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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 8. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 8, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1576

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
If available you find on this page  -  Soweit verfügbar finden Sie auf dieser Seite  

Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 19:58 http://seite1.web.de/show/361CFD33.NL1/
Clinton gibt «Aktivierungsbefehl» für möglichen Kosovo-Einsatz
Washington (dpa) - US-Präsident Bill Clinton hat mit einer «Aktivierungsanordnung» den entscheidenden Schritt für einen möglichen Einsatz auch amerikanischen Militärs gegen Serbien getan. Er habe bereits am Vortag mögliche Militäraktionen der NATO in Brüssel gegen Serbien wegen des Kosovo-Konflikts genehmigt, sagte Clinton am Donnerstag im Weißen Haus. «In den nächsten Tagen werden meine europäischen Kollegen ähnliche Entscheidungen fällen». Er würde eine friedliche Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts bevorzugen, sagte er.
     Clinton warf dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic «skrupelloses Handeln» gegenüber den Kosovo-Albanern vor. Damit habe Milosevic die Gefahr heraufbeschworen, daß Gewalt auf Nachbarländer übergreife und dann ein größerer Krieg in Europa drohe.
     «Unser Ziel ist einfach», erklärte Clinton, «Präsident Milosevic muß Resolutionen des UNO-Sicherheitsrates voll erfüllen». Die NATO müsse jedoch auf ein Handeln vorbereitet sein, «um unsere Interessen zu schützen und um eine weitere humanitäre Katastrophe auf dem Balkan zu verhindern».
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 19:54 http://seite1.web.de/show/361CFC59.NL1/
Chirac sichert Clinton Frankreichs Teilnahme bei Kosovo-Aktion zu
Paris (dpa) - Frankreich hat seine Teilnahme an einem möglichen Militärschlag im Kosovo bekräftigt. Das versicherte am Donnerstag abend Präsident Jacques Chirac in einem Telefonat mit seinem US-Kollegen Bill Clinton.
     Frankreich werde an Seiten seiner Verbündeten an einer militärischen Aktion teilnehmen, wenn nicht kurzfristig die UNO-Resolution 1199 vollständig umgesetzt werde, sagte Chirac nach Angaben einer Sprecherin des Elysee-Palastes.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 19:47 http://seite1.web.de/show/361CFA9F.NL1/
UCK kündigt Waffenstillstand im Kosovo an
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die albanische Kosovo-Befreiungsarmee UCK hat angekündigt, ab diesem Freitag alle Militärhandlungen in der südjugoslawischen Krisen-Provinz zu beenden.
     Dieser Schritt erfolge wegen des «großen Einsatzes der internationalen Gemeinschaft und der UNO zur Beendigung der Kosovo-Tragödie», hieß es in einer in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina veröffentlichten Bekanntmachung des UCK-Hauptstabs, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad) meldete.
     `Der Waffenstillstand wird in Kraft sein, solange die NATO-Militärhandlungen dauern, denn die UCK wird maximal dazu beitragen, die Tätigkeiten der internationalen Organisationen im Kosovo zu ermöglichen", hieß es weiter.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 19:06  http://seite1.web.de/show/361CF13A.NL1/
Albright rechnet mit Kosovo-Intervention «in wenigen Tagen»
Brüssel/Bonn (dpa) - Die USA haben ihre Verbündeten in der NATO zur Geschlossenheit im Kosovo-Konflikt aufgerufen. Die Einsatzbereitschaft des Bündnisses für Luftangriffe könne «in wenigen Tagen» gegeben sein, sagte US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright am Donnerstag in Brüssel.
     Aus verfassungsrechtlichen Gründen würde der Militärschlag voraussichtlich zunächst ohne deutsche Beteiligung beginnen. Präsident Bill Clinton unterzeichnete am Donnerstag eine «Aktivierungsanordnung» für die US-Streitkräfte und tat damit bereits den entscheidenden Schritt für einen möglichen Einsatz amerikanischer Militärs gegen Serbien.
     Innerhalb des Bündnisses herrscht weiterhin Uneingigkeit, ob ein militärisches Eingreifen ohne neues UNO-Sicherheitsmandat möglich ist. Das Europaparlament sprach sich für eine Militärintervention aus. Dagegen warnten der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic und der russische Außenminister Igor Iwanow erneut vor den Folgen eines Militärschlages.
     Die bisher von Milosevic vorgenommenen Maßnahmen für eine Regelung in der Kosovo-Krise und zur Erfüllung der UNO-Resolution vom 23. September reichten nicht aus, sagte Albright nach Gesprächen mit Nato-Generalsekretär Javier Solana und NATO-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark.
     Milosevic habe den Ernst der Lage offenbar noch nicht begriffen. Sie sprach von «kosmetischen Gesten», was den Abzug von Soldaten «in einer Fernsehschau» betreffe. «Immer wieder hat Milosevic versprochen, Dinge zu tun, ohne dies wirklich tun zu wollen», sagte Albright. Er habe nur noch wenige Tage.
     Mögliche Luftangriffe der NATO gegen serbische Stellungen im Kosovo würden aller Voraussicht nach in der Anfangsphase ohne deutsche Beteiligung geflogen. Dies zeichnete sich am Donnerstag in Bonn unmittelbar vor der USA-Reise des künftigen sozialdemokratischen Kanzlers Gerhard Schröder und des als Außenminister gehandelten Grünen-Politikers Joschka Fischer ab.
     Voraussetzung für eine Beteiligung der 14 bereitgestellten deutschen «Tornado»-Flugzeuge ist die Zustimmung des deutschen Parlaments. Dessen Einberufung zu einer Sondersitzung würde zwei bis drei Tage dauern.
     Wie die «Berliner Morgenpost» (Freitag) unter Berufung auf Regierungskreise berichtet, haben die USA durchaus Verständis dafür, daß Deutschland in der gegenwärtigen Übergangsphase nicht voll handlungsfähig ist.
     In Regierungskreisen werde daran gedacht, mit Billigung der sich abzeichnenden rot-grünen Koalition einem Aktivierungsbeschluß des Nato-Rates zuzustimmen, ohne daß dies für die von Bonn in Aussicht gestellten 14 Tornados und 500 Soldaten gelten würde.
     Zu der Forderung Italiens und anderer NATO-Partner, für eine Militäraktion ein weiteres UNO-Mandat einzuholen, sagte Albright: «Wir hoffen sehr, daß diese Regierungen die Notwendigkeit für Aktionen verstehen und begreifen, daß die bereits vom Sicherheitsrat verabschiedete Resolution ausreichend ist.»
     Die US-Außenministerin kündigte auch an, daß der US-Sondergesandte Richard Holbrooke auf ihren Wunsch erneut zu Vermittlungsgesprächen im Kosovo-Konflikt nach Belgrad reisen soll.
     Zunächst wollten beide aber an der Sitzung der Kosovo-Kontaktgruppe in London teilnehmen, zu der auch Rußland gehört. Nach Auffassung Iwanows und Milosevics gefährden die Drohungen der NATO die friedliche Koexistenz der Staaten und Völker in Europa.
     Helmut Kohl informierte seinen designierten Nachfolger Schröder am Donnerstag über die Lage im Kosovo, die auch bei dem Gespräch des künftigen Regierungschefs mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton an diesem Freitag in Washington eine Rolle spielen wird.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 18:49  http://seite1.web.de/show/361CED2E.NL1/
Kontaktgruppe in London zusammengetroffen
London (dpa) - Die Außenminister der Sechs-Mächte-Kontaktgruppe sind am Donnerstag abend in London zu dringenden Erörterungen über die Kosovo-Krise zusammengetroffen.
     Nach Angaben des britischen Außenministeriums will der US-Sondergesandte, Richard Holbrooke, den Teilnehmern über seine Gespräche mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten, Slobodan Milosevic, berichten. Holbrooke und US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright waren direkt vom NATO-Hauptquartier in Brüssel in die britische Hauptstadt gekommen. Zur Kontaktgruppe gehören die USA, Rußland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland.
     Die Beratungen finden vor dem Hintergund von Vorbereitungen eines möglichen NATO-Militärschlags gegen Milosevic statt, der von Rußland strikt abgelehnt wird. In London hieß es, Entscheidungen würden von dem Treffen nicht erwartet.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 17:54   http://seite1.web.de/show/361CE03E.NL1/
Regierungschef: Bulgarien kann 5 000 Flüchtlinge aufnehmen
Sofia (dpa) - Nach Ansicht des bulgarischen Ministerpräsidenten Iwan Kostow kann Bulgarien 5 000 Flüchtlinge infolge des Konflikts in der südjugoslawischen Provinz Kosovo aufnehmen.
     Kostow sprach am Donnerstag in Sofia nach seinem Ankunft von einem offiziellen Besuch in Belgien und bei der NATO in Brüssel, berichtete die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur BTA.
     Kostow verwies darauf, daß Bulgarien keine besondere Vorbereitung für die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen getroffen hat. Die bulgarische Regierung sei der Auffassung, daß Bulgarien «nicht unmittelbar von Flüchtlingsströmen" bei einer Entwicklung in dieser Richtung in Kosovo gefährdet sei.
     «Die Situation jetzt ist einer Krisenlage sehr ähnlich", meinte Kostow zur Entwicklung im Kosovo. Die Balkanstaaten hätten eine Vereinbarung getroffen, bei Krisensituationen eine abgestimmte Haltung zu verabschieden.
     Bulgarien werde im Hinblick auf die Krise in Kosovo eine «konsequente Politik führen und gemäß der Lage, jedoch vorsichtig handeln", sagte Kostow weiter.
     «Wir müssen bereit sein, bei allen Umständen der Entwicklung im Kosovo zu handeln und unsere Entschedungen rechtzeitig zu treffen", sagte er.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 17:51  http://seite1.web.de/show/361CDF60.NL1/
Clinton gibt «Aktivierungsbefehl» für möglichen Kosovo-Einsatz
Washington (dpa) - US-Präsident Bill Clinton hat am Donnerstag mit einer «Aktivierungsanordnung» den entscheidenden Schritt für einen möglichen Einsatz auch amerikanischen Militärs gegen Serbien getan.
     Das Weiße Haus bekräftigte in einer Mitteilung den Optimismus des Präsidenten, daß auch andere NATO-Partner Militäraktionen zum Schutz der Kosovo-Albaner in der südjugoslawischen Krisenprovinz genehmigen.
     US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright geht davon aus, daß die NATO in Brüssel die Militäraktionen «in den nächsten Tagen» gutheißen könnte.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 17:31  http://seite1.web.de/show/361CDAF3.NL1/
Schröder sprach mit Kohl über Kosovo - Problem für neue Regierung
Bonn (dpa) - Der noch amtierende deutsche Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl hat am Donnerstag mit seinem designierten Nachfolger Gerhard Schröder über die Krise in Kosovo gesprochen. Das wurde in Regierungskreisen bestätigt.
     Schröder wurde von dem sozialdemokratischen Außenpolitiker Günter Verheugen begleitet. Dieser sagte im Anschluß an das Gespräch, eine internationale militärische Intervention in dem Krisengebiet sei auch ohne eine entsprechende Resolution des Sicherheitsrats der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) möglich, wenn nur so eine humanitäre Katastophe verhindert werden könne.
     «Ich glaube, daß eine überzeugende Rechtsgrundlge für das Handeln der internationalen Gemeinschaft möglich ist, auch ohne daß eine neue Sicherheitsrats-Entscheidung fällt», sagte Verheugen.
     Damit stehen die Sozialdemokraten jedoch im Widerspruch zu ihrem künftigen Regierungspartner, den Grünen. Deren Verteidigungs-Expertin Angelika Beer bekräftigte am Donnerstag, vor einem militärischen Eingreifen in der Kosovo-Krise müsse der Sicherheitsrat ein Mandat erteilen.
     Das Thema könnte die gegenwärtigen Koalitions-Verhandlungen von SPD und Grünen belasten, zumal die Grünen mit Joschka Fischer voraussichtlich den nächsten deutschen Außenminister stellen werden.
     Fischer wollte noch am Donnerstag abend gemeinsam mit Schröder nach Washington fliegen, wo US-Präsident Bill Clinton zu einem Gespräch eingeladen hat. Auch dabei dürfte es in erster Linie um die Kosovo-Krise gehen.
     Die noch amtierende Regierung hatte vor einer Woche beschlossen, daß Deutschland für einen Einsatz der NATO im Kosovo 14 Kampfflugzeuge vom Typ Tornado bereitstellen würde.
     Diesen Maschinen mit einer speziellen Ausrüstung zur Bekämpfung von Radar-Stellungen ist eine zentrale Rolle im NATO-Konzept für einen Luftschlag gegen Jugoslawien zugedacht.
     In jedem Fall müßte das Parlament einem Einsatz der deutschen Streitkräfte zustimmen. Da das am 27. September gewählte Parlament sich noch nicht konstituiert hat, müßte der alte Bundestag zu einer Sondersitzung einberufen werden.
© dpa
Meldung vom 08.10.1998 17:28  http://seite1.web.de/show/361CDA25.NL1/
USA rufen NATO im Kosovo-Konflikt zu Geschlossenheit auf
Brüssel (dpa) - Die USA haben ihre Verbündeten in der NATO zur Geschlossenheit im Kosovo-Konflikt aufgerufen. Die Einsatzbereitschaft des Bündnisses für einen Luftschlag könne «in wenigen Tagen» gegeben sein, sagte US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright am Donnerstag in Brüssel.
     Innerhalb des Bündnisses herrscht weiterhin Uneingigkeit, ob ein militärisches Eingreifen ohne neues UNO-Sicherheitsmandat möglich ist. Auch das Europaparlament sprach sich für eine Militärintervention aus. Dagegen warnten der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic und der russische Außenminister Igor Iwanow erneut vor den Folgen eines Luftschlags.
     Die bisher von Milosevic vorgenommenen Maßnahmen für eine Regelung in der Kosovo-Krise und zur Erfüllung der UNO-Resolution vom 23. September reichten nicht aus, sagte Albright nach Gesprächen mit NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana und NATO-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark.
     Milosevic habe den Ernst der Lage offenbar noch nicht begriffen. Sie sprach von «kosmetischen Gesten», was den Abzug von Soldaten «in einer Fernsehschau» betreffe. «Immer wieder hat Milosevic versprochen Dinge zu tun, ohne dies wirklich tun zu wollen», sagte Albright. Er habe nur noch wenige Tage.
     Zu der Forderung Italiens und anderer NATO-Partner, für eine Militäraktion ein weiteres UNO-Mandat einzuholen, sagte Albright: «Wir hoffen sehr, daß diese Regierungen die Notwendigkeit für Aktionen verstehen und begreifen, daß die bereits vom Sicherheitsrat verabschiedete Resolution ausreichend ist.»
     Befragt, wann die NATO-Partner ihre Flugzeuge dem NATO-Oberbefehl unterstellen und somit einsatzbereit machen, sagte die Außenministerin: «Die Beschlüsse, die wir in den nächsten Tagen treffen werden, sind entscheidend.» Sie glaube, «daß wir nun die legitimen Gründe und die effektiven Mittel haben, um einzugreifen.»
     Albright kündigte auch an, daß der US-Sondergesandte Richard Holbrooke auf ihren Wunsch erneut zu Vermittlungsgesprächen im Kosovo-Konflikt nach Belgrad reisen soll. Zunächst wollten beide aber an der Sitzung der internationalen Kontaktgruppe in London teilnehmen, zu der auch Rußland gehört.
     Nach Auffassung Iwanows und Milosevics gefährden die Drohungen der NATO die friedliche Koexistenz der Staaten und Völker in Europa. Deswegen müsse der Kosovo-Konflikt auf friedliche Weise gelöst werden, hieß es in einer am Donnerstag in Belgrad veröffentlichten Erklärung.
     In Straßburg befürwortete das Europaparlament eine Militärintervention der NATO im Kosovo. Die Abgeordneten äußerten sich in einer mit großer Mehrheit verabschiedeten Entschließung zudem «zutiefst enttäuscht darüber, daß der EU-Ministerrat bislang so unzureichend auf die Krise reagiert hat».
     Das UNO-Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag solle eine Anklage gegen den Milosevic wegen Kriegsverbrechen überprüfen.
     Der Intendant dess deutschen Ausdlandssenders Deutsche Welle (DW), Dieter Weirich, protestierte gegen das Ausstrahlungverbot ausländischer Rundfunkprogramme in Serbien.
     Direkt betroffen von dem Beschluß der serbischen Regierung vom Vortag sind zahlreiche Radio- und Fernsehstationen in Serbien, die bisher auch Programme der Deutschen Welle und anderer internationaler Rundfunksender ausgestrahlt haben. Weirich bezeichnete die Zensurmaßnahmen als einen «Rückfall in den Totalitarismus».
© dpa
weitere Meldungen  ==>  Teil 2
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
Kaum zu glauben:
  s o  handelt das Land
Oktoberfestes !
dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
© dpa
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1576
Datum:         Thu, 8 Oct 1998 17:31:57 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 8 October 1998

Villages near Malisheva Come under Renewed Serb Fire Thursday

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - Serb forces garrisoned at Dragobil and Astrazub villages near Malisheva launched an artillery attack against the outlying Albanian villages just after midday (Thursday), local sources reported.
The Serb attacks was concentrated on the villages of Maxharrë, Dragobil and Marali, but several shells landed in the villages Shkozë and Janqiq, about 8 km away, the LDK Information Commission of Malisheva said. Farmhouses were hit and damaged in Maxharrë and Deragobil, the Commission said failing to tell if there were any casualties there.
At least four villages in the municipality of Malisheva, central Kosova, have been repeatedly pounded with machine-gun and artillery fire since Tuesday afternoon.

The KIC Head Enver Maloku Held for Three Hours in Police Custody, Threatened Wednesday
Maloku was target of an assassination attempt on 18 July 1998

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - Mr. Enver Maloku, the head of the Kosova Information Center (KIC) and editor-in-chief of the Informatori evening daily newspaper, was detained Wednesday evening by armed Serb policemen in Prishtina.
Mr. Maloku and his co-traveller were halted in front of the Kosova National Theater At around 20:30 hrs, and were taken to a police station in town, where they were held in custody till 23:45 hrs. During this time, Mr. Maloku was questioned about his works, papers, photos, cassettes and other things professional that were in his possession.
Going through audiovisual cassettes with material filmed by amateur cameramen on the ground in Kosova (showing refugees, ruined houses, killed people, etc.), Serb police/security officers were mostly inquisitive about a possible cooperation of Mr. Maloku and the KIC with Western media.
Unformed and plain-clothes policemen were involved in the questioning. A man in plain clothes, apparently a Serb security officer, threatened Maloku and his family.
A number of personal belongings, including his mobile computer/telephone, and stuff related to his professional journalistic work, were held up by Serb police when Enver Maloku and his companion were released at 23:45 hrs on Wednesday.
The KIC head was told he would have to report back to the Serb security on Thursday morning to reclaim the confiscated things.
On Thursday morning, Maloku's mobile phone was still operating and in use by Serb police. Maloku will claim his confiscated belongings through a lawyer.
The questioning, harassment and threatening Mr. Maloku was subject to Wednesday evening can in no way be seen outside the declared policies and pattern of repression practiced by the Serb regime against professional, journalistic and political, activities of the Albanians in Kosova.
On 18 July 1998, an unidentified gunman shot at but missed Mr. Enver Maloku in the entrance of his flat in Prishtina. The assassination attempt was condemned strongly by Kosova Albanian political and professional circles, but was not investigated by competent authorities.

Heavy Serb Forces and Arsenal Deployed in Dollc, Klina

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - On Tuesday, large Serb military and police forces equipped with heavy combat equipmant were deployed in the hillside of the village of Dollc, as well as at a location called "Kroni i hajnave".
The arsenal included tanks, armoured cars, and rocket launchers, the LDK chapter in Klina reported.
The Serb forces now concentrated in Dollc came from the direction of Peja and Gjakova, sources said.

Serb Soldiers and Reservists Concentrated in Glloboçicë, Kaçanik

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - Fresh Serb soldiers and reservists have been deployed in a Serb military outpost in Glloboçicë, municipality of Kaçanik, in the past couple of days, LDK sources said.
The forces have been digging in and surveilling the terrain in key positions in the village.
The Albanian population of the village of Glloboçicë lives now in fear because of the concentration of Serb troops.

Five Albanian Villages in Obiliq Municipality Virtually Sealed Off

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - Since June, the villages of Grabovc i Epërm, Shipitullë, Sibovc, Lajthishtë ('Leskosic') and Hamidi of the municipality of Obiliq have been under virtual siege, with the Albanian population's movement hugely restricted. Serb snipers keep everything that moves under their watchful eye, local LDK sources said.
There has been sporadic gunfire at a location called "Kërshat e Grabocit" after the last Serb offensive. The Albanian population is fearful of returning back to their homes.
Serb forces have continued burning property of Albanians in the village of Grabovc, and the Hajredinaj family compound fired upon, local sources said.
Meanwhile, around 11:00 hrs today, Serb air jest flew overhead the Obiliq area.

Repositioning Serb Troops Garrisoned in Factory Halls in Gjakova
Fresh Serb troop enter Kosova from Serbia Thursday morning

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - Since early in the morning today (Thursday) Serb police and military troops have moved in into the halls of a couple of factories in Gjakova, local sources reported.
Serb troops as well as armament and other combat equipment were deployed in the "Modeli" furniture factory and in the halls of a brick factory in a Gjakova suburb.
Albanian watchmen and hall-keepers in both the factories have been dismissed, the LDK chapter in Gjakova said.
Most of the combat equipment and trucks have been take to the halls of the factories, while part of it, including artillery pieces, have been dug in or/and camouflaged in the compounds of these tow factories.
Meanwhile, sources in Podujeva said another convoy of Serb military vehicles entered Kosova from Serbia today morning.Serb troops in 4 buses and 3 armored vehicles were seen heading in the direction of capital Prishtina this morning.
Around 40 Serb military tanks entered Kosova from Serbia on Wednesday too.

Serb Policemen and Soldiers Crack Down on Albanian Hamlet in Gjakova

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - Heavily armed Serb policemen and soldiers cracked down brutally early in the morning today on the houses of several Albanians at Janosh hamlet near Gjakova, harassing family members and arresting at least three men subsequently.
Ali Geci, Pjeter Geci, local villagers, and Rasim Hajdari from a village near Deçan whose family had sought shelter in this village in the wake of the Serb attacks in his region, were arrested by the Serb forces.
The LDK chapter in Gjakova said the Serb raid on Albanian homes in Janosh was excessively brutal. The Serbs smashed doors, windows and households, and brutalized family members for a couple of hours.
The three Albanians were reported still in Serb custody by midday today.

Over 5000 Refugees Crammed at Ngucat, Baby and Woman Die from Freeze

PRISHTINA, Oct 8 (KIC) - At least five thousand uprooted persons have crammed the Ngucat village of Malisheva, facing freezing and starvation, the Malisheva LDK Information Commission said today.
Hamëz Shala, a local activist in Ngucat, said they had called on the Doctors of the World and the International Red Cross to assist the IDP's in the village and around it with food and medical supplies but the two agencies have been denied access there village by the Serbs forces holding several positions in the area.
Thousands of other IDP's have been staying in other places around Ngucat village, most of them been sleeping under makeshift plastic tents. Besides IDP's from the area, many of them are from the municipalities of Gllogovc, Klina and Suahreka, the source said.
Only two days ago, a little girl died in the refugee camping site in Ngucat because of the lack of medication.
Sources in the neighboring municipality of Klina said that a 48- woman, Zemrije Bacaliu (48), resident of Kijeva, died on Tuesday while in an attempt to cross the Drini river. The late Zemrie Bacaliu, mother of six, was returning with her family from Zajm village where they had been sheltered for several months now.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 7, 1998  at  23:05 hrs
KOSOVA (Serb offensive – Mitrovicë)
New shelling in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës - "Yugoslav" military hands over weapons to Serb residents

Mitrovicë, 7 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
Last night, and the night before, the villages of Mazhiq, Vidishiq, Melenicë, and Bare, were again shelled from the military barrack in the village of Kutlloc, Shalë e Bajgorës, claim sources from the ground. A military convoy positioned today near the Serb cemetery.
At around 0930CET, several groups of Serb policemen undertook a series of actions against the Albanian residents. At the artisan's quarter, by the mall, the police controlled and maltreated a large number of merchants and storeowners. In addition, at the police station, the Serb police arrested two young, whose identity remains unknown.
In the meantime, there are reports that a military truck, in the neighborhood of Bair in Mitrovicë, handed over weapons and ammunition to the Serb residents. The arms distribution started at around 0900CET, in the "Smederevska", "Obilic", "Kralj Petar" road, continuing up to the "APJ" road.

KOSOVA (border incident)
Serbs fire on Albanian border patrol

Tirana, 7 October (ARTA) 1620CET --
"Yugoslav" soldiers opened fire on an Albanian border patrol unit, Albanian Interior Ministry states the on Tuesday. There were no casualties.
The Ministry claims that the border patrol unit was observing the terrain close to the bordering village of Borje, in the Kukës area, around 210-km northeast of Tirana, when "Yugoslav" soldiers that were along the border with Kosova opened fire.
Interior Ministry's spokesman was quoted saying that the patrol unit withdrew in a border booth, but yet again it was subjected to fire from the "Yugoslav" soldiers.

KOSOVA (reinforcements)
Air-defense missiles posted in the Volljakë region

Klinë, 7 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
Four Albanian corpses, among which one massacred body, from the village of Gllarevë, were found on Tuesday afternoon, in the forest of Rigjevë and Cerrovik.
In the Volljakë region, the Serb forces have deployed the air-defense missiles at the highest points.
In the village of Ranoc, Serb police and civilians started looting and burning the Albanian owned houses of this village. In Leskoc they looted the houses in the presence of their owners, maltreating those who opposed, even though they were mainly women, children and elderly, who had returned home.
Serb military tanks and other motorized vehicles have been cruising down the villages of Llapuqan, Krushevë e Madhe, and Budisalc, lately. There are also claims that the Serb police placed "Yugoslav" flags on several Albanian owned houses of the village.
In the meantime, a large number of Albanians are being held hostage at the police station, even though their health condition is said to be critical.
Eight thousand people continue to live outdoors in the region of Sverkë, constantly being faced with a humanitarian catastrophe.

KOSOVA (legal offensive – Ferizaj)
Investigating procedure against three Albanians from Ferizaj

Ferizaj, 7 October (ARTA) 1950CET --
Waiting for the beginning of the trial of 26 Albanians from Ferizaj; three other residents of Ferizaj are being accused for committing the crime of "terrorism".
Rexhep Muhaxheri, from Dremnjak, municipality of Ferizaj, arrested on 28 August, is charged for "association for hostile activity". Whereas, of two other arrested Hysen Shabani and Frashër Shabani, arrested on 28 September, the Municipal Court of Prishtina "demands to file an investigating procedure", and according to this request, it is expected that they will also be accused of "terrorism".

"We are ready. Next step - the Activation Order"

Brussels, 7 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
"NATO has still no proof that Milosevic is fulfilling or even planning to fulfil the international community's demands", were the first words, with which senior NATO official addressed the journalists, following today's meeting of the NATO Council.
"We are constantly observing how much is Milosevic fulfilling the international community's requests, and now according to our sources, over 50% of the police and over 14,000 military troops, remain in Kosova", said this NATO official. Besides a campaign of air attacks against the "Yugoslav" points, NATO is also contemplating the possibility to dislocate the infantry troops in Kosova in the second phase.
"This dislocation would initially be in a limited number, after the achievement of the cease-fire or an agreement, while its aim would be to ensure the security of the refugees, because the presence of the Serb units by their localities would frighten them to go back. The other aim of the NATO infantry troops' dislocation in Kosova, would at the same time be to ensure conditions for negotiations, since normally Albanians cannot have negotiations, if the Serb soldiers are standing above their head", stated the senior official...
"If all the 16 member countries agree to intervene, which is most possible, I think that this would be sufficient, based on the international Justice", claimed the senior NATO official answering the question, as to whether an intervention is possible, even with the opposition of Russia, threatening this way, the so far NATO agreements with this country. He added that NATO is doing everything to persuade Russia about the necessity of the intervention, because of the international community's requests". Holbrooke’s visit to Belgrade, of which NATO claims to have no great knowledge, is specified as very important.
"We hope that it will soon be clearer, since Holbrooke might come to Brussels, from Belgrade", said this diplomat... He announced that the NATO representatives are having increased consultations with the partner countries as well, so they could also gain their support, for an intervention in Kosova. "We are better off, with a political support, because we have already prepared our actions, taking under account mainly the contribution of the 16 regular members of the Alliance... and this intervention will be a NATO intervention, without partners", said the official. "Milosevic this time, should not misunderstand our determination to intervene and he should get our message clearly", claimed this source.

KOSOVA (KD interview – HRW)

KD: What are you relations with the Kosovar humans' rights organizations and do you cooperate with them?

HRW: The problem that I have, which I have discussed directly with them, is the use of terminology and sometimes, slightly over-emotional reporting. I think the situation in Kosova is bad enough, there is no need to exaggerate, because the truth speaks for itself. So for all the human rights groups and for the media, I think it is very important to constantly check all facts and to be as balanced as possible, present all sides and let the reader decide what is the truth and what isn't, because the humans rights violations are very, very serious and you only need to say what happened. Having said that I do mean, very seriously, the Council has been of incredible help to me and to HRW and we couldn't do our work without them, because they have such a vast network of activists, with excellent information and we are constantly finding out about events from them. When we want to investigate the problems, the Council has always been very helpful, because their activists are truly dedicated individuals, who are now at risk. You have a lot of Council activists who have been arrested and obviously as colleagues, we are very concerned about them.
Sometimes they devalue their important work by putting a political spin on their information reports. I think the story that has been developing in Kosova is bad enough without having to exaggerate and without a political stress.

KD: What can you say about your work during the three weeks long period stays in Kosova?

HRW: Basically, we arrived towards the end of a Serb police and "Yugoslav" military offensive against the civilian population in Kosova. We have driven around the country since we arrived, almost every day. It is very depressing to see the tremendous the destruction of civilian property and the disregard towards the civilian rights, which has been shown by the "Yugoslav" forces. We have seen countless villages, which have been burned, often without any signs of active fighting. We have seen wide wall buildings, without a single bullet hole or a mortar shell, just somebody went to the house and burned it. We have also seen abandoned cars, which have been burned. On many occasions we have seen live stock which and been destroyed. It seems like the offensive really tried to deprive the ethnic Albanian community of their livelihood and their shelter. This made it very difficult for the people to survive, through this oncoming winter. Some more specific findings, staring from Obri e Epërme. We were there on the scene as the local villagers began removing the bodies and burning them. It was a very gruesome site. There were some reporters some with us, and everybody agreed that, that was one of the most horrific sites that they had ever seen. There had been 15 members of one family, sheltering in the forest. It is very clear that somebody came to the forest and basically hunted them down and executed them. Almost everybody had been shot in the head, including some very young children, who had been trying to flee, but were caught. According to the witnesses who have fled from the scene, it was the Serbian police who carried out this massacre. We then went to Gollubovc, where we were shown a site in somebody's compound, surrounded by fence, which was covered with blood spots. According to the local villagers, 14 men have been executed there. I went back there and interviewed the only survivor, who described how they had fled from their village in the face of the shelling. They had gone to the forest, the police sent an elderly local to the forest, to tell them they were safe to return. They went back and the police gathered them all in a large field, separated the men from the women and children, and then selected out of them a smaller group of men, who they then questioned and abused. They were then told to lay face down, where after several more hours of abuse they were executed. The next day we went to Vraniq. There we walked through a three kilometer long civilian convoy, which had been largely destroyed by the police, and again according to witnessed people had gone to the forest to escape from the shelling, again the police had told them they were safe to return. The police had stopped the convoy as they reentered the village. They separated the women and children from the men. They placed everybody in detention in schools and houses and proceeded to destroy the Albanian properties, loot the civilian properties, and destroy the houses of this village. They then took 300 men to Prizren. If these are the kind of abuses committed by the police, it will be very difficult for the people to return home, because they have already been terrorized by the police and if they are now being abused when they try to return home, it will be very difficult to see a solution of the crisis of displacement in Kosova. I think that what has to be realized is that the root of this humanitarian crisis is the systemic abuse of the human rights by the "Yugoslav" forces.

KD: What about the humanitarian crisis...

HRW: The humanitarian crisis was specifically created by Milosevic. It was created for two reasons. Both of them strategic. One is to break the back of KLA by attacking the civilians and to make sure that the civilians now, will have to rebuilt their houses for the next ten years, instead of supporting an armed resistance. The second reason is to create a problem so that Milosevic can present himself as the person to solve it. So he created a humanitarian disaster and now he will sell himself to the world as the person who can give these people shelter and provide their security. Again, just as in Bosnia he stores of the pot and then presents himself as the cook.

KD: How realistic is this week’s furious initiative of the international community?

HRW: Everybody is talking about NATO intervention and a bombing. But in my opinion, that is a quick fix. It is very easily to say, "let's bomb". That has to be done with some thought. We have to consider what objectives we want to achieve. If there is, a bombing it is clear that the humanitarian organizations would have to leave. Then who will provide any existence to all the refugees? What kind of a political solution would that be? I am not answering these question, but to just simply say "let's bomb", is very premature without thinking in the long run. That is the problem with the international community, as if they are not thinking about the long-term solution. Now they are forced to respond not because of the humanitarian crisis, because the humanitarian crisis has been going on for the past four months. They are forced to respond now, because little old ladies in Canzas, America, and Stuttgart, Germany are looking at the television screen of killed babies and women and asking their politicians, why are they not doing anything about it? So, I don't think that the international communities response now is in a way because they finally realized that there is a crisis here, but because the public opinion in their own countries is forcing them to act.

KD: How will the humanitarian organizations, the international community in general, manage to face with the humanitarian disaster? What are the chances that this catastrophe comes to an end?

HRW: Milosevic is a masterful tactician. He constantly goes right to the border, right to that edge of acceptability and then retreats. Now, he reached that point, and we are expecting to reach some consensus - dialogue by saying, "we are ready!" and adding, "humanitarian aid is not a problem". "Come in with every truck full of caviar you want for refugees, I am willing to help them".

KD: Do you think that soon we will be faced with a new crisis?

HRW: Again, this is a short-term solution. Perhaps in the winter things will be a little more calm and aid will come to the refugees. October and November will be the next six weeks of intensive humanitarian activity. And then comes the spring, because the KLA has not gone away. This is Milosevic's strategy and the problem of international community’s response. KLA was born in the prisons of Serbia. It was born out of ten years of repression. It is completely understandable for me, as to why and how an armed movement came to be. So, you cannot repress that armed movement with more violence. Every time you kill an Albanian, three more people will join the KLA. That is why the problem will not go away. It is guaranteed that the KLA will exist and that the problems will continue.

KD: What is the international community trying to achieve?

HRW: In my opinion, the international community just wants the problem to go away. It was like that for the past ten years. They just told the Albanians to be quiet. They were very supportive of Rugova's peaceful politics, not out of some love for Ghandism, but because it kept the situation off from the front page of the newspapers. And now, that it is in the front page, they wanted to go away at any means, even if that meant Milosevic crushing the movement. But it is a complete miscalculation, because this movement cannot be crushed and the more that Milosevic tries to crush it with force, the more sure we can be that it will continue through years and years.

KD: What are the chances that the humanitarian organizations stop sending the aid, so that they make pressure, even when Belgrade opens the doors for them to help the refugees?

HRW: There is no way they could do that, because Western politicians could never explain to their own people that they are letting 250,000 frozen people die from the hunger. The international community was forced to respond to this humanitarian crisis, and Milosevic knew that. That's why he created it to begin with.
The continuation of this conflict is in the interest of Milosevic. Milosevic needs the KLA, just like he needed Croatia and Bosnia, because he cannot exist without conflict. As soon as there is peace and the process of democratization begins in Serbia, he is gone. If there is a long-term low intensity conflict in Kosova, it fits his need perfectly because he can justify a strong police force and he can control the political opposition in Serbia. So, he keeps the police up and the opposition down. A solution to the Kosova problem is not in his interest. It is completely misguided for the international community to see him in any way other than the person who has created this entire mess.
If things start going down hill for Milosevic in Kosova, than it is foreseen that he will start playing a dirty game in Macedonia. In Montenegro, this conflict already had a destabilizing effect.

KD: Albanians believed that they were going to be rewarded for their pacific policy. Why didn't the West reward their policy built for ten years?

HRW: One of the things that are noticed in Albania and here is the Albanian's tendency - perhaps it comes from the patriarchal nature of the society - to look always up to the bigger brother. I think there was a real naivete, in that approach to always believe that the United States would come to rescue. I remember an Albanian I met in a village, he said to me: "We believe in two things only, in God and in America. I am an atheist, so I wanted to tell him that neither of them exists. I think this was a real mistake. The USA understood this mistake of the Albanians and used it. So every time they purposely invited Rugova to White House for a photo opportunity with Clinton or Albright or Kohl, in Germany, or whoever. And that photograph, published in "Bujku", was seen by many Albanians in Kosova as a sign that the West was going to solve their problems. It was completely misleading. And I think that Washington, Bonn and Paris and everywhere else knew what exactly they were doing and they did it on purpose to give the impression to the Albanians that they would solve the problem, when in fact they weren't willing to solve the problem. That contributed to the existence of the KLA, because after ten years of peaceful resistance, the KLA was born out of Milosevic's repression and the international community's inaction. In fact, there is a real paradox there - because in words, they support Rugova completely, but by not giving any support and by not rewarding the Albanians for their peaceful politics, they helped to create the armed Albanian movement.
In the Balkans, there will not be regional stability, there will not be peace or stability in Kosova, or stability in the region as a whole, without systems that guarantee human rights for all the inhabitants in the region.

KOSOVA (police control – Lipjan)
Police controls increase in the town and outskirts

Lipjan, 7 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
In the police checkpoint of Vërshec, the passengers passing by are evidenced, as some of them are taken for questioning to the police station in Magurë, sources from the municipal political subjects inform.
Increased police controls are evidenced in Lipjan proper, during the past two days. A large number of policemen, are very active in controlling the suburban streets of the town and the sporadic streets, as well as the streets of the nearby villages, where the supervision of the municipal terrain was lacking for some time.
According to these sources, the same forces are conducting increased informative talks with the escapees from the war afflicted zones, particularly with the residents of the parts of Drenica, administered by Lipjan.
During the last two days, the police intervened in the humanitarian health clinic "Mother Theresa" two times, using the pretext of searching for the registers of the patient's names.

SWEDEN (Persson - NATO)
Persson: "The suffering in Kosova must cease"

Stockholm, 7 October (ARTA) 1745CET --
"We shall continue to assist solving conflicts in the Balkans. The suffering in Kosova has got to cease. Sweden is ready to support active measures", said Swedish Prime Minister, Grand Persson, at the first session of the Riksdagg, after parliamentary elections.
He did not say what measures was he referring to, but analysts say he plans to support eventual NATO intervention in Kosova.
"We should learn from history - from the memories of the trenches of the First World War, the bombs in Guernica and people shot in front of the Berlin Wall. We are not to forget snipers on Mount Igman and the Omagh massacre. We are obliged to remember death factories in Belzec, Szobibor, Treblinka, Maydanek, and Auschwitz. If we forget history's charges on human dignity, then violence and hatred shall rule again", said Persson.
Swedish analysts say Prime Ministers statement is a sign of the country's ambitions on promoting in the international scene.

KOSOVA (humanitarian organizations)
"Kosova - a dangerous place to work in"

Prishtina, 7 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
"The situation is very bad and we will try to take the people out of the region", stated the American Deputy State Secretary, Julia Taft, on the issue of the refugees.
In an article published by "The Christian Science Monitor", the Serb Deputy Prime Minister, Vojislav Sesel, was quoted to have said: "If NATO airplanes, are unreachable for us, we can however reach the ones we have in our hands, such as the different humanitarian rights groups".
In Prishtina, where there are recently over 22 different international humanitarian organizations, there is gossip that workers of several of these organizations have started leaving Kosova".
"In the premises of `Pharmaciens Sans Frontier', the only things remaining are their vehicles and computers", sources close to this organization inform. The answering machine says, "we are not here, at the moment. Please leave a massage after the beep".
ICRC spokesman, Josue Anselmo, said that "we have our tradition, and our mandate to work in Kosova and we have reached a decision to stay in Prishtina".
In general, the officials of the international humanitarian organizations talk about their responsibility towards their work and about the fact that they are international humanitarian non-governmental organizations, that know nothing about politics or about any attacks. Nevertheless, it is being found out that lately the fear and confusion took over them, although they seem very calm and determined, when talking about their stay in Kosova.
In the SDR, WEP and MCI premises it is persistently claimed that no one from their staff, moved. "We will continue with our works, tomorrow we will even be going out in the terrain"; it is stated from the DOW humanitarian organization premises. In some of the offices, nobody picks up the phone, even though it is a working day. It is found out that several offices of international humanitarian organizations in Prishtina were told by their embassies that "Kosova is a dangerous place to work in" and that its workers even though still here, they are ready to evacuate.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
Betreff:         [kosovo] Washington Times: Kosovo Questions Without Answer
Datum:         Thu, 08 Oct 1998 00:39:53 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery
The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.
The Washington Times
Wednesday, 7 October 1998


Kosovo questions without answers
by Gary Dempsey

Once again this week, our television screens are filled with images of rolling tanks and massacred civilians.  This time the scene is Kosovo, the independence-minded province in Southern Serbia.  As always, the sight of such horror stirs strong emotions.  NATO intervention may be imminent.  But several crucial questions remain unanswered.  Indeed, the Clinton administration seems not even to have asked them.
     What impact will military intervention in Kosovo have on NATO's role outside its member countries?  How will it affect the development of an independent European defense identity?  And how will it weigh on U.S. military readiness?
     First, intervening in Kosovo will expand NATO's purview dramatically; it will complete the process of transforming NATO from a defensive alliance into an on-call police service.
     The first step of that transformation was Bosnia, which set a precedent for NATO operations outside the geographic territory of member states. Before that, NATO's purpose was to defend its members against external threats, particularly the Soviet Union.  By the end of the Cold War, however, NATO was an alliance in search of a purpose, and peacekeeping presented it with an opportunity to justify its continued existence.  In the case of Bosnia, though, the national government in Sarajevo apaproved of NATO intervention. In the case of Kosovo, the national government of Yugoslavia adamantly opposes interventioin.  If NATO goes ahead anyway, it will set an entirely new precedent:  that NATO can conduct "out-of-area" operations even if the government of the country in question objects to it.
     That dangerous enlargement of NATO's purview exposes the United States to possible involvement in conflicts all around the world.  Indeed, if NATO can intervene in Kosovo, it can theoretically intervene anywhere. That is an especially ominous prospect, given Secretary of State Madeline K. Albright's statement earlier this year that NATO should extend its geographic reach beyond the European continent and evolve into "a force for peace from the Middle East to Central Africa."  Kosovo is just one of a number of places where a minority group within an established state has engaged in a violent effort to achieve national independence:  Armenians in Azerbaijan, Christians in Sudan, Kurds in Turkey and Iraq, Tamils in Sri Lanka, Kashmirir Muslims in India, Karens in Burma, Tibetans and Uighurs in China, Chechens in Russia, Abkhazis in George, and so on.
     Second, if NATO intervenes in Kosovo, it will further set back Europe's ability to build its own security and defense identiy, one that does not depend psychologically and military on the transatlantic participation of the United States.
     Defining Kosovo as a European problem would make those nations closes to the Balkans responsible for maintaining regional stability; strengthen the credibility of European security institutions; and improve the quality, consistency, impact and profile of their operations.  To a great extent, it was precisely the lack of such a arobust European-level security architecture in 1992-95 that inhibited the continent's ability to handle a crisis in its own back yard in Bosnia.
     Over the past few years, NATO has taken initial steps that would enable the Western European Union to undertake such a project.  Indeed, by beginning to work out procedures for releasing NATO assets to the WEU, designating NATO's deputy supreme allied commander as Europe's prospective strategic commander, and identifying NATO officers who could be loaned to European operations, NATO has recognized that there re circumstances in which Europe should act militarily wihtout bringing into play the full apparatus of the transatlantic alliance; that is, the United States.  More American military involvement in the Balkans will only set back that goal and perpetuate Europe's security dependence on the United States.
     Third, if NATO intervention in Kosovo evolves into a peacekeeping operation -- as happened in Bosnia -- that could further reduce U.S. military readiness by keeping more American soldiers away from combat training.  In fact, over the past 10 years, the U.S. ARmy has been used in 29 significant overseas operations, compared with 10 in the previous 40 years.  According to the Pentagon, the strain of so many operations has manifested itself in downward trend lines across various readiness categories in all military services.  Moreover, throughout the military, there is mounting evidence of erosion in America's troop morale and combat strength.  Troops complain that repeated deployments on peace operations and other noncombat missions have compromised their combat training.  A Kosovo peacekeeping operation will simply add to the problem.
     Once again the Clinton administration has set an interventionist court without addressing several key questions.  As a result, the Untied States may soon find itself saddled with yet another strategically irrelevant military commitment overseas.

Gary Dempsey, a foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute, is author of "Washington's Kosovo Policy:  Consequences and  Contradictions," to be released soon.

Reposted by:
Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Kosovo: Serb Shelling of Villages Continues
Datum:         Thu, 8 Oct 1998 00:38:43 +0200
    Von:         Panayote Elias Dimitras <dimitras@CEU.HU>
Kosovo Helsinki Committee:
Serbian Artillery Continue Shelling Villages
Fresh Serbian Troops Arriving

Pristine and Vienna, 7. October 1998.
Despite official Serbian claims, aggression against civilians in Kosovo is continuing, according to information received by the Kosovo Helsinki Committee and the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF).  While some troop withdrawls have taken place, there has been no withdrawal of Serbian troops from the region of Shtimje in Central Kosova, where special forces have been reinforced, and villages in the Drenica region were still under Serbian artillery fire.

"In the face of the continued presence of Serbian forces, artillery fire and intimidation, the thousands of displaced persons cannot consider returning to their homes for fear of becoming targets," said Gazmend Pula, Chairman of the Kosovo Helsinki Committee.  "We are seeing more of the same despite the UN resolution."

At noon on October 5, motorized Serbian units, including numerous tanks, army trucks and APCs full of soliders and paramilataries, paraded through the center of Shtimje.  Elite Serbian forces continue to stationed in the nearby hillside area known as Kodra e Geshtenjava, from where they have shelled scores of surrounding villages.  Special Serbian forces remain in the villages of Carraleva and Belince and have continued to build fortifications along the Shtimje-Prizren road. Busloads of soldiers and paramilitaries and APCs are reported to be coming from Serbia to the Podujeva area and stationed near their base at Tabet e Llapashtices, as well as in the villages of Orllan, Lluzhan, and Kerpimeh. Some forces are reported moving further toward Prishtina.

As recently as 7 October, Serbian forces were reportedly still shelling the villages of Llausha, Rrezal and Likoc in the Drenica region, as well as the villages of Dush, Chupeve and Gremnik.  The situation is similar in the Western part of Kosovo in the area of Gjakova, Dechan, and Peja, near the Albanian border, where army concentrations are particularly heavy.  Attacks on the villages of  Koshare and Morina, on the border zone are reported to have been intense on Oct. 4 and 5. Serbian forces are also reported to have attacked the village of Dragobil near Malisheva, and sporadic fighting is being reported from the Malisheva area.  Serbian forces are still reported as active in the region of Volljaka near Klina.

More civilian bodies have been found. On 4 October the bodies of two other victims of the Deliu family (22 members of which were massacred and mutilated in the woods of Abri Eperme) were identified. Eyewitnesses reported that the two girls, Antigona Hysen Deli (14) and Mihane Hysen Deliu (16), had been murdered by Serb forces.  On 5 October, the bodies of five other Albanians were discovered in the village of Pllocice.

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and its 34 national Helsinki committees urge the international community to demand an immediate cease-fire and full, unconditional, and prompt compliance with United Nations resolutions, backed by a fixed-deadline ultimatum based on military resolve.

The IHF insists that the Serbian forces must be fully withdrawn, not exchanged for fresh reinforcements.  All humanitarian agencies must have full and unrestricted access to internally displaced persons.  The diplomatic monitoring mission and journalists must have full and unrestricted access throughout Kosovo.

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, along with its members in Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro, renews its call for a "Dayton-type" conference as well as the involvement of an international preventive ground force to be deployed in Kosovo, to promote the search for a political solution.

For More Information:

Aaron Rhodes,   IHF, Tel. +43-1-402 73 87, Fax +43-1-408 74 44,
e-mail: office@ihf-hr.org

Gazmend Pula,   Kosova Helsinki Committee, Tel/Fax +381-38-26 153,
e-mail: pula.khc@eunet.yu

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) is a non-governmental organization which monitors compliance with the human rights provisions of the Helsinki Final Act and its follow-up documents. In addition to supporting and providing liaison among 34 Helsinki committees, the IHF has direct links with human rights activists where no Helsinki committees exist. It criticizes human rights abuses regardless of the political system of the state where these abuses occur.

Greek Helsinki Monitor & Minority Rights Group - Greece
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9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press: Gazeta Albania October 8
Datum:         Thu, 8 Oct 1998 07:01:39 -0400
    Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
Yugoslav Soldiers Open Fire on Albanian Border Unit

TIRANA, October 7 - An Albanian police unit patrolling the border with Kosova was shot at by Yugoslav soldiers on Tuesday but did not sustain any injuries, the Albanian Interior Ministry said on Wednesday. The Yugoslav soldiers had opened fire on the Albanian border unit without any reason or warning. The ministry said the police unit was patrolling the border at Borje village, in Kukes district, some 210 km (130 miles) northeast of Tirana, when it came under fire on Tuesday at 12:10, in vicinity of the border post D 16/9 from Yugoslav soldiers across the border in neighboring Kosova. The ministry's spokesman was quoted by the ATA news agency as saying that the unit moved swiftly to an observation post, where they again came under fire. The bullets of the Yugoslav soldiers have hit the observation post of the Albanian unit and its fire sites. The Yugoslav party has been called to a meeting regarding this incident, said the spokesman of this ministry. There have been numerous flare-ups along the Albanian border with Yugoslavia following the outbreak in March of conflict in the Kosova, which is 90 percent populated by ethnic Albanians. The spokesman of the Ministry of Public Order reported to Albanian state run news agency that in the village of Borje, the Albanian border unit was shot by fire weapons from a Yugoslav unit while patrolling. The Albanian border soldiers have taken up defensive positions but without responding to the fire. The open attack on the territory of the Republic of Albania is a continuation of the provocation and attacks by Serb military machine made time and again.
Serbia, threatened with a possible NATO military intervention, wants to involve the Republic of Albania in the conflict. During may-September 1998 47 incidents by the  Serb military forces had  been registered. During the  same period 10 Albanian  citizens have been killed, 3 wounded and the Albanian space had been violated  8 times.

Van den Broek: Russia Should not Be Allowed to Veto NATO Action

STRASBOURG, October 7 /Reuters/ - The European Union's foreign affairs chief Hans van den Broek criticized Russia's stance on Kosova on Wednesday, saying Moscow should put aside its concerns to prevent a humanitarian disaster. "If there are more refugees and homeless people, they are not going to be going to Moscow. No, it's the neighboring countries, the Western countries, who will bear the brunt of this." Van den Broek travels to Moscow with European Commission President Jacques Santer on Thursday and will meet Premier Yevgeny Primakov on Russia's economic and political crisis on Friday. German Green Deputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit told a parliamentary debate the EU should withhold new money from Moscow until it cooperates on Kosova. Van den Broek said Russia should not be allowed to veto action, and the West had already waited too long to avoid a Bosnia-style catastrophe. "History is repeating itself," he said.

Germany: West Being Forced to Intervene

BONN, October 7 /Reuters/ - Germany's victorious Social Democrats said on Wednesday the likelihood of Western military action to try to resolve the crisis in Kosova was growing.
"The West is on the brink of being forced to make a final decision on this matter," SPD foreign affairs spokesman Guenter Verheugen told Deutschlandfunk radio. Verheugen said the more time spent discussing and qualifying what was and was not needed before a military strike took place, the safer Milosevic could feel. The SPD has previously said that under exceptional circumstances it would support military intervention without a U.N. mandate. As one of its last major duties before handing over power to Social Democrat Chancellor-elect Gerhard Schroeder, Kohl's cabinet last week offered 500 troops and 14 Tornado aircraft to NATO for possible deployment in Kosova peacekeeping. Germany joined France, Norway, Denmark, and Britain on Wednesday in advising its nationals in Yugoslavia to leave the country as prospects for possible NATO military action against Yugoslav forces over Kosova increased. Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin told a regular government news conference in Bonn that there were about 600 German nationals currently in Yugoslavia.

EU Members Warn their Nationals to Leave Yugoslavia Immediately

LONDON, October 7 /Reuters/ - Britain advised its nationals on Wednesday to leave Yugoslavia immediately and Prime Minister Tony Blair said NATO air strikes were coming closer. The warning to British nationals to leave Yugoslavia in view of the increasingly volatile situation went out on the British Broadcasting Corporation's World Service on Wednesday morning, the Foreign Office spokeswoman said. Blair told reporters in Beijing that NATO was moving closer to launching air strikes against Yugoslavia because it appeared President Slobodan Milosevic was not complying with U.N. resolutions on Kosova. Blair also discussed the crisis in Yugoslavia's Kosova province by telephone with Russian President Boris Yeltsin, as Russia stepped up its efforts to negotiate a compromise in the Balkans. Russia has tried to broker a compromise with Milosevic, and has said it would use its veto in the U.N. Security Council to block any resolution authorizing NATO strikes. The Times newspaper said the Russians had supplied the Serbs with advance missile equipment, including new warheads, fuses and sensors for their mobile SAM-6 missiles. France also asked its nationals on Wednesday to leave Yugoslavia immediately and stay away until further notice. A Foreign Ministry statement said the order was issued "due to the uncertainty of the situation". It also applied to the families of French diplomatic personnel on the spot. The United Nations has demanded that Yugoslavia withdraw its forces from Kosova and end its crackdown against ethnic Albanians who make up about 90 percent of the province's population.

Contact Group to Overcome Moscow 's Opposition on NATO Action

BELGRADE, October 7 /Reuters/ - The West on Wednesday piled pressure on Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic as they stepped up warnings to expect punitive NATO air strikes for his refusal to obey U.N. demands for a peace deal in Kosova. U.S. mediator Richard Holbrooke was due to start a third and possibly decisive round of talks with Milosevic (1200 GMT) as a psychosis of fear gripped ordinary Serbs in contrast with their government's outward calm. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright planned to travel to Brussels, where NATO has its headquarters, later on Wednesday to confer with Holbrooke and Solana. Their talks would be a crucial preamble to a session on Thursday of the Big Power Contact Group which co-ordinates international mediation in the Kosova crisis. The meeting of the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Italy would try to overcome Moscow's opposition to NATO action without U.N. approval, which it has pledged to veto. Holbrooke has met Milosevic twice this week without persuading him to meet U.N. and NATO demands for "irreversible and verifiable" efforts to end seven months of bloody conflict with ethnic Albanian majority in Kosova. The independent Belgrade news agency Beta quoted informed diplomatic sources as saying Holbrooke suggested sending a joint force of Western and Russian troops to supervise a cease-fire in Kosova while negotiations take place. U.S. President Bill Clinton said NATO was prepared to act unless Milosevic ended the offensive against the Albanians.

American plan urging Serbs for final massacre
The assassinations of the few leaders from Northern Kosova -- an attempt to partition it

The latest onslaughts of Serbian forces in Kosova are focused in its northern part where ethnic cleansing of the Albanians and burning down of  the villages around Mitrovica, Vushtrria and Podujeva regions is about to be finished. All of these three towns, in which the fleeing villagers are now concentrated, belong to the Kosova region that Serbia seeks to cut off. It is more than obvious why the Serbs are interested in this very region. The biggest lead and zinc mine in Europe, Trepca, is situated here. The entire Kosovar economy and a big part of Serbian economy rely on it. No matter what the next political status of Kosova will be, Serbia authorities do not want this region to be inhabited by Albanians. The international circle for intervention in Kosova, on the other side, is getting narrower. The recent resolution of the UN Security Council and the softening of Russia and China statements are the main hopes of Kosova Albanians, who are disappointed from the failure of their leaders to organize a defensive war and protect the population from genocide. The Serbian aim for partitioning of Kosova is now more obvious than ever before. The American government representative Christopher Hill, with his plan for a very pale autonomy for Kosova, as well as the concessions made by Rugova and his allies in this respect, has encouraged the Serbs for their final assault aiming the partitioning of Kosova. The American plan does, in fact, offer some degree of autonomy, though lesser not only than that of 1974, but also than that offered (formally) by the Serbian constitution. Yet, there is another reason why the American plan pleases the Serbs - according to it the Albanian majority of 92% and the Serbian minority of 4% are politically equal. The Serbs have also interpreted this as an American sign allowing the partitioning of Kosova. The latest Serb onslaughts in the above mentioned areas have succeeded this American plan. They are hurrying to achieve their final objective, fearing that the Albanians may except the American plan in spite of it being very humiliating for them. On the other hand, employing their military and administrative actions, as well as their secret agents, the Serbs are creating the climate for the most extremist wing of the Albanian political specter, Kosova Peoples Movement (KPM), to come to power. This wing gives the impression of being the most aggressive one, but is in fact more than willing to agree to the partitioning, with the sole condition of coming to power. The KPM consists of supporters of Enver Hoxha, former Albanian communist dictator, and controls one fraction of Kosova Liberation Army (KLA). The KPM has recently started to eliminate their political rivals.
Ironically enough, the last two assassinations were aimed at two Albanian leaders coming from Northern Kosova, the part of Kosova that Serbia seeks to sequester. Kosova Government's (in exile)  Defense Minister, Ahmet Krasniqi, who was shot in Tirana (Albania), came from Vushrri, whereas the Member of Parliament and Rugova's close ally, Sabri Hamiti, wounded in Prishtina, comes from Podujeva. The truth is that the Serbs have long ago urged the dismissal of people from this region from Kosova's political life. Now, those who have survived the political dismissal are undergoing a physical dismissal. Most people fleeing northern rural areas of Kosova have sought refuge in Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Podujeva. An assault on these towns to expel the Albanian population is to be expected should the Serbs ensure that the cleansing is achievable within the time needed for NATO forces to intervene. In such a case, most of the Northern Kosova would be ethnically cleansed prior to NATO intervention, thus the intervention itself would not affect the Serbian plans. It would in fact, create good grounds to discuss the partitioning of Kosova, because NATO intervention would not bring the dead back to life. Of course, an assault on Mitrovica, a city of 200 thousand inhabitants (second city in Kosova), would surpass the current Serb offensive schemes in Kosova. On the other hand, it will be impossible for the Albanians to organize a solid resistance in the cities now that the defending of the villages has failed. The cleansing of the villages, requiring more time, was a more difficult undertaking for the Serbs, which is why the war has started in rural areas. Such an undertaking was intended to weaken the Albanians when it comes to the final combat.
The final combat would require the Serbs to indulge in a swift assault breaking all possible norms of war, an assault they will nonetheless undertake, knowing that it would provoke NATO intervention. The only thing to prevent such an assault would be a NATO threat, or a western warning to Belgrade stating that in that case Kosova's independence with its current borders would be recognized, the results of the ethnic cleansing being disregarded. Unfortunately, the American plan presented by Christopher Hill gives the impression that the intervention will only come after the massacres, and that the results of ethnic cleansing will be recognized just as they were in Bosnia. The biggest hope for Kosova Albanians, especially those in its northern part, is the belief that the whole plan is an American trap for Milosevic, a trap where the region around Trepce including Mitrovica would be the bait, but not the scapegoat. It would be senseless for the Americans to agree to Kosova's partitioning. Hitler's Germany was punished to partition due to its aggression and genocide on the Jews. Thus, it is Serbia that needs to be partitioned and not Kosova.
Nexhmedin Spahiu

10. eventual additional press news 
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Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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Die Bibel sagt 
      HERR, du wollest deine Barmherzigkeit nicht von mir wenden; 
           lass deine Guete und Treue allewege mich behueten. 
      Lass deiner sich freuen und froehlich sein 
           alle, die nach dir fragen; 
      und die dein Heil lieben, lass allewege sagen: 
           Der HERR sei hoch gelobt ! 
      Du bist mein Helfer und Erretter; 
           mein Gott, saeume doch nicht !
    Psalm 40, 12.17.18b
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
    Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: 
         let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me. 
    Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: 
    let such as love thy salvation 
         say continually, The LORD be magnified. 
    thou [art] my help and my deliverer; 
         make no tarrying, O my God. 
    Psalm 40, 11.16.17b
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 8.10.1998  

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