Landwirtschaftsministeriums von etwa 43 Millionen Rindern 1990 auf 19 Millionen in diesem Jahr zurückgegangen. Der Schweine-Bestand macht noch ein Drittel des Bestandes von 1990 aus, und die Geflügelproduktion ist um die Hälfte zurückgegangen. «Auf den Aufbau der heimischen Landwirtschaft unter Krisenbedingungen ist kaum zu hoffen», schrieb das Nachrichtenmagazin «Itogi» pessimistisch.
© dpa
Meldung vom 25.10.1998 02:18  http://seite1.web.de/show/36326E54.NL1/
Zweites Treffen der Nato-Befehlshaber mit Milosevic
Belgrad (dpa) - Der Oberbefehlshaber der Nato in Europa, US-General Wesley Clark, und der Chef des Militärausschusses der Allianz, General Klaus Naumann, haben sich am späten Samstag abend in Belgrad zum zweiten Mal mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic getroffen. Das berichtete die Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta.
     Zuvor hatten sie Gespräche mit dem jugoslawischen Generalstabschef, General Momcilo Perisic, geführt. Sie wollten der Belgrader Führung die Unzufriedenheit der Nato mit dem schleppenden Tempo der Erfüllung der jugoslawischen Verpflichtungen klarmachen. Einzelheiten der Gespräche waren zunächst nicht bekannt.
    Die Nato hat Milosevic eine Frist bis kommenden Dienstag gegeben, um die Sondereinheiten der jugoslawischen Armee und der serbischen Polizei vollständig aus dem Kosovo zurückzuziehen. Andernfalls droht das westliche Verteidigungsbündnis mit Luftangriffen auf serbische Stellungen.
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Meldung vom 25.10.1998 00:29  http://seite1.web.de/show/363254F7.NL1/
Weltsicherheitsrat verabschiedet neue Kosovo-Resolution
New York (dpa) - Der Weltsicherheitsrat hat am Samstag nach tagelangen Auseinandersetzungen eine neue Kosovo-Resolution verabschiedet. Darin wird «zur Kenntnis genommen», daß die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) «in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Organisationen... Arrangements erwägt», um im Falle eines Notstands Aktionen zur Sicherheit und zur Bewegungsfreiheit ihrer Beobachter im Kosovo zu ergreifen.
     Die gewundene Formulierung, die nach Überzeugung westlicher Diplomaten Militäreinsätze für den präzise begrenzten Zweck ermöglicht, verhinderte ein Veto Rußlands und Chinas. Beide hatten sich nachdrücklich gegen deutlichere Ermächtigungen des höchsten UN-Gremiums für Militärschläge der Nato ausgesprochen. Sie enthielten sich dennoch auch bei der jetzt angenommenen Resolution 1203 der Stimme.
     Die Nato, die in früheren westlichen Resolutionsentwürfen noch ausdrücklich zum Eingreifen ermächtigt werden sollte, verbirgt sich jetzt hinter den «anderen Organisationen». Da sie aber bereits bisher ohne Mandat des Sicherheitsrates weitgehende Beschlüsse zum möglichen Eingreifen im Kosovo gefaßt hat, werden nach Einschätzung von Experten viele Politiker des Bündnisses die Formulierungen der neuen Resolution extensiv auslegen.
     In der Resolution wird die Bereitschaft der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien «willkommen geheißen», die Sicherheit der Beobachtermissionen zu garantieren. Das höchste UN-Gremium unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, daß die Machthaber in Jugoslawien und die Führung der Kosovo-Albaner unverzüglich in einen Dialog ohne Vorbedingungen und mit internationaler Beteiligung eintreten. Dabei müsse es einen klaren Zeitplan geben, so daß ein Ende der Krise und eine ausgehandelte politische Lösung für die Kosovo-Frage erreicht wird.
     Der Sicherheitsrat «besteht darauf», daß die Führung der Kosovo- Albaner alle terroristischen Aktionen «verurteilt», und fordert, daß diese Aktionen sofort eingestellt werden. Die Kosovo-Albaner sollten ihre Ziele nur mit friedlichen Mitteln anstreben.
     Die Führung in Belgrad und die Führung der Kosovo-Albaner werden aufgefordert, mit den internationalen Bemühungen um eine Verbesserung der humanitären Lage zu kooperieren und eine drohende humanitäre Katastrophe zu verhindern. Das Recht aller Flüchtlinge auf sichere Rückkehr in ihre Heimat wird bestätigt und die Verantwortung Belgrads unterstrichen, dafür die Bedingungen zu schaffen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 24.10.1998 23:46  http://seite1.web.de/show/36324ABC.NL1/
Weltsicherheitsrat verabschiedet neue Kosovo-Resolution
New York (dpa) - Der Weltsicherheitsrat hat am Samstag nach tagelangen Auseinandersetzungen eine neue Kosovo-Resolution verabschiedet. Darin wird «zur Kenntnis genommen», daß die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) «in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Organisationen... Arrangements erwägt», um im Falle eines Notstands Aktionen zur Sicherheit und zur Bewegungsfreiheit ihrer Beobachter im Kosovo zu ergreifen.
     Die gewundene Formulierung, die nach Überzeugung westlicher Diplomaten Militäreinsätze für den präzise begrenzten Zweck ermöglicht, verhinderte ein Veto Rußlands und Chinas. Beide hatten sich nachdrücklich gegen deutlichere Ermächtigungen des höchsten UN-Gremiums für Militärschläge der Nato ausgesprochen. Sie enthielten sich dennoch auch bei der jetzt angenommenen Resolution der Stimme.
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Wer nichts tut, macht keine Fehler. 
           - Oder ist gerade das ein Fehler ? 
Was wird die NATO am Samstag (nicht) tun ?  

Doing nothing means making no mistakes. 
           - Or ist exactly this a mistake ? 
What will NATO do or not do on Saturday ?  

Das ist die Antwort - THAT's the answer  
Meldung vom 16.10.1998 18:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3627715F.NL1/ 
Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus 
Meldung vom 18.10.1998 15:34 http://seite1.web.de/show/3629EE87.NL1/ 
Washington sieht «klare Anzeichen» für serbischen Rückzug 
... Belgrad ziehe offensichtlich mindestens zwei der erforderlichen sieben Bataillone aus dem Kosovo zurück und erleichtere die humanitäre Hilfe. ...

Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
Kaum zu glauben:
  s o  handelt das Land
Oktoberfestes !
dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
© dpa
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1593
Datum:         Sun, 25 Oct 1998 16:04:09 +0100
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 25 October 1998

UN Security Council Authorizes Kosova Mission

PRISHTINA, Oct 25 (KIC) - The UN Security Council on Saturday authorised NATO aircraft and European monitors to ensure fighting stops in Kosova, but avoided the issue of using force, Reuters news agency reported.
Russia and China abstained on the resolution which was adopted by a 13-0 vote.
The text endorsed agreements signed by Yugoslavia that allow NATO to evacuate the European monitors but only with noncombat aircraft, Reuters noted.
But the United States and Britain immediately made it clear force would be used by NATO if necessary. Britain said it would use self-defence if any of its 200 monitors expected to go to Kosova were endangered, while the United States said NATO had the right to strike, the news agency said.
U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, in a statement from Washington, called the resolution a "strong" document because it was adopted under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter.
"We and our NATO allies have the authority, the will, and the means to take action, if necessary to ensure full implementation," she said.
The resolution endorses agreements with Yugoslavia under which the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and NATO will monitor an Oct. 13 accord between 'FRY' and U.S. special envoy Richard Holbrooke for the withdrawal of Serbian troops and special police from Kosova.
The resolution does not touch on NATO's warnings that it would use airstrikes against Yugoslavia if President Slobodan Milosevic fails to withdraw his forces.
"No one should be in any doubt that we will use to the full our inherent right to protect our nationals if they are in danger, and the right under this resolution to take action to ensure their safety and freedom of movement," British Ambassador Jeremy Greenstock said in the Council debate.
The resolution was sponsored by 10 countries-- Bahrain, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United States.
Reuters news agency said the UN Security Council resolution also:
- demands that the Kosovo Albanian leadership cooperate fully with the monitoring operations;
- stresses the need for both the Yugoslav and Kosova Albanian leadership to enter immediately into a political dialogue with a clear timetable for a negotiated solution;
- reminds Yugoslavia it bears primary responsibility for the safety of all diplomatic personnel and the OSCE mission;
- insists that the Kosova Albanian leadership condemn and stop all terrorist actions;
- reaffirms the right of all refugees to return to their homes in safety and says Yugoslavia must create conditions that allow their return;
- calls for the "prompt and complete" investigation of all atrocities against civilians and cooperation with the Hague-based U.N. war crimes tribunal.

Four Albanians from Malisheva Killed in Minefields at Kosova-Albania Border

PRISHTINA, Oct 25 (KIC) - In the past few days, at least four young Albanians from the Malisheva area have died from mines planted by Serb military in the border area between Kosova and Albania, the LDK chapter in Malisheva reported.
A few days ago, Hasan Shala (18), resident of Banjë village of Malisheva, was killed. His body has been found and buried.
Meanwhile, the bodies of three other Albanians have been for three days now in the Prizren hospital morgue.
Shpëtim Kryeziu (20) and Sami Kryeziu (18), both of them from Pagarusha village of Malisheva, were killed likewise in the border area. A third killed Albanian, whose name has not been reported, was supposed to be resident of Shkoza village of Malisheva.

Five Kosova Refugees Shot and Seriously Wounded by Serb Army

PRISHTINA, Oct 25 (KIC) - Early Saturday, five Kosova refugees from Prizren, southern Kosova, were seriously wounded when 'Yugoslav' border guards opened fire on them while they were crossing into neighboring Albania, news agencies quoted Albania's Interior Ministry as saying.
The five - two elderly men, two children and a woman - were airlifted from the Albanian border village of Pogaj to a military hospital in the capital, Tirana, where they were in critical condition late Saturday, said Artan Bizhga, Interior Ministry spokesman.
Last week, four members of a Kosova Albanian family were killed and two others wounded while returning back to their homes at Gërçina village in the Gjakova area. Serb military fired at the Albanians - three of whom children - without warning.

Albanian Youths Killed and Wounded in Their Copse Saturday

PRISHTINA, Oct 25 (KIC) - An eleven-year Albanian boy, Shemsi Buzaku, was shot dead on Saturday as he chopped wood with his father and cousin in a copse less than half a km from his home at Krajkovë village in Drenica region. A cousin, 17-year-old Zymer Buzaku, was seriously wounded, local sources said.
The funeral of the 11-year-old Albanian boy was delayed on Sunday when seven gravediggers came under fire as they prepared the burial plot.
"We started to open the grave at about 9.30 a.m. and shooting came in our direction, very close," the 22-year old Petrit, one of the gravediggers, told Reuters news agency.
The boys' father said on Sunday that his son had been shot without warning.
"There are 24 [Serb] tanks in the area around here despite the NATO ultimatum. Their location is no secret. This is what we live with every day, but still I did not think the police or the soldiers would shoot my son without reason," said Rashid Buzaku, 37, the boy's father, Reuters reported.

No Serb Troop Withdrawal from Malisheva Area
Serb police prevents displaced Albanians from returning to their homes in Shtime villages

PRISHTINA, Oct 25 (KIC) - Serbian forces have camouflaged their combat arsenal in the woods of the Malisheva area, and not withdrawn, as demanded by the international community, LDK sources in the area said.
Gunfire was reported in the village of Dragobil last night.
Serbian forces have planted mines in this village, local LDK sources claim.
The around 18,000 displaced Albanians in the area - many of them originating from surrounding municipalities - are in a desperate humanitarian situation, with scarce food supplies and virtually no medical attention.
Meanwhile, reports said Serb police have been preventing Albanians from returning to their villages, most of them destroyed and burned, in Shtime municipality.
The LDK chapter in Shtime said the villagers of Reçak, 2 km from the town of Shtime, were forced to evacuate their homes again when a Serb police expedition entered the village to loot the few homes which have remained intact from Serb attacks.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 25, 1998  at 22:05 hrs

KOSOVA (mine victims – Prizren)
Four young Albanians die on the mined border

Prizren, 25 October (ARTA) 1815CET --
Four Albanians age between 16 to 20, were killed in the border belt with Albania, as a result of non-withdrawal of the Serb forces and the mining of the terrain. Their corpses were sent to the hospital morgue of Prizren, KD correspondent in Prizren inform.
It is confirmed that these boys stepped on mines planted in the area of the border belt near the village of Gorozhub, in the Has region.
It appears that they were identified yesterday and based on some data, it is claimed that they were all from the village of Pagarushë, municipality of Malishevë. Their corpses are still in the hospital morgue of Prizren.
In the meantime, the Municipal Court in Prizren postponed the trial of six Albanians from Suharekë and Prizren accused of terrorism, based on the request of the defense attorneys.

Three killed in a ferryboat accident

Vlorë, 25 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
Three dead bodies were found so far, and six persons were brought alive to the hospital of Vlorë, after the accident of two ferryboats on the on the open sea. The ferries were transporting clandestine passengers and are supposed to have departed from the Vlorë bay in the morning, headed towards the shores of Puglia in Italy. The number of victims is feared bigger.
According to unconfirmed sources, the ferryboat had 23 persons on board, when it collided with the other ferry. The accident occurred because the two ferryboats were travelling without lights and they ran into one another.
The bodies were searched for until the afternoon hours, but the search was stopped due to the bad weather and the huge sea waves.
The Minister of Order, Petro Koci, visited the injured at the Vlorë hospital today. According to a statement made to Albanian TV, the minister promised that the Albanian police would undertake harsh measures against the ferryboat clandestine trafficking.
It is supposed that among the victims, there were Kosova Albanian and Kurdish refugees, Voice of America - Albanian feed, stated.

KOSOVA (victim –Ferizaj)
CDHRF: A new victim in the village of Jezerc

Ferizaj, 25 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
A new victim was identified this week in the village of Jezerc, CDHRF sources in Ferizaj state. Shaqir Bibaj told the CDHRF that "he found the corpse of his father, Hamdi (67), massacred and burned, inside the ruins of his house", informed the "KD" correspondent from Ferizaj.
Albanian sources and the municipal political subjects state that the Serb forces are not withdrawing from their positions.
According to the same sources, so far this municipality has provided shelter for 12,300 dislocated people, out of which 4,300 are from the war afflicted villages of Ferizaj and 8,000 are from the other municipalities. They are mainly accommodated at their relatives and are being assisted by the humanitarian associations "Mother Theresa" and "Caritas".

KOSOVA (shelling – Klinë)
Sverkë, Volljakë and Dush shelled Saturday night

Klinë, 25 October (ARTA)
Serb tanks stationed at Pishat e Volljakut and at Zabeli i Hoxhës, shelled the villages of Sverkë, Volljakë and Dush during the past night, "KD" sources from Klinë inform.
Based on these sources, Kadri Morina (11) was critically wounded, since he was not offered any medicine or medical treatment.
Occasional shelling from the Serb military artillery was heard today in the region of Sverkë.
On the other hand, the villages of Bokshiq, Çeskovë, Nepole, Gllogjan and other villages of Lugu i Baranit were shelled by the Serb forces artillery starting early morning from their positions at the Ukësahiti cemetery in Grabanicë, "KD" sources notify, adding that shelling went on in the afternoon hours, although at a lower intensity.

KOSOVA (shelling – Klinë/Malishevë)
Shelling in the municipal villages of Klinë continues

Klinë, 25 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
The shelling in the direction of the villages of Panorc, Mrasor, Llapçevë and Këpuz, resumed this morning from the Serb military bases stationed in the region of Sverkë. Shelling continued in the afternoon hours.
On the other hand, the Serb run Municipal Court in Pejë, made public the prison sentences to Gaspër Selmanaj (42) from Radulloc (sentenced to 5 years imprisonment), Martin Zefi (21) from Ranoc and Filip Pjetri (29) Polanë (both to 2 years in prison), who were accused of "terrorism" and membership in the KLA.
The same court indicted for "terrorism" and KLA group's organization, two Albanians from the village of Staricë.
Four other Albanians from the village of Sverkë are being held detained in the Pejë prison, since 3 September.

KOSOVA (no withdrawal – Malishevë)
Serb forces still in Malishevë

Malishevë, 25 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
Albanian sources from the ground inform that the Serb forces have not withdrawn from the villages of Malishevë municipality.
LDK sources notify that shooting was heard during last night coming from the direction of the village of Dragobil, adding that this village is almost completely mined.
"A severe humanitarian crisis has taken over the municipality of Malishevë, where about 18 thousand dislocated Albanian civilians from the municipalities of Klinë, Rahovec, Gjakovë and Malishevë are left without any food, while the needs for humanitarian assistance are increasing", it is stated in a report issue by the LDK in Malishevë.

KOSOVA (shooting – Drenica)
Shooting continues in the outskirts of Vasilevë

Fushë Kosovë, 25 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
Albanian sources from the ground inform that the Serb force attack on the outskirts of Vasilevë, municipality of Gllogoc, in the past couple of days has forced out the local population to flee again. The people who had fled once after the first offensive against this village in summer, has slowly started returning in the past couple of days. There are claims that fierce shooting was also heard coming from the direction of the village of Graboc i Ulët, from where the population fled a long time ago.
Only 5 out of 78 houses remained undamaged in Vasilevë after the last Serb offensive.
In the meantime, a considerable number of families had started improvising some sort of roofs above the burned walls, wherever that was possible. However, the resumption of the attacks will probably force the villagers out of their homes for some time.
"We will do everything to create conditions to start living in our own houses again, but now we are more afraid from a sudden attack of the Serb forces. They are pass this hill", tells a man in his fifties, pointing at a hill, only a few hundred meters away from the village of Vasilevë.

KOSOVA (indictment – Gjilan)
26 Albanians indicted for "terrorism"

Gjilan, 25 October (ARTA) 1515CET --
The Municipal Court in Gjilan set a 30 days detention term to Lutfi Haziri (1969), LDK vice-chairman in Gjilan, Nexhat Bunjaku (1971), Ismet Hashani (1962), Ibrahim Uruçi (1968), Ekrem Qerimi (1962) and Tajar Berisha (1954), all from the municipality of Gjilan. These persons were arrested on 15 October and are currently detained in the Gjilan municipal jail.
They are accused of "Association for hostile activities" and "Terrorism", pursuant Articles 136 and 125 of the "FRY" Criminal Code.
The local Municipal Court also accuses 20 other Albanians from Gjilan for having allegedly committed the same crimes. All of them are fugitive and will be judged in absence.
Ejup Salihu (1974), from Gjilan, was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment two days ago, based on the same charge and in the same court.

KOSOVA (Albanians in the US)
The Albanian Americans appeal to Clinton to replace Holbrooke as special envoy to Kosova

New York, 25 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
A coalition of Albanian American organizations, including the Albanian Civic League and the "Vendlindja Thërret" Fund will appeal to President Clinton to replace Richard Holbrooke as Special Envoy to Kosova, on a rally on Monday, 26 October, at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in Manhattan, informs in a press release the Albanian American Civic League.
Former Congressman Joseph DioGuardi, who is the volunteer president of the Albanian American Civic League, will lead the rally.
At 1100CET, thousands of Albanian Americans from the New York metropolitan area and across the country will convene in front of the United Nations, to protest against Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic's ongoing genocidal war against Albanians in the Balkans. From there, they will march at 1300CET to the offices of Richard Holbrooke, to protest against him for negotiating with Milosevic at the expense of the Kosovar Albanians.
According to Joseph DioGuardi "Holbrooke's actions have done nothing for the peace in the Balkans and in fact have instead, extended the Milosevic’s reign of terror against the two million Albanians living in Kosova".
"Milosevic is a war criminal, not a peacemaker", insisted Shirley Cloyes, former publisher of Lawrence Hill Books and Balkan Affairs Advisor to the Albanian American Civic League. "From the Dayton Accords to the present, Richard Holbrooke has insisted on making Milosevic the solution in the Balkans, when he is the main problem".
"Why is Richard Holbrooke making efforts to accommodate Milosevic, when Congress has called for his indictment in The Hague", DioGuardi asked. "Milosevic is capable of greater massacres and slaughter of innocent Albanians unless we act. It is time to strike and maintain whatever military presence is necessary to achieve full Serbian troop withdrawal from Kosova and plan for Kosova's independence", the former American Congressman said.
Monday's demonstration was called by Albanian leaders who are astonished by the world's inaction in the face of the destruction of Europe's Albanian population. With the approach of winter in Kosova and the prospect of a massive number of fatalities among the 275,000 Albanian refugees living without shelter in the mountains, Shirley Cloyes stated that "we can no longer support any US policy that is timid and tentative in dealing with Milosevic. Holbrooke is too weak and compromised to be effective. Without a stringer voice leading the American presence in Kosova, we will be unable to avert a broader war in the Balkans", ends the communiqué issued by the Albanian American Civic League.

taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 25, 1998  at 06:55 hrs
KOSOVA (death toll – Drenica)
150 people killed and thousand wounded

Gllogoc, 24 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
So far, the Serb units killed 150 people from Drenica, local Albanian political subjects state. 63 of them were massacred in three villages alone. Thousand of others were wounded during the Serb offensives and they are most likely to remain with consequences as they are lacking medical treatment.

KOSOVA (arrests/raids – Shtime)
A campaign of arrests and raiding in the municipality of Shtime

Shtime, 24 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
As a result of the Serb army shelling of the villages of Gryka e Carralevës and those of Gryka e Devetakut, the situation in Shtime remains very tense. CDHRF sources claim that the campaign of arrests and raiding is becoming an everyday event.
Yesterday alone, around 60 Serb policemen that came from Ferizaj in 2 APCs and 4 terrain vehicles, raided 5 Albanian owned houses and arrested 4 young Albanians in the village of Godanc i Epërm, municipality of Shtime. According to the same sources, the police behaved very arrogantly and they demolished everything in the houses.
The arrested were sent to the police station in Ferizaj, where they were severely maltreated.

KOSOVA (Serb positions – Klinë)
Two Serb army tanks in Volljakë

Klinë, 24 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
Serb forces are not retreating from the municipality of Klinë, they are only cruising up and down and taking new positions. Two Serb force tanks are stationed in Volljakë, with their barrels pointing in the direction of the dislocated population, Albanian sources state. Ever since 26 September, the Serb forces have been keeping hostage 80 Albanians from the village of Çabiq, 23 in the village of Ujëmirë and 30 in Dobërdol, the same sources inform. In the meantime, it is notified that the Serb forces continue to plant mines in the yards of the Albanian abandoned houses.
The village of Rosujë, municipality of Pejë, was today taken over by the fire and smoke as in the early morning hours, the Serb police set barricades the asphalt road Klinë-Pejë, sources from the ground claim.
In the village of Potërç, numerous movements of the Serb police and armed civilians were evidenced. In Volljakë, on the other hand, the Serb police shot at Bukurie Berisha (16), while she was trying to cover the burned roof of her house, with plastic sheeting.
In the meantime, three trucks of UNHCR humanitarian assistance dedicated to the residents of Përçevë, were unloaded in Volljakë, since they did not find a single soul in Përçevë.

KOSOVA (Serb positioning - Prizren)
Serb forces settle in the children's resort in Nashec

Prizren, 24 October (ARTA) 1545CET --
Serb military forces forced the Albanian guard of the children's resort in Nashec to open the doors for the two military officers and 4 Serb soldiers to settle in this recreation center, Albanian sources inform. With the justification that the border belt zone was expanded, military forces stationed in this resort telling the local villagers not to move during the night, since the Serb forces will be watching the zone above the Drini i Bardhë river the entire time.
The Serb authority took this resort by force in 1990.
"KD" sources from Opojë, confirm that the this region of the border belt with Albania and Macedonia, is almost entirely mined. This fact that presents a permanent threat to the residents of the villages of Opojë and Gorë.
CDHRF sources from Prizren inform that after 3, respectively 2 months of the war offensive in Rahovec, Prizren, Malishevë and Suharekë, nothing is still known on the whereabouts of dozens of Albanians.
On the other hand, the Emergency Council sources in Prizren, inform that about 40 thousand Albanians, escapees from the war afflicted areas, are sheltered in this town and in the surrounding villages.

KOSOVA (Serb positioning – Suharekë)
Serb forces reposition in the municipality of Suharekë

Suharekë, 24 October (ARTA) 1515CET --
According to LDK sources, the Serb forces are not withdrawing from their positions, as they are even reinforcing them. The same sources notify that, this morning, a convoy made of 4 APCs loaded with soldiers entered the village of Mushtishtë, while the "KD" sources find out that 4 other trucks and several APCs full of Serb soldiers, settled today in the village of Budakovë and the surrounding villages. The different Serb police checkpoints remain the reason of the fear and insecurity, the residents have to return to their homes. There are claims that passers by are being maltreated in these police checkpoints. CDHRF in Suharekë, notifies that yesterday, in the police checkpoint in Reshtan, the Serb police severely mistreated an Albanian from Suharekë.
There are also claims that, shooting was heard during last night in the direction of Krushicë e Ulët and Papaz, as there are no information about the eventual victims.
On the other hand, Aze Krasniqi (33), from the village of Carallukë, municipality of Malishevë, who was wounded yesterday during the shelling in the village of Lladroc, was brought to the "Mother Theresa" health station in very critical condition.

KOSOVA (KD reportage - Malishevë)
The dislocated return to find their houses burned
Garentina Kraja

Banjë, 24 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
Bajram Gashi (52), was climbing up the stairs of his burned house in the village of Banjë, in the property once well taken care, which he shared with his brother, Brahim. His son and daughter in law escorted him. It was his first time to see the remains of his house, after he abandoned the village for the second time one month ago, when the Serb forces launched their second burning offensive in this region, the villagers said.
"How could they burn an empty house...", Bajram was crying as he was going in and out the rooms, recalling that his one-story house with five rooms, used to provide shelter for nine family members who had been living outside under plastic tents or the overcrowded rooms in the villages of Kravasari, Pagarushë, Jançishtë for over two months.
Bajram stopped at the entrance of his empty house that still had the roof, though the walls were completely black from the fire. He greeted his brother that had returned to his so-called house, four days ago. They both started crying. The children around could not stop their tears either.
"I returned because it is getting cold now, soon it will snow. It is better in the ruins of my house than in the forest, under the plastic sheeting. We will be better of here in these ruins than under the open sky", said Bajrami.
Even though they were back and started to insulate rooms, the residents of Banjë are not doing this because they felt safer there. On the contrary, they still say that from what they saw on the ground, tanks are still deployed very close to their houses.
The shooting still continues, particularly throughout the night. This insecurity is also proved by the chariot that stands ready in case of emergency, with sponges, a few clothes and plastic, set in the yard of the Gashi family.
Brahim Gashi along with his wife and six children, returned from Pagarushë four days ago. They have stayed there for almost two months, hoping to, as they say, "fill up the holes" of their burned house. It was completely destroyed. It had no roof, doors or windows. Its miserable image included only the walls that looked like torn models. They pushed their heads into what was once the entrance built with stones, leading to the cellar. That area of 3 meters long and 2 meters wide was the roof above the heads of eight family members, of which six are children, three under ten. In four steps hidden behind a sheet placed as a curtain, were a wooden basket, two sacks of flour and a half bottle of oil. Further, they had placed several sponges on top of one another. They were placed on concrete. On the stove, Hasime was preparing lunch for her family. They were constantly having four or five peppers prepared with some water oil and flour. The children could hardly wait to start eating. To have time pass quicker, they were playing with their hands in groups of two. The mother, dressed in worn out clothes, as she was preparing the meal, was worried about the bad weather that she felt was coming.
"We won't be able to live like this for very long. When rain starts pouring, the water will get in, and we have no place to go. I fear for my children, they will probably get sick", said she.
Despite all the misery they witnessed, the diplomats say that Milosevic is skillfully playing by refusing to withdraw the forces, of which he says he needs to prevent the KLA activities and by counting on the elements that will force Albanians to come down from the forest.
He tells Holbrooke that Albanians are strong and have large families, that they will find shelter at their relatives or they will go back home, despite the fact that their houses are destroyed.
People are slowly returning home in many villages, even though army and police are virtually at their doorsteps.

KOSOVA (KACI round table – Prishtina)
Hill’s proposal unacceptable

Prishtina, 24 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
The round table organized by KACI (Kosovar Action for Civic Initiatives - Prishtina), had as it’s main topic the discussion on the proposal offered by the Contact Group for the "temporary" solution of the Kosova status. In a very interesting debate of over 20 participants, one of the main conclusions drawn was that the document as such is unacceptable for Kosova Albanians. Following are the highlights of the discussions of two of the participants.
Kurtesh Saliu, professor of Constitutional Law, initially talked about the determination and the previous right of Kosova for self-determination. "Up to 1945 Kosova was by no means related to Serbia. This was a result of the previous determination of Kosova to either join with Albania or based on the right to self-determination, to decide about its status, which was done in the first conference of the National Liberation Council in 1943-44", stated Saliu. He added that "even though named differently, Kosova was a federal unit and had all the rights of a federal unit - it participated in all the bodies, inclusive its representative was chairman of the Presidency of the Federation". Based on this judicial and constitutional reality, according to Saliu, what was done in 1989 is virtually a `coup d'etat' of one federal unit against another federal unit, which is unacceptable in any federal state and it never happened anywhere in the world".
Thus, he continued "those changes are nil, as is the Constitution of 1992 of the so-called "Yugoslavia", which resulted from a body of the ex-Yugoslav federation, consisting of two federal units, where the two autonomous lost their constituency. Practically, this constitution does not oblige Kosova, since no agreement was given by Kosova for its approval", claimed Saliu.
According to this lawyer, there are no cases of autonomies within federal units in any state of the world. The former Soviet federation and the "Yugoslav" one were the only ones to have them at one stage.
From this aspect, for Saliu, Hill's document is unacceptable because "it tends to save those relations that were characteristics in such federations, to place Kosova inside Serbia and also inside the remainders of `Yugoslavia'. As such, this document does not present a document of an interim phase, this is particularly proved by the amendments, which foresee the possibility to re-contemplate the agreement after three years, which depends in the parties' will", evaluated he. Saliu also claimed that "the agreement is not obligating and it does not finally appoint any body, any third side from the international community, which would guarantee that such an agreement be submitted to revision, or spoken pragmatically, realize the Kosova's people will for independence".
On the other hand, analyzing Hill's proposal from the aspect of the constitutional technique, Saliu evaluated that "this document in fact does not solve anything".
"Using the term ‘Presiding’ and not ‘President’, it is aimed at applying a system that does not correspond with the system of the organization and exercising authority in `Yugoslavia'. According to this document, a form of the presidential system, where the presiding that heads the government represents `all the persons in Kosova'", said he expressing the confusion as to what is meant with the term `persons of Kosova'?". Thus, as such, this document is not worth of being analyzed by chapters and points...
"Had the Russian experts drafted this document, I am convinced that they wouldn't have made a worse job than Hill did!", concluded Saliu.
"This document does not represent ground for discussions and it is not a document that ensures any interim phase. As such, it cannot be accepted", he stated.
Further, he explained that the drafting of a document for an interim phase, should have certain forms, deadlines of tasks to be performed by which side, for the constitutional changes at the level of the federation, details on the organization of Kosova itself as a territory, a federal unit, and the name by which it should be called".
Arsim Bajrami, professor of Constitutional and Parliamentarian Law stated that "the project should not be accepted, it should be simply thrown away by the Albanians and by Kosova, as an eventual framework for the political discussions concerning the solution of the Kosova issue".
The major defect or the main argument, that makes this unacceptable, said Bajrami, is the general approach it makes to Kosova. This project, he said, "in essence is in complete opposition with the reality in Kosova, after the disintegration of `Yugoslavia'. It completely opposes the political will of the Albanian people, democratically expressed in the 1991 referendum when Kosova Albanians, same as other people of the former Yugoslavia, used the right to self-determination and declared to be free and independent and to live according to its independent laws and institutions".
"The document is under the level of the constitutional position of Kosova that it had according to the 1974 Constitution. The solutions offered by this project do not even consider the rights that Kosova had according the Constitution of 1974".
Another unacceptable approach of this document is that "the already restricted rights offered to Kosova, are not treated as original rights, that belong to it, but rather as derived rights, taken from Serbia and `Yugoslavia' and placed in the territory of Kosova. First of all, they are restrictive rights, rights of an autonomous status, even of a simple territorial, administrative autonomy, without a political autonomy".
Further, he added that "the document as it was published by the media, tells that there is no treatment of an international document". He explains this with the fact that the ones to sign this document are first meant to be the "Yugoslav" authorities, the Serb ones and then authorities in Kosova. "Kosova is treated as an internal issue of `Yugoslavia', without any possibility of an international involvement, as a side to provide a guarantee or a participant in the agreement", he claimed.
Bajrami thinks that this document does not need amendments but that a new draft must be made all over again. "The document is completely taken over by the spirit of democracy, of the human rights, but without solving what is essential for democracy – the solution of the political status of Kosova". Hence, according to him, the Albanian side must not accept this document.
"What Hill brings to us", he continued "only legitimizes the Serb acts and denies ours, starting from the Constitution and going as far as the referendum".
According to this, "it comes out that Albanians should give up their constitutional acts and get into a system of Serbia and start functioning within the frameworks of this system", he stated.
"Albanians will be forced to accept something less than independence, because independence cannot be achieved with one step, it is a long procedure. However, if we have to chose between what Hill offered us and the status quo, I would go for the second, and not for adventures as Hill's proposal is", he said.
"A final solution of the Kosova problem should be sought after the interim period, which means the application of the referendum of the year 1991", ended Bajrami.

KOSOVA (KD interview /excerpts/ - Jiri Dienstbier)
Dienstbier: "Killing humans can’t protect human rights"

Prishtina, 24 October (ARTA) 2000CET—
"In the meeting with Andjelkovic, we talked about the implementation of the official statement of the Serb Government. According to the Serb way of interpreting the agreement Holbrooke-Milosevic, nobody will be tried in the state Law Courts concerning the crimes related to Kosova conflict. In order to enable a full investigation of the crimes against humanity and the violations of the international laws, the state will allow a full and unimpeded presence of the foreign experts including forensics", claimed Dienstbier at the beginning of his interview given to "Koha Ditore".

KD: Does this mean that this is part of the agreement?

Dienstbier: This not only a part of the agreement, this is something that the Serb Government will do. Yesterday, I asked the judges and prosecutors in Prizren about the implementation, and today I met Andjelkovic. What ha been done so far is insufficient, the implementation ought to be accomplished and maybe a separate act for the implementation of the agreement must be adopted (as soon as possible).
If these people are released, this will build up confidence measures. At the same time, it will strengthen the trust of the people. They will be ready to return into their homes because it is impossible to stay outside in this cold weather. Therefore, that is a vital part. I requested also the entire medical personnel to be released, since the duty of the doctors and their assistants is to provide help to everybody, according to the Hypocrate’s Oath, and they ought not to be condemned for that.

KD: You claimed that the refugees do not return because they are afraid from the armed Albanian and Serb gangs. Do you have proofs for such an assertion?

Dienstbier: Nobody knows who killed the last twenty people, this is not investigated, but I hope it will be... Let me give you an example from 1991. The "Yugoslav" Army asked us to investigate a massacre of civilians in Western Slavonia. We investigated and the results of the investigation indicated that a Serb gang, which came from Serbia, since there are private groups that operate, did it. We know and you know that there are many fractions within KLA. Well, I will not call them KLA. Some people are KLA, but some others are maybe not, and they could operate on their own.
But this is not relevant, when I have spoken about this, it has been just a detail of a wider description of the various aspects here and generally in Balkans. I have never said that only the gangs, Mafia, etc. compose the KLA.
I have also spoken about Albanian Mafia in Germany and Switzerland. Let me give you an example. Some poor refugees in Wansdorf killed a gypsy one month ago. And these poor people offered 100.000 DM to the brother of the victim, just not to be a witness in Court. Where did these people get all this money from? According to the Swiss sources, around 2.000 Albanians are imprisoned there.
This is nothing against the Kosova Albanians, because Czech Mafia also exists, as well as the Russian and American. This is nothing specific for the Albanians. All states have their Mafia. And when I speak of the Albanian Mafia, I speak of it and not the Albanians... So, it is a misinterpretation if it is stated that I evaluate the Albanians as mobsters. Nobody must be insulted if I say that a Mafia of their nationality exists. It is not like LBD claims, "He (Dienstbier) denies the humanitarian tragedy, the Serb violence and terror over the civilian population, in such an objective way ". I have never denied it. I mention it in every pronunciation and press-conference.... It seems that in the future press conferences I have to respond only with YES or NO...

KD: You have mentioned also a clan or a family whose members were killed from the great-grandfather up to the great-grandchild, and you have added that they were a sort of local Mafia. Were you referring to any family in particular?

Dienstbier: Everybody told me that they were happy when this family from northwestern Kosova was killed. I have never said that I agree with the massacre over this family. I have only said that many people told me that they were happy because this family was executed, because they were manipulators and had influence. I do not know, I have never spoken to those people, I have only said that such a perception existed. I have never claimed that I agree with the death of anybody. Killing somebody does not pertain to my standpoint.

KD: In one of your previous briefings, you stated that "you have agreed with Dr. Rugova that the KLA is a shame for the Albanian nation".

Dienstbier: This is also a misinterpretation and Dr. Rugova knows it because they (Rugova's cabinet) has asked for the records of my press-conference. I have declared that, I told Mr. Rugova that I estimate the KLA struggle as a tragedy for the Albanian nation, and I did not say that he said so. I do not know whether it was wrongly translated, I have spoken English and I was very clear.
I am very convinced and I know, I see this from the distance and I know how the KLA struggle change the perception in Europe and America, because at the moment everybody started to be afraid that this will cause a bloody war. It caused a bloody war indeed; it is used as a pretext for destroying the villages. So, I can freely say that I oppose the violence, regardless to its ideology. These people who think that fighting has to be carried out, they don't pay the toll. Others bear the consequences. Maybe I won't like if a group of people fights against the other group, but I would have told them, well you are wounded, the others are wounded, but you have decided to fight. But, if you have decided to fight while the ordinary people (who do not want it) become victims of your fight, you have to think it over thoroughly. Maybe I will die but, I have to think whether the other people will die because of my struggle. If someone is much more violent than the others, I criticize him more then the rest. I think that it is important because I am here for human rights, and killing humans cannot protect the human rights. For this sake, I am against the bombardment, because it will cause victims.

ALBANIA (child-trafficking)
Children and their organs trafficked to Italy
Manjola Tërshana

Tirana, 24 October (ARTA) 1615CET --
The Italian Prosecutor’s office informed the Albanian homologues on the need to investigate the existence of an illegal clinic in Albania, that deals with removing the organs of the newborn babies, whose destination are the Italian clinics, specialized for organ's transplantation.
The Italian Prosecutor’s office prepared a special report on children's trafficking that is taking place between two countries, on the two sides of the Adriatic.
Since June 1998, a graveyard worker, working in the Shish Tufina cemetery in Tirana, incidentally found two empty coffins of two newborn babies. This news then, had raised much dust, but nothing was done to go as far as to discovering a possible child trafficking chain.
Sources close to the Italian Prosecutor's office state that they have been investigating this issue since August, concentrating mainly in the Southern part of Italy, where the base of this trafficking was suspected to be. In September, the Italian prosecutors conducted an investigation in Milan and Torino. After this, the Italian Prosecutor’s office, in cooperation with the Albanian Prosecutor’s office went down to Tirana, where they suspected the illegal clinic operated.
According to the same sources, the highest bodies of Albanian health-care, particularly the Maternity administration in Tirana and adoption agencies, are the major suspects.
In addition, the Italian press made a great scandal. It published the photos of 12 empty coffins.
During this week, the Albanian and Italian prosecutors are expected to have a consultation and determine the precise list of names of the Albanian and Italian doctors involved. Their names, because of the investigation, were not made public.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
taken from UNHCR-sources in internet:
==>  LINK to UNHCR001.htm
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
10. eventual additional press news 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] NEWS: 25.
Datum:         Sun, 25 Oct 1998 11:18:05 -0500
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>

Taken without permission, for fair use only.


October 25, 1998
U.N. Measure Skirts Outright Threat of Fuorce Against Milosevic

UNITED NATIONS -- The United Nations Security Council Saturday adopted a finely tuned resolution skirting an outright threat to use force against President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia if he fails to remove forces from Kosovo.
     After a week of intense negotiations, the resolution merely hints at such a possibility by NATO forces if the safety of hundreds of unarmed observers who are to monitor a cease-fire in the southern Serbian province is imperiled.
     American officials said, however, that the resolution was all NATO needed to punish Milosevic if he stepped out of line.
     Even so, both Russia and China abstained. In remarks after the vote, representative of both countries differed sharply with the United States' and Britain's interpretation of the resolution, saying it expressly stops short of using force.
     Russia and China had threatened to veto a resolution that permits military action by NATO or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe whose 54 members are supplying the monitors in Kosovo.
     The monitors are to oversee both a cease-fire and distribution of aid to tens of thousands of ethnic Albanian refugees displaced by fighting between rebel forces seeking autonomy and the Begrade Government.
     Saturday representatives of Russia and China insisted that they would not accept unilateral Western military action against Yugoslavia, making it clear that such a move must first be authorized by the Security Council on which they are permanent members with the right to veto it.
     "As it stands now, this resolution could not be considered in whatever sense as an authorization of use of force," said Chen Ranfend, spokesman for the Chinese mission to the United Nations.
     Speaking after he cast the abstention vote, the Chinese delegate, Qin Huasun, stressed that in China's view the resolution "does not entail any authorization of using force or threatening to use force against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia."
     The United States, Britain and France said they viewed the resolution differently, as endorsing the enforcement of a cease-fire and opposing all acts of aggression in Kosovo against unarmed observers or innocent civilians.
     A senior official in Washington said the resolution endorsed "a very intrusive operation by NATO and the O.S.C.E.," adding that the United States believes it leaves these Western military powers free to use force if Milosevic fails to pull out his troops from Kosovo.
     The official suggested that next Tuesday Washington would undertake a new evaluation of Serbian compliance. The official, who asked not to be identified, said the Chinese and Russian abstentions did not constitute an obstacle to that or to unilateral Western military action.
     Britain took a seemingly tough line.
     "No one should have any doubt: Britain will not stand by and watch a humanitarian disaster unfold in Kosovo," said Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Britain's delegate.
     Several diplomats here noted, however, that similar Western threats against Milosevic had often been issued without consequences. A senior European diplomat who spoke on condition of anonymity wondered why the resolution was necessary if Western powers considered that they had the right to act militarily anyway.
     "If anything, it may have diluted the ability to move forcefully," he said.
     The Western-sponsored resolution, drafted by France and Britain, had the support of the United States and seven other permanent and rotating members of the Council including Japan, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Portugal.
     But in a last-minute effort to avoid Russian and Chinese vetoes, negotiators took much of bite out of the resolution when they dropped a phrase stating the Security Council's right to take all "appropriate steps" if Yugoslavia violated its pledges.
     Instead the Council settled for a phrase demanding "the full and prompt implementation" of Belgrade's pledges to pull its troops from Kosovo and allow ethnic Albanian refugees chased out of their villages by Serbian troops to return.
     In a further dilution of what was supposed to be a stern warning of military action, it stated that "action may be needed" to insure the safety of the unarmed observers, which the Russians and Chinese interpreted as meaning a return to the Council for permission to take such action.
     The resolution is intended to support an Oct. 13 agreement reached by the American special envoy, Richard C. Holbrooke, with Milosevic to monitor Yugoslavia's compliance with an accord to observe a cease-fire and withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo. Thousands of Serbian troops are still roaming about Kosovo outside their military bases.
     The Western diplomacy here, however, was backed by a measure of brinkmanship as two of NATO's top two military commanders arrived in Belgrade today to warn Milosevic that he will face air strikes if he fails to comply.
     The two are NATO's supreme allied commander for Europe, Gen. Wesley K. Clark, an American, and the chairman of the alliance's military committee, Gen. Klaus Naumann of Germany. The American Embassy in Belgrade said the pair would hold talks with the Yugoslav Army's Chief of Staff, Gen. Momcilo Perisic.

NATO Chiefs Finish Kosovo Talks Just Before Dawn
Reuters  25-OCT-98

BELGRADE, Oct 25 (Reuters) - NATO's top generals pressed Yugoslav leaders in all-night talks on Sunday to withdraw combat forces from Kosovo or face punitive air strikes as early as Tuesday, Western diplomats said.
     NATO supreme commander General Wesley Clark and General Klaus Naumann, chairman of his military committee, huddled with President Slobodan Milosevic and Yugoslav army chief of staff General Momcilo Perisic for almost 12 hours until just before dawn.
     "They emphasised to Milosevic and Perisic that these were not negotiations, but rather discussions on compliance with U.N. Security Council directives," the diplomat, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters.
     "The NATO delegation came to tell them that compliance was insufficient and to make very clear that the activation order for NATO air strikes is still in place."
     The NATO generals were believed to have had two separate sessions with Milosevic and longer, more technical talks with Perisic and Serbian military police commanders.
     Clark and Naumann caught a few hours sleep at a luxury Belgrade hotel before leaving in mid-morning to fly back to Brussels. They made no comment to reporters.
     There was no word on the outcome of the talks from the Yugoslav government. Western diplomats said Clark and Naumann would want to brief NATO country ambassadors before saying anything in public.
     NATO sources said earlier Clark and Naumann would resist any Yugoslav attempt to dilute NATO's ultimatum by bargaining.
     Nor would they accept alleged activity by Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas as an excuse for stalling on a substantial withdrawal of Yugoslav federal troops and Serbian military police from the Albanian-majority province.
     The latest NATO ultimatum for Yugoslavia to honour its commitments expires on Tuesday.
     Belgrade has drawn international condemnation for pounding Kosovo rebels and civilians alike in a summer offensive, destroying and pillaging scores of towns and putting more than 250,000 inhabitants to flight.
     There is an urgent need to get thousands of Kosovo Albanian refugees out of the mountains and forests and into habitable shelter before the bitter Balkan winter sets in.
     But diplomatic observers said on Saturday they had found Yugoslav security forces and KLA guerrillas bolstering emplacements in volatile pockets of central Kosovo.
     In New York, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution authorising NATO aircraft and European monitors to ensure fighting stops in Kosovo but avoided the issue of using force if needed to impose their mandate.
     Russia and China abstained from the 13-0 vote, which endorsed accords signed by Yugoslavia that allow NATO to evacuate European monitors-- but only with noncombat aircraft.
     Still, the United States and Britain immediately made it clear force would be used by NATO if necessary.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

NATO Generals Resume Kosovo Talks in Belgrade
Reuters  25-OCT-98

BELGRADE, Oct 25 (Reuters) - NATO's top generals resumed urgent talks on the Kosovo crisis with Yugoslav leaders on Sunday after a few hours' rest following almost 12 hours of meetings stretching through the night.
     The NATO commanders were pressing Belgrade to accelerate military withdrawals from Kosovo to allow refugees displaced in fighting with ethnic Albanian separatists to come home safely and open the way for a political settlement.
     NATO has given Yugoslav federal President Slobodan Milosevic until Tuesday to comply with U.N. demands for military disengagement in Kosovo or face punitive air strikes.
     NATO supreme commander General Wesley Clark and General Klaus Naumann, chairman of his military committee, talked with Milosevic and Yugoslav army chief of staff General Momcilo Perisic for almost 12 hours until around 5 a.m. (0400 GMT).
     "They emphasised to Milosevic and Perisic that these were not negotiations, but rather discussions on compliance with U.N. Security Council directives," the diplomat, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters.
     "The NATO delegation came to tell them that compliance was insufficient and to make very clear that the activation order for NATO air strikes is still in place."
     The NATO generals were believed to have had two separate sessions with Milosevic and longer, more technical talks with Perisic and Serbian military police commanders before retiring to a hotel for some rest.
     "They have now just gone into further meetings. They had packed up, apparently ready to return to Brussels, but they are now having further meetings instead," the diplomat said.
     The talks were held under tight security and secrecy without media access and there was no word from either side on how the discussions had gone.
     NATO sources had said earlier that Clark and Naumann would resist any Yugoslav attempt to dilute NATO's ultimatum by bargaining.
     Nor would they accept alleged activity by Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas as an excuse for stalling on a substantial withdrawal of Yugoslav federal troops and Serbian military police from the Albanian-majority province.
     Belgrade has drawn international condemnation for pounding Kosovo's rebels and civilians alike in a summer offensive, destroying and pillaging scores of towns and putting more than 250,000 inhabitants to flight. The estimated death toll is 800.
     There is a dire need to get thousands of Kosovo Albanian refugees out of the mountains and forests and into habitable shelter before the bitter Balkan winter descends. The nights are already freezing and heavy snowfall looms within weeks.
     But diplomatic observers said on Saturday they had found Yugoslav security forces and KLA guerrillas reinforcing emplacements in volatile pockets of central Kosovo.
     In New York, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution authorising NATO aircraft and European monitors to ensure that fighting stops in Kosovo but avoided the issue of using force if needed to impose their mandate.
     Russia and China abstained from the 13-0 vote, which endorsed accords signed by Yugoslavia that allow NATO to evacuate European monitors-- but only with noncombat aircraft.
     Still, the United States and Britain immediately made it clear NATO would use force if necessary.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

Ethnic Albanian Teacher Caught in Kosovo Vice
Reuters  25-OCT-98

KOSOVO, Serbia, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Encountered by chance on a footpath in the mountains of Serbia's southern province of Kosovo, the ethnic Albanian teacher offered an odd reply to a journalist's attempt at conversation:
     "Excuse me, but I wonder if you are a Serb spy, a policeman perhaps?" he said.
     The production of a passport and business card did nothing to allay his concerns.
     "These bits of paper mean nothing. They produce passports every day. A journalist's ID? Means nothing. And they can speak English better than you, any accent you want. Good day to you," the teacher said as he turned and walked away.
     A few hours later, mutual acquaintances in a remote ethnic Albanian village in Kosovo formally introduced the man, who apologised profusely for his conduct.
     "You must think me a mad man, paranoid I think is the word, to behave in such a manner, but believe me these are dangerous times, a dangerous place," he explained.
     "I have been having some trouble with the police myself recently, you see, so I must be careful. They're everywhere. And anyone they see speaking to a foreigner would come under suspicion. I don't want another visit from them."
     Villagers had warned me that the teacher has been, in fact, a bit unhinged of late-- traumatised by a beating at the hands of Serbian special police who swept through his home during a summer offensive against separatist ethnic Albanian guerrillas.
     It was hard to make and sustain eye contact with this gentle student of history, who learned his English during a two-year visit to Britain decades ago.
     The teacher's face twitched with psychological strain, eyebrows and one corner of his mouth constantly dancing to an inner tune. Seated on a stool in a shaft of mountain sunlight, his hands trembled ash from the tips of endless cigarettes.
     "They found a fax I had sent to a friend abroad and they made me read it, translate it, aloud, and I was punished for every word," the teacher recounted.
     "There was a sentence, which was not original, I was quoting from a book, that said 'Kosova was never Serbia'. I got quite a few whacks for that, as you can imagine."
     "We are squeezed in a vice here. On the one side are the boys who want to fight for our freedom. On the other are the Serbs who want to rule Kosovo even if it means killing us."
     "Look at this village. There is not a single Serb house. We are all (ethnic) Albanians. And yet they send their soldiers and police into our homes."
     In Kosovo, where 90 per cent of the population is ethnic Albanian, this refrain is a common one.
     But the teacher, perhaps because he is educated and better travelled than many Kosovars, has a feverish sense of his people's vulnerability and isolation.
     No guerrilla fighter, the teacher rebels in his mind against the vagaries of history and geography that have cut him off from the mainstream of Europe, and from other ethnic Albanians in the Balkans.
     "The Americans, the British, the French and the Russians have been busy this 20th century dividing the Albanians one from another," the teacher explained.
     "So now we are in Kosovo, in Montenegro, in Macedonia and Albania, separated by borders the big powers drew for their own reasons. They created this artificial state, Yugoslavia it is called now, and I am sentenced to live in it.
     "People say we want a Greater Albania, that we want Kosovo to be joined with Albania. I've never been to Albania, but I know it's no paradise there. They have their troubles. But I ask you, is it reasonable to prevent people of one language, one culture from associating with one another?"
     The teacher said the love of money, not the love of freedom, caused smugglers and provocateurs to suck young ethnic Albanian men into the guerrilla struggle.
     "They came in the night to my nephew's house and they told him, 'We are here from Albania and we just sold some guns to the next village and we are here to help you. Do you want to buy arms so you can be free?"' the teacher recounted.
     "I begged my nephew not to buy any. I told him the men could be Serbs who speak Albanian or smugglers helping the police.
     "I told him they want to sell him a gun and get his money and then they will tell the police who will come and punish us and take the gun back and give it to the man who sold it in the first place, who will sell it again. What a misery!"

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

Gunfire Delays Kosovo Albanian Boy's Funeral
Reuters  25-OCT-98

KRAJKOVO,  Oct 25 (Reuters) - The funeral of an 11-year-old Kosovo Albanian boy shot dead while cutting wood near his home was delayed on Sunday when seven gravediggers came under fire as they prepared his burial plot.
     "We started to open the grave at about 9.30 a.m. (0830 GMT) and shooting came in our direction, very close," said 22-year old Petrit, one of the gravediggers.
     "We could hear the bullet whizzing passed us, so we dropped our picks and shovels and ran away," he told Reuters in the fog-draped village of Krajkovo in central Kosovo's hills.
     They crouched in the mist lower down the hill on top of which sits the cemetery, where six residents of the village, killed this year in fighting with Serbian security forces, are buried.
     As the fog began to lift above Krajkovo near midday, the gravediggers summoned enough courage to return to their task despite sporadic shooting still echoing in the distance.
     It appeared to come from houses occupied by Serbian security forces in the adjacent village of Poterk, only 300 metres from the cemetery.
     But a fresh burst of gunfire at close quarters sent the gravediggers diving for cover again just as a team of American diplomatic observers arrived.
     One worker, an old man wearing a traditional Albanian white cloth hat, jumped into the yawning grave for safety. Others fell to the ground below the ridge line.
     Local Krajkovo officials asked the U.S. monitors to drive their clearly marked vehicles to the cemetery so the funeral could take place without further interruption.
     "My primary concern is not to get anybody else shot," said Norman Olsen, the head of the U.S. team. "Do you have an alternative place to bury the boy?"
     A local official replied that the boy's uncle had been killed one month ago and was buried on the top of the hill and the family wanted the two of them to lie together.
     "OK, I understand," Olsen said. "I'm going to make some telephone calls. I want to be honest and say that without prior work our presence at a grave site will not protect anyone.
     "And if any other diplomats say they can protect them then they don't know what they are saying."
     Members of the dead boy's family said earlier they hoped international monitors would come to verify the death and ensure the safety of the funeral party.
     "When they kill our children and open fire on gravediggers the next day, they are our worst enemy," said Rasim Buzaku, the dead boy's cousin, referring to Serbian security forces.
     Shemsi Buzaku was shot dead on Saturday as he chopped wood with his father and cousin, in a copse only 300 metres (yards) from his home. A cousin, 17-year-old Zymer Buzaku, was wounded.
     Their village, about 35 km (20 miles) west of Pristina, capital of the southern Serbian province, is in the middle of an area where separatist ethnic Albanian guerillas and government forces have been clashing for months.
     Ninety percent of Kosovo's population is ethnic Albanian. Most want independece, peacefully if they can get it, but by force of arms if necessary.
     Units of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are known to pass through Krajkovo when transiting across the province's main east-west highway, which runs between Pristina and Pec.
     Sporadic contacts between the KLA and government forces have continued despite pledges of a ceasefire by both sides.
     NATO has threatened air strikes against Serbian forces if they do not withdraw from Kosovo or return to barracks by Tuesday, so that thousands of Kosovo Albanian refugees hiding in the hills can return home safely.
     The boys' father, Rashid, 37, said his son had been shot without warning and that they had no reason to believe the forest near their home was so dangerous.
     "There are 24 tanks in the area around here despite the (NATO) ultimatum. Their location is no secret. This is what we live with every day, but still I did not think the police or the soldiers would shoot my son without reason."

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

Interview-Albanian PM Backs Kosovo Albanian Line
Reuters  25-OCT-98

TIRANA, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Albania will stop offering solutions on the future of Serbia's mainly Albanian-populated Kosovo province and wants to become a point of union for Albanians there, Prime Minister Pandeli Majko said on Sunday.
     In a change of policy from ex-premier Fatos Nano, but representing a return to the Balkan nation's traditional line on Kosovo, Majko said the Kosovars should decide themselves over the future status of their troubled province.
     "Albania should not embark on the road of giving recipes," Majko told Reuters in an interview.
     Advice by Albania on Kosovo has long caused discord among the pan-Albanian camp.
     "The factors that should decide Kosovo are in Kosovo. We're evaluating our government's stance based on this principle," Majko, at 30 the youngest premier in Europe, said.
     Majko, a Socialist like his predecessor Nano, said his country should become a point of union for the divided Kosovo Albanian politicians.
     "We do not want Albania to be a point of division. On the contrary, we want to turn Albania into a point of union for all the Kosovo political factors," he said.
     Nano, who resigned in September after an armed uprising by the opposition, wanted Kosovo to be a third republic in the Yugoslav Federation of Serbia and Montenegro.
     Albania's communist parliament recognised Kosovo's independence in 1991, but since then successive governments have avoided openly supporting the separatist cause.
     Nano's solution, which was less than the Kosovars wanted but more than the autonomy for Kosovo the West backs, ignited a welter of criticism and alienated his government from Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova. Rugova refused to meet Nano.
     Some Kosovars took part in the armed attack against Nano's office and the brief seizure of the television station last month during violence sparked by the killing of an opposition lawmaker.
     Kosovo politicians want independence from Serbia, which stripped the region of its autonomy in 1989, repressing the Albanians who have since set up a parallel administration.
     Fighting broke out earlier this year between the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and Serbian security forces, killing hundreds and displacing 250,000 people. Some 20,000 Kosovars have taken refuge in Albania, Europe's poorest nation.
     Majko's Socialist-led coalition government offered NATO the use of its air and port facilities when the Western military alliance threatened to launch air strikes to force Serbia to start talks on the future of the province.
     Majko said he supported Rugova and hoped to meet him soon. Rugova has turned down frequent invitiations by Albania for talks on the future of Kosovo.

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

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Die Bibel sagt 
      Es ist Dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist 
      und der HERR von Dir fordert, naemlich 
      Gottes Wort halten 
      und Liebe ueben 
      und demuetig sein vor Deinem Gott. 
      Micha 6, 8
      HERR, wer darf weilen in Deinem Zelt ? 
           Wer darf wohnen auf Deinem heiligen Berge ? 
      Wer untadelig lebt und tut, was recht ist, 
           und die Wahrheit redet von Herzen, 
      wer mit seiner Zunge nicht verleumdet, 
      wer seinem Naechsten nichts Arges tut 
           und seinen Nachbarn nicht schmaeht.
    Psalm 15, 1-3
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good;  
      and what doth the LORD require of thee,  
      but to do justly,  
      and to love mercy,  
      and to walk humbly with thy God?
    Micha 6, 8
      LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? 
           who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 
      He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, 
           and speaketh the truth in his heart. 
      [He that] backbiteth not with his tongue, 
      nor doeth evil to his neighbour, 
           nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 
    Psalm 15, 1-3
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
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Wolfgang Plarre
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Seite erstellt am 25.10.1998  

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