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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 16. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 16, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1584

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Rot-gruene Regierung will Kontinuitaet in Aussenpolitik wahren
  • Nato gibt Milosevic Zehn-Tage-Frist - Bundeswehreinsatz gesichert
  • Rot-gruene Regierung will Kontinuitaet in Aussenpolitik wahren
  • Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl fuer weitere zehn Tage aus
  • Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus
  • Offenbar wieder Kämpfe im Kosovo
  • Albaner-Fuehrer sichert OSZE-Beobachtern Unterstuetzung zu
  • Zensierte Zeitung stellt Strafantrag gegen serbischen Radikalenchef
  • Nato will Belgrad genaue Fristen setzen - Vertrag mit OSZE
  • Albaner-Fuehrer sichert OSZE-Beobachtern Unterstuetzung zu
  • Serbischer Polizist im Kosovo getoetet
  • Bonn bleibt bei Drohung gegen Milosevic
  • Moskau begruesst Abkommen ueber OSZE-Mission im Kosovo
  • Nato-Rat beraet ueber Fristverlaengerung fuer Einsatzbefehl
  • Nato will Belgrad genaue Fristen setzen - Vertrag mit OSZE
  • Deutsches Parlament billigt Beteiligung an moeglichem Kosovo-Einsatz
  • Deutsches Parlament billigt moeglichen Kosovo-Einsatz der Bundeswehr
  • Belgrad und OSZE unterzeichnen Abkommen ueber OSZE-Beobachter
  • Belgrad und OSZE unterzeichnen Abkommen ueber Kosovo-Beobachter
  • Nato will Belgrad genaue Fristen setzen - Rugova fordert Druck
  • Breite Mehrheit im deutschen Parlament zu Kosovo-Krise sicher
  • Genaue Zahl der OSZE-Beobachter im Kosovo noch unklar
  • Auch Schroeder fuer weitere Drohung gegen Milosevic
  • Deutsches Parlament beraet ueber Kosovo-Einsatz
  • "Nesawissimaja Gaseta": Im Kosovo haengt nun alles von Beobachtern ab
  • Fluechtlinge im Kosovo: Leben in Ruinen
  • Kosovo-Fluechtlingsstrom wird zur Belastungsprobe fuer die Schweiz
  • Belgrad und Nato unterzeichneten Abkommen ueber Ueberwachungsfluege
  • Belgrad und Nato unterzeichnen Abkommen ueber Ueberwachungsfluege
  • UN-Tribunal will Ermittlungen im Kosovo fortsetzen
  • Agentur Tanjug berichtet ueber albanische Angriffe im Kosovo
  • SPD-Fraktion stimmt moeglichem Kosovo-Einsatz der Nato zu
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 19:57 http://seite1.web.de/show/36278919.NL1/
    Rot-grüne Regierung will Kontinuität in Außenpolitik wahren
    Bonn (dpa) - Die neue rot-grüne Regierungskoalition in Deutschland hat am Freitag eine größtmögliche Stabilität in der Außenpolitik beschlossen. Auch die eher pazifistisch eingestellten Grünen stimmten künftigen internationalen Kampfeinsätzen deutscher Soldaten zur Friedenssicherung zu.
         Gleichzeitig sollten aber die weltweiten Strategien zur Vermeidung und Behebung von Konflikten ausgeweitet werden, erklärten die Außen-und Sicherheitspolitiker der Sozialdemokraten (SPD) und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen am Freitag während der Koalitionsgespräche vor Journalisten. Deutschland solle mittelfristig mehr Geld für Entwicklungshilfe geben und wieder in Friedensforschung investieren. Außenminister der neuen Regierung soll voraussichtlich der Grünen-Politiker Joschka Fischer werden.
         Das Atlantische Bündnis wurde von den Verhandlungspartnern als unverzichtbar für den Frieden in Europa gewertet. Die USA seien der wichtigste außereuropäische Partner Deutschlands. Für die Erweiterung der Nato nach Osten bleibe die Tür offen, sagte der designierte Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping (SPD). Gerade die Grünen haben eine sehr kritische Haltung zur Nato.
         Im Gegensatz zur bisherigen Mitte-Rechts-Regierung unter Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl will sich die neue Koalition nicht vordringlich um einen eigenen Sitz für Deutschland im UN-Weltsicherheitsrat bemühen. Man suche in dieser Frage eine europäische Lösung.
         Die Beteiligung der deutschen Streitkräfte im Rahmen internationaler Einsätze muß sich nach den Vorstellungen der neuen Regierung am Völkerrecht wie am deutschen Verfassungsrecht orientieren. Dabei muß es sich nicht zwingend um ein UN-Mandat handeln, auch wenn das Gewaltmonopol der Vereinten Nationen gewahrt bleiben müsse.
         Der außenpolitische Sprecher der Grünen, Ludger Volmer, sagte, es solle künftig versucht werden, Zuspitzungen wie bei der Entscheidung über die deutsche Beteiligung im Kosovo zu verhindern. Seine Partei hatte bislang friedenserzwingende und Kampfeinsätze der Bundeswehr grundsätzlich abgelehnt. Die Parlaments-Entscheidung vom Freitag zum Kosovo sei ein Ausnahmefall gewesen.
         Die neuen Koalitionspartner trafen keine `Vorab-Festlegung" über den Etat der deutschen Streitkräfte und die Truppenstärke. Dies solle erst nach Ergebnissen der geplanten Wehrstruktur-Kommission erfolgen, sagte Scharping. Die Regierungspartner kündigten auch an, alle Initiativen für eine friedenssichernde Politik auszuweiten. So soll den Absprachen zufolge eine Trendumkehr im Haushalt der Entwicklungspolitik eingeleitet werden.
         Vom UN-Ziel, 0,7 Prozent des Bruttosozialproduktes für Entwicklungspolitik bereitzustellen, habe sich die alte Regierung immer mehr entfernt. Derzeit würden lediglich 0,29 Prozent des Staatshaushaltes dafür eingesetzt. Die Haushaltsmittel sollten maßvoll gesteigert werden.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 19:39 http://seite1.web.de/show/3627850C.NL1/
    Nato gibt Milosevic Zehn-Tage-Frist - Bundeswehreinsatz gesichert
    Brüssel/Bonn/Belgrad (dpa) - Die Nato gibt dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic weitere zehn Tage Zeit, die UN-Resolution 1199 zum Kosovo-Konflikt zu erfüllen. Der sogenannte Aktivierungsbefehl für Luftangriffe vom vergangenen Dienstag wird bis zum 27. Oktober ausgesetzt, bleibt aber voll gültig, beschloß der Nato-Rat am Freitag. Auch die Bundeswehr kann sich nun im Kosovo-Konflikt mit 14 Tornado-Kampfflugzeugen und 500 Soldaten an einem möglichen Nato-Militäreinsatz beteiligen.
         Der alte Bundestag billigte mit überwältigender Mehrheit einen entsprechenden Antrag der scheidenden Regierung Helmut Kohl. Jugoslawien und die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) unterzeichneten in Belgrad ein Abkommen über die Stationierung von bis zu 2 000 Beobachtern der OSZE im Kosovo.
         Der Nato-Rat rief Milosevic dazu auf, in diesem neuen Zeitraum seine zusätzlichen Militär- und Polizeikräfte aus dem Kosovo abzuziehen. «Wir sind immer noch um einiges von der vollen Erfüllung der Bedingungen entfernt,» heißt es in einem Kommunique der 16 Nato-Botschafter. Somit soll auch der militärische Druck aufrecht erhalten bleiben.
         Der am Dienstag vereinbarte Einsatzbefehl sollte an diesem Samstag morgen auslaufen. Er unterstellt die rund 430 Flugzeuge der Nato-Partner dem Oberkommandierenden in Europa, Wesley Clark. Dieser kann in enger Absprache mit dem Nato-Rat genau festgelegte Luftangriffe gegen serbische Ziele anordnen.
         In dem Nato-Kommunique hieß es ferner: «Der Natorat beschloß, die Bereitschaft zu Luftangriffen gegen Jugoslawien aufrechtzuerhalten, einschließlich der Stationierung substantieller Luftstreitkräfte in der Region.» In der neuen Frist werde das Bündnis die Fortschritte bei dem Abzug der serbischen Spezialkräfte aus der Unruheprovinz ständig überwachen. Wie es aus Nato-Kreisen hieß, gebe es ermutigende Anzeichen, daß Milosevic Soldaten und Polizei zurückziehe.
         Am Donnerstag abend hätten Nato-Generalsekretär Javier Solana und Clark bei ihrem Besuch in Belgrad Milosevic eine detaillierte Liste über die noch im Kosovo stationierten Truppen übergeben. Milosevic habe nach einigem Zögern diese Informationen bestätigt. Am Freitag gab es laut Nato Anzeichen, daß zwei von sechs besonders erwähnte Einheiten zurückgezogen würden.
         Jugoslawien und die Nato wollen auch Verbindungsoffiziere austauschen, um die Überwachung der Abzugsbedingungen zu gewährleisten. Ein Nato-Offizier werde nach Belgrad gehen, ein jugoslawischer Offizier werde im Nato-Hauptquartier im italienischen Vicenza stationiert, hieß es in Brüssel. Die Nato will sich weiter bemühen, Rußland an dem Überwachungsprozeß zu beteiligen.
         Für die deutsche Teilnahme an einer möglichen Militäraktion im Kosovo stimmten in Bonn 500 von 580 anwesenden Abgeordneten. 62 votierten dagegen und 18 enthielten sich der Stimme. Damit ist auch gewährleistet, daß deutsche Offiziere in den Stäben der Nato und den Aufklärungsflugzeugen (AWACS) bleiben können.
         In der rund vierstündigen Debatte hatten neben Außenminister Klaus Kinkel (FDP) und Verteidigungsminister Volker Rühe (CDU) auch der designierte SPD-Kanzler Gerhard Schröder und dessen wahrscheinlicher Außenminister Joschka Fischer (Grüne) um eine breite Zustimmung geworben. Übereinstimmend bekräftigten sie, daß trotz der in den letzten Tagen eingetretenen leichten Entspannung die militärische Drohung aufrechterhalten bleiben müsse.
         Das in Belgrad unterzeichnete Abkommen über die Stationierung der OSZE-Beobachter wurde vom jugoslawischen Außenminister Zivadin Jovanovic und dem polnischen Außenminister und amtierenden OSZE-Vorsitzenden Bronislaw Geremek unterschrieben. «Das Abkommen eröffnet dem Frieden eine Chance im Kosovo», sagte Geremek. «Es ist der erste Schritt in die richtige Richtung.»
         Rußland begrüßte das Abkommen als eine neue Etappe, die zur politischen Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts führen werde. Nach Meinung Moskaus sind jetzt auch die Voraussetzungen für die Wiederaufnahme Jugoslawiens in die OSZE geschaffen. Die Mitgliedschaft ist seit 1992 wegen Belgrads Rolle im Bosnien-Konflikt aufgehoben.
         Unterdessen wurde in Pristina am Freitag von neuen Kämpfen berichtet. Nach Angaben des kosovo-albanische Informationszentrums (IZK) nehmen die Kämpfe in der serbisch verwalteten Albaner-Provinz wieder zu. Ein Albaner sei getötet und ein zweiter verletzt worden, als serbische Polizeikräfte den Weiler Makeremal am Donnerstag mit schweren Maschinengewehren beschossen hätten. Nach serbischen Angaben wurde ein Polizist von albanischen Untergrundkämpfern erschossen.
    © dpa
          ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Wer nichts tut, macht keine Fehler. 
               - Oder ist gerade das ein Fehler ? 
    Was wird die NATO am Samstag (nicht) tun ? 

    Doing nothing means making no mistakes. 
               - Or ist exactly this a mistake ? 
    What will NATO do or not do on Saturday ? 

    Das ist die Antwort - THAT's the answer 

    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 18:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3627715F.NL1/ 

    Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus 

    Betreff:         Communique from Adem Demaci's office
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:17:48 +0200
        Von:         "Adem Demaçi" <Demaci@albanian.com>

    Regarding the arrival of 2000 members of Verifying Mission, Mr. Adem Demaçi, the General Political Representative of the Kosova Liberation Army (UÇK), declares hereby:

    As the UÇK is concerned, the arrival of verifiers is expected with a due respect, notwithstanding  the fact that we are concerned about the timing of their arrival in Kosova and dissatisfied with their insufficient number and competencies. It would be very good if they would be escorted by armed forces, which would guarantee their physical and moral integrity, as the presence of Serbian military - police forces would be an obstacle to them tp practice their human duty.

    Nonetheless, this must not serve for concessions to the Serbian regime, as it was proved so many times now that the Serbian regime will misuse it in order to intensify its repressive and terrorist policy. The example of Bosnia, where Serbian forces still do not permit the return of Bosnian people to their hearths, makes our skepticism strongly based.

    In order for the Verifying Mission to have full support of the UÇK in accomplishing its difficult and responsible duty, as well as to have a successful and full cooperation with the UÇK units, it is necessary that OSCE make an agreement with the Political Representative of  the UÇK.

    Information Service

            Adem Demaçi
            Përfaqësues i përgjithshëm politik i
            Ushtrisë Çlirimtare të Kosovës (UÇK)
            Adem Demaçi
            General Political Representative
            of the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA)
             Tel.       :  ++ 381 38 36 032
             Fax.       :  ++ 381 38 34 051
             E-mail     :  Demaci@albanian.com

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    taken from  http://www.kosova.com/r981016a.htm  on October 16, 1998  at 18:35 hrs
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 16 October 1998, 17:30 CET


  • President Rugova Receives Ambassador Chris Hill
  • President Rugova Receives OSCE Chairman-in-Office Geremek
  • Political Process Should Be Stepped Up, Ambassador Hill Says
  • Serbian Troops Are Not Withdrawing, NATO ACTORD Should Remain in Force, President Rugova Says
  • "Draft Paper for Interim Accord in Kosova Lacks Essential Elements"
  • Albanian Killed, Another Seriously Wounded, During Serb Attack in Drenica Thursday
  • Serb Troops Attack Jabllanica Village in Gjakova on Thursday and Friday
  • Albanian Communities in Rahovec Still Inside a Serb Ring of Steel
  • Several Malisheva Villages Come Under Serb Fire on Friday
  • Serb Forces Camouflage in Deçan Area, Open Fire on Albanian Villages at Night
  • President Rugova Receives Ambassador Chris Hill

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - Today, the President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received Ambassador Chris Hill, the U.S. envoy for Kosova, to discuss the recent situation in Kosova and the political process in pursuit of a resolution.
         Ambassador Hill briefed President Rugova on the agreement on the presence of OSCE and NATO verifiers in Kosova to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1199.
         President Rugova said he appreciated Holbrooke's and Hill's efforts to mediate on Kosova.
         The prospects to step up the pace of the political process for a negotiated solution to the Kosova issue were discussed in the meeting, which was attended also by Dr. Fehmi Agani, coordinator of the Kosova negotiating team.
         Meanwhile, Ambassador Hill addressed today the local LDK chapter leaders, who met in Prishtina for their regular meeting on Friday.
         The United States of America will work closely with Ibrahim Rugova and the Kosovar leadership as a whole until a rightful and lasting solution for Kosova is achieved, Mr. Hill stressed.

    President Rugova Receives OSCE Chairman-in-Office Geremek

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received today in Prishtina Bronislaw Geremek, the Polish Foreign Minister, who is the current Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE.
         Minister Geremek briefed President Rugova on the contents of the agreements signed in Belgrade on the establishment of an OSCE Kosova Verification Mission.
         Rugova said international presence in Kosova is appreciated. He added that in order to create the preconditions for a political solution in Kosova, the international pressure on Belgrade should be maintained.
         In this context, President Ibrahim Rugova demanded that the activation order for NATO strikes against Serb targets remain in place.
         After their meeting, Rugova and Geremek made statements to the press.

    Political Process Should Be Stepped Up, Ambassador Hill Says
    "There is a lot of work ahead, there is very tough negotiating (on Kosova) ahead," the U.S. envoy said

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - After his meeting with President Ibrahim Rugova of Kosova, Ambassador Chris Hill, the U.S. envoy for Kosova, spoke to the press in Prishtina today.
         He said yesterday he was in Paris, at the Contact Group, and in Vienna to address the Permanent Council of the OSCE.
         "I've just briefed Dr. Rugova on what this current status is. I told him that we now have an agreement on air verification system, which was signed last night between Mr Solana and the Serbs, and that we also have an arrangement for the OSCE verifiers to begin their work and that will be based in as quickly as possible.", Ambassador Hill said.
         In addition to discussing these two verification regimes, "we also talked about where we are in the political process", the U.S. envoy said. "We agreed that we need to step up the pace to move ahead, but we also agreed that there continued to be a lot of differences between the Serbs and the Albanians on this (the talks on an interim accord for Kosova)".
         The Serbs made unilateral statement and addressed some of the issues that they are prepared to see in a final settlement, Hill said, probably referring to a statement by the Serbian Government.
         "Needless to say, there are many other issues, many other elements that are going to need to be in a settlement and we've got to work on that. For that reason, I was very pleased that Dr. Agani, who is the head of the negotiating team, was there (in the meeting with President Rugova) and we were able to talk about many of the issues that his side wants to see in there."
         Work on a political settlement in Kosova will continue, Ambassador Hill said. "I want to emphasize we are by no means there yet. There is a lot of work ahead, there is very tough negotiating ahead."
         With respect to compliance issues, "we have insisted and we continue to insist that we are not looking for gestures (by Serbs)."
         We are not looking for initial compliance, but we are looking for full compliance, and we will now have a verification system in place which will be able to verify where we are in compliance.", the American diplomat said, referring to international demands that Belgrade has to meet.
         Asked to say whether the NATO deadline would remain in place, Hill said he does not want to discuss deadlines. "NATO is having meetings on this issue and they will decide how to proceed ahead. Mr. Solana and General Clark were in Beograd last night. They have, I am sure, reported to the NATO today, and there will be further decisions on it. I can assure you that we are looking for full compliance with UN SC Resolution."
         Asked to say whether police checkpoints are part of the compliance, U.S. envoy advised the questioner to read the UN SC Resolution 1199 to "see precisely what the compliance issues are."

    Serbian Troops Are Not Withdrawing, NATO ACTORD Should Remain in Force, President Rugova Says

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - The past several days saw Serb forces shelling Albanian villages in the municipalities of Malisheva and Gllogovc in Drenica, as well as the Mitrovica area, President Ibrahim Rugova of Kosova said during a press conference in Prishtina today (Friday). Several Albanians were killed this past week in Gjakova area, he added, referring to reports.
         The President of the Republic of Kosova said Albanian refugees living still up in the hills and in the open are in a desperate situation. "They do not feel safe enough to return", Rugova said, citing reports of people who died of the cold weather that has set in. There is need for them to be returned to their home under international security arrangements, because the people are threatened by Serb forces, he added.
         Serbian forces have not been withdrawing, but rather repositioning, and even digging up in certain strategic points, President Ibrahim Rugova said. "There have been fresh forces coming in from Serbia", he emphasized.
         Rugova reiterated his call for USA, NATO, EU, UN and NATO to provide international protection for Kosova, and pressed for a 'more constructive' engagement on the part of Russia. He welcomed the efforts of Ambassador Holbrooke to ensure an OSCE presence and a NATO aerial verification system, and demanded "the deployment of NATO ground troops in Kosova, as a guarantor of the security of the people of Kosova".
         "The activation order (ACTORD) for air strikes against Serbian targets should remain in force", the President said.
         President Rugova reaffirmed that independence for Kosova, with all guarantees for local Serbs, and an interim stage international protectorate, is "the best solution".
         The Kosova leader hailed the commitment of world leaders (Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Schröder, Solana) to Kosova.
         Clinton is one of the most successful U.S. presidents, Rugova said, characterizing him as "a world leader with a new philosophy, who demonstrates that all peoples should be given the opportunity to live in freedom and enjoy international affirmation."
         President Rugova said his meetings with U.S. Ambassador Chris Hill are working meetings in preparation of negotiations for an interim accord for Kosova. "No agreement on this (interim accord) has been reached yet", he said, declining to comment on the negative reaction the proposed plan has attracted by political parties in Kosova.

    "Draft Paper for Interim Accord in Kosova Lacks Essential Elements"
    Says Ms. Edita Tahiri, Kosova negotiator

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - The draft document for an interim accord for Kosova, which has been offered by the U.S. envoy Chris Hill, lacks essential elements to make it acceptable to Kosovars, Ms. Edita Tahiri, member of the Kosova negotiating team, told the Informatori evening newspaper of 16 October. The idea for interim solution within Serbia is the most unacceptable thing of all, according to her.
         The Kosova negotiating team has worked to design such an interim arrangement, which is in accordance with the will of the people of Kosova for independence, Ms Tahiri said. The negotiating team has presented its remarks and objections in writing, she added.
         Edita Tahiri said the Kosova negotiating team has asked that the interim accord deal contain certain elements to make it acceptable for a three-year period. She said the plan should "define clearly the interim accord and outline a permanent accord", and also the role of a guarantor from the international community.
         "Independent institutions in Kosova should be created" on the basis of an acceptable plan for an interim period, Edita Tahiri said. She stressed a key thing provided by the accord should be "an internationally monitored referendum" for the people of Kosova to determine their future at the end of the interim accord solution.
         An interim and a permanent solution to Kosova should be based on the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act, including the right to self-determination, Tahiri concluded, summing up the principles the Kosova negotiating team wants to see enshrined in any deal on Kosova.

    Albanian Killed, Another Seriously Wounded, During Serb Attack in Drenica Thursday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - One Albanian died and a second one was wounded Thursday in Makërmal village of Skenderaj when the village came under Serb fire.
         The chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Skenderaj ('Srbica') said Zymer Goxhuli (33) received fatal wounds and died shortly afterwards. His neighbor, Isuf Goxhuli (28), received life-threatening wounds.
         The village of Makërmal was pounded with machine-gun fire from a Serb police outpost located between the village and the neighboring Likoc.
         The human rights group noted that Serb forces have been beefing up their presence in the area, rather than withdrawing. At lest 14 bases manned by heavily armed Serb troops are still in place in Skenderaj municipality.
         The CDHRF chapter in Skenderaj, as well as other independent sources, confirmed that firearm shooting was heard in several places in the area overnight. A motorized convoy of 8 tanks and military trucks left the town of Skenderaj today morning and headed for the Likoc village.

    Serb Troops Attack Jabllanica Village in Gjakova on Thursday and Friday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - The village of Jabllanica in Gjakova, western Kosova, came under heavy Serb fire both on yesterday and today (Friday), local sources said.
         The LDK chapter in Gjakova said Serb troops based near Kralan village unleashed a heavy artillery attack against Jabllanica at around 16:00 in the afternoon yesterday. The village came under fire from the same position today after 7 a.m.
         A local LDK activist told the KIC that the population of Jabllanica and the surrounding hamlets have been fleeing homes in panic. Several hundred of them crammed the Catholic Church in Gllogjan just before midday, he said.
         Two other villages in Gjakova municipality, Kralan and Rakovicë, were pounded with artillery fire on Thursday. Albanian communities were attacked from two bases in the area, Suka e Cërmjanit (the Cërmjani uphill) and Mrasor village, respectively, Sokol Dobruna, head of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) branch in Gjakova said.

    Albanian Communities in Rahovec Still Inside a Serb Ring of Steel

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - Serb forces have been regrouping and digging in around Albanian villages in the Rahovec ('Orahovac') municipality, LDK sources and local villagers told the Kosova Information Center (KIC) today morning.
         Jahir Thaçi, a local LDK activist in Çifllak village, said heavy Serb police forces have dug in over the past days around the villages of Kramovik, Gur-Kuq and Polluzhë. Serb troops have even been garrisoned in the local school premises in Kramovik. He described the situation in these three villages as highly volatile. The small number of local people who returned to their gutted houses is highly apprehensive of possible Serb forces' crackdown, he said.
         Serb troops backed up by heavy armament have been also camping in the village of Ratkoc. Serbs have occupied the farmhouse of a local Albanian, Sali Shabani, and the local school building, the LDK chapter in Rahovec said.

    Several Malisheva Villages Come Under Serb Fire on Friday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - The villages of Dragobil, Marali, Bubavec, Llazicë, Carrallukë, Maxharë came under renewed Serb forces' fire in the evening hours on Thursday, Isuf Bytyqi, head of the LDK Information Commission in Malisheva, said today.
         Albanian villages along the Malisheva-Kijeva roadway were attacked on Wednesday and Thursday morning, too.
         A 28-year-old Albanian, Adnan Paçarizi, was wounded in Dragobil village on Wednesday evening, when his village was pounded with artillery fire.
         The Malisheva villages have been attacked from several Serb bases in the area, including the Rahovec wine-cellars where heavy Serb troops are reported garrisoned in.
         The LDK activist said that Dragobil, Marali, Bubavec, Llazicë, Carrallukë, Maxharë were pounded with artillery on two occasions today (Friday), from 8:00 through 10:00, and around noon. At least two foreign reporter crews touring the area could witness the shelling of Albanian communities today, he said.
         Isuf Bytyqi could not confirm if there were casualties in these villages today.
         Yesterday afternoon, Serb forces set ablaze half a dozen houses of Albanians in Mleçan village, and at least two in Kijeva, the LDK activist said.

    Serb Forces Camouflage in Deçan Area, Open Fire on Albanian Villages at Night

    PRISHTINA, Oct 16 (KIC) - Serb forces based at Suka e Biteshit (Bitesh uphill) near Deçan opened artillery fire both last night and today morning in the direction of Gramaçel, Baballoq, Dubravë, Sheptejë, Gllogjan and Ratish, the LDK Information Commission of Deçan said.
         The few Albanians residing in these villages, mainly elderly people, have been moving out and seeking shelter in the village of Isniq, Strellc i Poshtëm, Llukë e Epërme and Prapaçan, the Commission said. It could not confirm if there were any casualties.
         Sources in Deçan said Serb troops have been intensively repositioning in the area, moving in and out, the numbers remaining the same effectively.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 15, 1998  at  22:40 hrs
    KOSOVA (clashes – Suharekë)
    Shooting in the villages of Bllacë and Samadraxhë

    Suharekë, 15 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    Clashes between Serb military/police forces and KLA units took place on Wednesday afternoon, in some villages of Suharekë municipality, Albanian sources from Suharekë report. According to these reports, the shooting was heard in the village of Bllacë till late at night. Shooting could also be heard in the village of Samadraxhë during the night from all kinds of weapons, including heavy ones. There are no reports on the causalities up to now.
    Strong bursts were heard also in some villages of Malishevë municipality, which could be heard in Suharekë.
    "Koha Ditore" sources claim that in some villages of Suharekë the arbitrary arrests of the Albanians are continuing.

    KOSOVA (arrests – Prizren)
    93 arrested Albanians taken to Serbia's prisons

    Prizren, 15 October (ARTA) 1915CET --
    Serb forces located in the town of Prizren and in the regional roads and highway of this municipality were reinforced.
    In the highway Prizren-Gjakovë, in the Bridge of Landovicë, a new Serb police checkpoint is stationed. Meanwhile, in the village of Nashec new army forces were positioned.
    According to the branch of CDHRF in Prizren, from October 9th, 93 arrested Albanians were deported from the Prizren County prison, to the prisons of Leskoc, Vranje and Prokuplje. The condition of other Albanian prisoners in the County prison of Prizren is reported to be very harsh, because the prisoners are being tortured and they have no access to medical aid. It is reported that in one room there are 40 to 50 people.
    It is also reported that Ukshin Hoti, political prisoner, has been transferred from the Nis prison in the County prison of Sremska Mitrovica.

    KOSOVA (clashes – Klinë)
    Severe fighting during the last night – three babies die from lack of food and the cold

    Klinë, 15 October (ARTA) 1930CET--
    Shelling and shooting from military hardware was conducted last night from Serb military, police and paramilitary base in Volljakë, against the villages Përçevë, Sfërkë, Dushë, Volljakë, and Çupevë. The attacks continued until late after midnight.
    Serb forces that tried to approach the displaced population, encountered an unbreakable resistance of KLA who after three hours of fighting managed to force them back, state Albanian field sources.
    There are claims that three policemen were killed.
    New reinforcement of positions as well as deployment of new Serb forces was spotted today. Also sporadic shooting were heard.
    Three babies (1-3 years of age) died from lacking food, medical treatment and because of the extreme cold.
    Also three elderly people, four children and one young mother with her baby are in the brink of death.
    Serb police has burnt and totally destroyed 117 houses in Volljakë, 116 in Sfërkë, 25 in Çupevë, and 28 in Dushë.

    ALBANIA (political events)
    Political parties sign resolution condemning the statements of the former Prime Minister Fatos Nano on Kosova.

    Tirana, 14 October (ARTA) 1600 --
    The Resolution for Kosova, adopted in principle by the parliamentary political Parties, managed to be signed only a day after.
    The Parties of Democratic Unification managed to insert into the resolution two additional points, which according to them are very important. In this way opposition political parties succeeded in compelling the socialists to sign a resolution, which condemns the statements of the former Prime Minister Fatos Nano for Kosova.
    Through this Resolution all Parliamentary Political Parties demand urgent NATO intervention in Kosova, systematization of the refugees from Kosova who have come in Albania, measures for the territorial defense to be undertaken, and that priority be given for self-determination of the Kosova people in Governmental policies.
    Concerning the developments within the country, the resolution demands a normal dialogue between the political powers to be carried out, respecting the requests of the International Community for a new political stability in Albania. The supplements requested by the parties for Democratic unification (PBD) comprised the denouncing of the statements of the former Prime-minister Nano in Crete, in Krans Montana and in Lisbon.
    Those statements were evaluated as jeopardizing the national cause. The motto: "One nation, one standpoint" must be a generator which must lead forward the activity of all the Albanian political powers-is stated in the resolution signed by all Parliamentary political parties.
    For the first time after this period, political parties succeeded to sign a joint treaty. Maybe the Socialist Party has the biggest merits for this because it signed a resolution although it condemned some standpoints and statements of their first person. The signing of this declaration by all these political parties is a satisfactory achievement for the initiators of the tribune and the policy in general-claimed Fatmir Mediu, the republican president, and the organizer of the political party’s tribune for Kosova.
    The accord among the political parties for signing a resolution for Kosova paves the way for the dialogue process between the political parties, as well as for other important issues of the country, such as the Constitution.

    KOSOVA (victims – Deçan)
    SCDHRF: 202 people killed in Deçan municipality so far

    Deçan, 15 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    According to the sources of SCDHRF in Deçan, it is supposed that 202 people are killed in this municipality so far. The vast majority of them were elderly civilians, women, and children. The age of the killed ranged from 3 to 98. Massacred corpses were spotted among the killed as well, it is stated in the SCDHRF's report.
    The number of the wounded is far bigger and there are claims that it reaches 800 people. Meanwhile it is doubted that 98 people are abducted, but there is a fear that this number is bigger because many families do not know what has happened with their relatives.
    Around 3.000 Albanian houses were burnt and squared to the ground during the fighting in this municipality, while a far bigger number of them is looted.
    Twelve school buildings and premises are badly damaged during the clashes. Consequently, around 8.000 pupils of Elementary and Secondary Schools cannot attend the lessons any more.
    The archive documents of the local town halls in Junik and Prizren as well as the buildings of the agricultural cooperative enterprise "Perparimi" in Irzniq are completely burnt. The health stations in Irzniq and Gramaçel are damaged. Albanian owned shops, nutritive stocks, large amount of clothes and precious wares, tractors, cars and trucks were looted by Serb paramilitaries.
    Over 9% of out of total 60.000 inhabitants of this municipality have fled their homes and are sheltered in other municipalities, or have fled to Albania, Montenegro or Western countries.

    KOSOVA (victims – Mitrovicë)
    Two die from mine explosion

    Mitrovicë, 15 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
    Driton Abit Samkolli (20) and Rifat Faik Samkolli (18) died, two days ago, after they stepped on a mine. The two youngsters were on their way back to their house, burned by the Serb military/police forces, during the offensive in Shalë të Bajgorës.
    Some time ago, the villagers of Shalë e Bajgorës region have warned the passengers to be very careful from the mines and other explosives that Serb military and police has left. These two youngsters were buried in the place they were born.

    KOSOVA (Serb police – Mitrovicë)
    Police shoots at a citizen in Mitrovicë

    Mitrovicë, 15 October (ARTA) 1945CET --
    Serb police from near "Ura e Gjakut" shot with machine gun against Ali Kadri (46) from Skenderaj municipal village of Likoc, who is sheltered in Mitrovicë. He briefly jumped over the hedge of a house, so police could not hit him.
    The reason of shooting against him is not confirmed so far.
    It is noteworthy that there is no sign of withdrawal of Serb forces from Mitrovicë. On the contrary the existing forces are being reinforced. Yesterday, two buses, three trucks and four jeeps carrying policemen came into the local Army barracks, coming from Rashka (Serbia). Meanwhile at about 1500CET, two buses, five trucks and three cars carrying policemen left Mitrovica towards Skenderaj.
    The military forces from the missile base in Kutllovc village has not withdrawn.

    KOSOVA (Comment )
    If we are banned...
    Veton Surroi

    Friends from out of Kosova during the whole course of yesterday, were announcing us that, among the independent newspapers which are being closed down by the Serb regime, "Koha Ditore" will also be included.
    While I am writing these lines, I do not know whether they will be printed in the news-paper; if yes, I do not know whether that would be the banned edition of the news-paper. Furthermore, I do not know whether I would enter this office tomorrow and whether I would be able to continue working (together with my colleagues) on what was and what still is the most successful Albanian news-paper in the world.
    I do not think that we ought to write a lament. I am not having such a bad time-compared to those who left the food heating in the oven, and had to flee with their children; compared to those who have fled their houses for good.
    Moreover, I would not have been surprised if the regime would torch this office. A regime which terminates women and children-victims of a war against the civilians-is not ashamed, and does not have scruples or conscience.
    The reason of closing down is some sort of a Serb Government decision, according to which the media promulgating defeatism, engage against the sovereignty of Serbia and "Yugoslavia", etc. will be closed down.
    These are the vindication’s of every dictatorial system; how can they measure in Serbia, which media were and which are not patriotic? How could the patriotism of "Danas" be compared to a Serb chauvinistic newspaper?
    Is the Serb patriotism Chauvinism? According to this regime, yes.
    The vindication in our case becomes more ridiculous. We, who work in this newspaper, consider ourselves as patriots, with the mere fact that we are engaged for the truth, to distinguish the genuine truth from all this variety of truths.
    We also consider ourselves as patriots because we think that Kosova ought to decide for its own fate; that the citizens ought to have their freedom. Our patriotism is diametrically opposite with that which is demanded by Serb Government, it is not compatible to its nature.
    "Koha Ditore" cannot become a newspaper of Serb patriotism, the same as a Serb newspaper cannot become a newspaper of Albanian, Croat or Hungarian patriots.
    This is the justification of the regime, but the reason is that, "the truth" of the Serb regime has started to shatter. The leader of this regime thinks that- Potemkin villages to be kept alive still exist--and unfortunately there still exists a world which (with its dilemmas) is still maintaining into power this leader of the last fascist and communist symbiosis in Europe. And unfortunately there still exist those who could sacrifice the right of criticizing this and other newspapers, in order to achieve a "peaceful agreement".
    It was remarked several times and not by accident, by officials from this or another power that, the articles of this newspaper damage "the diplomatic efforts of our country in front of the crisis in Kosova".
    At the end, if they ban us...this will pass. If they ban us, we will try to get out. This is a law of struggle against censorship, which is as old as the thought of stopping it.
    Those who will ban us today-- will be in a rubbish basket tomorrow. And we will engage with the newspaper, to forbid them entry into Kosova, even with passports.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • HRH Crown Prince Aleksandar II On Media Freedom
  • SUC: Letter to Mdm Albright, US State Secretary
  • TRANSCRIPT: Lehrer Interview with Holbrooke on Kosovo, OCT 14
  •   ==> LINK to the news

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    Betreff:         CDHRF: Weekly Report 439
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 10:19:36 -0700
        Von:         "Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms" <cdhrf@albanian.com>

                     Rr. Vellusha 46, 38000 Prishtinë - Kosovë; tel&fax: 381 (0) 38 36 965
                       http:www.albanian.com/kmdlnj e-mail: kmdlnj@albanian.com

                                   REPORT NO. 439

                 The text you can read at  week439.htm

    Betreff:         CDHRF: Weekly Report 440
    Datum:         Fri, 16 Oct 1998 10:28:00 -0700
        Von:         "Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms" <cdhrf@albanian.com>

                     Rr. Vellusha 46, 38000 Prishtinë - Kosovë; tel&fax: 381 (0) 38 36 965
                       http:www.albanian.com/kmdlnj e-mail: kmdlnj@albanian.com

                                   REPORT NO. 440


                 The text you can read at  week440.htm

    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:15ata03
    Datum:         Thu, 15 Oct 1998 21:12:55 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
      Firma:         ATA
    Albania government voicees reserves on Holbrooke-Milosevic accord

          TIRANE, Oct 15 (ATA) By I.Luto
          The Albanian govenment expressed reserves regarding the agreement reached on Tuesday between the Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. envoy, on the withdrawl of the Serb troops from Kosova and creation of condititons for talks, as well as the return of the refugees.
          "Our stand is mature, the government is studying and considering as a possible step that which could be a way towards the solution of Kosova crisis," Vladimir Prela, the political Counsellor of the Premier Majko told ATA on Thursday.
          "We have no illusions on Milosevic word. The Albanian stand, from both politics and excecutive parts, has been that Milosevic is the main obstacle for the resolution of Kosova issue. Personally, I consider Milosevic-Holbrooke agreement  as an old tactic of the Serb leader to gain time," Prela said.
          "A military intervention of the international community is a risk that Albania will be forced to support, if Milosevic will continue to challenge the West and that is why a balanced stand of Albania and the other forces in the Balkan is necessary in order not to repeat the history, which has described our penisula  as "the powder barrel" of Europe," said the political Counsellor of Albanian Prime Minister.
          "If Milosevic respected "the promisses" he gave in the framework of the agreement, signed early this week, we would respect the logic of the diologue and the stages through which the achivement of the compromise would go, which does not mean concessions, and which will depend on the Albanian political class in Kosova," Vladimir Prela said.

    Six Albanian activists arrested in Gjilan

          PRISHTINA, Oct. 15 (ATA) - By Belul Jashari:
          Six Albanian activists, among whom the deputy chairman of the Kosova Democratic League, Lufti Hazizi, were arrested Thursday in their houses. Sources from the Kosova Democratic League in Gjilan stated that the police have also hunted for other activists. The intervention of the Serb forces into the Albanian houses were very harsh.

    Serb forces attacks in some Kosove regions

          PRISHTINE, Oct 15 (ATA) Bshlul Jashari, ATA correspondent reports:
          The artillery of the Yugoslav Army again shelled many Kosove regions contrary to NATO ultimatum to stop fighting.
          Last night bombardments in the town of Malisheve and the villages nearby have also continued today. The regions near Rahovec, the villages Astrazub, Dragobil, Maxhare, Marali, Carralluke and Cupeve are affected by the attacks of the Serb forces. The grenades have also affected the distant villages of Malisheve, Shkoze and Guriq.
          During last night the Serb forces also attacked the villages of Bllace and Sarnadraxhe, Suhareke commune.
          The Yugoslav military bases in Stanterg and Kutlloic shelled last night the villages of Shale e Bajgores, Melenice, Vidishiq, Bare, Bajgore and some others in the region of Mitrovice.
          During all the night Serb forces also attacked toward the village Terstenik, the surrounding Gllogocit, while in the other regions of Drenice the Serb snipers shot. From all these attacked regions, it is reported that the small number of people who began to turn home, have again left their houses.

    10. eventual additional press news 
  • NEWS:16.10.
  • Albanian-Language Kosovo Papers Attack NATO Deal
  • Belgrade threatens existence of Albanian newspapers in Kosova
  • NATO Chief Flies to Belgrade to Sign Agreement, Warn Milosevic
  • Lilic Accuses NATO of Arming Kosovo Separatists
  • Albania Reserved on Milosevic-Holbrooke Agreement
  • Kosovo monitors to start work
  • What does the deal mean to Milosevic
  • British monitors head for Kosovo
  • Airstrike decision by Nato today
  • Yugoslav Leader Is Not Complying With Kosovo Pact
  • news: Contact Group to Mull Kosovo Deal Details in Paris
  • News: The Christian Science Monitor - The Kosovo situation
  • news: NATO Says Milosevic Not Complying

  • Foreign & Commonwealth Office 14/10/98
  • A Flawed Pragmatism Moscow Times October 10, 1998
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] press: KOSOVA: PEACE IN OUR TIME
    Datum:         Thu, 15 Oct 1998 15:20:21 -0400
        Von:         Dardan Blaku <dblaku@SHIVA.HUNTER.CUNY.EDU>

    Taken without permission, for fair use only.

    By Eric Margolis   15 Oct 1998

    Peace in our time! If you ever wondered why Europe failed to stand up to Hitler's aggression, just look at Tuesday's agreement over Kosova between NATO and Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic. Like Munich and Bosnia, this was a cynical sellout, disguised as peace.
         Milosevic's New Nazis began ethnic cleaning in Kosova nine months ago. They ignored NATO's warnings it would not tolerate a repeat of Bosnia's horror. Nine months later, there are 300,000 Albanian refugees, many living in fields as the winter snows approach. Serb soldiers have burned 300 villages.
         After a long game of chicken, NATO's decision to launch air attacks forced Milosevic to back down. Had NATO  done this nine months ago, there would not today be 300,000 refugees and a land laid to waste. But NATO wanted Serbia to hold on to Kosova.
         The deal negotiated by US envoy Richard Hoolbrook calls for Serbia to withdraw some regular army troops and paramilitary police from Kosova. But other Serb troops  will remain in Kosova, which is 93% ethnic Albanian. Holbrook left the numbers suspiciously vague: NATO is surreptitiously allowing Serbia to retain sufficient troops to maintain continued military control of Kosova.
         The diplomatic `triumph' allows NATO to feed the horde of Albanian refugees created by Milosevic's latest ethnic cleansing. Serbs had previously blocked emergency aid convoys.  Instead of feeding yet more refugees, NATO should have gotten rid of Milosevic, the criminal who keeps creating tidal waves of human disaster.
         In an stupid act the west will soon regret, 2,000 civilian `monitors' from the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), armed only with clipboards and pens,  will police the accords and supposedly assure Serb forces do not resume attacks on civilians, or block aid convoys.  The OSCE is a useless, impotent, multi-national bureaucracy, a mini- UN, with such powerhouse members as Andorra and St Marino. Besides, it will take many weeks to deploy OSCE observers in Kosova - while Albanian refugees face punishing cold, hunger, and disease.
         Sending in the OSCE clowns would simply be a bad joke were not so many lives in peril. Serbs will resume ethnic cleansing once they see NATO's attention has wandered. If NATO threatens air attacks to stop new atrocities, Serbs will grab the hapless OSCE monitors - just as they took UN peacekeepers hostage in Bosnia.
         This little Munich allows Milosevic to again get away with ethnic cleansing in the heart of Europe, and lock up the results. Equally shameful, the west has given Serbia tacit assurances the UN War Crimes Commission in the Hague will be excluded from Kosova - meaning no Serb war criminals will be charged with crimes against humanity.
         This disgrace comes on the heels of the Clinton Administration's promise to Milosevic that his two chief henchmen in Bosnia, Mladic and Karadzic, both wanted war criminals, would not be apprehended or prosecuted.  The criminals who committed Europe worst atrocities since 1945 are to go free, thank you Bill Clinton.
         The killing and burning will cease- for now. But what of Kosova's future? The status quo is untenable. Yet the deal offers no political solution.
         Holbrook's calls for talks between Albanians and Serbs on Kosova autonomy are nonsense - as everyone involved knows. Milosevic intends to regain Kosova, drive out or kill its Albanians, and repopulate the region with Serb settlers. Albanians will only settle for total independence. Milosevic's atrocities have made any future Serb-Albanian cooperation impossible.
         NATO, fearing any change in Europe's borders, refuses independence to Kosova.  NATO has thus become de facto ally of Serbia: both want Serbia to retain control of Kosova. Hence this week's great charade of NATO threats and Serbian defiance. It was clear Milosevic would cave in once real pressure was applied.
         The Kosova Liberation Army will resume battling Serb occupation forces. Ironically, NATO may end up bombing Albanian guerrillas in order to preserve Serb control of Kosova.
         This latest Balkan sellout has bought wily Milosevic some time. Still, after more fighting, Kosova's eventual independence seems inevitable.

    copyright    eric margolis  1998

     ==> LINK to further news
    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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    Opinions expressed/published on ALBANEWS do  NOT necessarily reflect the views of the owner and the co-owners and/or moderators,  nor any of their host institutions. ALBANEWS does NOT guarantee the accuracy of the reports, articles and news items distributed via the list.

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, dass, wer Gott liebt, 
        dass der auch seinen Bruder liebe. 
        1. Johannes 4, 21b
        Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen 
        noch tritt auf den Weg der Suender 
             noch sitzt, wo die Spoetter sitzen, 
        sondern hat Lust am Gesetz des HERRN 
             und sinnt ueber seinem Gesetz Tag und Nacht ! 
        Der ist wie ein Baum, gepflanzt an den Wasserbaechen, 
        der seine Frucht bringt zu seiner Zeit, 
        und seine Blaetter verwelken nicht. 
             Und was er macht, das geraet wohl. 
        Aber so sind die Gottlosen nicht, 
             sondern wie Spreu, die der Wind verstreut. 
        Darum bestehen die Gottlosen nicht im Gericht 
             noch die Suender in der Gemeinde der Gerechten. 
        Denn der HERR kennt den Weg der Gerechten, 
             aber der Gottlosen Weg vergeht.
      Psalm 1
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        And this commandment have we from him, 
        That he who loveth God love his brother also.
      1Johannes 4,21
      Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, 
           nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
      But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; 
           and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
      And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
      that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; 
      his leaf also shall not wither; 
           and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
      The ungodly [are] not so: 
           but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
      Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, 
           nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 
      For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: 
           but the way of the ungodly shall perish. 
      Psalm 1
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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       Kosova-Info-Line (German)   http://www.kosova-info-line.de
       Koha Ditore (ARTA)          http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm
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    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 16.10.1998  

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