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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 6. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 6, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1574

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
If available you find on this page  -  Soweit verfügbar finden Sie auf dieser Seite  

Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 06.10.1998 21:06  http://seite1.web.de/show/361A6A30.NL1/
Mehrere hundert serbische Polizisten verließen Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Mehrere hundert serbische Polizisten sind am Dienstag abend aus der Krisenprovinz Kosovo Richtung Serbien abgezogen worden. Aufnahmen der langen Kolonne, mit gepanzerten Mannschaftswagen, Bussen und Lastwagen zeigte das Staatsfernsehen am Abend.
     Nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) befanden sich im Konvoi mehrere hundert bewaffnete Polizisten in mindestens 25 Bussen, viele Lastwagen und zwei Panzerfahrzeugen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 06.10.1998 21:02  http://seite1.web.de/show/361A6956.NL1/
Montenegros Appell an NATO: keine Militärschlage
Belgrad/Podgorica (dpa) - Das montenegrinische Parlament hat am Dienstag abend an die NATO und «alle relevanten internationalen Faktoren» appelliert, keine Militärschläge gegen Jugoslawien zu unternehmen.
     Gleichzeitig haben die Parlamentarier an der außerordentlichen Tagung den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic aufgerufen, alle von der internationalen Gemeinschaft verlangten und angenommenen Bedingungen voll zu erfüllen, meldet die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) aus der montenegrinischen Hauptstadt Podgorica.
In der Resolution wurden Vertreter der UNO, EU, Rußlands, der USA eingeladen, sich vor Ort in Jugoslawien unmittelbar vor der Erfüllung der Forderungen zu vergewissern.
     In der Diskussion hat die Mehrheit der Abgeordneten das Milosevic-Regime für die aktuelle Lage in Jugoslawien und der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo verantwortlich gemacht.
     Montenegro werde alles unternehmen, damit Milosevic die internationalen Forderungen erfüllt, denn dies ist der einzige Weg der Vermeidung einer militärischen Intervention, sagte der montenegrinische Außenminister Branko Perovic.
     Zuvor hatte das jugoslawische Bundesparlament in einer Resolution festgestellt, daß sich Jugoslawien angesichts der angedrohten NATO-Luftangriffe im Zustand der «unmittelbaren Kriegsgefahr» befindet.
© dpa
Meldung vom 06.10.1998 20:52  http://seite1.web.de/show/361A66D1.NL1/
NATO-Rat berät erneut über Kosovo-Krise
Brüssel (dpa) - Der NATO-Rat wird sich an diesem Mittwoch in Brüssel erneut mit der Kosovo-Krise befassen. Die militärischen Vorbereitungen der Allianz für einen möglichen Einsatz gegen serbische Ziele sind weitgehend abgeschlossen.
     Die Botschafter werden voraussichtlich noch einmal die Frage der rechtlichen Grundlage für einen Militärschlag gegen Jugoslawien diskutieren.
     Die Marschroute heiße weiter, die Zustimmung Moskaus zu gewinnen, verlautete aus NATO-Kreisen. Am Donnerstag wird US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright im NATO-Hauptquartier erwartet.
     Ob am Donnerstag auch die Außenminister der anderen 15 NATO-Staaten zu einer Krisensitzung nach Brüssel kommen, stand nach Angaben von NATO-Diplomaten noch nicht genau fest.
© dpa
Meldung vom 06.10.1998 19:25  http://seite1.web.de/show/361A5285.NL1/
Experten: Im Sicherheitsrat kein Veto, aber auch kein Ja zum Kosovo
New York (dpa) - Gegen militärische NATO-Einsätze im Kosovo wird es, davon ist ein hoher westlicher UNO-Diplomat in New York überzeugt, trotz aller gegenteiliger Drohungen aus Moskau und Peking im Weltsicherheitsrat kein Veto geben.
     Er ist kein Mann, der sich unbegründete Hoffnungen macht wie viele Politiker, aber er kennt die Usancen und Methoden im Sicherheitsrat: «Die Diskussionen würden abgebrochen, bevor es zu einer Abstimmung und damit zu einem Veto käme», sagt er.
     Dann - und die Situation ist nach einigem weiteren Tauziehen abzusehen - wird die NATO endgültig vor der Frage stehen, vor der sie seit Monaten steht: Kann sie, wird sie mit massiven Luftangriffen gegen serbische Ziele versuchen, den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic von weiteren Attacken gegen die Zivilbevölkerung im Kosovo abzubringen?
     Vor allem die USA sind der Überzeugung, daß das Bündnis dazu ohne weitere Beschlüsse des Sicherheitsrats berechtigt ist. Das höchste UNO-Gremium hatte sich in seiner Kosovo-Resolution vom 21. September auf Kapitel VII der UNO-Charta bezogen, nach dem auch Gewaltanwendung gegen den Willen der Betroffenen möglich ist.
     Rußland aber hatte nur zugestimmt, weil in den beschlossenen Formulierungen keine Ermächtigung für mögliche militärische Einsätze enthalten war.
     Alle konkret erhobenen Forderungen gehören in den Bereich des im Artikel VII enthaltenen Artikels 41, in dem Maßnahmen «unter Ausschluß von Waffengewalt» aufgezählt sind. Die Resolution forderte, «daß alle Parteien, Gruppen und Individuen unverzüglich die Feindseligkeiten einstellen und einen Waffenstillstand im Kosovo aufrechterhalten».
     Die amerikanische Außenministerin Madeleine Albright ist zwar durchaus für eine Drohkulisse der NATO, will sich aber weiter um eine diplomatische Lösung bemühen und dabei sicherstellen, daß es eine Kooperation mit Rußland gibt.
     Verteidigungsminister William Cohen sieht vor allem die militärische Seite: Er vertritt die Überzeugung, daß die Erwähnung des Kapitel VII in der letzten Resolution eine ausreichende Grundlage für einen Militärschlag ist.
     Schon vorher hatte er die Meinung vertreten, daß die NATO bei einer Krise wie im Kosovo in Europa das Recht zum Eingreifen habe - mit oder ohne Genehmigung des Sicherheitsrats.
     Ähnliche Widersprüche gab es in Deutschland zwischen Außenminister Klaus Kinkel und Verteidigungsminister Volker Rühe - verschärft dadurch, daß das damals noch ein Wahlkampfthema war.
     Kinkel sah die Resolution nur als «Sprungbrett» für die nächste Entscheidung des Sicherheitsrats und wollte Rußland auf jeden Fall «im Boot behalten». Rühe war und ist überzeugt, daß es die russische Zustimmung niemals geben werde, und plädiert ungeachtet dessen für den Militärschlag - wenn Milosevic sich nicht beugt.
     Die Haltungen Chinas und Rußlands sind eindeutig vorgetragen worden - viele westliche Politiker haben sich allerdings dafür entschieden, nicht hinzuhören.
     Ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums in Peking unterstrich am Dienstag, China sei überzeugt, «daß die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität Jugoslawiens respektiert werden muß». Gewaltanwendung werde abgelehnt.
     Rußlands Außenminister Igor Iwanow warnte in der UNO-Vollverdsammlung nachdrücklich vor Gewaltanwendung: «Politische Logik muß den Vorrang haben vor der Logik der Gewalt», sagte er: Das könne zu einem «großen Krieg mit unvorhersehbaren Konsequenzen für die Balkan-Region und ganz Europa führen».
     Jeder aber hat im Augenblick unterschiedliche Vorstellungen davon, was als politische Weitsicht zu werten ist.
© dpa
Meldung vom  06.10.1998 18:05 http://seite1.web.de/show/361A3FC8.NL1/
Clinton und Blair erörtern Kosovo-Krise am Telefon
London (dpa) - Der britische Premierminister Tony Blair, der sich gegenwärtig in China aufhält, hat die kritische Lage in der südserbischen Provinz Kosovo telefonisch mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton erörtert. Wie die Downing Street am Dienstag mitteilte, stimmten beide Politiker darin überein, daß zur «Verhinderung einer humanitären Katastrophe» (im Kosovo) notfalls Gewalt eingesetzt werden muß.»
     Clinton habe Blair über die Gespräche von US-Vermittler Richard Holbrooke mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic unterrichtet. «Ob es zur Gewaltanwendung kommt oder nicht, hängt allein von Präsident Milosevic ab», sagte ein britischer Regierungssprecher.
© dpa
Meldung vom 06.10.1998 17:46   http://seite1.web.de/show/361A3B6E.NL1/
Clinton warnt vor «Katastrophe» in Kosovo
Washington (dpa) - US-Präsident Bill Clinton hat am Dienstag den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic gewarnt, daß die NATO ihre Androhung einer Militäraktion ernst meint und zum Eingreifen bereit ist.
     Die Zeit sei gekommen, die Gewaltanwendung in der Krisenprovinz Kosovo zu beenden, sagte Clinton zum Auftakt einer Rede beim Jahrestreffen der Weltbank und des internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) in Washington. Clinton rief die an der Konferenz teilnehmenden Länder dazu auf, nach besten Kräften zur Beilegung des Konflikts beizutragen.
     Der Präsident warnte, daß aus der humanitären Krise in Kosovo eine «Katastrophe» werden könne. Über 250 000 Menschen hätten fliehen müssen, Zehntausende seien obdachlos. Ihnen drohe im Winter der Tod durch Hunger und Erfrieren.
     Clinton sprach von einem Pulverfaß auf dem Balkan und wies auf die Gefahr eines Übergreifens des Konflikts auf andere Länder wie Albanien, Bosnien und Mazedonien hin.
     Der Präsident erneuerte die Forderungen an Milosevic nach einem sofortigen Waffenstillstand, dem Abzug aller Sicherheitskräfte, unbehinderter humanitärer Hilfe und der Aufnahme ernsthafter Verhandlungen für eine dauerhafte Lösung des Konflikts.
© dpa
Meldung vom 06.10.1998 17:36  http://seite1.web.de/show/361A3908.NL1/
Flüchtlinge im Kosovo leben aus purer Angst unter freiem Himmel
Pagarusha (dpa) - Für Zehntausende geflüchtete Kosovo-Albaner sind Plastikfolien über Holzgestängen einziger Schutz vor Wind, Regen und den immer kälteren Nächten.
     «Hier drinnen sind wir zusammen 13», veranschaulicht der 48jährige Ali Bacarisi die Auslastung seines selbstgebauten Zeltes im Dorf Pagarusha.
     Während das Thermometer an diesen sonnigen Herbsttagen auf 25 Grad klettern, fällt es nachts inzwischen auf sieben Grad. «Die Kinder frieren und schlafen schlecht», klagt Bacarisis Frau Djemile. «Man kann ja hören, wie sie husten. Außerdem plagt sie der Durchfall.» Seit drei Monaten leben die Bacarisi unter diesen Umständen. Jetzt steht der Winter bevor.
     Als die serbischen Einheiten ihr Heimatdorf Dragobil mit Granaten beschossen, wurden sie zu obdachlosen Flüchtlingen. «Inzwischen wissen wir, daß praktisch das ganze Dorf von den serbischen Milizen geplündert und dann niedergebrannt wurde», erläutert Ali Bacarisi.
     Wie diese Familie leben augenblicklich mehrere Tausend kosovo-albanische Kriegsvertriebene in Pagarusha zum Teil unter freiem Himmel. Der Ort ist eine weitläufige Streusiedlung. Die Gehöfte waren gleich nach Beginn der serbischen Militäroffensive im Raum Malisevo (Zentral-Kosovo) Anfang Juli hoffnungslos mit Flüchtlingen überfüllt.
     Die nachfolgenden Vertriebenen ließen sich um die Bauernhöfe unter freiem Himmel nieder. Sie kampierten entweder auf dem nackten Boden oder auf den Anhängern ihrer Traktoren.
     Als gegen Ende des Sommers die Nächte kühler wurden, versorgte sie das UNO-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) mit Plastikplanen und -folien, aus denen sie sich ihre Zelte machten, die nun wie weiße Pilze das Hügelland im Herzen des Kosovo überziehen. Von insgesamt 300 000 kosovo-albanischen Flüchtlingen sind 60 000 auf ähnliche Weise ohne Dach über dem Kopf.
     Vor allem die Frauen sind es, die unter diesen Bedingungen versuchen, die alltäglichen Lebensabläufe in Gang zu halten. Sie kochen, waschen Wäsche, spülen Geschirr. Selbst Geburten wurden hier schon verzeichnet. Und Todesfälle: Einige ältere Menschen mit ohnehin schon angegriffener Gesundheit, die ohne ihre Medikamente blieben, erlagen den Strapazen.
     Wie ein Damoklesschwert hängt die Angst vor dem Wintereinbruch über den Flüchtlingen. Eisige Temperaturen und Schneehöhen von 70 Zentimetern sind hier keine Seltenheit.
     Nur die Angst vor der serbischen Polizei ist noch größer. Den Menschen scheint die Rückkehr in ihre Heimatdörfer nicht vor allem deshalb unmöglich, weil dort alles niedergebrannt ist, sondern weil die von ihnen gefürchtete Polizei die Zufahrtswege kontrolliert.
     «Wir können nicht zurück, weil die uns sonst umbringen», lautet der Tenor. Berichte über serbische Massaker bestärken sie in dieser Haltung.
     Die Opfer einer Gruppenhinrichtung vergangene Woche im Dorf Vranic bei Suha Reka waren tatsächlich zurückgekehrte Flüchtlinge. Darüber hinaus werden albanische Männer, die serbischen Patrouillen in die Arme laufen, häufig willkürlich verhaftet, um dann später in Schauprozessen als «Terroristen» zu langen Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt zu werden.
     Der vom Regime in Belgrad bekanntgegebene Rückzug der Sondertruppen ist in dieser Gegend nur bedingt Realität. In den niedergebrannten Dörfern sitzen nach wie vor schwer bewaffnete Polizisten, in der Umgebung von Malisevo existieren weiterhin Kontrollpunkte, auf den Höhenzügen über Pagarusha sind Polizei-Panzer stationiert. «So lange die Polizei da ist, bringt uns auch der Winter nicht von hier weg», sagt Djemile Bacarisi.
© dpa

Weitere Meldungen  ==>  Teil 2

2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
Kaum zu glauben:
  s o  handelt das Land
Oktoberfestes !
dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
© dpa
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1574
Datum:         Tue, 6 Oct 1998 17:33:41 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 6 October 1998

President Rugova Receives Ambassador Holbrooke

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received today in Prishtina Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, President Clinton's special envoy, and Ambassador Chris Hill, the U.S. envoy for Kosova, and their aides.
The most recent developments in Kosova were discussed in the meeting, as well as the possibilities for creating an appropriate climate for pursuit of a negotiated and political settlement.
At the beginning, Rugova thanked Ambassador Holbrooke for the U.S. commitment and his personal efforts on Kosova.
The Kosova President briefed the senior American diplomats on the current state of affairs in Kosova. The Serbian forces have not withdrawn from Kosova, but rather have made some tactical moves and repositioning, he underlined.
President Ibrahim Rugova called for an urgent international intervention so as to halt the Serb forces' offensive and create the conditions for a political resolution of the Kosova issue.

Clinton Warns Milosevic over Kosova: "NATO Is Prepared to Act"

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - U.S. President Bill Clinton addressed the Kosova situation at the outset of his speech at the IMF-World Bank meeting today (Tuesday).
In his remarks on Kosova, broadcast live by the CNN, President Clinton said the "stakes are high, the time is now to end the violence in Kosovo".
Following is an unofficial transcript of Clinton's statement on Kosova today:
"We all agree that Kosovo is a powder-keg in the Balkans. If the violence continues, it could spill over and threaten the peace and stability of Bosnia, of Albania, of Macedonia, and other countries in the region. What is already a humanitarian crisis could turn into a catastrophe. Some 250.000 people have been forced to flee their homes. Of that number, approximately 50,000 are actually homeless. As winter sets in, they risk freezing or starving to death. President Milosevic is primarily responsible for this crisis. United Nations has made clear the steps that he must take to end it: declare an immediate ceasefire, withdraw Serb security forces, give humanitarian relief groups full and immediate access to Kosovo, begin real negotiations with the Kosovar Albanians to find a peaceful and permanent solution to their rightful demand for autonomy. As wee meet here, my special envoy Dick Holbrooke is meeting with President Milosevic to reiterate what he must do, and to make clear that NATO is prepared to act if President Milosevic fails to honor the U.N. resolutions. The stakes are high. The time is now to end the violence in Kosovo. I hope all of you will do whatever you can to that end."

UÇK, a Key Factor, Demaçi Says

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - "I don't think the North Atlantic Alliance will strike (Serbia), although they have itched much towards that, and the people have been anxiously waiting for", Adem Demaçi, the political representative of the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army), said in a press conference in Prishtina today (Tuesday).
International factors should bear in mind that there cannot be peace in this part of the world without the "destruction or dismnalting the Serbian war machinery". This military complex should be undone so that the Serbian hegemony does no have in it a leverage for "brutal and barbarian actions", the UÇK representative told reporters.
If the international community is willing to mediate and undertake steps leading to the implementation of the right of the people of Kosova to self-determination, pursuant to the 1991 national referendum, "then the way will be paved for the UÇK to stop fighting", Adem Demaçi said.
Everything has been destroyed here, Kosova remains a tragedy in the heart of Europe, the UÇK political representative said.
Demaçi slammed the draft plan for Kosova presented earlier last month by Ambassador Chris Hill, which was published by the press.
"The UÇK is one of the key factors, it is continuing its resistance. I hope therefore that the authors of such projects will have this in mind and will not pretend as if the UÇK does not exist," Mr. Demaçi said. "We are not against talks, but we are against empty talking, against agreements forced on us, those which bring us before fait accompli situations."
Meanwhile, in a press release, the Demaçi office called on the Russian leaders, President Yeltsin, Prime Minister Primakov and Foreign Minister Ivanov to cease their efforts in the UN Security Council to prevent NATO intervention. "They should be well aware too that genocide and ethnocide are being carried against the Albanian people", the office said, adding that Moscow allowed 16 republics of the former Soviet Union become independent countries without blood, "and the Lebed-Maskhadov agreement envisions that Chechenya exercises in 2001 its right to decide on its political status on the basis of the self-determination principle."

Serb Army Arsenal Stationed in Vicinity of Prishtina

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - Since 4 October, heavy Serb military forces equipped with heavy combat equipment have been deployed in the Veterniku hills around capital Prishtina, as well as between the villages of Hajvali and Matiçan, local LDK sources said.
Serb troops have been excavating the ground, probably aiming at masking tanks and armored cars in the earth.
Gunfire is reported overnight, a source of panic to the Albanian population there.
Meanwhile, local sources said Serb anti-aircraft missiles have been deployed for days now in the village of Suhadoll, municipality of Lipjan. Heavy artillery guns have been deployed in the village of Lepinë.
These two are Serb-inhabited villages in the municipality of Lipjan.
Meanwhile, reports from the northern town of Podujeva said eight lorryloads of Serb soldiers arrived in Kosova from Serbia just after 20:00 hrs yesterday.
Serb forces have been reinforcing in the Tabet e Llapashticës area near Podujeva.

Serbs Pound Malisheva and Gllogovc Villages with Machine-Gun Fire

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - At least three villages in the municipality of Malisheva came under Serb forces fire on Monday afternoon, local sources reported.
The LDK Information Commission in Malisheva said the villages of Burim, Gurbardh, Dragobil and Maxharë were pounded with machine-gun fire. The attack was kicked just after three o'clock from a Serb base at Ostrozub village.
The Commission could not confirm if there were casualties in these villages. Part of the local population has recently returned to the few houses that survived the fierce shelling in late summer.
The chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHF) in Gllogovc said today that the village of Obria was pounded with artillery fire for two hours on Monday evening, from 19:00 through 21:00 hrs.
A local unit of the Liberation Army of Kosova (UÇK) prevented the Serb forces from advancing into the village, the CDHRF said.

Mutilated Bodies of Five Albanians Found in Plloçica
Identity of one of the victims is unknown as it was cut in tow

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - The dead bodies of six Albanians were found on Monday in and around Plloçica village of Malisheva, apparently killed during a Serb attack in end of September.
Local sources said that the mutilated bodies of Ahmet Maloku, Hazir Maloku and Kajtaz Maloku were found in the woods near not far from Plloçica village. The fourth victim could not be identified, as half of his body was missing.
The corpse of Rizah Maloku, also local resident of Plloçica was covered with straw on a farm in the village.
Local residents of Plloçica they suspected  that other dead bodies may be scattered in the hills and forests in the area around the village and the neighboring Obria (adjacent Gllogovc municipality), both sites of outrageous massacres of civilians committed by Serb troops about ten days ago .

Regrouping Serb Troops Dig in in Woods Near Klina

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - There has been a quick re-regrouping of Serb forces around villages in the Klina municipality,center and western Kosova.
Source in the area said heavy Serb troops have been garrisoned inn the forrest near the village of Sverkë, around the Vuljaka bauxite mines and near the Mirusha waterfalls.
Witnesses told the LDK chapter in Klina that Serb troops have been hiding in the forests on both side of the Klina-Gjakova roadway, between the Mirusha falls and Mrasor village.

Serbs Terrorize Albanians, Plunder Their Property, in Klina

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - The Serb troops alongside with the local Serbs in Klina have stepped up campaigns of repression against Albanian population and pillaging of their property, sources in Klina said today.
Dozens of Albanians have been beaten and intimidated on a daily basis in the town of Klina and villages in the area. One of them, Halil Tovërlani, a retired old man from Klinavc village told the LDK chapter in Klina he was terrorized for hours near a Serb base in Cerovik. He was held for over 20 hours in an abandoned house and was subjected to outrageous maltreatment and torture. He was subsequently taken to the Serb police station in Klina where he was subjected to additional torture. Mr. Toverlani said while in custody in Klina he saw many other Albanians being terrorized there.
Local Albanians in Klina villages said they can seen their looted cattle looted by the Serbs being sold in the markets. The Serb have continued breaking into the house of Albanians, taking away commodities and destroying the things they do not take away.

Consequences of Serb Offensive in Suhareka Area: 60 Killed, 1,885 Homes Destroyed

PRISHTINA, Oct 6 (KIC) - Sixty Albanians have been killed and 1,885 homes burned and destroyed during the offensive of Serb forces in the municipality of Suhareka, the LDK Information Commission said in a comprehensive report today.
The consequences have not yet been fully determined, as many villages are still inaccessible to the Albanians, sources said.
The remains of yet another Albanian slaughtered and burned have ben found. Mursel Buqaj (60) from Budakova village was burned in a hay of stack, LDK sources said.
Around 80 Albanians are reported arrested, the names of 65 of whom have been made known.
In an area outside the villages of Qadrak, Budakovë and Vërshec, as well as in the valleys of Toplica and Llanisht, people are living rough in the open, local sources said.

Kosova Information Center
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kopiert von  http://www.kosova.com  am 6. Oktober 1998  um 22:35 Uhr
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, den 6 Oktober 1998, 16:30 CET
Tagesbericht Nr. 359


  • In Plloçica neben Malisheva wurden 5 Albaner tot aufgefuneden
  • Serbische Streitkräte griffen Dörfer der Gemeinde Malisheva an
  • Das Dorf Obri wurde erneut beschossen
  • Prishtina: Die serbische Armee hat grosses Waffenarenal in Hügeln um Prishtina stationiert
  • Lipjan: Serbische Armee stationiert schwere Waffen in zwei Dörfern dieser Gemeinde
  • Holbrooke in Kosova - Wird es einen Angriff geben?
  • Bericht der LDK-Informationskommission in Suhareka über die Folgen der serbischen Offensive in dieser Gemeinde
  • Demaçis Pressekonfernz
  • In Plloçica neben Malisheva wurden 5 Albaner tot aufgefuneden

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - In den Wäldern des Dorfes Plloçica der Gemeinde Malisheva wurden die massakreirten Leichen von Ahmet Xhemë Maloku, Hazir Osman Maloku und Kajtaz Sylë Maloku, und in einem Heuhaufen die von Rizah Maloku gefunden. In den Wäldern von Plloçica wurde auch die Hälfte eines Körpers gefunden. Die Identität ist unbekannt.
    Diese Ablbaner wurden während der serbischen Offesive gegen die Dörfer um den Berg Çyçavica getötet. Man sagt, in den Wäldern von Plloçica neben dem Dorf Obri e Epërme gäbe es weitere Leichen.

    Serbische Streitkräte griffen Dörfer der Gemeinde Malisheva an

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - Am Montag von 15.00 Uhr bis am abend haben die in Ostrozub stationierten serbischen Streitkräfte auf die Dörfer Burim, Gurbardh, Dragobil und Maxharra geschossen.
    Bei dem Angriff wurden viele Häuser beschädigt. Über eventuelle Opfer gibt es keien Angaben. In diese Dörfer waren einige Bewohner zurückgekerht.

    Das Dorf Obri wurde erneut beschossen

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - Gesern abend von 19 bis 21.00 Uhr haben serbischen Streitkräfte das Dorf Obri erneut unter Beschuss genommen, berichtet der Rat zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und Freiheiten in Skënderaj.
    Während des Angriffs haben die UÇK-Einheiten einen heftigen Angriff geleistet und das Eindringen der serbischen Infanterie ins Dorf verhindert.

    Prishtina: Die serbische Armee hat grosses Waffenarenal in Hügeln um Prishtina stationiert

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - Seit dem 4. Oktober sind in den Veterniku Hügeln und zwischen den Dörfern Hajvali und Matiçan \ Prishtina grosse und gut ausgerüstete serbische Streitkräfte stationiert worden, berichtet die Informationskommission des fünften LDK-Sektors in Prishtina.
    Die serbischen Kräfte haben ihre Panzer und schwere Artilleriewaffen in Gruben versteckt.
    Seit der Stationierung der serbischen Kräfte in diesen Positionen gibt es fast jede Nacht Schüsse, die die albanischen Bewohner beunruhigen.

    Lipjan: Serbische Armee stationiert schwere Waffen in zwei Dörfern dieser Gemeinde

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - Seit vier Tagen hat die serbische Armee im Dorf Suhadoll Boden-Luft-Raketen stationiert, berichtet die LDK-Informationskommission in Lipjan.
    Es gibt berichte, dass die serbische Armee schwere Artielleriewaffen auch im dor Lepina stationiert hat.
    Diese zwei Dörfer der Gemeinde Lipjan werden von Serben bewohnt.
    Warum die serbische Armee hier Waffen positioniert hat, ist unbekannt.

    Holbrooke in Kosova - Wird es einen Angriff geben?

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - Der US-Botschafter bei der UNO Richard Holbrooke besuchte heute Prishtina. Er wurde vom US-Botschafter in Mazedonien Christopher Hill begleitet.
    Holbrooke und Hill trafen sich erst mit Rugova, aber nach dem halbstündigen Treffen gaben sie keine Pressekonferenz.
    Später im US-Informationszentrum traffen sich die amerikanischen Diplomaten mit Veton Surroi Chefredakteur der Tageszeitung "Koha Ditore", mit Hydajet Hyseni und Mehmet Hajrizi von dem Albanischen Demokratischen Verein (LDSH) und Blerim shala. Hollbrooke wird sich heute auch mit UNHCR-Vertretern treffen. UNHCR ist eine der wenigen humanitären Organisationen, die ihre Aktivitäten in Kosova nicht eingestellt haben.
    Es wird erwartet, dass Holbrooke wieder nach Belgrad reist, um den jugoslawischen Prädidenten Milosevic zu treffen.

    Bericht der LDK-Informationskommission in Suhareka über die Folgen der serbischen Offensive in dieser Gemeinde

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - In einem Bericht der LDK-Informationskommission in Suhareka wird gesagt, dass während der serbischen Offensive 60 Albaner getötet und 1.885 Häuser zerstört worden sind.
    Die LDK-Informationskommission i Suhareka berichtet, dass sie noch keine ausführliche Informationen über einige Dörfer hat, denn sie werden weiterhin von den serbischen Kräften belagert.
    Heute wurde berichtet, dass die massakrierte Leiche von Mursel Buqaj (60) aus Budakova in einem Viehfutterhaufen verbrannt wurde.
    Die genaue Zahl der Verhafteten ist auch unbekannt, aber es gibt Vermutungen, sie könnten so um die 80 sein, von denen 65 Namen bekannt sind. Im Rande der Dörfer Qadrak, Budakova und Vërshec und in den Tälern von Toplica und Llanishti gibt es viele Flüchtlinge, die ausser ihre Kleidern nichts anderes haben.

    Demaçis Pressekonfernz

    PRISHTINA, den 6. Oktober (IZK) - Am Anfang der heutigen Pressekonferenz sprach der politische Vertreter der Kosovas-Befreiungsarmee (UÇK) über die dramatische Lage in der Republik Kosova und über die Vorbereitungen der Nato für eine eventuelle Intervention und drückte seinen Zweifel, dass es einen Angriff geben wird.
    Fortsetzend sprach Demaçi auch über die serbische Kriegsmaschinerie, die nicht von Kosova zurückgezogen worden ist, auch wenn die Belgrader Beamten mit ihren Erklärungen das betont haben. "Ich bin der Meinung, bis die internationale Gemeinschaft nicht einsieht, dass es keinen Frieden ohne die Zerstörung der serbischen Kriegsmaschinerie geben wird", so Demaçi. Als Aufgabe von allen bleibt diese Maschinerie zu zerstören, so dass der serbische Hegemonismus keine konkrete Unterstützung für seine Greueltaten mehr hat, sagte unter anderem Herr Demaçi in seiner Zusammenfassung über die Lage in Kosova und antwortete weiter auf die Fragen der Journalisten.
    Auf die Frage des BBC-Journalisten, was er von der UNO-Resolution und besonders von dem Teil, der die UÇK betrift, denke, antwortete er, dass die UÇK die Betonung der Volkswillen für die Freiheit ist. Und solange die Unterdtückung andauert, wird das albanische Volk von Kosova durch die UÇK sienen Willen für die Freiheit betonen. Wenn die internationale Gemeinschaft in die Richtung, die zu der friedlichen Lösung der Kosova-frage aufgrund des Volkswillen ausgedrückt durch Referendum im Jahre 1991 führt, konkrete Schritte macht, wird sich für die UÇK der Weg, um den Krieg zu beenden, öffnen. Kosova darf keine politische Tragödie innerhalt Europa bleiben, sagte unter anderem der Politische Vertreter der UÇK, Adem Demaçi.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 5, 1998  at 23:00 hrs
    KOSOVA (new victims of massacre)

                            You may find the following picture disturbing


    CDHRF: Two new victims of the massacre on the Delijaj family found

    Skënderaj, 5 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    According to CDHRF report in Skënderaj, two new massacred corpses of the last Serb police\military and paramilitary offensive in Obri e Epërme were found. Both of the victims were, according to the CDHRF report, raped and mutilated. The newly discovered bodies were identified as Antigona (Hysen) Delijaj (14) and Mihane (Hysen) Delijaj (16).
    There are grounds to believe that there are many other killed, whose bodies still remain in the forest.

    KOSOVA (CDHRF chairman writes to Robinson)
    Nushi: "Serious crimes against humanity are being committed in Kosova"

    Prishtina, 4 October (ARTA) 2040CET --
    "Since 14 January 1998, when the Serb offensive began and up to this present day, 1,558 unarmed ethnic Albanians have been killed. They did not take part in an armed conflict. The ratio between killed unarmed civilians and armed persons in Kosova is 99:1", says the chairman of the CDHRF, Pajazit Nushi, in a letter posted to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson.
    Nushi writes on the "effects" of the Serb offensive, lasting over two months, especially on the displacement of the Albanian population, the destruction whole settlements and other crimes committed.
    "Serious crimes against humanity are being committed in Kosova", claims Nushi in his letter and adds: "The means of committing these crimes are terrifying".
    Mary Robinson is asked to exhibit "these facts to competent authorities of the UN". She is urged to engage herself "in the right way to stop this violence and this harrowing terror".

    KOSOVA (landmines – Shtime)
    Mining of the field threatens the residents of the region of Shtime

    Shtime, 5 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    CDHRF chairman in Shtime informs that bodies of Albanians killed during the last Serb offensive, are still lying on the grounds of many villages of this municipality, as thousands of Albanians, mainly women, children and elderly are living outdoors. The same source notifies about numerous snipers, positioned in different spots of the attacked villages, shooting in the direction of the people.
    Sejdi Halili (65), from the village of Jezerc, ailing from cancer, was executed as his mother and wife were trying to offer him help. His mother suffers psychological disorders ever since.
    Serb forces, on the other hand, planted mines, in many parts of the terrain. As a result, Rexhep Ahmeti (15) and Burim Ahmeti (18) were severely wounded and presently their health situation is critical.
    Serb forces have also mined the terrain in the villages of Petrovë and Carralevë. There are still many unexploded mines, which represent a potential threat for the local residents. Aid workers from this area make an appeal to the international organizations, to sent the experts to dismantle the mines. These aid workers also make an appeal for humanitarian assistance for the people who remain living outside.

    KOSOVA (death toll – Klinë)
    115 victims confirmed in the municipality of Klinë so far

    Klinë, 5 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    115 were victims confirmed in the municipality of Klinë, since the beginning of the conflicts in this region.
    Large Serb military forces were stationed in the places called Vakaf and Rogë situated above the villages of Sverkë and Përçevë, on Monday. More than 20,000 people, mainly children, women and elderly, are staying outdoors under the open sky. The withdrawal of the Serb forces from the village of Siçevë and their stationing in Dobërdol and Çabiq, makes impossible the return of the population home, since some of them who attempted to do so, were shot with snipers and were shelled.

    KOSOVA (siege – Suharekë)
    Many villages still surrounded

    Suharekë, 6 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
    Sources from the ground state that the villages of Budakovë, Krushicë e Epërme, Krushicë e Ulët, Papaz, Grejçec, Stravçinë, Duhël and Dragaçinë, are still blocked and no humanitarian organization has yet managed to penetrate.
    Two trucks and two APCs, loaded with policemen, later joined by several other APCs, headed in the direction of Reçan, on Monday.
    A large part of the civilian population is still staying in the forest of the village of Grejçec, without any assistance or conditions to live. There are claims that several mothers gave birth to their children in the forest, without any medical assistance.
    "KOHA Ditore" sources state that Bahti Bajraktari (85), from the village of Budakovë, passed away as a result of the wounds received and lack of medical treatment.

    KOSOVA (massacre – Suharekë)
    Three corpses found

    Suharekë, 5 October (ARTA) 2020CET --
    Today, according to local sources in Suharekë, the corpses of three Albanians killed during the Serb offensive in this region were found. Ali Kermeni (74), announced previously as missing, was found murdered, claim the same sources. In the village of Matiqevë, two burned corpses were found, but because they were carbonized, it was impossible to be identified.
    According to the activists of this village, it is reported that the village of Matiqevë is completely burned and destroyed. The unconfirmed information for the fate of the Sami Ahmetaj family, allegedly massacred, was incorrect. They are now located in the village of Sallagrazhdë.

    KOSOVA (Serb offensive in Ferizaj – aftermath)
    Many things remain unclear

    Ferizaj, 5 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    Following the Serb force offensive in the zone of Jezerc and the surrounding villages, the situation remains unclear concerning the fact as to what really happened in this deep forest zone, where none of the local or foreign associations ever managed to enter.
    The fear that something horrifying might have happened is emphasized by the fact that those who managed to escape claim that nothing is known on the whereabouts of thousands of people, following the offensive. One of the most terrifying stories was that told by several witnesses who, on 29 September, saw the Serb police\military forces, arresting a group of 50 to 60 people and loading them on two trucks. The people were resisting and screaming loudly. According to the witnesses, the Serb forces were withdrawing from Jezerc.
    Still according to the same witnesses, this group was sent in the direction of Shtime, and nothing is known of them. As nothing is known of thousands of people still remaining in the forest.
    CDHRF sources from Ferizaj notify that Serb police force movements continue. Thus, today a Serb convoy made of "four tanks, one truck and a jeep", headed in the direction of Shtime, whereas yesterday "a large number of policemen and soldiers was seen in the village of Gaçkë going in the direction of Smajë". Civilian vehicles owned by Serbs were also seen moving down the streets of the village of Gaçkë.
    Last night, three local Serbs broke the windows of " Jeronim De Rada" elementary school in town.

    KOSOVA (released – Gjilan)
    Three "Mother Theresa" aid workers released from the arrest

    Gjilan, 5 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
    Three "Mother Theresa" Humanitarian Association aid workers in Gjilan, Ruzhdi Rashiti, Xhevat Nevzati, Hetem Arifi, and Nazmi Rapuca, were reported released today. They were kept thirty days under arrest in Gjilan.
    According to their statements, the police asked to know about the assistance in food sent during the month of May to the village of Polac, municipality of Skënderaj. The police was also interested in knowing about the activity of this association.
    This association's assistance is the only source of living for 670 families in Gjilan as well as 60

    KOSOVA (terror – Drenica)
    The bloody wedding

    Drenica, October (ARTA) 2045CET --
    Rasim Gjota, originating from the village of Dobroshec, Drenica region, was supposed to get married some time ago. His wedding was postponed several times because of the Serb police repression in this region. The postponed wedding took place at last, a little more then a month ago, but this one differed from the others. The bride's family was sheltered somewhere in Drenica's mountains and the day that best men had to go and fetch the bride, the bride's family was forced to find new shelter.
    People that came all the way from Dobroshec to pick her up, started the search for her family. Finally, the bride made it to the groom's house and they started a very strange honeymoon. On the eve of her inauguration in the army, for she was expected to fight along with the groom, the Serb offensive began. On September 27, the groom fell in the hands of Serb paramilitaries.
    Witnesses say that after he was caught, he was treated brutally by Serb forces. A witness claims that Rasim was stabbed with a knife above his ear. He claims Rasim lost an ear and part of his cheek.
    This was the end of Rasim's honeymoon, but it also seems as the end of the postponed wedding story.

    KOSOVA (KLA releases a Serb)
    KLA releases an arrested Serb

    Prishtina, 5 October (ARTA) 1850CET --
    "Milovan Stankovic, was born on 18 July 1948, in the village of Bucic, municipality of Merosine (Nis, Serbia). When arrested, he was an employee in the wood enterprise "Javor" in Podujevë. On 2 August 1998, Milovan Stankovic, made a mistake by not respecting the order to stop, which came from the KLA special police forces, and what's worse, he tried to resist by taking out a "Beretta" gun pointing it in the direction of the guards. However, thanks to the cold-bloodlines and the efficiency of the KLA soldiers, he was caught alive. He was detained, and since, was treated as a detainee.
    After detailed investigations, this Service concluded that Stankovic, besides the above offense, was not implicated in any kind of crime against the population, thus the time he spent in detention was accounted for the offense he committed. On 26 September 1998, he was released.
    During the time Stankovic was held in detention, Serb military\police forces undertook a harsh and large offensive against the KLA units. However, in accordance with the principles of the KLA liberation war and in accordance with the international covenants that regulate this issue, despite the brutal and barbaric behavior of the Serb occupier, who massacred children, women and elderly, as was the case in Shalë e Bajgorës, the KLA units at the same time took care of Stankovic's life, who was released to go home in a good health condition", it is stated in the communiqué issued by KLA.

    KOSOVA (EU Ministers Council – Luxembourg)
    There are no signs showing that Milosevic is ready to fulfill the international community requests

    Luxembourg, 5 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    EU Ministers Council, harshly condemning the current crimes in Kosova, made a call to the authorities in Belgrade to conduct investigations concerning these crimes, find the authors and convict them. This body also saluted the EU Presidency decision to sent a forensic experts team to enlighten the crimes.
    Belgrade is demanded a full collaboration with The Hague War Crime Tribunal in the former Yugoslavia. In a statement issued by the Ministers’ Council before the discussions about Kosova, what was heard in the previous occasions was repeated again: "The Council makes an appeal for immediate stop of violence and the beginning of dialogue for the political solution of the crisis".
    In this context, the Ministers evaluated the modified American project as highly important. The Ministers' Council stressed out the urgent need for the improvement of the humanitarian situation in Kosova and emphasizes that Belgrade is responsible for what has happened.
    On the other hand, EU, including ECHO (EU Humanitarian Office), in collaboration with ICRC and UNHCR, will give its full contribution to reduce the effects of this situation.
    The Presidency informed the foreign ministers about the programs of several organizations called "Project Home", for the creation of the conditions for the return of the displaced in Komoran and Llapushnik before winter.
    EU Foreign Ministers expressed its stance that the effect of the sanctions so far, need to be reinforced, although it did not reach any decision on new sanctions. They agreed that Montenegro, for as much as possible, be avoided by the effects of these sanctions, as long as Podgorica continues to have this course of reforms. The Ministers' Council officially designated Austrian Ambassador to Belgrade, Woflgang Petrich, as EU special envoy to Kosova.
    In a short press-conference, before the discussions about Kosova started, the head of the Ministers' Council, Austrian Foreign Minister, Wolfgang Schuessel, stated that based on the reports from the ground so far, there are no signs that Milosevic is ready to fulfill the international community’s demands. He also said that he hopes American envoy Richard Holbrooke, will clearly convey the message on the determination of the international community to put an end to the Kosova crisis, to Milosevic.

    KOSOVA (intervention or not – Bonn)
    Bonn: If Russia vetoes, it will mean an abuse of this right

    Bonn, 5 October (ARTA) 2030CET --
    The new Defense Minister in the "Red-Green" Government, Guenther Verheugen (SPD), in an interview given to a London daily spoke of the eventual NATO military attacks, if the killings in Kosova do not stop. "If Russia vetoes a UN resolution for a NATO intervention, this would be considered as an abuse of this right and it would give enough argument to the Alliance to attack and stop the conflict and the terrors there", he stated.
    The fraction leader and the ex-chairman of the Social Democrats, Rudolf Scharping (SPD), shared the same view also. On the other hand, SPD chairman, Oskar Lafontaine, after a consultation with the present Foreign Minister, Klaus Kinkel, stated on Friday that a UN resolution is needed for military intervention, something also requested by the Green’s spokesman, Angelika Beer.
    The next coming chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder (SPD), again declared that Germany will not take a special path in its political engagement in and with the international community, not mentioning here Kosova, but leaving an open option that if the Allies decide to attack, then Germany will also be part of the action.
    Belgrade was given more threats also by the German Foreign Minister, Kinkel, who sent a "message" to Milosevic from Copenhagen, stating that "time has passed and that now it is not five minutes to twelve but rather five seconds to twelve". It seems that Kinkel’s successor, the head of the Green, Joschka Fisher, stated yesterday that the issue of the NATO engagement is quite problematic, if it is to be undertaken without a UN mandate.
    Through a communiqué issued by the German Foreign Ministry, Germany officially prefers the German citizens that are in "Yugoslavia", to leave the country, since the situation is serious and it could take unpredictable directions if the Allies decide to undertake a concrete action. This Ministry also preferred the German citizens not to travel in this country.

    KOSOVA (KD analysis)
    Negotiations could start with the '74 Constitution
    By Arbana Islami

    Prishtina, 5 October (ARTA) 1730CET --
    In the document for the resumption of the Kosova Albanian-"Yugoslav" negotiations, approved by the Contact Group, the full application of the Constitution of 1974 is foreseen. Sources close to Rugova state that this document arrived both in Prishtina and Belgrade four days ago. The same sources claim that Milosevic accepted the document, but only as a starting point in the process of the solution of the Kosova issue, while the final solution of this problem is expected to be drawn after three weeks.
    Concerning this issue, it is found out that Rugova exerted pressure on the Albanian negotiating group, whose members claim to not know the content of this document, as they opposed with the justification that it cannot be applied in the remaining "Yugoslavia", since former SFRY doesn’t exist any longer while its remains are in the process of destruction.
    According to the same sources, Rugova who presently found himself under great pressure from the West, is ready to sign this document, alone, despite the (dis) agreement of the negotiating group, of the Parliament of the Republic, the LDK leadership, but also of his close collaborators. These are precisely the reasons why the negotiating group might give up on this offered document.
    On the other hand, diplomatic sources in Belgrade stated that Milosevic accepted such a plan, an approval that came as a result of his meeting with the head of the Russian diplomacy and the Russian Defense Minister. They pressured Milosevic into accepting the constitutional solutions drafted in Washington. This "good will" shown by the Russians, the same sources state, is based on the fact that keeping in mind the unstable present situation in Russia, it does not want a war between Serbia and Kosova, concerning which, it is undergoing great pressure of the strong western powers.
    Circles close to the Russian diplomacy in Belgrade confirm that one of those who assisted in the attempts to convince Milosevic, was the Chief-of-staff of the "Yugoslav" Army, Momcilo Perisic, who complied with the Russian positions. Belgrade is presently conducting a "courting" offensive towards the West in order to avoid air strikes. Precisely for this reason, the political analysts state, aiming at proving willingness for "cooperation", "Yugoslav" Prime Minister, Bulatovic, announced that his country will allow a OSCE mission to Kosova.
    Yet, it seems that the most contesting issue concerning this document, is to hold or not to hold another referendum in Kosova -- three years following the signing of the document, in which the people of Kosova would be able to decide about their own fate.
    Otherwise, this document was adopted in the last Contact Group meeting. The American Ambassador to Shkup, Christopher Hill, presented the document to the Contact Group members. In the meantime, a few days ago, the Albanian negotiating group declared that despite the efforts they made to find out what this document contained, they were not able to do so.
    On the other hand, it is found out that the arrival of the American mediator for the Balkans, Richard Holbrooke, to Belgrade and Prishtina, is within the framework of the last diplomatic attempts to achieve a political solution, before the NATO deadline for military intervention expires, something that is expected to be decided by Wednesday.

    Rugova's "opponents" speak with one voice as of today...

    On the other hand, while the political circles in Prishtina, Belgrade and Washington talk about Hill's document, some of the opposition parties signed an agreement of unification today, endowing the "United Democratic Movement" (LBD) . The agreement states:
    "Considering the created situation in Kosova, the international position and its question based on the historical interests of the Albanian people, and considering the need for the unification of its National Movement, the representatives of the beneath mentioned subjects, proclaim the following agreement

    1. Political association is established: United Democratic Movement (LBD)
    2. LBD creates a single political concept and strategy for the solution of the Kosova issue, based on the right of the Albanian people to self-determination.
    3. Preserving the juridical status and their identity, the united subjects elect the joint steering bodies and the services on all organization levels.
    4. The election of the steering bodies, their structure, the competencies and other organizing issues of LBD, will be regulated with special annexes and other acts.
    5. LBD is created and acts on voluntary bases and based on democratic principles, it is open to all the political subjects and organizations that are willing to join in.
    6. The see of the United Democratic Movement is in Prishtina"…

    …it is stated in the text of the Agreement, signed by the Albanian Democratic Movement (LDSH), the Party of the National Albanian Unity UNIKOMB), Kosova's Parliamentarian Party (PPK) and Albanian Liberal Party (PLSH).

    In Annex # 1 of this Agreement, it is stated:

    1. The joint steering bodies of the United Democratic Movement are: United Steering Council, United Presidency, and Presidency.
    2. The United Steering Council is formed, under equal terms, of the main steering boards of UNIKOMB, LDSH, PPK and PLSH.
    3. The United Presidency is formed with the unification under equal terms of the steering boards of UNIKOMB, LDSH, PPK and PLSH.
    4. The United Presidency elects, by votes, its 11-member presidency.
    5. The Presidency elects the President, one or more Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, the spokesman and the sectors’ secretaries.

    The decision of the parties involved was to elect Rexhep Qosja president of LBD, while the members of the Presidency are the following: Hydajet Hyseni, Mehmet Hajrizi and Basri Musmurati (LDSH), Bajram Kosumi, Jonuz Salihaj and Rifat Blaku (PPK), Ukshin Hoti and Afrim Morina (UNIKOMB) as well as Gjergj Rrapi and Hysen Jahjaga (PLSH).

    KOSOVA (Kosova opposition unites – Kosumi)
    Unification as a result of growing demands

    Prishtina, 5 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    The vice-chairman of the Parliamentarian Party of Kosova and presently member of the LBD Presidency, in his detailed statement on the agreement signed by four political parties in Kosova, states that "this unification is an earlier initiative of the same political parties and it is a part of their philosophy on the unification and fusion of the thinking and acting potential of the Albanian political subject. It is the beginning of a new process of unification of the Albanian political subject, following a ten-year-long process of the partitioning of the political potential and break up of the Albanian political subject. This process is in the air of the growing demands of the Albanian people for the unification of the political subject, as it is also in accordance with the international community’s requests that the political subject in Kosova speaks in one voice. It is also in accordance with the requests of different and more progressive structures of Albanians, as are the students, who even in a petition, requested the unification of the Albanian political subject. We also make note of the same demand made by the KLA".
    Concerning the KLA and its stands, Kosumi stated: "I cannot prejudge anything about this issue, but we are open for all political forces in Kosova and we will insist to be together. In today's meeting, I can say that the only invited guest was the KLA general political representative, Adem Demaçi, who represents a very important figure, because of the post he holds today and also because of the fact that this unification started in times when he was PPK chairman".

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    10. eventual additional press news 
    Datum:         Mon, 5 Oct 1998 11:13:41 -0400
        Von:         Qeme Lumi <qlumi@CIVS.COM>






    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press-Release:Statement of Democratic Party Chairman, Prof. Dr. Sali Berisha
    Datum:         Mon, 5 Oct 1998 16:56:32 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>

    Tirana, 3 October 1998

    Statement of Democratic Party Chairman, Prof. Dr. Sali Berisha

    The developments in Kosova and Albania are a real confrontation between the Albanian and anti Albanian, between the vital interests of the Albanian nation in Kosova and Albania and the most severe enemies of this nation.  The great drama in Kosova  had undoubtedly as a very important contributing factor the stands of the current Albanian neo Communist governmental coalition in several aspects.
         Firstly, it is the today government holders, who after capitulating in Crete (meeting), presented Miloshevic as the man of peace and made campaign of Miloshevic, the butcher of the Balkans.
         Secondly, both secret service, the Albanian and Serb one, played the dirtiest game in the history of the Albanian nation, in detriment of the two million unprotected Albanians in Kosova.  They managed to put at the head of the KLA, collaborators of Milloshevic, who in a joint  act, as "representatives" of the interests of two million Albanians and with the label of Marxist-Leninists in Europe and with the label of fatos Nano, by giving them the monopoly of arms' sale, were able to put (these elements) at the head of hundred and thousands Kosova fighters, who with an unprecedented bravery and self sacrifice engaged themselves in protection of their houses, lands, properties and their life.
         The Albanians in Kosova and everywhere they are, know very well that Communism is one of their most severe enemy, and in this doctrine there is nothing in common with the freedom, but the doctrine is in contradiction to their freedom.  Therefore I call on the KLA fighter to avoid any affinity, imitation or accept to have in their lead any Marxist adventurers but in their fighting for freedom be inspired by their heroes.
         These Albanian Marxist adventurers as true adventurers, preferred in their appearance to imitate Guevara, and not the heroes of Kosova, thus they presented themselves before the international community as Guavara-like adventurers by testifying to the international community that in this case we have to do with a Marxist adventure and not a movement fighting for the existence of 2 million Albanians.  These adventurers, at the head of the KLA units played the anonymous persons in front of all over the world, but communicated on regular basis with Miloshevic and Fatos Nano.  These are directly responsible for the traps on which the Kosova fighter fell, for the tactics they followed at a time when all friends of Albanians advised them to avoid frontal war and make a guerrilla war.  They did the opposite, for the only reason, to block the political Kosovar factor, the legal institutions, president Rugova, and other institutions.  While Fatos Nano and Paskal Milo made the political cover of this activity; on one side they deceived the international community, that they would make them come to negotiations, on the other hand they considered Rugova as a figure totally powerless and created what was called "stalled situation" of Kosova, a situation which gave Miloshevic  free hand  to commit there the greatest bloodbath that Kosova has experienced in the last two centuries.
         An element of this anti Albanian scenario is the killing by SHIK of Kosova Defense Minister, Ahmet Krasniqi. The attackers who killed him, the plan to kill him is wholly organized by the Albanian authorities in collaboration with Serb authorities.
         I am here to once more call on the international community in to be no way  influenced by the irresponsible stands of the Albanian government, which not only in concrete actions, but also in its statements tried to diminish the demands made to Miloshevic by the international community. It is very fair that others raise the question: "why we should demand more than Albanian does".  Thus we can say that the 2 millions Albanians in Kosova were considerable damaged by the government of Tirana this year, which were determinant for their fate.
         However, I am also here today to call on the Albanians in Kosova not be discouraged.  This is a process which can not be solved, as adventurers of Nano and Miloshevic lied, in August or September. As I emphasize that they who follow the policy of "all or nothing", are playing in the detriment of the people of Kosova. I have declared this several times in the past. The resolution of the Kosova problems is a  process that passes through extremely serious difficulties, it is a process to be pushed forward, and requires a broad cooperation of all political forces by ignoring the anonymous.  The anonymous represents Miloshevic and his allies in Tirana.  It is up to the people of Kosova, and the representatives of the institutions and political forces of Kosova, who with their wisdom, push forward the progress for the solution in cooperation with the international community.
         I call on NATO to carry out air strikes as soon as possible, in order that the severe Serb nationalism may have no chance to become extreme, to follow the policy of extermination of the other nation, and there should be left no possibility that this nationalism  cause other wars in the Balkans.  NATO should strike the military instruments of the most primitive and severe nationalism in the world, the Serb nationalism. If these instruments are not destroyed to the degree that they are no more harmful to other ethnic groups, the Serb nationalism will bring about other wars and conflicts in the region.  With the NATO strikes, there will be a stop of the human disaster of two million Albanian in Kosova. I think, there should be a second Dayton, without which the Kosova issue can not be resolved.  There should be a new Dayton type agreement in which the principles of non-changing the borders by violence and the principle of self determination be harmonized. Up to now, the solution has gone in the way Miloshevic has wanted to. Miloshevic has implemented the platform of extermination of the Albanian nation.

    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        HERR, du wollest deine Barmherzigkeit nicht von mir wenden; 
             lass deine Guete und Treue allewege mich behueten. 
        Lass deiner sich freuen und froehlich sein 
             alle, die nach dir fragen; 
        und die dein Heil lieben, lass allewege sagen: 
             Der HERR sei hoch gelobt ! 
        Du bist mein Helfer und Erretter; 
             mein Gott, saeume doch nicht !
      Psalm 40, 12.17.18b
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
      Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: 
           let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me. 
      Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: 
      let such as love thy salvation 
           say continually, The LORD be magnified. 
      thou [art] my help and my deliverer; 
           make no tarrying, O my God. 
      Psalm 40, 11.16.17b
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Seite erstellt am 6.10.1998  

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