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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 30. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 30, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1598

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1. Meldungen von dpa

  • Nato kann mit Aufklaerungsfluegen ueber dem Kosovo beginnen
  • Geremek will bewaffnete Leibwaechter fuer OSZE-Beobachter im Kosovo
  • Fischer betont Interesse an Zusammenarbeit mit Skandinavien
  • UNHCR: Serbische Polizei verhindert Rueckkehr von Fluechtlingen
  • Serbien verhaengt Sondergebuehr fuer auslaendische Fluggesellschaften
  • "Rossija": Albaner reagieren mit Gewalt auf Abzug der Serben
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Meldung vom 30.10.1998 18:12  http://seite1.web.de/show/3639F38E.NL1/
    Nato kann mit Aufklärungsflügen über dem Kosovo beginnen
    Brüssel (dpa) - Die Nato hat am Freitag die Voraussetzungen für den baldigen Beginn unbewaffneter Aufklärungsflüge über dem Kosovo geschaffen. Die Operation «Eagle Eye» (Adlerauge) kann schon in den nächsten Tagen beginnen, hieß es am Freitag im Nato-Hauptquartier in Brüssel.
         Gegenwärtig wird die überwiegend von Albanern bewohnte südserbische Provinz nur von amerikanischen Satelliten und U-2- Spionageflugzeugen der US-Luftwaffe beobachtet, die aus großer Höhe operieren.
         Die Operation Eagle Eye ist Teil des Abkommens mit dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic zur vollständigen Erfüllung der jüngsten UN-Resolutionen zum Kosovo. Sie sollen sicherstellen, daß - wie vereinbart - die zusätzlichen jugoslawischen Militär- und Polizeikräfte abgezogen werden.
         Sie sollen aber auch den Schutz der rund 2 000 OSZE-Beobachter garantieren, die im Kosovo über die Einhaltung der Resolutionen und die ungehinderte Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge wachen sollen. Die Aufklärungsflüge werden Belgrad angekündigt, wo sich bereits Nato-Militärs befinden.
         Deutschland wird ebenfalls Tornado-Flugzeuge zur Verfügung stellen. Das Bundeskabinett hatte am Donnerstag beschlossen, daß sich die deutschen Streitkräfte an der Luftüberwachung beteiligen. Dafür werden rund 350 Soldaten mit unbemannten, kleinen Aufklärungsflugzeugen in Mazedonien stationiert. Vor der Entsendung der Aufklärungsflugzeuge muß aber der Bundestag in Bonn noch seine Zustimmung geben.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 30.10.1998 15:30 http://seite1.web.de/show/3639CDAA.NL1/
    Geremek will bewaffnete Leibwächter für OSZE-Beobachter im Kosovo
    Belgrad (dpa) - Die unbewaffneten OSZE-Beobachter in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo sollen bewaffnete Leibwächter bekommen. Das sagte der amtierende Vorsitzende der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE), der polnischen Außenminister Bronislaw Geremek, am Freitag der Nachrichtenagentur Beta (Belgrad). Er wolle eine entsprechende Änderung des Abkommens über die Stationierung der Inspektoren mit Belgrad vorschlagen. Geremek sagte, die Entsendung von 2 000 unbewaffneten Beobachtern sei gefährlich.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 30.10.1998 14:44  http://seite1.web.de/show/3639C2D8.NL1/
    Fischer betont Interesse an Zusammenarbeit mit Skandinavien
    Bonn (dpa) - Die neue deutsche Mitte-Links-Regierung ist an fortgesetzten engen Kontakten Deutschlands mit den nordischen Staaten sehr interessiert. Das hat Außenminister Joschka Fischer am Freitag bei einem Treffen mit seinem dänischen Amtskollegen Niels Helveg Petersen in Bonn zum Ausdruck gebracht. Die Begegnung diente vor allem dem näheren Kennenlernen. Petersen hatte deswegen auf dem Weg in den Nahen Osten in Bonn Zwischenstation gemacht.
         Im Mittelpunkt des Gesprächs stand nach Angaben des Außenministeriums die Europapolitik und ihre Ausgestaltung unter der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft im ersten Halbjahr 1999. Fischer sagte, Deutschland kenne die Erwartungen der Partnerländer und werde alles tun, um ihnen gerecht zu werden.
         Er bekräftigte, daß die Bundesrepublik weiterhin Anwalt der mittel- und osteuropäischen EU-Beitrittskandidaten bleibe. Deutschland werde sich bei aller realistischen Einschätzung des Zeithorizonts mit ganzer Kraft für einen raschen Beitrittsprozeß und einer möglichst baldigen Erweiterung der Union einsetzen.
         Beide Minister stimmten nach Angaben des Außenministeriums bei der Erörterung der Lage im Kosovo überein, daß der Druck auf den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic bestehen bleiben müsse, bis die UN-Resolution 1199 vom 23. September erfüllt sei. Die Entsendung von Beobachtern der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) sei ein Schlüsselement für die friedliche Konfliktlösung.
         In der Einschätzung der Lage in Rußland bestand Einigkeit, daß zur Stabilisierung der Volkswirtschaft des Landes eine Fülle von Einzelmaßnahmen notwendig sei. Sie müßten mit den Grundprinzipien von Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft vereinbar und finanzierbar sein.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 30.10.1998 11:39 http://seite1.web.de/show/3639976E.NL1/
    UNHCR: Serbische Polizei verhindert Rückkehr von Flüchtlingen
    Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Serbische Polizei hat am Donnerstag die Rückkehr mehrerer albanischer Flüchtlinge in ihre Häuser im Kosovo-Dorf Presevo, nahe Klina, verhindert. Das bestätigte am Freitag ein Sprecher des UN-Flüchtlingswerks UNHCR in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina. Gegen die rückkehrwilligen Albaner, deren genaue Zahl dem UNHCR-Büro nicht bekannt war, sei keine Gewalt angewendet worden. Ihnen sei auch nicht gesagt worden, warum ihnen die Heimkehr verwehrt wird.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 30.10.1998 10:07  http://seite1.web.de/show/363981EF.NL1/
    Serbien verhängt Sondergebühr für ausländische Fluggesellschaften
    Belgrad (dpa) - Die Belgrader Regierung hat ab Freitag eine Sondergebühr für ausländische Fluggesellschaften eingeführt, die serbische Flughäfen anfliegen. Sie beträgt 30 US-Dollar pro Passagier, heißt es in der Regierungsverordnung. Das vereinnahmte Geld soll der staatlichen serbischen Fluggesellschaft JAT als Ausgleich dafür bereitgestellt werden, daß sie in keine EU-Staaten fliegen darf.
         Vertreter westlicher Fluggesellschaften in Belgrad konnten sich bisher nicht zu dieser Maßnahme äußern, weil sie noch nicht offiziell benachrichtigt wurden. Die Europäische Union hatte Anfang September das Flugverbot in der EU für die JAT beschlossen, um Belgrad zum Einlenken im Kosovo-Konflikt zu bringen. Belgrad verzichtete auf eine entsprechende Gegenmaßnahme, so daß die meisten EU-Fluggesellschaften weiterhin nach Belgrad fliegen.
    © dpa
    Meldung vom 30.10.1998 09:47  http://seite1.web.de/show/36397D0E.NL1/
    «Rossija»: Albaner reagieren mit Gewalt auf Abzug der Serben
    Moskau (dpa) - Die russische Tageszeitung «Rossija» schreibt zum Abzug der Serben aus dem Kosovo am Freitag:
         «Die albanischen Extremisten bedauern offen, daß in das Kosovo unbewaffnete Beobachter und keine Nato-Soldaten kommmen, die die Extremisten schon längst zu ihren Verbündeten erklärt haben. Jetzt nutzen die Freischärler das Abziehen der serbischen Sicherheitskräfte und Armeeangehörigen aus, um kleinere Polizeireviere zu überfallen und die Kontrolle über die Straßen wiederherzustellen. Im Ergebnis dessen gehen weitere Menschen zugrunde.»
    © dpa
    2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
    3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
    erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
    Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
    Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

                            back215.htm   Kosovofakten
                                                    Eine Information des UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissariats
                                                    Regionalbüro Wien, 17.9.98
    * Nichtamtliche Übersetzung
       UNHCR-Positionspapier über die Behandlung von Asylsuchenden aus
       dem Kosovo in Asylländern: Maßgebliche Überlegungen
       25.8.1998 mit Anhang Stand: 13.8.1998

    * UNHCR-Eckpunkte zu Problemen des Flüchtlingsschutzes in Deutschland
       Oktober 1998

    Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
    4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
    copy from  http://www,kosova.com  on October 30, 1998  at 18:30 hrs
    Kosova Information Center
    Prishtina, 30 October 1998, 17:00 CET
    Contents President Rugova's Press Conference

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - Heavy destruction and finding of the bodies of many victims, is what families returning to their homes encounter these days in Kosova, according to President Ibrahim Rugova. "The consequences of the Serbian offensive are huge", the leader of the Republic of Kosova said in a press conference today (Friday) in Prishtina.
    Rugova, who is also leader of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK), denounced the arrest of Lutfi Haziri, deputy head of the LDK chapter in Gjilan and four other members of the chapter leadership, who are being held in Serb detention.
    The President expressed his sympathies to the families who lost their loved ones in a tragedy earlier this week in the Adriatic Sea, when 19 Kosova Albanian refugees found their deaths while crossing the sea from the Albanian port of Vlora to Brindisi, Italy.
    Touching on the current situation in Kosova, President Ibrahim Rugova said there is a huge Serbian police and military presence in Kosova. "We have seen only a partial withdrawal of Serbian forces. The withdrawal should be completed."
    He pressed for international effort to get the Albanian refugees and internally-displaced people return to their homes in safety. There are still people living rough in the open, such as in Kishnareka, Drenica region, Rugova said.
    The President of the Republic reaffirmed that the best solution is an independent Kosova, with all guarantees for the local Serb community, as well as an international protectorate as an interim stage.
    Rugova welcomed NATO's decision to maintain activation orders [for possible strikes against Serb targets] until international demands on Kosova are met. He pressed for NATO ground troops to be committed to Kosova.
    President Rugova thanked the Western world leaders for their efforts on Kosova, and the inauguration of German Chancellor Schröeder and Foreign Minister Joschka.
    A foreign reporter referred to some aspects of Ambassador Chris Hill's plan on an interim accord for Kosova and asked Rugova's comments on it. "We are working with Ambassador Hill on an interim accord, which addresses the functioning of institutions and the issue of security in Kosova, the formation of the Kosova police, as well as issues pertaining to economic development," President Ibrahim Rugova said. The best arrangement is independence for Kosova, or an interim stage solution to overcome the current dangerous situation in Kosova and create better conditions for a permanent solution to the Kosova issue, the President added. "Independence is the best solution for Kosova. It would stabilize the entire south-eastern Europe. It would also benefit the local Serbs in Kosova and Serbia itself".
    The same foreign reporter wondered why Rugova did not mention the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army) by name, but rather referred to them as 'armed groups', asking whether it was because he did not want to cause disunity among the population. "The armed groups of the UÇK and local patriots have organized themselves to respond to the ten-year-long Serbian repression, whereas Serbian has imposed a military solution; this is what we have seen in the past six months or so, massacres and immense destruction in Kosova," the President said, adding that he hoped the establishment of the OSCE and NATO missions will contribute to calm down the situation. "We expect these groups (UÇK) to welcome and respect the OSCE verification mission in Kosova", Rugova said, adding that there was no disunity among the people of Kosova.
    The negotiations should be well-prepared, and this is the position of the Albanian side, Ambassador Hill and the Contact Group, President Rugova said.
    Asked by the BBC correspondent to comment on the position of NATO that 25,000 Serbian military and police are to stay in Kosova, President Ibrahim Rugova said the Albanian side wants to see that their presence is hugely reduced, and that a Kosovar police force is formed sot that "the Serbian military and police is fully (and irreversibly) withdrawn from Kosova".

    Bodies of Three Slain Albanians Found on Thursday

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - Sources in the war-torn municipalities in central and western Kosova reported today that the bodies of three other Albanians slain by Serb forces earlier this year were found near Albanian villages.
    Local Albanians returning to their villages in Malisheva municipality buried over the past days alone the mutilated and decomposed bodies of at least half a dozen relatives of theirs.
    The LDK Information in Malisheva said the bodies of two other men were found in the area on Thursday. It named one of them as Sherif Kryeziu (37), resident of Mleçan village. He was a mentally retarded person who had gone missing almost three months ago.
    The identity of the second man found in Mleqan village could not be established, as his body was badly decomposed.
    The LDK chapter in Skenderaj said the remains of Musa Ahmeti (27), resident of Radisheva, were found on Thursday in the fields of Çubrel village. The late Ahmeti had likewise gone missing three months ago when Serb forces had killed his father.
    Activists in the war-torn areas said they believe more dead Albanians lay scattered in the fields or under the rubble of their houses.
    It is suspected that hundreds of Albanians who had gone missing for months lay in fact killed in the villages which had been attacked by Serb troops during the summer offensives.

    Serbs Open Fire on Returning Refugees

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - A group of Serbs wearing police uniforms opened fire in the direction of four Albanian women in Suhogërlla village of Mitrovica on Thursday.
    The LDK chapter in Mitrovica quoted witnesses as saying that the armed Serbs were not police officers, but rather local Serbs wearing police uniforms.
    Xhemile Rama, Hafize Rama, Hajrije Rama and Xhevrije Rama, who had fled their Suhogërlla village in summer, wanted to see if their homes had survived the Serb shelling and arson campaigns. At least 52 Albanian houses were burned down or destroyed earlier this year in this village, the LDK said.
    None of the women was wounded. They run away, realizing that Serbs were aiming at them.

    Serb Forces Prevent Refugees from Returning to Their Homes

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - A heavy presence of Serb forces was reported today in several locations in a wide area around the Vulljaka bauxite mines in Klina. Sources said Serbs continued digging in around the mine, at Pishat e Volljakut (Volljaka pinewood), near the village cemetery, and at a location called 'Boka e Përçevës'.
    A local activist in Klina told the KIC that a group of Albanians attempted to return to their village of Përçeva on Thursday, but the Serb forces manning a checkpoint forced them back.

    Serbs Police Steps Up Intimidation Campaign in Podujeva and Peja

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - Over the past two days, the Serb police has stepped up campaigns of harassment and intimidation of the local population in Podujeva.
    Several Albanians have told the LDK chapter in the town that they were harassed by police manning flying checkpoints and patrols in the town.
    Sources in Podujeva said that, during the evening hours in particular, Serb police harass passersby on the streets of the town.
    Beside the local police station in Podujeva, Serb forces are still manning outposts in Kërpimeh, Lluzhan and Orllan villages.
    Meanwhile, LDK sources in Lugu i Baranit, a region south-west of Peja, said Serb forces have been maltreating the Albanian population in the area. Serb police manning an outpost near the local Catholic Church in Gllogjan village have been halting and threatening every single Albanian passing by.

    Serbian Forces Have Not Withdrawn from Dushkajë Region of Gjakova

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - LDK sources in Dushkajë region, Gjakova area, said Serbian forces have not withdrawn form strategic points in this area.
    Serb forces remain still in Suka e Cërmjanit, Suka e Neticit near the Radoniq hydro-system, in the elementary school building at Kralan village. Part of the Serbian forcs have been positioned also at a location called Vardishtë, near the village of Jabllanicë, from where the villages of Gërgoc, Bardhaniq, Zhebeli, Jabllanicë and Kralan of the municipality of Gjakova can be shelled.
    Against this background, no Albanian residents have returned to these villages.
    LDK sources said Serb police forces have returned to the villages of Maznik and Dashinoc of Dushkajë region, which fall administratively in the municipality of Deçan. The forces had pulled out three days earlier, to only get back and reclaim their earlier positions. The population has not been returning to these villages, either.
    There has been sporadic shooting and shelling in the villages where Serb forces continue to be deployed, local LDK sources said.

    Serb Forces Remain in Several Suhareka Villages

    PRISHTINA, Oct 30 (KIC) - LDK sources in Suhareka say Serb forces have not withdrawn from several positions in the area, including Qafë e Duhlës and Biraçë.
    Serbian police forces are still stationed in the villages of Duhël, Reshtan, Mohlan and Krushicë e Ulët.
    Serb police went to the village of Bukosh with two APC's yesterday and opened arms fire there, LDK sources said. Those Albanians who had started trickling back to the village fled again.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    copy from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 30, 1998  at 22:45 hrs
    KOSOVA (Demaçi in Deçan)
    Demaçi meets father Sava

    Deçan, 30 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    Under the shade of the Deçan monastery, two kilometers far from an ancient town, the Abate of this monastery, father Sava, met the KLA political representative, Adem Demaçi, to appeal for peace.
    Being friends since Thessaloniki, where they met for the first time in an international conference, now they met in the monastery, which both of them consider it belongs to both Albanians and Serbs.
    Demaçi came reassuring local Serbs that there is no place for fear "now that the police is gone", while father Sava appealed for the solution of the problem by peaceful means, in the spirit of tolerance and democracy.
    "I am here on behalf of KLA, to tell you that they will not harm anyone who was not involved directly in the fighting", declared Demaçi while shaking hands with father Sava. "I am simply here in good will, and I came to visit the monastery and evidence that we want to continue the considerate and friendly relations, and not to allow ourselves to be influenced by old hatred", claimed Demaçi while smiling together with father Sava in front of cameras.
    Father Sava said that, "the church and the monastery salute every gesture of good will". He claimed that "Adem came here with a good will and he believes that Albanians, Serbs and all those who live in Kosovo and Metohija ought to strongly engage in solving all the problems in tolerant, peaceful and democratic way".
    What is called "Kosovo and Metohija" by father Sava, is called "Kosova" by Demaçi, but both of them agreed that the problems must be solved "with revealing a new epoch, a new era and a new way of behaving".
    "We are here to testify that we are talking together and we will continue talking, that we will be friends and that we are working on the understanding and reconciliation of our nations", claimed the KLA political representative.
    "I have to say that Serbs are worried because the Security forces have withdrawn, and many of them feel unprotected", Sava told Demaçi.
    "There is no good when people think they must be protected the by police", responded Demaçi.
    "The best way to feel safe is to behave properly, not to harm anybody, especially their neighbors", stated Demaçi, while a monk was tolling the bell in the yard of the Monastery.
    "Neither KLA should protect the Albanians, nor the Police should protect the Serbs, they ought to protect each other, to respect each other, and in that case there will be no need to ask protection either from KLA or the Police", Demaçi appealed.
    After raising a toast, the "host" saw off the KLA political representative. Demaçi went to visit the villages Carrabreg, Drenoc, Prejlep, Raushiq and Loxhë.
    "This is the house of the Dinaj family", said Demaçi as he was standing by the ruins of his friend's house Binak, with whom he spent the best years of his life, in prison.
    The village of Raushiq looked like the rest of the villages of the Dukagjin plain. "I am not sure if the barbarians did such crimes in their times", stressed Demaçi.
    The few residents of these areas were hurrying to meet the rare guest from Prishtina. They thought that Prishtina had forgotten them. It was one of the rare meetings, in which the capital directly communicated with the ones that bared the load of "institutionalizing the issue of Kosova".
    "I am extremely touched by this. There are claims that people are going back. After seeing all this, I wonder to what they are going back. I don't know how are people going to start living in these conditions, when everything is completely ruined".
    "Nevertheless, we have to give our best and start living, even from this", said Demaçi as he was leaving the remains of Deçan behind. The same Deçan that had guarded the Monastery for centuries.

    KOSOVA (movement of population – Suharekë)
    The population of Bukosh village displaced again

    Suharekë, 30 October (ARTA) 1530CET--
    The "Koha Ditore" sources inform that shooting was registered in the Suharekë municipal village of Bukosh yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, there were no victims. According to these sources, three terrain vehicles loaded with policemen and soldiers shot against the local Albanian houses, while the witnesses claim that, "Serb police was not provoked by any means, but it shot without pretext against some youngsters who were by chance standing in front of their houses".
    These statements were also confirmed by the SCDHRF in Suharekë. Its communiqué states among others that, "Serb forces threw some hand-grenades in the yard of Nuhi Sopa from this village. There were no human victims but a huge material damage was caused".
    Because of this incident, the returned residents of Bukosh had to flee once again and seek shelter in the surrounding villages. This caused a feeling of insecurity among the residents of Vraniq village, who also started to return back home in the past days.
    According to the data of the local LDK, Serb forces are still holding the positions they controlled previously: Qafë e Duhlës, Biraç, Duhël, Reshtan and Budakovë.
    Their presence induces insecurity to the residents of the surrounding villages, who are still compelled to stay out of their homes.
    Various humanitarian associations organized a convoy into the villages of Nishor, Semetisht and Peçan.

    KOSOVA (corpses discovered – Malishevë)
    Two corpses were found in Mleçan and Bubavec villages

    Malishevë, 30 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    Special Serb forces still remain in the positions, where they were installed three months ago i.e. in Smonicë (entrance to Tërpezë) and near the Mleçan cemetery, informs the "Koha Ditore" correspondent from Malishevë.
    These forces control also the positions (erected three days ago) in the premises of "Mirusha" enterprise near Carallukë village and at the pines of Llozicë.
    Meanwhile, the corpse of Sherif Myftar Kryeziu (37) from Mleçan was found in a well, local sources confirm.
    He was mentally retarded and yesterday his tragic fate was confirmed, informs the "Koha Ditore" correspondent.
    On the other hand, the corpse of Murat Kryeziu (50), from Bubavec, was found in a local farming parcel.

    KOSOVA (IDPs no return – Klinë)
    Residents of Përçevë, Gremnik and Çupevë won’t go back home due to insecurity

    Klinë, 30 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    No Serb police\military forces withdrew from their positions in the region of Sverkë, even though there were movements of military trucks from their positions in Përçevë to the bauxite mine in Volljakë and back, the "KD" corespondent from Klinë informs.
    In the meantime, according to the same source, the residents of Përçevë are massively showing interest to go back to their villages, but due to the fear from the great presence of the Serb military\police forces in this village, they gave up from these attempts. Thus, the population of the villages of Përçevë, Gremnik and Çupevë remains in benevolence of the weather, outside in the open.
    On the other hand, the corpse of Shahe Gashi (76), was found in the village of Çabiq. She did not manage to flee her village, hence, she died a month ago, due to the lack of care and food, but nobody buried her, informs the corespondent from Klinë.

    KOSOVA (corpse found – Mitrovicë)
    The corpse of Musa Ahmeti from Radishevë found

    Mitrovicë, 30 October (ARTA) 1630CET--
    The corpse of Musa Ahmeti (27) from Radishevë, who was considered missing since three months ago when Serb police massacred his father Shyqeri, was found yesterday in the Skënderaj municipal village of Qubrel.
    On the other hand, Serb civilians from Suhogërllë village have shot against four Albanian women from Drenica region sheltered in Mitrovicë. They tried to get back in Suhogërllë to see what happened with their properties, but the shooting started when they approached the village.

    KOSOVA (trial – Prizren)
    Doctor accused for offering help to the KLA soldiers released from detention

    Prizren, 30 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    On Friday, after three months in detention, dr. Nasib Fetiu (1958), from Peçan (Suharekë municipality), was finally released, as he was found not guilty of the charge "Association for hostile activities", according to the article 136 of the "FRY" Criminal Code, since it had no ground.
    The police arrested Fetiu on 27 June, in Suharekë. During the time he spent in detention, he was maltreated to accept the "facts" that he offered medical help to the KLA soldiers in his village.
    Fetiu was prolonged the detention, two times. Two weeks ago he was transferred from the Municipal Prison in Prizren to the prison in Vranje, along with dozens of other Albanians, accused for "terrorism".

    KOSOVA (no school – Rahovec)
    Because of Serb police presence in school, the lessons did not start in Ratkoc

    Rahovec, 30 October (ARTA) 1600CET--
    According to the data of Municipal Council for Education, the school buildings of the Rahovec municipal villages Kramovik, Guri i Kuq, Vrajakë, Denjë, Zatriq, Opterushë and Reti are destroyed completely.
    The pupils of these schools are currently attending lessons in the areas where they are temporary sheltered, because their houses are destroyed as well.
    The residents of the villages Drenoc, Çifllak and Polluzhë who returned into their homes last days, started to restore the school buildings of these villages.
    The Municipal Financing Council (KKF), helped the restoration of these schools with 2.000 DM.
    Meanwhile, the lessons have not started in Ratkoc, because Serb police usurps the school building.

    KOSOVA (Rugova press conference)
    Rugova: "We request complete withdrawal of the Serb forces from Kosova"

    Prishtina, 30 October (ARTA) 1500CET--
    "Just a partial withdrawal of the Serb forces from Kosova is carried out and it must continue", claimed Dr. Rugova in his press conference.
    "The return of the dislocated people into their houses in Kosova ought to be carried out under a higher international security", he claimed referring to Kishnarekë, where still there are people living outdoors.
    Rugova claimed that the best solution of the problem is the independent state of Kosova and requested NATO troops to be installed in Kosova, so to keep the security in the region.
    "The interim phase is introduced in order to evict the perilous situation in Kosova, and in order to create convenient circumstances for the final status of Kosova", he claimed among others.
    "This is our attitude to the Ambassador Hill and the Contact Group in order to initiate talks which should result with concrete outcomes", claimed Rugova.
    "We are working to prepare for negotiations and concrete results and not to talk about talks" answered Rugova asked whether the talks will start in 4 November.
    While speaking about the "Groups of KLA and local patriots", as he labeled them, Rugova stated: "We hope that the situation in Kosova will stabilize after the arrival of Verification and NATO mission, and we hope these groups will welcome and respect the duties of the missions in Kosova".
    "We demand that the number of Serb forces in Kosova further decreases, that the police forces of Kosova be established, and finally the 'Yugoslav' troops to withdraw completely".

    ALBANIA (International Conference on Albania)
    Enhance the Internal Security and contend the corruption

    Tirana, 30 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    The delegations participating in the International Conference on Albania (which started on Friday in Tirana) demanded from the Albanian Government to intensify the grapple against smuggling and corruption, as well as to increase the internal security measures.
    36 European countries as well as the USA are participating in this conference. The topic of the conference is about the future assistance to Albania.
    Notwithstanding, the OSCE rotating chairman, Geremek, stated that police assistance of EU and MAPE dedicated to combat crime in Albania is expected to be introduced in November.
    The donors’ conference for Albania is planned to be held in 1999, while the final document is expected to be signed in the end of the conference.

    ALBANIA (accident escaped)
    An Albanian army MIG about to crash

    Tirana, 30 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
    A fierce explosion trembled Tirana, on Thursday morning at around 0930CET. A military MIG plane, which took off from the Rinas military airport for military maneuvers, was about to crash. Two motors of the plane exploded near the Varrezat e Sharrës in Tirana. Defense Ministry sources inform that, at the moment the plane was approaching the ground, the pilot turned on the reserve engine and saved his life, the plane and managed to avoid the eventual damages that would have been caused. The plane landed quite normally.
    The experts have started the investigation to find out the reasons that brought about the explosion of the MIG motors that provoked the incident.

    copy from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 30, 1998  at 13:00 hrs
    KOSOVA (KDOM-KLA talks)
    Serb police units to patrol through the roads of Kosova, while the KLA, in Prishtina and Gjilan?
    Ylber Bajraktari

    29 October (ARTA) 1500CET--
    Albanian sources claim that the talks between the representative of the KLA General headquarters and KDOM started last week.
    According to these sources, the talks are carried out in the course of the implementation of the Holbrooke-Milosevic agreement, which should ensure a free patrolling of the Serb police through the three (non)crucial roads of Kosova, and which supposedly should transform KLA into "a local police" within Kosova that will have democratic institutions and free elections.
    The sources state that, in this virtue, the American KDOM held a meeting with the representative of the KLA General headquarter on Wednesday, while Adem Demaçi -- the political representative of KLA, was present in that meeting as well.
    "Free patrolling of one Serb police vehicle (once a week) through the Prishtina-Pejë, Prishtina-Duhël-Prizren and Malishevë-Rahovec roads was requested", informs the Albanian source.
    Patrolling should be announced one day before in advance, and during the first two weeks, patrolling should be carried out without the escort of international observers. After a certain period of time, patrolling should be escorted continuously by the international observing mission (maybe OSCE, since it is expected that KDOM will be functioning within the framework of OSCE verification mission).
    "The aim of the patrolling should initially be ensuring the sovereignty of Serbia and Yugoslavia, and provide security to the IDPs and their safe return into their houses", assert the diplomatic sources in Prishtina, which are involved in this mediation.
    On the other hand, the Albanian sources close to the KLA General Headquarters claim that such a request is very difficult to be accepted, but the possibility of patrolling through the villages with mixed population (Albanian and Serb) is not excluded. In this sense, the case of Kijevë is being mentioned.
    According to Albanian sources, KLA has also posed a request. The request is to enable KLA soldiers to patrol through Prishtina and Gjilan, with the escort of the international verification mission.
    In this context, KDOM has presented a possibility of KLA patrolling without wearing the military uniforms. That option is categorically refused.
    "Only the bullet can strip me off my uniform", declared one of the KLA representatives in the talks with KDOM.
    Speculative sources also inform that an idea was launched recently, according to which, KLA is to function in the future as police or a sort of the local security force. This alternative has also been refused by the KLA.
    "If we were police, we would have been called 'Kosova Liberation Police' and not KLA", another KLA representative declared.
    "After liberation, we will safeguard the borders of our homeland, and we also have the military police which is capable to accomplish its duties", is quoted to have claimed this KLA representative.
    Notwithstanding, it seems that this is the preliminary phase of the creation of the "institutions in Kosova" and it seems that both parties (KDOM and KLA), posed some of their ideas for discussion.

    KOSOVA (killing – Gjakovë)
    CDHRF: Zef Dreni killed at home

    Gjakovë, 29 October (ARTA) 1500CET --
    CDHRF in Gjakovë notifies that last night, at around 2400CET, unknown, armed and masked persons, speaking in Serb language, killed Zef Dreni (65) in his own house, in the village of Firzë. They also brutally beat his son who suffered serious body injuries.
    The same sources state that 4 children between the ages 4 months to 2 years old and three elderly aging from 70 to 80 years, died as a result of leaving their houses following the Serb force offensive against the village of Kralan (Gjakovë municipality), and settling in the forest, where they lacked food and medical treatment.
    The Serb force shelling also resulted with five wounded persons, it is stated in the communiqué issued by the CDHRF in Gjakovë.

    KOSOVA (IDPs – Klinë)
    People are returning to the municipality of Klinë in a very small number

    Klinë, 29 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    Serb forces have still not retreated from their positions at the cherry plantation over Gremnik, at the bauxite mine in Volljakë, near Pishat e Volljakut, at Zabeli i Hoxhës, in Bokë over Përçevë and other positions. The Serb police that moved away from the asphalt roads and from the crossroad, are in fact moved into some high points where they have under their target the surrounding villages. They are in Jashanicë, at the 12 houses, the observers saw them in Grabanicë, where the police are sheltered in the forest. Here, about 30 people that were escorting the corpse of Musli Isufi (78) to the village's cemetery, were shot at, as they tried to remove the barricade they ran into on their way. The police is also present in Dollovë and other points. Numerous movements of the Serb police were witnessed today in the region of Sverkë. 2 Serb military trucks came from Kramovik.
    On the other hand, the Serb army and police assisted by the Serb civilians, are cutting the Albanian owned forests in Zabeli i Hoxhës Zabeli i Bajraktarëve, Zabeli i Ukshahitëve in Grabanicë, and also looting the Albanian houses. Smoke and fire was seen coming out from the bauxite mine building in Volljakë, near the Serb military base, during the day yesterday. Smoke and fire was also seen coming near the asphalt road in Volljakë. There are claims that a bakery and an Albanian house were burned.
    The population has started returning to their houses, but their number is still very small. Many people visit their villages just to see what the Serb regime has done to them. No people have returned to the village of Jellovc. In the village of Resnik, thanks to the insisting of the observers, six families returned home. One family did not go back since the police checkpoint was just about 100 meters away. A large number of dislocated are also evidenced in the zones of Ujëmirë, where UNHCR tried very hard to find a building to place the assistance, but it failed to do so because they were all burned down. The shooting in the village of Gllarevë also interrupted their work. When they arrived at the scene, the Serb police had withdrawn in the forest.
    In the meantime, the traffic police, positioned in several spots, instead of doing their job, they are controlling the passengers in the buses and in many cases, arresting them. This induced great fear among the residents who are coming back in great numbers, particularly from Ulqin.
    The skeleton of Latif Javori (78), killed by the Serb police on 28 June, was finally found in Llozicë at Ura e Pishave.

    KOSOVA (mistreatment – Deçan)
    CDHRF: "Serb soldiers attacked a group of Albanian villagers"

    Deçan, 29 October (ARTA) 1900CET --
    "A large number of Serb soldiers, dressed in specific camouflaged uniforms and colored faces, attacked today at around 0930CET, a large number of Albanian villagers in the forest of Lëbushë, Deçan municipality", it is stated in a CDHRF report.
    "The soldiers severely beat Jeton Zeqiri (16), who is in coma and his condition is critical", it is stated further and added that "they also brutally beat Mërgim (16) and Time Zeqiraj (40), who was also robbed the jewelry she had on, and they forcefully took with them Saranda Zeqiraj (17), of whom nothing is known, ever since".
    According to this report, all the above-mentioned are from the village of Lëbushë.

    KOSOVA (blocked road – Mitrovicë)
    Serb police block the Mitrovicë - Shalë e Bajgorës road

    Mitrovicë, 29 October (ARTA) 1720CET --
    "KD" sources from Mitrovicë inform that since this morning, groups of Serb police are concentrated on almost all the streets of Mitrovicë, where they are stopping, controlling and beating the passersby. Airplanes and helicopters flew very low above the town, during the entire morning. A truck filled with sand, was seen going from Mitrovicë in the direction of Skënderaj, this morning at around 0930CET, and it is believed that it is going to be used to build up a new checkpoint.
    Even after the NATO ultimatum, the Serb forces moved only the sacks with sand from the checkpoints, leaving the police behind. Hence, yesterday, a group of villagers from Shalë e Bajgorës that were headed back to their burned homes, were stopped in Stantërg, at the Serb police checkpoint. They were not allowed to go home.

    KOSOVA ( Serb protest – Deçan)
    About 100 Serbs protest against the withdrawal of the Serb forces

    Deçan, 29 October (ARTA) 1830CET --
    A large number of Serb police\military forces still remain in the municipality of Deçan. Nevertheless, on Wednesday, about 100 Serbs of the municipality of Deçan, protested in the presence of the ICRC, "against the withdrawal of the Serb police\military forces from the territory of Deçan, without whose presence they do not

    KOSOVA (IDPs return – Suharekë)
    "We started forgetting, now that we are back home"

    Bllacë, 29 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    The residents of the village of Bllacë started returning back home on Wednesday evening after spending three months outside. Around 250 houses out of total 460 are burnt and damaged. The scenes of fighting are apparent all around. Only 200 people out of the total 4.600 inhabitants have returned back, but an increasing returning tendency can be noticed.
    A team of international observers visited the family of Bajram Kroni on Thursday. His house was destroyed and shelled, while the members of this family were trying to restore the remains.
    "We have suffered a lot, we stayed in the forests lacking the basic living conditions, but now since we have returned into our homes we have started forgetting it all", says Bajram.
    "We do not feel safe, because we are surrounded from all sides by the Serb police and military forces", he explained to the foreigners.

    KOSOVA (trials – Prizren)
    Trials begin

    Prizren, 29 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    Masked Serb forces and camouflage fighting machinery are still present in the territory of the municipality of Prizren. Police patrols with armored machinery cruised down the town on Thursday.
    The Serb run Municipal Court in Prizren, began the trail of Nasip Fetiu (1958) from the village of Peçan, municipality of Suharekë, charged for "Association for Hostile Activities" because according to the accusation, this doctor also cured KLA wounded soldiers.
    With the request of the defense, the Serb run Municipal Court in Prizren, postponed on Thursday, the hearing against 12 Albanians from the municipality of Rahovec, accused pursuant Article 125 (terrorism) in conjunction with article 136 of the "FRY" Criminal Code.
    On the other hand, another similar trial is expected against the 25 young Albanians from Rahovec and the outskirts, among whom there are also minors.

    KOSOVA (Demaçi communiqué)
    Demaçi: "KLA is the main and decisive factor of the liberation struggle in Kosova"

    Prishtina, 29 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
    A delegation of high ranking diplomats and officials led by the US Special envoy and Ambassador to Shkup, Christopher Hill as well as the EU envoy and the Austrian Ambassador to Belgrade, Wolfgang Petritsch, visited the premises of the KLA political representative Adem Demaçi, states the communiqué issued by this office.
    At the beginning of this visit, Hill and Petritsch expressed their deep concern about the grave situation prevailing in Kosova. They claimed they to have come to a critical point, which requires concrete steps to be undertaken towards the advance of the political process for the solution of Kosova problem.
    Concerning this, they asked Demaçi evaluation of the situation.
    Speaking about the possibilities of solving the Kosova problem with political means, Demaçi stressed, among others, that all Albanian political powers and the Albanians in general have a common attitude that the will of the Kosova people expressed in the 1991 Referendum (for an independent and sovereign state of Kosova) must be fulfilled.
    In this context, Demaçi claimed that he is doing maximal efforts for establishing the Assembly of Kosova. That should create a stronger unity, it would embrace a wider political spectrum of Kosova, which would undoubtedly result on an increased organization level, and enhanced efficiency of the actions.
    Afterwards, the Government of Kosova with a broader and more competent spectrum, could derive from this Assembly, and so would the negotiating team that would negotiate with the Serb side. This would advance the political process towards a just and durable solution of the Kosova problem", states among others the communiqué of the KLA Information Service.

    KOSOVA (KLA in the West)
    KLA political representatives pay visits to Western European countries

    Geneva, 29 October (ARTA)
    "The KLA Group for Foreign Relations, composed by Bardhyl Mahmuti, Jashar Salihu, Ramadan Avdiu, Bilall Sherifi, Sabri Kicmari, Rexhë Ibërdemaj, dr. Mujë Rugova and Pleurat Sejdiu carried out an intensive diplomatic and informative activity in order to convey the political stands of KLA", it is stated at the beginning of the communiqué issued by this Group on 27 October.
    "The members of this Group had meetings with representatives of many international political institutions, the NATO Council, representatives of different countries and with famous world media.
    The informative, political and diplomatic activity is carried out in the main cities of Western Europe, London, Brussels, Geneva, Bon, Munich, Berlin, Vienna and Copenhagen.
    Parallel to the direct meetings with the representatives of the international institutions and the representatives of the different countries, press conferences were organized and KLA materials translated into English, French and German were distributed.
    A detailed report, which evidences the terrorist policy of Belgrade against the Kosova Albanians even after the adoption of Resolution 1199, was sent to numerous Governments via their diplomatic missions. This activity constricted the undertakings of the Serb propaganda and explained to the international public opinion, the legitimacy of the liberation struggle which is being carried out by Kosova Albanians, led by the KLA", states the communiqué signed by Bardhyl Mahmuti.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • Reuters: Kosovo Serb Leaders blast Troop Withdrawal Pact
  • Serbian Unity Congress: One Letter More to the State Secretary Albright
  • EL PAIS: The Interview with Adem Demaci
  • Holbrooke briefing on KOSOVO 10/28
  •   ==> LINK to the news

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    10. eventual additional press news 
    Link to Background-information  
    Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

    ALBANEWS is not affiliated with  the Albanian Government, the Kosova Government, any association or organization,  nor any information or news agency.  Reports, articles and  news items from various sources are distributed via ALBANEWS for INFORMATIVE purposes only.
    Opinions expressed/published on ALBANEWS do  NOT necessarily reflect the views of the owner and the co-owners and/or moderators,  nor any of their host institutions. ALBANEWS does NOT guarantee the accuracy of the reports, articles and news items distributed via the list.

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Es ist Dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist 
        und der HERR von Dir fordert, naemlich 
        Gottes Wort halten 
        und Liebe ueben 
        und demuetig sein vor Deinem Gott. 
        Micha 6, 8
        HERR, wer darf weilen in Deinem Zelt ? 
             Wer darf wohnen auf Deinem heiligen Berge ? 
        Wer untadelig lebt und tut, was recht ist, 
             und die Wahrheit redet von Herzen, 
        wer mit seiner Zunge nicht verleumdet, 
        wer seinem Naechsten nichts Arges tut 
             und seinen Nachbarn nicht schmaeht.
      Psalm 15, 1-3
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good;  
        and what doth the LORD require of thee,  
        but to do justly,  
        and to love mercy,  
        and to walk humbly with thy God?
      Micha 6, 8
        LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? 
             who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 
        He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, 
             and speaketh the truth in his heart. 
        [He that] backbiteth not with his tongue, 
        nor doeth evil to his neighbour, 
             nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 
      Psalm 15, 1-3
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Wolfgang Plarre
    Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

    Seite erstellt am 30.10.1998  

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