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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 31. Oktober 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - October 31, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1599

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1. Meldungen von dpa
Meldung vom 31.10.1998 17:43 http://seite1.web.de/show/363B3E3A.NL1/

Nato-Generalsekretär Solana: Mehr erreicht als erwartet
Hamburg (dpa) - Nach Ansicht von Nato-Generalsekretär Javier Solana hat das Bündnis im Kosovo mehr erreicht, als ursprünglich erwartet. «Wir haben mehr erreicht, als wir uns erträumten. Wir können jetzt den Flüchtlingen bei der Rückkehr helfen - wegen des gerade zuletzt noch einmal außerordentlich verstärkten Drucks, den wir auf (den jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan) Milosevic ausgeübt haben», sagte Solana in einem Interview des Nachrichtenmagazins «Der Spiegel» (Hamburg).
     Der Generalsekretär betonte weiter, die die Nato werde «die Sicherheit der Kontrolleure garantieren, die aus den OSZE-Mitgliedstaaten kommen, auch aus Rußland. Ich sage es ganz deutlich: Wir werden es tun. Wie, mit wie vielen Truppen, das kann ich jetzt noch nicht genauer erläutern.»
     Auf die Frage, wer die albanische Bevölkerung des Kosovo «vor neuem serbischen Terror» schützen werde, antwortete Solana, das Bündnis werde «kein zweites Bosnien zulassen». Die Flüchtlinge sollten den Mut haben, zurückzukehren. Nato und OSZE (Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa) garantierten ihnen, «daß sie wieder unbehelligt in ihren Dörfern leben können».
     Falls Milosevic von der durch die Nato erzwungenen Einhaltung der Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats wieder abweiche, sei das Bündnis bereit zum Einsatz. «Unsere Maschinen sind binnen 48 Stunden startklar.»
© dpa
Meldung vom 31.10.1998 10:02 http://seite1.web.de/show/363AD228.NL1/
«Guardian»: USA übertragen Kosovo-Überwachung an Privatfirma
London (dpa) - Die amerikanische Regierung läßt nach einem Bericht des Londoner «Guardian» ihren Anteil an der 2 000 Mann starken unbewaffneten Kosovo-Überwachertruppe von einem Privatunternehmen stellen. Die Firma DynCorp aus dem US-Bundesstaat Virginia entsende im Auftrag Washingtons die 150 Kontrolleure, die zusammen mit anderen Beobachtern aus OSZE-Ländern im Kosovo über die Einhaltung der UN- Resolutionen und die ungehinderte Rückkehr der Flüchtlinge wachen sollen.
     Wie das Blatt am Samstag unter Berufung auf einen Sprecher des Unternehmens meldete, gehören zu den DynCorp-Mitarbeitern Experten für Waffeninspektionen sowie Fahrer und Techniker. Die Firma habe bereits in Bosnien drei Jahre lang Mitarbeiter für die Polizei- Eingreiftruppe gestellt. Allerdings ersetzten jetzt erstmals Zivilbeschäftigte Angehörige der Streitkräfte in einer Kampfzone.
     Auch zum britischen Kontingent werden nach Angaben der Zeitung nicht mehr aktive Soldaten gehören. Nur etwa die Hälfte der 200 britischen Beobachter werden von abkommandierten Soldaten gestellt. «Die anderen sind im wesentlichen Militärs im Ruhestand oder andere mit internationaler Erfahrung. Wir können uns kaum retten vor Bewerbungen», zitierte der «Guardian» am Samstag einen Sprecher des Außenministeriums.
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
ONE has to begin    to STOP 
oecumenic Decade for Peace 
from November 8 until 18, 1998 
30 minutes prayer for PEACE 

30 Minuten Gebet für den Frieden 
am  9./ 10./ 11./ 12./ 13./ 14./ 16./ 17. November 
jeweils um 19.45 Uhr 
in der Bethlehemkirche Wertingen 

Jeder, der kommen moechte 
- unabhaengig von Konfession oder Religion, 
ist herzlich eingeladen !

LINK zu:  Vorschlag für den Ablauf den Friedensgebetes
                  - auch als WinWord97-Datei erhaeltlich !
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

                        back215.htm   Kosovofakten
                                                Eine Information des UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissariats
                                                Regionalbüro Wien, 17.9.98
* Nichtamtliche Übersetzung
   UNHCR-Positionspapier über die Behandlung von Asylsuchenden aus
   dem Kosovo in Asylländern: Maßgebliche Überlegungen
   25.8.1998 mit Anhang Stand: 13.8.1998

* UNHCR-Eckpunkte zu Problemen des Flüchtlingsschutzes in Deutschland
   Oktober 1998

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
copy from  http://www.kosova.com  on October 31, 1998  at 17:40 hrs
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 31 October 1998, 17:00 CET


  • President Rugova Receives OSCE Delegation
  • Presidency of Kosova Parliament Meets with Adem Demaçi
  • UÇK Arrests Local LDK Leaders in Malisheva
  • Bodies of Three Women Found Together with Animal Carcasses in Llausha
  • Serb Police Burns Schoolhouse in Shipitulla, Obiliq
  • Serb Forces Resume Manning Scores of Outposts in Malisheva and Kaçanik
  • Serb Court in Prizren Extends Detention to 120 Albanians
  • Two Albanians Convicted on Terrorism-Related Charges in Peja
  • President Rugova Receives OSCE Delegation

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr Ibrahim Rugova received a delegation of the OSCE Kosova Verification Mission, headed by General Bjorn Nygaard, Acting Head of Mission, Chief of Staff. Participating in the delegation were also Leif Windmar, Administration Director, Kare Eltervag, Political Adviser, and Mans Nyberg, Press Officer.
    The OSCE delegation briefed President Rugova on the work on the establishment of the Kosova Verification Mission.
    The current developments in Kosova as well as ways to overcome the difficult situation in many parts of the country were discussed.
    The situation is grave as a result of the Serbian military and police offensives against the people of Kosova this year, the President said. He stressed the importance of the international community's presence here to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe and create the necessary environment for a negotiated and political solution to the Kosova issue.
    President Ibrahim Rugova assured the OSCE delegation on the readiness of the Kosovar institutions to closely work with the OSCE Mission.

    Presidency of Kosova Parliament Meets with Adem Demaçi

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - The Presidency of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosova - Idriz Ajeti, President, Iliaz Kurteshi, Gjergj Dedaj and Zef Morina, Vice-Presidents, and Fatmir Sejdiu, Secretary General - had a working meeting today (Saturday) in Prishtina with Adem Demaçi, the General Political Representative of the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army), the Parliament's press office said.
    The current situation in Kosova and efforts to overcome it were discussed in the meeting, focussing on the need for a closer cooperation of "the political and military factors in Kosova", a press release said.
    In the meeting, "intensification of common activities to further build the state institutions of the Republic of Kosova, acceptable to all" was discussed, especially the building of "institutions of executive power, in which all relevant political forces would be represented, in the function of the liberation struggle to implement the will of the people of Kosova for independence, expressed in the 1991 Referendum", the press release of the Parliament of the Republic concluded.
    Meanwhile, Adem Demaçi's office said the UÇK political representative met today with Fehmi Agani, chief Kosova negotiator.
    Views were exchanged on concerted activities to further the activities of both parties, as well as unification of the political spectrum in Kosova aimed at the "creation of institutions, organs and genuine executive mechanisms" in the struggle for independence of Kosova, Demaçi's Office said.

    UÇK Arrests Local LDK Leaders in Malisheva

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - On Friday, members of the UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army) arrested Jakup Kastrati, chairman of the LDK chapter in Malisheva, and Cen Desku, member of the LDK chapter leadership there, LDK sources in Malisheva reported.
    The KIC has learned that the Presidency of the LDK in Prishtina contacted today Adem Demaçi, the main political representative of the UÇK. The party leadership urged him to secure an early release of the local LDK leaders in Malisheva.
    Meanwhile, the LDK chapter in Malisheva has called that the motive for the arrest of Kastrati and Desku be made known, and that the be immediately released.

    Bodies of Three Women Found Together with Animal Carcasses in Llausha
    Charred body of local Albanian found in Lubeniq, Peja

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - The bodies of three women, slain in summer when Serb offensives were unfolding in Drenica region, were found today (Saturday) in Llausha village in Skenderaj ('Srbica').
    The Skenderaj chapter of the Prishtina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) identified the three victims as Fatime Geci (73) and Mevlude Geci (45), residents of Llausha, and Hamide Taraku (51), mother of eight children from Vitak. Fatime Geci and Mevlude Geci were both disabled women and could not run away when Serb troops advanced into the village. The third woman, Hamide Taraku, had come earlier this year to the village to seek shelter with her relatives.
    The decomposed bodies of the three women were found in a hole covered with soil and mixed with animal carcasses, the human rights Councils said.
    Peja: The LDK chapter in Peja said that the charred body of Mehmet Ukshinaj (70) was found yesterday not far from his house in Lubeniq village.
    Qerim Ukshinaj told the LDK chapter in Peja that his brother Mehmet was executed by Serbs four months ago, but no one dared return to the village ever since and bury him because of the continued Serb presence in the area.
    Albanian refugees returning to their villages in the war-torn area have been finding mutilated and decomposed bodies of their relatives killed during Serb offensives earlier this year. It is suspected that hundreds of Albanians who had gone missing for months lay in fact killed in the villages and fields.

    Serb Police Burns Schoolhouse in Shipitulla, Obiliq

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - Serb forces set afire Friday evening the local school building in Shipitulla village of Obiliq, 19 km north-west of Prishtina. Serbs also burned down the house of a local villager, Daut R. Mjekiqi, sources in Obiliq said.
    Local chapters of both LDK and the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Obiliq confirmed today that for the third straight night yesterday Serb forces opened fire in the direction of Albanian villages from seven locations in the area. The villages of Graboc i Epërm, Shipitullë and Sibovc were targeted in particular.
    Witnesses said that after the Serbs set ablaze the schoolhouse in Shipitulla at around 19:30, there was an exchange of fire between the Serb forces and a local UÇK unit. There has been no word on casualties on either side.
    Serb troops are still manning several checkpoints and outposts in Obiliq municipality, including at "Kërshat e Grabocit", around the open-pit coal mines in Bellaçevc, near the villages of Janovodë and Plemetin, as well as around the "Kosova A" and "Kosova B" power plants. In the village of Grabovc i Ulët, Serb forces usually retreat into the house of a local Albanian, Rexhep Berisha, whenever foreign reporters or observers drive by in the area, the LDK and CDHRF said.

    Serb Forces Resume Manning Scores of Outposts in Malisheva and Kaçanik

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - Serb forces have been manning many outposts in Malisheva, which did not exist before the Serb crackdown in Kosova last spring, the head of the LDK Information Commission in Malisheva said today.
    Besides the town of Malisheva, where there is a huge presence of Serb forces and heavy armament, Serb policemen have been manning checkpoints and bases in Carralluka, Smolica, near Tërpeza, Kijeva, Mleçan and Llazicë. Fresh Serb troops have been deployed in some of these bases over the past days, Isuf Bytyqi said. he added that the Serbs have been preventing the uprooted local population from returning to their homes.
    The LDK chapter in Kaçanik, a town in southern Kosova, said Serb police and army forces are still in many places near the Albanian villages in the area. Serb troops backed by heavy armament were still dug in today in several places in the area, including near the village of Bajnica, at a location called Podi i Buganjave, in the halls of Silkapor factory. Serbs have camouflaged large arsenals of armament in the region, the LDK said.

    Serb Court in Prizren Extends Detention to 120 Albanians

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - The Serb-run District Court in Prizren ruled on Thursday to extended pre-trial detention to 120 Albanians to additional 60 days.
    The Albanians rounded up by Serb forces over the past months have been facing Serb regime charges for alleged "hostile activity" and "terrorism", the chapter of the Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) in Prizren said.
    The detainees are by and large residents of Suhareka villages, Vraniq, Savrova, Mohlan, Maçiteva, Bukosh.
    Hundreds of Kosovar Albanians have been held in Serb custody facing terrorism-related charges.
    Serb court authorities in the town of Peja have instituted criminal investigations and proceedings against over 1,100 Albanians so far, according to Serb media and human rights groups.

    Two Albanians Convicted on Terrorism-Related Charges in Peja

    PRISHTINA, Oct 31 (KIC) - The Serb-run Court in Peja sentenced Friday two Albanians under charges of involvement in hostile activity.
    Haki Mahmutgjekaj (1963), resident of Strellc village in Deçan, was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison, and Fehmi Kukiqi (1956) from Tërstenik village in Gllogovc, to 2 years.
    The two Albanians, arrested by Serb police a couple of months ago, were taken immediately to serve their prison, LDK sources in Peja said.

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    copy from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA/index.htm  on October 30, 1998  at 22:45 hrs
    KOSOVA (Demaçi in Deçan)
    Demaçi meets father Sava

    Deçan, 30 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    Under the shade of the Deçan monastery, two kilometers far from an ancient town, the Abate of this monastery, father Sava, met the KLA political representative, Adem Demaçi, to appeal for peace.
    Being friends since Thessaloniki, where they met for the first time in an international conference, now they met in the monastery, which both of them consider it belongs to both Albanians and Serbs.
    Demaçi came reassuring local Serbs that there is no place for fear "now that the police is gone", while father Sava appealed for the solution of the problem by peaceful means, in the spirit of tolerance and democracy.
    "I am here on behalf of KLA, to tell you that they will not harm anyone who was not involved directly in the fighting", declared Demaçi while shaking hands with father Sava. "I am simply here in good will, and I came to visit the monastery and evidence that we want to continue the considerate and friendly relations, and not to allow ourselves to be influenced by old hatred", claimed Demaçi while smiling together with father Sava in front of cameras.
    Father Sava said that, "the church and the monastery salute every gesture of good will". He claimed that "Adem came here with a good will and he believes that Albanians, Serbs and all those who live in Kosovo and Metohija ought to strongly engage in solving all the problems in tolerant, peaceful and democratic way".
    What is called "Kosovo and Metohija" by father Sava, is called "Kosova" by Demaçi, but both of them agreed that the problems must be solved "with revealing a new epoch, a new era and a new way of behaving".
    "We are here to testify that we are talking together and we will continue talking, that we will be friends and that we are working on the understanding and reconciliation of our nations", claimed the KLA political representative.
    "I have to say that Serbs are worried because the Security forces have withdrawn, and many of them feel unprotected", Sava told Demaçi.
    "There is no good when people think they must be protected the by police", responded Demaçi.
    "The best way to feel safe is to behave properly, not to harm anybody, especially their neighbors", stated Demaçi, while a monk was tolling the bell in the yard of the Monastery.
    "Neither KLA should protect the Albanians, nor the Police should protect the Serbs, they ought to protect each other, to respect each other, and in that case there will be no need to ask protection either from KLA or the Police", Demaçi appealed.
    After raising a toast, the "host" saw off the KLA political representative. Demaçi went to visit the villages Carrabreg, Drenoc, Prejlep, Raushiq and Loxhë.
    "This is the house of the Dinaj family", said Demaçi as he was standing by the ruins of his friend's house Binak, with whom he spent the best years of his life, in prison.
    The village of Raushiq looked like the rest of the villages of the Dukagjin plain. "I am not sure if the barbarians did such crimes in their times", stressed Demaçi.
    The few residents of these areas were hurrying to meet the rare guest from Prishtina. They thought that Prishtina had forgotten them. It was one of the rare meetings, in which the capital directly communicated with the ones that bared the load of "institutionalizing the issue of Kosova".
    "I am extremely touched by this. There are claims that people are going back. After seeing all this, I wonder to what they are going back. I don't know how are people going to start living in these conditions, when everything is completely ruined".
    "Nevertheless, we have to give our best and start living, even from this", said Demaçi as he was leaving the remains of Deçan behind. The same Deçan that had guarded the Monastery for centuries.

    KOSOVA (movement of population – Suharekë)
    The population of Bukosh village displaced again

    Suharekë, 30 October (ARTA) 1530CET--
    The "Koha Ditore" sources inform that shooting was registered in the Suharekë municipal village of Bukosh yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, there were no victims. According to these sources, three terrain vehicles loaded with policemen and soldiers shot against the local Albanian houses, while the witnesses claim that, "Serb police was not provoked by any means, but it shot without pretext against some youngsters who were by chance standing in front of their houses".
    These statements were also confirmed by the SCDHRF in Suharekë. Its communiqué states among others that, "Serb forces threw some hand-grenades in the yard of Nuhi Sopa from this village. There were no human victims but a huge material damage was caused".
    Because of this incident, the returned residents of Bukosh had to flee once again and seek shelter in the surrounding villages. This caused a feeling of insecurity among the residents of Vraniq village, who also started to return back home in the past days.
    According to the data of the local LDK, Serb forces are still holding the positions they controlled previously: Qafë e Duhlës, Biraç, Duhël, Reshtan and Budakovë.
    Their presence induces insecurity to the residents of the surrounding villages, who are still compelled to stay out of their homes.
    Various humanitarian associations organized a convoy into the villages of Nishor, Semetisht and Peçan.

    KOSOVA (corpses discovered – Malishevë)
    Two corpses were found in Mleçan and Bubavec villages

    Malishevë, 30 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    Special Serb forces still remain in the positions, where they were installed three months ago i.e. in Smonicë (entrance to Tërpezë) and near the Mleçan cemetery, informs the "Koha Ditore" correspondent from Malishevë.
    These forces control also the positions (erected three days ago) in the premises of "Mirusha" enterprise near Carallukë village and at the pines of Llozicë.
    Meanwhile, the corpse of Sherif Myftar Kryeziu (37) from Mleçan was found in a well, local sources confirm.
    He was mentally retarded and yesterday his tragic fate was confirmed, informs the "Koha Ditore" correspondent.
    On the other hand, the corpse of Murat Kryeziu (50), from Bubavec, was found in a local farming parcel.

    KOSOVA (IDPs no return – Klinë)
    Residents of Përçevë, Gremnik and Çupevë won’t go back home due to insecurity

    Klinë, 30 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    No Serb police\military forces withdrew from their positions in the region of Sverkë, even though there were movements of military trucks from their positions in Përçevë to the bauxite mine in Volljakë and back, the "KD" corespondent from Klinë informs.
    In the meantime, according to the same source, the residents of Përçevë are massively showing interest to go back to their villages, but due to the fear from the great presence of the Serb military\police forces in this village, they gave up from these attempts. Thus, the population of the villages of Përçevë, Gremnik and Çupevë remains in benevolence of the weather, outside in the open.
    On the other hand, the corpse of Shahe Gashi (76), was found in the village of Çabiq. She did not manage to flee her village, hence, she died a month ago, due to the lack of care and food, but nobody buried her, informs the corespondent from Klinë.

    KOSOVA (corpse found – Mitrovicë)
    The corpse of Musa Ahmeti from Radishevë found

    Mitrovicë, 30 October (ARTA) 1630CET--
    The corpse of Musa Ahmeti (27) from Radishevë, who was considered missing since three months ago when Serb police massacred his father Shyqeri, was found yesterday in the Skënderaj municipal village of Qubrel.
    On the other hand, Serb civilians from Suhogërllë village have shot against four Albanian women from Drenica region sheltered in Mitrovicë. They tried to get back in Suhogërllë to see what happened with their properties, but the shooting started when they approached the village.

    KOSOVA (trial – Prizren)
    Doctor accused for offering help to the KLA soldiers released from detention

    Prizren, 30 October (ARTA) 1820CET --
    On Friday, after three months in detention, dr. Nasib Fetiu (1958), from Peçan (Suharekë municipality), was finally released, as he was found not guilty of the charge "Association for hostile activities", according to the article 136 of the "FRY" Criminal Code, since it had no ground.
    The police arrested Fetiu on 27 June, in Suharekë. During the time he spent in detention, he was maltreated to accept the "facts" that he offered medical help to the KLA soldiers in his village.
    Fetiu was prolonged the detention, two times. Two weeks ago he was transferred from the Municipal Prison in Prizren to the prison in Vranje, along with dozens of other Albanians, accused for "terrorism".

    KOSOVA (no school – Rahovec)
    Because of Serb police presence in school, the lessons did not start in Ratkoc

    Rahovec, 30 October (ARTA) 1600CET--
    According to the data of Municipal Council for Education, the school buildings of the Rahovec municipal villages Kramovik, Guri i Kuq, Vrajakë, Denjë, Zatriq, Opterushë and Reti are destroyed completely.
    The pupils of these schools are currently attending lessons in the areas where they are temporary sheltered, because their houses are destroyed as well.
    The residents of the villages Drenoc, Çifllak and Polluzhë who returned into their homes last days, started to restore the school buildings of these villages.
    The Municipal Financing Council (KKF), helped the restoration of these schools with 2.000 DM.
    Meanwhile, the lessons have not started in Ratkoc, because Serb police usurps the school building.

    KOSOVA (Rugova press conference)
    Rugova: "We request complete withdrawal of the Serb forces from Kosova"

    Prishtina, 30 October (ARTA) 1500CET--
    "Just a partial withdrawal of the Serb forces from Kosova is carried out and it must continue", claimed Dr. Rugova in his press conference.
    "The return of the dislocated people into their houses in Kosova ought to be carried out under a higher international security", he claimed referring to Kishnarekë, where still there are people living outdoors.
    Rugova claimed that the best solution of the problem is the independent state of Kosova and requested NATO troops to be installed in Kosova, so to keep the security in the region.
    "The interim phase is introduced in order to evict the perilous situation in Kosova, and in order to create convenient circumstances for the final status of Kosova", he claimed among others.
    "This is our attitude to the Ambassador Hill and the Contact Group in order to initiate talks which should result with concrete outcomes", claimed Rugova.
    "We are working to prepare for negotiations and concrete results and not to talk about talks" answered Rugova asked whether the talks will start in 4 November.
    While speaking about the "Groups of KLA and local patriots", as he labeled them, Rugova stated: "We hope that the situation in Kosova will stabilize after the arrival of Verification and NATO mission, and we hope these groups will welcome and respect the duties of the missions in Kosova".
    "We demand that the number of Serb forces in Kosova further decreases, that the police forces of Kosova be established, and finally the 'Yugoslav' troops to withdraw completely".

    ALBANIA (International Conference on Albania)
    Enhance the Internal Security and contend the corruption

    Tirana, 30 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    The delegations participating in the International Conference on Albania (which started on Friday in Tirana) demanded from the Albanian Government to intensify the grapple against smuggling and corruption, as well as to increase the internal security measures.
    36 European countries as well as the USA are participating in this conference. The topic of the conference is about the future assistance to Albania.
    Notwithstanding, the OSCE rotating chairman, Geremek, stated that police assistance of EU and MAPE dedicated to combat crime in Albania is expected to be introduced in November.
    The donors’ conference for Albania is planned to be held in 1999, while the final document is expected to be signed in the end of the conference.

    ALBANIA (accident escaped)
    An Albanian army MIG about to crash

    Tirana, 30 October (ARTA) 1845CET --
    A fierce explosion trembled Tirana, on Thursday morning at around 0930CET. A military MIG plane, which took off from the Rinas military airport for military maneuvers, was about to crash. Two motors of the plane exploded near the Varrezat e Sharrës in Tirana. Defense Ministry sources inform that, at the moment the plane was approaching the ground, the pilot turned on the reserve engine and saved his life, the plane and managed to avoid the eventual damages that would have been caused. The plane landed quite normally.
    The experts have started the investigation to find out the reasons that brought about the explosion of the MIG motors that provoked the incident.

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • NEWS: Mr. Adem Demaçi visited Decani Monastery, Oct. 30
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Betreff: [kosovo] (URGENT) Decani Monastery: REFUTAION OF THE FALSE REPORT BY KIC
    Datum:         Sat, 31 Oct 1998 03:45:01 +0100
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery



    In the daily bulletin by the Albanian Kosova Information Center, October 29, there was published a false information about our monastery. With great regret we must say that it is not the first time that KIC is publishing unfounded and false information about us which makes great moral damage to our Church in general.

    Here is the text of the KIC report: Oct 29

    "....Sources said that several Albanians were rounded up by Serb forces in  the forests above Isniq village. The LDK Information Commission said  it could learn the identity of only one of them by midday today, naming him as Avdi Ahmetxhekaj. People told the Commission that the apprehended Albanians were taken to the Serb Monastery in Decan."
    The very idea that the police may be taking its prisoners to the monastery for whatever reason is completely unreasonable and UNTRUE. Not only in this case, but NEVER so far has police used our monastery nor any other facility of our Church as a detention center or a police station. The police in Decani has its regular police station where arrested people are usually taken. It has been a firm policy of our Church to resist to any use of force and to avoid completely any connection with the activities of the security forces. They may only visit the monastery as regular visitors to light a candle or see the church.

    For our brotherhood this false information, which came from "unknown" source in Decani, is a great injustice especially now when our monastery is delivering food and medicines to the suffering Albanian people in our municipality. Our efforts to work on confidence building between two communities in Decani may be confirmed by many Albanians and Serbs who live here and our work has found recognition among many diplomats and journalist who visit our shrine every day. Our Albanian neighbors are coming regularly and freely to our monastery and we are visiting them as well and we cannot understand why someone is trying to spread the hatred. The information which are published without any reliable confirmation, unfortunately  make damage to the credibility of your information center.

    I am enclosing a press report from "Bujku" in Albanian, writen by a local Albanian journalist from Decani, in which it can be seen that our monastery is not mentioned at all. In fact the object which is mentioned in connection with the police is not the Monastery in Decani, but the "Factory of pumps" in Decani (end of article: Fabrike se Pompave me Piston ne Decan). On the other hand in your Albanian language KIC Internet report from Oct 29 this incident in Decani is not mentioned at all, especially NOT our monastery. I contacted the above mentioned "Bujku" journalist who wrote a newspaper report on this incident in Decani and learned that the monastery was not mentioned at all in the original report. I wonder how it happened that the name of our monastery appeared in your English edition instead of the factory?

    Yesterday, October 30, our monastery was visited by Mr. Adem Demaci and a larger group of Albanian journalists who could easily see that the monastery serves only to the religious purposes and that our intentions are fair and honest. Furthermore, Mr. Demaci praised our peace efforts and pointed out publicaly that the insinuations which appeared from time to time in the press were false and unfair.

    I must admit that we here are completely ignorant of the incident which was mentioned in your report but with full certainity we can say that our monastery has not anything to do with that. As in case of all human rights violations we appeal that this alleged incident is independently investigated.

    Therefore I kindly request you to publish our REFUTATION in your bulletin (in Albanian and English). So far I have sent several similar refutations and I have never received any answer nor our refutation ever appeared in the KIC reports. I must say that we sincerely regret because of such misunderstandings and hope that this will not happen again.

    Sincerely Yours
    Fr. Sava

    PS. This message has been forwarded to many foreign Embassies in Belgrade as well as to the western diplomats and News Agencies with which we have regular contact and cooperation.
    Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
    38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
    http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

    Betreff:         [kosovo] NEWS: Mr. Adem Demaçi visited Decani Monastery, Oct. 30
    Datum:         Sat, 31 Oct 1998 03:14:29 +0100
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery
    Information on the visit of Mr. Adem Demaçi to Decani Monastery

    Decani, Oct. 30.
    Today, in 13.00 CET, Mr. Adem Demaçi, the political representative of the KLA and the leader of the Kosovo Albanian Parliamentary Party arrived in Decani Monastery followed by a  group of journalists. Upon his arrival Mr. Demaçi said that he had a great wish to visit this Orthodox monastery and express his good will and respect towards the Serbian Orthodox Church. In absence of the Abbot Fr. Theodosius the guests were received by hieromonk Sava who had met Mr. Demaçi in April this year on a conference about Kosovo in Thessalonika, Greece.

    Fr. Sava said that all people who come to the monastery with peace and good will are welcome no matter what their political convictions were. He pointed out that it has always been a position of the Church that the conflict in Kosovo should be resolved in a peaceful and democratic way. Fr. Sava said in addition that no violence is acceptable and that it is very important to secure the cease fire and immediately start the negotiations. He also expressed the grave concern of the Church for the missing people and appealed on Mr. Demaçi that everything is done that they are set free. Mr. Demaçi agreed that it is essential to reach the peaceful resolution of the conflict in the province and expressed his admiration for the balanced position of our Church in time of the war in summer when the Monastery organized humanitarian aid for both Serb and Albanian refugees. He said that both Albanians and Serbs must live together in peace adding that the KLA will not attack the civillian population and will respect the cease fire. After visiting the monastery church Mr. Demaçi and the journalists were invited for a short conversation in the monastery library.

    Visoki Decani Monastery
    Decani Monastery               tel +381 390 61543
    38322 Decani, Serbia           fax +381 390 61567
    http://www.decani.yunet.com    e-mail: decani@EUnet.yu

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    9. news from ATA /ENTER  and so on 
    Date:         Sat, 31 Oct 1998 14:03:27 -0100
    From:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Subject:      News:31ata01
    Albania may play a positive role for solution of Kosova crisis, Schuessel

          TIRANA, Tirana, Oct. 30 (ATA) - By I. Luto:
          Albania may play a positive role for the solution of the Kosova crisis, advicing the political factors there to aspire only for the way of the political dialogue, the current President of the European Union, Wolfgang Schuessel, told a news conference on Friday after the end of the Tirana International Conference.
          A stabilized Albania is a factor of security even for the region, a moderated politics on its side is a hard obstacle against the provocations of its Northern neighbour.
          Schussel, on behalf of the EU, reconfirmed the support for the Albanian government and mainly for those sectors in which many problems are faced, like the order. In regard to this, he added that the EU will issue concrete programs.
          Meanwhile, referring to the situation in Kosova, the EU current chairman stressed that the Holbrooke-Milosevic Accord is not perfect, but it is the only one that may function, thus we have to back it to be successful, stressed the chief of the Austrian diplomacy.
          Milosevic has given signs of withdrawal and what we fear is that the vacuum created by this pullout may be filled by UaK (The Kosova Liberation Army), instead of being used to move forwards to the political dialogue. UaK must no "maltreat" the agreement, said Schuessel.

    Date:         Fri, 30 Oct 1998 20:08:07 -0100
    From:         ata <hola@ATA.TIRANA.AL>
    Organization: ATA
    Subject:      news:30atanews02
    Italian humanitarian organisation to hold manifestation in Kosova

        PRISHTINE, Oct 30 (ATA)
          On occasion of the 50-th anniversary of Universal Declaration for Human Rights, "Pax Christi", "The peacemakers are blessed", "Peace Builders", "Pope Giovanni XXIII"  and some other Italian nongovernmental organisations, have planned to organise several manifestations in Kosova on December 9-10 this year, Kosova Information Center (KIC) reports.
          Liza Clark, an American activist for human rights, who works with Italian humanitarian organisations, told KIC that it is envisaged that on December 9-10 hundreds of activists and Kosova supporters will come to Kosova. They will march in the streets of Prishtine, visit other centers of Kosova and pay homage to the war victims and Kosova other victims of the last past years.
          Mrs.Klark said that the Italian organisations, participating in this activity, have printed 150 cards, which will be signed and sent to many personalities among whom the Italian President, Scalfaro, the Austrian Foreign Minister and the current Chairman of European Unity, Schussel and the U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson.
          Mrs.Klark also said that the Italian organisations are making efforts to prepare the world opinion in favour of respecting the Human Rights in Kosova and other countries in the world where they lack.

    10. eventual additional press news 
    CONTENTS _______________________________________________________________________
    Date:         Sat, 31 Oct 1998 13:54:28 -0500
    From:         Besnik Pula <ulpiana@ALBANIAN.COM>
    Subject:      News: B92
    B92 Open Yugoslavia, Belgrade                   Daily News Service
    Open Yugoslavia, News by 5.00 pm, October 31, 1998
    Issue ID: 1031982e.asc


    PRISTINA, SERBIA. An unnamed US diplomat in Pristina today told Radio B92 that there was no plan to begin direct negotiations between Belgrade authorities and Kosovo Albanians. The diplomat was commenting on reports from Brussels that negotiations would commence on November 4. The same source said that US envoy Christopher Hill would continue his mediation mission next week with visits to both Pristina and Belgrade.


    THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS. The Hague Tribunal has accused the Yugoslav Government of spending five years avoiding the extradition of indicted war crime suspects on its territory. In its annual report to the UN Security Council, the tribunal called on the international community to take action to ensure the cooperation of Belgrade authorities. The report did not specify what those measures should be.


    PODGORICA, MONTENEGRO. The third congress of the Montenegrin Democratic Party of Socialists began in Podgorica today. Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic is the only candidate for president of the party, to replace incumbent Milica Pejanovic- Djurisic, who has declined to stand again. Parliamentary president Svetozar Marovic and Prime Minister Filip Vujanovic are to stand as vice-presidents of the party.
    In her introductory speech to the congress, Pejanovic-Djurisic emphasised that the party had clearly opted for a federal and democratic Yugoslavia, with equal status for the republics. She said that this concept could not be achieved under the regime of Slobodan Milosevic, so that it was more than certain that he would step down from power. She added that Milosevic's regime was illogical and not sensible and that Montenegro would find a way to defend itself against Milosevic's policies.


    BELGRADE, SERBIA. The Independent Association of Journalists in Serbia (NUNS) in the last day of its extraordinary general meeting in Belgrade today adopted a declaration protesting about Serbia's new Information Act. The declaration warns the local and international public about the act and demands that all relevant bodies in Yugoslavia support the work of media affected either by the activities of the Ministry of Information or by the implementation of the Information Act.

    Date:         Sat, 31 Oct 1998 13:48:01 -0500
    From:         Besnik Pula <ulpiana@ALBANIAN.COM>
    Subject:      News: B92
    B92 Open Yugoslavia, Belgrade                   Daily News Service
    Open Yugoslavia, News by 12.00, October 31, 1998
    Issue ID: 1031981e.asc


    BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is to present a Serbian plan for the self-management of the province of Kosovo. NATO and EU sources in Brussels last night said that Milosevic will unveil the plan on Monday. Negotiations between Belgrade and Kosovo Albanian leaders will begin two days later.
    The project is based on the proposal presented to both sides by US envoy Christopher Hill and eleven items defined by Belgrade after the Milosevic-Holbrooke agreement of October 8.
    The Brussels sources report that NATO and the EU believe that Hill's proposal is a sound starting point for an agreement between Serbs and Albanians.


    DECANI, SERBIA. The political spokesman of the UCK, Adem Demaqi, yesterday led a convoy of journalists to the Serbian Orthodox monastery at Decani. Radio B92's Kosovo correspondent Antonela Riha reports that Demaqi spoke to the Abbot, Father Sava Janjic in private for about fifteen minutes before addressing the entire group.
    Demaqi said that he believed in friendship and understanding between Serbs and Albanians because it had existed for centuries. He said that both sides should look to the future, heal their wounds and not allow new wounds to be open. He also strenuously denied local rumours that weapons and Serbian forces were concealed in the Decani monastery.
    Father Sava told the journalists that the monastery's doors were always open for all people of good will and added that the Church called on all Kosovars to find solutions for their problems peacefully. He also said that the situation in the Serb-dominated Decani region was calm and stable, and that the ceasefire was being respected by both sides.


    WASHINGTON, USA. The first large group of US observers for the OSCE peace verification mission is due to arrive in Pristina today. US Defence Department spokesman Michael Doubleday said that the group of seventy consisted of veterans with experience in high-conflict situations, including that in the Balkans. OSCE mission leader William Walker said that the team members would be unarmed and that their safety was guaranteed both by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and by NATO rapid reaction forces stationed in Macedonia. The USA yesterday announced that it would send a total of 300 observers to the OSCE mission.


    VIENNA, AUSTRIA. The European Union is continuing to negotiate on providing armed security escorts for OSCE observers in Kosovo. EU Chairman Wolfgang Schuessel yesterday said that political guarantees of safety were not sufficient and insisted that OSCE personnel should have bodyguards, adding that this was standard practice for politicians around the world.


    PRISTINA, SERBIA. The humanitarian situation in Kosovo has significantly improved in the past few days according to UNHCR spokesman Fernando del Mundo. Del Mundo told Radio B92 last night that, by way of example, there had been 3,000 people living in the open in Kisna Reka only two days earlier but that by yesterday they had all returned to their homes. He also said that the UNHCR would conduct a survey in Kosovo next week to determine how many people were still without housing and what degree of damage had been done to houses.


    BELGRADE, SERBIA. The Yugoslav Government yesterday rejected the jurisdiction of the International War Crimes Tribunal over Kosovo. Justice Minister Zoran Knezevic told media that no international documents gave any jurisdiction over Kosovo to the Hague, and that not even the Milosevic-Holbrooke agreement had approved it. Knezevic added that the Kosovo situation was nothing to do with the tribunal as it was a classic example of Albanian terrorism. He said that international envoys were permitted to come to Kosovo only in order to provide better and more detailed information for international organisations and institutions.

    Date:         Sat, 31 Oct 1998 09:33:57 -0500
    From:         Sokol Rama <sokolrama@SPRYNET.COM>
    Subject:      NEWS: 31.

    Taken without permission, for fair use only


    Kosovo Refugees in Bosnia Still Wary of Going Home
    Reuters  30-OCT-98

    SARAJEVO, Oct 30 (Reuters) - Kosovo refugees in Bosnia said on Friday they were still reluctant to return to their homes despite the withdrawal of feared Serbian security forces from the troubled Yugoslav province.
         They said their homes had been destroyed during the Serbian crackdown on the ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo, leaving little for them to go back to.
         Instead, refugees interviewed by Reuters said they still feared the security forces left in Kosovo, and that they hoped to make a living in a third country and return later with money to rebuild their houses.
         Thousands of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo have fled to Bosnia since the summer, when Serbian forces launched an offensive against the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
         Around 1,000 of them have found temporary shelter in an abandoned Coca-Cola plant in the Sarajevo suburb of Hadzici where they live in poor conditions as winter approaches.
         "My house was completely destroyed during the offensive, so how could I even start thinking about possible return now when the winter is approaching and I have no money to repair it," said 24-year-old Baskin from the town of Drenica.
         "Here I have at least a roof over my head and enough food for my three children. But it would be the best for us if we could go to Germany and make some money before returning to Kosovo," he said.
         "I cannot wait to return to my home and I would go there straight away, but who can ensure safety for my family there," said Ljuam, 40, also from Drenica. "I could maybe return but my wife and children will have to stay here for some time."
         Colam Veselj, 53, from the village of Blace near the town of Suva Reka, arrived in Sarajevo last week. He said he was sceptical that Serbian forces had really pulled back from Kosovo.
         "I saw many tanks hidden in the woods as I was leaving Kosovo. The withdrawal of the Serbian army is just a farce. I was there and nobody can fool me," he said.
         Barbara Vacquin, field officer for the U.N. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Bosnia, said at least 6,000 refugees from Kosovo had asked for its help since the Serbian offensive was launched, and that some had still been arriving during the past week.
         The Bosnian government estimates the number of ethnic Albanian refugees in Bosnia at 15,000, including thousands who have not registered with the UNHCR.
         Some 250,000 Kosovo Albanians were driven from their homes in all during Belgrade's crackdown. Ethnic Albanians make up 90 percent of Kosovo's 1.8 million population.
         Bosnia has difficulty coping with refugees from other regions since roughly 800,000 of its own people still remain displaced inside the country three years after the end of its civil war.

    Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited.All rights reserved.

    Political Talks Hung up Over how much Freedom for Kosovo
    AP  31-OCT-98

    PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Kosovo's ethnic Albanians want independence. Yugoslavia says forget it and the international community agrees, at least for now.
         Such a major difference has left the Albanian majority feeling double-teamed and confused, wondering why Western powers preach democracy but reject its demand for a referendum on independence.
         Instead, the United States and European nations are pressing for substantial self-rule for the Kosovo Albanians, but under a formula that would keep them within President Slobodan Milosevic's Yugoslavia.
         "The international community says the best solution is to not let people say what they want," chief Albanian negotiator Fehmi Agani said Friday. "Politics has pragmatic logic. It doesn't have real logic."
         The question of how much self-rule Kosovo should have is crucial to ending a conflict that could spread elsewhere in the Balkans. Both the Albanians and Serbs appear intransigent, casting doubt on chances for immediate progress.
         Failure to reach some kind of political agreement would allow the tension and deep hatreds to simmer all winter, possibly bringing fresh fighting in the spring thaw.
         With roots dating back at least nine years, when then-Serbian Communist Party chief Milosevic stripped Kosovo of its autonomous status, the conflict has grown into a violent uprising and spawned an ethnic Albanian guerrilla movement.
         Hundreds of people died in seven months of fighting after a Serb crackdown on Albanian separatists began in February.
         Fearing further warfare and a humanitarian catastrophe for refugees forced into the woods, a Western pressure campaign backed by threatened NATO airstrikes forced Milosevic to agree to withdraw some forces and seek a political solution.
         But the core issue of who should rule Kosovo has stymied efforts by U.S. envoy Christopher Hill to get negotiations started.
         An initial model calls for autonomy for Kosovo with the possibility of a review in three years. During that time, Kosovo could rebuild the local institutions it lost in 1989.
         Any agreement stops there.
         While ethnic Albanian guerrillas call for independence now, most ethnic Albanians would likely accept granting Kosovo the same status as Serbia and Montenegro -- the two republics that comprise Yugoslavia -- during the three-year interim period.
         After that, even the "moderates" want a referendum on independence.
         "Independence is the best solution for Kosovo and stability in the region," the province's chief ethnic Albanian politician Ibrahim Rugova said Friday.
         Agani, Rugova's chief negotiator, said continued Serbian rule means more discrimination and "genocide" for Albanians.
         "Being inside Serbia, that means working by its laws," he said. "We'd organize a kind of province that has its own structures, but no power of its own."
         A Serb official said any solution must respect the "national integrity and sovereignty" of Yugoslavia.
         "Independence after three years is out of the question," said Zoran Andjelkovic, head of a Serb-appointed interim government in Kosovo. "After the three years, we will continue our discussions to see whether the solution which we come up with now is final or needs some changes."
         Hill said Washington also opposes independence for Kosovo.
         "We do not feel it would be a stabilizing factor in the region," he said, referring to fears that Albanians in neighboring Macedonia also would start independence campaigns.
         "We do not see that the Serbs are going to be able to support Kosovo's independence, and therefore it's a rather difficult proposition at this point to negotiate," Hill said.
         That brought a derisive response from Agani.
         "I welcome their good intentions, but when they have to face such difficulty from Serbia, they think it is easier for Kosovo to change," he said, adding that anything short of freedom from Serb rule will mean continued conflict.
         "We cannot set ourselves free," he warned, "but we can keep Serbia in a crisis situation all the time."

    Copyright 1998& The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

    Refugees Return Home but Face Hardship of Rebuilding
    AP  31-OCT-98

    KISNA REKA, Yugoslavia (AP) -- For months, they slept in a makeshift camp in huts made of tree-branch frames and covered with plastic sheeting, scared to return to their homes after Serb troops overran their village.
         Now most of the ethnic Albanian refugees who fled up Drenica mountain have returned home, but their property is so badly damaged they still fear the cold and hunger as a harsh winter approaches in Kosovo.
         "We are going home, but we are taking these tents with us because our house is such a disaster we will have to sleep in the garden," Husa Goraj, 52, said Friday.
         About 3,000 refugees lived in the camp after fleeing Serb forces who took over Kisna Reka, 20 miles southwest of Pristina, and other villages in the area during an offensive that began in February.
         Most returned to their homes in Kisna Reka on Thursday. But a few like Goraj finished packing belongings Friday or planned to stay longer because Serb police were still patrolling their villages.
         Hundreds of people have been killed in Kosovo since Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic sent troops in to battle ethnic Albanian separatists. About 90 percent of Kosovo's 2 million inhabitants are ethnic Albanians, and most want independence from Serbia, the main republic in Yugoslavia.
         In Kisna Reka, a few miles down a dirt road from the refugee camp, returning residents began rebuilding their shelled and burned homes.
         "We tried to make a roof with plastic, but as soon as the wind picks up it will blow away," said 20-year-old Hasim Suliqi, pointing to a charred farm house missing its roof.
         Suliqi said that on the previous night -- their first at home in more than three months -- his 15 family members slept in one small room. He also said the Serbs burned his family's wheat and corn fields, and the garden was so neglected no crops could be saved.
         "We have no food and no money," Suliqi said. "The winter will be very difficult. I don't know if we will all survive."
         His 74-year-old father, Beqiv, said he didn't trust the Serb withdrawal and had left the family's plastic tents at the camp in case they needed to flee again.
         International observers report large numbers of Serb police and Yugoslav soldiers have returned to barracks or left Kosovo, as agreed to under an Oct. 12 accord between Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke.
         NATO threatened airstrikes if Milosevic did not keep his word. The threat of airstrikes remains, though the military alliance this week lifted its deadline for Milosevic to fully comply with the wide-ranging agreement.
         The sight of even a few remaining policemen and soldiers in some areas has kept many refugees from returning home.
         A spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency in Geneva, Kris Janowski, said Friday it was hard to tell how many of the 300,000 refugees were back home. He estimated 20,000 homes had been destroyed, and said some refugees found booby traps such as grenades set with trip wires in doorways.
         Another problem was well water contaminated by animal carcasses thrown down the shaft by Serb forces, he said.
         Inside the Suliqi walled compound, which houses three families in traditional Albanian style, two men hammered branches to build a shelter for belongings brought from the camp on a wagon. Another group of men cleared bricks and weeds from the garden.
         Several women washed clothes and dishes and tried to clean rooms strewn with broken furniture, clothing and other belongings.
         Despite the filth and damage, most refugees expressed relief at finally being home.

    Copyright 1998& The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

    Many Kosovo Albanians Seek Safety in Switzerland
    AP  31-OCT-98

    GENEVA (AP) -- Newly wed and newly widowed, Kajtaz Thaci stares vacantly through a haze of cigarette smoke, struggling to come to terms with the fact that he's finally safe -- but alone in Switzerland.
         The ethnic Albanian farmer, who says his 21-year-old wife Mukadeze was killed in a Serb attack just a week after their marriage, sought refuge in this peaceful Alpine nation after fleeing the violence in Kosovo.
         Thaci, 22, is one of an estimated 5,000 Kosovo Albanian refugees who arrived here this month. Already hosting a 150,000-member ethnic Albanian population, Switzerland has become an unwilling magnet for the refugees.
         Although asylum is difficult to obtain -- only 5 percent of Kosovo Albanian applicants succeed each year -- the Swiss government allows in refugees who already have family in Switzerland and is letting many others stay until the situation improves in the troubled province.
         The army is providing emergency shelter, food and medical care to help overwhelmed civilian authorities handle the new arrivals. In Geneva and Basel, underground nuclear bunkers have become temporary accommodation for the refugees.
         Germany is believed to have the biggest Kosovo Albanian population in Europe, followed by the Swiss.
         About 22,000 Yugoslavs -- the vast majority Kosovo Albanians -- have arrived in Germany this year seeking asylum. Other countries including Italy are also registering much smaller, but rising, numbers.
         Officials at Geneva's Popular Albanian University, a shabby building formerly occupied by a computer business opposite the city's soccer stadium, say they deal with at least 50 to 60 new arrivals from Kosovo each day, compared with 10 to 20 three months ago.
         Sitting in the university's smoky canteen while awaiting registration at the city's asylum office, Thaci says he became separated from his family after his wife's death in the Serb attack two months ago. He survived in the forest before catching a boat from Albania to Italy and traveling to Switzerland, where he has an uncle.
         Thaci glossed over details of his journey. But many refugees pay large cash sums to organized gangs to smuggle them in.
         Across the canteen, Nadire Pashtriku, 33, her husband Agni, 34, and their four children were eating lunch.
         The family say they fled Prizren in southern Kosovo, after Serb police began to suspect Agni, a grocer, was supplying food to the Kosovo Liberation Army, the guerrilla force fighting for independence for the province. "We were very worried about the children," said Nadire. "It was a difficult decision to take but it was the only solution."
         Created in 1996, the university acts as a community center offering basic education and training to young Albanians. It also increasingly supports Kosovo refugees struggling with Swiss asylum procedures.
         The Swiss government makes all Kosovo Albanians apply for asylum and has refused blanket approval to Kosovo Albanians to stay until the conflict ends, as it did with Bosnians fleeing their earlier civil war.
         The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees estimates so far this year there have been 53,000 asylum requests from Yugoslav nationals in western European nations -- the overwhelming majority from Kosovo Albanians.
         "These countries, not only Switzerland but Germany and others, must show solidarity with these people," said university social worker Naim Malaj.

    Copyright 1998& The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

    Osce Observers Should Have Bodyguards Geremek.
    Itar-Tass  31-OCT-98

    BELGRADE, October 31 (Itar-Tass) - The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe intends to ask Belgrade to have bodyguards for its observers because their work is rather dangerous, OSCE chairman-in-office Polish Foreign Minister Bronislaw Geremek said.
         In an interview with the BETA news agency in Tirana, Geremek, who arrived there to participate in an international conference devoted to the situation in Albania, expressed the hope that the OSCE "verification mission" will cooperate with the illegal Liberation Army of Kosovo (LAK) and Tirana will give a positive impetus to the settlement of the conflict in Kosovo, including by establishing order in the northern part of Albania.
         Geremek said he intends to ask the NATO leadership to prepare plan of urgent evacuation of the observers from the area. To this end, it is necessary to take in alert NATO rapid reaction forces, he added.

    Date:         Fri, 30 Oct 1998 19:44:23 -0500
    From:         Nick <albania@EROLS.COM>
    Subject:      News:Croats vs. Serbs via Internet
    Croats vs. Serbs via Internet

    Copyright © 1998 Nando.net
    Copyright © 1998 Reuters News Service

    ZAGREB, Croatia (October 30, 1998 3:26 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com)
     - Having fought with guns and diplomacy, Croats and Serbs have now taken their fight for supremacy into cyberspace.
         A group of Serbian hackers called 'Crna Ruka' (Black Hand) hacked onto the Web site of Croatian state-owned daily Vjesnik on Wednesday evening, writing slogans like "We're fighting for the truth and for Serbia."
         Croatian hackers retaliated the next day, blocking the site of the Serbian National Library, Vjesnik reported on Friday.
         "Read Vjesnik and not Serbian books," their message said.
         Vjesnik is closely-linked to the Croatian authorities and President Franjo Tudman's government and ruling party.
         "This has nothing to do with politics. This is simply our reply to their propaganda. We wanted to show them we're better hackers," said a member of Croatian Mind Hackers who rang the daily on Thursday night.
         "If they break into Croatian cyberspace one more time we'll hack their government's server," he said.
         Crna Ruka hackers gained publicity earlier this month when they entered the site of Kosovo Information Center, run by ethnic Albanians who fight for independence from Serbia.
         Croatia gained independence from Serb-dominated communist Yugoslavia in 1991 after fighting a war against its rebel minority Serbs.

    Date:         Fri, 30 Oct 1998 13:09:28 -0800
    From:         KreshnikBejko <kbejko@KRUNCHER.PTLOMA.EDU>
    Subject:      News:Kosovo/Alb.Constitution

    RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol 2, No. 210, Part II, 30 October 1998

    Only a "small number" of Kosovars have returned to their homes in recent days, AP reported from Prishtina on 30 October. Refugees trying to go home said that they found many Serbian police or soldiers still in the area and that the Kosovars' former homes are no longer inhabitable. Spokesmen for shadow-state President Ibrahim Rugova's Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) said that "there are so many Serbian troops, military and police, as well as combat hardware, that [such a] partial withdrawal cannot create the necessary confidence for the Albanian refugees and displaced persons to return back to their homes." The LDK's KIC news agency noted that some 25,000 Serbian security forces are allowed to remain in Kosova under a recent agreement between Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and NATO generals and that only 4,100 troops were required to leave. KIC argued that a force of 2,500 would be sufficient to maintain order in Kosova.
    PM (Patrick Moore, Team Leader, <MooreP@rferl.org>)

    Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Vojislav Seselj said in Belgrade on 29 October that "all armed terrorists will be disarmed and brought to justice. The withdrawal of police [from Kosova] does not mean the end of the fight against terrorism," by which he meant the fight against the Kosova Liberation Army. In Prishtina, Serbian Orthodox Bishop Artemije and ethnic Serbian political leader Momcilo Trajkovic issued a declaration accusing Milosevic of surrendering Serbian sovereignty over Kosova through his recent agreements with U.S. special envoy Richard Holbrooke and NATO generals. Artemije and Trajkovic added that Milosevic's policies serve to take Kosova "out of the state of Serbia, abolish state sovereignty and jeopardize the territorial integrity of Serbia in [the province] because they withhold the right of republican and [Yugoslav] federal bodies" to carry out security functions in Kosova.
    PM (Patrick Moore, Team Leader, <MooreP@rferl.org>)

    Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping said in Bonn on 29 October that Germany will provide an unspecified number of unmanned surveillance aircraft to monitor Serbian compliance with UN demands in Kosova. Some 350 German soldiers will operate the aircraft from bases in Macedonia, dpa reported. Germany has already pledged to contribute 200 persons to the 2,000-strong OSCE civilian verification mission. The government has not yet said what it will contribute to NATO's planned rapid-reaction force, which will rescue the "verifiers" should they find themselves in danger.
    PM (Patrick Moore, Team Leader, <MooreP@rferl.org>)

    Foreign Minister Paskal Milo told "Albanian Daily News" on 29 October that he expects foreign participants at an international donors' conference on 30 October in Tirana to criticize Albania for not meeting all the goals set at previous conferences one year ago. Milo said he nonetheless expects that the conference will approve a six-month emergency program to give Albania's new government time to fulfill those earlier promises. The participants at conferences in Rome and Brussels in 1997 pledged to give up to $600 million to help Albania recover from the anarchy that swept the country early that same year. Only about $200 million of that sum actually was paid to Albania, however, because the Albanian authorities failed to convince donors that the Albanians had a sufficient number of sound programs for which the money could be put to good use.
    FS/PM (Fabian Schmidt/Patrick Moore, Team Leader, <MooreP@rferl.org>)

    Albanian Prime Minister Pandeli Majko's economic adviser Gramoz Pashko also told "Albanian Daily News" on 29 October that the governing coalition has not still succeeded in creating an administration able to make use of the promised funds. He added that the administration is plagued by corruption and unable to restore security. Albanians have yet "to understand the principles of civil society," he added. Observers note political polarization remains a major problem. In other news, Albanian and EU representatives on 28 October signed an agreement granting Tirana some $34 million to modernize agricultural production, infrastructure, and administration.
    FS (Fabian Schmidt)

    The Democratic Party leadership on 29 October called for a boycott of the 22 November referendum on a new constitution. Party leader Sali Berisha announced the decision at a rally in central Tirana the same day, "Albanian Daily News" reported. He added, however, that Democratic Party members will be present, however, in the polling commissions to observe that the vote is free and fair (see "End Note" below).
    FS (Fabian Schmidt)

    by Fabian Schmidt

          Albania's Socialist-led coalition government is preparing to hold a referendum on the long-awaited new constitution next month. Observers hope that the document will strengthen the rule of law, increase the powers of local government, and improve the efficiency of the administration by clearly defining the responsibilities of the various agencies. But less than a week after the parliament approved the constitution and announced the referendum, the constitution had become the object of a familiar political power game between the two largest parties.
          Opposition Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha said at a press conference earlier this week that his party will not approve the document. Repeating calls for new elections, he made it clear that the Democrats will draft their own constitution, which they intend to adopt once they have a majority in the parliament. Berisha said that "the majority of Albanians [was excluded] from the constitution drafting process" since the Socialists had not agreed to a roundtable of all political parties to discuss the document when his party was boycotting the legislature. He also criticized the current law whereby a simple majority of votes is sufficient to approve the constitution. The Democrats argue that a majority of all registered voters should be required to approve the draft.
          The Socialists reject the opposition charges and stress that it is the Democrats' own fault since they boycotted the parliament for most of this year, thus excluding themselves from the drafting process. They also claim that they repeatedly urged the opposition to participate in that process but the Democrats were unwilling to make their opinion heard.
          The conflict between the Socialists and the Democrats is one of form rather than of content. Some constitutional experts from the Democratic Party have told journalists in Tirana that the party does not have any substantial complaints about the draft. Furthermore, the Democrats have failed to come forward with concrete suggestions. So what are the main reasons for the dispute?
          On one hand, the Democrats remain unwilling to take part in the regular parliamentary drafting process because such participation would make it more difficult to continue to question the legitimacy of the legislature. On the other hand, the Socialists, who have a two-thirds majority in the parliament, refuse to subject the issue of the constitution to a multi-party roundtable because acceptance of such a parallel institution to the parliament would imply that the legislature indeed lacks legitimacy. Moreover, agreeing to a roundtable, similar to the one that mediated the creation of a multi-party interim government in spring 1997, would be only the first step toward new elections. The government knows that if it tries to base its policy on too broad a consensus and surrenders power to an all- party roundtable, it would risk becoming paralyzed and unable to tackle the country's urgent problems.
          A roundtable of sorts, nonetheless, took place on 25 October. But because the content of the constitution was not up for debate, the Democrats declined to attend. Instead, the governing coalition partners and representatives from the smaller center-right Republican Party agreed not to campaign on behalf of the constitution in order to avoid further political polarization of that document. The parties also said they hope that the referendum, which is to be held on 22 November, will not develop into a political battle between parties, agreeing that the parliamentary drafting commission will explain the content of the draft to the electorate through the media. And they suggested that non-governmental organizations, rather than political parties, should be involved in organizing the referendum.
          But these parties are unlikely to succeed in keeping party politics out of the referendum. The Democrats have made it clear that they will use the run- up to the referendum to acquire leverage against the government and to eventually force new elections. The electorate is therefore more likely to view the plebiscite as a referendum on the current government rather than on the basic law. This is a situation similar to the 1994 referendum, when Berisha, in his capacity at the time as president, proposed a constitution that the electorate turned down. That result was viewed by many as a vote of no confidence in Berisha rather than in the document.
          The latest draft constitution has already become politicized, and even if it is approved by a popular referendum, it will likely remain a political football among rival politicians. How much this slows down the building of democratic institutions will depend on the electorate. If the voter turnout is high and a clear majority of voters cast their ballot in favor, the document is likely to remain in force for years to come. In such a case, it would be more difficult for subsequent governments to change the constitution whenever they please than if turnout were low and the majority slim.

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Es ist Dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist 
        und der HERR von Dir fordert, naemlich 
        Gottes Wort halten 
        und Liebe ueben 
        und demuetig sein vor Deinem Gott. 
        Micha 6, 8
        HERR, wer darf weilen in Deinem Zelt ? 
             Wer darf wohnen auf Deinem heiligen Berge ? 
        Wer untadelig lebt und tut, was recht ist, 
             und die Wahrheit redet von Herzen, 
        wer mit seiner Zunge nicht verleumdet, 
        wer seinem Naechsten nichts Arges tut 
             und seinen Nachbarn nicht schmaeht.
      Psalm 15, 1-3
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good;  
        and what doth the LORD require of thee,  
        but to do justly,  
        and to love mercy,  
        and to walk humbly with thy God?
      Micha 6, 8
        LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? 
             who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 
        He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, 
             and speaketh the truth in his heart. 
        [He that] backbiteth not with his tongue, 
        nor doeth evil to his neighbour, 
             nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 
      Psalm 15, 1-3
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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