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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 10. September 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - September 10, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1548

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1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 10.09.1998 19:58   http://seite1.web.de/show/35F81340.NL1/

Kosovo-Erklärung des Sicherheitsrats - keine Militäreinsätze
New York (dpa) - Der Weltsicherheitsrat hat am Donnerstag beide Seiten im Kosovo-Konflikt aufgerufen, «alles nur Mögliche zur Verhinderung einer humanitären Katastrophe zu tun».
In einer im Namen aller Mitglieder vom schwedischen Ratspräsidenten Hans Dahlgren verlesenen Erklärung gab es aber keinen Hinweis darauf, daß Rußland seine harte Haltung gegen mögliche NATO-Militäreinsätze gelockert haben könnte.
In Bonn hatte es letzte Woche geheißen, es gebe Signale dafür, daß Rußland möglicherweise im UNO-Sicherheitsrat einem NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo zustimmen werde.
Dahlgren machte auf entsprechende Fragen klar, daß darüber nicht gesprochen worden sei.
© dpa
Meldung vom 10.09.1998 17:23  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7EF0B.NL1/
Belgrad setzt Rückführungsabkommen mit EU-Staaten aus
Belgrad (dpa) - Jugoslawien hat am Donnerstag alle Abkommen mit EU-Staaten über die Rückführung seiner Staatsbürger ausgesetzt.
Die Regierung in Belgrad reagierte damit auf das Landeverbot für Flugzeuge der staatlichen serbischen Luftfahrtgesellschaft JAT, das seit Dienstag in Ländern der Europäischen Gemeinschaft gilt. Damit soll Belgrad gezwungen werden, im Kosovo-Konflikt einzulenken.
In dem Regierungsbeschluß heißt es, die Entscheidung betreffe vor allem Deutschland, weil das bilaterale Abkommen für Abschiebungen und Rückführungen von Flüchtlingen ausschließlich JAT-Flüge vorsehe.
Da seit Mittwoch JAT nicht mehr nach Deutschland fliegen darf, kann es auch keine Rückführungsflüge mehr geben. Belgrad setzte auch alle Verhandlungen über ähnliche Abkommen mit anderen EU-Staaten aus. Zugleich kündigte die jugoslawische Regierung Klagen gegen die Staaten an, die ihrer Ansicht nach einseitig Luftfahrtabkommen verletzt haben.
Als einzige der 15 EU-Staaten hatten Großbritannien und Griechenland am Mittwoch mitgeteilt, sich an dem Landeverbot nicht zu beteiligen.
Die Regierungen in London und Athen begründeten das mit bilateralen Verträgen, die sie verpflichteten, weiterhin Start- und Landerechte für JAT-Maschinen zu gewähren.
Im Kosovo hat sich ein Flüchtlingstreck, in dem sich noch am Mittwoch abend etwa 25 000 Menschen befunden haben sollen, nach Angaben des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR aufgelöst.
«Die Leute sind einfach verschwunden und möglicherweise in ihre Dörfer zurückgekehrt», sagte der Sprecher des Büros des UN- Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina, Fernando del Mundo, der dpa.
Belgrad hatte zuvor UNHCR-Angaben zurückgewiesen, wonach nahe der Stadt Pec 25 000 albanische Flüchtlinge unterwegs seien. Am Mittwoch hatte das Flüchtlingshilfswerk über einen Artillerieangriff auf den Flüchtlingszug berichtet. Dabei seien drei Menschen getötet und 25 verletzt worden.
Der jugoslawische Bundesstaatsanwalt Vukasin Jokanovic erklärte die albanische Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK in einem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Interview bereits für zerschlagen. Jugoslawische Sicherheitskräfte hätten die Kontrolle über das Kosovo übernommen und viele UCK-Angehörige festgenommen, zitierte die in Belgrad erscheinende Zeitung «Politika» den obersten Ankläger am Donnerstag.
Nun sei es die Aufgabe der Staatsanwaltschaften und der Gerichte, entsprechende Prozesse vorzubereiten und die «Terroristen» den Gesetzen nach zu bestrafen, sagte Jokanovic.
Nach kosovo-albanischen Angaben warten mehr als 1 000 albanische Gefangene auf Prozesse wegen angeblicher UCK-Zugehörigkeit.
© dpa
Meldung vom 10.09.1998 18:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7F960.NL1/
Belgrad: 10 000 Kosovo-Albaner in ihre Dörfer zurückgekehrt
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Etwa 10 000 Kosovo-Albaner sind am Donnerstag in ihre Dörfer südöstlich von Decani zurückgekehrt. Dies berichtete das halboffizielle serbische Mediazentrum aus der Kosovo- Hauptstadt Pristina.
Sie haben ihre sechs Dörfer in den vergangenen Tagen während der Kämpfe zwischen serbischen Sicherheitskräften und der albanischen Untergrundarmee UCK verlassen.
Die Rückkeherer wurden von serbischen Regierungsmitgliedern und dem stellevertretenden Innenminister empfangen. Sie haben mit Vertretern von 20 albanischen Dörfern die Übergabe der von der UCK hinterlassenen Waffen vereinbart.
Alle Rückkehrer wurden mit Hilfspaketen versorgt, hieß es weiter. Polizei habe sogar Busse für den Rücktransport der Menschen bereitgestellt, berichtete der Sender B 92 (Belgrad). Nach mehrmonatiger Unterbrechung wurde der Busverkehr zwischen Pec und Decani wiederhergestellt.
© dpa
Meldung vom 10.09.1998 15:26  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7D383.NL1/
UNHCR: Flüchtlingstreck im Kosovo hat sich «aufgelöst»
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Ein Flüchtlingstreck im Kosovo mit etwa 25 000 Menschen noch am Mittwoch abend hat sich Donnerstag aufgelöst. «Die Leute einfach verschwunden und möglicherweise in ihre Dörfer zurückgekehrt», sagte Fernando del Mundo, Sprecher des Büros des UNO-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina der dpa.

Beobachter der im Kosovo stationierten Diplomatenmission überzeugten sich auf der Landstraße zwölf Kilometer südlich von Pec, daß niemand mehr dort war, sagte del Mundo.

Jugoslawien hat zuvor die UNHCR Angaben von mindestens 25 000 albanischen Flüchtlingen nahe Pec als falsch zurückgewiesen.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 15:50  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7D919.NL1/
Belgrad suspendiert Rückführungabkommen mit EU-Staaten
Belgrad (dpa) - Als Gegenmaßnahme für das Landeverbot für jugoslawische Flugzeuge in Ländern der Europäischen Union hat die Regierung in Belgrad am Donnerstag alle Abkommen über die Rückführung jugoslawischer Flüchtlinge mit den EU-Staaten suspendiert.

Das gilt vor allem für Deutschland, weil das bilaterale Abkommen vorsieht, daß für Abschiebungen und Rückführungen ausschließlich die serbische Fluggesellschaft JAT zuständig ist, heißt es im Regierungsbeschluß.

Da von Mittwoch JAT an nicht mehr nach Deutschland fliegen darf, kann es auch keine Rückführung mehr geben. Gleichzeitig wurden alle Verhandlungen über ähnliche Abkommen mit anderen EU-Staaten suspendiert.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 13:38 http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7BA5A.NL1/
Belgrad dementiert UNHCR-Angaben über Flüchtlingstreck im Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Belgrad hat am Donnerstag Angaben des UNO-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR über einem Treck von mindestens 25 000 albanischen Flüchtlingen nahe der Kosovo-Stadt Pec dementiert. In dieser Region habe es seit Tagen keine Kämpfe gegeben. Wenn es dort überhaupt «einige» Flüchtlinge gebe, seien diese von «albanischen Terroristen» aus ihren Heime vertrieben worden, schrieb die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug.

Tanjug beschuldigte das UNHCR und westliche Medien, über die angeblichen Leiden der albanischen Bevölkerung nur zu berichten, um einen angedrohten NATO-Einsatz zu provozieren. Die befürchtete «humanitäre Katastrophe» gebe es nicht. Die Agentur zitierte den Bürgermeister von Pec, Milan Ivanovic, der von einer massenhaften Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge in ihre jetzt von der serbischen Polizei kontrollierten Ortschaften sprach.

UNHCR-Vertreter besuchten am Donnerstag erneut den kilometerlangen Treck der Flüchtlinge südlich von Pec. «Wir sind um ihre Sicherheit besorgt», sagte eine UNHCR-Sprecherin der dpa in Belgrad. Ein genauer Bericht werde für den Nachmittag erwartet. Die Flüchtlingskolonne auf einer Landstraße südlich von Pec war am Vortag von serbischer Artillerie beschossen worden. Drei Kosovo-Albaner seien getötet und 25 verletzt worden, berichtete das UNHCR.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 13:58   http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7BF15.NL1/
Deutscher beantragt in den Niederlanden politisches Asyl
Den Haag (dpa) - Der Deutsche Siegfried Kurzhals hat in den Niederlanden politisches Asyl beantragt. Eine Sprecherin des Justizministeriums in Den Haag sagte am Donnerstag, sein Antrag sei zugelassen worden und werde nun behandelt.

«Das bedeutet, daß er glaubwürdig erscheint», sagte die Sprecherin. Kurzhals fühle sich von der deutschen Polizei verfolgt. Die Sprecherin erinnerte an einen Bericht der Menschenrechts-Organisation Amnesty International, wonach die deutsche Polizei zuweilen «ziemlich unsanft» vorgehe.

Kurzhals ist in einem Zentrum für Asylsuchende in Haarlem bei Amsterdam untergebracht. Er teilt sich dort ein Zimmer mit einem Russen und einem Kongolesen. Der 50 Jahre alte Mann aus Füssen im Allgäu wirft den deutschen Justizbehörden vor, ihn wegen seines unerwünschten Engagements für Flüchtlinge aus dem Kosovo ins Gefängnis gebracht zu haben.

Einen Hafturlaub habe er zur Flucht in die Niederlande genutzt. Kurzhals war in Deutschland wegen Betrugs und übler Nachrede verfolgt worden. Unter anderem hatte er 22 Strafanträge gegen Justiz und Asylbehörden gestellt, die aber alle als unbegründet zurückgewiesen wurden.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 10:26  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F78D54.NL1/
NATO und Partnerstaten beginnen Manöver in Mazedonien
Brüssel/Krivolak (dpa) - Unter Führung der NATO hat am Donnerstag ein internationales Manöver in Mazedonien begonnen. Angesichts des Konfliktes in der benachbarten Serben-Provinz Kosovo wollen Soldaten aus 26 Staaten einen Friedens-Einsatz üben.

Wie die NATO in Brüssel mitteilte, liegt das Übungsgelände bei Krivolak in Zentralmazedonien. Das Manöver hat den Namen «Cooperative Best Effort» (Bestes gemeinsames Bemühen). Die NATO und Partner-Staaten hatten bereits im August ein Manöver in Albanien abgehalten.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 10:56  http://seite1.web.de/show/35F79440.NL1/
UNHCR besucht Flüchtlingstreck - weitere Kämpfe im Kosovo
Belgrad/Pristina - Vertreter des UNO-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR haben am Donnertag erneut einen Flüchtlingstreck von mindestens 25 000 Menschen im Kosovo besucht. «Wir sind um ihre Sicherheit besorgt», sagte eine UNHCR-Sprecherin der dpa in Belgrad. Die etwa zwölf Kilometer lange Kolonne albanischer Flüchtlinge südlich von Pec war am Mittwoch von serbischer Artillerie beschossen worden. Dabei wurden drei Kosovo-Albaner getötet und 25 verletzt, sieben davon schwer.

Auch an anderen Stellen der Krisenprovinz kam es in der Nacht zum Donnerstag zu Kämpfen. Der Sender B 92 (Belgrad) berichtete von Feuergefechten zwischen serbischer Polizei und Gruppen der albanischen Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK entlang der Straße Pec-Decani. Angaben zu möglichen Opfern gab es zunächst nicht.

Bei einem Angriff der UCK nahe dem Ort Djakovica wurden am Dienstag ein jugoslawischer Soldat getötet und zwei verletzt, gab der Armee-Informationsdienst am Donnerstag bekannt.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 11:07 http://seite1.web.de/show/35F796C8.NL1/
Jugoslawischer Staatsanwalt: Die UCK ist zerschlagen
Belgrad (dpa) - Die jugoslawischen Sicherheitsorgane haben nach eigener Einschätzung die albanische Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK zerschlagen, viele ihrer Angehörigen festgenommen und die Kontrolle über die Unruheprovinz zurückgewonnen. Das sagte der jugoslawische Bundesstaatsanwalt Vukasin Jokanovicn nach Angaben der Zeitung «Politika» (Belgrad) vom Donnerstag.

Nun sei es die Aufgabe der Staatsanwaltschaft und der Gerichte, entsprechende Prozesse vorzubereiten und die mutmaßlichen «Terroristen» den Gesetzen nach zu bestrafen.

Nach kosovo-albanischen Angaben warten mehr als 1 000 albanische Gefangene auf Prozesse wegen ihrer mutmaßlichen UCK-Zugehörigkeit.

© dpa

Meldung vom 10.09.1998 06:36    http://seite1.web.de/show/35F7577D.NL1/
UNHCR: Flüchtlingstreck im Kosovo beschossen - Nato beginnt Manöver
Belgrad/Brüssel (dpa) - Ein Flüchtlingtreck von mindestens 25 000 Menschen ist nach Angaben des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks UNHCR am Mittwoch im Kosovo von serbischer Artillerie beschossen worden. Drei Kosovo-Albaner seien getötet und 25 verletzt worden, davon sieben schwer.

Das Belgrader UNHCR-Büro berichtete am Abend unter Berufung auf Augenzeugen von einem zwölf Kilometer langen Flüchtlingszug südlich der Stadt Pec. Es sei ein Blutbad an den Flüchtlingen zu befürchten, wenn eine Granate direkt in die Menschenmenge fliege.

Mitarbeiter des Hilfswerks hätten selbst Artilleriefeuer in der Region gehört und brennende Dörfer gesehen, hieß es weiter. Die flüchtenden Kosovo-Albaner hatten am Dienstag ihre Dörfer vor den vorrückenden serbischen Truppen verlassen. Sie hätten bei starkem Regen im Freien übernachtet.

Im Nachbarland Mazedonien beginnt die Nato heute (Donnerstag) mit einem achttägigen Manöver. An den Übungen nehmen insgesamt 26 Staaten aus der Allianz und den Partnerländern teil, verlautete aus dem Nato- Hauptquartier in Brüssel. Am Mittwoch hatte der Nato-Rat erneut über mögliche Boden- und Lufteinsätze im Kosovo beraten. Die Planungen seien inzwischen abgeschlossen, hieß es nach der Sitzung.

Nach den Angaben ist die Nato nun in der Lage, binnen weniger Tage gezielte Luftangriffe gegen serbische Militärziele zu führen. Bodentruppen könnten bei der Umsetzung eines Waffenstillstands oder eines Friedensabkommens helfen, hieß es weiter. Die Option, den Konflikt mit militärischen Mitteln beenden, wird bei der Nato derzeit ausgeschlossen.

Das am Dienstag in Kraft getretene Landeverbot für die jugoslawische Luftfahrtgesellschaft JAT kann die Europäische Union indes nicht in allen 15 Mitgliedsstaaten durchsetzen. Die Regierungen in Großbritannien und Griechenland teilten am Mittwoch in Brüssel mit, daß sie durch bilaterale Verträge verpflichtet seien, weiterhin Start- und Landerechte für JAT-Maschinen zu gewähren.

Bei den Kämpfen in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz sind seit Anfang des Jahres mindestens 843 Albaner getötet worden. Das teilte das albanische Kosovo-Menschenrechtskomitee am Mittwoch in der Provinzhauptstadt Pristina mit. Unter den Getöteten befinden sich 88 Minderjährige, 127 Frauen und 181 ältere Personen.

© dpa

2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
........Augsburger Allgemeine  9.9.1998
       now Germany can not deport Kosova-Albanians !

   Three months ago:

Contact Group Statement on Kosova, London/12 June 1998
   8.  The Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States confirmed their decision to implement the ban on new investment in Serbia and to freeze funds held abroad by the FRY and Serbian governments, and agreed to take steps to ban flights by Yugoslav carriers between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and their countries. Japan supported this approach and agreed to consider similar action. The Russian Federation does not associate itself with these measures.
       How lang one has to wait the other decisions of Contact Group are implemented ?

3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details

Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !
4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1548
Datum:         Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:21:43 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>

Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 10 September 1998

President Clinton Authorizes $20 Million for Kosova Refugees
"It is important to the national interest", Clinton says

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - The White House released a Presidential Determination September 9 authorizing $20 million in aid "to meet the urgent and unexpected needs of refugees, displaced persons, conflict victims, and other persons at risk due to the Kosovo crisis."
Following is the text of the President's memorandum to Secretary of State Albright directing her to notify the appropriate congressional committees to obligate the funds, circulated by the United States Information Service (USIS) in Prishtina in its today's (Thursday) Washington File bulletin:
(Begin text)
Office of the Press Secretary
(Orlando, Florida)
September 9, 1998
Presidential Determination
Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended Pursuant to section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 2601(c)(1), I hereby determine that it is important to the national interest that up to $20,000,000 be made available from the U.S. Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund to meet the urgent and unexpected needs of refugees, displaced persons, conflict victims, and other persons at risk due to the Kosovo crisis. These funds may be used, as appropriate, to provide contributions to international and nongovernmental organizations.
You are authorized and directed to inform the appropriate committees of the Congress of this determination and the obligation of funds under this authority and to publish it in the Federal Register.
(End text)
Meanwhile, a statement by the President Clinton's Press Secretary emphasized that the "responsibility for humanitarian suffering [in Kosova] rests squarely with the Serb authorities."
Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been displaced due to Serb attacks on Kosovar Albanian villages", the statement said. The current U.S. contribution for Kosova is in addition to $11 million in emergency assistance already provided.

President Rugova Receives U.S. Diplomat

PRISHTINA, Sept (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received today in Prishtina Mr. Christopher J. Hoh, Deputy Director of the Office of South-Central Europe at the State Department.
The recent developments in Kosova and ways to deescalate the situation were discussed.
The need for an immediate halt to the Serbian offensive and the creation of an appropriate environment for the establishment of negotiations for the resolution of the Kosova issue was discussed, President Rugova's Office reported.

...German, French, Swedish and Finnish Diplomats

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - Likewise today, President Ibrahim Rugova of Kosova received in Prishtina Belgrade-based diplomats: Wilfried Gruber, Germany's Ambassador, G‚rard Fauveau, acting Charge d' Affairs of France, Mats Staffansson, Sweden's ambassador, and Ilpo Manninen, Finland's ambassador.
The current situation in Kosova amidst the continued Serb offensive against Albanians and ways to overcome it by political means were discussed in the meetings, Rugova's Office said.

Albanians in Dire Conditions,
Serb Regime Organizes Cynical Carnival in Deçan Area
Serbian forces prevented Wednesday a delegation of Kosova political parties and humanitarian associations from going to visit the area

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - Tens of thousands of refugees from the area of Deçan, Lugu i Baranit (Barani valley), Dushkajë region of Gjakova, Peja and Klina, found themselves today (Thursday) trapped in the village of Isniq.
Some 10,000 others - women, children and the elderly - spent the night rough in the open in the Strellc mountains. They have been without food and other staples.
Some 4,000 other refugees were heading for the mountains last night in a bid to reach relative safety. Their whereabouts and fate is unknown, sources said.
Meanwhile, Serb police forces started burning Albanian houses in the village of Strellc last night to terrify the refugees and pressurize the villagers to hand in weapons.
Today, Serb forces sent buses to the village of Isniq to get the refugees out.
An LDK activist in the village said Serb forces had brought in lorryloads of relief supplies and medical teams. "This cynical carnival, as elsewhere in the past few days, is duly escorted by the Serb propaganda machinery, whose goal is to portray the Serb occupier humane", the activist said.
In the past several days, the population has been left alone in these villages, with the exception of a few local journalists and LDK activists. They have been calling for a sort of international intervention on behalf of the population at risk from Serb forces, but to no avail.
Serbian forces prevented Wednesday a delegation of Kosova political parties and humanitarian associations from going to visit the area.

Bodies of Killed Albanians Scattered about in Rahovac Villages

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - The bodies of 5 Albanians killed during the recent Serb offensives in south-west Kosova were found scattered in the villages of Rahovec ('Orahovac'), local sources reported.
Activists in the area have identified the five killed Albanians as Isuf Berisha (25) from Polluzha and Mark Sopjani (42) from Dobidol, as well as Himë Krasniqi (58), Ismet Krasniqi (41), and Beqir Krasniqi (80), who were first slain by Serb troops, then dumped in a pond at Postosel village.
The LDK Information Commission in Prizren said that three babies born in the fields in the Rahovec area died in the past few days. Activists in the area told the Commission that more people are feared to have been killed, who have not been located still.

Identity of Three Other Killed Albanians Learned in Prizren

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - Three Albanians, Refki Shala (35), Milaim Thaçi (28) and Tamil Shala (43), killed during a Serb offensive against Albanian communities around Prizren, were buried on Wednesday in their Kushtendil village.
Around 40 Albanians - men, women and children - were killed during a Serb offensive against the Vërrini area villages in the Prizren municipality since last weekend.
The bodies of thee three men were found in the fields near the village, local sources said.
The LDK chapter in Prizren said the remains of an Albanian, Marjan Domgjoni from Grazhdanik village was brought Wednesday to the town morgue in Prizren. Serb troops brought the body of the killed Albanian, it said.
Meanwhile, sources in Prizren said Serb troops set ablaze yesterday afternoon the homes of Ismail Suka and Rrahman Krasniqi at "Ramiz Sadiku" suburb of the town.

Police Settled in Albanian Houses in Suhareka Municipality

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - In the municipality of Suhareka, police has stepped up its threats against the Albanian population in the area to hand in weapons they allegedly possess or risk attacks. The worsening weather has added to the misery of the displaced people.
Serb police have been settled in Albanian houses in Reshtan, Studençan and Samadraxhë villages. The people cannot therefore get back to their homes.
In the villages of Semetisht, Peqan and Nishor as many as 90 percent of the houses have been destroyed by Serb forces. Yet, some of the displaced residents who had been camping out in Pagarushë have started streaming back to their home villages, local sources said.

Pregnant Refugee Women in Desperate Need of Medical Assistance

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) -  Some 20 pregnant women camping out near Ngucat village of Suhareka have been reported in critical need of medical assistance.
Ragip Zekolli, secretary of the LDK chapter in Suhareka, said the 20 Albanian women who are expected to give birth soon are at risk, as they have been camping out in severe circumstances in make-shift plastic sheeting tents.
Sources in Prizren said today that three babies born in the fields in the Rahovec area have died since last week.

Unidentified Gunmen Abduct Albanian near Prishtina

PRISHTINA, Sept 10 (KIC) - Still unidentified gunmen abducted today a 51-year-old Albanian, Hetem Kupina, at Bërnica village of Prishtina.
The local LDK sub-branch in Bërnica said Hetem Kupina, proprietor of a wheat flour mill in the village, was abducted at his place today at 7 a.m. The kidnappers rushed to an unknown direction with a car with Ferizaj (Urosevac) number plates, UR: 433-70, witnesses said. Pupils of the local school in the village said the two men were wearing dark glasses.
The major Kosovar human rights group, the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF), said on Wednesday that it has registered over 600 Kosovar Albanians missing for weeks or even several months.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on September 9, 1998 at 23:50 hrs
KOSOVA (casualties – Gjakovë)
Mother finds the massacred body of her 23 years old son

Gjakovë, 9 September (ARTA) 2200CET --
In the forest near the village of Kodrali, a mother found the massacred body of her son Halil Aliu (23) states a CDHRF report in Gjakovë. This is the third victim, this week, in this ruined village.
Three days ago, in the same village, the father of the late Halil Aliu, died from tortures.
On the other hand, 12 other prisoners from this village, arrested a day before, were sent to the prison in Pejë.

KOSOVA (fighting aftermath – Prizren)
Four more Albanian victims buried in Lez

Prizren, 9 September (ARTA) 1800CET --
Yesterday, the residents of the village of Lez, requested for permission from the police organs to search the terrain after the Serb offensive, in which case they found the corpses of Asllan Berisha (66), Izair Berisha (64) Salajdin Berisha (42), and Agim Berisha (41), all from Lez. There are claims that the last two were KLA members.
With the organization of the residents of this village, they were buried today.
Metë Berisha, the father of the victim, Alajdin Berisha, said that nothing remained in the village of Lez, except for the mosque and one house. Witnesses claim to have seen three corpses lying on the ground between the village of Leskovec and the town of Prizren. They could not take or identify them.
The residents of the above mentioned village also requested a corridor to save the cattle and a few of their belongings from the offensive, but Serb organs said that they could not guarantee anything, since they themselves suspect of armed Serb civilians situated in that zone. The residents of the villages of Lubiçevë, Leskovc, Kashmir and Jeshkovë also requested for permission to search the terrain, since nothing is known about the whereabouts of many people of this region since the Serb force offensive.
On the other hand, Prizren proper is overloaded with displaced people from the region of Suharekë, Rahovec, Malishevë, the region of Vërrin, municipality of Prizren. According to Emergency Council representatives, the residents of the neighborhood of Dushanovë, Bajram Curri, and Tusus of Prizren, who left their houses as a result of the deterioration of the situation these past few days, additionally intensify the situation. Hence, these people are asked to return back home.
In the meantime, the Serb Municipal Court indicted 76 Albanians accused for terrorism.
The LDK branch and the Municipal Financing Council in Prizren, today organized the return of 45 residents from the villages of Ratkoc, Çifllak, Postosel and Malësi e Vogël, municipality of Rahovec, who were released by the Serb police.
There are reports that at around 1140CET, the Serb police sent in the direction of Lipjan or Prishtina, a bus filled with prisoners.

KOSOVA (situation deteriorates – Deçan)
Catastrophic humanitarian situation in the municipality of Deçan

Deçan, 9 September (ARTA) 2210CET --
The villages of Lumbardh and Broliq were shelled with all kinds of artillery weapons, from the asphalt road near the village of Pozhar, ever since 1000CET today. Whereas houses are still being burned in the villages of Pozhar, Drenoc, Kodrali and Isniq. Albanian sources notify that during yesterday's shelling, besides the killing of Fetah and Fetije Mazreku, Haxhi Krasniqi (35) and Muhamet Shala (37) from Prapaçan of Deçan, seven other Albanians from the villages of Deçan, were also killed. Avdyl Zeqiraj (60), from the village of Glloxhan, also died as a result of the traumas he underwent. Following yesterday's offensive, the residents of 39 villages in Deçan, Dushkajë and Gjakovë, Rekë e Keqe as well as of 16 villages of Lugu i Baranit, which are being shelled, are placed in the fields and roads of the villages of Isniq, Strellc i Poshtëm and Dubovik. The humanitarian state of over 500,000 displaced people is catastrophic. They spent last night in trucks, tractors, and chariots. The majority of them lack basic food items as well as medicine, since there are many ill among them.
Fearing new attacks, last night only, about 10,000 displaced headed for the hills of Strellc.
There are also reports that the Serb police made an appeal to the residents of several villages of this municipality to hand in the weapons.

KOSOVA (Serb onslaught – Mitrovicë)
The shelling of Shalë e Bajgorës continues

Mitrovicë, 9 September (ARTA) 2150CET --
Serb forces continued to shell the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës: Melenicë, Rashan, Mazhiq, Bare, Bajgorë, and Stantërg. Two nights ago, 107 grenades were launched in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës, Albanian sources inform adding that the detonations could be heard as far as in Mitrovicë proper, situated 18 kilometers away. The Serb offensive is also extending in the southern villages of the region. There are claims that a military convoy made of 4 APCs with mine launchers and a military truck filled with Serb soldiers departed from the military barrack in Mitrovicë and headed through the villages of Frashër, Pantinë, Shtitaricë, Vushtrri, Banjskë, Sumë and Smrekovnicë yesterday. In the village of Sumë, that borders the region of Shalë e Bajgorës, the KLA forces made a military convoy return to the base. So far, there is no information about eventual victims of this operation.
On the other hand, Tadija Radivojevic, from Frashër was killed under mysterious circumstances, during the afternoon hours. So far, nobody claimed the responsibility for his murder.

KOSOVA (situation deteriorates – Malishevë)
Serb police exhumes victims

Malishevë, 9 September (ARTA) 2130CET --
In the village of Ostrazub, Serb military forces continue to loot and destroy Albanian properties. Several residents of this village, mainly aged persons, were caught last night in the periphery of the village and were forced to go back home and watch the Serbs loot their houses. The soldiers were taking everything valuable, destroying the less valuable items.
These persons were questioned and threatened with knives on their throats to tell where the money and gold were hidden.
Local Albanian sources inform that the Serb forces are stationed by the gas station, as well as in a local warehouse.
Last night, these forces withdrew from their positions in Kroi i Carit. In fact, before withdrawing from that position, the Serb forces exhumed three corpses of Islam Morina (58), Jetul Morina (51), from Ostrazub and Muharrem Hoxha (24) from Prizren. Although the precise reason of their exhumation is unknown, the locals suspect them to be used as a set up, with propagandistic aims.

KOSOVA (burnt land – Klinë)
Last houses in Dollc burned down

Klinë, 9 September (ARTA) 2145CET --
Fierce clashes took place last night between the Serb forces and KLA units, sources from the terrain inform. So far, there are no reports about any victims from either of the sides, although Albanian sources claim that one police officer was killed by a sniper.
On the streets of the villages of Lugu i Drinit, numerous armed Serb civilians move around, helping the Serb police and army.
As a result of yesterday's Serb attacks against the villages of Lugu i Baranit, tens of thousands of people managed to settle in the villages outside the threatened zones, along Bistricë river, of Pejë.
On the other hand, the Serb policemen and civilians finally burned down all the Albanian houses in the village of Dollc.
The Serb police released today several Albanians arrested a day before in Panoc. Thousands of others are still being kept under arrest, including a doctor from Rastok, municipality of Klinë, Zajm Gashi. The released tell about horrifying experiences they underwent and others are still undergoing in the prison of Pejë

KOSOVA (IDPs – Suharekë)
Some of the people returned to the burnt houses

Suharekë, 9 September (ARTA) 2100CET --
Local sources in Suharekë inform that a dramatic situation is prevailing in this municipality. According to them, the town is surrounded with police checkpoints, where passersby are checked thoroughly. Even though the atmosphere was more relaxed in the afternoon, and even some shops were opened, the freedom of movement is still imited.
The new school year began in some municipal elementary schools, where the situation is quieter, yesterday, even though the municipal Council for Education postponed the school year until the situation improves.
The war-afflicted zone is encountering many problems, especially after the weather got worse. The dislocated people are still staying in the forests.
Since most of the dislocated people were "sheltered" in the valley of Pagarushë and two surrounding villages, and Serb infantry penetrated into the villages Ostrazub and Dragobil (who are situated only two kilometers far), the residents of Semetisht and some other villages (which are 90% burnt) started to return back.
Emergency Council activists are recording the damages in the village Semetisht. According to them, 20 houses of the village have been burnt and destroyed so far.
"Although we have nowhere to return, we are doing our best. We mainly find shelter in some basements, or makeshift tents from nylon, just so we have a kind of 'roof' over our heads", said a local resident, who was trying to improvise a shelter in the basement of his ruined house.
The residents of village Peçan started to return yesterday, even though they are very afraid for their safety. That feeling is augmented especially from the terrible landscape of the village.

KOSOVA (KD reportage – Deçan)
"You'll be escorted by us, or else..."

Prishtina, 9 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
"You either go to Drenica under our escort, or else we will break your ribs if you continue to stay here", threatened Serb security members, gathered around a red, destroyed "Lada" car, without registration plates, on the Pejë-Deçan road. These threats were addressed to the convoy of Albanian political parties and journalists, who started their tour to the villages of Pejë and Deçan, from the premises of Kosova's Writer's Association in Prishtina.
"When we departed from Prishtina, we did not ask for written permit from the Serb authorities, because if we did we would be forced to go under their escort. Our aim is to go and visit our people. Their escort is out of the question... How could we go, escorted by those that kill our people?", the vice-chairman of the Parliament of Kosova, who organized this tour, Gjergj Dedaj, told "KOHA Ditore", as the convoy of 11 cars was still parked waiting to turn back to Prishtina. The 90-kilometer road, that now takes more than two-and-a-half-hours to pass, with at least five obligatory stops to reach there, does not have the iveliness and beauty it used to. By now, other than police officers, soldiers, and numerous cows, which are the only creatures that eat the unharvested grain, there are no common people in the region. The smell of carbon and garbage could be felt in the entire area coming from the burned and destroyed houses.
The villages beyond Komoran and further, Dollc, Kijevë, Drenoc, Leshan, Gllarevë and others, are a pitiful site, of the horrors that this part of Kosova underwent. The houses were mostly burnt and shelled, but even those that were not destroyed had the doors and windows open wide. They were looted and are still being looted. They are now being resided by Serb policemen who feel as good as home. On both sides of the road, on which traces of tanks could be seen, armed Serbs, being sure that they completed their job, raised their tents in between the bushes and trees. It was not sure which of the facts terrified most - the quietness and deadly calm or the site that remained behind, abandoned houses and occasional dead cattle.
"What we saw on both sides of the street cannot be told in a few words. It is really something unseen so far. I know that what they did during these past days, during these past six months, they did not do ever before. We saw ruined, shelled, burned and abandoned houses, abandoned herds, but we didn't see any people. It was terrifying...", said Nekibe Kelmendi, LDK Secretary in a press conference, after returning to Prishtina.
"The people we met during the entire tour, from Prishtina to Pejë, I am referring to uniformed persons, do not resemble human creatures, but people made of iron. We will not be stopped or discouraged by the fact that we did not reach our destination. We will continue with our efforts to visit the displaced people", added further, Kelmendi.
"We thought of visiting the war afflicted villages in the municipality of Pejë. The tour was foreseen to go in the direction: Prishtina-Fushë Kosovë-Komoran-Kijevë-Klinë-Pejë-Strellc-Prapaçan-Baran and Gllogjan, municipality of Pejë", stated the organizer of the tour, Gjergj Dedaj.
Upon their arrival in Pejë, the Serb police stopped the convoy of political representatives of Kosova and the journalists that were escorting them, and threatened them to go back. Whereas, according to Nekibe Kelmendi, "the aim of the half hour stop in Pejë, was among others, to show them that they occupied Pejë also and that they can behave as any other occupier".
According to Dedaj, the tour was aimed at "visiting the displaced people that are subjected to an unseen Serb terror. We have information that in the villages that we planed to visit there are many killed, wounded, arrested and displaced people". He explained how "the Serb security insisted on knowing the reason as to why we did not get a permit to visit these villages and localities. We told them that we need no permission to visit our villages. We did not do that then and we weren't going to do it now either. We evaluated the most reasonable thing to do was to go back to Prishtina, and continue our tour another day, to visit other places as well, so we can offer help to our people for as much as we can", he ended.
Today's tour in the direction of Pejë, attended by 11 vehicles, was participated by over 20 representatives of political parties: Kosova Liberal Party, LDK, the LDK Youth Forum, Albanian Christian Democratic Party, Albanian People's Party, Albanian National Democratic Party, Kosova Albanian National Democratic Party and a CDHRF representative. According to Gjergj Dedaj, all political parties working in Kosova, respectively Albanian Democratic Movement and Kosova's Parliamentarian Party were also invited to participate in the tour. "They said they would join in, but they did not come. This tour had no political marketing aims, but was aimed at gathering information on the situation of the people", he stated.

KOSOVA (Belgian Foreign Minister – Prishtina)
Derycke: "I think that Milosevic's and Hill's proposal is not perfect..."

Prishtina, 9 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
After visiting Belgrade, where his meeting with Milosevic was canceled by the latter, Belgian Foreign Minister, Eric Derycke, arrived in Prishtina to met with the President of the Republic of Kosova, Ibrahim Rugova and with the political representative of KLA, Adem Demaçi. Concerning the meeting with Rugova, the Belgian Foreign Minister, stated that he met with him because he thought, "he is the man the west is counting on to solve the problems in Kosova, which are very concerning".
"For us it is very important to say that we hope that the violence will stop, because we fear a humanitarian drama that could take over the region in the coming weeks, in the brink of winter" stated Derycke.
"We insisted in Belgrade, and also in Prishtina, to have an optimal collaboration with NGOs and western governments, so we can face the humanitarian problems", he said.
Minister Derycke highlighted the fact that "we (Europeans) have no proposal to start negotiations and I think that Milosevic's and Hill's proposal is not perfect, but it is worth discussing".
In this regard, Derycke highly evaluated Rugova's role "as a President to participate", because according to him "neither the humanitarian nor the political problems will be solved if the sides are not ready to sit around the same table".
"As for the moment, we see no better solution, thus I have to say in the name of my European colleagues that we completely support Rugova and his attempts for a peaceful agreement for the crisis in Kosova", stated the Belgian Minister.
Whereas, concerning Hill's statements about the EU neglecting the Balkans, Derycke claimed that "he is dejected by such statements".
"We do not understand, since all the help is coming from Europe. We are doing such things with good will, and we are doing them because we think it is necessary", he said.
"We can only evaluate that the proposal made by Hill is a proposal made by Europeans a long time ago", informed Derycke.
President Rugova also made a statement about this issue by "demanding EU cooperation for the issue of Kosova".
"Hill has done much work for four months now, as he also has the same message as the EU for helping the solution of the Kosova issue", stated Rugova.
Whereas, asked about supporting the KLA and whether this is considered as a problem for finding a solution, President Rugova claimed "all efforts are being made to discipline and put these groups under control, so the Serbs do not use them as a pretext".
"People are very frustrated and want the Kosova issue solved as soon as possible, but we must all have responsibility, including Albanian armed groups", said Rugova.
On the other hand, the Belgian Foreign Minister evaluated that it is still not the moment for a military intervention.
"We'll see what the new sanctions will bring", said Derycke, although critical about the sanctions, because as he expressed "they can sometimes be counterproductive".
By the end, Derycke stated that the next EU step would be appointing a special envoy, which would work with Hill, because as Derycke claimed "I think they will need Europe’s money to reconstruct the houses".

KOSOVA (Belgian Foreign Minister – Prishtina)
Derycke: Demaçi is an extremist for wanting the independence of Kosova

Prishtina, 9 September (ARTA) 2030CET --
The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eric Derycke, after meeting with Rugova in Prishtina today, met with, as he said, "Rugova's opponent", Adem Demaçi.
"Demaçi has such extremist statements, that I do not consider them as a solution for the moment", claimed Derycke after the meeting.
"Independence is unacceptable for the USA, the West, for Europe and for the region", stressed Derycke, talking about Demaçi, who is one of the KLA political representatives.
Asked whether Rugova (who is estimated to have a non-extremist attitude) will accept a solution other than independence, the Belgian Minister said: "At least Rugova is ready to sit around the negotiating table, while Demaçi does not want to do that".
On the other hand, Demaçi, who was commented as giving extremist statements claimed that, "if Rugova plans to capitulate, I will not"
"I belong to that part of the nation which is determined not to capitulate. If this seems extremist to somebody, I really do not know what to say", he claimed.
Demaçi claims to have told the European diplomat that "the bloodshed is going on, while the USA and Europe are still waiting in vain".
According to him, all the projects that are destined "to improvise an unacceptable solution for the Kosova problem" will prolong the duration of the Belgrade regime, and the agony of Albanians as well as Serbs.
"Europe must attack five or six important military and police positions in Serbia, in order to convince Milosevic that Europe and the world is seriously interested in the Kosova problem" emphasized Demaçi.
"The bloodshed and the tragedy will continue here until then, all their efforts will be in vain, because the Albanian nation is very determined to be free regardless of the victims it has to sacrifice. So, Europe, must be well aware of this", said Demaçi at the end.

KOSOVA ("Yugoslav" flights ban – Germany)
Flights prohibited - expelling Albanian refugees not

Bonn, 9 September (ARTA) 1600CET --
German Traffic Minister in Kohl's Government, Matthias Wissman, officially proclaimed on Tuesday, that "Yugoslav" flights by air-companies JAT and Aviogenex are now banned in Germany and vice-versa.
According to the official statement (published by the media yesterday afternoon), the ban on "Yugoslav" flights will be implemented immediately. Furthermore, the communiqué also recommends other German shareholders not to cooperate with "Yugoslav" air-associations and companies.
The communiqué also stated that the Montenegrin air-company, "Montenegro Airlines", can keep its regular flights Leipzig-Tivat.
This made headlines in the German media since it is closely tied with the expulsion of Albanian refugees from Germany to Kosova. The Federal Minister of Interior, Manfred Kanther (CDU), told German TV, ZDF, that "although the 'Yugoslav-German agreement stated that Albanian refugees should return with JAT planes, (taking into account the prohibition) they can be banished via ground means. Of course, this will take place when Milosevic and his barbarian herds stop the violence against the civilian population of Kosova".
Kanther's statement that banning JAT flights does not mean that the expulsion of Albanians will stop in general, made a certain impression to the authorities of Nordheim Westfallen and Berlin. They released 60, respectively 10 other Albanians, today, who were being kept under arrest waiting to be sent into Duesseldorf or Berlin Airport, and deported afterwards.

KOSOVA (EU sanctioning)
"JAT" ignores EU decision for banning flights

Vienna, 9 September (ARTA) 2200CET --
The Serb aircrafts are continuing their work, regardless of the fact that EU imposed a ban of "JAT" flights to the airports of 15 member states.
Even though the EU decision was published in the EU official newspaper, on Wednesday morning, a JAT aircraft (with flight number JU312) with 61 travelers on board, landed in Vienna airport without any problem.
The airport authorities of Schwechat (Vienna airport) stated that the JAT aircraft was allowed to land in Vienna airport because Austria has yet not implemented the EU decision, which was announced one day ago.
Meanwhile, because of the huge coverage of this "scandal" by the media, an Austrian Interior Ministry official commented the landing of the JAT aircraft as "illegal".
"But, we could not have stopped it. What should we have done, shot at the plane?", he asked.
The spokesperson of Austrian Foreign Ministry, Walter Geinert, claimed that the EU decision should have been implemented on Tuesday, but that it has to be regulated within the country as well. The Traffic Ministry is responsible for that and not the Foreign Affairs Ministry" claimed this official.

KOSOVA (NATO intervention)
NATO military intervention could be carried out in a couple of days?

Brussels, 9 September (ARTA) 1700CET --
Following the session of the NATO Council, a high-ranking official stated that, "all options for a NATO military intervention in Kosova are ready".
What we are talking about is "a wide spectrum of options that are flexible and thoroughly prepared". "Their goal is to provide the necessary support to the diplomatic efforts of the international community in finding a satisfactory solution to the Kosova problem", claimed this official who wanted to remain anonymous. As for the "wide spectrum of military options", NATO sources stated that, they can be divided in three main categories:

1. Installing NATO infantry troops in Albania, that would prevent the conflict in Kosova from spreading to this neighboring country.
2. NATO air raids against military positions in Kosova.
3. Installing NATO infantry troops in Kosova, that would be backed by NATO air forces.

The third category could be applied only under certain circumstances. The most favorable one to NATO is "in the case when an agreement is achieved, and NATO troops (with the accord of both sides) would observe and enable its implementation".
Another possibility for NATO engagement, would have been the humanitarian organization aid, although the NATO officials repeated that "NATO is not an organization with a humanitarian mandate". Nevertheless, NATO is ready to help the humanitarian activities and humanitarian organizations, first of all UNHCR.
"Even though we are not a humanitarian organization, we are very worried about the prevailing humanitarian crisis in Kosova and the large number of refugees and displaced people there", declared today a NATO diplomat.
Speaking about military issues, he claimed that, "informal contacts with armies of NATO member states, in order to prepare units, which would intervene in Kosova, have started".
"The process of establishing the units for intervention could be accomplished very quickly, if there is a need for it", claimed this official, explaining that the words "very quickly", in NATO vocabulary mean "within a couple of days".
Sources close to the organization in Brussels state that, "from its previous experiences in Bosnia and the maneuvers in Albania, NATO already knows everyone's (from the member states) potentials to contribute".
Asked whether NATO counts on the non-member states in case of eventual intervention in Kosova, a diplomat answered that "forces of member states are primal, but since the contribution of non-member states in Bosnia was significant, we will also ask for other states to back us".

"Optimistic signals" saluted by Belgrade and Prishtina

Brussels, 9 September (ARTA) 2000CET --
NATO Ambassadors, in the Council's meeting, saluted the "optimistic signals", as one of the officials that attended the meeting called them, coming from Belgrade and Prishtina, about the possibilities of stopping the conflict.
"We once again appeal to Belgrade, for the Serb security forces to stop their attacks against civilians in Kosova, whereas we appeal to Kosova Albanians, particularly armed ones, to refrain from the use of violence", expressed the NATO diplomat.
"Belgrade is the one that, through its policy, caused this humanitarian and political crisis in Kosova, which has tendencies of further deterioration during the winter", stated a NATO official, expressing his optimism that "such tactic will be prevented".
"We support diplomatic activities and as we have already said before, and we demand that they intensify even more", he said. Discussing the possibilities of military engagement in Kosova, NATO officials repeated their stand that there "will be interventions within legal grounds".
This statement did not specify as to whether this includes the mandate of the UN Security Council, which has been blocked by Russian and China so far. "We see no reason why the Security Council should not approve such a resolution, particularly in case it leads to an agreement between both sides in the conflict, or in case the humanitarian crisis continues further", claimed a senior NATO official. Speaking about Russia, NATO sources stated that "good relations are being developed with this country and it is expected that it will participate as an observer in the Macedonian maneuvers as well".

KOSOVA (LKÇK communiqué)
The pre-announced agreement - against the KLA

Prishtina, 9 September (ARTA) 1830CET --
The National Movement for the Liberation of Kosova (hereinafter LKÇK) issued a communiqué today commenting the pre-announced agreement between Prishtina and Belgrade...
During the course of eight years, national political forces declared that the peaceful policy lead by Ibrahim Rugova does not lead to more than autonomy within Serbia:
It does not give way to anything more than creating conditions for the reconciliation of Albanians with the occupier. This is not a prophecy.
The fact that the international community engaged pacifists and promoted a certain structure of people, combined with the regime in Albania, which was also prompted by different interests of the international factors are enough proof.
The talks (arranged by the USA) which are going on between the occupier and Rugova, intend to hide the ongoing terror of the Serb occupier against civilians, from the international democratic public opinion.
Rugova and his collaborators, who are feeling very strong (because of the political circumstances which emerged after the offensive), considered that now is the right political moment for their strategy which means - accepting autonomy within Serbia.
With mere mocking phrases like: this is a very positive and decisive agreement for Albanians and it is a temporary agreement, they are trying to vindicate in front of the Albanian people this impudent act. In these fundamental and historic moments for our people, when the Albanian people is showing its determination to sacrifice everything for freedom, this act nothing but proof of the cooperation between the pacifist and the occupier.
What are the first results of this agreement? The major aim is an effort to immobilize people who are already involved in the struggle for liberation. It intends to continue manipulating the people with the alleged dialogue for a peaceful solution, and in this way reach the ultimate objective - disintegration of KLA and the policy of armed struggle for liberation.
Under whose supervision is this deal being run?
It is being run under the supervision of the one who, fueled the flames of war in Croatia and Bosnia (for his own interests), supporting first one side, and than the other, for what even the European diplomacy officially complained.
So, the USA is the one to conduct these political maneuvers, to obstruct the unification of Europe, by maintaining conflicts as long as possible (for its own interests).
Sufficient arguments for this are the following: Holbrooke’s accelerated efforts to arrange a meeting between Rugova and Milosevic, just as NATO measures against Serbia were about to be approved and the Contact Group decisions were about to be coordinated. Regardless the fact that the USA signed them (the decisions of the Contact Group), it violated them itself, by organizing a meeting beside those decisions, in this way shielding Milosevic. In order to impede the Albanian nation from joining the KLA en masse, Holbrooke, and Gelbard (after two meetings with KLA representatives), announced that the KLA and LDK are not far from one another.
In the end of July, it seemed that a group of European diplomats achieved an agreement with Albanian politicians, according to which they (the Albanians) would have established a structure that would include KLA representatives, and would not be chaired by the LDK. However, the USA did not allow such an act. Moreover, when the Albanian nation was awaiting news for the agreement, Rugova announced the appointment of a negotiating team.
Albanians, who turned to weapons in their struggle for freedom, are aware that this agreement will show its negative outcome, but they will manage to handle it.
LKÇK considers and emphasizes that, only the unification (of those who carry on or support the struggle) into one joint political and military front 'as a supreme decision-making body', is the way to avoid those diabolic plans, and Kosova to win the freedom.
LKÇK will strongly commit itself in this aspect, states the communiqué issued by LKÇK General Council.

KOSOVA (KD report on foreign media)
We refuse to report on mass graves in Kosova, as long as forensic experts are not allowed to investigate

Prishtina, 9 September (ARTA) 1630CET --
"Editorial boards in the US, for which I report, cannot publish statements made by locals concerning the existence of mass graves. At least not as long as foreign forensic experts are not allowed in Kosova to enlighten the cases in details", confirmed a foreign journalist today in Prishtina, commenting the current broadcasts on Serb state-run TV. The Serb state-run RTS broadcast reports on the discovery of a mass grave in the village of Ratishtë, municipality of Gjakovë, which according to them contains the bodies of Serb civilians.
"We cannot take such chances and loose the faith of our editorial boards, since this phenomenon has been exaggerated, with tendencies of turning into a tragic media circus. I do not plan to lose my job, the visa to enter `Yugoslavia', and also the trust of local Albanians, because of a hasty report -- which has great chances of being false...".
The discovery of mass graves in Kosova, followed by repulsive versions of the number of corpses, the way they died and their national belonging are turning into a media contest for illustrating the national victimization in Kosova -- for exclusively political aims -- which are for weeks led by Serb state media.
A large number of foreign journalists in Kosova, who face many difficulties on the field, state that they would much rather stay in Prishtina, than be stopped at police checkpoints and subjected to "informative talks". They also feel unsure because of unexpected bullets and shelling -- something that the media considers wrong, but what is worst, politically, it can be interpreted as inducing hatred.
After the media minimized the death toll in Rahovec, Drenica and elsewhere in Kosova, they now transmit disgusting presentations of "mass graves" of Serb civilians, which clearly attempt a grotesque "comparison" of crimes conducted in Kosova. However, the experiences in Bosnia are still present among many foreign reporters in Kosova, who in most of the cases came to Prishtina from Sarajevo. Incorrect political reporting, for them means, loosing credibility and subsequently their job. In the whole war media industry in Kosova and ex-Yugoslavia, the trade interest is matched with the moral imperative of the truth -- whose transmission, is at the end prohibited by Belgrade.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
Betreff:         Weekly Report 434
Datum:         Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:32:25 -0700
    Von:         Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms in Prishtina  <ibro@EUnet.yu>


            The text you can read at  week434.htm

9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:10ata03
Datum:         Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:52:10 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>

Albania concerned on latest developments in Kosova

      TIRANA, Sept 10 (ATA) - By I. Luto:  Albania's Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Thursday expressing its concern to the international community on the grave situation in Kosova.
      "The Foreign Ministry wants to underline the fact that such a situation has been initiated and carried out by Belgrade's regime which, through killing calm, calculates that peace which will be imposed one day, can find a deserted and emptied Kosova. Given this perverse logic and creating a new emergency, Belgrade calculates to channel concerns and international commitments in humanitarian aspect neglecting the core of the Kosova issue, its status," the statement said.
      It clearly informed the international community that the latest events in Kosova had completed the Bosnian tableau on the Kosova crisis finally wiping out every illusion on the will and real aims of Belgrade's regime.
      The Albanian ministry said that "today is the most critical moment when the international community should show its determination not to allow the repetition of new tragedies in the Balkans and to punish perpetrators who are always the same." /das/ak/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:10ata01
Datum:         Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:56:32 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>
Serb forces torch quarters in Prizren city

      PRISHTINE, Sept.9 (ATA) -  ATA correspondent Behlul Jashari reports:
Serb forces set on fire Wednesday evening Albanian houses in some quarters of Prizren.
      "No shells and bullets are fired any more but you could see only smoke in the quarter Tusus, which for ten days now has been encircled by Serb forces. Also before, these forces torched Albanian homes in that city quarter from where the population has fled after strikes at the beginning of this month," a source from Prizren said.
      The people who had started to resettle today are again leaving Tusus, while the city of Prizren is packed with more than 50 000 Albanian refugees from the outskirt areas which have been shelled and set on fire.
      Four other killed Albanians were found near village Lez, in the suburbs of the city which has been razed. So the number of the Albanians killed and massacred over the fierce attacks of the Serb forces which started on Sept.1 in the region of Verrin, from Prizren to the border with Albania, amounts to nearly 38. In the mean time no body knows what has happened to many kidnaped Albanians and the Serb press reported today that the Serb court in Prizren has started investigation for 116 Albanians. /xh/

The number of the people coming from Kosova to Has increases.

      TIRANA, 10 Sept. (ATA) - The number of the people coming from Kosova to the district of Has has considerably increased as a result of the terror and the fierce attacks by Serbs.
      In the border police sector, Vlane, 130 people, mostly women, children and elderly people reached Has on Wednesday at about 6.30 p.m., spokesman of the Ministry of the Public Order, said on Wednesday.
      This the greatest number of the people coming to this district in the last two weeks.
      The total number of the people settled in the area is 530./A.A/xh/

Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:09ata02
Datum:         Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:44:20 -0100
    Von:         ata <hola@ata.tirana.al>
NGO-s in Albania to assist pupils from Kosove

      TIRANE, Sept.9 (ata) -  By P Shuteriqi:
Different non-governmental organizations and associations will finance the education of the pupils from Kosove who are settled in Northern Albania in order to escape Serb genocide.
      "For the accommodation and education of more than 4 000 children of different school age groups who have come from Kosove recently, are needed about 100 million lek, and about 2 million lek for the monthly payments and social insurances for the teachers, along with 1 million lek to buy equipments for the schools" said Albanian Minister of Education Ethem Ruka in a meeting on Wednesday with representatives of non-governmental organizations.
      Attending the meeting were chiefs and representatives of UNICEF, of the Albania Education Development Project (AEDP) of Soros Foundation, the Albanian Centre of Human Rights, of Albanian Foundation "Civil Society," the Catholic Service of Relief (CRS,) of the foundation "For the solution of conflicts," etc.
      "Most of the Kosova pupils who are presently in Tropoje will be taken by the end of September to some new dwelling places in Burrel and Puke, in the storehouses of the state reserves which will be adopted for this purpose and in some other buildings of social infrastructure," Vaso Qano, chief of cabinet in the Ministry of Education told ATA. /mima/xh/

Albania to participate in "Cooperative Best Effort" exercises

      TIRANA, Sept 9 (ATA) - By E. Koraqi: Albanian army forces left on Wednesday for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to participate in the "Cooperative Best Effort" NATO joint military exercises there, a spokesman of the Albanian Defence Ministry said.
      "Infantry forces will represent Albania in these exercises launched in the framework of the Partnership for Peace," the spokesman said.
      The "Cooperative Best Effort" is scheduled to be launched from September 10 to 15 with the participation of troops from 27 NATO and Partnership for Peace member states. /mima/ak/

Some 400 Kosova people settle in Has

      HAS, Sept 9 (ATA) - By Riza Hoxha: Some 31 refugees from Kosova, where 90 percent of the population are Albanians, mostly women and children, arrived on Wednesday in village of Vlane, Has, a spokesman of the prefecture said to ATA.
      He said that the local government bodies are taking immediate measures to provide temporary sheltering for them, food and clothing.
      The Has district recorded actually 400 people from Kosova. /mima/ak/

10. eventual additional press news 
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Die Bibel sagt 
      Wohl dem der barmherzig ist und gerne leiht 
           und das Seine tut, wie es recht ist ! 
      Denn er wird ewiglich bleiben; 
           der Gerechte wird nimmermehr vergessen. 
      Vor schlimmer Kunde fuerchtet er sich nicht; 
           sein Herz hofft unverzagt auf den HERRN. 
      Sein Herz ist getrost und fuerchtet sich nicht, 
           bis er auf seine Feinde herabsieht. 
      Er streut aus und gibt den Armen; 
           seine Gerechtigkeit bleibt ewiglich. 
      Seine Kraft wird hoch in Ehren stehen. 
       Psalm 112, 5-9
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: 
           he will guide his affairs with discretion. 
      Surely he shall not be moved for ever: 
           the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. 
      He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: 
           his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. 
      His heart [is] established, he shall not be afraid, 
           until he see [his desire] upon his enemies. 
      He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; 
           his righteousness endureth for ever; 
      his horn shall be exalted with honour. 
      Psalm 119, 5-9
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 10.9.1998  

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