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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 22. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 22, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1590

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Nato-Rat warnt Kosovo-Rebellen vor weiteren Aktionen
  • US-Vermittler Hill: Belgrad erfuellt UN-Auflagen unzureichend
  • Sacharow-Preis des Europaparlaments fuer Ibrahim Rugova
  • Schweizer Bundespraesident wuerdigt in London Leistungen der EU
  • UCK will entführte serbische Journalisten dem Roten Kreuz übergeben
  • Nato billigt "Adlerauge" fuer Kosovo - Rugova: Abkommen annehmen
  • Scharping nahm erste Kontakte zu Nato-Kollegen auf
  • US-Vermittler Hill und Diplomaten bei Rugova
  • Eagleburger bezeichnet Kosovo als gefaehrlich fuer alle Nachbarstaaten
  • IISS: Diplomatische Bemuehungen um Kosovo konnten nicht mehr bringen
  • Cook in Bukarest: Druck auf Milosevic muss beibehalten werden
  • Albaner: Drei Kinder an jugoslawisch-albanischer Grenze getoetet
  • UN ohne Entscheidung zu Kosovo - Holbrooke warnt Milosevic
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 22.10.1998 21:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/362F8282.NL1/
    Nato-Rat warnt Kosovo-Rebellen vor weiteren Aktionen
    Brüssel (dpa) - Der Nato-Rat hat am Donnerstag abend die Kosovo-Untergrundarmee UCK vor weiteren Aktionen in der südserbischen Unruheprovinz gewarnt. Die Botschaft der 16-Nato-Vertreter an die UCK lautete, daß ihre Aktionen einen Vorwand für den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic liefern würden, seine Repressionsmaßnahmen fortzusetzen. Die internationale Gemeinschaft würde weitere Gewaltakte der UCK nicht verstehen, hieß es.
         Die Nato-Botschafter zogen am Donnerstag erneute Bilanz über den Abzug der serbischen Sondereinheiten aus dem Kosovo und kamen zu dem Schluß, daß der Abzug immer noch nicht zufriedenstellend sei. Der Nato-Rat wird am Freitag morgen erneut zusammenkommen. Nato-Generalsekretär Javier Solana, der am Freitag nach Bosnien reisen sollte, wird wegen der angespannten Lage in Brüssel bleiben. Ein Ultimatum der Nato an Milosevic läuft am kommendn Dienstag aus.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 22.10.1998 18:30  http://seite1.web.de/show/362F5DCA.NL1/
    US-Vermittler Hill: Belgrad erfüllt UN-Auflagen unzureichend
    Pristina (dpa) - Die Führung in Belgrad kommt ihrer Verpflichtung zu einem Truppenabzug aus der südserbischen Provinz Kosovo weiter nur unzureichend nach. Das sagte der US-Vermittler Christopher Hill am Donnerstag in Pristina im Kosovo. «Wir sind mit dem Grad der Erfüllung (der UN-Sicherheitsratsresolution vom 23. September) nicht zufrieden», sagte Hill auf einer Pressekonferenz.
         Der Diplomat bezog sich auf Auflagen des UN-Sicherheitsrates und der im Kosovo-Konflikt vermittelnden internationalen Kontaktgruppe, die Belgrad zu einem Teilabzug der Militär- und Polizeitruppen aus dem Kosovo verpflichten. Außerdem muß die Rückkehr Zehntausender vertriebener Albaner ermöglicht werden. Eine mit diesen Forderungen verknüpfte Frist der Nato, die mit Luftschlägen droht, läuft am kommenden Dienstag ab.
         Hill kündigte an, daß bereits konkrete Zusagen für die Entsendung von 1 500 Beobachtern der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) vorliegen. Diese sollen überprüfen, inwieweit die Führung in Belgrad die in der Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats aufgezählten Forderungen erfüllt. Insgesamt soll die «Verifikations-Mission» der OSZE eine Stärke von 2 000 Personen erreichen und aus unbewaffneten Experten für Sicherheit, Justiz und Menschenrechte bestehen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 22.10.1998 18:21  http://seite1.web.de/show/362F5B96.NL1/
    Sacharow-Preis des Europaparlaments für Ibrahim Rugova
    Straßburg (dpa) - Das Europaparlament vergibt seinen Sacharow-Preis für die Freiheit des Geistes 1998 an den politischen Führer der Kosovo-Albaner und Schriftsteller, Ibrahim Rugova. Die Konferenz der Fraktionsvorsitzenden des Europaparlaments stimmte am Donnerstag in Straßburg für den 1944 in Cerrca geborenen Rugova, der sich seit 1989 für eine friedliche Opposition gegen das serbische Regime in der südjugoslawischen Provinz Kosovo einsetzt.
         Seit 1992 ist Rugova Präsident der international nicht anerkannten «Republik Kosova», in der die albanische Bevölkerungsmehrheit nach Unabhängigkeit strebt. Der mit 15 000 Ecu (30 000 Mark) dotierte Preis wird Rugova während der Dezember-Sitzung des Europaparlaments übergeben.
         Im vergangenen Jahr wurde die algerische Journalistin und Bürgerrechtlerin Salima Ghezali ausgezeichnet. Der seit 1985 vergebene Preis ist nach dem russischen Regimekritiker und Friedensnobelpreisträger Andrej Sacharow benannt.
    © dpa

    ==> LINK zu weiteren Meldungen

    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    Betreff:         CDHRF: Deily Information / 22.10.1998
    Datum:         Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:38:33 -0700
        Von:         "Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms" <cdhrf@albanian.com>
                     Rr. Vellusha 46, 38000 Prishtinë - Kosovë; tel&fax: 381 (0) 38 36 965
                        http:www.albanian.com/kmdlnj    e-mail: kmdlnj@albanian.com 



    Prishtina, 22 October 1998

    As Sub-CDHRF in Gjakova informs that today, on 22 October 1998, at about 4.00 a.m., on the road between the border with Albania and the village of Gerçina e Hasit, the district of Gjakova, Serbian soldiers killed 4 members of Sylmetaj family: Ramiz Hamzë Sylmetaj (28), Leonora Gani Sylmetaj (12), Muharrem Ramiz Sylmetaj (6), Mazllum Ramiz Sylmetaj (2). This family was on its way back home from Albania, where they had taken refuge.
    Two members of the same family were wounded, among whom Ajshe Sylmetaj, Ramiz' wife.
    The members of this family that were present claim that they were attacked by Serbian soldiers.

    Information Service

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press-Release: Milosevic Back to Killing and "Ethnic Cleansing". (fwd)
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 22:06:05 -0400
        Von:         Mentor Cana <cana@ece.stevens-tech.edu>
    October 20, 1998
    Kosova Task Force, USA
    Internet: http://www.justiceforall.org

    Despite stern demands and threats of NATO air strikes, President Milosevic  has not withdrawn his Serb army forces from Kosova. In fact, just  yesterday, Milosevic deployed two additional  army battalions to Kisna Reka and Podujevo without any repercussions from NATO or American politicians.

    Milosevic has once again used his armed forces to "ethnically cleanse" the Albanians from some new areas of Kosova.
    Once the threat of NATO air strikes evaporated, Milosevic returned to his sinister tricks of deception and murder. The newly deployed Serb army battalions are armed with tanks and artillery and will continue to intimidate and injure the unarmed refugees living in inadequate tents and makeshift shelters.

    Relief organizations have been restricted in the performance of their work because of the renewed tension in Kosova.  The suffering Kosovar people call out for assistance and support.

    Immediate  action must be taken to prevent "a humanitarian disaster" in Kosova as winter quickly approaches.

    The Kosova Task Force, USA is encouraging  Muslims and non-Muslims to assist the Kosovar people by:

    Faxing letters to your local Congress-person, Senator, Secretary  of State and the American President,  requesting them not to  be deceived by Milosevic and demanding the following:

    * Recognize the Kosova¹s right to self determination.
    * Allow Kosovans to arm themselves in self-defense.
    * Allow relief organizations immediate access to the 400,000 refugees.
    * Conduct extensive and sustained air strikes to force a permanent Serb army withdrawal from Kosova.
    * Allow journalists to visit areas of ethnic cleansing.
    * Arrest Serb war criminals in Belgrade.

    How to Use 5 Minute for Kosova Today
    Please take five minutes of your time to:
    1. Forward this email to 20 of your friends.
    2. Call at least one leader per day.
    3. Send an email or letter to President Clinton demanding immediate action.

    Kosova Task Force, USA
    730 W. Lake St., Suite 156
    Chicago, IL 60661, USA
    Phone: 312-829-0087
    Fax: 312-829-0089
    Email: kosova@justiceforall.org
    Internet: http://www.justiceforall.org

    Wer nichts tut, macht keine Fehler. 
               - Oder ist gerade das ein Fehler ? 
    Was wird die NATO am Samstag (nicht) tun ?  

    Doing nothing means making no mistakes. 
               - Or ist exactly this a mistake ? 
    What will NATO do or not do on Saturday ?  

    Das ist die Antwort - THAT's the answer  
    Meldung vom 16.10.1998 18:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/3627715F.NL1/ 
    Nato-Rat setzt Einsatzbefehl bis 27. Oktober aus 
    Meldung vom 18.10.1998 15:34 http://seite1.web.de/show/3629EE87.NL1/ 
    Washington sieht «klare Anzeichen» für serbischen Rückzug 
    ... Belgrad ziehe offensichtlich mindestens zwei der erforderlichen sieben Bataillone aus dem Kosovo zurück und erleichtere die humanitäre Hilfe. ...

    Betreff:         Kosov@ - OSZE sucht Beobachter
    Datum:         Sun, 18 Oct 1998 11:06:39 +0100
        Von:         Christopher Temt <temt@ins.at>
    "... Die OSZE-Beobachtertruppe soll insgesamt 2.ooo Mitglieder umfassen ... es ist unklar, ob so eine grosze Zahl an Beobachter in so kurzer Zeit zusammenkommen kann." Zeitungsmeldung vom Fr. 16. Okt. ´98

    Zivildiener in Oesterreich fordern schon seit laengerem eine 1-monatige Ausbildung waehrend ihres Dienstes, um anschlieszend genau fuer solche OSZE-/UNO-Einsaetze freiwillig zur Verfuegung stehen zu koennen.
    Das Konzept des DiplomZIVIs dazu:   http://www.zivildienst.at/Texte/diplomzivi.htm

    Fuer naehere Informationen zum Zivildienst am besten persoenlich am ZiviTAG am Freitag den 23. Oktober vorbeischauen:   http://www.zivildienst.at/zivitag98.htm
    Wir bitten die Medien den ZiviTAG ´98 in ihren Veranstaltungskalender aufzunehmen !

    Umfassende Informationen über den Kosov@ mit Texten von:
    Dr. Irmtraut Karlsson; Dr. Alois Mock; Alexander Lange; Dardan Gashi; Reinhard Laurer; Dr. Vojislav Seselj
    und Spendenkonto:

    mit zivilen Grueszen
    Christopher Temt
    0663 / 97 090 59

            Diskussionsforum zum Zivildienst (BlackBox):

    Offene Fragen:

         Ein ethisches
               Ein juristisches
                     Ein politisches Problem ?

                            Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                    an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                    an geschlossene Verträge,
                                    an Gesetze hält,
                            kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                    dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                            ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                    dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

    Open questions:

         An ethical
               A juridical
                     A political problem ?

                 If someone keeps not his promises,
                        incured agreements,
                 can this one call in from others to keep
                        even these agreements and arrangements ?
                 is the - are the - partner of contract
                        in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    Kaum zu glauben:
      s o  handelt das Land
    Oktoberfestes !
    dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

        Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

    Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
         Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
         Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
         Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
         Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
         Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
         Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
         Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
    © dpa
    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    Betreff:             Re: failure on homepage ?
    Datum:             Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:06:32 +0200
           Von:           Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>

    > Today I get on homepage from  www.kosova.com
    > only the site with daily news on September 6, 1998
    > Was "the hacker" again at work ?


    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] LAJME
    Datum:         Thu, 22 Oct 1998 17:20:19 -0500
        Von:         Kosova´s Office in Scandinavia<kic@kosova.pp.se>
    Luntmakargatan 66
    113 51 Stockholm
    tel&fax: + 46 8 158 405


    Today, Oct. 22 1998, at 04:00 CET, by the frontier Kosova-Albania road and the village of Gercinë e Hasit (Municipality of Gjakova), four members of one family, among them three children, were killed by Serb forces. The family was returning back home from Albania where it had taken refuge.
    The victim are:
         Mazllum Ramiz Sylmetaj, 2-years-old
         Muharrem Ramiz Sylmetaj, 6-years-old
         Leonora Gani Sylmetaj, 12-years-old
         Ramiz Hamzë Sylmetaj, 28-years-old
    Badly wounded are two other members of the family, among whom the wife of the killed Ramiz, Ajshe Sylmetaj.
    Other family members that witnessed the killing declared that the Serb army forces shot against them with fire-arms.
    For more information, please contact tel.: +381 390 23993

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1590
    Datum:         Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:11:48 +0200
        Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 22 October 1998

    President Rugova Receives Ambassador Hill, EU Troika

    PRISHTINA, Oct  (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received today Ambassador Chris Hill, the U.S. envoy for Kosova, to discuss the situation in Kosova and the prospects for the beginning of a political process in pursuit of a negotiated settlement to the Kosova issue, Rugova's office said. Meanwhile, President Rugova received in a separate meeting the European Union troika of ambassadors, Wolfgang Petritsch, Austrian ambassador and UE special envoy for Kosova, Brian Donnelly, the British ambassador, and Wilfried Gruber, the German ambassador to Belgrade.
    President Rugova said the situation in Kosova continued to be grave and volatile. He emphasized the importance of the withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosova and full implementation of the UNSCR 1199. The President said the OSCE and NATO verification missions are important in this regard, to ensure that Belgrade fulfills its commitments, and preconditions for negotiations between Prishtina and Belgrade on Kosova are created.
    After the meeting, Dr Ibrahim Rugova and Ambassador Petritsch spoke to the press in Prishtina.

    Serb Military Kills Four, Wounds Two Members of Kosovar Albanian Refugee Family

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - Very early in the morning today (Thursday), Serbian military killed four Kosovar Albanians, among whom three children, and wounded two others, all members of the same family, near the village of Gërçinë village in the Gjakova area along the Kosova-Albania border, the Information Ministry of the Republic of Kosova reported.
    The Ministry named the killed as Ramiz Hamzë Sylmetaj (28), Mazllum Ramiz Sylmetaj (2), Muharrem Ramiz Sylmetaj (6) and Leonora Gani Sylmetaj (f, 12), all of them residents of Gërçinë village. Two members of this family were seriously wounded, including Ramiz's wife, Ajshe Sylmetaj, who has been taken to the Gjakova hospital.
    The Sylmetaj family was returning from Albania, where they had spent some time as refugees, having fled the war-torn Kosova.
    Family members who survived the Serb attack said Serb army soldiers had shot at them with fire arms.
    A fifth man, citizen of Albania, was said to have been killed in the same incident. He was reportedly escorting the returning Kosovar Albania family back across the border.

    LBD Calls for Jiri Dienstbir to Be Declared Persona non Grata in Kosova
    Over his "outrageous, openly anti-Albanian" remarks in Polish Newspaper

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - The Lëvizja e Bashkuar Demokratike (LBD) [the United Democratic Movement], a coalition of four Albanian political parties in Kosova, slammed yesterday Mr. Jiri Dienstbir, the UN special envoy for human rights in former Yugoslavia, for his "outrageous anti-Albanian remarks' in a Polish daily earlier this week.
    The UN official denies the right of the people of Kosova to individual and collective defense, the LBD said in a statement, adding that he plays down the scope of the violence and terror committed by the Serbian forces against the Albanians in Kosova as well as the humanitarian tragedy here.
    Jiri Dienstbir made "outrageous, openly anti-Albanian" remarks, the LBD says, calling for him to be declared persona non grata in Kosova.
    The Lëvizja e Bashkuar Demokratike, chaired by Rexhep Qosja, called on Albanian political prisoners to refuse Dienstbir's monitoring of their conditions and their trials.
    The LBD is a political formation close to the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army), which was infamously criticized by Dienstbir in his interview for the Polish newspaper.
    Adem Demaçi, the UÇK political representative, slammed likewise Dienstbir's remarks during a press conference in Prishtina on Tuesday.
    The UN official was quoted a couple of months ago as denying Serb forces were engaged in ethnic cleansing in Kosova, at a time more than 400,000 Albanians had been driven from their homes and hundreds of their villages destroyed by Serb military and police.

    Serb Forces Repositioning in Podujeva Area

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - The stepped up presence of Serb military and police forces has added to rising tensions in the north-eastern municipality of Podujeva.
    Serb military and police troops have stepped up movements in the town of Podujeva today. Three Serb military vehicles with Serb soldiers and officers on board stayed for hours in front of the town hall building, LDK sources said.
    Heavy Serb forces have been deployed in an area between the villages of Obrançë and Llapashticë, a couple of km west of Podujeva, which are being beefed up on a daily basis.
    Serb military forces, backed up with tanks, have been stationed also near the village of Lupç i Poshtëm, along the Prishtina- Podujeva road.
    Gunfire was heard on the southern edge of the town of Podujeva Wednesday evening, around 21:20 hrs, local sources said.
    Serb aircraft flew over the Podujeva area today, whereas a Serb police convoy consisting of three APCs and an armoured car left Podujeva, passed through Lluzhan and Orllan, and headed to Bërvenik village. The convoy later returned back.
    Early in the afternoon today, further troop movements were reported in the town of Podujeva and in the area between Llapashticë and Obrançë villages.

    Tanjug Journalists Are in the Hands of the UÇK

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - A spokesman with the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army) police told the Voice of America Albanian Section today two Serb journalists with the 'Yugoslav' Tanjug news agency, who had been reported missing since Sunday, are in the hands of the UÇK.
    Nebojsa Radosevic and Vladimir Dobricic were detained and arrested by the UÇK in the Magura area, the spokesman said.
    The two Serb journalists are under investigations, he added. If it turns out they have not been implicated in the war of the Serbian regime against the Albanian people, they will be handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the spokesman of the UÇK army police said.
    The detainees are being treated humanely, he concluded.

    Bujku Unveils Names of Albanians in Hospital Detention Center in Prishtina

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - The Prishtina-based Albanian-language Bujku newspaper published in its front page today the names of wounded Albanians from the war-torn areas of Gjakova, Prizren, Deçan, Klina, and Gllogovc who have been placed under police inspection in the Lungs Hospital situated in Dragodan neighborhood, in capital Prishtina. [See related story, Kosova Daily Report 1589, October 21].
    Serbian police have been placed everywhere inside the hospital, Bujku writes, adding that Albanian patients, among whom women and children, have been reportedly denied food on occasions.
    Bujku quotes unnamed sources as saying the following Albanians have been going through utterly unacceptable and inhumane treatment in the Lungs Hospital: Valon Gexha, Arben Spahia, and Gjokë Hil Ndreca from Gjakova; Veli Vrellaku, Avdi Krasniqi, Hava Lestrani (f), Elfete Rama (f) and Fatmire Ahmetaj (f) from Gllogovc; Gjuke Zukaj (f) and Bashkim Brahimi from Deçan; Shpëtim Dema and Milaim Krasniqi from Prizren; Afrim Morina from Klina.
    One of them, Bislim Bislimi, from Vitia, has already been taken out from hospital, and transferred in a Serb jail in Ferizaj, the Bujku newspaper said.

    Serb Forces Open Fire against Mitrovica Villages

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - Serb military forces opened automatic weapons and machine-gun fire last night against the villages of Melenicë, Mazhiq, Vidishiq and Trepçali, LDK sources in Mitrovica reported.
    During that time, a convoy of Serb military vehicles, including tanks, was stationed in the premises of the "Trepça" mining complex in Mitrovica, reports said.

    Fresh Serb Bombardments Force Albanians Flee Homes Again in Malisheva

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - The villages of Tërpezë, Lladroc and Novosella in Malisheva were shelled during last night, local sources said.
    The three villages, as well as the villages of Ostrozub, Dragobil and Guriq, were intermittently shelled from a Serb base at Ostrozub, both on Tuesday and Wednesday.
    The Malisheva LDK chapter said today morning that the latest Serb attacks against  Albanian villages in the area forced more Albanians from their homes.
    Clusters of refugees were seen heading toward the villages of Tërpeza and Lladroc yesterday and today morning, sources said.

    Serb Police Takes Body of Woman to Gjakova Morgue
    LDK in Gjakova learns identity of two other charred women brought to this morgue earlier

    PRISHTINA, Oct  (KIC) - The Serb police brought Wednesday afternoon the dead body of a woman to the Gjakova town morgue, local sources reported.
    The dead woman, in her early sixties, was brought to Gjakova from Lloçan village of Deçan, the LDK chapter in Gjakova said. It added that her identity or the cause of hear death could not be established.
    The LDK Information Commission in Gjakova reported today afternoon that it has learned the identity of two other women brought by the Serb police to the town morgue on 18 October.
    They are Sherafete Tolaj and Zize Tolaj, both from Pobërgjë village of Deçan.
    The bodies of the two women were charred, so it took this long to identify them, the LDK commission said.
    It added that the remains of the three women have not been yet collected by their relatives.

    Volatile Situation in Western Kosova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - The KIC sources in two western Kosova municipalities, Gjakova and Deçan, described the situation in the area as volatile today morning.
    During the course of last night and toady morning shooting and shelling was heard in several places in the area. Convoys of Serb forces have been moving and digging in around Albanian villages. The LDK chapter in Gjakova said the village of Novosellë e Epërme was targeted on several occasions by the Serb police during the past two days. Over 15 local Albanians were tortured by Serb police, who entered the village yesterday. On of them had his eardrum torn off.
    The Deçan LDK chapter said Serb forces garrisoned at a location called "Suka e Biteshit" have been spraying with machine gun and artillery fire the outlying villages almost every night.
    The situation in the Dushkaja region has been reported very tense, with huge Serb army and police forces remaining on the ground.

    Serb Forces Tighten Grip on Albanians in Lugu i Baranit

    PRISHTINA, Oct 22 (KIC) - A local LDK activist in the Lugu i Baranit (Barani Valley), a region south of Peja, told the KIC today that scores of Albanians have been subject to a campaign of maltreatment and arrests by the Serb regime.
    Young men, in their late teens and early twenties, have been targeted in particular, he said.
    Both this activist and the LDK chapter in Peja confirmed that Serb police manning checkpoints in the area have taken a most hostile attitude towards the Albanian population in the area. At least six Serb police checkpoints are still in place near Albanian villages.
    Shooting and bombardment in the villages of Kralan and Këpuz in the neighboring municipality of Gjakova has been causing additional fear amongst the population in the Lugu i Baranit. Most of the schools in the area have not been opened yet because of the volatile situation.

    Kosova Information Center
    Last page!

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 22, 1998  at 22:45 hrs
    KOSOVA (shelling – Mitrovicë)
    Shelling in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës

    Mitrovicë, 22 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    Serb military\police forces again shelled the villages of Mazhiq, Vidishiq, Krepsali, Melenicë and Bare, from their military base in the village of Kutlloc, Wednesday night from 2145CET until 0200CET, CDHRF in Mitrovicë and "KOHA Ditore" sources from the ground inform.
    This shelling recommenced the next morning from around 0800CET. The material damages are reported to be enormous, as there is no information about the eventual victims.
    On the other hand, at around 0600CET, a Serb military convoy equipped with heavy artillery departed from the military barrack in Mitrovicë and headed in the direction of Skënderaj. There is no sign of the withdrawal of the Serb military\police forces from their positions in the outskirts of Mitrovicë.

    KOSOVA (victims – Gjakovë)
    Serb soldiers kill four members of Sylmetaj family

    Prishtina, 22 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    According to SCDHRF in Gjakovë, Serb soldiers killed four members of Sylmetaj family, today at 0400CET on the road between the border Kosova-Albania and the Gërçinë village.
    The victims are Ramiz Hamzë Sylmetaj (28), Leonora Gani Sylmetaj (12), Muharrem Ramiz Sylmetaj (6), and Mazllum Ramiz Sylmetaj (2).
    This family was returning to their house, from Albania, where they were temporarily sheltered, because of the war in Kosova. Two other members of this family were badly wounded; among them is also Ajshe Sylmetaj the wife of Ramiz. The sources of SCDHRF claim that, these members of the above mentioned family stated that they were shot by the Serb soldiers.

    KOSOVA (shelling – Klinë)
    Tanks shell in the direction of Maja e Bajrakut

    Klinë, 22 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    Serb tanks started today at 1500CET, the shelling of Maja e Bajrakut, from Zabeli i Hoxhës and Boka e Volljakës. Maja e Bajrakut is the place where the civilian population is staying since several days. Numerous forces have come from Zabeli i Hoxhës through Boka e Volljakës. Volljaka is being kept under the siege of the Serb forces, while the shelling continue while we are reporting (at 1730CET). The village Kralan is being shelled from the Serb police positions in Mrasor village.

    KOSOVA (shooting – Klinë)
    Shooting in Sverkë

    Klinë, 22 October (ARTA) 1545CET --
    The village of Sverkë last night also, was subjected to arms shooting and flares' launching. Today, on the other hand, numerous tank and APC movements were evidenced mainly in the region of Sverkë and Ujëmirë. In the fields and house yards in the village of Siçevë, the Serb forces are digging holes and covering them, supposedly planting mines. Serb forces are posted in 4 to 5 places in the majority of the villages of the Klinë municipality, preventing the return of the people to their already burned and destroyed houses.
    The Serb installed Court in Pejë, yesterday sentenced Sali Gashi (31), and Elmi Zeneli (24), both from Potërç e Epërm, with 3 years imprisonment, for the crime of "terrorism".
    Nothing is known on the whereabouts of Lumnije Morina from Gllarevë, whose husband was killed a day before.

    KOSOVA (Surroi – Cook)
    Surroi: Establishing security--a condition for enabling the return of the refugees, and the first step of the political process

    Shkup, 22 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    After the meeting with the British diplomat, Veton Surroi stressed that, "the talks were focused on to three main topics: Reinforcing of the security measures in Kosova which are necessary for enabling the return of the refugees into their houses, as it was anticipated with the Holbrooke agreement as well as with the additional measures; the possible forms of augmenting the political process in the future negotiations for and about Kosova, and; about the general context concerning Kosova--so to say also the need for the democratization of Serbia and "the need for the democratization of Serbia, as well as within this frame for Montenegro to find its corresponding stand with Belgrade", claimed Surroi.
    "As for my evaluation, this meeting is a verification of the extraordinarily strong and innovative engagement of the Great Britain concerning the Kosova crisis. Such an engagement has left a strong impression on the Western European states regarding their approaches to the Kosova issue", declared after the meeting, Veton Surroi editor-in-chief of the Albanian daily "Koha Ditore".

    KD interview – British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
    Cook: "I think Kosova would take benefits by putting this agreement into function"

    Shkup, 21 October (ARTA) 1830CET--
    The British Foreign Minister visited Macedonia in the quality of the representative of the Contact Group, in the meetings with the Kosova Albanian politicians and Macedonian authorities.
    The prevailing crisis and the conflict were the main points of his attention, the same as of the corp diplomatique and the journalists following him.
    The exclusive interview with Mr.Cook took place in hotel " Alexander Palace" in Shkup, just before his meeting with the Albanian Negotiating team from Prishtina.

    Koha Ditore (KD): Why you did not come in Prishtina?

    Cook: (I did not come) because, I should have needed visa from Belgrade, shouldn't I? But, I am not very far from there. I hope that in some future case I could come in Prishtina.

    KD: Besides the promises and the agreements signed in Belgrade, there still is no sign that things are settling down in Kosova. What do you think about the recent trends of violence?

    Cook: First of all, I have to express the satisfaction for this second interview, which was offered to me by your newspaper.
    Also, I have to say that during the last months Kosova had a very high priority in my agenda. You may have noticed this by my numerous statements, which mostly expressed my concern for the behaviors of the ("Yugoslav") President Milosevic--but also those statements through which a political progress for the political solution of the Kosova problem, was aspired in front of the military solution of the crisis.
    I came here immediately after the statement I gave in the Commons in London.
    What was repeated continuously since the last week is that the deal achieved between Milosevic and Holbrooke is not perfect-- the international agreements are never perfect--- but it is an agreement which offers possibilities of a progress, for a self-governed Kosova, which would have a local control over its police; which would have free elections for its municipal administration and Assembly which would be supervised by OSCE and not by Belgrade; and which would pave the way for the Kosovars to set their control over their political patterns and their internal issues.
    We achieved this deal only after a huge pressure exercised over Milosevic. Great Britain has continuously worked both as a member of the Contact Group and as a member of NATO in order to promote in front of the Belgrade, the twin-track intensive diplomacy of the Contact Group, backed by the NATO credible threats for using the force.
    Great Britain kept (during the debating in the Contact Group and in NATO) a robust attitude in these points:

    -An assistance to the efforts of the international community, which is responsible for ensuring the solution of the prevailing situation in Kosova, without tolerating any further the violation of the human rights and the international justice;
    -In trying to achieve a (political) unity concerning Kosova, within the Contact Group and NATO, since we cannot be strict in front of Belgrade if we are not unified.

    I think that we succeeded to compel Milosevic understand that we were serious--that the unity within NATO and Contact Group exists.
    The strategy of the twin-track approach functioned.
    I think that the reason why the agreement was achieved is that Milosevic was convinced that NATO was presenting a serious threat. Since we managed to achieve this agreement with the pressure over Milosevic, we are convinced that also the compliance to those requests will be achieved with a huge pressure over Belgrade. Maybe the most important message i have at the moment for the Kosova people is that, Britain does not see this moment (the agreement) as the end of the political process, but as its beginning.
    I think that President Milosevic does not doubt that that we will be after this, and the international community will draw its attention from Kosova into another crisis.
    Let me say that it won't be like this. We will be strongly engaged in our efforts to ensure that Milosevic will respect the agreement.
    Allow me to finish this presentation by emphasizing the contribution of Great Britain in all this. We have already ensured 200 out of total 2.000 "verifying" observers; we will provide aircrafts for the NATO verification mission; personnel for the NATO Central Headquarters which will be set here in Macedonia, and we will give our contribution in the aspect of providing the humanitarian aids for refugees (and we are already working on it).
    NATO threats cannot lose the credibility

    KD: Could the NATO threats with air-raids (against the military targets in Serbia) be considered as credible threats, taking into account the continuous postponement of the deadlines and the flexibility furring the talks in Belgrade?

    Cook: Here, I wouldn't have agreed with the formulation "postponement of the deadlines". Initially, we decided to authorize the military officers to continue (the planning of) the air raids---on last Monday.
    Milosevic gave his compliance with the Holbrooke's package one-day later. I am convinced that these two acts are interconnected with each other. Without the threats for air-raids no agreement would have been achieved.
    Due to Monday’s decision, the order for undertaking the air-raids which was supposed to expire on Friday, continued to remain in power during the course of the two upcoming weeks. I think that it is a right decision.
    This is not referring to the postponement of the deadlines but to the issues of maintaining the order. The plans remain valid and in power. And as Solana claimed: NATO remains ready to intervene if it is necessary. What we are interested to be fulfilled during the next ten days is that the verification mission to arrive in Kosova, and to be present there in order to provide us measures which enable us to testify that Milosevic could violate this agreement illegally. We will conduct full verification during all the time and all over Kosova. And the results of the verification mission will be ultimately reported not only to OSCE but also to NATO.

    KD: Let us speak for the draft document for Kosova. The Albanian side does not regard in it a mechanism that would have been the process of self-determination or the one of the referendum--necessary for the further advancement of the status of Kosova, after the interim period.

    Cook: I think that the main part of the Holbrooke package is the devotion that free elections will be carried out for the Assembly of Kosova--and they will be observed by the OSCE.
    It is up to them who will take part in these elections what kinds of pre-election programs they will present, and it is up to Kosovars to decide themselves upon what program or platform they will vote for. This will be an evident test for the Kosovar public opinion.
    Secondly, the deadline from achieving a progress in the political negotiations is very precise--2 November. This is the date when Milosevic is obliged to make a progress in the crucial aspects.
    As third I would like to stress that now, Kosovars have the opportunity to advance their political structures which they have elected themselves, and which would administer the services and the police they want to see.
    This is a great possibility. Of course, this does not imply what the majority in Kosova desires, I understand that, but this is the agreement we have. I think Kosova could take benefits by putting this agreement into function, and I think that it would have been a tragedy if we spent the next six months discussing whether this is the agreement we have appreciated.

    (To be continued)

    KD interview - Sonja Biserko
    Diensbier's statement is irresponsible and lacks basis

    Prishtina, 22 October

    KD: The Serb law on information is now in power. How can you, as a human rights activist, comment this?

    Biserko: The law on information comes at the time When Milosevic reaches an agreement with Mr. Holbrooke, an agreement which has been widely disapproved. At first, it came as relief, considering the prospect of military intervention at the time. However, the political opposition as well as the wide public opinion disapproves of the agreement, which is now being shown due to the difficulties in implementing it.
    I think that at this time, Milosevic is extremely isolated and that he is trying to keep the situation under control at any cost. And the Information law is one of his mechanisms of achieving this.
    The main target was the daily "Nasa Borba", which was the only one that published Albanian sources of information.
    This in addition to introducing a war economy, as a political step, will be the problems he has to face this winter. Through a small door, a real dictatorship is being imposed in Serbia. Naturally, this Law goes against the Constitution and has no legal argument.

    KD: When speaking of the Information law, it is said that it is aimed at forbidding "the inducement of interethnic, religious or racial hatred". On the other hand however, the Serb state run media continually refer to the Albanians in a derogatory manner, calling them "shiptari", Which can directly be treated as an ethnic offense as Well as showing ethnic hatred...

    Biserko: I believe that the negative stand toward Albanian goes back further than the Serb state media (RTS) and that this issue is in some way "imperial" - in some Way even racist.
    But in all this, the RTS has played a significant role in paving the Way for the war, which was prepared at other institutions. However the media played a significant role, in Kosova as Well, and they share great responsibility. However, We're talking of banning the media and controlling those that presented the truth, right?
    This was dangerous for the regime, although it is a lot different than presented by the state media. In addition, though, there is some sort of consensus in Serbia in regards to the policy in Kosova, thus the media targeted, at this time, could exercise great impact on shifting awareness on Kosova.
    Thus, I think that this Law is backgrounded by serious attempts of setting control - in that Way the regime in the future can be more relaxed. However, Milosevic feels a lot more insecure and isolated presently, for his coalition partners, as Sesel, have a different opinion on the agreement. I believe that we should wait and see What Sesel and the nationalist campus is going to do, since they haven't clearly stated their stand on this issue yet. We are headed towards an insecure period in Serbia and the balance of power cannot be clearly figured out...

    KD: Why the Albanian-language media weren't shut down?

    Biserko: I don't know, but with this law, it could pressure the Albanian media as well. I've heard for the threats made to your newspaper, which (still) has not been carried through. I think that the shut down of Albanian media could be much more difficult because of the large presence of international community and worldwide attention towards the Kosova issue.
    I believe that Milosevic will face problems with the policy toward the media in Serbia because of the large row from abroad. But, I cannot predict how this will all end.

    KD: Let's change the subject. Some days ago, the UN envoy for human rights in former Yugoslavia, Jiri Diensbier, called the large Albanian families that were killed - "clans" and "local mafia" for whose death "everybody is satisfied"...

    Biserko: I think that it is an irresponsible statement, especially given by a representative from a position that could have a very important role, because he reports on the human rights abuses in former Yugoslavia.
    In this case, his statement concerning Kosova according to me is irresponsible and one that lacks basis.

    KD: Diensbier talks about the pathologic hatred between Serbs and Muslims, claiming at the same time that something like that doesn't exist between Serbs and Albanians...

    Biserko: I wouldn't do any talking about the hatred, but his statement proves his personal ignorance for this region, because Serbs, Muslims and Croats lived together in Bosnia and there was no pathologic hater there, not as he refers to it.
    Meanwhile, as for the Serbs and Albanians we can say they lived in different worlds - especially these two last decades, after the lifting of autonomy in 1989. It can be said that this division increased with this conflict, where the civilians were the victims and during which many people were driven out from their homes...
    So, a comment like that of Mr. Diensbier lacks basis and is inaccurate.
    Thinking generally of this statement, it is an attempt to minimize the Kosova problem, aiming for it to be placed in another context. I think that this is bad, especially when coming from that kind of a UN person.
    Through all that statement there is an attempt to put the both sides in one level -- all that happened through this war -- and all the time leaving behind the fact that the Kosovar Albanians for almost 20 years live in some kind of isolation, while living through this last decade under state terror, that caused the KLA appearance and all the things that happen in the field at this moment.

    KACI - analysis
    Unacceptable document - public debate needs to take place concerning Hill's documents

    Prishtina, 22 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    Kosova's Action for Civilian Initiative (KACI), organized a round table, in which the constitutional and judicial experts of Kosova had a debate concerning the project-proposal offered by the Contact Group, respectively by the American Ambassador Christopher Hill.
    "Considering the importance of the proposal of Ambassador Hill, we invited the constitutionals to give their opinions. We plan to make an `ad hoc' group of professionals out of this round table, who would independently address their stance about this issue also in the international instances", said initially the head of the KACI, Ylber Hysa and added that "this institution is willing to help this group, which will offer recommendation as to how we should approach this problem".
    On the other hand, Isuf Berisha from KACI stated that "the group will be founded in order to give a firm stance about this issue, for have very little time".
    The joint evaluation of all the present in this round table, was that the Project Proposal of the Contact Group is "unacceptable" for Albanians, because, as one of the colocutors claimed: "this proposal gives Kosova as much competencies, as the municipality of Prishtina had with the Constitution of 1974".
    "Is there any nation or a country in the world, a UN member, and particularly from the Contact Group, that would accept to be a colony of Serbia and Montenegro, to be ruled by a foreign regime, of a totalitarian, despotic and fascist type, as is the one in `FRY’", asked Fatmir Fehmiu, professor of the Constitutional Justice and expressed the conviction that "not only they would not accept that, but on the contrary, they would fight against such a monster".
    From this regard, according to him, the question raised is: "Why is the people of Kosova, who is undergoing the chaotic pressure of the classic rule type, in the heart of Europe, offered such a proposal?"
    For Fehmiu, the project of the "Agreement", offered by the Contact Group, "conscious or not, intentional or not, legalizes the constitutional `coup d'etat' conducted by the present Serb regime (1989-1992), which made Kosova a classic colony, ruled by a totalitarian, despotic and chauvinistic regime".
    The "Agreement" project, offered by the Contact Group, stated he further, presents in fact, a "modification of the Project of the Temporary Status of Kosova and Metohija", offered in April of the year 1998, by the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia, which is a materialization of the Platform of (LKJ) for Kosova" (1981), of the conclusions of the "Yugoslav program for preventing the dislocation of the Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosova", of different conclusions of the plenums of (KQ) of (LKJ) and (KQ) of (LK) of Serbia from the year 1981, and particularly of the Eighth Plenum of (KQ) of LK of Serbia up to the destruction of `Yugoslavia', which were also anti-constitutional". According to him, "this can be called paradox `sui generis', but it is a very bitter truth. However "so is the international community's behavior, concerning the manner they approach the problem of Kosova, even from the very beginning", he stressed out.
    Further, Fehmiu recalled a series of resolutions for Kosova, which for years were approved by the international bodies, starting from the one approved in the Conference of London (1992), the resolutions drawn by the Parliament of Europe, the UN General Assembly, the UN Commission for Human Rights, resolutions that demand from the "FRY" (Serbia and Montenegro" authorities, to establish "genuine democratic institutions in Kosova, including the Parliament and jurisprudence and respect the people's will as the best means to prevent the escalation of the conflict". Hence, "we end up with a full package of documents!"
    Nevertheless, Fehmiu continued, "the UN, EU, and OSCE attempts, expelled from Kosova, by the `FRY" authorities, not only were they not fulfilled, but in the contrary, despite their determinations, the war urged by the Serb colonialist oligarchy, continued". In fact, according to him, "the engagement of the London Conference, and now of the Contact Group, was not and is not primary and just concerning the issue of Kosova, because: The EU Commission decisions, with the selective application of the disposition of the Constitution of the "FRY" (1974), which was taken as a constitutional base of the dissolution, expelled Kosova without any grounds, as a federal forming, constituent unit of the Federation, they did not respect and are still not respecting the citizens' will; the will of the people of Kosova expressed in the referendum of (1991), as they respected the will of the citizens and the people of other "FRY" countries, for independence, but they submitted to the constitutional "coup d'etat", created by the Serb despotic colonialist, who first started bloody occupation of Kosova, and then continued with the aggression of war in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia, and finally re-exploded in Kosova, with tendencies of destabilizing the other parts of its regime as well, leaving catastrophic consequences".
    Fehmi consider the offered project of the "Agreement" as "unacceptable, as a form and content". "As a form, it is incompatible with the basic technical- judicial standards of the acts of such nature, as based on the content it is incompatible with the basic principles of the modern democracy - the principle of the people's sovereignty, since it denies its original right, the nearly sixty years old sources of self-organization, of the self-institutionalization and self-determination, and in this legalizes the colonization and the Serb totalitarian, despot and chauvinistic rule. We learn of this, from the point 8 of part VII, titled `Implementation period', in which it is stated that `the laws and institutions presently implemented in Kosova, will remain, until substituted with the decision of the competent body, found by this "Agreement"'. For Fehmiu, "this is not absurd".
    But, is evident, he continued, that "if the content of the text of the `Agreement', ought to be compared with the dispositions of Constitution of Kosova (1974), presents a faded shadow of the district of Kosova, stripped of the competencies it had. This confuses the people, moreover when its co-author is USA, which eliminated colonization in 1776, with the announcement of the Declaration of Independence and is found on respecting the Law and Constitution", ended Fatmir Fehmiu.
    On the other hand, Esat Stavileci, professor of the Administrative Justice, stressed that "first there must be a public and democratic debate about this issue, and not to have a proposal behind our backs, because this way this document can have fatal consequences for Kosova".
    Further on, he presented the problem of the approach that Albanians should have towards this document. Stavileci thinks, "the approach should be professional and not political. Our documents should be sufficient enough in quantity and quality", he stated. Further, he emphasized that three factors are involved in this agreement: the international community, the Serb side, and the Albanian one. First of all, we should contemplate the readiness of the international community to offer a just solution for the issue of Kosova, because as he said, "it is claimed that Hill, in one occasion told Rugova, that `we are searching for a solution - we are not searching for justice'. Can there be a solution without justice?", asked Stavileci.
    Secondly, it should be evaluated "how much is the Serb side ready to stand up to the pressures of the international community that `they will not allow second Bosnia in Kosova'. But, Bosnia has already happened in Kosova, stressed this lawyer. Thirdly, we should evaluate "how much is the Albanian side ready to ask for a more just solution of the problem of Kosova".
    "The Kosovar problematic is specific and one cannot approach it with a analogue solution, as the Contact Group has done before, with the proposals that the Kosova problem should be solved using the previous models such as the one of Tyrol etc. The specific of Kosova as a problem is `sui generis', stated Stavileci, who then made some other, notes of the as well.
    "It is wrong to think that presently there cannot be any final solution for Kosova and thus accept an interim settlement for three years", he stated and added that "there is no reason to make a call for another referendum for the status of Kosova, when the people of Kosova have already once declared themselves, in 1991. Then, the compromise solution does not mean that it should be in favor of the Serb side".
    Finally, Stavileci concluded that "all this, results with the fact that Albanians are offered a minus solution of 74 and with the legalization of the violent situation created by Serbia, which suggests that Albanians and Serbs should start from zero, as if nothing had happened in the meantime". Thus, for Stavileci, while the entity of "Srpska Republika, was created by force, since it did not exist before as an entity, in the case of Kosova, an entity is disintegrated with force". Hence, according to him "we should consider the document as unacceptable with many consequences for Kosova".
    The attorney, Bajram Kelmendi, did not either agree that the people of Kosova "declare themselves in another referendum, after three years, in case of a temporary agreement, because Milosevic could accept a referendum within `the entire Serbia'. What would we be doing then?", he raised the question. Kelmendi also noted that the "Albanian side should have gone out with a project resolution of their own a long time ago, in order not allow the others to offer us solution".

    KOSOVA (Hill – shuttle diplomacy)
    Holbrooke left Hill - Hill left Levitzky

    USIS, Prishtina 22 October (ARTA) 2100CET --
    "Today I am escorted by John Levitzky, an attorney in the State Department, whom I will leave behind in Prishtina and he will continue to work towards a political agreement, in which we have been intensively working, recently", stated the American Ambassador to the former "Yugoslavia" Republic of Macedonia and at the same time a mediator between Belgrade and Prishtina, Christopher Hill, after meeting the Albanian leadership in Prishtina.
    In the meantime, he states, we will soon have another project to speed up the negotiating process.
    "Let me inform you that the American Deputy Assistant of the Secretary of State, Marc Sean, is working in the aspect of the police... Of the political solution".
    He, said Hill, met with the Serbs in Belgrade and with the local Serbs and Albanians, to form the local police.
    Asked about the kidnapping of the Tanjug reporters, during the past days in Kosova, Hill said that it can not be tolerated, that any journalist be kidnapped.
    I believe, he said that every journalist should have the freedom of moving and the freedom of expression.
    "They cannot be subjected to arrests or abduction. I believe they will immediately be released. We will certainly raise this issue", claimed Hill.
    Concerning the verifying mission in Kosova, Hill said that "we are implementing all the measures of verification and we cannot say that we are not content with the level of compliance. Presently we are working in ensuring the complete fulfillment of the Resolution #1199 of the UN Security Council", he said.
    Replying about the possibilities of an eventual NATO intervention, in case of the eventual non-fulfillment of the demands resulting from the Resolution #1199, Hill claimed: "We are giving our efforts to ensure their fulfillment. It is still not achieved. This will be made clear to the NATO people and to the others as well", without specifying. "Compliance", he said, "is defined in the Resolution #1199; it is clear what are the demands and I am saying once more, that we are not happy with the scale of the fulfillment of the demands".
    "Complete compliance, by the Serb forces is necessary as well as the self-restrain of the KLA soldiers", he said further.
    "We are coming to a phase, in which the political path needs to be reinforced", claimed Hill.
    On this regard, we have OSCE, which is rapidly flooding Kosova and we believe that we will be able to verify the compliance and the implementation of the political agreement". "This is the direction we will follow during the next two coming weeks", said the American Ambassador to Shkup.
    "We will have our person here, which will intensively work in the text of the agreement", he stated.

    taken from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 21, 1998  at 22:10 hrs
    KOSOVA (Cook meets Kosova delegation)
    Cook: The agreement means starting of the political process- and not ist ending

    Shkup, 21 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    "We had a very good meeting with Professor Agani. We exchanged opinions about the prevailing crisis in Kosova and the possibilities for its solution", stated the British Foreign Minister, Robin Cook, after meeting with the political delegation of the Kosova Albanians in hotel "Alexander Palace" in Shkup, on Wednesday.
    Dr. Agani, accompanied by Edita Tahiri, member of the Albanian negotiating team, came in Shkup invited by the British Foreign Minister.
    "I assured Agani that Britain will not stop the efforts for finding a political solution for the Kosova problem. Great Britain had a leading role in the very hard double-path diplomacy authorized by the Contact Group for Kosova and strongly supported by NATO threats", claimed Cook.
    The British Foreign Minister answered the numerous question of the journalists with a particular emphasis on the role of Great Britain in Kosova’s question, during the course of the last weeks.
    "Great Britain was strong in the discussion (which took place both in NATO and the Contact Group) concerning the exercise of maximal pressure on "Yugoslav" President Milosevic -- to withdraw his military and police troops; to allow the return of the refugees into their houses and to initiate a political process which would ensure a self-governance of Kosova", claimed Cook.
    Concerning the credibility of the air raids of NATO and the posed ultimatums, Cook stated that he does not believe that "we would have had the agreement we have now, if we would not have used the threats of using the force".
    "I also assured Agani that Great Britain does not regard the agreement as the end of the process -- but on the contrary, it is its beginning and Britain will again aspire for the leading role in order to achieve it".
    As it concerns the OSCE verifying mission which is expected to arrive in Kosova these days, the British Foreign Minister claimed that, "Britain already has fulfilled its commitments concerning the verifying mission and this is the reason of sending (our) aircrafts over Kosova in order to observe the realization of NATO verifying process".
    "Maybe this is the main reason why I am in Macedonia", as he said, " in order to discuss with the ministers about cooperation to ensure stability in Kosova and in the entire region", Cook stated.
    Fehmi Agani, representative of the Albanian delegation, after the meeting with the British chief of diplomacy, "expressed the gratitude and acknowledgement for the really significant and positive engagement of Great Britain, concerning the solution of the Kosova problem".
    Agani claimed further that, "during the meeting, we expressed our opinions concerning the predominant situation and the possibilities for solving this problem. We asked, we found support and we were given the promise that Great Britain will be engaged also in the future, in the solution of this problem".
    Pertaining to the draft-document presented by the American mediator Holbrooke and its interim agreement achieved in Belgrade, Agani noticed that, "it is a draft on which we, of course, have remarks, although we have not published them yet, since we think that they will be settled during the negotiating process".
    "Nevertheless, we have not refused the plan", answered Agani in the questions whether the Albanian side has definitely refused the regulations proposed with this document.
    "We do not reject any eventual project. We will observe each one of them and try to agree upon what we can.
    "(The agreement) is not definite yet. If we have to deal with an agreement, which ought to imply the fulfillment of the UN SC requests, then we will be satisfied. If, in any case we have to deal with an agreement which implies the solution of Kosova problem, then we are in the phase of the initiation, and for that we still ought to discuss", said Agani at the end.
    The member of the Albanian negotiating team, Edita Tahiri stated that, "the interim settlement (which was offered with the draft document) excludes the option of independence of Kosova. On the other hand, the Albanian side considers that after the interim period expires, organizing a referendum on the future of Kosova, would be the most adequate and due approach, for the just solution of the actual and historical problems in Kosova".
    "The Albanian side is continuing to offer its proposals and remarks to some points -- and one of them, very essential, is the decisive request to have a referendum held", claimed Tahiri.

    The NATO verifying mission named "Hawk Eye"

    Brussels, 21 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    "We would wish that other ally countries send their verifying planes as well, because presently all we have are the American U2", stated a NATO senior official. He announced that the NATO verifying operation, named "Hawk Eye", will be starting during the next following days.
    "This operation plan was presented by the military authorities and it is being contemplated by the NATO Security Council, as its approval is expected in the coming hours", the senior Alliance official claimed. NATO sources announced that there will be close collaboration and coordination between this military organization and OSCE, which will be conducting the verifying process on the ground.
    During the next coming days, this is expected to be formalized by an agreement between NATO and OSCE. "It is essential for us to have exchange of information with OSCE, but also exchange of intelligence inspectors", claimed one of the officials. Concerning the cooperation and coordination with OSCE, a joint office of coordination is also expected to be established somewhere outside Kosova, announced NATO sources.
    Following today's first meeting of the Council, the senior official stated that they will form the "Rescue Forces" or "Withdrawal Forces", which would act in great speed, in case the OSCE verifiers in the ground are threatened. This would be a mission also controlled by NATO, as the legal base for it is expected to be given in the next UN Security Council resolution. "This resolution should make it clear to Milosevic, that he cannot escape from the UN pressure to fulfill the demands", said one of the NATO officials, insisting to remain anonymous. Concerning the security of the OSCE verifiers in Kosova, NATO already thinks that the largest responsibility falls onto Milosevic, who guaranteed their security. Answering to "KOHA Ditore" correspondent’s question, as to whether Milosevic could use the OSCE verifying mission and "the concern for their security" as a pretext to keep the police troops in Kosova, the senior official claimed that this will not be allowed. He criticized the killing of the Serb policemen in Kosova during the last weekend, expressing a reserve whether this was committed by the KLA or not. He also said that KLA should also be responsible for the situation and should sustain itself from provocation, because "thus, they will only work against the people of Kosova".
    "Despite this, Milosevic cannot use KLA as a pretext not to fulfill the demands for the withdrawal of the forces from the ground and Kosova", said the NATO official. He said that even in the cases of provocation, the army will not be allowed to go out, shell and destroy villages as they had been doing lately. "We make a call to the soldiers to immediately return to the military barracks in Prishtina, and not to frighten the population that is returning home".
    Asked as to whether they will sign any agreement with KLA, so they would also obtain their guarantees, the NATO official said that presently, they are not thinking of such an agreement, because it is still not clear who is behind the KLA.

    KOSOVA (Solana-Westendorp meet)
    Solana-Westendorp meeting: "Kosova more difficult than Bosnia"

    Brussels, 21 October (ARTA) 2000CET -
    "The NATO Council had much work in the last months concerning the situation in Kosova, but the situation in Bosnia and our mission there remains NATO's greatest challenge", stated the NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, after meeting the High Representative of the International Community in Bosnia, Carlos Westendorp. He further stated that a meeting of the Council for the Implementation of Peace, which will contemplate the further plan of the SFOR mandate in Bosnia and Hercegovina will be held in December.
    Concerning this, Westendorp stated that changes are expected in the implementation of the agreement, but according to him, there will not be any noticeable reduction in the number of the international troops in Bosnia.
    "The arrival of around 10,000 refugees from Kosova to Bosnia and Hercegovina, is the most visible aspect of the conflict in Kosova, that also affects the situation in Bosnia", said Westendrop. This, according to him, makes a great impact on the inter-ethnic relations, because there were several radical statements by several Serb officials in Bosnia, concerning the arrival of Albanians from Kosova into Bosnia and Hercegovina. He said that the SFOR mission in Bosnia and Hercegovina and the verification mission in Kosova, are very difficult and the distinction is that the Bosnian one is military, whereas the one in Kosova has a more observing character.

    KOSOVA (new victim – Drenica)
    CDHRF: "Another victim of the Delijaj family found"

    Prishtina, 21 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    CDHRF notifies that another victim of the Delijaj family was found on 21 October. "The corpse was identified as Fazli Delijaj (1964), of whom nothing was known since 26 September, when this family was massacred", CDHRF states. "His body was found in a pond in the Delijaj neighborhood. He was cut in the throat and palatum and was shot in the head at point-blank from a short distance. It is also to be mentioned that his wife Zahide, daughters Gentiana and Donjeta were massacred, whereas his father, Fazli, was burned inside his house", states CDHRF.

    KOSOVA (missing found dead – Suharekë)
    Found the body of a missing person

    Suharekë, 21 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    The corpse of Ruzhdi Qatani, teacher from Duhël was found on Tuesday, near the forest by the "Sopa" neighborhood in the village of Duhël. Qatani was missing since two months ago.
    According to CDHRF sources in Suharekë, two months ago, the police took him from his house and took him to an unknown direction.
    The locals found him on Tuesday and buried him in his village.
    Witnesses claim that his body was partially burned and he was missing one finger and his engagement ring.

    KOSOVA (no withdrawal – Klinë)
    Anti-air missiles still in Sverkë

    Klinë, 21 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    The arrival of the OSCE observers in Klinë, forced the Serb forces to withdraw from the town and settle in the agricultural buildings, hotels and in the abandoned Albanian owned houses in the town's outskirts.
    300 Serb policemen and paramilitary are sheltered in the seed factory in Klinë, while in Motel "Nora", the number of the policemen and paramilitary has tripled, meanwhile the police checkpoint in Dollc, is being fortified with construction material.
    Different caliber shooting, including flares, were occasionally heard last night in the region of Sverkë. On the other hand, Kramovik (Rahovec municipality), Rakovinë and other villages of the municipality of Gjakovë, were shelled today from three points where the Serb forces are stationed in the village of Mrasor.
    Two system anti-air missiles and three trucks full of Serb soldiers arrived in Sverkë today at around 1100CET.
    Telephone lines were established between the Serb military\police bases in this region.

    KOSOVA (detonations – Mitrovicë)
    Detonations in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës

    Mitrovicë, 21 October (ARTA) 2110CET --
    Loud detonations were heard on Tuesday at around 1400CET, in the villages of Shalë e Bajgorës -- Mazhiq, Rashan, Melenicë, Trepçali and Bare, Albanian sources from Mitrovicë inform.
    The same sources state that 3 tanks and 7 trucks filled with Serb soldiers, departed from the military barrack in Mitrovicë early this morning, continuing the way to Stantërg, to later position in the military base in the village of Kutlloc in Shalë e Bajgorës, from where the nearby villages are shelled and shot at every day.
    On the other hand, new forces arrived from the direction of Serbia today at around 1015CET, going in the direction of Skënderaj. Tuesday night, up to the early morning hours, the Serb police and paramilitary shot on the "Kroi i Vitakut" neighborhood. Afterwards, they also fired in the direction of "Tavnik" neighborhood in Mitrovicë, inducing great fear and panic among the local inhabitants.

    KOSOVA (wounded – Malishevë)
    The six-month-old child saved

    Prishtina, 21 October (ARTA) 2010CET --
    After many sufferings, Albian Krasniqi, a six-month-old child from Tërpezë, municipality of Malishevë, managed to arrive somehow in Prishtina. He was wounded along with his mother Shpresa during the shelling that took place in this village on Tuesday. After the quick medical intervention, his life was saved.
    "Thanks to the quick intervention, we saved the life of the wounded child from Tërpezë", said Dr. Lutfi Dervishi. He added that "presently, on the right side of his body, he still has a part of the shell, which we will remove after a week ".

    KOSOVA (sentence – Pejë)
    Student Avni Shala sentenced with 3 years in prison

    Pejë, 21 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    On Monday, the Municipal Court in Pejë sentenced Avni Shala (25), a student from Loxhë, with 3 years in prison, local sources in Pejë inform.
    Avni Shala is charged of "terrorism" and he is serving his sentence in the Mitrovicë prison.

    KOSOVA (killed – Pejë)
    Serb police kill an Albanian from Raushiq

    Pejë, 21 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    In the village of Raushiq, municipality of Pejë, Serb forces killed a sixty-years-old Albanian, on Tuesday , LDK sources in Pejë inform. According to the same sources, the circumstances under which he was killed remain unknown.

    KOSOVA (return of IDPs – Suharekë)
    People of Peçan to spend the winter in their ruined houses

    Peçan, 21 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    The Suharekë municipal village of Peçan, same as many other villages of Kosova, was destroyed in the course of the Kosova conflict. More than 250 houses (out of total 270) are burnt and destroyed, five locals were killed while 21 were wounded. The village resembles a huge ruin, even two months after the Serb offensive. Although a number of people have returned into their houses, the conditions in them do not differ at all from the plastic tents in the mountains and valleys of Kosova.
    The residents of Peçan were engaged in setting the tents in those areas, which have remained as most suitable for spending the upcoming winter.
    "Our 22-member family has invested more than 2 million DM in these houses (3 houses and 8 shops) which were furnished with Slovenian production furniture and central heating systems, Now, everything is turned into ashes", states Naim.
    Another peasant was trying to set plastic sheeting on top of the burned roof of his house. As he says, "even if you have money, you cannot find bricks anywhere".
    "My name is Nezir Hoxha, and I am 48 years old. The winter is coming and we are homeless. We are staying in some damp basements and we will probably hardly survive until the spring. But we have no other choice but try to get over all this", says another peasant.
    While strolling around the village, one could see the houses transformed into ruins, the shelled minaret of the mosque, while the local school building has turned into the nest of ravens.
    The only association, which is still acting in this, are is the Emergency Council. Several activists were distributing a very little quantity of the humanitarian assistance, while the others were assessing the inflicted damages by the Serb forces.
    According to Muhamet Xhemajliu, an activist of this association, "the overall value of the damages, without taking into account the livestock and damaged crops, reaches 21 million DM".
    According to him, "most of the residents of this village have returned, but it is very hard for them to stay here because they do not have any shelter. This winter will be severe indeed", he stated at the end.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    Betreff:         CDHRF: Deily Information / 22.10.1998
    Datum:         Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:38:33 -0700
        Von:         "Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms" <cdhrf@albanian.com>
                     Rr. Vellusha 46, 38000 Prishtinë - Kosovë; tel&fax: 381 (0) 38 36 965
                        http:www.albanian.com/kmdlnj    e-mail: kmdlnj@albanian.com 



    Prishtina, 22 October 1998

    As Sub-CDHRF in Gjakova informs that today, on 22 October 1998, at about 4.00 a.m., on the road between the border with Albania and the village of Gerçina e Hasit, the district of Gjakova, Serbian soldiers killed 4 members of Sylmetaj family: Ramiz Hamzë Sylmetaj (28), Leonora Gani Sylmetaj (12), Muharrem Ramiz Sylmetaj (6), Mazllum Ramiz Sylmetaj (2). This family was on its way back home from Albania, where they had taken refuge.
    Two members of the same family were wounded, among whom Ajshe Sylmetaj, Ramiz' wife.
    The members of this family that were present claim that they were attacked by Serbian soldiers.

    Information Service

    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] Press: Gazeta Albania Oct. 21
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 18:39:41 -0400
        Von:         Nick <albania@erols.com>
    Village in Central Kosova Comes Under Fire

    BERISHA, October 20 /Reuters/ - At least 50 ethnic Albanians -- mostly women and children -- trekked out of Trpeza in central Kosova on Tuesday after the village came under fire from government forces overnight, witnesses said. "The house next to ours was hit and debris landed in our sleeping room. It fell on the covers of our beds," 37-year-old Hamdi Krasniqi told Reuters as he led a group of 23 family members along a dirt track to relative safety in the forest. "There was shelling as the sun was going down last night and again after midnight. There were 24 detonations. We returned to our house recently but we can't take any more chances. It's too dangerous to stay there. We're better off in the forest." A Reuters team observed mortars firing from a known police position in Smonica along the main road between Lapusnik and Malisevo on Monday at dusk. The mortar bombs impacted on the edge of Trpeza, which is further up the hill. Bursts of automatic weapons fire were also audible at the time. Trpeza sits inside a triangle of land west of Kosova's capital, Pristina, that is bounded roughly by the towns of Komorane, Lapusnik and Malisevo. Government forces hold all the low ground and the main roads on either side of a 1,000-metre (3,300 foot) high ridgeline running north to south from the main Pristina-Pec highway. Also occupying the area are units of the KLA, who move freely among the ethnic Albanian population from which they are drawn. The fight -- and there has been one every night here recently -- ostensibly is between KLA and government forces.

    Havel: How Can Unarmed Men Prevent Armed Conflict?!!

    PRAGUE, October 20 - Czech President Vaclav Havel said that the U.S. Balkan envoy Richard Holbrooke's agreement to end fighting in Kosova would not last and warned the West against appeasing Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Havel told reporters on a state visit to London: "Of course it's better than nothing, but in my judgment it will not last long." Havel said NATO must send armed peace-keepers to Kosova as it had eventually done to Bosnia. "How can unarmed men prevent an armed conflict?" he asked. He said the West had sat by for years and waited for an explosion in Kosova before belatedly getting involved. "After all let's remember the first fuse of World War One was lit in Sarajevo...that should have been a warning not to engage in appeasement," he said. Asked whether the West was right to negotiate with Milosevic, he said the Serbian leader was a necessary partner for now. "But I believe a firm stand should be taken and this partner should not be allowed to expose the whole world to ridicule for 10 years," he said.

    Cook: Britain Firmly Committed to Security of Balkans

    SOFIA, October 20 /Reuters/ - British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said on Tuesday the West remained opposed to demands for full independence from Serbia by Kosova leaders. Cook, on a visit to Bulgaria, also said Britain would like to see the Balkan state joining the European Union as soon as both the EU and Bulgaria were ready. "Britain is firmly committed to the territorial integrity and security of the countries in this region," Cook told reporters after meeting Prime Minister Ivan Kostov. "We both agreed it is one of the reasons it is so important that we resolve the instability in Kosova to make sure that it does not spill over into a wider insecurity in the region." Cook is on a tour of the Balkans during which he is also due to meet ethnic Albanian leaders from Kosova and urge them to back the fragile agreement with Belgrade to defuse the crisis in the province. His main task is to promote the peace deal negotiated by U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. Bulgaria, which neighbors Yugoslavia, is alarmed that any deterioration of the crisis in Kosova would destabilize the whole region and hamper its economic reforms.

    Clark Visits Belgrade to Discuss Verification of Yugoslav Commitments

    BRUSSELS, October 20 /Reuters/ - NATO's Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe, General Wesley Clark, will visit Belgrade on Tuesday afternoon to discuss the verification of Yugoslav commitments to end the crisis in Kosova, NATO sources said. No details of Clark's mission were disclosed. The United States said on Monday it was concerned about an increase in fighting between Yugoslav security forces and the Kosova Liberation Army (KLA) despite the NATO-backed peace deal. "It is not clear to us who is at fault, but it does appear that, in some cases, the KLA fired first. It is unacceptable to us whether KLA or Serbian forces started skirmishes," State Department James Rubin told reporters.

    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] news:21atanews02
    Datum:         Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:29:08 -0100
        Von:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    German-Albanian association assists Kosova displaced people

          TIRANA, Oct. 21 (ATA) - By I. Luto:
          Albania's President Rexhep Meidani met Wednesday with the compatriot Avdi Fejzaj, living in Germany, who is actually in Tirana to escort the aid that the German-Albanian association has offered for the displaced people from Kosova, President's press office reported to ATA.
          The association, called after "Kosova" is coordinating ist humanitarian activity with the German Caritas and Red Cross in order to be efficacious in its aid for the Kosova people.
          Mr. Fejzaj thanked President Meidani for the warm welcome that the Kosova refugees found in Albania.
          The Albanian President on his side, addressing to Avdi Fejzaj, said that "your work and of all compatriots to collect aid in these difficult moments for Kosova is a noble act."
          Referring to the situation in Albania and Kosova, Meidani said that "although it is very difficult, we will cope with it."
          The President expressed his will that the Albanian political factor will soon find the language to unanimously speak to the benefit of common pan-Albanian interests.

    10. eventual additional press news 
    Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] INFO: KOSOVA, 17-21 October 1998
    Datum:         Thu, 22 Oct 1998 08:36:10 -0400
        Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
  • -----

    21 October 1998
    (Discusses Serb pullback, media closures, interim agreement) (2530)

    Podgorica, Montenegro -- Ambassador Christopher Hill, U.S. Special Envoy for Kosovo, told representatives of the independent media here October 20 that reports of activity by security forces in Kosovo since "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" President Slobodan agreed to pull them back "are rather mixed. Overall, there is a reduction in violence, but there have been some bad incidents in recent days.
         "There have also been some withdrawals, but in our view they are by no means complete. So we will continue to work with the Yugoslavs to ensure full compliance. At the same time we are also insisting from the Albanians that they not try to provoke the situation."
         In a meeting with the media representatives at the American Center, Hill -- who is also U.S. ambassador to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia --said the closing down of Serbian independent media by Milosevic is "truly outrageous... There is no excuse for the move that was taken against these Belgrade papers and electronic media."
         He added that "this type of action has the unfortunate consequence of making it more difficult to achieve a settlement in Kosovo -- because ultimately we need a much greater democracy, in Serbia in particular."
         Nonetheless, Hill said he believes some progress is being made towards an interim agreement that would allow Kosovo to develop democratic institutions and move towards more autonomy and self-government, "with the understanding that after three years there will be a comprehensive review of the agreement, with consideration of what additional measures should be taken."
         "I believe with some difficult negotiations ahead, we can reach an agreement. Very difficult negotiations," he said. "But I do believe that people in Kosovo really would like peace, and understand that over the next three years there's a lot that they need to do, in terms of their institutions. And since they are not being asked to give up any overall positions for the rest of history, I think they can be brought to understand that this can be a good arrangement for them."
         Noting that Kosovo will have NATO air surveillance and "the largest OSCE mission in the world" -- which will verify the pullback of security forces, assist with humanitarian aid, and supervise elections resulting from a political settlement -- "in history, I cannot think of a better chance for the Albanians in Kosovo to have fully implemented an agreement with the Serbs."

    Following is a transcript of the event:

    (Begin transcript)


    American Center
    Podgorica, Montenegro
    October 20, 1998

    AMBASSADOR HILL: First of all let me say I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier, because I know the importance of Kosovo to the Republic of Montenegro, and the importance of substantial consultation with the President of the Republic of Montenegro in light of what is happening. We had a very lengthy and detailed discussion, and we talked about the verification regime that will be in place in Kosovo. We also talked about the draft ideas for a political settlement. I described to him the outstanding differences between the Albanian side and the Serb side, which, unfortunately, still remain considerable. But I also described some of the progress we made, including the fact that we have Serb agreement on the formation of local police. Because I do believe that if we solve the police issue in Kosovo we will succeed in having an agreement.

    Let me say it's a pleasure to be here among independent journalists, independent press. I wanted the opportunity to talk to all of you because I know the absolutely important role you play in modern Yugoslavia. Needless to say, we are particularly upset by the plight that some of your colleagues in Belgrade are now facing. The fact is that we would very much like to see their journals back on the newsstands. With those few introductory remarks, let me see if there is anything I can help you with.

    Question (Vijesti, independent daily): Before I ask my question, I would like to inform you that my daily is publishing articles from Danas and Nasa Borba. So in addition to the circulation in Montenegro, they are also being circulated in Serbia.

    AMB. HILL: Excellent.

    Question: What political options concerning Kosovo have you discussed with President Djukanovic today? And is one of the options for Kosovo to be a third republic of Yugoslavia?

    AMB. HILL: I did not discuss different options for Kosovo. I described to President Djukanovic the draft agreement that we have. As you know, our agreement is focused on developing institutions within Kosovo. Especially the re-creation of self-government in Kosovo -- to have democratic institutions, and then to restore Kosovo's autonomy and self-government. As you probably know, the Albanians want the agreement to address the status of Kosovo. And the Albanians would like very much that Kosovo be taken out of Serbia. That, however, is a position that we do not feel that we can achieve agreement on from the Serbs. And so we have focused on internal democratization in Kosovo, with the understanding that after three years there will be a comprehensive review of the agreement, with consideration of what additional measures should be taken. And of course the Albanians would like this consideration of next steps to include a new status for Kosovo. And certainly they would absolutely have the right to raise that.

    We believe -- and when I say "we," the Contact Group believes -- that it is important to focus people on the need to create institutions within Kosovo. As you are all aware, these institutions were heavily damaged by the Serb decision to change Kosovo's status some ten years ago. I hope that answers your question.

    Question (Belgrade-based weekly, "Vreme"): It is a known fact that the United States and the Contact Group do not support Albanian demands for independence. Does it mean that the Albanians will get the same answer three years from now? Have you managed to reach a point where the agreement could be reached on both sides, considering the fact that the Serbs and Albanians have a very hard timing reaching any kind of agreement?

    AMBASSADOR HILL: I cannot say what will happen three years from now, except to say that there will be a comprehensive review of the agreement with consideration of next steps. But the point is, we are not asking the Albanians to change their position. We are simply asking them to support an agreement which over the next three years will have an extremely ambitious agenda.

    You asked the very good question, are we going to succeed in getting them to agree to something? I can assure you right now we do not have agreement. But, I do believe that we are making progress on it. I believe with some difficult negotiations ahead, we can reach an agreement. Very difficult negotiations. But I do believe that people in Kosovo really would like peace, and understand that over the next three years there's a lot that they need to do, in terms of their institutions. And since they are not being asked to give up any overall positions for the rest of history, I think they can be brought to understand that this can be a good arrangement for them.

    Question (Montenegro independent weekly, "Monitor"): If my understanding is correct, the agreement reached between Mr. Holbrooke and Mr. Milosevic has the goal to stop the bloodshed in Kosovo. Having that in mind, the next three years should bring the development of institutions in Kosovo. What mechanisms should be used for building those institutions, when you know that Milosevic has been able to destroy all democratic institutions at the federal level? And two days after the agreement with Mr. Holbrooke, he [Milosevic] managed to start destroying the public opinion and the freedom of speech in Serbia.

    AMBASSADOR HILL: That's a question the Albanians are very much asking. I think within the next few weeks and certainly within the next few months there will be an enormous OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] verification presence in Kosovo. This will be by far -- by a factor of four or five -- the largest OSCE mission in the world. It has a broad mandate. The mandate includes verification of the pullback of security forces; it also involves assisting in humanitarian help. And as importantly, it involves the support for a political settlement, including the supervision of elections. All the while there will be a NATO air surveillance overhead to assist on the verification of the forces. In history, I cannot think of a better chance for the Albanians in Kosovo to have fully implemented, an agreement with the Serbs. And that is one of the reasons I answered optimistically to the previous question that I think we can get an agreement.

    Question (follow up): As we saw, Mr. Holbrooke was discussing with Mr. Milosevic. Where is the role of Mr. Djukanovic? Is the West going to press Milosevic to discuss these issues on the federal level with Mr. Djukanovic, or is the West going let this be the bilateral relationship between Serbia and Montenegro?

    AMBASSADOR HILL: As someone very much involved with this mission, I found it very important to talk to President Djukanovic, as I did in London just on the eve of the mission, just two days before the mission started. And I found it very important to talk to him today, a few days after the mission ended. We fully understand that the Republic of Montenegro has some great interest in how this settlement is achieved.

    Question (Radio M): I have two questions: it seems sometimes to us that one of the victims of this agreement are media in Serbia. What does the international community want, can, and will do to stop this fascism in Serbia? I must say that we are not going to stop rebroadcasting [VOA and RFE] here in Montenegro. Do you plan to do anything to stop what is happening in Serbia? Second, we need international help to build up our economy...do you see the possibility of building up Montenegro as a more democratic system, a more open system, more decentralized political and economic system, as a possible bridge to other countries in Europe? We have been waiting more than ten years....

    AMBASSADOR HILL: Was there a question there? (laughter). First, let me say again that we just consider this truly outrageous to be closing down newspapers over this type of issue. This is simply outrageous. If someone doesn't like what the newspapers say, they should simply not buy them. There is no excuse for the move that was taken against these Belgrade papers and electronic media. We are coming to the 21st century and to have this type of action taken is simply outrageous. We have raised this with the leaders in Belgrade and we will continue to do so. And frankly, this type of action has the unfortunate consequence of making it more difficult to achieve a settlement in Kosovo -- because ultimately we need a much greater democracy, in Serbia in particular.

    And as for your patience, I think Montenegro has an obligation to continue what it's doing. And that is, to set a good example and to put pressure on the rest of the Federation -- let me put it that way -- to push faster on economic and political reform. And I think Montenegro has a lot of support in the world, including from my country.

    Question (statement): We need more support from the international community. Why shouldn't Montenegro join IMF at the moment? We need this technical know-how and knowledge. We cannot do reforms in Serbia-Montenegro both together. So we need [the help of] IMF, World Bank, other forms of assistance. This ex-communist economy is not capable of transition. So we need not go through Belgrade, but directly to [the West]. Thank you.

    Question: To make a statement first: the democratic institutions, the democratic countries of the world, are amazed by the fact that the representatives of a country which believes in the rule of law, in constitution, in human rights...that they talk to a man who is annulling all of these measures. And the question is, doesn't people talking to this man have a reflection on them as well? What would happen if tomorrow Milosevic is not a position he is in now?

    AMBASSADOR HILL: Could I answer that statement with a question? Which is, with whom would you suggest we deal with in Belgrade, in order to solve the Kosovo problem?

    Question: I realize that you are also aware of this danger, and the situation, so I have my answer.

    AMBASSADOR HILL: My point is very simple. In life you can't always choose people that you have to deal with. Believe me, if I could pick the people that would be responsible for making peace in the Balkans, the Balkans would be a very different place. But I have to deal with who's there now. Do I have personal views on this? Of course I do. But I really don't think my personal views are what's at issue here. I think what's at issue here is to try to find a solution to this terrible situation in Kosovo. And I would go further to say that ultimately what is at question here is not Kosovo, but Yugoslavia's place in Europe. Believe me, I know what damage is done when the independent press is treated the way it is. And I also know what damage to the reputation of Yugoslavia is done when there is a lack of democracy and democratic institutions. But I can't solve this by only dealing with people that I like to deal with.

    Question: As we know about the deadlines, October 25, for meeting the agreements made with Mr. Holbrooke....what is the progress?

    AMBASSADOR HILL: The reports are rather mixed. Overall, there is a reduction in violence, but there have been some bad incidents in recent days. There have also been some withdrawals, but in our view they are by no means complete. So we will continue to work with the Yugoslavs to ensure full compliance. At the same time we are also insisting from the Albanians that they not try to provoke the situation.

    Question: The 11-point program that the Serbs announced was remarkable in its very few references to "Serbia." Do you think you are going to be able to remove all references to Serbia in the final agreement?

    AMBASSADOR HILL: I'm not doing anything -- it's the two sides who are supposed to be agreeing on things. It's a negotiated document. Again, I want to stress that we are not dealing with the ultimate status question. We are dealing with creating autonomy, self-government, and democratic institutions. So I don't want to predict exactly how the agreement will look at the end.

    Thank you.

    (End transcript)

    21 October 1998
    (Op Ed in Der Standard, Vienna, October 20, 1998) (550)

    (NOTE: This article is in the public domain. Please use the following credit line: This article originally appeared in DER STANDARD.)

    (Begin text)

    By U.S. Ambassador to Austria Kathryn Walt Hall

    Recent events in Kosovo underscore the need for joint effort by Europe and the United States in reaching shared goals. In particular, these events highlight the critical role of NATO in support of peace.
         On October 13, 1998 all 16 NATO members with one voice stated their intention to commence military action if the Milosevic offensive in Kosovo did not stop. Without the existence of NATO and without the unanimous decision of its European and American members, even the hope of progress toward peace would be illusory. No single nation had both the power and the political will to stare Milosevic down. NATO did.
         For months we witnessed the ongoing atrocities supported by President Milosevic, and watched his repeated promises go unkept. Tens of thousands of Kosovars seemed destined for a winter without shelter or food. Relief efforts were thwarted. The internal conflict appeared ready to spill over international borders, a threat to international peace according to the U.N. Security Council. At every turn Serb intransigence blocked a diplomatic solution as well as the effective delivery of humanitarian relief.
         Austria's long experience in the Balkans makes it a key partner in the effort to preserve peace in the region. When United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright visited Vienna in early September, she discussed Kosovo with Austrian leaders, and with the European Union delegation. All agreed it was essential to prevent genocide, and that a full diplomatic arsenal should be deployed, but also that Milosevic was unlikely to take notice without a real threat of force. That analysis proved correct. The U.N., the E.U., the OSCE, all worked to find solutions. But the only real hope for a diplomatic solution and for humanitarian relief came when Milosevic faced NATO's united front and superior force poised for use.
         We need time to determine whether we have created the foundation for a new Balkan order, or whether we have forced another tactical retreat. As we sadly know from experience, Milosevic's commitments are not compliance. We also need continued support from the major institutions of European integration, continued U.S.-European cooperation, and continued resolute leadership. The OSCE will field as many as 2,000 verifiers in Kosovo. NATO will verify compliance from the air. American, Austrian and Contact Group diplomats will facilitate negotiations to establish the local institutions which will restore human rights and dignity to the Kosovo province. Relief workers will help Kosovars survive and rebuild their lives.
         The lessons of Kosovo are clear: diplomacy can succeed in difficult circumstances when backed by a credible threat of force. Extending security, democracy and prosperity requires the combined and continuous efforts of the pillars of the United Europe: NATO, the EU and the OSCE. As we have for over 50 years now, the United States stands with its European partners to face this sustained challenge.

    (End text)

    21 October 1998
    (Discuss establishment of Kosovo Verification Mission) (1130)

    Oslo -- The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Troika -- the foreign ministers of Poland, Norway and Denmark -- met to discuss progress toward establishing the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), as well as to examine a number of regional issues.
         The ministers called for the agreement between the OSCE and the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" on the KVM to be "rapidly implemented" and expressed their concern about "reports of renewed fighting in Kosovo and urged both sides to abstain immediately from further use of force and work toward a peaceful settlement," according to an OSCE press release.
         They stressed "the importance of ensuring the security of the KVM personnel" and welcomed the government of Norway's offer "to assume responsibility for the set-up and operation of the Kosovo Mission headquarters in Pristina, in co-operation with the OSCE Secretariat. " The ministers also discussed the elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the refugee situation in Croatia, and other issues.

    Following is the text of the statement:

    (Begin text)

    The Secretariat
    Vienna, Austria
    Press Release


    Oslo, 21 October 1998 -- The OSCE Troika, the Foreign Minister of Poland, Bronislaw Geremek, the Foreign Minister of Norway, Knut Vollebeak and the Foreign Minister of Denmark, Niels Helveg Petersen, met here today to review pressing issues facing the OSCE. The Secretary General of the OSCE, Giancarlo Aragona, also took part.
         Their primary focus was on the progress toward establishing the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM). The Ministers also reviewed a number of regional issues of particular concern to the OSCE and evaluated the work of several OSCE missions in the field.
         The Ministers expressed their satisfaction with the signing of the agreement between the OSCE Chairman-in-Office and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and their expectation that it will be rapidly implemented. They expressed the hope that the agreement will become a turning point in international efforts to bring about a peaceful settlement in Kosovo and expressed their determination to contribute their utmost to that effect. However, the Ministers were disturbed by reports of renewed fighting in Kosovo and urged both sides to abstain immediately from further use of force and work toward a peaceful settlement.
         The Ministers stressed the importance of ensuring the security of the KVM personnel. They called on both sides to live up to their responsibilities to this end. Also, Ministers agreed that close liaison with NATO shall be maintained. They welcomed the appointment of Ambassador William Walker as Head of the Mission. Ambassador Walker was also present at the meeting.
         The Ministers welcomed the offer from the Norwegian Government to assume responsibility for the set-up and operation of the Kosovo Mission headquarters in Pristina, in co-operation with the OSCE Secretariat.
         The Ministers were encouraged by the broad support of OSCE States for an OSCE role in Kosovo and appealed to them to contribute quickly to setting up the Mission and to strengthening the Secretariat.
         They were pleased that a technical assessment team had visited Belgrade and Kosovo, and that a KVM Support Unit in Vienna has been formed. They agreed that financing the KVM should be based on the scale of contributions for large Missions and projects adopted at the 1997 Copenhagen Ministerial. The Ministers also expressed the need for voluntary contributions to ensure that the Mission becomes operational as soon as possible.
         The Ministers also welcomed the initiative by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to convene a meeting in Warsaw with all organizations involved with human rights. The meeting should coordinate a strategy for human rights action in Kosovo.
         The Ministers noted with satisfaction the OSCE's important role in Albania, including its new function as co-chairman, together with the EU, of the "Friends of Albania" group, which brings together concerned countries and international bodies.
         They congratulated the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the successful organization of the September elections and stressed the importance of implementing the election results and of continued emphasis of the full implementation of the Dayton accords. They agreed that the OSCE shall continue its engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing in particular on human rights and democratization in all parts of the country. At the same time, they called on the authorities of the country to take on greater responsibility in this process.
         Regarding Croatia, the Ministers noted with satisfaction the smooth takeover by the OSCE of police monitoring tasks from the United Nations in the Danube region. They reiterated their support for the OSCE Mission's efforts to assist the Government in improving conditions for the return of refugees and displaced persons. They called on the Government of Croatia to ensure real progress in this field.
         The Ministers saluted the establishment of OSCE Centres in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in Bishkek, Kyrgystan, and in Asghabat, Turkmenistan as an sign of OSCE commitment in Central Asia and as a expression of the host countries' willingness to enhance co-operation and live up to OSCE principles.
         The Ministers expressed their hope that the forthcoming trip of the Chairman-in-Office to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan would bring about progress in OSCE efforts toward peaceful solution of local conflicts and would expand OSCE co-operation with these countries.
         The Ministers positively assessed the substantive work by OSCE delegations in Vienna on the development of a Document-Charter on European Security in preparation for the upcoming Oslo Ministerial Meeting on 2-3 December. They noted that many of the ideas and concepts put forth in the Document-Charter are being played out in practice, particularly the increasing co-operation between international institutions in handling conflicts.
         The Troika thanked Ambassador Lars Vissing of Denmark for his report on enhancing the OSCE Secretariat's operational capabilities. They look forward to a report from the Secretary General at the Oslo Ministerial Meeting on the implementation.
         The "human dimension" of the OSCE should continue to be placed high on the OSCE agenda. In this light, the Ministers encouraged wide participation in the forthcoming meeting in Warsaw on the implementation of human dimension commitments, organized by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
         Also attending the meeting were the High Commissioner on National Minorities, Max van der Stoel; the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Freimut Duve; the Director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Gerard Stoudmann; the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Hella Degn, the Head of the Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Robert Barry and the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Daan Everts.

    (End text)

    21 October 1998
    (Between OSCE and "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia") (1500)

    [NOTE: On October 16, OSCE Chairman-in-Office Bronislaw Geremek signed an agreement with "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic in Belgrade; the agreement outlined the parameters of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission.]

    (Begin text)


    Preambular Language

    -- Devoted to the respect of the principles of the UN Charter and to the Principles of the Helsinki Final Act on peace, stability and cooperation in Europe, as well as to the Paris Charter,
    -- Considering in particular the importance of reaching a peaceful, democratic and lasting solution of all existing problems in the Province of Kosovo and Metohija, based on the equality of all citizens and national and ethnic communities,
    -- Devoted to the respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states in the region,
    -- Agreeing to comply with and willing to contribute to the FRY implementation of Resolutions 1160 and 1199 of the UN Security Council,
    -- The Federal Government of the FR of Yugoslavia, on one side,
    -- and, The OSCE, on the other,
    -- have reached the following AGREEMENT:

    Establishment and Termination

    -- The OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission will be established by the OSCE Permanent Council pursuant to a resolution of the United Nations Security Council calling upon OSCE to establish the Mission.
    -- The FRY government has informed the OSCE Chairman-in-Office of its endorsement of the establishment of the Mission.
    -- OSCE will request member states to contribute personnel and funding for the Verification Mission in accordance with established procedures.
    -- OSCE will establish coordination with other organizations it may deem appropriate to allow the Verification Mission to accomplish all its objectives most effectively.
    -- KDOM will act in place of the OSCE Verification Mission pending its establishment. Once OSCE is operational, KDOM will be absorbed by the Verification Mission.
    -- The FRY government hereby guarantees the safety and security of the Verification Mission and all its members.
    -- In the event of an emergency situation in Kosovo which in the judgment of the Mission Director threatens the safety of members of the Verification Mission, the FRY shall permit and cooperate in the evacuation of Verification Mission members.
    -- The FRY government will accept the OSCE Verification Mission as a diplomatic entity in terms of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The Mission will enjoy the privileges and immunities conferred by such status, as will its members, in accordance with the Vienna Convention.
    -- The FRY government and its entities will designate formal liaison officers to work with the Verification Mission in Belgrade, Pristina, and field locations. The FRY, Serbian, and Kosovo authorities will undertake to provide full cooperation and support to the Verification Mission. This will include, but not be limited to, billets, frequency or frequencies, visas and documentation, customs facilities, vehicle registration, fuel, medical support, airspace access for support aircraft, and access to Belgrade, Pristina and other airports in accordance with normal procedures.
    -- The OSCE and the FRY agree on a Verification Mission for one year, with extensions upon the request of either the OSCE Chairman-in-Office or the FRY government.

    General Responsibilities, Roles and Missions

    -- To verify compliance by all parties in Kosovo with UN Security Council Resolution 1199, and report instances of progress and/or non-compliance to the OSCE Permanent Council, the United Nations Security Council and other organizations. These reports will also be provided to the authorities of the FRY.
    -- To establish permanent presences at as many locations throughout Kosovo as it deems necessary to fulfil its responsibilities;
    -- To maintain close liaison with FRY, Serbian and, as appropriate, other Kosovo authorities, political parties and other organizations in Kosovo and accredited international and non-government organizations to assist in fulfilling its responsibilities;
    -- To supervise elections in Kosovo to ensure their openness and fairness in accordance with regulations and procedures to be agreed. For the elections, the Mission may be augmented with elections support personnel;
    -- To report and make recommendations to the OSCE Permanent Council, the UN Security Council, and other organizations on areas covered by UN Security Council Resolution 1199.

    Specific Terms of Reference

    -- The Verification Mission will travel throughout Kosovo to verify the maintenance of the cease-fire by all elements. It will investigate reports of cease-fire violations. Mission personnel will have full freedom of movement and access throughout Kosovo at all times.
    -- The Verification Mission will receive weekly information from relevant FRY/Serbian military/police headquarters in Kosovo regarding movements of forces during the preceding week into, out of, or within Kosovo. Upon request of the Verification Mission Director, Mission personnel may be invited to accompany police within Kosovo.
    -- The Verification Mission will look for and report on roadblocks and other emplacements which influence lines of communication erected for purposes other than traffic or crime control. The Mission Director will contact the relevant authorities upon receipt of such reports. These authorities will explain the reasons for the emplacements or else direct that the emplacements be removed immediately. The Verification Mission will also receive notification should emergent circumstances lead to the establishment of a roadblock for other than traffic or crime control-related reasons. The Mission Director may request the removal of any roadblock.
    -- The Verification Mission will maintain liaison with FRY authorities about border control activity and movements by units with border control responsibilities through areas of Kosovo away from the border. The Verification Mission, when invited by the FRY authorities or upon its request, will visit border control units and accompany them as they perform their normal border control roles.
    -- When invited or upon request, the Verification Mission will accompany police units in Kosovo as they perform their normal policing roles.
    -- The Verification Mission will, to the extent possible, assist UNHCR, ICRC, and other international organizations in facilitating the return of displaced persons to their homes, the provision of facilitative and humanitarian assistance to them by the FRY, Serbian, and Kosovo authorities as well as the humanitarian organizations and NGOs. The Mission will verify the level of cooperation and support provided by the FRY and its entities to the humanitarian organizations and accredited NGOs in facilitating procedural requirements such as issuance of travel documentation, expedited customs clearance for humanitarian shipments, and radio frequencies. The Mission will make such representations as it deems necessary to resolve problems it observes.
    -- As the political settlement defining Kosovo's self-government is achieved and implementation begins, the Mission Director will assist, both with his own resources and with augmented OSCE implementation support, in areas such as elections supervision, assistance in the establishment of Kosovo institutions, and police force development in Kosovo.
    -- The Mission Director will receive periodic updates from the relevant authorities concerning eventual allegations of abusive actions by military or police personnel and status of disciplinary or legal actions against individuals implicated in such abuses.
    -- The Verification Mission will maintain liaison with FRY, Serbian and, as appropriate, Kosovo authorities and with ICRC regarding ICRC access to detained persons.
    -- The Mission Director will, as required, convene representatives of national communities and authorities to exchange information and provide guidance on implementation of the agreement establishing the Verification Mission.
    -- The Mission Director will report instances of progress and/or non-compliance or lack of full cooperation from any side to the OSCE and other organizations.

    Composition and Facilities

    -- A Director, together with headquarters staff to be determined by Verification Mission requirements.
    -- 2,000 unarmed verifiers from OSCE member states will be permitted. Headquarters and support staff included in this total. The Mission may be augmented with technical experts provided by OSCE.
    -- A headquarters in Pristina.
    -- Field presence in locations around Kosovo to be determined by the Mission Director.
    -- A small liaison office in Belgrade.
    -- Vehicles, communications, and other equipment along with locally-hired interpreters and support staff which the Director deems to be required for the performance of the responsibilities of the Mission.

    Field Presence

    -- Coordination centers will be established in the capital of each opstina in Kosovo with specific areas of responsibility, under the Mission Director located in Pristina.
    -- Many opstina coordination centers will have one or more sub-stations in smaller towns/villages in the opstina. The number and location of sub-stations will vary from opstina to opstina, depending on the verification environment and past conflict situation.
    -- The chief of each coordination center will maintain a liaison relationship with the opstina authorities and the local leadership of the ethnic Albanian and other communities. Each sub-station will be responsible for coordination with the local authorities, including the local leadership of main ethnic groups.
    -- The number of verification personnel assigned to each coordination center and sub-station would depend on the complexity of verification issues in the particular area.
    -- Each coordination center and sub-station would have appropriately configured vehicles with which to patrol its assigned area of responsibility.


    H.E. Bronislaw Geremek


    H.E. Zivadin Jovanovic
    Minister of Foreign Affairs

    (end text)

    21 October 1998
    (Compiled from daily reports of U.S. element of KDOM) (475)

    (The following KDOM Daily Report was compiled by EUR/SCE (202-647-4850) from daily reports of the U.S. element of the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission and released by the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Office of South Central European Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC)

    KDOM Daily Report
    October 19, 1998

    Four U.S. KDOM teams operated today throughout Kosovo, visiting Srbica, Orahovac, Suva Reka, Prizren, Urosevac, Pec, Istok, and Podujevo. The cease-fire was holding in all areas. For the first time in a week KDOM found no evidence of any clashes between Serbian forces and the KLA. There were a few changes noted in Serbian Police positions and a minor reduction in numbers deployed. KDOM noted that nearly all police posts they saw have now been "winterized."
    Teams observed approximately 15 bus loads of Serbian Police apparently leaving Kosovo for Serbia. KDOM determined that the Serb Special Police (JSO) unit formerly at Istok Prison has departed, but another JSO unit remains at Ajvalija Barracks. KDOM has also seen JSO south of Lapusnik. Between Gornja Klina and Istok KDOM noted VJ soldiers present at police checkpoints. The VJ armored battle group deployed from Pristina yesterday has been located now in offensive positions south of Komorane and Lapusnik. The unit did not go into action today, to the best of KDOM's knowledge. Teams noted that anti-aircraft guns are now missing from the air defense bases in Slatina and Djakovica.
    In Slatina the team saw the barracks virtually empty and saw no erector launchers or radars associated with air defense. In Djakovica, likewise, the barracks are empty except for a few vehicles on sentry duty. The air defense position NW of the town is still occupied. A VJ combat group of tanks and APC's is still deployed around the village of Kramotzik. The OSCE advance team touring Kosovo has expressed satisfaction with the results of its mission and is confident that OSCE can find the facilities necessary to get the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) operative quickly. KDOM saw a group of IDPs near Kisna Reka who claimed they had fled their homes the previous night following the arrival of VJ units on a nearby hillside.
    Representatives of the emergency council in Klina told KDOM that 500 inhabitants of their village have been intermixed with 1,200 IDP's from other villages. The villagers are too frightened to return to their homes as Serbian Police remain deployed in the area. A resident of the village of Iglarevo told KDOM that five returnees to his village were killed by Serbian Police and buried in a common grave in Cabic. KDOM cannot confirm this report.

    (End text)

    (Compiled from daily reports of U.S. element of KDOM) (450)

    (The following KDOM Daily Report was compiled by EUR/SCE (202-647-4850) from daily reports of the U.S. element of the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission and released by the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Office of South Central European Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC)

    KDOM Daily Report
    October 18, 1998

    Four U.S. KDOM teams were in the field today, visiting Srbica, Orahovac, Suva Reka, Prizren, Urosevac, Pec, Istok, and Podujevo.
    Although the cease-fire is holding today, the situation appears more volatile than previously due to a spiral of violence in the area between Malisevo and Komorane in central Kosovo. The KLA killed three policemen in that area last night, to which the FRY responded by sending in a battle group from Pristina this evening. The Prefect told KDOM the armored group was deployed only to protect police positions south of Komorane. KLA soldiers in southern Drenica told KDOM personnel that they will observe the cease-fire for another 10 days, then will resume fighting if police have not left Drenica.
    Other areas of Kosovo were quiet today, including Dragobilje near Malisevo where there had been daily skirmishes since October 1. Other than the battle group mentioned above, KDOM saw no change in the numbers of VJ and police deployed. KDOM's freedom of access was very good all day.
    KDOM teams confirmed the presence in Ajaalija of a JSO unit, but could not confirm whether a similar unit is still at Istok. Personnel also confirmed that the armored brigade formerly near Podujevo has not returned to the Urosevac area.
    KDOM saw more IDPs returning to their homes -- including in southern Drenica, where there are vehicles on the roads, crops being harvested, and building supplies being delivered.
    The OSCE team of 35 officials arrived in Kosovo today and plans to visit Pec, Prizren, Kosovska Mitrovica, and Gniljane tomorrow. They are calling on local officials and locating sites for OSCE stations.
    Humanitarian agencies remain busy today. The WFP delivered aid, including wheat flour, mattresses, hygiene supplies, stoves, and clothing to Glogovac and Glodjane. A Mercy Corps International team made a formal assessment of the Golubovac and Drenovac areas. In the former village they determined that 1,100 IDPs are trying to return but fear doing so as long as Serb police remain. They go to the village in the day and repair houses, then return to the woods at night. In the latter village, 250 of 1,600 residents have returned but feel at risk due to police checkpoints remaining there.

    (End text)

    (Compiled from daily reports of U.S. element of KDOM) (380)

    (The following KDOM Daily Report was compiled by EUR/SCE (202-647-4850) from daily reports of the U.S. element of the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission and released by the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Office of South Central European Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC)

    KDOM Daily Report
    October 17, 1998

    Four U.S. KDOM teams were in the field today, visiting Pec, Istok, Junik, and Djakovica in the west; Suva Reka, Musutiste and Stimlje in central Kosovo; and Podujevo in the north. KDOM's freedom of access and security were excellent throughout the day.
    The situation on the ground was calm. Both Serb and KLA officials reported, however, that some skirmishing continued -- and perhaps increased in the past few days. Both sides blamed the other for starting the fights. Serbian forces reported they returned fire when provoked but did not pursue their attackers.
    KDOM teams noted no significant change in military or police deployments from yesterday. They did, however, see a larger VJ presence in two areas of southern Kosovo. Teams also confirmed the departure from the Podujevo area of a VJ armored brigade and the departure from Urosevac of a military police battalion. Teams were unable to confirm whether or not the JSO special police unit had departed Istok.
    KDOM saw a steady return of IDPs to villages throughout central and northern Kosovo. For the first time, KDOM personnel also reported signs of returnees in the Drenica area where a large Serbian police presence continues.
    Life in most cities appears to have returned to normal. Also, KDOM observed many farmers harvesting crops in southern Kosovo today.
    Freedom of movement for IDPs appeared to be poor along major routes where major VJ and police presence remains. Some villagers in Krusevac told KDOM they feared going to market in Pec due to harassment by police along the roads.
    KDOM reports an 11-truck convoy of UNHCR and the World Food Program delivered 58 tons of wheat flour and other supplies to Pagarusa and Crnovrane today. Many other humanitarian agencies were also observed in the field. KDOM teams found the Serbian humanitarian supply centers in Junik and Malisevo closed.

    20 October 1998
    (But fear prevails, preventing large scale returns) (330)
    By Wendy Lubetkin
    USIA European Correspondent

    Geneva -- The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees says people have begun trickling back to their homes in some parts of Kosovo, but fear has prevented any large scale movement thus far.
         "There is some timid return movement so certain areas," UNHCR spokesperson Kris Janowski told a press briefing October 20. "It is difficult because a lot of villages have been destroyed, there is still a lot of fear, and the weather is still quite harsh in Kosovo."
         Asked about feeding centers established by the Serbian authorities, Janowski said the centers have been received "with extreme distrust" by the ethnic Albanian population.
         "We were told by the representative of the ethnic Albanian community and by the people that many of them were simply afraid to approach these humanitarian centers since some of these centers had in fact police at their doors," he said. "One center which I saw had a very large armored personnel carrier parked outside of it, which the local population didn't find particularly encouraging.
         The World Food Program (WFP) said convoys are scheduled to deliver food and other aid to over 140,000 displaced persons in ten villages between Tuesday and Saturday this week.
         But WFP spokesperson Christian Berthiaume said WFP is very concerned that most people remain in inaccessible regions and "still show no intention of returning home. Fear still dominates. Confidence is not coming back. And yet they must go home, and the sooner better ... they can't spend the winter under plastic sheeting. Once they are home, we can reach them more easily, we can provide food regularly. At present we can only make ad hoc food deliveries."
         "When snow falls, the roads will be even more difficult," Berthiaume pointed out. "Already, since a vehicle of the International Red Cross hit a landmine, we cannot take the secondary roads."

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Heile Du mich, HERR, so werde ich heil; 
        hilf Du mir, so ist mir geholfen. 
        Jeremia 17,14
        HERR, ich bin matt geworden und ganz zerschlagen; 
             ich schreie vor Unruhe meines Herzens. 
        Du kennst all mein Begehren, 
             und mein Seufzen ist Dir nicht verborgen. 
        Verlass mich nicht, HERR, 
             mein Gott, sei nicht ferne von mir ! 
        Eile, mir beizustehen, 
             HERR, Du meine Hilfe !
      Psalm 38,9-10.22-23
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; 
        save me, and I shall be saved.
      Jeremia 17, 14
        I am feeble and sore broken: 
             I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart. 
        Lord, all my desire [is] before thee; 
             and my groaning is not hid from thee. 
        Forsake me not, O LORD: 
             O my God, be not far from me. 
        Make haste to help me, 
             O Lord my salvation. 
      Psalm 38, 8-9.21-22
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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