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    International Federation of Red Cross 
      and Red Crescent Societies

UNHCR:  how to make a donation for Kosovo
HELP ICRC  [ ICRC - International Comitee of the Red Cross ]
  Asyl in der Kirche e.V. Berlin 
  c/o Kirche Zum Heiligen Kreuz 
  Zossener Str. 65, D-10961 Berlin 
Telefon:   Büro:+30/6929581    Pfarrer Quandt:  +30/6929581   Fax: +30/6934810 
BITTE um Hilfe für ein krebskrankes Kind aus dem Kosovo   |    Ein aktueller Fall 

NEW on April 15th 1999:   mail from Skopje
                                             Humanitarian Organisation Mother Teresa

Internetseite, "auf der wir Spendenorganisationen aufführen, zu Spenden aufrufen und vor allem, die Menschen wachrütteln möchten." (Tuna Yildiz)
Wollen Sie den Menschen in Kosova helfen ??    <-------
Betreff: kein Betreff
Datum: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:31:11 +0200
   Von: (HELP! international e. V.)

Lünen, den 23. April 1999


Schulze vom Balkan zurück - Hilfe für Kosovo-Vertriebene

Der Sprecher des Flüchtlingsrates Nordrhein-Westfalen und
Geschäftsführer von HELP! international e. V., Andreas Schulze, ist von
einer Hilfsaktion vom Balkan nach Lünen zurückgekehrt. Zwei weitere
ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter aus Bosnien-Herzegowina werden noch in dieser
Woche in Deutschland erwartet.

Geholfen wurde in Bosnien-Herzegowina in einem Zeltlager mit ca. 1.400
Vertriebenen aus dem Kosovo. „Die internationale Hilfe konzentriert sich
auf die humanitäre Katastrophe in Makedonien und Albanien. Aber auch in
dem vom Krieg gezeichneten Bosnien-Herzegowina sind bislang ca. 32.000
Vertriebene aus dem Kosovo angekommen, täglich werden es mehr.",
beschreibt Schulze die Situation. „Leider erhalten die Vertriebenen dort
kaum Unterstützung durch internationale Organisationen. Deshalb wollen
wir auch weiterhin nach Kräften in dem Lager bei Sarajevo helfen."

Dafür ruft HELP! international wieder zu Spenden auf das Konto Nr. 2634
bei der Sparkasse Lünen (Bankleitzahl: 441 523 70) mit dem Stichwort
„KOSOVO" auf.
„Wenn viele Menschen einen kleinen Beitrag leisten, dann können wir
schon sehr bald die nächste Hilfsaktion für die Menschen aus dem Kosovo
durchführen.", appelliert auch Schatzmeister Kadri Gavazi, selbst
Flüchtling aus dem Kosovo, an die Spendenbereitschaft der Deutschen.

HELP! international e. V. lädt außerdem alle Interessierten zu einer
Informationsveranstaltung über die Situation auf dem Balkan unter dem
Titel „Bosnien - Kosovo und kein Ende" am Montag, dem 26. April 1999 ab
19.00 Uhr indie Aula der Volkshochschule Lünen, Cappenberger Str. 34 in
Lünen ein.

V.  i. S. d. P.:

gez. Sali Berisha               gez. Andreas Schulze
Vorsitzender                    Geschäftsführer
HELP! international e. V.
Postfach 6340, D - 44520 Lünen
Tel. 02306 / 25 010    Fax 02306 / 25 011
April 8, 1999  (aus dem Englischen übersetzt)


Wir, S.A.F.T., unternehmen zur Zeit die größten Anstrengungen um einen neuen Transport an Lebensmitteln und Materialien zu schicken.
Kennen Sie jemanden, der unsere Bemühungen unterstützen kann?
Wir benötigen  35 000 Schwedische Kronen und haben bisher erst  3 000, uns fehlt also noch eine ganze Menge.

Der Transport ist wie üblich mit der Garantie, daß er zur Verteilung an die Flüchtlinge gelangt. Er wird vermutlich 45 Kubikmeter, vielleicht 90 Kubikmeter umfassen.


Nordbanken, Sweden, account no. 488 71 83-4
A.Wessman, Swedish-Albanian FriendshipTies
Meldung vom 09.04.1999 16:06
Spendenliste für Kosovo-Flüchtlinge
Stuttgart (AP)

Zahlreiche Organisationen in Deutschland haben inzwischen Spendenkonten für die Vertriebenen aus dem Kosovo eingerichtet. Die folgende Auflistung hat der Südwestrundfunk (SWR) zusammengestellt und im Internet unter veröffentlicht. 

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V. 
Stichwort «Kosovoflüchtlinge» 
Spendenkonto: 33 66 66, BLZ: 370 205 00, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft 

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.
Stichwort «Kosovo»
Spendenkonto: 97 0 97, BLZ: 380 500 00, Sparkasse Bonn 

Cap Anamur 
Stichwort «Opfer» 
Spendenkonto: 22 22 222, BLZ: 370 501 98, Stadtsparkasse Köln 

CARE Deutschland 
Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 44 040, BLZ: 380 500 00, Sparkasse Bonn 

Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 202753, BLZ: 66010075, Postbank Karlsruhe 

Deutsche Humanitäre Stiftung 
Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 11 04, BLZ: 543 500 10, Stadtsparkasse Zweibrücken 

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz 
Stichwort «Kosovo-Flüchtlinge» 
Spendenkonto: 41 41 41, BLZ: 370 205 00, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln 

Diakonisches Werk 
Stichwort «Kosovo-Konflikt» 
Spendenkonto: 502707, BLZ: 60010070, Postbank Stuttgart 

Aktion «Hessen hilft» e. V. 
Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 777 1 777, Commerzbank Frankfurt/Main 

Humanitarian Cargo Carriers Berlin 
Kennwort: «Ein Ziegelstein für Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 164 34 27772, BLZ: 100 500 00, Berliner Sparkasse 

Die Johanniter 
Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 88 88, BLZ: 370 205 00, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Köln 

Kolpingwerk Stiftung 
Stichwort «Albanien» 
Spendenkonto: 147 770, BLZ: 720 903 00, Liga Bank Augsburg 

Malteser Hilfsdienst 
Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 120 120 120, BLZ: 370 700 60, Deutsche Bank Köln 

Medikamentenhilfsprojekt Hamburger Klinikärzte e. V.
Stichwort: «Hamburg hilft Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 300 301, BLZ 200 300 00, Vereins- und Westbank 

Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 300 000, BLZ: 370 501 98, Stadtsparkasse Köln 

Stichwort «Kosovo» 
Spendenkonto: 2000 2002, BLZ: 380 500 00, Sparkasse Bonn 

Verein Flüchtlinge und Wir 
Stichwort «Hilfe für Kosova» 
Spendenkonto: 17825008, BLZ 603913 10, Volksbank Herrenberg 

Albanien-Hilfe e.V. c/o Fioralba Demiraj 
04315 Leipzig, Geifllerstr.12, Tel.: 0341/23 32 945 
Spendenkonto: 1100 483 744, BLZ: 860 555 92, Sparkasse Leipzig

Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker 
Spendenkonto: 5090, Göttingen (BLZ 260 500 01) 

© HELP! international e. V., Postfach 6340 
D-44520 Lünen, Tel.: 02306 - 25 010, Fax: 02306 - 25 011 
Spendenkonto: 2634, Sparkasse Lünen (BLZ: 441 523 70)


Spenden für die Arbeit der kirchlichen Hilfsorganisationen können unter dem Stichwort «Kosovo» eingezahlt werden auf: 
Deutscher Caritasverband
Konto 202753 bei der Postbank Karlsruhe, Bankleitzahl 660 100 75

Diakonisches Werk
Konto 502 bei Banken und Sparkassen sowie 
Konto 502707 bei der Postbank Stuttgart, Bankleitzahl 600 100 70

Rotes Kreuz
Das DRK-Spendenkonto hat die Nummer 41 41 41, Stichwort "Kosovo-Flüchtlinge", bei allen Banken und Sparkassen
HELP! international e. V.
Spenden, die steuerlich geltend gemacht werden können, erbittet 
HELP! international e. V. auf das Konto Nr. 2634 bei der Sparkasse Lünen, Bankleitzahl 441 523 70. 

HELP! international e. V. 
Postfach 6340 
44520 Lünen 
Mail:     NEU !
Internet:    NEU !

-------------> Want to help the people of Kosova??    <--------------

April 8, 1999


We, S.A.F.T., are now making the biggest effort we can to send down a new transport of food and materials. 
Do you know anybody who can support our effort ?
We need 35.000 Swedish Crowns and now we have collected 3000, so we are lacking a lot.

The transport is as usual with guarantee of delivering to the refugees. It contains at least 45 cubic metre, perhaps 90 cubic metre.

Bank account 

Nordbanken, Sweden, account no. 488 71 83-4
A.Wessman, Swedish-Albanian FriendshipTies


UNHCR:  how to make a donation for Kosovo
[ ICRC - International Comitee of the Red Cross ]

The ICRC works to help protect the lives and dignity of victims
of war and internal violence and to provide them with
assistance in more than 60 countries around the world. 

Your contribution will immediately help the ICRC delegates
working in the field in favor of men, women, and children
suffering because of a conflict. 

Please make a donation to the ICRC and help us continue our

Donating to ICRC online is easy! 

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    If you'd like to donate by credit card via ICRC's secure
    server, select this option. 

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    If you would like to donate using your credit card, but you
    are behind a network firewall, then select this option. 

    Donate by Mail [ see below ]
    If you would like to donate by mail using a check, then
    select this option. 

    Volunteer Information

If you have any concerns or questions about making an online
donation, please feel free to contact us.


            TO DONATE BY MAIL

    Print out this form and send it, with your check, to: 

                19, av. de la Paix
                  1202 Geneva

I would like to help ICRC; enclosed please find my check in
the amount of $_____________. 

I am especially interested in helping ICRC to:

O   assist the victims of the Kosovo crisis

O   provide relief for the worsening situation in Angola

O   increase the emergency response in Sudan

O   improve the lives of landmine victims

O   establish and maintain contact between members of a
      family separated as a result of the conflict

Name: ______________________________________ 

Address: ____________________________________ 

City: ____________________________ State: _________ 

ZIP: _____________ Country: ________________ 

Telephone: _________________________ 

E-mail Address: ___________________________ 

Comments or questions for ICRC? _______________________



remark:  I had questioned for an address to forward offers for adoptioning
                   kosov@-albanian children

Datum:         Thu, 15 Apr 1999 17:03:42 +0200
    Von:         ERA Television <>

        Dear Sir, up to now we have no information of that kind but if it comes to that we will inform you.

        Our project was primarily built to help the people that gave shelter to the refugees within their own homes,helping this way the refugees as well,making their life less miserable this way. There are more than 100.000 refugees that left Kosova and found shelter in Macedonia, from which aprox. 60.000 people are staying in camps while the rest of them are Mostly sheltered in the houses of their Albanian brothers that live in the neighbouring Macedonia. Our concern is with these people that do have shelter but have not received any kind of help at all. Here, we're talking about people that came in with the clothes that they wore when they had to run , with no money and nothing but their souls that they could save.You have all seen picture of what is actually going on here, and you do understand the need of these people to be helped.

        We have started colecting information about the sheltered refugees and we came up to the number of 10.000 people that at this point desperatly need help.We have started handing aid that consists of food,clothes but we can't actually do much with what we've gathered by now, meaning that any help that you or anyone could give is more than just welcome.

        The things that these people need is: Primarily food (That means flour,sugar oil,all sort of cans etc.),clothes,blankets,matresess and any of the basic things for surviving, especially anything that could help the children.

        We appritiate your concern ,thank you a lot and we apologise if there is any mistake in our English

With best wishes 
Humanitarian Organisation Mother Teresa 
God Bless you and take care


A p p e a l  !!!
During the last period, one of the most diffucult days of the history of albanian nation in Kosova are evolving, but hese are also very hard days for albanian people all around the world, who are deep in their souls feeling tha anguish and terror of their brother from Kosova.

 In these hard days, like never before the albanians in all meridians of the world should be conciouss of their brothers golgothe and these are moments when all of us should show ur humanity, solidarty and to give our hand to those who are experiencing a fashist serb terror lead by the war criminal Millosheviq. 

 More than 1.000.000 albanians of all region of Kosova are forced out of their great grand parents houses, more than 600.000 of them, mostly children, women and elderly people have left their land Kosova and gone to Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro, wich are all europian countries with almost the lowest economical standard. 

 Most of these people especially in Macedonia are taken in the houses of their colsed ones and the houses of their relatives, families which till very soon have hardly been able to secure their one economical standard of living In these moments, in Macedonia, these people that have left their house by force abd not by their own will, are being helped by families that are welcoming warmly these people in their house, families that are being helped only by humanitarian organization. The help that was so much and often announced by the goverment and other countries, is not coming through or it is very slow. 

 Therefore, because of the enormous exodus of refugees and also because of all the above mentioned, very soon all these people might star knocing in the doors of humanitarian catastrophe. 

 Because of this, we invite all those who can, in these moments, to show their highest virtue of humanity and help in any way the refugees rom Kosova and the families wich have welcomed these people. 

 Humanitarian organization, permanently and sistematically are performing  their important task, wich is to give shelter and help to this people. 

 Honoured friends, you can also help with your various donations, to overcome this humanitarian catastrophe of you brothers. 

 Now or never, we must show our humanity and love of human kind.
 Even small contribute would help to save a life of newborn.

The Humanitarian Organization " Mother Teresa " is one of the organizations which are functioning in Macedonia, and wich has the name of symbol of humanity for all people around the world, that is the name of the greatest humanist of the mandkind history, Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, know in the world as Mother Teresa - a nobelist who was always close to those who were having the hardest days in their lives. She was where the pain was. 

 Our organization is trying to help refugees and the host families, in these hard moments with an un-tiring work of all volonteer activists. 

 In these moments we are also trying to serve as a link between those who are experiencing the hardest days of their lives and the people who are compassionate with hurt and who with their own contributions are trying to at least a little bit , soften their sorrowed hearts and this humanitarian catastrophe and to encourage them that someone in this world is thinking of them. 

We thank all you, in the behalf of those who in these days have their eyes and hands directed towards the only direction - towards the Humanitarian Organization. 

Humanitarian Organization " Mother Tereza " 
Skopje, Macedonia

KHAO - Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization

P.O. Box 37 ,  Midway City,  California  92655-9998    U.S.A. 
Tel:   (714) 892-7283            Fax:    (714) 898-0740 
E-mail:    kosova@jps.net

Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Macedonia: (091) 365-129 & (091) 365-137, E-mail:
Kosova: 381-38-31-697 & 381-38-48-344
Tirana: 355 42 34669, E-mail:

Mercy International
United States: Phone: 1-800-556-3729

Muslim Aid Australia
Australia: Phone: (+61 2) 9740 4088

Halveti-Jerrahi Mosque of Dervishes
United States: Phone: 1-914-352 5518 ë 1-914-356-4770

    International Federation of Red Cross 
      and Red Crescent Societies 


JOIN the ACTION: Project "Child to child"

I have the pleasure to inform you that our Aid Action " Children to Children", with New Year Gifts was succesfully done. The children in Skenderaj in Drenica region was very happy over receving presents from the children at my school.

It was a direct solidarity action where children in a country whitout no war was helping other children in a country with war.  Specially during these times when lots of children around the world are getting Christmas or New Year presents ( as in Kosova there Baba Dimer is coming at the New Years Eve ) it is important that cildren are reminded that not every child are having it so good as the rich non-war world child. Thereby they will learn that it is importent to share of our wealth to they who need it badly.

The children who has been sending the gifts are in the age from six to twelve and is studying at Dalabergsskolan (=the school of Dalaberg) in Uddevalla, Sweden. They, 360 pupils, were giving away more than 470 presents to the children in Kosova and especially to the children in Skenderaj, e-mail adress :


Our chairman who was with the Aid Transport told us that the children were as happy they could be. One orphan was giving him his only toy to him, a stone that he had in his pocket, as a thanks for the gift.

The organisation of Mother Theresa in Prishtina has been sending their thanks for the toys, the blankets, cloths, bicycles, washing powder and so on.

WE, the Swedish-Albanian Friendship Ties recommend other schools and organisations to start the project "Child to child" in their town, district or country. We also recommend people around the world to start Friendship Ties Organisation with the Albanians as for example in the USA. If there is an oher organisation please contact us.

Anders Wessman
The national organisation Swedish-Albania Friendship Ties

is a non-profit org, newly established in 1998 to help provide aid
to the suffering and devastated people of Kosova.

"The Albanian Resource Center", gathers
on a daily basis, information relating to Albanians all over the world.

Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization
California, U.S.A.

Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization
P.O. Box 37
Midway City, CA 92655-9998
Phone:  (714) 892-7283
Fax:    (714) 898-0740
Betreff:     [ALBANEWS] PRESS-RELEASE: Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization (KHAO)
Datum:      Sat, 30 Jan 1999 07:30:07 -0500
    Von:      Mentor Cana <>

Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization

As humanitarians, we are outraged by yet another attempt of genocide by the Serbian government on the Albanian people in Kosova.  The Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic, along with his government, has continued the aggression towards Albanians in Kosova.

The atrocities have been so severe and continue.  With no means of defense, the Albanians are killed and tortured. They are taken from their homes only to be jailed without evidence of wrong doing and held without sentencing.  The Serbian government has dismissed over eighty percent (80%) of  the 145,000 Albanians in the work force, causing the economy to plunge. This included all Albanian doctors, leaving Serbians free to conduct unimaginable crimes on Albanian patients. They also closed courts, expelling Albanian judges of high stature.  This continues to cause unfair trials in which aggression against Albanians have avoided the trial process, no trials  in defense of Albanian victims whatsoever, and no evidence against claimed acts of Albanian terrorism besides the torture-provoked confessions. Prime media sources in the Albanian language have been shut down.  Students have been poisoned, beaten, and arrested.  Schools in all educational levels have been suspended.

The Serbs have deployed hundreds of thousands of police and army units in Kosova only to perform heinous crimes.  Entire villages have been destroyed and tens of thousands of Albanian homes have been burned and burglarized or given to other Serbs.  Harvests have been destroyed and livestock killed.  Families have been tortured and murdered, leaving no mercy even to the women, children and elderly people of Kosova.  This has sent over 350,000 Kosovars fleeing for their lives.  Currently, they are dispersed throughout forests, mountains and into neighboring countries as refugees, and can only hope of returning home.

The people of Kosova have no roofs over their heads, lack sufficient clothing, food and medical supplies.  This being the most difficult season of the year and the mountain life, the most extreme of environments, causes the Kosovars to face many hardships and loss of lives.

A person in a free world has many reasons to help those in need. Kosovars need immediate help to eliminate their suffering.

The Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization (KHAO) was formed with the purpose to join efforts with other establishments around the world in order to provide the desperately needed aid in the region and ultimately improve the people’s chance of survival.

We have delivered some medical and clothing supplies donated to our organization in December of 1998.  We need your help in acquiring more aid and transporting it to Kosova.  We are currently organizing a clinic that needs funding to treat the refugee children and perform emergency medical treatment.  We all have the capability, please help give us fuel to perform.

Please contact us with your support by any of the following ways:

    Kosova Humanitarian Aid Organization
    P.O. Box 37
    Midway City,  California  92655-9998
    Tel:         (714) 892-7283
    Fax:        (714) 898-0740

You can find out more about our organization on the web.
Our Internet address is:


     Naida Dukaj
     KHAO Project Coordinator


Dear Madam/Sir,

The conflict in Kosova is now turning to a full scale war. More than 1/3 of the territory of Kosova is involved in war operations. Many civilians are being killed every day, entire villages are being burnt. The regions that are being attacked by Serbian aggressors are  in a total blockade. There is a lack of food and medicines and there is a risk of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Another category of  people who need help are students from attacked areas who study in Prishtina and that either can not get back to their homes or don't have where to go because their houses are ruined and/or burnt . They have ran out of money and need financial help or a place to stay. During last three months the SIUUP has helped thousands of these students financially and has distributed tickets for free meal in restaurants of Prishtina. But in the meantime the SIUUP has also ran out of its funds.

We appeal for any kind of help you can offer.  We also appeal to you to urge your Government to make pressure on Belgrade regime to let the humanitarian aid get to endangered regions.

Bujar Dugolli

e-mail:   Tel&Fax: ++381 38 533 843
 * >> Students' Protests in Kosova:  << *
 * >> University of Prishtina page:   << *


Abschiebungen - Deportations
Namensliste  ==>  Einzelheiten  /  list of names  ==>  details

from CDHRFPristinë :

aus den Weekly Reports  6. Juli 1997  bis  12. Juli 1998  von KMDLNJ/CDHRF Pristina

Berichte über Rückkehrer nach Kosova und
über Suche nach im Ausland lebenden Familienmitgliedern

aus Informationen des Kosova Information Center (KIC) Prishtinë in seinen

zusammengestellt von Wolfgang Plarre

Abschiebungen aus Wertingen  - deportations out from Wertingen

Namensliste  ==>  Einzelheiten  /  list of names  ==>  details

Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents

Seite geändert am 30.8.1999


Dillinger Straße 41
86637 Wertingen
Telefon       08272 - 98974
Fax            08272 - 98975