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# Orthodox Press: Kosovo and Metohija Chronicle, September 4
Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Belgrade, September 4, 1999

Attack on the Monastery of the Patriarchate of Pec

Tonight, at 01:10, the Albanian terrorists have attacked, for the second time, the Monastery of the Patriarchate of Pec, using grenade launcher. According to the report given by the monk David Perovic from Pec who has been in the Monastery of the Patriarchate of Pec since the very beginning of the Serbian tragedy in Kosovo and Metohia, namely two months ago, the nuns and the people who found refuge in the Monastery have been awaken by a load detonation of two grenades launched in the direction of the Patriarchate. However, they have not been sure, in the first moment, if the grenades exploded in the churchyard. Two nuns have seen the light which illuminated the residential part of the Monastery, and one of the refugees has observed a weak light on the hill close to the Monastery, wherefrom the two projectile have probably been sent. Not until the morning at 10:00 have the traces of this attack been found: the torn out stones of the demolished, recently restored wall of the previous Monastery residential part dating from 13th/14th century; destroyed honeycombs of the beehive, exposed to the sun; a small whole on the ground made by the grenade, scorched grass around it; sand and soil dirt that showered the approaches to the residential part, and broken panes on some windows of the new residential building in which the nuns live. The captain of the KFOR guard, that is on duty 24 hours a day around the monastery, has explained this incident differently to the Monastery inhabitants: he has said the soldier have also heard the detonation, however, the projectiles have not exploded in the churchyard, but at 400 m distance, they have not been launched in the direction of the Monastery at all, the Albanians activated them for unknown reasons. KFOR team has arrived half an hour later so as to conduct an investigation on the very spot. Thereat, the framework of the grenade that caused these quakes has been found. Later on, a group of UN officers has come and also investigated. Their investigation is in agreement with our statement.

Hvosno Bishop

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