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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 15. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 15, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1583

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • UN-Mission im Kosovo beginnt an diesem Wochenende
  • OSZE stimmt Beobachtermission im Kosovo zu
  • Uefa bekraeftigt: Derzeit keine Europacupspiele in Jugoslawien
  • OSZE stimmt Beobachtermission im Kosovo zu
  • Kontaktgruppe bleibt bei Milosevic misstrauisch - Solana in Belgrad
  • Solana und Milosevic wollen Abkommen heute unterzeichnen
  • Vier serbische Polizisten im Kosovo verletzt
  • Russlands Aussenminister erwartet neue UN-Resolution naechste Woche
  • Kosovo-Albaner melden serbischen Artilleriebeschuss im Raum Malisevo
  • Hunderte demonstrierten in Belgrad gegen Zensur und Medienverbote
  • Solana nach Belgrad abgeflogen
  • UCK-Vertreter spricht von weiteren Angriffen der Serben im Kosovo
  • Britischer Aussenminister Cook reist nach Bulgarien
  • Kontaktgruppe bleibt bei Milosevic misstrauisch
  • Kontaktgruppe beriet ueber Umsetzung des Kosovo-Abkommens
  • Jugoslawien dankt Weissrussland fuer Unterstuetzung im Kosovo-Konflikt
  • Serbien verbietet dritte regimekritische Zeitung
  • Solana will Milosevic zur Erfuellung der UN-Resolution draengen
  • Jugoslawiens Vizeregierungschef informiert Lukaschenko ueber Kosovo
  • Agani: Albaner unzufrieden mit vorgeschlagenem Status des Kosovos
  • Schmutziger Wahlkampf in Mazdonien im Schatten der Kosovo-Krise
  • Bonn: Bedrohung gegen Milosevic muss aufrechterhalten werden
  • Asylsuchende muessen in der Schweiz im Freien uebernachten
  • Solana: Belgrad hat Auflagen noch nicht erfuellt
  • Schüssel: Friedliche Lösung im Kosovo wird wahrscheinlicher
  • «Le Figaro»: Nato bleibt der Schlagstock des Westens
  • Entspannung in Kosovo-Krise - Nato-Aktivierungsbefehl noch in Kraft
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 15.10.1998 19:37  http://seite1.web.de/show/362632E1.NL1/
    UN-Mission im Kosovo beginnt an diesem Wochenende
    New York (dpa) - Die Vereinten Nationen entsenden am kommenden Wochenende die ersten Mitglieder einer Beobachtermission in die südjugoslawische Krisenprovinz Kosovo. UN-Sprecher Fred Eckhard kündigte am Donnerstag in New York an, daß sie unter Leitung des Schweden Staffan de Mistura stehen werde.
         Eine noch unbestimmte Zahl von UN-Mitarbeitern aus mehreren Unterorganisationen werde sich daran beteiligen. Die Mission werde die Möglichkeiten der UN und ihrer Unterorganisationen untersuchen, mit präzise Zustandsbeschreibungen festzustellen, ob und wie weit die jugoslawischen Behörden die UN-Resolutionen befolgen.
         Der Sicherheitsrat hatte UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan in der Resolution 1199 vom 23. September beauftragt, einen Bericht über die Bedürfnisse der aus ihren Häusern vertriebenen Albaner zu geben, um eine humanitäre Katastrophe im Winter zu verhindern. In der vergangenen Woche hatte Annan gesagt, er habe keine Mittel und kein Personal vor Ort, um den Rückzug der serbischen Einheiten zu verifizieren.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 15.10.1998 18:37   http://seite1.web.de/show/362624BA.NL1/
    OSZE stimmt Beobachtermission im Kosovo zu
    Wien (dpa) - Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) hat am Donnerstag der internationalen Beobachtermission für das Kosovo zugestimmt. Der Ständige OSZE-Rat habe sich dafür ausgesprochen, daß der derzeitige OSZE-Vorsitzende Bronislaw Geremek und der jugoslawische Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic am Freitag in Belgrad dazu ein Abkommen unterzeichnen, teilte die OSZE an ihrem Sitz in Wien mit.
         Der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hatte am Dienstag in Verhandlungen mit dem US-Vermittler Richard Holbrooke der Entsendung einer 2 000 Beobachter umfassenden OSZE-Mission in das Kosovo zugestimmt. Die Beobachter sollen den Abzug der serbischen Einheiten aus der Unruheprovinz überwachen. Westliche Staaten hatten Milosevic mit Nato-Luftschlägen gegen serbische Ziele im Kosovo gedroht, falls sich dieser weiter einer friedlichen Lösung für den Kosovo widersetzen sollte.
         Die OSZE-Beobachter sollen auch das Ende der Vertreibung von Kosovo-Albanern aus ihren Dörfern sicherstellen. Die jugoslawische Armee wird beschuldigt, in den vergangenen Monaten Hunderte Dörfer zerstört zu haben. Mindestens 200 000 Menschen sind dadurch zu Flüchtlingen geworden. Belgrad wird auch für Massaker an der Zivilbevölkerung verantwortlich gemacht. Der Westen hat wiederholt vor einer Flüchtlingstragödie angesichts des herannahenden Winters gewarnt.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 15.10.1998 18:29 http://seite1.web.de/show/362622EF.NL1/
    Uefa bekräftigt: Derzeit keine Europacupspiele in Jugoslawien
    Nyon (dpa) - Die Europäische Fußball-Union (Uefa) hat am Donnerstag bekräftigt, daß wegen der politischen Lage derzeit keine Europacupspiele in Jugoslawien ausgetragen werden dürfen.
         Als nächstes Spiel ist nach einer Uefa-Mitteilung das Uefa-Cup-Hinspiel zwischen Roter Stern Belgrad und Olympique Lyon betroffen. Die Begegnung am 20. Oktober muß in Bukarest ausgetragen werden.
         Die Uefa hatte bereits das für den vergangenen Samstag in Belgrad vorgesehene Europameisterschafts-Qualifikationsspiel zwischen Jugoslawien und Irland wegen des Kosovo-Konflikts auf den 18. November verschoben.
         Die Uefa begründete ihre Entscheidung damit, daß sie es angesichts der gegenwärtigen Sicherheitsrisiken in Jugoslawien Spielern, Schiedsrichtern, Offiziellen und Fans nicht zumuten könne, nach Jugoslawien zu fahren.
         Diese Haltung werde auch dadurch unterstützt, daß die Außenministerien verschiedener Länder ihren Bürgern noch immer den Rat geben, nicht nach Jugoslawien einzureisen.
         Die Uefa teilte mit, daß sie ihre Entscheidung ständig überprüfen werde. Deshalb werde ein Beschluß über das Rückspiel im Europapokal der Pokalsieger zwischen Partizan Belgrad und Lazio Rom, das am 5. Novenber stattfinden soll, erst am 22. Oktober getroffen.
    © dpa
         ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Betreff:         Press release
    Datum:         Wed, 14 Oct 1998 14:21:56 EDT
        Von:         NAACDC@aol.com

    Keshilli Kombetar Shqiptaro-American
    1899 L Street, NW  Suite 1130
    Washington, DC  20036
    Tel: (202) 955-1428 Fax: (202) 955-1429


    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                CONTACT:   Aferdita Rakipi
    October 14, 1998                                                                (202) 955-1428

    The National Albanian American Council Cautions Against Concessions Made to Milosevic in Belgrade

    Washington, DC Oct 14, 1998—The National Albanian American Council ( NAAC) is deeply disturbed by the news reporting an agreement reached in Belgrade between the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic and the US Envoy to Kosova, Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke.  The Agreement appears to have conceded a new victory to the "Butcher of Belgrade" by allowing him to make unilateral statements granting limited autonomy to ethnic Albanians of Kosova in the areas of local government, schools, and policing, and promising a full review of the Kosova status in three years.

    Additionally, the West and the international community are repeating the mistakes of Bosnia in which the proposal rewards Milosevic for his campaigns of ethnic genocide against innocent Albanian women, children and the elderly, rendering almost half a million homeless. There will be no viable mechanisms in place to sustain any agreement since the purposed 2,000 OSCE monitors can only "observe" thus Milosevic now has 2,000 people which he can take hostage if he decides not to comply.  There are enough grave yards in the Balkans with Milosevic’s broken promises according to a statement made by President Clinton.

    NAAC cautions the international community, and especially the Contact Group on Kosova that any agreement made without the approval of the Albanian people of Kosova will be considered a dangerous concession to the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, and cannot serve as a basis for further discussions on the status of Kosova.  Moreover, the proposal rejects the freely expressed will of the Albanian people for Independence, who have been denied their basic human rights by Belgrade. Peace in Kosova is essential.  Yet, a peace without justice in Kosova is a prelude to continuing instability and conflicts and therefore is unacceptable when a deal is made rewarding the oppressor and further victimizing the Albanian people.

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    taken from  http://www.kosova.com  on October 15,1998  at  19:45 hrs
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 15 October 1998


  • There Should Be Principles, Not Off-Hand Solutions, Enshrined in Kosova Deal
  • Draft Brims with Expressions Showing Serb Pretensions over Kosova, Agani Says
  • Serbs Beefing up Forces, Repositioning in Kosova
  • Serbs Spurn NATO Ultimatum: 'We Are Not Going Anywhere'
  • Serb Troops Attack Three Villages in Gjakova Thursday Afternoon
  • Serb Troops Pound Four Villages with Machine-Gun Fire in Mitrovica Area
  • Serb Attack Albanian Communities in Malisheva and Gllogovc
  • Two Albanians Die from Grenade Left Behind by Serb Army
  • Half a Dozen Uprooted Albanians Die in Camping Sites Recently
  • Serbs Have Executed 15-Year-Old Boy in Front of His Family, CDHRF Says
  • Serbs Repair Outpost, Loot Albanian Property in Drenica Villages
  • Serb Police Arrests Gjilan LDK Vice-Chairman and Several Activists
  • There Should Be Principles, Not Off-Hand Solutions, Enshrined in Kosova Deal
    Kosovars have little to hope from outcome of talks in Belgrade, Muhamet Hamiti, KIC English Section's chief editor, writes

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - The manner and the matter of marathonic negotiations that led to Milosevic agreeing to meet minimal international demands in exchange for reconfirmation of his rule over Kosova and averting NATO air strikes instills no hope here in Kosova.
         The Serbian leader has the upper hand, and the West continues to treat him as a partner in resolving the problems he has himself created.
         Years of Serbian occupation in Kosova culminated this year in a Milosevic-masterminded Serb military offensive that has turned half of Kosova into a wasteland: thousands of Albanians killed, tens of thousands of their homes destroyed and burned by Serb troops, one quarter of the population driven from their homes.
         The West, through NATO in the first place, had raised the hopes, not to say expectations, in the people of Kosova an end was in sight to the Serbian military offensive, as well as to the Serb occupation in Kosova.
         There is a notable disconnect between the tough NATO stance and air force assembled in preparation to respond to the Kosova crisis and the kind of substance offered by the West as a political and diplomatic package in pursuit of a resolution to the Kosova question.
         Dr. Fehmi Agani, the chief Kosova negotiator, told EU envoy Wolfgang Petritsch Wednesday his team objected to a plan put forward by U.S. envoy Chris Hill for a political solution in Kosova.
         "There is no way that the Kosova problem can be solved if the solution is sought within Serbia," Dr Agani stressed during a meeting in Prishtina with the Austrian diplomat, referring to aspects of the plan which link Kosova to Serbia.
         "In the process of the resolution of the Kosova issue, the wishes and demands of the people here, as well as political developments in Kosova since the Independence Declaration of 1990, should be taken into consideration," the Kosova negotiator concluded.
         The talks and sets of ideas on an interim accord for Kosova - from what the Kosovar public knows at least - lack much in substance and seriousness of attitude.
         The West has been insisting on patching up a plan for Kosova. The package lacks the substance, because it does not take anything for granted, as a matter of principle. Premises, or internationally acknowledged standards governing international affairs and behavior, such issues as the self-determination, have been dropped and replaced with off-hand tactical solutions in which the will of the Albanian majority becomes hostage to the wishes of the Serb minority in Kosova.
         The eight-member Federal Yugoslavia, to which Kosova was an equitable part, has ceased to exist. Four of the members have become independent nations: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia. Nine out of ten people in Kosova have opted for independence. They see, and feel Serbia on their skin, as a sheer occupier. The Kosovars have built up and maintained a civic polity in a bid to survive and pursue their struggle peacefully.
         There is a self-determination principle which has been enshrined in the peace accord in Northern Ireland, sponsored by the United States of America, earlier this year. Why should the people of Northern Ireland be entitled to the right of self-determination, but not the people of Kosova?
         The West may well be on an utterly erroneous track if it hopes to seal off the Kosova problem by forcing Albanian politicians - the much talked about 'moderates' - to subscribe to arrangements leaving Kosova subordinate to rather than effectively on a par with Serbia and Montenegro, even for an interim period of time. The 'moderates' would end up being signatories to a dead letter.
         Two principles will have to be enshrined in any kind of document on the status of Kosova: the people will be free from Serbian rule, and they will eventually be allowed to determine their future in a democratic way - to say whether they wish to continue living on a par with Serbia and Montenegro or go a separate way, become an independent nation. This is what the right to self-determination is about. This is what a principled approach to the Kosova issue means.

    Draft Brims with Expressions Showing Serb Pretensions over Kosova, Agani Says
    Kosovar negotiating team spells out objections to draft text of OSCE Kosova Verification Mission

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - The chief Kosova negotiator, Dr. Fehmi Agani, wrote Wednesday to Ambassador Wolfgang Petritsch, the EU envoy for Kosova, offering a number of remarks spelling objections to the wording of the draft agreement between "FRY" and OSCE on the mission in Kosova.
         The second paragraph of the Preambular Language should read: "Considering in particular the importance of reaching a peaceful, democratic and lasting solution of the problem of Kosova", Agani writes adding that the language used in the proposed document: "... solution of all existing problems in the province of Kosovo and Metohija, based on the equality of all citizens and national and ethnic communities" expresses the Serbian attitude towards the problem of Kosova.
         In addition, this would mean legalization of the forceful annexation of Kosova by Serbia, the chief Kosova negotiator writes, noting that "Kosovo and Metohija" is the legitimation name of this annexation.
         There is only one problem of Kosova from the point of subjectivity, Agani says, adding that the paragraph as it stands tries to relegate the whole question to a lower level, which indeed means negation of Kosova's identity. "The international community has never accepted such an attitude", he writes, adding that Kosova has been treated and addressed in different resolutions and other relevant international documents as a unique question.
         "The proposed document does not include Kosova as a subject of the agreement, although the agreement deals with Kosova itself", Dr. Fehmi Agani says.
         According to the interim agreement to be concluded soon, Kosova shall have its on organs. Therefore, Kosova has to be included directly in the document, Agani argues.
         He says that the dispute is between "FRY" and Kosova. As it stands, the draft paper "legalizes the Serbian annexation of Kosova, which has been the source of dispute throughout the decade. Serbia should not appear as a subject in this document. Kosova should appear with a unique name."
         Dr. Fehmi Agani concluded that the language of the document brims with expressions showing Serbian pretensions on Kosova, "like the term 'opstina', which is the Serbian word for 'municipality'."

    Serbs Beefing up Forces, Repositioning in Kosova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - The Serbian military and police are poised to effectively call a bluff to the international community by refusing to withdraw from Kosova.
         Commitments are not compliance, President Clinton said Tuesday, referring to commitments Serb President Milosevic had made in a bid to head off international intervention.

    Following is a summary of reports reaching the KIC regarding the Serb military and police presence in Kosova today.

    Prishtina: Early in the morning today, heavy Serb military and police troops were stationed in the compounds of the Agricultural Cooperative at Shkabaj ('Orlovic') village of Prishtina, local LDK sources said. Serb military has brought combat arsenal, including radar systems, in the village.
         The village of Shkabaj has not so far been a base to Serb installations.

    Podujeva: Serbian forces have not been withdrawn from any of their positions in the northeastern Kosovar municipality. LDK sources in Podujeva said Serb forces continue being positioned in an area between the villages of Llapashticë and Obrançë, near the town of Podujeva. Three lorryloads of Serb soldiers arrived there on Tuesday.
         Heavy Serb forces have been deployed near the Kosovar border village of Përpellac, sources said. The Serb police checkpoint in the entrance to Podujeva has only been reinforced lately, just like the police stations in Lluzhan, Orllan and Kërpimeh, LDK sources said.

    Skenderaj: Serb forces are still positioned in 14 villages of the municipality of Skenderaj ('Srbica'): in Llaushë (five checkpoints), in Likoc (three checkpoints), and in the villages of Polac, Makërmal, Polluzhë, Tërnavc, Çubrel, Vitak, Runikë, Suhogërllë, Padalishtë, Leçinë, Çitak and Açarevë.
         The local chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Skenderaj said Serb forces have been beefing up their presence rather than withdrawing.
         It should be recalled that before 5 March, when the Serb attack on Skenderaj villages started, there was only one police checkpoint in the area (at Klinë e Epërme), and two police stations (one in the town of Skenderaj and the second in the village of Runik).
         Serbian forces open sporadic fire in the village, instilling panic amongst the few Albanians who have actually returned to their homes. Serbs loot Albanian houses and other property, cutting their woods.

    Kaçanik: Two days ago, Serb military forces backed up by combat equipment and vehicles were stationed in the property of two Albanian family compounds in the village of Doganaj. The hardware has been camouflaged, and tents have been set up.
         Part of the Albanian population has left the village in the aftermath of Serb deployment, LDK sources said.

    Malisheva: Heavy Serb police forces remain positioned in many villages of the municipality of Malisheva.
         Reports cited Serb forces' presence in the village of Dragobil, on the road to Rahovec, near the village of Ostrazub, in the town of Malisheva, at Carrallukë, Shkorashnik, in Çupevë e Ulët, near the village of Lladrovc, in Bubavec, Kleçkë and Kijevë villages.
         Prior to Serbian attacks in the Malisheva area, only Kijevë had a Serb police presence.

    Prizren: A Serb convoy consisting of 22 vehicles headed towards the village of Planejë, municipality of Prizren, sources said.
         Serb army officers had ordered the proprietors of three shops in the village to evacuate them, so that they be made available to the Serb military. The shop owners had to move the goods out by Wednesday afternoon.

    Lipjan: This municipality had no Serb checkpoints before the Serb crackdown of this year.
         Now, there are police checkpoints at Çylagë, Magurë and Gracë e Vogël villages, as well as on the roadway to Shtime.
         LDK sources in Lipjan said Serb forces have stepped up movement in the past few days. A Serb convoy of 20 vehicles travels every day to Shtime in the morning, returns to Lipjan in the evening, and proceeds in the direction of Prishtina.

    Peja: Heavy Serb military and police troops, backed up by combat equipment, were stationed in the village of Lybeniq today (Thursday) morning, the LDK chapter in Peja said.
         The deployment caused panic amongst the few Albanian residents who have stayed behind in the village. The majority has fled to Montenegro after Serb assaults earlier this year.

    Serbs Spurn NATO Ultimatum: 'We Are Not Going Anywhere'

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - Serb police and militia commanders in 12 Kosova cities, villages and army bases said Wednesday that they had not been given orders to pull out of Kosova by Friday, as required by a U.S.-brokered agreement, USA Today newspaper wrote.
         Instead, several commanders said they were beefing up their forces to continue battling the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA), USA Today correspondent added.
         "We haven't had any orders to move out, not by Friday, not by Saturday," said a Serb police commander in the city of Malisheva, southwest of Kosova's provincial capital, Prishtina.
         "The journey through parts of Kosovo turned up Serb soldiers in armored personnel carriers arriving for new deployments in Kosovo. Dozens of camouflaged tanks are still dug into hilltops and Serb snipers are positioned inside abandoned homes owned by ethnic Albanians", USA Today wrote.
         The American newspaper goes on to portray Serb military and police presence in several locations in Kosova.
         Podujeva, the northern Kosovar town near the border with Serbia, is a case in point. The area is 99 percent Albanian.
         You'd never see this army base if you didn't look hard. There are no signs; only a dirt road between two cornfields. It's tucked 200 yards off the main street behind 20-foot-tall piles of hay in the shape of Hershey's kisses and a dense forest of tall white maple trees.
         Behind a haystack sits an armored personnel carrier with 10 soldiers, one of them carrying a hand-held rocket launcher. On the hill is a bunker with what appears to be a tank dug into the ground with only its turret sticking out. Soldiers in battle gear and carrying automatic weapons hide among the trees.
         A Serb sergeant says that the Holbrooke agreement will never be enforced. He says that NATO didn't really want to bomb Yugoslavia.
         When told that NATO could still bomb Yugoslavia if it didn't withdraw its troops by Friday, the soldier laughed. ''We're not scared of NATO,'' he said.
         "They'll never bomb us, and they know it. We're not going anywhere.", the Serb sergeant is quoted as saying by the USA Today correspondent on Wednesday.

    Serb Troops Attack Three Villages in Gjakova Thursday Afternoon

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - Serb forces resumed attacks against at least three villages in the Gjakova municipality, western Kosova, today (Thursday) afternoon.
         Sokol Dobruna, head of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) branch in Gjakova, told the Albanian section of the Voice of America (VOA) that at around 13:15 today Serb forces opened fire on the villages of Krelan and Rakovicë. The villages were pounded with artillery fire from two Serb army bases, at Suka e Cermjanit (the Cermjani uphill) and Mrasor village, respectively, he said.
         A convoy of Serb forces passing nearby the Dashinovc village sprayed with machine-gun fire the outlying Albanian farmhouses. There has been no word yet on possible casualties in the villages that came under Serb fire today.

    Serb Troops Pound Four Villages with Machine-Gun Fire in Mitrovica Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - Four Albanian villages in Mitrovica municipality came under machine-gun fire on Wednesday evening, local sources said.
         The villages of Melenicë, Vidishiq, Bare and Bajgorë, were fired into for over half an hour simultaneously from two Serb bases in Stantërg and Kutllofc, just after 19:00 hrs, the Mitrovica Information Commission said.
         The Commission could not obtained confirmed information on possible casualties in these Albanian-inhabited villages.

    Serb Attack Albanian Communities in Malisheva and Gllogovc
    A 28-year-old Albanian, Adnan Paçarizi, wounded in a Malisheva village

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - The head of the LDK Information Commission in Malisheva said Serb forces pounded with artillery fire several villages in the area both overnight and today (Thursday) morning.
         Isuf Bytyqi said the villages along the Malisheva-Kijeva roadway, including Ostrazub, Dragobil, Maxharë, Carrallukë, and Çupevë, were attacked from a Serb base near the Rahovec wine-cellars. Serb shells landed even in the remote villages of Shkozë and Guriq, he added. There was no immediate word on possible casualties in these villages.
         A 28-year-old Albanian, Adnan Paçarizi, was wounded in Dragobil village at around 18:30 last evening, when his village was pounded with artillery fire.
         Meanwhile, sources in the neighboring municipality of Gllogovc, in central Kosova, said Serb forces sprayed with sniper and machine-gun fire the Bazaj and Bylykbashi family compound areas in Tërstenik village, west of Gllogovc.
         A local LDK activist, Fatmir Bazaj, told the KIC the Serb fired into Albanian communities from two bases up the village. Serb forces have camouflaged themselves in several places in the area, he added.
         Mr. Bazaj said a local old woman, Bahtie Bylykbashi (75), who died on Wednesday morning, could not be buried because Serb snipers have been intermittently shooting in the direction of Tërstenik.

    Two Albanians Die from Grenade Left Behind by Serb Army

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - Two Albanians died Tuesday near Reshan village of Mitrovica, when they run into a Serb army artillery grenade. Sources in Mitrovica said the grenade had landed in the area during the Serb forces' offensive late last month.
         The LDK chapter in Mitrovica named the victims as Rifat Smakolli (18) and Driton Smakolli (20), both residents of Reshan village. The two young men died on the spot, and were buried in their native village the next day.
         Two other Albanians - Shpejtim Kryeziu (18) and Latif Gollopeni (19) from Suhareka - died Tuesday when they walked into a mine-field laid down by the Yugoslav army near Ponashec village, in the Kosova-Albania border zone.

    Half a Dozen Uprooted Albanians Die in Camping Sites Recently

    PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - A 9-month-old girl, Donikë B. Morina, resident of Shala village of Lipjan, died two days ago in the Tërpeza village, where her family had sought shelter almost two months ago, the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said. The girl died for lack of medical treatment, it added.
         The CDHRF said that a local teacher from Krojmir village of Lipjan died several days ago, also as a result of poor and untimely medical treatment. The late Veli A. Olluri had sustained slight wounds earlier this year.
         A 2-year-old refugee boy died in a camping site in Ngucat on Monday. Leutrim Kodraliu, resident of Javor village, was staying together with his family in a plastic homemade tent in Ngucat.
         Mr. Hamëz Shala, a local LDK activist in Ngucat, told the KIC that at least 3,000 uprooted Albanians have been still cramming the village.
         Another boy, Lindor Hoti (2) from Malisheva, died on Tuesday in another camping site in Pagarusha village.
         LDK information commission's head in Malisheva said the boy's parents failed to obtain the medication they needed to save their boy. They were afraid to take him to a hospital for treatment, he said.

                   Übertragung unterbrochen

    Serbs Have Executed 15-Year-Old Boy in Front of His Family, CDHRF Says

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - The Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said today that Serb forces have executed a 15-year-old boy in front of his family members.
         Fidan Jetullah Beka was shot dead on 23 September in his village of Gradicë, Gllogovc, during a large-scale offensive against Albanian villages north-west of Prishtina.
         The body of Fidan Beka was buried those days by his relatives, the human rights group reported.

    Serbs Repair Outpost, Loot Albanian Property in Drenica Villages

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - Sources in Skenderaj ('Srbica) said around a dozen Serb police vehicles with policemen on board left the town today morning, and headed towards Likovc village. A bulldozer was part of the motorized convoy.
         Serb forces were deployed later between the villages of Likovc and Makërmal, where they have begun reconstructing a base there.
         Witnesses told the LDK chapter in Skenderaj later today, Serbs have gone on with looting livestock in the area. It is being taken away in trucks. Cattle was collected in the villages of Likovc, Makërmal and Rezallë, sources said.
         Reports from Klina municipality said Serbs, both police and civilians, have resumed looting the property of Albanians in the area. Lorryloads of livestock as well as household commodities and appliances have been taken away from Albanian villages in the region in the past couple of days, the local LDK chapter in Klina said.

    Serb Police Arrests Gjilan LDK Vice-Chairman and Several Activists

    PRISHTINA, Oct 15 (KIC) - Serbian police cracked down on the homes of several LDK activists and other Albanians in Gjilan today morning, local sources reported.
         At least 30 heavily armed policemen raided the house of Lutfi Haziri in Gjilan, vice-chairman of the local branch of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK). Mr. Haziri was arrested subsequently, and, by early afternoon, was still reported in Serb police custody.
         The LDK Information Commission in Gjilan named several other Albanians who had their homes raided on, and were later arrested by the Serb police, including Tajar Berisha, coach of the "Drita" football club, Ibrahim Oruçi, Ekrem Qerimi, Nexhat Bunjaku, Ruzhdi Sadiku.
         Skënder Bunjaku, Rashit Ymeri and Qani Hidiqi also had their houses searched, at the time they were not at home.
         The Serb police did not produce any search/arrest warrants, nor did it explain why the Albanians were detained, the Commission said. It quoted, however, the wife of the LDK vice-chairman as saying the police were very brutal. She said she was warned not to report the case of her husband to the media.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 15, 1998  at  22:40 hrs
    KOSOVA (clashes – Suharekë)
    Shooting in the villages of Bllacë and Samadraxhë

    Suharekë, 15 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Clashes between Serb military/police forces and KLA units took place on Wednesday afternoon, in some villages of Suharekë municipality, Albanian sources from Suharekë report. According to these reports, the shooting was heard in the village of Bllacë till late at night. Shooting could also be heard in the village of Samadraxhë during the night from all kinds of weapons, including heavy ones. There are no reports on the causalities up to now.
    Strong bursts were heard also in some villages of Malishevë municipality, which could be heard in Suharekë.
    "Koha Ditore" sources claim that in some villages of Suharekë the arbitrary arrests of the Albanians are continuing.

    KOSOVA (arrests – Prizren)
    93 arrested Albanians taken to Serbia's prisons

    Prizren, 15 October (ARTA) 1915CET --
    Serb forces located in the town of Prizren and in the regional roads and highway of this municipality were reinforced.
    In the highway Prizren-Gjakovë, in the Bridge of Landovicë, a new Serb police checkpoint is stationed. Meanwhile, in the village of Nashec new army forces were positioned.
    According to the branch of CDHRF in Prizren, from October 9th, 93 arrested Albanians were deported from the Prizren County prison, to the prisons of Leskoc, Vranje and Prokuplje. The condition of other Albanian prisoners in the County prison of Prizren is reported to be very harsh, because the prisoners are being tortured and they have no access to medical aid. It is reported that in one room there are 40 to 50 people.
    It is also reported that Ukshin Hoti, political prisoner, has been transferred from the Nis prison in the County prison of Sremska Mitrovica.

    KOSOVA (clashes – Klinë)
    Severe fighting during the last night – three babies die from lack of food and the cold

    Klinë, 15 October (ARTA) 1930CET--
    Shelling and shooting from military hardware was conducted last night from Serb military, police and paramilitary base in Volljakë, against the villages Përçevë, Sfërkë, Dushë, Volljakë, and Çupevë. The attacks continued until late after midnight.
    Serb forces that tried to approach the displaced population, encountered an unbreakable resistance of KLA who after three hours of fighting managed to force them back, state Albanian field sources.
    There are claims that three policemen were killed.
    New reinforcement of positions as well as deployment of new Serb forces was spotted today. Also sporadic shooting were heard.
    Three babies (1-3 years of age) died from lacking food, medical treatment and because of the extreme cold.
    Also three elderly people, four children and one young mother with her baby are in the brink of death.
    Serb police has burnt and totally destroyed 117 houses in Volljakë, 116 in Sfërkë, 25 in Çupevë, and 28 in Dushë.

    ALBANIA (political events)
    Political parties sign resolution condemning the statements of the former Prime Minister Fatos Nano on Kosova.

    Tirana, 14 October (ARTA) 1600 --
    The Resolution for Kosova, adopted in principle by the parliamentary political Parties, managed to be signed only a day after.
    The Parties of Democratic Unification managed to insert into the resolution two additional points, which according to them are very important. In this way opposition political parties succeeded in compelling the socialists to sign a resolution, which condemns the statements of the former Prime Minister Fatos Nano for Kosova.
    Through this Resolution all Parliamentary Political Parties demand urgent NATO intervention in Kosova, systematization of the refugees from Kosova who have come in Albania, measures for the territorial defense to be undertaken, and that priority be given for self-determination of the Kosova people in Governmental policies.
    Concerning the developments within the country, the resolution demands a normal dialogue between the political powers to be carried out, respecting the requests of the International Community for a new political stability in Albania. The supplements requested by the parties for Democratic unification (PBD) comprised the denouncing of the statements of the former Prime-minister Nano in Crete, in Krans Montana and in Lisbon.
    Those statements were evaluated as jeopardizing the national cause. The motto: "One nation, one standpoint" must be a generator which must lead forward the activity of all the Albanian political powers-is stated in the resolution signed by all Parliamentary political parties.
    For the first time after this period, political parties succeeded to sign a joint treaty. Maybe the Socialist Party has the biggest merits for this because it signed a resolution although it condemned some standpoints and statements of their first person. The signing of this declaration by all these political parties is a satisfactory achievement for the initiators of the tribune and the policy in general-claimed Fatmir Mediu, the republican president, and the organizer of the political party’s tribune for Kosova.
    The accord among the political parties for signing a resolution for Kosova paves the way for the dialogue process between the political parties, as well as for other important issues of the country, such as the Constitution.

    KOSOVA (victims – Deçan)
    SCDHRF: 202 people killed in Deçan municipality so far

    Deçan, 15 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    According to the sources of SCDHRF in Deçan, it is supposed that 202 people are killed in this municipality so far. The vast majority of them were elderly civilians, women, and children. The age of the killed ranged from 3 to 98. Massacred corpses were spotted among the killed as well, it is stated in the SCDHRF's report.
    The number of the wounded is far bigger and there are claims that it reaches 800 people. Meanwhile it is doubted that 98 people are abducted, but there is a fear that this number is bigger because many families do not know what has happened with their relatives.
    Around 3.000 Albanian houses were burnt and squared to the ground during the fighting in this municipality, while a far bigger number of them is looted.
    Twelve school buildings and premises are badly damaged during the clashes. Consequently, around 8.000 pupils of Elementary and Secondary Schools cannot attend the lessons any more.
    The archive documents of the local town halls in Junik and Prizren as well as the buildings of the agricultural cooperative enterprise "Perparimi" in Irzniq are completely burnt. The health stations in Irzniq and Gramaçel are damaged. Albanian owned shops, nutritive stocks, large amount of clothes and precious wares, tractors, cars and trucks were looted by Serb paramilitaries.
    Over 9% of out of total 60.000 inhabitants of this municipality have fled their homes and are sheltered in other municipalities, or have fled to Albania, Montenegro or Western countries.

    KOSOVA (victims – Mitrovicë)
    Two die from mine explosion

    Mitrovicë, 15 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
    Driton Abit Samkolli (20) and Rifat Faik Samkolli (18) died, two days ago, after they stepped on a mine. The two youngsters were on their way back to their house, burned by the Serb military/police forces, during the offensive in Shalë të Bajgorës.
    Some time ago, the villagers of Shalë e Bajgorës region have warned the passengers to be very careful from the mines and other explosives that Serb military and police has left. These two youngsters were buried in the place they were born.

    KOSOVA (Serb police – Mitrovicë)
    Police shoots at a citizen in Mitrovicë

    Mitrovicë, 15 October (ARTA) 1945CET --
    Serb police from near "Ura e Gjakut" shot with machine gun against Ali Kadri (46) from Skenderaj municipal village of Likoc, who is sheltered in Mitrovicë. He briefly jumped over the hedge of a house, so police could not hit him.
    The reason of shooting against him is not confirmed so far.
    It is noteworthy that there is no sign of withdrawal of Serb forces from Mitrovicë. On the contrary the existing forces are being reinforced. Yesterday, two buses, three trucks and four jeeps carrying policemen came into the local Army barracks, coming from Rashka (Serbia). Meanwhile at about 1500CET, two buses, five trucks and three cars carrying policemen left Mitrovica towards Skenderaj.
    The military forces from the missile base in Kutllovc village has not withdrawn.

    KOSOVA (Comment )
    If we are banned...
    Veton Surroi

    Friends from out of Kosova during the whole course of yesterday, were announcing us that, among the independent newspapers which are being closed down by the Serb regime, "Koha Ditore" will also be included.
    While I am writing these lines, I do not know whether they will be printed in the news-paper; if yes, I do not know whether that would be the banned edition of the news-paper. Furthermore, I do not know whether I would enter this office tomorrow and whether I would be able to continue working (together with my colleagues) on what was and what still is the most successful Albanian news-paper in the world.
    I do not think that we ought to write a lament. I am not having such a bad time-compared to those who left the food heating in the oven, and had to flee with their children; compared to those who have fled their houses for good.
    Moreover, I would not have been surprised if the regime would torch this office. A regime which terminates women and children-victims of a war against the civilians-is not ashamed, and does not have scruples or conscience.
    The reason of closing down is some sort of a Serb Government decision, according to which the media promulgating defeatism, engage against the sovereignty of Serbia and "Yugoslavia", etc. will be closed down.
    These are the vindication’s of every dictatorial system; how can they measure in Serbia, which media were and which are not patriotic? How could the patriotism of "Danas" be compared to a Serb chauvinistic newspaper?
    Is the Serb patriotism Chauvinism? According to this regime, yes.
    The vindication in our case becomes more ridiculous. We, who work in this newspaper, consider ourselves as patriots, with the mere fact that we are engaged for the truth, to distinguish the genuine truth from all this variety of truths.
    We also consider ourselves as patriots because we think that Kosova ought to decide for its own fate; that the citizens ought to have their freedom. Our patriotism is diametrically opposite with that which is demanded by Serb Government, it is not compatible to its nature.
    "Koha Ditore" cannot become a newspaper of Serb patriotism, the same as a Serb newspaper cannot become a newspaper of Albanian, Croat or Hungarian patriots.
    This is the justification of the regime, but the reason is that, "the truth" of the Serb regime has started to shatter. The leader of this regime thinks that- Potemkin villages to be kept alive still exist--and unfortunately there still exists a world which (with its dilemmas) is still maintaining into power this leader of the last fascist and communist symbiosis in Europe. And unfortunately there still exist those who could sacrifice the right of criticizing this and other newspapers, in order to achieve a "peaceful agreement".
    It was remarked several times and not by accident, by officials from this or another power that, the articles of this newspaper damage "the diplomatic efforts of our country in front of the crisis in Kosova".
    At the end, if they ban us...this will pass. If they ban us, we will try to get out. This is a law of struggle against censorship, which is as old as the thought of stopping it.
    Those who will ban us today-- will be in a rubbish basket tomorrow. And we will engage with the newspaper, to forbid them entry into Kosova, even with passports.

    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 14, 1998  at  23:00 hrs
    KOSOVA (victims – Rahovec)
    Another unidentified corpse found

    Rahovec, 14 October (ARTA) 1620CET --
    After three months of the Serb police-military offensive, the consequences are evident in the town of Rahovec.
    Based on an information offered by the CDHRF, a male corpse was found in the grain field, at the place called Liqeni i Bllatës.
    It is supposed that this person was killed as he was attempting to escape from the clashes that took place in the town of Rahovec, proper, on July. It is claimed that it is very difficult to identify this person, since his body is almost completely decomposed and the only means of identifying him are the clothes he had on.

    KOSOVA (prisoners – Prizren)
    Some 50 Albanian prisoners transferred to the Vranje prison

    Prizren, 14 October (ARTA) 1730CET --
    The last offensive, the constant movements of the Serb forces in the Prizren Has region, as well as the ultimatums for handing over the weapons, constituted that the security situation in this region of the bordering region, has deteriorated even further.
    CDHRF in Prizren, referring to the information from the field, notifies that Muharrem Çunaj, Sali Çunaj, Abdullah Çunaj, Mehmet Çunaj, and Vedull Çunaj, from the village of Kojush were kept under arrest, since 9 October. There is also information that Salih Hameli, Osman Jahaj, Kadri Jahaj, Manë Karavidaj, and a number of other residents of Mazrekë, whose identities are unknown, were also arrested.
    In the meantime, 50 arrested Albanians were deported on Tuesday, in a bus from the Municipal Prison in Prizren, to the Vranje prison.
    According to Albanian sources, Sokol Buzhala from the village of Budakovë, municipality of Prizren, was taken by the Serb police, from the Hospital of Prizren to the police station. He was arrested during the last Serb offensive against the villages of Suharekë and he is considered to be mentally ill.

    KOSOVA (KD reportage – Kishnarekë)
    "I wish God had taken away my soul..."
    Garentina Kraja

    Kishnarekë, 13 October (ARTA) 1600CET--
    "I'm dying, I am freezing", whispers the 40 years old woman chattering her teeth, while her swollen legs, wearing plastic slippers, were dyed into the muddy soil. With her head covered with scarf, with a torn down jumper she had crossed her hands with, trying to protect her chest from the rain and unbearable cold which has stricken the "plastic tents city".
    The muddy path disables the movement of the exhausted people. Because of that, they cannot even go and milk the cows, which have remained down in the village, where their houses once were.
    "We have only 30 kg of flour and we are twenty two members...that food would last only two more days. What do you think we should do afterwards", asks Enver with the anger of man that has not seen humanitarian convoys since three weeks. "I wish God had taken away my soul; to save me from seeing my children suffering this much", he says pointing towards a child wearing only a pair of drenched socks.
    " We are eating only spaghetti. We are fed up with them, we are sick of them", says 13 years old Elife, soaked with the rain and wearing a sweater and a pair of worn out trousers. "Sometimes we eat only bread and salt, just to change our 'menu'", says Alberon (12) the neighbor of Elife in the plastic "houses".
    They have spotted the white car approaching and they have rushed to get near it. "We thought that someone is bringing aid", she answered while being asked why she got out in the rain. With all hospitality and the prevailing black and sad humor, all the frozen residents of this "plastic town" ask about the familiar people who live in Prishtina.
    "Do you know Yuki, Ronaldo...they were here as well and took pictures of us", says Elife referring to the activists of humanitarian organizations, which according to them, "have brought sometimes sneakers and candies for children".
    A youngman rushes from the plastic tents, holding a snake in his hands-"It is poisonous... I found him inside the 'room' this morning. But I killed it". It seems as if they have become common for their sight.
    IT was there in the touch of two hills that they slept on soaked covers and under plastic roofs.
    "It is better to sleep outside than inside. Either outside or inside we are freezing. The blankets are all wet. We use them very seldom, cause they have grown mossy".
    Those few clothes which those families have, were hanged to dry in front of the "houses", although there is no hope that the sun will come up and dry them."When it snows, the ice which emerge, spoils the plastics...now the snow gets even inside", says Elife.
    Since it was midday the women started to light the fire in order to prepare something to eat. Some of them were trying to clean the "door step" with some makeshift brooms, which were in fact, rods of wood fastened with patches. These people do not comprehend the diplomatic language, they only want to know whether they will be able to return into their homes." I will set the tent in the yard of my burnt house and would live there, only if I do not see those people (the policemen) anymore", says Rifadija.
    "Is NATO going to attack...?" asked several youngsters sitting in front of a water source. No. The answer was very easy to be given even a couple of days ago. But, now it is very difficult to articulate those two letters in front of these frozen, homeless and hungry people.

    KOSOVA (ghost villages – Skënderaj)
    15 villages of Drenica completely cleansed off the population

    Skënderaj, 14 October (ARTA) 1620CET --
    CDHRF branch in Skënderaj reports that the villages: Suhogërllë, Llaushë, Rezallë, Likovc, Makërmal, Plluzhinë, Polluzhë, Marina, Ticë, Açarevë, Vitak, Qubrel, Tërrnavc, Klinë e Epërme, Klinë e Mesme, are completely abandoned, while the villages of Obri e Poshtme, Murgë and Dashec, are partially abandoned.
    According to these sources there are 5 Serb police checkpoints in Llaushë: at the entrance of Llaushë, by the school, in the Gecaj neighborhood, on the road to Manastir i Deviçit and in the village's mosque. In Likovc, there are four checkpoints while a military base is set in Açarevë.

    KOSOVA (destruction - Suharekë)
    The first snow falls in the hamlets of Suharekë

    Suharekë, 14 October (ARTA) 1645CET --
    According to LDK sources, 2 APCs and 30 policemen entered the burned village of Vraniq, on Tuesday at around 1230CET, beating several residents of this village, who had just recently returned to their homes.
    The Serb police arrested Enver Loshi (32), Faton Kolgeci (38), and Haxhi Llugaxhiu (40), all from the village of Vraniq.
    The people's movements in the municipality of Suharekë are very restricted, as a tense situation continues to prevail also in the hamlets, where the first snow started falling on Wednesday.
    Due to the destruction of the houses the villages of Budakovë, Maqitevë, Papaz, Krushicë are Vërshec are facing serious difficulties.
    On Wednesday, the Serb police increased its presence not only in Suharekë, but also in the village of Sopi, where according to Albanian sources, many passers by are being evidenced and beaten occasionally.
    On the other hand, the CDHRF sources in Suharekë state that two Albanians Shpejtim Kryeziu (18), from Suharekë and Latif Gollopeni (22), from the village of Dobërdolan, were killed on Tuesday, in the Kosova-Albania border belt, at the place called Ponoshec.

    KOSOVA (IDPs – Malishevë)
    Fear from dying from the hunger and cold

    Malishevë, 14 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    A life without work, free markets, without communication, electricity, press, and school and for many without a home, is the life of the residents of the municipality of Malishevë.
    They along with their guests, which overpass the number of the local residents, have been living for the third consecutive month in three zones completely detached from one another, leading a completely isolated life.
    The majority of the 18 villages, that completely or partially burned down, continue to remain abandoned by the population, some of them are probably bound to remain like that, even after the Serb forces withdraw.
    The Serb forces created a division between the three enclaves, resided by people.
    Those who admit to have illegally passed through many state borders, state that it was a game compared to passing the borders set around these localities. For a full month, there were absolutely no communications and no people or goods were allowed to pass from one zone to another.
    The villages that were lucky enough not to get touched by the Serb offensive are overloaded with people. Up to five families with more than 100 members, live in one family. All of them only spend without working anything, thus using all the savings of their host families.
    The help from the migrants are also blocked; they have no way to send the money. Sometime, even if there is money there are no goods, or they are too expensive.
    During the most intensive days of the fighting, a liter of fuel was sold for up to 12-DM, 25 kg of flour for 50-DM, while 50 kg of sugar for up to 200-DM. The lack of flour was and remains the biggest problem among the residents of the municipality. The burning of the grain and its decomposition in the fields, then the burning of the flour and other food items, raises the fear of dying from the hunger. The worst to pass are those who have no roof above their heads. A large number of the residents of the municipality and escapees from other municipalities continue to live under tents made of plastic bags. They are mainly concentrated in Pagarushë and Domanek. The temperatures of the fall have largely severed their situation, thus the winter is expected with great fear. The first snow, which fell on Tuesday in the hills of this municipality, marks the first sign of the winter. Entering the winter in this state will definitely terminate these people. A massive death from the cold and a humanitarian catastrophe is expected under these conditions. For the homeless people in Pagarushë and Domanek, the drastic fall of the temperature, particularly during the night, is their major preoccupation. However, the state that the present international engagement about Kosova, revived their lost hopes.

    KOSOVA (reactions – agreement)
    "NATO ultimatum- a hope for the solution of Kosova problem"

    Prishtina, 13 October (ARTA) 1730 --
    Dozens of thousands of Albanians will be compelled to wait for the "implementation" of the agreement Holbrooke-Milosevic that implies "the fulfillment by Milosevic of all the requests determined by the UN SC Resolution". This is in fact the first thought after Milosevic’s and mediator's "pompous" statements concerning the agreement.
    Neither the citizens nor the Albanian political subjects were enthusiastic at all with the agreement. The LDK Steering Board hailed the ultimate decision of NATO for "halting the Serb genocide in Kosova and re-emphasized its attitude for solving the Kosova problem through negotiations, which have to be mediated internationally and respect the political will of Kosova Albanians for independence.
    The communique of this party issued from the session held on Tuesday, is stated that LDK welcomes the ultimate decision of NATO, but it recalls the bitter experience of non-fulfillment of the Belgrade regime promises. For this sake, LDK strongly demands the full implementation of ultimate requests posed by NATO.
    The LDK Steering Board estimated that the conditions of the displaced people have deteriorated since the weather is worsened.
    Such conditions make the full implementation of the NATO requests a necessity", was stated in the communique.
    "NATO ultimatum given to Belgrade regime is a hope for solving the Kosova problem" states the LDK Steering board adding further that the "prolonging of the ultimatum may jeopardize even more the Albanian families which are staying outside lacking any shelter".
    "LDK Steering board appreciates the work of the international humanitarian organizations and observing missions which were present during the last years and months in Kosova, and it warns that their withdrawal (because of the Serb threats) induces the further deterioration of the conditions under which the displaced Albanians are living" was stated further in the LDK communique adding that the lacking of proper international humanitarian institutions in Kosova necessitate the invigoration of the local humanitarian institutions and organized Albanian subjects in order to get over this situation.
    The communique of the LDK Steering board emphasized once again the necessity of "installing the international peace-making forces in Kosova".
    It repeats once again the standpoint which implies the solving of Kosova issue through the internationally mediated and guaranteed negotiations, based into the political will of Kosova people for independence".
    Concerning this agreement, also the Unified Democratic Movement (LBD) gave a statement.
    The vice-president of the LBD, Bajram Kosumi, evaluated the agreement achieved between Holbrooke and Milosevic, as the first step towards the implementation of the UNSC Resolution number 1199.
    "This agreement does not represent all what had to be done or all what could have been done referring the above-mentioned resolution", he claimed.
    "This agreement does not finally create peace, it does not solve finally the Kosova issue".
    Kosumi stressed that, the precondition for peace and stability in Kosova could not be established without withdrawing the Belgrade military forces, and without getting rid of the Belgrade militarist policy which in fact induced several times the tragedy of Kosova. He said that that the achieved agreement represents an important step for creating the preconditions for a political process for solving the Kosova issue.
    "Belgrade regime finally comprehended (since Milosevic accepted the Resolution 1199) that it cannot rule over Kosova, but Kosova will be ruled by its citizens", claimed the vice-president of LBD.
    He reminded that, "the Serb regime has committed immense crimes in Kosova, a lot of blood was perpetrated, but the Albanian blood given for freedom will not go in vain".
    "The international community ought to be consistent in establishing the preconditions for a political process, for the welfare which ought to lead this process, otherwise the Belgrade militarist policy endangers the entire region", he claimed at the end.

    KOSOVA (Parliament - evaluation)
    Independence - the only realistic solution for Kosova

    Prishtina, 14 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    During an extraordinary meeting, of the steering board of Kosova's Parliament, it was evaluated that the Serb forces have not withdrawn their troops from Kosova and that "Kosova has turned into one of the most monstrous butcheries and crematoriums". The board assessed that, during the past months, alone "the number of the confirmed victims is about 2000". Over 450,000 civilians are dislocated from their homes, without any hopes of returning back, since the majority of them were leveled to the ground. The largest part of Kosova has turned into burnt land, as the ethnic cleansing is still taking place. A humanitarian catastrophe cannot have any other features. This criminal offensive of the Serb police-military and paramilitary forces, as well as the conclusions of the Serb-"Yugoslav" Parliaments, clearly prove the "readiness" of Serbia and the self-called "Yugoslav" federation, to fulfill the international communities demands, despite the calls and the ultimatums they are being made. Hence, the steering board of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, strongly condemning the Serb crimes conducted in Kosova, once more stated that: "There cannot be any solution to the Kosova problem, while under the Serb-‘Yugoslav’ rule and that the Albanian people and other nations of Kosova, other than Serbs, have never, with any of their actions, accepted the Serb-Montenegrin state, constituted without the consent and against the will of the Albanian people, as well as their attempts to keep Kosova occupied.
    The steering board of the Republic of Kosova once more makes an appeal to the international community to stop this game of Serbia, its endless and meaningless "dialogue", as one of the possible forms for solving the Kosova issue. Independence is the expression of the political will of the people of Kosova, the single, just and realistic solution for Kosova.
    The steering board of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, as usually, despite the tragic course of events, as a result of the Serb aggression, supports the peaceful solution of the Kosova problem, meaning the necessity of the international community's intervention with an international supervision or administration for a temporary period of time, which would mean creating preconditions for the final solution of the problem of Kosova, based on the declaration of the people of Kosova in a referendum.
    Based on all the political and judicial documents of the Republic of Kosova, starting from the Constitutional Declaration of the Referendum, the steering board of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova states that no group or individual in Kosova, outside their legitimate representatives, has any authorization to represent the people of Kosova, not to mention the right to agree with any kind of solution for Kosova, which is in opposition with its people's will, declared by the referendum", it is stated in release signed by the chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova, Idriz Ajeti.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • NATO: Transcript: Secretary General's Press Conference, OCT 13
  •  ==> LINK to the news

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    Betreff:         CDHRF; Monthly Report / September 1998
    Datum:         Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:40:09 -0700
        Von:         "Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms" <cdhrf@albanian.com>
                     Rr. Vellusha 46, 38000 Prishtinë - Kosovë; tel&fax: 381 (0) 38 36 965
                       http:www.albanian.com/kmdlnj e-mail: kmdlnj@albanian.com

                   The text you can read at  sept98.htm

    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    10. eventual additional press news 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Analysis
    Datum:         Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:24:59 -0400
        Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>

    Taken without permission from Reuters,15-OCT-98, for fair use only.

    Analysis-Splits Dog Kosovo Albanians in Peace Bid

    Riven by internal divisions, trampled by Serbians and passive in the face of big-power diplomacy, Kosovar Albanians have been reduced to bystanders at a turning point in their history.
         "Kosovo's Albanians are bankrupt wards of the international community," a Western diplomat who asked not to be named told Reuters this week.
         "Their political leaders are inept, their guerrilla army is defeated. A quarter-million of their people have been driven from their homes (and are) in desperate need of assistance that only the West is willing and able to provide."
         Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority did not have a seat at the table this week when their immediate fate was being decided in talks between U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
         Milosevic has been bargaining to retain his grip on power by denying Kosovo independence, thereby protecting the rights of the province's dwindling Serb minority population.
         Holbrooke's mandate was to defend Western strategic interests in the Balkans. That meant building a firewall around Kosovo to prevent a wider war spilling over into neighbouring Macedonia and Albania.
         To avoid air strikes, Milosevic has until Saturday to persuade the big powers he has complied with their demands to halt his assault on Kosovo and agree to an inspection scheme that would entail NATO overflights and international monitors.
         Meanwhile, Holbrooke's colleague, U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Chris Hill, is redoubling his efforts to broker a three-year 'interim agreement' with Belgrade for self-government for Kosovo.
         Ethnic Albanian leaders have been refusing to bargain directly with Milosevic or his government because of the recent offensive by Serbian police and Yugoslav army units that devastated central and western Kosovo.
         That boycott has given Washington, in the persons of Holbrooke and Hill, extensive leverage in the peace process.
         This virtual default seems to suit Ibrahim Rugova, twice elected 'president' by Kosovo's ethnic Albanian community.
         An apostle of non-violence, Rugova is the undisputed face of ethnic Albanian resistance to Serbian rule in Kosovo.
         A narrowly-based team headed by a Rugova ally now represents Kosovo Albanian interests in negotiations with Hill.
         But analysts say the Sorbonne-educated intellectual with his trademark neck scarf has long been tolerated by Belgrade and embraced by Washington precisely because he is weak and ineffectual.
         Meanwhile the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) guerrillas this week called for the creation of a national front 'government' that would be more representative of ethnic Albanian interests in Kosovo, a move that would reduce Rugova's control over the negotiations.
         If Rugova is the face of the fight for independence then the KLA is the fist.
         Funded by contributions from ethnic Albanian expatriates in Europe and America and supplied with arms smuggled over the border from neighbouring Albania, the KLA ran rings around government security forces for three months of this year.
         The guerrillas took nominal control of more than a third of the province, including many major highways.
         But despite those early gains the separatist force was fighting far above its weight. When Serbian special police and Yugolav army units finally launched a coordinated counter-offensive in June the KLA was routed.
         What the insurgents did achieve was to put the issue of Kosovo back at the top of the international agenda and force Milosevic to revisit the issue of Kosovo's status.
         Making the best of those gains will severely test the political skills of Rugova, of the KLA who bitterly oppose both him and Milosevic, and of a host of lesser players.
         Adem Demaci, who spent 28 years as a political prisoner, is the civilian leader most closely allied with the KLA.
         While his credentials as a patriot are indisputable, there is no sign he commands any institutionalised political support of the sort Rugova enjoys from his Democratic League of Kosovo.
         A younger generation of ethnic Albanian leaders, typified by Veton Surroi, editor of Kosovo's leading Albanian language daily newspaper, seems content to distance itself from responsibility for whatever 'interim agreement' is in the works.
         Suggestions on the table include returning Kosovo to its former position as an autonomous province within Serbia.
         Attempts to give it the status of a third constituent republic of the Yugoslav federation alongside Serbia and Montenegro-- and especially the demands of Kosovo Albanians that they should have the right to opt for independence at the end of the three-year interim period-- seem unlikely to be accepted by either Belgrade or Montenegro.
         If Balkan history repeats itself as it has several times this century, the ethnic Albanians who make up 90 per cent of Kosovo's population will remain united in their desire for independence but fatally divided over how to achieve their goal.

    Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
        dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
        1. Johannes 4, 21b
        Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
        noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
             noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
        sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
             und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
        Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
        der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
        und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
             Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
        Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
             sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
        Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
             noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
        Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
             aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
      Psalm 1
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        And this commandment have we from him, 
        That he who loveth God love his brother also.
      1Johannes 4,21
      Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
           nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
      But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
           and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
      And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
      that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
      his leaf also shall not wither; 
           and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
      The ungodly [are] not so: 
           but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
      Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
           nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
      For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
           but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
      Psalm 1
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Wolfgang Plarre
    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 15.10.1998  

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