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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 9. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 9, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1577

         Die Bibel sagt  -  The Bible says
If available you find on this page  -  Soweit verfügbar finden Sie auf dieser Seite  

Offene Fragen:

     Ein ethisches
           Ein juristisches
                 Ein politisches Problem ?

                        Wenn sich jemand nicht an seine Zusagen,
                                an getroffenes Vereinbarungen,
                                an geschlossene Verträge,
                                an Gesetze hält,
                        kann der dann von anderen die Einhaltung genau
                                dieser Absprachen und Regelungen einfordern ?
                        ist der - sind die - Vertragspartner
                                dann noch an ihr Wort gebunden ?

Open questions:

     An ethical
           A juridical
                 A political problem ?

             If someone keeps not his promises,
                    incured agreements,
             can this one call in from others to keep
                    even these agreements and arrangements ?
             is the - are the - partner of contract
                    in theses circumstances liable to keep his - their - word ?

1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 19:11  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E43C5.NL1/
Schröder unterstützt Clinton und rechnet mit Aktivierungsbefehl
Washington (dpa) - Der künftige sozialdemokratische deutsche Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder hat keine Einwände gegen den Aktivierungsbefehl der USA im Kosovo-Konflikt. Er rechne auch mit einer entsprechenden Billigung der scheidenden deutschen Regierung am Montag, sagte Schröder zu Beginn des Treffens mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton am Freitag im Weißen Haus in Washington.
     Clinton hob hervor, daß Schröder den Aktivierungsbefehl für einen möglichen NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo unterstützt. «Darauf kommt es heute an». Er habe Verständnis für die politische Übergangssituation in Deutschland. Es sei wichtig, daß die NATO ihre Einsatzbereitschaft im Kosovo-Konflikt beweise, bekräftigte Clinton.
     Der US-Präsident machte deutlich, daß er sich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Schröder freut. An den jahrzehntealten guten Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Deutschland werde sich nichts ändern. Er habe sehr interessiert die Themen aus Schröders Wahlkampf verfolgt, weil sie dem entsprochen hätten, was er auch wichtig finde.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 18:57 http://seite1.web.de/show/361E405F.NL1/
Ärzte ohne Grenzen beklagen Verfolgung und Mord an Mitarbeiter
Frankfurt am Main (dpa) - Die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen hat über Verfolgungen ihrer Mitarbeiter in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo berichtet. Ein albanischer Mitarbeiter sei gefoltert und ermordet worden, sagte die Geschäftsführerin der deutschen Sektion von Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Ulrike von Pilar, am Freitag im Hessischen Rundfunk. Nur massive internationale Präsenz im Kosovo könne noch Hilfe für die vertriebenen Menschen sicherstellen.
     In Anbetracht der sich zuspitzenden Lage im Kosovo habe die humanitäre Organisation am Donnerstag ihre Arbeit im Krisengebiet eingestellt, sagte von Pilar im Hörfunkprogramm hr1-plus-Aktuell. Ärzte ohne Grenzen versorgte bislang mit mobilen medizinischen Teams die in die Berge und Wälder vertriebenen Kosovo-Albaner.
     Unter diesen schätzungsweise 50 000 Menschen befänden sich sehr viele Schwangere und Familien mit Kindern, sagte von Pilar. Nur wenn internationale Truppen die verängstigten Flüchtlinge schützen, gäbe es eine Chance, daß sie den Winter überleben.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 18:23  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E386B.NL1/
Schröder sichert Clinton Unterstützung in Kosovo-Frage zu
Washington (dpa) - Im Schatten der Kosovo-Krise ist der künftige deutsche Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder am Freitag von US-Präsident Bill Clinton in Washington empfangen worden.
     Bei dem Gespräch mit anschließendem Arbeitsessen im Weißen Haus versicherte Schröder dem Präsidenten, daß die neue rot-grüne Koaliton in der Kosovo-Frage genauso entschieden gegenüber Jugoslawien auftreten werde wie die bisherige Regierung.
     «Wir werden alles unterstützen, was getan werden muß, um zu erreichen, daß die UN-Resolutionen erfüllt werden», wolle er dem Präsidenten sagen, teilte Schröder vor der Begegnung mit.
     Er verwies darauf, daß die Entscheidungen noch von der amtierenden Regierung von Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl getroffen werden müßten. Mit ihr würden die nötigen Gespräche geführt, und nicht auf offenem Markt.
     «Das gebietet der Respekt vor dem Bundeskanzler», und sei auch ein Ausdruck der politischen Kultur in Deutschland. Die deutsche Regierung wird am Montag auf einer Sondersitzung darüber entscheiden und einem NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo wahrscheinlich formell zustimmen, aber die Beteiligung der bereitgestellten 14 deutschen Tornado-Flugzeuge zunächst offenhalten.
     An dem Treffen im Weißen Haus nahm auch der voraussichtliche Außenminister Joschka Fischer von den Grünen teil. Neben Kosovo galten die künftigen deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen und die Krise an den Finanzmärkten als weitere Themen.
     Schröder war zum Auftakt seines Blitzbesuchs mit Weltbankpräsident James Wolfensohn zusammengetroffen. Über Zinssenkungen zur Ankurbelung der Weltwirtschaft sei dort nicht gesprochen worden, sagte der designierte Kanzler.
     Er wolle sich aus Respekt vor der Unabhängigkeit der Bundesbank dazu ohnehin nicht äußern. Er habe den Eindruck gewonnen, «daß die Erwartungen an die neue Bundesregierung ganz schön hoch sind». Er sei guten Mutes, sie erfüllen zu können.
     Zur Delegation Schröders, die erst Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit) eingetroffen war, gehören neben Fischer der sozialdemokratische Außenpolitiker Günter Verheugen sowie Ludger Volmer von den Grünen. Sie wollten Washington noch am Freitag wieder in Richtung Bonn verlassen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 17:32  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E2CA3.NL1/
Milosevic spricht von positiven Entwicklungen im Kosovo
Belgrad (dpa) - Der jugoslawische Präsident Slobodan Milosevic hat am Freitag von einer «positiven Entwicklung» hin zu einem Frieden in der südserbischen Krisenprovinz Kosovo gesprochen.
     Diese Entwicklung der Situation werde sich gegen «kriegstreiberische» Tendenzen durchsetzen, sagte Milosevic. Damit spielte er auf die Vorbereitungen für eine eventuelle Militäraktion der NATO an.
     Milosevic äußerte sich nach Angaben seines Büros im Gespräch mit dem US-Sonderbeauftragten für das Kosovo, Richard Holbrooke. Das Treffen wurde am späten Nachmittag unterbrochen und sollte im Laufe des Abends in Belgrad fortgesetzt werden, wie der Sender B 92 (Belgrad) berichtete.
     Holbrooke bezeichnete vor dem Gespräch die Lage im Kosovo als weiterhin äußerst ernst. Die NATO intensiviere ihre Vorbereitungen für ein mögliches Eingreifen, sagte er.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 17:24  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E2AA9.NL1/
Schröder: Rot-grün unterstützt alles, was im Kosovo nötig ist
Washington (dpa) - Die künftige rot-grüne deutsche Regierung wird in der Kosovo-Frage gegenüber Jugoslawien genauso entschieden auftreten wie die bisherige Regierung. Das sagte der designierte Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder von den Sozialdemokraten (SPD) am Freitag in Washington vor einem Gespräch mit US-Präsident Bill Clinton.
     «Wir werden alles unterstützen, was getan werden muß um zu erreichen, daß die UNO-Resolutionen erfüllt werden», sagte Schröder. Dies werde er auch Clinton sagen, mit dem er anschließend gemeinsam mit dem künftigen Außenminister Joschka Fischer von den Grünen zusammentraf.
     Er verwies darauf, daß die Entscheidungen noch von der amtierenden Regierung von Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl getroffen werden müßten. Mit ihr würden die nötigen Gespräche geführt, und nicht auf offenem Markt. «Das gebietet der Respekt vor dem Bundeskanzler», und sei auch ein Ausdruck der politischen Kultur in Deutschland.
     Schröder war zuvor mit Weltbankpräsident James Wolfensohn zusammengetroffen. Über Zinssenkungen zur Ankurbelung der Weltwirtschaft sei dort nicht gesprochen worden, sagte Schröder. Er wolle sich dazu aus Respekt vor der Unabhängigkeit der deutschen Notenbank ohnehin nicht äußern. Er habe den Eindruck gewonnen, «daß die Erwartungen an die neue Bundesregierung ganz schön hoch sind». Er sei jedoch guten Mutes, sie erfüllen zu können.
     Zur Delegation Schröders gehören neben Fischer der SPD-Außenpolitiker Günter Verheugen sowie Ludger Volmer von den Grünen. Sie werden Washington noch am Freitag wieder in Richtung Bonn verlassen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 16:39  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E202B.NL1/
NATO-Einsatzbefehl wahrscheinlich - Vorerst keine deutschen Tornados
London/Brüssel/Bonn (dpa) - Für den für einen Luftschlag gegen serbische Ziele notwendigen Einsatzbefehl der NATO zeichnete sich am Freitag das Einverständis aller Bündnisländer ab.
     Die sechs Staaten der Kontaktgruppe warnten in London den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic vor schwerwiegenden Folgen, falls die Gewalt in der südserbischen Provinz Kosovo nicht «in wenigen Tagen» beendet wird. Rußland erneuerte seine Ablehnung eines Militärschlag.
     Mit dem Befehl, der durch den NATO-Rat erteilt werden muß, geht die Entscheidung über den Zeitpunkt einer Militäraktion gegen Jugoslawien auf den NATO-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, General Wesley Clark, über. Sollte der am Freitag begonnene vierte Vermittlungsversuch des US-Sondergesandten Richard Holbrooke in Belgrad scheitern, wird mit einem Beschluß des NATO-Rates zum Aktivierungsbefehl in den nächsten Tagen gerechnet.
     Die deutsche Regierung wird an diesem Montag wahrscheinlich formell deim Einsatz zustimmen, aber die Beteiligung der bereitgestellten 14 deutschen Tornado-Flugzeuge zunächst offenhalten. In Bonn bestätigte ein Regierungssprecher, daß eine Sondersitzung des scheidenden Kabinetts unter Kanzler Helmut Kohl für Montag einberufen worden sei.
     Bei den Beratungen geht es um die Bestätigung der sogenannten «activation order» (Aktivierungsbefehl) des Bündnisses. Da der NATO-Rat im Konsens (Einstimmigkeit) handelt, bedarf es einer raschen Zustimmung. Der Verfassung zufolge ist dafür ein Kabinettsbeschluß erforderlich.
     Nach Informationen aus Bonn wird das Kabinett - offenbar im Einvernehmen mit der Führungsspitze der künftigen Regierung aus Sozialdemokraten und der Öko-Partei Bündnis 90/die Grünen - dem Aktivierungsbefehl grundsätzlich zustimmen.
     Auch nach dem angekündigten Rücktritt von Regierungschef Romano Prodi gibt es offenbar eine Mehrheit im italienischen Parlament für eine Beteiligung an einem NATO-Einsatz. In NATO-Kreisen war man auch zuversichtlich, die noch zögernden Griechen überzeugen zu können.
     Die USA und Großbritannien verschärften ihre Drohung mit einem Militärschlag. Der britische Außenminister Robin Cook sagte nach einer Krisensitzung der Kontaktgruppe für das ehemalige Jugoslawien in London, die Vorbereitungen der NATO auf einen Militärschlag würden ungehindert fortgesetzt. Holbrooke bezeichnete in Belgrad die Lage im Kosovo als weiterhin «äußerst ernst».
     US-Präsident Bill Clinton unterzeichnete eine Aktivierungsanordnung für die US-Streitkräfte, die für einen Einsatz gegen serbische Ziele notwendig ist. Die USA stellen nach Angaben aus dem Verteidigungsministerium fast 260 Flugzeuge bereit. Darunter sind die schwer vom gegnerischen Radar aufzuspürenden Tarnkappenbomber B-2 und Kampfflugzeuge vom Typ F-117.
     Rußlands Präsident Boris Jelzin forderte am Freitag noch einmal eine politische Lösung des Kosovo-Konfliktes. «Wir müssen einen politischen friedlichen Verhandlungsweg durchsetzen ohne eine militärische Lösung», sagte Jelzin bei einem Treffen mit Verteidigungsminister Igor Sergejew.
     Außenminister Igor Iwanow sagte, die Rußland unterstütze die Entsendung multinationaler Truppen in den Kosovo, die die Einhaltung einer künftigen Einigung sicherstellen sollten. Dabei solle auch Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) eine Rolle spielen.
     NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana erklärte nach einem Treffen des NATO-Rußland-Rates in Brüssel, es hätten sich gemeinsame Positionen gezeigt. Die NATO und Rußland wollten eine politische Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts und eine Erfüllung der UNO-Resolution 1199 vom 23. September. Sie sieht unter anderem ein Ende der Gewalt und den Rückzug der serbischen Truppen aus der Provinz vor.«Die Beziehung zwischen der NATO und Rußland ist fundamental», hob Solana hervor.
     Der kosovo-albanische Führer Ibrahim Rugova hat am Freitag in Pristina die internationale Gemeinschaft erneut aufgefordert, sich für den Schutz der Bevölkerung der südserbischen Provinz zu engagieren.
     Zu den von der NATO erwogenen Luftangriffen auf jugoslawische Militärziele erklärte der Politiker auf seiner wöchentlichen Pressekonferenz: «Ich betrachte dies nicht als Intervention, sondern als eine Anstrengung, um die Bevölkerung des Kosovo zu retten.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 15:34  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E10D9.NL1/
Spanien will sich an Militärschlag in der Kosovo-Krise beteiligen
Madrid (dpa) - Die spanische Regierung hat am Freitag die Beteiligung des Landes an einem eventuellen Militärschlag der NATO in der Kosovo-Krise gebilligt. Die Anwendung von Gewalt dürfe aber nur das allerletzte Mittel sein, betonte Regierungssprecher Josep Pique vor Journalisten in Madrid. Mit der Entscheidung wolle Spanien die gegenwärtigen diplomatischen Anstrengungen unterstützen.
     Als Voraussetzungen für ein militärisches Eingreifen nannte Pique das Scheitern aller Vermittlungsversuche, die weitere Zuspitzung der humanitären Lage im Kosovo und ein deutlicher Konsens der Bündnispartner. Die NATO hat Spanien nach Presseberichten gebeten, vier Kampfbomber vom Typ F-18 und ein Herkules-C-130-Tankflugzeug bereitzustellen.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 15:30  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E100A.NL1/
Solana: NATO und Rußland haben Gemeinsamkeiten im Kosovo-Konflikt
Brüssel (dpa) - Die NATO und Rußland fordern von Jugoslawiens Präsident Slobodan Milosevic die Erfüllung der jüngsten Kosovo-Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates. Das sagte Generalsekretär Javier Solana nach einem Treffen des NATO-Rußland-Rates in Brüssel dem Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehen (ZDF).
     Es hätten sich gemeinsame Positionen gezeigt. Die NATO und Rußland wollen nach seinen Angaben eine politische Lösung des Kosovo-Konflikts und eine Erfüllung der UNO-Resolution 1199 vom 23. September. «Die Beziehung zwischen der NATO und Rußland ist fundamental», hob Solana hervor.
     Wie im Hauptquartier weiter verlautete, sprach der russische Botschafter bei der Allianz, Sergej Kisljak, dem Bündnis erneut das Recht auf einen Militärschlag ab. Die NATO-Botschafter hätten ihm hingegen klar gemacht, daß die Allianz sich das Recht auf Luftangriffe vorbehalte. Eine humanitäre Katastrophe im Kosovo müsse verhindert werden.
     «Erst die glaubhafte Drohung der NATO mit Gewalt hat in den vergangenen Tagen leichte Besserungen im Kosovo gebracht», sagte ein hoher NATO-Beamter, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte. Die NATO-Botschafter hätten die Hoffnung ausgesprochen, die Beziehung zu Rußland nehme wegen der Kosovo-Krise keinen Schaden.
     Die Vorbereitungen des Bündnisses für Luftschläge gegen serbische Ziele sind weitgehend abgeschlossen. Für eine Militäraktion fehlt nur noch der sogenannte Aktivierungsbefehl, der die Truppenkontingente der Bündnispartner dem NATO-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, General Wesley Clark, unterstellt.
     Sollte der mittlerweile vierte Vermittlungsversuch des US-Sondergesandten Richard Holbrooke scheitern, wird mit einem Beschluß des Nato-Rates zum Aktivierungsbefehl in den nächsten Tagen gerechnet.
© dpa
Meldung vom 09.10.1998 15:25  http://seite1.web.de/show/361E0EDA.NL1/
Kabinett berät am Montag in Sondersitzung über Kosovo-Einsatz
Bonn (dpa) - Die amtierende deutsche Regierung will an diesem Montag eine wichtige Vorentscheidung für die Teilnahme ihrer Streitkräfte an einem NATO-Einsatz im Kosovo herbeiführen. Ein Regierungssprecher bestätigte am Freitag, daß eine Sondersitzung des Kabinetts für den Nachmittag (14.00 Uhr) einberufen worden ist.
     Beobachter gingen davon aus, daß die Sondersitzung in Absprache mit der Führungsspitze der Sozialdemokraten und der Grünen stattfindet. Beide Parteien bilden nach den Parlamentswahlen demnächst die neue Regierung.
     Wichtigster Beratungspunkt der Kabinettssitzung ist die Bestätigung der sogenannten «activation order» (Aktivierungsbefehl) des Bündnisses. Mit diesem Befehl, der durch den NATO-Rat erteilt werden muß, geht die Entscheidung über den Zeitpunkt einer Militäraktion gegen Jugoslawien auf das NATO-Oberkommando über.
     Wie zu erfahren war, dürfte das Kabinett diesem Aktivierungsbefehl zustimmen, dabei aber zunächst eine deutsche Militärbeteiligung offen lassen. Damit entfiele die Notwendigkeit, das bisherige Parlament zu einer Sondersitzung einzuberufen.
© dpa
weitere Meldungen  ==>  Teil 2
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
Kaum zu glauben:
  s o  handelt das Land
Oktoberfestes !
dpa- Meldung vom 02.10.1998 11:16  http://seite1.web.de/show/36149A07.NL1/ 

    Bayern wollte Kosovo-Albaner per Flugzeug via Schweiz abschieben 

Bern (dpa) - Nach Inkrafttreten des Landeverbots für die jugoslawische Fluggesellschaft JAT in Deutschland versuchen die Behörden des Bundeslandes Bayern nun, abgewiesene Asylbewerber aus dem Kosovo via Schweiz abzuschieben. Das erklärten Vertreter der Schweizer Flüchtlings-Bewegung am Freitag in Bern. 
     Ein erster Abschiebungs-Versuch scheiterte nach den Angaben der Flüchtlingshilfe am 21. September - allerdings nicht an den Schweizer Behörden. Ein jugoslawischer Staatsangehöriger sei von Frankfurt über Zürich mit der JAT nach Belgrad geflogen worden, wo ihn die jugoslawischen Behörden aber zurückwiesen. 
     Die Schweiz hatte sich dem vor vier Wochen von der EU beschlossenen Landeverbot für die JAT nicht angeschlossen. Sie fliegt immer noch einmal täglich ab Zürich. 
     Zur Begründung hieß es, selbst die EU-Länder wollten sich nicht alle an das Verbot halten. Belgrad akzeptiert keine abgeschobenen Asylbewerber, die auf dem Landweg nach Jugoslawien gebracht werden. 
     Das bayerische Innenministerium soll sich in der Schweiz nach Angaben der Flüchtlings-Bewegung eingehend über Möglichkeiten informiert haben, in Zukunft Kosovo-Albaner mit Maschinen der Fluggesellschaft JAT von Zürich nach Belgrad zu bringen. 
     Der bayerische Versuch, das JAT-Embargo zu umgehen, zeige, daß der Schweizer Alleingang hochproblematisch sei, erklärte der Zentralsekretär der Schweizerischen Flüchtlingshilfe, Markus Loosli. 
     Die Nationalrätin Vreni Müller-Hemmi aus Zürich richtete in der Sache eine Dringliche Einfache Anfrage an den Schweizer Bundesrat. Darin fordert sie die Landesregierung unter anderem zu einer Erklärung darüber auf, warum die Schweiz ein einzelnes deutsches Bundesland dabei unterstütze, einen Entscheid der gesamtdeutschen Regierung zu unterwandern. 
     Das Außenministerium nannte dagegen die Schweizer Haltung zum Milosevic-Regime «sehr kritisch». Ministeriums-Sprecher Livio Zanolari verwies auf die Schweizer Sanktionen gegen Belgrad, die von der Regierung am Montag weiter verschärft worden waren. Er ließ erkennen, daß man in Bern erneut über eine Teilnahme an dem EU-JAT- Embargo nachdenken wolle. 
© dpa
Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
......... Augsburger Allgemeine 12.9.1998
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !
Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

Postkarten schreiben ! -  Write postcards !

4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News:Kosova Daily Report #1577
Datum:         Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:53:44 +0200
    Von:         Edmond Hajrullaaga <edihaga@EUnet.yu>
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 9 October 1998

President Rugova's Press Conference
A NATO intervention should be seen as a move to protect the people of Kosova, pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN, Rugova said

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova told a press conference in Prishtina today the situation in Kosova continued to be grave and dangerous. Serb military and police forces have continued their action against villages in Malisheva, Drenica and Mitrovica. "Thousands of Albanians live up in the hills, exposed to the elements", Rugova said, referring to reports that there have already occurred cases of people dying of low temperatures, especially children. The slain and mutilated bodies of scores of people - mostly elderly, women, and children - have been found in the past several days, he added, speaking about the consequences of Serb offensives in Kosova. The Serb regime campaign of violence and repression against Albanians has continued, with arrests and trials of hundreds of people for political reasons, Ibrahim Rugova stressed.
The Kosova President told reporters Serb forces have not withdrawn from Kosova. "On the contrary, fresh troops have been sent in from Serbia, and others have only been repositioned."
The best solution for Kosova is for it to be an independent country, with all guarantees for local Serbs and an interim stage international protectoarata, Dr. Rugova reiterated his well-known line. "Kosova was an associate member of a state that has ceased to exist, that is ex-Yugoslavia. Therefore, just like the other republics, Kosova has the right to be independent", President Rugova said. He pointed out that Kosova has been "an occupied state since 1990", whereas it has been under unrelenting Serbian aggression since March 1998. "Kosova's independence would stabilize the entire South-eastern Europe", he underlined.
The Kosova leader hailed the permanent efforts of U.S. President and Secretary of State on Kosova, calling Clinton and Albright "friends of Kosova". He thanked also other world leaders, including John Paul II, Prime Minister Blair and Foreign Minister Cook, President Chirac, NATO Secretary Solana, Kofi Annan, President Yelstin. Rugova called on Russia to be more constructive and to abandon the "logic of the cold war".
President Rugova pressed on the USA, UE, UN, and NATO to "undertake more energetic steps to protect the people of Kosova".
A NATO intervention should be seen as a move to protect the people of Kosova, pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN, President Rugova concluded.

UÇK Halts Its Military Actions

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) -  The Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës (UÇK, Kosova Liberation Army) has declared a ceasefire, effective as of today, 9 October 1998, although it did not term it 'a ceasefire'. The General Staff of the UÇK issued a statement in which it said the UÇK would show "self-restraint, so as to contribute to the implementation of the UN Security Resolution" of 24 September which called for a ceasefire.
The "self-restraint" will be effective during the NATO military actions, but the UÇK retains the right to respond if the other side (Serbs) will not respect this, the statement said.
One of the reasons cited in summer against NATO intervention in against Serb targets in Kosova was that the UÇK "would take advantage of them" to further its gains.

LDK, PLK Call for NATO Intervention in Kosova

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - Against the background of the seven-month Serb aggression in Kosova, which has left more than 1,500 Albanian civilians killed and massacred, over 400 settlements shelled, looted, and burned, more than 480.000 displaced and refugees, the Presidency of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) called for NATO military intervention today (Friday).
The Belgrade regime has not complied with any of the demands contained in UN Security Council Resolution 1199, the LDK said.
The main political force called today on the UN Security Council, the United States, the European Union, the OSCE, and members of the Contact Group, and NATO not to believe Belgrade's "empty promises" any longer.
"There should be no hesitation to launch strong and urgent action, to intervene militarily in Kosova, to end Serbian aggression", the LDK said, adding that peacekeeping ground troops should then be committed here so as to ensure that a political and negotiates solution to the Kosova issue is found on the basis of the political will of the people of Kosova expressed in the 1991 referendum.
Meanwhile, the Liberal Party of Kosova (PLK) added its voice to the calls for multinational NATO forces to destroy the Serbian war machinery and arsenal, to "pave the way for a political resolution" in Kosova respecting the will of the people.

Four Unidentified Bodies Cannot Be Buried in Malisheva Village

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - Four unidentified corpses have been laying on the ground near the local schoolhouse in Gllareva village, the LDK chapter in Malisheva said.
The bodies could not be identified or buried because of the Serb forces' presence in the area. Serb troops have been occupying five houses of Albanians in Gllareva village, the source said.
The LDK said the residents of Kramovik village were prevented by the Serb police from returning to their homes today. Some of the villagers were reportedly told by Serb police they would be shot dead if they only attempted to come near the village.
Local activists said that only one house in Kramonik village was not hit by Serb shells during heavy attacks in summer months. A small number of houses in the village can be used for temporary shelter, they said.

Fresh Serb Troops Deployed in Planejë of Prizren

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - Heavy Serb/Yugoslav army forces were reported deployed today (Friday) morning near Planejë village of Prizren, western Kosova.
The LDK chapter in Prizren said a long convoy of Serb troops in armored vehicles and trucks trailing artillery pieces drove today morning along the Gjonaj village. The troops stopped later at Planejë, where they began digging in and camouflaging in the forests.
The rapid buildup of Serb troops has caused apprehension amongst the local population.

Land Mines Explode in Southern Kosova Village

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - At least two land mines have exploded this week near the Dremjak village in Hani i Elezit, a southernmost Kosova municipality bordering on Macedonia.
Sources in the area said that land mines have been planted in many places along the Kosova-Macedonia border area. Several of them have exploded during the past few months, killing cattle in the area. No human casualty have been reported.

Albanian Family Evicted from Apartment
Serb policeman housed in it instead

PRISHTINA, Oct 9 (KIC) - The family of Nuredin Ibishi in Prishtina was forced by Serb police to vacate their apartment they have legally lived for 15 years.
The Trade Union of former policemen of Kosova, whose member Nuredin Ibishi is, said five Serb policemen broke into his apartment on Tuesday ordering them to remove things immediately. "Your husband does not recognize the Serb state, therefore you have to leave", Serb policemen told Mrs Ibishi.
A Serb police officer has occupied the apartment, the trade union said.

Kosova Information Center
Last page!

Datum:         Fri, 9 Oct 1998 13:16:06 -0400
    Von:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@sprynet.com>
(Compiled from daily reports of U.S. element of KDOM) (420)

(The following KDOM Daily Report was compiled by EUR/SCE (202-647-4850) from daily reports of the U.S. element of the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission and released by the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Office of South Central European Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC)

KDOM Daily Report

October 7, 1998 Kosovo remained generally quiet today with no new aggression reported. The Yugoslav SA-6 missiles remain deployed in Pristina and Djakovica and at a new site east of Glogovac. KDOM noted an increase in small mobile police checkpoints and outposts along the Pristina to Kijevo road and heavy police concentrations remain in Drenica, around Malisevo, and in the Suva Reka area. KDOM learned from the Prefect of Kosovo that Serbian forces had been "provoked" by KLA fighters and that clashes between the sides took place near Malisevo and Stimlje. The prefect told KDOM that Serbian forces are exercising maximum restraint in the face of provocations. The Prefect also said the new "local security elements" will begin operating in Kacanik Opstina on October 8 or 9. KDOM assisted in the evacuation of the lone survivor of the alleged September 26 massacre. F.R.Y. authorities cooperated fully with KDOM in moving the injured man out of Kosovo. He is now receiving medical attention outside Serbia. A Serbian police officer told KDOM that one of his men had been killed by a mine in the town of Dragobilje on October 4. KLA fighters told KDOM that the VJ had not withdrawn from the region around Nekovce, south of Komorane, but had merely moved to hidden positions. Freedom of movement for KDOM was generally good today, but authorities did deny access to the Glogovac industrial area where ethnic Albanians are allegedly being detained. Freedom of movement for IDPs remains constrained by the presence of major police and VJ forces along major roads. Also, the presence of Serb armor in lookout positions in central and mid-west Kosovo has discouraged many IDPs from moving. Humanitarian organizations continue their orderly withdrawal from Kosovo. About 70% of humanitarian aid workers are now gone. Only about six staff from ICRC remain in Kosovo. UNHCR strongly urged those not involved in delivery of supplies to IDPs depart.
(End text)

5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
Betreff:         [ALBANEWS] News: ARTA (8 October 1998)
Datum:         Thu, 8 Oct 1998 18:55:50 -0400
    Von:         Mentor Cana <struga@ALBANIAN.COM>
KOSOVA (KLA cease-fire)
Political Statement NR. 12

Based on the fact that the Kosova Liberation Army did not take weapons because of wanting war, but to create conditions to solve the issue of Albanian people within a free, independent and democratic Kosova.
Observing the engagement of international community for ending the civilian tragedy of Kosova, and considering the demand of the UN Security Council resolution dated September 24th, 1998, Kosova Liberation Army approved the decision on self-restrain, in order to offer its contribution for realisation of the UN Security Council resolution.
The implementation of this decision starts as of tomorrow, October 9th, 1998, and will remain in force during the entire period of military activities of NATO.
In this light, Kosova Liberation Army demands establishing and creation of an international verification, which would control the realisation of this decision as well as the demands derived from the resolution.
Kosova Liberation Army during this period will confer self-restraint, however reserving the right of counter-response in case the opposite side disrespect this.
Kosova Liberation Army will give its maximum contribution to ease international organisation efforts and to exercise their engagements in Kosova unhindered.

KOSOVA (war in Kosova)
Villages of Maxharrë, Dragobil and Marali attacked with mine launchers

Malishevë, 8 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
Serb forces, stationed in Dragobil and Astrazub, used mine launchers in firing at the direction of the villages of Maxharrë, Dragobil, Marali etc., Thursday, at around 1200CET, LDK information sources in Malishevë inform.
There is no information about any causalities, but there are reports on considerable material damage, particularly in Maxharrë and Dragobil.

The villages of Rancë, Topillë and Grejçec shelled

Shtime, 8 October (ARTA) 1810CET --
Serb forces stationed in Gryka e Carralevës, shelled with artillery weapons the villages of Rancë, Topillë and Grejçec, municipality of Suharekë, on Wednesday; from about 1700CET until 1800CET, CDHRF sources inform. Several flares were also fired in the direction of these villages, at around 2000CET.
Serb forces have not withdrawn, they are camouflaging their heavy weaponry. These forces have not moved their heavy military artillery either, CDHRF sources state.

Serb reinforcements

Podujevë, 8 October (ARTA) 1815CET --
New Serb forces arrived in Podujevë, local sources inform. LDK sources state that 4 buses and 3 APCs, loaded with Serb policemen, came from Serbia and went to the direction of Prishtina.

Serb forces stationed in factories - raid two Albanian houses

Gjakovë, 8 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
Serb military forces repositioned in the construction material factory "Modeli" and in the brick factory in Gjakovë, on Thursday, in the early morning hours, LDK information sources from Gjakovë inform. The same sources state that the Serb forces entered these two buildings, and opened holes, where they placed several trucks and motorised vehicles, expelling the two Albanian employees.
Today at around 0700CET, in the village of Janosh, Serb military forces equipped with 5 APCs surrounded and raided the houses of Pjetër Geci and Ali Geci, from Janosh, LDK in Gjakovë informs. It is reported that the Serb forces in this case arrested Pjetër and Ali Geci as well as Rasim Hajdari, who was temporarily sheltered in this family, with the pretext that they have caught a "terrorist". It is also informed that the arrested are being kept at the Serb police station in Gjakovë.

Reinforcements in the border belt region

Prizren, 8 October (ARTA) 1830CET --
Albanian sources inform about new Serb military reinforcements in the bordering belt with Albania, such as in the villages of Vërmicë, Opojë and Prizren Has, municipality of Prizren.
On Wednesday, on the other hand, Serb police\military forces were seen coming down the Prishtina-Prizren road, from the direction of Brezovicë.
Witnesses confirm that a convoy of 6 buses and 10 trucks, with Leskovc, register plates, were loaded with Serb policemen.

Large Serb forces with a large armament arsenal concentrated in Dollc

Klinë, 8 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
Large Serb police and military forces, equipped with heavy fighting arsenal, such as APCs, tanks, trucks and missile launching platforms, stationed in a hill of the village of Dollc and at the place called "Kroni i hajnave", LDK in Klinë informs.
It is believed that these forces came from the direction of Pejë and Gjakovë.

Serb soldiers and reservists gather in Glloboçicë

Kaçanik, 8 October (ARTA) 1850CET --
During the past two days, at the Serb border post in Glloboçicë, the Serb army increased the number of soldiers and Serb reservists, LDK information sources in Kaçanik inform.
It is reported that these forces began to monitor the terrain of Glloboçicë and to open camps in several strategic points of this village.

KOSOVA (analysis - Albanian political subject)
Resignation as a moral act
Arbër Vllahiu

Prishtina, 8 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
Two main issues were discussed in the current meeting between Holbrooke and Albanian representatives. The first issue concerned Hill's document, completed with "new ideas" while the second was about the NATO military interventions targeting strategic positions in Serbia and the increasing demands of the international community towards the Albanian side. It is found out that inside the walls of the now well-known "Yankee" house in Prishtina, Holbrooke in the style of the relaxed American diplomat, notified the Albanian side that the "international community will withdraw, if the KLA forces will use the Serb force withdrawal from Kosova and attack them".
Although separated, the meetings seemed to resemble the "leopard's skin" itself, or better yet, the Albanian political scene and the larger secessions.
Nevertheless, in Prishtina, Holbrooke stayed in a working atmosphere and witnessed the Albanian's efforts to, "at last", determine their own destiny "with their own hands". It seems that it still remained undefined as to what will further be reached by these efforts.
One is for sure, the bloc that was always close with the party programme, attempted yet again to move closer and create a "counterbalance" for the LDK, as one of the main streams in Kosova. The new political bloc in Kosova, no matter how similar by party programme, it will at least have the opportunity to: push LDK to act and "hold hostage" Ibrahim Rugova, in the political war for the "fictitious power" and from making decisions for a "future of Kosova".
Thus, regardless that President Rugova is "hostage" to the opposition, he is possible to be kept with a "rope around his neck", conform of a public lynch.
And this again due to two reasons: despite the objections the opposition political subject had towards accepting Rugova as a President of the Republic and towards his 22 March elections, it holds him a hostage of words said and the approved constitution as well as other allegations, that as such he "dragged" the creation of the institutions in Kosova.
However, despite such a justification, the forces that gather about Ibrahim Rugova and his party, from which he has still not given up, would justify his actions with the reports from the ground and the deteriorating crisis in Kosova. They will even pretend that the institutionalisation of life in Kosova, was a result of the creation of the Parliament and his effort to create the new government of Kosova.
All the justifications come out as signs of a severe crisis in the Albanian political scene and lack of responsibility of those who are there now.
One was however published: Kosova's Convention, requested from Rugova to name a mandatory, within a weeks time, and with this create a new Government of Kosova. If we decide to believe in this scheme, then it would be the same thing, it is claimed by the opposition, as was the case with the co-ordinating Council of the Albanian political parties. Nevertheless, it is Rugova's turn and he is expected to say the last word, if he keeps it.
The analysts here, on the other hand, say that the issue of responsibility in Kosova is now considered as very unimportant. Above all, it became an issue of "jealousies and the rivalries of the Albanian political leadership". Thus in this sphere, they claim, if the Parliament of Kosova, as a high state organ, presented the demand for the creation of the new government and if the President does not do that, violating this way the constitution, then "his resignation as a high moral act in the political scene" would be the immediate demand. This is at least in the favour of the Albanian political subject and for going out before the face of the world, with one voice and idea for the solution of the Kosova problem. If for nothing else, at least for the idea that "the man with the scarf" remain a "fragile colossus" of the new history of Kosova.
Nonetheless, it comes out that somebody is bearing the guilt after all. In the Albanian political scene, it is "collective" and "joined". The opposition forces in Kosova can by no means take of their load of guilt, because "their permanent absence from the public creation of institutions" placed them in a position, in which the opinion is not ready to believe. "Their game" placed them in a position from where it is very difficult to make any advancement.
At the end, the local analysts again bet that the elections in Kosova are very near. They are also confirmed by the "popcorn man"- Hill, and "Mike Tyson" of the American diplomacy, Holbrooke, in the meeting with the Albanian politicians of the opposition and position.

KOSOVA (legal offensive - Suharekë)
30 days detention sentenced to 125 Albanians from Suharekë municipality

Suharekë, 8 October (ARTA) 1925CET --
Albanian sources from Suharekë inform that the Prizren Municipal Court Prosecutors (Jugoslav Skenderi, Jovica Mitrovic, Nikola Vazura, Nada Hadziperic and Dusan Spasic) have ruled that 125 Albanians from the Suharekë municipality are to be held in detention, at the same time filing an investigating procedures, according to article 125, in conjunction with article 139 of the "FRY" criminal code.
All were arrested during the latest Serb offensive in this region - villages of Vraniq, Savrov, Bukosh, Budakovë etc. Most of them were civilians from the village of Vraniq, sheltered, together with their families, at the Vraniq Valley. After the Serb infantry moved in they were separated from their families and taken to the police station in Prizren.
The LDK Kosova Information Center in Suharekë claims that the corpse of Hasan Sherif Kokollari (83), from the village of Budakovë. He is buried in his frontyard.

KOSOVA (victims - Deçan)
A corpse of an Albanian found

Deçan, 8 October (ARTA) 2000CET --
In the village of Prejlep, Deçan municipality, the massacred corpse of the youngster Kadri Latifaj from this village was buried today.
Kadri Latifaj, in the middle of the month of August, returned to the village together with his co-villager to look after his cattle. At the entrance of the village the Serb police, stationed in one house of the Tolaj families, have opened fire from snipers in their direction. They severely wounded Arsim Tolaj, who succeeded in going back to the place where his family was.
A day after, a group of people from Kadri's village went there to look for him. But, they did not succeed to learn what happened to him, considered at that time by his family as missing. In the beginning of May, another member of this family, Sadri Latifaj, was killed at the border.

"FRY" (CH)
Switzerland advises its citizens not to travel to "Yugoslavia"

Bern, 7 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
The Swiss Foreign Ministry (EDA) made an appeal to the citizens of the Confederation not to travel in the territory of the "FRY".
The Ministry's spokesman, Livio Zanolari, told the news agency SDA that presently it does not consider necessary to call the Swiss citizens in "Yugoslavia" to return back home.
Presently over 200 Swiss citizens are in "Yugoslavia". Out of them, 150 have double citizenship. They were informed through the diplomatic links on possible risk, in case of a NATO intervention, stated Zanolari. This limited Swiss Foreign Ministry appeal is made because many other states, particularly the NATO member states, have already told their citizens to leave "Yugoslavia".


This document was published in KOHA Ditore on October 7, 1998. According to KOHA Ditore sources, it was the draft made by the American mediators in the Kosovar crisis, presented and adopted by the Contact Group meeting in London.

           The further document you can read at   back212.htm

KOSOVA (new American proposal - reactions)
One, mistaken, step forward

by Veton Surroi
Within the efforts of the large international action to convince the Serb leader, Milosevic, that he must subjugate to the last UN resolution on Kosova, it is stressed that political negotiations should take place between the confronted parties, and in some cases it is even mentioned that these conversations should be developed based on the draft-plan for the interim solution adopted also by the Contact Group in its last meeting in London.
Although the main attention is turned towards, and so it should be, the withdrawal of the Serb troops from Kosova and the creation of the security conditions for the return of the internally displaced and the refugees to their homes, it is also true that in each conversation of foreign diplomats this political plan, which was a secret up to now, is also mentioned.
Regardless of the reasons, maybe even good, of why this diplomatic secrecy, our Editorial Board decided to publish the last proposal, as an information to the public and as an invitation for a public and democratic debate that should include all those capable of thinking, and not only a small group of people. These lands have many times savored the bitterness of secret words and suffered the lethal consequences of documents that were discussed without a democratic basis.
Anyhow, here is the new document, according to which Kosova in essence becomes a self-governed territory, part of the "Yugoslav" Federation and the Republic of Serbia, with all decision-making competencies, except in the explicit cases of Federal competencies: foreign affairs, defense, finances, unique market, customs, etc. According to this document, in all other areas, including the police, Kosovar bodies, elected democratically, will decide. In addition, these bodies, according to the document, are constituted based on the "organic laws", i.e. its basic acts.
Compared to the first draft of the Proposal, there is an advance in this new version, first of all the expansion of the self-governing competencies, which is most clearly seen in the new annex, on the activities of the Kosovar police. It also becomes evident by the elimination of the veto right that some Council of nationalities, presided by the President of Serbia, and which could declare null and void all decisions of the Kosovar bodies, had. Moreover, the role of the "National Councils", a kind of organization that would gather national communities by separate in the way that they could influence over the decisions of the Kosovar bodies, has been restricted...
Thus we could continue point by point in this comparative analysis and prove the positive evolution. And, we can also go point by point and show the concrete deficiencies: for example, Kosova in the SFRY had delegated the right of the unique market, finances, foreign affairs and defense to the Federation, but at the same time these functions had broad rights of realization at the level of Kosova (through the respective Secretariats, of the same ranking as the ministries) as well as with direct participation, even with the right to veto in all these areas at the Federal level. Theoretically, Kosova could at that time block even the Federal budget, including the functioning of the defense bodies, etc. In the new proposal, Kosova has to subordinate to one financial, defense, foreign affairs, etc. policy, which even in better conditions than the present, would represent a dictate.
However, the main deficiency of this document, as in the past one, is the starting point.
And, the starting point here is that a document should be drafted not based on a list of principles, but based on the combination of principles, new realities that were created by force and the relation of physical forces on the ground today.
Moreover, this, in short would mean that anything could be negotiated, staring from something determined by the negotiators. This approach will lead to nowhere and, if based only on the relation of physical forces today, it can easily happen that instead of the imaginary 100% self-governance, the result of the negotiations, seeking a "middle path" could end with the right for Kosova to become an expanded municipality, and this to be proclaimed as a victory of the negotiating process.
The mistaken approach is evident. Kosova, in the last moment of an agreed status (i.e., in 1989), had its Constitution and bodies deriving from it. Therefore, it also had the constitutional framework that regulated the relationships with Serbia and the other federal units, as well as the Federation proper.
These were gained rights in the Kosovar constitutional stroll and they were taken away by force. Today, they must be restituted, within its frame of collective rights, and for them to be negotiated. Kosova can't renegotiate whether it should have a constitution and parliament, government and judiciary, police and taxing system... These must be restituted to the first phase of the negotiations. Meanwhile, negotiations, in essence, would turn towards the establishment of relationships that will exist between Kosova on one side, Serbia and Montenegro on the other, within the three-year interim period.
Meanwhile, international proposers find themselves in a situation where everything must be negotiated, even taking as equal the positions of that which has occupied Kosova and that which is under occupation, that of which uses tanks and police to ban the legal and legitimate Kosovar system with that which is suffering from that same tank and police.
In addition, the argument is not only moral, it is also practical. If such proposals and suggestions continue coming, the international proposers have two solutions that are not solutions: impose their own solution and seal this with the NATO presence, same as in Bosnia, or to continue for an indefinite time drafting versions between two irreconcilable stands, the Kosovar independentist and the Serb anexionist.
The second mistake in the starting point remains repeated as in the first document: there is no legal mechanism that would define what will happen after the proposed three-year interim period. Self-governance is a form of self-determination, let's say in its embryo form. Nevertheless, the will of the citizens of Kosova is not to live in interim terms, temporary phases, and provisional agreements. Historically, citizens of Kosova deserve, as all other European people, to decide about their fate. What guarantees this in the second document? Nothing; a promise that both sides would sit down and evaluate again the agreement after three years. Who will stop them from meeting after six months or after ten years? No one. The obligation to evaluate again the document is equal to zero, and this makes the situation even more complicated because what pretends to be called a "Provisional Agreement" becomes a definite agreement. Both sides, if they would to sign such an agreement, seal their fate as it is defined, unless they wish to change it by war. And, such a version of the Agreement is the recipe for further wars.
To summarize: Where are we today with this version of the proposal? At the same point where Kosova was seven months ago, but now with all the killed, with hundreds of burnt villages and ruined houses, with hundreds-thousands of refugees and displaced, with the unpredictability what can tomorrow bring.
If someone thinks that it will be easier to impose such solutions on Albanians today, because of the terrible humanitarian pressure, he/she can be easily mistaken. The majority of political representatives has created the conscience that the approval of a document that leaves Kosova under Belgrade's jurisdiction is the creation of conditions to make Kosovars refugees and IDPs in their own lands.
Today's Kishnarekë would become the permanent residence for Kosova.
Kosova would be called Kishnarekë.

6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
Betreff:         [kosovo] More about the new US plan
Datum:         Fri, 09 Oct 1998 04:40:31 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery
The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.
FOCUS-Document details possible Kosovo plan
09:27 a.m. Oct 08, 1998 Eastern
By Kurt Schork

PRISTINA, Serbia, Oct 8 (Reuters) - A Kosovo newspaper published excerpts on Thursday from a secret document it said is the basis for last-ditch talks to avoid NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia.
     The proposal, published in the Albanian-language daily Koha Ditore, would grant self-administration to the southern Serbian province, whose ethnic Albanian majority seeks independence.
     It also would require all Yugoslav and Serbian police and army units to withdraw except for a 10-km (six-mile) strip along Kosovo's international border with Macedonia and Albania.
     The document envisions a new, 2,500-man police force for Kosovo, with membership reflecting the province's 90-10 population split between majority ethnic Albanians and Serbs.
     An international civilian police mission would be invited to help train and equip the new force.
     The text was identified by Koha Ditore's editor, Veton Surroi, as a document adopted by the Contact Group of Western nations, plus Russia, at a recent meeting in London.
     Reuters obtained a complete copy of the text but could not independently vouch for its authenticity.
     "It could be the actual text because Koha Ditore from time to time prints documents that they get through their own channels," said a U.S. official who asked not to be named.
     "I'm not sure I'd call it secret since it isn't classified in a formal sense. We try to keep these things confidential because we think it makes the negotiation process easier."
     The proposed agreement, which would run for three years, would be signed by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), Serbia and Kosovo.
     Kosovo has been governed directly by Serbia for the sole benefit of its minority Serb population over the past decade.
     An ethnic Albanian guerrilla group known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) began actively fighting for independence earlier this year, triggering a harsh government crackdown that stampeded at least 250,000 people from their homes.
     Angered by what it sees as a disproportionate government response to the KLA provocation, the West is threatening Serbia with air strikes if the crisis is not resolved satisfactorily.
     Under the proposal, FRY would retain responsibility for "monetary policy, defence (and) foreign policy" and Kosovo otherwise would govern itself. Local police would have sole responsibility for maintaining public order and peace.
     Kosovo's Minister of Interior would be an ethnic Albanian and his deputy would be a Serb.
     Army units would be stationed in Kosovo "to protect the international borders and territorial integrity of the FRY."
     The units would be confined to patrolling the international border and "will have no arrest authority in Kosovo."
     Surroi told Reuters that the document had undergone some revisions in recent days but he believed its major provisions were still on the table.
     Surroi was one of several ethnic Albanian leaders to meet with U.S. special envoy Richard Holbrooke in Kosovo's capital, Pristina, on Monday.
     Holbrooke, the U.S. Balkans troubleshooter, returned to Belgrade this week to try to persuade Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to make concessions on Kosovo sufficient to avoid NATO air strikes.
     Surroi told Reuters the biggest problem with the proposed agreement from the ethnic Albanian side is that it includes no specific provision for what happens after three years.
     "There's a three-year time period but no legal mechanism to address Kosovo's status after that point and I think that's a deficiency in the proposal," he said.
     "Under this agreement, the only way that Kosovo can reopen the issue of its status vis-a-vis Yugoslavia would be through war. It would put ethnic Albanians on a footing where they would be constantly preparing for war."
     Another unknown was what parts, if any, of the proposal Milosevic may be willing to accept.
     "This is a difficult deal for Milosevic to accept for a number of reasons, but I can't imagine him saying 'yes' unless all sanctions against Yugoslavia were lifted immediately," one veteran observer of the Balkans said.

Betreff:         [kosovo] DSS: The Serbian regime and Washington equally harm the Serbs
Datum:         Thu, 08 Oct 1998 16:56:13 +0200
    Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
  Firma:         Decani Monastery

The views expressed in the news reports and messages posted to the List by the List members are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Quoting is allowed only if the source of the information  is specified.
Reposted from the Democratic Party of Serbia
        Betreff: SN3856:The Serbian regime and Washington equally harm the Serbs
       Datum:  Wed, 07 Oct 1998 16:05:43 +0200
          Von:   Demokratska stranke Srbije <dss@dssrbije.org.yu>



Over the past six years the Democratic Party of Serbia has continuously insisted that the problem of Kosovo should be solved through regionalization of Serbia, which would also pave the way for the processes of decentralization and democratization. The DSS has on many occasions sought a national consensus on the platform for resolving the Kosovo question. It has also proposed the holding of fair elections on all levels which, together with sensible negotiations, could have ensured the participation of Albanians in the country's political life. However, the regime of Slobodan Milosevic has continuously turned a deaf ear to the voice of reason and continued to repeat the mistakes made in the past. A blind lust for power, combined with  disregard for democratic institutions, have brought us all to the point where a solution for the Kosovo problem that would be favorable for Serbia and its people seems to be no longer available.

We are now feeling the disastrous effects of Communism, which is still being promoted by Slobodan Milosevic. The situation is made even more tragic because of the prejudice, ruthlessness and  erroneous moves made by the international community. We are now facing an immediate threat of military aggression which is allegedly aimed at preventing " the use of excessive force" against Albanian rebels who fight for the secession of Kosovo and creation of Greater Albania. Does anybody in the West wonder why the  Milosevic regime has resorted to excessive force, and had it not, perhaps, been prompted by Albanian terrorism and a rebellion against a sovereign state? Which of the two violent actions is then justified and which is not? Does anybody wonder whether a military action against Serbia would mean that the Albanians would cease to be a factor of instability in the entire Balkans? Or would such action only encourage them and make them even more dangerous? Would this weaken  the radical Islamic elements or strengthen them?

If a military action against Serbia takes place, and everything points to that direction, the  DSS believes that the immediate future would bring  not only a humanitarian catastrophe in the entire country, but also a series of other grave consequences. From the point of international law, a bombing of a sovereign country which has not committed an act of aggression against another country would be the end of the principle of legitimacy. It would also mean that anything would be possible in the future. As for the Balkans, it would strengthen Albanian expansionism and threaten the stability of Macedonia and the entire region. As for the remaining Serbs in Kosovo, who seem to be the least concern of all, a military intervention would extremely jeopardize their position and put them at the mercy of  Albanian extremists. Finally, this would also encourage the radical elements in Serbia and consolidate the power of the Milosevic regime, which would then have an excellent excuse for handing over Kosovo quoting "supremacy of force".

The Democratic Party of Serbia must acknowledge that the Milosevic regime and its actions in Kosovo over the past decade have only confirmed that it is the enemy of the Serb people. However, Washington is now perhaps a bigger adversary for the Serbs, and the West, which constantly claims that it wants to bring Serbs closer to itself, is in reality doing everything to push them away. The Main Board of the Democratic Party of Serbia is convinced that irrespective of what the immediate future may bring us every patriot and democrat should be fully aware of this.

Belgrade, 3 October 1998

Main Board of the
Democratic Party of Serbia

E-mail: info@dssrbije.org.yu     http://www.dssrbije.org.yu
Demokratska stranka Srbije, Brace Jugovica 2a, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia
Tel: (381 11) 182 535; 183 525; 638 013; 328 2886    Fax: (381 11) 328 1793


8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
    especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
There were no news at the time this page was updated !
10. eventual additional press news 
Got To  Part 2
Link to Background-information  
Link to earlier news - so far as room is given by my provider on the server 

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Die Bibel sagt 
      HERR, du wollest deine Barmherzigkeit nicht von mir wenden; 
           lass deine Guete und Treue allewege mich behueten. 
      Lass deiner sich freuen und froehlich sein 
           alle, die nach dir fragen; 
      und die dein Heil lieben, lass allewege sagen: 
           Der HERR sei hoch gelobt ! 
      Du bist mein Helfer und Erretter; 
           mein Gott, saeume doch nicht !
    Psalm 40, 12.17.18b
    Luther-Bibel 1984

The Bible says 
    Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: 
         let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me. 
    Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: 
    let such as love thy salvation 
         say continually, The LORD be magnified. 
    thou [art] my help and my deliverer; 
         make no tarrying, O my God. 
    Psalm 40, 11.16.17b
    Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
              Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

   __________ALBANEWS: Albanian News and Information Network___________
   Archives  http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/archives/albanews.html
   Kosova Information Center   http://www.kosova.com
   Kosova-Info-Line (German)   http://www.kosova-info-line.de
   Koha Ditore (ARTA)          http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm
Wolfgang Plarre
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Contents 

Seite erstellt am 9.10.1998  

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