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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 11. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 11, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1579

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1. Meldungen von dpa

Meldung vom 11.10.1998 19:22   http://seite1.web.de/show/3620E95A.NL1/
Rußland bereitet keine «harte Antwort» auf möglichen NATO-Schlag vor
Moskau (dpa) - Moskau bereitet nach Angaben von Außenminister Igor Iwanow für den Fall einer NATO-Intervention im Kosovo-Konflikt keine «harte Antwort» vor, weil es sich nicht um eine Agression gegen Rußland handeln würde.
     Der Minister reagierte damit am Sonntag offenbar auf Stimmen in Rußland, die eine zumindest moralische Unterstützung Jugoslawiens im Falle eines westlichen Eingreifens gefordert hatten.
     So hatte ein ranghoher Mitarbeiter des Verteidigungsministeriums die Wiederaufnahme voller militärischer Beziehungen zu Jugoslawien angekündigt, falls die NATO ohne ein UNO-Mandat militärisch eingreife.
     Iwanow machte im Fernsehsender RTR jedoch deutlich, daß ein solcher Schritt des Westens von russischer Seite «völlig eindeutig» als Verletzung des Friedens und als Akt der Aggression eingestuft werden würde.
     Präsident Boris Jelzin, der am Nachmittag zu einem Staatsbesuch in der mittelasiatischen Republik Usbekistan eintraf, verfolgte die Entwicklung um das Kosovo nach Angaben seines Sprechers Dmitri Jakuschkin sehr aufmerksam.
     Rußland, traditioneller Verbündeter der Serben, lehnt den Einsatz von Gewalt zur Lösung des Kosovo-Konflitks strikt ab. Ministerpräsident Jewgeni Primakow hatte am Vortag angekündigt, Rußland werde seine Beziehungen zur westlichen Allianz im Falle eines NATO-Schlags gegen die Serben «korrigieren».
© dpa
Meldung vom 11.10.1998 18:37  http://seite1.web.de/show/3620DED9.NL1/
Rumänien und Bulgarien öffnen der NATO ihren Luftraum nur bedingt
Bukarest/Sofia (dpa) - Im Falle einer NATO-Militär-Intervention im Kosovo-Konflikt wollen Rumänien und Bulgarien der Allianz ihren Luftraum nur unter genau festgelegten Bedingungen öffnen.
     Der Oberste Verteidigungsrat Rumäniens beschloß am Sonntag, der NATO die Nutzung des rumänischen Luftraums «in dringenden Fällen und unvorhergesehenen Situationen" zu erlauben. Bulgarien stellte der NATO am Sonntag Bedingungen zur Freigabe seines Luftraumes.
     Albanien hatte am Samstag bekanntgegeben, daß es seinen Luftraum und seine Hoheitsgewässer für mögliche NATO-Luftangriffe gegen Serbien bis Ende des Jahres freigibt.
     Sofias stellvertretender Außenminister Marin Rajkow sagte am Sonntag vor der Presse, Bulgarien bestehe auf eine Vereinbarung mit der NATO. Man werde nur einen bestimmten Luft-Korridor öffnen.
     Die Flugrichtung solle nur von Westen nach Osten verlaufen, also nicht in Richtung Jugoslawien. Flüge dürfe es "nur im Falle einer Notwendigkeit" nach Beenden einer Mission geben. Es sollen nur "humanitäre und logistische" und keine militärischen Flüge erlaubt werden, sagte Rajkow.
     Die Vereinbarung mit der NATO soll auch Garantien für die nationale Sicherheit Bulgariens enthalten. Damit wurde die Stellungnahme der bulgarischen Regierung zum Antrag der NATO auf Freigabe «des bulgarischen Luftraumes" präzisiert. Bulgarien grenzt an die Bundesdrepublik Jugoslawien.
     In Rumänien teilte das Präsidialamt am Sonntag weiter mit, die Überflug-Genehmigung des Obersten Verteidigungsrats müsse noch vom Parlament genehmigt werden. Vorsitzender des Verteidigungsrats ist Staatspräsident Emil Constantinescu. Das Parlament sollte an diesem Montag zusammentreten.
     Der Nordatlantische Rat hatte Rumänien am vergangenen Freitag gebeten, den Luftraum für die NATO-Flugzeuge zu öffnen, falls sich die Situation in der Region verschlimmere.
     Der Verteidigungsrat in Bukarest beschloß außerdem, der NATO eine mobile Mehrzweck-Truppe für humanitäre Zwecke zur Verfügung stellen. Zu dieser Truppe würden ein Lazarett gehören, eine Abteilung zur Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen sowie eine Truppe für den Wieder-Aufbau von zerstörten Wohnungen. Auch dieser Beschluß muß vom Parlament in Bukarest noch gebilligt werden.
     Auch in Sofia hieß es, eine mögliche Vereinbarung mit der NATO müsse gemäß der Verfassung vom bulgarischen Parlament ratifiziert werden. Die erste mögliche Sitzung findet an diesem Mittwoch statt. Sofia machte keine Angaben über einen Termin für die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen mit der NATO.
     Die oppositionellen Sozialisten (Ex-Kommunisten) lehnten die Öffnung des bulgarischen Luftraumes für einen Einsatz der NATO in Jugoslawien ab. Sie wollen eine Sondersitzung des Parlaments über die Haltung Bulgariens zur Lage in Kosovo und die Folgen von eventuellen Kampfhandlungen beantragen.
     In der Mitteilung des rumänischen Präsidialamts hieß es weiter, das Land betone erneut den Wunsch nach einer friedlichen Lösung im Kosovo. Constantinescu hatte vor der Sitzung des Verteidigungsrats gesagt, er habe telefonisch mit seinen Kollegen in der Türkei, Moldawien, Bulgarien und Slowenien über die Lage im Kosovo beraten und auch mit den Oppositionsparteien gesprochen.
     Ähnlich wie in Bulgarien ist auch Rumäniens postkommunistische Opposition eindeutig dagegen, die NATO-Intervention zu unterstützen. Als Argument führen sie die Sicherheitsinteressen Rumäniens sowie die traditionelle Freundschaft zu Jugoslawien an.
© dpa
Meldung vom 11.10.1998 15:52  http://seite1.web.de/show/3620B809.NL1/
Alte und neue Regierung sprechen über Kosovo-Einsatz
Bonn (dpa) - Vor der Zustimmung der deutschen Regierung zu einem NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo werden an diesem Montag der amtierende Bundeskanzler Helmut und sein designierter Nachfolger Gerhard Schröder sowie führende Vertreter der alten und neuen Regierung zu einem Abstimmungsgespräch zusammenkommen. Dies wurde am Sonntag in Bonn bekannt.
     Das Kabinett will den Aktivierungsbefehl, mit dem die Wahl des Zeitpunktes für einen Angriff auf serbische Stellungen auf das NATO-Oberkommando übergeht, in einer Sitzung am Montag formell billigen.
     Dabei sollen die von Bonn bereitgestellten 14 Tornado-Kampfflugzeuge zunächst ausgeklammert werden, weil das neue Parlament erst zustimmen muß. Bei dem Treffen der alten und neuen Koalition geht es darum, ob sich Soldaten der Bundeswehr im Falle eines militärischen Eingreifens des Bündnisses aus den NATO-Stäben und von Bord der AWACS-Überwachungsflugzeuge zurückziehen müssen. Schröder hatte nach seinen Gesprächen in Washington am Freitag seine Zustimmung zur «activation order» der NATO signalisiert.
© dpa
      ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
Kaum zu glauben:
  s o  handelt das Land
Oktoberfestes !
dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
© dpa
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1579
Datum:         Sun, 11 Oct 1998 16:14:31 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 11 October 1998

"Kosova Is Asking Vociferously for and Looking Forward to NATO's Intervention"
Summary of Informatori daily's leading article

PRISHTINA, Oct 11 (KIC) - The international community has been entreating Milosevic to comply with the demands of the UN Resolution and the Contact Group over Kosova, but the entreaties have fallen on deaf ears so far, Enver Maloku, the editor in chief of the Informatori evening newspaper maintains in a leading article on Sunday. Milosevic has been refusing to accept what are "extremely soft" demands put forward by international factors, Maloku writes.
What has done the Contact Group since March 1998? How many lives have been saved by the UN Security Council? Has the political process made any headway since Ambassador Holbrooke's engagement? Have statements by Clinton, Blair, Chirca, Anan, Kohl thwarted at all the Serb killing machinery? - to these questions the Informatori writers answers negatively. "Therefore, it is futile for the world to continue to threaten and plea Serbia as heretofore, and it is pointless for leading diplomats to continue kneeling down to the man who is responsible for the most menstruous crimes this half century".
It is high time for the Western diplomacy to give up such futile efforts, to accept defeat, Maloku writes. The Western world, including the United States, have made many mistakes and undermined their authority and credibility by "being fooled from a petty dictator", the Informatori writer notes. "It is hard to believe diplomacy will be able to achieve anything without force backing it."
In their continued entreaties to Milosevic, the international community is giving signs of its willingness to accept his plans for Kosova, which, summed up, mean subjugation, violence and terror, Enver Maloku writes. "Therefore, the arrival of U.S. diplomats in Prishtina (on Saturday), was seen with dread here, because the problem of Kosova is not in Kosova, but in Belgrade! The possibility of averting (NATO) military intervention against Serb targets should not be sought in the Kosovar politics, but rather in Belgrade, which can prevent it by allowing Kosova to be free".
Mr. Maloku concludes his leading article in the conviction that the Western diplomats have been persuaded once more that "Kosova is asking vociferously for and looking forward to NATO's intervention".

Qosja Slams Interim Accord Plan for Kosova, Agani Says It Is Unacceptable
It could become a permanent status for Kosova within Serbia/Yugoslavia, opposition leader maintains

PRISHTINA, Oct 11 (KIC) - Rexhep Qosja, leader of the United Democratic Movement (LBD), a political coalition of four opposition parties in Kosova, said the interim accord plan for Kosova which has been presented to the Kosovar side was unacceptable.
Mr. Qosja, who met with Chris Hill, the U.S. envoy for Kosova, on Saturday, told the Koha Ditore daily the plan, which was drafted by the Contact Group, envisages that Kosova remain within both Yugoslavia and Serbia.
"The interim accord, the transitional agreement, the provisional status, such as it is envisioned in the document, can become a permanent resolution for the Kosova issue, rather a permanent status. Naturally enough, such a status for the LBD is utterly unacceptable", Rexhep Qosja said.
The Parliamentary Party of Kosova (PPK), the Albanian Democratic Movement (LDSH), the Party of National Unity (UNIKOMB), and the Albanian Liberal Party (PLSH) formed last week a coalition named the United Democratic Union (LBD) under Qosja's leadership.
A plan for an interim accord for Kosova, referred to sometimes as only a set of ideas for further discussion, was presented early last month by U.S. envoy Chris Hill and published by the Koha Ditore daily in Prishtina. It has been harshly criticized in Kosova as being unacceptable, pro-Serb, some even cynically suggesting it had been drafted by the Serb side itself.
Veton Surroi, the Koha Ditore editor, was the first to slam the draft plan as unacceptable. A former Kosova negotiating team member, Surroi met yesterday with visiting U.S. diplomats in Prishtina.
Meanwhile, Dr. Fehmi Agani, the chief Kosova negotiator, told the Serb Blic daily, the revised U.S. plan for Kosova was unacceptable. "In principle, this proposal is unacceptable, because it sees solution (for Kosova) within Serbia and Yugoslavia". Kosovar Albanians will not give up their independence bid, Agani said, according to Beta news agency.

Serbs Start Burning Cerovik Village, Klina, Sunday Afternoon

PRISHTINA, Oct 11 (KIC) - Early afternoon today (Sunday), Serb forces entered Cerovik village of Klina, central Kosova, and embarked on a large-scale arson campaign in the village, local sources reported.
Serbs have been deliberately setting afire Albanian farmhouses, witnesses told the LDK chapter in Klina.
The local population has never returned to the Cerovik village in the wake of Serb attacks during summer months, the LDK said. It added that a foreign television crew who happened to be in the area was able to film the burning houses in Cerovik today.

Shooting Reported in Skenderaj Villages, Albanian Houses Ablaze in Makërmal, Sunday

PRISHTINA, Oct 11 (KIC) - Serb forces set several farmhouses in the Markermal village of Skenderaj ('Srbica') on fire today (Sunday) morning, local sources reported.
The Skenderaj chapter of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said around midday toady that plumes of smoke were billowing from houses in Makërmal since morning. The CDHRF failed to provide other details regarding the extent of the Serb forces' attack in the village or possible casualties there today.
The human rights group said, however, that there was increased movement of Serb forces in the area since last evening. At around 18:30 yesterday, a convoy of Serb forces consisting of 19 vehicles, trucks and tanks, drove through Mitrovica and Skenderaj, and headed for Likovc village. Shooting was heard in the area around Likovc after 19:00 hrs, it said.
Shooting from machine-guns was heard today morning around the village of Tërstenik village in the neighboring municipality of Gllogovc. The LDK chapter in the town could not tell still by early afternoon today what had happened in the area around Tërstenik.

Albanian Dies After Being Tortured in Serb Hands

PRISHTINA, Oct 11 (KIC) - A 58-year-old Albanian, Sherif Buzhala, resident of Budakova village of Suhareka, died on Saturday after having been tortured by Serbs the previous day.
The LDK chapter in Suhareka said Serb forces cracked down on Budakova village, terrorizing and arresting local Albanians.
The now late Sherif Buzhala fell unconscious when assaulted by the Serb policemen. He died the next morning.
The LDK said the Serb police rounded up several villagers in Budakova on Friday, including Gani Sallauka (29) and Arif Daka (27), whose whereabouts have been unknown ever since.

Women and Children Die in Refugee Camping Sites

PRISHTINA, Oct 11 (KIC) - Two Kosvar Albanian women died in makeshift refugee camps in Drenica region, central Kosova, on Saturday and Sunday.
Emine Kurtaj (1962) resident of Açareva (Gllogoc), died last evening in Tërstenik village where her family had found shelter earlier this year. The late Mrs Kurtaj died in a childbed, while her baby survived, sources said.
Rahime Brahimi (30), resident of Plluzhina (Skënderaj), died today morning in Tërdefc village. The chapter of human rights Council in Skenderaj said Rrahime Brahimi, mother to four children, had fled her village three months ago.
The LDK chapter said two children died in refugee camping sites in the area in the past couple of days. Rrahman Muhamet Bytyçi (3) died in Sllapuzhan village on Friday. Another infant, Mihrije Sahiti died in a camping site at Karvansari valley.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 11, 1998 at  15:30 hrs
KOSOVA (Holbrooke – Prishtina)
There is no progress, negotiation rounds continue
Ylber Bajraktari

Prishtina, 10 October (ARTA) 1530CET --
It seems that the special American envoy for the Balkans, Richard Holbrooke, did not manage to make any progress, during yesterday's conversations in Belgrade, with the "Yugoslav" President Milosevic and today's meeting with the President of the Republic of Kosova, Ibrahim Rugova.
     "We are at the same point we were yesterday", said Holbrooke, immediately after the meeting with Rugova and added that "We are back where we came from - in an extremely serious situation without any changes".
     In the afternoon hours of Saturday, Holbrooke is awaiting for the sixth round of the talks with President Milosevic. "Tonight I will meet with President Milosevic, and we will see where we will go from there", he said.
     The American diplomat Holbrooke joined the diplomatic attempts of the other American envoy for Kosova, Christopher Hill, to achieve a political solution for the seven month long war in Kosova, at the time when NATO threatens the remains of "Yugoslavia" with air attacks, for not fulfilling the demands of the UN Security Council resolution # 1199 and the six points of the Contact Group.
     "NATO plans, continue to go ahead" stated Holbrooke. Asked about the air attacks, the American "bulldozer diplomat", stated "I do the job, and the reporters need to say what time it is".
     "Nobody wants to go back to bombarding or military actions, but on the other hand the resolution # 1199 is quite clear" claimed Holbrooke and added: "British Foreign Secretary Cook and the one of the American state, Albright, made it quite clear that the "Yugoslav" Government is not fulfilling the demands of this resolution. On this plain of the problem, the other part of Europe plans to deal in a different manner with this issue, and this is not why we are here", he said referring to the NATO preparations.
     The designer of today's Bosnia, Holbrooke, during the war in Bosnia, was asked by President Clinton to mediate between Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb, a mediation that resulted with the agreement signed in Dayton, which earned Holbrooke the possibility to run for the post of the USA Ambassador in the UN.
     "We are here to achieve a complete, sustained, credible, verified and undisputed fulfillment of the UN resolution", said Holbrooke referring to the Security Council resolution, that demands the complete withdrawal of the Serb police units, the immediate ending of the clashes and ending of the repressive actions against civilians.
     On Holbrooke’s demand, the American Ambassador was escorted by the British Ambassador in Belgrade, Brian Donnelly.
     "We are here to express a clear unity, concerning the support of the demands", said Donelly referring to the 6 demands set in the last Contact Group meeting, head by the British Foreign Secretary, Cook.
     The American spokesman, Philip Reeker, explained the diplomatic engagements as "two track’ approaches, one by Holbrooke, trying to ensure that Milosevic fulfills the UN demands and from the other side the attempts to insure a political agreement for the future of Kosova.
     Ambassador Hill is particularly working on the second track of the temporary solution. He has been mediating for complete 6 months between Prishtina and Belgrade.
     On this regard, Hill met in Belgrade also the Serb President Milutinovic, while in Prishtina, besides meeting the President of the Republic, he also accomplished meetings with the representatives of the United Democratic Movement and the former members of the Albanian negotiating group, Veton Surroi and Blerim Shala.
     Following the meeting with the American diplomat, chairman of LBD, Rexhep Qosja, said "this movement does not support the temporary agreement that was offered to the Albanian side". The document drafted by the Contact Group, foresees to leave Kosova within the Yugoslav Federation and under the Republic of Serbia at the same time.
     "The temporary solution, the temporary agreement, the temporary status as it is presented in the document, could remain as the final solution of the Kosova issue, in fact not a solution but a permanent status. Of course, LBD will not support such a status", said Qosja.
     Asked whether Belgrade has by now made any concessions, Qosja answered: "Something might have been done, but the Security Council's demands were not fulfilled".

KOSOVA (negotiations – Prishtina)
Albanian side: "No comment", "This is only a work document..."

Prishtina, 10 October (ARTA) 1945CET --
The head of the Albanian negotiating team, Fehmi Agani, along with Ilaz Kurteshi and Edita Tahiri and one of the authors of the draft-plan, Jimm O'Bryan, discussed about the American plan for Kosova, today at the USIS premises.
     Sources close to the Albanian negotiators, inform that the American plan to the group's members, is at this time only a work document, based on which, another plan needs to be drafted.
     Although, sources state, the text of this document seems to have been corrected, in comparison with the first variant and as such, it seems to be more advanced, however for the negotiating group, many important issues in it, are still not precise as they should be.
     During this meeting, the Albanian side presented its notes concerning the document, while the authors of this plan were left to discuss about these notes. The Albanian-American consultations on this issue are expected to continue, although it is still not sure when they will resume, due to the diplomatic offensive by the international community that is taking place lately. It seems that Ambassador Hill, is still staying in Prishtina in the function of these discussions.
     Nevertheless, the negotiating group received the referred document two days ago. This is precisely the reason that its members state that they are being placed in front of the finished act, since they were the last ones to receive the document, even at the time the American diplomats are running to catch "the last train" to get out of the severe crisis of Kosova and to escape from forcing Milosevic to accept the solution.
     Otherwise, a day before, sources close to President Rugova, notified that he has accepted the document, but only as a starting point in the process of negotiating the solution of the Kosova issue.
     Concerning this issue, it has also been said that Rugova, exercised great pressure on the Albanian negotiating group, whose members then were still not aware about the context of this document. After the meeting with "the foreigners" ended, the negotiating team are expected to inform President Rugova, who also met with the special American envoy for the Balkans, Richard Holbrooke.

KOSOVA (reinforcements – Podujevë)
Serb forces build bunkers, dig trenches for camouflaging weaponry

Podujevë, 10 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
Sources of information from Podujevë state that new Serb police and military forces arrive from Serbia to Kosova each day. Same sources note that Serb military\police forces are repositioning in Obranqë, at Tabelat e Llapashticës, where they are building bunkers and digging trenches for the fighting technique.
     Two tanks are stationed in the village of Llapashticë e Poshtme, as other weaponry is being camouflaged. It is also found out that new Serb police reinforcement, arrived in Lluzhan.

KOSOVA (reinforcements – Klinë)
Serb forced stationed in Albanian ghost villages

Klinë, 10 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
Serb military\police forces stationed in the region of Sverkë, mainly in large pits as the one called Palicë, sources from the ground state. At the separation point, in Volljakë, in a bunker - 50 meters long and 4 meters wide - Serb forces placed trucks filled with weapons and ammunition. It is also interesting to note that the Serb forces at the place called Zabeli i Hoxhës, raised the Albanian flag.
     The Serb forces stationed in the forest make it impossible for the corpses of the killed to be brought to the village and be buried. In Gllarevë, the Serb police did not allow the identification of the 4 corpses, found in the forest of these villages, as they were buried near the village's school building.
     Villagers of Këpuz, Çeskovë and Grabanicë, state that Serb forces have mined several streets of this region, which is also preventing the humanitarian organizations to go out in the terrain to provide help for the population.
     The residents of the village of Përçevë are also going through tragic moments. They have been living for the third consecutive day under the open sky, by the cemetery of the village of Domanek. This population is out of basic living items. The only assistance they are getting is from the KLA reserves.
     As a result of the difficulties, in the forest, another woman from Cerrovik, whose name remains unknown, died.

KOSOVA (IDPs – Suharekë)
Serb forces prevent the dislocated go back home

Suharekë, 10 October (ARTA) 1730CET --
CDHRF sources in Suharekë state that a police expedition consisted of 5 APCs and several terrain vehicles, headed in the Budakovë, a village afflicted by the war, where they maltreated the residents. Lately, the residents of this village started returning home, to see their burned homes, since in fact they have no place to go back to. Upon the arrival of this police expedition, a group of villagers that were found there, were maltreated by the Serb police, as two young from the village of Vërshec were abducted. Serb police forces cruised down the villages of Mushtisht and Sopi, maltreating the passers by. In ten villages of the municipality of Suharekë, the police is not allowing the residents to return home.
     For three months now, some 5 thousand villagers of Bllacë, continue living a refugee’s life. One of the locals said desperately "we are tired living in people's homes. If only I could see myself once more stretch freely in my own yard...".
     According to the data issued by associations of Suharekë, it is considered that over 15 residents are presently outside their homes, and about the same number of people, are accommodated in their burned houses.
     The boy Rrahman Bytyçi (3), from Sllapuzhan, died as a result of bad living conditions. Due to the same reasons, Mihrie Haliti's baby, from Senik temporarily sheltered in Kravasari, died.

KOSOVA (Solana – Brussels)
Solana: Last threat before the "Activation Order"

Brussels, 10 October (ARTA) 1830CET --
The NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, after the extraordinary meeting with the NATO Council, told journalists on Saturday that "According to the report of the NATO military committee there are no changes in Kosova and no international community demands were fulfilled".
     The Secretary General of the Western military alliance stated that all the procedures for the "Activation Order" were finished, but he did not give any other details. After the short press conference with Solana, the journalists were introduced with a senior NATO official who gave information that is more detailed. He said that in today’s meeting, the Council evaluated that time is running out very quickly for Milosevic and it is now "five minutes to twelve".
     Asked about the legal mandate for intervention, the senior official stated that at the moment the "Activation Order" is given, the Alliance would unanimously decide to intervene. He added that NATO is completely respecting the international right recalling that Milosevic is the one who violated all the international community's justice.
     "Where can you find basis in the international justice, that says you can use tanks and heavy artillery against the civilian population", said he reminding that Milosevic was responsible for this.
     "NATO, is forced to act, because someone has violated the international justice", said this official. The NATO senior official also said: "If you would ask me what will happen after the NATO attacks I would say, that I believe that Milosevic will then, fulfill the international communities demands".

KOSOVA (KLA spokesman’s statement)
Krasniqi: "NATO intervention would not be help for KLA but rather help for the endangered people"

Prishtina, 10 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
The KLA General Headquarter spokesman, Jakup Krasniqi, in one of his statements said that: "KLA respected and is still consequently respecting all the relevant documents of the international community, of the EU and particularly of the UN, including the international convents of war and freedom, as well as human rights. In these moments, KLA respects the UN Security Council resolution, Contact Group's and NATO's stands for Kosova for an eventual intervention on the Serb positions, aiming at protecting the Albanian civilian population from the massacres and the humanitarian catastrophe, but also from the potential possibility of the expansion of the war in the region. The eventual NATO intervention, would not be considered as help for KLA, but rather as help to the people threatened by Milosevic's regime and to prevent the ethnic cleansing in Kosova. Thus, we think that the criminal Milosevic and his fascist regime, deserve an adequate punishment of the international community".
     "We have heard of accusations addressed to KLA for crimes, but they have no other basis but by the Serb constructions. The KLA has never conducted any crimes on the Serb civilian population, it has never looted or burned any house, school, religious building or Serb cultural building, Whereas, the Serb crimes are well known to the wide opinion."
     "The KLA General Headquarters values the general diplomatic attempts to find a political solution, particularly Holbrooke's, but, as it is being proved, the criminal Milosevic and his bloody regime, are capable of recognizing only one language - the language of violence. Hence, we are convinced that Holbrooke's attempts will fail, while his visits to Prishtina are not necessary, since the key to the solution of the Kosova issue is at the hands of the Belgrade regime".
     "KLA has announced a cease-fire and decided to implement it with decisiveness. Our side will not be presented as an obstacle to the NATO troops and international community. Nevertheless, KLA stands consequent to the known principle of self-determination and that's what it is fighting for. Hence, we will denounce any individual or political subject that dares to bargain with Kosova, other than the people's determination in the referendum of 1991", it is stated in the statement of Jakup Krasniqi, KLA spokesman and political representative.

KOSOVA (humanitarian catastrophe – round table)
Predetermined crisis - with catastrophic aftermath

Prishtina, 10 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
"Kosova's Action for Civilian Initiatives", (KACI), organized a round table, in which the topic of discussion was the humanitarian crisis that has presently taken over Kosova. The round table was opened and headed by the head of the KACI, Ylber Hysa. At the beginning he stated that "This round table intends to offer a multidimensional treatment of the humanitarian crisis in Kosova, approaching it from different segments, which besides the description of the damages should also give concrete recommendation to overpass the bad situation created as a result of the Serb offensive".
     Talking about the humanitarian rights of the people of Kosova, Pajazit Nushi, CDHRF chairman in Prishtina, stated: "From January 1998 onwards, 1688 Albanians were killed in Kosova. They were massacred individually, in families and collectively. In comparison with the killed policemen and soldiers, these victims make a coefficient of nearly 100 civilians, for 1 killed among the police and military units".
     This coefficient, he continued, shows that the Serb police\military offensive was directed primarily at the Albanian population, and at the unarmed residents and undefended residents.
     According to Nushi, this is very convincingly proved by the argument of about 1300 abducted or missing Albanians and of the 1700 accused according to the usual bogus article 125 and 136 of the "FRY" Criminal Code, as well as the forced dislocation of about 430,000 people, including those who were forced to flee from Kosova to other states".
     When referring to the population of the war afflicted areas, according to the CDHRF chairman, a special protective status have the following categories: the category of the civilian population, the medical personnel, the religious personnel and the personnel of the humanitarian associations. Neither of the above mentioned categories, foreseen to have a special protection, have not had this right: a great number of doctors, sick, wounded, war prisoners and their families, aid workers and in a large scale undefended civilian population were killed and terminated", evaluated Nushi.
     But, he adds "The special rights did not serve even the killed. The need to bury them was not respected from the both sides of the conflict. There are cases in which the killed remained in the forest, houses, by the rivers etc., found after 3, 5, 7 days or even weeks after".
     Dr, Gani Demolli, leader of the Health Service of "Mother Theresa" Humanitarian organization, approached the humanitarian crisis in Kosova from the health aspect. According to him, before the beginning of the war, in 8 municipalities: Skënderaj, Gllogoc, Klinë, Suharekë, Malishevë, Rahovec, Deçan and Istog with 489.400 residents, about 969 health workers have worked, out of them 186 worked only in the Health station in Gllogoc, whereas in Skënderaj 115 of them. "In these 8 municipalities, 88 makeshift ambulances, 18 "Mother Theresa" health stations and 8 ambulances for the protection of women and children were in function. In these small makeshift ambulances 12,556 children were born during 1997, as today there are no data for the precise number of born babies or the wounded or badly injured", stated Demolli.
     "Presently in the municipality of Gllogoc, only 22 health workers work, in Skënderaj 12, there are none in Malishevë, in Rahovec it is supposed to be 20, in Deçan 12, in Suharekë circa 80, whereas for Klinë, we have no information". According to these data, it comes out that from the overall number of 969 workers, only circa 146 of them presently work. This figure also includes the Serb employees.
     "Out of 88 makeshift ambulances only 15 of them function. While out of 18 "Mother Theresa" health stations, only 1 in Suharekë functions today. The others are destroyed or burned", explains Demolli. The forced dislocations, the bad living conditions, the pain for the close ones, the loss of property, the situation without a perspective, he stated, "will cause a permanent insomnia, and this along with the same kind of food, will lead to the fall of the individual and collective immunity". This will also open the way to the diseases, such as tuberculosis, as well as to the different chronic diseases. While as a result of traumatized action, other social deviations are also expected" ended Demolli.
     Afrim Blyta, neurologist, presented his view on the mental integrity.
     "This humanitarian catastrophe has caused the endangering of the physical and mental integrity of the individual and the collective. The mental health is threatened by the traumas that they have undergone during the horrors of the war, the killing and massacring of the close ones in front of their eyes", stressed he. According to Blyta, the consequences of all these experiences will be present even after the political solution of the Kosova problem. "The mental spiritual diseases, will follow these people, during their entire life", said he and added: "Now, it is much easier for them, because they resist this whole tragedy, by seeing that it is a collective fate, since the surrounding is going through the same horrors as well. However, he continued the biggest problems will come out when, the traumatized persons, need to rely on their own strength, when they need to go back to themselves. Thus considering the health conditions as "the most urgent problem of the humanitarian crisis in Kosova", Blyta proposed to have special round table only for the health issue.
     Hamdi Gashi, chairman of the agricultural Commission of the Republic of Kosova, stated that "somewhere about 60% of the agricultural areas are afflicted by Serbia's military operations".
     In the first phase of the clashes alone, Gashi states, "9,000 hectares were burned or left unharvested, while by the end of the second phase, even those that remained were completely destroyed. " The spring herbage could not be harvested as any grain or vegetables could be planted. The food is a 100% gone in the war afflicted areas", he evaluated.
     Besides this, the animal fund also suffered consequences.
     "About 500,000 farm animals (60% of the animal fund of Kosova) were killed or looted during the clashes. About 250,000 poultry disappeared in certain farms. About 1 million poultry disappeared in the private properties", informed Gashi and continued that much damage was also caused to the agricultural mechanism.
     The Republican Commission for agriculture, based on the prices in the market, evaluated that the agricultural mechanism alone has suffered damages in 296,182,000 DM.
     "The consequences of these material damages in the quantity of food and buildings, will be felt also in the year 1999, because 60% of the land will have no possibility of being planted, since they own no machinery and because the planting time has already passed".
     Çaush Bajrushi, chairman of the Housing Trade Union of Kosova, talked about the consequences of the shelling, burning and destruction of the residencies afflicted in the war, during the period 28 February - 1 October 1998.
     In 432 residencies, he said "52,086 housing facilities, stores, schools, religious buildings and health stations, were destroyed. The house inventor of about 40,000 families was looted and destroyed".
     Based on the calculations, the approximate damages caused to a 9 member family, reach a figure of 45 thousand DM, while the overall damages of the buildings and the inventory, is evaluated to be around 10 thousand DM.
     Shefqet Cana, Counselor in the Economy Bank states that "Although an unannounced war started in Kosova, the compensation of the damages cannot be accounted, only because a small number of the people or property were insured". All this was a result of people's insecurity and distrust in the banks and insurance organizations, it was evaluated in the round table.
     Fatos Hamza, from the Business Association... said that as a result of the Serb Government's order to stop the movements of goods, in Prishtina alone the daily turnover fell for 70%. Hamza groups the population afflicted by the humanitarian crisis into three groups: population directly afflicted by the war; in the population situated close to the war afflicted areas but not directly affected by the fighting actions (Pejë, Gjakovë, Mitrovicë) and the population that remained outside the fighting zone, but which is gradually being taken over by the economic crisis, due to the humanitarian crisis and the economic blockade by Serbia.
     Palokë Berishaj, a "Mother Theresa" aid coordinator, in his discussion explained the difficulties this association is being faced with, during the distribution of the goods in the needed areas and about the bad situation of the dislocated.
     According to the evaluation of this association, there are 534,520 displaced persons. "During seven months of war, this dislocated population was sent assistance in 6,000 tons, of food, clothing, covers etc.", said Berishaj. He highlighted the incredible organizing manner conducted by one part of the tons of Kosova, concerning giving shelter to the IDPs, stressing Mitrovicë and using as a bad example the town of Prishtina, which still has no unified body for this issue. 7,000 activists of this organization have maximally worked to reduce the crisis, said Berishaj.
     Rifat Blakaj, expert for migration issues says: "Besides the 400,000 we had in the West, before the war started, 500,000 others left Kosova for the last six months". Based on Blakaj's evaluations, in comparison to the overall number of the population, this figure adds up to 1/4 or 25 % of the population, while along with the refugees, this movement includes 45% of the population.
     Blakaj, compared this movement, with the people's movement during the war in Bosnia, where in a period of three years, from three ethnic groups of more than 4 million, there were 950,000 displaced and about 1 million refugees.
     "Nevertheless, the criminal regime of Belgrade, could not push all these dislocated outside Kosova. 420,000 people are still in Kosova. Serbia did not manage to carry out an ethnic cleansing, although it used the most brutal ways", stated Blakaj and according to him "This was also prevented by the western countries and their policy of not accepting refugees from the former Yugoslavia".
     At the end the present, gave several recommendations on which they also informed the highest governmental instances. In this round table they demanded the opening of a joined office that would deal with the issue of displaced, the opening of the humanitarian corridors and the creation of the "air bridge", for the distribution of the assistance, the lifting of the economic blockade, to allow the doctors and vets in the war zones, in order to prevent the expansion of different diseases, due to the large number of killed cattle etc. They also proposed a special project to rebuild the destroyed houses and other buildings, as they stressed that this program will not be done through "pilot projects", that would place the population in temporary portable houses.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:\10ata03
Datum:         Sat, 10 Oct 1998 20:37:23 -0100
    Von:         ata hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL
Serb forces concentrates in Kosove border belt with Albania

      PRISHTINE, Oct 10 (ATA) Behlul Jashari ATA korrespondent  in Kosove reports:
      Many Yugoslav military forces are concentrated at Has, Prizeren, the border region with Albania. There has never been such a big concentration of forces, sources from Council for the Defence of Human Rights said to ATA.
      Since yesterday the number of the Serb forces has increased  and they have laid an iron siege to the region, the sources said.  A motorized convoy with weaponry, antiaircraft and many military vehicles, passing through Gjonaj village, headed for the villages  Kojushe and Mazrek of Has, very near the border, while another convoy headed for the border village of Mashec.
      Since yesterday afternoon some other heavy forces of the Yugoslav army have established in the village of Dobrushe about two kilometers near Albania's border.
      The latest reports say that the ground troops of Yugoslav army are moving and taking up positions around the villages of Planaj, Milaj and Gorozhupe, along Albania's border belt. Serb forces in the village of Kojushe abducted men and boys and are keeping them together closed in a house, and at a time when at least 7 persons have been sent to the police station in Prizeren.
       Sources from Gjakove say that many Serb forces are concentrated near the Albania's border. Two Albanian children were killed, one 15-years-old in the village of Prush and the other 13-years-old in the village of Rugove, where heavy  Serb military, premilitary and police forces are concentrated.
      Since two days ago the Yugoslav police forces have issued the ultimatum for the inhabitants of the village of Zylfaj, Gjakove to stay inside their houses from 17.00 in the afternoon till 9.00 in the morning.

We will do our best for Kosova issue to predominate Antalya summit - Milo

      TIRANA, Oct 10 (ATA)-By I.Luto,
      The summit, due in Antalya of Turkey between October  12 and 13, will gather the Balkan countries to discuss stability and security in the region as well as Balkan cooperation and understanding.
      The chief of the Albanian diplomacy, Paskal Milo, who will lead our delegation to this summit, told ATA that "we will do our best  so that the Kosova issue not only predominates the summit but also the summit approves a document on Kosova, thus sharing the opinions expressed by international organisations, also including the resolution of the U.N. Security Council as well as the recent decisions drawn by the Contact Group."
      Milo hailed the statement of the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA) that there will be no fighting during the talks, which, according to Milo, testifies to the political maturity of this army.
      This decision, said Milo, "has put Milosevic at an awkward position as its asks from the latter to respect the Security Council resolution, regarding the immediate withdrawal of the military and police forces, to guarantee the Albanians' return home and normal conditions for the international humanitarian missions and to allow an international presence  that would help development of dialogue and peace process."

10. eventual additional press news 
Link to Background-information  
Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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Die Bibel sagt 
      Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
      dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
      1. Johannes 4, 21b
      Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
      noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
           noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
      sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
           und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
      Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
      der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
      und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
           Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
      Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
           sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
      Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
           noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
      Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
           aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
    Psalm 1
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
      And this commandment have we from him, 
      That he who loveth God love his brother also.
    1Johannes 4,21
    Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
         nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
    But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
         and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
    And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
    that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
    his leaf also shall not wither; 
         and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
    The ungodly [are] not so: 
         but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
    Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
         nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
    For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
         but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
    Psalm 1
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 11.10.1998  

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