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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 12. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 12, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1580

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Internationale Frauenkonferenz in Sofia beendet
  • Bundeswehr Tornado-ECR
  • London spricht von "Fortschritten" bei Holbrooke-Vermittlung
  • NATO-Beamter: Holbrooke nimmt Einsatzbefehl mit nach Belgrad
  • Kosovo-Krise weiter zugespitzt - Noch kein Verhandlungs-Ergebnis
  • Milosevic gibt Kofi Annan Zusicherungen
  • Albanien meldet serbische Truppenkonzentrationen entlang der Grenze
  • Holbrooke beendet Kosovo-Verhandlungen in Belgrad
  • Bulgariens Parlament muß Luftraumöffnung für NATO zustimmen
  • Holbrooke noch Montag abend beim NATO-Rat in Brüssel erwartet
  • Ukraine und Moldawien gegen NATO-Militärschlag im Kosovo
  • Holbrooke und Milosevic erneut zusammengetroffen
  • NATO-Rat erneut zusammengetreten - Beratung über Aktivierungsbefehl
  • Lufthansa stellt Fluege nach Belgrad vorlaeufig ein
  • British Airways stellt Belgrad-Fluege zunaechst ein
  • Bonn stimmt NATO-Intervention in Kosovo-Krise zu
  • Schweizer Botschaft in Belgrad wird nicht geschlossen
  • Kosovo-Konflikt Hauptthema der Balkan-Konferenz in der Tuerkei
  • Kontroversen in Rumaenien zu moeglicher Luftraum-Oeffnung fuer NATO
  • Kosovo-Krise weiter zugespitzt - Noch kein Verhandlungs-Ergebnis
  • Ex-US-Aussenminister Kissinger: NATO soll nicht ueberstuerzt handeln
  • Deutsche Regierung gibt gruenes Licht fuer Einsatz in Kosovo
  • Gespraeche Holbrooke-Milosevic beendet - Vorerst ohne Erklaerung
  • Alte und neue Regierung in Bonn einig ueber Kosovo-Einsatz
  • Kosovo-Albaner und Serben in Pristina zwischen Hoffnung und Trotz
  • US-General Wesley Clark: Der Mann am Druecker im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • Aktivierungs-Befehl der NATO fuer einen Einsatz im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • Auslaender verlassen Belgrad und das Kosovo
  • Jugoslawischer Oppositionspolitiker Djindjic gegen NATO-Einsatz
  • Kontroversen in Rumaenien zu moeglicher Luftraum-Oeffnung fuer NATO
  • Moskau koennte aus Embargo gegen Jugoslawien ausscheren
  • Mehr als 400 NATO-Flugzeuge bereit zum Angriff in Kosovo-Krise
  • NATO-Staaten ueber Rechtsgrundlage fuer Kosovo-Einsatz einig
  • Kabinett in Rom: NATO kann italienische Militaerbasen nutzen
  • Albaniens Staatspraesident fuer Militaerschlag der NATO im Kosovo
  • Sondersitzung des deutschen Parlaments wegen Kosovo-Einsatz
  • Deutsche Botschaft in Belgrad geschlossen
  • Holbrooke setzt Kosovo-Verhandlungen in Belgrad fort
  • Albaniens Staatspraesident fuer Militaerschlag der NATO im Kosovo
  • NATO-Rat beraet Kosovo-Einsatz - Entscheidung fruehestens nachmittags
  • Holbrooke setzt Verhandlungen mit Milosevic fort
  • Deutsche Aufbau-Helfer nach Drohungen aus Serbenrepublik abgezogen
  • Italienische Regiereung beraet ueber Kosovo
  • Regierungs-Absprache in Bonn ueber Kosovo-Einsatz
  • Balkan-Konferenz in Antalya begonnen - Kosovo zentrales Thema
  • Deutsche Botschaft in Belgrad bis auf weiteres geschlossen
  • "Nice-Matin": Krieg darf nicht die Zivilbevoelkerung treffen
  • Experte: UNO-Resolutionen zu Kosovo keine Basis fuer NATO-Eingriff
  • "Respekt": Im Kosovo-Konflikt misst die NATO nicht mit gleicher Elle
  • Nur geringe Fortschritte bei Gespraechen Holbrookes in Belgrad
  • "Corriere della Sera": Milosevic steht mit dem Ruecken zur Wand
  • Frankreich stellt etwa 40 Flugzeuge fuer Kosovo-Einsatz bereit
  • "La Repubblica": NATO-Angriffe ohne klares Ziel
  • "Gazeta Wyborcza": Spirale der Gewalt oder Zustimmung zur Barbarei
  • EU-Kosovo-Beauftragter: Vermittlungen in kritischr Phase
  • Bislang keine diplomatische Loesung im Kosovo abzusehen
  • US-Berater: Keine amerikanischen Bodentruppen fuer Kosovo
  • Kabinett will NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo formell billigen
  • NATO-Rat beraet ueber Einsatzbefehl
  • Cohen glaubt an NATO-Konsens ueber Kosovo in zwei Tagen
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 20:36  http://seite1.web.de/show/36224C0D.NL1/
    Internationale Frauenkonferenz in Sofia beendet
    Sofia (dpa) - In der bulgarischen Hauptstadt Sofia ist am Montag die internationale Konferenz "Frauen im 21. Jahrhundert" zu Ende gegangen. In einem Abschlußdokument forderten die Teilnehmerinnen ein Ende der «sinnlosen Eskalation» der Spannungen in der südjugoslawischen Provinz Kosovo.
         Zugleich verurteilte das Forum das Sendeverbot gegen zwei serbische Rundfunk-Stationen. Die Sender Studio B92 und Radio Index seien die letzten freien Medien in Serbien, hieß es. Die Konferenz kritisierte den Druck der serbischen Behörden "auf den freien Journalismus in Serbien und dem Kosovo".
         Die Tagung ging auf Initiative der bulgarischen Präsidentengattin, Antonina Stojanowa, zurück. An dem zweitägigen Forum beteiligten sich die First Ladies von den Staaten auf dem Balkan und mehr als 200 gesellschaftlich aktive Frauen.
         Ehrengast war Hillary Clinton, Gattin von US-Präsident Bill Clinton. Sie hatte das Forum im Nationaltheater in Sofia am Sonntag eröffnet.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 20:30 http://seite1.web.de/show/36224ABA.NL2/
    Bundeswehr Tornado-ECR
    Photo: © dpa
    Ein Kampfflugzeug des Typs Tornado-ECR der Bundesluftwaffe landet am 16.06.1998 nach seiner Rückkehr aus dem italienischen Piacenza auf dem Fliegerhorst im bayerischen Lagerlechfeld. Das scheidende Kabinett Helmut Kohl und die rot-grüne Nachfolgeregierung haben ein militärisches Eingreifen der Nato im Kosovo gebilligt, überlassen aber die Entscheidung über eine deutsche Teilnahme dem Bundestag. Dazu ist das alte Parlament für diesen Freitag zu einer Sondersitzung einberufen worden, bestätigten Außenminister Klaus Kinkel (FDP) und Verteidigungsminister Volker Rühe (CDU) am Montag (12.10.1998) Beide gingen davon aus, daß das Plenum der Beteiligung von 14 deutschen Tornado-Kampfflugzeugen sowie dem Verbleib von Bundeswehr-Offizieren in den Aufklärungsfluzgzeugen (AWACS) und den Stäben der Nato zustimmen werde.
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 20:05 http://seite1.web.de/show/362244DE.NL1/
    London spricht von «Fortschritten» bei Holbrooke-Vermittlung
    London (dpa) - Das britische Außenministerium hat am Montag abend von «Fortschritten» bei den Vermittlungs-Bemühungen des US-Sonderbeauftragten Richard Holbrooke im Kosovo-Konflikt berichtet.
         «Wir wollen die Einzelheiten nicht vorwegnehmen. (...) Aber der von ihm erzielte Fortschritt hin zu einer Einigung bedeutet einen Sieg für die feste Haltung der Kontaktgruppe und der NATO», hieß es in einer am Abend herausgegebenen Erklärung.
         Selbst wenn Holbrooke erfolgreich sein sollte, müsse die internationale Gemeinschaft dafür sorgen, daß die getroffenen Abmachungen auch eingehalten würden. Es bleibe Holbrooke vorbehalten, eine Ankündigung zu machen, «falls und wenn es zu einer zufriedenstellenden Vereinbarung kommt».
         Nach Angaben aus Regierungskreisen hat es in den Dauergesprächen mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic offenbar Bewegung in der Frage einer internationalen Überwachung des Abzugs serbischer Polizeiverbände und jugoslawischer Armee-Einheiten aus dem Krisengebiet gegeben.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 19:42  http://seite1.web.de/show/36223F79.NL1/
    NATO-Beamter: Holbrooke nimmt Einsatzbefehl mit nach Belgrad
    Brüssel (dpa) - Der US-Sonderbeauftragte Richard Holbrooke wird nach seinen Gesprächen in Brüssel über seine Verhandlungen in der Kosovo-Krise wieder nach Belgrad reisen. Das bestätigte am Montag abend ein NATO-Beamter in Brüssel. «Dabei wird Holbrooke den Aktivierungsbefehl (der NATO) mitnehmen», fügte er hinzu.
         Über die «activation order», der die aus den NATO-Ländern zusammengestellte Luftstreitmacht dem NATO-Oberbefehlshaber Wesley Clark unterstellt, wollten am Abend die NATO-Botschafter in Brüssel beraten.
         Clark kann mit diesem Befehl nach kurzer Absprache mit der NATO jederzeit Luftangriffe anordnen. «Diese Zeit wird nur eine sehr, sehr kurze Periode sein», sagte der NATO-Beamte.
         Holbrooke wollte am Abend im NATO-Hauptquartier zunächst mit Generalsekretär Javier Solana über seine fast einwöchigen Verhandlungen in Belgrad mit Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic sprechen. Anschließend wollte er mit den NATO-Botschaftern beraten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 19:28  http://seite1.web.de/show/36223C69.NL1/
    Kosovo-Krise weiter zugespitzt - Noch kein Verhandlungs-Ergebnis
    Belgrad/Brüssel (dpa) - Das zähe Ringen um eine Lösung für die Kosovo-Krise ist am Montag zunächst ohne greifbares Ergebnis fortgesetzt worden.
         Der US-Sonderbeauftragte Richard Holbrooke beendete am Nachmittag seine Verhandlungen mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic über eine Beilegung der Kosovo-Krise. Anschließend flog Holbrooke nach Brüssel, wo im NATO-Hauptquartier eine Entscheidung des NATO-Rats über den Aktivierungs-Befehl für die Streitkräfte der Allianz erwartet wurde.
         UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan erhielt jedoch von Milosevic die Zusicherung, daß er die Forderungen der jüngsten UNO-Resolutionen erfüllen werde. Annan telefonierte am Montag mit Milosevic und erinnerte nachdrücklich an diese Forderungen, berichtete UNO-Sprecher Fred Eckhard. Die Erfüllung sei eine Voraussetzung für eine politische Lösung, sagte Annan nach den Angaben während des Gesprächs.
         Der Sicherheitsrat hatte am 23. September die Resolution 1199 verabschiedet, in der der Rückzug der serbischen Truppen aus dem Kosovo, ein sofortiger Waffenstillstand und Verhandlungen mit den in der Krisenprovinz lebenden Albanern gefordert wurden.
         Am späten Montag nachmittag trat der NATO-Rat in Brüssel zusammen, um den Aktivierungs-Befehl für einen Einsatz der Allianz im Kosovo-Konflikt zu erteilen. Angesichts des drohenden Militär-Einsatzes verließen zahlreiche Diplomaten und Journalisten die jugoslawische Hauptstadt sowie das Kosovo.
         Holbrooke und Milosevic beendeten am Nachmittag in Belgrad eine neue Gesprächsrunde. Aus dem Kabinett von Milosevic hieß es im Anschluß, daß «zweifelsohne die Bedingungen für eine friedliche, politische Lösung der Probleme» im Kosovo bestünden. Holbrooke wurde nach Angaben der jugoslawischen Agentur Beta in Belgrad am Dienstag zu neuen Verhandlungen mit Milosevic erwartet.
         Hauptproblem bei den Verhandlungen war die von Holbrooke geforderte internationale Überwachung des Abzugs serbischer Polizeiverbände und jugoslawischer Armee-Einheiten aus dem Kosovo. Beide Seiten hatten in den vergangenen Tagen insgesamt mehr als 50 Stunden verhandelt.
         Der Aktivierungs-Befehl unterstellt dem NATO-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, General Wesley Clark, die von den Bündnispartnern bereitgestellten Truppen für Luftangriffe gegen serbische Ziele. Es liegt dann in Clarks Ermessen, die militärischen Vorgaben des NATO-Rates umzusetzen.
         Zuvor hatte die amtierende italienische Regierung den NATO-Streitkräften die Erlaubnis erteilt, italienische Militärbasen für eine Intervention im Kosovo-Konflikt zu nutzen. Für eine direkte Beteiligung italienischer Soldaten wäre jedoch die Zustimmung des Parlaments erforderlich, sagte der Sprecher nach einer Sitzung des Kabinetts am Montag in Rom.
         Deutschland gab grünes Licht für einen Militärschlag der NATO. Das teilte Außenminister Klaus Kinkel nach einer Sitzung des amtierenden Kabinetts in Bonn mit. Über eine Beteiligung der deutschen Streitkräfte entscheidet das Parlament in einer Sondersitzung an diesem Freitag.
         Westliche Diplomaten setzten unterdessen ihren Exodus aus Jugoslawien sowie aus den serbisch kontrollierten Gebieten im benachbarten Bosnien-Herzegowina fort. Nachdem schon in der Vorwoche die Familien-Mitglieder einer Reihe von Botschafts-Angehörigen die jugoslawische Hauptstadt Belgrad verlassen hatten, stellte am Montag mehrere diplomatischen Vertretungen in Belgrad ihren Dienstbetrieb aus Sicherheitsgründen ein. Nach der deutschen Botschaft schlossen auch die Vertretungen Großbritanniens und Dänemarks.
         Die Mitglieder der diplomatischen internationalen Beobachtergruppe verließen am Mittag die Unruheprovinz Kosovo in Richtung des Nachbarlands Mazedonien. Dem Fahrzeugkonvoi schlossen sich auch zahlreiche US-Journalisten an, berichteten die serbischen Medien.
         Im benachbarten Bosnien wurden US-Bürger aufgefordert, das Gebiet der bosnischen Serbenrepublik zu verlassen. Bereits am Wochenende hatte etwa 30 deutsche Diplomaten und Wiederaufbau-Helfer das Gebiet verlassen, nachdem sie von Seiten extremistischer Serben bedroht worden waren.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 19:20   http://seite1.web.de/show/36223A4A.NL1/
    Milosevic gibt Kofi Annan Zusicherungen
    New York (dpa) - UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan hat vom jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic die Zusicherung erhalten, daß er die Forderungen der jüngsten UNO-Resolutionen erfüllen werde.
         Annan telefonierte am Montag mit Milosevic und erinnerte nachdrücklich an diese Forderungen, berichtete UNO-Sprecher Fred Eckhard. Die Erfüllung sei eine Voraussetzung für eine politische Lösung, sagte Annan nach den Angaben während des Gesprächs.
         Der Sicherheitsrat hatte am 23. September die Resolution 1199 verabschiedet, in der der Rückzug der serbischen Truppen aus dem Kosovo, ein sofortiger Waffenstillstand und Verhandlungen mit den in der Krisenprovinz lebenden Albanern gefordert wurden.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 18:41  http://seite1.web.de/show/36223122.NL1/
    Albanien meldet serbische Truppenkonzentrationen entlang der Grenze
    Tirana (dpa) - Albanien hat am Montag serbische Truppenkonzentrationen entlang der Grenze zum Kosovo gemeldet. Die albanischen Behörden würden Maßnahmen ergreifen, um auf einen möglichen serbischen Angriff zu reagieren, berichtete der staatliche albanische Rundfunk. Ein solcher Angriff wäre als Antwort auf einen NATO-Luftangriff auf serbische Ziele im Kosovo möglich, hieß es.
         In den vergangenen Monaten ist es an der Grenze zwischen Albanien und der serbischen Unruheprovinz Kosovo wiederholt zu Grenzverletzungen durch serbische Truppen gekommen. Der Kommandant der albanischen Grenzpolizei, Gezim Goxhi, sagte am Montag, die albanischen Soldaten seien angewiesen worden, bei Grenzverletzungen durch serbische Soldaten künftig von der Schußwaffe Gebrauch zu machen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 12.10.1998 18:13  http://seite1.web.de/show/36222AA6.NL1/
    Holbrooke beendet Kosovo-Verhandlungen in Belgrad
    Belgrad (dpa) - Der US-Sonderbeauftragte Richard Holbrooke hat am Montag nachmittag seine Verhandlungen mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic über die Kosovo-Krise nach einer kurzen Sitzung ohne den erhofften Durchbruch beendet. Weder Milosevic noch Holbrooke gaben eine Erklärung zum Stand ihres Verhandlungs-Marathons ab, der fast eine Woche gedauert hatte.
         Anschließend begab sich Holbrooke nach Angaben des serbischen Rundfunks zum Flughafen, von wo er zum NATO-Hauptquartier nach Brüssel fliegen wollte. Dort war am Nachmittag der NATO-Rat zusammengetreten, von dem der Aktivierungsbefehl für die Streitkräfte der Allianz gegen Jugoslawien erwartet wurde.
         Nach einem Bericht des US-Nachrichtensenders CNN wurde Holbrooke noch am späten Abend zu neuen Gesprächen in Belgrad zurückerwartet.
    © dpa
         ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Adem Demaci's Press Conference held on 06.10.1998
    Datum:         Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:47:24 +0200
        Von:         Adem Demaçi <Demaci@albanian.com>
    From Mr. Adem Demaci's press conference on October 6, 1998.

    The Integral Text

            Neither, NATO alliance or the world, are against the Serb nation, but against the Serb regime.  However, behind every Serb regime, since the establishment of the Serb state on 1878, has been the military-police complex, which with time became an independent power and an autonomous world, over the Serb community.  This complex considers itself as a single force in charge of protecting the borders, the Serb and Yugoslav territory, in a way where, this military-police complex protects its own interests, its own existence, and protecting these is an excuse for its existence.  One wonders why billions were spent to create a military, such as this one of Serbia, where it is well seen what this power can do under iniquitous politics.  The only way they can excuse their existence is by apparently protecting some kind of borders and inheritances, some kind of myths, etc., etc.  I think that if the world powers take under consideration the fact that without peaceful destruction, demolition, and annihilation of this military-police complex, peace will never be achieved in this area, especially with Serbia and Yugoslavia being backed up by this complex.  It is everyone's duty to destroy and annihilate this complex so the Serb hegemony can not have concrete, real, brutal and barbaric backup like we see today.  And I believe that achieving this would be the only way to liberate us.  Our desire is to have this done in a peaceful way.  However, if the Serb regime is so connected to this complex, and this complex is determined to exist till the end, then a blow from the European and world forces could be expected.  These international powers are determined to obliterate any forces that create distress, turbulence, and commit crisis, in the territories of Europe.  I personally do not believe that it will come down to a NATO attack, even though there have been so many offers and many expect them with anxiety.  I hope that the currents within the Serb regime will have in mind the fact that it will be better for their existence if they do not go against NATO, especially considering the well known fact of NATO strength.  The Serb regime, since the beginning of Milosevic time period, has made irrational rather than rational decisions.  Due to this fact, it is not absurd to be expected that these forces will come up with an irrational decision and stick by the ideology of maintaining their façade and fighting.  The ending of this story doesn't need to be told.  I idiosyncratically think that these rational forces within the Serb regime are less dominant, so we have to prepare for all situations.

    Question:  In the last United Nations' resolution, in the part that speaks about cessation of all armed conflicts in Kosova, it is mentioned that the Kosova Liberation Army has to participate in it.  What do you have to say about this?

    Answer:  I believe that Kosova Liberation Army is an expression of the Albanian national desire for freedom, and until oppression continues, this nation will desire its freedom and will express that through its Liberating Army.  If the international community will mediate in the direction of realizing the Albanian nations' right for independence, and toward the results of the 1991 referendum, where freedom and independence for Albanians and some other rights that would come as a result of Kosova becoming a political subject, are included, then this would open up doors for cessation of the war in the Kosova Liberation Army part.  However, if Albanians remain under Serb rule after the termination of fire, it would be an unequal act to ask from Albanians to give up their freedom when you know well that the educational, cultural, economical, financial, political, systems have been destroyed.  Kosova is maintaining its existence as a political tragedy in the middle of Europe.  Requesting the same thing from those whom terrorized and brought this situation upon Albanians by taking away their inherited rights from the multiyear struggle since the WWII, which means 15 years of semi-colony rights, will be intolerable.  Those rights were taken away by the Serb regime and to now to pretend establishing equality among the both sides and to stop the struggle of Albanian people for freedom, I fear, will not lead anywhere.  It all depends on the international community's ability to convince the Serb regime to act in a democratic way and this way except the Albanian expressed desire for a political solution in the 1991 Referendum.

    Question:   Mr. Demaci, is the last United Nations resolution directed toward the Serb and Albanian side, respectively has the Albanian side fulfilled these requests?

    Answer:  The Albanian side has always been ready to sit around the negotiating table and to solve the problem in accordance with the expressed political desire in the 1991 Referendum.  Until now, the Serb side has not shown itself ready for this, and by creating this new government of Kosova they are continuing with their old song of placing Albanians in front of the committed act.  Albanians will not agree to this, so solving these problems will not be easy until the Serb regime is persuaded to act in a democratic manner and to except the Albanian desire to have everything that the Serb nation has.

    Question:  I would like to ask you about your stand on the document for a temporary solution for the political status of Kosova prepared by the American side and offered to the Serb and Albanian sides.  It is believed that Mr. Holbrooke's stay in Prishtina today is a result of this.  Do you know anything about this and what is your stand on this?

    Answer:  As you know these documents are being kept secret, and I don't see a reason for their secrecy.  When published, it can be seen that no part of its content is in need of secrecy.  It seems that something very uninteresting is trying to be made enormously interesting.  I don't know why this document, too, is being kept secret.  It is believed that the Contact Group has had a positive influence in improving the catastrophic plan of Mr. Hill.  In actuality it was disappointing to see that a bright person such as Mr. Hill could propose something along those lines.  Also, we had the proposal by the Albanian side containing more moderate and accentual and more acceptable demands, and now we know of a proposal the substance of which is unknown.  I believe that without opening up the cards and see who proposes what and who stands behind what it will be very hard to have any kind of opinion on this issue. Therefore, we have to await the publishing of this document and then to establish a stand and opinion on it.

    Question:  In relation to this.  Do you expect to see this document first by means of public information or are you maybe included in any way in discussions on this document?

    Answer:  So far I have not been involved, however, I will try to become affiliated with this document, since I am the general political representative of Kosova Liberation Army, one of the major factors today which is carrying the Albanian resistance.  I hope that these persons will have in mind something like this and stop ignoring the existence of Kosova Liberation Army, the same persons that at one point tried to allow different occurrences lead toward elimination of KLA, which later on proved impossible.  I hope that that Mr. Holbrooke will have a realistic view upon all the important factors in the oppressed Kosovar scene.  This leads me to believe that it will shortly be possible for my office to receive such a document so we can take a stand.  We are not against talks, and we are not against agreements, but we are against wasted conversations, imposed agreements that put us in front of done deals, against proposals that are impossible to discuss under any circumstances.  Generally, we are ready to discuss any created or presented document that makes, at least, a little bit of sense.

    Question:  What kind of consequences do you expect from a possible NATO attack?  Do you expect military, political or psychological aftermath? What kind of political sway will this attack have?

    Answer:  If the hits are serious, then I expect that the Serb regime will start acting seriously and realize that they can not do anything they want in this area.  Knowing that the Serb regime is mostly militant, the consequences will be military as well.  As far as mister from the "Republic" is concerned, I can add that there will be no possible positive developments unless the international powers, standing for peace, equality, justice and freedom, destroy and annihilate the military-police complex of Serbia.

    Question:  Do you expect that, at least in short term, these attacks will have negative results for the people of Kosova?

    Answer:  This attack will not have a negative affect on Albanians or Serbs, because this attack is directed toward this military-police complex that is responsible for all the horrors that the nations of former Yugoslavia, including Kosova, went through.

    Translated by: Korab Rashid Sejdiu

    Information Service
            Adem Demaçi
            Përfaqësues i përgjithshëm politik i
            Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës (UÇK)
            Adem Demaçi
            General Political Representative
            of the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)
             Tel & Fax :  ++ 381 38 36 032
             E-mail    :  Demaci@albanian.com

    Betreff:         Communique from Adem Demaci
    Datum:         Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:37:44 +0200
        Von:         "Adem Demaçi" <Demaci@albanian.com>
    Prishtina, October 12, 1998


    1. Proposals and projects, according to the "rule", are first being offered for review to the Serb regime, and then, after undergoing a substantial change by the Serb regime, the projects and proposals are being offered to the Albanian side as an amended version of the initial proposition-project.  Usually, these improvements, not inadvertently, are in accordance with the Serb and Yugoslav constitution, where Albanians are considered as Serbia citizens; this extending their subservience.  This is allowing the Serb regime become a filter of not only the proposal-projects, but also of any other issue of the International community dealing with Kosova, a policy which is absolutely unacceptable for Albanians.
    2. These proposals and projects usually describe the state of war in Kosova; however, they refuse to recognize Albanians as a side in the conflict.  These projects and proposals do not recognize Albanians because they do not recognize the Kosova Liberation Army (including their political leadership), which is a carrier of the war in the Albanian side, at the same time a carrier of the war which for Albanians is a liberating war.
    3. The international community tries to implement these project-proposals by convincing Milosevic that with their attainment, his position will strengthen.  The international community has made this mistake that can not be repeated, especially if they desire to find a right and long-term solution to the Kosova problem.
    4. So far, these project-proposals guarantee the Kosova Albanians fewer rights than the 1974 Constitution.  The rights we had and were taken away in 1989 in an unconstitutional way can not even be thought about; forget discussing or negotiating them.
    5. Late project-proposals have not considered the significant main privilege that guarantees valid solutions to conflicts: the self-declaring right of nations.  This privilege is even more valid in Kosova, where it is well known that in 1991 All-National Referendum, 100% of the voters declared for Republic of Kosova as an independent country.
    6. Even when these project-proposals claim temporality, they do not foresee any guarantees.  This way they allow Serbia to continue their oppression.  Any uncertainties, intentional or not, will be in favor of Serb regime.

    We are in conformity to solve the Kosova situation with political means, by negotiating with the Serb side, but with real negotiations, clear and well prepared, since this is the only way to find a fair and long-lasting agreement and solution to this problem.  The following pre-conditions have to be considered in order to start negotiations so they are realistic and positive:

    1. Cessation of all terrorist actions of the Serb military-police, para-military and special and other follow-up forces, and their withdrawal from the territory of Kosova.
    2. To immediately start the investigations and persecutions of the Serb criminals, who killed, robed, and massacred the innocent Albanian population, in accordance with the International Law of Hague Tribune.
    3. To allow a safe return to their homes and habitats, without any problems, for the Albanians who were expunged from there as a result of the war conditions.  Also, to secure a safe return for all of those that had to leave Kosova as result of persecution, repression, arrests, chases and oppression by the Serb regime.
    4. To release the kidnapped, arbitrarily arrested Albanians and all political prisoners as well.
    5. Full compensation of all damages to Albanians that were committed by the military-police of the criminal Serb regime, including the damages and debts of the last few years that the Serb regime has to pay to Albanians.
    6. To allow free access, work, and activity to Kosova, without any impediments, for all international institutions and organizations (especially humanitarian ones).
    7. Negotiations have to be overseen by the major factors of the international community (USA preferred), which would at the same time, guarantee their success.
            Adem Demaçi
            Përfaqësues i përgjithshëm politik i
            Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës (UÇK)
            Adem Demaçi
            General Political Representative
            of the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)
             Tel & Fax :  ++ 381 38 36 032
             E-mail    :  Demaci@albanian.com

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1580
    Datum:         Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:05:55 +0200
        Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 12 October 1998

    LDK: Only a Vigorous NATO Intervention Would Save the People of Kosova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - The Presidency of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) called "cynical" and a "propaganda stunt" the Serb regime's statements alleging Belgrade has fulfilled the demands contained in the UN Security Council Resolution 1199. Such statements are aimed at "misleading the international community and public opinion and head off international intervention".
    The Serbian regime has met none of the UN Security Council's demands, the LDK said, calling on the United States and other international factors to ensure that "an activation order for NATO intervention is issued immediately" to force Belgrade into compliance.
    Only a vigorous NATO intervention, which should strike the Serb military machinery which has been causing tragedy in the Balkans, and an immediate deployment of international peacemaking and peacekeeping troops, can guarantee protection of the people of Kosova and pave the way for a political process in pursuit of a negotiated resolution in Kosova, the LDK leadership said in a statement issued today.

    Jezerc Village Sealed Off for Almost a Month
    Serb forces have reportedly slain at least 13 Albanians, wounded an unspecified number of others at the village, whose 800 residents live in the hills

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - At least 13 Albanians have been slain by Serb forces in the village of Jezerc, and a number of others wounded, during the offensive which started on 16 September, the LDK chapter in Ferizaj ('Urosevac') said.
    The village is still under Serb siege, sources said.
    Serb paramilitary forces executed amongst others an elderly Albania, Sejdi R. Halilaj, as well as slaughtered Lulzim Shaip Luta, a young man from Suhareka, who was working in the village of Jezerc.
    The number of those wounded in Jezrec is said to be high, though only four have been reported by name: Fatmir Avduli, Abdullah Sejdiu, Tafë B. Ukëzmajli and Naile R. Ukëzmajli (f).
    Serb troops have looted all the Albanian houses and burned at least 100 of them. The local elementary school has been burned too. Halit B. Biba is reported to have been abducted by Serb forces.
    Around 800 Albanian residents have remained behind in Jezerc, now living in the hills, without shelter, food and medication, LDK sources said.
    A similar situation has been reported prevailing in the villages of Nerodime e Epërme and Nerodime e Poshtme villages. Serb forces have looted and burned over 100 Albanian farmhouses in the two villages, sources said.

    Serbs Pound Albanian Communities in Malisheva

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - Albanian communities in some parts of Malisheva were pounded with artillery and machine-gun fire during the past weekend, the Malisheva LDK chapter said today.
    The local school building in Bubavec village was burned down yesterday (Sunday) when the village came under Serb fire. Several houses were burned in Drenoc village, it added.
    The Information Commission in Malisheva circulated today an account on the material damage caused in the municipality during the Serb offensives during the last spring and summer months. 45 farmhouses were burned down in Balincë village, 130 in Bubavec, 50 in Plloçicë, 65 in Mleçan, 30 in Kijeva, 30 in Drenoc, 25 in Tërpezë e Ulët, 40 in Carrallukë, 63 in Llapçevë, and 2 houses in Rud village.
    Scores of houses and shops have been burned in the small town of Malisheva. School buildings, religious shrines and other common buildings of communities were burned or damaged, too, LDK sources said.
    The Commission described the situation in the area as highly critical, with thousands of homeless people and an increased Serb police presence.
    Four persons - two children, a woman and a man - staying in camping sites or half-ruined houses, died in the area during the past week alone. Thousands have been sleeping under home-made plastic tents, or houses without doors and windows.
    Sources on the ground said Serb forces have been digging in in many key positions around Malisheva villages. Serbs have been camouflaging in locations that cannot be seen by foreign observers.
    An exceptionally huge arsenal of weaponry has been hidden around the Sferkë e Gashit village in the neighboring municipality of Klina, local activists said.

    Kosovar Refugees Walk into Minefield, At Least Two Wounded, Others Feared Dead

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - At least two Kosovar refugees were wounded when they walking into a minefield near the Kosova-Albania border on Saturday evening, the Prishtina-based Bujku newspaper said.
    The newspaper said the incident occurred near Bogaj village in Hasi region, western Kosova, when a group of Kosovars attempted to cross into neighboring Albania.
    The two wounded people were taken to the Kukës town hospital (Albania). Bujku quoted survivors as saying they suspected at least two refugees died at the spot, but they could not return and confirm it.
    During the past ten days, at least five similar incidents in minefields planted by Yugoslav army, were reported in the Hasi region, Bujku concluded.

    Highly Volatile Situation in Prizren, Scores of Albanians Arrested and Tortured

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) -  Sources in Prizren municipality said the situation in the area continued to be highly volatile, especially in the villages and hamlets in the border area, where the local population has been going through daily campaigns of intimidation and reprisals by Serb troops.
    Serb forces have been repositioning in the area and garrisoning in villages that were not badly affected by Serb offensives earlier, the LDK chapter in Prizren said today.  Heavy Serb troops have been deployed today morning in the compounds of the local school in Vlashnje village. Several teachers and pupils were harassed, when Serb soldier intruded into classrooms.
    Serb forces went today morning to the villages of Romajë, Dedaj, Lugishtë and Kushnin, in the Hasi region, and told local villagers to surrender all their weapons they allegedly posses, or risk harsh reprisals within two days.
    Similar threats were issued over the past days to the residents of Konjush and Mazrek. Scores of Albanians have been arrested and beaten up, sources said.
    The following local residents have been reported arrested in Mazrek: Mon Karavidaj, Osman Jahaj, Kadri Jahaj, Sali Hameli, Qazim Karavidaj, Selim Karavidaj, Gëzim Karvidaj, Deli Kravidaj Gani Karavidaj.
    Destan Kravidaj, Shqiptar Karavidaj, Halil Jahaj, Ilir Jahaj, Shaqir Hameli, Shemsedin Jahaj, Zenun Kravidaj, and Kadri Karavidaj were released after having been beaten up brutally in a meadow near their village.
    In the village of Konjush, Serb police arrested Muharrem Çunaj, Sali Çunaj, Avdullah Çunaj, Mehmet Çunaj, Dullë Çunaj, Mon Çunaj, Muharrem Çunaj and Sali Çunajn. They were all reported still in Serb custody today morning, the LDK Information Commission in Prizren said.

    Police Takes Wounded Albanians Out of Surgery Clinic in Prishtina

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - Seven wounded Albanians, were taken out of the Surgery Clinic in Prishtina, sources from the Serb-run hospital said.
    Gjok Ndrecaj, Arbër Spahiu, Bislim Bislimi, Avdi Krasniqi, and three other unnamed Albanians, were taken by the Serb police out of the hospital. The police said it would have them taken to the Lungs Clinic.
    Serb police has been closely watching, and even harassing and physically ill-treating the wounded Albanians while in the Surgery Clinic, sources said.

    Convoy of Serb Forces Heads for Drenica Villages

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - Fresh Serb forces headed for Drenica villages today morning, local sources said.
    The Serb convoy consisted of 30 Serb military vehicles, tanks, armored cars, and lorries, which left Mitrovica for Skenderaj and arrived in Likoc and Makërmal villages, the local chapter of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said.
    It seems like these Serb forces have been digging in at a location called Stublinë, which is situated between Likoc and Makërmal.
    The sound of heavy guns was being heard coming from the direction of Açarevë village at 10 o'clock in the morning today, the CDHRF in Skenderaj reported.

    Serb Gunfire against Vushtrri Villages on Sunday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - Virtually all day long on Sunday, Serb forces opened fire in the direction of the villages of Bivolak, Strofc and Gllavotin, local LDK sources reported.
    It was Serb forces stationed at Prilluzhë village that targeted the three Albanian villages, the LDK chapter in Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') said.

    Ubiquitous Serb Forces' Presence Reported in Suhareka Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - LDK sources reported a stepped up presence of Serb military and police forces in the municipality of Suhareka.
    A highly tense situation was reported in the town of Suhareka today (Monday) morning, with Serb forces roaming the streets, and patrols halting cars and bystanders everywhere.
    Two Serb helicopters landed near the Ballkan hotel and the elementary schoolhouse. Albanians had to discontinue classes.
    The movement of the villages of Reshtan and Samadraxhë is heavily restricted by Serb forces stationed there. A number of local people have been illtreated by them.
    LDK sources said 22 Albanians, mostly young people, have been abducted in the village of Mohlan, which has been sealed off for three weeks now.
    Meanwhile, sources said the following persons were rounded up by Serb forces on 9 and 10 October: Jusuf Gashi, local LDK organization's head, the brothers Ahmet, Fadil, Haxhi, Elmi and Safet Gashi, the brothers Asllan, Hysni and Bafti Gashi, as well as Reshat Gashi, Alush Kabashi, Besim Kabashi, Jetish Kabashi, Liman Kabashi and Rushit Kabashi, all of them residents of Mohlan.
    The body of Lulzim Shaip Luta (18) from Suhareka, killled by Serb forces in Jezerc village of Ferizaj, has been identified these days. He had been there to work in his family property.

    Serb Forces Deployed in Border Area Between Kosova and Serbia

    PRISHTINA, Oct 12 (KIC) - Serb military forces with 40 vehicles have been stationed today (Monday) near the Kosovar border village of Përpellac, northeast of Kosova, local sources said.
    Serb forces have been stationed one kilometer inside Serbian territory.

    Kosova Information Center
    Last page!

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 12, 1998  at 14:30 hrs
    Makërmal, Drenica region, 11 October - Houses in the village of Makërmal, in the Drenica region, were set on fire today. Sources claim that while the foreign journalists were recording the burning village, Serb policemen were seen passing by. The village, including a large part of that region, is under Serb police control


    KOSOVA (latest)
    Serb forces burn village of Makërmal

    Prishtina, 11 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    Sources close to foreign journalists residing in Prishtina confirm that footage of houses burning in the village of Makërmal, today, were a theme of debate between foreign journalists as to whether they should be released, or not, some branding them as "dangerous" considering the current situation in Kosova.
    Houses in the village of Makërmal, in the Drenica region, were set on fire today, presumably by Serb forces., and is situated close to the road on which the Canadian KDOM and the ICRC vehicles ran into land mines. Sources claim that while the foreign journalists were recording the burning village, Serb policemen were seen passing by.
    Last-ditch diplomatic efforts for securing a political settlement continue in Belgrade, as this week’s seventh round of talks between US Special Envoy Holbrooke and President Milosevic come to an end. Meanwhile, Serb forces in Kosova continue disregarding the demands made in the Security Council Resolution #1199 and the six points of the Contact Group.

    WAR IN KOSOVA (clashes – Drenica)
    Shooting in Tërstenik

    Drenica, 11 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    A Serb force convoy consisting of 12 trucks filled with soldiers, 2 tanks and 4 white military vehicles, drove down the Mitrovicë-Skënderaj-Likovc road, on Saturday, at around 1830CET, CDHRF sources state. It is supposed these forces substituted the Serb forces positioned at the same place before. After a one-hour stay, the forces continued their way to Mitrovicë.
    Occasional shooting was heard coming from the direction of Tërstenik on Sunday.
    Albanian sources again state that on Saturday at around 1400CET, three trucks and two jeeps filled with policemen, went from Mitrovicë in the direction of Skënderaj. Whereas, at around 1500CET, 13 vehicles and APCs loaded with policemen, departed from Mitrovicë, heading in the direction of Skënderaj. Several jeeps had large caliber machine guns installed.

    Military forces position in the border with Kosova

    Podujevë, 11 October (ARTA) 1620CET --
    Military forces were stationed in the territory of Serbia, by the border with Kosova, at Përpelac, municipality of Podujevë, on Saturday. Several trucks and military vehicles settled on Saturday afternoon, about 1 kilometer away from the border, and they seem to have started the preparations for the deployment of the military forces.

    New Serb forces sent in the direction of the bordering zone in Prizren Has

    Prizren, 11 October (ARTA) 1630CET --
    Albanian sources state to have witnessed lately Serb forces going in the direction of the villages of Konjush and Mazrek, in the Has region, in the bordering region with Albania. There are also claims that large Serb forces headed in the direction of the village of Nashec. According to LDK in Prizren, this bordering zone is besieged.
    The Serb military infantry is seen around the villages of Planejë, Milja, and Gorozhupë.

    58 year-old from dies as a result of the physical maltreatment

    Suharekë, 11 October (ARTA) 1645CET --
    On Friday, Serb forces entered the village of Budakovë and maltreated several Albanians, among who Sherif Buzhala (58) from Budakovë.
    CDHRF notifies that Sherif Buzhala, passed away, after priory having a heart attack,

    Artillery shooting in the direction of the border belt and the villages of Voksh

    Deçan, 11 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    Following a several days relative tranquility, on Friday, during the late night hours, "VJ" forces, stationed at Podi i Gështenjave in Deçan, fired using heavy artillery weapons in the direction of the bordering belt, the villages of the Voksh region, but also in the direction of Baballoç, Gramaçel and Gllogjan.
    There is no information about the eventual causalities.
    In the meantime, the Serb police checkpoints are still present in six places along the Gjakovë-Deçan-Pejë road.
    In Strellc i Epërm, the Serb police moved from the previous checkpoint, set near the gas station and stationed in the local health station building.
    In Junik, the Serb army and police are mainly posted in private houses of the Goçaj neighborhood.
    Albanian sources from the ground inform about a great wave of dust witnessed in the border belt Albania-Kosova, caused by the military tanks and other machinery, supposed to serve for digging pits to hide the tanks from eventual NATO attacks.

    KOSOVA (IDPs – Klinë)
    A mother of 11 died as a result of the bad living conditions

    Klinë, 11 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    Nafie Mërlaku (45), from Gremnik, a mother of 11, died on Saturday. Due to the Serb attacks and the burning of their village, she along with her family left the village July and sheltered in the forest of Panoc, where they lived outdoors during the entire time.
    Eight thousand people have been living under the open sky in the region of Sverkë, without any help, for several days now.

    KOSOVA (victims – Ferizaj)
    Two killed in Jezerc - one in Pashtrik

    Ferizaj, 11 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    LDK sources from Ferizaj found out that two more corpses were found after the Serb offensive in the zone of Jezerc. Lulzim Guta (18), from Suharekë, who had came to Jezerc to work in his property, was found killed on 7 October, at the place called "Quku i Dardhës". He was buried by his house, by his few remaining compatriots.
    While Sali Baraliu, (25), from Jezerc, was killed during the clashes. The Bega family from Ferizaj, found out that their son, Arsim Bega, of whom nothing was known, in the last two of months, was killed in the Pashtrik forest. The family has no information as to where or if the corpse is buried.

    KOSOVA (ghost village – Gllogoc)
    Zabel i Epërm now has only 20 residents

    Gllogoc, 11 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    "Where are the weapons you brought from Albania...? Who is responsible for what is happening in Kosova?" asked the Serb military superiors, after the attack in Zabel i Epërm, says Sheremet Rexhepi, a 60 year old, from this village of Drenica.
    The presence and similar provocations of the Serb police\military units, stationed for seven months now, in "Çuka" e Komoranit, forced the residents of Zabel i Epërm to flee their homes and find shelter in less threatened places. The village now counts only 20 residents.

    KOSOVA (Bukoshi)
    Bukoshi: "There is only one KLA"

    New York, 11 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
    During the meeting between of the Prime Minister of Kosova, Bujar Bukoshi, and the Albanian-American community in New York, Bukoshi criticized the international community's stand concerning the position of Kosova and the "weakness" of the Albanian factor. He denied the existence of two armed forces in Kosova and his or other's Kosovars implication in the last political crisis in Albania. During the past week, Bukoshi stayed in Washington, where he had meetings with other American congressional representatives and officials.
    Commenting about the last attempts if the western diplomacy, to find an interim settlement to the problem of Kosova, Bukoshi stated that the process is "followed by an incredible pressure on the Albanian side, as a victim, to achieve any kind of a solution, just so an agreement could be `declared'", which in the meantime would prevent the achievement of the determined objectivity of Kosova for independence. Bukoshi said that the recent agreement, proposed for an interim settlement, gives Albanians "less rights" and "less than what they had " before 1989. He stressed the stand that no agreement will be accepted, without the ending of the massacres conducted on the Albanian population of Kosova, by the Serb side, and condemned the international community's attempt, to impose to the Albanian side (the weaker side), an agreement. "We are interested that USA also be successful in its policy concerning the solution to the Kosova problem", he added and expressed the readiness of the Government to continue with the negotiating process.
    Despite the new problems, which are now presented as a result of the humanitarian disaster, this should not allow us "to forget about our major objectivity (independence of Kosova)", said Bukoshi.
    Bukoshi stated that he and his government are "open to cooperate with all the political forces".
    Asked about the claims that there are two armed forces KLA and FARK, Bukoshi stated that the Government supports KLA, since "it is our mutual work and self-defense", but he denied the existence of different wings in the armed movement. The Government attempted only the institutionalization and the making of the KLA more professional, he stated without elaborating any further.
    The killings of Ahmet Krasniqi and Azem Hajdari and the assassination attempt on Sabri Hamiti, were evaluated by Bukoshi as political crimes and denounced the killing of individuals as a political means. Concerning Krasniqi's killing, Bukoshi said that the Government "has indications", as it seems alluding in the possibility of identifying the authors, but he left the last word to be said by the Albanian bodies.

    KOSOVA (IDPs – Kishnarekë)
    The plastic village in Gryka e Kishnarekës

    Kishnarekë, 11 October (ARTA) 1900CEt --
    The road leading to the new residency of the villagers of Kishnarekë is very difficult to pass, in dry weather. After passing through several paths in a form of a labyrinth, in the forests of this canyon, one starts noticing, white points - plastic covers - while only about tens of meters away, children can be heard screaming and running after the vehicles that go to see their new residency.
    They got used to visits by foreigners and they have learned to salute them in English.
    After passing through the large crowd of children, we approach the plastic covers of the residents of Kishnarekë. The first tent we visited was an area of only several square meters, with more than 15 people in it. A sixty-year-old woman said that they were even missing a few members of the family.
    You could not be sure who was doing what there. Whichever way you turned you would see destroyed sights that induced fear. A half-naked child was running around, as a woman nearby was trying to prevent the leaves from falling into the food she was preparing.
    Climbing up the Berishë forest, we would run into more plastic neighborhoods. They all looked alike. They each had a stove in front, where something was boiling. The people were complaining of lacking everything, but they mostly feared the winter, which is very close. They have lost everything; thus, they were all very much disturbed.
    An old man in his sixties complained that his 25 years of work in Dubrovnik, went down the drain in just several hours, but nevertheless he adds that he is "not worried about loosing the house, I am worried that they will find us here and kill us all".
    Almost all of them were telling the same stories; they had all lost their homes, which were their only wealth. They had no plans for the solution of their situation.
    "The shooting did not stop throughout yesterday and the entire night. Our village was shot at from all sides. We almost lost this child, when we were in the village during the attack. We will not go back until NATO helps us", said one of them.
    In the other camps, extending along the Kishnarekë canyon, the people were constantly making appeals to seek for help from the humanitarian organizations. They have all their hopes in the possible NATO intervention.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • NYT: Fright, Misery and Anger Fuel Serb's Plan
  • AP: Kosovo Is Not Bosnia: It's Simpler, but Infinitely More
  • USIP: Bishop Artemije Remarks from Current Kosovo Briefing

  •            http://www.usip.org/oc/cibriefing/artimije/artimije_remarks.html
    USIP: Moving Serbia Towards Democracy

     ==> LINK to the news

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Kosovo: New Reports
    Datum:         Sun, 11 Oct 1998 20:28:19 +0200
        Von:         Greek Helsinki Monitor <helsinki@OTENET.GR>
    UN Inter-Agency
       Update on Kosovo
    Situation Report 66
     30 September - 6 October 1998

    This report has been compiled by UNHCR with support from OCHA and with inputs from UN Agencies and other humanitarian organisations in  former Yugoslavia and Albania


    1. In the report submitted by the UN Secretary-General (SG) to the Security Council dated 3rd October, 1998 pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 1160 and 1199, the SG condemned the recent "appalling atrocities" witnessed by the international community in Kosovo. The report continues:
    "It is clear beyond reasonable doubt that the great majority of such acts have been committed by security forces in Kosovo acting under the authority of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). But Kosovar Albanian paramilitary units have engaged in armed action also, and there is good reason to believe that they too have committed atrocities."

    2. The report states that while FRY has the inherent right, as a sovereign state, to maintain public order and security and to respond to violent acts of provocation, this can in no way justify the systematic terror inflicted on civilians. The report adds that it is the duty of security forces to protect civilians not to intimidate or murder them. The report also states that it is equally necessary, as called for by the Security Council, for terrorist action, including the taking of hostages by Kosovar Albanian elements, to cease.

    3. The SG’s report recommends the following: cessation of violence, the granting of full humanitarian access and the creation of conditions that will enable refugees and internally displaced persons to return to their homes with confidence that they will not face harassment or worse. However, the SG states that as the United Nations does not have a direct political presence on the ground he does not have the means necessary to provide an independent assessment of compliance with Security Council Resolution 1199, other than on the humanitarian situation. In this regard, the SG reiterated that "the humanitarian crisis is a consequence of what is fundamentally a political problem, which requires a comprehensive political solution through a negotiated settlement."

    Internal Displacement

    4. The Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM) has reported that the informal truce seems to be holding in Kosovo although there were reportedly several engagements between Serbian police and Kosovo Albanians in some parts of the province in recent days.

    5. The overall improvement in security on the ground in Kosovo during the past week has given many displaced living in the open air the opportunity to move into villages in search of shelter. KDOM teams operating in the regions of Pec and Mitrovica reported that they observed very few displaced without shelter in these areas.  On 6th October a joint UNHCR / MSF mission to Golubovac in central Kosovo, which came under attack and was emptied in late September, revealed that most of the 1,000 residents of the village had returned.  UNHCR estimates that at least 50,000 displaced throughout Kosovo have returned to their home areas although it is known that there are still thousands of people living out in the open air.

      UNHCR Estimated Displacement / Refugee Figures:
            (as at 06 October 1998)

    Displacement within Kosovo (1)                200,000
    Displacement into Montenegro (2)               41,800
    Displacement into other parts of Serbia        20,000
    Refugees in Bosnia Herzegovina (3)              6,800
    Refugees into Albania (4)                      20,500
    Refugees into Turkey (5)                        2,000
    Refugees into Slovenia (6)                      2,000
    Non-visa guests into FYROM                      1,000
                            TOTAL                 294,100

    (1) Estimated figure based on information from various organisations in Kosovo.
    (2) An average figure based on figures provided by the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior and the Montenegrin Red Cross.
    (3) UNHCR estimate
    (4) Figures provided by Albanian Government’s Office for Refugees and endorsed by UNHCR..
    (5) UNHCR estimate.
    (6) UNHCR  estimate.
    Relief Operations

    6. The threat of NATO air strikes in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, coupled with the possibility of subsequent reprisals by the civilian population has prompted many humanitarian organisations to scale back their relief activities in Kosovo and evacuate some of their international personnel. At the time of writing expatriate staff from at least 8 of the 28 international humanitarian  organisations with operations in Kosovo have left Pristina.

    7. Many humanitarian agencies remaining in Kosovo have reported experiencing easier passage at police checkpoints during the last week. At major checkpoints traffic policemen have replaced police security units although the police have maintained positions in burned-out houses on the side of the roads.

    8. On 30th September a worker of the ICRC was killed and 3 others wounded after its vehicle hit a land mine at Gornje Obrinje, which is between Glogovac and Srbica. On 14th September an armoured vehicle of the Canadian Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission also struck a land mine in the area. On 5th October the UNHCR Security Coordinator warned relief workers against the possible presence of landmines in two other parts of Kosovo. These are located in the villages of Gladane, Dolovo, Ceskovo and Kpuz, near the Klina turnoff 5 kilometres South-West of the main Pristina-Pec road and at Sedlare and Krimirovce, 11 kilometres South of Komorane, which is 25 kilometres West of Pristina.

    Level of Destruction

    9. In his report dated 3rd October, the UN Secretary-General (SG) stated that as of mid-September an estimated 6,000 - 7,000 buildings in 269 villages had been severely damaged or destroyed by shelling and deliberate burning in the Serb forces’ main areas of operations. The SG observes that this level of destruction points clearly to an indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force against civilian populations.

    Relief Distribution

    10. On 1st October multi-agency convoys escorted by UNHCR delivered relief supplies for some 40,000 people at Djinov village in Suva Reka and Djakovica. The 14 truck convoy carried family food parcels, high protein biscuits, wheat flour, pasta, used clothes, jerry cans, hygienic parcels and napkins, blankets, soap, detergent and stoves. Participating agencies included Doctors of the World, Children’s Aid Direct, Mercy Corps International and Catholic Relief Services.

    11. Multi-agency convoys escorted by UNHCR and WFP delivered relief supplies on 3rd October, 1998 to 28,000 people in Decane, Malisevo and Lipljan. The 16 trucks carried high protein biscuits, family food parcels, wheat flour, canned fish, oil, sugar, marmalade, macaroni, plastic sheeting, used clothing, water containers, hygienic parcels, sanitary napkins, stoves, candles and soap. The items came from Children’s Aid Direct, Doctors of the World, Mercy Corps International, Catholic Relief Services and Save the Children Fund.

    12. On 6th October UNHCR and Mercy Corps International sent relief aid to Klina and Glogovac in central Kosovo for some 40,000 people. The eight trucks, escorted by UNHCR and WFP, carried wheat flour, food packages, baby milk, plastic sheets, blankets and mattresses.


    13. UNICEF and Medecins du Monde-France have signed an agreement which outlines their respective roles in the provision of support to the mobile medical teams operated by Mother Theresa Association (MTA), a local NGO.  During the period under review the medical team focused primarily on those suffering the consequences of the recent clashes in the Drenica area. The team visited Kisna Reka, Trdevac and Gornje Obrinje on 30th September and Gradica, Likosane, Cirez and Krasalic on 2nd October. These mobile health teams have assisted more than 780 displaced during the month of October, 70% of whom are children. Diarrhoea and bronchitis were the most frequently diagnosed ailments.

    14. The immunisation programme supported by WHO, UNICEF, Mother Theresa Association (MTA) and professionals from state-owned health institutions continued in Istinic in Decani municipality and in Ratkovac in Orahovac municipality during the period under review. In Istinic a total of 375 children were immunised, out of which 36 were newborns.

    15. On 2nd October a joint delegation comprising representatives from the Institute of Public Health, WHO, UNICEF visited Prizren and met local health representatives with a view to developing a strategy for the resumption of EPI activity in the area. It was decided to target Suva Reka, Orahovac and Malisevo as these were areas where health services had been most disrupted.

    16. On 2nd October WHO, in collaboration with the Institute of Public Health of Serbia, chaired the fortnightly health meeting focusing on medical programmes in Kosovo.


    17. In spite of UNHCR’s protests the Government of Montenegro has not yet officially rescinded its decision to close the border with Kosovo. This decision is enforced by the police at the entry points along the mountain range of Rozaje and Plav, even though there are unconfirmed reports of an influx of approximately 30 displaced per day from Kosovo into Montenegro. Discussions are ongoing between UNHCR and the Government of Montenegro on the provision of support to the most vulnerable new arrivals.

    18. WFP’s food stocks in Montenegro have been replenished with the arrival of 770 MT wheat flour in Bar on 5th October. This represents the first tranche of a donation by Germany. The wheat flour will be available for distribution in late October assuming that there are no problems with offloading and customs clearance.

    19. UNHCR, Swiss Disaster Relief, World Vision, the Danish Refugee Council and Malteser are coordinating their efforts to provide shelter for Kosovo displaced in the mountainous region of Plav and Rozaje. Several different types of project are under consideration:
    a) Renovation of Collective Centres
    There are currently some 900 displaced hosted in collective centres and it is expected that the population will increase in the future to some 1,500. SDR is compiling a database with all requests for the rehabilitation of these collective centres.
    b) Adaptation of Private houses
    Some displaced are being hosted by families in houses which are not fully completed. SDR will implement major structural repairs to houses hosting IDPs on condition that homeowners allow the displaced to remain for one year. This programme may subsequently be expanded to Podgorica and Ulcinj. Summer cottages will be "winterised" through the distribution of plastic sheeting, plywood and other materials and tools.
    c) Purchase of Prefabricated huts
    In the mountains in the vicinity of Rozaje where many displaced are either living in congested houses or in the open air with their livestock, the possibility of providing wood in order to construct huts is under consideration. This option, which is favoured by the local community, would enable the displaced to survive the Winter without having to move into Rozaje.

    20. The Institute of Public Health in Montenegro has reported an increase in diarrhoeal disease and food poisoning among the displaced although there has been no serious outbreak of major infection or disease to date. Medecins du Monde has delivered 800 kg of drugs in an effort to alleviate shortages.

    21. There are currently some 12,000 displaced children of school age in Montenegro. The majority of these are not being educated as the Ministry of Education has stated that only first graders or those with regular certificates are allowed to go to school. In many areas first graders do not even go to school as parents are reluctant to allow some children to attend classes while others remain at home. In an attempt to encourage the Ministry of Education to adopt a more flexible attitude UNICEF and UNHCR have offered assistance in the form of the renovation of schools premises and the provision of school materials.

    22. According to the Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM) the channels for the transfer of Kosovo refugees to a third country are still active in the Ulcinj. KDOM estimates that approximately 2,000 refugees have moved from Ulcinj to Albania, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


    23. According to the Office for Refugees, the Government agency responsible for registering new arrivals, there are currently 20,500 Kosovo refugees in Albania. The majority of the refugees are located in Southern Albania: 7,000 are on the coast in Durres and 6,000 in Tirana. There is also a caseload of 900 in Kukes due to the continuing influx of 50-60 per day from South-West Kosovo. A few isolated cases continue to cross the border from Montenegro. According to the Office for Refugees 15,400 Kosovo refugees are in good health, 4,600 have "general health problems," 47 are disabled and 32 are wounded. WFP reports that the October food aid distribution is underway using two trucks stationed in Tirana provided by the United States.

    24. The majority of the Kosovo refugees in Albania are living with host families. It is widely recognised that this arrangement is unacceptable as the capacity of the host population to cope with expanded households is gradually becoming eroded. UNHCR has advocated for some time that the refugees be housed in collective accommodation in suitable locations in central Albania and in coastal areas. A site has been identified in Rogozhina, approximately 60 km from Durres, but Government approval is required before refugees can be moved into this area. It is hoped that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees’ request for a quick decision on the allocation of land / buildings for new arrivals will be observed despite the disruption caused by the recent change in the Albanian Government.


    25. Nothing significant to report.

    For information, please contact:
    Fernando del Mundo, UNHCR Pristina     Tel:  381-38-321-09
    David Carden (OCHA), UNHCR Belgrade
    Tel:  381-11-344-2091     Fax: 381-11-344-2947

    Human Rights Watch Condemns Yugoslav Obstruction of War Crimes Investigations,Calls Upon Tribunal to Intensify Kosovo Work

    (New York, October 9, 1998) Human Rights Watch today strongly condemned the latest moves by the Yugoslav authorities to obstruct investigations into alleged war crimes in Kosovo.  On Wednesday, October 7, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) announced that the Yugoslav authorities had denied visa requests for ICTY investigators to probe recent atrocities.  The Yugoslav authorities have stated that they do not recognize the jurisdiction of the Tribunal over war crimes committed in Kosovo.

    "It is essential that the perpetrators of war crimes in Kosovo be brought to justice," said Holly Cartner, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch's Europe and Central Asia Division.  "President Milosevic wants to hide evidence of atrocities by his troops.  He cannot be allowed to dictate the terms of the investigation.  Time is of the essence, and the international community must demand that the ICTY is allowed to carry out an immediate, unconditional and unimpeded investigation."

    The investigation of war crimes committed in Kosovo is a time-sensitive matter, and delays resulting from obstruction by the Yugoslav authorities jeopardize the possibility of bringing the perpetrators of abuses to justice, the organization said.  Evidence deteriorates and may be destroyed, the memory of witnesses fades, and a real possibility of government interference or harassment of witnesses exists.  Human Rights Watch urges the ICTY to intensify its efforts to investigate allegatiosn of war crimes in Kosovo in a timely manner.

    Since the beginning of the Kosovo conflict, Human Rights Watch has documented and investigated numerous allegations of war crimes committed by Yugoslav forces in Kosovo.  These abuses include summary executions of civilians and suspected members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), torture, the targeting of civilians during military operations, and the wanton and widespread destruction of civilian property and objects essential to the survival of civilian population.
    There have also been credible allegations of violations of the law of war committed by the KLA, but the government has refused to allow independent investigators and the ICTY to investigate these allegations as well.

    The Security Council created the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in May 1993 to prosecute war crimes committed during the wars in former Yugoslavia beginning in 1991.  The Security Council has specified no termination date to the Tribunal's jurisdiction.  On March 10, shortly after hostilities broke out in Kosovo, the Chief Prosecutor for the Tribunal, Chief Justice Louise Arbour announced that she considered Kosovo to be within her jurisdiction.  She put both sides to the conflict on notice that she would commence an investigation of any violations of international humanitarian law committed there.

    The U.N. Security Council has repeatedly affirmed that the ICTY's jurisdiction extends to Kosovo.  Most recently, on September 23, the Security Council "call[ed] upon the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the leaders of the Kosovo Albanian community and all others concerned to cooperate fully with the Prosecutor of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the investigation of possible violations within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal."

    The Yugoslav authorities are bound to cooperate with the Tribunal under numerous Security Council resolutions and the Dayton Peace Agreement that resolved the conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina.  Notwithstanding these commitments, the Yugoslav government has consistently ignored the Tribunal's authority and openly harbored a number of publicly indicted war crimes suspects.

    Since the outbreak of hostilities in late February, Human Rights Watch has conducted two missions to the region and documented serious violations of humanitarian law falling within the Tribunal's jurisdiction.  A report detailing those findings was published on October 4 and is available, together with additional information regarding the Tribunal and periodic updates, on the Human Rights Watch website:

    Greek Helsinki Monitor & Minority Rights Group - Greece
    P.O. Box 51393   GR-14510 Kifisia   Greece
    Tel. +30-1-620.01.20     Fax +30-1-807.57.67
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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
        dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
        1. Johannes 4, 21b
        Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
        noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
             noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
        sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
             und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
        Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
        der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
        und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
             Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
        Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
             sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
        Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
             noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
        Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
             aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
      Psalm 1
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        And this commandment have we from him, 
        That he who loveth God love his brother also.
      1Johannes 4,21
      Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
           nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
      But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
           and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
      And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
      that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
      his leaf also shall not wither; 
           and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
      The ungodly [are] not so: 
           but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
      Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
           nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
      For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
           but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
      Psalm 1
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Seite erstellt am 12.10.1998  

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