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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 13. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 13, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1581

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Clinton bekraeftigt Warnung - Kein Zeitlimit fuer Beobachter
  • Geremek: OSZE-Mission im Kosovo wird "rein zivil"
  • Grossbritannien: UNO-Sicherheitsrat soll Kosovo-Abkommen billigen
  • Bundeswehr verlegte acht ECR-Tornados nach Italien
  • Grossbritannien will Kosovo-Abkommen zur UNO-Resolution machen
  • Kinkel: Militaerisches Drohpotential aufrechterhalten
  • Rugova-Vertrauter begruesst Vereinbarung Holbrooke-Milosevic
  • Lufthansa fliegt am Mittwoch wieder nach Belgrad
  • Frankreich nimmt an OSZE-Ueberpruefungsmission teil
  • OSZE-Vorsitzender Geremek will am Freitag nach Belgrad reisen
  • "Feuerwehrmann" Richard Holbrooke: Schwierig und erfolgreich
  • Balkan-Konferenz fordert bedingungslosen Dialog ueber Kosovo
  • Europa-Verband besorgt wegen Kosovo-Konflikt und WM in Belgrad
  • Russland begruesst Einlenken Belgrads und kuendigt Kosovo-Beobachter an
  • Die wichtigsten Forderungen der UNO-Resolution 1199
  • Milosevic lenkt nach NATO-Aktivierungsbefehl in Kosovo-Krise ein
  • Polen und Slowenien verurteilen serbische Gewalt in Kosovo
  • Milosevic ging vor den Kriegsbeilen der NATO in die Knie
  • Russland kuendigt 200 bis 250 Beobachter fuer Kosovo an
  • Albaner-Vertreter reagieren verhalten auf Holbrooke-Vereinbarungen
  • Wurzeln der OSZE reichen in die Zeit des Kalten Krieges zurueck
  • Milosevic lenkt nach NATO-Aktivierungsbefehl in Kosovo-Krise ein
  • Praesident: Bulgariens Parlament entscheidet ueber Luftraum-Oeffnung
  • Moskau begruesst Einlenken von Milosevic in Kosovo-Krise
  • Lage um das Kosovo erinnert an Bosnien
  • NATO will Garant fuer Kosovo-Vereinbarung sein
  • NATO: Solana wird Vereinbarung zum Kosovo mit unterschreiben
  • Milosevic lenkt in Kosovo-Verhandlungen ein
  • Holbrooke: Milosevic lenkt ein
  • Blair spricht von Durchbruch im Kosovo und warnt Milosevic
  • Air France streicht Fluege nach Belgrad bis zum Sonntag
  • Solana: NATO hofft auf Verhandlungsloesung im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • Ungarn oeffnet Luftraum fuer NATO-Flugzeuge
  • Russischer Parlamentschef: Kosovo-Beschluss "Impuls zum Kalten Krieg"
  • Holbrooke vorsichtig optimistisch zurueck nach Belgrad
  • Jugoslawischer Botschafter: NATO-Militaeraktion illegal
  • "Washington Post" zu Aktivierungsbeschluss der NATO
  • "Iswestija" : Situation auf dem Balkan aehnelt der vom Sommer 1914
  • "La Stampa": Ende der Odyssee fuer Fluechtlinge im Kosovo?
  • "The Guardian": Erst der Anfang der Geschichte im Kosovo
  • "Basler Zeitung": Milosevic wird noch gebraucht
  • "Ouest-France": Auf Kontrollen im Kosovo bestehen
  • "Le Figaro": Kosovo-Krise noch lange nicht beendet
  • NATO wuerde ausschliesslich militaerische Ziele angreifen
  • Nato-Rat erläßt Aktivierungsbefehl - Holbrooke erneut zu Milosevic
  • Clinton: Milosevic muß Zusagen erfüllen
  • Erklärung des Nato-Generalsekretärs zum Kosovo-Aktivierungsbefehl
  • Nato-Rat setzt Milosovic Vier-Tage-Frist - Aktivierungsbefehl
  • Nato-Rat beschließt Befehl für Luftangriffe in Kosovo-Krise
  • Holbrooke will Rolle der OSZE für Zukunft im Kosovo klären
  • Holbrooke und sein Zeitvertreib
  • Holbrooke unterrichtet Nato-Rat
  • Holbrooke in Brüssel eingetroffen
  • Albaner: Zwei Verletzte bei Schießereien
  • Russische Warnungen vor NATO-Angriff im Kosovo werden schärfer
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 19:34  http://seite1.web.de/show/36238F0F.NL1/
    Clinton bekräftigt Warnung - Kein Zeitlimit für Beobachter
    Washington (dpa) - US-Präsident Bill Clinton hat Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic erneut nachdrücklich davor gewarnt, die Zusagen für eine Kosovo-Lösung zu brechen. Er forderte ihn auf, für `Realitäten" zu sorgen, die Feindseligkeiten einzustellen und seine Truppen zurückzuziehen oder in die Garnisonen zu schicken.
         `Wir werden uns nicht darauf verlassen, was Präsident Milosevic gesagt hat, sondern was er für die ganze Welt sichtbar tut", betonte Clinton am Dienstag in Washington.
         Der Präsident sagte: "Die internationale Gemeinschaft zieht eine Einhaltung (der Vereinbarungen) einem Konflikt vor (...), aber die NATO ist bereit zum Handeln." Es komme jetzt darauf an, `die Aggressions-Drohung durch das serbische Militär und andere Kräfte in Kosovo vollständig und unumkehrbar zu beseitigen".
         Die Überwachungs-Mission im Kosovo wird nach Angaben des amerikanischen Sicherheitsberaters Sandy Berger zeitlich unbegrenzt sein. `Sie wird so lange wie nötig dort sein", sagte Berger am Dienstag im Weißen Haus. Er rechne allerdings nicht mit Jahren, sondern Monaten.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 19:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36238AF3.NL1/
    Geremek: OSZE-Mission im Kosovo wird «rein zivil»
    Stockholm (dpa) - Der polnische Außenminister Bronislaw Geremek hat am Dienstag in Stockholm als amtierender Vorsitzender der OSZE (Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa) eine «rein zivile» Mission der Organisation im Kosovo angekündigt.
         Geremek sagte während seines Besuches in Schweden, er habe unmittelbar nach Bekanntgabe der NATO-Beschlüsse zum Kosovo die Vorbereitung der Entsendung von 2000 OSZE-Vertretern in das Konfliktgebiet in Gang gesetzt. Der polnische Minister wollte sich nicht zu Länderquoten in dieser Gruppe äußern und verwies auf diesen Freitag als «entscheidenden Tag» wegen der geplanten Unterzeichnung aller Vereinbarungen in Belgrad. Geremek will ebenfalls dorthin reisen.
         Er äußerte sich nicht über mögliche militärische Schutzmaßnahmen für die OSZE-Beobachter: «Wir werden die Souveränität der Republik Jugoslawien respektieren. Man muß bei dieser Mission mit Begriffen arbeiten, die sonst nicht üblich sind.»
         Er verwies mehrfach darauf, daß die OSZE-Vertreter keine traditionellen Beobachter seien, sondern dafür sorgen sollten, daß die UNO-Resolution 1199 zum Kosovo verwirklicht werde.
         «Dies wird die größte Herausforderung für die OSZE seit ihrer Gründung», sagte Geremek weiter. Er will am Donnerstag vormittag die Kontaktgruppe zu Jugoslawien in Paris informieren und am Nachmittag in Wien die formelle Zustimmung der OSZE-Mitgliedsländern einholen. Die Unterzeichnung der Vereinbarungen in Belgrad zwischen der OSZE und dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Milosevic ist für Freitag vorgesehen.
          Geremek erklärte, er habe über diesen Zeitplan mit seinen Außenminister-Kollegen aus den USA, Frankreich, Österreich (wegen EU-Präsidentschaft) und Rußland sowie NATO-Generalsekretär Yavier Solana gesprochen. Moskau werde «sicherlich eine angemessene russische Vertretung bei der OSZE-Mission vorschlagen», sagte Geremek.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 18:52 http://seite1.web.de/show/36238537.NL1/
    Großbritannien: UNO-Sicherheitsrat soll Kosovo-Abkommen billigen
    Brüssel (dpa) - Großbritannien will das Abkommen zur Beilegung der Kosovo-Krise durch den UNO-Sicherheitsrat billigen lassen. Nach einem Treffen mit NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana in Brüssel sagte Großbritanniens Außenminister Robin Cook am Dienstag: «Es muß sichergestellt werden, daß diese Vereinbarungen durch den UNO-Sicherheitsrat in einer Resolution in Kraft gesetzt werden.» Damit stünde die Autorität der Vereinten Nationen hinter dem Abkommen.
         Solana machte klar, daß die Allianz ihre Drohung mit Luftangriffen zunächst aufrechthalten werde. Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic müsse nachprüfbar beweisen, daß er die mit dem US-Sondergesandten Richard Holbrooke ausgehandelten Vereinbarungen erfüllen werde. «Wir wollen keine Gewalt anwenden», sagte Solana. «Aber Gewalt könnte nötig werden. Die NATO ist bereit zu handeln.»
         Der NATO-Rat hatte in der Nacht zum Dienstag den Aktivierungs-Befehl für Luftangriffe gebilligt. Der Befehl ist von kommenden Samstag an gültig - also binnen einer viertägigen Frist. Dann geht die Befehlsgewalt über die vom Bündnis bereitgestellten Truppen auf den NATO-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, General Wesley Clark, über.
         Im NATO-Hauptquartier in Brüssel verlautete, der NATO-Rat werde entsprechend der diplomatischen Entwicklung über die Dauer des Aktivierungsbefehls entscheiden. «Der NATO-Rat können den Befehl aufheben, vorübergehend ruhen lassen oder die Frist des Inkrafttretens verlängern», sagte ein hoher NATO-Beamter. Eine Entscheidung werde bis Freitag getroffen.
         Cook und Solana hoben hervor, daß das Abkommen den Beginn eines langwierigen politischen Prozesses markiere. Nach Angaben Solanas wird die Vereinbarung, die zwischen der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und der jugoslawischen Führung geschlossen werde, eine Laufzeit von einem Jahr haben.
         Das Abkommen könne auf Verlangen einer der Parteien um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert werden. Die OSZE soll 2 000 Beobachter in das Kosovo schicken. Sie sollen den Abzug der jugoslawischen und serbischen Einheiten aus dem Gebiet kontrollieren. Die NATO soll aus der Luft überwachen, ob Milosevic seine Zusagen einhält.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 18:33  http://seite1.web.de/show/362380DF.NL2/
    Bundeswehr verlegte acht ECR-Tornados nach Italien

    Photo: © dpa
    Ein Kampfjet der Bundesluftwaffe vom Typ Tornado startet am Dienstag (13.10.1998) vom Fliegerhorst Lechfeld bei Augsburg. Diese Maschine gehört zum SFOR-Kontingent, das die Luftwaffe in das italienische Piacenza verlegt. Nach einem entsprechenden Beschluß des Bundestages können diese Maschinen auch über dem Krisengebiet im Kosovo eingesetzt werden.

    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 18:18 http://seite1.web.de/show/36237D61.NL1/
    Großbritannien will Kosovo-Abkommen zur UNO-Resolution machen
    Brüssel (dpa) - Großbritannien will das Kosovo-Abkommen durch den UNO-Sicherheitsrat billigen lassen. Nach einem Treffen mit NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana in Brüssel sagte Großbritanniens Außenminister Robin Cook am Dienstag: «Es muß sichergestellt werden, daß diese Vereinbarungen durch den UNO-Sicherheitsrat in einer Resolution in Kraft gesetzt werden.» Damit stünde die Autorität der Vereinten Nationen hinter dem Abkommen.
         Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat unter dem Eindruck der militärischen Drohung durch die NATO eingelenkt, seine Truppen aus dem Kosovo zurückziehen und der Provinz mehr Autonomie einzuräumen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 17:53  http://seite1.web.de/show/36237769.NL1/
    Kinkel: Militärisches Drohpotential aufrechterhalten
    Bonn (dpa) - Als «gute Nachricht» hat Außenminister Klaus Kinkel die Einigung zur Lösung der Krise im Kosovo bezeichnet. Die Politik des auf ein glaubwürdiges militärisches Drohpotential gestützten internationalen Drucks auf Belgrad habe sich als richtig erwiesen, erklärte er am Dienstag in Bonn.
         Derzeit liefen intensive Kontakte mit dem Ziel, noch in dieser Woche erneut zu einem Ministertreffen der Kontaktgruppen-Staaten zusammenzukommen. Nun gehe es darum, «genauestens und penibel» die Vereinbarung zwischen US-Unterhändler Richard Holbrooke und dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic umzusetzen. Solange dies nicht nachprüfbar geschehen sei, «muß das militärische Drohpotential aufrechterhalten bleiben», betonte der Außenminister.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 13.10.1998 17:30  http://seite1.web.de/show/36237226.NL1/
    Rugova-Vertrauter begrüßt Vereinbarung Holbrooke-Milosevic
    Pristina (dpa) - Ein enger politischer Vertrauter des Führers der Kosovo-Albaner, Ibrahim Rugova, hat am Dienstag die zwischen dem US-Sondervermittler Richard Holbrooke und dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic erzielte Vereinbarung grundsätzlich begrüßt.
         "Sie ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung", sagte Fehmi Agani am Dienstag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa). Er führt auch das von Rugova benannte Team für Verhandlungen mit den serbischen Behörden.
         Die Vereinbarung sieht unter anderem den Rückzug serbischer Sicherheitskräfte aus den Kampfgebieten im Kosovo sowie Garantien für die Rückkehr der aus ihren Dörfern gewaltsam vertriebenen Albaner vor und beinhaltet Maßnahmen zu einer internationalen Überprüfung dieser Bestimmungen. Unter anderem sollen 2 000 OSZE-Überwacher vor Ort tätig werden und die NATO das Recht zu Aufklärungsaktivitäten im Luftraum über dem Kosovo erhalten.
         "All dies schafft ein gewisses Umfeld für anschließende substantielle Verhandlungen", sagte Agani. "Die Absicht von Milosevic, sich mit repressiven Maßnahmen eine Position der Überlegenheit zu schaffen, ist nicht aufgegangen." Gleichzeitig glaube er aber nicht, daß "das Kosovo-Problem damit gelöst ist", sagte Agani.
         "Es wird gewiß noch Schwierigkeiten geben", legte der Politiker dar. "Milosevic ist sehr versiert darin, einmal eingegangene Abmachungen zu obstruieren."
    © dpa
         ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    taken from  http://www.kosova.com  on October 13, 1998  at  18:00 hrs
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 13 October 1998 17:30 CET


  • "Balkan Graveyards Are Filled with President Milosevic's Broken Promises", Says Clinton
  • ACTORDs Issued, Responsibility on Milosevic's Shoulders, Solana Says
  • Independence, the Only Real Solution for Kosova, Parliament Says
  • LDK Hails NATO Ultimatum, Warns over Belgrade's Habits of Noncompliance
  • Slams draft accord for interim solution in Kosova
  • Two Men Wounded in Skenderaj Village, Attacked by Serbs on Monday
  • Bodies of Four Killed Albanians Found in Carrabreg, Deçan
  • First Snows Come in Suhareka Hills, With Thousands of Homeless Refugees
  • Albanian Detained By Serbs Two Months Ago Found Dead Near His Village
  • Serb Police Brutalizes and Detains Seven Albanians at Checkpoint near Vushtrri
  • "Balkan Graveyards Are Filled with President Milosevic's Broken Promises", Says Clinton

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - U.S. President Bill Clinton Monday evening made a dramatic address to the nation after NATO had issued ACTORDs for action against Serbia if Milosevic failed to comply with UN Security Resolution 1199 over Kosova.
    Following is the text of Clinton's statement, issued by his Press Secretary's Office:
    (Begin text)
    In recent weeks, faced with a deepening and dangerous crisis in Kosovo, the United States has worked to stop the violence and repression and put the people of Kosovo on the path to peace. Last month, the United Nations Security Council, through
    Resolution 1199, demanded that President Milosevic implement a cease-fire, withdraw the forces he has recently sent to Kosovo and garrison the rest, allow refugees to return to their villages, give immediate access to humanitarian relief agencies, and agree to a timetable for autonomy negotiations with the Kosovar Albanians.
    President Milosevic has not yet complied with the  international community's demands. Given his intransigence, the 16 members of NATO have just voted to give our military commanders the authority to carry out air strikes against Serbia. This is only the second time in NATO's history that it has authorized the use of force -- and the first time in the case of a country brutally repressing its own people.
    The international community is now prepared to act. But as I  have said from the beginning, we would prefer to resolve this crisis peacefully, rather than through military action. That is why I sent Ambassador Richard Holbrooke on a mission to make it clear to President Milosevic what the world expects him to do to avert the NATO air strikes.
    Ambassador Holbrooke has reported to me, and in the past few  hours to NATO, that, faced with a solid international front, President Milosevic has made a series of commitments. If fully implemented -- and that is a critical and very big "if" --these commitments could achieve the international community's objectives as stated in the United Nations resolution.
    In light of President Milosevic's pledges, and the independent verification system that will be established, NATO has agreed to delay action for 96 hours.
    President Milosevic has agreed first the fully comply with U.N. Security Council Resolution 1199. Second, he has accepted an intrusive international inspection to verify compliance. Third, he has agreed to a timetable for completing interim autonomy arrangements with the Kosovar Albanians.
    If these commitments are met, and the international  community will be able to see for itself whether they are met,  they could provide the basis for peace and progress.  All along our objectives have been clear -- to end  the violence in Kosovo which threatens to spill over into  neighboring countries and to spark instability in the heart of  Europe; to reverse a humanitarian catastrophe in the making as  tens of thousands of homeless refugees risk freezing or starving  to death in the winter; and to seek a negotiated peace.
    But let me be very clear: Commitments are not compliance. Balkan graveyards are filled with President Milosevic's broken promises. In the days ahead we will focus not only on what President Milosevic says, but on what we see that he does through a robust, on the ground and in the air verification system.
    I hope that the commitments President Milosevic has  made can create a peaceful way forward. That has been our  preference all along. But together with our NATO partners, we  will determine whether President Milosevic follows words with  deeds. And we will remain ready to take military action if Mr.  Milosevic fails to make good on his commitments this time. As we approach the next century we must never forget  one of the most indelible lessons of this one we're about to  leave -- that America has a direct stake in keeping the peace in  Europe before isolated acts of violence turn into large-scale  wars. Today, determined diplomacy backed by force is creating  the path to peace.
    I want to thank Mr. Holbrooke, I want to thank Secretary General Solana and our NATO allies for all the contributions they have made. Now we must and we will do what is necessary to see that path to peace is followed.
    Thank you very much.
    (End text)

    ACTORDs Issued, Responsibility on Milosevic's Shoulders, Solana Says

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - NATO Secretary General Javier Solana said October 13 the North Atlantic Council decided to issue "activation orders -ACTORDs- for both limited air strikes and a phased air campaign in Yugoslavia, execution of which will begin in approximately 96 hours."
    Solana said Ambassador Holbrooke stressed there had been some progress in his efforts to resolve the crisis in Kosova and that this progress was largely due to the pressure of the Alliance in the last few days. "We have to maintain this pressure in order to ensure that the process continues", NATO Secretary General said in a statement to the press following the decision on the ACTORDs.
    The 'FRY" has still not complied fully with UNSCR 1199 and time is running out, Solana said.
    Diplomacy can still success and the use of military forces can be avoided, the NATO Secretary General said, adding that the responsibility is on Milosevic's shoulders. "He knows what he has to do."

    Independence, the Only Real Solution for Kosova, Parliament Says

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - The Presidency of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova reaffirmed in a meeting Tuesday, October 13, the only "rightful and real solution for Kosova is independence, which is indeed the expressed political will of the people".
    In the midst of the Serbian military offensive - which has left almost 2,000 Albanians killed, as many gone missing, over 450,000 displaced from their homes, most of them with no hope of ever returning back, because they have been levelled to the ground - Kosova has been turned into a "slaughterhouse" and most of its territory into a scorched earth, the Presidency of the Parliament of Kosova said in a press release issued from the meeting.
    The Republic's Parliament condemned the ongoing Serbian criminal military and paramilitary offensive in Kosova and the Greater Serbian designs at the expense of Kosova.
    "There can be no solution for the Kosova issue under Serbian-Yugoslav rule. The Albanian people and the other non-Serb peoples of Kosova have never, with no act whatsoever, recognized/accepted the Serbia-Montenegro state, which has been constituted without Albanians and against their wishes, nor the Serb-Montenegrin pretensions to keep Kosova under occupation," the Presidency of the Parliament said.
    The Kosova Parliament called on the international community to address the Kosova issue, and not exclude independence as a solution for it.
    The Parliament still supports a peaceful and political solution for Kosova, but also holds an international intervention is necessary as well as an interim stage international administration pending a lasting solution, which should be based on the will of the people of Kosova expressed in the 1991 referendum.
    Based on all legal and political documents of the Republic of Kosova, the Parliament reaffirmed that "no group or individual in Kosova, excepting its legitimate representatives, has the authority to represent the people of Kosova, let alone agree to any arrangement for Kosova which is in opposition to the will of the people declared in the Referendum", a press release, signed by Idriz Ajeti, the Speaker of the Parliament of Kosova, concluded.

    LDK Hails NATO Ultimatum, Warns over Belgrade's Habits of Noncompliance

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - The Presidency of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK), the largest political party in Kosova, hailed today last night's NATO ultimatum to Serbia.
    The LDK reaffirmed its policy line: the need for internationally guaranteed talks for Kosova, which should respect the political will of the people for independence.
    In a statement issued today (Tuesday), the LDK said it welcomed NATO's issuance of activation orders, but warned of "grave experiences with Serb regime's broken promises and noncompliance".
    The plight of the displaced Albanian population up and down Kosova is worsening by the hour, the LDK said, adding that it makes full implementation of NATO demands an imperative.
    "The NATO ultimatum gives hope for a resolution of the Kosova issue," the LDK leadership said, adding that the delay of action may put in danger many Albanian families living rough in the open.
    The LDK presidency reiterated its call for the deployment of "peacemaking international forces in Kosova" pending a negotiated, internationally guaranteed, settlement in Kosova.

    UÇK Representative Hails NATO Activation Orders
    Slams draft accord for interim solution in Kosova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - Speaking at a press conference in Prishtina today, Adem Demaçi, the General Representative of the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army), hailed "the news that NATO will strike in four days' time if Milosevic fails to comply with UN Security Council Resolution 1199".
    Unarmed [OSCE] observers would be an unsatisfactory solution, Demaçi said, referring to reports that Holbrooke had stricken a deal with Milosevic for such a presence in Kosova.
    Asked to comment on the interim accord draft for Kosova, Demaçi said he himself, but also Kosova chief negotiator Fehmi Agani, was dissatisfied with the proposed arrangements.
    The UÇK would take part in negotiations with Belgrade when and if certain conditions have been met, Adem Demaçi said, adding that all Albanian prisoners should be released, the Albanian broadcasting media restored, the return of people to their homes completed, and criminals handed over to the Hague Tribunal.
    The UÇK representative called for the creation of a Government of National Salvation in Kosova.
    The UÇK reaffirmed said it would show self-restraint during eventual NATO strikes against Serb military installations, pursuant to its decision of 8 October to cease military actions.
    The UÇK Representative's Office issued a press release today in which it slammed the latest version of a draft accord for Kosova. "It has substantial weaknesses", the Office said, adding that it was "unacceptable even as an interim accord", because it eliminated the sovereignty and the borders of the Republic of Kosova, as well 2as the UÇK as a "real force to protect/preserve sovereignty".

    Two Men Wounded in Skenderaj Village, Attacked by Serbs on Monday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - Two Albanians were wounded yesterday (Monday), when their Plluzhina village near Skenderaj ('Srbica) came under Serb forces' fire. Local sources said Serb troops pounded with machine-gun fire Plluzhina and a couple of neighboring hamlets yesterday afternoon.
    The chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Skenderaj said Serb forces backed up by heavy armament were deployed yesterday between the villages of Makërmal and Likovc, where from they attacked later the outlying hamlets.
    The CDHRF said two local villagers were wounded in Plluzhina. It failed, however, to learn their identity or the extent of their injuries.
    The LDK chapter in Skenderaj said Serb forces burned down Monday the whole farmhouse of an Albanian in Klinë e Epërme village. Besides houses and barns of Sali Barani, Serbs set ablaze his lorry, tractor, car and farming appliances, it said.

    Bodies of Four Killed Albanians Found in Carrabreg, Deçan

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - The bodies of four Albanians were found Monday near Carrabreg village of Deçan. The Albanians had been presumably killed during a Serb attack in the area earlier this month.
    Local sources in Carrabreg village named said they identified three victims, naming them as Cufë Balaj (78), Mone Balaj (f, 75), Ajmane Dautaj (f, 70). The fourth is a young man in his late teens, whose identity has not been established yet.
    The LDK chapter in Deçan said a 22-year-old Albanian, Arben Hajdari, resident of Shaptej village, died in his village on Sunday because of lack of medical treatment. The young Albanian was wounded earlier this year.
    Sources in Deçan and the neighboring Gjakova municipality said Serb troops have not been withdrawing, but rather repositioning and camouflaging in places that cannot be noticed easily by random passersby. Serb forces have been in particular garrisoning or digging in and around industrial complexes, according to local sources.

    First Snows Come in Suhareka Hills, With Thousands of Homeless Refugees

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - Sources in Suhareka reported of stepped up movement of Serb troops in the area during the morning hours today.
    Motorized Serb convoys with soldiers in combat fatigue have been seen heading towards the villages of Gjinoc, Mohlan, Dubravë, Sllagrazhdë, Mushtisht, Vraniq and Reshtan.
    The LDK chapter in Suhareka said the first snows fell today morning in the hills and villages in the area, where thousands of refugees are living in makeshift plastic tents or gutted houses. Besides the shortage of basic food and medical supplies and winterization items, the uprooted people are faced with freezing, it said.
    In some of the villages such as Grejçec, Çadrak, Papaz and Vërshec, the local residents are afraid to return to their gutted houses, because of Serb forces' presence around their villages.

    Albanian Detained By Serbs Two Months Ago Found Dead Near His Village

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - The body a 60-year-old Albanian, Rrustem Rreci, was found yesterday in a forest near his Llausha village of Skenderaj. The late Rreci had gone missing for over two months, sources said.
    The LDK Information Commission in Skenderaj said Rrustem Rreci, alongside with several neighbors of his, was rounded up by Serb forces and taken to an unknown place. There has been no word on their whereabouts so far.

    Serbs Camouflage Armaments Even in Schools

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - Sources in Gjilan said Serb troops have been day and night on the move in an attempt to relocate or hide armaments or forces.
    Part of the Serb war machinery has been withdrawn to their permanent bases, but most of it has been camouflaged in different places, including factories and buildings of community.
    The local school in Cernica village has been turned into a virtual armor, eye-witnesses said. Huge quantities of weaponry and ammunition has been hidden in the school's gym, while classrooms into make-shift army barracks. The Serb school principal has been behaving as if he himself was an army officer, they said.
    Cernica is a strategic Albanian-Serb mixed village, from where a number of outlying villages and those on both sides of Ferizaj-Gjilan roadway can be easily pounded with fire, the LDK chapter in Gjilan warned.

    Serb Police Brutalizes and Detains Seven Albanians at Checkpoint near Vushtrri

    PRISHTINA, Oct 13 (KIC) - Seven Albanians were detained after having been brutally beaten at a Serb police checkpoint at Nadakovc village of Vushtrri on Sunday.
    The LDK chapter in Vushtrri ('Vucitrn') said the seven Albanians arrested in Nadakovc on Sunday were residents of Drenica region. It could learn the identity of only one of them, naming him as Beqir Fekaj from Kërnina village of Istog.
    Five of them were held in Serb police station in Vushtrri for around 24 hours, during which tine they were tortured badly. Two other men, one from Obria village of Gllogovc and the second one from Çubrel of Skenderaj, have not been released yet.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 13, 1998  at  07:25 hrs
    KOSOVA (war in Kosova)
    Serb forces massacre 13 Albanians and wound several others in the village of Jezerc

    Ferizaj, 12 October (ARTA) 1520CET --
    13 Albanian civilians were massacred and several others were wounded, during the last Serb force offensive in the village of Jezerc, which still remains besieged. There are reports that the Serb forces executed Sejdi Halilaj, suffering from cancer and massacred young Lulzim Luta, from Suharekë, who was working in this village, as well as seven other Albanians whose names remain unknown.
         It is informed that the number of the wounded in this village is very high, but so far only the names of Fatmir Avdulli, Abdullah Sejdiu, Tafë Ukëzmajli and Naile Ukzmajli, are known.
         Up to now, Serb paramilitary forces in Jezerc looted and burned more than 100 Albanian owned houses, the elementary school building, more than 30 tractors, dozens of vehicles, trucks and other things.
         Halil Biba was abducted by the Serb paramilitary, and was sent to the police station in Prizren, and nothing else is known about him ever since.
         In the village of Jezerc, more than 800 Albanian people continue to live in the forest of this village, without any food, clothing or other basic supplies, as the Serb forces continue to shoot in their direction.
         A similar situation is reported to be taking place also in Nerodime e Epërme and Nerodime e Poshtme, where the Serb forces have looted and burned more than 100 Albanian owned houses.

    Serb forces reposition in Drenica

    Drenica, 12 October (ARTA) 1500CET—
    New Serb forces headed in the direction of Drenica on Monday, at around 1000CET. CDHRF reports that a convoy composed of over 30 Serb military vehicles, trucks, tanks and other armored vehicles, departed from Mitrovicë, passed through Skënderaj and stationed in Likovc and near the village of Makërmal.
         It is reported that at the place called Stublinë, located between Likovc and Makërmal, these forces are preparing the terrain for a longer stay. According to the same sources, fierce shooting was heard coming from the direction of the village of Açarevë at around 1000CET.

    Shooting in the direction of Albanian villages

    Vushtrri, 12 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    Shooting was heard almost during the entire day until after midnight, from the direction of the villages Bivolak, Strofc and Gllavotin. Local sources in Vushtrri, state that the shooting was conducted by the Serb forces stationed in Prilluzhë.

    Tense situation in the Has region

    Prizren, 12 October (ARTA) 1510CET --
    The situation in Has, i.e. the border with Albania, is deteriorating following the ultimatum of the Serb forces to the villagers of Romajë, Dedaj, Lugishtë and Kushnin, to hand over their weapons, local sources in Prizren state. The same ultimatum was given to the local population in Konjushë and Mazrrek.
         In the village of Mazrrek, the Serb forces arrested Mon Karavidaj, Osman Jahaj, Kadri Jahaj, Sali Hameli, Qazim Karavidaj, Selim Karavidaj, Gëzim Karavidaj, Deli Karavidaj and Gani Karavidaj, whereas Destan Karavidaj, Shqiptar Karavidaj, Halil Jahaj, Ilir Jahaj, Shaqir Hameli, Shemsedin Jahaj, Zenun Karavidaj and Kadri Karavidaj, were physically maltreated.
         They were held in the field for about 20 hours, where they were severely beaten. In the village of Konjushë, the Serb police arrested Muharrem, Sali, Avdullah, Mehmet, Dullë, Mon, Muharrem and Sali Çunaj.

    Repositioning and shooting continue

    Malishevë, 12 October (ARTA) 1545CET --
    Despite the KLA unilateral cease-fire, Serb forces are continuing with attacks against the civilian population of Malishevë.
         The village of Ostrazub was shelled on Sunday from the Serb positions in Dragobil. According to Albanian sources, this shelling was conducted in order to prevent the locals from going back to their homes. The last remaining houses were finally burned down in the village of Bubavec.
         In the meantime, Serb forces in their positions in Balincë, shelled again the village of Drenoc, Malishevë municipality. Intensified Serb force movements from their positions were evidenced during the past couple of days, particularly in the village of Carrallukë. Presently only one change occurred in the Serb positions: Serb forces stationed in four points in Ostrazub, regrouped in a single point in the construction material warehouse. Albanian sources state that due to the bad weather, the situation of the dislocated living outdoors and in cellars is worsening.
         Four people, two children, one woman and a man, died

    Serb police severely maltreats two Albanians

    Klinë, 12 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    On 9 October, as they were travelling to Prishtina, Serb police stopped Ramadan Berisha (67), Nezir Berisha (32) and Armend Berisha (17), from Volljakë, Klinë municipality. They were headed to Prishtina to take a child to the hospital. The police took them to Dollc checkpoint. Upon their arrival at this checkpoint, the police ordered them to report at the police station in Klinë. They let Nezir go, since he was holding the baby in his arms, but told him he most report back to the police the next day. Nezir and Armend, on the other hand, were kept in the station for several hours, were they were brutally beaten.

    Serb police arrests 22 Albanians in the village of Mohlan

    Suharekë, 12 October (ARTA) 1610CET --
    A large Serb police expedition, surrounded the village of Mohlan on Sunday and arrested 22 mainly young Albanians. The same sources state that the pretext of their arrest remains unknown. They also state that nothing is known on their whereabouts either.
         Serb police forces were largely present, on the streets of the town proper, on Monday, controlling the passersby.
         At around 1000CET, two helicopters of the "Yugoslav" army flew at a very low altitude over the town, to later land in the sports field near "7 Marsi" elementary school in Suharekë. Many students left the school in fear and panic, thus the school board was forced to temporarily stop the classes.

    KOSOVA (shelling – Klinë)
    Villages of Përçevë and Sverkë shelled

    Klinë, 12 October (ARTA) 1945CET --
    The villages of Përçevë and Sverkë were shelled throughout the day today from the Serb military base by the bauxite mine in Volljakë. Dozens of different caliber grenades are claimed to have been shelled into these villages.
         The shelling also continued during the afternoon, but with a reduced intensity. The Serb forces are still concentrated with their heavy fighting arsenal in the highest points of Volljakë, Sverkë, Përçevë, Këpuz, Grabanicë, by the agricultural airport in Budisalc and by the Mirushë waterfall. There are also claims that the Serb forces are camouflaging the anti-aircraft missiles, which are settled in several points of this region. According to Albanian sources, three "Yugoslav" army soldiers surrendered to the KLA on Monday, in the region of Sverkë.
         On the other hand, the Serb army looted the Albanian owned houses in the villages of Volljakë and Çupevë, while in Cerrovik many houses were still burning today.
         Serb snipers are settled in several villages of the municipality. In the village of Cerrovik, the Serb snipers killed Xhemile Jakupi in front of her house.
         In the meantime, Serb prisons still hold in detention 889 Albanians from the municipality of Klinë. On the other hand, Mentor Haziraj (16), from Jashanicë, Faik Millaku (21), from Ujëmirë and Ragip Asllani (57) from Drenoc, are considered as missing since August.

    KOSOVA (weapons hidden – Istog)
    Weaponry sheltered in underground tunnels

    Istog, 12 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    Besides the tactic withdrawal, the Serb forces started dislocating the weaponry, transported and covered in trucks. Under the escort of special units, coming from several points, the police "sheltered" the collected weaponry. Their main bases, such as "Mokna", Dubravë prison, etc., were recently substituted by temporary "shelters", such as the tunnels by the hills of Korenik and Mokna.
         By the end of the past week, shooting from different automatic weapons was registered in several localities, particularly in Istog and Banjë.

    KOSOVA (police repositioning – Drenica)
    New police checkpoint in Polluzhë

    Gllogoc, 12 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    Three trucks filled with sand reached the village of Polluzhë this morning. There, the police dug new trenches, besides the already existing in Tërstenik. According to Albanian sources, the Serb police infantry entered the village of Polluzhë again, setting on fire the Albanian owned houses.
         It is stated that the target, this time, were the houses of the Kastrati neighborhood. The frequent movements of the fighting units in the village of Gllogoc are increasing the feeling of insecurity among the people who still remain in the forests of Drenica.
         Sources from the ground report that the Serb units stationed in "Gryka e Llapushnikut", shelled the "Emin Duraku" elementary school in Orllat.

    KOSOVA (IDP situation deteriorates – Mitrovicë)
    The situation of the dislocated deteriorates

    Mitrovicë, 12 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    According to the "Mother Theresa" activists in Mitrovicë, the escapees from the flashpoints in Drenica and Shalë e Bajgorës are in living in very bad conditions, particularly in the past days, when no international aid workers have visited this municipality.
         Even before the war, Mitrovicë had 23,000 people living on social assistance. Today there are about 60,000 people living in unfinished houses without any floors, doors or windows. In the mosque of Shipol there are around 200 people sheltered. They have had very little help from the humanitarian organizations, despite the maximal efforts of "Mother Theresa" association, that has the capacity of fulfilling only 30% of the needs of the sheltered. Presently, these people have great need for clothing, covers, stoves, wood and coal.

    KOSOVA (Serb reinforcements - Podujevë)
    40 trucks full of soldiers came from Serbia

    Podujevë, 12 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    Albanian information sources in Podujevë report that in the early hours on Monday, 40 trucks full of soldiers, equipped with cannons and other combat equipment came to Kosova from Serbia. These forces are stationed in the place known as "Kapia e Perpellacit", in the village of Prepellac, Podujevë municipality.
         In the village of Obranqë and at the place known as "Tabet e Llapashticës" over 100 vehicles and other combat equipment, among which more than 50 tanks and armored vehicles, were placed into trenches and were camouflaged.
         The Serb police also got reinforcements in Lluzhan, Kërpimeh and Orllan.
         Meanwhile, in Podujevë municipality, many neighborhoods remain empty, many schools are closed and people are reluctant to return to their homes, because of the large Serb police/military/paramilitary presence in the region of Llap.

    KOSOVA (army provocation – Prizren)
    "VJ" soldiers surround the elementary school in Vlashne

    Prizren, 12 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    A considerable number of "VJ" soldiers, surrounded the elementary school "Naim Frashëri" in Vlashne, situated by the Prizren-Zhur road. Everything happened at around 0830CET, when classes were going on, Albanian sources state.
         According to the same sources, a military superior, along with a companion, entered the classrooms, causing panic among the pupils, who started leaving the school.
         At around 0900CET, the soldiers left the school and headed in the direction of Prizren.

    KOSOVA (Serb repositioning – Drenica)
    New Serb forces in the direction of Skënderaj

    Mitrovicë, 12 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    9 military trucks and one truck full of Serb police, went from Mitrovicë in the direction of Skënderaj, on Monday at around 0800CET. The truck had Prokuplje registration plates.
         In the police checkpoint in the village of Broboniq, the police blocked the road with barricades made of wood.

    KOSOVA (LKÇK communiqué)
    LKÇK: "Freedom should be won today"

    Prishtina, 12 October (ARTA) 1645CET --
    "The Albanian pacific policy of Ibrahim Rugova's clan, with the assistance of the foreign diplomacy, mainly of the American one, once more managed to prevent the freedom policy from reaching to the point on deciding on the liberation of this land", it is stated in a communiqué issued by the National Movement for the Liberation of Kosova (LKÇK). "More than foreign diplomacy, the Albanian pacifists were helped by the non-consolidation of the freedom policy", evaluated LKÇK in this communiqué.
         "Today we have in the horizon an agreement that leaves Kosova under the Serb rule", it is stated and added that "in order to have it accepted in an easier way by the people, this agreement is being called an `interim settlement’".
         According to LKÇK, this can be an interim settlement "only if it is not used to determine the fate of our freedom".
         "Otherwise, to reach to this point or contemplate again the eventual agreement, the Albanian people again needs to sacrifice its best sons and daughters, as it did at the beginning of this war", stresses LKÇK, calling "all the organized Albanian subjects not to surrender in this final moment", ends the LKÇK communiqué.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • NYT: Serb Monk in Ancient Church Is a Thorn in Milosevic's Side
  • A Letter to President Clinton
  • CANDLELIGHT VIGIL - STATE DEPT, OCT 15 - For peace and against violence
  • Fright, Misery and Anger Fuel Serb's Plan
  •  ==> LINK to the news

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    CONTENTS  ==> LINK to further news
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    CONTENTS  ==> LINK to further news
    10. eventual additional press news 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] fw: Transcript: Secretary General's Press Conference
    Datum:         Tue, 13 Oct 1998 12:51:30 +0100
        Von:         Wim de Haar <wdehaar@VUB.AC.BE>
    Secretary General's Press Conference,
    13 October, 01.45


    Secretary General:

    A few hours ago we were briefed by Ambassador Holbrooke on his efforts to resolve the crisis in Kosovo.  Ambassador Holbrooke reported that there has been progress. He stressed that this progress was largely due to the pressure of the Alliance in the last few days and that we have to maintain this pressure in order to ensure that this process continues to move forward.

    In response, just a few moments ago, the North Atlantic Council decided to issue activation orders - ACTORDs - for both a phased air campaign in Yugoslavia and limited air operations.  The execution of the limited air operations will begin no earlier than 96 hours from today. We hope that this period will allow time for the negotiations to bear fruit.

    We took this decision after a thorough review of the situation in Kosovo. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has still not complied fully with UNSCR 1199 in a way that can be verified.

    Even at this late hour, I still believe diplomacy can succeed and the use of military force can be avoided.  The responsibility is on President Milosevic's shoulders.  He knows what he has to do.

    Spokesman: Secretary General, thank you very much, we have some questions. Yes, Gyorgy Foris please.

    Hungarian TV:  In case the activation order goes to the implementation phase and  military action takes place, how does NATO intend to assure the security of the neighbouring countries and of those countries who are participating, but, for the time being, do not have the benefit of the common umbrella of NATO?

    Secretary General: Well, we are very grateful, logically, for the solidarity and support of partners, which is another example of how the security of partners and that of the Alliance are difficult to separate, impossible to separate as a matter of fact.  Any threat to the security of partners will be viewed with the utmost seriousness and will be met with an appropriate response.

    BBC: Secretary General, are you dismayed at all that it looks as though there won`t be actually armed NATO troops in Kosovo monitoring President Milosevic's compliance, and that the job looks set to be left to unarmed civilian observers ?

    Secretary General: No, I am not dismayed at all.  The mechanism of verification is at this moment still in the process of being finalised in the negotiation. I do think it is an appropriate mechanism of verification.  The role that NATO is going to play, is still not finally decided, but probably NATO will have a very important role in the verification by air. But, as I said, we haven't finalized the  negotiating process.

    New York Times: Secretary General, you said 96 hours from today.  That means October 13th, does it ?

    Secretary General: That means that it will be no earlier than that date.

    SACEUR will issue the ACTORD later on in the morning, and therefore, yes, not earlier than 96 hours afterwards.

    New York Times: Earlier some diplomats here were talking about 48 hours. Why the doubling of the time?

    Secretary General: Well, 48 hours, as you know, is the time that is required from a  military-technical point of view.  After the briefing we heard today from Ambassador Holbrooke and his team, after the discussion in the Council with him, after analysing the problems, we want to give a longer chance to the process of negotiating.

    Washington Post: Mr. Secretary General, can you describe precisely, what are the remaining sticking points just simply to get these promises signed, or are there still matters to be negotiated?

    Secretary General: This is something you should ask the negotiating team, not me, but I can tell you that we must still achieve agreement in the compliance and in the verification field.

    Berliner Zeitung: Secretary General, how have NATO nations viewed the chance of having something like 2,000 unarmed men actually verify what President Milosevic has agreed to, and have NATO nations given any indication that they would be willing to contribute men to that unarmed OSCE mission?

    Secretary General: Sure. Yes, I think that the majority of the NATO nations will contribute.  All of them are part of the OSCE and therefore, probably I cannot speak for all of them in the OSCE matter, but I'm sure that the majority of them would contribute, yes.

    ITAR-TASS News Agency:  Secretary General, have you taken into account the Russian position, the negative position of the military strikes on Yugoslavia ?

    Secretary General: Yes, of course.  As you know, we are working together with our Russian friends, and not only through the PJC.  Let me remind you that we had a troika meeting this afternoon.  We are also cooperating through the other mechanisms like the Contact Group, and the Security Council.  We have the same aim, we have the same goal to have a good agreement which is in compliance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1199.  Everybody has to pressure on.  Maximum pressure.  We from our side and the Russians from theirs.

    NN: What did NATO, what did Mr Holbrooke offer to Mr Milosevic in return for his acceptance  of OSCE observers, and could you say when NATO will decide if it can deploy ground troops or not ?

    Secretary General: Let me answer the first question.  If you were to ask that question to Ambassador Holbrooke, he would say nothing.  Therefore, I will say nothing.  And to the second question, at this moment,  NATO is not thinking about deploying troops on the ground.

    NN: Mr Secretary General, if we come to implement this decision, how are you going to formally inform the government concerned that you will launch an attack on this sovereign state and, excuse me for asking legal questions, but will there be a formal declaration of war ?

    Secretary General: Well, this is not a declaration of war. The Allies believe that in the particular circumstances with respect to the present crisis in Kosovo as described in UNSC Resolution 1199, there are legitimate grounds for the Alliance to threaten, and if necessary, to use force.

    BBC: Secretary General, you said no earlier than 96 hours.  Is there a maximum time which you will wait? Will you be trying to maintain some kind of threat of air action or other threat even if there is an agreement through the use of air power which is also being used for reconnaissance?

    Secretary General: You see, the situation is very fluid.  I wouldn't like to talk about what is going to happen after 4 days or 96 hours.  But what we have decided today is what we have decided today, and we will follow very closely the developments on the ground and how the negotiations are moving forward.  We will be in permanent contact with Ambassador Holbrooke and his team to evaluate together the situation.

    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
        dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
        1. Johannes 4, 21b
        Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
        noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
             noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
        sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
             und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
        Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
        der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
        und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
             Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
        Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
             sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
        Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
             noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
        Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
             aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
      Psalm 1
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        And this commandment have we from him, 
        That he who loveth God love his brother also.
      1Johannes 4,21
      Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
           nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
      But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
           and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
      And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
      that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
      his leaf also shall not wither; 
           and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
      The ungodly [are] not so: 
           but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
      Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
           nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
      For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
           but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
      Psalm 1
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Wolfgang Plarre
    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 13.10.1998  

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    Dillinger Straße 41...
    86637 Wertingen...
    Telefon       08272 - 98974....
    Fax            08272 - 98975....
    E-mail wplarre@dillingen.baynet.de