Welcome at - Willkommen bei - HOMEPAGE of  Wolfgang Plarre

       aktuell:     NEIN zu einem Krieg in Irak    JA zu einem Ende der Besetzung Palästinas
   actually:     NO to war in Iraq                   YES to the end of ocuppation of Palestine

"God helps the wonderful people of the Palestine
       who gave the Jews their much needed home and Israel!"

Deepak Sarkar, quoted from
"Sharon, Israel, Wants Palestine Without The Palestinians - Which Is Genocide!!"

Stimmen Sie mit ab:  Jeder Euro eine Stimme gegen den Krieg
Deutschland sagt NEIN zum Krieg gegen den Irak
      mehr ...
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Iraq:    Do you know      there are humans living ?
              See pictures at 

NEW (12 Feb 2003):    Human rights in Iraq - what about the people?
» Sign Amnesty International's online petition to the UN Security Council     more ...
"What Everyone Should Know about a WAR on IRAQ"
By Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Download:  Caritas-NZ--What_Everyone_Should_Know_(web).doc   (MS-WORD 190 KB)
The Smell of War
By Uri Avnery, 8.2.03:
( Uri Avneri is former member of Knesset in Israel; member of peace-organization Gush Shalom )
read his opinion
NEIN zu einem Krieg in Irak  - NO to war in Iraq
International Appeal for a French Veto at the Security Council of the United Nations
This appeal empowers those who will sign on to express their support for a veto of France.
The signatures will be sent to the Presidency of the French Republic.
International news services will be informed of the number of signatures.
VISIT:  http://membres.lycos.fr/stopalaguerre/petition_anglais.htm
Sagen Sie mal, Micha ...
"Eines Tages hatte sich der israelische König Ahab in den Kopf gesetzt,
Krieg gegen die Aramäer zu führen."
Religions for Peace in the Middle-East
H.B.Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, 22-Jan-03
http://www.moveon.org/                        Let the Inspections Work

As weapons inspections in Iraq kick into high gear, most of us are breathing a sigh of relief. But some elements of the Bush Administration are still dead set on war, even if the inspections are working. President Bush has agreed that war should be the very last resort. Let's hold him and his administration to those words. 

View the TV ad paid for by MoveOn members' contributions:

RealMedia (SureStream) http://stream.realimpact.net/rihurl.ram?file=realimpact/moveon/DaisySS_gen.rm
MPEG (Broadband) http://stream.realimpact.net/?file=realimpact/moveon/DaisyM.mpg&type=mpg
QuickTime http://stream.realimpact.net/?file=realimpact/moveon/DaisyM.mpg&type=qt
Audio Only (MP3) http://www.moveon.org/daisy/daisy_audio.mp3

Go to our press room to download media suitable for broadcast and print: stills, audio, video. 
(hosted by RealImpact) http://www.moveon.org/pressroom.html

VISIT  http://www.moveon.org/

Die Regierungen der USA oder im UN-Sicherheitsrat vertreten mich nicht wenn sie wählen und George Bush erlauben einen illegalen Krieg im Irak zu führen. 

Ich stehe solidarisch mit den Antikriegsbewegungen in den Vereinigten Staaten und auf der ganzen Welt, die sich dem von Bush geplanten Krieg gegen den Irak widersetzen und dagegen demonstriert haben. 

Tausende werden unnötig sterben wenn die Völker dieses Kriegstreiben nicht stoppen. Ich schließe mich den Millionen Menschen an, die glauben, daß die Milliarden für den Krieg gegen den Irak stattdessen aufgewendet werden sollten um Arbeitsplätze, Ausbildung, das Gesundheitssystem, die Kinderunterstützung und die Hilfe für alte Menschen zu finanzieren, Hungersnot und Krankheiten zu bekämpfen und die Bedürfnisse der Menschen zu befriedigen. 

Werfen Sie ihren Stimmzettel!
Klicken Sie hier um jetzt den Volksentscheid zu unterzeichnen!


The U.S. Congress did not represent me when it voted to authorize George W. Bush to carry out an illegal war against Iraq.

Thousands will die needlessly unless the people stop this war drive. I join with millions of people who believe that the $200 billion planned for war against Iraq should be spent instead to fund jobs, education, housing, health care, child care, assistance to the elderly and to meet people's needs.

Cast your vote!
Click here to sign the People's Anti-War Referendum now!

online petition
asking President Bush to let the weapons inspections work, rather than rushing to war

Quelle: http://www.publik-forum.de/

Krieg ist keine Antwort

Aufruf: Publik-Forum DOSSIER jetzt verteilen!

Die Menschen sind entsetzt. 
Da plant die US-Regierung seit Monaten einen Krieg gegen den Irak – und die Politik zeigt keine großen Widerstände. 
Die Bundesregierung will sich zwar nicht beteiligen, doch ihr Widerstand gegen die Pläne von George Bush ist gering. Und dies, obwohl die katastrophalen Folgen eines Waffengangs gegen den Irak bekannt sind: 
Tausende tote und verletzte Zivilisten; der Hass der arabischen Welt auf die USA wird ebenso wachsen wie die Gefahr terroristischer Anschläge; ein steigender Ölpreis ruiniert die Weltwirtschaft, und auch anderswo wächst die Neigung, mit einem Präventivkrieg gegen andere Länder vorzugehen.

Und dies geschieht, obwohl es Alternativen zum Krieg gibt. 
Eine Chance haben diese Alternativen jedoch nur, wenn der zivile Widerstand gegen den Krieg wächst. 
Diesem Ziel dient das Dossier in der Heftmitte der aktuellen Publik-Forum-Ausgabe. 
Denn »Krieg ist keine Antwort« auf die Herausforderung durch Saddam Hussein.

Das Publik-Forum Dossier »Krieg ist keine Antwort« hat 8 Seiten und wird zum Verteilen auf Zeitungspapier gedruckt. Dies ermöglicht bei größeren Auflagen günstige Stückpreise:

einzeln 0,50 EUR;  ab 20 Ex. je 0,40 EUR;  ab 50 Ex. je 0,35 EUR;  ab 100 Ex. je 0,30 EUR;  ab 300 Ex. je 0,20 EUR; 
ab 1000 Ex. 0,15 EUR.  Bei Bestellwert unter 25 EUR zuzgl. 2,50 EUR Versand. Bestellnummer 2705.
Bitte teilen Sie uns möglichst bald die Anzahl der von Ihnen benötigten Exemplare mit. Am besten bis zum 13. Januar. Dann legen wir die Auflagenhöhe dieses Sonderdrucks fest.

Download Dossier »Krieg ist keine Anwort« (PDF, 200 Kb)

Bestellung Dossier »Krieg ist keine Anwort«

HINTERGRUNDARTIKEL  zum DOWNLOAD  irak_resist_artikel.pdf   (PDF, 382 KB)
Den begonnenen Irak-Krieg beenden
- seine Ausweitung verhindern

Verlagsbeilage Friedensforum, Bonn, 1/2003
V.i.S.d.P.: Clemens Ronnefeldt, Referent für Friedensfragen beim deutschen Zweig des Internationalen Versöhnungsbundes

Ausgabe 3/2003 - Sonntag, 26. Januar 2003

Sagen Sie mal, Micha ...
"Eines Tages hatte sich der israelische König Ahab in den Kopf gesetzt, Krieg gegen die Aramäer zu führen."

Krieg im Irak
US-Kirchen reden Bush ins Gewissen

Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
Wer den Krieg gewinnt, überwindet ihn nicht

Ausgabe 3/2003 - Sonntag, 19. Januar 2003

Nachdenken in Sachen Irak
Von Peter Gauweiler

Hans-Peter Dürr 
Ich hoffe, dass die Leute aufwachen

Bischof Friedrich beim Münchner Presseclub: Lob für Gauweiler 
»Es gibt Alternativen zu einem Krieg« 

Was tun gegen einen Krieg im Irak? 
Sich informieren, beten, mitreden

      Unser Gott, Du bist ein Gott des Friedens.
      Wir bitten Dich in dieser angespannten Weltsituation
      um Frieden. 
      Lenke und wandle die Herzen derer,
      die Verantwortung tragen für Krieg und Frieden. 
      Schenke denen, die sich um Frieden und Verständigung
      an den Konfliktherden bemühen
      den Geist der Liebe, der Kraft und der Besonnenheit.
      Führe die Friedensbemühungen zum Erfolg. 
      Wir bitten Dich um den Frieden, 
      der höher ist als alle Vernunft,
      dass er unsere Herzen und Sinne bewahre
      in Jesus Christus.

       Quelle: http://www.bayern-evangelisch.de/_top/webi.php

mehr Informationen bei


Stimmen Sie mit ab: Jeder Euro eine Stimme gegen den Krieg

Deutschland sagt NEIN zum Krieg gegen den Irak

Wir sagen JA zu Frieden und Abrüstung weltweit und im Irak. Wir sagen NEIN zu einem Krieg gegen den Irak. Wir fordern die Bundesregierung auf, bei ihrem NEIN zu diesem Krieg zu bleiben und „alle politischen Mittel zu nutzen, um sich dem Krieg entgegenzustellen.“* Ein JA der Bundesrepublik zum Krieg gegen den Irak darf es nicht geben. Ein solcher Krieg verletzt das Völkerrecht und schafft einen gefähr-lichen Präzedenzfall. Er wäre der Auftakt zu einer neuen Ära „präventiver“ militärischer Gewalt. Zum Grundsatz des friedlichen Ausgleichs zwischen den Interessen der Staaten und Völker, wie ihn die Charta der Vereinten Nationen verlangt, gibt es keine Alternative. Es muss deshalb alles getan werden, um den Irak-Konflikt mit friedlichen Mitteln zu beenden. Die in leidvoller Geschichte erkämpften Menschen- und Völkerrechte sind unveräußerlich und dürfen nicht dem Recht des Stärkeren geopfert werden. Die Vielzahl der Teilnehmer dieser Aktion soll aller Welt deutlich machen:
Deutschland sagt NEIN zum Krieg gegen den Irak!

*Zitat aus dem Aufruf zur bundesweiten Friedensdemonstration am 15. Februar in Berlin

Zeigen Sie Ihre Ablehnung des Krieges auf Grundlage dieser Erklärung, indem Sie einen (und nur einen!) Euro auf dieses von einem Notar verwaltete Konto überweisen:
Deutschland sagt NEIN zum Krieg gegen den Irak
Konto Nr. 303680700
Dresdner Bank, München
BLZ 70080000
Der Abstimmungsbetrag kommt humanitären Organisationen zugute. Achtung: Auch höhere Überweisungsbeträge als ein Euro werden nur als eine Stimme gewertet. So wird am Kontostand jederzeit abzulesen sein, wie viele Menschen NEIN zu diesem Krieg sagen. Der aktuelle Kontostand wird ab 1. Februar 2003 täglich im Internet veröffentlicht (www.deutschland-sagt-nein.de). Dieses Verfahren ist überprüfbarer als Umfragen und weniger aufwändig als Unterschriftensammlungen. Die so gesammelten NEIN-Stimmen haben daher weit größeres Gewicht. Der Kontostand wird stetig ansteigen und so ständig ein Thema in der Öffentlichkeit sein.

Nach Abschluss der Aktion Ende März 2003, wird der Verein “Friedliche Lösungen” die eingegangenen Abstimmungsgelder wie folgt verwenden:
  • 90 Prozent für Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V, eine neutrale und unabhängige Hilfsorganisation, die für ihre Hilfeleistungen in Krisengebieten 1999 den Friedensnobelpreis erhielt
  • 7 Prozent für Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V., eine gemeinnützige Organisation die sich weltweit für die Freiheit der Information einsetzt.
Für die Weiterleitung der Gelder werden keine Steuerbegünstigungen verlangt. Maximal 3 Prozent und höchstens 30.000 Euro sind für die Finanzierung dieser Aktion (Unkostenersatz) vorgesehen.
Zu diesem Vorgehen hat sich der Verein “Friedliche Lösungen” notariell verpflichtet.
Die Einhaltung dieser Regelungen und die ordnungsgemäße Abrechnung der Unkosten wird außerdem durch einen Beirat überwacht und garantiert. Diesem Beirat gehören folgende Personen an (Stand 23.1.2003, aktueller Stand im Internet):
Hans-Christian Graf von Sponeck, ehem. Beigeordneter des UN–Generalsekretärs
Senta Berger, Schauspielerin,
Prof. Dr. Dr. Horst-Eberhard Richter, Arzt, Psychoanalytiker
Christian Ude, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt München
Dr. Hans-Jochen Vogel, ehemaliger SPD-Vorsitzender
Konstantin Wecker, Sänger
Jörg Hube, Schauspieler
Verein Friedliche Lösungen, Dr. Georg Wedemeyer, Daglfingerstr. 14b, 81929 München
Internet: www.deutschland-sagt-nein.de (auch: www.deutschlandsagtnein.de)

Bitte kopieren Sie dieses Flug blatt und geben Sie es an Freunde und Bekannte weiter!
Vielen Dank!

» Sign AI's online petition at  http://www.amnesty.org/go/iraq  before 8 March. «

source: http://web.amnesty.org/web/iraq-petition.nsf/action_english

Human rights in Iraq - what about the people?

The population of Iraq is in imminent danger of a human rights and humanitarian catastrophe. Military action could trigger a disaster for the people of Iraq and surrounding countries.

Sign our petition, calling on the President of the UN Security Council to consider seriously the civilian population of Iraq.

The President of the Security Council
His Excellency Dr Gunter Pleuger
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations

Dear Dr Pleuger:

Before it takes any further action, I call upon the UN Security Council to assess the human rights and humanitarian impact on the civilian population of any military action against Iraq.
  • The assessment should take place in a public session of the Security Council, open to all UN member states, and it must include consideration of:

- the potential effects of military action on the human rights of the Iraqi population.

- the effects on the humanitarian situation as Iraqis are already suffering under severe economic sanctions and violations by their government.

- the risk that military action would lead to massive numbers of people being forced into flight.

- potential grave violations of international humanitarian law, including direct attacks on civilians, the use of human shields and the use of inherently indiscriminate weapons.

  • I urge the Security Council to deploy human rights monitors immediately throughout Iraq to report on human rights abuses by any party.
Yours Sincerely,

First Name 
Family Name 
Yes, I would like to receive further information from Amnesty International. Your details will only be used by Amnesty International bodies and will not be passed on to other organizations.
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download PDF http://www.amnesty.org/resources/AI_iraq_emergency_petition-english.pdf
Help us gather more signatures! Click here to download a PDF version of the petition, which you can print out and distribute. Instructions for returning signed petitions can be found within the document.

» Sign AI's online petition at  http://www.amnesty.org/go/iraq  before 8 March. «

Betreff: Avnery on Iraq war
Datum: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 18:05:42 +0200
Von: "Uri Avnery"

Uri Avnery

The Smell of War

     This is not a war about terrorism.
     This is not a war about weapons of mass destruction.
     This is not a war about democracy in Iraq.
     This is a war about something else.
     As for terrorism: Saddam Hussein is a cruel dictator, but the idea that he might be connected with Osama bin Laden is ridiculous. Sadam heads the Iraqi section of al-Baath, a very secular party. Bin Laden is an Islamic Fundamentalist, and al-Kaida aims at the destruction of all secular regimes in our region. The official who invented this particular lie is either an ignoramus or a cynic who believes that one can fool all the people at least some of the time.
      As for weapons of mass destruction: the USA supported Saddam when he used deadly poison gas against the Iranians (and their Kurdish allies in Iraq). At the time, America was interested in stopping the Iranians. Today there are chemical and biological weapons in most of the countries of this region, including Egypt, Syria and Israel, and one of them has nuclear arms.
     As for democracy: Americans don’t give a damn. Some of their best friends in the Islamic world are dictators, some more, some less cruel then Saddam. As the old American adage goes: “He is a son-of-a-bitch, but he is our son-of-a-bitch.”
     If so, what is the war about?
     In one word: oil.
     There is a strong smell of oil in the air. Without smelling it, one cannot understand what is going on. But once one grasps what it is all about, the actions of Bush & Co., while cynical and hypocritical, are utterly logical.
     These, then, are the American war aims:
     # To take over the immense oil reserves of Iraq, among the world’s biggest.
     #To ensure American control of the nearby huge Caspian Sea oil reserves
     # To reinforce indirect American control of the oil in all the Gulf states, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran.
     Control of most of the worlds oil reserves will free the Americans, at long last, from the whims of the oil market. Their hand, and theirs alone, will be on the tab. They, and they alone, will fix the prices of oil all over the world. If they will want prices to rise, they will rise. If they will want them to go down, they will go down. With one single movement of the hand, they will be able to deal a crushing blow to the economies of Germany, France and Japan. No country in the world will be able to stand up to them in any matter. No wonder that Germany and France oppose the war. It is directed against them.
     It follows that the Americans do not intend to enter Iraq, establish democracy and leave. The very idea is ridiculous.
     The US enters Iraq in order to stay there, for years and decades. Its physical presence in the Arab and Muslim world will create a new geo-political reality.
     Of course, this is not the first time that a great empire uses its military power to promote its economic dominance. History is full of examples. Indeed, one could say that all of history is an example. But there has never been a super-power like the US, with no rival left, using its immense military might in order to ensure its domination of the world economy for generations to come.
     From this point of view, the coming war on Iraq – a “small” war, militarily – will have historic significance. 
     For sure, Bush will try to set up some native Iraqi government, in order to disguise and lend some legitimacy to the American occupation. There are any number of volunteers, ready to serve as Quislings. Then again, Bush may prefer some new Saddam Hussein, a dictator appointed by them.
    But war is war. War usually starts with a well-prepared plan, but even the “best” plan, backed by the mightiest military power, can go awry. The Arab masses may rise against their American-supported, corrupt, lackadaisical governments. The Turks may perpetrate a massacre in the north of Iraq in order to break the Kurds once and for all, and no one can know how this will end. The holy places of the Shiites in the south of Iraq, next to Iran, may cause trouble.
     How will this affect Israel? Or, to use the old phrase: “Is it good for the Jews?”
      The relations between Bush and Sharon are almost symbiotic. In Sharon’s view, the massive presence of the US in our region strengthens Israel and will enable him to implement his hidden agenda.
     But, as one says in Hebrew, “the fat tail of the sheep has a thorn in it”. The permanent occupation of Iraq turns the US into a kind of “Arab” power, with a vital interest in the stability and tranquility of the region. It will want to prevent by all means chaos in the Arab countries – before, during and after the war.
     Sharon and his generals are, on the contrary, interested in as much chaos as possible, in order to use it to “transfer” millions of Palestinians to the other side of the Jordan. There is a definite conflict of interest between Bush as Sharon.
     Sharon, an extremist but prudent person, knows that he must not under any circumstances infuriate Bush. He will act cautiously. He has lots and lots of patience and lots and lots of stubbornness. He will try to obtain from Bush permission to transfer (at least some) Palestinians, to murder of Arafat (“If Sadam, why not Arafat?) and to break the Palestinian people.
      Bush, on the other hand, will want Israel to stay quiet, very quiet. At thee time, he may use the Israel threat in order to ensure that the Arabs, too, will stay quiet, very quiet. He will threaten the Arab rulers, who are mortally afraid of an uprising of their peoples, that if they do not behave, he will let Sharon off the leash.
     Is all this good for Israel? From the economic, social and security points of view, the answer is negative. We are entering an era of adventurism, with the adventurer No. 1 at the helm of our state. The earth will shake in our region, and nobody can foresee the dangers approaching us. Only one thing is certain: this will not bring peace.
     I do not belong to those who can speak about war with equanimity. I have seen war, I know its face. I see the thousands who will be killed, the tens of thousands that will be wounded and maimed, the hundreds of thousands that will become refugees, the ruined families, the sea of tears and human suffering.
     I join the millions all over the world the say NO.

english NEWS from different internet-sources from/about Kosov@
I send since months to ALBANEWS and to alb-information
Please visit  ALBANEWS http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/archives/albanews.html
.alb-information http://www.egroups.com/messages/alb-information
<=  weather in Prishtina  | weather in Belgrade  =>
LINKto the former startpage
deutschsprachige  NACHRICHTEN http://www.kosova-info-line.de
english NEWS from different internet-sources from/about Palestine/Israel
I send since months to Al-Awda-News
Please visit  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-News/messages
Hear Palestine - what happens to Palestine


        recently I learned:  Christians of Armenian Church celebrate Christmas on January 19
.Merry Christmas
on January 6 - Epiphanias - especially
to the sisters and brothers of Orthodox Churches
and a more Happy New Year 2003
in LOVE and PEACE for ALL !
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light:
they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death,
upon them hath the light shined.
Jesaja 9,2

And Mary said, 
My soul doth magnify the Lord,
And my spirit 
hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy [is] his name.
And his mercy [is] on them that fear him from generation to generation.
He hath shewed strength with his arm; 
he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from [their] seats, and exalted them of low degree.
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of [his] mercy;
As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.
.Lk 1,46-55
 Oskar Koller:  Einbruch des Lichtes - Break-in of the Light 
Christmas 2002
We hope for reconciliation in Kosov@ - peace to come in Israel-Palestine
and to be no waging a new war
instead: to end all violence
There is Christmas ...

if all are ready for the feast.

Christmas means:
to live in hope.
If humans are giving one another hands
for reconciliation,
if the foreigner is accepted,
if one helps the other,
to avoid the evil and to do the good,
then is Christmas.

Christmas means:
to dry the tears,
to share, what you have, with them;
everytime we are alleviating the need
of an unfortune
will be Christmas.

Every day is Christmas on this earth,
everytime someone is giving to an other
his love,
hearts are feeling happy,
is Christmas,
then God is coming from heaven
bringing the light.

attempt to translate the text opposite by Reinhard Abeln
Es ist Weihnachten ...

wenn alle bereit sind für das Fest.

Weihnachten heißt: 
mit Hoffnung leben.
Wenn sich Menschen die Hände
zur Versöhnung reichen,
wenn der Fremde aufgenommen wird,
wenn einer dem anderen hilft, 
das Böse zu meiden und das Gute zu tun,
dann ist Weihnachten

Weihnachten heißt:
die Tränen trocknen,
das, was du hast, mit denen zu teilen;
jedesmal, wenn wir die Not
eines Unglücklichen lindern,
wird Weihnachten.

Jeder Tag ist Weihnachten auf dieser Erde,
jedesmal, wenn einer dem anderen
seine Liebe schenkt;
wenn Herzen Glück empfinden,
ist Weihnachten,
dann steigt Gott wieder vom Himmel herab
und bringt das Licht.

 Reinhard Abeln

may it be  jihad  to mean the same ?

concerning the latest news (January 6 - added below)
on suicide-bombing and revenge:

Psalm 25

 [A Psalm] of David. Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.
Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou [art] the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they [have been] ever of old.
Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O LORD.
Good and upright [is] the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
All the paths of the LORD [are] mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
For thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it [is] great.
What man [is] he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way [that] he shall choose.
His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.
The secret of the LORD [is] with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
Mine eyes [are] ever toward the LORD; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.
Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I [am] desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: [O] bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Many thanks to all who sent greetings to me in the recient days   :-)

Sincerly               .

Let's not forget BETHLEHEM

         below you find 

    6  Jan 2003   Violence Overshadows Bethlehem Christmas
   24 Dec 2002  Christmas Greetings from Alette Flefel in Bethlehem

"Boll ma" 



"Enough is enough"

STOP to any violence in Israel/Palestine too !

A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens

Weihnachtslied, Eine Gespenstergeschichte, von Charles Dickens


Posted on Mon, Jan. 06, 2003

Violence Overshadows Bethlehem Christmas

Associated Press

BETHLEHEM, West Bank - Orthodox Christians celebrated a low-key Christmas on Monday, overshadowed by the threat of possible Israeli retaliation for twin Palestinian suicide attacks that killed 22 people in Tel Aviv a day earlier.
    A few hundred people - compared to tens of thousands in previous years - gathered to watch the procession of the four Orthodox Patriarchs through streets devoid of decorations, in protest at the Israeli army's occupation of the city.
    Most Orthodox Christians follow the old Gregorian calendar, which places Christmas on Jan. 7.
    The procession ended in Manger Square and the crowd quickly dispersed, skipping the daylong celebrations of previous years.
    Adding to the gloomy atmosphere, Israeli soldiers surrounded a building just 500 yards from the Church of the Nativity and imposed a curfew in the neighborhood, though not in the area of the basilica, Palestinian witnesses said. Four people were arrested while the soldiers continued to operate in the area, they added.
    With its economy devastated by more than two years of violence and Israel's reoccupation of the town, which scared off nearly all the tourists, Palestinian Christians said they would use Christmas to pray for peace.
    "We hope this wave of violence will end in Israel and inside the Palestinian territories," said Fadi Safar, 20, an Orthodox Christian who works in a Bethlehem music shop.
    "We'll pray for peace tonight on Christmas Eve, for the sake of both peoples," he added.
    The Israeli security Cabinet decided in an overnight meeting to crack down harder on Palestinian militants after two suicide bombers blew up seconds apart in an old area of Tel Aviv where many foreign workers live.
    Bethlehem was reoccupied after a suicide bomber from the town blew himself up on a Jerusalem bus on Nov. 21, killing 11 passengers. Now the residents fear life will be even more difficult after weeks under almost total curfew.
    "There is no joy in Bethlehem. The violence, the suffering, the dead economy have stolen the happiness. There is a lack of peace," said George Bassous, 26, who came with his wife to attend the procession and mass.
    "The people have lost the hope in the future and to reach a peaceful solution. There is no peace in Bethlehem during the birth of the lord of peace, Jesus Christ," Bassous added.

© 2001 miamiherald and wire service sources

Christmas Greetings from Alette Flefel in Bethlehem

We are still under curfew. The new sick joke that the Israeli Army is playing on us, is to announce at night  that the curfew will be lifted next day for a few hours, only to revoke it in the morning after some people have already left their homes. They stop them then, take the keys of their cars or break the keys in the switch, and leave them in this cold weather for hours.  But those are the lucky ones. The unfortunate ones get beaten, some were actually stripped naked and ordered to go home without clothes. 

Yesterday they destroyed the house of someone behind the hills that face our house.  The soldiers took a man from the house, tortured him, killed him, hung a rope around his head and dragged him around the streets. The reporters were stopped from reaching the place until everything was over, however they were able to see the body that was riddled with 63 bullets. 

As I am writing, the soldiers are driving the tanks around the neighborhood, gladly announcing that the curfew will not be lifted and singing provocative songs 

Christmas season is approaching, and the situation is going form bad to worse. There is a seething anger that is  slowly reaching a boiling point.  The average person on the street is ready to explode. I do not know where the Palestinians get their resilience from to be able to put up with this kind of abuse, that has been going on for more than half a century.  I personally do not understand how people can make it without Jesus. 

I testify that the Lord has been so good to us. It is true that we were not able to get a decent health  check up for the last 6 months, and that some medical treatments are out of reach. Our children do not go to school, they are bored to tears, and unable to understand why we cannot live a normal life. The work situation is paralyzed.  The prospect of  jobs in the future is uncertain. It is true that we cannot plan our days, or shopping or even our meals. Yet we  can rejoice in the Lord,  He has been our shield and fortress. We can testify that he has kept us in the palm of His hands, even when  perils have surrounded us. Only yesterday a soldier pointed his gun at  our teenage son Rami as he was playing  basketball in our backyard.  He could have harmed him, but we felt that God has put a hedge around him. 

The message of Habakkuk seems so relevant.  It seems that some of the people who leave in this land inevitably go through hard times. And it looks like our friend Habbakuk lived under conditions that were no different from ours.  It comforts me to read what he wrote: 

         "Though the fig tree does not bud 
       And there are no grapes on the vines, 
           Though the olive crops fails 
          And the fields produce no food, 
       Though there are no sheep in the pen 
            And no cattle in the stalls, 
           Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, 
          I will be joyful in God my Savior 
        The sovereign Lord is my strength: 
      He makes my feet like the feet of a deer." 

                             Habakkuk 3:17-19

If someone asks you how we feel, please tell them that we feel sad and helpless. Whenever we speak to our friends about Lord and Savior and about the reason for the hope that is within us, as the Bible rightly admonishes us to do, we are bombarded with questions like: 
"How can the Evangelical in the West claim that they worship a God that is loving and just and at the same time openly support racial discrimination, ethnic cleansing and hate talk against the Palestinians?" 
We ourselves feel angry and need our brothers to explain to us their absurd attitude. We feel that it is an arrogant and ignorant attitude  It has nothing to do with being Christ like. 
After more than 2 years of communicating with some American Evangelicals and telling them the truth, that fell on deaf ears, I think that all what I can do is pray that God will guard our hearts from feeling bitter. 
If we need to be reconciled with anybody at this point, I think we need to be reconciled with our Christian brothers in America.
It is time for us to tell them how we feel, that is if they do care at all for their brothers in the forgotten and suffering Church in Palestine. 
Please convey my message to whoever asks you about the situation here. 
I am ready to correspond with anyone who is interested in  knowing  the truth.
Despite our discouragement we firmly believe that we serve a righteous, loving and just God who does not rejoice in evil but rejoices in the truth. He will not be forever silent at the gross injustices that are inflicted on us as a nation. No one will escape His judgment whether by having actively participated in this evil or by having simply being silent. 

Merry Christmas and may the LORD bless you. 

quoted from  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/shamireaders/message/15


Monday, January 06, 2003 Shvat 3, 5763
Israel Time:  02:17  (GMT+2)
Last update - 00:38 06/01/2003

23 dead, 100 hurt in double suicide bombing in Tel Aviv

By Haim Shadmi and Jonathan Lis, Ha'aretz Correspondents, Ha'aretz Service and Agencies

At least 23 people were killed and 100 others were wounded - seven critically - in a double suicide bombing at around 6:30 P.M. Sunday evening at the Old Central Bus Station in south Tel Aviv. 
    The two suicide bombers blew themselves up within less than a minute of one another, at the corner of G'dud Ha'ivri and Neve She'anan streets in south Tel Aviv. 
    "It seems according to evidence in the area that we are talking of two suicide bombers. Two explosions happened in parallel streets... It's a place where there are many foreign workers," Tel Aviv police chief Yossi Sedbon told Army Radio. 
    Dr. Yona Tannenbaum, the head of Abu Kabir Forensics Institute, said that the majority of the victims were Israeli, despite the attack occurring in an area frequented primarily by foreign workers. 
    Police spokesman Gil Kleiman said that the explosive devices used by the bombers were loaded with metal shards in order to maximize the destruction. 
    "From the extent of the damage on the scene... they were very strong explosive devices. In each case metal fragments were added to the explosives to increase the amount of death," he said. 

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claims attack 

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, took responsibility for the attack. In a statement claiming that it was behind the bombings, the group identified the two bombers as Nablus residents Burak Hilsa and Samar A-Nuri. 
    "The two martyrs managed to cross all the Zionist army roadblocks and reached the heart of Tel Aviv. One blew his pure body up at the old central bus station, and the other blew himself up in another nearby street," the message said. 
    The statement said that it was a double martyrdom operation that killed the highest number of "the Zionist occupiers on the land of Palestine." 
    The group vowed to continue suicide bombing attacks, adding that the attacks "would be a revenge for the massacres carried out by Sharon against our innocent people." 
    Initially, a reporter for Lebanon's Al-Manar television station said that Islamic Jihad had phoned him to take responsibility for the attack, but an official in the Palestinian militant group said there had been no official statement. 

Israel seeks to reassure fearful foreign workers 

Channel Two television reported that foreign workers in Israel illegally had been wounded in the attack but were hiding for fear of deportation. 
    Television stations read police announcements in English, assuring illegal foreign workers that they would not be deported if they sought treatment or searched for friends and relatives in hospital. 
    Interior Minister Eli Yishai ordered immunity from prosecution for all foreign workers caught up in the attack, through injury to themselves or their families. 
    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was to convene a security meeting at 11:30 P.M. with Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and the heads of the security establishment at 11:30 P.M. 
    The attack was the first suicide bombing in an Israeli city since November, when a suicide bomber blew up a bus in Jerusalem, killing himself and 11 passengers. 
    On July 17 2002, two suicide bombers blew themselves up at the entrance to the Neve Sha'anan Quarter, killing three people and wounding 40 others. On January 25, 2002, 32 people were wounded in a suicide blast on Neve Sha'anat Street. 

© Copyright 2003 Ha`aretz.

Monday, January 06, 2003 Shvat 3, 5763
Israel Time:  02:17  (GMT+2)
Last update - 00:44 06/01/2003

Witnesses: IAF helicopters strike Gaza City target

By Ha'aretz Service and Agencies

Israel Air Force Apache helicopters fired four missiles late Sunday night at a target in Gaza City, witnesses said. 
    The missiles hit two Palestinian Authority offices and a building in the market, Israel Radio reported. There were no reports of casualties. 
    Residents also said there was a build-up of IDF armored forces and helicopters overhead in the southern Gaza Strip refugee camp of Rafah. 
    The IDF had no immediate comment. 
    The strike comes hours after two Palestinian suicide bombers blew themselves up almost simultaneously in Tel Aviv's old central bus station, killing 22 people and wounding over 100 others. 
    Witness: I knew there would be many casualties  One of the witnesses of the attack said that he knew there would be a high number of casualties in the attack as soon as he felt the explosion. 
    "I heard the explosion, I felt the shock wave. I realized there would be many casualties. We looked for people who were breathing. I called over to them. I counted quite a few seriously wounded. People were lying there," Alon Oz, an eyewitness, told Army Radio. 
    Other witnesses said there was extensive destruction of nearby buildings and even some people inside houses and shops were among the wounded. A woman living several blocks away from the site of the explosion reported that her building shook from the impact of the blast. 
    Yitzhak Teva, a local barber, who was slightly injured, said he was busy cutting hair when the blast went off. "Half the wall fell on me and I was covered in broken glass," Teva said. "I shut the shop and then there was the next explosion." 

Mitzna calls for change in security policy 

Labor chairman Amram Mitzna expressed his deep shock and sadness to the terror attack. "At this difficult hour, my heart is with the families and the wounded. I am determined to change Israel's security policy so that we can mercilessly hit murderers and those who send them, while establishing a separation fence that will serve as a defensive shield between us and the terror," Mitzna said. 
    Herut chairman MK Michael Klein said in response to the attack that Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat should be liquidated and that the Palestinians should be hit with a final blow that would make them forget war for hundreds of years. "What the Americans are planning for Saddam is nothing compared to what we should do to the Palestinian Authority," Kleiner said. 

PMO: Israel has no choice but to fight terror 

An official at the Prime Minister's Office, David Baker, condemned the attack, saying that Israel had no other choice but to fight terrorism with "a fury." 
    "The Palestinian terrorist campaign of carnage has struck at innocent Israelis in Tel Aviv," he told Ha'aretz. "Israel will not yield to Palestinian terror and will fight it with a fury. We have no other choice." 
    U.S. President George W. Bush condemned the attack, saying that he would not allow this to bring recent peace moves to a halt. 
    "He condemns this in the strongest possible terms," White House spokeswoman Claire Buchan said. "There are those who want to derail the peace process. But the president will not be deterred. Innocent people have a right to live in safety." 

Palestinian Authority condemns TA attack 

The Palestinian Authority condemned the suicide bombings as a "terrorist" attack and said it would act against those behind it. 
    "The Palestinian leadership, which condemns firmly and stands with all determination against crimes conducted against Palestinian civilians...announces its total condemnation of these terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," it said. 
    "It rejects the idea of revenge with which some are trying to justify these attacks against Israeli civilians," it added in a statement. "It announces its determination to confront firmly...the perpetrators of these attacks, the planners and whoever stood behind them." 
    The PA also called for the international community to intervene to let Palestinian security forces take action.

© Copyright 2003 Ha`aretz.

"Boll ma" 



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