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Link to detailed map of KOSOVA - 197 KB     Tagesnachrichten 1. November 1998
     von dpa, from ALBANEWS and others
     News of the day - November 1, 1998
     Kosova Information Center : Daily Report No 1600

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1. Meldungen von dpa

Meldung vom 01.11.1998 16:32 http://seite1.web.de/show/363C7EFE.NL1/
UCK verurteilt zwei serbische Journalisten zu 60 Tage Haft
Belgrad/Pristina (dpa) - Die Untergrundarmee der Kosovo-Albaner (UCK) hat zwei Journalisten der amtlichen jugoslawischen Nachrichtenagentur Tanjug zu 60 Tagen Haft verurteilt. Das meldete der Belgrader Sender B 92 am Sonntag unter Berufung auf das Kommando der UCK in der Kosovo-Hauptstadt Pristina. Sie hätten gegen die von der UCK verordneten Regeln verstoßen und büßten ihre Strafe schon in einem UCK-Gefängnis ab.
     Die beiden Reporter wurden am 18. Oktober während eines Arbeitseinsatzes nahe Pristina entführt. Mehrere jugoslawische und internationale Journalistenverbände und humanitäre Organisationen haben vergeblich ihre Freilassung verlangt. Ende August hatte die UCK zwei Journalisten des serbischen Radio Pristina entführt. Von ihnen fehlt seitdem jede Spur.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.11.1998 15:38 http://seite1.web.de/show/363C726F.NL1/
Holbrooke bestätigt «ernsthaften» serbischen Abzug aus dem Kosovo
Paris/Belgrad/Hamburg (dpa) - Der amerikanische Kosovo-Unterhändler Richard Holbrooke hat dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic bescheinigt, einen wirklichen Truppenrückzug aus dem Kosovo vorgenommen zu haben. Nach Ansicht von Nato-Generalsekretär Javier Solana hat das Bündnis in diesem Fall mehr erreicht, als ursprünglich erwartet.
     Der jugoslawische Verteidigungsminister Pavle Bulatovic versicherte am Sonntag, daß der serbische Truppenabzug «planmäßig» abgelaufen sei. Belgrad erwarte eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit der Nato hinsichtlich der unbewaffneten Überwachungsflüge über der südserbischen Provinz, sagte Bulatovic in einem Interview dem Belgrader TV-Sender BK-TV am Sonntag.
     Holbrooke verlangte jedoch von Belgrad, alle Zusagen einzuhalten. Der französischen Sonntagszeitung «Le Journal du Dimanche» sagte er, wenn die Serben nicht alle Zusagen einhielten, werde es Luftangriffe geben. Die Anwesenheit von 2 000 OSZE-Beobachtern im Kosovo wird die Nato Holbrooke zufolge nicht an Luftangriffen hindern, falls Milosevic von seinen Zusagen wieder abrückt. «Wir ziehen sie vorher ab, man kann sie in weniger als 24 Stunden evakuieren», betonte der US-Diplomat.
     Auch Solana warnte in einem Interview des Hamburger Nachrichtenmagazins «Der Spiegel», falls Milosevic von der durch die Nato erzwungenen Einhaltung der Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats wieder abweiche, sei das Bündnis bereit zum Einsatz. «Unsere Maschinen sind binnen 48 Stunden startklar» sagte der Nato-Generalsekretär.
     Angesichts von Vorwürfen, Milosevic habe nur einen symbolischen Abzug vorgenommen, meinte Holbrooke in dem Zeitungsinterview: «Nein. Nein, er hat sich ernsthaft zurückgezogen. Viele seiner Truppen.» Deshalb seien nun auch zum ersten Mal in größerer Zahl Flüchtlinge aus den Wäldern in ihre Orte zurückgekehrt. «Dies ist ein sehr gutes Abkommen für die Alliierten«, unterstrich Holbrooke. Friedliche Fortschritte seien besser als eine Militäraktion.
     Nato-Generalsekretär Javier Solana sagte in dem Magazininterview: «Wir haben mehr erreicht, als wir uns erträumten. Wir können jetzt den Flüchtlingen bei der Rückkehr helfen - wegen des gerade zuletzt noch einmal außerordentlich verstärkten Drucks, den wir auf Milosevic ausgeübt haben». Die Flüchtlinge sollten den Mut haben, zurückzukehren.
     Nato und OSZE garantierten ihnen, «daß sie wieder unbehelligt in ihren Dörfern leben können». Solana betonte weiter, die Nato werde die Sicherheit der Kontrolleure garantieren, die aus den OSZE-Mitgliedstaaten kommen, auch aus Rußland. «Ich sage es ganz deutlich: Wir werden es tun. Wie, mit wie vielen Truppen, das kann ich jetzt noch nicht genauer erläutern.»
     Verteidigungsminister Bulatovic rief die USA und Deutschland auf, Druck auf die kosovo-albanischen Untergrundstreitkräfte UCK auszuüben, damit es nicht zu «terroristischen Provokationen» gegen Beobachter der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) komme. Die jugoslawische Armee und serbische Polizei würden alles unternehmen, damit es nicht dazu komme.
© dpa
Meldung vom 01.11.1998 09:32 http://seite1.web.de/show/363C1CA8.NL1/
Holbrooke bestätigt «ernsthaften» Abzug aus dem Kosovo
Paris (dpa) - Der amerikanische Kosovo-Unterhändler Richard Holbrooke hat dem jugoslawischen Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic bescheinigt, einen wirklichen Truppenrückzug aus der Krisen-Provinz vorgenommen zu haben. Wenn die Serben aber nicht alle Zusagen einhielten, werde es Luftangriffe geben, sagte Holbrooke in einem Interview der französischen Sonntagszeitung «Le Journal du Dimanche».
     Vor dem Hintergrund von Vorwürfen, Milosevic habe nur einen symbolischen Abzug vorgenommen, erklärte Holbrooke in dem Interview: «Nein. Nein, er hat sich ernsthaft zurückgezogen. Viele seiner Truppen.» Deshalb seien nun auch zum ersten Mal in größerer Zahl Flüchtlinge aus den Wäldern in ihre Orte zurückgekehrt. «Dies ist ein sehr gutes Abkommen für die Alliierten», unterstrich Holbrooke. «Es ist besser, friedliche Fortschritte zu haben als eine Militäraktion.»
     Die Anwesenheit von 2 000 OSZE-Beobachtern im Kosovo wird die Nato laut Holbrooke nicht an Luftangriffen hindern, falls Milosevic von seinen Zusagen wieder abrückt. «Wir ziehen sie vorher ab, man kann sie in weniger als 24 Stunden evakuieren», betonte der US-Diplomat.
© dpa
2. Remarks - Hints - Special informations 
ONE has to begin    to STOP 
oecumenic Decade for Peace 
from November 8 until 18, 1998 
30 minutes prayer for PEACE 

30 Minuten Gebet für den Frieden 
am  9./ 10./ 11./ 12./ 13./ 14./ 16./ 17. November 
jeweils um 19.45 Uhr 
in der Bethlehemkirche Wertingen 

Jeder, der kommen moechte 
- unabhaengig von Konfession oder Religion, 
ist herzlich eingeladen !

LINK zu:  Vorschlag für den Ablauf den Friedensgebetes
                  - auch als WinWord97-Datei erhaeltlich !
3. Reports about deportation and persons repatriated to Kosova
erhaltene Berichte - received reports       Namensliste ==> Einzelheiten   /   list of names ==> details
Kennen Sie Fälle von Abschiebungen nach Kosova ? - Bitte senden Sie mir Ihren Bericht !
Do you know cases of deportations to Kosova ? - Please send me your report !

                        back215.htm   Kosovofakten
                                                Eine Information des UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissariats
                                                Regionalbüro Wien, 17.9.98
* Nichtamtliche Übersetzung
   UNHCR-Positionspapier über die Behandlung von Asylsuchenden aus
   dem Kosovo in Asylländern: Maßgebliche Überlegungen
   25.8.1998 mit Anhang Stand: 13.8.1998

* UNHCR-Eckpunkte zu Problemen des Flüchtlingsschutzes in Deutschland
   Oktober 1998

Still there is no Stop of deportations ! - Immer noch kein Abschiebe-Stop !
4. Daily Report from KIC (Kosova Information Center) 
copy from  http://www.kosova.com/r981101a.htm  on November 1, 1998  at 18:10 hrs
Kosova Information Center
Prishtina, 1 November 1998, 17:00 CET
  • President Rugova Receives Swiss Officials Saturday
  • Julia Taft Holds Press Conference in Prishtina Sunday
  • Heavy Serb Police Forces Redeployed along Prishtina-Peja Highway
  • Serb Forces Exhume Bodies of 9 Killed Albanians in Junik
  • Serb Forces Fire Into Suhareka Villages Overnight
  • Local Malisheva LDK Leaders Still Under UÇK Arrest
  • Albanian Returnees Encounter Booby-Traps Planted by Serbs in Rahovec Villages
  • Police Beat Up Severely Local Albanian Cleric
  • President Rugova Receives Swiss Officials Saturday

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - The President of the Republic of Kosova Dr. Ibrahim Rugova received Saturday evening a delegation of the Federal Swiss Office for Refugees and the Swis Agency for Development and Cooperation, headed by Jean-Daniel Gerber, Director of the Federal Office for Refugees. The delegation was accompanied by Ambassador Paul Wipfli, the Swiss envoy to Belgrade.
    Mr. Jean-Daniel Gerber said his country was prepared to assist Kosova and its people in these hard times.
    On 20 November, Switzerland will organize an international conference on the Kosova refugees in a bid to sensitize Europe on this issue, the Director of the Swiss Federal Office for Refugees said.
    The Serbian military and police offensive of this year have resulted in thousands of Albanians killed, hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes, as well a immense destruction of the settlements and property in Kosova, President Ibrahim Rugova said.
    Withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosova is a precondition for the people of Kosova to feel secure to return to their homes, he said, emphasizing the humanitarian catastrophe that has been created by the Serbian aggression this year.
    The people of Kosova have opted in a referendum for independence, President Rugova said, pressing for an international protectorate as an interim stage pending a lasting solution.
    The Kosova President thanked the Swiss government for its support and readiness to further help the people of Kosova.

    Julia Taft Holds Press Conference in Prishtina Sunday

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - Julia Taft, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, is visiting Kosova for a second time in two months.
    In a press conference in the American Center in Prishtina, capital of Kosova, today afternoon, Mrs Taft said she was pleased to see the situation here in Kosova improving compared to state of affairs in end of August, when mountains were swelled with Albanians to fearful to go back to their homes.
    The senior U.S. official said that over the past couple of months the international community had "rallied in a cohesive way to try to bring peace to Kosova, to try to promote a ceasefire, and to promote a political process."
    At this time, "I am here to look at compliance of the SC Resolution 1199" related to unfettered access for humanitarian aid, Julia Taft said. She said she toured Kosova today, meeting with NGOs, representatives of international organizations, and people affected by the war.
    "It is difficult to say that everybody is safe to go home, or willing to go back home", Julia Taft said in reply to a question. There is still huge fear amongst the population, she added.
    The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said the messages sent to both Serbs and UÇK (Kosova Liberation Army) side are very clear, that "they really cannot create a situation where they will set the conflict all over again".
    Asked by a reporter whether one should be satisfied if out of 100 people 20 return to their homes, Mrs Staff said "Absolutely not. The international community has been concerned about all of the people of Kosovo." There will a long commitment on the part of international community to help hundreds of thousands of war-affected people in Kosova, she said.

    Heavy Serb Police Forces Redeployed along Prishtina-Peja Highway

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - Heavy Serbian police forces were redeployed in the morning today (Sunday) along the main east-west Kosova highway linking capital Prishtina with the main western town of Peja ('Pec'), Mrs Nekibe Kelmendi, Secretary-General of the Democratic League of Kosova (LDK) told the KIC.
    Mrs Kelmendi added that Serb forces were equipped with armored vehicles on the part of the highway from Llazicë village of Malisheva to Peja itself.
    The town of Peja has a heavy presence of Serb forces, too.
    Meanwhile, local LDK sources in Malisheva reported that the Serb military and police presence in the area has been preventing Albanian refugees from actually returning to their homes.
    Serb forces were reported opening sporadic fire overnight in the Malisheva area in central Kosova.

    Serb Forces Exhume Bodies of 9 Killed Albanians in Junik
    Take them to unknown direction

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - In the past few days, Serbian military and police forces exhumed the bodies of nine Albanians killed by Serb forces in the summer and buried in Junik, the LDK Information Commission in Gjakova.
    Serbs disentombed the bodies of Bekim Shala (48) from Ferizaj, Bedri Shala (50) from Drenica, Përmet Vula (20) from Gjakova, Elton Zherka (21) from Gjakova, Bajram Rama (70) from Junik, Zejnije Krasniqit (f, 27) from Junik, as well as the body of a 12-year-old girl and two other children, likewise residents of Junik, whose names have not been reported.
    Eye-witnesses said Serb forces took the unearthed bodies to an unknown direction.
    Serb regime is suspected of either staging politically-motivate bizarre things - like in the summer months, when they presented unidentified bodies as Serb bodies - or else simply keen on destroying evidence, local observers said.

    Serb Forces Fire Into Suhareka Villages Overnight

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - From 22:00 hrs on Saturday through early morning on Sunday, Serb forces positioned at Qafë e Dulës (Duhla Gorge) and a location near Luzhnicë opened automatic and machine-gun fire on the outlying villages, Hamzë Shala, a local activist at Guncat village of Suhareka told the KIC today.
    Mr. Shala failed to learn anything on possible casualties or the material damage caused by Serb gunfire.

    Local Malisheva LDK Leaders Still Under UÇK Arrest

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - The Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës (UÇK, the Kosova Liberation Army) is still holding under arrest two leading members of the LDK chapter in Malisheva, Jakup Kastrati and Cen Desku, local party sources said.
    The two local LDK leaders were arrested on Friday. The UÇK has failed to say what the motive for their arrest was.

    Albanian Returnees Encounter Booby-Traps Planted by Serbs in Rahovec Villages

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - A number of Albanian families who attempted to return to their homes in Opterushë village of Rahovec failed to do so because of booby traps planted there by Serb forces, the LDK chapter in Malisheva said.
    Among those who encountered booby traps were Blerim Kabashi and Agim Kabashi, residents of Opterusha. They could not actually get back to their homes.
    Serbian police forces are still stationed in the village of Opterusha, local sources said.

    Police Beat Up Severely Local Albanian Cleric

    PRISHTINA, Nov 1 (KIC) - A dozen Serb policeman on an armored vehicle arrived early in the village of Gllogjan of Lugu i Baranit (Barani valley) early afternoon today (Sunday). They opened fire in the direction of the nearby Jabllanicë village, a local LDK activist said.
    While returning, Serb police beat up severely Ali Hoxha, around 60 years of age, a village imam. He suffered heavy injuries.
    "We dare not open our school" in Gllogjan, the LDK activist said, adding that "Albanians are fearful of the Serb police presence in the area".

    5. news from ARTA (Koha ditore) 
    copy from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA  on November 1, 1998  at 22:20 hrs
    KOSOVA (European Commission report on Kosova)
    Testimonies on massive tortures in Kosova

    Brussels, 1 November (ARTA) 1500CET-
    The events, which happened during the past six months in "FRY", remained under the shade of the war in Kosova. Belgrade has spent most of its political energy on it, states the report of the European Commission pertaining to the countries of the Southeastern Europe (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, "FRY" and FYR of Macedonia). "There is no evidence of any progress of the democratic reforms in Serbia, on the contrary, the state control is established over the University, the freedom of expression is violated, while there where many manipulations in "the referendum for the international mediation in Kosova", states the above mentioned report.
    The rights of the Albanians are violated in diverse aspects, police has intruded into Albanian villages killing numerous civilians with the pretext of fighting against KLA.
    According to the EU report, the rights of Albanians are violated also with the purchase and sale of real-estate law, according to which the Albanians cannot buy any real estate from the Kosova Serbs... arbitrary punishments are frequent, while there are evidences about the systematic use of torture in Kosova.
    The report states further that Belgrade did not make any progress in improving the relations with its neighbors. The accusations, especially against Albania, for "supporting terrorism in Kosova" have been recurrent, while official Tirana has on several occasions accused "Yugoslavia" for violating the Albanian airspace and for conducting ethnic cleansing in Kosova.
    Belgrade must be aware that it cannot count on its relations with the EU to be improved, without a genuine dialogue with Kosova Albanians for a political solution of the crisis.
    Differing from Belgrade, the European Commission recognizes some positive elements in the case of Montenegro.
    Meanwhile, the report states that, "the flux of the refugees from Kosova as well as the decision for closing the border (with Montenegro), were some distressed elements in Montenegro. Those things have coaxed the reaction of the Albanian political party in Montenegro, which is a member of the coalition... In Kosova, no attempts to implement the "Education Agreement" (signed two years ago) have been made, states the report.
    Besides the progress achieved in the field of economy and the reforms of the free market, violations of the Albanian rights were evidenced also in Macedonia.
    Mainly violations of the rights of the Albanians regarding education in their mother tongue and the behavior of the authorities in this regard were registered.
    The "case of Gostivar" (June 1997) is mentioned in several places as a particular case. The records made by the Commission to investigate this particular case, were approved by the Parliament which has concluded that some police officers have broken the law.
    The report states that the Government did not present its report after 60 days, as it was ordered previously by the Parliament.
    The report emphasizes also cases of severe punishments of Albanians because of the events in Gostivar, and besides the numerous requests of the international community, Macedonian authorities have not undertaken anything concerning this matter.
    The report also mentions the denial for the registration of the Albanian opposition party, PDSH, because it has the Albanian national flag on its emblem.
    Regardless of the guarantees that the Constitution provides, concerning arbitrary arrests, many cases of transgression of this right were recorded in practice. The cases when the arrested individuals are not informed about their rights (the right of having an attorney included) are very common.
    An issue of particular interest continues being the education in Albanian language in elementary, secondary and university levels.
    Besides some achievements, the school system in Macedonia encounters some impediment, i.e. limited resources and the lack of trained teaching staff for the secondary schooling in Albanian.
    Only 50% of Albanians in Macedonia attend secondary schools, states the report. Therefore the number of University students is disproportional, although it has increased from 7.2% (1992/93) to 14.1% (1996/97).
    The representation of non-Macedonian people in public life still remains disproportional, especially in the administrative and judicial institutions.
    Albanians are participating in the Army and police with less than 5% representation, while the European Commission evaluates the presence of the Albanians in the media as satisfactory. The commission emphasizes the support of Macedonia to the policy of the international community concerning Kosova, as well as convenient regional cooperation, especially with Albania.

    KOSOVA (KLA verdict – arrested journalists)
    KLA: "The accused Radosevic and Dobricic sentenced to 60 days imprisonment"

    Prishtina, 1 November (ARTA) 1700CET--
    The Military Court of the Justice Directorate of the KLA General Headquarters, states in its communiqué:
    "Following the indictment raised by the Military Prosecution, the Military Court adopts this


    The Military Court of the Justice Directorate of KLA General Headquarters, based on the request of the Military Prosecution and in conformity with its working norms, in the trial conducted on 30 September 1998, against the indicted Dragutin Nebojsa Radosevic born on 17 September 1966 in Prishtina, with residence in Farla Tramijea # 11/11 and Ivan Vladimir Dobricic, born on 2 May 1948 in Belgrade, with residence in dr. Augustin Netan # 72, both of them 'Yugoslav' citizens, after scrutinizing the files of the indicted who are charged with violation and disrespect of the regular internal civilian and military dispositions of KLA, Section VIII, respectively the regulation of KLA military police, Article 5:27, found the accused Radosevic and Dobricic guilty. The indicted are sentenced to 60 days in prison, each. The indicted will be transferred to Prison # 7. They have the right to appeal within seven days, from the day the verdict was made public. The indicted will be treated in conformity with the international covenants.
    This verdict gets into force at once".

    KOSOVA (Serb forces present – Lipjan)
    Camouflaged Serb forces in Lipovicë

    Lipjan, 1 November (ARTA) 2000CET--
    Special Serb police forces still stay stationed and camouflaged in the Lipovicë forest, confirm the sources of the LDK branch in Lipjan.
    According to various activists of municipal political subjects, the return of the displaced could not be carried out in Vërshec and Leletiq, because most of the houses are destroyed and burnt. The local population fears also because of the eventual land mines, states the report of the correspondent of "Koha Ditore" from Lipjan.
    The arrest of Ismail Gashi (60) from Pjetërshticë, who used to be sheltered in Gadime (after being displaced during the Serb offensive in August), still remains mysterious.
    Members of his family have sought information from the police in Lipjan, but they did not receive any answer about him, states the report.

    KOSOVA (police movements – Podujevë)
    Police movements in Podujevë and ist surrounding

    Podujevë, 1 November (ARTA) 1800CET--
    The "Yugoslav" military aircrafts were flowing low over the town of Podujevë and its surrounding villages for hours, informs the correspondent of "Koha Ditore" from Podujevë.
    He stated that large police movements were noticed today through the streets of the town as well as in the roads leading towards some municipal localities.
    Meanwhile, carriages, tractors and other vehicles loaded with displaced people who were returning into their homes wherefrom they fled before the Serb offensive could also be spotted.
    The Steering Board of LDK branch in Podujevë discussed in its meeting about the arrival of the OSCE verifiers, who are expected to be installed in this area. The Board expressed its readiness and appealed to its membership to cooperate with the verification teams in the field.
    This board appointed a particular group for cooperation and coordination of the activities with the OSCE verification teams, inform the sources close to LDK in Podujevë.

    KOSOVA (judicial procedure – Switzerland)
    Mahmuti and Fontanet deny allegations in connection with arms smuggling

    Zurich, 1 November (ARTA) 2000CET--
    After the news that the Federal Prosecution Office of Switzerland has arrested 6 persons because of the suspicion of arms smuggling, the National Movement of Kosova (LPK) and the Kosova Fund (which is administered by the Government in exile) denied any connection with this group.
    Meanwhile, the Federal Prosecution Office made it clear that the matter includes light weapons and that the investigation is proceeding intensively.
    Bardhyl Mahmuti, spokesman of the LPK - an organization which even previously said that it supports the armed movement in Kosova - stated that Kosova Liberation Army (KLA) gets it's weapons out of Switzerland. In July of this year, the Federal Prosecution Office blocked the account of the fund called "Vendlindja Thërret" (Homeland Calls). On this matter, Mahmuti emphasized that "there are people who want to supply their relatives in Kosova with weapons". However, this representative said he doesn't know the details and that such people are not members of the LPK.
    While, Guy Fontanet, defending attorney of the Government of Kosova Fund in Switzerland, stated for the French radio that there is no connection between this fund and the group accused of arms smuggling.

    KOSOVA (KD reportage – Gllogoc)
    "Believe it or not, we cannot sleep properly all night long"
    by Skënder Karaçica

    Gllogoc, 1 November (ARTA) 1600CET--
    Because of the fighting, the residents of Gllogoc and its municipal villages (more than 65.000) were compelled to seek shelter in safer places and the Drenica mountains for over five months.
    The shops and other premises are closed in this town, which almost doesn’t have any population since over five months.
    One of the main reasons for this was the deployment of Serb heavy police and military forces in "Ferronikel", as well as in the Komoran crossroad.
    Hundreds of households in this municipality were destroyed following the stationing of the Serb forces. Meanwhile after the partial withdrawal of the Serb military units, a gradual return of its residents in this town of Drenica has commenced.
    Besides this, Serb military units are still present in the industrial complex "Ferronikel", then in "Gryka e Llapushnikut", in the village of Orllat in the place called "Lugu i Karanocit", in Poultry farm in Krivovë as well as in the quarry near Korroticë e Epërme.
    A bus, which drives two times a day from Prishtina to Gllogoc, is the only link of the town with the capital city.
    Those few shops, which are opened, cannot fulfill at all the needs of the local population and neighboring villages.
    Most of the municipal villages (except the town of Gllogoc and a few surrounding villages) have remained without electric energy since five months, because the electric feeding point is damaged.
    Lacking potable and safe water is another problem, because the water supply system leading from "Ferronikel" cannot be used, because it was supervised, disinfected, and controlled by the Hygienic Institute for a long time.
    "Prishtina has done enough for us, but we cannot live forever out of our own houses; I have baked bread in the bakery "Krajkova" even during the offensive, so those few people who remained here did not starve", claims Fadil Hoxha, from Krajkova.
    "I cannot return in my village Vukovc because the Serb units burnt my house at the beginning of June", claims Skënder Bogaj adding further "I want to return in Gllogoc and start to live and work for my future".
    Speaking about the prevailing situation in this area, Shefqet Seferaj claims: "Believe it or not, we cannot sleep properly all night long, the Serb units are all around and they shoot from time to time".
    "We have difficulties with food supply, just because of some basic articles I had to go in Prishtina, while in these few shops which are open, the prices are very high", claims Shkurte Karaçica a housewife from Gllogoc.
    No Albanian newspaper has been distributed in this town since five months ago.
    copy from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA  on November 1, 1998  at 08:00 hrs

    KOSOVA (killing/shooting – Klinë)
    A 7-years old boy killed by the police

    Klinë, 31 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    Serb police\military forces still remain in the Sverkë region where there are numerous movements of the Serb military armored vehicles, Albanian sources state. Trucks filled with soldiers were seen today driving from one military barrack to another, throughout the whole day.
    In the village of Zllakuqan, Albanian sources state that the Serb police killed the 7 years old child of Kolë Cula, from Leskoc, as they were driving their car in great speed.
    Shooting was heard yesterday from 1800CET, which turned into shelling at around 0100CET, directed to the villages of Sverkë, lasting until about 0300CET. About 122 families are living in miserable conditions outside in the open. They have great shortages of basic items and have no place to go back to. This population also has lack of medical treatment, while the doctor from this area, Zaim Gashi, is still kept in the Lipjan prison along with 13 other prisoners.
    Serb forces are still posted in Kijevë and Gllarevë, evidencing and arresting the people that are returning home, and in many cases shooting at them.

    KOSOVA (militaries stationed – Deçan)
    Military forces in the elementary school in Junik

    Deçan, 31 October (ARTA) 1640CET --
    Besides the border belt, in the villages of Voksh and Dushkajë regions, large Serb military forces are also stationed in the elementary school building "Hysni Dobruna", in Junik, in the Piston Pumps factory in Deçan and in the houses of Ali Pepshi and Isuf Gacaferri in Junik, "KD" the corespondent from Deçan informs.
    According to the same source, on Wednesday, following the Serb protest, about 30 military vehicles, among which several buses, arrived and headed in the direction of Gryka e Deçanit.
    The presence of these forces, claims the "KD" corespondent, is preventing the farmers from harvesting the grain which has now started to rot in the fields.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces concentrate – Ferizaj)
    New concentrations around Semajë

    Ferizaj, 31 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    According to the LDK local sources, "heavy Serb police and military forces are being concentrated into the surrounding mountains of Semajë village". These new forces are being camouflaged around the mountains, thus increasing the insecurity of the people.
    "The free movement of the people is limited and a part of them are being dislocated into safer places".
    Relying on this information, the local residents of this area, appeal to the international verifiers to visit this region.
    Moreover it is noteworthy that, there is no news about the return of the dislocated people from the war stricken areas because of the insecurity which the presence of Serb forces induce.
    The sources of LDK CI and SCDHRF in Ferizaj also inform that Sofie Selmani from Carralevë village found two graves in the yard of her house, when she returned back. It was suspected that in those graves are buried the corpses of her husband Agim and her father-in-law Selman, missing since 20 July. However, when the graves were excavated, the remains of two killed animals were found.
    Nevertheless, the mystery of the disappearance of two members of her family still remains unsolved.

    KOSOVA (checkpoint removed – Gjilan)
    The checkpoint in the Gjilan-Bujanoc road removed

    Gjilan, 31 October (ARTA) 1600CET--
    The checkpoint which was installed in the Gjilan-Bujanoc road at "Dheu i Bardhë" several months ago, was removed, informs the correspondent of "Koha Ditore" from Gjilan.
    Two concrete bunkers and the prefabricated cabin were removed, informs the same source.
    Yet, only the traffic police are now staying in this place, and they check the vehicles, which drive through this highway.

    KOSOVA (police activities – Podujevë)
    Numerous police force controls

    Podujevë, 31 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    In Podujevë, the police continue conducting harsh controls. On Wednesday (market day in Podujevë), Serb police forces got stationed on the crossroads in Kërpimeh, Lluzhan and at the place called, Qershiat e Llapashticës, informs "KD" corespondent from Podujevë. The police control is also present in the entrances and exits of the town – in the direction of Shajkoc, Dumnicë, but also near the "Besiana" Motel, stresses this source adding that the once dislocated population of Podujevë has started returning back.

    KOSOVA (verifiers – Gjilan/Kamenicë)
    The American verifiers visited Gjilan and Kamenicë

    Gjilan, 31 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    Off-road vehicles with the US flag were seen, on Saturday, driving in the main highways and in the crossroads into Gjilan and Kamenicë.
    It is supposed that these vehicles belong to the American verifiers of the OSCE framework.
    There is no information on whether these or other OSCE verifiers are settled anywhere in Gjilan or Kamenicë. However, there are claims that they have not met any of the Albanian local representatives.

    KOSOVA (KLA communiqué)
    KLA: "Freedom and independence have no other alternative"

    Prishtina, 31 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    The KLA General Headquarter communiqué #16, states: "During the current offensive, the Albanian people of Kosova and its liberation army, faced the offensive of the largest Serb military scale, but also the highest level of the heroic resistance of the KLA.
    During these battles, KLA showed great operative capability. With the sacrifice they showed in these battles, our brave soldiers are the best example, showing how it should be fought for the independence of Kosova. In these fighting, KLA gained an overall experience, which suits as a guarantee for its future on the tough path, full of sacrifices, on the path towards the liberation of Kosova.
    Upon being faced with the troops of the Serb criminal regime on the field of honor, the following soldiers fell heroically, as martyrs of the future: Remzi Ademaj - Zhur, Bedri Shala - Negroc, Bekim Berisha - Pejë, Skënder Çeku - Qyshk, Sejdi Sejdiu - Nerodime, Gursel and Bajram Sylejmani - Sadovinë, Nuhi Mazreku - Gariq, Afrim Buçaj - Lladroc, Avdyl Zogaj - Lladroc, Afrim Krasniqi - Lladroviq, Liman Gegaj - Fshat i Ri, prof. Hamdi Berisha - Gurbardh, Ymer Alushani - Komoran, Ramadan Morina - Domanek, Gani Kastrati - Nekoc, Behadin Hallaqi - Prizren, Adem Lushtaku - Prekaz i Poshtëm, prof. Murat Haliti - Lubavec, prof Enver Haliti - Lubavec, Agim Shala - Ujëmirë, Bajram Berisha - Shtuticë, Fejzë Gashi - Shtuticë, Naim Gashi - Shtuticë, Driton Shaban Brahimaj -Prekaz i Poshtëm, Kadri Miftar Mustaja - Prekaz i Poshtëm, Agim Rrahim Ramadani - Prekaz i Poshtëm, Hamit Hyseni - Oshlan, Enver Met Kastrati - Polluzhë, Vehbi Ejup Hoxha - Krajkovë, Fatime Shala - Bajgorë, Shefqet Zeka - Prishtina, Behxhet Karaxha - Çikatovë e Vjetër, Skënder Karaxha - Çikatovë e Vjetër, Bahri Veseli - Broboniq, Shemsedin Pajazit Haxhiu - Tërnavc, Tahir Ibrahim Haxhiu - Tërnavc, Nuredin Durmishi - Krushicë, Ruzhdi Salihu - Zborc, Xhemshir Ademaj - Petrovë, Agim Bajrami - Kaçanik, Bashkim Vishi -Kaçanik, Fatos Sherif Krasniqi - Negroc, Haki Liman Krasniqi - Negroc, Skënder Liman Shala - Vuçak, Ilaz Javori - Llozicë, Faton Fazli Syla - Bequk, Mehmet Azem Salihu - Gradicë, dr. Lec Bislim Uka - Gradicë, Ismet Uka - Ticë, Qemail Mehmeti - Plluzhinë, Skënder Salihaj - Mulopolc, Ajet Hasani - Godanc, Fehmi Kastrati -Kishnarekë.
    It is the blood of the martyrs of the KLA that fell from all sides of Kosova that obliges and forces the Albanians wherever they are, to unite even more for the war for the liberation of Kosova.
    Brothers and sisters, compatriots and fellow warriors, the KLA General Headquarter, feels excessive pain for the martyrs of freedom and for every citizen of Kosova. It feels and shares the pain and suffering for the massive destruction that the barbarian enemy caused, but it is also convinced that the freedom and independence have no other alternative.
    The KLA General headquarter expresses its deepest condolences to the families and the close ones of those who for the freedom of their country did not spare anything - even their life".

    copy from  http://www.kohaditore.com/ARTA  on November 1, 1998  at 08:00 hrs
    KOSOVA (killing/shooting – Klinë)
    A 7-years old boy killed by the police

    Klinë, 31 October (ARTA) 1600CET --
    Serb police\military forces still remain in the Sverkë region where there are numerous movements of the Serb military armored vehicles, Albanian sources state. Trucks filled with soldiers were seen today driving from one military barrack to another, throughout the whole day.
    In the village of Zllakuqan, Albanian sources state that the Serb police killed the 7 years old child of Kolë Cula, from Leskoc, as they were driving their car in great speed.
    Shooting was heard yesterday from 1800CET, which turned into shelling at around 0100CET, directed to the villages of Sverkë, lasting until about 0300CET. About 122 families are living in miserable conditions outside in the open. They have great shortages of basic items and have no place to go back to. This population also has lack of medical treatment, while the doctor from this area, Zaim Gashi, is still kept in the Lipjan prison along with 13 other prisoners.
    Serb forces are still posted in Kijevë and Gllarevë, evidencing and arresting the people that are returning home, and in many cases shooting at them.

    KOSOVA (militaries stationed – Deçan)
    Military forces in the elementary school in Junik

    Deçan, 31 October (ARTA) 1640CET --
    Besides the border belt, in the villages of Voksh and Dushkajë regions, large Serb military forces are also stationed in the elementary school building "Hysni Dobruna", in Junik, in the Piston Pumps factory in Deçan and in the houses of Ali Pepshi and Isuf Gacaferri in Junik, "KD" the corespondent from Deçan informs.
    According to the same source, on Wednesday, following the Serb protest, about 30 military vehicles, among which several buses, arrived and headed in the direction of Gryka e Deçanit.
    The presence of these forces, claims the "KD" corespondent, is preventing the farmers from harvesting the grain which has now started to rot in the fields.

    KOSOVA (Serb forces concentrate – Ferizaj)
    New concentrations around Semajë

    Ferizaj, 31 October (ARTA) 2000CET--
    According to the LDK local sources, "heavy Serb police and military forces are being concentrated into the surrounding mountains of Semajë village". These new forces are being camouflaged around the mountains, thus increasing the insecurity of the people.
    "The free movement of the people is limited and a part of them are being dislocated into safer places".
    Relying on this information, the local residents of this area, appeal to the international verifiers to visit this region.
    Moreover it is noteworthy that, there is no news about the return of the dislocated people from the war stricken areas because of the insecurity which the presence of Serb forces induce.
    The sources of LDK CI and SCDHRF in Ferizaj also inform that Sofie Selmani from Carralevë village found two graves in the yard of her house, when she returned back. It was suspected that in those graves are buried the corpses of her husband Agim and her father-in-law Selman, missing since 20 July. However, when the graves were excavated, the remains of two killed animals were found.
    Nevertheless, the mystery of the disappearance of two members of her family still remains unsolved.

    KOSOVA (checkpoint removed – Gjilan)
    The checkpoint in the Gjilan-Bujanoc road removed

    Gjilan, 31 October (ARTA) 1600CET--
    The checkpoint which was installed in the Gjilan-Bujanoc road at "Dheu i Bardhë" several months ago, was removed, informs the correspondent of "Koha Ditore" from Gjilan.
    Two concrete bunkers and the prefabricated cabin were removed, informs the same source.
    Yet, only the traffic police are now staying in this place, and they check the vehicles, which drive through this highway.

    KOSOVA (police activities – Podujevë)
    Numerous police force controls

    Podujevë, 31 October (ARTA) 1700CET --
    In Podujevë, the police continue conducting harsh controls. On Wednesday (market day in Podujevë), Serb police forces got stationed on the crossroads in Kërpimeh, Lluzhan and at the place called, Qershiat e Llapashticës, informs "KD" corespondent from Podujevë. The police control is also present in the entrances and exits of the town – in the direction of Shajkoc, Dumnicë, but also near the "Besiana" Motel, stresses this source adding that the once dislocated population of Podujevë has started returning back.

    KOSOVA (verifiers – Gjilan/Kamenicë)
    The American verifiers visited Gjilan and Kamenicë

    Gjilan, 31 October (ARTA) 1700CET--
    Off-road vehicles with the US flag were seen, on Saturday, driving in the main highways and in the crossroads into Gjilan and Kamenicë.
    It is supposed that these vehicles belong to the American verifiers of the OSCE framework.
    There is no information on whether these or other OSCE verifiers are settled anywhere in Gjilan or Kamenicë. However, there are claims that they have not met any of the Albanian local representatives.

    KOSOVA (KLA communiqué)
    KLA: "Freedom and independence have no other alternative"

    Prishtina, 31 October (ARTA) 1800CET --
    The KLA General Headquarter communiqué #16, states: "During the current offensive, the Albanian people of Kosova and its liberation army, faced the offensive of the largest Serb military scale, but also the highest level of the heroic resistance of the KLA.
    During these battles, KLA showed great operative capability. With the sacrifice they showed in these battles, our brave soldiers are the best example, showing how it should be fought for the independence of Kosova. In these fighting, KLA gained an overall experience, which suits as a guarantee for its future on the tough path, full of sacrifices, on the path towards the liberation of Kosova.
    Upon being faced with the troops of the Serb criminal regime on the field of honor, the following soldiers fell heroically, as martyrs of the future: Remzi Ademaj - Zhur, Bedri Shala - Negroc, Bekim Berisha - Pejë, Skënder Çeku - Qyshk, Sejdi Sejdiu - Nerodime, Gursel and Bajram Sylejmani - Sadovinë, Nuhi Mazreku - Gariq, Afrim Buçaj - Lladroc, Avdyl Zogaj - Lladroc, Afrim Krasniqi - Lladroviq, Liman Gegaj - Fshat i Ri, prof. Hamdi Berisha - Gurbardh, Ymer Alushani - Komoran, Ramadan Morina - Domanek, Gani Kastrati - Nekoc, Behadin Hallaqi - Prizren, Adem Lushtaku - Prekaz i Poshtëm, prof. Murat Haliti - Lubavec, prof Enver Haliti - Lubavec, Agim Shala - Ujëmirë, Bajram Berisha - Shtuticë, Fejzë Gashi - Shtuticë, Naim Gashi - Shtuticë, Driton Shaban Brahimaj -Prekaz i Poshtëm, Kadri Miftar Mustaja - Prekaz i Poshtëm, Agim Rrahim Ramadani - Prekaz i Poshtëm, Hamit Hyseni - Oshlan, Enver Met Kastrati - Polluzhë, Vehbi Ejup Hoxha - Krajkovë, Fatime Shala - Bajgorë, Shefqet Zeka - Prishtina, Behxhet Karaxha - Çikatovë e Vjetër, Skënder Karaxha - Çikatovë e Vjetër, Bahri Veseli - Broboniq, Shemsedin Pajazit Haxhiu - Tërnavc, Tahir Ibrahim Haxhiu - Tërnavc, Nuredin Durmishi - Krushicë, Ruzhdi Salihu - Zborc, Xhemshir Ademaj - Petrovë, Agim Bajrami - Kaçanik, Bashkim Vishi -Kaçanik, Fatos Sherif Krasniqi - Negroc, Haki Liman Krasniqi - Negroc, Skënder Liman Shala - Vuçak, Ilaz Javori - Llozicë, Faton Fazli Syla - Bequk, Mehmet Azem Salihu - Gradicë, dr. Lec Bislim Uka - Gradicë, Ismet Uka - Ticë, Qemail Mehmeti - Plluzhinë, Skënder Salihaj - Mulopolc, Ajet Hasani - Godanc, Fehmi Kastrati -Kishnarekë.
    It is the blood of the martyrs of the KLA that fell from all sides of Kosova that obliges and forces the Albanians wherever they are, to unite even more for the war for the liberation of Kosova.
    Brothers and sisters, compatriots and fellow warriors, the KLA General Headquarter, feels excessive pain for the martyrs of freedom and for every citizen of Kosova. It feels and shares the pain and suffering for the massive destruction that the barbarian enemy caused, but it is also convinced that the freedom and independence have no other alternative.
    The KLA General headquarter expresses its deepest condolences to the families and the close ones of those who for the freedom of their country did not spare anything - even their life".

    6. news from RFE/RL NEWSLINE 
    There were no news at the time this page was updated !
    7. news from Fr. Sava (Decani Monastery) 
  • _______________________________________________________________________
    Betreff:         [kosovo] NEWSDAY: DON'T PLAY NATION BUILDER IN KOSOVO
    Datum:         Sun, 01 Nov 1998 05:29:26 +0100
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery
    Copyright 1998 Newsday, Inc.
    Newsday (New York, NY)

    October 29, 1998, Thursday, ALL EDITIONS


    BYLINE: By Dimitri K. Simes. Dimitri K. Simes, president of the Nixon Center, is a special correspondent for Newsday.

    NOW THERE will be a mission to Kosovo. The Clinton administration's plans go well beyond helping refugees survive the difficult Balkan winter and stopping Serbian brutality. Although no one will admit it, the administration seems to be beginning yet another attempt at nation building.
         The administration obviously expects the "verifiers," who started arriving in Kosovo yesterday under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, to do more than merely monitor human rights violations. In the words of President Bill Clinton's special envoy Richard Holbrooke - the principal architect of the U.S. deal with Serbian PresidEnt Slobodan Milosevic - the "OSCE is an organization which is like an empty vessel. It will take the shape of whatever we pour into it."
         So what does the administration intend to pour in to the OSCE? Holbrooke was equally frank: "We'll be running the elections there." On another occasion, he promised that the United States would accept responsibility for training the Albanian police. That seems to be a pretty ambitious agenda to undertake in the midst of a bitter civil war in a semi-authoritarian country with no democratic tradition. The administration's apparent intentions in Kosovo are all the more questionable when one remembers that its previous efforts at nation building were hardly inspiring successes. The 1993 United States-led intervention in Somalia was a disaster; it ended with the shameful spectacle of American soldiers bodies being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu.
         The 1994 intervention in Haiti also had poor results. After the United States sent an armada to Haiti to overthrow a cruel, but internationally benign, junta friendly to Washington, Haiti's new president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, promptly restored his country's relations with Fidel Castro. Four years later, Haiti is as miserable as ever.
         Finally, there is Washington's policy in Bosnia. In 1995, after American and NATO bombing of the Bosnian Serbs and the unleashing of the Croatian military on their allies in Krajina - generating more than 100,000 new refugees in the process - Holbrooke was able to patch together the Dayton Accords. The agreement established a historically unprecedented Bosnian state.
         Three years later, contrary to numerous administration promises along the way, we still maintain a military presence in Bosnia. The operation has thus far cost more than $ 10 billion - far more than would be required to upgrade the security of American embassies worldwide to protect our diplomats from terrorist attacks.
         Meanwhile, Bosnia has become a de facto U.S. protectorate. American and NATO officials have made decisions about its national flag and currency and have used politicians affinity for the Dayton agreement as a litmus test in deciding whether to allow popularly elected officials to remain in office. Despite Washington's commitment to the agreement, a majority of Bosnia's population - including the Serbs and Croats - recently voted for nationalist candidates opposed to a unified state. The only ones who favor a genuinely unified Bosnia are Bosnian Muslims. But their idea is a state they would dominate without truly sharing power with other ethnic communities.
         With a record like this, what reason is there to think that the Kosovo operation will live up to its stated objectives to return autonomy to Kosovo's Albanian majority and preclude violence from spilling across Yugoslavia's borders? The chances do not seem good.
         The Albanians themselves, particularly th  separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were not a party to the agreement with Milosevic. The KLA has also made clear that it will accept nothing short of a Serbian commitment to respect Kosovo's right to delf-determination (read Kosovo's secession). Moreover, the KLA continues to maintain bases across the Yugoslav border with Albania and is increasingly well supplied with sophisticated weapons from abroad. Reluctant to appear to aid Milosevic, the Clinton administration has not made any effort to constrain the KLA's attacks on Serbian forces or its well-documented atrocities against innocent civilians, especially ethnic Albanians perceived as collaborators. As a result of its military defeat by the Serbian military this summer, the KLA seems to have decided that its best option is to try to manipulate NATO into military action against Serbia through attacks on Serbian forces intended to trigger a brutal response from Belgrade. The KLA appears to have begun to pursue this strategy in the wake of Holbrooke's deal with Milosevic.
         Nevertheless, while using cruise missiles against Serbian forces in Kosovo, or even Serbia proper, may be enough to extract further concessions from Milosevic, it is unlikely to resolve the crisis. First, the Yugoslav president has a long history of reneging on agreements, particularly those made under the gun, at his first opportunity. Second, since his principal objective has always been his own personal political survival, Milosevic would not agree to Kosovo's independence as such a move could really jeopardize his hold on power given current Serbian public opinion.
         Of course, Milosevic is not 10 feet tall. The United States and NATO could force him into submission with appropriate military effort. But that effort would have to go far beyond surgical strikes. It would require extensive use of air power - probably resulting in collateral damage - and the introduction of a U.S.-led NATO ground force. Thus, a new expensive and perhaps bloody American commitment would be required.
         A further casualty would be whatever remains of the already shattered U.S. strategic partnership with Russia. In its present weakened state, Moscow cannot stop the United States in Kosovo militarily. But a NATO campaign against the Orthodox Serbs would likely generate powerful anti-western sentiment in Russia and could contribute to the creation of new dividing lines in Europe, complicate further expansion of NATO, endanger the Baltic States and Ukraine and give more influence to extremist nationalist politicians.
         With so much at stake, it is a disservice to American interests to go into Kosovo without a much more extensive national debate, more realistic objectives and a credible exit strategy.

    Datum:         Sun, 01 Nov 1998 04:52:13 +0100
        Von:         "Fr. Sava" <decani@EUnet.yu>
      Firma:         Decani Monastery
    Copyright 1998 The Scotsman Publications Ltd.
    The Scotsman

    October 30, 1998, Friday

    SECTION: Pg. 17
    BYLINE: Chris Stephen In Malisevo

    A NEW rebel army has emerged in Kosovo to threaten the fragile ceasefire starting to take effect as Yugoslav army units withdraw from the province.
         Guerrillas from FARK, an elite force with bases in neighbouring Albania, are deployed in the battered province, bringing new arms and military expertise to the fight with the Serbs.
         Their first battle may be not against the Yugoslav army - but against their fellow Albanians.
         FARK arrived in Kosovo not to help the guerrillas of the Kosovo Liberation Army, but to take control of its units.
         In early summer, the KLA had gained control of one-fifth of Kosovo, declaring it a "liberated zone." That threatened not just the Yugoslav authorities but also the positions of existing ethnic Albanian politicians, led by Ibrahim Rugova, the self-styled president of Kosovo's majority Albanian population.
         Mr Rugova, working broadly in tandem with Bujar Bukoshi, the leader of the Swiss-based government in exile, has worked for eight years to build a strategy of passive resistance to Yugoslav rule.
         But the runaway successes of the KLA in spring fighting threatened to short -circuit this work - and leave the KLA in charge of a newly independent Kosovo.
         The old guard's solution was FARK, the Armed Forces of the Kosovo Republic, set up using the lavish resources of many of Kosovo's 300,000 emigres throughout Europe. Mr Bukoshi despatched an "advance guard" of 14 officers, most of them with military experience in the old Yugoslav army.
         More followed. Although they could bring only whatever weapons could be carried on a mule over the mountain border with Albania, FARK officers brought two things that the rebel KLA lacked - expertise and organisation.
         They arrived in Kosovo just as Yugoslavia unleashed its tanks on the KLA: overconfident and unprepared, they were bundled out of the towns and villages they had seized in the spring, with the civilian population bearing the brunt of the suffering.
         "I joined FARK rather than the KLA because they were more professional," said a former student from the north-eastern town of Pec, who enlisted this summer. "Those guys came with good military training. They knew what they were doing, they made you feel that this was organised," he told The Scotsman yesterday.
         FARK reached the battlefield too late to have any effect on the hammering rebel forces were taking, but acquitted itself well in the bloody defence of a key border village, Junik.
         Like the KLA, their units retreated but remained intact, escaping into the mountains and forests of Kosovo's interior.
         In many parts of Kosovo, FARK and KLA units worked side by side: "We had FARK people here, they come in small numbers, they have a lot of expertise," said one ethnic Albanian near the central town of Malisevo.
         "But you know, nobody crosses them." KLA commanders, however, a mixture of old rural families and exiles living in Europe, say they fear Mr Rugova would "sell out", swapping their dream of independence for an autonomy for the province of Kosovo within Yugoslavia.
         Hostility exploded in September, with the KLA issuing a harsh warning to FARK to leave its units alone. Three days later, on 21 September, FARK's key man in Albania, the defence minister, Ahmey Krasniqi, was murdered in the Albanian capital, Tirana.
         At about the same time, a key KLA commander, Naim Maloka, was shot and wounded -sources in Kosovo say he was attacked by FARK. Whatever the truth about these killings, they have set the competing factions on edge.
         "FARK are nothing, FARK are not here - we are the ones doing the fighting," scowled one KLA guerrilla commander wearing head-to-toe black battledress, manning a bunker abandoned by the Serbs this week. "Let me put it this way," said a KLA logistics officer working with the rebels' base in Albania: "When Yugoslavia was fighting Croatia, they sent jets to bomb the Croatian president in his palace. And what happens with Rugova? They let him drive a black Audi through the streets of Pristina."
         Compounding the hostility, FARK appears to have agreed a separate truce with the Serbs.
         Last week, as fighting raged in the central Drenica region of Kosovo and NATO threatened air strikes, rebel units suddenly vanished from the western region that is controlled by FARK.
         "One day they were all gone," said a local farmer who returned to his home near the smashed guerrilla stronghold of Glodjane, close to the Albanian border. "I'm not frightened to tell you where they are, but I honestly don't know where they went. I guess it was to Albania." Diplomats in Yugoslavia say an uneasy truce now exists between the KLA and FARK.
         "There are four areas of operations and FARK holds one of them," said one official.
         "Bukoshi still supports FARK, he wants to make sure that he has a piece of the action at whatever conference table is arranged." Such machinations are lost on those on the ground - Kosovo's rebels are mostly farmers given uniforms and guns smuggled in from bases in Albania.
         "I support the KLA - and Rugova, and FARK. We must stick together," said one soldier at a KLA roadblock yesterday. Both FARK and the KLA are busy rearming themselves.
         "Weapons are coming in in quality, and quantity too," said one official. KLA troops now parade in the hills sporting US army-pattern flak jackets and helmets, and some are equipped with the gigantic Barat sniper rifle, which can kill at a range of three miles. Western sources say the KLA is trying to find mortars and anti-tank rockets to beef up its armoury in preparation for a new round of fighting next year.
         And while Mr Rugova and the KLA say they favour peace over war, neither wants to be the first to down weapons and try for a negotiated settlement with Yugoslavia.
         For the moment, though, winter is likely to take a hand, with the imminent snows likely to halt operations against the Yugoslavs and each other.
         "We think we've got a few months of truce - after that, who knows?" one diplomat said.

    8. Reports from Human Rights Organisations  
        especially CDHRF (Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms, Prishtina) 
    Date:         Sun, 1 Nov 1998 01:48:30 +0200
    From:         Greek Helsinki Monitor <helsinki@COMPULINK.GR>
    Subject:      Kosovo: New Reports
    UN Inter-Agency
    Update on Kosovo
    Situation Report 67
     7 October - 13 October 1998

    This report has been compiled by UNHCR with support from OCHA and with inputs from UN Agencies and other humanitarian organisations in  former Yugoslavia and Albania


    1. Relief operations have continued in Kosovo during the period under review albeit at a reduced level as some expatriate humanitarian personnel temporarily relocated due to the threat of NATO air strikes. Humanitarian activities have focused on the delivery of relief items, essential drugs and the provision of health care to those displaced by the conflict in Kosovo. Field assessments to determine levels of displacement have also continued. Relief activities were suspended on 12th October but should resume and expand on 14th October.

    Relief Distribution

    2. On 8th October a multi-agency convoy escorted by UNHCR delivered relief supplies to some 60,000 people in the Vucitrn area  25 kilometres Northwest of Pristina. The 20-truck convoy carried wheat flour, family food parcels, baby food, pasta, oil, sugar, rice, high protein biscuits, canned fish, used clothes, water containers, blankets, mattresses, soap and hygienic packets. The supplies came from UNHCR, WFP, Mercy Corps International, Catholic Relief Services, Doctors of the World, Children’s Aid Direct and the International Rescue Committee.

    3. On 10th October UNHCR sent a five truck convoy to Urosevac to meet the needs of some 15,000 displaced. The shipment included wheat flour, food parcels, blankets, mattresses, soap and clothes. The team also visited Jezerce, the scene of recent violence, and saw some 600 people living in destroyed houses in need of plastic sheeting and food.

    Population Movements

    4. Field assessments conducted by UN agencies during the period under review have indicated that movement among the displaced population in Kosovo continues to be fluid with significant return in some parts of the province being partly offset by some renewed displacement in other areas. The overall level of new displacement has reduced.


    5. A UNICEF field trip to Suka Reka on 7th October revealed that there were still large numbers of displaced in the municipality. In Nisor, Kostrce and Bresnace, three villages in the North-western Suva Reka, an estimated 8,000 displaced were still living with host families. In the South-eastern part of the municipality an estimated 10,000 displaced had sought ( and to a large extent found ) shelter in Suva Reka town and the surrounding villages.

    6. A joint UNICEF / UNHCR trip to Kisna Reka valley, about 30 kilometres West of Pristina,  on 10th October revealed that approximately 2,000 displaced were still living in woodlands without proper shelter or food. The displaced said that they were very concerned about the approaching winter but could not return to their village of Komorane because it had been occupied by the Police. Access to the displaced in Kisna Reka valley was becoming increasingly difficult due to poor road conditions exacerbated by the onset of winter.


    7. On 8th October a UNHCR assessment team discovered that some 1,500 displaced living in the woods in the hills above Fustica village about 30 kilometres Southwest of Pristina had returned to their houses. The displaced told the team that they went back to their homes after they saw soldiers withdrawing from their village. They also said they were concerned about the health of their children due to the drop in temperature with the onset of  winter weather. However, they remained concerned about security and one family had in its courtyard a trailer with plastic sheets covering mattresses and blankets, ready to move at short notice.

    8. On 8th October a UNHCR mission to Rugova canyon in the Western of Pec discovered a significant reduction in the numbers of displaced in the area. UNHCR saw  several families at Drelje village in Rugova who wanted help in returning to their houses in the Decane area. UNHCR was told there were 25 families, comprising about 150 people, in Rugova area and that many displaced had crossed the hills to go to either Albania or Montenegro. In September representatives from the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission had indicated that there were some 25,000 displaced in the region.


    9. During the course of the field assessments mentioned in points 5 and 6 above, the UNICEF-supported mobile medical team, composed of three doctors and two nurses, provided primary health assistance to 650 patients, 75% of whom were children. Acute respiratory infections were becoming, with diarrhoeal diseases, the most serious health problem. Health workers also reported increasing symptoms of malnutrition and vitamin deficiency among the children.

    10. Shortages of drugs and medical supplies are a major problem for the public health stations that are still functioning. For example, the local doctor at the state clinic in Nisor expressed extreme frustration at the lack of medicine, given that patients were unable to purchase drugs in the nearest town due to insecurity. Although Nisor’s problems have been temporarily alleviated by the provision of drugs by UNICEF, it is clear that many other health clinics in Kosovo must remain desperately short of medical supplies.

      UNHCR Estimated Kosovo Displacement / Refugee Figures:
            (as at 13 October 1998)

    Kosovo 1                  200,000
    Montenegro 2               42,000
    Other parts of Serbia      20,000
    Bosnia Herzegovina 3        8,000
    Albania 4                  20,500
    Turkey 5                    2,000
    Slovenia 6                  2,000
    FYROM 7_                    3,000
    TOTAL                     297,500

    1 Estimated figure based on information from various organisations in Kosovo.
    2 Aaverage  based on figures provided by the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior and the Montenegrin Red   Cross.
    3 UNHCR estimate.
    4  Figures provided by Albanian Government’s Office for Refugees and endorsed by UNHCR..
    5 UNHCR estimate..
    6 UNHCR  estimate.
    7 Estimate of those whose presence is directly linked tothe conflict in Kosovo.

    Liaison with Kosovo Authorities

    11. On 8th October senior UNHCR officials met Mr Andjelkovic, the newly-appointed President of the Kosovo Provisional Executive Council ( KPEC), in Pristina. At the meeting Mr Andjelkovic said that the authorities hoped to open approximately 100 humanitarian distribution centres and that he hoped to cooperate closely with UNHCR to achieve this objective. In response, the UNHCR officials noted the importance of humanitarian assistance being distributed through arrangements in which beneficiaries had confidence. UNHCR also recalled the recent meeting between the High Commissioner and President Milosevic in which the importance of creating a genuinely secure environment for returnees was stressed.


    12. Reports from humanitarian agencies in Podgorica said that the atmosphere in the town was calm during the past week and that the usual crowds were in evidence on the streets. There were, however, indications that the local population was stockpiling goods despite the Government’s exhortations. The Government of Montenegro assured humanitarian agencies of protection in the event of air strikes.

    13. Humanitarian operations continued in Montenegro during the period under review, albeit at a reduced level as many expatriate staff left the Republic as a precautionary measure. UNHCR received 4 trucks last weekend with a cargo of blankets, mattresses and soap and ICRC accepted delivery of 3 trucks from the Bosnia and Herzegovina programme to supplement the existing fleet of the Montengrin Red Cross. The distribution of food aid continued as planned.

    14. UNICEF continued to focus on the needs of displaced children from Montenegro including support for their education. At the health meeting chaired by WHO and the Institute of Public Health on 8th October, it was noted that there was still a shortage of medicines, sanitary material, baby and hygienic parcels and vaccines in the municipalities where the majority of the displaced were accommodated. Doctors of the World have received a consignment of drugs in Bar which will be transferred to UNHCR’s warehouse shortly. UNICEF is also expecting an imminent delivery of vaccines.


    Food Aid

    15. Food aid agencies in Albania have completed their October distribution to 21,500 Kosovo refugees. WFP targeted 6,500 beneficiaries and the food needs of the remaining 15,000 were met by IFRC, Mercy Corps International, Islamic Relief Services, Catholic Relief Services and the Kosovo Association, a local NGO which has recently assumed responsibility for the Tirana caseload.

    16. WFP and IFRC have made the joint decision to halt operations in Tropoje district for security reasons after IFRC had food parcels looted from its warehouses in the district during the weekend of 10-11 October. There are also concerns with regard to the integrity of registration procedures.


    17. Since May 1998 when refugees from Kosovo first started to flow into Albania, WHO has regularly chaired health meetings in Tirana  which have enabled UN agencies, NGOs and local health authorities to develop contingency plans in the health sector. This process has enabled health agencies to execute joint assessments of health care available to refugees throughout Albania. It has also facilitated the creation of a surveillance system to allow for the early detection and control of outbreaks of communicable diseases.

    18. There has been a coordinated response to the delivery of health services to Kosovo refugees in Albania. WHO has delivered emergency health and surgical kits to the hospitals in Bajram Curri and Krume and General Practitioner kits to the Tropoje health centre even though the uncertain security situation has prevented WHO from establishing an office in Northern Albania. UNICEF’s initial response was the immediate delivery of hygiene supplies, basic drugs, immunisation services and water and quality control. UNICEF subsequently provided supplementary food and hygiene parcels for infants through the Albanian Red Cross. UNICEF, in collaboration with its NGO partners, has also helped to rehabilitate health facilities and train health staff in the districts of Kukes and Puka.


    19. As requested by the Ministry of Education, UNICEF procured and delivered basic education kits in time for the beginning of the school year in October. These kits contain basic materials for more than 8,000 primary school pupils, both refugees and from vulnerable host families.

    Psychosocial assistance

    20. In order to increase local capacity for the provision of psychosocial assistance to refugee children who have endured particularly stressful situations, UNICEF has initiated, in collaboration with national and international NGO partners a training programme for care givers, with long term follow up activities.


    21. UNDP has established a project office to increase the capacity of communities and local authorities in Shkodra ( in the North ) and Durres ( on the West coast of Tirana ) to cope with the strains created by the presence of refugees from Kosovo. UNDP will help local authorities to provide basic services to both the local population and refugees by implementing programmes designed to improve water supply, sewerage and road conditions.

    Family Tracing

    22. The Albanian Red Cross, supported by IFRC and ICRC, has set up tracing services for many refugees from Kosovo who are separated from family members. It also responds to enquiries from family members working abroad on the welfare of relatives caught up in the hostilities.


    23. The Macedonian Red Cross, with the support of UNHCR, is preparing to identify and register the arrivals fleeing the conflict in Kosovo who have exceeded the two month temporary stay permit for FRY citizens. They are mainly concentrated in the Western part of FYROM between the towns of Kumanovo and Struga / Ohrid. When the registration process has been completed under the supervision of UNHCR, the final list will be submitted to the Government’s Ministry of Interior for extension of the two month stay permit with the status of "Humanitarian Assisted Persons,"  which is similar to Temporary Protection Status granted elsewhere.

    24. A modest assistance programme for the most vulnerable of those registered from Kosovo will be implemented by UNHCR, UNICEF, ICRC and IFRC. The Macedonian Red Cross will distribute food, hygienic parcels, adult clothing and baby parcels provided by IFRC and ICRC will undertake tracing activities. UNICEF will handle the requirements for primary education, children’s clothing, vaccinations and baby parcels. UNHCR will be responsible for administering the registration process and the provision of food when IFRC’s stocks are finished. UNHCR will also facilitate access to medical care provided by the Ministry of Health. Additional needs will be addressed when they are identified.

    25. WFP continues to maintain contingency stocks of 95 MT mixed food commodities in Skopje. Should beneficiaries increase to exceed 5,000 WFP is likely to  establish a small office to implement a food distribution programme. Food rations will be similar to those distributed elsewhere in former Yugoslavia and will consist of basic commodities such as wheat flour, pulses and sugar.


    26. Kosovo refugees continue to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina at an average of 40 per day bringing the total estimated caseload to 8,000. 1,500 refugees are currently accommodated in 3 different reception centres in different parts of the country. 180 are in Bosanski Petrovac, 100 in Srednje and the remainder are temporarily located in the Coca Cola plant in Hadzici suburb in Sarajevo. 3 new refugee sites are under construction to provide accommodation for up to 2,500 refugees, including those currently living in the Coca Cola plant.

    For information, please contact:
    Fernando del Mundo, UNHCR Pristina
    Tel:  381-38-321-09
    David Carden (OCHA), UNHCR Belgrade
    Tel:  381-11-344-2091
    Fax: 381-11-344-2947

    Greek Helsinki Monitor & Minority Rights Group - Greece
    P.O. Box 51393     GR-14510 Kifisia     Greece
    Tel. +30-1-620.01.20     Fax +30-1-807.57.67
    e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr     http://www.greekhelsinki.gr

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    Die Bibel sagt 
        Es ist Dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist 
        und der HERR von Dir fordert, naemlich 
        Gottes Wort halten 
        und Liebe ueben 
        und demuetig sein vor Deinem Gott. 
        Micha 6, 8
        HERR, wer darf weilen in Deinem Zelt ? 
             Wer darf wohnen auf Deinem heiligen Berge ? 
        Wer untadelig lebt und tut, was recht ist, 
             und die Wahrheit redet von Herzen, 
        wer mit seiner Zunge nicht verleumdet, 
        wer seinem Naechsten nichts Arges tut 
             und seinen Nachbarn nicht schmaeht.
      Psalm 15, 1-3
      Luther-Bibel 1984

    The Bible says 
        He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good;  
        and what doth the LORD require of thee,  
        but to do justly,  
        and to love mercy,  
        and to walk humbly with thy God?
      Micha 6, 8
        LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? 
             who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 
        He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, 
             and speaketh the truth in his heart. 
        [He that] backbiteth not with his tongue, 
        nor doeth evil to his neighbour, 
             nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 
      Psalm 15, 1-3
      Authorized Version 1769 (KJV)
                  Helft KOSOVA !  KOSOVA needs HELP !

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    Wolfgang Plarre
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    Seite erstellt am 1.11.1998  

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