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    Arm ist ...
    Arm ist,
       wer vor Gewalt und Elend aus seiner Heimat fliehen muß;
    arm ist auch,
       wer sein Land nicht mit den Notleidenden teilen kann.

    Arm ist,
       wer auf dieser Erde keinen Raum zum Leben hat;
    arm ist aber auch,
      wer sich die Grundlage des Lebens selbst zerstört.

    Arm ist,
       wer eine Arbeitsstelle sucht und sie nicht findet;
    arm ist aber auch,
       wer vor lauter Arbeit keine Zeit und Kraft mehr hat,
        den Notleidenden die Hand zu reichen.

    Arm ist,
       wer seine Rechte nicht kennt
        oder sie nicht wahrnehmen und einklagen kann;
    arm ist aber auch,
       wer sich im Recht verstrickt
        und zur Liebe nicht mehr fähig ist.

    Arm ist,
       wer Hunger hat,
        wer die notwendigen Bedürfnisse nicht stillen kann;
    arm ist aber auch,
       wer Brot hat und das Leben satt hat.

    Arm ist,
       wer Opfer des Krieges und der ungerechten Gewalt wird;
    arm ist aber auch,
       wer das Mittel der Gewalt benutzt,
        weil er an eine Verständigung
        zwischen den Menschen nicht mehr glaubt.

(aus dem Missionsgymnasium der Franziskaner in Bardel)
die einem unangenehm ist,
die dem Bild widerspricht, 
das man von sich selber hat oder gerne haben möchte,
ist oft schwer auszuhalten.
Ist das aber die richtige Reaktion ?
Die Journalisten Erich Rathfelder und Friedhelm Brebeck wurden von Belgrad ausgewiesen,
mit dem U.S. Spezial-Gesandten Robert Gelbard will Milosevic nicht mehr sprechen.
Details  ==>  expell01.htm
             Selbst jetzt werden Kosova-Albaner abgeschoben !
Leider gibt es immer noch keinen Abschiebe-Stop !
Erneut 62 Serben und Kosovo-Albaner nach Belgrad abgeschoben

Düsseldorf (dpa) - Die nordrhein-westfälische Regional-Regierung hat am Mittwoch erneut gemeinsam mit dem Bundesland Niedersachsen 62 Serben und Kosovo-Albaner von Düsseldorf nach Belgrad abgeschoben. Dies teilte der Sprecher des Innenministeriums, Ludger Harmeier, mit. Aus Nordrhein-Westfalen seien sieben straffällig gewordene Kosovo-Albaner und 37 weitere abgelehnte Asylbewerber aus Jugoslawien an Bord eines Flugzeugs der jugoslawischen Fluggesellschaft «JAT» gebracht worden. Unter den Abgeschobenen sei auch eine Mutter mit vier Kindern gewesen.
Bereits Ende Juli hatte Nordrhein-Westfalen gemeinsan mit Niedersachsen 93 abgelehnte jugoslawische Asylbewerber nach Belgrad abgeschoben.

dpa-Meldung vom 19.08.1998 15:21 Uhr

    Augsburger Allgemeine 13.8.1998 Augsburger Allgemeine 13.8.1998
                Just in these times Kosova-Albanians are deported !
Still there is no stop of deportations !

Augsburger Allgemeine 4.8.1998

Was aergert die CSU ? - Dass ihre Beschluesse ernst genommen werden ?

===>  plakat02.htm Einige Zeitungsberichte

Betreff:        Appeal for help
Datum:         Mon, 03 Aug 1998 15:56:16 +0200

Dear Madam/Sir,
The situation in Kosova has already escalated into a full scale war. In the last Serbian offensive which is still going on, all possible heavy armament is being used.  Over 20 Albanians, mainly civilians are killed in daily bases. The Albanian houses that survive the shelling, are being robbed and burnt afterwards. Due to this campaign tens of villages all over Kosova are totally burnt only during the ongoing offensive. Fields and other goods are systematically being burnt, too. Tens of thousands of people who have fled their homes are hiding in the mountains, without any food supplies, water and medicines. Few children and elder people have died from hunger, diseases and heat. A humanitarian disaster is very close. Local and international humanitarian organizations cannot get to these regions due to the Serbian police and military sieges. Probably, one of the most important things that would help a lot in  overcoming this situation are humanitarian corridors which would make possible the convoys of aid to breakthrough and enter in the surrounded regions in order to rescue thousands of lives. 
We  appeal to You to use all your influence and do your utmost in offering the minimum of human solidarity to people who desperately need it.

Yours sincerely,
Bujar Dugolli, president of UPSUP

e-mail: upsup@albanian.com                Tel&Fax: ++381 38 533 843
 * >> Students' Protests in Kosova: http://www.alb-net.com    << *
 * >> University of Prishtina page: http://www.uni-pr.edu     << *
 * >> Latest news from Kosova:      http://www.kosova.com     << *
 * >> News from ARTA news agency:   http://www.kohaditore.com << *

Da steht ein Mann vor Gott, tief betrübt über das Leid und die Ungerechtigkeit auf der Welt. "Lieber Gott!" ruft er. "Sieh Dir das Elend, die Angst und den Kummer in der Welt an. Warum schickst Du keine Hilfe?" 
Und Gott antwortet: 
                "Ich habe Hilfe gesandt: Dich !"
A man is standing before God, very disturbed about suffering and injustice in this world. "Dear God!" he cries. "Look the need, the fear and grief in this world. Why don't you send help?" 
And God answers:
                "I sent help: You !"

food01.htm  Meldungen ueber den Mangel an Nahrungsmitteln haeufen sich !

                     Ebenso mangelt es an Medikamenten und ärztlicher Versorgung.
             News about lack of food are increasing !
                    Also there is lack of medicaments and treatment by doctors.    food01.htm

           H e l f t   KOSOVA !  KOSOVA  n e e d s  HELP !

Dear Sir/Madam,

     Please note that a large number of citizens from Malisheva and its surroundings, Skënderaj, Klina, Deçan, Junik and Rahovec were forced to flee their homes and to seek shelter in safer regions, which were not affected by state organized violence and terror. Tens of thousands of citizens were left with no food and water, in the open. Due to famine and thirst, fatigue and exhaustion many lose their consciousness. They desperately need our aid. Many have fallen in the hands of the police, military and paramilitary forces and were subjected to severe violence, were killed and massacred. The unprotected civilians and the numerous victims call for defence from violence, terror, famine and disease.
     We appeal hereby to international humanitarian and human rights organizations to help with food, medicine and shelter. We also appeal to the international community and to all relevant factors to protect the lives, human and national dignity of Albanians.

Prishtina, July 31, 1998

CDHRF - Dr. Pajazit Nushi
Kosova Red Cross - Dr. Jusuf Dedushaj
Health Care Committee - Dr. Teuta Hadri

              Some possibilities how you can help !

Rotes Kreuz bittet um Spenden für Kosovo-Flüchtlinge

Hilfsgüter für eine Million Mark unterwegs

Bonn, 07. August (AP) - Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz hat am Freitag mit Lieferung von Hilfsgütern für Flüchtlinge im Kosovo im Gesamtwert von rund einer Million Mark begonnen. Wie die Organisation in Bonn mitteilte, wurden die Hilfsgüter mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amtes beschafft. 
17 Lastwagen sollen die Wolldecken, Hygienepakete, Küchensets und Wasserkanister an den Bestimmungsort bringen. Seit Ausbruch der Krise hätten über 100.000 Menschen ihre Häuser verlassen, berichtete das DRK. Aufgrund der großen Bevölkerungsbewegungen und der sich ständig ändernden Lage sei es kaum möglich, die genaue Zahl der Vertriebenen zu ermitteln. 
Die Teams des Roten Kreuzes hätten bei ihren Erkundungsfahrten durch den Zentralkosovo Tausende von Menschen in großer Not vorgefunden, die in Wäldern und behelfsmäßigen Unterständen Zuflucht fanden. Die Situation der Kosovo-Flüchtlinge werde immer prekärer, erklärte das DRK. 

(Redaktionen: Das DRK-Spendenkonto hat die Nummer 41 41 41, Stichwort "Kosovo-Flüchtlinge", bei allen Banken und Sparkassen.


06 August 1998

(Says Kosovo conflict must be contained to prevent wider war)
Wendy Lubetkin
USIA European Correspondent

Geneva -- The UN official responsible for investigating human rights abuses in the former Yugoslavia says the international community must act to contain the conflict in Kosovo before it unravels the Dayton Accords and sparks a wider war in the Balkans.
     Jiri Dienstbier, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the former Yugoslavia, said the international community needs to make it clear that it will "not permit another large catastrophe in the Balkans."
     Speaking at a press conference August 6, Dienstbier said military pressure may be needed to bring about or guarantee a political solution to the conflict.
     "I am for a political solution, but it seems that there is no will for a political solution, so both sides will have to be pressured," he said. "If there is some agreement, with the help of the international community, it may need to be protected and guaranteed, if need be, even by military force.
     "Everybody in Bosnia, in Croatia, understands ... that if the Kosovo crisis is not contained, it may even be the end of Dayton and the beginning of a new war in the whole area," he said.
     Separately, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) expressed alarm at the growing scale of the Kosovo crisis. The Geneva-based organization, which defends the rights of citizens in situations of armed conflict, said recent Serbian offensives have resulted in the flight of tens of thousands of people from their homes and a degree of desperation unprecedented since the crisis in Kosovo began.
     ICRC teams in central Kosovo found "groups of thousands of people living in appalling conditions, surviving in the open air under makeshift shelters, and in urgent need of food and medicine."
     In an August 6 press release, the ICRC said drinking water is in short supply, and "the risk of epidemics is on the rise." ICRC is replenishing its supplies of food, medicine and hygienic supplies in the region to respond to the growing crisis.
     The UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimated August 4 that around 200,000 people have been displaced by the conflict. Around 130,000 remain in Kosovo itself, most of them in areas where relief agencies cannot reach them.
     "It is very reminiscent of what happened in Bosnia in 1992," said UNHCR spokesperson Kris Janowski, "We are trying to get convoys going, but we cannot go into a battlefield with convoys. Plus, it is fantastically difficult to say where all these people are."
     Kosovo had a population of approximately 2 million when the conflict began. Ninety percent of the population is Albanian. Asked whether Serb forces were attempting an "ethnic cleansing" of Kosovo, Janowski replied, "that would be total lunacy.
     "Whether it is some sort of a Machiavellian policy or just the result of fighting, the outcome is the same. Big parts of the country are becoming empty of people. All that's left are emaciated animals and burning houses. There is no way that these people are going back anytime soon. They are terrified.

 THAT'S MY OPINION  -  Das ist meine Meinung:

     No concessions to Serbia
                before  a l l  demands of Contact-Group are implemented !

     Keine Zugestaendnisse an Serbien
                bevor  a l l e  Forderungen der Kontakt-Gruppe erfuellt sind !

                     Helft KOSOVA ! KOSOVA needs HELP !
STATEMENT--30 July 1998


Centre for Protection of Women and Children is getting phone calls for help every minute four days now. These calls-cries for help come from Berisha mountain, situated between the Llapushnik Valley, Malisheva and the Shtimje and Lipjan region of Kosova. 
The mountain and villages around are full of displaced people from already attacked areas such as Rahovec, Malisheve, Drenica region, Suhareka, Shtimje and Lipjan region. These areas had already internally displaced persons (IDPs) from former attacked areas. By adding the number of the local inhabitants, forced to leave their homes due to the "Operation burning land" by Serb forces, there are already over 100,000 IDPs on the mountain. Over 90 per cent of them are women, children and elderly people. They have no water, no food and no medicine. Not even roots can be found in order to feed children. This population is in danger. 
We call upon all humanitarian organizations in the world to help these people. We call upon you to urge your governments to make sure that a humanitarian corridor is opened and Serb authorities do not interrupt or confiscate humanitarian supplies for these people in need. We also ask you to support us in developing our activities as humanitarian activists. 
As heavy weaponry was being used against UCK, Serbian elite forces with paramilitary forces also shelled the places where IDPs were concentrated. The living sites are burnt to ashes and levelled to the ground. Through the calls we have, people ask for the UNICEF vehicles in order to transport the wounded children. We fear that many of them will die out of the wounds and due to the delayed humanitarian reactions. We have alarmed all the international humanitarian organizations here in Prishtine, but all of them lack free circulation, by not being allowed to move or go to the "unwanted" areas. The circle where these people are concentrated now is besieged by Serb forces and not even a fly can move without being "noticed". 
Kosova is facing its human disaster. Ethnic cleansing is being "helped" through the Operation "Burning Land". Apart from those fleeing for life out of the country, seeking refuge in Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia and Western Europe, whose number has gone to 80,000 only these four months, in Kosova itself we have already over 300,000 IDPs. Starvation is on the way. 

We call upon all of you to help us! 

Centre for Protection of Women and Children, Pristina 
Tel/Fax: 381-384-4529/381-382-9681

Zu der Zeit kamen zwei Huren zum Koenig und traten vor ihn. Und die eine Frau sprach: Ach, mein Herr, ich und diese Frau wohnten in einem Hause, und ich gebar bei ihr im Hause. Und drei Tage nachdem ich geboren hatte, gebar auch sie. Und wir waren beieinander, und kein Fremder war mit uns im Hause, nur wir beide. Und der Sohn dieser Frau starb in der Nacht; denn sie hatte ihn im Schlaf erdrueckt. Und sie stand in der Nacht auf und nahm meinen Sohn von meiner Seite, als deine Magd schlief, und legte ihn in ihren Arm, und ihren toten Sohn legte sie in meinen Arm. Und als ich des Morgens aufstand, um meinen Sohn zu stillen, siehe, da war er tot. Aber am Morgen sah ich ihn genau an, und siehe, es war nicht mein Sohn, den ich geboren hatte. Die andere Frau sprach: Nein, mein Sohn lebt, doch dein Sohn ist tot. Jene aber sprach: Nein, dein Sohn ist tot, doch mein Sohn lebt. Und so redeten sie vor dem Koenig. Und der Koenig sprach: Diese spricht: Mein Sohn lebt, doch dein Sohn ist tot. Jene spricht: Nein, dein Sohn ist tot, doch mein Sohn lebt. Und der Koenig sprach: Holt mir ein Schwert! Und als das Schwert vor den Koenig gebracht wurde, sprach der Koenig: Teilt das lebendige Kind in zwei Teile und gebt dieser die Haelfte und jener die Haelfte. Da sagte die Frau, deren Sohn lebte, zum Koenig - denn ihr muetterliches Herz entbrannte in Liebe für ihren Sohn - und sprach: Ach, mein Herr, gebt ihr das Kind lebendig und toetet es nicht! Jene aber sprach: Es sei weder mein noch dein; laßt es teilen! Da antwortete der Koenig und sprach: Gebt dieser das Kind lebendig und toetet's nicht; die ist seine Mutter. Und ganz Israel hoerte von dem Urteil, das der Koenig gefaellt hatte, und sie fuerchteten den Koenig; denn sie sahen, daß die Weisheit Gottes in ihm war, Gericht zu halten.
1. Koenige 3, 16-28
Luther-Bibel 1984

Then came there two women, [that were] harlots, unto the king, and stood before him. And the one woman said, O my lord, I and this woman dwell in one house; and I was delivered of a child with her in the house. And it came to pass the third day after that I was delivered, that this woman was delivered also: and we [were] together; [there was] no stranger with us in the house, save we two in the house. And this woman's child died in the night; because she overlaid it. And she arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while thine handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead: but when I had considered it in the morning, behold, it was not my son, which I did bear. And the other woman said, Nay; but the living [is] my son, and the dead [is] thy son. And this said, No; but the dead [is] thy son, and the living [is] my son. Thus they spake before the king. Then said the king, The one saith, This [is] my son that liveth, and thy son [is] the dead: and the other saith, Nay; but thy son [is] the dead, and my son [is] the living. And the king said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a sword before the king. And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other. Then spake the woman whose the living child [was] unto the king, for her bowels yearned upon her son, and she said, O my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it. But the other said, Let it be neither mine nor thine, [but] divide [it]. Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she [is] the mother thereof. And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the wisdom of God [was] in him, to do judgment.

Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
Was koennte der Wille Gottes sein in Bezug auf "Jugoslawien" - Serbien und Kosova ?
      What will be the Will of God considering "Yugoslavia" - Serbia and Kosova ?

wplarre@dillingen.baynet.de     Mail senden

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